Choosing a voltage stabilizer for the boiler. How to choose a voltage stabilizer for a gas boiler - detailed instructions. What is a voltage stabilizer and why is it needed?

A modern gas boiler is a complex device that consists of two electrical components - an electronics board and a circulation pump. While the electronics in high-quality models have at least entry-level protection against power surges, the pump does not. Therefore, to prevent failure of these components, an external voltage stabilizer is used. At the same time, it is not recommended to buy an electromechanical model for a gas boiler.

Purpose of the device

A gas boiler is a heating device, in which thermal energy is generated due to the combustion of fuel in a gaseous state. To automate all processes and ensure uninterrupted operation, a complex radio-electronic circuit based on a microcontroller is used. In addition, the device uses an electrical part to maintain the required water pressure - pump unit. This unit and the electronics board are powered from a 220-volt network, and for their correct operation it is necessary to maintain both the shape of the supply signal and its magnitude.

In accordance with GOST of the Russian Federation, the voltage in the network must be within ±10% of the voltage of 220 volts. That is, values ​​in the range of 198–244 volts are considered normal and safe for use of any type of electrical equipment. For most radio devices, signal drops within an acceptable range are completely imperceptible, but when they leave it, the electronics begin to malfunction and may fail.

The most important advice when buying a voltage stabilizer

With increased voltage, the power reserve of the radio components is exceeded, they begin to overheat, which leads to a change in their electrical parameters and burnout. And with reduced voltage, the load on the water pump increases. This is due to the fact that its operation is designed for a certain power, which must remain unchanged.

This power depends on two quantities: current and voltage. Since the voltage has decreased, to compensate for the drop in power, the pump increases current consumption, which leads to heating of the contact groups and electrical connections of the device and reduces its service life. In this case, a situation may arise in which the pump will not start, but a large current will be supplied to the motor, and the device will burn out.

The causes of fluctuations in the electrical network are both internal and natural factors. The first includes the quality of electrical wiring and its connections, phase imbalance due to uneven load, accidents at a power plant, and the second includes natural disasters, for example, broken power lines, lightning.

Voltage regulator. How to choose. Which is better. Which one is like.

To maintain the output signal level in a safe range, voltage stabilizers for gas boilers are used. But it should be understood that their task is only to maintain the permissible output voltage.

Operating principle and types

To protect the device from input signal fluctuations, they can be used Various types devices. But it is the stabilizer that allows the gas boiler to operate without turning off when the input voltage goes beyond the permissible limit. The operation of the stabilizing device is based on its ability to monitor changes in the signal level at the input and correct it at the output. This is achieved in two ways: using a transformer with multiple output windings and using pulse width modulation.

Transformer stabilizers contain part of the windings that work to increase the voltage, and part that work to decrease the voltage. Using electronic control, depending on changes in the input, additional windings are connected to the output of the device, thereby maintaining the signal level in the range of 220 V ±10%. The operation of digital devices (inverters) is completely different. They use the principle of energy storage with double conversion. A choke or capacitor is used as a storage device, and stabilization occurs by changing the shape of the signal pulses.

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Industrially produced voltage stabilizers for boilers are:

There are also hybrid stabilizers that use thyristors and resistors in relay switching circuits. This approach helps extend the life of the relay by protecting its contacts from wear.

Device characteristics

Like any complex device, stabilizers for gas boilers are characterized by various parameters. Therefore, when choosing a device, the requirements for them are first taken into account. In addition to technical parameters, there are also qualitative ones that determine the reliability and durability of the device, as well as the ease of use.

The main characteristics of the stabilizing device include:

Why do you need a Voltage Stabilizer for a Boiler? Oberig

In addition to technical specifications, gas boilers differ: by type of location - floor or wall-mounted, number of phases - single- or three-phase, ergonomics - convenience of the information screen, sound alarm, appearance.

How to buy a stabilizer

A stabilizer is always needed for a gas boiler, but choosing a model can be difficult. Primary selection criteria include power, input voltage range and signal shape. All other parameters are also important, but their values ​​are not critical. But simply choosing a device based on its characteristics is not enough - the declared parameters must correspond to the actual ones. Therefore, it is worth choosing products from well-known manufacturers.

After all, when buying a model from a famous brand, you can hope for good warranty and post-warranty support, if necessary, quick repairs, and safety in use. Indeed, often the use of “noname” does not lead to the protection of the boiler, but to the creation of dangerous working conditions.

Review of manufacturers

The circuitry of voltage stabilizers has not undergone changes for a long time, and it is difficult for manufacturers to stand out here. The main emphasis is on reducing the cost of products. Therefore, domestic manufacturers can compete almost equally with leading companies, since the cost of their models is lower due to transport logistics.

