Loving people will meet in the next world. Can the dead see us after death? Theories about life after death. The scenario of the exit of the soul from the body after clinical death

The article will tell you about what happens to the soul of a person after death and how to properly commemorate the dead.

After a person dies, the vital activity of his body ends: the brain and heart stop working. It is generally accepted that the soul of a person is a separate substance that exists independently of the physical body and dies much longer than a person. Others believe that the soul does not die at all.

There is no exact and definite opinion on this matter. Everyone draws their own conclusions based on religion and personal preferences. In Orthodoxy, it is generally accepted that after the death of the body, the soul of a person lives for exactly 40 days in peace with living people and only then goes to heaven. It is on the 40th day that it is customary to commemorate the deceased, seeing him off to " better world».

Therefore, we can safely say that the souls of deceased loved ones are present next to their relatives for the first 40 days, which means they see, feel and hear people. Of course, this does not happen when it is convenient for the souls themselves, but when they are mentally or verbally remembered, remembered, addressed to them.

How long does the human soul live?

Do dead relatives see us at the cemetery?

Another question that worries people who have buried their loved ones is whether their souls see the dead when they come to them at the cemetery. Emphasis should be placed on what kind of souls are: the reposed and the unrequited. The first are the souls of those who died naturally or were killed, the second are the souls of people who committed suicide.

It is believed that undead souls are not worthy to go to a “better world” and their punishment is to wander among the living without finding rest. Such souls are often attached to their body, the place where they died, or the grave in which they were buried. It is worth talking with such souls, because it is not customary to pray for them and light candles, and only memories can somehow make their existence easier.

It is also believed that after burial, the soul may not go to the "other world" if she does not want to. She can exist among the living for as long as she needs, if she watches over loved ones and waits for the completion of unfinished business. In any case, the soul is always attached to the body, and if you cannot feel a person in an ordinary environment, you can feel him at the burial site.

What is the human soul and how does it exist?

Are the souls of dead relatives watching over us?

When a person's soul leaves the body, it no longer makes sense for existence, because all life goals and problems completely lose their meaning. All that remains for her is feelings, and it is they who guide the soul, allowing her to follow her loved ones.

It is also believed that in addition to the fact that souls see everything that happens to people, they help loved ones in difficult life situations: they give signs, protect them from making mistakes, accidents, and allow them to make the right decisions.

Why do dead relatives come in a dream?

A dream is a parallel world in which the human consciousness lives. While the physical body is resting, many events take place in the soul and mind of a person. The soul, not burdened by the body, flies into the world of fantasies, memories, feelings, pictures of the future and the past.

In this "subtle" world, the soul of a living person can meet with the souls of deceased loved ones and relatives. It happens as if you are experiencing another scene from life or remembering something. You see people the way you remember them.

Contact with a living person who does not have paranormal phenomena, the souls of the deceased can only in a dream. There they can simply be present as observers, make requests and questions, hug and talk about what they miss.

It is believed that if you saw a dead person in a dream, he misses you in his world. You should not be afraid of this, it’s good if you remember him the next day, go to his cemetery or put a candle in the church. So you make their existence easier and do a favor for them, because this is the only thing a living person can do for a dead person.

Why do the dead dream?

How to commemorate deceased relatives?

Commemoration of the dead is an important action that should be done not only when you feel it, but also according to all Orthodox rules. Dates for commemoration are considered especially important:

  • Commemoration after burial. It is believed that after the body is interred, the next morning the soul of the deceased should bring "breakfast". A glass of vodka is placed on the grave (another drink is possible) and a piece of bread.
  • Commemoration on the third day. The first remembrance to be done after a person has died. The first commemoration is performed as an honor of paying tribute to the resurrected Jesus Christ, as well as veneration of the Most Holy Trinity. Interesting fact: the first three days the soul of a dead person walks the earth like a living person, but it is not visible to the eye. On the third day, the accompanying Angel must take the soul to another world. During these three days, the soul remembers all its life, all the bad and good deeds, mentally says goodbye to all relatives.
  • Commemoration on the ninth day. An obligatory tradition and custom that pays respect to the nine angels - the servants of the King of Heaven. After the third day (namely, after the commemoration), the Angel takes the soul of a person to the “heavenly abodes” and for all 6 days she watches their beauty. It is believed that here the soul becomes easier and she forgets about any sorrow. Sorrow returns only when the soul enters the heavenly gates and if the soul was sinful. The soul should appear before the Almighty and demand mercy from Him. On earth at this time, relatives try to set the table, share food with loved ones and drink for the deceased in silence.
  • Commemoration on the fortieth day. This is an important date, which is very significant for the soul: at this time, she worships the Lord for the second time and he decides where to go: to hell or heaven, where the Angels take him. On the fortieth day, loved ones not only set the table for remembrance, but also pray diligently to atone for all the sins of the deceased before the Last Judgment.
  • Commemoration 1 year after death. The year is the circular cycle of time that measures existence. It is customary to remember the year in the circle of relatives and friends of the deceased, laying the table and reading prayers.

