Nekrasov is a writer of works. Works of Nekrasov N.A.: main themes. List of the best works of Nekrasov. Reflections at the front door

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov; Russian empire, Saint Petersburg; 11/28/1821 - 12/27/1877

The poems of N. A. Nekrasov are quite popular in our time, especially since many of them pass according to school curriculum. In part, it is schoolchildren who are the main "fans" of N.A. Nekrasov's work. But the poet's poems are quite in demand not only among schoolchildren, which allowed the poetry of N.A. Nekrasov to take high places in various ratings of our site, and the poet himself to get into the rating.

Biography of N. A. Nekrasov

Nikolai Nekrasov was born in the town of Nemirov, Vinnitsa district, into a noble family. His mother married Nekrasov's father without paternal consent. At the age of three, the family moved to the village of Greshnevo, where the boy witnessed numerous orgies and reprisals against peasants and sometimes his father's mother. In 1832, Nikolai entered the Yaroslavl gymnasium, where he graduated from the 5th grade. Here he wrote his first poems.

At the age of 17, Nikolai Nekrasov went to St. Petersburg to be assigned to a noble regiment. But contrary to the wishes of his father, he decided to enter the Faculty of Philology at St. Petersburg University. For this, the father completely refused his son financial support, and given that Nekrasov did not enter the university, this hurt his well-being. He began to visit the university as a free student and to survive on temporary earnings. This was often not enough even for dinner, and Nikolai lived in a variety of rented rooms.

Such a life of NA Nekrasov lasted for several years, until his works began to be published in some small newspapers. This even made it possible to save money for the release of the first collection of poems by N. A. Nekrasov - “Dreams and Sounds”. He did not receive positive reviews and, like the poet, almost completely bought up and destroyed his collection.

In 1840, Nekrasov was admitted to the bibliographic department of the journal Domestic Notes, in addition, he began to engage in publishing activities. First appeared in his collections. This direction of activity began to advance so well that after 6 years, together with Panaev, he bought the Sovremennik magazine, to the foundation whom he had a hand in. Thanks to the acquaintance with Belinsky, the new owners of the magazine managed to lure the writers famous at that time to themselves. In addition, Nekrasov himself devotes a lot of time to the search for new talents, and soon many others become such.

For publishing activities, Nikolai Nekrasov does not forget about his own works. They are also published in the Sovremennik magazine, and N.A. Nekrasov’s poems are published in separate collections. But after french revolution censorship noticeably revived and it becomes more and more difficult to publish a magazine. This continues right up to 1866, when Sovremennik is banned forever. Two years later, Nekrasov rented Otechestvennye Zapiski, which he manages to make the leading organ of democratic thought.

At about the same time, N. A. Nekrasov began to work on his main work - “Who should live well in Rus'”. Work on it continues until the death of the poet, and became the final reflection of the author on the fate of the peasantry, devastated by the reform. The work of N. A. Nekrasov was interrupted by intestinal cancer, which caused death in 1875.

Poetry of N. A. Nekrasov on the Top Books website

Among N A Nekrasov's works, it is worth highlighting the epic poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”, which is now quite popular to read. This allowed the work to take a high place among and given the fairly stable interest in the work, we will see it more than once in the ratings of our site.

All works by N. A. Nekrasov

It is rather difficult to list all N. A. Nekrasov's works. Therefore, we will indicate only the plays and poems of N. A. Nekrasov, while the author’s poems are collected in a large number of collections of the writer.


  1. Woe to old Nahum
  2. Grandfather
  3. Cabinet of Wax Figures
  4. Peddlers
  5. peasant children
  6. Jack Frost
  7. On the Volga
  8. recent time
  9. About the weather
  10. Knight for an hour
  11. Contemporaries
  12. Silence


  1. Actor
  2. Rejected
  3. bear hunt
  4. Theoclist Onufrich Bob, or the husband is not at ease
  5. Youth Lomonosov

Nekrasov, Nikolai Alekseevich - Personal life

Nekrasov, Nikolai Alekseevich
Personal life

S. L. Levitsky. Photo portrait of N. A. Nekrasov

The personal life of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was not always successful. In 1842, at a poetry evening, he met Avdotya Panaeva (ur. Bryanskaya), the wife of the writer Ivan Panaev.

Avdotya Panaeva, an attractive brunette, was considered one of the most beautiful women Petersburg at that time. In addition, she was smart and was the hostess of a literary salon, which met in the house of her husband Ivan Panaev.

Her own literary talent attracted the young but already popular Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Turgenev, Belinsky to the circle in the Panaevs' house. Her husband, the writer Panaev, was characterized as a rake and a reveler.

