Technical specifications (TU) for frozen berries. Quick-frozen fruits and berries. General technical specifications GOST for frozen berries valid










Specifications (UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010, MOD)

Official publication



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic rules" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate* standards. rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 PREPARED BY the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Research Center “Kubanyagrostandart” (ANO “SRC “Kubanyagrostandart”)” on the basis of an authentic translation into Russian* of the standard specified in paragraph 5

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated June 18, 2015 Ns 47*2015)

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated July 29, 2015 Ns 999*st, the interstate standard GOST 33309-2015 (UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010) was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from July 1, 2016

5 This standard is modified in relation to the standard UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 Concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of berry fruits (Regarding the marketing and commercial quality control of berries in terms of cranberries and small-fruited cranberries) by introducing changes to the content of sections 2.3. individual structural elements and words in sections 1.3-6. highlighted in italics in the text. This standard is supplemented by sections 7.8 and a bibliography.

The name of this standard has been changed relative to the name of the specified standard UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 to bring it into compliance with GOST 1.5 (subsections

Transfer from in English(ep).

Official copies of UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010. on the basis of which this standard was prepared, are available in the Federal Information Fund of Technical Regulations and Standards.

A comparison of the structure of the UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 standard with the structure of the interstate standard is given in the additional Appendix DV.

Degree of compliance - modified (MOD)

6 INSTEAD GOST 19215-73 regarding cranberries supplied and sold for fresh consumption

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “ National standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system for general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standardinform, 2016

8 of the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be reproduced in whole or in part. replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

Appendix DB (informative) Contents of section IV of the UNECE STANDARD

FFV-57:2010 regarding the excluded term “products subject to

Appendix D8 (informative) Comparison of the structure of the UNECE STANDARD


When drawing up this standard, modified in relation to the UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010. concerning the marketing and control of commercial quality of berries in terms of cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon AitonJ and small-fruited cranberries (Vaccinium oxycoccos LJ.) the term “products subject to degradation” and its parameters, which are provided for in section IV “Provisions regarding tolerances” for cranberries of the first and second varieties.The reason for excluding the term “products subject to degradation” from this standard is presented in the additional appendix DB.



Fresh cranberries. Specifications

Date of introduction* - 2016-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to fresh wild cranberries (Oxycoccus quadripetalus Gilib.) and small-fruited cranberries (Oxycoccus micmcarpa Turcz.), cultivated cranberries (Vacdnium macrocarpon Aiton) and small-fruited cranberries (Vaccinium oxycoccos L.) (hereinafter referred to as cranberries), supplied and sold reputable for fresh consumption.

The requirements to ensure the safety of products for human life and health are set out in 5.3. to quality - in 5.2. to marking - in 5.5.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.570-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any type during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 8777-80 Wooden jellied and dry barrels. Technical specifications GOST 10131-93 Boxes made of wood and wood materials for products from the food industry, Agriculture and matches. Specifications

GOST 12301-2006 Boxes made of cardboard, paper and combined materials. General technical conditions

GOST 12302-2013 Bags made of polymer films and combined materials. General technical conditions

GOST 14192-96“ Cargo marking

GOST 26927-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining mercury GOST 26929-94 Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation Mineralization for determining the content of toxic zlemenpüv

GOST 26930-86 Raw materials and food products. Arsenic determination method

GOST 26932-86 Raw materials and food products. Lead determination methods

GOST 26933-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining cadmium

GOST 27521-87 (IBO 1990/1-1982) Fruits. Nomenclature. First list

GOST 29329-32"" Scales for static weighing. General technical requirements

The date of entry into force of the standard on the territory of states is established by their national standardization bodies.

In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51474-99 is in force *Packaging. Markings indicating the way the goods are handled.”

*‘*in the Russian Federation, GOST R 53228-2008 is in force for non-automatic scales. Part 1. Metrological and technical requirements. Tests."

Official publication

GOST 30178-96" Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determining toxic elements

GOST 30349-96 Fruits, vegetables and their processed products. Methods for determining residues of organochlorine pesticides

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Methodology for determining toxic elements using the atomic emission method

GOST 31628-2012 "Food products and food raw materials. Invvrsion-eoltampv-rometric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST 32161-2013 Food products. Method for determining the content of cesium Cs-137

GOST 32163-2013 Food products. Method for determining strontium content Sr-90

GOST 32164-2013 Food products. Sampling method for determination of strontium Sr-90 and cesium Cs-137

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards and classifiers on the territory of the state using the corresponding index of standards and classifiers compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms in accordance with GOST 27521, as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1 excessive external humidity: Moisture on the berries from watering, rain, dew or leakage of their own juice.

Note - Condensation on berries caused by temperature differences is not considered excessive external humidity.

3.2 unripe berries: Berries with white spots, barrels, or completely white.

4 Classification

4.1 Depending on quality, cranberries are divided into three commercial grades: highest, first and second.

4.2 Cranberries, depending on the time of harvesting, are divided into berries of the autumn harvest and spring harvest (snow).

4.3 Depending on the growing conditions, cranberries are divided into wild and cultivated.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Cranberries must comply with the requirements of this standard and be prepared and packaged in consumer containers according to technological instructions in compliance with the requirements established by the regulatory legal acts of the state that has adopted the standard 1).

5.2 The quality of cranberries must comply with the characteristics and standards specified in Table 1.

In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51301-99 is in force *Food products and food raw materials. Inversion-voltamper methods for determining the content of toxic elements (cadmium, lead, copper and zinc)."

In the Russian Federation, GOST R 57766-2001 is in force for raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determination of arsenic.”

H For States Parties Customs Union- by 1). (2). . I For states - participants of the Customs Union - according to (2).

5.5 Marking

5.5.1 Labeling of packaging units with cranberries in accordance with regulatory standards legal acts state that adopted the standard '*.

5.5.2 Product information is applied to consumer and transport packaging on labels and insert sheets with indelible, non-stick, odorless, non-toxic paint and ink.

5.5.3 Labeling of each unit of consumer packaging with cranberries indicating '*;

Product names (“cultivated cranberries”, “wild cranberries”: “cultivated cranberries”, “wild cranberries”):

Names and locations of the manufacturer [legal address, including country, etc. if there is a discrepancy with the legal address, address (a) of production (a)) and the organization authorized by the manufacturer to accept claims from consumers in the territory of the state (if any):

Manufacturer's trademark (if available);

Net weights;

Variety names (optional):

Commercial grade;

Collection dates and packing dates:

Information on the use of genetically modified organisms: if the product contains more than 0.9% of genetically modified organisms, the labeling provides information about their presence (for example, “genetically modified products”):

Storage conditions:

Symbols of this standard:

Information about confirmation of conformity.

5.5.4 Marking of transport containers - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of handling signs “Perishable cargo”. “Temperature limitation: for chilled cranberries - no higher than 5 °C. for frozen cranberries - no higher than minus 18 °C.”

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Cranberries are taken in batches. A batch is understood as any number of cranberries of the same origin and variety (for wild cranberries - one type), commercial grade, packaged in containers of the same type and size, received in one vehicle and issued with one document certifying the quality and safety of the product.

The accompanying document must contain the following information:

Document number and date of issue.

Sender's name and address:

Recipient's name and address;

Product name:


Commercial grade:

Number of packaging units:

Net weight;

Date of collection, packaging, shipment:

Storage conditions:

Number and type of vehicle:

Designation of this standard:

Information on confirmation of conformity (if available).

6.2 To check the quality of cranberries, the correctness of packaging and labeling, as well as the net weight of the packaging unit for compliance with the requirements of this standard, a sample is taken from a batch of berries from different places in accordance with Table 2.

’* For member states of the Customs Union - lo (3).

table 2

6.3 From each selected packaging unit, spot samples weighing at least 0.5 kg of berries are taken from different places. From the spot samples, a combined sample weighing at least 1.5 kg is made. which is being analyzed. If the berries are in a barrel filled with water, then a sample weighing 0.5 kg is taken with a colander from the depths of the barrel and, after the water has drained, poured onto a sheet of filter paper for analysis. The test results are applied to the entire batch.

6.4 After inspection, the selected packaging units are added to the batch of cranberries.

6.5 The quality of cranberries in damaged packaging units is checked separately; the results apply only to the berries contained in these packaging units.

