How to choose the right sunscreen. How to choose sunscreen. How much and how often should you apply sunscreen?

What's happened sunscreen , why it is needed, its mechanism of action, how to choose and use it. And also, what is tanning, how do we get it, the difference between UVA and UVB rays. Natural ways and means to prevent burns.

Summer has come, and with it the time for holidays and holidays. What do these 2 words mean to most? Sea, sun, beach, outdoor recreation. In general, spending more time outside while the weather permits. And, of course, a tan.

Somehow it has developed in our society that being tannedhealthy means to be healthy and beautiful. Pale skin is not fashionable. In Asia, for example, on the contrary, white skin is highly valued and is considered one of the important aspects of beauty.

I admit that, until recently, I also belonged to the circle of people “working” on their tan, spending long hours at the pool or beach, applying special oils in order to tan more, without thinking at all about the harm to health or the consequences.

Having been born in the Arctic Circle and having lived almost all of my childhood there, I looked forward to summer every year. Summer meant sun, warmth and hanging out with friends outside. The most amazing vacation was, of course, at sea. I still remember how we, having just arrived from the north, looked against the backdrop of already tanned people. Pale toadstools with a bluish tint; it hurt my eyes.

When I was a kid, no one had ever heard of sunscreen. And even if they heard it, it was perceived not as a means to prevent a burn, but as a means to help get rid of that same burn faster.

I remember how I argued with my mother because I wanted to buy a one-piece swimsuit, and my mother said that I wouldn’t tan well in it.

We sunbathed quickly, or rather burned out. The skin was peeling and peeling. And for us it was absolutely nothing special or scary, the burn was an integral part of tanning. Almost every vacation at sea began with him. When I got sunburned, my temperature almost always rose and herpes appeared on my lip. But everything passed and was quickly forgotten.

Now I already know that not only sunburn, but also excessive “grill chicken”, as I call it, tanning, causes damage and premature aging of the skin and can trigger the development of skin cancer. But, as they say, until a roast rooster pecks in the ass...

So, it seems that to prevent this roast rooster from pecking, sunscreen was provided.

But let's first figure out how and what it protects us from.

What is tanning?

Tanning is a natural protective function of the body. Our skin synthesizes pigment Melanin, which protects and adapts us to solar radiation. Melanin absorbs UV radiation and disperses it, preventing damage to skin cells.

The more we expose our skin to solar radiation, the darker its color becomes, as the production of Melanin increases, and it, as we know, has a brownish color.

UV radiation reaches the Earth's surface mainly through two rays: UVA and UVB.

What's the difference between UVA and UVB?

  • UVA (long rays) reach the Earth constantly, regardless of the time of year or weather. Neither clouds nor even glass are a problem for them. It is these rays that penetrate deep into the skin, provoking the production of free radicals and, at the same time, skin aging. Wrinkles, pigment spots, skin cancer - thank UVA rays. These rays give you a quick, temporary tan by oxidizing the Melanin that is already present in the skin. Most solariums, by the way, are equipped with UVA lamps.
  • UVB (short rays) most active in summer and in the middle of the day. The tan from these rays appears on average after 2 days and lasts for a long time. UVB rays are necessary for our skin to synthesize Vitamin D. Therefore, it is very important to try to spend 10-15 minutes in the summer sun in the middle of the day without sunscreen, as it blocks production by almost 98%. During this short period of time, you will not burn, and your skin will produce the recommended daily dose of this very important vitamin.

Why do you need sunscreen?

The very first thing that comes to mind is, of course, to prevent burns. It is also equally important to protect the skin from negative impact sunlight, preventing premature aging, wrinkles, age spots and the possibility of developing skin cancer.

What is SPF?

The first effective sunscreen was invented by chemist Franz Greuter in 1946. His SPF was 2.

In 1962, the same chemist coined the term SPF (Sun Protection Factor), which is now used worldwide to measure the effectiveness of sunscreen when applied evenly at a rate of 2 milligrams per cm2 of skin. Or, in simple human language, how long will the cream protect your skin from getting burned.

For example, if I burn in 10 minutes and use a sunscreen with SPF factor 15, then this means that I will not burn SPF 15 X 10 minutes = 150 minutes using this cream.

But this is very individual, some people have lighter or more sensitive skin and others burn more easily.

