Housing and communal services testing. Qualifying exam. Qualification certificate of the head of the management company

The housing and communal services qualification exam is a procedure that raises many questions among applicants for a license. We invite you to read the answers to some of them.

About the qualification certificate of the head of a management company in the housing and communal services sector

During the reform in the field of housing and communal services, the personal responsibility of officials - heads of organizations managing apartment buildings - has been brought to the fore. Confirmation of their competence in ensuring compliance with the requirements for the quality of services provided is a qualification certificate issued free of charge. To obtain this document, a housing and communal services specialist must pass a special qualification exam.

What does a housing and communal services qualification certificate look like, what data is included in it and for how long is it valid?

  • The qualification certificate form has green color, made in A4 format (210 by 297 mm), is a security included in the category of documents protected against counterfeiting of printed products at level “B”, must be certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the state housing inspection body of the subject Russian Federation.
  • The housing and communal services qualification certificate must indicate the name of the subject of the Russian Federation on behalf of which the examination commission acts, the personal data of the certified specialist (his first name, patronymic, last name), the number of the protocol of the results of the qualification exam and the date of its preparation.
  • The validity of the certificate is limited to 5 years.

Expert advice: We recommend that not only the head of the management company, but also his deputy, pass the qualification exam and receive a certificate. This step will allow your organization to fully meet the requirements for a housing and communal services license holder and continue its activities in the event of the removal of the first person from office.

The procedure and specifics of the qualification exam for a housing and communal services specialist

  • Acceptance of an applicant's application for obtaining a housing and communal services qualification certificate and conducting an exam is carried out by a special licensing commission formed by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to ensure the activities of state housing supervision in licensing organizations that manage apartment buildings.
  • The key condition for admission to passing the qualification exam in the housing and communal services sector is the absence of information about the applicant (the head of the management company) in the register of disqualified persons.
  • The period during which the applicant must be notified of admission to the exam is no more than 15 working days from the date the commission accepted his application.
  • The housing and communal services qualification exam itself takes the form of computer testing. The maximum time allotted for passing the tests is 120 minutes. DO NOT FORGET take your passport with you. If you do not have this document, you will not be allowed to take the exam!
  • Minimal amount There are 86 questions that you need to answer correctly to successfully pass the exam. Each question has three possible answers. The total number of questions in the individual set of tests for the applicant is 100 (selected automatically from 200 approved ones).
  • Questions for the housing and communal services qualification exam cover topics such as: various aspects of managing apartment buildings, energy saving, and labor legislation.
  • During the exam it is PROHIBITED: use reference literature, regulations and legislative acts, mobile communications; record any information on paper; enter into negotiations with other persons undergoing testing; leave the examination room.

Expert advice: Passing the housing and communal services qualification exam the first time is quite easy if you have the necessary knowledge and testing does not represent a stressful situation for you. We recommend that you undergo pre-certification training using a unique program developed specifically for managers of management companies.

Do you urgently need to undergo licensing and obtain a housing and communal services license? Can't figure out legal requirements or solve the problem of preparing for a qualifying exam? Lawyers of the Consulting Group "Granit-Consulting" will answer all your questions and help you quickly cope with the task.

Question 1. If an applicant fails to appear for a qualifying exam for a valid reason (for example, illness), is it possible to reschedule the exam? Or do I need to re-apply for admission to take the qualifying exam?

Answer . According to clause 12 of the Procedure for conducting the qualification exam, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 28, 2014 No. 659/pr, applicants who have not registered for the qualification exam are included by the secretary of the licensing commission in the registration list of those present at the qualification exam as those who did not appear. Such an applicant needs re-send an application for admission to take the qualification exam addressed to the licensing commission, on the basis of which the licensing commission again sets a deadline for passing the qualification exam.

Question: 2. Should any additional documents be attached to the application for admission to the qualifying exam?

Answer . According to clause 5 of the Procedure for conducting the qualification exam, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 28, 2014 No. 659/pr, in order to register for the qualification exam, the applicant sends to the licensing commission an application for admission to the qualification exam, in which he provides the following information about himself: last name , first name, patronymic (if available), passport details, email address to which electronic notification of the applicant’s registration can be sent.

