Magnetic storm schedule for February: schedule for every day. Schedule of magnetic storms for February: schedule for every day Magnetic storms February and unfavorable ones

Such a phenomenon as a magnetic storm has long been the object of close study by scientists around the world. The fact that magnetic storms can negatively affect a person’s well-being is not in doubt. During this period, even completely healthy people may feel malaise, weakness, headache and other symptoms. Very often we associate this condition with accumulated fatigue, stress, the onset of a cold, etc. But if you know the cause of this condition and prepare for it in advance, you can minimize the harmful consequences.

The nature of magnetic storms

Magnetic storms are one of the phenomena that humans cannot control.

Experts regularly monitor changes in the Sun to predict days when magnetic storms may occur on Earth.

Magnetic storms arise under the influence of solar wind flows on the Earth's magnetosphere. And the stronger the solar wind, the stronger the magnetic storm it causes.

Strong magnetic storms can not only lead to malfunctions of communication satellites and various equipment, but also negatively affect the health of weather-dependent people. Therefore, it is important to have an accurate calendar of magnetic storms in order to prepare for the days when they may occur.

Schedule of magnetic storms for February 2018

According to the updated 27-day forecast, specialists from the Physics Institute named after. P.N. Lebedev RAS (FIAN), no magnetic storms are expected on Earth in the next month. However, on some days it is possible magnetic field disturbances caused by the solar wind - February 10 and 16.

How magnetic storms affect people's lives and health

Magnetic storms can affect many areas of human activity: cause interruptions in communications, disrupt ship navigation, etc. But, above all, geomagnetic disturbances can have a negative impact on human health. First of all, this applies to older people and people suffering from chronic heart and vascular diseases. The fact is that under the influence of magnetic waves, the blood can thicken, its flow slows down, which can cause oxygen starvation and, as a consequence, the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes. Experts have long noticed that in most cases, problems with the heart and blood vessels occur during magnetic storms.

In addition, even completely healthy young people these days may also experience symptoms such as general malaise, weakness, irritability, headache, pain, nausea, etc. These days, many people tend to experience depression, even to the point of mental illness. It is no coincidence that the period of magnetic storms accounts for a large number of suicides. Experts warn that during periods of increased solar activity, concentration may decrease, which leads to road accidents. It has also been noted that many people may not feel the onset of magnetic storms at all.

How to behave during magnetic storms

Magnetic storms can become quite serious stress for our body. However, these unpleasant consequences can be avoided, you just need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Avoid unhealthy fatty foods;
  • Do not drink alcohol, as well as strong tea and coffee;
  • If possible, avoid heavy physical and mental stress;
  • Avoid conflict situations which can lead to stress;
  • Pay more attention to your well-being;
  • Visit more fresh air away from the bustle of the city;
  • Avoid visiting crowded places;
  • Give preference to light plant foods, herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices, clean drinking water;
  • If you have chronic diseases, carry the necessary medications with you;
  • In case of a sharp deterioration in health, you should urgently call a doctor.

Despite the fact that the Earth's magnetic field is invisible, it has a significant impact on all processes occurring on our planet. This also applies to humans, whose life and health depend on the state of the earth’s shell. She is also subject to cosmic influence. The magnetic storms in February 2018 are proof of this.

Why do magnetic disturbances occur?

As a result of the activity of our star, a huge number of different kinds of particles are thrown into space. They have a diverse impact on what is happening around them. Having reached the Earth's magnetic field, charged particles cause geomagnetic disturbances, which are called magnetic storms.

Without the earth's magnetic shell, all life on our planet would die overnight. However, the changed magnetic field does not have a positive effect on nature. Animals and people experience negative consequences from magnetic field fluctuations.

How do magnetic storms affect

Magnetic surges cause instability in the functioning of many human organs. This applies primarily to the heart and nervous system. During magnetic storms, there can be heart attacks and sudden surges in pressure, both upward and downward. During solar activity, a person’s reaction becomes dulled, which is why accidents occur in production and transport.

Magnetic storms primarily affect people suffering from certain diseases, as well as pregnant women and children. For young and healthy people, changes in the Earth's magnetic field have virtually no effect on their well-being.

Unhealthy people experience:

  • frequent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep problems;
  • weakness in the body;
  • aching joints;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nausea.

Magnetic disturbances affect the state of the circulatory system. The blood can thicken, resulting in reduced blood flow in the vessels, which in turn causes instability blood pressure. At these moments, a headache begins and a cerebral hemorrhage may occur.

