Lesson on the theme of forest with a child. Lesson summary on the topic “Caring for the forest. Musical exercise “In the forest”

Kristina Sofina
Summary of the lesson “Forest in human life”

Target: clarify and expand knowledge about the forest. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.


Educational objectives:

1. Clarify and expand children’s existing ideas about the forest.

2. Form consciously the correct attitude towards natural objects.

Developmental tasks:

1. To develop children’s cognitive interest in life forest and its inhabitants, using artistic words (proverbs, riddles, poems).

2. To develop in children a sense of belonging to everything living and beautiful.

3. Develop coherent speech, enrich lexicon children.

Educational tasks:

1. To cultivate aesthetic and moral feelings, a caring attitude towards nature.

2. Cultivate an emotionally-friendly attitude towards living objects of nature.

Vocabulary work:

birch grove, birch forest, coniferous forest, spruce forest, spruce forest, pine forest, pine forest, oak grove, oak grove, oak forest, deciduous forest, mixed forest.

Preliminary work: conversation about the forest, its benefits, looking at illustrations depicting deciduous, coniferous, mixed forests, albums: "Beasts of the Forest"; "Seasons", "Wild animals", “That’s how birds are – small birds”, "Insects", "Edible and poisonous mushrooms» , "Berries", "Kingdom of Flowers", memorizing poems, proverbs, songs about the forest; guessing forest-themed riddles; drawing on a theme "forest".

Progress of the lesson:


Someone threw it to us at the window,

Look, the letter.

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What's tickling my face?

Who did the letter come from?

You want to know, right?

Then you have to try

And solve the riddle.

Now I'll read it to you:

I love walking in the forest

I walk in the forest every day.

Everything in the forest is interesting to me:

Every bush and every stump.

I am friends with oak, willow, maple,

I understand the language of animals.

My name is Grandfather Spiridon.

I'm not a wizard, I'm...

Children: Forester.

Educator: Well done guys, you guessed the riddle correctly. The letter came from the Forester - from grandfather Spiridon. That's what he is writes: "Dear Guys! I invite you for a walk in the forest. I know from the forest dwellers that you are their great friends. And Les will be glad to see you as a guest. See you. Grandfather Spiridon."

Educator: Well, do we accept Grandfather Spiridon’s invitation? We go for a walk in the forest.

And here we are in the forest. The forest is a whole world! This is a home for animals, birds, insects, plants.

What is it impossible to imagine a forest without? (no trees)

And what trees do you know, we will now check.

1. From its firewood the coals in the stove are hot

Barrels are made from planks

Kidneys are prepared for the sick

And when she grows -

White-trunked and slender. (birch)

And if the leaf is from a birch tree, what is it? (birch)

If only birches grow in the forest? …. (birch grove, birch forest)

What is collected from birch trees in the spring? (Birch juice)

It is very useful, it contains a lot of vitamins, it quenches thirst in the heat.

2. Bodies, shoes

What kind of tree gives?

And in July it smells like honey,

Calls the bees with its aroma. (Linden)

What leaves... (false)

And what gifts does the linden tree bring us? (linden honey, linden flowers are brewed and the linden infusion is drunk for colds)

3. They hurry to the tree together

Birds and animals -

Vitamins in winter

The berry is rich... (Rowan)

What leaves? (rowan)

4. If clouds appear in the sky

Birds are hiding under the mighty crown

There are wild boars under his roots

Acorns crunch loudly

Wood furniture does not know demolition

The bark kills harmful microbes.

This tree lives for hundreds of years

Who knows? Can you tell me the answer? (oak)

What leaf does an oak tree have? oak

What is the name of a forest where only oaks grow? (oak grove)

What are the gifts of oak? Who needs them?

What are the names of the trees we were talking about? deciduous

What other deciduous trees do you know? (aspen, poplar, cedar, alder.)

If there are only deciduous trees growing in a forest, what is it called? (foliar)

5. This tree is not a Christmas tree.

At least there are cones and needles.

Each trunk is like a column, the crown on top is like a tent (pine)

If only pine trees grow in the forest? (Pinery)

Pine is a tall tree, so it has no lower branches. It cleans the air of germs. resin is very useful.

6. What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman, doesn’t sew anything herself

And in needles all year round (Christmas tree)

The Christmas tree doesn't like the sun. It purifies the air. Paper and musical instruments are made from its wood.

If there are only spruce trees growing in the forest... (spruce forest)

What do spruce and pine trees have?

Instead of leaves? needles

7. A relative of the Christmas tree has non-thorny needles

But unlike a Christmas tree, all the needles fall off (larch)

If only pine, spruce, and larch grow in a forest, what is such a forest called? (coniferous)

What is prepared from these trees?

