Can an ultrasound detect an ectopic pregnancy? Ectopic pregnancy. What signs of such a pathology are known to medicine?

Every woman has heard about an ectopic pregnancy at least once in her life. Despite the fact that the diagnosis sounds very scary, in fact it is far from a death sentence.

Today, medicine has made significant progress in its development, so most cases of ectopic pregnancy are easily eliminated, and after a certain period of rehabilitation, a woman can safely have children.

Cases of infertility due to ectopic pregnancy are diagnosed in only 5-10% of patients. The most important thing is to identify the signs of the disease as early as possible and promptly contact a specialist.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

A normal pregnancy develops inside the uterus, but if it happens that the fetus begins to develop in one of the tubes, then specialists diagnose an ectopic pregnancy. The most dangerous cases of fetal development are in abdominal cavity, in this case, the question of saving the life and health of the mother is acute.

The only way to get rid of an ectopic pregnancy is surgery. It is advisable to perform the operation before the patient has a rupture of the fallopian tube or before the onset of heavy bleeding.

Many women wonder whether ultrasound detects ectopic pregnancy? They ask this question is far from groundless, because the results of ultrasound during an ectopic pregnancy are influenced by a number of certain factors.

On early stages ectopic pregnancy exhibits the same symptoms as during normal fetal development:

  • a woman's menstrual cycle is interrupted;
  • there is a nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • there is a slight feeling of heaviness in the lower back;
  • the breast becomes hypersensitive to external irritations;
  • there is a slight increase in the size of the mammary glands;
  • mood changes frequently;
  • changes occur in taste preferences;
  • in some cases toxicosis begins.

For this reason, a woman may think that she has a normal pregnancy and therefore is in no hurry to go to the hospital, which is a huge mistake. Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to determine the pathology based on the first signs that appear during an ectopic pregnancy.

However, there are a number of warning factors that indicate that a woman should immediately seek help from a qualified specialist:

  • aching sensation in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort in the rectal area;
  • the occurrence of pain even with minor physical exertion;
  • dark discharge from the external genitalia;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increased fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • malaise;
  • constant weakness.

It is worth noting the fact that these symptoms appear not only during an ectopic pregnancy, but also when there is a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, timely seeking help from a doctor will significantly improve the mother’s health condition and help avoid possible complications and pathologies.

To eliminate the risk of ectopic pregnancy, it is better to go to the hospital at the first signs of pregnancy. A timely examination by a gynecologist will reduce the risk of various diseases, promptly diagnose and prevent the development of various pathologies.

If a woman consults a doctor only when an ectopic pregnancy shows its main symptoms, the chances of maintaining reproductive function are significantly reduced.

Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

In the early stages, various tests will help determine pathology in fetal development. In addition, the ultrasound procedure shows an ectopic pregnancy. It will be difficult to determine the disease using an ultrasound examination in the first weeks, but after the fifth week, an ultrasound scan detects an ectopic pregnancy.

Unfortunately, ultrasound for ectopic pregnancy is not always effective way diagnosing pathological fetal development. As a rule, a false imitation of a fertilized egg is formed inside the uterus. Such an egg is empty, and it appears due to deformation of the uterine cavity during pregnancy. Essentially, it is simply an accumulation of fluid in the uterus, which is concentrated in one specific place. In some cases, the doctor may even notice the fetus itself, which is located inside an unusually dilated tube. Naturally, complications will be visible on ultrasound if they have already begun to develop (tubal ruptures, which are accompanied by heavy external and internal bleeding).

Does an ultrasound show an ectopic pregnancy?

As described above, before a period of five weeks, ultrasound is unlikely to be effective in diagnosing the disease. After this period, everything depends on how responsibly the woman took the upcoming procedure (intestines and bladder must be completely empty, otherwise the survey cannot be called one hundred percent accurate). The professionalism and experience of the doctor who will examine the woman also plays a huge role.

An ectopic pregnancy is seen much better on ultrasound if a transvaginal examination procedure is performed. In addition, this type of ultrasound detects ectopic pregnancy even at two weeks of pregnancy, and the specialist will be able to accurately determine the place where the fetus is implanted. If during the examination the fetus could not be detected, but all symptoms indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy, the doctor prescribes additional tests and performs a transvaginal ultrasound again after a certain period. In this case, it is advised to hospitalize the woman so that the gynecologist can constantly monitor the patient’s health.

