Magic for Easter. The main Easter rituals. Conspiracies and rituals for Maundy Thursday

Ritual for grooms

During the Easter service, hold a handful of wheat on your chest. Returning from church, sprinkle grain at your doorstep with the words:
How many lights there were from the candles in the church,
I have so many suitors.
There are as many suitors for me as there are in a handful of grains.
Key. Lock. Language.

Easter spell for grooms

On Easter, kiss nine colored eggs and say a love spell:
How people love Holy Easter,
appreciate and remember maternal affection,
So would me men and boys
They loved the strong more than the strong, they valued them more than ever.
Herds behind me. God's servant (name), walked.
Christ has risen, and the grooms have come to me.


On the holy holiday of Easter, bring prosphora from church. Cast a spell on her, almost touching your lips.
After reading this prosphora, burn it: all the negativity will go into it, and the damage will pass.
“Be our mansion holy, blessed, Every hole, every crack, With doors, with windows, with framed logs, Around our mansion there is a stone fence With a green wall. Who fenced this fence - the Angels of the Lord. They will speak to the servant of God (name) from corruption . From great misfortune, from the coffin board, from the burial ground. Neither the first person nor the last will spoil it, Neither on the church, nor on its fence, nor on the icon. Neither on a candle, nor on a needle, nor near the cemetery. Amen.

Money ritual

On Easter morning, at dawn, read the following plot. Before doing this, read the “Our Father” 3 times.
The text of the conspiracy itself:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the people rejoice at the honorable bright holiday, as the bells ring for matins, let money rejoice at me there. In my wallet they have both a home and a shelter. As on Easter they do not allow the poor to die of hunger, as They are given alms, so you, Lord, give me, the servant of God (name), prosperity in the house. Neither horse nor foot can kill my servant. Amen."

Easter ritual with a coin

Before Easter, on Saturday, before sunset, take 5 rubles. and say to them:
“In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Money for money, penny for penny. As people wait for Easter, as they go to the temple of God, so would money flow to me, the servant of God (name), like a river. All the saints, all with me . Amen"

Carry the coin in your wallet all year round

From quarrels with loved ones

To do this, on the third day after Easter, a special spell is read twelve times in a row.
Lord, help, Lord, bless with a happy Easter,
Clean days, joyful tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
John the Apostle, John the Theologian, John the Baptist,
John the long-suffering, John the headless,
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, St. George the Victorious,
Nicholas the Wonderworker, Barbara the Great Martyr,
Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,
Pray for the common path of the servants of God (names of the warring parties).
Calm their anger, tame their anger, quench their rage.
His holy army,
With invincible, indomitable force, lead them to agreement.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For peace in the family

IN Easter Sunday, before serving food, say three times for each dish:
“Like night with a star, like the sun with the moon, so am I with my family! As Jesus Christ loves us, so we would love each other. Incense and the Lord’s Prayer, give us peace and peace of mind! So be it!”

Be sure to say this spell on the Easter cake when you cut it. There should be exactly as many pieces as there are people at the table. Make sure everyone eats their own piece of cake.


On Easter morning, dry yourself with a towel and say:
"Christ is risen!
And I am the red sun to the whole world.
Sweet honey, salty salt,
The most praised! ".

Spread a towel on the table, eat Easter and a colored egg over it. The day after Easter, take this towel to work and wipe yours with it. workplace.

Annual from illnesses and damage.

Say a prayer on the Easter cake and take it to church to bless it on the eve of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. After the end of the all-night vigil, with the first exclamations of “Christ is risen,” answer: “God is risen and saved me.” Then break off and eat a small piece of Easter cake. Eat the rest with the whole family at a holiday meal.

Prayer for Easter cake, read three times:
“In the name of a just, victorious cause, my strong word! There is a small island on the ocean coast, and on that small island there is a white stone city. In that white-stone city the street is full of different, Christian people. Everyone is rushing to the all-night vigil in the Church of God. Just as all the people rush to church, so I hurry. Oh, Lord, have mercy! As the week of Lent passes, I would like to be under your protection and be protected for the whole year: from damage, the evil eye, and body infection. To my word."


For human invulnerability
Bless me, Guardian Angel,
My deeds, my words, my body are white.
The Lord God blesses me,
My guardian angel protects me.
The wound is not to the body, the danger is not to the point.
Blood is not for the flesh, tears are not for the eyes.
And the sheath for enemy swords.
My word is locked. The key to the castle is in the river.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Amulet from ruin

Speak water and pour it over from head to toe before Easter
Gather together, four forces, find four royal graves.
How these people were rich during their lifetime, how they had a lot of silver and gold, so that I also had a lot of goods, full of gold and silver. And you, poverty and misfortune, devastation and bad luck,
Go into the burning fire, into hell, into boiling tar.
You will burn there and decay.

Ritual for marriage

It is believed that if you collect spring water on Easter night and silently bring it home, it will become magical. Young girls who want to get married need to wash themselves with this water on Easter morning (at least holy water) with the spell: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom, a good groom, in boots and galoshes, not on a cow, but on a horse. Amen".

It was believed that after this, within a year, the girl would definitely meet a young man with whom she would connect her destiny.

For money

On Easter Eve, place a colored egg and a piece of money in each corner of your house, saying:
Like an Easter egg with a ruble
They won't come out of this corner
So that money never leaves my house.
Christ has risen, and to my words, amen.

The eggs are eaten the next day, but the money cannot be spent until Easter week has passed.

From illnesses.

Collect thin white skin from a birch tree, brew it at three o’clock in the morning and add three pinches of wood ash, salt and shells from eggs boiled for Easter. Read the conspiracy over all this, and then let the patient drink.
"Like on Bright Sunday, on Easter,
Jesus Christ rose from the dead,
so the servant of God (name) is given
healing and relief from illness.

From childhood seizures

Sprinkle the child with the spoken water that you collect during Holy Week:
" A child's body, an angelic soul, innocent before the Savior, and innocent of suffering. Cleanse yourself and become stronger. Amen" .

Lime myoma

Tie your bare stomach with a towel, on which Easter cakes were blessed, and say:
" Servant of God (name), your mother gave birth to you,
the tumor twisted you, and I treated you.
Rotten, visceral, painful,
stringy, wet, dry, purulent, flammable.
Go, tumor, from the stomach, from the inside,
from the veins, from the skin, from the blood, from the entire skeleton,
go out into the open field, where there is emptiness.
That's where you belong, my dear,
there is a rookery for you, a tumor.
You should be there
live among dry grasses.
May not the body of the servant of God (name) be white.
In the name of God Christ
I'm chasing you, tumor,
I tell you, mother, I tell you:
leave the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now forever and ever.
" .

The plot is read forty times. After this, doctors told many women that the fibroids had significantly decreased in size. Do not under any circumstances tell why this happened!

Speak to the vertebral hernia

To do this, melt the incense bought on the third day after Easter in a cup. When it boils, put 12 church candles in it and read the following plot:
" Three daughters of a bell-ringer and three sons of a sexton are coming.
The bell ringer's daughter of the servant of God (name)
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen
" .

The largest collection of spells, rituals and ceremonies for Easter from Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova.

Be sure to do seven good deeds or give seven gifts on Easter, then the Lord will definitely reward you for your kindness and you will be under His protection throughout the year.

Bright Resurrection of Christ
This is the biggest Orthodox holiday, when believers rejoice at the deliverance of all mankind from devilish slavery and the granting of eternal life and bliss. The word “Easter” itself came to us from the Greek language and means “deliverance.”

As soon as the Easter bells ring, say three times:

Christ is risen,
And good health to my family,
My house of wealth,
My field has a harvest. Amen.

Love spell on table legs
On the first day of Easter week, the legs of the table at which husband and wife usually eat are tied to each other, saying:

How this table fed and watered
Yes, he sat us down next to him,
How these table legs are tightly tied,
So that both the husband: (name) and the wife (name)
They were tightly connected forever.

Love spell on husband
For Easter, take all yours out of the closet. beautiful dresses, count them and say:

(So ​​many) of my dresses - all beautiful.
I’m in (so many) dresses – the most beautiful of all.
How people can't walk without dresses,
So are you, servant of God (name),
You can't be without me.

If you have cockroaches, then sweep the rubbish out of the house with a broom onto the street (beyond the threshold of the front door), saying:

I'll go to matins
And you, bedbugs and cockroaches, get out of the hut.
Easter is coming into the house, and you are leaving the house. Amen.

Conspiracy against quarrels with relatives
Anything can happen in life, and close relatives, who just yesterday doted on each other, become irreconcilable enemies: domestic conflicts, division of inheritance - you never know what can happen! Such quarrels can drag on for many years. Perhaps each of the parties desires reconciliation in their hearts, but no one can decide to take the first step.
If there is no peace in your family, then on the third day after Easter, read the following plot twelve times in a row:

Lord help, Lord bless
Happy Easter, clean days,
Joyful tears.

Ivan Postitel, Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Baptist,
Ivan the Long-Suffering, Ivan the Headless,
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel,
St. George the Victorious, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker,
Barbara the Great Martyr,
Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,
Pray for a common path
Servants of God (names of the warring parties),
Calm their anger, tame their anger,
Quench their rage
His holy army,
An invincible, indomitable force
Lead them to agreement.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

If your husband has cooled off towards you
On Easter, go to the biggest store in your city. Grab your left hand door handle and say:

Christ is risen, and my husband comes to me.
How everyone grabs this bracket,
So that my husband would run to me and miss me,
He grabbed with his hands and hugged. Amen.

So that they don’t make false accusations against you
Unfortunately, a person is sometimes accused of something he did not do, in other words, false accusations are made against him.
On the third day after Easter, get up before dark, cut a piece of Easter cake and eat it, saying:

How can this piece of Easter not be called differently?
Don't say anything bad
So do I, the servant of God (name),
Don't tell anyone.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How can a girl get married sooner?
On Easter, before sunrise, light the oven. Kneel down in front of the stove door, open and close it three times, then shout loudly into the stove:

How many people go to church these days?
I will have so many suitors.