How is it customary to commemorate the dead?

Do the souls of the dead come to their relatives?

It is believed that the closest people for any deceased are his relatives. After a person dies, his soul becomes a tribal spirit that protects the younger generation of the family from mistakes, wrong steps and accidents.

Is it possible and how to summon the spirits of deceased relatives?

Evocation of the spirit is always an unnatural and anomalous phenomenon, since a living person should be in the world with the living, and the soul of the deceased in the world of the dead. Therefore, any “thread” connecting the living with the dead is bad sign and a threat not only to health, but also to life.

Calling the spirit is better not even to try. In case you want to turn to him and say something, it is better to put a candle in the church for the repose and cry out all the boiled words with tears.

Is it possible and how to communicate, talk with a deceased relative?

Turning to the souls of deceased loved ones is not only possible, but also necessary. In this way, you not only make your life easier and calmer, but also soothe the souls of the departed, because the only consolation for them is the love and memory of relatives and friends to whom they were dear.

You can communicate with the souls of the dead anywhere and anytime. Just focus on what you want to say. Imagine this person next to you and talk to him as if he were alive, not embarrassed by feelings. Of course, you can only imagine that the deceased person could answer a certain question for you, but if you want, you can hear his voice hidden in your memories.

Is it possible to talk alive with the souls of deceased loved ones?

Why does a person see dead relatives before death?

Some life cases surprise a living person with their predictions, hints, signs of fate. Perhaps this is indeed true, but it is believed that before its death, the soul of a person feels its forerunner. Intuition and foreboding can be so subtle that not everyone can feel such a feeling.

One of the "symptoms" of such a presentiment are dreams in which a living person sees people who have passed away. More than one person can dream. It is important to remember what exactly people said in a dream and whether they called you with them. Perhaps you remember such phrases as: “we miss you”, “we want to see you”, “come to us, we are fine”.

INTERESTING: Some dreams turn out to be so prophetic that in them dead people tell living loved ones in plain text that their death will come very soon, as if warning of danger or giving them the opportunity to say goodbye.

What do dreams mean in which a person sees dead people?

Can deceased relatives help the living?

As already mentioned, everyone who has passed away becomes a spirit. The purpose of each spirit is to protect its family and contribute to its prosperity. That is why souls literally “take away” a person from bad people, places, cases. A living person may feel this as a sense of "déjà vu" or intuition.

How to ask for help from deceased relatives?

In difficult life situations or in case of a bad state of mind (illness, depression, apathy), you can ask for help not only from the Almighty, but also from the souls of departed ancestors. To do this, it is important to find a quiet place and fully concentrate on your thoughts, feelings, requests. Make requests or prayers, speak to souls as if they were living people and wish them rest.

Of course, asking the souls of the departed ancestors for advice, you will not receive a direct answer and will not hear a loud voice. But, if you do this with all sincerity and love, the spirits can send you a sign indicating any advice and answer.

How does he ask for help from the souls of the dead?

Can a deceased relative become a guardian angel?

A deceased close and beloved person often becomes a Guardian Angel for a living person. You can ask the Almighty about this or not, but you can feel it by observing the “signs from above”, dreams and feelings of the presence of the deceased nearby.

What to do on the birthday of a deceased relative, is it possible to celebrate?

The birthday of a deceased person is a date that is very important. It means life, and therefore on this day they commemorate the deceased, remembering him alive, discussing and praising him for his good deeds. On this day, you can set the table and drink without clinking glasses, light a candle in the church for the repose, and pray.

Is it possible to have a wedding if a relative has died?

