Ancient Russian conspiracies. Application. Ancient folk conspiracies for money, for profit, for wealth. Folk ritual for a rich life

Folk conspiracies are what our ancestors passed down from generation to generation. Most people modern world, consider them useless and unnecessary. But knowledgeable people are sure that such conspiracies will perfectly help a person cope with any life problem. Such conspiracies are so universal that they will help with health problems, attract love, and improve your financial situation.

Modern medicine does not stand still and is constantly progressing. There are just some human problems that even medicine cannot solve. And folk rituals and Russian folk conspiracies can even protect a house from damage and the evil eye. After all negative impact magic progresses every day. Many people try to ruin the life of their enemy, take revenge on their husband and his mistress, and also influence the health of their enemy.

Bleeding spell

This old Russian ritual helps to quickly deal with any bleeding. If doctors are unable to stop the large flow of blood, then ethnoscience will always come to the rescue. Place your hand on the bleeding wound and read the plot. It should be noted that actions are carried out only with the right hand. And after each reading, spit over your shoulder.

The words of the prayer are as follows:

“The bird flew for a very long time and landed on the first free tree. She had with her a miraculous thread that could stop the bleeding. I, the servant of God (name), ask the bird to give me this thread so that my loved one will stop bleeding. I want to save him, so I beg for help. Amen".

To get rid of the disease

This plot helps to get rid of any disease. No matter how strong she is, the cure will happen soon. Experts say that this is the strongest and effective way regain health with the help of Christ. Place the icon in front of you and place it at the head of the sick person’s bed. You need to read folk Russian conspiracies twice a day.

The words sound like this:

“I'm asking for help. The only Saint who can help me is Holy Mother of God. She carried Christ and protected him from all diseases. Many people asked her for help, and the Mother of God always came to the rescue. I have never asked for help, but my time has come. I ask the heavenly powers that the disease will forever leave the servant of God (name). Let the disease not be able to destroy his body and bring us trouble. I ask you to hear my words and take them seriously. I don't know what to do anymore. Hope for ambulance heavenly mother. Amen".

To make the baby's fear and crying go away

This method is so universal that it will help not only with severe fright, but also help cope with damage or the evil eye to which a child is often exposed. Take any stones that come your way. They need to be washed and thrown into the pond.

The plot goes like this:

“Let the stones save my child from damage and the evil eye. No one will be able to read a curse on the baby and bring him a restless sleep. His mother and father are so tired of constant crying that we turn to magic for help. We tried many methods to solve the problem, but we couldn't do anything. We hope for the help of Heaven and Angels. Amen".

If you are cutting teeth

If your baby is teething, you can forget about normal sleep and peace. Therefore, parents are trying to find a way to solve any health problems. At such moments, most often, people turn to magic, because centuries-old folk conspiracies can help in any situation. An anti-crying ritual is performed at those moments when the child begins to cry heavily. Cross the baby.

“I go around the child with a cross in order to take away his pain. Your teeth will grow very quickly and will never hurt. Everyone will only envy what beautiful teeth you, servant of God (baby’s name), have. But we won't tell you why they are like that. Only we will know about this. I ask higher powers to take away the pain from my baby so that he does not suffer from it. He is still small and can handle it. My words are strong and sound sincere. Amen".

For a successful purchase of a house or apartment

Many people have purchased their own home at least once. Traditional methods will not help you keep the price of housing low. They are aimed at ensuring that the house or apartment is energetically clean and does not bring you discomfort. If you want the result to come faster, you need to follow several rules.

  1. Don't talk about what you're going to use magical rituals.
  2. Believe with all your heart that the plot will work the way you want. After all, faith is the key to success.
  3. You need to read the slander long before you find a good option to buy. The reason for this lies in the fact that magic does not always bring instant results. In most cases you will have to wait a while.

For the ritual, you need to put water in a bowl and boil it. A key is thrown into the water and a prayer is read:

“I, God’s servant (name), decided to turn to magic because I had some money problems. Therefore, I ask the Lord for blessings so that the purchase goes through without a loss. I ask that higher powers send me an ideal option for life. Please make sure that I am not haunted by constant failures. Only magic and higher powers can help me. Let the whole house smell of positive energy. Amen".

Wait until the water cools down. Do not touch the charmed water until you find a suitable housing option. Before you go to conclude a deal, wash your hands with enchanted water and take amulets with you. Make sure no one sees this. Your thoughts should be occupied only with a successful transaction, and nothing else. The ritual worked if you felt a flow of positive energy. Usually people feel a flow of strength and confidence in success. “Lord, I ask you for help, and I trust only in you. I ask you to make sure that my beloved meets me and never leaves again. Let him not notice other women, and only feel love for me. Let the servant of God (name) come to me. I promise to cherish my loved one and will never be able to offend him. My destiny is somewhere, let it come to me. Amen".

There is a book that talks in detail about folk magic rituals that you can put into practice. Based on it, a documentary film was recently made, called “The Great Conspiracy against Christ and His People.” It was there that everyone was represented traditional methods in detail to help humanity. Each episode tells how various rulers use magical means and amulets to achieve their goals.

Folk conspiracies are a wonderful heritage of our ancestors, which many treat lightly and even disdainfully, but smart, knowledgeable people appreciate and use for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones. After all, no matter what success you achieve modern medicine and other sciences, folk conspiracies still help to maintain health, protect yourself from damage and the evil eye, and attract good luck in business. Below we will look at some of them.

A large number of people created conspiracies aimed at combating various diseases. They have been created and tested over centuries for many centuries. There are conspiracies that promote recovery human body in general, and with the help of others, individual diseases can be overcome.

When bleeding.

There is an old Russian conspiracy designed to stop severe bleeding. You need to place the thumb of your right hand on the wound and repeat the spell three times, each time spitting to the side.

Magic words:

“The sun is shining, the field is growing, and you, little blood, calm down!”

In another folk version of this conspiracy, you need to do the same thing, but say different words.

They sound like this:

“A raven flew across the sea and sat down on a nearby tree.
In his paw he brought a magic thread. A magical and priceless thread.
Once that thread begins to curl, the blood stops flowing.”

To fight the disease

This conspiracy, pronounced with sincere faith, according to traditional healers and healers, will help to heal from the most serious illnesses. To carry out the ceremony, you must first purchase the “Three-Handed” icon. To heal a patient, you should read a special spell in the morning and evening, standing at the head of the bed on which the sick person is lying.

Magic phrases sound like this:

"I, the Servant of God ( given name) I pray to you, offering you, Most Holy Theotokos, I fall at your feet, bow before the holy icon. I remember your famous miracle, how you healed St. John Damascene. The sign of this is still visible in the icon, depicted in the form of a third hand. I turn to you for help, Three-Handed One, heal with your hand the servant of God (name of the sick person). Hear me, Most Holy Theotokos, and do not deprive me of your help and support. Amen".

At all times, magical spells were used not only by sorcerers; many of them were known by heart by any mother. If necessary, the woman could independently help the child cope with the disease. And today such conspiracies that relate to village rituals are very popular. When reading such conspiracies, you need to put sincere strength into every spoken word. It is important to feel confident that it is maternal energy that will help the child overcome the disease.

From children's fear and crying.

From the distant past, a folk conspiracy against childhood fear and crying has come to us, which is designed to protect the child both from an accidental nervous shock and from the evil eye or word. For this spell, you need to take three small stones from the street, then wash them and throw them into the water one at a time.

