Cut your nails according to the moon. Lunar calendar for cutting hair and nails. Listening to an audio recording over and over again, you seem to be saturated with the ideas of prosperity, increasing earnings, getting money, while being in harmony with yourself and your environment

In order to have a successful haircut according to the Oracle, it is necessary that the Moon be in the signs of the Earth (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn). In such signs, a haircut can be done at any phase of the Moon, then your hair will be much thicker and stronger, which will contribute to less hair loss. If it is necessary to slow down hair growth, then the best option would be to cut your hair during the waning moon.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for 2020

Lunar horoscope of haircuts according to zodiac signs

Haircut done under the Moon in different signs The zodiac can affect not only the condition of your hair, but also your health and personal life. Let's listen to the advice of astrologers.

It is better not to wash your hair when the Moon is in the signs of Water, which includes Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. Otherwise, your hair will be very oily. This also applies to perm. The curl will be more persistent in the signs of Leo, Virgo, Taurus and Aquarius. These days are also not suitable for getting a haircut, although in order to speed up hair growth, you can do this on the waxing Moon.

The best days to style your hair are when The Moon is in Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo and Capricorn . The Moon in Aries is unfavorable for haircuts and any other procedures with your hair.

In Aries, haircut cutting does not affect the condition of the hair, but appearance it may get worse. A haircut will negatively affect your health, as the body will be significantly exposed to various infections. During the waning Moon, in the sign of Aries, you should not cut your hair, as this threatens the loss of your hairstyle and split ends.

In case The Moon is in Taurus , then this is a great time to cut your hair, even if the moon is waning. The hairstyle will turn out beautiful, and the hair will be strong and healthy. In your personal life, a haircut will help you gain a sense of financial stability and increase your intellectual abilities.

  • Moon in Taurus: what you can do, health, beauty, business

The moon located in Gemini ideal for creating a full hairstyle, as at this time the hair will be fluffy and light. In your personal life, a haircut will improve your relationships with friends.

When the Moon is in Cancer, then cutting your hair at this time can give two results. A haircut at this time promises loss of hairstyle shape. But also, cutting your hair at this time has a positive effect on hair health, since hair grows much slower, but at the same time becomes stronger, absorbing nutrients. These days it is best to bleach your hair. As for your personal life, a haircut will reduce parental supervision over you and weaken your parental roots.

Moon in Leo is one of the best times to visit a hairdresser. Lightening hair, styling, coloring or cutting - all this works out great at such a time. Light chemicals are best done on other days, as the curl may turn out to be too curly. A haircut can improve your overall appearance and change the pace of your life.

Moon in Virgo is also a positive time for cutting and caring for your hair. Perms should also be best done at this time. A haircut will help strengthen hair and promote intensive growth. Getting a haircut can also strengthen your intellect. However, according to some sources, Virgo and Leo are barren signs, so not all astrologers recommend cutting your hair at this time.

Moon in Libra , is perfect timing in order to bring beauty to your head and improve your hair. A hairstyle done at this time will turn out lush and voluminous. It is not clear how, but a haircut at this time improves memory and vision, and adds ease of communication.

Moon in Scorpio is inharmonious, leads to changes, can either improve or worsen your life, relationships with people of senior rank. As for the effect on hair: you can style your hair on dry, brittle and thin hair, but the Moon will make it strong, tough and thick.

Moon in Sagittarius It is also ambiguous and brings changes to your life. To make the changes positive for you, take into account the lunar day when cutting your hair. A haircut will have a good effect on the condition of your hair and will slightly straighten unruly curly strands.

Moon in Capricorn A haircut will have a positive effect on hair growth, it will become stronger and less brittle. During this period, the moon has a positive effect on your social status.

Moon in Aquarius A haircut can cause hair loss and energy depletion. However, if you are a risk taker, try changing your hairstyle. The result may be different every time. The best option- this is to do unusual hairstyles these days, since ordinary ones very often do not work out.

Moon in Pisces is not suitable for visiting a hairdresser, since cutting or even simply washing hair at such a time can provoke copious discharge dandruff A haircut can have a negative impact on the realization of your abilities.

One way or another, cutting your hair according to the Oracle is more of a tradition than a true one, so how and when you get your hair cut is up to you.

Many people would like to have beautiful, strong nails, and natural ones at that. This is facilitated by proper nutrition, hand baths, haircuts, manicures, which are important to do on certain days.