Playing a wedding and celebrating big personal holidays (matchmaking, anniversaries, anniversaries) is not accepted if a close and significant person has died in the family. It is customary to observe mourning in the first year after death, as a tribute to and love for him.

Prayers for deceased relatives

To facilitate the existence of the soul of a dead person, the prayers of people who knew him alive and loved him will help. You can read prayers in church or at home.

Prayer #1

Prayer number 2

Prayer number 3

Video: "How to commemorate the dead?"

There are many things that are inexplicable in our world. For example, after death, the soul passes to another world, but continues to participate in the lives of living people.

The dead can hear and see the living. They give signals. This can be felt in many ways: animals may behave strangely, lights turn on/off, objects may fall, etc. They can help you deal with difficult life situations.

Where are the souls of the dead, do they see the living: theories regarding the afterlife

There are two theories about what happens to a person after death:

- the first says that after a person dies, he is waiting for immortal life in the other place";

- the second speaks of the rebirth of the soul and new life.

Both versions say that after death, the dead can watch the living. They may come in dreams. There are special practices that allow you to travel to other worlds in dreams.

There is a worldview that the souls of the dead pass into the ephemeral world (Nirvana). And since he is connected by emotions, experiences and goals with those who survived, he can communicate with them, see and try to somehow help. There are many stories of dead relatives warning their loved ones of dangers and advising them to deal with difficult situations. There is a theory that this intuition makes itself felt.

Where are the souls of the dead, do they see the living: the soul of a person after death

There is such a version that a person enters another world and prospers while he is remembered, but when the last relative who remembered him dies, the person is reborn to start new life and create a new family and acquaintances.

After death, the human soul must return to the creator. The more the soul is developed, the faster it will return "home". But the soul can get stuck on the astral plane, everything remains the same for it, only no one sees it - such souls are called ghosts, they can live among people for decades.

People can feel the presence of otherworldly forces as if someone is hugging or stroking them. Souls can also inhabit domestic animals, birds. They can put different things on. They can be smelled by a strange smell. They can give signals including songs. They can show the same numbers. They give us thoughts. They like to play with electricity.

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Can our dead relatives see us? This problem worries many who lose loved ones. Believers are convinced that human life continues, only in a different form. Orthodox argue that a person can go to hell or heaven, depending on whether he observed the main Christian commandments. In this article we will tell you what theories about life after death are, whether there is a grain of truth in them.

scientific fact

Even scientists have taken care of the problem of whether dead relatives see us. At the same time, it is worth recognizing that the conclusions they came to are not as unambiguous and categorical as skeptics and convinced atheists believe.

For example, in 2012 there were curious scientific facts. Whether dead relatives see us, experts in the field of quantum physics have investigated. In particular, numerous media reported that scientists were able to find out where the human soul goes after death.

Experts from the UK and the American University of Arizona said they were able to understand why people at death see black and long tunnels with light at the end, as well as their own long-dead relatives. In their opinion, such visions appear at the moment when the human soul leaves the body, going to the expanses of the Universe.

NDE research

Scientists have studied near-death experiences experienced by people who have experienced near-death experiences. These patients reported that while doing so they met with their long-dead relatives, and own body watched from the side. Prior to this, it was generally accepted that these are reactions of the brain, which is faced with oxygen starvation, some areas begin to die off in it.

British and American scientists came to a very different conclusion when they studied this experience from the point of view of the quantum theory of consciousness. They found out that the human soul is contained in certain structures of our body. They are called microtubules or microtubules. They are found in brain cells. When a person near death sees such pictures, this is due to the effect of quantum gravity, which develops in microtubules. The soul gradually leaves the nervous system, becoming part of the universe.

It is noteworthy that this point of view coincides with the ideas about afterlife Hare Krishnas and Buddhists. They also believe that the soul of a deceased person becomes part of the universe, and later returns to the world as a result of reincarnation.

What do the dead see after death?

If we turn to the options offered by world religions, they can be conditionally divided into two groups.

Representatives of the first argue that after the death of a person, eternal bliss awaits in some other place, while the rest are convinced that the soul is reborn.

It is noteworthy that in each of these options there is an opportunity to see the living after death.

Understanding whether dead relatives see us after death, some argue that dreams serve as confirmation of this. After all, often completely unknown people appear in them, who in a dream communicate with you as if they have known for many years.