Even if doctors have diagnosed you with an ectopic pregnancy, you should not despair. Modern medicine can work miracles! The main thing is to take responsibility for your health and seek help in a timely manner. Remember - when it comes to pregnancy and the birth of a new life, it is better to be on the safe side and undergo additional examinations. Let this examination turn out to be redundant and with false results, rather than missing.

Often, an ectopic pregnancy is discovered when a woman is taken to the hospital in critical condition by ambulance. Late diagnosis can result in death or infertility for the patient. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance that the fetus has “settled” in the wrong place. At what stage can an ectopic pregnancy be determined with 100% accuracy?

At what week is an ectopic pregnancy determined by medical diagnostic methods? A regular ultrasound (using a gel) will show that the fertilized egg has attached outside the uterus, 6-7 weeks from the moment of conception. A vaginal ultrasound will help detect this pathology a little earlier - at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. Laboratory analysis Blood tests for hCG can be carried out as early as 2-3 weeks - its results can confirm a pathological pregnancy.

Typically, diagnosis for ectopic pregnancy is carried out from 4 to 9 weeks.

How to detect an ectopic pregnancy in the early stagesby symptoms and test strip?

Does this mean that a woman will not suspect an ectopic pregnancy until 4 weeks? Not at all. She may notice some warning signs that differentiate an extrauterine pregnancy from a normal one.

The first sign of any conception is a delay in menstruation. If a woman is sexually active, but menstruation does not occur on time, this usually indicates pregnancy. Confirmation of an “interesting position” (but not an ectopic pregnancy) is a hCG test. It can be completed after 1 day of delay.

If 2 stripes appear (but the second one is faintly colored), but suddenly menstruation begins (or its semblance - dark, scanty spotting discharge) and pain in the lower abdomen, then run to the gynecologist! Such manifestations may be indirect signs of an ectopic pregnancy. It is better to take a test strip with you - it will help the gynecologist in making a diagnosis.

If you do not have your period, but the test is negative and pain, weakness or signs of pregnancy appear, then you should not hope for a miracle and postpone visiting the doctor until 4 weeks late. It is better to make an appointment no later than 10-14 days.

Read also:

Will determineDoes the gynecologist detect an ectopic pregnancy during examination?

In the absence of menstruation and the presence of questionable results of home pregnancy testing, and especially if pain occurs, an examination by a female doctor is required! Can a gynecologist determine an ectopic pregnancy based on complaints and examination in the gynecological chair? It depends on the place where the fetus is attached and on the qualifications of the doctor.

The doctor will listen to complaints and during examination may detect the following features:

  • enlargement of the uterus and changes in its color and elasticity (which is typical for pregnancy);
  • if the egg is attached to the tube, then pain will occur when pressing on the area of ​​the appendages;
  • the size of the uterus may not coincide with the expected time of conception.

But a gynecologist is unlikely to be able to say for sure whether there is an ectopic pregnancy. An additional examination will definitely be ordered.

Can you trust ultrasound?

Conventional ultrasound is not suitable for early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. It can show such a pathology only from the 6th week, and rupture of the organ where the fertilized egg is attached often occurs before this period.

One of the reliable methods by which an ectopic pregnancy can be detected quite early (from 4 weeks) is transvaginal ultrasound (the sensor is inserted directly into the vagina). An experienced diagnostician recognizes a false fertilized egg and sometimes even detects an embryo that develops in the fallopian tube.

But this is not a 100% diagnosis. It is believed that an intravaginal ultrasound will give an absolutely reliable result only from the 5th week of pregnancy.

TO How to determine ectopic pregnancy using hCG: blood test result assessment

The question may arise: what is the point of taking a test for the same hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), if the woman has already tested at home? The fact is that in the laboratory they will check the content of the hormone in the blood, and the analysis itself is carried out not only on the basis of the presence of such a hormone: the ratio of the quantitative indicators of its different isoforms is also taken into account.

If the egg is located outside the uterus, then hCG will increase slightly. If at normal pregnancy the amount of this hormone increases every 2 days, then in pathological cases - about once a week. Thus, the hCG content will significantly lag behind the norm.

The conclusion will be made based on a comprehensive examination or laparoscopy.