6.6 The procedure and frequency of monitoring the content of toxic elements, pesticides, radionuclides, helminth eggs and intestinal pathogenic protozoan cysts in cultivated cranberries is established by the manufacturer in the production control program.

For wild cranberries, safety indicators are monitored by the supplier.

6.7 If unsatisfactory results are obtained for at least one of the safety indicators, a re-determination of a double sample size taken from the same batch is carried out. The results of the repeat determination are distributed to the entire batch.

7 Control methods

7.1 The following measuring instruments are used:

Scales for static weighing in accordance with GOST 29329 of medium accuracy class with the largest weighing limit of 25 kg. the cost of verification division e - 50 g and the permissible error limit ±0.5 e:

Scales in accordance with GOST 29329 of a middle class of accuracy with a maximum weighing limit of no more than 3kg and a verification scale of es 2g.

It is allowed to use other measuring instruments with metrological characteristics no lower than those of the specified measuring instruments.

7.2 The quality of packaging and labeling of all cranberry berries selected according to 6.2 for compliance with the requirements of this standard is assessed visually.

7.3 All cranberries from the combined sample compiled according to 6.3 are subject to quality control.

7.4 Cranberries in the combined sample are weighed, inspected and sorted into fractions according to the indicators established in Table 1 of this standard:

With excessive external humidity:

With mechanical damage:

With damage caused by agricultural pests:


With traces of disease:

With foreign odor and (or) taste:



Mechanically damaged and dried out:


■ not corresponding to the commercial grade:

Moldy and rotten:

Edible berries of other plant species (lingonberries, crowberries, blueberries, cloudberries, etc.):

Pedicels, twigs, leaves;

Inedible and poisonous berries of other plant species (brittle buckthorn, bittersweet nightshade, etc.):

Mineral impurity (sand, dust, etc.)

7.5 Appearance. ripeness of berries, the presence of damaged and dried berries, berries with excessive external moisture, inedible and poisonous berries of other plant species (brittle buckthorn, bittersweet nightshade, etc.). mineral impurity (wood, dust, etc.). and the smell and taste of the berries are assessed organoleptically.

7.6 Mass fraction of cranberries with damage, mechanically damaged and dried out, unripe. moldy and rotten, not corresponding to the commercial grade as a percentage of the total weight of berries in the combined sample. TO, %. calculated by the formula

Kr-HIi-. yuo. (1)

where t- is the mass of the berry fraction, kg:

t - total mass of berries in the combined sample, kg.

The results obtained are compared with the values ​​indicated in Table 1. The determination results are applied to the entire batch.

7.7 Preparation and mineralization of samples to determine the content of toxic elements - according to GOST 26929.

7.8 Determination of mercury - according to GOST 26927.

7.9 Determination of arsenic - according to GOST 26930. GOST 30538. GOST 31628.

7.10 Determination of lead - according to GOST 26932. GOST 30178. GOST 30538.

7.11 Determination of cadmium - according to GOST 26933. GOST 30178. GOST 30538.

7.12 Determination of organochlorine pesticides - according to GOST 30349.

7.13 Determination of radionuclides - according to GOST 32161. GOST 32163. GOST 32164.

7.14 Determination of helminth eggs and cysts of intestinal pathogenic protozoa - according to regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted this standard.

7.15 Definition of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - according to regulatory documents. valid in the territory of the state that has adopted this standard."

8 Transportation and storage

8.1 Cranberries are transported by all types of transport in clean, dry, odor-free, covered vehicles not infested with insect pests in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for specific types of transport.

8.2 Cranberries are stored in clean, dry, not infested with pests. without a musky odor, in refrigerated warehouses or cold rooms.

8.3 Storage conditions for cranberries are established by the manufacturer.

In the Russian Federation, GOST R 52173-2003 “Raw materials and food products. Method for identifying genetically modified sources (GMS) plant origin" and GOST R 52174-2003 "Biological safety. Raw materials and food products. A method for identifying genetically modified sources (GMI) of plant origin using a biological microchip.”

Dry storage of cranberries is recommended in refrigerated warehouses or refrigerators at a temperature of 3°C - 5°C for more than 2 months. V freezers the prepared berries are subjected to rapid freezing at a temperature of minus 30°C - 35°C and stored in this form at a temperature of minus 18°C ​​- 25*Sleep for 8 months.

Wet storage of cranberries is recommended in barrels. filled with fresh cold drinking water and closed with wooden lids, which are lightly oppressive. Water is added to the barrels as it evaporates. The recommended storage period is no more than one year from the date of picking the berries.

Appendix DB (reference)

Table DB.1

Section, paragraph




"IV. Provisions regarding approvals

I) First grade

A total tolerance of 10%, by number or weight, of berries not satisfying the requirements of the class but meeting those of Class II is permitted. Within this tolerance, no more than 2% of the total quantity may be products that do not satisfy either the quality requirements of the second oort. neither minimum requirements nor products subject to degradation.

II) Second grade

A total tolerance of 10%, by number or weight, of berries satisfying neither the requirements of the class nor the minimum requirements is allowed. Within this tolerance, no more than A% of the total quantity may be products. subject to degradation", on

kMass fraction of berries that do not correspond to a given commercial grade, but correspond to

GOST 33309-2015

corresponding to a lower grade. %. no more:

For the highest grade - 5.0. for the first grade -10.0:

For the second grade - 10.0;

5.2, table 1

within this tolerance there may be berries that do not meet the requirements of the second class - with significant bruising and leakage of juice. - no more than 2% of the weight of berries of the first grade and no more than A% of the weight of berries of the second grade"

Note - In this standard in relation to the UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010

(Section IV) the permitted content of “products subject to degradation” is excluded due to the lack of

term and definition of such a category (“products subject to degradation”) in regulatory documents

for fruits and vegetables in the Russian Federation.

Appendix DV (reference)

Comparison of the structure of the UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 standard with the structure of the interstate standard

Table DV.1

Structure of the UNECE STANOARO FFV-57:2010 standard

Structure of GOST 33309-2015 (UNECE STANDARD FFV-57 2010)

I. Product Definition

1 area of ​​use

II. Quality provisions:

A. Minimum Requirements

B. Maturity requirements

C. Classification

III. Calibration provisions

3 Terms and definitions

IV. Provisions regarding approvals

A. Quality tolerances

B. Dimensional Tolerances

V. Provisions concerning presentation of products

A. Uniformity

B. Packing

4 Classification

5 Technical requirements

5.1-5.3 Requirements for product quality and safety

5.4 Packaging

5.5 Marking

VI. Labeling provisions

6 Acceptance rules

7 Control methods

in Transportation and storage

Appendix DB (informative) Contents of section IV UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 and part of the excluded term “products subject to degradation”

Appendix DV (informative) Comparison of the structure of the UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 standard with the structure of the interstate standard


Note - This standard is supplemented by sections 7. 8, as well as an additional recommended appendix YES. additional reference applications DB and DV in accordance with the requirements for the design of the interstate standard, modified with the UNECE STANDARD FFV standard. and bibliography.


(1) Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products”, approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission on December 9, 2011 a.. No. 880

(2) Technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 005/2011<гО безопасности упаковки», утвержденный Решением Комиссии Таможенного союза 16 августа 2011 г.. № 769

(3) Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 022/2011 n Food products regarding their labeling”, approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission on December 9, 2011 N9 881

(4) Directive of the Council of the European Communities of 20 January 1976 (76/211/EC) on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning the pre-packaging of certain products by weight or volume per prepackaged product.

UDC 634.224:006.354 MKS 67.080.10 SZZ MOD

Key words: wild cranberries, cultivated cranberries, fresh berries, terms and definitions, classification, technical requirements, safety indicators, packaging, labeling, acceptance rules, control methods, transportation and storage

Editor M.E. Nikulina Proofreader O.N. Vlasova Computer layout E.A. Kondrashova

Signed and started 02/08/2016. Format 60"84'/in. Arial typeface.

Uel. treat l. 1.86 Circulation 80 em. Zek. 3821.