Kraevsky House, which housed the editorial office of the journal "Domestic Notes",
and also was Nekrasov's apartment

Despite this, his wife was distinguished by decency, and Nekrasov had to make considerable efforts to attract the attention of this wonderful woman. Fyodor Dostoevsky was also in love with Avdotya, but he failed to achieve reciprocity.

At first, Panaeva also rejected the twenty-six-year-old Nekrasov, who was also in love with her, which is why he almost committed suicide.

Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva

During one of the trips of the Panaevs and Nekrasov to the Kazan province, Avdotya and Nikolai Alekseevich nevertheless confessed their feelings to each other. Upon their return, they began to live civil marriage in the Panaevs' apartment, and together with Avdotya's legal husband, Ivan Panaev.

Such an alliance lasted almost 16 years, until the death of Panaev. All this caused public condemnation - they said about Nekrasov that he lives in a strange house, loves a strange wife, and at the same time rolls up scenes of jealousy to his lawful husband.

Nekrasov and Panaev.
Caricature by N. A. Stepanov. "Illustrated Almanac"
censored. 1848

During this period, even many of his friends turned away from him. But, despite this, Nekrasov and Panaeva were happy. She even managed to get pregnant from him, and Nekrasov created one of his best poetic cycles - the so-called (they wrote and edited much of this cycle together).

The co-authorship of Nekrasov and Stanitsky (pseudonym Avdotya Yakovlevna) owns several novels that were very successful. Despite such a non-standard way of life, this trinity remained like-minded and associates in the revival and formation of the Sovremennik magazine.

In 1849, a boy was born to Avdotya Yakovlevna from Nekrasov, but he did not live long. At this time, Nikolai Alekseevich also fell ill. It is believed that strong fits of anger and mood swings are associated with the death of the child, which later led to a break in their relationship with Avdotya.

In 1862, Ivan Panaev died, and soon Avdotya Panaeva left Nekrasov. However, Nekrasov remembered her until the end of his life and, when drawing up his will, he mentioned her to Panaeva, this spectacular brunette, Nekrasov dedicated many of his fiery poems.

In May 1864, Nekrasov went on a trip abroad, which lasted about three months. He lived mainly in Paris with his companions - his sister Anna Alekseevna and the Frenchwoman Selina Lefresne (fr. Lefresne), whom he met back in St. Petersburg in 1863.

ON THE. Nekrasov during "The Last Songs"
(painting by Ivan Kramskoy, 1877-1878)

Selina was an ordinary actress of the French troupe, who performed at the Mikhailovsky Theater. She was distinguished by a lively disposition and an easy character. Selina spent the summer of 1866 in Karabikha. And in the spring of 1867, she went abroad, like last time, together with Nekrasov and his sister Anna. However, this time she never returned to Russia.

However, this did not interrupt their relationship - in 1869 they met in Paris and spent the whole of August by the sea in Dieppe. Nekrasov was very pleased with this trip, having also improved his health. During the rest, he felt happy, the reason for which was Selina, who was to his liking.

Selina Lefren

Although her attitude towards him was even and even a little dry. Returning, Nekrasov did not forget Selina for a long time and helped her. And in his dying will he appointed her ten and a half thousand rubles.

Later, Nekrasov met a village girl Fyokla Anisimovna Viktorova, simple and uneducated. She was 23 years old, he was already 48. The writer took her to theaters, concerts and exhibitions to fill in the gaps in education. Nikolai Alekseevich came up with her name - Zina.

So Fyokla Anisimovna began to be called Zinaida Nikolaevna. She memorized Nekrasov's poems and admired him. Soon they got married. However, Nekrasov still yearned for his former love - Avdotya Panaeva - and at the same time loved both Zinaida and the Frenchwoman Selina Lefren, with whom he had an affair abroad.

One of his most famous poetic works - "Three Elegies" - he dedicated only to Panaeva.

Mention should also be made of Nekrasov's passion for playing cards, which can be called the hereditary passion of the Nekrasov family, starting with Nikolai Nekrasov's great-grandfather, Yakov Ivanovich, an "innumerably rich" Ryazan landowner who quickly lost his wealth.

However, he got rich again quickly enough - at one time Yakov was a governor in Siberia. As a result of the passion for the game, his son Alexei got only the Ryazan estate. Having married, he received the village of Greshnevo as a dowry. But already his son, Sergei Alekseevich, having laid the Yaroslavl Greshnevo for a term, lost it too.

Alexey Sergeevich, when he told his son Nikolai, the future poet, a glorious pedigree, summarized:

“Our ancestors were rich. Your great-great-grandfather lost seven thousand souls, great-grandfather - two, grandfather (my father) - one, I - nothing, because there was nothing to lose, but I also like to play cards.

And only Nikolai Alekseevich was the first to change his fate. He also liked to play cards, but became the first - not to lose. At a time when his ancestors were losing, he alone won back and won back a lot.