In an ectopic or, as it is also called, ectopic pregnancy, the development of the egg takes place outside the uterine cavity (hence the name). As practice shows, the egg can develop in the abdominal cavity, in the uterine tube or in the ovary. This condition is regarded by doctors as critical, so at the first sign you should immediately consult a doctor.

Why is ectopic pregnancy a dangerous pathology? This is due to the unnatural location of the fertilized egg, which can cause the size of the fallopian tube to increase. In such cases, it is necessary to promptly identify signs of deviation, since the pipe shell may become damaged or even rupture over time. As soon as this happens, the fertilized egg and mucus with blood will enter the patient’s abdominal cavity, which, in turn, will lead to the development of peritonitis.

On a note! Ectopic pregnancy, or rather the lack of treatment, can also lead to severe internal bleeding. In this case, urgent hospitalization is required, and therapy will be carried out only in intensive care conditions.

The same symptoms may occur with the development of an abdominal or ovarian form of ectopic pregnancy, in which the risk of peritonitis and other serious complications is still very high.


There are many causative factors that prevent the normal location of the egg. These include:

  • problems with the functioning (contraction) of the fallopian tubes, as a result of which they cannot push the fertilized egg further;
  • pipe structure feature. Sometimes it may be too scarred, tortuous or narrow, making it difficult for the egg to move;
  • a consequence of recent surgery;
  • previous abortions;
  • slow sperm can also provoke ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the egg, waiting for fertilization, is not able to get to the required place;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • the presence of benign tumors in the appendage area. Tumors that arise in the uterine area can also lead to ectopic pregnancy;
  • negative changes in the functioning of the egg(its properties change);
  • use of special intrauterine device . When wearing this tool contraception may occur in a woman, which ultimately leads to the described pathology;
  • consequences of using artificial insemination methods;
  • severe stress and nervous excitement, due to which the fallopian tube often spasms. As a rule, such fears most often arise due to reluctance to get pregnant.

Stress is one possible reason

Most of all these causes can be excluded, thereby avoiding the development of an ectopic pregnancy. Doctors recommend doing this at the pregnancy planning stage.

How long is it determined?

A phenomenon such as ectopic pregnancy always leads to the death of the fetus, but, in addition, there is a threat to the health of the mother. Of course, serious problems can be avoided. To do this you need to learn determine ectopic pregnancy.

If we consider the period at which such deviations can be determined, then experts are inclined to one thing - 1-2 months of pregnancy. During this period, the connection with the pregnant woman’s body and the fertilized egg is especially clear. To determine this pathology, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination. If we talk about earlier periods, 3.5-4 weeks, then during this period it is almost impossible to diagnose deviations. At this stage of development, the fetus will not yet be visible even with the use of ultrasound.

Characteristic symptoms

A delay in the menstrual cycle is one of the main factors accompanying this pathology, therefore, if a woman experiences a delay, she should consult a doctor. But the course of ectopic pregnancy is not much different from early stage normal pregnancy, with the exception of some features.

The main symptoms of ectopic pregnancy that accompany a woman include:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody issues;
  • attacks of nausea and early toxicosis;
  • hardening of the mammary glands, which are usually very painful;
  • pain radiating to the lumbar region.

Many women mistakenly assume that the absence of a delay in menstruation can indicate the exclusion of the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Women often mistake bloody vaginal discharge for normal menstruation. According to experts, in approximately every fifth case, pathology can be detected even before menstruation is delayed. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis requires a complete examination of the patient and collection of anamnesis.


As previously noted, pathological deviation can only be determined using ultrasound. During the examination, the gynecologist will look for the developing fetus in the uterus. But if an ectopic pregnancy develops, it will not be detected there. Then the doctor will continue searching in the area of ​​the ovaries and cervix.

If you notice any suspicious symptoms, be sure to tell your doctor about them. The same applies to the appearance of spotting discharge from the vagina. You can’t delay the examination, just like you shouldn’t self-medicate. All this can cause irreparable damage to the health of a pregnant woman. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Features of treatment

Most doctors are inclined to believe that when diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy, surgery must be performed. There are special medications, the use of which in the early stages of pregnancy will avoid surgery. The most effective of them include Mifepristone, Mifegin and Methotrexate. But if the period is already long enough or taking medications does not help, doctors resort to surgical removal.