The applicant's application must contain the applicant's consent to automated, as well as without the use of automation tools, processing of his personal data in accordance with Art. 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", namely the commission of actions provided for in paragraph 3 of part one of Article 3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

The application form for admission to the qualification exam is posted on the official website of the Department of State Housing and Construction Supervision of the Sverdlovsk Region (download) in the “Licensing” section.

Thus, additional documents must be attached to the application for admission to the qualifying exam not required.

Question 3. Is the application for admission to the qualifying exam submitted personally by the applicant?

According to clause 6 of the Procedure for conducting the qualification exam, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 28, 2014 No. 659/pr, an application for admission to the qualification exam is submitted by the applicant directly to the licensing commission. This order does not establish requirements for the applicant to submit an application in person.

Thus, an application for admission to the qualifying exam can be submitted either personally by the applicant or by any of his representatives. The application can also be sent by mail to the address: Ekaterinburg, st. Malysheva, 101, office. 238.

Question 4: Does only the manager take the qualification exam?

Answer . According to Art. 193 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, one of the licensing requirements is that the official of the licensee, the official of the license applicant, has a qualification certificate. The official of the licensee is the head of the organization and other employees of the organization performing administrative or economic functions.

The procedure for conducting the qualification exam, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 28, 2014 No. 659/pr, does not establish restrictions on the number of persons entitled to take the qualification exam.

Question 5: When is the qualifying exam scheduled to begin? Does the application filing date matter?

Answer : from the moment of submitting an application for admission to take the qualification exam, the applicant is notified by the licensing commission of the date, time and place of taking the qualification exam within fifteen working days.

The first exam will take place on December 16, 2014. The order of passing the qualification examination procedure is determined by the date and sequence of application submission. In other words, dates for passing the qualification exam are progressively assigned. With this information (about the date of the exam), you will be notified both by mail email, and you can view it on the official website of the Office in the “Licensing” section.

Question 6: If an individual combines the position of manager in several legal entities ah - management companies, is this individual required to obtain a certificate for each legal entity or is only one enough?

Answer: a qualification certificate is issued to a specific to an individual. Obtaining a qualification certificate for individual legal entities is not required.

Accordingly, a person who has passed the qualification exam and received the appropriate certificate can hold a position in two or more management organizations, while obtaining a qualification certificate for each legal entity is not required, because a qualification certificate is issued to a specific individual without reference to a legal entity.

Question 7: If an individual is dismissed from one management company and hired by another management company, should he receive a new qualification certificate?

Answer: a qualification certificate is issued for a period of five years to a specific individual; upon dismissal from one management company to another, retaking the qualification exam to obtain a certificate is not required.

In the meantime, please note that this is the recommended application submission schedule. An application for admission to the qualifying exam can be submitted on any working day during reception hours: Mon. - Thu. 10:00 - 12:00, 14:00 – 17:00; on Fri. 10:00 - 12:00, 14:00 –16:00 at Ekaterinburg, st. Malysheva 101, room. 239.

Question 9: Where can I find the list of questions offered to the applicant during the qualifying exam?

Answer: The list of questions offered to the applicant at the qualification exam was approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2014 No. 659/pr.

The specified regulatory legal act is posted on the website of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation http://www.minstroyrf.ru/ in the sections “For Specialists” - “Housing and Communal Services” - “Licensing”, as well as on the website of the Administration in the section “Licensing” - "Legislation"

Question 10: Who should receive a qualification certificate? How many persons in the organization have the right to apply for admission to take the qualification exam?

Answer: In accordance with sub. 2 hours 1 tbsp. 193 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, one of the licensing requirements is that the official of the licensee, the official of the license applicant, has a qualification certificate.

In this case, the official of the licensee is the head of the organization and other employees of the organization performing organizational, administrative or administrative functions in this organization, as well as the head of the organization exercising the powers of the sole executive body of another organization.

The procedure for conducting the qualification exam to obtain a qualification certificate was approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2014 No. 659/pr. The specified regulatory legal act There are no restrictions regarding the number of persons who have the right to apply for admission to take the qualification exam.

If the functions of the sole executive body of a legal entity (management organization) are performed by another legal entity, then the head of the legal entity performing the functions of the sole executive body must receive a qualification certificate.