Tablets, infusions.

Guys, you and I found ourselves in a forest, where there are different trees, coniferous, deciduous, what is the forest called? (mixed)

One of the gifts of nature that Human learned to use this tree.

How do we use it?

(Children's answers)

We walk on wooden floor, we close and open wooden doors, windows, we sit on wooden chairs, at wooden tables. We store clothes in wooden cabinets, toys and books on wooden shelves. But before all this is done, who is cutting down the forest? ... - lumberjacks.

Educator: -That’s right, they cut down trees, cut off branches, and transport them out of the forest in large vehicles to a wood processing plant. Where they are sawed into boards, and then houses, fences, and furniture are built.

Guys, there is one proverb: “Living near the forest means you won’t go hungry”. What can you eat in the forest? (mushrooms, berries, nuts)

Which berries You know?. (strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, stone fruits)

What mushrooms can be found in the forest? (white, boletus, boletus, russula, honey fungus....)

Mushrooms can only be collected by adults; you should not pick them up, much less taste them, unfamiliar or poisonous mushrooms.

- listen to the riddle: “Near the forest at the edge,

Decorating the dark forest

He grew up as colorful as Parsley,

Poisonous...fly agaric

Is it possible to destroy fly agarics?

That's right, you can't, fly agarics are a medicine for moose.

A game "4th wheel"

Educator: Look at the pictures, name what is superfluous?

Raspberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, gooseberries

Boletus, boletus, chanterelles, fly agaric

What can you use to make delicious forest tea? (oregano, St. John's wort, fireweed, strawberries.)

What are all these plants? medicinal

Why are they called that?

Because they are used in the treatment of various diseases.

Physical education minute

Hands raised and shook -

These are trees in the forest.

Arms bent, hands shaken,

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We’ll also show you how they sit down,

The wings were folded back.

Educator: - Guys, look, here is the forester Spiridon. Hello grandpa! He is excited about something and very scared! What happened, grandpa?

Old Man-Lesovik: - Boys, girls, come here quickly!

What's happened? Trouble has happened!

A boy came to the forest

The evil robber Grishka!

He hurts the trees

Destroys bird's nests!

I hear him coming here!

Hide, children, wherever you go!

(Show picture "Grishka in the Forest")

Educator: We need to teach the boy

The evil hooligan Grishka!

Guys, do you know how to behave in the forest?

(let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest...


1. Do not break branches, do not mutilate trees, do not cut them, do not tear a blade of grass or a leaf in vain.

2. Do not come close to bird nests, do not touch the nest, otherwise the birds may leave the nest for good.

3. Take care of anthills. Remember - ants are forest nurses.

4. Don't light a fire. Plants die from fire, animals and insects suffocate.

5. You can play in the forest, make some noise, shout, and coo, but the main thing is not to disturb anyone, otherwise the forest will hide and you will not learn a single secret.

6. Don’t pick flowers, hundreds of people will follow you, and they will also be pleased to see flowers.

7. Do not catch butterflies, dragonflies and other animals for fun.

8. Don't litter in the forest. Pick up trash and glassware after yourself. A fire in a forest can start from a thrown piece of glass.

Di “may-not”

children analyze options for people's behavior in the forest, pick up chips (green - true, red - no)

Can (it is forbidden): break branches, tumble in the grass, light fires, admire the beauty of nature, pick flowers, pick mushrooms, destroy nests, destroy anthills, rest on a stump, destroy poisonous mushrooms, pick berries, leave behind garbage.

Educator: Well done, no one made a mistake. We repeated all the rules of behavior for people in the forest. But I would like to focus on one point. Human, picking flowers, prevents other people from admiring the beauty of the forest. Let's now draw flowers and show that you should not pick flowers, but admire them on a sheet of paper.

I suggest you draw the most beautiful and fragrant flower living in our forests - the lily of the valley.

An unconventional drawing technique is used. Children are offered a blank (a landscape sheet of a light green tone depicting bright, dark green lily of the valley petals with a thin stem, carrying a brush of 6-20 flowers, facing mainly in one direction. The children’s task is to draw white lily of the valley buds using toothpaste).

Showing the teacher drawing techniques on a magnetic board and necessary recommendations children.

You need to start squeezing out the balls from top to bottom;

The size of the ball should not be large or small, watch the force of compression of your fist;

Try to do your work beautifully and accurately;

(children completing the task)

There are many proverbs about the forest, let us repeat them with you.