Today, the entire production market is connected with China, which is why all companies can be divided into two groups: the first ones buy finished goods and simply label them with their name, the latter purchase the necessary blocks and assemblies, and assemble them at their own facilities.

The largest Russian manufacturers are: NPP Inteps, Polygon, Shtil. IN Lately The products of the Energia company, which produces its products under the name Progress, become popular. Good feedback They also receive stabilizers produced by the following companies: Bastion, Elektromash (Tiraspol), SibStab (Novosibirsk).

But Chinese manufacturers dominate. More than half of it is occupied by the Resanta company, followed by Voto, Rucelf, Powerman. It should be noted that many of these brands they do not advertise their country of origin, an example of this is “Resanta”.

Voltage stabilizer for the pump. Selection advice.

European models are also deservedly popular, although in terms of pricing they are inferior to both Chinese and domestic manufacturers. The following companies stand out: Ortea (Italy), Salicru (Spain), NTT Stabilizer (Turkey), Irem (Italy). Stabilizers from these manufacturers are characterized minimum quantity failures, as well as impeccable assembly.

Selection algorithm

The best output signal shape is provided by a thyristor device, but the relay type provides better accuracy. The servo drive is distinguished only by the smoothness of the adjustment, but for use in conjunction with a boiler this does not matter much. Therefore, the best choice would be a thyristor type, and in terms of price/quality ratio, a relay type.

The choice of stabilizer for the boiler has the following algorithm:

It is worth noting that many manufacturers of gas boilers strongly recommend the use of stabilizers with their devices. And if boiler breakdowns are associated with voltage surges, then such a case is not considered under warranty, and repairs will have to be carried out at your own expense.

When heating country houses and private houses, gas boilers are increasingly used, generating heat for all residential premises. And for the continuous operation of the boiler, a constant supply of electricity must be ensured and possible power surges must be eliminated. For this purpose, voltage stabilizers for boilers are used. Let's look at what these devices are.

Design features and purpose of the stabilizer

The service life of any equipment that operates on electricity (this includes gas boilers) depends on how stable the voltage in the network is. And, as you yourself know, not every electrical network has constant indicators. Most equipment breaks down because slightly less/more energy was received than 220 volts. If the device was relatively cheap, then it can be repaired or simply replaced with a new one. But gas boilers are quite expensive, and their repair requires a lot of money.

This is where a stabilizer comes in handy. In essence, it “energizes” the heat generator, thereby solving problems with power surges. It adjusts the frequency and current strength, which prevents overloads in the system and possible burnout. And this, in turn, solves the problem of uninterrupted heating of the house. In addition, devices that are connected through a stabilizer operate more economically, which allows for some savings on electricity.

As you can see, the device is very useful and has a lot of advantages. Let's get acquainted with its main types.

Video - Main functions of the stabilizer

Classification of voltage stabilizers

Depending on the type of operation, these devices are divided into three large groups. Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of each of them.

Group No. 1. Electronic devices (also called relay devices)

They are characterized by the fact that they do not include moving elements. The advantages of these stabilizers include:

  1. resistance to periodic power surges;
  2. high response speed;
  3. light weight;
  4. small sizes.

But there are also disadvantages (albeit minor ones) that should also be mentioned:

  1. accuracy depends on the number of windings of the transformer (the more there are, the higher it is); the relay device does not exceed the GOST-standardized accuracy of 5%; but increasing the number of windings increases the price of the equipment;
  2. when moving from the windings, the light blinks in most cases;
  3. When switching ranges, characteristic clicks are heard.

Group No. 2. Triac devices (they are also called trimistor devices)

They operate on semiconductors made from a single crystal. Elements of this kind function like electronic keys, which provides the devices with the following advantages:

  1. fast response;
  2. extreme accuracy;
  3. unlimited resource;
  4. resistance to interference and mechanical stress;
  5. resistance to critical temperatures;
  6. quiet operation.

But any triac voltage stabilizer for a gas boiler also has disadvantages, which should also be remembered:

  1. high price;
  2. The control board often fails and has to be either repaired or replaced.

Group No. 3. Electromechanical devices

They are equipped with a special brush for current collection, which controls the supply of electricity. Among the main advantages we highlight:

  1. high accuracy (on average 3%);
  2. the length of the service life depends on the quality of the graphite finger of the current collection system;
  3. resistance to power surges;
  4. wide operating range.

But there are, of course, disadvantages:

  1. when the brush moves, the motor hums;
  2. the current collection brush should be changed every 4-5 years;
  3. all dust that gets inside is charred;
  4. stabilizers cannot be used if the ambient temperature is too low;
  5. operation occurs slowly (this is unacceptable for household equipment);
  6. In the event of a short circuit/open circuit, open sparks may appear.