When throwing pebbles into the water, say the following words:

“The first stone is from evil corruption,
The second stone is from the evil eye,
The third stone from the dashing hex.”

Then bathe your child in this water.

During teething.

This ritual can be performed at any time of the day when the baby begins to be capricious due to teething. It is necessary to cross the child three times and cast a spell over him.

It sounds like this:

“I baptize the Servant of God, (child’s name), with the holy cross, and I take the pain away from him. Your teeth, my dear, will grow, nimble and sharp, you will gnaw and bite with them and not know grief. Now the pain will go away, don’t cry and don’t cry, wait and be patient. Amen".

For a sound sleep.

“I baptize the Servant of God, (child’s name), with the holy cross, and put him to sleep. Come Guardian Angel and help me, rock the baby’s crib with your wings. Lull him to sleep until the morning so that he sleeps soundly and sweetly. Amen".

Household rituals.

In past times, conspiracies were used relating to any area of ​​life. Before almost any undertaking or undertaking, the people of the ancient pestilence uttered certain magic words to attract good luck.

Have a good fishing trip

While fishing, a folk spell was pronounced (and is still pronounced by knowledgeable people to this day) for a successful bite and a good catch.

Every time you bait a worm, you need to say:

“The crucian carp is cunning, but the hook is sharp,
For goby and ruffe, the bait is good.
Peck and grab and hit me in the ear.”

For a profitable purchase of a house.

Improving living conditions is an integral part of a prosperous life. Therefore, if you intend to complete any real estate transaction, you should attract good luck to your life with the help of magic. Of course, you should not expect that in this case you will be able to make a purchase very cheaply. But in any case, you can, by attracting magic, create the most favorable conditions for acquisition.

For a plot to buy a house to be effective, you should not tell anyone that you are planning to perform a magical ritual. It is advisable to carry out the ritual in advance, before you plan to purchase a home. This is due to the fact that such conspiracies do not begin to act immediately, and reach their maximum power only after a certain time. For the ritual, you need to put water in a saucepan on the fire and throw the key into it.

When the water boils, the following spell should be read over it:

“I carry out a magical act so that all my adversities move away from me and material wealth comes to me. May it be easy for me to buy a home and there will be no problems. Amen".

After this, the water must be carefully poured into a jar along with the key and left to cool. Next, you need to leave the charmed water untouched until the first real estate transaction is scheduled. Immediately before talking with the seller, you should wash your hands with this water. It is important to do this in solitude and with full concentration on thoughts about a successful transaction. It will be good if you feel the energy entering your body.

During the transaction, you should feel confident that the purchase will be in your favor and with optimal conditions for you. And when the seller turns away, you should spit on your palms and rub them, this will greatly enhance the effectiveness of the ritual.

This ritual is universal and can be used for all transactions in cases where keys are required.

For matters of the heart

Love spells are very popular. There is a very powerful spell with candles, but it should only be used if you sincerely strive to gain real life true love. You cannot experiment with this ritual.

The conspiracy must be pronounced in a secluded place, and it sounds like this:

“Lord, I, the Servant of God (proper name), Lord Almighty, trust in You and pray to You. Make sure that my beloved comes to me and does not find another woman. Build a high wall, create a deep hole, create an insurmountable fence. Also, let longing be near him for me and he will look for me and find me. Let my beloved come to me and stay forever. Amen".

This plot can be slightly modified to call the person you like to you. In this case, you must definitely mention the person’s name. If you sincerely believe in magic, then soon real love will come into your life.

A powerful spell to get rid of drunkenness:

It's ancient and very strong conspiracy, they use it in cases where persuasion to get treatment and stop drinking does not help. It is held strictly on the night of the full moon, but in such a way that the moon is waning at this time, the drunkard’s mother or wife conducts it. Exactly at midnight you need to go to the pedestrian intersection, taking with you a bottle of alcohol and change. Place the bottle in the middle of the intersection, face east and say the spell three times.

Spell: “The glass is a villain, don’t drink the soul, don’t dry the blood of the servant of God (name). Go to the east, look for the damn source there, get along with it, grow together with it, and turn away from the servant of God (name) forever ". In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and to the age of ages. Amen." - After that, throw the change over your left shoulder, take the bottle and leave silently without looking back. In the morning, give the charmed bottle to the drunkard on whom the ritual was performed.

Today I will tell you about several methods of protection so that your opponents cannot damage you. I want to warn you right away that the conspiracies that will be discussed will protect you and will not allow any damage to stick; they may not help if you already have damage. In this case, special spells to remove damage will help you. After removing the damage, as we have said more than once, it is imperative to read protective conspiracies so that no one else will plague you with new damage.
If you yourself want to read a protective plot so that you are not tormented by damage, then you need this plot. They read it early in the morning and at the front door of their house.
Grab the lock of the front door and say the words of the spell three times so that your enemies do not damage you.

“The word is hard, like this steel, like a castle,
To spoil me God's servant (name)
Nobody was able to tell:
Neither old, nor young, nor middle,
Neither a sorcerer nor a sorceress.
How can this castle not be eaten by anyone?
Do not chew off the damage caused
They will pass by, but will not fall on my head.
My word is molded, my work is strong.
For now, for centuries, for all time.

If you want to save another person and prevent him from being damaged, for example, a child, then this plot is more suitable for you. Buy a new linen towel. Early in the morning, place a person on it, facing east and read the words 3 times so that no one can be damaged.

On the sea, on the ocean, a white stone lies.
On that holy stone God's Church stands.
That church has thirty-three doors,
And there are thirty-three locks on the doors,
Yes, thirty-three keys.
Blessed Virgin Mary of heavenly angels to me
Sent to the servant of God (name),
I trusted them with the keys to those locks.
Servant of God (name of the person you are plotting against)
She ordered to save from enemies and adversaries
Protect it and not let any damage come to it.
And whoever creates evil damage against him,
Therefore the heavenly angels do evil
May God's servant (name) be harmed
They will ban it.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Every person knows the harm from smoking, but many people cannot get rid of this extremely bad habit. Sometimes people, by the power of thought, try to get rid of smoking, but at the very first experience they take up a cigarette again. According to statistics, several million people die on our planet every year precisely because of diseases that were caused by smoking. Conspiracies are very often regarded as effective forms of suggestion to a person about possible ways to solve his problem. Smoking is no exception on this list, and a conspiracy against smoking is no less popular than, for example, a conspiracy against loneliness, a conspiracy for money or material well-being.
Many people are quite skeptical about conspiracies that can influence a person's desire to smoke.
Regardless of a person’s faith or disbelief, smoking conspiracies work. But if a person does not believe in their action, then there is simply no point in talking yourself out of smoking, since the power of such a conspiracy will be significantly reduced by negative energy. But relatives and friends can use a conspiracy against smoking to subconsciously force a person to give up this bad habit. Third-person conspiracies are called absentee and their power is considered slightly weakened due to the impact on a person who does not strengthen their effect with his willpower, but they still work.
The timing of reading conspiracies plays a particularly important role in their action. Conspiracies to get rid of something, including smoking, should be read on the waning moon, when the power of magic is aimed at waste. A conspiracy to quit smoking will be most effective if read in the first 10 days after the full moon. On the last day before the new moon, conspiracies are considered ineffective. To determine the lunar period, just look at the moon - the waning moon looks like the letter “C” - aging.