It turns out that it is better to cut not only hair, but also nails in favorable days according to the lunar calendar. The moon is rendering big influence on earthly life. Astrologers believe that making important responsible decisions, getting married, taking long trips, buying or selling a house should also be based on the advice of the night luminary.

Gardeners have studied this wisdom for a long time. Many people know on which days it is necessary to plant which crops so that they produce a large harvest of root crops or greens, since there are phases of the moon in which “tops” or “roots” grow better. But not all summer residents know that after righteous labors, you also need to put your nails in order with a hint from the moon.

Having taken their hands out of the gloves in which they carried out excavation work, they can look at the calendar of the night luminary to find out from it when to cut their nails. Thanks to this, even long-term work in the garden will not affect the beauty of your nails.

Of course, not only hacienda lovers will benefit from information on this topic. Many fashionistas would like not to have their nails extended in nail salons using newfangled means, paying a lot of money for this and then for correction, but you need to have your own nails long.

It turns out that back in the 16th century, magicians and astrologers recommended not cutting your nails at any time, but choosing the right day for it. To understand when it is better to cut your nails, you need to know what phases the moon has.

Phases of the night star

The first is the new moon. At this time, the Moon is practically invisible. If you look at night through strong binoculars or a telescope, you can only see a dark circle in the sky.

The second is the young or growing Moon. At this time, it is customary to call it the luminary in the first quarter. If you look at the dark circle that was visible on the new moon, then over the next few days on its right side you will first see a barely noticeable crescent, which will grow and increase in size every night. When the month fills the right side of the Moon, the luminary will enter a new stage.

The third - it is also called the young or growing Moon, but already in the second quarter. It is not difficult to see this period in the sky. The crescent moon grows fuller every day and gradually occupies the entire halo of the lunar circle. From this period the next phase begins.

The fourth is the full moon. The name speaks for itself. The moon becomes round-sided. Since ancient times, such a mysterious appearance has contributed to the creation of legends, perhaps based on real events. It is believed that all evil spirits break free on this night and create all kinds of lawlessness.

Fifth – the full moon ends and is replaced by a waning, aging or debilitated Moon in the 3rd quarter. It decreases in reverse order. Her right side begins to gradually dry out and shrink. When it reaches the middle, only the glowing left side of this planet becomes visible. But the light does not stop there, continuing to decrease in size. Now it is called the month, which is decreasing to the left.

Sixth - the moon becomes aging or, as it is also called, waning, defective in the 4th quarter. At the same time, it becomes similar to the letter “C”.

It is better to go for manicure and pedicure procedures exactly when the Moon is waning. If you look a little higher, these are precisely its 5th and 6th stages. But this is the case when you want your nails not to grow quickly, but to become healthy and very strong. Treatments to nourish and strengthen nails will work more effectively on days when the Moon is waxing.

Another important factor is in which constellation the moon is located on the day of the expected nail cutting period. If a girl is already getting ready for a manicure, seeing that the 5th or 6th lunar phases have arrived, then she should stop and draw her attention to the constellation. If the Moon is located in the sign of Capricorn, then you can safely continue your path to beauty, but if it is in the constellation Cancer or Pisces, then you should not get a manicure. To the rest zodiac signs This procedure is quite acceptable.

Astrologers categorically advise not to cut your nails or do a manicure even when the Moon is at the new moon or during the full moon. Also, nail operations should not be performed during lunar and solar eclipses.

But there is one more point that should be emphasized. This is the day of the week. After all, even if the phases and constellation of the Moon are chosen correctly, then, for example, you cannot cut your nails on Sunday. Folk signs They say that if this is done on a given day, then “evil spirits” will haunt the person throughout the next week. The best day to give your nails the desired shape is Friday. There are even several signs that will not only tell you the day to cut your nails, but will also help you achieve or achieve what you want.

So: - on Monday this procedure will be beneficial for health; - on Tuesday she will attract wealth; - on Wednesday will bring good news - on Thursday it will promote the purchase of new shoes; — Friday is the most successful day for this; - performing nail manipulations on Saturday will help a person on Sunday meet someone who loves him very much.

Now everyone can find out when it is better for them to cut their nails and go for a manicure. You can calculate these numbers yourself. It is enough to buy a lunar calendar or look up these days on the Internet. For example, in December 2013, it was possible to find out information about cutting nails by looking at which days the sun was growing and on which days it was decreasing.