Note! Due to the last drawback, it is undesirable to use electromechanical type devices for a gas boiler. And if we add to this that such a heat generator is also explosive, then it is better not to expose yourself and others to risk, but to install a different type of device.

What to look for when choosing a stabilizer?

There are a number of points that you should definitely pay attention to when purchasing. But first things first.

Criterion No. 1. Parameters of the electrical network to which you plan to connect

Each model has its own requirements. So, most of the manufacturers gas equipment indicates in the data sheet the required voltage limits (for example, 200-240 volts). This is explained by the fact that almost all such devices are single-phase and are designed for standard “two hundred and twentieth” voltage. In such cases, even a slight deviation of 10% will damage the device.

You should also take into account fluctuations in current voltage throughout the day. It would be great to determine the lower and upper limits of fluctuations, since if the upper limit is “broken”, the device will immediately de-energize the boiler. You need to choose a stabilizer model so that it keeps the voltage within clearly defined limits (of course, taking into account the permissible deviation).

In order for the device to work properly, you need to find out whether it can cope with the planned load. Low-power models are simply not designed for permanent overloads, but an overly powerful device is also a pointless waste of money. Therefore, first you need to find out the power of the gas boiler, and this can be found in the equipment passport.

Note! It is very important to distinguish between the concepts of electrical and thermal power. You need an electric one - it is in the “Characteristics” in the form of numbers and letters “W”. And thermal power is denoted by the letters “kW”. Divide the figure from the passport by 3 - the resulting amount will become the reserve required for normal operation of the equipment.

And if the voltage stabilizer for a gas boiler is also connected, for example, to a pump, then the loads of both devices must be taken into account. Let us note that such an installation is not recommended by experts, although many people neglect this recommendation. But the pump starting current is sometimes much higher than the rated current (sometimes even three times). In this case, the required power is determined as follows:

(A x 3) + B

Here A is the pump power, and B is the boiler power. The resulting figure is multiplied by 1.3.

Criterion No. 3. Installation method

Stabilizers are divided into several groups depending on the installation method.

Video - Choosing a voltage stabilizer


Prices for stabilizers can vary and depend on a number of factors. Although on average it is from 6850 rubles(load power does not exceed 320 volts) up to 17,000 rubles(power does not exceed 1,600 volts).

Average prices for voltage stabilizers for boilers

Basic equipment requirements

It should also be noted that certain requirements are put forward for stabilizers and they must fully comply with them. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them.

  1. A ground wire is required.
  2. The device must have a power reserve (often a model designed for 250-600 is sufficient).
  3. There must be a protective shutdown (also called a “cut-off”) in case the voltage exceeds the permissible limits.
  4. Overheat/overload protection is also required.
  5. You need to select a model with auto start when electricity appears after it has been turned off.
  6. The output must be sinusoidal voltage, otherwise the pump will fail.

Let's add to this a few more recommendations from experienced professionals. In those areas that are served by dilapidated substations or where active development is taking place, voltage drops occur quite often. The best option in this case would be a triac device.

If the technical data sheet of the selected model says that it is intended for a range of 200 volts or higher, then you should be wary, because the quality of the output voltage is often not enough. The key factor in this case will be the brand and country of origin. The company's reputation should be a guarantee of quality.

Note! When choosing an installation method, preference should be given to wall-mounted devices. They not only save space, but also minimize the risk of accidental damage.

Installation and connection of stabilizing equipment

Before you start connecting the device, you should choose the right place for it. It is worth remembering that electricity does not tolerate high humidity, and therefore the room in which the stabilizer will be installed must be with normal, not high humidity. Often the required humidity parameters are indicated in the instructions by the manufacturer himself, but in their absence you can rely on your own instincts. If you feel excessive humidity in a room (for example, in a basement), then it is better not to install the device there.

It is not advisable to install voltage stabilizers for boilers and in garages. According to the instructions, the device should not be located near flammable, flammable or active materials. chemicals. And the attic space is also not suitable. In summer, the temperature there rises quite high, which can negatively affect the operation of the equipment. The last unsuitable place is a closet or a niche in the wall. There is no natural air circulation, so the stabilizer may simply overheat.

Note! Connecting the device itself will not cause any difficulties. The gas boiler is connected to it, and it itself is simply connected to the electrical network.

Of course, if several stabilizers are installed on one phase at the same time (for example, if three phases are introduced into the room), then connecting them to the same outlet is strictly prohibited. Everything is explained quite simply: the first device will begin to create network interference during switching, thereby forcing the next stabilizer to switch. And this process will last endlessly. In short, each individual stabilizer must have its own socket.