Meeting in a dream

There is an opinion that these are people whom we met during the day. You don’t know them, you didn’t remember them, but for some reason they were deposited in your subconscious.

There is another version. As if these are your dead relatives visiting you in dreams. They themselves have already passed into another world, but sometimes they have the opportunity to see you, and you see them.

At the same time, it is believed that they are speaking from a parallel reality. In this situation, it is safe to say that this is one of the few ways of communication between souls. According to this version, it is obvious whether the dead see their living relatives.

Help from Heaven

According to another version, the person ended up in a different world. In Heaven or Nirvana, it doesn't matter. What matters is that this is an ephemeral reality in which the soul unites with the common mind.

Such a person receives a large number of new opportunities that were previously inaccessible to him. At the same time, he is still connected by common experiences and emotional ties with those who remained alive. Answering the question whether dead relatives see and hear us, supporters of this theory are convinced that they are not only capable of this, but also try to help in one way or another.

One can find many testimonies of how dead friends or relatives warned the living of impending dangers, advised how to act in a difficult situation.

Of course, everything can be attributed to intuition. But why then do we see images of dead relatives? There is no logical answer to this question.

Are both versions correct?

Finally, there is a third option when trying to answer the question of whether dead relatives see us. It can be argued that both versions are correct.

In this case, it turns out that after death a person finds himself in a different world, in which he prospers as long as he has someone to help from among the living. It stays there as long as it lives in someone's subconscious. But since human memory is not eternal, sooner or later the last relative or descendant who knew him dies.

After that, the deceased is reborn to start a new cycle. Get a new family and acquaintances, repeat this circle again.


Understanding what a person is generally able to see after death, one can come to the conclusion that just before death, a certain state of catharsis sets in. This is the limit of physical suffering, when the thought begins to fade away until it finally fades away. Often the last thing a person hears is the doctor's words about cardiac arrest.

At the next stage, a person begins to observe his body from the side. At the same time, he most often hangs a few meters above the ground, sees how doctors save him, trying to bring him back to life. What happened to him, he finally understands only when everything calms down.

The person then comes to terms with the current situation, realizing that he now has new way. The path to another world, from which for some time he will be able to watch his relatives, help and support them in difficult times.

What does our soul see?

When figuring out whether the souls of deceased relatives see us, we need to understand that in this case we are talking about what the human soul can see. It is believed that a person's consciousness is concentrated, turning into an incorporeal shell, at the moment when he finally comes to terms with death, accepting it.

Up to this point, his spiritual body looks exactly the same as his physical body. But after he realizes that the peculiar shackles fall off him, the force of gravity no longer has power over him, the body begins its transformation, losing its usual shape to the eye.

Then they begin to appear around the souls of relatives who died earlier. In this situation, they seek to support us so that it is easier for a person to move on to the next stage of his existence.

When the soul begins to move, it is believed that a strange creature appears in front of it, which cannot be described in words. One can only understand that love of great power emanates from him.

Among those who suffered clinical death, having been beyond this line, there is an opinion that this is our very first ancestor, from which all people on earth descended. He is always in a hurry to help the dead man who still does not understand anything. This creature begins to communicate, asking questions, but not with a voice, but with images. In these moments, a person sees his entire past life in front of him, only in reverse order.

At the barrier

It is then that the realization comes that an approach to a certain barrier has taken place. It may not be visible, but it is already felt. Logically, believers come to the conclusion that this is a barrier that separates the world of the dead from the world of the living. What happens after her is unknown to anyone living today. One can only guess about this, build various versions and assumptions.

Now it is clear whether dead relatives see us. It is obvious that they are not only able to observe us, but also to influence loved ones who have remained on earth, to help them, to give good advice.

Having considered all the versions that exist today, believers claim that the dead can really see us.

Mysticism in the lives of children

If adults see their dead relatives quite rarely, only in critical situations, then there are much more stories about young children who have felt a connection with the other world.

In such a situation, it is important to understand what it is: a prank or an irrepressible fantasy. Can children see dead relatives?

Skeptics and atheists assure that the point is the excessive susceptibility of kids. After all, this happens especially often with relatives whom the children knew and remember well. In the event of their death, they begin to fantasize, imagining that they again come to them, as they did during life, play with them, tell fairy tales, admonish.