Prepared on the basis of the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard

FSUE "STANDARTINFORM" 123095 Moscow, Granatny lane, 4

Quick-frozen fruits and berries, GOST 29187-91

Food production. GOST 29187-91: Quick-frozen fruits and berries. General technical conditions. OKS: Food production, Fruits. Vegetables. GOST standards. Quick-frozen fruits and berries. General technical.... class=text>

GOST 29187-91

Quick-frozen fruits and berries. General technical conditions

GOST 29187-91
Group H53



General technical conditions

Quick-frozen fruits and berries.
General specifications

MKS 67.080.10
OKP 91 6511
91 6512

Date of introduction 1993-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the All-Union Research, Design and Technology Institute for Fruit and Grape Processing, Technical Committee "Fruit and Vegetable Processing Products"

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the Committee of Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated December 23, 1991 N 2057
L.A.Bantysh, Ph.D. tech. sciences; A.L.Zubatiy, Ph.D. tech. sciences; R.I. Kovaleva; T.A. Zatushevskaya; M.I. Kiseleva

3. INSTEAD OF OST 111-8-82


Item number

GOST 166-89

GOST 2226-88

GOST 6034-74

GOST 6825-91

GOST 7699-78

GOST 9142-90

GOST 9570-84

GOST 10354-82

GOST 12303-80

GOST 13341-77

GOST 13511-91

GOST 14192-96

GOST 17435-72

GOST 18242-72

GOST 18321-73

GOST 18992-80

GOST 19360-74

GOST 19848-74

GOST 23285-78

GOST 24104-88

GOST 25555.3-82

GOST 26323-84

GOST 26668-85

GOST 26927-86

GOST 26929-94

GOST 26930-86 - GOST 26934-86

GOST 28038-89


This standard applies to quick-frozen fruits (whole and cut) and berries intended for sale through retail chains and enterprises. Catering and for industrial processing.
The requirements of this standard are mandatory, except for clause 1.3, the requirements of which are recommended.
The terms used in the standard and their explanations are given in Appendix 1.



1.1. Quick-frozen fruits and berries are produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the current technological instructions and recipes in compliance with sanitary rules approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Characteristics

1.2.1. Quick-frozen fruits and berries are produced in the following types:
pomaceous - whole and slices;
stone fruit - with stone, without stone and cut into halves;
whole berries;
strawberries (strawberries) - with or without sepals;
grapes - in bunches, parts of bunches and berries;
red currants - in tassels.
OKP codes are indicated in Appendix 2.

1.2.2. Quick-frozen fruits and berries are produced in premium, first and table grades.
Strawberries (strawberries), frozen with sepals, are produced only of the first and table varieties.

1.2.3. For the production of quick-frozen fruits and berries, the following raw materials are used, which must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation:
fresh stone fruits and pome fruits;
fresh berries;
fresh grapes;
food acids (ascorbic and citric);
table salt;
drinking water.
Fresh fruits and berries in which the residual amount of pesticides, the content of toxic elements and the mycotoxin patulin exceed the maximum permissible levels approved by the USSR Ministry of Health are not allowed for processing.

1.2.4. In terms of organoleptic indicators, quick-frozen fruits and berries must comply with the requirements and standards specified in Tables 1-4.

Table 1

Indicator name

Characteristics and norm for the variety

dining room

1. Appearance


Fruits, parts of fruits and berries of the same pomological variety, mature, clean, without damage by agricultural pests;
stone fruits - whole with or without seeds, halves;
pome fruits whole or in slices;
berries without sepals and stalks (except for sea buckthorn, grapes, red currants, strawberries (strawberries), frozen with sepals);
red currants - in clusters;
grapes - whole bunches, parts of bunches and berries of the same ampelographic variety


fruits of other pomological varieties, % by weight, no more

mixture of pomological varieties

frozen fruits (in frozen slices, halves and seedless fruits), % by weight, no more

frozen berries of different pomological varieties, % by weight, no more

Homogeneous, characteristic of a given type of fresh fruits and berries at the consumer stage of maturity

In a defrosted state

3. Taste and smell

Characteristic of this type of fruit and berries, without foreign taste or odor

4. Consistency

Close to the consistency of fresh fruits and berries.

Slightly softened is allowed

Homogeneous, characteristic of this type of fruit and berries.


for apricots, peaches, apples, pears and plums of light-colored varieties, slight darkening

table 2

Indicator name

Norm for varieties of pome fruits




dining room



dining room

1. Mass fraction of defective fruits, %, not more than:

Not allowed

Not allowed

fruits mechanically damaged, with bruises, hail damage, pressure with total area no more:

Not standardized

Not allowed

Not normal
make peace

Not allowed

Parts of the surface of the fruit (or parts of the fruit)

Not allowed

2. Mass fraction of fruits uneven in size, %, no more

Not normal
make peace

Not standardized

3. Mass fraction of partially deformed fruits, %, no more

Note. The total number of fruits with all deviations from the norms should not exceed: 10% for the highest grade, 20% for the first grade, 40% for the table grade.

Table 3

Indicator name

Standard for types and varieties of frozen stone fruits

Whole fruits of apricots, plums, peaches with pits

Halves of apricots, plums, peaches and whole fruits without seeds

Cherry plum, cherry, sweet cherry, dogwood, rowan










1. Mass fraction of defective fruits, %, no more


fruits damaged by agricultural pests and diseases

Not allowed

Not allowed

Not allowed

underdeveloped fruits

2. Mass fraction of fruits with mechanical damage, %, no more:

fruits with a small gap in the pulp (up to 10 mm)

Not allowed

fruits with cracked skin

Not standardized

3. Mass fraction of fruits with pits, %, no more

Not standardized

Not standardized

4. Mass fraction of fruits heterogeneous in degree of maturity, %, no more

5. Mass fraction of fruits uneven in size, %, no more

are fighting

Not standardized

Not normal
are fighting

Note. The mass fraction of fruits with all types of deviations from the norm for whole stone fruits should not exceed: 12% - for the highest grade, 35% - for the first grade, 50% - for the table grade; 15%, 30%, 50% - respectively for fruit halves; 10%, 30%, 40% - for small fruits (cherry plum, cherry, sweet cherry, dogwood, rowan).

Table 4

Indicator name

Standard for varieties of frozen berries



dining room

1. Mass fraction of defective berries, %, not more than:

partially discolored

completely discolored

Not allowed

dismembered berries (for raspberries, blackberries)

whole berries of irregular shape for strawberries (strawberries)

partially deformed

2. Mass fraction of berries with cracked skin, %, not more than:

for grapes

for other berries (except blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, strawberries)

3. Mass fraction of berries uneven in size, %, not more than:

for grapes

Not normal

for other berries

4. Mass fraction of berries with stalks and sepals (in berries frozen without stalks and sepals), %, no more

5. Mass fraction of single berries separated from the ridges (for grapes frozen in bunches, parts of bunches, red currants), %, no more

Note. The mass fraction of berries with all types of deviations from the norm should not exceed: 10% for the highest grade, 30% for the first grade, 50% for the table variety.

1.2.5. In terms of physical and chemical indicators, quick-frozen fruits and berries must comply with the standards specified in Table 5.

Table 5

Indicator name

Norm for varieties



dining room

1. Mass fraction of mineral impurities, %, no more than:

for fruits

for strawberries (strawberries) with sepals

for other berries

2. Mass fraction of impurities of plant origin, %, no more than:

for fruits

for berries

3. Product temperature

18 °С ±1 °С

4. Foreign matter

Not allowed

1.2.6. In terms of microbiological indicators, quick-frozen fruits and berries must comply with the standards specified in Table 6.

Table 6

Indicator name

Norm CFU* for

Test method

including strawberries
with a bowl-

seed fruits

Stone fruits, whole and without seeds



1. Mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms in 1 g, no more

According to clause 3.10

2. Yeast in 1 g, no more

According to clause 3.10

3. Molds in 1 g, no more

According to clause 3.10

4. Coliform bacteria in 0.1 g of product

Not allowed

5. Pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, including salmonella, in 25 g of product

According to clause 3.11

* Colony-forming units.
** The text of the document corresponds to the original. - Note.

