Do-it-yourself Topas septic tank maintenance: step-by-step instructions. Topas septic tank maintenance methods and possible breakdowns Topas septic tank 5 maintenance

Maintenance of a Topas septic tank is a set of cleaning measures that ensure high quality of system operation and prevent breakdowns. Unlike sewage pits, to clean an autonomous sewer you do not need to use sewerage equipment; moreover, the process itself is not complicated and can be performed without the help of a specialist. But before you get started, you need to read the instructions to understand how to clean the septic tank.

What does septic tank maintenance involve?

The Topas sewer system, like other devices, needs regular monitoring, otherwise wastewater will have difficulty passing through the filters and their purification will become insufficient. IN worst case An emergency situation may arise, and then system repair will be required. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Every 3 months, remove excess sludge, clean nozzles, airlifts and filters from large fractions of contaminants, and also get rid of garbage that is not processed by the septic tank.
  2. Clean the compressor air filters once a year.
  3. Replace filters in the compressor 2 times a year.
  4. Approximately once every 5 years, clean the bottom of the receiving chamber and aeration tank.
  5. Replace aerators once every 15 years.

If you do not want to carry out autonomous sewer cleaning work yourself, then you can contact a specialized company that services Topas septic tanks. You can conclude an agreement with her and specialists will come to the site for scheduled activities without a reminder. It is important to note that most companies that sell autonomous sewers additionally offer to draw up an agreement for regular septic tank maintenance.

Quarterly system cleaning

The simplest thing an owner can do suburban area with an autonomous station, you need to clean it yourself every 3 months. The work consists of 3 stages:

  1. Pumping out excess sludge.
  2. Cleaning filters that capture large fractions of contaminants.
  3. Removing debris from the bottom of the aeration tank that bacteria cannot process.

Cleaning the Topas septic tank from sludge is extremely necessary, because if this is not done, sediment will begin to compact at the bottom of the chamber and, as a result, the water will acquire an unpleasant odor.

Before performing work, it is necessary to pump out water from the sludge receptacle using a drainage pump or airlift with which the device is equipped. It should be noted that drainage pump is not included with the septic tank and will have to be purchased separately. Cleaning is done as follows:

  • the plug is removed from the installed airlift;
  • approximately 50% of the sludge from the chamber is pumped into a prepared large container through an airlift hose;
  • the chamber is filled with clean water.

If a drainage pump is used for pumping, then the septic tank must first be turned off and wait until the sludge settles to the bottom. After this, half the volume of accumulated sludge should be removed through the hose, and after removing the pump, the container is filled with water and the septic tank is started.

Cleaning the filter, which catches contaminants from large fractions, is also not particularly difficult and the whole job is done quite quickly. First you need to disconnect the device from the network and only after that you can disconnect and remove the airlift.

Next, you should unclip the filter clips and pull it out of the septic tank. To clean the filter, it is recommended to use a machine high pressure, which is used to wash cars. Use it to flush the pump and hoses. As for the injectors, they are carefully cleaned with a needle. When all the removed elements of the device are returned to their places, you can turn on the septic tank.

To clean the Topas septic tank from debris accumulated in the aeration tank, it is necessary to remove a special chamber in which it settles from the second compartment. First, turn off the system, then remove the garbage container and rinse it with a stream of water supplied under pressure. Having returned the camera to its place, you need to start the sewer system to make sure it is working. If this manipulation is not carried out every quarter, then incompletely purified water with an unpleasant odor will end up in the storage tank.

Breakdowns and their causes

If errors are made when installing an autonomous sewer system, or if it is not properly maintained, breakdowns may occur.

Most often consumers encounter the following problems:

  1. After purification, the water remains cloudy and has an unpleasant odor. This is usually due to untimely or poor quality septic tank maintenance. The device needs to be cleaned and rinsed urgently.
  2. When turned on, the RCD malfunctioned. This situation can happen when the sensors, pump or compressor are shorted - they need to be inspected. In addition, this may be due to damage to the wiring.
  3. Effluent flowing out of a septic tank when water is not being used. Most likely, this is due to plumbing or piping leaks caused by blockages.
  4. Flooding of equipment. This problem indicates a malfunction of the pump or airlift; they need to be cleaned or replaced.
  5. When the emergency sensor is triggered, you need to check the airlift, and if no problems are found in it, it means that the sensor itself is broken and must be replaced.

The owner of a septic tank can resolve most problems on his own, but if you are not confident in your abilities, it is recommended to contact specialists.