Of course, it is impossible to unequivocally answer whether children see the souls of deceased relatives. Among believers, it is considered abnormal when a child is visited by his relative, who has gone to another world, without special need. It's one thing when they rush from the other world to warn of an impending disaster or give vital advice. A completely different situation is when the soul comes only to play with the baby.

It is believed that in this situation, the surest decision would be to go to the priest. It is highly likely that it is not your relative, but demons or fallen souls who are naughty in this way. The child must be communed, it is better to consecrate the house.

At the same time, you should not be hopeful if nothing bad happens to the child and the family. Demons can be very insidious, only a priest can give useful advice how to act in such a situation.

If the baby really is a recently deceased relative, then a service should be ordered for him. Apparently, his soul in the next world cannot find peace. It is important to repose the soul of the deceased so that there is no trouble for either the child or his relatives.

Sometimes we want to believe that loved ones who have left us are watching over us from heaven. In this article, we will look at the theories about the afterlife and find out if there is a grain of truth in the statement that the dead see us after death.

In the article:

Do the dead see us after death - theories

In order to accurately answer this question, you need to consider the main theories about. Considering the version of each of the religions will be quite difficult and time consuming. So there is an informal division into two main subgroups. The first says that after death, eternal bliss awaits us in "elsewhere".

The second is about the full, about a new life and new opportunities. And in both cases, there is the possibility that the dead see us after death. The hardest thing to understand is if you believe the second theory is correct. But it is worth thinking about and answering the question - how often do you have dreams about people whom you have never seen in your life?

Strange personalities and images that communicate with you as if they have known you for a long time. Or they don’t pay attention to you at all, allowing you to calmly observe from the side. Some believe that these are just people whom we see every day, and who are simply deposited in our subconscious in an incomprehensible way. But where do those aspects of personality come from that you cannot know about? They talk to you in a certain way that you don't know, using words you've never heard before. Where does it come from?

It is easy to appeal to the subconscious part of our brain, because no one can say exactly what is happening there. But this is a logical crutch, nothing more and nothing less. There is also the possibility that this is a memory of people you knew in a past life. But often the situation in such dreams is strikingly reminiscent of our present time. As yours past life could look the same as your current one?

The most trustworthy, according to many judgments, version says that these are your dead relatives visiting you in dreams. They have already passed into another life, but sometimes they also see you, and you see them. Where are they talking from? From a parallel world, or from another version of reality, or from another body - there is no definite answer to this question. But one thing is for sure - this is the way of communication between souls who are separated by an abyss. Still, our dreams amazing worlds, where the subconscious walks freely, so why not look into the light? Moreover, there are dozens of practices that allow you to safely travel in dreams. Many have experienced similar feelings. This is one version.

The second concerns the worldview, which says that the souls of the dead go to another world. To Heaven, to Nirvana, the ephemeral world, reunite with the common mind - there are a great many such views. They are united by one thing - a person who has moved to another world receives a huge number of opportunities. And since he is connected by bonds of emotions, common experiences and goals with those who remained in the world of the living, naturally he can communicate with us. See us and try to help somehow. More than once or twice you can hear stories about how dead relatives or friends warned people about great dangers, or advised what to do in a difficult situation. How to explain this?

There is a theory that this is our intuition, appearing at the moment when the subconscious is most accessible. It takes a form close to us and they try to help, to warn. But why does it take the form of dead relatives? Not alive, not those with whom we have live communication right now, and the emotional connection is stronger than ever. No, not them, namely the dead, long ago, or recently. There are cases when people are warned by relatives whom they have almost forgotten - a great-grandmother seen only a few times, or a long-dead cousin. There can be only one answer - this is a direct connection with the souls of the dead, which in our minds acquire the physical form that they had during life.

And there is a third version, which is not heard as often as the first two. She says that the first two are correct. Unites them. It turns out she's pretty good. After death, a person finds himself in another world, where he prospers as long as he has someone to help. As long as he is remembered, as long as he can penetrate someone's subconscious. But human memory is not eternal, and there comes a moment when the last relative who at least occasionally remembered him dies. At such a moment, a person is reborn in order to start a new cycle, to acquire a new family and acquaintances. Repeat this whole circle of mutual assistance between the living and the dead.