The bill ran into hundreds of thousands. So, Adjutant General Alexander Vladimirovich Adlerberg, a well-known statesman, minister of the Imperial Court and personal friend of Emperor Alexander II, lost a very large sum to him.

And the Minister of Finance Alexander Ageevich Abaza lost more than a million francs to Nekrasov. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov managed to return Greshnevo, where he spent his childhood and which was taken away for the debt of his grandfather.

Another hobby of Nekrasov, also passed on to him from his father, was hunting. Dog hunting, which was served by two dozen arriving, greyhounds, vyzhlyatnikov, hounds and stirrups, was the pride of Alexei Sergeevich.

The poet's father forgave his offspring long ago and, not without jubilation, followed his creative and financial successes. And the son until the death of his father (in 1862) came to see him in Greshnevo every year. Nekrasov devoted funny poems to canine hunting and even the poem of the same name “Dog Hunting”, which glorifies the prowess, scope, beauty of Russia and the Russian soul.

In adulthood, Nekrasov even became addicted to bear hunting ("It's fun to beat you, respectable bears ...").

Avdotya Panaeva recalled that when Nekrasov was going to hunt a bear, there were large fees - expensive wines, snacks and just provisions were brought. They even took a chef with them. In March 1865, Nekrasov managed to get three bears at once in a day. He appreciated the bear-catchers, dedicated poems to them - Savushka (“who rallied on the forty-first bear”) from “In the Village”, Savely from “Who Lives Well in Rus'”.

The poet also liked to hunt game. His fondness for walking through the swamp with a gun was boundless. Sometimes he would go hunting at sunrise and not return until midnight. He also went hunting with the "first hunter of Russia" Ivan Turgenev, with whom they were friends and corresponded for a long time.

Nekrasov, in his last message to Turgenev abroad, even asked him to buy him a Lancaster gun in London or Paris for 500 rubles. However, their correspondence was destined to be interrupted in 1861. Turgenev did not answer the letter and did not buy a gun, and their long-term friendship was put an end to.

And the reason for this was not ideological or literary differences. Nekrasov's common-law wife, Avdotya Panaeva, got involved in an inheritance lawsuit ex-wife poet Nikolai Ogaryov. The court awarded Panaeva a claim for 50 thousand rubles. Nekrasov paid this amount, preserving the honor of Avdotya Yakovlevna, but thereby his own reputation was shaken.

Turgenev found out from Ogarev himself in London all the intricacies of the dark case, after which he broke off all relations with Nekrasov. Nekrasov, the publisher, broke up with some other old friends - L. N. Tolstoy, A. N. Ostrovsky. At this time, he switched to a new democratic wave emanating from the camp of Chernyshevsky - Dobrolyubov.

Zinaida Nikolaevna Nekrasova (1847-1914)
- wife of the Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov

Fyokla Anisimovna, who became his late muse in 1870, named Zinaida Nikolaevna by Nekrasov in a noble way, also became addicted to her husband's hobby, to hunting. She even saddled a horse herself and went hunting with him in a rait-coat and tight-fitting trousers, with a Zimmerman on her head. All this delighted Nekrasov.

But once, while hunting in the Chudovsky swamp, Zinaida Nikolaevna accidentally shot Nekrasov's beloved dog, a black pointer named Kado. After that, Nekrasov, who devoted 43 years of his life to hunting, forever hung his gun on a nail.

Nekrasov's works occupy a prominent place in Russian literature. The significance of his work lies in the fact that he introduced colloquial phrases, folklore statements, and the language of peasants into poetry. Before him, no one dared to combine elements of elegy and lyrics with sharp satire. The poet, with his new technique, enriched Russian lyrics and turned out to be a huge influence on contemporary writers.


Nekrasov's works are written in a variety of genres. However, the general reader is best known for his poems, which are studied in detail at school in the middle and high grades. The most famous work of the author in this genre is “Who should live well in Rus'”. The author worked on the most important book of his life for several years - from 1860 to 1870.

The action of the poem takes place after the abolition of serfdom in our country. The plot of the work tells about the journey of seven peasant men across the Russian land in search of a happy man.

Nekrasov's works in the lyrical-epic genre are written in a simple and understandable language. For example, the essay "Frost, Red Nose" is distinguished by its light verse, understandable plot and drama in depicting the hard life of peasants.

About nature

About history and the Russian people

Other books of the poet are devoted to the fate of representatives of different classes. Let's consider some of them.