1. He who destroys the forest does not love his people.

2. He who knows how to be kind will be able to protect and love the forest.

3. Protect birds and animals in the forest and always help them.

4. Groves and forests are the beauty of the whole world.

5. Walk through the forest - look under your feet.

6. Forest and water are brother and sister.

7. Plants – Earth decorations.

8. The forest is not a school, but it teaches everyone.

9. Don’t destroy a lot of forest; there is little forest - take care; there is no forest - plant it.

10. Forest is wealth and beauty, take care of your forests.

11. And the forest makes more noise when there are a lot of trees.

12. The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forest.

13. It takes a second to break a tree, but it takes years to grow it.

Well done guys, you know a lot of proverbs about the forest.

Educator: Well, our walk through the forest ends. We have learned a lot about the benefits forests: gives wood, medicine, mushrooms, berries, nuts. In the forest we enjoy nature. The forest is our wealth! Take care of the forest!

Lesson topic: Forest and its inhabitants.

Lesson objectives: give general concept about the forest, its inhabitants, the plant world; continue to teach how to correctly express your thoughts, colorfully describe illustrations, using epithets and verbiage; to cultivate in children a love for nature and its inhabitants.

Planned results: remember the inhabitants and vegetable world forests.

Equipment: illustrations of animals, plants, trees, shrubs (note in the lesson notes, illustration of I. Shishkin’s painting “Morning in a Pine Forest”).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

The teacher greets the children and checks their readiness for the lesson.

II. Activation of knowledge.

Reinforce knowledge of previously studied material. Check your homework.

III. Lesson topic message

I want to invite you to the forest today,
To the good forest, mighty forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles.
If you pay attention, children,
You will reveal these wonderful secrets.

III. Learning new material.

The forest zone can be divided into three parts: taiga, mixed forest, deciduous forest. Spruces, pines and firs grow in the taiga. Mixed forest is characterized by the presence of birch, spruce, pine, linden and other trees. But you won’t find pine in broad-leaved areas, since there are deciduous trees there: oak, maple, linden, elm, ash, aspen, beech.

(Painting by I. Shishkin “Forest Wilderness”, 1872)

There is an illustration of a forest hanging on the board. The teacher asks you to carefully examine the picture and answer the question. What can a forest be compared to? (with a ladder, with steps going down)

Let's try to highlight each step and determine its features. The first level is trees, perennial plants that have one large hard stem, such as spruce, pine, birch, aspen, etc.

The second level includes shrubs - plants with two or more woody stems, growing from a common root. This level includes raspberries, currants, blackberries, viburnum, rowan, hazel, rose hips, etc.

Well, soft green stems of annual plants - grasses, third level. Snowdrop, primrose, lily of the valley, strawberry, mosses and many other medicinal plants.

For convenience, scientists call these levels tiers and are arranged in decreasing order (the teacher can draw a diagram on the board, this will allow children to visually remember the material).

  • What animals can you find in the forest?
  • (bears, wolves, foxes, squirrels, hares, badgers)
  • What birds live in the forest?
  • (woodpecker, tit, thrush, nuthatch, warbler, owl)
  • What insects?
  • (grasshoppers, butterflies, ladybugs, fireflies, spiders)
  • What mushrooms are collected in the forest?
  • (russula, boletus, boletus, milk mushrooms, boletus, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms)
  • What wild berries do you know?
  • (strawberries, blueberries, sloe)

Explain the phrase “A forest is a dwelling house for living organisms?” Everything in the forest is interconnected. Plants serve animals as food and protection. In response, animals and birds spread plants. Drawing up a food chain. Work in pairs.

IV. Fizminutka

The teacher reads the poem aloud and shows the corresponding movements, which the students repeat.

Hands raised and shook -
These are trees in the forest.
Arms bent, hands shaken -
The wind blows away the dew.
Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly -
These are the birds flying towards us.
We'll show you how they sit down quietly -
The wings were folded back.

kelab - squirrel

orct - mole

rebazo - birch

The teacher reads a poem.

We love the forest at any time season,
We hear the rivers speaking slowly...
All this is called nature,
Let's always take care of her!

Guys, when we come to visit the forest, we must always follow the rules of behavior, preserving its original beauty. Let's call them:

  • Do not light a fire, it may cause a fire;
  • Do not destroy bird nests and anthills;
  • Do not harm animals and insects;
  • Keep quiet;
  • Do not litter;
  • Do not break bushes and trees;
  • Do not break poisonous mushrooms.

V. Consolidation of the studied material.

To consolidate, it is suggested to solve a crossword puzzle from riddles.

What kind of tree stands -
There is no wind, but the leaf is shaking?

