How to prepare polycarbonate for installation. Recommendations for working with monolithic polycarbonate At what temperature to work with polycarbonate

The most popular and in demand building material today is polycarbonate. With its help, you can build a greenhouse, make a canopy, arrange a canopy over the entrance to the house, build a dog house and a huge number of other useful things.

Due to its durable structure and harmless composition, polycarbonate is used almost everywhere and its service life is constantly increasing. And with the onset of the summer season, there are more and more people wanting to purchase this material. Although it is not cheap. It is because of this that many gardeners resort to building one or another polycarbonate structure on their own. However, installing it is not easy.

Features of working with polycarbonate

There are 2 main types of polycarbonate: cellular and monolithic. Depending on exactly what functions a particular structure will need to perform, it is recommended to use the appropriate type of material. Thus, cellular polycarbonate is a sheet in which many cells are located. On one side, it is coated with a special layer that prevents ultraviolet rays from penetrating through cellular polycarbonate. That is why neither the material itself nor what will be underneath it will be subject to corrosion and all kinds of reactions. Therefore, cellular polycarbonate is recommended for installing greenhouses and roofing. Thus, the first rule regarding a process such as the installation of cellular polycarbonate is that the protective layer should always remain on the side on which the light falls.

When installing polycarbonate on a greenhouse, it is installed vertically along the edges of the structure, at the same time, the sheet should be positioned parallel to the slope of the roof, canopy or canopy.

When connecting several sheets together, their edge parts should be covered with a special adhesive aluminum tape. These parts are attached to the frame using screws, self-tapping screws or studs. In advance, before you start screwing a sheet of cellular polycarbonate to the frame, you need to drill holes in it at an appropriate distance from each other. In this case, each hole should be a couple of millimeters larger than the diameter of the fastening, which will avoid the formation of cracks in the polycarbonate. In those places where polycarbonate is connected to wooden or iron parts, it is necessary to lay rubber gaskets, the thickness of which will be no more than 5 mm.

While installing polycarbonate, you should never step on the sheet, much less walk on it. This can lead to minor damage, which will later affect the ability of the polycarbonate to perform its direct duties, or lead to sheet breakage. After installation is completed, it is necessary to immediately remove the protective coating from the cellular polycarbonate sheet.

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How to properly install polycarbonate with your own hands?

First you need to determine what types of frames can be used for polycarbonate. These include metal (steel), polycarbonate and aluminum profiles. Most often, a metal profile is used, but if the structure is intended to be viewed by groups of people, then it is better to resort to the polycarbonate option. The longitudinal lathing is carried out in increments corresponding to the width of the sheet. As for the transverse lathing, it is located every 30-40 cm.

In order to cut the sheet into individual parts, you need to use a grinder saw or a circular electric saw. But if the sheet thickness is less than 1 cm, you can use an ordinary painting knife. When carrying out this process, if the polycarbonate is colored or mirrored, all work is done on the front side. It is necessary to secure the part properly, otherwise various kinds of cracks and chips may form. To drill a hole in a sheet, you need a regular electric drill. During this work, a large amount of chips flies onto the sheet. It is almost impossible to remove it with a sponge or broom, so experts advise using a hair dryer.

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Fastenings for cellular polycarbonate

Modern builders, professionals and amateurs, actively use cellular or monolithic polycarbonate in various types of work. But, in order to build some kind of structure, for example, a canopy, that can serve well for many years, it is important not only to take care of purchasing polycarbonate sheets, but also about reliable fastenings for this type of building material.

Manufacturers operating effectively in the market of construction goods and services offer customers a fairly wide range of fastenings for polycarbonate of the highest quality. Professional sales consultants will help you understand the variety of fastening elements for polycarbonate panels. There are two types of fastenings:

  • thermal washers;
  • polycarbonate profiles.

The most in a simple way Fastening polycarbonate sheets to the base of a structure or frame is called fastening using thermal washers. They are equipped with special rubber gaskets that reliably protect the sheet from moisture and dirt getting inside it.

Polycarbonate profiles are divided into several types according to the function they perform. For example, connecting profiles are used not only to connect sheets together, but also, for example, to mount them to a constructed frame. End profiles are intended to protect polycarbonate panels from moisture, dirt, insects, etc. by covering the ends of the sheet with them.