1.3. Package

1.3.1. Quick-frozen fruits and berries must be packaged:
in packs according to GOST 12303 made of laminated cardboard, with a net product weight of up to 1.0 kg;
in bags made of polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354 grade N "food grade" or in bags made of polyamide-cellophane, with a net product weight of up to 1.0 kg;
in boxes made of corrugated cardboard in accordance with GOST 13511, equipped with film liner bags in accordance with GOST 19360 and shells in accordance with GOST 9142, the net weight of the product should not exceed 15 kg.
Packs and packages are packed in boxes made of corrugated cardboard No. 5 in accordance with GOST 13511, equipped with shells in accordance with GOST 9142 (Fig. 2), the net weight of the product in the box should not exceed 15 kg, with subsequent placement in rack-mounted pallets in accordance with GOST 9570.
It is allowed to use other types of films and packaging materials approved for packaging food products by the USSR Ministry of Health.
By agreement with the consumer, quick-frozen fruits and berries are packaged in three-layer paper bags of the PM brand in accordance with GOST 2226 (the net weight of the product should not exceed 15 kg), in plastic liner bags in accordance with GOST 19360, with subsequent placement in containers.

1.3.2. For individual packaging units, deviation of the net weight from that indicated on the label is allowed:
±3% - when packed up to 1000 g;
±1% - for packaging over 1000 g.
Since 1995, when dispensing a product using the automatic weight combination dosing method for a packaging unit weighing 0.5 and 1 kg, the permissible error in the mass of each unit must be:
±2 g - for small-fruited ones (with the largest size of fruits and berries up to 15 mm);

±5 g - for large-fruited ones (with the largest size of fruits and berries from 15 to 60 mm).

1.4. Marking

1.4.1. The marking of consumer packaging must be printed or printed on a paper label or directly on the surface of the container in a printed manner indicating the following data:

trademark (if the enterprise has one);
product names;
standard designations;
net weight;
commercial grade;
production dates and shifts;
storage conditions and period;
information on nutritional and energy value (Appendix 3);
method of preparation and use (Appendix 4).

1.4.2. Transport marking - according to GOST 14192 indicating handling signs 2 and 5.
One of the end sides of the transport container with products packaged in consumer containers (or in bulk) is clearly marked with indelible odorless paint or a label is affixed indicating the following data:
names and addresses of the manufacturer;
product names;
standard designations;
number of consumer packaging units;
net weight (for transport containers with bulk products);
production dates;
storage conditions and periods.
Indications of the shift number and production date must be additionally printed with marking paint or stamping:
shift number - one digit;
date of manufacture - two digits;
month of manufacture - two digits;
year of manufacture - the last two digits of the current year.
If there are markings on the surface of the polymer container symbols applied to a paper label inserted into the transport container.
When packaging in a transport container with a liner bag in accordance with clause 1.3.1, the container at the point of opening for sampling is marked in accordance with GOST 14192 indicating the handling sign N 16.

1.4.3. The adhesive used for gluing labels on boxes and gluing packaging material must be made from polyvinyl acetate dispersion in accordance with GOST 18992, starch in accordance with GOST 7699 or dextrin in accordance with GOST 6034; paints for labels must be durable, smudge-proof, odorless and meet the requirements approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.


2.1. Quick-frozen fruits and berries are accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be a set of packaging units of products of the same type and name, in uniform packaging, documented in one quality document in the established form.
The quality document indicates:
name of the manufacturer;
Name of product;
commercial grade;
production date and change;
number of packaging units and shipping containers;
net weight of the packaging unit;
conditions and shelf life of products;
standard designation;
conclusion of the manufacturer's laboratory on product compliance with the requirements of this standard.

2.2. Control of each batch of products is carried out according to the following indicators:
quality of packaging and labeling;
net weight of products;
product temperature.
These indicators are determined in a sample from a batch selected by random sampling according to GOST 18321.
To control product quality, normal single-stage control is used according to an alternative criterion in accordance with GOST 18242*.
* GOST R 50779.71-99 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.
In case of disagreement in assessing the quality of products, enhanced control is applied.

2.3. To control the quality of packaging and labeling of transport containers, a sample is selected (boxes, bags, containers, etc.), the volume of which is indicated in Table 7.

Table 7

Batch volume (number of transport packaging units), pcs.

Sample size, pcs.

exact number

exact number

Sample size, pcs.

exact number

exact number

Normal control

Increased control

Up to 15 incl.

501 " 1200 "

1201 " 3200 "

3201 " 10000 "

" 10001 and over

If the number of units of defective shipping containers in the sample is less than or equal to the acceptance number, the batch is accepted. If the number of units of defective shipping containers in the sample is equal to or greater than the rejection number, the batch is rejected.

2.4. To check the quality of packaging units and labeling, a sample (bags, packs) is selected, the volume of which is indicated in Table 8.

Table 8

Sample size, pcs.

exact number

exact number

Sample size, pcs.

exact number

exact number

Normal control

Increased control

Up to 150 incl.

501 " 1200 "

1201 " 3200 "

3201 " 10000 "

10001 " 35000 "

If the number of units of defective consumer packaging in the sample is less than or equal to the acceptance number, the batch is accepted. If the number of units of defective consumer packaging in the sample is equal to or greater than the rejection number, the batch is rejected.

2.5. To control the net weight and temperature, a sample (packages, packs) is selected, the volume of which is indicated in Table 9.

Table 9

Batch volume (number of packaging units), pcs.

Sample size, pcs.

exact number

exact number

Sample size, pcs.

exact number

exact number

Normal control

Increased control

Up to 500 incl.

501 " 1200 "

1201 " 3200 "

3201 " 10000 "

10001 " 35000 "

If, when monitoring each indicator, the number of units of defective consumer packaging in the sample is less than or equal to the acceptance number, the batch is accepted. If the number of units of defective consumer packaging in the sample is equal to or greater than the rejection number, the batch is rejected.
2.6. Control of organoleptic and physico-chemical quality indicators
2.6.1. A sample is selected from the packaged products, the volume of which is indicated in Table 9. Temperature measurement is carried out before net weight control.
2.6.2. From the products packaged in bulk in transport containers, a sample is selected, the volume of which is indicated in Table 10.

Table 10

2.6.3. If the results of control of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators in the combined sample are satisfactory (i.e., they correspond to indicators not lower than the table variety), the batch is accepted.

2.7. Control of the content of toxic elements, pesticides and patulin is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the product manufacturer in agreement with state sanitary inspection authorities and guaranteeing the safety of the product.


3.1. Determining the quality of packaging and labeling
The method consists of visually assessing the condition of the packaging, the correctness of marking and labeling.
Visually check each transport packaging unit of the sample according to paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4.
When checking the sampled products, a packaging unit is considered defective if it has at least one of the following defects:
mechanical damage to packaging;
violation of markings that does not allow reproducing the meaning of the marking text;
non-compliance of the text with the requirements of the standard;
packaging with product leaks.
Products in defective, unmarked or improperly marked packaging are accepted separately.

3.2. The net weight of each packaging unit of products in the sample according to clause 2.5 is determined by weighing on scales of at least accuracy class 4 according to GOST 24104*, with a weighing limit corresponding to the measured mass. Weighing is carried out in rooms with the temperature at which the product is stored or transported.
* On July 1, 2002, GOST 24104-2001 came into force (hereinafter).

3.3. Sampling of products to determine organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological parameters

3.3.1. Spot sampling
For products packaged in transport containers, from each opened packaging unit of the sample according to clause 2.6.2, three point samples are taken into a vessel from the upper, middle and lower layers of the product. The weight of each sample is indicated in Table 11.

Table 11

For packaged products, a point sample should be considered the contents of one consumer packaging unit.
Point samples are combined into a combined sample and mixed thoroughly. The mass of the combined sample should be:
2.5-3.0 kg - for small and cut fruits;
3.5-4.5 kg - for large fruits (pears, apples, apricots, peaches, plums).
If the mass of the combined sample is more than specified, it is reduced by the quartering method according to GOST 13341, section 3, if it is insufficient, additional samples of the product are taken.

3.3.2. For microbiological analysis of produced batches of the finished product, at least five samples are taken in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26668.

3.4. Determination of organoleptic indicators
Appearance (shape, color) is assessed in frozen fruits and berries.
Determination of the proportion of berries of other pomological varieties and frozen ones is determined visually. If there are disagreements in quality assessment, at least 5 kg of product are sorted and the proportion of these berries is determined by weighing.
Taste, smell, consistency, color - in a defrosted state.
The product is defrosted at room temperature for 2-4 hours until the product softens.

3.4.1. Organoleptic tests are carried out in rooms in which there should be no foreign odors, horizontal illumination on the working surface should be at least 500 lux with diffused daylight or fluorescent lamps type LD according to GOST 6825.