Note! Manufacturers of gas heat generators indicate that all their warranty obligations are void if performance requirements are not met. And the first place for manufacturers is high-quality electrical power. And the role of stabilizers in all this is huge, and should not be underestimated.

For this reason, the choice should be taken with full responsibility - this will allow the boiler to operate for a long time and uninterruptedly with minimal energy consumption, thanks to which you can save a lot of money.

How to extend the service life?

If the stabilizer will work for a long time in conditions low voltage(that is, below 170 volts), this may cause it to break. Here it is worth remembering the load capacity - that is, the ability of the device to withstand the load for a long time. This indicator must be indicated in the technical passport.

In addition, in order for the voltage stabilizer for a gas boiler to work long enough, it is necessary to constantly monitor the input voltage before connecting a large load. Thanks to this, you will save on both repairs and the purchase of expensive equipment.

That's all. Have a warm winter!

Autonomous heating systems are often used to heat country cottages and residential buildings. To equip them, many choose gas boilers that generate thermal energy to heat the entire building. Such devices are very easy to use, they take up little space and do not have all the disadvantages of traditional fireplaces and stoves. However, in order for a complex device to serve for a long time and not break down, you must strictly follow all recommendations for its operation. In particular, monitor the voltage supplied to it. This is exactly what a special device is designed for - a voltage stabilizer for a gas boiler.

What kind of device is this - a stabilizer?

The service life of almost any device that runs on electricity, including a standard gas boiler, depends on the stability of the voltage in the network. But not every power grid can boast of constant performance. Many devices fail solely because they received a little more or less than the required 220V. If the device was inexpensive, it is easier to repair it or replace it with a new one. But such a device as a gas boiler can be classified as expensive, and its repair is also very expensive.

Voltage drops have a sharply negative effect on the operation of the automation and control board of the device. It starts to work intermittently, and later simply fails. To avoid this, a voltage stabilizer is needed. The device adjusts the voltage and frequency of the current, which allows all systems to function without overloads and prevents their possible burnout. In addition, boilers that are connected through a stabilizer operate in the most economical energy consumption mode, and this reduces energy costs.

A voltage stabilizer connected to a gas boiler adjusts the voltage and frequency of the current, allowing the equipment to operate without overload and protecting it from burnout

Types of stabilizers by operating principle

Several types of stabilizers are available. Let's look at the most popular modifications.

Type #1 - electromechanical

Devices with a current-collecting brush that regulates the voltage supply. The significant advantages of such devices are:

  • Wide voltage range and overload resistance.
  • High accuracy with a possible deviation from the nominal value within 3%.
  • Sufficiently long service life. This depends on the quality of the graphite pin in the current collecting system.

The disadvantages of the device include:

  • Sensitivity to low temperatures. It cannot be used in cold rooms.
  • The current collection brush requires regular replacement, on average every 3-5 years.
  • Low response speed.
  • Noise from the motor while the brush is moving.
  • Carbonization of dust entering the device.
  • Possibility of formation of an open spark when opening/closing a contact.

The latter circumstance makes the use of electromechanical stabilizers extremely undesirable for installation with a gas boiler. Considering that the heating device is classified as explosive, it is better not to risk life and health, but to install another type of device.

The design of the electromechanical stabilizer assumes the presence of current-collecting brushes. During operation of the device, an open spark may form, which is extremely dangerous if installed together with a gas boiler.

Type #2 - electronic (relay)

These devices have no moving parts. They compare favorably with electromechanical ones with a fairly high response speed in the event of voltage surges. The main advantages of the devices include:

  • Light weight.
  • Compactness.
  • Speed ​​of response, which plays an important role in the event of an emergency.
  • High resistance to frequent fluctuations in input voltage.

Among the shortcomings, it is necessary to note the blinking of the lighting when switching windings and obvious rather loud clicks when switching relay ranges.

In addition, it must be taken into account that the accuracy of the device depends on the number of keys or autotransformer stages. The more there are, the higher the accuracy. However, a large number of windings significantly increases the cost of the device. At the same time, the relay stabilizer for a gas boiler does not exceed the accuracy permitted by GOST. It is within 5%. In general, such devices are considered the best option in terms of cost and quality. A small nuance: when purchasing a relay unit, you need to consult the seller about the advisability of using it with a specific boiler model.

Electronic stabilizers have no moving parts, therefore they are completely safe for installation with gas boilers. Their main advantages are high operating cost and resistance to frequent voltage surges.