Types of Sunscreens

  • Sunscreen contains chemical substances, which when applied are absorbed into the skin and thus reduce UV radiation. These include sunscreens, where the active ingredient is one or more: Avobenzone, Homosalate, Octisalate, Oxybenzone. The last three do not filter skin-damaging UVA. These substances, when absorbed, enter the bloodstream, disrupting the natural hormonal balance. Oxybenzone, for example, behaves like female hormone estrogen. And we know that playing with hormones usually doesn’t end well.
  • Sunblock contains physical or inorganic ingredients that block UVA and UVB radiation without being absorbed, but remaining on the surface of the skin. This sunscreen is also called mineral sunscreen. There can only be two active components: Titanium Dioxide and/or Zinc Oxide. Zinc Oxide is considered the safest. The only negative is that it can leave white streaks and be poorly absorbed. But this, again, depends on the brand.
  • A mixture of Sunscreen and Sunblock. Both Sanscreen and Sanblock components are used. For example Oxybenzone and Titanium Dioxide.

I want to dispel the myth that when using sunscreen you have to say “Goodbye” to your tan. It is not true.

Sunscreen does not provide 100% protection from the sun's rays; some of them still pass through and get on the skin causing a tan.

How to choose sunscreen?

  • Avoid Sunscreens. Give preference to sanitary units. This means that the active ingredient will be Titanium Dioxide or Zinc Oxide or both. Zinc Oxide is preferable. If the active ingredient is something else, it’s Sanskrin.
  • Don't use sprays. They contain tiny particles that, when inhaled, enter the lungs. Why do we need sunscreen spray in our lungs?
  • Make sure your cream does not contain any forms of Vitamin A (retinol and retinyl palmitate). In sunscreens, this antioxidant vitamin may accelerate the development of skin cancer.
  • Do not buy creams with very high SPF. You will subconsciously think that you can stay in the sun longer, increasing your chances of getting sunburned. SPF 30 is the most ideal option.
  • Buy a cream that provides UVA and UVB protection, especially the former. Only Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide, Mexoryl SX and Avobenzone provide protection against UVA rays. I will not repeat what you should give preference to.
  • Choose a natural sunscreen base. Read the ingredients. Make sure that your cream not only protects from the sun, but also moisturizes with natural ingredients (aloe vera, all kinds of oils) and does not cause allergies. More natural and less chemicals.

I have already mentioned that short-term exposure (10-15 minutes) to the sun in the middle of the day in the summer will give you the opportunity to develop a daily dose of Vitamin D. I wrote about the relationship between Vitamin D deficiency and cancer.

If you intend to spend a long time outside, be it on the beach, in the garden, in the mountains or by the pool, then I strongly recommend that you apply sunscreen to all areas of your face and body that will be exposed to the sun's rays.

Most instructions advise applying the cream 15-30 minutes before going outside. Remember to reapply sunscreen after heavy sweating, swimming and, depending on the SPF of your cream, time.

I am writing about which Sunscreen is best.

How to protect your skin from the sun without sunscreen?

  • Cover your skin with clothes made from natural fabrics: cotton, linen, silk. This will easily provide SPF 15 without any unnecessary chemicals. Remember to protect your face from direct sun. Wear caps, hats, panama hats.
  • Choose shade and use an umbrella on the beach.
  • Eat foods rich in antioxidants. More fresh vegetables and fruits. This will help reduce sensitivity to sunlight. Also helps the right balance 3-6 Omega Acids (fish oil is yummy). Antioxidant also helps prevent sunburn
  • Many natural oils also contain SPF. Carrot Seed Oil SPF 38-40, Raspberry Seed Oil SPF 28-50, Wheat Germ Oil SPF 20,
This cosmetic product will protect you from two types of harmful sun rays: UVB and UVA. The former cause sunburn, the latter do not, but both types make the skin less elastic, activate the aging process and increase the risk of skin cancer.

And do all creams protect equally?

No, the degree of protection depends on the SPF value, which ranges from 2 to 50. The higher the SPF value, the more sun rays it filters, and you can stay in the sun longer without the risk of sunburn. For example, SPF 2 filters about 50% of UV rays, and SPF 50 filters up to 98%.

Which one should you choose?

If you go out in the sun occasionally, for no longer than a few minutes, dermatologists advise How to choose the right sunscreen for your skin type. cream with SPF 15. If you are outside continuously for a long time, choose a cream with SPF 30 or higher.

Also affects the degree of protection.

Isn't it easier to buy SPF 50 for any skin, since it protects so well?

No, because sunscreens are not 100% safe. Some of the substances in their composition can cause skin irritation, rashes and pimples. Others suspect toxicity and the ability to disrupt the hormonal system, although this has not been proven.

The lower the SPF level and the amount of potentially dangerous substances in the cream, the better.

Don't overuse protection if you don't need it.

So the creams differ only in SPF?

No, sunscreens also differ in the active ingredients in their composition and are divided into chemical and physical. Chemicals are absorbed into the skin and absorb the sun's rays, then converting them into thermal energy. Physical ones create a protective screen on the surface of the skin and reflect ultraviolet radiation.