I crawled out of the little barrel,
It took roots and grew.
I feed pigs and squirrels
-It’s okay that the fruit is my chalk

You can always find her in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and meet:
Stands prickly like a hedgehog
In winter in a summer dress

Breathes, grows,
But he can’t walk

The hero stands rich,
Treats all the guys.
Vanya - strawberries,
Tanya - bones,
Mashenka is like a nut,
Petya - russula,
Katya - raspberries,
Vasya - a twig

Sits on a stick
In a red shirt
The belly is full -
Stuffed with stones
(rose hip)

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off -
He took off and flew away

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree
I'm nibbling nuts

It's like a snow globe is white,
In the spring it bloomed,
It gave off a delicate scent.
And when the time has come,
At once she became
The whole berry is black
(bird cherry)

The ears are long and timid.
Either it is gray, or it is white.
Sometimes he runs, sometimes he jumps,
The stubby tail hides from the wolf

VI. Summing up the lesson.

Ask students if they liked the lesson? Submit grades in journals and diaries.

VII. Homework..

Draw a picture in watercolors on the theme “Colors of a fairytale forest”

FULL NAME. Kovshova Albina Vladimirovna

Senior teacher of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 10 “Squirrel” combined type.

Educational area Cognition

Lesson topic"The beauty of the forest is the trees"

Program content:

- to form ideas about the forest, about the varieties of trees growing in the forest;

Summarize children's knowledge about living and inanimate nature, about animals;

Develop the ability to answer questions and give reasons for your answers;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Material: multimedia presentation, chalk for each child, two plastic cups, water.

Propaedeutic work: reading books about nature, looking at illustrations of the forest, looking at living and inanimate objects of nature

Speech development: beauty of the forest, carved roof



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 10 “Squirrel” combined look

Lesson outline outline

Educational field: Cognition

Topic of the lesson: “ The beauty of the forest is the trees"

Completed by the senior teacher:

Kovshova Albina Vladimirovna

Kulebaki 2013

FULL NAME. Kovshova Albina Vladimirovna

Position, educational institutionSenior teacher of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 10 “Squirrel” of a combined type.

Educational area Cognition

Lesson topic "The beauty of the forest is the trees"

Program content:

- to form ideas about the forest, about the varieties of trees growing in the forest;

Summarize children's knowledge about living and inanimate nature, about animals;

Develop the ability to answer questions and give reasons for your answers;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Material: multimedia presentation, chalk for each child, two plastic cups, water.

Propaedeutic work:reading books about nature, looking at illustrations of the forest, looking at living and inanimate objects of nature

Speech development: beauty of the forest, carved roof

Stages of work

Activities of a teacher

Pupils' activities

Organizing time

  • creating gaming motivation;
  • surprise moment

Introductory part . It takes 3-4 minutes.

Educator: Guys, With Today we will go on a trip. And guess where?: (Slide 1)

The house is open on all sides,
It is covered with a carved roof.
Come to the green house -
You will see miracles in it.

Children: forest

Educator: Yes, guys, into the forest. Today we will look at the beauty of nature. If we talk about nature, then, first of all, we mean the forest. There is no work that does not describe nature. Where there is a forest, there is clean air. This is a home for animals and birds, these are mushroom glades and fragrant, tasty strawberries.(Slide 2)

Creating play motivation - to interest and motivate children.

Introducing children to the topic of the lesson - to form an idea of ​​the forest

Children guess the riddle

Main part

Resolving the problem with:

  • descriptions of methods and techniques of joint activity between teacher and student to solve the problem;
  • use of health-saving technologies;
  • use of correctional and developmental technologies


Educator: Guys, do you know what nature is?

Children : Nature is something that exists independently of humans

Educator: What can we not call nature?

Children: We cannot call nature what is made by human hands

Educator: Guys, you correctly said that nature exists independently of humans.

Nature can also be living and non-living. And before we go on a journey, we need to know this.

Tell me, what do we classify as living nature?

Children: We include birds, animals, insects, and fish as living nature.

Educator: Why did you classify them as living nature?

Children: Because they are born, eat, breathe, reproduce, move, die

Educator: You answered correctly, but that’s not all that relates to living nature.

There are representatives of nature who do not know how to move and always stand in one place, but they are also alive. They are born from a small seed, grow, eat, drink, grow very large and bring great benefits to you and me.

Can you guess what I'm talking about?

Children: You're talking about trees

Educator: That's right, I'm talking about trees. But we consider not only trees to be living nature, but all plants too.

What about inanimate nature?

Children: stone, sand, earth


Educator: That's right, inanimate nature is water, snow, stones, earth.

Look at your tables, there are pieces of chalk and cups on them - one empty, the other with water. Take the chalk and break it. What happened to the chalk? Has he stopped being chalk or not?