3.5. The mass of quick-frozen fruits and berries with all deviations from the norm is determined using scales in accordance with GOST 24104, accuracy class not lower than 4 with a weighing limit corresponding to the measured mass.

3.6. To determine the size of fruits and berries, a caliper in accordance with GOST 166 and a measuring ruler in accordance with GOST 17435 are used.

3.8. The mass fraction of impurities of plant origin is determined according to GOST 26323, the mass fraction of mineral impurities - according to GOST 25555.3.

3.9. The temperature of the product is measured using a digital device type Shch 455/1 with a resistance thermal converter TSP 0987 or an alcohol glass thermometer in a metal frame.

3.10. Microbiological quality control of frozen fruits and berries is carried out in accordance with the "Instructions for microbiological control of quick-frozen fruit and vegetable products", approved by the USSR State Agricultural Industry on September 29, 1989.

3.11. The presence of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms is determined during current sanitary surveillance and according to epidemiological indications using methods approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

3.12. Pesticides in frozen fruits and berries are determined according to methods approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

3.13. Foreign impurities are determined visually.


4.1. Quick-frozen fruits and berries are transported by vehicles adapted for the transportation of frozen food products at a temperature of minus 15 - minus 18 ° C in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods.
By railway quick-frozen fruits and berries are transported in refrigerated sections of a 4-5-car train, and in the European part - also in specialized autonomous refrigerated cars within the established ranges for their circulation.

4.2. The product must have a temperature of minus 15 - minus 18 ° C before loading. Cardboard boxes with products should be stacked in no more than three tiers in height in rack-mounted pallets in accordance with GOST 9570, in type A bags in accordance with GOST 23285 using safety tires.
They transport cargo in accordance with GOST 19848.

4.3. When transporting to retail chains and public catering establishments immediately before sale, short-term (no more than 6-8 hours) transportation of quick-frozen fruits and berries in isothermal vehicles using dry ice at a cargo temperature of no higher than minus 12 °C is allowed.

4.4. Shelf life in refrigerated chambers at a temperature not exceeding minus 18 ° C and relative air humidity up to 95%: fruits - no more than 12 months, berries - no more than 9 months from the date of production.
In the distribution network, short-term storage of the product is allowed for no more than 7 days (including transportation time) at a temperature of minus (12±1) °C.
Thawing and re-freezing are not permitted.
At the end of the shelf life, the sale of frozen products must be stopped until the quality of the product is confirmed laboratory tests. If the products have maintained quality that meets the requirements of the standard, the shelf life can be extended in accordance with the established procedure.


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees that the product meets the requirements of this standard, subject to compliance with the transportation and storage rules established by the standard.

5.2. The guaranteed shelf life of fruits is 12 months, berries - 9 months from the date of production.



Table 12



Cracked fruits or berries

Fruits or berries with visible cracks in the skin caused by freezing, from which the pulp is visible

Fruits and berries are partially deformed

Fruits or berries that differ from the typical shape of the pomological variety, flattened but not damaged

Frozen fruits and berries

Up to four to five fruits, parts of fruits or berries frozen into lumps

Berries partially discolored

Berries with an external surface area of ​​25 to 75% that does not correspond to the color characteristics of the variety

Dissected berries

Parts of berries (raspberries, blackberries) containing at least three to four drupes

Mechanically damaged fruits and berries

Fruits, slices or halves and berries are torn and not whole, with punctures, bruises, hail damage and pressure

Fruits damaged by agricultural pests and diseases

Damage by the codling moth no more than 2 per fruit, diseases in the form of healed damage to the skin, spots of cork tissue, scab, with a total area of ​​more than 1 cm, but not more than the surface of the fruit (part of the fruit)

Berries uneven in size (for grapes, raspberries, blackberries, wild strawberries)

The size of the largest berry exceeds the size of the smallest berry by no more than 10 mm (measured by the largest linear dimension)

Fruits are uneven in size

Fruits, the size range of which along the largest transverse diameter does not exceed 20 mm - for pome fruits and 10 mm - for stone fruits

APPENDIX 2 (for reference). OKP CODES


Table 13

Name of product

OKP code

Stone fruits

Whole frozen apricots:


91 6511 4010

first class

91 6511 5010

table grade

91 6511 8010

Frozen apricot halves:


91 6511 4020

first class

91 6511 5020

table grade

91 6511 8020

Frozen cherry plum (tkemali):


91 6511 4030

first class

91 6511 5030

table grade

91 6511 8030

Frozen cherries:


91 6511 4040

first class

91 6511 5040

table grade

91 6511 8040

Frozen dogwood:


91 6511 4050

first class

91 6511 5050

table grade

91 6511 8050

Whole frozen peaches:


91 6511 4060

first class

91 6511 5060

table grade

91 6511 8060

Frozen peaches halves:


91 6511 4070

first class

91 6511 5070

table grade

91 6511 8070

Whole frozen plum:


91 6511 4080

first class

91 6511 5080

table grade

91 6511 8080

Frozen pitted plum:


91 6511 4090

first class

91 6511 5090

table grade

91 6511 8090

Frozen plum halves:


91 6511 4110

first class

91 6511 5110

table grade

91 6511 8110

Frozen cherries:


91 6511 4120

first class

91 6511 5120

table grade

91 6511 8120

Pome fruits

Whole frozen pears:


91 6511 4130

first class

91 6511 5130

table grade

91 6511 8130

Frozen chokeberry:


91 6511 4140

first class

91 6511 5140

table grade

91 6511 8140

Whole frozen apples:


91 6511 4150

first class

91 6511 5150

table grade

91 6511 8150

Frozen apples cut into slices with skin:


91 6511 4160

first class

91 6511 5160

table grade

91 6511 8160


Frozen grapes in bunches:


91 6512 4010

first class

91 6512 5010

table grade

91 6512 8010

Grapes frozen in parts of bunches:


91 6512 4020

first class

91 6512 5020

table grade

91 6512 8020

Frozen grapes:


91 6512 4030

first class

91 6512 5030

table grade

91 6512 8030

Frozen blackberries:


91 6512 4040

first class

91 6512 5040

table grade

91 6512 8040

Frozen strawberries (strawberries) without sepals:


91 6512 4050

first class

91 6512 5050

table grade

91 6512 8050

Frozen strawberries (strawberries) with sepals:


91 6512 4060

first class

91 6512 5060

table grade

91 6512 8060

Frozen cranberries:


91 6512 4070

first class

91 6512 5070

table grade

91 6512 8070

Frozen gooseberries:


91 6512 4080

first class

91 6512 5080

table grade

91 6512 8080

Frozen raspberries:


91 6512 4090

first class

91 6512 5090

table grade

91 6512 8090

Frozen sea buckthorn:


91 6512 4110

first class

91 6512 5110

table grade

91 6512 8110

Frozen black currant:


91 6512 4120

first class

91 6512 5120

table grade

91 6512 8120

Frozen red currants:


91 6512 4130

first class

91 6512 5130

table grade

91 6512 8130

Frozen blueberries:


91 6512 4140

first class

91 6512 5140

table grade

91 6512 8140



Table 14


Carbohydrates, g

Vitamins, mg

Energy value, kcal





Rowan chokeberry




Strawberry (strawberry)




Sea ​​buckthorn

Black currant

Red currants


Interstate standard GOST 33309-2015 (UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010)
(put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated July 29, 2015 N 999-st)

Fresh cranberries. Specifications

Instead of GOST 19215-73 regarding cranberries,
supplied and sold for fresh consumption


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Standard information

1 Prepared by the Autonomous non-profit organization "Research Center "Kubanyagrostandart" (ANO "SRC "Kubanyagrostandart") on the basis of an authentic translation into Russian of the standard specified in paragraph 5

2 Introduced by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated June 18, 2015 N 47-2015)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated July 29, 2015 N 999-st, the interstate standard GOST 33309-2015 (UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010) was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2016.

5 This standard is modified in relation to the standard UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 Concerning the marketing and commercial quality control of berry fruits (Regarding the marketing and commercial quality control of berries in terms of cranberries and small cranberries) by introducing changes to the content of sections 2, 3, individual structural elements and words in sections 1, 3 - 6, highlighted in italics in the text. This standard is supplemented by sections 7, 8 and bibliography.