There are several ways to remove an ectopic pregnancy, but the most popular is laparoscopy. Until the fallopian tube ruptures, it can still be saved, but doctors very often insist that the tube not be saved. This is due to the fact that a second ectopic pregnancy may soon develop in her. Therefore, during surgery, as a rule, they are removed fallopian tube. This is the most rational solution.

On a note! Removal of the fallopian tube is usually performed during laparoscopy. This will reduce time and also avoid possible consequences.

How to recover quickly

After treatment for an ectopic pregnancy is completed, the woman needs time to fully recover. We are talking not only about physical, but also about psychological health, because a woman needs to come to terms with the fact that she has lost her child. Fortunately, there are proven ways to speed up the rehabilitation process. Below is step-by-step instruction, which will help with this.

Table. Methods of recovery after ectopic pregnancy.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Do an Internet search in various ways treatment of ectopic pregnancy. In addition to laparoscopy, salpingostomy can also be used. Find out more information about these procedures and possible consequences for your body. Also find out about the features of recovery after a particular treatment method.

The attending physician is the person to whom you should turn for advice and help first. Only he can appoint certain drugs or procedures that will speed up the recovery process, depending on the type of treatment for the ectopic pregnancy. As practice shows, recovery after laparotomy can last 5-6 months, and after surgical laparoscopy - no more than 4 weeks.

Emotional recovery is also considered an important part of recovery after the procedure, so you need to talk to someone about what happened. It's best if it's a boyfriend or spouse, although women often prefer a heart-to-heart conversation with their close friends. Regular, frank conversations will help you cope with your surgery.

Regular participation in active sports will help you take your mind off the problem and restore your energy supply. Doctors also recommend doing yoga or meditation for mental relaxation. This will help clear your mind of negative thoughts and plunge headlong into the world of sincerity, happiness and love. But before engaging in any sport, you should consult a doctor. He will tell you when you can start training.

If, after suffering an ectopic pregnancy, you want to become pregnant again, you should definitely talk to your doctor before doing so. After full examination he will be able to tell when your body is ready for this. He will also advise on risk factors that could cause this deviation to recur. First of all, this concerns bad habits, pelvic inflammation and endometriosis.

Video - How to determine ectopic pregnancy

For many married couples, there is nothing better than two lines on the test, which give hope that the baby will arrive soon. However, the test is not yet a definite positive answer; you should also be examined by a gynecologist. The most reliable way to find out about your “interesting situation” was and remains ultrasound. Another question is at what stage an ultrasound shows pregnancy.


To determine pregnancy, two types of ultrasound are used - transvaginal and transabdominal. In the first case, a sensor is used that is inserted into the vagina. In the second, the study is carried out using a special gel. The transabdominal type is mainly prescribed after the first trimester of pregnancy. This ultrasound gives a general picture of the condition and development of the fetus, and also allows you to see some embryonic pathologies.

For short periods of time, transvaginal ultrasound is used. This method is more reliable and accurate. Thanks to it, specialists can easily identify an ectopic pregnancy.

How long does it take for an ultrasound to show pregnancy depends on the day of conception. Basically, ultrasound “sees” a fertilized three-week-old egg. However, in some cases, a repeat ultrasound is prescribed at five to six weeks.

Why doesn't an ultrasound show pregnancy?

Ultrasound is a mandatory type of examination during pregnancy. It is used not only to confirm an “interesting situation”, but also to exclude various pathologies. For example, if an ectopic pregnancy is not detected in time, a tube or ovary may rupture (depending on where the egg is implanted). However, a pelvic ultrasound does not always show pregnancy in the early stages. This happens for several reasons:

  • The fertilized egg does not allow the physiology of the uterus to be seen.
  • Failures in technology.
  • Unqualified specialist.
  • A very short period of time (up to three weeks).

This issue can be resolved by repeating the ultrasound in seven to ten days. During this time, the egg will “grow” and appear on the screen of the ultrasound machine.

Why does ectopic pregnancy occur?

Pregnancy outside the uterus is a pathology observed in 3-4% of women, in which a fertilized egg develops not in the uterus, but in other places unsuitable for gestation - the ovaries, fallopian tube, and abdominal cavity.

It cannot be said that ectopic pregnancy is a diagnosis for a certain type of woman. This pathology can occur both in healthy patients and in those suffering from diseases of the genital tract.