Is it possible to save the body?

Medical professionals are confident that anyone can help their body reduce the influence of magnetic disturbances. For example, if a person suffering from some kind of chronic disease carries with him a basic set of medicines, then the likelihood of complications may decrease significantly. In this case, severe cases with the heart and blood pressure can be prevented.

Also, if a person drinks less during magnetic storms alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea, then this will protect him from complications of his health.

Doctors recommend that people drink natural water during this period. It is better to forget about carbonated drinks and prefer juices and herbal teas. It is also worth reconsidering your attitude towards nutrition. You should not eat heavy, high-calorie foods. You need to give up smoked meat, sausages, and fried foods. This also applies to convenience foods and fast foods. The menu should contain mainly products of plant and natural origin. For people suffering from frequent mood swings, it is recommended to drink herbal infusions, teas made from mint, lemon balm or chamomile.

On days of magnetic disturbances, psychologists do not advise visiting crowded places. Presence large number people can cause panic in those suffering from nervous diseases.

During this period, it is better to go to a park, forest, etc. Connecting with nature can calm the nervous system and reduce brain tension.

Schedule by days and hours

Several geomagnetic storms are possible throughout the month. They can also be different in strength: barely noticeable, medium and quite powerful.

Some weather-dependent people feel them long before the onset. Usually it is 2-3 days. Most often this applies to hypertensive patients and people suffering from heart disease. People with mental disorders also behave restlessly. Their mood worsens and they experience attacks of rage or, conversely, depression.

Since the psychological state of many people changes during a change in the magnetic field, it is better to postpone important matters for this time. You should also not negotiate or sign important documents, especially financial ones. Any long trips are not recommended at this time. During this period, it is better to plan a day off, if, of course, this is possible.

Making an hourly forecast of magnetic storms for February 2018 so early is very problematic. This, like normal weather, is influenced by many factors. As a rule, such a forecast is made a month before the appointed date. In this case, scientists can calculate how much and on what scale solar radiation can reach our planet and in what position the Earth itself will be.

Currently, it is only possible to make a preliminary forecast of magnetic disturbances based on statistical data for the past period. Here, for example, is how many magnetic storms there were in February in previous years:

2013 9
2014 5
2015 9
2016 6
2017 4

Scientists who constantly monitor the Sun already approximately know the periodicity of the processes occurring on our star, so they can predict the behavior of the Earth’s magnetic field. Although, as with any natural phenomenon, the probability of the forecast will not be very accurate.

So, solar researchers are confident that in February 2018 there will not be too many magnetic storms - 8-9, since there is some calm on our luminary. At the same time, there cannot be too few geomagnetic disturbances, for example – 1-2. The fastest magnetic storms will be approximately 3-4, and they will be distributed as follows:

  • 05.02.18;
  • 07.02.18;
  • 10.02.18;
  • 15.02.18.

You should take care these days. You should not engage in heavy work or sports. It's time to relax. You can take a bath with mint, lemon balm or other relaxing herbs. A good option maybe listening to calm, beautiful music. You can sit comfortably in a chair by the fireplace and watch the flames. They say that its flickering lights can bring peace and tranquility to a person’s soul.

During magnetic storms, you need to maintain a positive mood. This can be facilitated by watching comedy films and humorous television programs. We must not forget that to maintain your health, a lot depends on you.

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Throughout January, we monitor geomagnetic activity and the state of the earth's magnetosphere. Contrary to the initial forecasts of Russian astronomers, a magnetic storm did not happen on January 19-20, but another one occurred somewhat unexpectedly - a short-term weak storm on the morning of January 14, 2018. At the moment, it remains the only magnetic storm of January. Let's turn to the forecast of magnetic storms for February 2018 and get acquainted with the preliminary schedule of magnetospheric disturbances in February by day and hour. Will there be magnetic storms in the coming month and when?

Hourly forecast of magnetic storms for January 26-28, 2018

First of all, let's look at the geomagnetic activity forecast for Friday, January 26, and the weekend of January 27-28. According to the forecast of Laboratory scientists X-ray astronomy Sun, the Earth's magnetosphere will remain absolutely calm, and for weather-sensitive people the coming weekend will be good days, their health will not deteriorate due to disturbances in the magnetosphere.