Children: no

Educator: That's right, chalk remained chalk, only its pieces became smaller. Take the water and pour some of the water into another glass.

What happened to the water, did it stop being water or not?

Children: no

Teacher: A what will happen to a butterfly, a bug, a flower, a tree, a bird if we divide them into parts?

Children: They will die

Game "Living - Nonliving"If there are objects of living nature, then the children move, if objects of inanimate nature, then the children stand.(Slide 3)

Educator: So we go into the forest. But first we need to remember the rules on how to behave in the forest.

Let's play the game "You can or you can't" (If possible, then you clap your hands; if not, then you stomp your feet).(Slide 4)

Breaking trees and branches.

Plant more trees.

Walk and trample flowers in the meadows.
Walk only on paths.
Picking large bouquets of flowers.
Admire them.
Leave trash in the forest.
Collect garbage in a hole and bury it.
Lighting fires in the forest.

Making noise in the forest.

Educator: Now you can go into the forest. To do this, we just need to close our eyes. (Sounds of the Forest sound)

Here we are in the forest.

(Slide 5)
Educator: Guys, the forest does not open its doors to everyone. It only opens good people. Let's say hello to the forest.

Hello forest, dense forest
Full of fairy tales and miracles!

What are you making noise about in the leaves?

What are you whispering to us at dawn?
Who is hiding in your wilderness?
Open everything! Don't hide it
You see, we are ours...

Educator: What is a forest? How do you imagine it?

Children: where there are a lot of trees

Educator: Guys! The forest is a whole world! There are things that seem so ordinary to us that we don’t notice them. And even if we notice, we don’t think about them.

For example: A person breathes air. What's special here? It cannot be otherwise. How to live without air? Clean air, saturated with oxygen, is the wealth of the entire planet Earth.

Educator: But where does clean air come from? How do you think?

Children: trees give it to us

Educator: Yes, guys, that’s right - they give us trees. The green substance in plant leaves, chlorophyll, absorbs excess carbon dioxide in the light and releases pure oxygen. This process is called photosynthesis. And trees play a prominent role in this process.

Educator: What trees do you know?

Children: birch, oak, aspen, Christmas tree

Educator: El - This tree is familiar to everyone since childhood. With him under New Year a fairy tale comes. In the gloomy spruce forest, one believes that this is where Baba Yaga, Leshy and other fairy tale heroes live, because even on a hot day it is cool and dark in the spruce forest.(Slide 6)

Snow white birch- Many parts of birch are used on the farm: wood, bark, birch bark (surface layer of bark), birch sap. Buds and leaves are used in medicine. But do not forget that one large birch tree damaged by an ax can lose up to 200 liters of sap in the spring.(Slide 7)

Oak - The power and majestic beauty of oak attracts everyone. Its roots go deep into the ground, and therefore no storms are afraid of it.Sowing acorns is the main way to restore oak forests. Acorns serve good food for animals.(Slide 8)

Pine - amazing tree.It grows quickly, is not afraid of frost or wind, and lives a long time. Pines are evergreen, coniferous, resin-rich trees.(Slide 9)

Questions for children: (Slide 10)

  • Guys, what do all trees have in common? (trunk, roots, branches, leaf, fruit with seeds)
  • What parts of plants are located underground and above ground?
  • What does a plant need to grow?
  • Do you know what the forest gives us? How does a person use it?

Educator: The forest is picture books, notebooks for students, it is parquet flooring and furniture in apartments. Wood is used to build houses, bridges, and ships. The forest gives us fuel, furniture, matches, and various products. You see, guys, what benefits trees bring to us. This means they must be protected. But the forest is also the home of birds and animals. By destroying trees, we destroy their home.

Physical education minute

And we walked through the forest,

And we met a fox.

She sits under a bush -

Apparently he is guarding the bunny.

And we walked through the forest,

And we met a little bunny.

The bunny is jumping along the path,

The bunny has fast legs.

And we walked through the forest,

We met a hedgehog

He walks along the path

There is a fungus on the back.

And we walked through the forest,

We met a squirrel.

The squirrel eats without haste,

He gnaws nuts with his teeth.

And we walked through the forest,

And we met a bear.

The bear is walking through the forest,

He scares the kids.

We trembled with fear,

And they ran away from the bear.

Educator: Walking through the forest we met many different animals. Guys, what are the names of the animals that live in the forest?(Slide 12)

  • What do animals eat?
  • How does a bear prepare for winter?
  • How does a squirrel prepare for winter?
  • What happens if the wolf and the fox don't eat hares?