Type #3 - thyristor or triac

The device operates on thyristors - semiconductors made on the basis of a single crystal. The elements work as electronic keys, which gives the stabilizer many advantages:

  • Highest response speed.
  • Virtually unlimited working resource.
  • Increased resistance to low and high temperatures.
  • Absolutely silent operation.
  • Resistant to mechanical stress and interference in electrical networks.
  • High accuracy.

The disadvantages of thyristor stabilizers are possible breakdowns control board, which requires its complete reconfiguration or replacement. And also the fairly high cost of the device itself.

Thyristor voltage stabilizers are characterized by the highest response speed and high resistance to temperature changes, mechanical stress, and network interference. In addition, the resource for their use is practically unlimited.

Stabilizer selection criteria

When choosing a voltage stabilizer for your gas boiler, you should pay attention to several points.

Parameters of the network to which the device is connected

Each model has specific requirements for the voltage supplying the equipment. Most manufacturers indicate in the gas boiler passport a narrowed range of its operating voltage. For example, 210-230 V. This is due to the fact that the vast majority of such devices are single-phase devices designed for a standard voltage of 220 V. For them, only a 10% deviation will be enough for the stabilizer to fail.

It is imperative to take into account the fluctuation in actual voltage that occurs in the network during the day. It is very good to find out the lowest and highest limits of fluctuations, because if the upper limit is “broken”, the device will immediately de-energize the gas boiler. The selected stabilizer model must keep the voltage within strictly specified limits, taking into account the permitted tolerance.

Load size

For the device to operate correctly, it is necessary to determine whether it can cope with the expected load. A low-power model simply will not withstand constant overloads. Buying an overly powerful device is a pointless waste of money. First of all, you need to determine the power consumed by the gas boiler. It can be viewed in the device passport.

Here you need to be very careful not to confuse thermal and electrical power. In this case, you will need an electrical or input one. It is indicated in the “Characteristics” section in numbers with the name W. Whereas the thermal power is indicated in kW. The value taken from the passport must be increased by a third. This will be the reserve necessary for the correct operation of the device.

If you plan to connect not only a boiler, but also a pump to one stabilizer, you need to take into account the full load from both devices. It should be noted that experts do not recommend such an installation, but in practice this often happens. Important nuance consists of taking into account the value of the pump’s starting current, which in some cases can be three times higher than the rated current. To determine the required stabilizer power, you need to perform the following steps. The pump power is multiplied by three, and the boiler power is added to it. The resulting number is multiplied by a factor of 1.3.

The voltage stabilizer for a floor-mounted gas boiler is more massive. Such devices are less convenient to use, but their cost is lower.

Installation method

Depending on the mounting method, three types of stabilizers are available:

  • Wall-mounted. Small devices that are mounted directly on the wall.
  • Floor-standing. Devices designed for installation on any horizontal surface.
  • Universal. They can be fixed both on a vertical and, if necessary, on a horizontal surface. The most convenient models, since they can be easily reinstalled if necessary.

In general, a boiler stabilizer must meet the following requirements:

  • Have power reserves. Most often, a device rated at 250-600 VA will be sufficient.
  • Have protection against overload, short circuit and overheating.
  • Have a sinusoidal voltage output, otherwise the pump motor will be damaged.
  • Have auto start when power supply is turned on after shutdown.
  • Have a protective shutdown function in case the voltage goes beyond safety limits, the so-called “voltage cut-off”.
  • Have a grounding terminal.

And a few more tips from practitioners:

  • In areas with intensive development and in areas served by old substations, power surges are very common. In such conditions, the optimal choice is a thyristor stabilizer.
  • If the passport of the stabilizer model you like indicates that it operates in a range of about 200 V, or even more, you should be wary of such a device. Most often, the quality of the output voltage will be insufficient. In this case, special attention should be paid to the country of assembly and manufacturer. His reputation will be a guarantee of quality.

When choosing between a floor-mounted and a wall-mounted device, preference should be given to the second option. Such devices significantly save space, and the risk of accidental mechanical damage is minimal.

Wall-mounted voltage stabilizers are very convenient. The devices are compact, resistant to mechanical damage, but their cost is slightly higher than that of floor-mounted devices.

Installation and connection technology

Before connecting the stabilizer, you need to choose a suitable place for it. You need to understand that electricians really don’t like dampness, so the room where the device will be installed must be dry, without excess humidity in the air. Most often, the acceptable parameters are indicated in the instructions for the device. If they are not there, you can rely on your own feelings. If there is excessive humidity in the room, for example in the basement, it is better not to install the equipment here.

The garage will also not be the optimal place to place the stabilizer. According to the instructions, the device should not be located in close proximity to chemically active, flammable or flammable substances. An attic will also not work. During the warm season, the temperature here often rises very high, which will negatively affect the operation of the device. Another unsuitable place is a niche in the wall or a closed closet. Lack of natural air circulation leads to equipment overheating.