The causes of ectopic pregnancy can be:

  • Inflammation of the pelvic organs.
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system.
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which occurs as a result of previous infections and the formation of adhesions.
  • Abnormal structure of the uterus and appendages.
  • Experienced stressful situations.
  • Not healthy image life - drug and alcohol abuse.
  • Having suffered serious illnesses that caused complications on the reproductive organs.

The worst consequence of an ectopic pregnancy is infertility. However, if the pathology is identified and eliminated in time, then there is every chance of getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy child.

Symptoms indicating an ectopic pregnancy

In short periods, ectopic pregnancy is difficult to diagnose. There is a delay in menstruation, toxicosis, breast enlargement, irritability, drowsiness and some other symptoms. Pathology can only be determined using ultrasound. At what stage an ultrasound shows pregnancy outside the uterus depends on the competence of the doctor. Often this is three to four weeks. But sometimes you have to wait up to five or six weeks, which, in the presence of pathology, can be very dangerous for a woman’s health. Therefore, in addition to ultrasound, it is better to do additional tests. In particular, an analysis for the level of the hCG hormone gives a 100% result. So, when pregnancy proceeds normally, the amount of this hormone constantly increases in the body. A low hCG level indicates the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

In addition to tests, the main signs of pathology are also pain in the lower abdomen and discharge resembling menstrual discharge. Often such symptoms are confused with an incipient miscarriage. Therefore, in such cases, it is important to know the exact location of the fertilized egg in order to either maintain the pregnancy in time or produce surgical intervention, since at 4-6 weeks a rupture of the fallopian tube may occur.


Ectopic pregnancy is fraught not only with infertility, but also with the death of the patient. Early diagnosis of pregnancy helps to avoid such consequences.

If the woman has passed all the examinations and the doctor’s suspicions are confirmed, it is necessary to operate on the patient as quickly as possible and remove the fertilized egg. The operation is carried out in two ways:

  1. Laparoscopy. Three small incisions are made on the woman's abdomen. Using special instruments, the egg is removed, while the fallopian tube remains intact and can subsequently take part in fertilization. To perform laparoscopy, pregnancy should not exceed 3-4 weeks. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, you should not wait to see if an ultrasound will show pregnancy - it is better to resort to other research methods (hCG).
  2. Laparotomy. Under general anesthesia, an incision is made in the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity and the fallopian tube is completely removed along with the egg. The chances of getting pregnant after such an operation are halved.

Planning a pregnancy after an ectopic

Although an ectopic pregnancy is an unpleasant experience, it is not a death sentence. Timely surgical intervention gives a woman a chance to become a mother.

A second pregnancy should be planned in at least a year and a half. During this time, the body will have time to recover.

During the entire period before conception, doctors recommend protection with oral contraceptives, after which the ovaries begin to work “at full capacity” and pregnancy occurs almost instantly.

Immediately before conception, it is important to undergo a thorough medical examination and pass the necessary tests. This gives you a better chance of a healthy intrauterine pregnancy.

When, after a course of therapy and recovery of the body, two lines are again visible on the test, you should immediately consult a doctor. Repeated “interesting position” makes the woman more aware; she already knows at what stage of pregnancy an ultrasound shows and how to behave if a small period is not yet visible using ultrasound.

The course of a normal pregnancy

After a complete examination by a doctor and confirmation of intrauterine pregnancy, a crucial moment in life comes. expectant mother. The first thing you need to do is start leading a healthy lifestyle, without alcohol and harmful substances. Spend more time on fresh air, use only healthy food and vitamins.

The second important step is to register with your local gynecologist. He will monitor the course of pregnancy, give advice and recommendations that will contribute to the birth of a healthy baby.

An important method for diagnosing fetal development is ultrasound. At what stage an ultrasound shows pregnancy depends on the day of conception. If there are no pathologies, already in the third week a fertilized egg is visible in the uterine cavity. To prevent freezing of the fertilized egg, the doctor may prescribe a repeat ultrasound in the fifth or sixth week. By this time, the embryo will have grown and become like a fish.

Further, in the first trimester (10 - 12 weeks), in the second (20 - 24) and third (34 - 36), an ultrasound is again prescribed to determine normal development. Pregnancy - the norm of development, anomalies and pathologies - are best seen using ultrasound. Therefore, in no case should you ignore this research method, guided by your grandmother’s prejudices about the “harmfulness” of such radiation.

