Walkthrough of the game dragon age inquisition fruits of pride. Walkthrough of the game Dragon Age: Inquisition. It will burn in our hearts...

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Walkthrough: Storyline - Defenders of Justice (Path of the Templars)

This is the first plot quest-fork, by choosing which you will forever deprive yourself of the opportunity to enter into an alliance with magicians.

To initiate this quest on the Military Operations Map, your Inquisition Influence must be at least 15. The recommended level for completion is between 4 and 7.

Cullen's informant among the Templars reports that the Lord Seeker has taken the entire Order to the long-vacant citadel of Therinfal. Your advisors will propose a plan to attract the attention of Lord Lucius and force him to view the Inquisition as an organization worthy of cooperation.

When you gain enough influence for this mission (or you get bored wandering around the maps completing non-plot quests), confirm the operation on your desk and it will automatically send you to Terinfal Fortress.

Warning: You will not be able to go back or abort this mission until you complete it completely. (This also applies to subsequent story quests in the game.) Therefore, be fully equipped before activating the quest.

Upon arrival in Therinfal, you will be greeted by Lord Esmeral Abernash, representative of the aristocrats gathered to support you. Talk to him and go to the gate, where the Templar Knight Barris is waiting for you. This is the same templar who informed Cullen about the state of affairs, and he has something to tell you about the more than strange behavior of the Lord Seeker.

After speaking with Barris, he will take you to a meeting with Lord Lucius, but first he will offer you a small test ritual. The banners of the people, the Order and Andraste are hung on the wall of the castle, and you will be asked to raise them in the order in which you honor them (that is, you raise the most important banner for you above all and then in order). You can refuse this ritual, citing the fact that things are not waiting. Raising different banners will earn you the appropriate respect from different followers (for example, Sera will approve if you raise the people's banner above the rest), after which you will be asked to explain your choice. Explain (or not) and follow through the door where Barris will stop.

In the next scene, you will meet the captain of the Order, sent to you by Lord Seeker, and get some idea of ​​what exactly is wrong with the templars. Also in this conversation, the name of a certain “Elder” will be heard for the first time.

After the battle, go in search of the Lord Seeker to find out in detail what the hell is going on in the fortress. Barris, stunned by everything that happened, will go with you. He will not join the group, but will stick around to fight on your side, which is a good support - you will have to fight your way through numerous groups of various red templars. Also, along the way you will hear a suspicious voice, which you will be able to hear, but not your companions.

Go out into the courtyard and continue to fight your way through the corrupted templars. If you have a robber in your group, then you can open the door to the Lord Seeker’s office, where you will find a lot of interesting things, both as information on what is happening and in terms of loot, among which there will be an Amulet of Power for Cassandra (Amulets of Power give your characters one skill point when you equip them - after which they disappear).

Continue up the stairs and you will finally find Lord Lucius. Who will not talk to you, but will do something somewhat unexpected, as a result of which you will find yourself completely alone in some incomprehensible and unpleasant place. Well, there’s nothing to be done, go look for a way out.

Soon enough, you will come across an interesting company, and in the subsequent conversation you will finally begin to understand what exactly happened to the Lord Seeker. Go further, along the way, observing the possible paths of development of the Inquisition, towards which the owner of this section of the Shadow gravitates, as well as his predictions about your personal future.

After some time, you will come across a hall with columns that spew out flames with quite strong damage - you can die if you don’t get out from under it in time. The columns rotate from time to time, directing the flow of flame in the other direction, so this gives you a chance to slip past without getting harmed. However, after you pass several columns, you will stop in front of a place that you will not be able to pass through. Go through the door nearby, look around the room and head back to the exit.

In the next video, you will be introduced to an unexpected ally (if you read the book Asunder / Schism in the Universe YES, then you will immediately understand who he is, if not, it doesn’t matter, you will find out over time), and after the conversation he will show you what to do with previously impenetrable flames. Go back to the hall with the pillars, but before you finally leave this section of the Shadow (this happens when you go into the passage that opened after extinguishing the flames), go into the room opposite the one where you met Cole. There you will find “Inspiration”, by clicking on which you can permanently increase your characteristics (if you have played the two previous parts of YES, then you already know that in the Shadow there is always something that permanently increases some characteristics).

Go to the next part of the Shadow and examine the prison cells (along the way, watching the Envy demon's next plans for you) until you find the cell where Cole is waiting for you. Cole will make a speech about dispelling the darkness and disappear, and a torch with a Curtain Fire will light on the wall next to him. Click on it, take the torch and go light the braziers in the chambers - you need to light four in total.

In addition to lighting the braziers, which you need to do to be in the next segment of the Shadow, you can find here another “Inspiration” for your characteristics. With a torch in your hands, go back to the very first room where “Cassandra” stands. In the cell to the left of it (if you are facing it) you will find the key to the prison cell. The prison cell he opens is behind the wall, which will open to you after you light the last, fourth brazier. There you will find the second Inspiration.

Climb up the stairs and you will find yourself in the final segment of the Shadow. It is somewhat more intricate than the previous ones - traps will swell under your feet all the time, causing damage - so be careful and jump away from them in time, and besides this, you will also encounter enemies (though weak ones). Go up, turn the lever to open the gate, and continue on your way. If you look closely, you will realize that this is a reflection of the courtyard of the fortress where you met Lord Seeker. You need to get to exactly the point where he took you into the Shadow in the material world. Continue up the stairs, fighting off enemies (or just avoiding them). If you hang around a bit and look around the tavern you need to go through on your main path, you'll find the third Inspiration on the top floor.

When you ascend to the place where you meet the Lord Seeker, you will find the demon of Envy there and can finally return to the material world. The frightened demon will gallop away from you under the protection of a magical curtain, and Ser Barris, after thinking a little, will offer you a plan on how to dispel it. To carry out his plan, you need to find three surviving veteran templar lieutenants and reserves of uncorrupted lyrium in the fortress. Meanwhile, the Templars and Barris will defend against the demons in the main hall.
(In the main hall there is a chest, by clicking on which you can replenish your stock of potions. You can only use it once. But you don’t need to hold it for the final boss - before the last battle in this area you will find another cache with potions.)

This is a timed quest - the templars’ powers will gradually dry up (a special bar will appear in the upper right corner so that you know how they are doing). If you go back and help them, it will replenish the bar, but it will drain a little faster. I recommend not to hesitate until the bar is completely empty - just returning to the hall will not replenish it, you will also need to defeat all the opponents there. The bar is replenished a little each time you find a Veteran Templar.

If you first go to the officers' quarters, then in the sanctuary room you will find a note pinned to the statue, and Cole, who appears next to you, will inform you that the “Elder” for some reason seriously wants to remove the Empress of Orlais Selene. The room next to the shrine contains deposits of red lyrium, and if you go up the stairs you will find supplies of uncorrupted lyrium for Barris. In the same territory there is one of the veterans you need - go through the room and go up the wooden stairs to go out onto the fortress wall.

Return to the main hall, go to the rooms of the upper barracks, fight off the red templars in the courtyard, go through it and through a couple of rooms to the quest mark on the fortress wall - and you will find one of the veterans fighting off a group of opponents. The second veteran is not very far from the first - you need to climb the stone stairs on the opposite side of the courtyard to get to him.

After you find all three veterans and the lyrium, go back to Barris and he will begin the ritual to break through the magic barrier. In the meantime, you will have to fight off several waves of red templars who will attack you in the hope of interfering with the ritual. They will continue to appear until your Templar allies completely destroy the magical barrier.

After the barrier disappears, head up the stairs to fight your first boss of the game, the Demon of Envy. Take your time - when you go up the stairs, look around the top landing before leaving the hall - you will find a chest to replenish potions.

