I wish everyone good luck in the drawing. Best wishes for good luck. What does the parable say about God's providence?

In everyday life, we often wish each other luck when parting, and this seems to be a gesture of politeness, as well as caring. However, many are sure that this should not be done, because on the contrary, it can only cause troubles and misfortunes.

Many people wonder why you can’t wish good luck to Orthodox people? True luck is something positive, associated with luck, which we so often want to have, so why not wish it on someone else? Following the holy injunction, a good coincidence of circumstances is directly related to God, who helps the believer to achieve his goal, and when you wish it for someone else, it is as if you are offering him the help of the Almighty. It’s hard to find anything wrong with this, if not for the word “luck” itself.

IN Orthodox world it has a negative connotation, and this is explained by the fact that a person who believes does not need luck. He will humbly reach the goal through his own efforts, relying only on his own abilities and capabilities, and will not idly count on a happy coincidence of circumstances.

Why can’t you wish good luck in Orthodoxy? The answer to this question is connected with the Semitic people, who existed long before our era. His followers worshiped a certain Moloch, who was later repeatedly compared and mistaken for one of the guises of Belshazzar. This people, being pagan, like everyone else in those days, engaged in sacrifice and they considered babies to be the best gift to their deity. Newborn children were placed in the hands of an idol, which was made in the shape of a huge calf, and a huge fire was lit under their hands. The Semites believed that in this way they made their way through the flame of life. They performed the ritual of sacrifice exclusively at night, playing flutes and lyres in order not only to create a spirit of celebration, but also to muffle the cries of small children.

When bad times came, thousands of newborns died on such sacrificial altars, because the Semites firmly believed that by giving their child to be burned, they would provide for themselves whole year Good luck. Luck is why they committed such terrible acts, and that is why, when holy scripture arose, and a ban was imposed on sacrifice, threatening death, the word “luck” had a dark, bloody connotation, which has been preserved in Orthodoxy to this day. Therefore, you should formulate your wish differently if you are really trying to provide someone with verbal well-being, and not bring all sorts of troubles upon them.

It is worth considering that there are those who do not know about this fact, but are still against being wished good luck. Such people include gamblers who believe in all sorts of superstitions. They are initially confident in themselves and are determined to win, to take first place, to lead in competitions, why do they need luck? Her wish, they believe, only brings down the mood.

Why can’t you wish good luck to a suspicious person? Because many of them wait for the gift of fate with great trepidation, and here, like with a fish, if you scream loudly while fishing, it will scare it away. It’s the same with luck; if you mention it, the wheel of fortune will definitely stop bringing success. Many athletes who believe in all sorts of omens and superstitions ask, on the contrary, to call them names before an important game in order to stimulate their spirit, but not to desire success. Everyone views this gesture of politeness differently, so there is no strict rule about whether one can or cannot wish for well-being.

Best regards good luck sent to your friends, acquaintances, family and friends will lift their spirits and charge them with positivity for the whole day.

Beautiful wishes of good luck

I wish you happiness and luck,
Health, long bright years,
And with ease to any task
Brilliant finding the answer.

Reach the heights of your career as soon as possible,
And succeed in your personal life,
Serve your friends as an example in everything,
And look into the future with optimism.

Every minute has its own purpose.
You just have to guess it.
Every moment will be special -
Life can become richer!

Live without wasting a second or a day -
Good luck ahead!
Believe that any dream will come true,
And go to your cherished goal!

Good luck, may it smile on you
IN family life and in business
Let the day begin successfully,
Always with a smile on your lips,

Always accompanies you through life,
Let it be like a family member
And don’t scare me away, because there are no more capricious things,
Better yet, hug me tight.

I want to wish you good luck,
To be next to you,
So that during the day she could be the sun,
And at night a bright star.

I wish you luck
Hold it tightly in your hands,
Don't change your luck with anyone
And don’t lend it to anyone.

I wish you to preserve your luck,
Appreciate and treasure her
I wish you good luck
happy life live.

Love, harmony, warmth,
Good luck in everything!
And life was always in bloom,
Gave me joy and dreams!
Let spring sing in your soul,
Always fresh, always clear!
And in these bright moments -
Flowers and congratulations from us!