Educator: Wild animals live in our forests. These animals have adapted to our climate, some of them eat plant foods, others eat animals, and we call them predators. If there are a lot of hares, they will destroy all the trees, bushes, grass, they will eat all the bark, and the trees will die. But trees are the most important wealth of the forest.

Teacher: A Now, guys, we will rise from the ground to the sky.(Slide 13)

  • Who lives in the air?
  • How do birds differ from animals?
  • What are the birds that fly away for the winter called?
  • What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter?
  • Why do birds fly away?
  • What do birds eat?

Educator: Birds' habitat is air. But they also live on earth. Birds always make nests either on the ground or in trees. Birds, unlike animals, are covered with feathers. And that’s why they are called birds. Some birds fly to warmer regions with the onset of cold weather; they are called migratory. Those birds that stay with us for the winter are called wintering birds. They can find food on their own, but we must help them.

Educator: Look how many small creatures are drawn here.

  • Name them. (Children list)
  • How can you name everyone who is drawn here in one word?

Children: Insects

  • Who needs insects on earth?

Children : Birds need insects. They feed on them.

Educator: What happens if all the insects disappear? (Children's answers)

Insects will disappear, all the birds on which the insects fed will disappear. There will be no birds, trees will die because pests will eat them. There will be no trees, there will be nowhere for animals to live. All the small streams will dry up, the rivers will become shallow and disappear. There will be no water on earth, there will be a desert, and people will perish. Animals, birds, insects cannot live without plants, and plants cannot live without insects, birds, animals. Insects pollinate plants, birds and animals help spread their seeds across the earth.

Asks a question - the development of thinking in children

Developing children's ability to answer questions in complete sentences

Generalizing children's knowledge about living and inanimate nature

Formation of ideas about the forest

Development of children's imagination, experimental abilities

Development of observation skills in children

Ability to analyze and draw conclusions

Children’s ability to distinguish between living and nonliving natural objects

Fostering respect for nature and rules of behavior in nature

Development of attention

Relieving psycho-emotional stress

Children's speech development

Formation of ideas about the forest and the trees growing in it

Asks questions – development of thought processes, ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships

Consolidating children's knowledge about trees

Generalization and clarification of children’s knowledge about trees

Expanding children's knowledge about objects made of wood

Development motor activity children

Consolidating children's knowledge about forest animals

Children's ability to establish digestive chains

Consolidating children's knowledge about birds

To consolidate children's knowledge about migratory and wintering birds and their habitats


— Strengthen children’s knowledge about familiar trees; conditions necessary for their growth.

- Learn to solve riddles; solve problematic problems; consciously apply knowledge about the rules of behavior in the forest.

— To develop children’s knowledge about the importance of trees in human life; the desire to plant a tree yourself and take care of it.

— Develop curiosity, memory, and the ability to draw conclusions.

— Foster a love of nature.

Preliminary work:

Visiting the school grounds to compare spruce and pine needles, looking at deciduous trees on the territory of the kindergarten, looking at illustrations of encyclopedias about the significance and structure of trees, reading fiction nature studies, production of visual aids by parents.


Pictures: for the game “Name the tree”, for the outdoor game “Create a forest: coniferous and deciduous”, “Rules of behavior in the forest”, seedlings ( birch, spruce, cedar), buckets of water, shovels, a forester costume, a basket of sweets.

Integration of areas: cognition, safety, work, reading fiction, communication.


Educator: Guys, I want everyone to have good mood, good morning and good afternoon. We will send our warmth, our good mood, with an air kiss to each other and to our guests. Today we will have an unusually interesting activity. Do you know why? Because it will take place on the street.

Educator: Where do you think the air is cleaner - in the city or in the forest? Why?

Children: The air is cleaner in the forest because there are many trees.

Educator: What needs to be done to make the air cleaner in cities?

Children: Plant different trees.

Educator: Do you think a person can live without a forest?

Children: No, trees clean the air from dust and dirt, the forest is the “lungs of the planet.”

Educatorb: What does the forest give to a person?

Children: Fresh air, medicinal herbs, mushrooms, berries.

Educator: Guys, a tree is a home for many living creatures. Birds make nests in the branches of trees; squirrels, owls, and wild bees can live in the hollow of a tree. Snakes and hedgehogs make burrows among the roots, and various insects live under the bark. Trees are great friends to both humans and all living beings. And we should be grateful to the trees.

Educator : Before planting a tree, we need to find out whether it will grow in our conditions. Will a palm tree or an orange tree grow here?

Children: No. These trees grow in hot countries with warm climates.

Educator: That's right, that means we need to plant trees that are not afraid of frost and strong cold winds. What kind of trees are these?