On Easter, at sunrise, knock on the glass of your window and say:

Easter sun, roll across the sky,
And you, groom, show up at my doorstep.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Christ has risen, and the groom comes to me.

So that young people don't quarrel
At the breaking of the fast, on Easter, when the newlyweds are having breakfast, one of the parents should cross himself and say:

The Easter egg lies quietly,
So young people live in peace.
The Easter egg is silent,
So don’t you young people shout among yourselves.
Christ has risen, and peace and harmony to them. Amen.

Spell for human mercy
So that people feel respect and love for a person, on the first day of Easter they wash themselves with holy water, into which they place three colored eggs, saying:

How people love Holy Easter,
How they admire the golden domes,
So that everyone loves me
And they couldn’t stop looking at me enough.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for male love
On Easter, kiss nine colored eggs, saying:

How people love Holy Easter,
They appreciate and remember mother's affection,
So men would love me more than the stronger,
They appreciated it even more than anything else
They followed me, God's servant (name), in herds.
Christ has risen, and the suitors come to me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Then treat the men with these enchanted eggs.

If the first customer in your store stumbles on the threshold, then there will be no good trade that day. If he stumbles on Easter, then you may go bankrupt. To avoid this, read the following protective spell in advance, looking at the threshold of your store:

Golden penny, be with me

Under God's protection.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from merciless enemies
Buy two for Easter church candles, twist them into one and, having illuminated it, read the following plot nine times in a row:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
There are seven domes on God's temple,
And on those domes there are seven golden crosses.
I will come to the temple with my feet and cross myself with my hands.
Mother of God, Father of God, Son of God,
Take the crosses, the golden keys,
Shut the evil tongues of my enemies with them.
Lock your teeth, their lips, arms, legs,
Throw the keys into the deep bottom,
To my enemies
These keys were never received.
Do not destroy my soul,
Don't break my body.
My first prayer
Enemies are the last thing.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy against an unknown disease
The spell that I will teach you is read precisely in those cases when a person is clearly ill, but doctors cannot make a diagnosis. On the third day after Easter, take holy water and read a special spell over it. Wash your face with the enchanted water three evenings in a row. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

God created the sky
God created the earth.
Create, Lord,
And health to the servant of God (name).
Like Jesus Christ on the third day
Risen to eternal life,
So that the servant of God (name)
Resurrected to health.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy for respect and favor of influential people
Get up on Easter before everyone else in your family. Wash your face first and read, while wiping your face and hands, the following plot:

Christ is Risen, and I am in mercy to Heaven.
My shadow is higher than heads with crowns,
Higher than houses with columns.
How people love Easter cakes,
So they would give me love and affection
All the powers that be
For the sake of my Angel.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Regain vitality
To regain lost strength, you need to wait for Holy Easter.
On the day when Jesus Christ was resurrected, you can regain your lost strength.
Before you break your fast, cross yourself with a painted egg and, after kissing it, say:

Christ is risen,
And my strength returned to me.
And how Orthodox the world is
Now he is walking home from the temple,
So for me, God’s servant (name),
Silushka is growing.
And as long as people love Easter,
My strength in me (name) will not diminish.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The egg should be eaten without salt and without washing down.

For business and trade
For money growth and prosperity
(the plot is read on Easter)

At ten miles, at ten fingers
The King of Riches lives
In his field, gold and silver grows day and night.
I'll come closer to getting rich,
I will bow down to the Richer.
I look and look: a wingless one is flying, a legless one is walking.
He took it without hands, and pecked it without a beak.
So I wish I could take all the gold and silver,
Take everything away with a holy, strong word.
And you, King of the Rich, do not spare me wealth.
How a hand sticks to honey, how a foot gets stuck in the mud,
So would I, God’s servant (name),
I swam in money and didn’t know poverty.
For now, for eternity, for infinity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

To live richly
On Easter, money is exchanged three times, and the one who exchanged it the third time throws it into the corner and says:

Roll into the red corner, silver,
For us wealth and goodness. Amen.

Conspiracy for human mercy

Before Easter, go to the temple, bow to it and say:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
As the people gather today for the Bright Holiday,
How many Orthodox Christians will come to the temple today:
Cross yourself, look at the gilded crosses,
Admire the eggs and baked Easter cakes, -
So that they would look and admire me
Old women and old men, old and young men,
Ancient old women, widows and young women,
Red maidens, youths and young women,
Small guys, small girls.
We looked, we looked, we admired
They were surprised at my beauty.
I would seem to them dearer than red gold,
Lighter than white silver,
She walked as a paw and entered into mercy.
Wherever I step, there I will find love and mercy.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to summon the spirit of a blood relative
According to old people, on Easter in the church during the service, the spirits of the dead stand among living people, whom God released to earth in honor of the great holiday. And if someone really wants to see the spirit of a blood relative, then they should do so. Immediately after the end of Matins in honor of Holy Pascha, you must take a lighted candle in your right hand, and a consecrated egg in your left hand, go to the corner of the church and say:

Blessed, Lord, is Your Easter!
Blessed, O Lord, is Your strength,
Blessed is Your Resurrection,
Salvation granted to the whole world,
Bless, Lord, my words too!
Spirit (name) come to me,
Come as I am -
I'll give you Christ's egg!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

Old-timers claim that after these words, the spirit of the dead person momentarily entered its former image, and thus a short and much-desired meeting took place.

Counterfeit an egg (for good luck)
Break the first egg laid on Easter into a clay cup and say:

Be the egg in me, and luck is on me. Amen.
Drink this egg immediately, and good luck will not leave you all year.

From poverty
On the third day of Easter, you must be the first of the parishioners to enter the temple. They light a candle at the crucifix and say:

How do people go to this cross?
So let big money come to me.
Now, forever and endlessly.

How to speak tuberculosis
On the third day of Easter, an Easter egg is carried to the cemetery and placed on the grave of the deceased with the name of the patient. Before laying the egg, the patient must kiss it and say:

Saint Magdalena took the egg,
She gave it to the Lord.
Somehow the testicle is smooth, without a blemish,
So (so-and-so)’s lungs would become clean,
Smooth without a blemish,
Without pain and without illness.
Forever and ever.

They leave the grave without looking back and without talking to anyone until they get home.

To good health
This plot is read only once a year, except leap year. Read on the seventh day of Easter:

I walked, servant of God (name), dear,
Came out to the deep blue sea,
Face to joy, back to grief.
The queen whitefish swims in the blue sea,
No one in the world with beauty
And her health cannot compare.
The queen's eyes are glassy,
Her fins are tin,
The head is golden, and her soul is bast.
She doesn’t hear her own or anyone else’s pain,
The sea water sways her, shakes her,
She doesn't know any illnesses.
If only I (so-and-so) didn’t know about illnesses,
I never got sick or suffered.
For now, for centuries, for all bright times.

How to talk yourself out of trouble on Easter

When you hear the bell ringing, cross yourself and say:

Christ is risen!
How not to gnaw a bell,
They don't braid quinoa,
So that I have (such and such)
There was no grief or trouble all year.

To prevent lightning from striking the house
On Easter, a blessed egg is placed on the window with the words:

You, lightning, don't fly here,
Here is the Passover of God on your way.
And until then
While I'm celebrating Easter,
A fiery arrow from heaven cannot fly here.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

In the morning, the egg is placed behind the icon, and it should always be there.

So that your mother-in-law does not get angry with you
In order for your mother-in-law to love you and not offend you, you need to get up early in the morning on the third day of Easter, go out onto the street or onto the balcony that faces the sunrise, and, looking at the sky turning red from the dawn, say three times:

The sun is shining for everyone,
The sun warms and makes everyone blue,
And there is no one who doesn’t love him.
No one is angry with the sun
Nobody judges him
No one will swear at him.
Let my mother-in-law not be offended,
She wouldn’t scold me, she wouldn’t swear.
If only she were quieter than grass with me
And she passed by below the low water.
You'd miss me like a mother misses her child
And how the mare misses her foal,
The sheep screams, yearns for the lamb,
The hen is worried about the cling.
She would get up in the morning and come to me,
I would hurry to (such and such) God's servant.
She hugged the white shoulders
And kissed your scarlet cheeks,
She called her my beloved daughter.
She loved me like the clear sun,
She gave atlases and pearls.
If she needed me more than water,
More desirable than food in severe famine.
And be sure, my words are all true,
And become, my deeds, all fast.
Heaven is the key, earth is the lock,
So that no one can ruin my business.
Key. Lock. Language.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Remove mother-in-law's curse
On the first day of Easter, wash your face with water from seven dyes that you receive from someone else’s hands. Your own eggs are not suitable in this case. Pour enough water to completely cover the eggs, take a piece of Easter into your mouth and read the plot with this piece in your mouth. Wash yourself here right away, and take the eggs to the grave with the name of the person who cursed you. And it’s better if you don’t put it off until next year, because every year negative impact The curse becomes stronger and stronger and it becomes harder and harder to remove it. In addition, it can affect your blood relatives.
Before the ceremony, be sure to go to church, reading the following prayer before leaving the house:

We rejoiced at those who said to me: Let us go to the house of the Lord. But by the multitude of Thy mercy, O Lord, I will enter into Thy house, I will bow to Thy holy temple in Thy passion. Lord, guide me in Thy righteousness; for the sake of my enemy, straighten my path before Thee; so that without stumbling I will glorify the One Divinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Holy, holy, holy.
I'm walking with my face
With the first holy egg.
I'm walking with my face
With the second holy egg.
I'm walking with my face
With the third holy egg.
I'm walking with my face
With the fourth holy egg.
I'm walking with my face
With the fifth holy egg.
I'm walking with my face
With the sixth holy egg.
I'm walking with my face
With the seventh holy egg.
And the one who cursed me
He took everything upon himself.
Where is the holy face
That's where I go too.
Who cursed me
That's Satan.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

For respect and love for a person

If a person is not loved or honored as an outcast, you need to read this strong prayer on the last day of the week-long Easter:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The union of love to Thy Apostle has bound, O Christ, us, Thy faithful servants, and thus firmly bound to Thyself, do Thy commandments: love one another without hypocrisy, through the prayers of the Mother of God, the only lover of mankind. The flames of love kindled for me, the servant of God (name), the hearts of all my enemies, O Christ God, so kindling with your heart, thought, soul and all human strength, to love me sincerely as yourself. Deliver, Lord, the servant of God (name), from secret and open hatred, malice, contempt and persecution. Clothe me, Lord, in human love, like in festive clothes. For You said, commanding us: love one another. Amen.