And which ones are better to choose?

Chemical products do not leave streaks and are more resistant to water and sweat. However, unlike physical ones, they are more dangerous for the skin: they can cause allergies and irritation, and their protection begins only 20 minutes after application.

If you have sensitive skin and don't want to apply cream before going out into the sun, choose physical creams. If you are going to swim, actively train, and don’t like greasy consistency and stains on the skin, choose chemical ones.

In addition, pay attention to what types of rays the chosen cream protects from.

Doesn't it protect against all types?

There are creams that only protect against type B rays, which are what causes us to tan and. But because both types of rays increase the risk of cancer and accelerate skin aging, dermatologists advise UVA & UVB. take creams with protection against both types. However, it is impossible to measure how effectively a cream protects against UVA rays, so simply mentioning such protection will be enough.

If I swim, will the cream wash off?

It will definitely wash off, especially if it is a physical cream. Therefore, choose a cream marked “waterproof” or water resistant and pay attention to the indicated protection time. Renew the cream after this period, regardless of whether you have bathed or not.

If the cream remains, can I use it next year?

The cream can be used until it expires. Do not leave it in direct sunlight or store it in a warm place, then it can be used within a year.


Summer is a wonderful time when you can take a break from the boring routine of everyday life, wear a light, airy sundress or a beautiful summer dress with exotic colors, get vigor and energy for the whole year. The only thing we should not forget about is that the sun's rays contribute not only to a beautiful tan and saturation of the body with the necessary vitamin D. They can harm our health.

Everyone knows about the harmful effects of the sun. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the skin of the face from ultraviolet rays. . If you go to a body of water - the sea or a river, to a summer cottage or a forest clearing, or you have a long stay in the sun in the city, do not forget about the consequences that will not slow down on your skin - age spots, wrinkles and freckles.
To prevent all these problems from affecting you, do not be in the sun at the time of its maximum activity - from eleven to sixteen hours.

Remember that the face is the most vulnerable part of the body. That is why sunburn is worst on the cheeks , forehead and nose. Therefore, you need to apply sunscreen to your skin. You need to apply cream to your face every two hours. Apply the cream after swimming.

Modern sunscreens can be used as a base for makeup . It's quite practical. After all, even in the city, your skin requires close attention and care.

Applying sunscreen for face, you protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

Sunscreen intended for the face has up to fifty powerful protective filters against sun rays. This is significantly more than the same body cream. Therefore, when using these creams , you can almost completely avoid inflammation and burns.

Solar energy radiation is conventionally divided into three main spectra:

- short-wave radiation (UVC), it is absorbed by the ozone layer of the earth and therefore does not reach the surface;

Active radiation (UVB), cannot penetrate clothing and glass, is responsible for the synthesis of the upper layers of the skin;

Dangerous radiation (UVA), can penetrate thin clothing and glass, can destroy elastin and collagen, and causes skin aging.

For a long time, the main criterion for the effectiveness of sunscreen was San Protection Factor (SPF) index. It is this indicator that makes it possible to determine the reliability of the protective agent against exposure to UVB rays. By SPF you can find out whether this product is suitable for a person with a certain skin type.

If you decide to buy a skin protection product against ultraviolet rays, pay attention to SPF index, which must be indicated on the packaging of the cream. The number of sun filters in sun protection products ranges from fifteen to fifty.

An important factor when choosing a sunscreen is your skin type.

Cosmetologists divide skin into several phototypes:

"Celtic phototype". This skin type can be found in people with blue or green eye. Typically, this skin type has blond or red hair. The skin of such people is delicate and sensitive, with a lot of freckles. She doesn't tan at all, but can get an instant sunburn. At the same time, pigment spots do not form on such skin. People with such skin are prohibited from any kind of tanning - be it a solarium, a sea beach or a river bank. You won't get a beautiful and even tan. But blisters and burns will not slow down to appear. Therefore, we recommend using sunscreen 50 for the face and body during the first two weeks under the scorching rays of the sun.

“Nordic” or “Germanic” phototype skin. People of this phototype are fair-skinned, with a small number of freckles. Their hair is light, brown, or light brown. Tanning for people with a “Nordic” skin phototype is just as harmful as for people with a “Celtic” phototype. They are also susceptible to sunburn. Their only advantage is the possibility of visiting a solarium. But no more than twice a year! We also recommend using sunscreen with SPF 50 for the face and entire body during the first week of exposure to the sun.

Dark European phototype. People of this phototype are characterized by Brown eyes and hair of darker shades - chestnut or dark blond. Their skin is dark-skinned without freckles. The tan applies smoothly to the skin. But staying in the open sun for a long time is not recommended - there is a risk of getting burns.