Children: Birches, oaks, rowan, pine, spruce.

Educator: Tell me, what is the name of the forest where birch, rowan and oak grow?

Deti: Foliar.

Educatel: What is the name of the forest where spruce, pine, and cedar grow?

Children: Coniferous.

Educator: Well done. I suggest you play the game “Create a Forest”

Game "Create a Forest"

children who have pictures of deciduous trees gather near a birch branch, and those who have pictures of coniferous trees gather near a pine branch.

Educator: Guys, now we’ll go to the site and see what trees grow on our site.

Children: One small Christmas tree.

Educator: She's probably bored. What to do? ( children's statements)

I have a friend who is a woodsman, let’s ask him to bring us small trees. Let's contact the forest guard by cell phone. Who wants to talk to him?

Talking on a cell phone.The forester arrives.

Lesovichok: Hello, which kindergarten did I come to? Where is he located? ( children's answers)

Lesovichok: I fulfilled your request and brought small trees. Look at them and tell me what they are called?

Children: Birch, pine, cedar.

Lesovichok: What other trees do you know?

Children: Poplar, aspen, spruce, oak.

Lesovichok: Well done! I also want to see if you can s to solve riddles. And find the answers in the pictures.

— He’s standing in white clothes, with earrings on the branches. ( birch)

- What kind of girl is this, not a seamstress, not a craftswoman? She doesn’t sew anything herself, but wears needles all year round.( spruce)

“Grandma hung up orange beads, waxwings flew in and ate all the beads.” ( Rowan)

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree, I grow very straight in height. ( pine) Lesovichok: Well done. And now I propose to look at the trees that I brought.

Game: “What does the tree have?” (tree structure)

-The tree has strong roots, -There is a trunk, and on the trunk there is bark,

Buried deep in the ground, if the heat covers it,

so that the tree stands firmly, but if there is severe frost,

so that the branches and leaves are nourished. The trunk will be protected so that it does not freeze. Lesovichok: Who can say what time of year is best to plant trees?

Children: In spring or autumn.

Lesovichok: Why did you decide to plant trees?

Children: So that we have more oxygen, the air is cleaner, admire the beauty of the trees, so that birds and insects fly to us more often .

Lesovichok: It's time to plant trees.

Girls hold the seedlings and water them, and boys cover the roots with soil.

Lesovichok: We planted trees, but in order for them to grow big, we need to water them more often, make sure that no one breaks them, otherwise people come to me in the forest, break branches, light fires, pick flowers, I just don’t know what to do?

Educator: Lesovichok, we will give you prohibition signs that you can place in the forest.

Children describe the signs Lesovichok: Thanks guys, these signs will be very useful to me. Let's all stand in a circle together and hold hands.

And now we will smile, hold hands tightly,

And at parting we will give each other a promise:


Lesovichok: It's time for me to return to the forest. For your work, I want to treat you to my forest sweets. Goodbye.

Treats children with sweet nuts. The children say goodbye to the forester.

Educator: Guys, did you like our lesson?

What new have you learned?

What did you like most about the lesson?

How will you and I care for our seedlings?

Photo report:

Nadezhda Molchanova
Lesson summary on the topic “Caring for the forest”

Target: Introducing children to the profession of a forester - a person who takes care of the forest.


Tell children about the profession of a forester;

Vaccinate caring attitude towards our natural wealth.

Help children develop the skills to behave wisely in the forest.

Equipment: paintings , "The forester saves the hares", cards depicting different behaviors in the forest.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Hello children! Today we will introduce you to the wonderful and necessary profession of a forester.

Listen to the riddle:

He protects nature

Drives away poachers

And in winter at the feeders

Forest animals are waiting for you to visit.

Children: (Forester.)

Educator: Children - What is a forest?

Children give answers.

Educator: The forest consists of a large number of different trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers, in which, like in a multi-storey building, many residents live - animals and birds.

All of them are well adapted to life in the forest and really need each other. But their life is full of difficulties.

Guys, where do forest dwellers - animals and birds - live in the forest?

Children: in burrows, in a hollow, in a nest, in a den, under snags.

Educator: Tell me, how are forests and people connected? Do they need each other?

Children: They really need each other. It is impossible for a person to live without air.

Educator: What do you call a person who protects the forest and keeps order in it?

Children: Forester.

Educator: Listen to what proverbs there are about forest:

Wood doesn't bother wood.

The forest is a forest, and the demon is a demon.

If you cut down a forest, don’t spare your shoulders.

And uphill into the forest, and under the mountain into the forest, and through the forest into the forest.

The forest sees and the field hears.