The Demon of Envy will periodically disappear after you take down a certain percentage of its health, simultaneously calling a group of red templars to help, and then appearing again - in different forms.

When you have dealt with him, talk to the templars who appeared in the courtyard. You will have a choice - to make them part of the Inquisition under your control or to leave the Order as it is and make it your full ally. As you can guess, the first option will appeal to those of your comrades who are not too fond of the templars (Solas and Sera), and the second will be approved by Cassandra, Vivien, Iron Bull and Blackwall.

After this conversation, you will automatically be transported back to the Vault, where your advisors will discuss what happened. During the conversation, Cole will appear in the room - and you will finally have the opportunity to get him as a full-fledged ally. (Which Cassandra will slightly judge.)
When you finish discussing the state of affairs with your advisors, you will complete this story quest and receive the next one - Will Burn in Your Hearts.

Welcome to ! Below is a complete step-by-step guide to completing the game. Depending on the decisions you make, the dialogues and consequences may be different. Our walkthrough is based on the average difficulty level of the game.

It has a huge world, so there are many paths of passage and development. If you have any difficulties in completing the game, then this guide will certainly help you with difficult tasks.

The main character is the leader of the Inquisition - a body that existed a long time ago and was re-formed to investigate the mysterious events in Thedas. But in order to stop all this chaos, you, as the main character, will first have to investigate and understand who is guilty or what is guilty of this great cataclysm!

Heavenly Wrath

The prologue of the game is non-linear (you can even get lost here). In general, follow Cassandra and read carefully and delve into the clues. You won't meet much yet strong enemies, so there is nothing dangerous here. Soon the road will lead you straight to the dwarf Varric and the elf Solas, who soon become your new comrades/companions/comrades.

Next, you will be taught how to properly use the tactical pause. In the future, you will find this mode very useful, especially if you play on high level difficulty, so try to master this part of the game as soon as possible.

Eventually, you will arrive before the gap - the place from where demons from the world of the Shadow will enter your world. To close this hole between worlds, you will first have to destroy all enemies in the area of ​​the rift. After you defeat all the unclean ones, just touch the gap and wait a couple of seconds, after which it will immediately close. Please note that during the game you will encounter this anomaly more than once and you will often have to do this.

After you return to the fortress, you are given a choice: go to the huge rift in a straight line or take a roundabout path. In the first case, you can get there much faster, but in the second, you can save several missing soldiers.

Regardless of which way you go, you will still arrive at the ruins of a huge fortress. Go down straight to the rift and soon the battle with your first boss will begin - the Demon of Pride!

As such, no special difficulties should arise, since your comrades and the army of the Inquisition will help you here. In the first stage of the battle, the Demon is invulnerable, but note that its life bar will look a little different than that of the monsters you have encountered before. To make this Demon of Pride vulnerable, you will have to use the rift. This Boss must be distracted by the allied troops, at which time you must interact with the portal. Soon there will be a very strong explosion and the Demon of Pride will finally fall to his knees - at this moment you need to attack him. After some time, he will again become invulnerable - you know how to fix it. Soon, enemies of lower levels will begin to appear on the battlefield, so you need to deal with them right away, that is, remove them first, and then approach the gap again.

The danger is not over

Once you have rested after a difficult battle, then go outside. Continue to the local church (follow the sign). Go to the command headquarters and soon finish the prologue of the game.

After this, you will have time to get better accustomed to the new place. Use the headquarters to learn blacksmithing, talk to your new friends, and learn the locations of particularly important NPCs. When you finish everything, go back to the church. It is from here that you will go to your next location - the Inner Lands, which are located in Ferelden. To do this, use the command headquarters or the world map.

Please note that in the Hinterlands there is simply a huge number of tasks waiting for you - you can spend more than twelve hours here. We recommend that you mark higher priority tasks, otherwise you will simply get confused here. If you mark tasks, a special beacon on the map will show you the way. If you plan to advance as quickly as possible in the “Path of the Inquisitor” story mission, then mark it in the journal.

In general, follow the sign. Soon you will stumble upon one of the Inquisition troops that are holding back the onslaught of rebellious magicians and templars. Naturally they will need your help. After the massacre, you are invited to a fairly large camp (the main stronghold of the Inquisition in this location). Here you need to talk with Giselle’s mother, who will send you to another location.

You can take your time and stay in the Hinterlands and slowly complete the quests (these quests will be enough for you to earn yourself a couple of levels). In any case, sooner or later you will have to go to the command headquarters, and then to Val Royeaux.

Here again your pointer will help you a lot - move behind the lighthouse. There is so much to do in this location than in the previous location: when you get to the checkpoint, watch the video, talk to the templars and then go to the exit. Before heading back to headquarters, the Head of the Mages will speak to you.

Soon you will have to make your first serious choice between templars and magicians. At the command headquarters, two tasks will become available to you: “Defenders of Justice” and “In Secret.” By choosing one, you override the other. It all depends on who you value more: magicians or templars. In our walkthrough, we chose the side of the magicians, but you can do it your own way.

By secret

It's time to go to Hinterlands. Here you have to get to a city called Redcliffe. This city is located in the north of this location. Before the city gates you will come across a Rift. Close it and you will be allowed inside. In Redcliffe, find a tavern and talk to the magician there. After the conversation, you need to walk to a new meeting place, which is not too far away.

Here you will meet a magician named Dorian, who is also a companion. Close the next rifts and go to the command headquarters. Now you have to talk with your advisors and finally decide who will be more useful - the templars or the magicians. This moment is your last chance to change your mind.

If you still haven’t changed your mind and really want to enlist the help of the magicians, then return back to Redcliffe using the command table. Dorian must now be on your team, otherwise you can take whoever you want.

Shortly after the cutscene, you and Dorian find yourself in a dungeon. Once you take control of your heroes, switch to Dorian and upgrade his abilities so that he can effectively support you in battle. Since there are only two of you, try to be careful. Although there won’t be many opponents here, they will inflict quite a lot of damage on you. It's easiest for those who play as a warrior. It will be quite difficult for those who are melee robbers. If you play as an archer or a mage, then try to be careful.

Move towards the indicated marker and you will soon find yourself near a fork. Three key points will be marked on your map, two of which will indicate the location of your teammates. The third point will lead you to the sorceress, whose name is Fiona. In general, first, gather your team together. Next, go to Fiona and after talking with her, the next stage of the task will open to you. Head to the new key point.

To replenish your supplies of health potions, look for special storage facilities that look like ordinary boxes with jars. So, new key points will appear on your map that need to be examined. You can move freely in this location and visit targets in any order. Just keep in mind that there are several levels in this location, so you can only get to the next ones using the stairs.

Soon you will come across locked doors. To unlock them, you will first need to collect five pieces of red lyrium. The location of this resource will be marked on your map. As soon as you collect the required amount, then replenish your potions and get ready for the battle with the Boss named Alexius.

This enemy will use attack spells. In addition, he will constantly put a protective shield on himself and teleport around the room. Overall, the battle is not too difficult. We recommend that you act like this: the warrior diverts his attention to himself, and the rest of the team inflicts as much damage as possible on him. After he loses more than half of his health, a Rift will appear behind him - close it. As soon as you close it, Alexius will return to the battlefield. He will repeat his trick again when his health drops to a quarter, but after that it will not be difficult for you to finish him off.

It will burn in our hearts...

After you return to your hideout, talk to your allies to receive and complete several tasks. The task must be completed on time, so that after you have nothing left to do in the Vault, you will never return back.

When you activate the next story mission, you will see a couple of videos. After these cutscenes, you get back control of your heroes. Soon you will meet a new party member named Cole. It will appear here if you chose the path for the magicians. If you then chose a different path, then you will meet Dorian, and you will meet Cole during the quest for the Templars. Depending on what choice you made in the past (templars or magicians), you will be attacked by magicians or templars.