Mediterranean or South European phototype. People of this skin type have dark hair and eyes. The skin is quite dark. People with such skin tan very quickly without getting burned.

Middle Eastern or Indonesian phototype
. Owners of this type are dark-skinned, dark-eyed and dark-haired. The tan applies to their skin instantly and evenly. There are no contraindications against the sun.

African American phototype. People with this type of skin, even with constant exposure to the sun, are not afraid of sunburn. They have dark brown skin, dark eyes and hair.
It is worth noting that the European part of the population has four of the six described skin phototypes.

How to choose a sun protection product, knowing your skin type?

If you have the first skin phototype, the product should contain SPF 40+, then - 30.

With the second phototype, the SPF content should be 30, then 15.

The third phototype requires SPF 15, and then 8-10.

If you have a fourth phototype, the SPF content should be from six to eight.

It should be taken into account that two types of radiation act on human skin - active (UVB) and hazardous (UVA). Therefore, SPF protection is not always enough to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. When choosing a sunscreen, look for the PPD label on the packaging, which indicates that the product blocks UVA radiation.

There is a misconception that SPF numbers indicate the amount of time you can spend in the sun. It's a delusion. SPF protection is a measure of the amount of radiation you can receive without the risk of sunburn. In other words, SPF does not indicate time, but the skin’s resistance to burns. For example, SPF 30 means that your skin can withstand thirty times more sunlight than without it.

Remember that sunscreen cosmetics protects the skin from active radiation, which causes burns and redness. But not from dangerous radiation that contributes to tanning. In addition to tanning, UVA radiation causes various diseases and skin aging.

To protect us from these unwanted effects, manufacturers of sun protection products add UVA components. The best indicators of such products are the ratio of UVA protection to UVB protection filters in the amount of one to three.

If your goal is to get a beautiful chocolate tan, purchase products with UVB protection. If you are thinking about health, you need a cream with additional protection against UVA radiation.

Sunscreen for face customer reviews:


I have very sensitive skin - it burns instantly. Therefore, I take the choice of cream seriously. I really liked Avene (30) - based on thermal water. Uriage cream (90) also has its advantages - additional protection factors.


I really liked the cream stick from Vichy with factor 50 for the face. It is very convenient that it comes in a pencil - it is easy to apply and smear. And it really does protect.


I really like sunscreen and after-tanning creams from Lancaster and Ollistar. The effect is 5+. Although the price is high, I don't mind paying for such quality.

WHAT IS THE BEST SUNSCREEN WITH PPD (Persistent Pigment Darkening)

If you want to get a beautiful and even tan and at the same time protect your skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, you need to take the choice of protective products seriously and carefully. At the same time, it is important to determine which products are truly useful and give a good effect.

If you have to constantly be in the open sun, use sunscreen containing PPD. It will effectively protect your skin from the harmful effects of UVA radiation and the ppd index indicates the level of skin protection.

But you shouldn’t naively believe that such a cream will save you from being in the sun for too long. No cream will give you this protection, and you could end up with serious skin burns. Don't neglect hats and sunglasses.

You should apply sunscreen containing PPD before going outside. The cream needs to be rubbed in every two hours. And definitely after you get out of the water. Do not let the cream get into your eyes.

For hypoallergenic skin prone to burns, a protective cream SPF 30 with PPD is recommended. It provides a high degree of protection during normal sun activity. It can be used on normal to dry skin.

For normal and combination skin, a protective cream with PPD 38 is suitable. It has the highest protection index from ultraviolet radiation SPF 50+. At the same time, it is resistant to water and protects the skin well during high solar activity.

To protect your skin from the harmful and destructive effects of sun rays, it is not enough to purchase a good sun cream with a suitable PPD sun protection level. It is important to know how to use it correctly. Here are some tips:

- Apply the cream fifteen minutes before going out into the sun. It is necessary for the cream to be absorbed;

It is important to study the instructions;

Sunscreen should be applied to the entire surface of the body. Be sure to apply the cream to your ears, neck, forehead, hands and feet;

It is necessary to rub in the cream every two hours, including waterproof ones - sunscreens only work fully for forty to sixty minutes;

Use sunscreen with ppd suitable for you you need it every day, because the skin can get damaged from ultraviolet radiation even in cloudy conditions. The use of cream is also necessary in winter;

Do not skimp on sunscreen - apply it thoroughly to all areas of the body that will be exposed to sunlight;

Don't mix different types protective agents, this may cause skin irritation;

For prolonged sun exposure or frequent swimming, use a water-resistant sunscreen with PPD 42;

Children with their delicate skin also need sun protection. Baby's skin may get sunburn instantly. Therefore, children need sun protection more often than adults. Modern cosmetology has developed sun creams even for very young children. Do not use adult creams on children's skin. Sun cosmetics intended for children are hypoallergenic, fragrance-free and are available in the form of sprays, gels and aerosols. But no sunscreen even with high level ppd will not help against overheating. Therefore, children should not be exposed to the scorching sun for too long.