Polycarbonate – relatively new material. They began to use it for roofing quite recently. Durability, transparency, stability and the possibility of quick installation contributed to the emergence of new architectural forms. The presence of unique characteristics and relatively low cost make this material available for constructing roofs, gazebos, greenhouses, etc. A do-it-yourself polycarbonate roof for a small building is, in fact, an ordinary greenhouse mounted on the top floor.

Building a large house with such a roof with your own hands is quite problematic; it is better to invite professionals. But, for example, a greenhouse, a bathhouse or a garage is quite possible.

Features of a unique sheet polymer

Monolithic polycarbonate is in many ways superior to other translucent structures; its strength is 200 times higher than ordinary glass and 8 times higher than plexiglass.

In addition, the following characteristics are also attractive:

  • ease;
  • flexibility and plasticity;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • fire resistance;
  • impact resistance;
  • chemical resistance to aggressive environments;
  • durability.

Cellular polycarbonate - a fashionable solution for the roof

Polycarbonate sheets are used in construction, and polycarbonate roofs provide additional features Arranging pavilions, greenhouses and greenhouses on the top of houses is an excellent example of rational use of space. As a rule, the roof has a rounded shape and does not retain moisture from rain or snow.

A material made in the form of a multi-chamber cellular structure formed from several layers with numerous stiffeners is called cellular polycarbonate. To put it simply, it looks like a honeycomb.

Cellular polycarbonate is a hard, colorless polymer plastic with a cellular structure.

Light transmission quality

Light-transmitting polycarbonate panels scatter up to 80% of sunlight. No other material can compete in this property, not even glass. Useful property The scattering of sheets of honeycomb structure allows the sun's rays to pass through at different angles. This is very important if green plants are grown under the roof. Reflecting from walls or other surfaces, the rays hit the plants in a diffuse form and cannot damage or cause rapid wilting.

It is cellular polycarbonate that can be considered as a successful solution for suburban construction.

It is important to know!

Already at the planning stage, it is important to note the only drawback of such roofs: there are practically no side overhangs. To save the wooden walls of the structure from negative impact natural precipitation, the roof will need to be equipped with additional and effective drainage systems.

Installation of polycarbonate: preparation for work

Polycarbonate profiles come in detachable and one-piece types, as well as transparent or colored. The length of sheets of material can reach 12 meters. The thickness of the profiles and grooves must correspond to the linear dimensions. In rectilinear structures, the thickness of the sheet is determined depending on the slope of the roof and the length of the space between the crossbars.

For example, with a slope of 30 degrees and a length of 40 cm, a thickness of 4 mm is suitable; with a smaller slope, it is better to use materials with a thickness of at least 6 mm. The same sheets are chosen if the distance between the crossbars increases. For areas adjacent to the wall, a wall polycarbonate profile is used. The ridge uses a ridge profile with wings up to 40 mm.

The material should be stored flat, without bending. If it is not possible to leave them indoors, you need to cover them with polyethylene.

A small polycarbonate roof can easily be installed by yourself

Sheet cutting principles

Cellular polycarbonate panels are easy to prepare for use. Prepare a sharp construction knife; it can easily cut sheets from 4 to 10 mm. Markings are made on the protective film; they are removed at the end of the work along with the film. For professional cutting, a special high-speed saw with a stop is used; the cutting device is a blade with small, unset teeth made of hard reinforced alloys. It is also convenient to cut with a regular jigsaw. The sheets are tightly stacked and supported to eliminate vibration. Professionals remove chips with compressed air.

Preparing cellular polycarbonate for work - cutting sheets

Drilling rules

Standard metal drill bits (taper and stepped) work best. You need to drill between the stiffeners, maintaining a distance of at least 40 mm from the edge of the panel, at an angle of 110° - 130°.

Sealing panel ends

In order to properly cover the ends of the panels, prepare solid aluminum self-adhesive tape for the upper ends and perforated tape to protect against dust and condensation drainage. Polycarbonate or aluminum profiles for sealing the ends are selected by color. The profile design itself is designed in such a way that additional fastenings are not required - the fixation will already be quite tight. For arched structures, only perforated tape is used.