But the essence of the task will remain the same. Move along the marker and destroy packs of enemies along the way. You have to capture one trebuchet, after which another one will be captured. After assaulting the siege weapons, you will be asked to return back to the Vault. Along the way, you will be able to save a couple of characters and thereby earn some experience. When you get to the church, a video will follow. Once you view it, go back halfway through the battle.

Now you have to aim the captured trebuchet. At the same time, enemies will constantly interfere with you, so it is best to kill a couple of opponents and then quickly start targeting. At one point, the Boss - Knight Danam - will come to you.

First you should deal with all the demon minions. Next, take your tank to the Boss so that he attracts all attention to himself: the monster has strong attacking skills that will take out your magicians in one or two. Vulnerable allies should be behind this creature so that they receive minimal hits. At 75, 50 and 25 percent of its lives, the monster will throw off absolutely all negative effects and put up a very powerful barrier. Your battle may drag on for more than ten minutes, but for now your tank will hold the defense, simultaneously distracting the enemy and drinking healing cups, then you don't need to worry.

After you defeat Denam, you will be shown a very long cut-scene. When you are given control of the hero again, follow the signs - although the path is linear and it is impossible to get lost here. Soon you will be taught how to properly use your new ability, after which the hero will find himself in a harsh desert during a strong storm. You just need to move forward, and then move a little to the right.

From the ash

This part of the story chain will be quite short. You are invited to walk around the territory of the new fortress, simultaneously explore its main rooms and talk with your comrades. Some parts of Skyhold will be blocked, but you can visit them after you arrive here a second time.

So, talk to Josephine and Varric, after which they will open two main tasks for you: “Evil Eyes and evil hearts" and "There Lies the Abyss". You can complete the tasks received in absolutely any order. But before you go on a further journey, we recommend that you talk with all your allies (you will be able to learn and see a lot of interesting things).

There lies the Abyss

After you have talked with old Varrick, you will gain access to a new location - Crestwood. This is where you need to go to meet with the informant. Move along the coast and you will soon come across a cave - you need to come here.

After a short conversation, you now have to go to another location - the Western Reach. Simply follow the directions on the marker. Once you reach your destination, you will be shown a short cut-scene, followed by a battle with hordes of demon spawn. Due to the small space, it will be convenient for you to use mass spells here. After the battle is over, return back to Skyhold.

So, then you will leave the command headquarters and go straight to Orlais to continue the task. Before this, we recommend that you free up space in your backpack, since you will not be returning back to your fortress very soon.

The marker on the radar will guide you across the entire battlefield. Soon you will have an optional quest - Help the troops of the Inquisition in this battle. You will need to destroy three groups of Gray Wardens who are assisted by demons. If you complete this task, you will gain access to a chest with valuable loot.

Soon you will be faced with a huge concentration of the enemy, led by the Demon of Pride. To begin with, we recommend that you, as always, remove small opponents from under your feet, and then transfer all your forces to the Boss. Heroes who are more vulnerable should stay further away from the demon's electrical attacks. Soon your battle will be complicated by a huge dragon, which from time to time will throw its most powerful spells at your party. You need to concentrate your allies on this battlefield so that you can minimize the incoming damage to you.

After finishing the battle with the monster, quickly run further. The dragon will continue to attack you with its magic, so you shouldn’t linger in one place. When the next cut-scene occurs, you will find yourself in a new location.

The marker will not allow you to get lost. We advise you to carefully monitor your radar, since its activation will mean that somewhere in this place there are objects that are necessary to complete the task “Fears of Dreamers.” In the northern part of the first territory, try to find the skeleton of one person. You will need to go into search mode. In general, the remaining four specified items will be located in another location. You can complete the task only at the very end of this main quest.

In order to restore your memories, you must destroy the demons and press the action button near their bodies. To advance through this location, you will have to do this every time. This part of the task will generally be linear. Move forward and soon you will come across the Boss - Nightmare!

So, get ready for a very intense battle. Nightmare has powerful attacks and a lot of health. From time to time, he will call on spiders as reinforcements, which will have to be destroyed immediately, since if this is not done, you will be overwhelmed by numbers. The tank will have to keep the Boss's full attention until you kill all of his minions. As soon as you get the first breaks from small opponents, then start using your most powerful attacks on the Nightmare. When the Boss has 25% health, he will call on very strong demons to help, here you will have to work hard. Try not to put your weak warriors under attack. After you win, feel free to return back to Skyhold.

Evil eyes and evil tongues

In this task it will be especially important for you to have the correct composition of the party and the choice of the right words in the dialogues. We recommend that you take with you one magician who will have the “Barrier” skill. And all because medicinal banks will simply be in short supply here. When talking to local nobles, try not to speak rudely or too harshly. We recommend that you constantly flatter them and agree with everything. And also, before starting the task, save the game separately.

The essence of this task is that you will temporarily turn into a kind of “light lion”. You must have good behavior, you must be extremely polite, and any small favors will increase your Inquisition rating. Prolonged doubt or a delay in something will lower the rating. When it goes down to zero, you will be instantly thrown out of this ball and the task will be failed. Thus, you will need to not miss the opportunity to increase your rating, since a lot depends on it.

In this location you will have something to do, so you won’t have to constantly deal with the main task. You will be able to collect interesting figurines, which will subsequently open up access to chests with loot, look for various incriminating evidence on nobles, and so on. At the very beginning, you will meet a lady near the gate, who will tell you that she has lost something, so you can help her. The lost item is located near the fountain (don't forget to use the search mode). After you return the lost item, your rating will be increased.

So, now your marker will show you the further path: what to do and who to talk to. Once the official introduction takes place, you will have the opportunity to chat with your allies and carefully study the situation at the moment. When you finish, go further to the lobby and from there go to the guest room. Find the "Hall of Heroes". Once you find it, go through it and soon you will find yourself on the western side. Follow the corridor and soon you will find yourself near the fountain. Here you have to climb to the second floor using a net located on the wall.

After you leave the public eye, your rating will begin to gradually fall, so you will have to continue to work extremely quickly. The marker will mark the area that you will need to carefully inspect. When you finish the search, go up the stairs to the library and then go back to search mode. Once you find the necessary evidence, go back to the point. And don't miss the opportunity to increase your current rating: go to the ballroom after the bell rings a second time (the nobles are always late).

Soon you will receive the key to the servants' quarters. You can get there if you walk along the lower floor of the Hall of Heroes. At the entrance, your party members will join you (don’t forget to change their dress clothes to combat ones). For this run you need to have at least ten rating points, since a point is deducted for every minute. Follow the bloody trails that are littered with corpses. Eventually you will come across the killers. After the skirmish and cutscene are over, return back to the ball.

Soon the Duchess invites you to dance. You need to be as polite as possible. With it, we advise you to always choose the correct answer options. After talking with this lady, you will have the last chance to hand over all the collected incriminating evidence to Leliana.

Soon you will find yourself near the next Rift, which has opened in the castle courtyard. First, you will have to kill people, and after them - demons. The second wave of enemies will be much more powerful than the first, so get ready for a difficult battle. As the battle passes, cut scenes will begin and in the end, you will have to make a very important decision, after which you will go to battle with the new Boss - the Duchess (with whom you once danced).

In a fight with this lady, you need to first deal with the minions. At the first opportunity, your magicians should put shields on your teammates. The Duchess will teleport throughout the entire area - you need to not lose sight of her. When the Boss's health drops to 50%, she summons new minions, with whom you need not to delay and immediately kill them. Otherwise, your battle will be without any unpleasant surprises.