What does a person see after death?

Having dealt with the first question, you need to constructively approach the next one - what does a person see after death? As in the first case, no one will be able to state with complete certainty what exactly stands before our eyes at this mournful moment. There are many stories of people who have experienced clinical death. Tales of the tunnel, gentle light and voices. It is from them, according to the most authoritative sources, that our posthumous experience is formed. In order to shed more light on this picture, it is necessary to summarize all the stories about clinical death, find overlapping information. And deduce the truth as a certain common factor. What does a person see after death?

Just before death, there is a crescendo in his life, the highest note. The limit of physical suffering, when the thought begins to fade away a little and eventually goes out completely. Often the last thing he hears is the doctor announcing cardiac arrest. Vision fades completely, gradually turning into a tunnel of light, and then covered with final darkness.

The second stage - a person seems to appear above his body. Most often, he hangs a few meters above him, having the opportunity to consider the physical reality to the last detail. How the doctors are trying to save his life, what they do and say. All this time he is in a state of severe emotional shock. But when the storm of emotions calms down, he understands what happened to him. It is at this moment that changes occur to him that cannot be reversed. Namely - the person humbles himself. He comes to terms with his situation and understands that even in this state there is still a way forward. Or rather, up.

What does the soul see after death?

Dealing with the most important moment of all history, namely, what the soul sees after death, you need to understand important point. It is at that moment when a person resigns himself to his fate and accepts it - he ceases to be a person and becomes soul. Until that moment, his spiritual body looked exactly the same as the physical body looks in reality. But, realizing that the fetters of the physical no longer hold his spiritual body, it begins to lose its original shape. After that, the souls of his dead relatives begin to appear around him. Even here they try to help him, so that the person moves on, to the next plane of his existence.

And, when the soul moves on, a strange creature comes to it, which cannot be described in words. All that can be understood absolutely precisely is that all-consuming love, a desire to help, comes from him. Some who have been abroad say that this is our common, first ancestor - the one from whom all people on earth descended. He rushes to help the dead man, who still does not understand anything. The creature asks questions, but not with a voice, but with images. It scrolls before a person his whole life, but in reverse order.

It is at this moment that he realizes that he has approached a certain barrier. You can't see it, but you can feel it. Like some kind of membrane, or a thin partition. Logically, one can conclude that this is exactly what separates the world of the living from. But what happens after her? Alas, such facts are not available to anyone. This is because a person who has experienced clinical death has not crossed this line. Somewhere near her, doctors brought him back to life.

Answers to questions about communication with the dead and told the rules for the commemoration.

It is very important to commemorate deceased relatives, because this is a certain reverence for the deceased relatives. But it's important to do it right. And how exactly do you learn from the article.

How to commemorate deceased relatives?

All people are mortal. Sometimes their life is cut short tragically, sometimes by an absurd accident, and sometimes the time just comes. You shouldn't be upset about this. After all, no one is immune from this.

The least you can do in such a situation is correctly commemorate and see the deceased in another mi R. Everyone has a different understanding of how to do it right. The ignorance in this matter is sometimes astounding.

One should always look for answers in the church or the Scriptures.
Many under the phrase "remember the deceased" understand the distribution of sweets and cookies to people. This is correct, but there are many more customs and rules in this matter.

First of all, it is worth mentioning how to properly bury a person. After all, even in this, many people make mistakes. Mistakes that should not be made:

  • In no case should you commemorate the deceased alcoholic drinks . Faith forbids this, many scriptures talk about it. Thus, the deceased person will be doomed to inevitable torment. The best way out is to distribute food and clothes to the homeless
  • Don't order a funeral band. Sometimes you go and hear heartbreaking music. It makes her feel bad and uncomfortable. From it you can determine that someone is buried nearby.
    Wise people say they come to this music crafty. They rejoice and dance. And the deceased cannot say goodbye to this world calmly.
  • People have died and are dying. And so it will always be. Nowadays, the grave and monument are hung with wreaths. But if you go back to the past, you can understand that in those distant times there was no all this. They always came to the grave with fresh flowers. But godless time Soviet power brought changes to this tradition. There is no such custom abroad.
    If you remember the movie "Visiting Eternity", you can be horrified. The hero talked about his journey through that world. There, all the people were hung on wreaths. They became gallows for them. Therefore, before buying a wreath (and they are not cheap), think about the deceased. Does he need him and do you want to find your deceased relative for eternal torment?
  • Don't commemorate a dead person sweet food. Almost all of this is done with sweets and cookies. But you shouldn't do that. Such delicacies are foodstuffs that are attributed to the weaknesses of gluttons. And with this you only delight them, and do not commemorate the deceased

So what's the right way to do it? What should be done, what should not be done? These questions should always be answered in the Bible or asked old people. In any church, they will help to understand this matter, provide the necessary literature and simply give advice.