A conspiracy to quit smoking that a person can cast on himself
You need to pull out several rods from the bath broom and dry them. Take a cigarette from a pack of cigarettes, place it over the rods from under the broom and light the rods, fumigating the cigarette with smoke. The spell for a cigarette reads:
“Smoke is pouring out of Satan’s hell,
For me, God's servant (name), my soul does not hurt due to smoke.
and only when the devil deceives the Angel,
Then only I, the servant of God (name), will start smoking. Let it be so!"

Now you need to put the charmed cigarette under your arm and take it home, put it in a pack of cigarettes. The plot is read 3 times in a row every day. During this time, you should try not to smoke. The desire to get rid of the addiction will intensify every time you read the plot.
Another very strong conspiracy -

“I will beg myself (name) to break the addiction, not to smoke the air anymore, not to smoke into the sky, not to ruin my health. I’ll find something to do instead of the habit of smoking, and I’ll quit smoking - neither my body nor my soul needs it.”

A conspiracy against smoking can sometimes simply be said in your own words, because by and large its power is aimed at self-hypnosis to get rid of a bad habit. If the power of faith is enhanced by certain actions, then conspiracies can be carried out on cigarettes, on smoke from cigarettes, scorched and smoking, on a pack of cigarettes.

A conspiracy against smoking by a third party!
If a person does not have the willpower to quit smoking himself, then you can help him do it even without his knowledge. To do this, you need to stand at the head of a sleeping smoker and turn your face to the East. Read the following words:
“On the blue sea-ocean, on the distant island of Buyan, there is a tall mansion, In the mansion a terrible devil sits, he fills a pipe with tobacco. Suddenly the devil heard - you can’t live here, don’t smoke, don’t let smoke in here, and don’t clog (whose name)’s lungs.”
The conspiracy over a sleeping person is spoken three times, and each time after the words it is necessary to spit over the left shoulder three times.

Another fairly strong conspiracy against smoking, which can be done without the knowledge of the smoker or even his presence, is carried out in front of a mirror with a needle and thread. It is carried out by close relatives of the smoker and very often this conspiracy is called a women's conspiracy. For this plot you will need a large mirror, 3 church candles, needle and thread. Light the candles and place them in front of the mirror. Tighten the thread into the needle, and while you tighten it, you need to read the words:
“On the blue and wide sea there is a small island, on it lies a large stone, and on that stone I am sitting, a servant of God (name), a red maiden, a seamstress, a needlewoman, I hold a sewing needle, a silk thread is dressed in it, a servant of God (name ) I'm talking about smoking. Go away, you evil habit! Amen. Amen. Amen".
After the spell, blow out the candles and immediately go to bed. Throw away the thread and needle further from the house, take the candles to church.

If someone constantly harms you with gossip or denunciations, dislikes you, finds fault with you over trifles, in a word, poisons your life, then say candy and treat the gossipers, after that they will treat you much better and stop gossiping about you. "As all people in all centuries took care of their eyes, so that people would always take care of me. Just as people in all centuries could not live without eyes, so that slaves (names of gossipers) could not live without me. When you, servants of God (names) ", you will swallow my sweets, from now on you will always remember me kindly. My word is strong. My deed is molded. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracy if they wished you death!!!
Many people ask to publish a conspiracy when they wish you death. Such wishes must be answered as soon as possible. Of course, if they wished you death, it does not mean that an accident could happen to you, but minor and major troubles from such negativity are guaranteed. Sometimes such a wish can actually lead to serious illness and death.
They reprimand the death wish using a conspiracy within 9 days. Such a plot must be read 2 times a day: at dawn and at dawn. Be patient and do not miss reading the plot even once. Otherwise you will have to start all over again.
And here are the words of the conspiracy if they wished death on you.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Holy water in the mansion.
Amen in the hut.
Jesus Christ in the yard
Angel of God in the window.
Stay, my home is blessed,
Every corner, every log,
From door to window.
Guardian angel, my deliverer from troubles,
Save, preserve and protect me, the servant of God (name). Amen.
Protect your hypocritical friend from
From an unknown enemy,
From the envy of a neighbor,
From the evil eye of the witch grandmother,
From an evil tongue, from secret thoughts. Amen.
Bad thoughts about me would be enemy adversaries
They dissolved, bounced away from me, did not bother me.
And all the wishes for death and troubles,
Let them fall on the heads of my enemies,
Return to them, and turn away from me (name).
Do not drink my soul with evil speeches and words,
Do not deprive life and health,
Can't harm me
My soul and life cannot be destroyed.
Protect, Lord, Your servant (name)
An incorruptible robe, holy protection
And indestructible.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Once again I ask you to take the reading of the plot seriously when you are wished for death.

May God grant you long life and happiness!

After carefully and patiently studying this article, you will learn how to remove egg damage yourself at home.
You will learn how to do this absolutely free.
Finally, you and I have come not just to working out a magical spell, but are very close to labor-intensive rituals.
Instead of spending a decent amount of money on paying for fortune telling services, learn how to remove corrupted thoughts on your own.
I will try to describe occult rituals in as much detail as possible so that it is easy for you to comprehend them.
.How to remove damage from yourself
In this article we will learn how to remove damage chicken egg.
The chicken embryo has the greatest ability to accumulate negative energy even through the shell. And magicians have known about this for a long time.
In order for the ritual to take place successfully, it is highly advisable that you purchase an egg without a seal. Don't be alarmed if you can't buy village eggs.
Before you begin removing damage yourself at home, do the following: 1). Go to the Church and get some holy water.
2). Order yourself Sorokoust about Health.
3). Cling and place 3 candles to the Orthodox Icon of the Blessed Matrona, and cross yourself with the words: Bless me, Blessed Elder Matrona, to independently remove the damage. Amen.4). Stand by the icon for a while and leave the Temple, buying 3 more candles.
5). Come home.
6). Before going to bed, left alone with yourself, light candles, place icons and a transparent glass of holy water nearby. I emphasize - transparent!
7). In your left hand, take not a cracked chicken egg, but in your right hand a piece of paper with a written spell.
8). Roll out the spoilage with an egg, starting from the crown and gradually descending lower. Rolling out does not mean touching the body at all. Just make oscillatory movements with a chicken egg near a vital organ. Remove damage from the head, neck, eyes, lungs, heart, stomach and other parts of your body.
9). When rolling out damage, read the magic plot expressively:

Even if you are not very superstitious parents or grandparents, still beware of damage or the evil eye of your child. I can reassure you: if a child is not yet seven or eight years old, it is impossible to damage him. Why? - you might ask. Because the baby does not yet have his own biofield and is under powerful protection maternal immunity. But it’s not difficult to jinx such a baby, and if you don’t pay attention to this, after a short period of time the child will begin to lag behind mentally and physical development. Therefore, let’s get acquainted with the signs that should alert parents and give reason to suspect the evil eye. The baby began to scream loudly and for a long time, sucks poorly at the breast, and the older one refuses to eat at all. He sleeps restlessly, tosses and turns in the crib, cries, and often arches so that the muscles and the entire body become hard. Possible problems with urination and defecation, fever, excessive sweating, headaches, and general weakness. Young inexperienced parents with such manifestations become confused, upset and, naturally, call a doctor. However, the remedies prescribed by him, as a rule, do not bring relief. Sometimes hostility between adults negatively affects an innocent child: he may be born weak, gain weight poorly, and lag behind in development.