For a woman's beauty
To be beautiful, get up early on the third day of Easter, at sunrise, and, looking at it, say:

Sunshine early
My face is rosy.
The sun is rising
My beauty is waking up.
Let the old and the young
They admire me
And the guys are with me
(name) have mercy.
God help me!
God bless!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that the mind is bright
On the seventh day of Easter, on the holiday that people call Red Hill, read the water with a prayer and wash your children with this water. Read like this:

God's water, earth's sister,
Be the water clean,
Like the crown of God, radiant.
Wash away the evil rock from my family,
So that no one from the family could get sick.
Give me a bright mind for all ages,
For all God's times.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Prayer blessing for the garden
On the morning of the third day of Easter, place your garden seeds in the blessed oil. When you plant these seeds, you need to quietly say:

There is hail in Jerusalem,
It's raining in Jerusalem
There is great trouble in Jerusalem,
And I have (such and such)
There is God's ridge.
And as long as people have oil,
My harvest is countless.
Grow, my garden.
Bloom, my little garden.
Be fruitful as they multiply
Chicks at the quons!
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.Amen.

Whoever does this always has plenty of everything in his garden. Just don’t show anyone off about your harvest.

So that in your family children do not reach for wine, on the third day of Easter, soak a rag in vodka and put it under the cat’s nose. The moment the cat turns his nose away, you need to quickly say:

The mustache does not smell, and you, (name), turn away from the wine.

If the first customer trips in your store on the threshold, then there will be no good trading on that day. If he stumbles on Easter, then you may go bankrupt. To avoid this, read the following protective spell in advance, looking at the threshold of your store:

Copper penny, silver penny,
Golden penny, be with me
With my shop, at my doorstep,
Under God's protection.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The husband will return to the abandoned woman, if on Easter she manages to serve forty eggs to different people, saying:

Eggs for Easter in the church.
The Lord will appear and take the egg.
And let my husband come to me,
He will come to God's servant (name).
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

So that no one will jinx you and your child all year long, on Easter, cross yourself with an egg and say:

How can no one ever pick this egg?
So no one ever mocks me, (name).

Having said this, kiss the testicle. If you want to speak to your child, then after pronouncing the spell, let the child kiss this testicle.

So that you always have money, after the Easter service, give all your change to the poor, and think to yourself:

The temple is full of people now,
So let it be full
My wallets are full.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

May joy and happiness reign in your home throughout the year., give the first egg that you painted for Easter to the youngest in the family, saying to yourself:

As long as people paint eggs,
Until that very time, the saints will not forget our home.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

To tie your lover tightly to you, the girl must kiss the Easter egg immediately after the morning service, and then give it to her favorite guy. At the same time she must say:

How people love Easter
So you love my affection.

Anyone who endlessly thinks about death can get rid of these obsessive thoughts if, at the first ring of the bell on Easter, he says:

Christ is risen
And delivered me
From thoughts of dormition
Not for an hour, not for two,
And forever!

Usually after this people do not suffer from thoughts of death.

Thursday treatment of illness
On the first Thursday after Easter, any illness can be reported. To do this, the healer must tell the patient to look into the jug of holy water so as to catch his reflection with his eye. The jug is passed from the hands of the sick person to the healer, and she, kneeling, reads over the water:

Whose face is reflected in the water,
Togo would have been pacified.
Go, sick, to Marya Prodovik,
Get engaged to her
But don’t know about (so-and-so).
Amen. Amen.Amen.

Pour the water under the tree.

To have good vision, you need to wash your eyes under the icon on Easter morning and say:

How people look at the icon,
so would my eyes be eyelid by eyelid
looked good. Amen.

Easter love spell
When they start baking Easter cakes, they read a special spell to themselves. Not out loud, which is very important, but silently. The plot is like this:

There was bread before us, there will be bread after us.
Servant of God (name)
Not ten and not twenty,
Not seven or fifteen.
Everyone who eats Easter cakes,
Everyone remembers Christ in health,
Help the servant of God (name) with a love spell.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Eternal love spell
It is known that with any work of a master, a forgery is required from time to time so that the work does not “cool down”.
There are, however, conspiracies that do not require forgery. We will also study them. Here, for example, is one of them.
They roll the horse with an Easter egg, bury the egg on the grave in which a person with the same name as your lover or beloved is buried, and read the spell. Let me remind you that if you read the plot against a woman, then simply replace the words “servant of God” with “servant of God.” The plot is as follows:

Easter dawn,
For the servant of God (name) wedding.
How can you, dawn, age and age, shine?
And how can there be no oblivion of a bright Easter,
So the servant of God (name) will not stop loving me,
Age after century will not forget.
Christ is Risen, and to me (name)
Servant of God (name). Amen.

If boys in a family don't survive

This spell is lifted on Easter. The Lord helps many on this day, and the devil hinders many.
They do it this way: three blood relatives from a cursed family climb the bell tower and wait for the ringing. When the bell ringer starts ringing the bell, three colored eggs are put into his pocket - three eggs painted the same color. Then they go down and say to themselves:

Christ is risen, and our race is risen.
Christ has risen, and everyone is alive at birth.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Christ is risen, truly risen.
How long will the churches stand,
Until masculine don't die. Amen.

How to ask forgiveness from a dead person
Know that on Easter no one will refuse a request if you ask for the sake of Christ, and you can ask for forgiveness from your deceased relatives and friends whom you offended during your lifetime. To do this, kneel at the grave of the deceased. Holding a painted consecrated egg in your hands, bow and say:

Christ is risen!
Forgive me, for Christ's sake, and you too.

Believe me, at this moment the deceased will shed tears and forgive you. And the Lord, seeing your sincere repentance and knowing about the mental anguish you have experienced, will forgive you in the same way as his kind and wise father would forgive a foolish child.

Finally, I want to tell you: do not upset each other, do not force loved ones to shed tears. Life is short, so let's live it in love and peace.

From damage caused on Easter
They roll themselves with an Easter egg, then take it into the thicket of the forest and leave it under a tree that has two trunks.

Maria walked across the bone bridge,
The Mother of God walked
It was propped up with a fish bone.
In the middle of the bridge she met three angels.
The angels ask, exclaim, inquire:
What are you carrying? Holy Intercessor?
I’m going to help slave (name),
I want to remove the damage from her body.
I will heal her, I will heal her, I will fence her with an iron fence.
Saint Yuri - St. George the Victorious,
Help me, help me
Heal, have mercy,
Free the servant of God (name) from corruption.
Be my word firm
Harder than damask steel, stone, any constipation,
Go, evil, disease, get out of my conspiracy.
There's a castle in the sea, a bracket under the threshold,
And the key to the enemies is rotok.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

According to the legend of healers, it is known that the third egg that you are given on Easter is not eaten, but taken to the cemetery on Parents' Day. Suddenly someone wants to settle scores with you with this testicle.

Avoiding Drunkenness with an Easter Egg
At Matins on the Resurrection of Christ, take a colored egg and share Christ with people you meet walking from the church after the festive service, i.e. exchange eggs. Place the resulting egg at home behind the icon, on the shrine. When Parents Tuesday comes, take out this egg and take it to the cemetery. There, find a grave in which a person with the same name as the patient is buried, place this egg at the foot of the grave and say:

Christ is risen!
Take, dead man, an egg,
And with it the hops from the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for respect and honor in the team
On Easter morning, dry yourself with a towel and say the following spell:

Christ is Risen,
And I am the red sun for the whole world,
Sweet honey, salty salt - the most praised!

Then place this towel on the table, eat a piece of Easter cake and a colored egg over it. The next day, bring a towel to work and wipe your work area with it; the results will not be long in coming. Colleagues will seek your company, listen to your advice and respect your opinion.

Orthodox holidays are the best time to improve your life. During Easter week, rituals, conspiracies and prayers have the greatest effect and take on a special meaning.

On the day of Easter, any actions aimed at improving your life become especially effective. The reason lies in the general energy of people who simultaneously experience a feeling of joy and happiness. It is also important that on Easter nature awakens, which means its influence on our inner peace and peace of mind increases. Our ancestors knew about this. Numerous conspiracies and rituals that are used today originate from ancient times. We will tell you how you can attract money, luck and love using different methods.

Easter prayers for money, luck and love

On Easter, it is customary to offer prayers to the Lord for salvation, good luck, happiness and prosperity. Prayers of thanksgiving are read by the whole world, while personal prayers are read in complete solitude. Before prayer, you should free your thoughts from filth and evil, cleanse your soul of negativity, and tune in to the positive.