Which cream is better? Customer reviews.


Last year we vacationed in Egypt. Friends recommended taking Aubrey Organix SPF 30 sunscreen for yourself and the kids. They rubbed it in shortly before going outside and after swimming. The cream is wonderful - it doesn’t stain clothes, it’s absorbed quickly, it’s easy to apply, and it’s odorless. The consistency of the cream is very delicate. None of us got burned. And the tan turned out even and beautiful.


For more than two years I have been buying Aven cosmetics with the optimal ppd ratio for me. My skin is sensitive and can sometimes break out. Especially in summer. Four years ago I was treated for demodicosis. Anyone who has encountered this problem knows how difficult it is to maintain the skin in normal condition so that a relapse does not occur. Aggressive drugs did not help. In addition, the skin became dehydrated and sebum began to be released even more intensely. Aven thermal water saved the day. It can be used to moisturize all day. And plus to everything - it relieves irritation.


For me, the best tanning cream is Nivea with a ppd index of 40. I vacationed in Egypt for two weeks and did not get burned. I was the only tourist at the hotel whose shoulders, face, and arms were not burned. The tan turned out golden.

My husband works as a builder and is constantly outside. Uses this cream every day. His face looks very well-groomed compared to the faces of other builders.


Almost all high-quality sunscreens are supplied with information about the degree of protection of the skin from the negative effects of sunlight. Experts recommend using a cream with an SPF index of 30 to 50 during the first days of being in the zone of active solar radiation.

All sunscreens They are a chemical compound of components that protect human skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. Our skin is exposed to two types of solar radiation - UVB and UVA. UVB radiation causes dangerous consequences. It contributes to the appearance of burns and significantly increases the risk of developing skin cancer. There are no burns or redness of the skin from UVA radiation. But it is precisely from this that the skin ages, age spots and freckles appear.

In order for the protection of your skin to be as reliable as possible, you need to apply at least thirty grams of the product. Many people use only a quarter of the required amount of cream, so the degree of protection is much lower than indicated on the product packaging. Simply put, if you spend all day at the beach, you should use half a 250 gram tube.

The most important indicator when choosing a sunscreen is the SPF index, which is indicated by numbers. How is this figure calculated?

Without protection, skin exposed to the sun will turn red within twenty minutes. Sunscreen SPF 15 increases this time by fifteen times. In total, it turns out that your skin will be protected for five hours.

There is one more indicator. If the SPF index is 15, such a cream protects the skin from 93% of UVB radiation. Cream with SPF 30 index protects the skin from 97% of UVB radiation. Sun protection cream with SPF 50 protects skin from 99% of UVB radiation. The difference between these indicators may seem insignificant. However, for people with sensitive skin and those prone to cancer, these few extra percentages will play an important role. Please note that no sunscreen can protect our skin from UVB radiation 100%.

Do not forget that no matter what the SPF index appears on the packaging, the cream is considered effective for only two hours. Then you need to repeat the procedure of rubbing the cream into the skin. This also applies to the most effective creams with SPF 50. A cream with this index should be used by people with skin prone to burns. If you have normal skin, a cream with an SPF 30 index is quite suitable for you.

Don't forget to apply sunscreen half an hour before going outside. Let the cream absorb. Reapplying the cream is necessary immediately after swimming, and also if you experience heavy sweating.


According to the recommendations of cosmetologists and pediatricians, babies up to six months It is prohibited to use any sunscreen. Actually, the same as sunbathing. Ingredients found in sunscreen products can cause allergic reactions in children's skin. In addition, they can have a rather harmful effect on the baby’s liver and kidney functions. If you want your baby to be healthy, do not use sunscreens until the age of three.

Picking up children's sunscreen, you need to pay attention to the degree of protection from solar radiation. For children, you need to select a cream with the highest possible SPF index, but take into account the age of the child. For babies over one year old, a children's sunscreen with an SPF index of 30 is suitable. For an older child, use product with SPF 50 protection. To understand how long a protective agent will last, there is a formula that can be used to make a calculation. It is quite simple - the SPF index needs to be multiplied by five. For example, a sunscreen with an SPF index of 50 will protect your baby’s skin - 50x5 = for 250 minutes.

But this does not mean that the baby can be in the open sun without a break. within eight hours. There should be moderation in everything.