The hourly forecast for the state of the magnetosphere for January 26-28 is presented on the graph (for the Moscow time zone):

The probability of magnetic storms occurring on January 26-28 is 5%

Preliminary forecast of magnetic storms for February 2018 by day

As for the first weeks of February, at the moment scientists also do not predict magnetic storms in the coming month. An excited magnetosphere is expected on Saturday, February 10, and Friday, February 16. The expected disturbances should not reach the level of magnetic storms.

Magnetic storm forecast for the end of January and the first weeks of February:

Of course, astronomers will adjust their forecasts more than once; we will monitor them and inform you about changes in the forecast throughout the month. Predicting magnetic storms is generally similar to weather forecasting by weather forecasters - the longer-term the forecast, the less reliable it is, so it is necessary to update the forecasts regularly.

You can follow the updates of the scientists' forecast throughout February using our website by refreshing this page or subscribing to push notifications from our portal.

Forecast update from February 5 – the magnetic background will be calm in the coming week

Astronomers at the Russian Institute of Lebedev Physical Institute have clarified their forecast of magnetic storms for February. According to recent data from scientists, the Earth's magnetosphere will be extremely calm in the coming week. A weak disturbance of the magnetic background, which was expected on Saturday, February 10, is no longer predicted.

A slight disturbance of the magnetosphere on February 16 is still in the forecast, but magnetic storms of even the weakest level are not expected in February at the moment.

Disturbances in the earth's magnetosphere are expected from February 15 to 17

As on the website of the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy of the Lebedev Physical Institute, on the eve of February 12, at about 5:00 Moscow time, a fairly powerful plasma ejection occurred on the Sun. Such an event is the first in several last months, and solar matter will reach Earth around 8:00 on Thursday, February 15th.

The resulting plasma ejection is not very strong, but its direction almost exactly along the Sun-Earth line will allow it to have a noticeable impact on the magnetosphere of our planet.

So far, Russian astronomers assess the probability of a magnetic storm forming in the coming days as average - no more than 35% for the magnetosphere disturbance reaching the level of a weak storm and no more than 10% for a medium magnetic storm. Rather, a disturbance is expected, which in its level will not reach the level of a storm according to the existing classification.

We will monitor the magnetic storm forecast updates these days.

Forecast update February 15

On the morning of February 15, the forecast of geomagnetic disturbances from Russian astronomers for February 15-16 looks the same as the day before. The only adjustment that has been made is that on February 17 the magnetosphere is expected to be calm, the probability of a storm occurring on this day is 10%. For February 15 and 16, the probability of a storm is 30% and 25%, respectively.

On February 26, disturbances in the Earth's geomagnetic field are possible

According to the latest hourly forecast of magnetic storms from astronomers at the Russian Laboratory of Solar X-ray Astronomy, Institute of Lebedev Physical Institute, on the morning of Monday, February 26, weak disturbances of the Earth’s magnetic field are possible, which, however, should not reach the level of even a weak magnetic storm.

Magnetic storm forecast for last days February hourly looks like this:


Forecast of magnetic storms in February 2018 from will be useful to all weather-dependent people.

Based on the forecast, the end of winter promises an unusually calm manifestation of solar activity. Only a few minor magnetic fluctuations are expected. However, the sun can be unpredictable, and therefore you should not relax and should be on guard so that magnetic changes do not take you by surprise and undermine your health on the threshold of spring.


Magnetic storms in February 2018 year by numbers

During February 2018, minor solar activity is expected.

Magnetic fluctuations are possible 10, 16, 18, 21 numbers.

No magnetic storms are expected in February.


years - the cause of occurrence

Geomagnetic disturbances on Earth periodically occur due to processes occurring on the Sun, especially in the region of dark spots. During solar flares, plasma particles burst into space at enormous speed and, reaching the lower layers of the earth's atmosphere, cause storms on our planet.

years - feeling unwell

During magnetic storms and serious geomagnetic fluctuations, people sensitive to them often experience headaches, insomnia, disruption of the cardiovascular system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased performance, loss of strength, increased adrenaline in the blood, stress and depression.

The body's reaction to magnetic storms is different for each person. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. It is believed that the reason for a person’s poor health may be his current state of health. Are we healthy or sick, what is the state of our immunity, do we suffer from depression or other mental disorders- all these factors influence how we will survive the next magnetic storm.


In addition, suspiciousness is an important factor. It is believed that only 10% of humanity truly suffers from excess solar activity, and the remaining 90% invent symptoms for themselves and believe in them.

Whether this is really so is up to you to decide and check. We can advise how to behave during magnetic storms in February 2018.