If this is exactly the situation you have, speak water and then bathe your baby in it, but be sure to do so during daylight hours.
"Father of God angel Michael the Archangel, Speak to the body, when young, the blood is stronger than steel. Stronger than damask steel, stronger than red copper and style Stronger than lead, stronger than the Alatyr stone, Stronger than a tight bow - a stone arrow. All the blood, all the bone, all the joints, semi-joints. Veins and half-veins, Calm down all the urges, whispers, aches, Clubs, hiccups, shooting, stretching: Night, day, morning, evening, Those that are performed under the moon, At the first and at the last star, At sunrise and at its setting, At lunar exodus and new moon. Take it from the body. Strengthen it with God. My word is strong, my deed is molded. Key. Lock. Language. Amen."

To protect your child from the bad influence of drug addicts, alcoholics, etc., perform a ritual of protection from bad people. On the full moon, when the night mistress of the sky is visible in the sky, place in front of you a photograph of your son (daughter, someone who needs protection), where he is depicted in full height(make sure that no part of the body is circumcised). Read the Lord's Prayer three times, cross your chest three times with a wide sign of the cross, then lightly sprinkle the photo with holy water (on all sides) An opaque jar (for example, under coffee) fill halfway with coarse table salt. Carefully fold the photograph in half (with the image inward), put it in a jar and fill it to the top with salt. While doing the work, mentally repeat the spell all the time:

“Lord, save my child, Thy servant (name), from evil and unkind people, protect him from sorrows and troubles, help him in difficult and sad moments. Amen".

When finished, close the jar with a tight-fitting lid and say:

“I’m not putting up a shield of salt, but God’s!”

Then put it in a secluded place and do not open it until your son (daughter) finishes studying or moves out of the hostel, where he may be under bad influence. When this happens, remove the photo from the jar and store it in the same place .The container itself (along with its contents) at sunset of the waning Moon silently bury under the roots of a dry tree.

A STRONG CONSPIRACY to prevent people from coming!!!

If you don’t want to have an angry dog, a conspiracy will help you. Acts like ex-husband, and for an unwanted guest whom you do not want to let into the house. First we read (read before any conspiracy):

“Nicholas the Pleasant, God’s Helper! You are in the field, you are in the house, you are on the road and on the road, you are in heaven and on earth. Intercede and save from all evil.”

Take a knife with a wooden handle by the blade and, going around the house 3 times, tap the corners with the handle, starting from the front door counterclockwise, saying:

“I’m dispersing, they’ll kick out slave (name) from his native corners, from the house, from my threshold. So that he walks, doesn’t stumble, doesn’t turn back. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Then take the water prepared in advance (unopened), speak to it 3 times: “Water, water, mine, wash it, don’t let slave (name) into the house. So that he and I would not be together and spend centuries, we would not sleep in the same house, we would not eat, we would not drink, we would never be together. Amen".

Wash the floor, starting from the back room, to the front door and throw the water outside. An important condition: if you meet even one person, everything is in vain, you need to do it over first. You can pour it from the balcony at night when no one is there. If you live in a private house, then the water is taken outside the yard.

If you haven’t prepared fresh water (the very first water is collected early in the morning), then while collecting water into the container we say:

“The Lord goes forward, the Mother of God is in the middle, the angels are on the sides, and I, the baptismal one, is behind, leading the holy brothers. Good evening to you, the water is Ulyano, and the land is Tetyano, and nothing is Mar*yano! Give me holy water in times of trouble.”



It is very important for every mother that everything is fine with her child. In order to protect your child from negative energy, you can use special amulets, protective rituals, or read special prayers daily. There are different conspiracies that can be read at different times of the day.

Before going to bed, over the child’s bed, it is best to read the following plot:

“Lie down in a soft cradle, then turn over on your side, go to sleep and don’t be afraid of anything. May the Holy Mother of God protect you, and let all bad things go away.”
This prayer will help both the baby and the adult child. It will protect you from nightmares, help you sleep well, and gain strength.

And this plot must be read before important points in your child's life. The prayer is suitable for both small and adult children. Everyone needs divine help and mother's support, so do not be lazy to use this prayer before any serious trials that await your child.

“Heavenly angels, from birth for his protection only. With white wings, protect him from enemies, all those villains, scoundrels and enemies with fire, and frighten him with the Sword, but save my child. Oh, Lord. Amen.”

If a child has been jinxed and he begins to be capricious or often get sick, then you need to speak water and wash or bathe the baby in it. Water spell:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am building a high fence around the baby of God (name). So that no one comes near: neither illness, nor anxiety, nor an evil neighbor, nor an ogling godfather, an uninvited guest, insomnia, stabbing, grinding. belching , shaking, ghosts, slander, oohs, sighs, and ahs, and all sorts of vain fears. Work for him, hatchet, spin for him, ball, flutter for him, dove. Spindle spin for him, and he, the servant of God (name) "Let him be handsome, healthy and daring. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Unfortunately, the day is not always successful and joyful from the very morning. In our dynamic world, problems await at every turn. If they take you by surprise, try using whispering spells for good luck.

Whispers are the simplest conspiracies for good luck, love, money, and so on. They are simpler than full-fledged rituals, and therefore are much more popular. Some of the whispers below can be used not only in case of failure, but also pronounced even when everything is fine with you, so that luck does not turn away from you.
Whispers for good luck
If you get up in the morning and everything is falling out of your hands, if you can’t find your keys, if the electricity has been turned off, or something has happened that makes it difficult to get ready for work or an important meeting, then the following whispers will help you set yourself in the right frame of mind and correct the situation:
Look in the mirror, touch it with your hand, then, without letting go of your hand, say three times: “I was unlucky this morning, but it brought me happiness.” Think about something pleasant, pull yourself together and start the day again from this second.
If you are in a hurry somewhere, but are very late, say to yourself, closing your eyes: “Time, wait, don’t run. Wait, wait, wait." Imagine that you are slowing down the hands of a clock.

Whispers for success in relationships
If during the day you have problems with your loved ones, if misunderstanding reigns and you can’t find mutual language, then whispers of love will help you:
Close your eyes and say three times: “Whoever loves me will understand. He who doesn’t love will leave.” This should help in difficult situations. Such whispers are especially effective during new and full moons.
If you had a big fight with someone you care about, look at his photo and say: “We are calm, we are loved, you and I are invincible.” If the person is in close proximity to you, then look at him and whisper to yourself. It can be used to prevent quarrels by reading to yourself every morning.
If you have an important date coming up, from which you expect a lot of positive emotions, but you are haunted by failures all day, then you can regain your confidence and positive aura by whispering: “I will attract good luck, but I will drag you away. I’ll drag you home so that you can be only mine.” Male version: “I will attract luck, but I will drag you away. I will pull you to me so that you can be mine.”
It doesn't matter where you failed. Whispers will help restore balance and simply improve your mood. Use them in any situation to enlist the support of the Universe, restoring energy and strengthening the biofield.

Probably, many have noticed that a few days before your birthday, various minor troubles. This is no accident! New Year life is always a new stage. Therefore, it is very important, with the help of conspiracies, to enlist the support of the Higher Powers at this time. The power of conspiracies will help you protect yourself from many troubles and troubles that may follow your Birthday. It is especially necessary to talk yourself out of problems in every 7th and 9th year of your life. It is believed that these are the years when the most troubles and trials occur.
How can you talk yourself out of trouble on your birthday? Very simple. Early in the morning on your birthday, read the following plot 3 times.