Pathology of fetal development on ultrasound

Thanks to ultrasound diagnostics, fetal pathology can be identified in the early stages and, if possible, corrected. Some pathologies cannot be corrected and may be incompatible with life. In this case, termination of pregnancy is indicated.

So, in utero you can determine:

You should not rely on ultrasound results alone. Additional tests should be carried out, which in combination with ultrasound will give a complete picture.


Pregnancy is a miracle that many parents look forward to. However, while pregnancy pathologies exist, it may not always be pleasant...

Whether an ultrasound shows an ectopic pregnancy and malformations largely depends on the competence of the doctor. So, when planning an “interesting position”, you need to choose only an experienced specialist.

An ectopic pregnancy is a pathological pregnancy that poses a serious threat to a woman’s health and requires emergency medical care. In this case, the fertilized egg develops outside the uterus. Most often it is fixed in the fallopian tube, but there are cases of its localization in the ovaries or in the abdominal cavity.

According to statistics, 1-2% of all pregnancies, including those resulting from artificial insemination, are ectopic. The risk of this pathology increases in more mature women over 35 years of age. In view of this, representatives of the fair sex who are of reproductive age are often interested in whether an ectopic pregnancy is visible on an ultrasound?

Options for ectopic pregnancy

According to the location of the fertilized egg, ectopic pregnancy can be divided into the following types:

  • Pipe arrangement. The sperm reaches the egg in the fallopian tubes, but due to the obstruction of the tubes, the embryo cannot penetrate the uterus. As a result, tubal rupture may occur or urgent termination of pregnancy may be indicated.
  • Location in the ovary. Fertilization occurs before the egg leaves the follicle or the sperm reaches the newly ejected female reproductive cell, which immediately attaches to the ovary. As a result, ovarian apoplexy may occur or the embryo may be removed in a timely manner.
  • Cervical attachment is a rare pathology that is very easily diagnosed. When examined, the uterus is shaped like an hourglass. The fetus can be found in the lumen. The prognosis is unfavorable - sometimes, to save the patient’s life, they resort to hysterectomy.
  • Location of the embryo in the peritoneum. This pathology occurs even less frequently, when a fertilized egg accidentally enters the abdominal cavity, implants and begins to develop. Or it may break off from the fallopian tube and travel into the peritoneal cavity.

Heterotopic pregnancy is extremely rarely diagnosed. It represents the coexistence of intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy.

When should you sound the alarm?

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy are important information for any woman. Among the primary ones we can highlight the following:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • first signs of toxicosis;
  • painful mammary glands;
  • basal temperature is slightly increased.

These signs will not help much, since they are one to one, just like in intrauterine pregnancy. But there is something that should alert a woman closer to the 4th week of her expected pregnancy:

  • The concentration of chronic gonadotropin (hCG) is below the norm typical for this period.
  • Standard tests to determine pregnancy do not show a positive result.
  • From the vagina are observed copious discharge mixed with blood.
  • Painful sensations in the area of ​​the uterus and appendages.
  • Decline blood pressure and dizziness.
  • Significant increase in body temperature.

A woman who is worried about her health and the future of her baby should certainly go to an antenatal clinic. Already there, the gynecologist may suspect the presence of an ectopic pregnancy in the following cases:

  • The size of the uterus is somewhat smaller than it should be at this stage.
  • An ultrasound examination did not show the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterus.
  • Low hCG levels.
  • Painful sensations.

Moreover, if the uterus is smaller than it should be, then the gynecologist may recommend a follow-up examination after 7 days. If then everything remains unchanged, then the woman is sent for an ultrasound and blood donation for hCG. Such symptoms do not always indicate an ectopic pregnancy. We can talk about a complete absence of pregnancy or a frozen pregnancy.

In more than half of the cases, focusing on bleeding or pain, women turn to a specialist before serious complications can arise


Ultrasound using a transvaginal sensor is the best way to determine the location of the embryo. If the pregnancy test persistently shows 2 stripes, and no fertilized egg is found in the uterus, then they begin to suspect that the embryo is in the ovary or peritoneum.