It is believed that the soul of a person after death roams our land for another 40 days. Most often, she is near her body. You should be attentive and listen to all extraneous rustles and sensations. After all, a person can contact loved ones.

His soul seeks peace and tranquility. She tries to get through to the people around him.

On the fortieth day, the soul flies away. And before deciding on her place in heaven, she has to go through several circles of hell. To help the deceased in this difficult moment, you should read Psalms.

Love for the dead should be shown through funeral services. They are held in any church after morning prayers. Prepare in advance: buy products. You will then give them to those in need.

Do not forget about the ban on alcohol and treats. Also, do not lose sight of the fact that for such a ceremony they write a note according to the model, which indicates the name of the deceased. You should go to memorial services Saturdays for parents. These days, the power of prayers increases several times.

There is a special day for the remembrance of the dead. He is called commemorative. It falls on the ninth day after Easter. This day is called Radonitsa.

Many people go to the grave on Sunday, that is, a week after the holiday. But it's not right. The souls of the dead come to their grave only after a set time - 9 days.

parent saturday- the main day of commemoration of the dead

If for some reason you cannot visit the tombstone loved one, then the souls come to your home or work. They can also wait for you in church churches.

It happens that a person passes away of his own free will. The church does not pray for suicides. They consider it a great sin. But relatives can read the prayer themselves and ask the Lord for forgiveness for the actions of the deceased.

On the date of death or birth of the deceased, order a magpie in the church

You can commemorate a person on the date of his birth and date of death. Don't forget to order magpie in the church. All commemorations are best arranged a day or two before the expected date.

Can our dead relatives see and hear us?

The church answers this question affirmatively. It is worth a little all the same to understand this matter and clarify the main aspects.

According to church beliefs human soul is immortal. And death is just an intermediate state in which a person is reborn, acquires a new body and a new life.

People who have been in a state of clinical death claim that they remember everything and saw their body from the side. From this we can conclude that death is just a dream. But sleep forgets the body, not the soul. The soul wanders, seeks shelter, visits loved ones.

According to beliefs, a sinful soul gains a chance to atone for its evil deeds. She is reborn and lives life again. Sinless souls go to heaven, to a place where there are no diseases, sorrows, grief. There they follow the lives of their relatives, friends and acquaintances.

They not only hear our speeches, but also look into our souls, read our thoughts and learn about our innermost secrets and desires. Therefore, you should not burn your life just like that, you should not plot bad deeds and commit bad deeds. The souls of our loved ones will suffer.

Do dead relatives see us at the cemetery?

On memorial days, all relatives and close people of the deceased gather near his grave. There they talk about him, remember all the joyful and happy moments with his participation.

As the saying goes: "they say something good about the dead, or nothing." These days, souls also come to the cemetery to see everyone. On other days, the soul that has found peace does not visit the earth. If you decide to visit the deceased person on other days, then he is watching you from heaven.

This is what the church teaches us. Skeptics are suspicious of these points. They believe that the person died, and his consciousness was forgotten by eternal sleep. It cannot come to life in another reality and watch everyone from the sidelines. This is the work of Faith. If it is easier for you to survive the death of a person, hoping that he sees and hears you, then just believe in it.

How to call the spirit of a deceased relative?

Magic has always allowed to penetrate into another world, to call the spirit of any dead person and talk to him. But before the ritual should think about the consequences. Spirits don't always want to be disturbed.

It is better not to perform such a dangerous ceremony yourself. You should trust a trusted medium in this matter. Only he can summon the right spirit. Seances are best done in a relaxed state, with good thoughts.