"Russian women"This poem is dedicated to the description of the journey of the wives of the exiled Decembrists to Siberia. The poet admires the courage of these women and the perseverance with which they overcame the obstacles that fell to their lot.
"Knight for an Hour"Some themes of Nekrasov's works are connected with his philosophical reflections on the meaning of life. In this poem, the author reflects on fate and death. He remembers his mother and wants to comprehend the past life path trying to understand why over time he lost his youthful illusions.
"Peasant Children"This poem is dedicated to the description of the life of village children. The poet admires their naivety, joy, and writes with bitterness that sooner or later they will have to endure all life's difficulties associated with their low social status.

These works are key in his work.

Famous poems

Hard to say, what work of Nekrasov is the best and most significant in his work. Each of his poems has considerable artistic and social significance.

The table below shows only some of the poems of the poet. In fact, there are many more.

Namea brief description of
"And the troika keeps flying like an arrow..."This work is a description of the Russian troika running through the fields. The lyrical hero admires the beautiful view that has opened up, and also praises the work of the plowman.
"Listening to the Horrors of War"This poem is dedicated to the mothers of the dead heroes. The poet writes that these women are most worried about the untimely departed soldiers.
"Uncompressed Strip"This is one of the most famous poems of the poet, dedicated to the description of peasant labor. The author describes the difficult conditions in which a simple village worker lives and works.
"Once upon a time in the cold winter time..."This poem is dedicated to the description of the meeting and conversation of the lyrical hero with a peasant boy in the forest. The author warmly describes the work of this child, who, due to difficult living conditions, is forced to work like an adult.
"Reflections at the Front Door"This work is incriminating. The poet criticizes the representatives of the nobility, who do not pay attention to the poverty and needs of the people.

So, the people in the works of Nekrasov occupies an important place: many of the poet's works are devoted to the description of hard peasant labor and the unbearable living conditions of ordinary workers.


Nekrasov wrote not only prose and poetry, but also tried his hand at dramaturgy. His pen belongs to a number of original vaudevilles, which were distinguished by an innovative approach.

Namea brief description of
"Actor"This play is dedicated to the everyday life of a theatrical artist who is trying to defend his right to human dignity and honor before his superiors. The theatrical environment was very familiar to the poet, so the work turned out to be believable.
"Petersburg usurer"This is a rather funny vaudeville, somewhat reminiscent of "The Miserly" Molière. Main character works - a greedy and greedy usurer who thinks only about money and is ready to pay for them even with the happiness of his daughter.
"Autumn Boredom"The play is dedicated to the everyday life of a landowner who, for the sake of entertainment, gives the servants the most ridiculous orders.

So, Nekrasov tried himself in a variety of genres, but his poems and poems are best known.


These books are considered underappreciated by critics and readers, although they certainly deserve attention and mention. The book "Dead Lake" is a philosophical novel that tells about the hard life of the village population.

The lake represents dark sides human existence: there are murders, crimes. However, the ending of the essay is good - the new owner changes nature and makes it serve for the benefit of man.

Nekrasov's works show the versatility of his talent: he wrote both poetry and prose with equal success. The novel "Three Sides of the World" is a book dedicated to the journey of ordinary people in Russia.