Prayer for good luck in money:

“In the name of the Lord God, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the words of my prayer are directed only to You. The Mother of God, the Holy Mother of Christ, gave birth to the Savior, protecting His worldly life with all her might. The Mother of God shared her suffering with the Son of the Lord, praying frantically at His cross. Our Great Savior has risen, let us glorify His Name from earth to holy Heaven. He takes care of everyone and accepts any prayer from us. Christ, I cry to You, I trust in Your help. Save my soul from selfishness and evil, let everyone receive the money in full. Protect from suffering, show the earthly path. I will not stop praising Your name. Forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for good luck in love:

“Almighty Son of God, You have no equal in justice and compassion, accept my prayer, coming from my very heart. I ask for yourself and all Christians Your blessing on a Happy Easter. Fill the souls of your loved ones with light, peace, and love. May the tears of joy that we shed today with the whole world cleanse our thoughts from filth and our hearts from evil. Don’t renounce us, be there in bad times. Teach Your foolish servants to love, to give love and to receive it back. Surround us with your protection, giving us harmony and peace. We will continue to glorify Your Name. Amen".

Spells for Easter: attract love, luck and prosperity

Conspiracies pronounced on Easter will not lose their power throughout the year. The following conspiracies will help you enlist the support and help of Higher Powers.

Easter cake conspiracy

This type of conspiracy is distinguished by its enormous energy power, not only because it is read on Easter, but also because during the ritual the most important symbol of the holiday is used - Easter cake. Before serving the cakes, speak over them the following words:

“The Son of God gave everything he had, did not regret it and did not expect it back. Today I treat everyone to Easter cakes and wish them well and happiness. May I be rewarded in full for my good deeds. May good luck come every day and protect me from misfortune and troubles.”

It is important that all your loved ones who gathered with you at the festive table taste the Easter cakes, charmed for good luck. The fewer Easter cakes left, the faster your wish will come true. Don't throw away the leftovers - feed them to pets or birds.

Spell on your favorite thing

On Easter, you can say absolutely any thing that will become your lucky talisman. Over the next year, he will attract good luck, happiness, love, success, and most importantly, God's intercession to you. The plot can be read on items that have been in your possession for at least three months. Decide on the choice of your future talisman: it is desirable that it be small in size and easily fit into your pocket. The selected item should be placed on the same plate with a blessed Easter cake, a colored egg and an icon of Christ. When everything is ready, start reading the plot:

“On the day of Christ’s Resurrection, I will ask permission: I beg for good luck, I want to create a talisman. The power of the saint's holiday will instantly fulfill my word. My strong faith will never fade. As long as the heart beats, luck is nearby.”

Easter rituals for money, luck, love

As you know, clergy do not support holding folk rituals, especially during Easter week. However, despite this, several long-standing rituals that attract wealth, luck and prosperity remain popular. The fact is that they have not lost their power, having passed through the centuries, and still provide the opportunity to recharge with the energy of this bright holiday.

Ritual for an egg

Such rituals are very popular at Easter: they are simple and very effective. All you need is a colored egg. The main Easter attribute should be taken with your left hand, showing that your soul is open, that you “speak” with your heart. Read the words of the conspiracy in a half-whisper:

“Egg (name its color), a blessed Easter egg, I ask: deliver me from adversity, split sadness into pieces, send misfortune aside, give me good luck and happiness.”

After speaking to the egg, be sure to take part in a traditional egg fight. Try not to lose as long as possible, because with every egg you break, the happiness in your life increases. True, the first battle is decisive. Having won it, you immediately become the owner of a happy year.

Ritual "Money Bag"

On any other day, this ritual is considered monetary, but on Easter Day it will attract to you not only wealth, but also well-being in your personal life, good luck and happiness.

Sew a small bag from a couple of scraps of fabric. It is better to take shreds of green, yellow or red color. Place a handful of Thursday salt, a pinch of poppy seeds and one rose petal into the bag. Then fill your money bag with three yellow and three white coins. Drag the bag with a white cord and say the spell:

“Money is with me, luck is with me, love is in me.”

It is recommended to consecrate the magic bag in the church, or to activate its power through prayer. The talisman should be kept at home, away from prying eyes, and once every two weeks it should be taken out of its hiding place, squeezed in your hands and the spell repeated.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you should not carry out all of the above actions in one day. For happiness, spiritual harmony and fulfillment of desires, one prayer will be enough. The main thing is to have peace and tranquility in your heart, light in your soul, and pure in your thoughts. The energy of the holiday rejects any negativity, so you should not take sin on your soul and try to take possession of all the benefits. Be patient: yours will not leave you. We wish you peace in your soul. take care of yourselfand don't forget to press the buttons and

Easter is the last week of Lent, when believers rejoice at the resurrection of Christ. The day has powerful energy, and knowledgeable people perform rituals on this holiday to get rid of problems that interfere with life. In addition to prayers for help and assistance, it is customary to read Easter conspiracies.

The magical power of Easter

Easter traditions came to modern world from the pagan past. Previously, on this day, the ancestors who worshiped Yaril the Sun and other gods associated with natural phenomena celebrated the arrival of spring on this day. It was believed that the Sun God defeated the lord of winter and warmth and grace descended on the earth.

The Slavic tradition has preserved for descendants the baking of Easter cakes and coloring of eggs. In ancient times, the festive cake was tall and narrow, symbolizing the male organ, which, along with eggs, personified fertility.

With the advent of Christianity, the traditions changed, but the meaning remained. Easter cakes decreased in height and became wider and squat. The symbols of the holiday remain joy and rebirth or the resurrection of the son of God.

Despite the fact that the church prohibits magic, the customs of casting spells and performing witchcraft on Easter have been preserved. On this bright holiday, knowledgeable people perform rituals to purify, attract love and prosperity. During Great Week, amulets and talismans are created for good luck and prosperity. Psychics say that on this holiday black magic doesn't work because all living things are tuned to goodness and creation.

On Easter morning, it is customary to go to church and bless baked goods, lard, wine and krashanki. Starting from midnight until the festive dinner, the priests walk around the church in a circle, blessing the parishioners who lined up with holy water.

On the day of the ascension of Jesus, crumbs of Easter cake, egg shells, a towel on which holy water has fallen, and the liquid itself have magical white power. Carefully collecting the remnants of a meal from the table, they are used in rituals of protecting home and family, healing the sick, removing damage and attracting prosperity.

The ancestors believed in omens and strictly monitored what was happening on this holiday. For example, it was believed that if you counted all the money in the house 3 times, then there would be prosperity in the home for the next 365 days.

A significant place was given to salt. In the morning, before the festive meal, the hostess prepared a linen bag into which each family member threw a grain of salt. It was believed that following such a tradition would bring good luck and money.

Superstitions prohibit lending or borrowing household items and kitchen utensils from the morning of Maundy Thursday until Tuesday after Easter. The ancestors believed that in this way a person gives away good luck and prosperity, which enemies and envious people can take advantage of.

If you see a cat on the street on Saturday, it promises profit. A dog crosses the road - expect sadness. On the way to the temple, a joyful family met - peace among relatives, and a cripple predicted the death of a loved one. The singing birds promised good news and good news to those who heard them.


During Holy Week or the last 7 days of fasting, magical rituals. Each day is given its own meaning, and knowledgeable people work on unresolved life issues on the right day. Maundy Thursday will help to heal, remove damage and remove negative programs both in the home and in a person’s life. Good Friday has the gift of purification, and Holy Saturday is the time to get rid of repeating karmic cycles.

On the eve of Easter and on the holiday itself, conspiracies are read to get rid of:

  • loneliness;
  • rivals;
  • spouse's infidelity;
  • poverty;
  • illness;
  • negative program;
  • bad luck;
  • home and garden pests.

Easter hours help those who believe in their power to get rid of everything unnecessary and improve their lives.

Whispers on holidays call into a person’s life:

  • good luck;
  • Love;
  • well-being;
  • wealth;
  • health;
  • addition to the family;
  • fulfillment of desires.

For example, before going to bed, they cast a spell for a prophetic dream in order to find out how to behave in a difficult situation or see the future. Lonely girls read a separation spell so that she would leave them, and a loved one appeared in their life who would call them down the aisle and would love them until old age.

Conspiracy against loneliness

To call for love, single people perform a ritual on Holy Sunday that helps in attracting a loved one into their lives. To do this, they go to service in the morning with a handful of wheat, and keep it near their hearts throughout the prayer service.

Returning home, they sprinkle grain along the threshold and whisper:

“As many candle lights in the church as there were, I had so many suitors. There are as many suitors as there are in a handful of grains. Key. Lock. Language. This will always be the case!”

A strong Easter spell will work if the desire to be loved is sincere, and the girl truly wants this with all her heart. Out of curiosity, it is not recommended to disturb higher powers.

Love spell

Waking up in the morning, the girl needs to bathe with honey, saying into the water:

“I’m beautiful, I’m pretty, I look like a slender birch tree. I am sweet as honey, pleasant as a holiday, pure in soul, neat in body. I have been promised to you alone; heaven has destined for us to be together.”

After the above, rinse and do not wipe.

At the next stage, the Easter cake, which is intended for the chosen one, is tenderly kissed once and a spell is cast on the guy:

“Give my kiss to my betrothed, promise happiness to be loving. He will be satisfied with you, and his soul will be inflamed with love.”

When treating your sweetheart, remember that he must eat a piece of Easter cake first in front of the girl. After this, his heart will beat faster when the one who gave the treat appears, and he will reconsider his attitude towards her.

To attract the person of interest, a light love spell is performed on Easter. To do this, before the festive breakfast, they tie the legs of the table where the lovers eat, and whisper on them:

“How this table fed and watered,
Yes, he sat us down next to him,
How these table legs are tightly tied,
So that both husband (indicate) and wife (say)
They were tightly connected forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If the husband’s relationship with his wife has cooled, and she wants to renew passion, then on Holy Sunday you need to go to the largest and most prosperous store, and, holding the door handle, read:

“Christ has risen, and my husband’s interest has awakened. How everyone grabs this bracket, so that my husband runs after his wife, misses her, grabs her with his hands, hugs her, and doesn’t let her go. This will be forever and endlessly!”