Question 11: By order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2014 No. 659/pr, the list of questions for passing the qualification exam was approved. At the same time, question No. 97 has a double interpretation.

Answer: In accordance with Article 22 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ "On Heat Supply", if the consumer has arrears in payment for thermal energy (power), coolant, including in case of violation of the terms of advance payment, if such a condition provided for by the heat supply agreement, in an amount exceeding the amount of payment for more than one payment period established by this agreement, the heat supply organization has the right to introduce restrictions on the supply of thermal energy and coolant in the manner established by the rules for organizing heat supply approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The rules for organizing heat supply, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, define socially significant categories of consumers and the specifics of introducing restrictions in relation to them, stopping the supply of thermal energy and coolant.

According to clause 98 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08.08.2012 No. 808 “On the organization of heat supply in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation” in relation to citizen consumers, management organizations, homeowners’ associations, housing cooperatives or other specialized consumer cooperatives carrying out management activities apartment building and who have entered into an agreement with resource supply organizations, the procedure for limiting and stopping the supply of thermal energy is established in accordance with housing legislation. At the same time, in accordance with clause 119 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" heating restrictions are not allowed.

Question 12: by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2014 No. 659/pr, the list of questions for passing the qualification exam was approved. At the same time, questions No. 57, 78, taking into account changes in legislation, do not have the correct answer.

Answer: Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2014 No. 659/pr was developed and approved during the period of validity of the Government of the Russian Federation Decree No. 731 dated September 23, 2010 “On approval of the standard for information disclosure by organizations operating in the field of management of apartment buildings” in edition dated March 26, 2014, which provided for a 20-day period for sending a response to the applicant. A similar approach should be followed when answering question No. 78.

Question 13: by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2014 No. 659/pr, the list of questions for passing the qualification exam was approved. However, question No. 147 does not have a correct answer.

Answer: In accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354, the permissible duration of the supply interruption cold water is 8 hours (total) for 1 month.

Question 14: by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2014 No. 659/pr, the list of questions for passing the qualification exam was approved. At the same time, question No. 160 is incorrect due to the lack of indication of a specific utility service, the reduction of the standard temperature of which is allowed.

Answer: The rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354, indicate the permissibility of reducing the standard temperature at night (from 0.00 to 5.00 hours) both in relation to hot water supply and and in relation to air in a living space. At the same time, a decrease in the standard temperature of hot water supply is allowed by 5°C, and the air temperature of the living room - by 3°C. It seems that the list of questions deals with the permissible level of reduction in the standard air temperature in a living room, therefore, the correct answer is “A”.

On July 21, 2014, the President of the Russian Federation signed, which introduced amendments to the RF Housing Code in terms of establishing the mandatory licensing of activities for managing apartment buildings. As one of the requirements for licensees and license applicants, it is established that an official has a licensee/license applicant. Let's try to figure out who should be such an official?

Who is licensed?

First, I would like to remind you which organizations are subject to licensing.

According to clause 1 of Article 192 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “ MKD management activities are carried out by management organizations on the basis of a license..." Clause 2 of Article 192 of the RF Housing Code establishes that “ Activities for the management of apartment buildings are understood as the performance of work and (or) provision of services for the management of apartment buildings on the basis of a contract for the management of apartment buildings».

As is known, HOAs and housing cooperatives, which are non-profit organizations, are not management companies; they are not charged with the obligation to conclude management agreements. Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation directly establishes that a management agreement is concluded with a management organization (the second party to the agreement is the owners of the premises, or those representing the interests of the owners of the HOA or housing cooperative).

Homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives can manage an apartment building independently, without a management organization. In this case, they can enter into agreements with the owners of the premises for the maintenance and repair of common property, for the provision of utilities ( analogues of management contracts, but still not management contracts!).

Thus, Only management organizations are subject to licensing(including individual entrepreneurs) managing houses on the basis of a management agreement. Homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives are not subject to licensing!

Who is certified?

Note: the explanations of this section of the article have lost their relevance due to the entry into force on July 30, 2017, which, among other things, amended clause 2, part 1, article 193 of the RF Housing Code, namely: the presence of a qualification certificate has been established as one of the licensing requirements " the sole executive body of a legal entity, the head of a legal entity or its branch, or individual entrepreneur managing an apartment building, and in the event of concluding an agreement on the transfer of powers of the sole executive body - the sole executive body of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur to whom such powers have been transferred.”

However, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish the obligation to certify company managers! The Housing Code of the Russian Federation states that certification must be carried out officials of license applicants. The same norm of the RF Housing Code is referred to by the RF PP dated October 28, 2014 N1110, without additional clarification of who exactly may be an “official of the license applicant.” There are also no explanations in the Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 28, 2014 N659/pr, which approved the Procedure for conducting the qualification exam.

Thus, An official of a licensee/license applicant does not have to be the head of the organization!

Let us explain the logic of the legislator who approved just such a provision using an example.

In a number municipalities In the Russian Federation, there are city-forming enterprises, which can be large metallurgical, oil, mining, agricultural and other enterprises. In Soviet times, such enterprises very often carried out, among other things, maintenance of the entire infrastructure of the settlements on the territory of which they operated. Including maintaining heating networks, servicing apartment buildings and so on. Many of these enterprises were the main consumer of water, heat, electricity; many of them have, for example, their own boiler houses, which provide hot water not only his own enterprise, but the entire settlement.

After the liquidation of the USSR, a number of such enterprises continued to deal with housing and communal services issues, highlighting the corresponding departments in their composition: for example, divisions servicing boiler houses began to perform the functions of the RSO, divisions carrying out the maintenance and routine repair of apartment buildings began to perform the functions of the management authority. Over time, with the advent of the regulatory framework regulating the activities of housing organizations, appropriate changes were made to the Charter and other documents of the enterprise, and by 2014 such enterprises can be represented in the form of a kind of holding company that carries out different kinds activities, including activities related to management of apartment buildings. At the same time, the enterprise could remain a single legal entity, without separating legal entities from its composition for the implementation of certain types of activities (including activities related to the management of apartment buildings).

We can consider an example in which the head of a certain housing and communal services department of a city-forming enterprise is a super professional who ensures high quality management of apartment buildings. It is necessary to take into account that with the huge turnover and profitability of the entire enterprise as a whole, the housing and communal services department has a powerful financial resource that allows it to ensure high quality work even in conditions of high non-payments and other financial losses. The presence of a boiler house within the same enterprise allows us to transfer the rather complex problematic relations “UO - RSO” into the framework of interaction between divisions of one company.

Now let’s imagine that the head of the company is required to undergo certification and receive a qualification certificate. But the main profile of the enterprise is not housing and communal services. Suppose this is a metallurgical enterprise, CEO which has been engaged exclusively in metallurgy for several decades. And this honorary metallurgist, honored worker of Russian metallurgy, is offered to take an exam on knowledge of housing legislation. The probability that he will not pass such an exam is quite high.

The consequences seem quite dire, and, first of all, for the residents of the settlement. Due to the loss of the city-forming enterprise's right to carry out activities to manage apartment buildings, the local government body will hold a competition to select a management entity, or the owners of the premises will hold a general meeting and elect a management entity. The selected MA will no longer have the resources of the city-forming enterprise; in addition, problems will inevitably arise for the new MA and for this very enterprise, which will now act as a RSO. And even when employees of the housing and communal services department of the city-forming enterprise move to a new management organization, a serious management crisis is possible due to a change in the structure and work system. Etc. and so on.

In the given example, it is much more logical to certify the head of the housing and communal services department, who with a high probability will pass the exam, receive a certificate and continue to manage the management of apartment buildings, remaining part of the city-forming enterprise with its enormous financial, labor, and administrative resources.

And the law on licensing activities for managing apartment buildings (255-FZ of July 21, 2014) does not violate this logic.

So, according to Article 193 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, in order to obtain a license to manage an apartment building, you must have a qualification certificate of an official ( not necessarily a leader! ).

To understand what requirements are imposed on applicants for obtaining a qualification certificate, an analysis of the legislation seems to be the most correct.

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applicants for a qualification certificate
(officials of license applicants,
responsible for the management of apartment buildings)

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in preparation for the qualifying exam

Today, the procedure for obtaining a housing and communal services license is strictly regulated by law, and there are also many reference information, which tells how you can obtain a housing and communal services license using the websites of the State Housing Inspections of the subjects. However, there are still many nuances that are simply not known to many ordinary citizens who use housing and communal services.