If you leave the ends of cellular polycarbonate open, the translucency decreases over time. But the ends of the panels cannot be hermetically sealed, even with ordinary tape. To ensure condensate drainage, you need to drill several small holes in the profile.

Correctly use sealing and perforated tape and u-profile

How to orient and pinpoint panels

To prevent the roof surface from turning into noodles over time when frozen moisture ruptures, the structural panels should be oriented in such a way that there is a place for the condensation that forms to be discharged outside. For this purpose, internal channels of the panels are provided, therefore the stiffeners should be positioned vertically in case of vertical glazing and along the slope in pitched structures. In arched structures, the arrangement of stiffeners is arched. On outer surface sheets are specially marked with a protective UV-stabilizing layer. The panels are mounted in a film, which is removed after completion of work.

One more nuance:

Manufacturers indicate the permissible bending radius of the panel depending on the thickness and structure. It is strictly not recommended to exceed these parameters.

It is also necessary to follow the rules for the orientation of the panels - the protective layer must be outward, otherwise the roof surface may be damaged by ultraviolet radiation, which will negatively affect the strength and durability of the structure. It is easy to determine where the protective layer is located by the inscriptions and pictograms. The slabs are mounted only vertically, they should be bent in a cold state, the direction should be chosen only transversely, parallel to the stiffeners.

Orientation of polycarbonate sheets

How to attach polycarbonate to metal

In arched structures, an aluminum base is most often used, while the joining rigid profile allows the use of a minimum of load-bearing structures, which means its weight is significantly reduced. Do-it-yourself installation of cellular polycarbonate is carried out pointwise.

This you need to know:

Profiles are used for lightweight structures only when slabs are selected with a width of more than 500 mm. The distance between the supporting structures will be 6-8 m, for different types of slabs. In such cases, the construction of rafters is not required, and transverse purlins are used as load-bearing longitudinal elements.

How to properly attach polycarbonate to the frame

Do not use ordinary nails, rivets or other unsuitable materials. Polycarbonate sheets are attached to the frame using a point method using thermal washers and self-tapping screws. A snap-on lid is located on a plastic washer with a leg (corresponding to the thickness of the panel in height). The kit also includes a sealing washer - without it, the roof could easily be blown away by a gust of strong wind. Sealing washers contain a layer of rubber or silicone to ensure a secure fit. Diameter 3.3 mm.

Interesting: this design of the thermal washer helps prevent the panels from creasing when fastened to the structure frame, and also prevents the formation of “cold bridges” that can arise from self-tapping screws.

The holes in the panel should be made a few mm larger than the diameter of the leg. This will compensate for possible expansion of the material as the temperature rises.

This is important: the step of point fastening of panels is 300-400 mm. Make sure that the screws are well tightened, but do not overtighten them!

So, do-it-yourself installation of cellular polycarbonate includes the following sequential operations:

  1. Holes are drilled in the base, the diameter is selected to be 2-3 mm more sizes self-tapping screw Step 300 mm.
  2. The surface of the base is coated with sealant.
  3. The “base” is attached with self-tapping screws to the longitudinal supports of the frame, the panels are laid with a thermal gap of 3-5 mm.
  4. The profile cover is snapped into place with a wooden mallet along its entire length. A special plug is installed at the end of the profile.

Joining profile systems

To fasten the elements to the sheathing, use additional fastenings to permanent joining profiles (4, 6, 8, 10 mm), otherwise the sealing of the joints will not be reliable. Without additional fastenings, it is only possible to connect the joints of the edges of slabs in vertical structures if there are no high loads.

Reliable sealing of joints is achieved using detachable joining profiles (8, 10 and 16 mm), while the clamping of polycarbonate plates is strengthened.

Taking into account thermal expansion when installing cellular polycarbonate

The continental Russian climate contributes to the expansion of cellular polycarbonate in the summer heat and its contraction in winter. This should be taken into account when installing in hot weather; the slabs should be installed more tightly; the necessary gap to remove condensate will be obtained when the temperature decreases. In winter, on the contrary, you should retreat more.