Problems with reciprocity arise not only between husband and wife, but also between the parents of the spouses and their children. Women whose mother-in-law does not like them need to wake up at dawn on the Wednesday after the Great Feast of the Ascension, and while the family is sleeping, go outside or onto the balcony. When the rays fall on the sorceress, they quietly say:

“The sun shines for everyone, the sun warms and blues everyone, and there is no one who does not love it.
No one is angry with the sun, no one judges him, no one will swear at him. Let my mother-in-law not be offended, not scold me, not swear. She would be with her daughter named quieter than the grass and pass by below the low water. I would miss my daughter-in-law like a mother misses her child and like a mare misses her foal, a ewe screams, misses her lamb, a hen worries about her cling. I would get up in the morning and go to the named daughter, I would hurry to (indicate myself) God's servant. She hugged her white shoulders, kissed her scarlet cheeks, and called her her beloved daughter. She loved me like the clear sun, she gave me atlases and pearls. She would need me more than water, more desirable than food in severe hunger. And be you, my words, all true, And be you, my deeds, all fast. The sky is the key, the earth is the lock, so that no one can spoil my business. This will be forever. Triamin!

In the near future, relations are quietly improving.

Conspiracy to get married soon

To get married, a girl needs to perform a ritual on Easter day. For it you will need 9 large eggs and stickers with wedding symbols. On the last Thursday before the holiday, 3 of them are painted in different colors: green, red and blue.

After the paintballs are ready, a picture with the words is pasted onto each of them:

“Just as people love Holy Easter, appreciate and remember their mother’s affection, so men and boys would love me more strongly, appreciate me more than ever. They followed God's servant (indicate yourself) in herds. Christ is risen, and the bridegrooms come to the virgin. In the name of the Great Trinity. Amen"

As soon as the holiday dish is ready, it is placed on a plate and left on the kitchen table until Easter. Waking up on a holiday morning, they go to the table, choose the largest one and eat it. The remaining krashankas are treated to friends.

“God grant a good groom, in boots and galoshes, not on a cow, but on a horse!”

When the service is over, baked goods, eggs and the towel with which the girl dried herself before are served to those asking.

The grooms were called upon hearing the festive ringing of bells. For this they cheerfully said:

“Christ has risen, and the suitors are coming to the girl. Amen".

Those wishing to get married this year, seeing the festive procession to church, said to themselves:

“The number of people who go to church now, the number of suitors I will have.”

On Easter, at sunrise, knock on the glass of your window and say:

“The Easter sun is rolling across the sky, and you, groom, appear on the threshold of the calling one. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Christ has risen, and the suitors come to the girl. Amen".

Our ancestors had a ritual for old maids seeking to get married. To do this, they took cat's milk, and on Maundy Thursday at dawn they said over it:

“Just as everyone pets cats and just as cats cling to everyone, so grooms will not allow a yearning lady to pass. My word is forever!”

After the conspiracy, they washed themselves with the liquid.

A conspiracy to remove a rival

On the holiday of the Ascension, in order for the husband to return to the family, the ancestors recommended performing a ritual from a rival. To do this, you need to go outside while he was returning home from work, look imploringly in that direction and ask 12 times:

“Stream meets stream, mountain does not meet mountain, forest grows together with forest, color sticks to color, grass flutters. I’ll pick the flower from that grass, put it on my chest, and go to the valley, along my husband’s path. I will turn all 4 sides in my direction, I will command to all 4 sides: “Just as mountain and mountain do not converge, shore and shore do not get closer, so would a slave (indicate husband) with a homewrecker-harlot not converge, not get along, not get closer. I would go to my wife and children. This will last forever!”

On Easter day, you can remove the homewrecker with the help of young trees. To do this, they look for plants that reach the woman’s waist, break one of them to the very root and say:

“As I break this tree, so all the affairs of the slave (rival’s name) are broken. Just as this tree doesn’t bloom this year, her business won’t go well. The Holy Trinity will help. Triamen."

A ritual will help against a walking wife, where on the last Friday of Lent you need to heat up your wife’s favorite spoon, which she uses, and throw it into the water, saying:

“Just as there is a place for a spoon in the house, so you, the slave (name your wife), have a place in the house. Axe! Come back!

When the husband has gone on a spree and they know the woman’s name, then on Holy Sunday in the morning before the service they take a piece of the cheapest new soap and read over it:

“Just as you, soap, lather, and keep washing yourself away, and leave in foam forever, so would the homewrecker (so-and-so) be washed away from the heart of my husband (specify). My word is forever!” The enchanted object is thrown into the mud near the road.

Table salt will also help remove the rival. To do this, on Good Friday morning they go out into the street, taking with them a handful of salt and a glass of water. If there has been precipitation before and there are puddles, then the liquid is not taken.

They whisper to the white seasoning:

“Just as you, salt, are salty, so would the slave (name a rival) be salty and unpalatable to my husband (specify). Just as that salt in the water dissipates and disappears, so the slave (indicate a rival) will disappear from the heart of the husband. May this be accomplished forever!”

When the words are spoken, the salt is poured into the puddle. If you take water with you, then pour it into the groove, and then throw the seasoning there.

The food served to a reveler on Holy Saturday will also help you stop loving your rival. To do this, read over it:

“Like a cold and terrible snake for the human body, so that God’s servant (to designate) would seem to my husband worse than a subsurface snake, a swamp snake, a water snake, worse than a cold dead woman. 40 saints - one, 40 saints - two, 40 saints - three, walking under God (name), take my conspiracy. Triamen."

As soon as the prayer is said, the food is placed on the table.

Conspiracy for peace and harmony in the family

Harmony in the family will be ensured by a hex spoken on Easter on the krashanki that are on the table. Before the whole family begins to break their fast, the mistress of the house whispers to the treat:

“My testicle is smooth and without blemish, I exchanged it with three souls without deception. And just as an egg is smooth, so it would be sweet in my house.
No one in my house would swear or pick on each other: neither me, nor the first and nor the second, neither the old, nor the small, nor anyone. In the name of the All-Unified Trinity. Now, forever, and forever. Amen".

When there is a tense situation in the family, where the husband and wife are on the verge of divorce, a conspiracy of two spools will correct the situation. On the last Lenten Thursday, after the spouse goes to work, the threads are unwound and placed along the threshold.

As soon as the spouse returns and crosses the threshold, tie the threads in the middle with a knot and whisper:

“The man of God (to say) and I, his thread, are twisted together, tightly twisted. Just as the knot on this thread cannot be untied, so he will never part with his lawful wife. This will happen!

So that peace and harmony reign in the family, and household members do not quarrel with each other and respect each other, on Wednesday after Easter in the morning in front of the icon with a lit candle they read prayer appeal 12 times:

"God help me. God bless. Happy Easter. Clean days. Joyful tears. In the name of the Holy Trinity. Ivan Postitel, Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Baptist, long-suffering Ivan, headless Ivan, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, George the Victorious, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Barbara the Great Martyr, Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, pray for the common path of the slaves (name the warring ones). Calm their anger, tame their anger, quench their rage. His holy army, his conquerable, indomitable force. Lead them to agreement. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever, and forever. Amen".

Conspiracy for pregnancy and conception

To ask heaven to give an heir, childless couples go to the evening service on Holy Saturday. You need to catch the moment when the holy father utters the festive praise “Christ is Risen!” for the first time, and whisper your desire.

After what has been said, they spend the whole night in the temple. You are allowed to go home as soon as the holiday Easter cakes and Easter eggs begin to be blessed.

Conspiracy for good luck and prosperity

Before going on a holiday visit and treats to relatives, the hostess or host reads the following on the Easter cake:

“Christ gave away everything he had and bequeathed it to others.
I treat everyone to these Easter cakes and wish good things to all our neighbors.
So let everything that is rewarded by a slave (to be called) be returned a hundredfold.
May good luck come in business and protect me from troubles and failures.”

Having said this, they cross themselves and go on a visit.

In order for prosperity to come into life, you need to get rid of bad luck. To do this, before breaking the shell at the festive breakfast, they say the following on the shell:

“Easter egg, bright egg, blessed egg, break all my troubles, overcome all my failures, spread the good news, bring good luck.”

Cleanings are not thrown away, but taken outside the threshold and buried away from the house.

To get rid of trouble, the ancestors said when the festive bells were ringing:

"Jesus has resurrected!
How not to gnaw a bell,
They don't braid quinoa,
So that I (identify)
There was no grief or trouble all year.”

After that, they were baptized and went home to celebrate.

Trade conspiracy

Remained from ancestors and strong conspiracy for trade. They leave a church candle for him after Easter, and when the first working day comes, draw crosses on the goods with wax and say each time:

“As on a holiday the temple is full of people,
So let my shop be full of them.
Who will enter my shop?
he will take all my goods.
With the help of the All-Unity Trinity.
This will never be broken!”

Trade will go well.

Money plot

It is practiced at sunrise on a holiday morning. To ensure that your wallet is always full of specie, read three times after saying “Our Father”:

“In the name of the All-United Trinity. Just as the people rejoice on this bright holiday, just as the bells ring for matins, let the money rejoice at the speaker. In my wallet they have both a home and a shelter. Just as on Easter the poor are not allowed to die of hunger, just as they are given alms, so you, Lord, give to the one who walks under God (indicate) prosperity in the house. Neither horse nor foot can interrupt my words. Amen".

To repay debts, to return money on Holy Saturday for 5 kopecks during the day read:

“In the name of the All-Unified Trinity. Money to money, penny to penny. Just as people wait for Easter, as they go to the temple of God, so would money flow like a river to one who walks under God (to be called). All saints, all with the one asking. Amen".

After the ritual, the money is carried in a wallet and not spent.

Served on Easter morning after visiting the temple, they use monetary donations:

“God gave, I return to God, God will multiply a hundredfold, return a thousandfold.”