When choosing the best sunscreen for children, you need to take into account your child's skin type. Babies with light hair and eyes require a higher degree of protection. For babies with dark skin and dark eyes, you need a cream with a medium degree of protection (read reviews mommies below).

Another important factor when choosing a sunscreen is where you will be vacationing with your child. For a regular walk down the street, a cream with a minimum protection index is suitable. If your vacation will be on the banks of a river or in the forest, opt for sunscreen with an SPF index of 20-25. If your vacation will take place on the seaside, children's protective cream should have an SPF index of twenty-five. At the same time, choose a cream with a water-repellent effect and maximum resistance to sand.

There is no need to exclude another important factor when choosing a protective agent - its components. Almost any protective cream contains filters against one of two types of solar radiation. It will be very good if the protective cream contains filters against two types of radiation. A children's sunscreen must contain herbal ingredients that help soften and protect the baby's delicate skin. If the product contains components such as panthenol and extract seaweed, you can safely purchase this product for your child. It would be great if the cream contains a substance that repels blood-sucking insects. At the same time, baby cream must not contain alcohols or fragrances.

If your baby oily skin, choose a cream with an unsaturated texture. If your baby has dry skin, he or she will need a moisturizer. On a note. A good quality cream applies evenly when applied and does not clump.

The cream begins to work within fifteen to twenty minutes. Modern children's protective equipment can be in the form of a spray. Moreover, it comes in a certain color. It is very comfortable. When applying the spray, thanks to the color, you see where there are untreated areas. After the spray is absorbed into the skin, the color disappears.

For delicate baby skin Protective products are available in the form of lipsticks and sticks. With them you can protect the most vulnerable places - forehead, lips, nose, chin and ears.

Sunscreen should be applied in an even layer fifteen minutes before going out into the sun. Before using the product, read the included instructions. It is important to test the compatibility of the cream with your baby’s skin to avoid possible allergic reactions.

After your child has rolled in the sand, splashed in the water, or simply been in the open sun for about an hour, the protective layer needs to be renewed. Do not add up the effect of each layer of protective agent. And especially do not mix different creams. They may be incompatible with each other and cause severe allergies.

When buying a protective product, ask about its expiration date. Do not use creams that have expired.

Now there are children's protective products for very delicate and sensitive skin with PPD 19. They are distinguished by a very high degree of protection against active and dangerous solar radiation. Such products are very resistant to water and profuse sweating. Such products are applied a quarter of an hour before going out into the sun. The procedure must be repeated every two hours of exposure to the sun and after swimming.

To protect your baby from the harmful effects of the sun, use a hat (panama hat or cap with a long visor) . Make sure that during the period of the most active sun (from 11-16 hours) the child is in the shade.

Sunscreen for children. Reviews.


My Irishka is three years old. Last year we vacationed at sea. Before the trip, I hesitated for a long time when choosing sunscreen cosmetics. At the pharmacy they convinced me to take the “Our Mother” protective cream. There were no disappointments - this product is hypoallergenic. I really liked it.


Last summer we vacationed in Crimea for a month and a half. Sonechka was one year and three months old. I used children's protective cream Garnier Ambre Solaire SPF 30 (against UVA and UVB rays) - 200 ml. I really liked the packaging - convenient with a sprayer. The cream itself is blue (it is clearly visible where it is not applied). Plus, it is waterproof and sand resistant.


Before this, I bought L’Oreal for children with protection 50. It’s expensive, it says hypoallergenic, but my daughter developed a rash. I had to give it to my mom. Then I bought Garnier in the shape of a pistol - just super! No rash. They even tested it on one girl whose mother couldn’t find a cream - her skin turned red. But the spray is not very good. This summer I took Garnier protection 30 in the form of a spray.


Tanning cream in a solarium should be rubbed in five to ten minutes before the session. You need to apply the product in an even layer, while carefully ensuring that there are no unprotected areas. If the tan turns out even, it means you have selected the right cream and applied it correctly.

If this is your first time in a solarium or you have delicate and sensitive skin, you need to apply the cream in a thick layer. When your skin has cooled down a little and calmed down after a tanning session (after 15-20 minutes), apply sunscreen. To achieve a beautiful and even tan, use only the best cosmetics for solariums (you can find customer reviews and recommendations below).

Tanning products needed in a solarium are divided into three main types:

DEVELOPERS. They are used on initial stage for sensitive and receptive skin. These creams contain ingredients (oils, vitamins and plant extracts) that promote the formation of melanin. Developer creams make the tan noticeable after the first procedures.