It is important to remember that the thermal expansion value for transparent slabs is 2.5 mm/m, and the value for colored slabs is 4.5 mm/m. Such materials are used at temperatures from -40 to +120 degrees Celsius.

Polycarbonate is one of the most promising building materials

Thus, a reliable guarantor of the durability and strength of the structure is compliance with the installation technologies of cellular polycarbonate. And in no case should you save on components, because the saying “the miser pays twice” has not yet been canceled. If you dream of a cozy house with a beautiful stable roof, a greenhouse, a garage or a carport, it is better to turn to professionals, at least for a consultation. Then all the positive qualities of the material will be revealed in full, and all you have to do is enjoy the beauty and comfort.

Installation of polycarbonate has become widespread in modern life - this material is durable, comes in a variety of colors, and can withstand heavy loads.

It is used in many areas, from advertising to the construction of greenhouses.

Today this material is produced in two main types: monolithic and cellular.

Each type of installation has its own characteristics and rules, which need to be considered in more detail.

But no matter what kind of installation we have to carry out, there is one similar quality - polycarbonate is produced in the form of large sheets.

If you use the material for domestic purposes, then using such a profile will be enough to equip a small canopy.

But in other cases, the polycarbonate will have to be cut: this procedure can really be done with your own hands.

In the correct technology for installing polycarbonate, key attention will be paid to cutting; thanks to it, you can make sheets of any size for a canopy, greenhouse, gazebo and other buildings.

Although the operation itself is not difficult, it is especially important to have the right tool. A sharp speed saw works well.

Since the material is synthetic, it is better to choose attachments with small and undivided teeth, because then the cuts will be even, not rough and not sharp.

The protective film that comes with the profile should be removed only as a last resort - it protects the sheets from scratches and chips during the cutting process.

It is equally important to fix the position of the sheets when cutting, otherwise vibration occurs in them, which can affect the quality of the cuts.

Also, do not forget to remove sawdust and shavings from the profile cavities so that they do not interfere with the installation process.

How to install monolithic polycarbonate?

Monolithic polycarbonate fully reflects its name - it cannot be broken or deformed. Even if you hit the surface of the sheets with weights, the material will not break.

That is why the installation of monolithic polycarbonate is most often done on verandas and courtyards, choosing it for a canopy.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of such a canopy: it will not be damaged by hail, snow and rain do not affect it, and it will not fade in the sun.

And most importantly, polycarbonate is a very cheap material, and if you do not involve a specialist, but do all the work yourself, then the price will be affordable for anyone.

Another advantage of monolithic polycarbonate as a canopy is that it is resistant to temperature changes, unlike other types of material.

Sheets are installed on frames and frames of vertical, horizontal and pitched structures using a dry or wet method. Both methods can be done with your own hands.

In the wet method, polymer putty is used. The installation instructions look like this: the substrate must be applied in an even layer over the entire frame, where the polycarbonate will be installed.

After this, before the mixture dries, we lay the cut profile sheet, leaving gaps of two millimeters. We press the polycarbonate, removing any remaining putty.

The sheets must be secured either at the corners or along the long sides. In other places, a layer of silicone sealant should be applied.

To give a more pleasant and decorative look, wooden plates or corners can be laid in places where the mortar is visible.

In general, any material that you have on hand and that you can quickly install with your own hands.

However, to install a canopy, the dry installation method is more often used. It is considered to be neater and cleaner.

It is better suited for large areas, in the courtyard of a private house, or even as an impromptu garage for a car.

Do-it-yourself installation of polycarbonate requires the purchase of components for this method: profiles and covers, which are supplied with rubber gaskets and insulation.

Glue and putty are not used here as a connecting element. All installation is done using nuts and bolts.

It is best to make such a system at an angle so that water flows through drainage channels.

Pay special attention to the aspect ratio of the polycarbonate sheets - this is important for installation both with your own hands and with the help of a professional. The most correct option is the square shape.

With a rectangular distribution, the polycarbonate will no longer be so strong.

During installation, leave large gaps, otherwise, due to temperature differences, bending and deformation of the sheets cannot be avoided. In general, monolithic polycarbonate is the best option for a home shed.