The question remains relevant: at what stage can an ectopic pregnancy be detected by ultrasound? Some experts claim that this diagnostic method makes it possible to detect the place of attachment of the fertilized egg already on the 20th day of gestation. But still, a more common opinion is that objective information can only be obtained after 30 days.

It happens that a woman comes in very early and it is impossible to physically examine the fertilized egg in the uterus. If there are serious reasons to suspect a pathological pregnancy, then the procedure is repeated after 5-7 days. And it is even more correct in this case to immediately hospitalize the woman and conduct a full medical examination.

During intrauterine pregnancy, an ultrasound examination with a vaginal sensor can show the embryo in the uterine cavity 5 weeks after the onset of the delay in pregnancy. menstrual cycle. Whereas the fertilized egg can be seen after 14 days.

Methodology ultrasound examination through the anterior abdominal wall is less sensitive. This ultrasound shows an ectopic pregnancy only at 7-8 weeks.

Signs that can be seen on ultrasound

The discovery of a living embryo outside the uterus is an undeniable sign of a pathological pregnancy.

In addition, there are a number of additional signs that help identify such pathology:

  • In the area of ​​the fallopian tubes and ovaries, a pathological formation of various shapes and sizes is visualized.
  • Despite the presence of the first signs of pregnancy, an embryo is not detected in the uterus.
  • The body of the uterus has an increased size or other changes in the muscle layer of this organ, but the picture of a healthy pregnancy is completely absent.
  • Enhanced reflection of ultrasound by the inner mucous membrane of the uterus, against the background of the effect of human chorionic gonadotropin on it.
  • A false embryo is found in the uterine cavity.
  • An accumulation of fluid is detected in the recess of the parietal peritoneum.
  • A cyst is discovered, which occurs due to the accumulation of fluid at the site of the burst follicle and can sometimes contain blood.

The ultrasound picture of an ectopic pregnancy may differ in each specific case. Its formation can be influenced by various factors:

  • organic changes in the fallopian tubes (obstruction, salpingitis, dropsy);
  • formation of cysts at the site of a burst ovary;
  • extensive hemorrhages in the abdominal cavity and pelvis;
  • close arrangement of loops in the small intestine;
  • accumulation of benign uterine tumors.

On the monitor of an ultrasound machine or a photo taken for the patient, you can see a false fertilized egg (there is no embryo inside). To save a woman’s life, an urgent operation is required to remove a fertilized egg from the fallopian tube or other organ.

ABOUT home treatment in this case, there can be no discussion; timely hospitalization is the key to saving a woman’s life

Inaccuracies and complications

And yet, concerned women are interested in whether an ultrasound will show an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages in all cases? Or are there errors? No one can give a 100% guarantee due to the following reasons:

  • Too short a pregnancy does not physically allow one to determine whether there is an embryo in the uterine cavity or not.
  • Limited range of ultrasound machine capabilities.
  • Imperfection of the equipment used and its possible malfunction.
  • The specialist performing the diagnostic procedure did not have sufficient qualifications and experience.

Sometimes an accumulation of fluid or a blood clot in the uterus looks like a fertilized egg and the specialist mistakenly determines intrauterine pregnancy. The woman calms down accordingly, and if the internal bleeding is insignificant, then a pathological pregnancy can proceed hidden for a long time and at the same time not have pronounced symptoms.

A frequent option for further developments is rupture of the fallopian tube. This happens suddenly and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Feels like sharp pain in the lower abdomen, mainly on the side where the fertilized egg was attached to the tube. The pain radiates to the rectum area, as well as the right collarbone.
  • Often there is a false urge to defecate or loose stools appear. The abdomen is swollen and painful on palpation.
  • Decreased blood pressure, severe weakness, even fainting. With severe bleeding, hemorrhagic shock develops.
  • Pale skin and mucous membranes, shortness of breath, cold sweat.
  • Apathy, lethargy, rapid, weak pulse.

Treatment in this case involves immediate surgery. The damaged fallopian tube is removed laparoscopically, and if hemorrhagic shock occurs, then by performing a laparotomy (open access to the abdominal cavity).

Ultrasound with the introduction of a vaginal sensor is considered the most accurate diagnostic method in determining ectopic pregnancy. But you shouldn’t expect a 100% guarantee from him either. Not in all cases this pathology will be visible and the correct diagnosis will be made. It is advisable to combine ultrasound diagnostics with other methods for greater accuracy.