The actual connection of the stabilizer is very simple. A gas boiler is connected to the equipment, and it is simply plugged into the network. If you have to install several single-phase stabilizers at the same time, for example, in the case when three phases enter the room, you cannot plug them into one outlet. Then the first one, when switching, will create network interference and force the other to switch. This process is practically endless. Thus, an outlet must be prepared for each of the devices.

The location for installing the voltage stabilizer must be chosen correctly. The room should not be too humid or hot. In addition, natural air circulation must be ensured, otherwise the device may overheat.

Manufacturers of gas boilers warn that all warranties given when purchasing equipment will be void if their operating requirements are not met. The first place among them is often the high-quality power supply of the device. The role of a voltage stabilizer in its provision cannot be underestimated, so the choice of device should be approached very responsibly. Properly selected equipment will allow the gas boiler to operate for a long time and uninterruptedly in the most economical mode, which will enable its owner to save a decent amount.

Voltage stabilizers have long been a related product for various boiler equipment. After all, the quality of power supply is not a one-time problem; difficulties arise from year to year, constantly. And you probably already know that boilers are often not even covered under warranty during installation if voltage stabilizers are not installed. Therefore, when purchasing a gas boiler, sellers advise purchasing a voltage stabilizer for it.
How justified is such an acquisition?
The fact is that the automation of many boilers is very sensitive to voltage deviations from the norm of 220 volts.
During voltage surges, the electric boiler may even turn off, not to mention the fact that low and high voltage shortens its service life. Even if nothing burns, due to power surges, boilers often fail. And if the boiler turns off at night, the whole house will wake up in the cold.

Which voltage stabilizer should I choose for the boiler?

Gas boilers need a voltage stabilizer
    The market offers a huge number of boiler stabilizers, which can be divided into 3 groups:
  1. Relay stabilizers. They are the best option in terms of price/quality ratio. They are distinguished by their small dimensions, light weight, and quick response. Manufacturers offer relay stabilizers of varying degrees of accuracy, which depends on the number of autotransformer windings. The higher their number, the greater the accuracy and cost of the device. On average, the stabilization error for this type of device is 8%.
  2. Electromechanical stabilizers. These models smoothly regulate the supply of electricity to the boiler using a current-collecting brush, which must be changed approximately every 5 years. Electromechanics is distinguished by a high degree of accuracy of the output voltage, but at the same time, humming and charring of incoming dust on the transformer. In addition to high accuracy, the advantages of electromechanical stabilizers include operation without phase loss and resistance to overloads and voltage surges.
  3. Thyristor/triac stabilizers. They are the most expensive of all presented. In return, manufacturers offer devices that are distinguished by high accuracy and degree of response, quiet operation, and long service life.
  4. Inverter stabilizers. These are the most modern stabilizers, the demand for which is growing from year to year.
    Many customers have already appreciated the benefits of an inverter stabilization circuit through double voltage conversion. For such stabilizers, the input voltage level is not particularly important.
    Even if the voltage drops sharply from 250 volts to 100! The equipment connected to it will not notice this in any way. At the output it will be as it was 220 volts! With the smallest error - up to 2 volts.
    This type of stabilizer also corrects the signal shape, which is beyond the capabilities of competitors. They can easily operate both from generators and in conjunction with uninterruptible power supplies.
Electronic and electromechanical voltage stabilizers
    Criteria for choosing a stabilizer for a boiler:
  1. power electric current, consumed by the boiler- a standard unit operates with a power of 100 - 200 W, but experts recommend selecting a device not completely following the characteristics specified in the technical data sheet, but with a small margin (for longer and more comfortable operation of the stabilizer);
  2. operating voltage range- failure to comply with this criterion may result in boiler failure. Before purchasing a stabilizer, you need to take into account the input voltage limits based on daily fluctuations;
  3. appearance- Dimensions and ease of operation are important criteria for a good stabilizer. The choice of mounting method - wall or floor - will allow you to optimally install the heating system in the room.

Most voltage stabilizers for boilers have at least 2 sockets

For most gas boilers enough power 0.5-1 kW. It makes sense to take a device of higher power if there is a strong voltage drop. For example, with an input voltage of 140V you need to do double stock by stabilizer power.

Stabilizers Shtil

Inverter stabilizers Shtil Instab

Optivolt stabilizers

Stabilizers Teplocom

TEPLOCOM ST-400 INVERTOR and - 2 inverter models produced by Bastion.
These are bass reflex stabilizers, i.e. it doesn't matter how you plug the plug into the outlet. There is a display showing the input voltage, and an LED indication will notify you of the absence of grounding or the presence of potential on the ground. If the potential on the ground is above 30 volts, the LED will notify about this.
If the stabilizer is overloaded, there is an overload or a short circuit, then the LED here will also light up.
Moreover, the stabilizer will not fail in this case. It will simply turn off and continue operating when normal parameters are restored.