The name of this standard has been changed relative to the name of the specified standard UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 to bring it into compliance with GOST 1.5 (subsections 3.5, 3.6).

Translation from English (en).

Official copies of the UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 standard, on the basis of which this standard was prepared, are available in the Federal Information Fund of Technical Regulations and Standards.

A comparison of the structure of the UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 standard with the structure of the interstate standard is given in the additional Appendix DV.

Degree of compliance - modified (MOD)

6 Instead of GOST 19215-73 regarding cranberries supplied and sold for fresh consumption


When drawing up this standard, modified in relation to the UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 concerning the marketing and control of commercial quality of berries in terms of cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton) and small-fruited cranberries (Vaccinium oxycoccos L.), the term “products subject to degradation” is excluded " and its parameters, which are provided for in section IV "Provisions concerning tolerances" for cranberries of the first and second classes. At the same time, the reason for excluding the term “products subject to degradation” from this standard is presented in the additional appendix DB.

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to fresh wild cranberries (Oxycoccus quadripetalus Gilib.) and small-fruited cranberries (Oxycoccus microcarpa Turcz.), cultivated cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton) and small-fruited cranberries (Vaccinium oxycoccos L.) (hereinafter referred to as cranberries), supplied and sold for fresh consumption.

Requirements to ensure the safety of products for human life and health are set out in 5.3, for quality - in 5.2. to marking - in 5.5.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system ensuring uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any type during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 8777-80 Wooden jellied and dry barrels. Specifications

GOST 10131-93 Boxes made of wood and wood materials for products from the food industry, agriculture and matches. Specifications

GOST 12301-2006 Boxes made of cardboard, paper and combined materials. General technical conditions

GOST 12302-2013 Bags made of polymer films and combined materials. General technical conditions

GOST 14192-96*(2) Marking of cargo

GOST 26927-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining mercury

GOST 26929-94 Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST 26930-86 Raw materials and food products. Arsenic determination method

GOST 26932-86 Raw materials and food products. Lead determination methods

GOST 26933-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining cadmium

GOST 27521-87 (ISO 1990/1-1982) Fruits. Nomenclature. First list

GOST 29329-92*(3) Scales for static weighing. General technical requirements

GOST 30178-96*(4) Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determining toxic elements

GOST 30349-96 Fruits, vegetables and their processed products. Methods for determining residues of organochlorine pesticides

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Methodology for determining toxic elements using the atomic emission method

GOST 31628-2012*(5) Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST 32161-2013 Food products. Method for determining the content of cesium Cs-137

GOST 32163-2013 Food products. Method for determining strontium content Sr-90

GOST 32164-2013 Food products. Sampling method for determination of strontium Sr-90 and cesium Cs-137

Note- When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards and classifiers on the territory of the state according to the corresponding index of standards and classifiers compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms in accordance with GOST 27521, as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1 excessive external humidity: Moisture on the berries from watering, rain, dew or leakage of their own juice.

Note- Condensation on berries caused by temperature differences is not considered excessive external humidity.

3.2 unripe berries: Berries with white spots, barrels, half or all white.

4 Classification

4.1 Cranberries, depending on their quality, are divided into commercial grades: highest, first and second.

4.2 Cranberries, depending on the time of harvesting, are divided into berries of the autumn harvest and spring harvest (snow).

4.3 Depending on the growing conditions, cranberries are divided into wild and cultivated.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Cranberries must comply with the requirements of this standard and be prepared and packaged in consumer containers according to technological instructions in compliance with the requirements established by the regulatory legal acts of the state that has adopted the standard * (6).

5.2 The quality of cranberries must comply with the characteristics and standards specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Indicator name

Characteristics and standard for commercial grade


The berries are fresh or frozen, fully ripe, but not overripe, clean, without stalks, whole, without damage caused by pests and diseases, without excessive external moisture. The berries may be moist, but not leaking.

The berries are typical in shape and other characteristics for a given variety; for wild berries, they are typical for their species. Berries are uniform in size and color

The berries can be varied in size and color (from pink to dark red).

Defects are allowed provided that the berries retain their characteristic characteristics of quality, shelf life and presentation:

Minor juice leakage;

Minor bruising

Very minor surface defects of the berries are allowed, provided they do not affect the overall appearance. quality, shelf life and presentation of the product in packaging

Minor defects of berries are allowed, provided that they do not affect the overall appearance, quality, shelf life and presentation of the product in the package:

Very minor juice leak:

Very minor bruising

Smell and taste

Without foreign odor and (or) taste

Mass fraction of berries that do not correspond to a given commercial grade, but correspond to a lower grade. %, no more.

incl. unripe:

Autumn harvest

Not allowed

Spring harvest

mechanically damaged and dried out:

Autumn harvest

Not allowed

Spring harvest

Not allowed

Incl. berries that do not meet the requirements of Class II (with significant bruising and leakage of juice)

Not allowed

The presence of steamed, fermented, moldy, rotten berries, with traces of chemical protection agents

Not allowed

Mass fraction of organic impurity, %, no more than:

edible fruits of other plant species (lingonberry, crowberry, cloudberry, etc.)

stalks, twigs, leaves - for wild berries:

Autumn harvest

Spring harvest

Not allowed

Not allowed

Availability of green cranberries

Not allowed

The presence of inedible and poisonous berries of other plant species (brittle buckthorn, bittersweet nightshade, etc.). mineral impurities (sand, dust, etc.)

Not allowed

Presence of agricultural pests and their metabolic products

Not allowed

* Including no more than 0.5% of second grade berries.

5.4 Packaging

5.4.1 Packaging of cranberries in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the state that has adopted the standard *(8).

5.4.2 Cranberries are packed in bulk without pressure in boxes made of wood and polymer materials in accordance with GOST 10131, wicker baskets and other types of packaging with a capacity of no more than 30 kg. barrels in accordance with GOST 8777 with a capacity of no more than 150, consumer packaging made of polymer and combined materials in accordance with GOST 12301, GOST 12302 and other types of packaging that ensure the preservation of the quality of berries during transportation. Spring harvest cranberries are packed in barrels in accordance with GOST 8777 with a capacity of not more than 50 dm 3.

5.4.3 Cranberries must be packaged in such a way as to ensure their proper preservation and safety.

5.4.4 Packaging of cranberries must be whole, strong, clean, dry, not infested with agricultural pests, and free of foreign odors.

5.4.5 Materials used inside the packaging, including paper, ink, paint, glue used for text or labeling, must be clean, non-toxic and ensure that when in contact with cranberries, their quality and safety are maintained.

5.4.6 The contents of each package must be uniform and consist of cranberries of the same origin and variety, for wild cranberries - the same type and quality. Cranberries of the highest and first grades should be almost the same in degree of ripeness and color. The cranberries should be placed tightly, flush with the edges of the container.

5.4.7 The visible part of the product in the package must correspond to the contents of the entire packaging unit.

5.4.8 the packaging is not allowed to contain foreign substances, with the exception of accidentally dropped leaves and twigs for wild cranberries.

5.4.9 The net weight of the product in the packaging unit must correspond to the nominal weight indicated in the marking on the consumer packaging, taking into account permissible deviations.

The negative deviation of the net weight from the nominal weight of each packaging unit must comply with the requirements of GOST 8.579 or regulations of the state that has adopted the standard.

The deviation of the net weight of one packaging unit from the nominal weight in the direction of increase is not regulated.

5.5 Marking

5.5.1 Labeling of packaging units with cranberries in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the state that has adopted the standard *(9)

5.5.2 Product information is applied to consumer and transport packaging on labels and insert sheets with indelible, non-stick, odorless, non-toxic paint and ink.

5.5.3 Labeling of each unit of consumer packaging with cranberries indicating*(9):

Product names (“cultivated cranberries”, “wild cranberries”; “cultivated cranberries”, “wild cranberries”);

Names and locations of the manufacturer [legal address, including country, and, if the legal address does not coincide, the address(es) of production(s)] and the organization authorized by the manufacturer to accept claims from consumers in the state (if any);

Manufacturer's trademark (if available);

Net weights;

Names of the variety (optional);

Commercial grade;

Dates of collection and dates of packaging;

Information on the use of genetically modified organisms: if the product contains more than 0.9% of genetically modified organisms, the labeling provides information about their presence (for example, “genetically modified products”);

Storage conditions;

Symbols of this standard;

Information about confirmation of conformity.