06/22/1907, Moscow - 02/15/1987, in the same place
Russian writer

There are writers whose personal fame cannot be compared to the fame of their own books. And the main reason for this is the very reserved attitude of these modest people towards the hustle and bustle that accompanies every success; inability and unwillingness to engage in self-promotion. Why is this, if in libraries their favorite creations - books - are already read to holes? ..
Obviously, Andrei Sergeevich Nekrasov was just such a person. Everyone knows about the adventures of the brave Captain Vrungel and his assistants Lom and Fuchs - they either read a book or saw a cartoon. But who told about these adventures, the majority of readers-spectators will not suddenly remember. And even if he remembers, then who is this mysterious "A. Nekrasov", did he write anything else? .. A mystery shrouded in darkness. What can you do, Andrei Sergeevich did not like to talk a lot about himself. About others - yes, he spoke with pleasure, praised more and more, but about himself ...
Well, in vain. After all, about life "Daddy of Captain Vrungel" one could write a real adventure novel.
After graduating from school, he became a simple laborer. Then for a short time he worked as a fitter and technician at the Moscow tram station. But could he sit in one place, if only he did what he was looking for adventure on his head?
In 1926, nineteen-year-old Nekrasov went to distant Murmansk, where he entered the trawl fleet as a sailor. In the North and the Far East, he sailed on a variety of ships, both as an ordinary sailor and as a stoker. Yes, who he just was not! .. “I caught cod in the Barents Sea, washed gold on the Amur, drilled oil on Sakhalin, stood up difficult shifts at the red-hot furnaces of the ship’s stoker, beat walruses in the Bering Strait, caught whales in the Pacific Ocean ...”
Someone will say incredulously: here he is lying, just Captain Vrungel! However, all this is true - to write a book about world tour Captain Vrungel, you first had to travel around the world yourself.
But he never learned to play dominoes. Other sailors, as soon as a free minute fell out, immediately began to "kill the goat", and Nekrasov ... “Having defended the watch, I read a lot from nothing to do”(his favorite book from childhood was The Travels of Marco Polo), “And the more I read, the more I wanted to write something myself. I started a thick notebook and began to write down all the interesting cases in which I had to be a witness or participant..
Essays and stories from that notebook (as well as poems that he signed with the pseudonym "Tops"), starting from 1928, began to appear from time to time in magazines, including children's - in Murzilka, in Pioneer ... In 1935 he published a whole collection of stories "Sea Boots" - about sailors and fishermen of the Far East. Good collection - still reprinted. But, as Andrei Sergeevich himself admitted, he finally changed the chart table to the writer's table only after another of his books was printed - the same one ...
And here's how it happened. Somewhere in the early 1930s, Andrei Nekrasov worked in the Far Eastern whaling trust, whose director was Andrei Vasilyevich Vronsky, who passionately desired to circumnavigate the world. These dreams, for a variety of reasons, have remained dreams. On the other hand, Vronsky was simply a wonderful storyteller, and composed wondrous fables about his unrealized circumnavigation of the world. “He spoke slowly, with voice and gestures emphasizing the imaginary significance of what was said. In his speech, adorned with many sharply noticed details, he sprinkled marine terms to the place and not to the place, often repeated: “Yes, sir”, “That's it”, and addressed the audience only as “young man” ... He is like would turn into a good-natured old captain, in his stories about past campaigns, involuntarily overstepping the boundaries of truth ... "
Once Nekrasov retold several of Vronsky's tales to his good friend Boris Zhitkov, with whom he was then working on a joint book, and he suggested to him: “...would you write a short story about the captain, who talks about his campaigns and cannot help but lie”.
Nekrasov thought about it. A simple logical chain arose: Vronsky - Baron Munchausen - Baron Wrangel - Captain Vrungel. And so the notorious sea captain named Khristofor Bonifatievich was born. By the way, his companions, Loma and Fuchs, also had their own prototypes.
When working on the manuscript of the future book, Vronsky's stories, funny stories from the diaries of Nekrasov himself, and various fables were used, "with which sailors entertain friends in their free time from the watch", and funny stories from childhood (for example, about the pleasure steamer "Daryal", in which two letters fell off the stern board, and it turned into "Daria" - in the same way, Captain Vrungel's yacht from "Victory" became "Trouble").
And finally, in 1937, the story was published in Pioneer in the form of pictures with captions, or, as they would say now, in the form of a comic strip. True, for the sake of the first publication, the text had to be fairly shortened, but subsequently Nekrasov did not regret it at all, since cooperation with the wonderful artist Konstantin Rotov, whom he always remembered with gratitude, gave him a lot. For example, in the episode when the resourceful Khristofor Bonifatievich decided to use soda bottles (to speed up the course), giving the yacht reactivity, such a detail as seagulls lined with corks was suggested to the author by a cheerful and observant artist.
Two years later, the book was published as a separate edition. The first responses have appeared. An enthusiastic review of Vrungel was published by Lev Kassil - many thanks to him! Not very literate, but sincere and touching letters were endlessly sent to the editors of Pioneer magazine by ordinary readers. However, there were also such boring adults who predicted the story would soon be forgotten and called it harmful. What kind of heroes they are, what an example they set for our children! Khristofor Bonifatievich himself is a liar, of which there are few, and besides, he does not let his pipe out of his mouth. Lom is not indifferent to alcohol - remember the story of how the yacht "Trouble" went off course and almost returned due to the nose of the senior assistant captain being too sensitive to rum? There is nothing to say about Fuchs - a card sharper! Well, the team has arrived.
Fortunately, time put everything in its place.
Now, with his fame, Captain Vrungel competes with the famous Baron Munchausen, and a small book by Andrei Nekrasov (which, alas, ends so quickly!) Is reprinted several times a year. It is also read in other countries: the Czechs know Vrungel as Captain Zhvanilkin, the Poles know Captain Zalganov, the Germans know Captain Flunkerich.
... In addition to his main book, Nekrasov wrote many more stories, essays, articles, notes (mostly popular science) - on technology, oceanography, aviation, electricity, and the history of shipbuilding. Before last days he traveled, was a member of the editorial boards of the Pioneer magazine and the literary and artistic almanac Ocean.
His books were often published (as a rule, they were thin illustrated books by the Malysh publishing house), but the names of most of them will say little even to the most sophisticated book reader. For some reason, with some exceptions, they did not stay afloat, they drowned in the bottomless literary sea. And only the small yacht "Trouble" under the leadership of the resilient captain Vrungel continues to sail confidently.
Seven feet under the keel, Khristofor Bonifatievich!