I wish you sun in the blue sky,
Smiles, the beauty of flowers,
The most affectionate, beautiful words,
Like delicate velvet petals!

May there be wonderful days
From happiness, joy, warmth.
Hopes easily came true
Luck has always been with you!

Everyone has their own dream in their destiny.
The road to it is not so easy at times...
May your goals always be achieved
Luck shines like a bright star!

Will help you achieve all heights
Faith in victory, in one’s own strength,
And the new day that is coming -
He will be successful and happy again!

A bright, fast-winged bird
May good luck come
And happy energy
Will give very generously,

So that dreams come true,
The mood became the most cheerful,
And success made friends
I would definitely go with you!

Luck is a capricious lady
Flashing his plumage,
It happened, sometimes she flew away,
Having beckoned you to others.

May it never let you down
Good luck in your life,
And let it not pass without her,
My friend, not a single day.

May luck walk with you,
And accompanies you everywhere!
Helps solve problems
Failures always win!
Whatever it is, let this bird
It will live with you forever!
And then your life will become clear,
Simply fabulous, bright, beautiful!

Best wishes for good luck

Let the friendship be real
Success is a joy for the soul,
Career – bright and brilliant,
Income – stable and large.
Health – strong, limitless,
Cozy and beautiful is the house,
Well, luck is everywhere personally
Accompanies you in everything.

Good luck to you! Warmth, kindness, good luck,
Joy, health, beauty!
So that the fire in the hot eyes does not go out
And the best dreams came true!

Every moment is so important and valuable,
After all, there are no insignificant minutes in life.
May luck be with you all the time,
And there are many bright victories ahead.
The path to your goal brings you closer every step,
Any roads lead to success,
The support of loved ones helps in everything,
Their warmth and care give them strength!

Appreciate life's golden moments,
Cherish every minute of it,
Let luck help you in your plans,
Stay on course for success and good luck.
Move boldly towards your designated goal,
Strive for your distant horizons,
So that dreams can come true,
May any wishes come true!

Good luck, happiness, tender words,
And in the heart - beautiful feelings,
Softer than the silk of petals,
Brighter than clear noon!
Let every moment be warm
The love of those who are nearby.
So that for this wonderful moment
Look with a happy look!

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Quite often you can hear the phrase “You wouldn’t wish this on your enemy,” which is usually said when some kind of misfortune or misfortune happens to a person. People are accustomed to constantly wishing each other good luck, without even suspecting what terrible harm they can cause with this very wish. But you can learn in more detail about what the word luck is in Orthodoxy and why it should not be desired from the source described below.

What does luck mean in Orthodoxy?

Luck is a positive phenomenon that is attributed to luck or chance. In the Orthodox religion, a good coincidence of circumstances is considered when the Almighty helps a believer, therefore, when one person wishes good luck to another, this is considered a wish for the Lord’s help, but without mentioning his name.

It should be noted that the meaning of the word luck in Orthodoxy has a somewhat negative meaning, because a Christian believer should not hope for unknown luck, but in the matter of salvation he must become an ally of the Almighty. The Lord's providence is what a person should trust and hope for.

Why you can’t wish good luck in Orthodoxy

Most people ask the question “Why can’t you wish good luck in Orthodoxy?” The answer to it is quite simple, the fact is that luck, or as he is also called Moloch, was considered the main supreme being of the Semitic people, who was presented as one of the incarnations of Belshazzar (Beelzebub, Baal or Baal), that is, Satan.

Mentions of Belshazzar can be found several times in the Holy Scriptures, namely:

  • about Molech in the Scriptures of Amos – 5:26;
  • in Judges - 10:6, 3:7 and 2:11;
  • and also 1 Book of Kings – 11:7.

As in most pagan cults, the worshipers of Baal performed sacrifices, for which they mainly used people through burnt offerings, and thereby supposedly pave the way for them through the solar fire of life. The best victims were newborn children who had noble surnames:

And they made the heights of Tophet in the valley of Hinnom's sons, to burn their daughters and sons in flames, which I had not commanded, and which had not entered my heart (Jer. 7:31).