Stabilizers Norma

Model Norma SNS 1000-R is a high-quality single-stage relay stabilizer Russian production, power 1 kW. The main disadvantage is the large error in voltage stabilization. It is advisable to purchase at a reduced mains voltage of 170-180 volts.

Volter stabilizers

Volter 2C SLIM - the Volter brand itself belongs to the class of thyristor stabilizers and has been known for a long time, and the SLIM modification was developed relatively recently, specifically for connecting automatic heating boilers and pumps.
With an input voltage of 140-250V, the output will be 209-231V. Dimensions: 340x310x120 mm.
5 year warranty.

  1. What is a voltage stabilizer and why is it needed?
  2. Types of stabilizers and their characteristics
  3. Formula for calculating stabilizer power
  4. Rating of popular models and reviews

Energy-dependent heating gas boilers are very sensitive to the quality of the power supply. During power surges, they can easily fail, causing you a lot of trouble and extra financial costs. Taking into account the fact that the quality of electrical networks in our country leaves much to be desired, many owners of private houses are wondering how to choose the right voltage stabilizer for a gas boiler.

In this article we will try to answer the questions of what a voltage stabilizer is and why it is needed, what types there are, how to choose and calculate correctly based on the power consumption of a gas boiler, and also provide a brief overview of the most popular models. So, let's begin.

What is a voltage stabilizer and why is it needed?

Most modern gas boilers are stuffed with electronics and automation that are very sensitive to the supply voltage. For stable and trouble-free operation, the input of the heating device must have a voltage of 220V with an ideal sinusoid.

Photo 1: Network stabilizer “Energy” for domestic gas boilers

Unfortunately, Russian electrical networks are mostly of very low quality due to outdated equipment and installation irregularities. The voltage in them is most often less than the required 220V and its shape is far from ideal. Power surges are also not uncommon. They may be caused by a sudden thunderstorm front, or by the inclusion of powerful devices such as drills, welding machines, refrigerators or electric heaters into the network by you or your neighbors.

According to statistics from gas boiler repair services, 25% of breakdowns occur due to inappropriate quality of the supply voltage. All these cases are not covered by warranty and the owner has to pay for expensive repairs at his own expense.

Photo 2: Connection diagram of a Bosch gas boiler to the network via a Teplokom stabilizer

Connecting a gas boiler through a voltage stabilizer solves all these problems. The input of the converter is supplied with low-quality voltage from the mains, which it converts into 220V with an ideal sinusoid, which subsequently powers the electronics of the heating device.

In addition to gas boilers, modern solid fuel models, such as, for example, also need to protect sensitive electronics from poor-quality voltage. It is also better to connect them to the network through a stabilizer.

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Types of stabilizers and their characteristics

Let's move directly to choosing a stabilizer and first decide on the type we need. Each of them has its own pros and cons and operating features. Let's look at them in order:


The stabilizer consists of a coil with a built-in electric motor that moves the carbon brush along its turns. Such devices are not expensive and output 220V with a very low error (about 2%), but they also have a number of disadvantages such as noise, low performance, short service life of the mechanics and its poor reliability. They are not suitable for gas boilers, since in addition to the listed disadvantages, there is a high probability of sparks when mechanical parts move.


In stabilizers of this type, switching between the windings of the voltage booster coil occurs using a relay. The accuracy of stabilization depends on the number of windings used. The devices have a wide input voltage range from 100 to 290V, stabilization accuracy of about 5-8%, low noise level, affordable price (from 2000 rubles), a wide range of operating temperatures and can operate for several seconds at overloads of 110%. Their disadvantages include the relay's susceptibility to wear and some delay in stabilization.

Photo 3: Design of a stabilizer with relay switches

Electronic (thyristor)

This type of stabilizer has the highest performance. Semiconductor switches - thyristors (triacs) - are responsible for switching the autotransformer windings. The controller included in the device compares the reference voltage 220V (or 380V) with the input voltage and, if necessary, adjusts it. The accuracy of stabilization depends on the number of correction stages; the more there are, the closer the output voltage is to the standard.

Thyristor voltage stabilizers provide absolute protection against surges in the network. They are able to withstand overloads for a long time, operate almost silently, have a long service life and are compact in size. The only drawback of these electronic devices is the high price. In Russia, such a device can currently be purchased at a price of 5,000 rubles.