Upon returning from church, before breaking the fast, they take it in their hands Money Tree, grown independently, and speak to it:

“My income is always growing, and my wealth is accumulating here. Turn the leaves green, each in its turn. You grow money, it will be my income. And at dawn this happens. And in the evening dawn it happens, and in the bright day it happens, and in the dark night it happens. Let my word be true. May I have money at home. May my word be strong, may they stick to me. Let my word be firm, and on this I stand forever. Amen!"

To keep money in the house all 12 months, they say a conspiracy for a 5 ruble coin for Easter:

“As people go to this cross, so let big money come to the one who asks (to identify himself). Now, forever and endlessly. Said forever!

The money is put in a wallet and not spent until next Easter.

Those who are tired of being poor should say over holy water on the last Saturday of Lent in the evening:

“Gather together, four forces, find four royal graves. How these people were rich during their lifetime, how they had plenty of silver and gold, so that I too would have a lot of goods, plenty of gold and silver.
And you, poverty and misfortune, devastation and bad luck, go into the flaming fire, into hell, boiling with tar.
You will burn there and decay. Key, lock, tongue. Triamen."

After pronouncing the words, you need to pour water on yourself so that it wets your body from head to toe. You can't wipe yourself.

Conspiracy to get a better job

To get a well-paid job, you need to visit the temple on Easter morning and ask the saints for the desired position. After this, 40 days after Easter, the ritual is continued, and on Ascension, cookies in the form of a ladder are baked from unleavened dough. Before eating the baked goods, say:

“The Lord is high above us, and I, people, are high above you. In the name of the All-Unified Holy Trinity. Amen".

It happens that the conspiracy is Good work It worked, but the boss never tires of nitpicking over trifles. To do this, they bring a holiday cake to work, over which they said in advance:

“Christ has risen, and you shouldn’t be angry! Let it be!”

You need to make sure that the leader tries the treat.

Conspiracy against an unknown disease

When doctors cannot diagnose a patient, but the person needs to be saved, experts recommend reading the holy water spell. The first reading takes place on Easter evening and is repeated until Wednesday. Prayer words will help restore strength to the patient:

“God created the heavens, God created the earth.
Create, O Lord, health for God’s servant (name). Just as Jesus Christ was resurrected to eternal life on the third day, so also the servant of God (indicate) was resurrected to health. For the glory of Holy Unity. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

After what has been said, the patient should wash his face with the charmed liquid every evening after sunset.

Conspiracy for pain

Easter morning over cold water read a conspiracy so that the heart does not hurt:

“I walk, a servant of God (indicate yourself), along the earth, my heart is beating, my body, zealous, is ruling: it does not prick, does not hurt, does not press, does not constrict and does not pinch. Not at night, not by moonlight, not at dawn. Not in the field, not in the hut, not in plowing, not in the water, not in the bathhouse, not on horseback. It would beat in the slave (specify), it would beat, pound, so correctly, so gloriously, as the bells ring on Easter, for a long life. Amen".

Having said this, they drink the liquid.

For women who suffer from chest pain, experts recommend that on the third Easter day they roll their chests with a blessed dye, asking:

“Bless me, God, through the consecrated egg,
Blessed by the Church for life and health. There is a sea of ​​gold; a golden ship at sea,
on that ship is Saint Nicholas the Pleasant. He helps everyone who honors him, who asks him, who prays to him.
I ask and pray, servant of God (indicate yourself):

Saint Nicholas, father, save, protect and defend from all priors, from all thoughts, from all envy, from all promises. How my mother gave birth to me healthy, she rewarded me with strong and sweet breasts, so that I, God’s servant (indicate yourself), would always be strong and healthy. Whoever interrupts this prayer of mine will take upon himself his bad thoughts. Key, lock, tongue. Let it be!”

After the ceremony, eat the egg without salt.

Conspiracy against damage

Damage is a common type of witchcraft; it can be conscious or unconscious. To remove the slander that a person carries, on the day of the Resurrection of Christ you need to say on the Easter egg:

“Mary walked along the bone bridge, the Mother of God walked, propped up with a fish bone.
In the middle of the bridge she met 3 angels. The angels ask, exclaim, inquire:
What are you talking about, Most Holy Intercessor? I’m going to help the slave (to identify myself), I want to remove the damage from her body.
I will heal her, I will heal her, I will fence her with an iron fence.

Saint Yuri - George the Victorious, Help and assist, heal, have mercy, free the servant of God (name) from damage. Be my word firm
harder than damask steel, stone, any constipation, go, evil, disease, get out of my conspiracy. There is a lock in the sea, a bracket under the threshold, and a key for the enemies in the mouth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

On the same day they go to the forest and leave the egg where a tree with two trunks grows. They leave without looking back.

Witchcraft influence manifests itself on a person in different ways. It happens that it comes in the form of seizures. In this case, after Easter breakfast, they collect the egg peels in a linen bag, place it so that it touches the body, and go to the river. There they turn their faces against the flow of water, throw the bag into the river and comment:

“Go away, trouble, to distant shores, illness would be for me, a servant of God (indicate the sick person),
didn’t torment me, retreated from my body forever, didn’t break any bones. Go, you seizures, from God’s servant (indicate the patient), into the wild river, leave me forever. Save, Lord, the sinner.
For the glory of Holy Unity. Amen".

If children suffer from seizures, then after the service they take holy water from the temple and whisper into it at home:

“A child’s body, an angelic soul, is innocent, pure, and innocent in its sufferings.
Cleanse yourself and become stronger, step away from the servant of God (specify the sick person). Glorifying Holy Unity.
This will happen!

The charmed liquid is sprinkled on the child.

To prevent damage through death from taking a person, on Easter Eve, before the bells ring, they kneel and whisper a prayer against three deaths. First, they remember the Holy Trinity and cross themselves three times:

“Under Tsar Manuel Komnenos, at his golden monastery, Saint Luke of Christ served the Lord God.
On the eve of Easter, the saint in the golden laurel, Hodegetria, the Mother of God, appeared to two blind men, She led them to the Blachernae Church. Angels, Cherubim, Seraphim sang, the blind before Mother Hodegetria received their sight. The holy Ruts wrote this prayer, all 40 saints blessed it. The Lord Himself said: Whoever reads this prayer before Easter will, with its help, escape from any death! Glorifying Holy Unity. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

In order for the house and its inhabitants not to fall under the negative influence of envious people, and for fortune to accompany all endeavors, prosphora was brought from the church after the Easter morning service. They broke it into four parts and buried it in the corners of a house or plot, saying:

“May our mansion be holy, blessed, every hole, every crevice, with doors, with windows, with framed logs, around our mansion there is a stone fence with a green wall.
Who built this fence - the Angels of the Lord. They will speak of the servant of God (name themselves) from damage.
From great misfortune, from the coffin board, from the burial ground. Neither the first person nor the last will spoil it, neither on the church, nor on its fence, nor on the icon. Not on a candle, not on a needle, not near the cemetery.

Conspiracy against tuberculosis

Those who have tuberculosis need to take a krashanka and go to the cemetery on Tuesday after the Day of Resurrection. There you need to find a grave with the same name as the patient’s and, after kissing the egg, say:

“Saint Magdalena took the egg and gave it to the Lord. Just as a testicle is smooth, without a blemish, so (identify the patient) the lungs would become clean, smooth, without a blemish, without pain and dirty blood. For centuries, forever. Amen".

After what has been said, they place the pysanka on the tombstone and leave in silence. Before the churchyard gates they don’t talk to anyone. Other .

Spell to heal bones

When it is necessary for a patient’s bones to heal faster and better, they look for birch on Holy Saturday. When the holiday approaches, they collect the white skin from the tree and go home. After the service, when the eggs are blessed and cleaned, wood ash, salt and egg peelings are added to the bark in the bag.

At 3 o'clock in the morning the collection is brewed into a drink, saying:

“Just as on Easter Sunday, on Easter, Jesus Christ rose from the dead, so God’s servant (name a person) is given healing. Amen".

After preparation, the patient is given a decoction to drink.

Conspiracy for eye diseases

The ancestors left a ritual for their descendants so that vision problems would not bother them until old age. To do this, you need to wash your face in front of the icon of Jesus Christ on Easter morning, before whispering a spell against eye disease into the water:

“As people look at an icon, so my eyes would look good, eyelids and eyelids. Amen".

Conspiracy for child's health

To prevent the child from getting sick, you need to bring holy water from the temple on the day of the great bright holiday. Remove from child pectoral cross, and place in a container with liquid. Read three times over the water:

“In the kingdom of heaven there is a wonderful spring. Whoever touches the water, whoever washes his face with water, will have his sores washed away. I collected that water and gave it to God’s servant (indicate the patient). For the glory of Holy Unity. Amen".

After this, the cross is removed, and the child’s forehead is smeared with the cross. Treatment is carried out daily and ends on the seventh day of Easter.

Beauty spell

For those who want to preserve beauty and youth, experts advise rejuvenation spells and rituals for Easter and Maundy Thursday. With the first rays of the sun they wake up and go to wash. Fill the container with water, throw a silver ring or coin into it, and then recite:

“I will wash myself with silver water, I will cover myself with a golden robe. Just as people love money, so let the whole world love and love me.”

After that, they wash themselves.

The ritual for beauty and youth is also carried out on Holy Wednesday. For a healing and rejuvenating effect, before the morning ablution, whisper into the water:

“Lord, Almighty God, who created everything out of nothing! Bless and cleanse my body, may your work be holy and strong. Just as the heavenly body doesn’t hurt, doesn’t ache, doesn’t tingle or burn with fire, so my bones wouldn’t hurt, ache, bruise or burn. The water of God descends from heaven, my body is cleansed of illnesses. For the glory of Holy Unity. Amen".