In general, the main feature of obtaining a housing and communal services license is obtaining a qualification certificate. The head of housing and communal services can receive it only if he passes a qualification exam.

Why do you need to take the housing and communal services qualification exam?

After carrying out certain reforms in the housing and communal services sector, all heads of such organizations bear personal responsibility. In order to confirm their competence and suitability for their position, as well as to demonstrate the high quality of housing and communal services, each manager must have a special qualification certificate, which is issued free of charge. However, in order to become its owner, the manager must first pass qualifying exam Housing and communal services.

The certificate is a green form the size of a regular A4 landscape sheet. However, this sheet is not quite ordinary, since it is a security that belongs to documents that have protection against printing counterfeiting at level “B”. In addition, the certificate is always certified by the signature and seal of the relevant authority (State Housing Supervision of the Russian Federation).

The housing and communal services qualification certificate contains information about the subject of the Russian Federation in which the examination commission was organized (name of the subject), the necessary data of the housing and communal services specialist who passed the exam, as well as information about the protocol of the exam results (number and date of its preparation).

Validity certificate - five years. Then you need to take the exam again to receive a new document.

It is important to understand that obtaining such a certificate will be useful not only for the head of housing and communal services, but also for the deputy. In this case, your organization will fully comply with all legal requirements, and this will also protect you, because the housing and communal services will be able to function even after the removal of the first person from office (a deputy will automatically take his place).

Where can I take the housing and communal services qualification exam?

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Part 2, Article 202), in order to receive the appropriate certificate, the head of the housing and communal services must pass a special qualification exam. All legal aspects of this procedure and its essence (the procedure for conducting the exam, questions, the procedure for determining results, and so on) are regulated by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, special licensing commissions are created, which are designed to ensure at the proper level the activities of state housing supervision bodies in licensing the management of apartment buildings in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (clause 2 of the Procedure for conducting a qualification exam, the procedure for determining the results of the qualification exam for housing and communal services, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia from 05.12.2014 No. 789/pr). It is these commissions that conduct the qualification exam for housing and communal services.

You need to know that the legislation of our country does not provide for the possibility of passing such a housing and communal services exam in any commercial organizations (on a paid basis).

How is the housing and communal services qualification exam organized?

As mentioned above, the housing and communal services examination is carried out by a special licensing commission, whose tasks include supervision of the housing and communal services of apartment buildings. The housing and communal services qualification exam is carried out in order to check how well applicants know the basic requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulate the management of apartment buildings.

Questions for passing the housing and communal services qualification exam are approved by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation. In total, the housing and communal services qualification exam consists of 200 questions, each of which has several answer options and only one is correct.

The tasks of the licensing commission when conducting the housing and communal services qualification exam include:

  • registration of applicants for the housing and communal services exam;
  • provision of specially equipped premises where the housing and communal services qualification exam will be held (including provision technical means for the examination);
  • admission of applicants to pass the housing and communal services qualification exam;
  • monitoring compliance with the procedure for conducting the housing and communal services qualification exam;
  • ensuring the determination of exam results;
  • ensuring the safety of information and documentation involved in the examination procedure (including the results themselves);
  • sending the protocol, which records the results of the housing and communal services qualification exam, to the state housing supervision body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for issuing a qualification certificate and entering information into the register of qualification certificates.

In order to register for the housing and communal services qualification exam, you need to send a special application for admission to the commission, where you must indicate:

  • Full name (if available).
  • Passport details (in some cases, another identification document is allowed).
  • Email address (for further notification of your registration).

In addition, this statement must contain consent to data processing (both automated and non-automated).

You can submit an application at the location of the licensing commission, or you can send it in the form electronic document(by mail). However, if you want to apply for the housing and communal services qualification exam using information and communication technologies, then remember that this document must be certified in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulates the procedure for electronic document management.

Only those applicants whose details are not contained in the register of disqualified persons may be allowed to take the exam. A check for the availability of data about the applicant in such a register is carried out by the state housing supervision body at the request of the licensing commission. To receive data, the commission must send a request after receiving the applicant’s application (no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the application). The response from the state housing supervision authority must arrive no later than ten working days from the date of the request from the licensing commission.