TAN ACTIVATORS. The purpose of these creams is to give a beautiful shade and depth of tan, to make it even and expressive. For people with pale skin, it is recommended to use it only after the third procedure. People with dark skin can use this product after the second procedure. Activators contain tringle components and bronzers. They give the skin a beautiful and natural color. If the cream contains a bronzer, the tan will have a dark tint and an expressive shimmering shine.

Tringle components have a warming property, creating a feeling of sun tanning. When rubbing the cream with tringle components, the skin turns red and tingles - blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer increases, the surface capillaries are irritated by the action of the cream.

As a result, the tan acquires a bronze color with a reddish tint. You can get this kind of tan by being on the beach all day. There is a lot of debate about the benefits and harms of tringle components. From increased blood circulation, the skin is saturated with oxygen. At the same time, melanin is produced, and the skin becomes elastic and smooth. But people with sensitive skin may experience itching and irritation from the action of tringle components, and as a result, red spots.

FIXERS. These products evenly distribute melanin, and the tan turns out natural and even. Fixers are used after the skin has already acquired the desired shade.

All these specialized products are applied before the procedure in the solarium. But even after solarium, your skin needs special care. To restore natural hydration and prevent flaking and drying out , after treatments in the solarium, use an after-sun moisturizer. It cools, restores and soothes the skin, nourishes it with nutrients and vitamins.

After sun creams may contain bronzers., which will give the skin a beautiful shade and shine. The purpose of this cream is to prolong and maintain the tan. This cream can be applied every day after a shower, instead of your regular cream.

If you decide to go to a solarium, you need a specialized cream to protect your face. It will protect you from the appearance of premature wrinkles. Apply it immediately before the procedure. Don't forget about your lips - they can be protected with a special lipstick with a UV filter.

Beware of special pink bulbs that are needed for a more active tan. Keep in mind that the body tans slower than the face. Therefore, your face may get burned.

During procedures, use special glasses. Eyes need to be protected. Take off your glasses for a couple of minutes to avoid dark circles on your eyes. But at the same time cover them with your hands. At the end of the session, briefly remove your hands from your eyes so that the tan on your face is even.

If you have tattoos on your body, take care of them. The tattoo pigment will help preserve the special cream that needs to be applied before the procedure. Otherwise, the tattoos will become faded. The procedure in a solarium can provoke an allergic reaction in the areas where tattoos are applied.

You also need to take care of your hair. Use disposable special hats. Don't forget to open your forehead and ears - otherwise they will remain light.

Solarium creams - reviews.


I have been using Emerald Bay for a long time - not expensive, but excellent cosmetics! I am especially delighted with the Mojo cream with a warming effect. It makes you tan twice as fast.


I really like the STYX tanning lotion - it's amazing! I've never seen anything better.


I always thought tanning in a solarium was harmful. But recently I decided to try it. I bought myself Geolex cream. The result is amazing - the skin is soft and smooth, and the tan is excellent. I recommend it to everyone!


I use Emerald Bay tanning cream, it was recommended to me by a friend who works in a tanning salon. First she gave me LUVIN to try. The cream is good, but I didn’t like that it had bronzer. Without bronzer, the tan will wash off faster, but if you apply it poorly, you will end up with spots. If you want to tan faster, then this is for you. But be careful with application!


The sun has a beneficial effect on our skin. The sun's rays help our skin get a beautiful tan. It promotes the production of vitamin D - so necessary for our immunity. But all this is subject to one condition - if we follow the rules and use high-quality tanning creams.

What is the best tanning cream for the sun?

Yves Rocher Monoi de Tahiti Oil for tanning with a light texture perfectly protects tanned skin. By applying the oil, your skin will become smooth and velvety. This product provides reliable protection against ultraviolet radiation. The tan becomes more intense. At the same time, you enjoy an exotic, sensual aroma.

Aroma Sun Expert anti-aging sunscreen– the best cream for smooth and nice tan in the sun. This is the best product that prevents the appearance of wrinkles, has reliable protection against two types of radiation, and protects the skin from signs of aging. This wonderful product will help you get a wonderful tan without harming your skin.

Wonderful lotion Potion
will help restore your skin after sunburn. The almond and cocoa butter contained in the lotion will make your skin moisturized. Your skin will be soft from the infusion of rose petals that is added to the lotion. Fresh tangerine juice will have a tonic effect on your skin.

Complete Oley UV Protection Day Cream
unusual remedy. It contains ingredients that give the skin a healthy glow - reflective particles. This is the best cream that perfectly tones and moisturizes the skin. In addition, the cream contains broad spectrum SPF 15 filters.

Garnier Ambre Solaire– transparent and refreshing spray. Perfectly protects your skin from exposure to two types of radiation. Increased moisture resistance, instant absorption and the ability to leave no marks on clothes have made this spray a bestseller.