Installing cellular polycarbonate

Installation of cellular polycarbonate has some differences from monolithic one.

The fact is that the honeycomb material is made in thin layers, which are layered on top of each other and connected by jumpers.

Due to this, the weight of the sheets is extremely small, they are easy to transport and install.

The name of this polycarbonate is quite justified, because if you look at its cut, we will see a pattern reminiscent of a honeycomb.

This material is quite suitable for a canopy; you can also make walls, gazebos or fences from it.

Installation with this structure is popular when installing greenhouses, because the air between the layers provides low thermal conductivity.

Cellular polycarbonate is no less durable than monolithic one. It withstands impacts and fairly heavy loads well, so the material is not inferior in practicality.

However, the thinness of the layers does have its drawbacks, so often such material is additionally covered with a protective film.

How to install polycarbonate, especially if you have to do it yourself?

The correct approach is to cut the sheets as described above, adhering to the required dimensions, and only then, having clear measurements, install them using fasteners.

If the thickness of your profile does not reach ten millimeters, then even an ordinary knife will be suitable for cutting. It is not prohibited to use an electric jigsaw.

During installation, to make holes for fastenings with your own hands, you must use standard drills.

The rules state that you can only drill between the ribs and more than six millimeters from the edges. To prevent vibration and displacement, we firmly fix the profiles.

The technology that regulates the installation of a polycarbonate canopy must be followed exactly in order for the result of the work to be positive.

Important nuances in installing cellular polycarbonate

To ensure tightness, we cover the ends with a similar material of the desired color. Such special profiles are easily fixed and serve for a long time.

The upper ends should be mounted vertically or at an angle, covered with aluminum tape. For the bottom end you should use perforated tape.

If you neglect to close the ends, then moisture, debris, and snow will get into them, which will significantly reduce the service life of the polycarbonate and very soon the sheets will need to be replaced.

In addition, it is prohibited to simply seal the edges with tape, as well as to hermetically seal the lower ends.

The ribs run along the polycarbonate sheet, so when vertical installation they must go vertically, and when designing a slope, they must go at an angle.

The manufacturer indicates how much the sheet can be bent in the instructions.

The blocks are attached to a pre-assembled frame. The connection has a point nature and is carried out using self-tapping screws and bolts.

But most often, right choice- This is a special thermal washer. It matches the thickness of the panel and has a tight lid.

Such a device will ensure maximum fit and fixation of the structure. The fastening pitch is thirty centimeters, and we make the hole for the washer a couple of millimeters wider than the diameter.

If you need to mount a one-piece profile, then simply insert the sheets into the grooves that correspond to the selected thickness.

To secure the polycarbonate, technology recommends using a support and washers to get the job done.

Manufacturers offer sheets of material having one or more layers. Multilayer polycarbonate is a cellular structure. The cells create stiffening ribs that divide the entire space between the sheets. Fastening sheet material is not difficult, so even a novice builder can handle it.

Features of work

Plastic has become an alternative to any other light-conducting material, including glass. This material wins in most respects. Its advantages are as follows:

  • It is light in weight;
  • Resists outside influences;
  • Creates an optimal microclimate inside the greenhouse;
  • Environmentally friendly.

Plastic also outperforms the films that gardeners used to cover greenhouses in the past. Polycarbonate sheets do not need to be dismantled before the onset of the winter season, and their durability significantly exceeds that of polymer films.

In the process of decorating greenhouses with your own hands, they also use monolithic plastic, which does not have stiffeners. In terms of strength, this material is hundreds of times stronger than glass.

When constructing greenhouses, polycarbonate sheets are used, the thickness of which is up to 40 mm. There is also a lightweight variety of sheets, in which the layers are made thinner. The total thickness of this material is 3.5 mm and is made in 2 layers.
  • Excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • Equal strength regardless of ambient temperature;
  • Low weight;
  • Flexibility;
  • Ease of transportation.

The material is opaque, so the possibility of seeing through the greenhouse is excluded. . At the same time, polycarbonate retains sufficient transmission capacity so that plants can receive the required amount of diffused sunlight. This plastic is one of the non-flammable materials. .