If information about the applicant is not in the register of persons subject to disqualification, then the commission sends a response in the form of a letter with acknowledgment of delivery (via Russian post) or in the form of an electronic document, which is certified by the signature of an authorized person of the relevant body. The notice of admission to the housing and communal services qualification examination shall indicate the date, time and place of the examination. Such notice must be sent no later than five working days before the examination date.

Those applicants who are classified as disqualified persons are also sent a notice of refusal of admission to take the housing and communal services qualification exam (within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application from the applicant). Such notification is also delivered either by Russian Post with a delivery stamp, or by in electronic format with an electronic signature.

What are the requirements for an applicant who takes the qualification exam for licensing housing and communal services management companies?

In order to fully understand the requirements that apply to applicants, it is necessary to thoroughly analyze the legislation.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 193, paragraph 1), the applicant should not have an unexpunged (including unexpunged) conviction for any economic crimes, as well as for crimes of medium gravity or especially serious ones.

According to paragraph 7 of the “Procedure for Conducting the Qualification Exam,” approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 28, 2014 N659/pr, an applicant who belongs to the list of disqualified persons and about whom information is contained in the relevant register cannot be allowed to take the exam.

In principle, these are all the rules in order to become a candidate for the housing and communal services qualification exam and receive the appropriate certificate. There are no additional requirements, such as education or qualifications. Thus, licensing commissions will not even check any educational documents, nor will they ask you to provide information about your qualifications.

However, many who want to pass the housing and communal services qualification exam are wondering whether any preliminary training is needed? It’s difficult to answer definitively. The fact is that, despite the absence of requirements from the commission for your education, General requirements to the level of passing the exam are quite high. Therefore, if you are not confident in your level of preparation, it is better to study additional materials on the topic of the upcoming exam.

If you are completely confident in the degree of your readiness to pass the exam, as well as in your ability to withstand moral stress and quickly make the right decisions, then you can afford to do without additional preparation.

However, if you have any doubts about passing, it is better to undergo special additional training that covers the exam tests. It is important to understand that these courses do not exist to obtain any paper (certificate, ID, etc.), but to consolidate knowledge and gain further confidence in successfully passing the main exam.

Passing the housing and communal services qualification exam in 5 stages

Stage 1. Registration of the applicant

The first step to take the exam is registration. To do this, you must arrive on the specified date at a certain time (this information is displayed in the notification of admission to delivery). It is important to remember that having a passport (another identification document) is a prerequisite for registration. Otherwise, you will be marked as a no-show.

The registration procedure is carried out by the secretary of the commission by making an appropriate mark on the registration sheet in the form of an individual identification number, which is assigned to each applicant. A person who came to the housing and communal services qualification exam must confirm the fact of familiarization with the personal identification number by leaving a signature opposite his name on the summary registration sheet for all applicants.

The registration procedure is mandatory before the start of the exam itself. If for some reason a person does not register, the secretary also marks the absence.

In this case, none of the members of the licensing commission, except the secretary, has the right to be present at the registration.

The registration list of applicants with all the data reflected in it is sealed in an envelope, which the secretary keeps with him until the end of the procedure for recording the exam results.

Stage 2. Conducting briefing

The housing and communal services qualification exam is a computer-based test.

Testing is carried out in a special room where only the examinees themselves, members of the commission, as well as persons who provide correct procedure conducting testing from an organizational and technical point of view.

Immediately before testing, the secretary must instruct all examinees about the procedure for conducting the exam and tell how computer testing will be carried out.


For the housing and communal services test, to pass the qualifying exam, each test participant receives an individual version of the test, which is automatically generated by random sampling from the general list of qualifying questions. Each test version includes 100 questions.

In order to access the test, the applicant must enter the identification number that was assigned to him at the registration stage.

No more than two hours are given to solve the test task from the moment you receive an individual set of questions. If the examinee does not meet the allotted time, then access to the questions is automatically closed. If, on the contrary, the applicant completed the tasks earlier, then access will also be closed automatically after answering the last question of the individual test.