Fruits of Pride

You can go on a mission using the usual method - command headquarters. At the beginning of the task, you just need to move along the established markers and defend yourself from attacking enemies. Eventually, you will find yourself near the temple.

When you get to the locked doors, you will immediately receive a task to perform one ritual. You can do it on the statues that are located in the lower level of the hall. You need to click on the plates in such an order that eventually they all light up. And keep in mind that under no circumstances should you click on already active slabs. You shouldn't have any problems with the first puzzle as it is very simple. Once you open the treasured doors, go inside the temple.

After the video ends, you will have to make your next choice: immediately go after your opponents or follow the traditions of the elves, thereby undergoing four sacred rituals. If you choose the first option, then you will need to fight not only with the henchmen of the main villain, but also with the guards of this temple. If you chose the second option, then you need to solve four not too difficult tile puzzles. If you followed the ritual and completed all four puzzles, then you will receive support from the elves and have the opportunity to fight the Boss of this area.

After you make your choice, marks will appear on your map. If you have completed the rituals, then you will have the opportunity to team up with the temple guards against the invaders. In this case, you will also be given a guide who will lead you to the Boss in this location. If you decide not to follow the traditions of the elves, then get ready for the fact that you will need to fight with the templars and these same elves. You will have to overcome the further path through the labyrinth alone. In the maze, carefully monitor the radar and use the search mode.

Eventually you will meet the Boss. The boss will depend on which side you took in the past: if the templars, then Calperia will be the boss, and if the magicians, then Boss Samson.

Samson will attack you in close combat. As assistants, he will be helped to attack you by minions, which you will need to get rid of first. When the enemy begins to spin, then quickly withdraw your party members. You will need to disperse your party members on the battlefield so that Samson's attacks cannot hit all the heroes. In addition, take advantage of the tactical pause here, since your allies may not be entirely successful in choosing their next target.

As for the fight with Calperia, she will place her fire runes on the floor, from which she will need to constantly lead her comrades away. Constantly teleports and is immune to stuns, fear and even paralysis. In addition to all this, she has enormous fire protection. It is best to attack her with cold or lightning.

The last act

A very short task. So, go to the altar through the command headquarters. If in the past you somehow only allowed your companion to drink a little from the Well of Sorrows, then all you have to do is talk. Otherwise, you will face a battle with a dragon.

If your tank diverts the monster’s attention to itself, then let your other heroes not get under the attacks of the dragon’s paws and tail. If you do this, the battle will take place without any difficulties. We recommend that you do not use fire attacks, as they will not cause too much damage to the dragon. But as for cold attacks, they are very effective. When you reduce the dragon's health to half, then a new cut-scene will begin.

Marvel at the perfection

Well, it's time for the final battle. We recommend that you make a purely separate save before starting the final task. You can complete additional quests after the end storyline, but not all will be available, so keep that in mind. This is your last chance to explore the entire universe of the game.

For the epic battle with Corypheus, we recommend that you take at least one mage, preferably two, of course, and that they have barrier skills. The boss will deal a lot of damage to you and he is immune to negative effects. In addition, he has a huge supply of health and that is why the battle will be very long and exhausting. In the first part of the battle, he will call on demons for help, move around the territory and attack along the way with very powerful spells. In order for your party to survive this battle, you need to use the Barrier skills and use health banks.

After a certain period of time, Corypheus will move to new territory and you will need to follow him. Along the way, don't forget to replenish your supplies of healing potions. The second part of the battle will be practically no different from the first. Only the situation will change and that’s it.

When the Boss has 50% left, a large lyrium dragon will arrive to replace him. You also need to send a warrior with a shield to distract his attention, while ranged characters should attack from afar. It is better to concentrate all the damage on his huge paws - this will slow him down. Don't forget about protecting your characters: put up barriers on them and use healing banks. Your group should focus on this arena so that the dragon's attack breath is not fatal to you. And most importantly, take advantage of the tactical pause.

Once you destroy the dragon, switch back to Corypheus. At the last stage of the battle, he will begin to teleport much more often than last time. In addition, he will begin to cast powerful spells that will deal damage to the entire group. Use barriers and healing potions again.

Well, after you defeat Corypheus, the passage of the storyline will be over, thus the game is completed. We give you our last piece of advice: don't miss the scene after the credits. That's all, leave your comments below.

Dragon Age: Inquisition was released on November 18, 2014, but only now I decided to finally write a walkthrough description. Although I purchased the game on the day of release, then I recorded about 7 hours of gameplay, uploaded the video to YouTube for private access and that’s it...

Didn't catch on. Boring, formulaic, linear, with quests straight from World of Warcraft. Kill 10 bears, 15 rams, open spots on the map, etc., etc. Inquisition lacks the atmosphere of the world of Ferelden that was in the original Dragon Age: Origins.

Perhaps there is an interesting plot here? Nope, no. Rifts, demons, gather an army of like-minded people, as well as gays and blacks. Classic recent years from BioWare. Well, then what does the beauty of the next gene mean? No, there is no such thing. Graphically, the game does not look bad, but due to its linearity, for example, there is not even such a familiar thing as the change of day and night. Skyrim (released in 2011) looks better without mods in my opinion. With mods, he is generally beyond competition.

Unfortunately, Bioware is experiencing a crisis of ideas and, apparently, talented people. After the mega-successful Mass Effect 2 in 2010, the studio churns out outright hackwork:

Dragon Age II - I think comments are unnecessary

Star Wars: The Old Republic - WoW facelift with lasers, although they promised a revolution in MMORPG

Mass Effect 3 - With the departure of Drew Karpyshyn after Mass Effect 2, Shepard's story went downhill

Today, there is little left from Bioware, the studio that created Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: KotOR, Mass Effect and Dragon Age. The founders earned their millions long ago and retired in 2012. Will the upcoming Mass Effect 4 be able to break negative trend? I wouldn’t really count on it, but I want to believe that the developers will be able to release a project worthy of the Bioware brand.

Let's return to the passage of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Despite this introduction, I can’t say that Inquisition is a bad game; rather, it simply did not live up to expectations; out of ten points, I’m ready to give it a six and a half. And if it weren’t for the name Bioware among the developers, then all seven.

Heavenly Wrath

So here we go. The plot of the story was known to everyone from the trailer that was released before the release of the game itself - we get the role of the chosen one, the survivor of the magical explosion that created the Breach. The breach is essentially a portal to the Shadow, from which all kinds of evil spirits, aka demons, creep into the civilized world. The hero’s value lies in a special magical mark that can be used to close the gaps that appeared along with the Breach. After the standard procedure of choosing a class (I chose “Rogue”) and creating the appearance of my character, we hit the road.

The first step is to get to the gap with Cassandra. She acts as an escort, which is not surprising. After all, after the explosion, no one except the main character was left alive, so at least they don’t trust him. Let's move out.

On the way, we select two companions: the gnome robber Varric Tetras and the elven mage Solas.

We close the first gap and return to camp. Here the first meeting with the Supreme Chancellor of the Church takes place and Dragon character Age: Origins - Leliana.

The next task is to go to the temple along the mountain path. By the way, you could choose the path; in addition to the mountain path, the option of going directly with the soldiers was offered. On the way, as usual, we deal with Ghosts and Lesser Horrors.

We get to the temple. The ritual of sacrifice is already in full swing here. We interrupt the procedure and enter into battle with the first boss - the Demon of Pride. The tactics are very simple - we close the gap in the Veil and hit the enemy while he has no armor. Repeat if necessary.