Not even a perfect system will work for a long time and without interruptions if regular maintenance is not carried out. This is especially true for sewers, into which small debris, household waste and hair are discharged along with the drains during work. The Topas septic tank does not require any incredible effort on the part of the user during maintenance, but the station must be cleaned and checked regularly.

How to understand that a Topas septic tank requires maintenance?

To determine whether it is time to clean the Topas septic tank and how much sludge needs to be pumped out, you need to take a sample of the drainage from the aeration tank chamber. To do this, you will need a liter glass jar and a small transparent bucket on a rope; a plastic cup will also do. The sample must be taken while the aerator is running in the chamber, mixing the effluent. Place a bucket in the aeration tank, scoop it up and pour the sample into a glass jar. Afterwards, you will need to let the drain settle for 30-40 minutes. If after this time you see that the sludge in the jar occupies 50% of the space or more, then the installation definitely requires maintenance.

For regular maintenance of the Topas septic tank, you can call a service technician or do it yourself. The frequency of maintenance depends on the intensity of use of the septic tank. For year-round use, it is necessary to clean the septic tank every 4-6 months. If you live in a cottage or dacha only in the summer - once a year. If you come only for weekends in the spring and summer, then maintenance can be carried out once every two years.

1 – Receiving chamber

2 – Aerotank

3 – Secondary settling tank

4 – Sludge stabilizer

5 – Pump compartment

For manual maintenance, you will need a Karcher, a container for pumped out household waste, a long-handled net with a metal mesh and a drainage pump. Recommended sequence of actions for maintenance:

1) Disable installation by turning the switch.

Fig.1. Turn the switch to the "Off" position

2) Clean compressor filters. To do this, unplug the first compressor from the socket, unscrew the screw holding the compressor cover and remove the cover. Underneath you will find an air filter. It must be removed from dust; if it is heavily soiled, it must be washed and dried. Then insert it back into the compressor and return the cap. Then repeat all the same steps with the second compressor. Then remove dust and sand from the compressor unit with a dry cloth.

Fig.2. Filters need to be washed or exhausted

3) Lower the drainage pump to the bottom of the sludge stabilizer, direct the pump hose into the prepared sludge container. Pump out 50-60 cm of sediment from the bottom of the sludge container.

Fig.3. For sludge, you need to prepare a plastic container or hole

4) To pump out sludge, you can use not only a submersible pump, but also a standard service airlift. To do this, remove it from the clip and lead the hose into the sludge container. Remove the metal clamp and plug. Turn on the station, and then the pump will begin pumping out sludge. You can subsequently use the sediment as fertilizer for non-fertile plants.

Attention! The pump only operates when the float sensor is raised (in the forward phase). If the water level in the PC is insufficient, the float must be raised independently.

Fig.4. The standard airlift is located in the sludge collector chamber

5) Remove the drain pump from the SI and lower it into the aeration tank chamber. Pump out about half a meter of drainage from the bottom of the chamber.

Fig.5. All sludge must be pumped out of the aeration tank chamber

6) Wash station. Before doing this, remove the hair trap, clean it of debris and rinse it under strong water pressure. Then use a Karcher to rinse the inside of the septic tank. Then top up clean water into the sludge stabilizer and aeration tank to the operating level.

Fig.6. After pumping, it is necessary to fill the chambers with water

7) Disconnect the air tube from the main airlift and remove it. All nozzles in Topas are brass, so heat them with a hairdryer if necessary. Once heated, the hose can be easily removed.

Fig.7. Airlifts must be removed before washing

8) Disconnect the next air tube from the coarse filter. Please note that the nozzles on the manifold are different, but on all elements they are the same. Therefore, the air tubes should be marked in advance so as not to be confused during reassembly.

Fig.8. Don't forget to label the air tubes

9) Remove the coarse filter from the unit. Thoroughly rinse it and the main airlift with a Karcher. It is important to clean them not only outside, but also inside.

Fig.9. Clean coarse filter and main airlift

10) Completion of work. Install the coarse fraction filter and the main airlift back into the receiving chamber of the septic tank, then connect the air pipes. Also replace the hair catcher. Use a net to remove non-degradable debris from the receiving chamber. Turn on the station, close the lid.

Fig. 10. A washed station looks nicer than a dirty one =)

In addition to the listed procedures, once every 1-2 years it is necessary to replace the compressors with reconnection to the power supply. What is it for?