The babies themselves were placed on the outstretched arms of a deity with the face of a calf, and at the very bottom there was a sacrificial fire. This kind of nightmarish act was carried out, as a rule, at night, accompanied by the sounds of lyres, tambourines and flutes, thanks to which the cries of poor babies were drowned out and, in addition, fueled excitement among the people.

Idol sanctuaries were constantly stained with the blood of newborns, and in years of disasters or great celebrations of people, but for the most part small children were still sacrificed, and their number reached hundreds and even thousands of individuals. And the family that gave its child as a gift to the idol would certainly have a successful year, both for agriculture and for harvesting.

Subsequently these ritual murders were prohibited by the Law of Moses and, as punishment for its violation, man was destined the death penalty, however, the Semites continued to continue sacrificing until 586 BC. e., that is, before the Babylonian captivity.

Therefore, the church does not have such a favorable effect on luck, because according to Archimandrite Cleopas, it is the true embodiment of the name of the devil and strongly recommends being attentive and wishing your neighbor the Lord’s help and well-being, and not the spawn of demons.

Events allowed or sent by the Almighty are aimed at saving the believer in eternity, and the meaning and essence of life phenomena may not be clear to a person even after many years, but trusting in the Lord, and not in an unclear case, will be the sure path to deification.

The Lord is always with you!

When a serious disaster happens, many say that you wouldn’t wish this on your enemy. People are accustomed to wish each other good luck when saying goodbye and in any business. But it turns out that it’s better not to do that. And above all, the Orthodox should refrain from this. Why? Today we will try to answer this question.

What or who is luck?

According to the definition of scientific encyclopedias, luck is a special positive event that occurred in a combination of uncontrollable and unpredictable circumstances. This can also include the happy ending of any action that occurred without interference from the person concerned. And perhaps somewhere even against his will. But this is scientific!

In Orthodoxy, luck has a negative meaning. And Archimandrite Cleopas (Ilie) wrote in his writings that this is another name for the demon - Moloch. He expressed the point of view that “this was one of the largest and most powerful demons who mowed down millions of innocent children’s souls. And to include him in the memorial is a great sacrilege, and to wish for his coming is an even greater sin.”

Who is Moloch really?

Moloch (Luck) is the god of happiness among the Carthaginians, Sumerians and Romans. His statue, cast from a significant amount of silver or copper, was carried around the cities on a large two-wheeled cart. In front of the statue was a copper frying pan with oil boiling in it. At the back there was a stove made of the same material. The fire in it was constantly maintained by the priests walking nearby. These people held large and sharpened axes in their hands, clapped their hands loudly and invited those who wanted from the side, shouting: “Whoever wants good luck, make a sacrifice to Luck!” Seems like no big deal, right? But…

Why was Moloch terrible?

The ancient Romans, especially women, could have answered without hesitation why one should not wish good luck to a person. The thing is that Moloch was very fond of accepting bloody sacrifices. And most often it was infants - the first-born of noble and not so noble families. The children were taken and thrown into a terrible fire. It was believed that the torment of burning children brought pleasure to the god of Luck, and the tears of mothers quenched his strong thirst.

In gratitude, the “cruel ruler of the land of tears” was supposed to bestow good luck, prosperity and a rich harvest on the family that made such a sacrifice. Be that as it may, it was once believed that it was such a sacrifice that saved Carthage from destruction. Such madness continued until 586 BC. e., i.e. up to Babylonian captivity. And this is even despite the fact that according to the law of Moses by that time they were already prohibited.

How do Christians feel about Luck?

It is clear that such cruelty could not arouse approval among Orthodox people. They considered Moloch a real fiend of hell. They said that one should wish for loved ones or even enemies the well-being and help of God, and not the “devilish spawn.” And they forbade their children to even mention the name of the bloodthirsty demon. However, this was not the only reason why one should not wish good luck to the Orthodox.