In this part, the formation of a new political force in Ferelden - the Inquisition - takes place. And a little more planning and choice. For example, it is necessary to decide where the Inquisition, represented by the main character and his companions, will throw its main forces. Influence points are spent on choosing a direction. After some thought, we set off to explore the Inner Lands. Here, not far from Redcliffe, Mother Giselle was last seen, we need to protect her (which will ensure support from the Church), and at the same time restore order in the surrounding area. In addition, Redcliffe Trainer Dennett can provide horses for the Inquisition.

Main location tasks:

Bugman- negotiate with Dennett about horses

The danger is not over- eliminate dangers at the Crossroads

Breaks in the suburbs- close 2 gaps in the Veil

Holding interior lands- set up 6 camps

In addition, there are many additional missions, such as “Blood Brothers”; collecting fragments; collecting 10 carcasses of sheep to feed refugees, etc. This video is just the beginning of the passage of the Hinterlands.


This video continues the passage of the inner lands. Clearing the territory, collecting fragments, setting up camps, leveling up your character and earning influence points. There is no progress in the plot yet, but I have discovered an interesting bug-tactic. From a great distance, the enemy does not react to the magician, and he can methodically shoot the victim with his staff.

Spreading the influence of the Inquisition

As I already said, Inquisition can put some MMOs to shame in terms of gameplay monotony, so believe it or not, in this part I continue to collect fragments, roots, lambs, and also set up camps and close the curtains. I diluted it a little with third-party quests. This is how Maduro’s widow, in the “Renegade Farmer” quest, asks for the return of her husband’s ring, who was mistakenly killed by the templars.

In the middle of the video, I found some kind of sect in a dilapidated fort (“Winter Watch Tower”). One of the advantages of the game is that each significant building/location has its own history or description. So it is with this place. If you want, you can read the post called “Lornan's Link.”

By the way, you can find Hindel here. In one of the side quests, “Shallow Breath,” the husband of a sick refugee asks him to find their son Hindel so that he can help prepare a healing potion.

But the most important thing is to close the local gap. It’s amazing that people live peacefully almost next to a portal from which demons can emerge. Not all gaps are equally easy to close, since some are guarded by higher-level enemies, but our party managed to cope with this. After the job is done, you need to talk to the preacher Anais. She will thank the hero and offer her help to the Inquisition. You can choose from several options: helping refugees, collecting information, or simply spreading news about the Inquisition. Great, our party is growing!

Exploring the Hinterlands

What happens in this part? That's right, collecting roots, lambs, fragments, etc. I also try to open all available camps (fast travel works through them) so that it is convenient to move around the entire map. I also returned the ring that I wrote about in the previous chapter and completed several more side quests. I’m not describing all the tasks in detail here, because Inquisition has a marker system and there shouldn’t be any difficulties in completing it. From time to time there are treasure maps, but this kind of charades has never been my strong point in other games.

In this part, I encountered dungeons for the first time, or, speaking in Russian, dungeons. In most games, underground spaces are well lit. Remember the same Skyrim, in which you could see better underground than on the surface at night. Although this can be explained by glowing mushrooms and crystals. In Inquisition, dungeon lighting ranges from dimly lit to completely dark. Here you can use torches or a special curtain fire - a magical light source that not only improves visibility, but also allows you to read runes on the walls.

Teddy bear

There is a lot of combat in this part, apparently whole packs of bears graze in the forests of Inquisition. I burned them, cut them and froze them, but they kept climbing and climbing. The bear bacchanalia ends around the 40th minute. Here for the first time I found an astrarium, a small device with the help of which it is necessary to compose constellations. This mini-game is at least more interesting than monotonous battles with battalions of bears. Then I got to the patrolman Dennett. As you probably don’t remember, Dennett, or rather his horses, are needed by the Inquisition. But the farmer will not just part with the animals, as usually there are several errands to complete.

Where does the Druffalo roam?

There were bears here too, but the main thing was that I found and cleared the Templars’ camp, and also completed the task “Where the Druffalo Roams.” The point is to find the mule and lead it back to the farm.

The danger is not over

It was not possible to close all the gaps in the inner lands at once. As I already said, some gaps are guarded by more difficult opponents, and in order to diversify the passage a little, I returned back to the command headquarters. I ran around a bit and explored my “home” surroundings.

Then we go to a new location - Val Royeaux, in order to establish contacts with another large sect - the Church. The plot cut-scene is about 30 minutes into the video. From it you can learn that a split has occurred within the Church itself. The Order of the Templars - the paramilitary wing of the Church - now, apparently, is an independent force with which it will be necessary to negotiate separately for support. However, these guys are not at all friendly towards the Inquisition and call our party a movement of heretics.

They were about to leave, but an arrow with a message appeared. Completing this quest will add a new companion to the group - Sera (Rogue class). And almost a couple of meters later, the envoy of the circle of magicians gives an invitation from the Enchantress Vivien (class “Magic”). She can also be taken to the team.

Vivien and Serah

Here is the completion of the task of Red Jenny (search for red things) and in general research Val Royeaux, which is quite small in size for a city. In fact, there is no one except a couple of traders. One unusual merchant is selling, as he assures, something very valuable (10,000 gold), but does not say what exactly. Perhaps this is the main attraction of the location.

It’s also worth noting that Dragon Age: Inquisition has incredibly long level loading times. Even the tiniest terrain can take several minutes to load! There is a suspicion that this is due to the Denuvo DRM used. In any case, this arrangement is completely useless.

So, for example, I went to the Afro-Negro sorceress Vivienne. There wasn’t even any location, just a 4-minute cutscene. At the same time, it took 4 minutes to load! Watched a soapy movie and got another 4 and a half minutes of loading screen!!! In total, there wasn’t even any gameplay for a quarter of an hour. Tears roll down when I remember Skyrim with its huge seamless world, and loading took 10-15 seconds, during which you could look at all sorts of 3D figures from the world of Tamriel.


In this video we return to the Crossroads and the Hinterlands. Only this time we don’t touch the bears and roots, but go on a story mission to Redcliffe to talk with the magicians and enlist their support. Namely, we need the Great Enchantress Fiona. The meeting should take place at the Chaika and Mayak tavern.

We arrived at the place, but once again everything didn’t go according to plan and another round of internal political squabbles emerge that need to be sorted out. The point is briefly - the Sorceress Fiona at the meeting says that she did not intend to negotiate any alliance with the Inquisition, and did not leave any messages about the meeting at all, and the free magicians had already sworn allegiance to the Tevinter Empire. In addition, she now has no influence on the magicians, since Master Geryon Alexius has become the head of the order. Yeah, it's more or less clear now. The Tevinter people installed their “Yanukovych” in the person of this Alexius. So now I need to either negotiate with him, or remove him and install a person more loyal to the Inquisition, the same Fiona. Negotiations did not take place, but we received an anonymous note “Come to church. You are in danger."

It gets more interesting... In the church we help the mysterious magician close the gap. This magician's name is Dorian and he is apparently gay, and was also a student of Alexius. In general, the homosexual sorcerer wants to help us stop Alexius, since the former mentor uses dangerous magic. Then Felix, the son of Alexius, appears. And he reports that his father joined a sect of supporters of Tevinter domination called “Venatori” and he will do everything to stop the Inquisition. At the same time, Felix and Dorian seem to have a relationship that is not at all platonic... Go figure these things out. In short, I advise you to watch the video so as not to completely get lost in the intricacies of the plot.

If you are having problems with Walkthrough of the game Dragon Age Inquisition, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Dragon Age Inquisition . In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough of Dragon Age Inquisition read on our website.

Part 1. Wrath of Heaven

Let's get started passing Dragon games Age 3: Inquisition. After you take control of the character, you can make your own choices during the game as you please. Follow the path, go through the gate at the end of the path and continue until a cutscene starts. You will find yourself in a fight. Help Kasandra by killing opponents, and when you complete the battle, start a dialogue with her.