Septic tank Topas is two-phase. 70% of the time it operates in the direct phase, pumping wastewater from the receiving chamber to the aeration tank and from the aeration tank to the secondary settling tank. The remaining 30% it works in the reverse phase - it distills wastewater from the aeration tank into the sludge settling tank, and then into the receiving chamber. Each phase has its own compressor. Because of this, their resource is developed unevenly. So that one compressor does not “grow old” before the other, they are swapped.

Maintenance of septic tank Topas

Please note that some service work is best left to an authorized service center employee. Such procedures include:

  1. Once a year it is necessary to clean the bottom of the receiving chamber from mineralized sediment.
  2. Once every 3 years change compressor membranes.
  3. Once every 3 years clean the bottom of the aeration tank from mineralized sediment.
  4. Once every 10 years It is necessary to change the aeration elements in the aerators.

Maintenance of Topas septic tank in winter

Biological treatment station (BTP) Topas does not experience any difficulties when working in winter. Biochemical processes in a septic tank occur with the release of heat, plus active mixing of wastewater does not allow the formation of a crust of ice. Maintenance of the Topas septic tank in winter is carried out in the same way as in summer. The only limitation is that the station should not be serviced at extreme sub-zero temperatures. Firstly, it is cold to wash a septic tank in frosty conditions, and secondly, leaving the lid open for a long time can cause temperature-sensitive bacteria to die. Therefore, it is better to draw up the Topas maintenance schedule in such a way that the scheduled cleaning of the septic tank occurs when the temperature is above zero or at a slight minus.

Availability: yes

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Availability: yes

  • After disconnecting the station from the power supply, remove the compressors and pump (if provided) and take them to a warm room.
  • Lower the water level in the septic tank by 30-40 cm. The procedure is not necessary for Topas stations with an extended neck, since in them the operating water level is below the freezing level.
  • Seal the outlet of purified water for septic tanks with forced drainage of purified waste.
  • Insulate the SBO cover using a box made of foam sheets.
  • As a preventative measure, you can also lower a plastic bottle with sand on a rope into each chamber. The amount of sand should be such that the bottle remains afloat. If the top layer of water in an idle station freezes, then most of the overpressure The bottles will take over, not the walls of the case.

How to reduce the cost of servicing Topas septic tanks

The most budget option, of course, is independent maintenance of the station with periodic calls to a service technician for more complex work. In this case, you will only need to spend money on a Karcher and a submersible pump. The expenses will be about 10-15 thousand rubles. However, even if you don't want to bother with seasonal cleaning of the station yourself, you still have a chance to save money.

For example, when purchasing a turnkey Topas septic tank from the Zagorod company, you will have access to an extended service:

  • Installation work guaranteed for 5 years.
  • Discount on regular service work.

Buy Topas septic tanks from our company and shift all worries about autonomous sewage onto our shoulders.

When a breakdown occurs engineering systems in a private house, then it’s time to joke: the hour of reckoning has come for several years of convenience. The failure of a treatment plant seems to stop life in the house - now there is no way to do a full cleaning, or to wash or do laundry.

Calling a specialist is not always possible, so you have to repair the TOPAS septic tank and Maintenance on one's own. Let's look at the structure of the septic tank and the most common breakdowns that can happen.

When starting to repair a wastewater treatment plant, it is necessary to have an understanding of the principle of its operation. The operation of the device is based on the purification of liquid household waste using bacteria.

And if energy-independent systems rely on the work of anaerobic bacteria, the life of which is possible in the absence of oxygen, then it cleans waste thanks to anaerobic and aerobic organisms.

The difference in the living conditions of these microorganisms affects the completely different operating principles of wastewater treatment devices.

Different models of the TOPAS station may differ in size, productivity, the ability to process a certain amount of wastewater per unit of time (salvo discharge indicator), the presence of a drainage pump for removing treated water or its absence, installation depth (for example, models with the designation “Long” are connected to pipe, which lies at a depth below 0.9 m)

In conditions of complete absence of oxygen, fermentation of the waste mass is carried out by anaerobes. The process takes place in the first compartment of the treatment plant. Then the settled and fermented wastewater comes to the disposal of aerobes located in the next three compartments of the system.

Aerobic microorganisms break down and process suspended particles and impurities found in wastewater much faster, but they require a constant supply of oxygen. In addition, oxygen is necessary for the oxidation of mass. Aeration of the wastewater is provided by an electric pump, so operation of the device without power supply is impossible. Read about how aerobic and anaerobic bacteria work for septic tanks.