But it is also important to choose the most favorable day - Friday. So, the waxing Moon on Friday and it’s not forbidden to cut your nails - this is December 6 and 13. And waning on Friday - December 20 and 27.

Armed with the knowledge of when is the best time to cut your nails, everyone can calculate the most favorable days. In order for this part of the fingers to be strong and beautiful, you also need to take care of them.

It is a mistake to believe that women began to do manicures only in the last few decades.

The culture of nail care - when to cut nails, how to cut them, how to file nails, how to decorate them and many other subtleties - was known even before our era.

But if now such a pleasure as nail care is available to every woman to one degree or another, then manicure used to be the prerogative of women of very high status.

Beautiful, well-groomed nails indicated that the woman does a minimum of work with her hands, which means there are those who can do it instead of her.

Even then it was known that knowledge of the basics of nail care can not only make hands beautiful, but also affect the health of the human body as a whole. Near the nail plate there are many points responsible for different organs, so proper nail care affects the entire body system.

One way or another, the meaning of many rituals associated with nails has been lost. But recommendations on when to cut your nails and how to do it correctly remain to this day. It is known that cutting nails on certain days of the week and month can provide them with more fast growth as well as strength and shine. Of course, you don't have to adhere to any strict schedule or rules and trim your nails as they grow and according to the length you prefer. But why not try to combine business with pleasure, perhaps it will bear fruit in the form of flawless nails, good health and other human goods.

It is worth noting

On average, a nail grows by 3 mm per month, so to maintain the length and maintain a beautiful manicure, it is enough to cut them every two weeks. The nail cutting calendar itself is quite detailed, so it will not be difficult to choose the appropriate day according to it.

Each lady decides for herself when to cut her nails, depending on her employment and daily routine. Some people believe in omens, while others do not attach any importance to them. But those who are interested in how to quickly grow nails should pay attention to the lunar calendar. It has long been known that monthly cycles affect both the weather conditions on the planet and the functioning of our body. Thanks to this little trick created by nature itself, you can ensure yourself a flawless manicure.

Correct nail cutting according to the lunar calendar for a flawless manicure

To keep your nails healthy and shiny, it is important to choose the right day to cut them.

In astrology, it is believed that the best day of the week for this is Monday, and it is better to refrain from cutting your nails on Friday or Sunday.

To make your nails stronger, you should cut them during the waning month. All this is not accidental, so cutting your nails according to the lunar calendar can contribute to their growth and strengthening.

There are several types of lunar calendar. The most common is a calendar for cutting nails by day of the week.

  1. The first day of the week is the day of the moon. Monday is under the full protection of this satellite of our planet, so cutting your nails on this day can become a real panacea for depression. By getting a manicure on Monday, you can take care not only of the beauty of your nails, but also of the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. Tuesday, according to astrologers, is under the protection of Mars. It is believed that if you cut your nails on this day, you can receive additional protective powers and the favor of the cosmos. Also, cutting your nails on the second day of the week will help attract additional finances.
  3. If you cut your nails on Wednesday, you can “cut off” all the fuss and confusion in your head and personal affairs. A manicure on this day will help improve immunity, success in school or at work. Cutting your nails on Wednesday brings the good news closer.
  4. The fourth day of the week is Jupiter's day. Astrologers say that cutting nails on this day improves the general condition of the body the most. In addition, it can influence the increase in authority in your team.
  5. Venus is the patron of Friday. Despite the fact that the Roman goddess with this name was the patroness of women, their beauty and charm, it is still better not to cut your nails on this day. The fact is that on the fifth day of the week, all processes in the human body slow down a little, and cutting nails can negatively affect not only them, but also a healthy metabolism.
  6. If you cut your nails on Saturday, whose protector is Saturn, you can get rid of all sorts of debts - both material and moral. Getting a manicure on this day is useful for preventing chronic diseases, as well as getting rid of loneliness and finding love.
  7. On the last day of the week, it is also better not to cut or file your nails. On Sunday, as you know, it is generally undesirable to do any business, since you can attract evil spirits to yourself.

There is also a calendar for cutting nails in accordance with how the Moon passes through certain signs of the Zodiac. For example, when the Moon is in Virgo, Libra, Aries or Cancer, trimming your nails can help eliminate persistent brittleness or splitting. If you introduce the habit of caring for your nails on these days, you will be able to forget about any problems with them. But when the month is in the sign of Gemini, it is better not to do manicures.