5.5.4 Marking of transport containers - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of handling signs “Perishable cargo”, “Temperature limitation: for chilled cranberries - no higher than 5°C, for frozen cranberries - no higher than minus 18°C”.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Cranberries are taken in batches. A batch is understood as any number of cranberries of the same origin and variety (for wild cranberries - one type), commercial grade, packaged in containers of the same type and size, received in the same transport affinity and issued with one document certifying the quality and safety of the product.

The accompanying document must contain the following information:

Document number and date of issue;

Sender's name and address;

Recipient's name and address;

Product name;


Commercial grade;

Number of packaging units;

Net weight;

Date of collection, packaging, shipment;

Storage conditions;

Number and type of vehicle;

Designation of this standard;

Information on confirmation of conformity (if available).

6.2 To check the quality of cranberries, the correctness of packaging and labeling, as well as the net weight of the packaging unit for compliance with the requirements of this standard, a sample is taken from a batch of berries from different places in accordance with Table 2.

table 2

6.3 From each selected packaging unit, spot samples weighing at least 0.5 kg of berries are taken from different places. From the spot samples, a combined sample weighing at least 1.5 kg is made, which is analyzed. If the berries are in a barrel filled with water, then a sample weighing 0.5 kg is taken with a colander from the depths of the barrel and, after the water has drained, poured onto a sheet of filter paper for analysis. The test results are applied to the entire batch.

6.4 After inspection, the selected packaging units are added to the batch of cranberries.

6.5 The quality of cranberries in damaged packaging units is checked separately; the results apply only to the berries contained in these packaging units.

6.6 The procedure and frequency of monitoring the content of toxic elements, pesticides, radionuclides, helminth eggs and intestinal pathogenic protozoan cysts in cultivated cranberries is established by the manufacturer in the production control program.

For wild cranberries, safety indicators are monitored by the supplier.

6.7 If unsatisfactory determination results are obtained for at least one of the safety indicators, a re-determination of a double sample size taken from the same batch is carried out. The results of the repeat determination are distributed to the entire batch.

7 Control methods

7.1 The following measuring instruments are used:

Scales for static weighing in accordance with GOST 29329 of medium accuracy class with the highest weighing limit of 25 kg, verification scale e = 50 g and permissible error limit ±0.5 e;

Scales in accordance with GOST 29329 of medium accuracy class with the highest weighing limit of no more than 3 kg and the cost of verification division e≤2g.

It is allowed to use other measuring instruments with metrological characteristics no lower than those of the specified measuring instruments.

7.2 The quality of packaging and labeling of all cranberry berries selected according to 6.2 for compliance with the requirements of this standard is assessed visually.

7.3 All cranberries from the combined sample compiled according to 6.3 are subject to quality control.

7.4 Cranberries in the combined sample are weighed, inspected and sorted into fractions according to the indicators established in Table 1 of this standard:

With excessive external humidity;

With mechanical damage;

With damage caused by agricultural pests;


With traces of disease;

With foreign odor and (or) taste;



Mechanically damaged and dried out;


Not corresponding to the commercial grade;

Moldy and rotten;

Edible berries of other plant species (lingonberries, crowberries, blueberries, cloudberries, etc.);

Pedicels, twigs, leaves;

Inedible and poisonous berries of other plant species (brittle buckthorn, bittersweet nightshade, etc.);

Mineral impurity (sand, dust, etc.)

7.5 Appearance, ripeness of berries, presence of damaged and dried berries, berries with excessive external moisture, inedible and poisonous berries of other plant species (brittle buckthorn, bittersweet nightshade, etc.). mineral impurities (sand, dust, etc.), as well as the smell and taste of berries are assessed organoleptically.

7.6 The mass fraction of cranberries with damage, mechanically damaged and dried out, unripe, moldy and rotten, not corresponding to the commercial grade as a percentage of the total mass of berries in the combined sample, K, %, is calculated by the formula

where m i is the mass of the berry fraction, kg:

m is the total mass of berries in the combined sample, kg.

The results obtained are compared with the values ​​indicated in Table 1. The determination results are applied to the entire batch.

7.7 Preparation and mineralization of samples to determine the content of toxic elements - according to GOST 26929.

7.8 Determination of mercury - according to GOST 26927.

7.9 Determination of arsenic - according to GOST 26930, GOST 30538, GOST 31628.

7.10 Determination of lead - according to GOST 26932, GOST 30178, GOST 30538.

7.11 Determination of cadmium - according to GOST 26933, GOST 30178, GOST 30538.

7.12 Determination of organochlorine pesticides - according to GOST 30349.

7.13 Determination of radionuclides - according to GOST 32161. GOST 32163. GOST 32164.

7.14 Determination of helminth eggs and cysts of intestinal pathogenic protozoa - according to regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted this standard.

7.15 Definition of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - according to regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted this standard *(10).

8 Transportation and storage

8.1 Cranberries are transported by all types of transport in clean, dry, odorless, pest-free covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for specific types of transport.

8.2 Cranberries are stored in clean, dry, pest-free, odorless, refrigerated warehouses or refrigerators.

8.3 Storage conditions for cranberries are established by the manufacturer. Recommended storage conditions and periods for cranberries are given in Appendix DA.


*(1) The date of entry into force of the standard on the territory of states is established by their national standardization bodies.

*(2) In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51474-39 “Packaging. Marking indicating the method of handling goods” is in force.

*(3) In the Russian Federation, GOST R 53228-2008 “Non-automatic scales. Part 1. Metrological and technical requirements. Tests” is in force.

*(4) In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51301-99 “Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric methods for determining the content of toxic elements (cadmium, lead, copper and zinc)” is in force.

*(5) In the Russian Federation, GOST R 51766-2001 “Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for the determination of arsenic” is in force.

*(6) For member states of the Customs Union - according to , , .

*(7) For member states of the Customs Union - according to.

*(8) For member states of the Customs Union - according to.

*(9) For member states of the Customs Union - according to.

*(10) In the Russian Federation, GOST R 52173-2003 "Raw materials and food products. Method for identifying genetically modified sources (GMI) of plant origin" and GOST R 52174-2003 "Biological safety. Raw materials and food products. Method for identifying genetically modified sources" are in force. (GMI) of plant origin using a biological microchip."

Sukhov storage of cranberries is recommended in refrigerated warehouses or refrigerators at a temperature of 3 ° C - 5 ° C without illness for 2 months; in freezers, prepared berries are subjected to rapid freezing at a temperature of minus 30 ° C - 35 ° C and stored in this form at temperature minus 18°C ​​- 25°C for no more than 8 months.

Wet storage of cranberries is recommended in barrels filled with fresh cold drinking water and closed with wooden lids that are lightly oppressive. Water is added to the barrels as it evaporates. The recommended storage period is no more than one year from the date of picking the berries.

DB application

Table DB.1

Section, paragraph




IV. A. ii), iii)


"IV. Provisions concerning approvals

I) First grade

A total tolerance of 10%, by number or weight, of berries not satisfying the requirements of the class but meeting those of Class II is permitted. Within this tolerance, not more than 2% of the total quantity may consist of products that satisfy neither the requirements of Class II quality nor the minimum requirements, or products that are subject to degradation.

II) Second grade

A total tolerance of 10%, by number or weight, of berries satisfying neither the requirements of the class nor the minimum requirements is allowed. Within this tolerance, no more than 4% of the total quantity may be products subject to degradation."

GOST 33309-2015 (UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010).

5.2. Table 1

"(Mass fraction of berries that do not correspond to a given commercial grade, but correspond to a lower grade, %, no more than:

For the highest grade - 5.0, for the first grade - 10.0;

For the second grade - 10.0;

within this tolerance there may be berries that do not meet the requirements of the second grade - with significant bruising and leakage of juice - no more than 2% by weight of berries of the first grade and no more than 4% by weight of berries of the second grade"

Note- In this standard, in relation to the UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 standard (section IV), the permitted content of “products subject to degradation” is excluded due to the lack of a term and definition of such a category (“products subject to degradation”) in regulatory documents for fruits and vegetables products in the Russian Federation.