Return to the route, pick up the helmet of the deceased enemy, and then go down the left side. You will find yourself ambushed by Lesser Shades. Kill them, which is quite easy, then go left to pick up the Elfroot plant - this is a crafting component. Move further, on the way you will again meet a group of opponents. Turn left, go up the hill and take care of the enemies. Go back and find the Elfroot plant. .

Go down, kill the Ghosts and other enemies, then go forward and meet other opponents. At the end of the road there will be another Elfruit plant. Turn around 180 degrees and go up the stairs on the right side. At the top there will be another group of enemies, after which you will need to watch a video.

Get over the obstacle ahead, follow the road until you meet enemies. Focus on Lesser Shade first and Kasandra will take on Greater Shade. If you have warriors with ranged weapons in your group, they will be able to shoot the rest of the enemies a little while you fight the opponents listed above. When the enemies are defeated, help Kasandra.

Before going up the stairs on the right side of the house, collect the Elfruit, then go to the frozen pond and go to the left side to find the loot. Follow the route until you reach the camp. Grab useful items, then go towards the stairs near the house. Climb the stairs above, fight the enemies at the top, and then climb to the higher ground and defeat the enemies you encounter along the way. Close the crack by interacting with it.

Go through the gate ahead and replenish your supplies. On the right side of the bridge is a chest with loot. Go to the center of the bridge, you will see a video with dialogue. Choose one of two routes. Choose the mountain path if you want to find money and save the soldiers. If you want, you can take a different route. One way or another, both options are described below. Go along the stairs that are located ahead. Turn left and move further up the hill. Deal with the enemies, turn the corner to the right. There is a loot chest in the first room on the right side. There is money in it. There is also money lying in the corners. There will be two enemies on the left side.

Grab the loot on the left side, go right, kill the enemies, and then seal the crack and watch the video. Pick up the loot from the floor, sit down the path on the right side, go down the stairs below and reach the entrance to the temple. Follow the route, go up the stairs and at the top of the first one turn right. There is a chest here. Go to the other stairs and kill the enemies. Close the crack and interact with it. After the video, collect the loot. Go through the opening ahead. Pick up the second loot, go down the stairs below and turn the corner. Watch the video. Move to the right, follow the corner and run down the steps. Go down to the crack to watch a video.

First bossPride Demon

The boss's health reserve is 13821. He is susceptible to physical attacks, paralysis, blinding, and freezing. Resistance to electrical attacks.

At the beginning of the battle, the Demon's health bar will be gray, which indicates that it is not yet possible to damage the enemy. During the battle, this will be repeated at a certain time interval. When this happens, you need to interact with the split, thereby stunning the Demon. This will again allow you to damage him. The Demon has lightning-fast attacks in its arsenal. He inflicts them on the target standing face to face in front of him. Thus, it is best not to stop on his path. In this battle, your main assistant is Crack. Interact with her. Ignore other opponents. Only deal with them if they prevent you from approaching the Crack. Continuation walkthrough of the game Dragon Age 3: Inquisition follows.

Part 2. The danger is not over

So you win. Now go boldly out into the street and move towards the church. The pointer on the mini-map in the lower left corner of the screen will help you with this. Enter inside the command post, where the game's prologue ends. Now is the time to get comfortable inside the headquarters. This time can be spent understanding the principles of blacksmithing. You can also chat with your comrades and remember the locations of key computer players. When you are done with all this, then return back to the vicinity of the church. Here there is a transition to a new location called the “Hinterlands” and belonging to the kingdom of Ferelden. Use the existing world map, or the command post, and you can go to a new place.

In the Hinterland location you can take on many quests, both side and main. If you wish, you can spend about 10-12 hours of game time completing quests in this location. Use the journal marking feature to leave important notes and select the most preferred quests to complete. If you place a marker on any task, the pointer will tell you the correct route to the goal. Finally, if you are not interested in additional quests and want to advance along the main storyline as quickly as possible, then select the “Path of the Inquisitor” task in the journal.

Follow the sign on the mini-map, without turning anywhere, so as not to waste time. On the other hand, you must understand that without completing at least some of the additional tasks, it is almost impossible to advance along the main storyline. Even on normal difficulty, such an attempt may fail. One way or another, the marker will lead you to a detachment of the Inquisition fighting against the wizards and templars who have rebelled. The squad needs help and you come in handy more than ever. Rescue them, then receive an invitation to visit the huge camp. It is he who is the central point of the Inquisition in the “Hinterlands” location. Chat about everything with Giselle, who will explain to you where to go next.

And then the path lies to a new location. By the way, by completing a number of additional tasks in the “Hinterlands” location, you will increase your character’s level by several units. If you do not want to do this or have already completed a sufficient number of side quests, then return to the command center and go to a new location called “Val Roye”. As before, follow the indicator on the mini-map in the lower left corner of the screen. Here you need to perform literally several steps. First, get to the mark on the mini-map, watch the video shown to you, talk with the templars, and then follow the exit. Before heading to the command center, you will talk with the spellcaster who holds the position of commander-in-chief of the magicians.

Soon you will be asked to make a choice. On one side are the templars, on the other side are the magicians. This choice is made by accepting one of two quests called “In Secret” and “Defenders of Justice”. If you chose the first quest, please note that choosing the second will no longer be possible. Choose the quest "Defenders of Justice" and you can convince the templars that they should ally with the Inquisition. But if you need the help of magicians and would like to get them as allies, then you will need to complete the task “In Secret.” It is the second task that we will perform next. If your choice fell in a different direction, then you can safely skip the chapter below.

Part 3. In secret

Follow the location “Hinterland”, where you will find and get to Redlkiff. This city is located in the northern part of the location. Before you open the gates to the city, you will need to deal with the gap. Once in the city, find the tavern and talk to the spellcaster inside. Next you need to go to a new meeting place located nearby. Dorian will be waiting for you here, who can become your companion and ally. Deal with the breakup and listen to Dorian. Follow to the command center, talk with advisers and decide who will become your ally - magicians or templars. This is your last chance to make the right choice!

If you want to make friends with wizards, then return to the city using the command table. Then Dorian must be in your group, but you can choose the other two allies at your discretion. Watch the video, after which you will have to get out of the dungeon. When control passes to you, increase the abilities of your magician so that he can provide overwhelming assistance in battles. Move with him through the dungeons, there won't be many enemies here, but they can deal you decent damage. With a character belonging to the robber class, you will have to work hard. The best option would be to play as a warrior with two-handed weapon. More or less if you have a mage or archer under control.

Follow the indicated points until you reach a fork. There are several points on your mini-map. Two of the dots belong to the allies you must rescue from the dungeon, and one of the dots points to the spellcaster Fiona. You need to free your allies first, since with four of you it will be much easier to fight enemies. After you get to Fiona, talk to her about everything. A new part of the building will become available to you. Follow the indicated marker.

In order to replenish your reserves of potions that increase your health, you need to look for special hidden storage areas. By appearance they are boxes containing bottle-shaped containers. There will be new signs on your mini-map. You need to move along them and study the place where they lead. Move around the location in free mode, visit all targets in any order, of your own choosing. Remember that the location has several levels, so you need to use stairs to move. Very soon there will be a locked door in front of you. In order to unlock it, you will need to find 5 fragments of red lyrium. All of them are indicated on the mini-map in the lower left corner of the screen. When 5 fragments are collected, you will need to replenish your reserves of health elixirs and boldly go to battle with the second boss, called Alexius.