You can believe in it or not, adhere to it or not, but one way or another you still need to do a manicure, and thanks to cutting your nails according to some absolutely simple rules, you can attract the favor of cosmic forces.

We all cut our nails and get our nails done. But few people know that manicure can be not only beautiful, but also useful. It turns out that cutting your nails on certain days of the week can attract love, abundance and good luck.

The process of cutting nails brings enormous bioenergetic benefits to our body. Nails, like hair, have the ability to accumulate information and emotions, including unnecessary ones. However, psychics sometimes do not pay as much attention to nails in their advice as to hair cutting. So much information has been written about the latter: there are even separate money calendars that, together with a new haircut, help attract money to their owner.

Nails and manicure should also be given special attention. Since nails have a denser structure than hair, information is stored in them longer. But along with it, our emotions and all the negativity that we pass through ourselves accumulate in our nails.


Cutting your nails on this day will help you start the week on a positive note, with a fresh head and new ideas. If the past week has been difficult and has accumulated a lot of problems, then timely nail care will save you from everything unnecessary.


This is a money day that will help improve your financial condition if you decide to freshen up your manicure. Moreover, if you really want to get a big income, then regular nail cutting is not enough. Get a full manicure with all the necessary procedures, try hand baths and take a closer look at the condition of the cuticle.


Cutting your nails on Wednesday will have a positive impact on your personal life and will contribute to making new acquaintances. You can take your relationship to the next level. And if you have been dreaming of a marriage proposal for a long time, then a manicure in the middle of the week will help set your soulmate on the right wave.


Nails cut on Thursday will strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the body. Any medical and preventive health-related procedures will give tangible results if they are carried out after renewing your nails.


If you have a big deal coming up on Friday, it's time to get your nails done. Thanks to well-groomed hands, you will feel confident, and your skin and nails will thank you for your care and attention. In this state, you can be at your best and conclude a deal of any complexity.


Cutting your nails on Saturday will win you any argument. You can also try your luck in gambling, but don’t get too carried away, because, in addition to manicure, other factors also influence people and their luck.


Day of fulfillment of wishes. If you get a manicure on this day and during the procedure you speak out your desire, it will certainly come true in the shortest possible time.

At all times, well-groomed hands and nails have been an indicator of status and wealth. Allow yourself a beautiful manicure of good luck, and Fortune will not keep you waiting long, and your wishes will come true as if by magic. Enjoy your beautiful hands, dream and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.10.2015 01:10

Eastern beauty has long attracted men and has been the envy of many women. But it's much nicer not...

Hi all!

Do you know when to cut your nails? What day of the week and time of day? I am sure that many have never followed the signs and did not follow the lunar day. Although maybe I'm wrong. In fact, cutting your nail plates can attract wealth, health, success to you, but also take away all the benefits.

I used to cut my nails any day and didn't follow anything. But lately I’ve been trying to stick to the lunar calendar. But there is also advice from astrologers and predictors, for example the Oracle or Rempel, as well as Slavic beliefs.

It turns out that science has found that we need nails to close the nerve endings on our fingers and toes. But, according to esotericism, the nail plates serve us as a kind of shield that protects us from negative energy from the outside.

There are several signs by which we can find out which day of the week is better to do a manicure or simply cut our nails. I suggest you familiarize yourself with them.

  • Monday (Moon) - health.

Trimming your nails on the first day of the week will allow you to improve your genitourinary system, as well as remove anger and negative energy. Monday is suitable for anyone who wants to remove a heavy burden from the soul, despondency, depression, resentment.

  • Tuesday (Mars) - wealth.

Cutting your nails on this day promises monetary profit and a prosperous life. Also relieves headaches without medicines and improves the circulatory system. Tuesday will allow you to be more collected and react quickly in any difficult situations.

  • Wednesday (Mercury) - news.

When cutting your nails on Wednesday, you should expect good news. Also, by having a manicure on this day, you can significantly improve your nervous and immune system, strengthen brain function. The environment will help students become more capable. This day will allow you to find peace of mind and peace, and complete order in all matters.

  • Thursday (Jupiter) - a new pair of shoes.

Getting a manicure on Thursday will allow insecure people to increase their self-esteem and take a high position in society. This day will also help improve the condition of the liver. But the most important thing is that whoever cuts his nails on Thursday prolongs his life.