When building a greenhouse, it is necessary to prepare the structure frame in accordance with certain rules. Sheet material will be attached to the frame. To protect polycarbonate sheets with your own hands, use special profile. It eliminates the possibility of dirt, moisture and dust getting inside the structure. The dimensions of the profile for the frame are selected taking into account the thickness of the polycarbonate. Similar profiles for the frame can be made of metal or plastic of suitable colors.

It is important to make sure that the profile under the frame is capable of bending in the same way as each of the polycarbonate sheets.
The best tightness of the frame is ensured by aluminum components.

In this case, the thickness of the polycarbonate sheets and the features of the frame play an important role.

In any vertical structural elements, the honeycomb ribs must be positioned vertically.
In arched elements, the position of the honeycomb should be in an arc, and on the roof, sheets of honeycomb material are attached parallel to the slope. In this case, you must make sure that the roof slope exceeds 5 degrees.

A layer of cellular polycarbonate, which protects plants from ultraviolet radiation from the sun, is placed on the outside of the greenhouse. This is important because it ensures the durability of the polycarbonate itself.

To independently determine which side of the cellular polycarbonate is the outer side, pay attention to the markings of the protective film.
The material is installed together with the film. It is removed upon completion of work.

Fasteners in the form of self-tapping screws with washers are considered the most reliable. During installation it is necessary. The axes of the screws must be at least 40 mm away from the edge of the sheet material. This is important so that the polycarbonate fastening is reliable and durable. The holes in the panels should be made several millimeters larger compared to the diameter of the washer leg. The fastener should be made in such a way that the washer is in close contact with the surface of the material. Pressing the washer into the material is unacceptable.

When attaching polycarbonate, it is necessary to protect the cells on the edges of the honeycomb material from the penetration of dust and dirt into them.
At the same time, condensate drainage must be effectively drained away from the sheet material. This can best be achieved by attaching adhesive tape without perforations at the top of walls and on arched structures. A perforated tape is fixed at the lower ends of the elements made of honeycomb material.

Installation subtleties

When building a greenhouse, it is necessary to ensure that the wind does not enter the finished frame. With a large windage with inside greenhouses, the roof will be subject to significant forces that even the strongest screws cannot withstand. To avoid such consequences, a vestibule is installed.

Remember that polycarbonate is fastened only with self-tapping screws intended for working on metal or wood. Summer residents most often make the same mistake - they use non-standard fasteners that do not have special thermal washers or gaskets.

To ensure that the material does not lose its performance qualities, installation is carried out with a strictly vertical arrangement of screws in relation to the sheets and compliance with other rules. Experienced craftsmen recommend not tightening the fasteners a little during construction in order to prevent deformation of the material during operation of the greenhouse.

To build a reliable greenhouse yourself, just adhere to the following rules. It is preferable to make holes for self-tapping screws inside sheets of cellular polycarbonate between the ribs. There are also several rules for giving such polycarbonate canvases the required dimensions. Before installation begins, markings are applied to the polycarbonate sheet, according to which the material is cut. To cut the canvas yourself, it is more convenient to use circular saws with fine teeth during construction. An alternative option is a hacksaw and laser equipment.

When constructing a greenhouse, the material should be cut very carefully so as not to damage its honeycomb structure. If work is carried out outdoors, then it is necessary to avoid contamination of the sheets. As soon as the cutting of the sheets according to these rules is completed, they independently seal the edges of the sheets using a special tape.

Monolithic polycarbonate is a material that can be processed well. However, special measures are required to prevent overheating and melting, which occur due to high friction with the cutting tool.

Many products require good cut quality, which is ensured by high cutting speeds. But during the process, periodic stops of the machine are necessary to give the product a chance to cool. To speed things up, it is possible to use compressed air as a coolant. For high-quality processing, remember that the cutting tool must always be sharp.

Monolithic polycarbonate is easy to cut with wood saws. Avoid using metal cutting equipment that tends to melt the polymer due to its high speed (not to be confused with cutting speed). The monolith can be sawed with band saws, circular saws, hand saws and other cutting tools. The table shows the main parameters for processing sheets.