There is another one, not so terrible. Christians simply believe that all events are sent or allowed by the Almighty. The Lord, according to beliefs, gives every person the opportunity to be saved after the Last Judgment and return to the “Promised Land.” And it is trust in God, and not in unintentional chance, that will help them. God's providence is what all Orthodox Christians believe in. There is even a whole parable on this occasion. You can read it further.

What does the parable say about God's providence?

One hermit, knowing why one should not wish for success in Orthodoxy, asked God to reveal the ways of His providence and began to fast. One day he set out on a long journey, and on the way he met a monk (it was an Angel) and offered to be his companion. He agreed. In the evening, they stopped to stay with a pious man, who offered them food on a silver saucer. But, to the surprise of the hermit and the owner of the house, after eating the food, the monk took the dishes and threw them into the sea. Well, okay, no one said anything, the travelers moved on.

The next day the hermit and the monk stayed with another husband. But here’s the problem! Before the journey, the owner decided to bring his little son to his guests so that they would bless him. But the monk touched the boy and took his soul. Numb with horror, the old man and the child’s father were unable to utter a word. The companions left again. On the third day they remained in a dilapidated house. The hermit sat down to eat, and his “friend” dismantled and reassembled the wall. Here the elder could no longer stand it and asked why he was doing all this, for some purpose.

Then the monk admitted that he was actually an Angel of God. And he explained his actions. As it turned out, the first owner of the house is a godly man, but he bought the dish untruthfully. Therefore, I had to throw away the dishes so that the man would not lose his reward. The second owner is also godly, but his son, if he had grown up, would have become a real villain, capable of the most evil acts. And the third husband is a lazy and immoral man. His grandfather, who was building a house, hid precious gold in the wall. But the owner could have died through him in the future. Therefore, I had to fix the wall to prevent this from happening.

In conclusion, the Angel commanded the elder to return to his cell and not think about anything in particular, because, as the Holy Spirit says, “the ways of the Lord are mysterious.” Therefore, you should not try them, there will be no benefit from it. God gives everything - sorrow, joy, and sin. But one is by good will, another by economy, and the third by permission (Luke 2:14). And everything depends on His will. However, as well as from yours. After all, the Lord does not take away a person’s freedom of choice. And luck, as you see, has no place here.

Why can’t you wish good luck according to folk signs?

People who are not inclined to believe in God or Moloch have their own signs regarding fortune. For example, doctors. If you ask any of them why you can’t wish good luck to doctors, at first there will be a short silence. Well, then you will hear that any wish, for example, “Good night!”, “Have a nice day!” or “Good luck in your business” will lead to the fact that the entire shift will be very restless, fussy and unhappy. For the same reason, doctors in the hospital should not tell you after the operation that everything is fine and nothing hurts. Surgeons (and not only them) run from such phrases like fire.

If you want to thank the doctor or say goodbye to him, tell him simple phrases"Thank you!" and “Goodbye!” And don’t forget that according to popular wisdom, if you wish any person, not just a doctor, good luck, you can invite the evil eye or misfortune, “turn away” the person’s fortune or cause damage. And also bring misfortune into the life of your interlocutor. Of course, you may not believe it, but it’s still better to be careful. As they say, what if?!

Why shouldn't you wish good luck before an exam?

They say that in order to successfully pass exams, a student must, according to signs, remain uncut until the moment they come, refuse to buy new clothes in favor of the “happy” one, enlist the support of the brownie and stand on the corresponding day only on the left foot. Superstitions, of course. But almost all students take one thing seriously. Many of them refuse to wish their fellow students success, say “no feathers, no feathers” and receive a playful wish “to hell with it.” But to the question about why you can’t wish good luck in the exam, they answer that if you do this, the result will show 2 or 3 in your record book, despite long preparation and knowledge.

But how then can you desire success?

If you come across a person who sincerely believes that luck cannot be wished for, do not refuse to communicate with him. Just try to choose a more heartfelt phrase, depending on the situation. For example, the following words are perfect for wishing success: “All the best!”, “All the best!” or “Hope for the best!” You might even say the Star Wars line, “May the force be with you!” Or else show It is believed that this is also a special wish for success. If the person is very close, you can also say: “Raze them into powder!”, “Tear them up” or “I know you can handle it.” And this will only be for the good! Or just hug him and say parting words.