“Oh, Lord God! Speedy in His intercession, one in three hypostases, the Son of Christ, speedy from above, show your visitation to those who suffer and seek Your mercy, in matters of help and support in the trials You (name) have given me. Send deliverance from troubles and illnesses, do not leave without Your intercession. I earnestly pray to Ty for help at all hours of the day. O One who loves mankind, do not leave Your servant (name) without Your blessing. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Conspiracy to attract money on the full moon: Money conspiracies and rituals are usually carried out on the waxing moon, this is done so that your finances grow along with the moon. But the most powerful rituals and conspiracies performed on the full moon are considered to be the most powerful, since they attract complete luck, complete protection, a full wallet, etc. to you. For this plot, you need to wait until it is dark so that the full moon is clearly visible in the sky, then you need to take your wallet and go outside or onto the balcony with it. Look at the moon and show her your wallet, while you need to say seven times: “As the moon is full, so will my treasury be full. A penny to a ruble, a ruble to a chervonets, a chervonets to a hundred, a hundred to a thousand, a thousand in full, so be it.” always. Mother Moon, I ask you, send me more money, and a thicker wallet. As you are a full moon, so will I have plenty of money. For now and forever. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

If someone wishes evil in your eyes or expresses words of curses, then reprimand the evil message on the same day. This amulet will protect and neutralize any curse and it will not stick to you and your loved ones.

"The Cross stands on the mountain, Mother Mary was sleeping on a high rock. She saw the suffering of Jesus Christ in a dream, how they nailed His feet, crucified His hands, put a crown of thorns on His forehead, shed His hot blood. Angels from the high Heavens flew under His blood was placed in the cups. Whoever puts his hand to this prayer will never and will never suffer torment. The Lord will save him, take him under His hands, preserve him from trouble, protect him from all evil. He will not allow death, he will not allow the curse of his enemies. Angels are with his wings They will cover you, with holy water they will wash away any curses. He who knows these words, reads them three times a day, will not burn in fire, will not drown in water, will not drop a drop of his blood. The Lord Was, the Lord Is, the Lord will always be! The Lord is me "He will never forget the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto the age of ages. Amen."

Get rid of diseases, damage, the evil eye; for 9 stones

Done on 9 stones.

You go to the river (you can use any body of water, including a lake).

Along the way you pick up 9 medium-sized pebbles.

You approach the river, take each pebble in your hand and imagine how everything bad from you passes into it.

All sorrows, evil eyes, illnesses, etc.

Each pebble should be held between your palms.

Hold and mentally imagine how all the negativity

flows from you into him.

When you feel that everything has been conveyed,

then go to the river.

First you read the plot, and then you throw the pebble.

Then repeat again with another pebble:

"Mother river, you wash the steep banks,

help me, God's servant (your name).

Take away from me all the illnesses and sorrows, troubles and hardships,

lessons, prizes, enemy slander.

Bury them with this stone at the very bottom,

among the mud and algae.

How can this stone lie at the bottom?

So I can be free from everything bad.

Let it be so".

When all the stones are thrown into the river,

throw coins into the river with the words:

“Paid” or “Paid off.”

Ideally done in one day on three rivers

(i.e. use 27 pebbles).

You can use the same river,

but only in different places

All sorts of things happen to people every day. And in order to emerge victorious from any situation, use folk magic, namely conspiracies, spells and prayers.

And in order for the conspiracy to definitely work, there are simple but very important rules for “home witchcraft”:

  • If you are sick, it is better not to start rituals and slander, because you will waste your personal energy, which is so important for the body to recover. In this case, the conspiracy can only worsen your well-being and health.
  • Be completely confident that the magic will work.
  • Prepare protection in advance: talismans, amulets, amulets.
  • Don't tell anyone about your plans for the conspiracy.
  • Under no circumstances rearrange the words of the spell, do not change the text of the prayer in your own way.
  • Be sure to know the words of the slander by heart.

Spells for good luck

To speak for good luck gem agatha, say these words: “Help me, agatha, help protect me, agatha, bring good luck.” It’s good if church candles are lit during the slander.

To attract good luck in exams, say this spell (7 times):

“I call upon myself good luck and luck, so that tomorrow brings me good news, I receive the mark I need and remain satisfied!”

You can also use a pen to bring success (for signing a contract, for an exam, a test, etc.):

“As the sky is clear and bright, so are my thoughts clear and bright. Just as my parents cherish and love me, so will my teachers take pity on me! Amen!"

Just remember: don’t give this pen to anyone. From the moment of the hex, only you can use it.

Here are more options.

  • Spell for good luck in money: “Money is to me like bees are to honey. Fly and fly, but don’t fly past me.”
  • For good luck on the road: “I’m going for good luck, I’ll come back more beautiful and richer.”
  • Spell for good luck in business and work: “My guardian angel, love me and don’t leave me. Your word is my word. Prompt, instruct and protect. Amen".

Health conspiracies

Here's the first way. Find a young tree in the forest, hug its trunk and say:

“The disease is painful, the prickly disease reaches to the tree, it is transmitted from my body to the roots. It is not the servant of God (the name of the patient) who will harass and torment, but the tree that will wear away and dry up. I give the illness of the sick servant of God (name of the sick person) to the tree, strength will come to him, he is healthy now. Let it be so!"

In order for severe pain to leave you, you need to say the following prayer: “(Name of the part of the body that hurts) no longer suffers from pain, the patient, the servant of God (name of the patient) begins to feel better. The body is filled with health, the illness goes away and will never return. As the moon wanes, so does the disease disappear forever. Let it be so". This hex can be used both in relation to oneself and when helping another person.

For health, you can (and should) chant holy water:

“Oh healing water, you give people strength, you cleanse them from illnesses and negativity. Help the servant of God (the name of the patient) to cleanse herself from the disease, come to her senses and become healthy. Heal her body, save her from torment. May she be healthy and joyful again. Let it be so. Amen".

Wedding conspiracies

You can speed up your marriage with the help of a candle. “I’ll light a church candle and burn incense. I will express my desire to God. I will tie two red threads with three knots. Of these, one knot will be for love, the second - for passion, and the third - for fidelity. I’m not tying threads, but connecting our souls with our future husband. They will be together, they will live together, conduct business, have children. Friendship, understanding and respect - these are our relationships! From the very beginning of the century to its end. No one will untie the knots, no one will destroy our relationship, no one will be able to cancel our family. Everything will be strong and tenacious.”

A broom will also help in this matter:

“I’m driving the red fellows into my house. Good and nice. Not lazy people, not thieves, not misers, not rednecks.
Come to me, well done grooms. Come from your own backyards, from strangers, from the unknown.
Stone. Scissors. Paper. Let it be so".

Swear words are pronounced while sweeping the house with a new broom.

Conspiracy for career growth

Take three coffee beans. Go outside under the waxing moon. Tell:

“Like the moon in the sky, so am I at its zenith. As the moon grows, so will I begin to grow at work. And I will have no downturns, only good luck and success in my work. And no one can hinder me, neither evil envious people nor nasty pests. And it will be as I said, and what will happen after that will no longer be important. Amen, amen, amen."

Conspiracy for pregnancy and children

“The thin servant of God (name) will stand in the morning at the early dawn, with her foot in the bathhouse. The servant of God (name) will call upon a strong force, a bright force, a good thing. Give her, light strength, a small child, a strong child, a reasonable child. Let the child scream loudly in forty quick weeks, in 40 weeks, in 9 months. Let the young (name) join his chest with small lips, with sweet lips. No dashing will touch that little one, the severity of childbirth will not touch him, misfortunes will bypass the slave (name). The husband will accept the child and give him a worldly name. Just as the hair on the head grows quickly, so will that wonderful child grow. Just as a slave’s foot stands strong, so does my word stand strong. Harder than stone, more viscous sulfur, more sticky glue, sharper than a knife, what is planned will all come true.”