You can call the spirit yourself or seek help from a medium

Alternatively, you can use a Ouija board. A few tips to help evoke the spirit of a deceased relative:

  • Relax, throw away all problems and worries, free your mind
  • Don't feel fear. If the session is not conducted correctly, then an evil spirit will come. He will feed on your fears
  • Before the session, fumigate the entire room incense
  • It is advisable not to eat or drink anything on the day of the ritual, do not drink alcohol for 3 days
  • call the spirit at night - after 12 and before 14 hours
  • put wax candles in the room
  • thread the black thread into the needle and make it look like a pendulum
  • On the sheet, write all the questions you would like to ask the deceased
  • call the name of the deceased and call to come
  • if the needle starts to move, then the spirit of the deceased is nearby. You can leave the window open, so it will be easier for the soul to get into the room.
  • if everything worked out for you and you received the answers, then do not forget to thank the spirit for coming and say that you are letting it go back

How to communicate, talk with a deceased relative?

Many people are interested in how to talk with dead people. It's not hard to do. There are several ways to do this:

  • Seek help from a medium. A good specialist in this field will provide you with such an opportunity. He will not only do this, but also tell what state the soul of the deceased is in, what his aura is, what he lacks. But don't get too carried away with séances
  • You can communicate with the dead in your sleep. Sleep is considered a small death. In this state, all human organs stop working. A person simply plunges into non-existence and his consciousness turns off. It is in this state that it is easier to talk with the deceased
  • You can also communicate through paper. This method is similar to communicating through a Ouija board. Only in this case you will need paper with written letters and a saucer

You can talk to the dead in a dream or call them

Can deceased relatives help the living?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Even if this happens, it is in rare cases. The dead help only those who really need it. They can do it through signs. But people do not always understand them correctly.

There is an opinion that after death the soul is not able to feel anything, it does not know what love, hatred are. Therefore, in this case, there can be no question of any help.

Do not heavily "load" the spirits with your problems and requests. After all, a person freed himself from the physical body and left the world. He lived a life full of not only joys, but also grief, tears, sorrows. He drank his cup of sorrows to the dregs. Why should he experience such emotions in heaven?

How to ask for help from deceased relatives?

In difficult life situations, people sometimes turn to deceased parents or relatives for help. There are many prayers and conspiracies for the implementation of such actions. In some, it is proposed to go to the cemetery, others simply use household items when reading the plot. You should think about such rituals. They are true and will not bring you more trouble.

It is better to ask for help through prayer, but from God. So you will find peace and tranquility. This will help you find a solution to even the most intractable problem.

If you still decide to resort to the help of deceased relatives, then below is a conspiracy. It should be read near the grave of the person from whom you are asking for help.
“My dear (my) father (mother) (name of the deceased), get up, wake up, look at me, at your baby. How miserable I am in this white world. My dear, look at me, an orphan from your home, amuse me with a kind word.

You can communicate mentally with a dead person. In a conversation with him, you can outline the situation and ask for advice. Some people go to church and pray. Within the walls of temples, it is easier for them to concentrate and understand what the deceased wants to advise them.

Do not turn too often to the spirits for advice.
If you have any doubts about making a decision, go to the cemetery. At the grave of the deceased, you will express all the pros and cons of this situation. And the first thing that comes to your mind, consider the advice of a deceased person

Will deceased relatives meet after death?

This question has always interested close people of the deceased relative. Even the priests do not give an exact answer.
Some mediums claim that will definitely meet. Indeed, in the case of clinical death, people say that they met their loved ones there.

But in order to meet them again, a person should be cleansed of sins, go through Purgatory. And only then will he reach Paradise, where all his relatives are waiting for him.
Priests on this score say that it is possible that they will meet if the place of their final stay coincides. And this is known only to God.

Do the souls of the dead come to relatives?

People give many examples that prove that deceased relatives visit their relatives. Some things fall, others honor the light breeze that cannot occur indoors.

One woman said that her dead son was calling her from that world. But no one can say for sure that this is the soul, and not the fruit of their own imagination.

According to beliefs, the soul roams the earth for another 40 days. At this time, she visits relatives, relatives and acquaintances. Many say they feel the presence of the spirit of the deceased. Sometimes it happens in a dream.

If this happens after forty days, then it is worth considering. Usually this means that the soul has not found peace. Or guilt haunts her, and she wanders in search of forgiveness. The priests advise go to church and light a candle for the repose.

Video: Contact with the dead or life after death