What to do to make it easier to survive of the year:

  • limit work that requires increased attention and concentration, or postpone it for another time;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • relax more and walk in the fresh air;
  • monitor your blood pressure;
  • take sedatives: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, sage, soothing teas;
  • follow the recommendations of your doctor and always have the necessary medications with you;
  • Eat right to lower your blood cholesterol levels. A plant-based diet, consumption of natural juices, decoctions, chicory, a dairy diet and lean meat are recommended. Avoid drinking alcohol during this period.


Previously we told when does it start Lent 2018 . Read more at.

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Magnetic storms magnetic storms 2018 magnetic storms in 2018 magnetic storms in February magnetic storms in February 2018 schedule of magnetic storms in February 2018 magnetic storms in February 2018 schedule magnetic storms in February 2018 magnetic storms in February 2018 magnetic storms in February 2018 in detail magnetic storm calendar for February 2018 magnetic storms in February 2018 magnetic storms in February 2018 magnetic storm schedule magnetic storms in 2018 schedule days of magnetic storms days of magnetic storms in February days of magnetic storms in February 2018

The full moon on January 31 caused such a massive disturbance in the Earth's geomagnetic sphere that magnetic storms in February will look like one powerful space storm! Help protect your health from negative energy effective conspiracies, rituals and amulets that help you gain additional protection from negativity.

When are magnetic storms in February 2018

The total eclipse of the Moon coincided with the first magnetic storm, which especially worsened the health of people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Despite the fact that it was short-lived, exposure to the night light played a role, contributing to the appearance of edema, suppuration and inflammation.

Another low-intensity solar flare will occur on the night of February 7, when children and people of retirement age will require special attention. Due to a sharp change in the geomagnetic background, insomnia, headaches or aggressiveness may occur. On days when there is a storm over the Earth powerful magnetic storms in February 2018, with Try to behave calmly and drink sedatives with medicinal herbs.

Take care of yourself in the period from February 10 to 15, since it is during this period that a new surge of magnetic storms is expected, which will coincide in time with a partial solar eclipse. Negative energy can ruin your plans for reciprocity in your relationship with your loved one, make adjustments to your work, or lead to the emergence of a new disease. Infusions of medicinal herbs, reducing the level of physical activity, as well as proper nutrition and sleep.

February 16, 2018 - a powerful flare on the Sun!

A real solar tsunami will hit the Earth on the second day after the private solar eclipse. The thing is that the activity of the daylight will increase many times after the temporary blocking of energy. For people, this will result in unexpected pain in the heart, problems with the central nervous system and exacerbation of metabolic diseases.

The solar wind on this day can cause the appearance of the northern lights not only in the usual regions, but also in the central part of Russia. Natural phenomena can manifest themselves in the form of unexpected flashes in the night sky, unexpected malfunctions of household appliances, or the appearance of UFOs.

In addition, a powerful magnetic storm will coincide with the beginning of the New Year Yellow Dog in China by Eastern calendar. This configuration foreshadows important changes in the lives of all people, the destruction of illusions, fears and old, outdated relationships with people who have ceased to satisfy you on an energetic level.

On the day of a solar eclipse, you should not leave salt, sugar and water on the table. open form. These substances actively absorb negativity and in the future can gradually destroy the body from the inside.

You will benefit from a specially made amulet that needs to be charged by a psychic and carried with you at all times. Greatest power natural stones such as moonstone, ruby ​​and diamond have. Choose products made from silver, as it has the ability to repel negative energy, but gold, on the contrary, attracts unwanted events to its owner.

Magnetic storms today and tomorrow February 2018

The last two weeks of the shortest month of the year will be very calm in terms of energy and will give all people a temporary respite after the previous shocks. Immediately after the New Moon on February 15, a new stage in the lives of many people will begin, especially since the Moon will immediately move into Zodiac sign Pisces and the soft element of Water will hide the destruction that all natural phenomena previously caused.

Magnetic storms will actively manifest their impact only in the last days of the second month of the Year of the Yellow Dog.

This period will cause problems for those who recently suffered surgical intervention or has problems with blood vessels. Food rich in vitamins will help you cope with poor health. An excellent preventative against the negativity that they carry powerful magnetic storms in February 2018 are foods rich in tryptophan. Bananas, milk chocolate, hard cheese and greens are especially useful. You should also pay attention to nuts and eat peanuts and pistachios a lot. They contain substances that have a positive effect on mood and metabolism, which helps to better cope with magnetic storms of any intensity.