Septic tank design and cleaning technology

The septic tank capacity is divided into four independent tanks, and each one performs a special function.

The chambers are connected to each other in such a way that when there is an intensive flow of wastewater, the purification process is accelerated, and when there is a small flow, it becomes more effective due to the reusable distillation of waste.

Since the flow of wastewater in households is irregular, this feature is very important for the high-quality and uninterrupted operation of the station.

For long-term and successful use of the station, it is necessary to conscientiously follow the recommendations, namely:

  • it is prohibited to make design changes to the station structure;
  • it is unacceptable to merge different chemical substances, products containing chlorine (in large quantities), water obtained from the regeneration of drinking water treatment systems;
  • It is prohibited to discharge construction waste, non-biodegradable compounds, food residues and cleanings of forest mushrooms, and pet hair into the sewer system.

Despite numerous prohibitions, the manufacturer fully allows for the reasonable use of modern detergents and hygiene products:

  • It is allowed to dump toilet paper into the sewer system;
  • You can drain drains from washing machines and dishwashers that do not contain chlorine;
  • it is allowed to drain a small amount of cleaning products for plumbing, kitchen equipment, and sanitaryware no more than once a week;
  • It is permitted to discharge kitchen waste without restrictions.

In addition, during a power outage, it is necessary to reduce water consumption as much as possible to prevent the chambers from overflowing and contaminated water from spilling.

In winter, the septic tank lid must be cleared of the formation of a snow cap so that the compressors pumping air have access to it. The device must be insulated at temperatures below -25 °C

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The planned cleaning of the TOPAS station is clearly described in the video:

Video about the repair of the station after the flood:

It is quite possible to clean and repair LOS TOPAS yourself. But in order to be able to take advantage of warranty service, it is better to ask the manufacturer or seller what kind of work the users themselves are allowed to carry out. Otherwise, interfering with the system may deprive legal rights on free services service departments.

After reading the material, do you have any questions? Or you have already encountered a septic tank breakdown and you have something to advise our readers, please leave comments, share your experience, ask questions, and we will try to answer them promptly.

The construction of a local sewer system is an excellent way out of a situation where it is not possible to connect a country house or cottage to a central sewer collector. Often the “heart” of a wastewater disposal system is an industrially produced aerobic septic tank. Such devices are very effective in wastewater treatment, but require regular maintenance. Often, cottage owners resort to the services of specialized companies for this, although septic tank maintenance can be done independently. Using the example of the most popular Topas, Unilos Astra 5 and Eurobion units, we will tell you about the features and frequency of their service, and also give some useful tips from professionals.

Stick to the maintenance schedule

Topas septic tanks do not require constant monitoring, as they are modern autonomous systems. However, for their effective trouble-free operation, periodic maintenance of the units is required. The manufacturer prescribes the following frequency of preventive measures:

  • Removing unprocessed residues in the form of garbage, as well as silt deposits, cleaning the coarse filter, air lifts and nozzles - once a quarter.
  • Cleaning the compressor air filter – once every 12 months.
  • Replacement of compressor membrane mechanisms – once every 24 months.
  • Cleaning the aeration tank chamber and the bottom of the primary chamber – once every 5 years.
  • Replacement of aerators - after 12-15 years of operation.

Approximately the same requirements for the frequency of septic tank maintenance are put forward by other manufacturers of similar devices.

Removal of sludge deposits

Once a quarter it is necessary to remove sludge residue and service the filter rough cleaning and remove unprocessed waste.

Remember that you cannot allow sludge to be completely removed from the chamber, because biological wastewater treatment only takes place if it is present.

In order not to get a layer of dense sludge at the bottom of the sludge receptacle, it is regularly pumped out using an airlift, which is equipped with the sludge collection chamber:

  • Remove the airlift plug.
  • Connect the standard pump hose to the drain tank.
  • Pumping out sludge is possible after turning on the pump. During its operation, make sure that the remaining sludge in the chamber is at least one third.
  • The sludge receptacle is filled with fresh water to the required level.

Sometimes the airlift refuses to work. Most often this happens because it is clogged, so the unit is dismantled and washed. After this, the pump is put back in place and the process is repeated again.

If it is impossible to remove the lower part of the sediment with an airlift, you should use a drainage pump. As a rule, such equipment is not included in the kit, so you will have to purchase it separately.

Do not remove all sludge; biological treatment occurs when it is present.