Alexey Kopeikin


HOW WE BUILD BRIDGES WITH GOSHKA / Khudozh. V. Ryabchikov. - M.: Malysh, 1973. - 26 p.: ill.

CAPTAIN VRUNGEL: [Favor. works] / Khudozh. A. Danilin. - M.: "Eksi +", 1993. - 382 p.: ill. - (Children's book of adventures).
Contents: The Adventures of Captain Vrungel: A Tale; Sea stories.

OPERATION FOG: Short story / Art. P.Pavlinov. - M.: Malysh, 1972. - p.: ill.

ON THE SEA-OCEAN / Fig. A. Beslik. - M.: Malysh, 1988. - 16 p.: ill.
This book is about the history of shipbuilding.
When was the first ship built? When did people realize that it was possible to travel on water? It probably all started with an ordinary log, on which some ancient man crossed a wide river. Then people tied a raft out of logs, then they came up with a rowing boat, and then a sailing boat ...
And they set off to wander the sea-ocean ...

NOVELS AND STORIES. - M.: Det. lit., 1967. - 479 p.: ill.

ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN VRUNGEL: Fav. works / Il. K. Rotova, L. Falina, V. Bogatkina. - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1992. - 351 p.: ill.
Contents: The Adventures of Captain Vrungel: A Tale; Sea Boots: Stories; Tales of an old boatswain; From the cycle "We were on Dixon".
"We were on Dikson"
“There is a big river Yenisei in Siberia. It starts in the very center of Asia, where high mountains The Sayans prop up the sky with their white hats...
I love the Yenisei very much, I often go there and, when I return, I remember for a long time the brown rocks of the steep banks and the white spills of the morning fogs, the quiet stretches and the frantic crowd of rapids...
I have walked the Yenisei more than once from end to end. But, perhaps, the flight from Krasnoyarsk to Dikson Island is the best I remember.”.
The collection "We were on Dixon" includes six short stories: "The Captain's Habit", "Piebald", "Nerpa", "Where the Night Lives", "Oleshki" and "Poppies".

ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN VRUNGEL / Il. K. Rotova. - M.: NPO Geolit, 1992. - 191 p.: ill.
"The Adventures of Captain Vrungel"
If the yacht from "Victory" becomes "Trouble" - expect big trouble. The ship can simply grow into the shore, and you will not see any circumnavigation of the world like your own ears.
To sail away from the shore is a couple of trifles for Captain Vrungel, but who knew what lay ahead of him? ..
However, natural resourcefulness and the ability not to get lost in the most hopeless situation. Who, if not Khristofor Bonifatievich, would have thought of receiving an SOS signal from a sailboat in distress on a sore tooth; according to the London roosters, crowing exclusively "according to Greenwich Mean Time", check the clock and determine their coordinates; use a palm tree for a mast, ordinary squirrels as a draft force, Papuan boomerangs for playing golf, lemons as a remedy for sharks, and a fire extinguisher against a giant anaconda? ..
If the sailor Fuchs accidentally hatched small crocodiles at a high temperature, it doesn’t matter - everything will fit in the household! And even if the yacht is for that it is “Trouble”! - it will fall into the very center of the typhoon, there is no need to lose heart - Captain Vrungel will get out somehow! ..
By the way, if you are not strong in the marine terminology that Khristofor Bonifatievich loves so much, then especially for you, the book is attached to the book personally compiled by him " Dictionary for clueless land readers. An extremely useful item!

ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN VRUNGEL: A story and stories. - M.: Det. lit., 1983. - 352 p.: ill.

THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN VRUNGEL: A Tale and Stories / Khudozh. A. Ilyin. - M.: ONYX 21st century, 2000. - 350 p.: ill. - (Golden library).

ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN VRUNGEL: Tale, stories / Khudozh. A.Akatiev, L.Falin. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 1997. - 427 p.: ill. - (Classic book of fabulous adventures).
Contents: The Adventures of Captain Vrungel: A Tale; Sea Boots: Stories; Tales of an old boatswain.
"Sea Boots"
These stories are also about the sea. But there is no fiction in them, although there are enough adventures. Here Andrei Nekrasov simply shares what he had seen and experienced during the years of his navigational service on the distant Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

"Tales of the old boatswain"
On one long and tedious voyage, when there was more than enough free time, Andrei Nekrasov, who was completely bored, was rescued by the old riverman Fyodor Stepanovich Bochkin, who had sailed as a boatswain along the Yenisei for thirty years.
“He is a solid, reasonable person, he has seen a lot in his lifetime, and no matter what the conversation goes on, Fyodor Stepanovich always has funny story, which he is not averse to telling on occasion.
In the evenings, sitting down somewhere quieter, I listened to these stories for hours, and then, when, having wished me good night, the boatswain climbed into his cabin, I wrote down his stories, trying not to miss a word ".

THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN VRUNGEL: A Tale / Fig. V. Bokovni. - L .: Det. lit., 1988. - 192 p.: ill.

ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN VRUNGEL; STORIES / Ill. P. Severtseva. - M.: Press, 1992. - 334 p.: ill. - (Adventure World).

THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN VRUNGEL / Khudozh. A. Ilyin. - M.: Pushkinskaya b-ka: AST, 2005. - 319 p.: ill. - (Extracurricular reading).

THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN VRUNGEL / Khudozh. V. Vinokur; Raspe E. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen / Revised. text by O. Trifonova; Artistic V. Vinokur; Swift J. Lemuel Gulliver's Travels / Per. from English. B. Engelhardt; Artistic N. Aleshina. - M.: OLMA-Press Grand, 2004. - 442 p.: ill. - (Books of our childhood).

ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN VRUNGEL / [Art. V. Dmitryuk]. - M.: Mosk. club, 1994. - 159 p.: tsv. ill.

THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN VRUNGEL: [Humor. story] / Khudozh. G.Yudin. - M.: Dom, 1993. - 197 p.: ill.

TALES ABOUT THE NORTH AND SOUTH / Khudozh. Yu.Kopeyko. - M.: Malysh, 1979. - 18 p.: ill.
How long is a polar day? Why does the sea glow at night? What is a tornado like? What is a lighthouse for?
You can learn about this from very tiny stories about the North and the South ...

BLUE OCEAN. - M.: Malysh, 1966. -: ill. - (Your Motherland).

TALE ABOUT CHEMISTRY. - M.: Malysh, 1965. - 16 p.: ill.

ELECTRIC SUN / Ed. N. Artemyeva. - M.; Leningrad: Detizdat of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, 1936. - 31 p.: ill. - (B-ka young collective farmer).

Alexey Kopeikin


Nekrasov A. History with Vrungel // Aloud to himself: Sat. articles and essays by owls. det. writers: Prince. second. - M.: Det. lit., 1978. - S. 242-247.
Nekrasov A. Captain Vrungel, who is he? // Nekrasov A. Adventures of Captain Vrungel. - M.: NPO Geolit, 1992. - S. 182-190.
Nekrasov A. From the author // Nekrasov A. Novels and stories. - M.: Det. lit., 1967. - S. 3-4.
Traveler, writer, dreamer: [On the 75th anniversary of A. Nekrasov: Interview with a writer] // Pioneer. - 1982. - No. 6. - S. 59-60.

Bogdanov N. From whom Vrungel, or the Extraordinary Adventures of Tops, nicknamed Dance-leg, was written off // Children's literature. - 1989. - No. 12. - S. 45-47.
Ivanov S. Famous captain // Pioneer. - 1977. - No. 6. - S. 64-65.
Kassil L. Circumnavigation of the utter liar // Children's Literature. - 1939. - No. 7. - S. 17-20.
Rakhtanov I. A treatise on the nature of lies, or a distress signal: About A. Nekrasov's book "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" // Children's Literature. - 1939. - No. 7. - S. 21-23.
Sivokon S. Poetry of resourcefulness // Sivokon S. Your cheerful friends: Essays on humor in owls. literature for children. - Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - M.: Det. lit., 1986. - S. 32-44.



New adventures of captain Vrungel. Artistic movie. Scene. A. Khmelika. Dir. G.Vasiliev. Comp. A. Rybnikov. USSR, 1978. Cast: M. Pugovkin, S. Martinson, V. Basov, S. Kramarov, R. Rudin and others.
Adventures of Captain Vrungel. Cartoon. At 13 ser. Dir. D. Cherkassky. Comp. G. Firtich. USSR, 1976-1979. The role of Captain Vrungel is voiced by Z. Gerdt. Other roles: E. Paperny, G. Spiegel and others.

According to the scenarios of A. Nekrasov, popular science films "Summer Day in the Forest", "ATS" and others were also staged.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is a Russian poet-democrat, the author of brilliant samples of civil lyrics, who made poetry a "folk lyre" and a tool in the struggle for the rights of the oppressed people. His poetic muse is the muse of "revenge and sorrow", pain, the struggle against injustice towards the peasantry.