Boss fight Alexius

Alexius only has spells in his arsenal. They are aimed at attacking, placing a shield around themselves and teleporting around the perimeter of the room. But the fight is actually quite simple. The warrior must attack the magician, distracting him from other characters. Other team members should deal maximum damage to his health with their most powerful attacks. At the moment when the health reserve reaches half, the magician will disappear from the battlefield and a gap will form in the room. Deal with the demons and close the gap itself. When it is closed, Alexius will return “to the dance floor.” He will do the same when his health is less than a quarter. Do everything as described above and you will not experience any problems.

Part 4. Will burn in our hearts

When you return with your team to the command center, you will be able to talk with each of your allies. Here you can complete several quests, albeit side ones. Use the allotted time to level up your character by completing tasks, etc. You will be able to completely complete all tasks in the Vault. remember, that you won't come back here again.

Start the following story mission and watch a series of videos. When control of the character passes to you, you will be able to meet with Cole. This is your potential partner. Cole will appear on your path only if you have chosen mages as allies. If you have chosen the Templars as your allies, then instead of Cole you will meet Dorian and vice versa (that is, you will complete the mission for the Templars, then it will not be Dorian, but Cole). In any case, to prevent you from getting confused, we will tell you one thing: both characters will meet on your way - one earlier, the other later. Finally, the same choice determines which opponents will attack you. Either they will be magicians, or they will be templars.

In any case, you will be faced with the same tasks that require solutions. Follow the signs on the mini-map in the lower left corner of the screen and deal with the enemies. You will be required to protect the trebuchet and capture another. After you successfully complete your goals, return to the Vault. On the way to the Vault, you will be able to save several characters, for which you will receive additional experience points. Get to the church, watch the video and return to the battlefield.

After this, you will need to aim the trebuchet at the indicated location. Enemies will actively interfere with your group. It’s best to kill the enemies, and then start aiming the gun at the target. Finally, another boss will appear - a knight named Danam

Boss Knight Denam

First of all, kill the demons subordinate to him. After that, choose a character with a huge supply of health and melee weapons to distract the boss. The Danam Knight deals quite a lot of damage to the health of any character, and for the magicians of your team it can become critical! All allies with the weakest armor should be kept away from the enemy, behind his back, to reduce the likelihood of damage being dealt to them. If you divide the strip into four quarters, then between each of them Denam will reset absolutely all the negative effects imposed on him, and will also build a powerful energy shield around himself. The battle can drag on for a very long period of time. But the most important thing to remember is the main “trick”: a powerful character with a huge supply of health distracts the boss, drinks health potions in time, and the rest continue to attack him.

When you defeat Denam, watch a long cutscene. After it, control over the characters will return to you. Follow the signs on the mini-map in the lower left corner of the screen; you won’t be able to turn off the route. Learn to use the main character's new ability, after which you will find yourself in a snowstorm. Go straight, go a little to the right and see what happens.

Part 5. From the Ashes

Perhaps one of the two shortest missions in the main storyline. Walk around the fortress, explore all its main rooms and talk with allies and partners. Some corners of Skyhold are not yet accessible to you, but they will soon be opened as soon as you complete new tasks along the main line of quests. Talk to Josephine, exchange a few words with Varric, after which two new tasks in the main branch will become available for completion. You can do them in the order you wish. If you talk with your partners before starting one of the tasks, you can get a lot of useful information.

Part 6. There Lies the Abyss

Chat about everything with Varrick's friend, after which you can go to a new level called “Crestwood”. Follow the meeting point with the informant, we walk along the shore until we come across the entrance to the cave. That's where you should go. Talk and move to a new location called “Western Reach”. Go to the marker marked on the map and watch a detailed cut-scene. We kill demons, you can use a spell called “Mark of Rupture”. After the battle is over, we return to Skyhold.

Having visited the command post, we move to Orlais, where we continue the task. By the way, before going on a hike, we inspect the equipment of the selected party and free up inventory slots, since we will have to return here after a long period of time. We move along the mark on the map, kill enemies, we get additional task about the need to help the inquisitors in battle. Dealing with three squads Gray Guardians who fight together with demons. If we complete the task, a chest full of treasures will open for us. After you fight the forces of Darkness, the leader of which will be the Demon of Pride (we kill ordinary enemies, and then the mini-boss; in addition, cobblestones dropped from above will fly from above), we run further. The dragon doesn't lag behind and spits fire. You shouldn't spend a lot of time in one place. We watch the cut-scene and find ourselves on a new level.

We follow the mark on the mini-map, carefully monitoring the radar, since the fact that it is glowing will indicate the nearest location of the item that is needed to complete the quest “Fears of the Dreamers”. In the north of the first zone you need to find a human corpse, or rather his remains in the form of bones. Turn on search mode and thereby activate additional mission. In other locations there are 4 more such items required for the quest. Before completing this part of the game, you must complete a task (optional).

In order to regain lost memories, we deal with the demons and press the action button near their bodies. To further advance through the location, you need to repeat these steps several times. We move on until a boss named Nightmare appears on the horizon.

Boss Nightmare

The fight will be quite intense. The boss has a very large stock health, in addition, his attacks are capable of destroying any enemy. From time to time, small enemies - spiders - will appear on the battlefield. We destroy them as soon as they appear, because they can overwhelm you in numbers if you do not clear the battlefield in time. If you have a “tank” in your team, then the boss’s attention should be focused on him. The rest must kill Nightmare's subordinates. When there are no enemies, we attack the Nightmare with powerful attacks and all possible abilities. At the moment when the boss has a quarter of his life left, he will call powerful demons for help. This is where we use the Breaking Point ability. Having defeated the boss, we head back to Skyhold.

Part 7. Evil eyes and evil tongues

This mission differs from the others in that the composition of your squad and the choice of answers in dialogues play an important role here. It is best to save at the beginning of the mission and select an empty slot. In your group you must have at least one wizard who has the ability to create barriers. This is necessary for the reason that your arsenal simply does not have enough health potions. When we communicate with noble people, it is better not to answer them sharply and not to be rude. Try to flatter where it is needed. Agree on everything.

The task is interesting because you must pass for a noble person. Behave politely with everyone, be friendly, provide small services to guests, which will increase your Inquisitor rating. If you are absent for a long time, your rating will decrease. The same goes for harsh responses. If the Inquisitor's rating is zero, you will be kicked out of the ball. And the mission will fail. Use every opportunity to improve your ranking.

In addition to the main task, there is something to please yourself with from additional quests. Try to find all the figurines to open secret chests with valuable items. Find incriminating evidence on noble people, etc. At the beginning of the location there is a lady standing next to the gate. She's lost something. What she lost can be found next to the fountain, for which enter the search mode. Return her lost item, thereby increasing your rating. That's enough.

We follow the marker to move along the correct route and find the necessary characters with whom we want to start a dialogue. After the official introduction takes place, you will be able to talk with your allies, as well as study the situation in the area. Having completed everything, we go to the lobby and enter the room with the guests. We go to the “Hall of Heroes”, cross it and exit the house on the western side. We follow through the corridor until we find a fountain. We climb to the second tier using the net hanging on the wall.

When we leave the public and no one can see us, the character’s rating will decrease significantly. We need to work quickly. The marker marks the area on the ground where you should search for everything. Having finished our search, we follow the steps down to the library and go into search mode. We find evidence and follow back to the hall where the ball is taking place. We increase our rating by talking with the nobility. We will proceed to the ball after the bell is struck twice. Being late is a significant difference between the nobility and others.

So, now you have a key with which you can get into the servants' wing. We follow the lower floor through the hall of heroes and meet our companions. Be sure to change their smart clothes to combat equipment. Remember that at this moment you need to have at least ten rating points on your account, since every minute you will lose one unit. For this reason, you need to act quickly and confidently. We kill enemies, spending as little time as possible. We follow the path of blood and corpses. Their killer will appear. Fight him, watch the cutscene and return back to the ball.