For a better and more natural tan use Huile de Carotte oil. It is obtained by infusing carrots in vegetable oil made from sunflower seeds, which is why it is also called carrot. The valuable provitamin A contained in the oil will make your skin golden. The oil is indispensable for restoring skin after sunburn.

Capital Soleil Sunscreen Spray created specifically for children's sensitive skin. Active active ingredients and minerals provide excellent sun protection. The spray has a high degree of protection against destructive and harmful ultraviolet radiation.


If you have dark skin, purchase a cream with bronzers. This cream is intended for a quick tan that will appear immediately after two or three applications. Natural dyes (for example, henna) contained in such creams will give your skin a beautiful shade. Herbal ingredients do not cause allergic reactions, so the tan will be beautiful and deep.

If you are a regular visitor to the solarium and your skin is not hypoallergenic, an instant tanning cream with a tringle effect is suitable for you. The ingredients contained in such tanning creams, promote the production of melanin. These substances cause a slight tingling sensation on the skin. At the same time, the vessels dilate, blood begins to circulate faster. The tan will be intense and deep. It stays on the skin for a long time. Especially if you use cream-gel for quick tanning. This cream is not recommended for those with fair and delicate skin.

To obtain strong and deep tan, take vitamins . They help the skin attract the sun's rays. Eating carrots daily (in salads or juices), which contain large amounts of vitamin J, will help you quickly get an unusually impressive tan that will surprise not only those around you, but also yourself. Regular consumption of fish oil also helps attract sun rays and enhance tanning.

To quickly get a deep tan, sunbathe near bodies of water. Near the water you get a double dose of sunlight as it reflects off the surface of the water. But if you want to get a strong tan, you should not neglect your protective equipment. Use sunscreen with an SPF index of at least forty. Remember that the sun, in addition to its beneficial effects, can cause great harm to your skin in the form of burns , premature aging and oncology. Sunbathe only before eleven o'clock in the morning and after five o'clock in the evening.

Use special sunscreens to enhance your tan. The complex of vitamins they contain has a beneficial effect on the skin. Special tanning oils give the skin a shine that attracts the sun's rays.

We need sunscreen cosmetics not only on vacation and not only in the south. If you are not in the sun for more than 30 minutes during the day, there is no need to use creams with light filters. But if your time in the sun is longer, or you are going on vacation outside the city or to a park, to an open-air cafe, then regardless of the time of year it is necessary to provide your skin with protection from the sun's rays. You can get sunburned in April, May or September. Even a small amount of harmful ultraviolet radiation is enough to harm the skin, but the consequences are quite serious: impaired regeneration and even cancer. So it's better to be safe than to be underprotected.

Principles for choosing sunscreen cosmetics

Sunscreen for the face is chosen, like all other cosmetics, based on skin type. There are no restrictions for normal skin - choose according to your own preferences. For dry - the best option there will be milk or cream with a dense texture and a large number of moisturizing ingredients. For oily or oily skin, a gel or fluid is more suitable.

There are two types of protective equipment: with shielding and blocking effects. It is better to purchase a face sunscreen with a blocking effect. This type of cream contains or - finely dispersed powder that reflects the rays. These cosmetics are usually hypoallergenic and highly effective.

Shielding creams contain chemicals that often cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before using them, it is necessary to test for allergies: spread a small area of ​​skin on the inner surface of the forearm with cream and hold your hand in the sun for 20 minutes. If itching and redness appear, the cosmetic product is not suitable for you.

When choosing a sunscreen for your face, pay special attention to the SPF (sun protection) factor. The higher this indicator, the higher the degree of protection from ultraviolet radiation and the longer the time that can be spent in the sun without causing harm to the skin. When determining the optimal protection factor, you need to take into account skin color and tone - the lighter your skin, the more effective the protection should be ( more value SPF):

These indicators are relevant for those who vacation on the Black Sea coast or on the Sea of ​​Azov. If you are further north, the SPF value should be reduced by 10 units, if further south, increase by 10.

After the skin tans and its ability to independently block the effects of ultraviolet radiation increases, it will be possible to use a sunscreen for the face with a lower SPF value (lower by 10-15 units).

Remember that you need to apply sunscreen cosmetics 25-30 minutes before going out into the sun - it begins to act only after absorption. Don't rub vigorously - this reduces the effectiveness by 30%, just wait until the sunscreen is absorbed. Reviews from those who have used cosmetics with protective filters indicate that the incidence of age spots that appear when exposed to the sun is reduced, the skin does not burn, does not peel or redden. With a properly selected cream, drying and dehydration are not observed, the tan applies evenly and there is no feeling of tightness after sunbathing.