The poet was born on November 28, 1821 in the city of Nemirov (Vinnitsa district of the Podolsk province, now - the territory of Ukraine). His parents met in Nemirov - his father served in a regiment stationed in this city, his mother, Elena Zakrevskaya, was one of the best - the most beautiful and educated - brides of the town. Zakrevskaya's parents were not going to give their daughter to an officer Nekrasov, who obviously married for convenience (by the time he met Zakrevskaya, he had gambling debts and a desire to solve the financial issue through a profitable marriage). As a result, Elena marries against the will of her parents, and, of course, the marriage turns out to be unhappy - her unloving husband made her an eternal recluse. The image of the mother, bright and tender, entered Nekrasov's lyrics as an ideal of femininity and kindness (the poem "Mother" 1877, "Knight for an Hour" 1860-62), and the image of the father was transformed into the image of a wild, unbridled and stupid despot.

The literary formation of Nekrasov cannot be separated from the facts of his difficult biography. Soon after the birth of the poet, the family moved to the father's family estate, in Greshnev, Yaroslavl region. The poet had 12 brothers and sisters, most of whom died in early age. The father was forced to work - the local income was not enough for the needs of a large family - and he began to serve as a police officer in the police. He often took his son with him to work, so from an early age the child witnessed the beating of debts, suffering and prayers, deaths.

1831 - Nikolai Nekrasov was sent to study at a gymnasium in Yaroslavl. The boy was capable, but he managed to ruin relations with the team - he was sharp, sharp on the tongue, composed ironic poems about classmates. After the 5th grade, he stopped studying (it is believed that the father stopped paying for education, not seeing the need for education for a not too diligent son).

1837 - 16-year-old Nekrasov begins an independent life in St. Petersburg. Against the will of his father, who saw him as a modest official, Nikolai tries to enter the university at the Faculty of Philology. I did not pass the exams, but with persistence for 3 years I stormed the faculty, attending classes as a volunteer. At this time, his father refused to support him financially, so he had to live in terrible poverty, sometimes with overnight stays in homeless shelters, in constant hunger.

The first money was earned as a tutor - Nekrasov serves as a teacher in a wealthy family, while writing fairy tales and editing alphabets for children's publications.

1840 - Nekrasov earns as a playwright and critic - the St. Petersburg theater puts on several of his plays, and the Literary Gazette publishes several articles. Having saved up money, Nekrasov in the same year published at his own expense a collection of poems “Dreams and Sounds”, which fell under such a barrage of criticism that the poet bought almost the entire print run and burned it.

1840s: Nekrasov meets Vissarion Belinsky (who shortly before that mercilessly criticized his first poems) and begins a fruitful collaboration with the Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine.

1846: the improved financial situation allowed Nekrasov to become a publisher himself - their Zapiski leaves and buys the Sovremennik magazine, in which young and talented writers and critics who left Zapiski after Nekrasov begin to publish. Tsarist censorship closely monitors the content of the magazine, which has gained high popularity, so in 1866 it was closed.

1866: Nekrasov buys out the Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine, where he previously worked, and intends to bring it to the same level of popularity that he managed to bring Sovremennik to. Since that time, he has published more actively himself.

The following works come out:

  • "Sasha" (1855. A poem about a thinking woman. Sasha is close to the people and loves them. She is at a crossroads in life, thinks a lot about life when she meets a young socialist. Agarin tells Sasha about the social world order, inequality and struggle, he positively A few years pass and Agarin lost faith that the people can be controlled and given freedom, he can only philosophize on how to give the peasants freedom and what they will do with it. at this time she is engaged in albeit small, but real things - she provides medical assistance to the peasants).
  • “Who should live well in Rus'” (1860 - 1877. An epic peasant poem denouncing the inability of the autocracy to provide the people with true freedom, despite the abolition of serfdom. The poem paints pictures folk life and vividly filled with popular speech).
  • "Pedlars" (1861).
  • "Frost, Red Nose" (1863. A poem praising the fortitude of a Russian peasant woman capable of hard work, loyalty, selflessness, fulfillment of duty).
  • "Russian Women" (1871-71. A poem dedicated to the courage of the Decembrists who followed their husbands into exile. Contains 2 parts "Princess Volkonskaya" and "Princess Trubetskaya". Two heroines decide to follow the exiled husbands. Princesses who are unknown hungry impoverished existence, hard work, abandon their former life... They demonstrate not only the love and mutual assistance inherent in all the guardians of the hearth by default, but also open opposition to power).


  • "Railway"
  • "Knight for an Hour"
  • "Uncompressed Band"
  • "Prophet",
  • cycles of poems about peasant children,
  • cycles of poems about urban beggars,
  • "Panaevsky cycle" - poems dedicated to the common-law wife

1875 - the poet falls seriously ill, but, struggling with pain, finds the strength to write.

1877: the last works are the satirical poem "Contemporaries" and the cycle of poems "Last Songs".

The poet died on December 27, 1877 in St. Petersburg and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Despite the terrible frost, thousands of admirers came to see the poet on his last journey.