You need to say witchcraft words while standing with one foot in a basin of holy water. Then stand with both feet in the bowl and whisper three times:

“I believe the faith, I think the words, I wish for a child.”

Remember, any conspiracy is strong and effective if you believe in it and do not doubt the omnipotence of the Higher Power. Don’t lie on the couch, move yourself on the path to success, dreams, love, health, and then folk magic will definitely help you in all your affairs.

People have been using rites and magical rituals since ancient times: to fulfill their desires, to get rid of illnesses and illnesses, to attract wealth and a comfortable life, in order to meet eternal love on earth and give birth to children. Ancient spells and spells that have come down to us in manuscripts and books are still used today by professional magicians or in home rituals.

Ancient rituals have partially survived to this day.

Types of conspiracies

Such centuries-tested rituals, ancient charmed prayers and witchcraft acts, for illnesses, for good work, etc. are in demand by both specialists in this field and non-professionals. People show interest in them because they act and have clear and undeniable power. They are carried out using simple attributes, eggs, ribbons, candles, water, etc. are used.

On the territory of Russia, several types of conspiracies and rituals from the Old Believers are widely used, which include:

  • social orientation (for power, for struggle, for fist fighting);
  • charms (wedding, from misfortunes,
  • military (from conscription into the army, from injury, from damage to weapons, etc.);
  • commercial (for hunting, for successful fishing, for bees, for mice, etc.);
  • to possess miraculous abilities (to communicate with the other world, to open locks, etc.);
  • Non-canonical prayers;
  • magical (to find out a secret, to prevent frost, to drive away a snake, etc.).

Among them there are very complex Russian conspiracies, subject only to real specialists, people who know their business. And there are simple ones that are done at home, using improvised means.

To work

One of the popular ancient conspiracies is the conspiracy to work. Employment is important for providing for family and children, for a comfortable existence and financial independence.

To get a job

Money spells and rituals have a very different focus:

  • for a good job;
  • to find a treasure;
  • to receive an inheritance;
  • for a good seller;
  • for good luck;
  • and so on.

Slavic spell for good luck

The conspiracy is strong and successful. Before performing it, you need to put on your grandmother's dress or shirt. In this robe one should ask for help, so that the ancestors will hear the call more quickly. The one who asks must have all his teeth intact. This way the conspiracy will not lose power, as was believed in the old days.

Take a jug of clean spring water and place it in front of you at midnight. Under these conditions, the words of an ancient conspiracy are read:

“Running water, Give me something to drink in a drought, So that I feel warm in the cold, So that I have enough to eat when I’m hungry, So that it’s not fierce, but nice and comfortable. My word is strong and molded, it is said - it will come true.”

They say it 7 times. Then pour from the jug onto your hands and wash your face. Go to bed without saying a word. After this ancient conspiracy, luck will settle in the house and will always walk nearby.

Words and phrases cannot be interchanged in the text. Before the ceremony, learn everything by heart. Read with full confidence of success.

The spell should be recited over a jug of spring water

Money plot

Using spells and special rituals, or receive an unexpected inheritance.

To cast a money spell, use an old spell and 5 white candles from the church. Place them on the table in candlesticks, cover the table with a new, always light tablecloth, and cross yourself three times.

“My hope and support is Jesus Christ. The Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, is my support. They walked across the sky, carrying bags of money, those bags opened, and money fell from heaven. I, the servant of God (name), walked the earth, found the money, collected the money, took it home, lit candles, and distributed the money to the family. As the candles burn out, so will the money flow into my house. Forever and ever, Amen."

Higher powers will hear your prayer and help you gain wealth in one way or another.

To your health

Old Believers used a huge number of rituals, prayers and conspiracies in various cases of life, including regarding health. One of the rituals that has survived to this day is simple, strong and popular. More often used for tendon diseases, severe burns and other severe pain.

Any person in need reads it, grandparents for their grandchildren, mothers for their children, healthy people for the suffering. To do this, place your hand on the patient’s forehead and say:

“I will become blessed, I will go to the blue sea on the blue sea, the white-flammable Alatyr stone, on the Alatyr stone the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the swan’s white wing. As the white wing jumped back, jump back, jump away from (the name is spoken) birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarse, Lomea, Decrepit, Dozing, Windy, Smutnitsa, Chilly, Shaking, Fire, Fluffy, Yellowing, Dumb, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart. She came from the wind - go to the wind, she came from the water - go to the water, she came from the forest - go to the forest. From century to century. A mermaid walked along a forest path, scratched her tender leg, and from that wound came not blood, but from that wound came pure water. Yes, the water was pure, it flowed like a stream, and that water passed all over the earth. Yes, to that island and to that Buyan, to that Buyan and high mound. On that mound, the alatyr stone lies in its entire width. You cannot lift it, you cannot roll it up, as long as the human race lives on earth. Like water flowed under a stone, and behind it the disease forever. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Wanderer Lay down, my Bright Guardian, given to me by the Patron Family for protection, I earnestly ask you: Enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me to the righteous path, may all my deeds be for the Glory of Svarog and Kind of Heavenly. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Oh, mother Lada, most pure mother of Sva! Don't leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace upon us, as we honor and glorify you, Now and ever, and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Until the end of time, while the sun shines on us!”

For Old Believers, such healing ceremonies were commonplace and were considered the most reliable remedy for all diseases.

After the ritual, the patient will quickly fall asleep. His sleep will be calm and serene. After some time he will fully recover. The reader will be like a prophet of the Old Believers at his bedside.

If the plot is read for a burn, then the bandage from the wound is removed after a few hours and washed with holy water. The wound will not hurt and will heal quickly.

Conspiracies and spells constitute the most ancient layer of folk culture and, like fairy tales, are directly related to magic.

With the help of spell formulas, our ancestors hoped to enlist the support of the elemental forces of nature and their rulers, God and Christian saints, to prevent or stop undesirable phenomena, to cause or accelerate favorable changes. But if a prayer can be “heard” or “unheard,” then a correctly pronounced spell, according to deep universal conviction, flawlessly acts on heavenly forces and the forces of nature, on weapons and diseases (more precisely, on creatures personifying diseases), on plants and animals and, of course, for people of all ages, ranks and titles - from sorcerers, “boss and bosses” to a newborn baby or a “red maiden” loved by a guy.

The first group of conspiracies consists of “medical” ones - both universal ones (“for all kinds of diseases”, “for pain”), and aimed against specific ailments (from blood poisoning, from a snake bite). A separate group consists of conspiracies designed to ensure the health of a newborn baby (“from the navel”), rid the child of insomnia, and protect him from childhood diseases. “Overbaking a child” deserves special attention.

The second group includes economic spells and amulets designed to ensure a good harvest of grains and vegetables, offspring of livestock, good luck in hunting, fishing, trade, safety in the forest, in foreign lands, in war.

The third group of conspiracies is aimed at regulating public and personal relationships between people, where “drying” and “drying” - love spells - are of particular interest.

Most conspiracies are aimed at the benefit of man, therefore their texts contain prayer formulas, names of Christian characters (Holy Trinity, Mother of God, heroes biblical stories). But there are also harmful spells and related “drying” and “drying” spells (“love spells”). In them, they turn to evil spirits for help (“I call to myself nine devils, nine demons...”), to pagan gods and, naturally, do not use prayer words and expressions.