Acne conspiracy

To get rid of acne, you can use the ritual of the past. To do this, on Good Friday they buy a candle in church, and on Easter day they take a coarse thread and measure the length of the candle with it. After which the required footage is cut off, a candle is lit and noted:

“As a harsh thread burns, it will free my face from pimples. Key, lock, tongue. Let it be!”

When the last word is said, the thread is burned and the candle is allowed to burn out completely.

Conspiracy for weight loss

To get rid of extra pounds, you need to wait for the Easter day. As soon as the festive meal is over, eggshells are collected from the table, and at midnight they begin witchcraft. The peelings were crushed, thrown into water and boiled 3 times. After this, in the morning they went out into the yard, and, pouring the liquid over the fence, said:

“The bird hatched, and I was cured, God grant that the slave (become) thin. This should be, the slave (tell) not to get fat!”

To consolidate the result, the ritual is performed three times. It is not recommended to use it anymore. Additionally, you can use these.

Conspiracy against female diseases

For good health female body resort to the help of Maundy Thursday. When washing your face before dawn, you need to fill a basin with water and say, looking at your reflection:

“Whose face was reflected in the water, the fever would be pacified. Go, you sickness, to Marya Prodovik, get engaged to her, but don’t know about (name yourself). Triamen."

Pour the water under the tree in the yard. It is not recommended to water house flowers with liquid.

Conspiracy for arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism

Ancestors believed that a person gets sick due to damage. To remove the bad, you need to say at the festive ringing of the bell:

“How these bells ring, the good news is trumpeted, how firmly the temple wall stands, so firmly the ringing of the bell destroys corruption, returns it to the dark abyss. The bell rings, the evil and dashing word destroys the ringing. In the name of the Eternal Trinity. Amen".

After this, cross yourself three times and read the “Our Father” prayer to yourself 3 times.

To get rid of arthritis, rheumatism or osteoarthritis, on Holy Tuesday in the morning they lean against the door frame and pray:

“Lord God, help! Holy Mother of God, bless! I speak out the pain from all joints, drive it away with holy prayer. Take the disease from my hands and my feet.

Cross my pain, my threshold. May you, my words, be strong and molding, tenacious to my body.
This will happen! Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words are spoken three times. After which they are baptized.

Conspiracy against bedbugs

In the old days, people were plagued by bedbugs. To cope with misfortune, they offered prayers to the following saints:

  • Tryphon;
  • Niphon of Cyprus;
  • Hieromartyr Harlampius;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In order for Easter energy to help drive small insects out of the home, when the bells rang for the Morning Prayer, they said at the approaching dawn:

“Christ is Risen, and He has given my family health, my field a harvest, and my home wealth. Amen!"

Blessed food brought from the temple on Easter also helped in the fight against bedbugs. When the first egg was eaten at the table, the owner said:

“I broke my fast with an egg, ate my fill of Easter, and I jumped bug after bug and quickly got it into my mouth. Amen!"

Alcoholism conspiracy

Easter charms also help in the fight against alcoholism. To do this, after the service and blessing of Easter, they cut the baked goods into 12 pieces and go to the graveyard. They find 12 graves there with the name of the drinker, and treat the dead with Easter cake, each time saying:

"Christ is risen! You, a dead man, don’t get up, don’t drink alcohol. So for the rest of your life, never get up, don’t drink alcohol, and don’t allow a slave (name the drinker) to drink either. In the name of the Eternal Trinity. Amen"

A similar ritual is performed with krashankas. On the day of the Resurrection, they visit the cemetery and leave one egg with the words on the 12 tombstones where the namesakes of those suffering from alcohol addiction are buried:

"Christ is risen! Take, dead man, the egg, and with it the hops from the servant of God (to name the dependent). Glorifying Holy Unity. Amen".

To help their daughter get rid of her addiction, on Easter Day they go to the cemetery, taking with them a bottle of her favorite alcohol. They find the namesake's grave with a photograph. They approach the photograph, pour alcohol into a glass and bring it to the lips of the deceased with the words:

“Like this dead man’s lips and teeth cannot be unclenched,

So he doesn’t pour wine into his glass. So that for centuries the slave (name the woman) would not drink wine, nor take a glass of wine in her hands. In the name of the Eternal Trinity. Amen".

Smoking conspiracy

On the last Friday of Lent, a conspiracy is read before a church candle:

“Just as a dead man doesn’t get up and walk around, and doesn’t wander around the crossroads at all, so you don’t put anything bad into your mouth. You don’t worry about it, you don’t grieve. The key is teeth and lips. This will happen!

Those who have long wanted to quit a bad habit, but cannot, need to perform the ceremony on the day of Resurrection. To do this, after a church service and a festive breakfast, they remain alone in the room and whisper in front of the mirror:

“The devil is standing near the temple, smoking, tarring tobacco. He slips tobacco to the clerk: “Here, clerk, smoke tobacco, have fun with me, little devil.” The clerk says to that devil: “The Lord Himself does not order God’s servant to smoke.”
Just as righteous saints do not smoke, they do not tar with tobacco. Likewise, they do not order God’s servant (name the patient) to smoke. In the name of the Eternal Trinity. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

With this ritual you can quickly quit smoking on Easter.

Conspiracy from enemies

The Day of Resurrection will help protect yourself from enemies. To do this, after the service, they buy 3 church candles and take them home. Left alone, the candles are twisted, lit and the Holy Trinity is remembered.

After this they say:

“There are seven domes over the holy church, with seven golden crosses on them.
I, God’s servant (name myself), will come to the temple of God with my feet and cross my hands. Mother Theotokos, Father of God, Son of God, take the crosses, the golden keys, with them close the evil, prickly tongues of my enemies.
Close your teeth and lips, lock your hands and feet, throw the keys to the deep bottom so that my enemies
These keys will never be taken. Do not destroy my baptized soul, do not break my white body. My first prayer, my enemies' last word. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The text must be said 9 times. The candles must burn out completely.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

A healer from Siberia, Natalya Stepanova, recommends performing only pure rituals on Easter Sunday and asking higher powers for creation and protection. Conspiracies Siberian healer are in demand among Russians, and the books have sold thousands of copies.

At Easter, you can conjure the Universe for constant help and assistance. At dawn you need to say:

“Lord, be with him who speaks forever and ever. Amen. First of all, Lord, Dear God, help me, bless my work. Glorify the matter yourself and put everything in place as it should be. There is a golden saucer on God's table, and there is a word dear in the Bible. And the Lord said: “Whoever asks in My name, My Angel will not forget him, he will fan him with his wing, he will help him in the most difficult matter, he will put his wings on my shoulders, he will take me by the right and left hand, he will lead me to God’s table.”

On that table there is a golden saucer, and in the Bible on the table there is the word dear. Against that word, not a single person can say “No.” And to the servant of God (name herself), no one can refuse my business. In the name of the Eternal Trinity. This will happen!

These same words need to be said every time you need to go to an important meeting.

Conspiracy from Vanga

Grandmother Vanga left a ritual for humanity for good luck, which is done in the last week of Lent. To do this, with the onset of Easter days, a new pin is conjured:

“The moon is born, its power awakens, it goes to the caller. Just as the moon cannot part with the heavens, so luck cannot leave this object! Follow him, calling him to bring goodness! Let it be!”

After this is said, the pin is left lying on the windowsill. It's good if moonlight falls on it. In the morning the talisman is ready and can be used.

Conspiracy to wish

In order to get what you want, you need to buy 7 candles in the temple for Easter. When you get home, you need to prepare a clean sheet of paper and a pen. At the beginning of the sheet they write gratitude to heaven for what is already in a person’s life.

Having retreated a short distance, they concentrate and write a petition to higher powers for their wish to come true. After this, light the first candle and read out loud the gratitude and request that are written on the sheet. The candle is allowed to burn out.

The ritual to fulfill a wish is carried out for 7 days in a row, repeating the witchcraft manipulations performed on Easter day. On the last day, after reading, the sheet is burned.

You can ask for help in making your brownie's dream come true. To do this, say over a piece of Easter:

“Brownie, brownie, we are having a big feast, come and eat, listen to my desire. I want there to be peace in the house, a feast at the table, peace and quiet in my soul, God’s grace.”

After the conspiracy, the desire is voiced. The treat is placed in a secluded corner.

The rituals for Holy Resurrection and the Friday before Easter are different, and they work. On Ascension Day, you can ask for health, prosperity or love. If the words came from the heart, then higher powers will hear the request and come to the rescue.

Easter week is a symbol of rebirth and renewal of life. This is a very strong time to adjust your Destiny for the better. The word "Easter" came to us from the Greek language and means "passing", "deliverance". Knowledgeable people have long preserved traditions and rituals, with the help of which these days you can independently get rid of bad luck, financial difficulties and various negativity, but also significantly improve your well-being, improve your health, and attract financial success.

Palm Sunday.
They consecrate the willow. And then they keep it in the house all year in a vase or behind icons. They sweep all the corners, windows, thresholds with an old willow that has stood for a year, thank it for its service and burn it. When you consecrate a willow, put some money in this bouquet, let it be consecrated along with the willow. Then do not change it for a year, let it lie in a secluded place - it will be a talisman for your money for the whole year.

Tuesday of Easter week.
We take unnecessary things out of the house - we take away problems. Decide in advance what you want to part with once and for all. Write on a blank sheet of paper a list of problems that you want to get rid of. Collect all the trash you want to throw away in a large bag, including your personal pair of worn-out shoes or clothes, as well as 21 unnecessary items that you think no longer belong in the house. Light three white candles at the threshold, the second on the kitchen table, and with the third, walk around the home clockwise, saying:
“Get out of my house, trouble and trouble, I drive you out with fire forever. Go away, need, go away, darkness, there is no place in the house (list the names of all family members) ever. So be it.”
You need to finish walking around your home at the doorstep. Blow out all three candles, take them out with the trash and burn them.