Maintaining the coarse filter

Filter maintenance, which involves cleaning it from large particles, is carried out at least once every three months. In this case, the Topas station is completely turned off, and the work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Disconnect the hoses supplying air from the injectors to the airlifts. Sometimes their hardened ends cause certain difficulties. To remove them, you can use a lighter or a hair dryer.
  • Having disconnected the fastenings, remove the airlift of the main pump.
  • Remove the coarse filter. To do this, snap off the clips securing it to the body.
  • Wash all parts and hoses using a high pressure pump.
  • Clean the air injectors (you can use a needle).
  • Reassemble the entire assembly in reverse order and connect the injectors.
  • Topas is launched.

When connecting airlifts, it is important not to mix up the connection hoses, otherwise the septic tank will not be able to work correctly.

Removing garbage

Garbage not processed by microorganisms accumulates in a special chamber provided by the septic tank manufacturer

Although the requirements for the operation of a septic tank do not allow the discharge of inorganic waste, this, as a rule, cannot be avoided. Garbage that is not processed by microorganisms accumulates in a special chamber provided by the septic tank manufacturer.

To clean this chamber, the septic tank is turned off, the garbage collection device (the so-called “comb”) is removed and washed with a high-pressure pump or simply with a strong stream of water. After this, all the elements are installed in their original places and the septic tank is put into operation.

Features of cleaning septic tanks from Unilos

Unilos septic tanks (Mega, Kedr, Astra) have long proven themselves to be reliable and effective devices for treating household wastewater. Their design includes several chambers, which allows for the most complete treatment of wastewater. The most popular among owners of country houses is the Unilos Astra septic tank. The digital index of the model characterizes how many people the application is intended for of this device(Unilos Astra 3 is designed to serve a house in which a family of 3 people lives, Unilos Astra 8 - for 8 family members).

Unilos septic tanks (Mega, Kedr, Astra) are effective in treating household wastewater

The septic tank manufacturer installed membrane-type aerators, the service life of which is at least 10 years, as well as chambers without moving parts. In combination with intermittent aeration, this approach increased the efficiency and reliability of the septic tank as a whole, although it did not eliminate the need for its periodic cleaning.

Just like in the Topas septic tank, sludge pumping is possible thanks to the operation of airlifts. This allows not only to preserve the structure of the biomass during its movement, but also to avoid the use of an additional pump to remove excess sludge from the chamber. Maintenance of Unilos septic tanks occurs in several stages:

  • External inspection of all chambers and monitoring of the performance of the pump and solenoid valves.
  • Cleaning the coarse fraction filter and airlift located in the receiving compartment of the Astra septic tank.
  • Pumping out sludge with a mamut pump. In order to drain the sludge, you need to prepare a suitable container. Sludge is pumped out in a semi-automatic mode. It is important to remove sludge at least once every three months, otherwise you will have to use a drainage pump. Its use is regulated every 6 months.
  • After removing the sludge, clean water is poured into the chamber.

Remember that during each service of Unilos Astra, cleaning of nozzles, membrane valves, aeration tank and filters is required.

The frequency of preventive maintenance is as follows:

  • Cleaning the aeration tank filter at least once every 6 months.
  • Replacement of membranes - every two years.
  • Complete cleaning of containers and replacement of all elements of the system - every five years.

Please note that when carrying out independent maintenance, the frequency of preventive maintenance increases by 1.5 times, which is due to the lack of professional equipment.

When using a septic tank, it is not allowed to exceed the level of wastewater; moreover, with intensive use of the device, it needs to be serviced much more often.

Entrust septic tank maintenance to professionals

Eurobion septic tank maintenance

Septic tanks Eurobion – quite simple devices, therefore, their own maintenance is provided by the manufacturer. Maintenance of the device is simplified as much as possible and practically does not differ from preventive work on cleaning septic tanks of other brands.

At the same time, the manufacturer puts forward several specific requirements that must be taken into account during the operation of the system:

  • Control of water transparency at the outlet of the device (the manufacturer does not recommend pouring treated wastewater into a resorption well).
  • Check the condition of the compressor diaphragm at least once every three years.
  • Inspection of sedimentation tanks at least once a month.
  • Control of odor intensity of treated wastewater.
  • Checking for the presence of sludge at the outlet of the device.

As you can see, these requirements are quite simple, and their implementation will allow you to control the operation of the unit. The same control must be carried out over the operation of other aerobic septic tanks. This will allow you to promptly notice problems that arise during their operation and take appropriate measures to restore the functionality of the devices.