Those who owned the spell word can also be divided into several groups. The first, largest group is those who know how to stop bleeding, know conspiracies for the most common diseases, and the necessary amulets. And the further we moved away from traditional culture, the fewer such people became. In the recent past, there were such people in almost every family, and such a level of mastery of magical words and actions was considered a common occurrence.

The second group is the “whisperers” (healers), who serve not only members of their family and close relatives, but also all fellow villagers; Sometimes residents of neighboring villages turned to them for help. Their knowledge is not limited to healing, economic and universal spells; They are often turned to for protection from evil spirits, in order to weaken or neutralize evil spells. In their practice, they widely use medicinal herbs and other traditional medicine.

The third category includes sorcerers, whose capabilities and magical power are considered almost limitless. Popular rumor ascribes to them the ability to create real miracles. This is how the Old Believers of Lithuania tell about it: “It was enough for the sorcerer to walk around the cart with goods - and their owners quickly sold everything in the market. Another sorcerer offered the narrator’s father to temporarily turn him into a dog so that he could run away to Lithuania and return back to Russia, where his family evacuated during World War I. Frustrated that they were not invited to the wedding, the sorcerers stopped the wedding passage - not only horses, but also cars, punished thieves by turning them into rats or using spells not allowing them to leave the place crimes."

In conspiracies, the word is transmitted not only and not even so much through the ears. The words of the conspiracy are usually spoken on some object (gingerbread, bread, salt, drink and much more), which becomes their carrier to their destination. A conspiracy read in the presence of a person is usually incomprehensible to him, since it is usually “whispered” so that no one hears anything, but at the same time the word necessarily enters the patient’s body. Special word requires a special path. Very indicative here is the custom, which persisted for several centuries in Russia, of receiving from the priest a name for a newborn and a prayer “in the hat.” The priest pronounced the name and read a prayer to the father or godparent who came “for the name” into a hat, which they tried to immediately put on the head and deliver the “contents” safely. Then the hat was shaken out over the newborn or placed on his head so that the words of the priest would certainly reach the person to whom they were intended. When transferring a word, you had to say: “I crossed the threshold - I carried the words.” If there was a river or stream along the way, then it was also necessary to say: “I crossed the river - I carried the words.” In the same way, prayers were delivered for the sick from distant villages. These actions were strictly condemned by church authorities, but continued into the twentieth century.

Conspiracies, according to the vast majority of researchers, are the most archaic component of traditional Slavic culture. The practice of using conspiracies goes back to ancient times and, to a greater or lesser extent, continues to this day.

The bulk of the conspiracy texts were recorded in the 18th – 20th centuries. There is a known fragment of a spell text on a Novgorod birch bark letter, dating from the 14th – 15th centuries. There are also several texts dating back to the 15th–16th centuries. Written text is most ancient conspiracy now known to researchers dates back to the 12th century. It was also discovered on a birch bark scroll during excavations of ancient Novgorod. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that conspiracies existed long before written recording. Based on this, a number of researchers believe that on the basis of conspiracy texts it is possible not only to judge the mythological ideas of our ancestors, but also to use conspiracies as one of the tools in the reconstruction of an entire mythological system: “...ancient Indian and European conspiracies, belonging to a single ancient tradition, reflect highly archaic “mythopoetic” ideas and allow us to raise the question of reconstruction of at least fragments of the pan-Indo-European text”

The use of spells is typical not only for Slavic traditional culture, but also for almost all archaic cultures. The high importance that the ancient Aryans attached to conspiracies can be judged by the fact that the Vedic corpus includes, along with the Rigveda (Veda of hymns), Yajurveda (Veda of sacrificial formulas) and Samaveda ( “leader of chants”) also “Atharvaveda” - “I lead the Atharvans” or, literally, “I lead conspiracies.” It includes conspiracies mainly of an everyday, everyday nature. For example, against a house fire:

This is a drain for waters,

Dwelling for the sea.

In the middle of the pond our house is

Avert (your) faces!

Or for barley growth:

Where we call you

Hearing god-barley,

Rise there like the sky!

Be inexhaustible like the ocean!

Conspiracies are also widely represented in the traditional culture of the Slavs’ closest neighbors, the Balts. An excerpt from a Lithuanian healing spell:

Holy Land,

Earth, earth, earth!

Snake, snake, snake,

Give your health to (name)

Month, month, month,

Bright heavenly god,

Give him a (full) circle, give me health,

Give him completeness - for me the kingdom of Perkunas!

Conspiracies are also known in German-Scandinavian traditional culture. Here, for example, is a conspiracy against dislocation:

Fol and Wotan were riding in the forest.

Then Balder's mare had a sprained leg.

Then Sintgunt, her sister Sunna, conjured her,

Then Freya, her sister Thola, conjured her,

Then Wotan conjured her as best he could

And from dislocation of bones, and from dislocation of blood,

And from a dislocated joint:

Bone to bone, blood to blood,

Joint to joint let them stick

Note that many researchers point out that some of the mythological songs of the Elder Edda also have pronounced features of a purely conspiracy text (or are “grown” from a conspiracy text). For example, “Speeches of Sigrdriva” have the following lines:

Stay safe, day! Be safe, sons of the day!

Stay safe, night with your sister!

Look at us here with non-angry eyes

And give those who sit victory

Unharmed aces, unharmed asinyas,

May the multi-useful land be unharmed!

The Celtic epic also preserves texts that have distinct features of a conspiracy:

I conjure the Irish soil,

Washed by the abundant sea,

The great mountains are abundant,

Great are the mighty forests...

So, conspiracy is a characteristic component of any archaic culture. At the same time, speaking specifically about Slavic folklore, it should be noted that many conspiracy texts are filled with Christian characters and Christian terminology, and this fact is alarming and even scares away non-professionals who are beginning to get acquainted with traditional Slavic culture. In addition, a certain number of conspiracies recorded by ethnographers are, in fact, a product of largely Christian thinking and do not contain practically any elements of traditional (or, more precisely, mythological) thinking. This raises the question: how to distinguish an authentic conspiracy from a later one? To do this, first of all, you need to know the basic principles of constructing traditional conspiracies. One of them is that most authentic conspiracies are based on the “Law of Similars” or “Law of Big in Small”. Its essence boils down to the fact that everything in this world has its own likeness - the earthly world is a “reflection” of the Heavenly world and vice versa, man (“microcosm”) is similar in structure to the Universe (“macrocosm”). Accordingly, all spell texts built on this law and containing lines of a comparative nature can rightfully be considered traditional even if they use external Christian terminology. An example of such a conspiracy:

On Mother Mezhovka

Water runs and rolls

And he's in a hurry

It will roll off God's servant (name)

Liquid-bridka lessons-prizes,

Skinny skinny thing

Evil yawning..

Here we clearly see that the process of getting rid of diseases is likened to the flow (or rather, “flowing away”) of water, that is, in this case, the incantatory formula: “as water flows, let the disease flow away” is based precisely on the mythological “law of similars”; therefore, the basis of this conspiracy can rightfully be considered ancient.

Fewer problems with classifying a conspiracy arise if, along with fundamental mythological ideas, it also contains specific mythological images. Like in this case:

On the blue sea-ocean

On Buyan Island

The oak stands with its roots up

A beautiful maiden sits on an oak tree.

This is not a red girl -

The Mother of God herself.