  • Friday (Venus) - grief.

If you cut your nails on Friday, expect trouble or sad news. Also, cutting your nail plates on this day can slow down the functioning of all internal organs and systems, thereby worsening your well-being. This is especially true for men. But for women, cutting their nails promises an increase in visual attractiveness.

  • Saturday (Saturn) - love.

Cutting your nails on Saturday will be favorable in all respects. This day will make you more decisive and strengthen your faith in your abilities, you will be able to achieve your goals faster. Also, Saturday will help you find your soulmate, clear bad karma and bring all systems and organs of the body into balance.

  • Sunday (Sun) is evil.

If you cut your nails on this day, the devil will be with you all week. That's what the sign says. Sunday is the worst day for manicure, as by shortening your nail plates you can break the invisible connection with your guardian angel.

According to the lunar calendar

The Earth's constant satellite, the Moon influences all living things. It causes ebbs and flows in the oceans and seas. And since a person consists of 80% water, it means that the moon also influences you and me. By following the lunar cycles, we can carry out various procedures to care for our appearance with the greatest efficiency.

A calendar month according to the lunar calendar can consist of 29 or 30 days. Typically, the implementation of a particular procedure is calculated from the beginning of the month based on certain days. I usually look at the lunar day on a tear-off calendar.

  1. The best lunar days for manicure and pedicure are 11, 20, 21, 25.
  2. Separately for manicure - 6, 19, and for - 4, 9 lunar days.
  3. Suitable for nail extensions: 16, 28 lunar days.
  4. The worst lunar days for caring for fingernails and toenails are 18, 22 and 29.

These numbers will always be the same, only the lunar calendar itself will change. Lately I began to mark unfavorable days for cutting nails in a regular calendar, calculating them using the lunar calendar.

Oracle and Rempel

Magical divine advisor and predictor, Oracle also adheres to lunar days when drawing up a horoscope for cutting nails. Keep in mind that lunar days are different from regular calendar days. Here's what he advises:

  • 5 - will attract monetary luck to you, promise financial enrichment and prosperity.
  • 8 - will improve your well-being and help prolong your life, strengthen family relationships.
  • 11 - will help you develop psychic abilities, insight and intuition.
  • 13 - will contribute to the rejuvenation of the entire body, improve physical beauty.
  • 14 - the state of affairs at work will be corrected, you can expect a promotion or salary increase.
  • 19 - predict good luck and success in business, improve health, promote longevity.
  • 21, 23 - will increase external attractiveness and self-confidence, improve the general condition of the body.
  • 26, 27 - you will find joy and happiness, relationships in the house will improve.
  • 28 - relationships with the people around you will be impeccable, you will gain unique charm.

  1. The new moon and the first quarter of the waxing moon are the strictest taboo for trimming nail plates. or a pedicure done at this time weakens human body and any beauty treatments are not well tolerated.
  2. The best time to reduce the length of nails is the second quarter of the waxing and third quarter of the waning moon. Cutting nail plates these days promises health, financial stability, happiness and well-being in the family.

According to ancient Russian beliefs

Our ancestors had their own superstitions about cutting nails. Let's find out what rules they tried to adhere to in order to maintain well-being.

  • It is advisable to take up scissors only on Thursday. This is the best day for this procedure.
  • After cutting, the cut nails had to be burned in a fire so that no one would get them.
  • The waxing moon is the main condition that will allow cut nails to be healthy and strong.
  • To cure a sick person, our ancestors trimmed his nail plates, then burned them, and buried the ashes at a crossroads.
  • Infants were allowed to cut their nails only after they reached 1 year of age.
  • You should not touch scissors on your birthday; in extreme cases, you can only use a nail file. Otherwise, the whole next year will be unhappy.

Times of Day

It is also worth paying attention to the time at which you want to cut your nails.

  1. Do not pick up scissors in the evening or at night. This causes financial losses, monetary failures, and deterioration of material condition. Trimming your nails at night can shorten your life.
  2. Morning and afternoon - best time nail care. It attracts only the best - happiness, health, love and success in all matters.

That's all for me. I hope you were interested in learning about the signs and lunar horoscopes for cutting nail plates. Whether you believe in them or not is up to you. I try to follow the lunar calendar and not get a manicure or pedicure on Friday or Sunday.

Have healthy nails! See you!