It is important to know that viewing answers to previous testing questions, as well as correcting a previously given answer, are not allowed. The examinee must answer all questions sequentially, gaining access to the next test task only after solving the previous one.

The housing and communal services qualification exam is testing, which, as mentioned above, takes place in special rooms where there are computer equipment that allows you to solve individual test tasks in real time. Each examinee must have his own desk. The possibility of examinees communicating with each other should be completely excluded.

In the process of solving tasks of the housing and communal services qualification exam, applicants are prohibited from:

  • use of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, reference, technical and other materials, as well as any means of communication to solve test tasks;
  • communication with other examinees, transferring to them any notes and materials;
  • leaving the room independently during testing.

In case of violation of the above requirements, the examinee is removed from the room and a mark indicating failure to pass the test is recorded in the protocol.

If for some reason a computer failure occurs during the exam (including a power outage) or some other circumstances arise (for example, a fire), then the main task of the licensing commission is to eliminate the reason that prevents the completion of the test.

If it is still impossible to complete the housing and communal services qualification exam, then a different date and time are assigned. In this case, all test questions that the examinee managed to answer before the occurrence of interfering circumstances should be taken into account.

Stage 3. Summing up

The test is assessed by point system: in case of a correct answer, the applicant receives 2 points, in case of an incorrect answer (or in the absence of one) - 0 points.

It is important to know that if the examinee receives less than 86% of the maximum possible number of points for his answers to individual questions, then the exam is considered failed. In this case, a mark is recorded in the protocol where the applicant is listed as a person who did not pass the housing and communal services qualification exam.

In this case, the recording of the examination procedure occurs automatically, that is, the protocol is compiled by a computer, and after the end of the testing stage it is signed by authorized persons who were determined by the licensing commission.

Thus, the protocol is drawn up on the basis of the results of computer testing, where opposite the full name of each applicant is indicated the mark of passing or failing the housing and communal services qualification exam.

The protocol must be drawn up and signed by authorized persons no later than three working days from the date of testing to pass the exam. Then, no later than one business day after signing, this document is sent to the state housing supervision authority.

Stage 4. Announcement of results

The final results of the housing and communal services qualification exam are announced by the licensing commission no later than five working days from the date of testing. In this case, the date of announcement of the test results (that is, notification of passing or failing the housing and communal services qualification exam) is the day on which the applicant was notified of the results. It is sent via Russian Post (delivery with acknowledgment of delivery) or in the form of an electronic document (by e-mail, indicated by the applicant at the time of registration), which is certified by an electronic signature. The notification must include the total number of points that the applicant was able to score in the housing and communal services qualification exam.

If the examinee fails to score the required number of points to pass the test, then the exam is considered failed and will have to be taken again. However, there is one important good news - this exam is free, so you can come and take it an infinite number of times.

Do you need preparation for the housing and communal services qualification exam?

Not everyone can pass the housing and communal services qualification exam for licensing management companies in the housing and communal services sector. According to statistics, which demonstrate rather disappointing results, in the first wave of examinees, which included 14,000 housing and communal services employees throughout the country, 3,000 specialists did not pass the exam. This is a fairly large number of applicants who failed to pass the tests, especially considering the fact that all test questions are freely available on the Internet. That is, if desired, each person can independently test themselves and improve their knowledge before the real exam.

Therefore, before directly taking the test, it is recommended to download the housing and communal services qualification exam or practice online in completing tasks that may be encountered in a real test. Nowadays there are special services on the Internet with which you can practice answering questions for the exam.

Based on the amount of time and complexity of the questions, it is unlikely that you will be able to pass the exam without prior preparation.

Online training test for the qualification exam for obtaining licenses for housing and communal services management companies

Due to Federal law dated July 21, 2014 No. 255-FZ, each management company in the housing and communal services sector must undergo licensing. One of the licensing conditions is that the managers of the management company must be certified by the licensing commission. To become a certified housing and communal services specialist, you must pass a qualifying exam. The exam is free and conducted by the region's licensing commission. The procedure and list of questions were established by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation in December 2014 (order No. 789/pr dated December 5, 2014).

The online training test consists of 200 questions of the qualification exam for licensing of housing and communal services management companies and answers to them with comments. The questions have been approved by the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation and will be used in the exam of managers and specialists of housing and communal services management companies.