She sews and embroiders

sews up sick wounds,

pulls a thread from north to east

This thread breaks

Slave (name)'s hot blood is subsiding

Until this hour,

This time,

For this holy moment!

Such traditional mythological images as “Buyan Island” (the sacred Center of the World), “Oak with its roots up” (World Tree) irrefutably testify to the ancient pre-Christian basis of the conspiracy.

As mentioned above, from spell texts you can glean information about the mythological ideas of our ancestors, their views on the world order, and much more. For example, the idea of ​​the sacred Center of the World (Buyan Island) or the First Matter (Alatyr-Stone) was preserved in a more or less unchanged form solely thanks to conspiracies.

In relation to Christianity, it would not be out of place to note that the very fact of using conspiracies as such contradicts the Christian worldview, which has an extremely negative attitude towards any magical practices. In Christian sources, we can repeatedly come across angry words addressed to people who practice Voloshba: “I will lie in dreams, I will kill cats, in lessons, in fortune-telling, in prayers and lessons to wear (...) who have forgotten God...”. The following excerpt from a church document specifically denounces treatment with the help of Voloshba: “This is similar to guilt: infirmity, infirmity, with magic and knowledge, with spells, required to be brought and the devil of the verb to create shaking (driving away)... This is cursed. (...) The Lord does not speak of using charms and science, neither in the plot, nor in the crawl, nor in anything to steal, that is trash.”

By the way, this position of the church has not at all eradicated the use of various magical means among the people.

In the charter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, dating back to 1648 (that is, hundreds of years after the baptism of Russia), there are, in particular, the following lines: “... people call sorcerers and sorcerers of Bogomerian women to their homes and to little children and sorcerers over they perform all kinds of demonic sorcery on the sick and on infants and excommunicate Orthodox peasants from the rule of law.” This fact, along with many others cited above, also serves as indirect evidence of the originality, authenticity of such a phenomenon as conspiracies in general for Slavic culture, as well as the alienness of this phenomenon for Christian culture.

Some features of spell texts: rhythm

From a religious-magical point of view, a conspiracy is part of verbal (speech, verbal) magical practices. Some conspiracies have a purely everyday, “mundane-practical” purpose, and this is their difference from glorifications, koloslavs or ritual songs, most of which relate to ritual magic and pursue, if you like, more spiritually sublime goals. At the same time, conspiracies are known that are used for non-domestic purposes, namely, during ritual (ceremonial) actions - both rituals and holidays.

One of characteristic features a conspiracy is its special rhythmic organization. The presence of rhythm in the texts of conspiracies brings them closer to poetic genres, however, in this case, rhythm plays not an aesthetic (as in poetry), but a purely practical role: “Unlike the song and epic genres of folklore (...) in conspiracies, the rhythmic organization is not so much aesthetic , as a pragmatically determined technique, this necessary tool any “suggestive” text that provides magical power conspiracy and acting together with other techniques directly related to the strategy and tactics used in conspiracies to influence the state of affairs in the world.”

The idea of ​​rhythm, which is one of the foundations of the Universe, is the most ancient and characteristic of almost any traditional culture, since rhythmicity from the point of view of mythological thinking is perceived as a visual form of orderliness of the Universe - the change of seasons, the change of time of day, the change of various periods in human life - in everything This seems to be a certain rhythm - the Natural Rhythm of the Universe. Further, following one of the foundations of mythological thinking already mentioned here, namely the “Law of Similars” - Natural rhythms must be repeated at all levels - from the Divine to the human. Therefore, from the point of view of mythological thinking, various techniques of interaction with the Spirits of Nature, Ancestors and Gods, in particular, verbal appeals to Them are possible only in a rhythmic form, which is the texts of both glorifications and incantations. This fact is confirmed by numerous researchers of this topic: “a conspiracy is a traditional rhythmically organized formula, which a person considered a magical means of achieving various practical goals. The conspiracy was credited with the unconditional power of coercive influence on people and nature, primarily due to the fact that it is rhythmically organized in a special way." That is why the vast majority of spiritual texts of antiquity have a rhythmic form - ranging from texts in Sumerian temples or the ancient Aryan "Rig Veda" to the Scandinavian "Elder Edda" "

Among the people, there are a number of beliefs and instructions regarding the use of conspiracies - starting with the preservation and transmission of their texts and ending with the actual use. For example, there is a belief that the texts of conspiracies cannot be passed on to people older in age - this can cause them to lose their magical power. Therefore, the keepers of conspiracies (“knowledgeable people”, “enchanters”, etc.) passed them on mainly to those who in the future were supposed to continue the practice of using conspiracies.

The conspiracy is pronounced in a special manner - in a deliberately changed voice (louder or quieter than usual, whispering, muttering, etc.) and is accompanied by increased or, on the contrary, slower breathing, depending on the purpose of the conspiracy and the personal practical experience of the person reading the conspiracy.

Often, the utterance of the text of a conspiracy (verbal part) is accompanied by certain actions (actional part) using certain objects (real part). The trinity of these components is also based on the “Law of Similarity” - spoken words are “fixed” by the objective-active component. This is, for example, tying rags or threads symbolizing the destinies (or rather, the Threads of Fate) of two people who need to be united (when reading love spells), burning or releasing any objects in the water that symbolize what a person needs to get rid of (when reading healing spells), etc. In a number of conspiracies, spatial orientation is also important - as a rule, healing and protective conspiracies are pronounced facing east. An indication of this in a number of cases is contained in the text of the conspiracy itself:

I will become (name)

I'll go out of the hut by the doors,

From the yard - by the gate

In an open field,

To the east

Conspiracies related to causing damage and curses (the so-called “dark conspiracies”) are pronounced facing west:

I will become (name)

I'll take the lower path

Wolf's hole

I'll stand facing sunset

On the Sunrise Ridge

Conspiracies related to a specific situation, such as stopping bleeding, are cast directly on the object - in this case, the wound. Healing spells, as well as spells to remove damage, are also spoken to the patient, but so that the speaker faces the east.

The course of the conspiracy in many ways repeats the structure of the great Kologodny Rite, now accepted among followers of traditional pre-Christian culture. This also reveals the organic Unity of the Big and the Small, the manifestation of the Will of the Gods at all levels of the Universe. In fact, the conspiracy and the actions accompanying its reading are a small Rite.

List of used and cited literature:

Agapkina T.A. East Slavic healing spells in comparative light. Plot and image of the world. 2010

Anthropology of culture. Vol. 3. 2005

Ps conspiracies. Annotated bibliographic index. 2011

Velmezova E.V. Czech healing spell. Author's abstract. Ph.D. diss. 1999

Gunchik I. Ukrainian magical and sacred folklore. 2011

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Efimenko P.S. Sat. Little Russian spells.1874

Efimenko P.S. Ghouls (Kyiv Antiquity)

Zavyalova M.V. Balto-Slavic spell text, linguistic analysis and model of the world. 2006

Conspiracy text. Genesis and structure. 2005

The concept of movement in language and culture. 1996

Maikov L.N. Great Russian spells

Poznansky N. Conspiracies. 1917

Romanov E.R. Belarusian collection. Vol. 5. Conspiracies, apocrypha, spiritual poems. 1891

Russian conspiracies from handwritten sources of the 17th - first half of the 19th centuries. 2010

Russian conspiracies of Karelia. 2000

Text. Semantics and structure. 1983

Ukrainian spells. 1993 -

Ethnolinguistic and ethnocultural history of Eastern Europe. 1995

Yudin A.V. Onomasticon of Russian conspiracies. 1997