DV application

Comparison of the structure of the UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 standard with the structure of the interstate standard

Table DV.1

Structure of the UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 standard

Structure of GOST 33309-2015 (UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010)

I. Product Definition

1 area of ​​use

II. Quality provisions:

A. Minimum Requirements

B. Maturity requirements

C. Classification

III. Calibration provisions

3 Terms and definitions

IV. Provisions regarding approvals

A. Quality tolerances

B. Dimensional Tolerances

V. Provisions concerning presentation of products

A. Uniformity

B. Packing

4 Classification

5 Technical requirements

5.1 - 5.3 Requirements for product quality and safety

5.4 Packaging

5.5 Marking

VI. Labeling provisions

6 Acceptance rules

7 Control methods

8 Transportation and storage

Appendix DB (informative) Contents of section IV UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 regarding the excluded term “products subject to degradation”

Appendix DV (informative) Comparison of the structure of the UNECE STANDARD FFV-57:2010 standard with the structure of the interstate standard


Note- This standard is supplemented by sections 7, 8, as well as an additional recommended appendix DA, additional reference appendices DB and DV in accordance with the requirements for the design of the interstate standard modified with the UNECE STANDARD FFV standard, and a bibliography.


Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products”, approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission on December 9, 2011, N 880

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 005/2011 “On Packaging Safety”, approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission on August 16, 2011, N 769

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 022/2011 “Food products regarding their labeling”, approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission on December 9, 2011, N 881

Directive of the Council of the European Communities of 20 January 1976 (76/211/EC) "On the approximation of the laws of the Member States regarding the pre-packaging of certain products by weight or volume per unit of prepackaged products"

GOST 19215-73

Group C35



Requirements for procurement, supply and sales

Cranberry Fresh. Requirements for state purchases, deliveries and retail

OKP 97 6513

Date of introduction 1975-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the State Forestry Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated November 21, 1973 N 2540



Item number

5. The validity period was lifted according to Protocol No. 4-93 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 4-94)

6. EDITION with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, approved in July 1976, May 1990, September 1990 (IUS 9-76, 8-90, 12-90)

This standard applies to fresh berries of wild cranberries (Oxycoccus quadripetalus Gilib) and small-fruited cranberries (Oxycoccus microcarpa Turcz.), harvested, supplied and sold for fresh consumption and for processing.



1.1. Cranberries must be fresh or frozen, completely ripe, clean, without foreign odor, without stalks, varied in size and color (from pink to dark red), without any damage or disease. Cranberries may be moist, but not runny.

1.2. Depending on the time of harvesting, cranberries are divided into berries of the autumn harvest and spring harvest (snow).

1.3. Berries from autumn and spring harvests must comply with the standards indicated in the table.

Indicator name

Norm for cranberries

autumn harvest

spring harvest

1. Permissible content of berries, % by weight, no more:


mechanically damaged and dried out in total:

during procurement

when implementing

2. Permissible content of organic impurities, % by weight, not more than:

edible fruits of other plant species (lingonberry, crowberry, cloudberry, etc.) in the aggregate

stalks, twigs, moss, leaves, etc.

Note. Unripe berries include berries with white spots, barrels, half or completely white.

1.4. Fresh cranberries contain green berries, inedible and poisonous fruits of other plant species (buckthorn, bittersweet nightshade, etc.), as well as mineral impurities (sand, dust, other contaminants) are not allowed.

1.5. In a batch of cranberries at the destination, the presence of moldy and rotten berries is allowed to be no more than 4%.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

1.6. The content of toxic elements and pesticides in cranberries should not exceed the permissible levels established by medical and biological requirements and sanitary standards for the quality of food raw materials and food products* of the USSR Ministry of Health.
*On the territory of the Russian Federation they operate SanPiN


2.1. Fresh cranberries are taken in batches. A batch is considered to be any number of berries from the spring or autumn harvest, packaged in containers of the same type and size, arrived in one vehicle and issued with one quality document and a “Certificate on the content of toxicants in crop products and compliance with regulations for the use of pesticides” in the form approved in the established ok.

When accepted from the public, a batch is considered to be any number of berries intended for simultaneous acceptance.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.1a. The quality document indicates:

- document number and date of issue;

- number of the certificate of toxicant content and date of issue;

- name and address of the sender;

- name and address of the recipient;

- Name of product;

- compliance of product quality with the requirements of this standard;

- number of packaging units;

- gross and net weight, kg;

- date of collection, packaging and shipment;

- number and type of vehicle;

- shelf life;

- date of last treatment with pesticides and their names;

- the name of the person responsible for quality;

- designation of this standard.

2.2. To check the condition of the packaging units and the correctness of their markings for compliance with the requirements of this standard, each packaging unit of the batch must be inspected.

2.3. To check the quality of fresh cranberries for compliance with the requirements of this standard, three packaging units are selected from different places in the batch and different layers (top, middle, bottom), if there are 100 packaging units in the batch, and one packaging unit for every full or incomplete 50 packaging units. units in a batch of more than 100 packaging units.

When accepting cranberries at procurement points from the population in quantities up to 50 kg, an average sample weighing at least 0.5 kg is taken.

2.2, 2.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.4. The test results are applied to the entire batch. A batch that does not meet the standards established in clauses 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 is considered not to meet the requirements of the standard.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.5. The quality of cranberries in damaged packaging units is controlled separately and the control results are applied to products only in these packaging units.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.6. After checking the quality of the cranberries selected from the lot, they are added to the controlled lot.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

2.7. Control of the content of toxic elements and pesticides is carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2, 3).


3.1. From each selected packaging unit, samples weighing at least 0.5 kg are taken from different places (top, middle, bottom) and an average sample weighing at least 1.5 kg is compiled. From the barrels, a sample is taken first from the top, then, by turning the barrel on its side and pouring some of the berries out of the barrel, from the middle and bottom.

If the berries are in a barrel filled with water, then a sample weighing 0.5 kg (liter jar) is taken with a colander from the depths of the barrel and, after the water has drained, poured onto a sheet of filter paper for analysis.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.2. The average sample is poured onto a flat surface (paper, glass, plywood, oilcloth, cardboard), leveled and analyzed for compliance with the requirements of this standard.

3.3. The appearance (color, moisture content and smell of the berries), as well as the presence of mineral impurities, are determined organoleptically.

3.4. Unripe, mechanically damaged and dried berries are selected from the average sample, weighed separately with an error of no more than 0.1 g on a 1st class T-1-1 technical scale with a division value of 20 mg, and their percentage in the batch is determined.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.5. Fruits of other plant species (edible, inedible, poisonous), stalks, moss and other impurities are selected from an average sample. Each type of impurity is weighed separately with an error of no more than 0.1 g and its percentage is determined.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).
with a capacity of no more than 150 dm. When packing berries in baskets without lids, the top is lined with linen, gauze, matting, sewing them tightly to the upper edge of the basket.

Fresh cranberries from the spring harvest are packed in barrels GOST 8777 with a capacity of no more than 50 dm.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

4.2. The container for packing berries must be clean, durable, dry, free of foreign odors, and not infested with pests.

4.3. Each packaging unit is accompanied by a label indicating:

- name of the sender;

- product names;

- gross and net mass, kg (for barrels);

- dates of collection and packaging;

- designations of this standard.

4.4. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

4.5. Cranberries are transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for this type of transport, and sanitary and hygienic rules approved in the prescribed manner.

When transported in open vehicles, packaging units with cranberries are covered with a tarpaulin.

4.6. Dry storage of cranberries is carried out in baskets, boxes and barrels in special ventilated, clean, odorless warehouses at a temperature of 3 ° C - 5 ° C for no more than two months.

Baskets and boxes are placed on lattice stands in rows or in steps. The barrels are installed in one row.

4.5, 4.6. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

4.7. Wet storage of cranberries is carried out in barrels filled with fresh cold drinking water, covered with wooden lids included in the container. The lids are lightly oppressive. Water is added as it evaporates. Shelf life - 1 year from the date of collection.

4.8. Temporarily, cranberries are stored in barrels with a capacity of 100-150 dm3. It is allowed to store cranberries in a bulk layer of no more than 25-30 cm in unheated rooms (2 ° C - 15 ° C) for up to 10 days from the date of laying. When storing cranberries in barrels until spring in snow piles, the barrels are placed in one row, covered with a layer of snow, then with a layer of sawdust and again with a layer of snow. Cover thickness - 1 m.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
State quality control
mineral water and drinks. -
M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2003