The Duchess invites the main character to dance. We try to be as polite as possible. Select the options in the dialog box on the right side. After you talk with the duchess, you can hand over the incriminating evidence to Leliana. This is your last chance to do this. Get to the new rift that will open in the castle courtyard. Kill people and deal with demons. Defeat the second wave, which is much stronger than the first. Watch some cutscenes, make a decision (important!) and follow the battle with the boss of this location.

Boss Duchess

First, kill ordinary opponents, try to use magicians to create a shield and additional protection from enemies. The Duchess moves around the arena constantly, so you need to be careful and not lose sight of her. When the health bar is half empty, the Duchess will call her subordinates. We kill them first, act quickly. Then we finish off the Duchess.

Part 8. The fruits of pride

We follow to the headquarters and take on a new task. At the first stage, we need to follow the marks on the mini-map and compass, and kill enemies along the way. Soon we will find ourselves next to the Ancient Temple. We approach a huge closed door, the task is updated and now you need to perform the ritual. On the ground floor there is a statue in the hall. We follow the slabs in a certain order and light them all. You cannot step on a slab that has been activated. I think you can handle the first task without any problems. We open the doors and go inside the Ancient Temple.

We watch the video and make a choice. You can go to the enemies immediately, or honor all the traditions of the Elven2 people and perform 4 rituals. If you chose the first option, you will have to fight demons and temple servants. If you chose the second option, you will need to solve four more puzzles with slabs. When they are resolved, we will receive elves into our ranks and fight with another boss of the location. So, you have made a choice - we follow the markers marked on the map. If all the rituals have been completed and the riddles have been solved, then it will be possible to take the elves as allies and fight the invaders. You will have your own guide showing the way to the boss. If you haven't completed the rituals, you will need to fight everyone at once. In this case, you will need to find your way through the labyrinth yourself. The radar and search mode will help you with this. The boss will appear soon.

Boss Samson (allies - magicians)

He will attack in close combat. To help, he calls on minions, which must be killed immediately. When the enemy starts to rotate, we move the fighters away. The squad must be distributed throughout the battlefield to defuse Samson's attacks. Use a pause and give commands to your squad, since allies cannot always choose the right enemies to attack.

Boss Calperia (templar allies)

Fire runes will be placed on the floor. You must run away from these runes and remove allies from there. Calperia will be transported across the battlefield. Stunning her won't do anything for you. The same goes for fear and paralysis. In addition, she is practically not afraid of fire attacks. It is best to use lightning and frost against it.

Part 9. The last act

The mission is quite short. We follow to the altar, using the command headquarters. If during the last mission the companion drank some water from the Well of Sorrows, then you just need to chat with the specified character. If not, then there will be a fight with the Dragon.

Boss Dragon

Use a tank character to distract the Dragon. All ranged fighters must keep their distance from the boss - do not get under his claws. If you act correctly, you will not have problems. Do not use fire attacks, because the dragon is still a fire-breathing creature. Therefore, you need to attack with cold. Defeat the Dragon so that it has half its health left. Watch the cutscene.

Part 10. Marvel at the perfection

And now comes the moment of the final battle. Save in a separate slot at the very beginning of the final task. Now complete the other quests if you wish. On the other hand, even after the final battle, most of the quests will still be available, but some of the content will be lost forever. Therefore, right now the moment has come when you need to complete ALL the missions of the game.

Battle with Corypheus

So, for the battle with Corypheus you need to take at least one wizard who uses an effective spell that sets up a barrier. Better yet, take two of these. The boss is quite strong and deals a huge amount of damage. Status effects are nothing for him, and his huge health reserve makes him even stronger. The battle will be long, be patient.

In the first stage, Corypheus summons demons, attacks with spells and constantly moves across the battlefield. Actively use the Barrier spell and healing potions. After a while, Corypheus will appear on another battlefield, and you will follow the boss. Stock up on the potion on the road.

At the second stage you will need to do everything the same as in the first. The only thing that has changed is the environment.

And now the boss has 50% of his life left. A huge Dragon appears. The “Tank” distracts the dragon, and characters using ranged weapons actively attack the enemy. Shoot at the enemy's paws to slow down his movement. Heal heroes, use magic to protect characters with melee weapons. You shouldn't waste potions and energy on laying barriers here. Your squad should be dispersed throughout the arena.

When the Dragon is defeated, Corypheus will appear again. Here he will begin to teleport more often and use new spells that cause damage to all members of your group. Again, actively use the barrier spell, as well as healing elixirs. Watch the final video and complete walkthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Fruits of Pride in Dragon Age: Inquisition is one of the main quests in the story.

How to get the quest?

The quest becomes available on the map after closing the quest branches There Lies the Abyss and Evil Eyes and Evil Hearts. Requires 40 influence points and at least character level 16.

Before you begin, also complete the quests Close Attention and Before Dawn, otherwise they will no longer be available.


Morrigan shows you the mysterious Eluvian mirror-portal and what is behind it, at the crossroads of worlds. A theory immediately arises that Corypheus is looking for a second such mirror in the Arbor wilderness. After returning to the ordinary world, all troops are gathered there and a mark opens on the map, following which you can go into the wilderness.

Immediately upon arrival, Morrigan will suggest that the enemy is looking for the Mythal temple. After this, you need to move forward and simultaneously defeat Corypheus’s troops. On the way to the second checkpoint, you can find a Red Templars camp in the wilderness. There you can find a chest and a codex entry.

If you explore the entire territory with branches after the second checkpoint, you can find two more entries in the codex and Mkhamet's war hammer.

Everything here is extremely simple - we make our way through the enemies all the way to the temple.

Mythal Temple

Inside you will see a video in which Corypheus inadvertently triggers a defense mechanism and dies, but is immediately revived and sends a dragon to attack the Inquisitor. Having run inside the castle, you gain control of the hero again.

In the first room you can find a statue of Fen'Harel, which gives another entry in the codex and opens a conversation with Morrigan on the topic of everything that is happening. On the way you will find a certain area with cells - your task is to go through one cell only once and at the same time activate them all.

In the next room, an enemy awaits you, who has already found a workaround and is descending into the depths of the temple. Actually, then you can follow Lieutenant Corypheus into the hole, but the best option will go through to the end of the ritual of the temple.

Finish the ritual

You have to solve three more puzzles of this type, but much more difficult. The route for each of them is presented below.

First of three

Don't finish the ritual

You end up in crypts. There is quite a lot of useful stuff here, secrets with curtain fire that will open several codex texts, as well as armor and some gold. To go up to the visitors' rooms you need to go west through the southern rooms and then north - there you will find steps along which you will go up to the right place.

Visitor rooms

Here you will meet the guardian of the temple named Abelas. During the conversation, you can either make peace or refuse and start a battle. If you have not undergone the ritual, then there will be no option to make peace.

One way or another, Abelas goes forward to destroy the source, and you make your way forward either simply or with a fight (depending on the choice).

Well of Sorrow

Once in the hall, you again meet with Lieutenant Corypheus. There will also be one caretaker who, depending on your choice, will either fight on your side or attack.


In a conversation, you can choose the option of destroying the armor and weakening the enemy if you chose the side of the magicians.

If you sided with the templars, then you can come to an agreement with the lieutenant without a fight.

If you have made an alliance, then you can persuade Abelas to retreat. Otherwise, he will attempt to destroy the well, during which Morrigan will kill the keeper.

Now you have to choose who will plunge into the source. It is worth clarifying that if the Inquisitor himself enters the source, then you will face a battle with a guardian dragon vulnerable to fire.

Immediately after the ritual is completed, another attack by Corypheus will occur, which you can avoid by hiding in the mirror.