I walked through the forest, but didn’t see any firewood.

People in the forest they're getting forested, people are people.

Those who love and know the forest, it helps.

It's good in the forest, take care of its beauty.

Forest gifts for every time.

The uncut forest soon grows back.

They don’t carry firewood into the forest, they don’t pour water into the well.

The steppe is no better than the forest.

There is a bear in the forest, and a stepmother in the house.

Without happiness, don’t even go to the forest to pick mushrooms!

The forest is not worth it without the devil

Educator: Children, what proverbs do you know about forest?

Educator: Listen to the poem called that


A forester walks through the forest,

He is used to walking in the forest.

Here he feels just like home

Everything has been familiar for a long time.

The forester's view R:

There was a fire here recently -

The heat smolders under the branches,

If you don't look, there will be a fire.

There is a beautiful pine tree there.

Why is she sad?

Caused her a lot of trouble

A harmful beetle - bark beetle.

We need to save the tree, the lime bark beetle.

Young alder bark.

Wait, you big-eared rogue,

Gotta look everywhere

The forester will inspect everything,

He is used to wandering in the forest.

It’s not in vain that he knows by sight

Every bush and tree.

(from the Internet)

Educator: Who are foresters?

Children: Foresters are people who know all the inhabitants of the forest well and try to help them in difficult times. Their main business is caring for the forest.

The teacher shows the children two pictures "Winter feeding of wild animals"

Guys, let's take a close look at these pictures. Tell to me:


1. Who is depicted in the picture?

2. What does a forester do?

3. Why did he bring hay to the forest?

4. Who will eat it?

5. How is the feeder constructed?

6. What is lying on the ground near the feeder?

7. Who needs tree branches?

Children: give answers.

Educator: Now look at another picture - "The forester saves the hares".

Why are the hares in trouble and in need of help?


1. Who is depicted in the picture?

2. What’s in the forester’s boat?

3. Where is the forester sending the boat?

4. What will happen to the hare if the forester doesn’t save them?

5. What color are hares?

6. Why are they colorful?

7. What will the forester do with the hares?

Children: give answers.

Educator: And now we will play a game "Zoo".

Rules of the game:

Children stand in a circle. There will be music (various) The teacher names the animal (horse, elephant, must, hare, frog, giraffe, etc.) To the music, children walk in a circle and depict the animal that the teacher names.

Educator: Foresters are important people for the forest. They take care of the forest- protect it from fire, help animals in difficult times - in winter when there is no food,

in the spring during high water. They clear the forest of old trees and plan planting

new trees, fight poachers.

And what do you think: “You, children, and we adults, can somehow help the forest rangers?”

(Children express their opinions on this issue)

For example (make and hang bird feeders, feed them, help plant trees.)

Educator: Children, an old forest man invites you to visit the forest dwellers in the forest. He asks us not to forget the rules of conduct in the forest.

Held Didactic game "How to behave in the forest"

(cards are shown depicting different behavior in the forest. Children select cards with correct behavior in the forest)

Educator: Well done guys, they know how to behave correctly in the forest. And now you and I will take an oath to the forest.

(says with the children):

You grow up to be a joy to people,

We will be friends with you,

Good forest, mighty forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

Animal burrows, Bird's nests

We will never ruin.

Let the chicks and small animals

It's always a joy to live with us!

Together: We swear.

Educator: We would like to thank our forest workers for their hard work and read a poem.

1 child: Green forest and fresh air

To live peacefully on the planet,

We must love nature.

2 child: So that the oak and pine trees are not cut down,

And poaching was ruled out

To clean up after yourself,

Animals and birds were not harmed.

3 child: Walk in the forest, listen to birds

And watch the game of lightning

We can also later

When we save nature.

Educator: Guys, what a wonderful class We visited and learned so many interesting things.

Let's once again say a big thank you to all forest workers. Because they take care of our forests, birds, animals and about the wealth of our native land.

Children: Thank you!

Publications on the topic:

Campaign “Birds need the care of each of us” Winter is a difficult time for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. In winter, birds die not from frost, but from lack of food. That's why it's like that.

Summary of the integrated lesson “Conversation about the forest” C O N S P E C T of the integrated lesson “Conversation about the forest” by teacher Koval Zh. V. Goal: to enrich and systematize children’s knowledge.

What is kindness and caring? Goals: formation (updating) of the concepts of “kindness”, “care” during the conversation and study of the work of Agnia Barto;

Consultation for teachers “Safety is a common concern” CONSULTATION FOR TEACHERS “CHILDREN’S SAFETY IS A COMMON CONCERN” Educator: Dvoinishnikova E. A. Social problems especially modern times.