Photo 4: Installation of the 220V “Resanta” wall stabilizer for heating systems

For use in conjunction with a gas boiler the best choice These are relay and electronic voltage stabilizers. Electromechanical ones are suitable, for example, for connecting or similar devices using electronically controlled fuel pellets.

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Formula for calculating stabilizer power

So we have decided on the type of voltage stabilizer. Now, in order to correctly select the desired device from the line offered by the manufacturer, it is necessary to calculate the power for which it should be designed. In order to do this you need to perform the following steps:

  1. We determine the consumed electrical power of the boiler, the value of which is usually indicated in the technical data sheet for the device.

    Attention! Many owners confuse thermal power with electrical power. The values ​​of the first for household heaters usually lie in the range of 10 - 100 kW, and the second is 1000 times smaller and amounts to approximately 100 - 200 W.
  2. If the stabilizer also supplies external circulation pump, then in the calculations it is necessary to take into account its power multiplied by 3. This must be done in order to take into account the starting currents, which at the time of start-up can exceed the rated current by three times. For this reason, it is not recommended to connect a gas boiler and a heating system pump to the same stabilizer, but many owners neglect this requirement.
  3. We add the resulting values ​​and multiply the result by 1.3. The resulting value will be the required power of the stabilizer, which should be oriented towards when choosing.

In order to better understand the calculation methodology, consider its sequence using the example of a simple task:

Task: It is necessary to select a voltage stabilizer for the Viessmann Vitopend 100-W WH1D gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber and a built-in circulation pump.

Solution: According to the passport, the electric power of the boiler is 63 W, the pump is 65 W. Stabilizer power = (63 + 65*3)*1.3 = 335 W

Having decided on the type and power of the device, you can proceed to choosing a manufacturer and a specific model. In the next chapter we will make a brief overview of the most popular devices on Russian market.

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Rating of popular models and reviews

At the end of our story, we present to you a small rating of voltage stabilizers for heating boilers. They are suitable for most popular gas boilers such as Vaillant, Baxi, Bosch, Buderus, Ariston. These are the stabilizer models most often chosen by consumers:


Teplocom stabilizers from the Bastion company are among the most popular on the Russian market. The manufacturer produces two models for indoor and one for outdoor use. The devices are relay-type stabilizers with microprocessor control and are capable of outputting 220V with an error of 8-9% with an input voltage in the range of 145-260V.

Photo 5: Wall and street voltage stabilizers "Teplokom"

Among other things, the devices are equipped with lightning protection and an emergency shutdown system, are easy to install and connect, have small dimensions and an attractive design. For wall mounting they are equipped with a special bracket. Below are their main characteristics:

Note: For many models, the manufacturer indicates the value of the rated and maximum load power in volt-amperes (VA). In order to convert it to watts (W), you need to multiply the value in volt-amperes by 0.6.


The Shtil group of companies produces many different voltage stabilizers, among which there are series specially designed for heating systems. T series models are relay type and provide stabilization accuracy with an error of 5.5%. They are conveniently mounted on the wall, have a display indicating operating parameters and an automatic shutdown system.

Photo 6: “Calm” stabilizers of the SPT, ST, T series for heating boilers

Devices of the ST and SPT series use semiconductor triac switches as switching elements. Thanks to this, the device operates silently, is highly durable and has a reliable emergency shutdown system. The table below shows specifications these devices:

Model Load power, VA(W) Input voltage, V Price, rub
T series
R 250T 250(150) 165-265 4 170
R 400T 400(240) 165-265 4 780
R 600T 600(360) 165-265 5 520
R 800T 800(480) 165-265 6 160
ST series
R 250ST 250(150) 165-265 5 240
R 400ST 400(240) 165-265 5 970
R600ST 600(360) 165-265 6 890
R 800ST 800(480) 165-265 7 700
SPT series
R 1200SPT 1200(720) 160-255 11 880
R 2000SPT 2000(1200) 160-255 12 710
R 3000SPT 3000(1800) 160-255 18 420

A short review from the owner of the Calm model especially for the site:

After purchasing a Baxi gas boiler and reading the terms of the warranty, I was puzzled by the choice of a voltage stabilizer. I scoured the forums and consulted with sellers and chose the most popular model from Shtil. It has enough power for me to spare, it works silently and looks harmonious on the wall, and it’s not that expensive.

Dmitry Sergeevich, Krasnoyarsk

Among other manufacturers, we can highlight the models “Resanta”, “Energy”, “Lynx”, but they are much less popular than those discussed above. Any good stabilizer will successfully cope with unstable voltage in the electrical network, but for the operation of a gas boiler in the complete absence of voltage in the network, the owner of a country house can only be saved.

Finally, watch a short video