Good luck wishes will come in handy for everyone. Someone said that our whole life is a game. The game is exciting and unpredictable, to be sure. Which card will fall into our hands: an ace or a six, a trump or a simple one? There are not so many cheaters, so you have to trust the wishes of good luck.

In verse

  • I wish you good luck in everything!
  • Let the house be filled with luck!
  • Let luck come into the windows and doors,
  • Let your darling believe in luck!
  • Let luck knock on your doors,
  • I wish you good luck in love,
  • I wish you success in life,
  • And may you be lucky in your future life!
  • Good luck,
  • In the garden and at the dacha,
  • At home, by the sea, on the beach,
  • May good luck come your way.
  • Let her help you
  • So that your face is happy,
  • So that everything would argue and happen,
  • And it turned out great!
  • I wish you successful achievements,
  • In work, in love, and, of course, in fate,
  • Happy hunting, and successful plans,
  • Have a good trip to the village, to the dacha.
  • Have a good holiday in the mountains, at the sea,
  • Successfully drive away troubles, misfortunes, grief,
  • It's good to fall in love, it's good to love,
  • It’s good to forget past grievances.
  • Let there be a constant “Okay” in life,
  • And let it not seem strange to anyone,
  • That everything worked out so well in fate!
  • I wish you great luck!
  • I wish you a successful life
  • Have a successful, bright day,
  • Let luck kiss you
  • You warm her heart.
  • So that everything works out,
  • So that all plans come true,
  • Lucky fate was,
  • And people were surprised.
  • Let everything be as you want!
  • Let luck walk by your side
  • You take care of her, keep her,
  • And all the days will be wonderful!
  • May luck laugh at you
  • Let luck burst into the house,
  • Let luck fly like a bird,
  • It will ring like a crystal ring.
  • I wish you good luck everywhere
  • Let them serve it on a platter
  • Let them bring it in a parcel,
  • I'll send it in the Internet mailing list.
  • I wish you good luck!
  • It will be this way and not otherwise!
  • She will fly to you
  • And success will be in fate!
  • May your day be successful
  • Drive away laziness quickly
  • May good luck be with you
  • Constantly has a tender gaze.
  • I wish you good luck on your fishing trip,
  • So that the fish always bites,
  • I wish you good luck at work,
  • Good luck in the heat and in the cold!
  • Good luck to you in the store, at the market,
  • To buy something cheap,
  • Good luck with your sad mood
  • I wish you to forget!
  • Good luck, good luck everywhere,
  • Good luck always, everywhere,
  • Let people call you lucky,
  • Life is interesting with luck!
  • What do I wish? Good luck!
  • Everywhere and everywhere!
  • On fishing, and in the country,
  • And at rest, at work!
  • Let luck rush to the door,
  • Let him tap his feet
  • And let her not enter,
  • “Let me in,” he shouts!
  • Let her in quickly
  • Life will be more fun
  • You will live happily
  • Peace and love all people!

In prose

Mark Twain also said that one day fortune knocks on every person's door. But he doesn’t hear this knock, because he’s sitting in the nearest pub around the corner. The most important thing in life is not to miss an important moment in which your success may pass you by. I wish the hero of the occasion to always be at home when luck knocks on the door. Seize the moment: open your smile wide and entrance doors so that your fortune feels a worthy welcome!

A Chinese proverb says that it is impossible to drown a lucky person. You throw him into a stormy mountain river, and he will definitely swim out, and even with a goldfish in his hands! I wish you to always be lucky, the darling of fate. Let luck not pass you by, but come alongside you. And if life takes you into a stormy river, then come out of it dry and with a dozen goldfish. Fate will lead you into a dense forest, return from it with game and mushrooms. Be lucky!

Do you know why fortune is so capricious, changeable, fickle and characteristic?! Yes, all because she is a woman. But sooner or later she meets the man she loves and walks through life next to him, hand in hand. I wish that luck falls in love with you and chooses you as its companion. And when you walk through life next to her, don’t forget to look around carefully, because fortune is very attractive. Let her be faithful only to you and never cheat with others.