Video: Septic tank maintenance

Proper operation of a septic tank involves not only timely maintenance, but also the implementation of some simple rules for its use.

Remember that all the work of cleaning sewage water in a septic tank is done by aerobic bacteria. It is their life support that determines how effective your system will be. Make it a rule - no chemicals in wastewater. Detergents– only marked “bio”, discarding cleaning products for kitchen surfaces – no more than once a week. Solid insoluble waste goes into the trash bin, and when there is a power outage, a minimum of waste water. If you do not follow these simple rules, the device will not work properly, and this will not only affect the degree of wastewater treatment, but will also require more frequent maintenance.

  1. Results of untimely cleaning
  2. Cleaning algorithm
  3. List of contraindications for use
  4. What to do for cleaning
  5. Eco-Dacha company services for cleaning septic tanks
  6. Conclusion

For uninterrupted and efficient work A septic tank without accidents must comply with the principles and features of use. It is a local sewage treatment plant in places where there is no possibility of connecting to a central sewerage system. Most often these are private households in garden associations, in cottage development.

In an autonomous sewer system, the purification of dirty wastewater is carried out on the basis of chemical, biological and mechanical clarification of water, using aerobic and anaerobic methods. The installed compressor and aerator enrich the wastewater with oxygen, forcing it to circulate throughout the entire volume of the container. In this fertile environment, there is a very rapid development and increase in the number of safe microscopic organisms. Thanks to the existing pumps and airlifts, sewage is transported within the system itself.

Results of untimely cleaning

If the cleaning time for Topas is not observed, over time, activated sludge will form and accumulate in the system, which will lead to the fact that the technical and operational characteristics of the device will begin to slowly decline. It is worth noting that pumping out sludge is not the only measure for pumping out a septic tank. If you ignore some of them, this can lead to the appearance of “blood clots” in the system sewer pipes or parts of the tank, such as chambers or a compressor.

In addition, it is necessary to constantly wash the outside of the installation with ordinary clean water, otherwise residents will begin to feel a fetid odor in their area, and unsanitary conditions will spread.

The septic system will not be able to cope with sudden discharges of wastewater in a timely manner. This will lead to inconvenience in using the septic tank and a decrease in the level of comfort of living in a private country house. And, of course, the main problem as a result of belated cleaning will be the poor quality of sewage water treatment, which will make it impossible to use it as irrigation water for the garden or simply drain it into the ground.

In this regard, it is simply vital to clean the Topas sewer system in a timely manner, either on your own or with the help of sewer specialists. This will preserve the operational characteristics of the system and its operability and reduce the risk of Topas “freezing” during the winter months.

Cleaning algorithm

There is a certain set of mandatory procedures for cleaning Topas on your own:

  1. About 3 or 4 times a year it is necessary to pump sludge out of the settling tank using a special mechanism (it comes complete with the equipment).
  2. With the same frequency, it is necessary to clean the chamber from solid waste water, fat deposits, small food residues and other organic debris.
  3. Once a year you need to pump out the sludge and flush the tank with strong pressure of ordinary water.
  4. It is imperative to replace the membranes in the compressor once every 3 years.
  5. The sewer pipe system should be flushed weekly with boiling water; to do this, add it to the toilet or bathtub. The volume of one teapot will be enough. This will get rid of fat deposits in the pipes and help prevent large blockages from appearing in the sewer leading to the septic tank. In the future, this will reduce the number of difficult cleaning activities.
  6. Clean the sludge receptacle from sediment quarterly.
  7. A complete replacement of aerators is required once every 15 years.

There is also a list of contraindications when using a Topas septic tank:

  • Do not allow waste from peeling vegetables or moldy food to be washed down the pipes. Mold has an extremely negative effect on the life of septic bacteria and leads to their death. To avoid this, it will be enough to use special household nets in all bathrooms and kitchens.
  • It is necessary to avoid draining aggressive liquids such as gasoline, alkalis, and acids - they lead to the death of bacteria.
  • Do not allow polyethylene or plastic to get into the pipes - otherwise blockages will form.

In the Topas system, only water, small organic matter, sewage and toilet paper can be drained.

To pump out Topas, you need to do the following:

  • Lower a special pump into the stabilizer compartment. From it there is a hose to the place where the contents of the tank will be drained.
  • Turn on the pump and pump out about half or slightly less of the activated sludge.
  • Next, you need to fill the container with clean water and start the biological treatment system.