A circular saw


Cutting speed

180-250 m/min.

200-250 m/min.

Tool speed

1800-2400 m/min.

600-1000 m/min.

Cutting width

2-5 mm

1.5-2.5 mm

You can also use a guillotine for cutting for material with a thickness of no more than 5 mm. However, there are some limitations. This way, you cannot make several cuts on the same length, and if the tool is not very sharp, the edges of the workpiece may become wrinkled.

It is not recommended to use a laser machine for cutting, as the cut edge looks burnt. Also, due to the high local temperature, internal stress may occur, so after laser cutting, if it was used, it is recommended to anneal the product at 130 °C for 1 - 2 hours.

Plastic is cut very well on an engraving machine.


Monolith sheets can be glued together either with each other or with other materials. Depending on the requirements for appearance and operating conditions of the adhesive joint, it is recommended to use different types glue. It should be remembered that solvent-based adhesives are not suitable for polycarbonate, as they cause serious damage to it, which may not be noticeable externally, but will certainly affect the strength of the material in subsequent use.

For small products that do not have special requirements for impact resistance, glue guns for hot-curing polyamide-based adhesives can be used.

For use in loaded structures with increased requirements for impact resistance and resistance to atmospheric influences, for example, in aquariums, when gluing sheets to each other or the edge of a sheet to the frame in skylights, sealing car windows, it is recommended to use silicone adhesive Q3-7098 manufactured by Dow Corning Ltd. This glue ensures gluing of sheets to each other, as well as to glass, metal and other plastics. This glue is opaque and has the following colors: white, gray, black.

For products that have strict requirements for optical transparency, high bond strength, impact resistance, and chemical resistance, two-component polyurethane-based adhesives HE 17017 or HE 1908 manufactured by Engineering Chemical Ltd are recommended.

To adhere flat sheet polycarbonate products to flat surfaces, you can use 3M double-sided adhesive tape 4830, or acrylic foam adhesive as it is also called.


To paint cast polycarbonate, it is recommended to use two-component paints based on polyurethane or epoxy. Solvent-based paints should be avoided as they damage the surface.

Cleaning and dust removal

Use isopropyl alcohol for cleaning and degreasing. To wash, remove dust or polish sheets, you can use spray cleaners that contain paraffins and special solvents. They leave a glossy layer on the material that provides protection against static electricity. Polycarbonate sheets can be cleaned using a 100% cotton cloth and large quantities of mild detergent (a substance that helps remove dirt from something) and water. It is best to use mild dishwashing detergents or soap. Glass cleaners containing ammonia should be avoided as they damage the surface.


The monolith can be bent for use in arched structures without resorting to heat. The minimum radius is determined by the formula: R min. = 175 x t mm, where t is the sheet thickness in mm. If this recommendation is followed, the resulting stresses in the sheet will not affect its properties throughout the entire period of operation. For convenience, the table shows values ​​for some thicknesses. The rest can be calculated using the formula.

Sheet thickness (mm)

Minimum radius
sheet bending (mm)



Outdoor use

For outdoor use, sheets should be used that have a special UV layer that protects polycarbonate from the destructive effects of sunlight, which causes degradation of the sheets: clouding, yellowing, and reduction in strength characteristics. The sheets must be installed so that the protected side is on the outside, i.e. facing the sun. The polyethylene film with which all sheets are covered has a special marking indicating which side has protection. For vertical enclosing structures, such as noise barriers or fences, sheets with double-sided UV protection should be used.

When installing outdoors, it is necessary to take into account thermal expansion, which can reach 4-5 mm per 1 linear meter. In general, cast polycarbonate is best fastened dry using special fasteners.

Monolithic polycarbonate can also be fixed using self-tapping screws. Here, to compensate for the thermal expansion of the sheets (to avoid their warping and slipping out of the fastening elements), the holes for the screw should be made 2-3 mm larger than the diameter of the screw leg and wide washers with sealing gaskets made of EPDM rubber should be used.

We recommend that you read the article on choosing lathing and determining the required thickness of a monolithic polycarbonate sheet.
Colors of monolithic polycarbonate.
Prices for monolithic polycarbonate from the manufacturer.