Maundy Thursday.
At the beginning of a new day on Thursday they prepare Thursday salt. Pour a new pack of salt onto a baking sheet or cast iron frying pan and place in a hot oven or stove for half an hour, let the salt fry well. Then, when it cools down, pour it into a linen bag. Store this salt all year round, adding it to food for both yourself and livestock from time to time as a prophylactic against all diseases. It is advisable to serve with it in church, but you can consecrate it at home yourself. To do this, just place your pectoral cross on the salt and read the prayer "Our Father" 3 times.

Thursday salt helps cope with diseases, protect against the evil eye and damage, and cleanse your home from bad energy and in many other everyday situations. It must be stored in the kitchen, close to the stove, away from prying eyes. It is also not recommended to talk about Thursday salt left and right, i.e. everyone. The healing properties of Thursday salt have long been known: it helps with many diseases, both physical and mental, heals and protects the family, and brings happiness, prosperity and prosperity to the home.

On Maundy Thursday, in the morning, you need to count all the money in the house three times so that there is always enough. It is advisable to count them before dawn. After each account you need to say a secret spell on money:
"A thousand, half a thousand, six hundred - everything, everywhere my master hand will take. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen."
Then in the morning you need to wash your face with water, to which you say:
“Maundy Thursday glorifies Easter, all Orthodox people glorify Easter, so people would glorify me, both young and old, so that the servant of God (name) would walk in honor of his superiors, so that my business would bring me profit. Gold sticks to my hands, clings. Coins in the wallet jingle. Key. Lock. Language. Amen."

Protection against damage to whole year for a child on Maundy Thursday.

This conspiracy is read over a sleeping child during Holy Week on Maundy Thursday.

Just as the little child lived in the mother’s womb, did not see the white light or the red sun, so live in the whole white world; Don’t believe in knocking, or thunder, or a dog’s barking, or a marten’s laughter, or a magpie’s tickle, or a black-haired girl, or a young man passing by. Where it came from, go there; when it came from the wind, go there; it came from people - go there; don't come back."

Good Friday- no practices are carried out.
Under no circumstances should they do laundry on this day. On this day there is only cleansing with candles, reading your favorite prayers, repentance and an information post. It should be remembered that the main thing during fasting is not abstaining from food and sweets, but repentance, prayers and awareness of one’s sinfulness.

Saturday is the last day of Lent.
They bake pies and Easter cakes. Conspiracy on rich life read on the Saturday before Easter at seven in the evening. Read three times over a coin, which you then sew into the lining of any of your clothes that you wear most often. The spell words are:
“The merchant carries gold, and just as this merchant is a matchmaker and brother to wealth and luck, so am I, the servant of God (name), in gold, silver, health and all good things. Amen.”

Or you can do the following spell on a coin with the number 5, which then needs to be kept in your wallet for a whole year:
“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Money for money, penny for penny. As people wait for Easter, as they go to the temple of God, so it would be for me, the servant of God (name), money flowed like a river. All Saints saints, everyone is with me. Amen."

Choose any of these rituals that you like best. You can perform 2 rituals at once if you want. Listen to yourself.

On this day, in the late afternoon, place a colored egg and money in each corner of your house, saying:
“Like an Easter egg with a ruble will not come out of this corner, so that money will never leave my house. Christ is Risen, and to my words, amen.”
The eggs are eaten the next day, that is, on Easter Sunday, but the money cannot be spent until Easter week has passed.

Sunday - Easter.
It is advisable to stay awake all night. When the bells ring for the first time on Easter, you need to mentally say 3 times:
“Christ is Risen, and my family will have health, my house will have wealth, my field will have a harvest. Amen.”
With these words, you program your family for prosperity, health, and wealth for the entire coming year.

Money ritual on Bright Sunday, at dawn, read the “Our Father” prayer 3 times, and then the conspiracy:
“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As the people rejoice at the honorable bright holiday, as the bells ring for matins, there let the money rejoice at me. In my wallet they have both a home and a shelter. As on Easter the poor are not allowed to die of hunger ", just as they are given alms, so you, Lord, give me, the servant of God (name), prosperity in the house. Neither horse nor foot can interrupt my word. Amen."

For Easter food and Easter cakes, a prayer for well-being in the family is read:
“Like night with a star, like the sun with the moon, so am I with my family! As Jesus Christ loves us, so we would love each other. Incense and the Lord’s prayer, give us peace and peace of mind. So be it.”

1. During the Easter service Keep a handful of wheat on your chest. Returning from church, sprinkle grain at your doorstep with the words:
How many lights there were from the candles in the church,
I have so many suitors.
There are as many suitors for me as there are in a handful of grains.
Key. Lock. Language.

2. Kiss nine colored eggs for Easter and say a love spell:
How people love Holy Easter,
appreciate and remember maternal affection,
So would me men and boys
They loved the strong more than the strong, they valued them more than ever.
Herds behind me. God's servant (name), walked.
Christ has risen, and the grooms have come to me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

3. Applicable for removing damage, evil spells. Works best on Maundy Thursday, Epiphany. Stand in the shower or the pouring rain... and... read this plot in multiples of three:
"The rain poured down on the ashes. The ashes turned to mud, the servant of God soiled and splashed me. Wash me pure water, don’t leave a shadow or a trace of dirt, The dirt goes away with the water, grace descends on me. Yes, it stays with me. Protects, protects, protects from dirt. Holy saints, be my intercessors. AMEN."

4. Money ceremony
On Easter morning, at dawn, read the following plot. Before doing this, read the “Our Father” 3 times.
The text of the conspiracy itself:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the people rejoice at the honorable bright holiday, as the bells ring for matins, let money rejoice at me there. In my wallet they have both a home and a shelter. As on Easter they do not allow the poor to die of hunger, as They are given alms, so you, Lord, give me, the servant of God (name), prosperity in the house. Neither horse nor foot can kill my servant. Amen."

5. From quarrels with loved ones
To do this, on the third day after Easter, a special spell is read twelve times in a row.
Lord, help, Lord, bless with a happy Easter,
Clean days, joyful tears.

John the Apostle, John the Theologian, John the Baptist,
John the long-suffering, John the headless,
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, St. George the Victorious,
Nicholas the Wonderworker, Barbara the Great Martyr,
Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,
Pray for the common path of the servants of God (names of the warring parties).
Calm their anger, tame their anger, quench their rage.
His holy army,
With invincible, indomitable force, lead them to agreement.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

6. Plot for summer residents for the harvest
There is not much time between Easter and sowing, and it is quite possible to save one or more colored eggs. During sowing, chop them in the garden with the words:
"Mother Earth, accept my affection
I give you a red Easter.
And for this give me
The richest harvest."

7. Knead the dough and make as many flat cakes as there are people in your family.
Before baking them, draw crosses on them and say:
“I renounce with the sign of the cross, with the bread given by God, from the works and illnesses of sorcerers of all stripes, from all volosts. Once this cake is digested in me, it will turn into shit, so whatever the sorcerer started against my family will turn into shit for him.”
The flatbreads are eaten by family members.

8. On Easter Sunday, before serving food, say three times for each dish:
“Like night with a star, like the sun with the moon, so am I with my family! As Jesus Christ loves us, so we would love each other. Incense and the Lord’s Prayer, give us peace and peace of mind! So be it!”
Be sure to say this spell on the Easter cake when you cut it. There should be exactly as many pieces as there are people at the table. Make sure everyone eats their own piece of cake.

9. Conspiracy from enemies and envious people at work
On Easter morning, dry yourself with a towel and say:
"Christ is risen!
And I am the red sun to the whole world.
Sweet honey, salty salt,
The most praised! ".
Spread a towel on the table, eat Easter and a colored egg over it. The day after Easter, take this towel to work and wipe your work area with it.

10. Annual from illnesses and damage.
Say a prayer on the Easter cake and take it to church to bless it on the eve of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. After the end of the all-night vigil, with the first exclamations of “Christ is risen,” answer: “God is risen and saved me.” Then break off and eat a small piece of Easter cake. Eat the rest with the whole family at a holiday meal.
Prayer for Easter cake, read three times:
“In the name of a just, victorious cause, my strong word! There is a small island on the ocean coast, and on that small island there is a white stone city. In that white-stone city the street is full of different, Christian people. Everyone is rushing to the all-night vigil in the Church of God. Just as all the people rush to church, so I hurry. Oh, Lord, have mercy! As the week of Lent passes, I would like to be under your protection and be protected for the whole year: from damage, the evil eye, and body infection. Amen to my word"

11. Ritual for marriage
It is believed that if you collect spring water on Easter night and silently bring it home, it will become magical. Young girls who want to get married need to wash themselves with this water (at least holy water) on Easter morning with the following spell:
“Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom, a good groom, in boots and galoshes, not on a cow, but on a horse. Amen.”
It was believed that after this, within a year, the girl would definitely meet a young man with whom she would connect her destiny.

12. For happiness and joy in the house.
So that joy and happiness reign in your home throughout the whole year, give the first egg that you painted for Easter to the youngest in the family, saying to yourself:
As long as people paint eggs,
Until that very time, the saints will not forget our home.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

13. You can also make a personal amulet on Easter. The day before (not on Good Friday), sew a small bag from dark plain fabric. On Easter afternoon, put in it a little crushed shell of a blessed colored egg, 3 buds of a blessed willow and a small piece of paper on which write:
“The Lord sees everything from heaven, the Lord knows everything about me. The Lord is watching over me, the Lord is protecting me, the Lord will save me from trouble, take me away from grief, evil man will save. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
Tie the bag with red woolen thread and always carry it with you.

14. If an adult or child is constantly sick, Try this for Easter. Pour holy water brought from church on Easter into a small bottle. Place the pectoral cross (consecrated) of the person you want to heal into it and read the plot 3 times:
“In the kingdom of heaven there is a wonderful spring. Whoever touches the water, whoever washes his face with water, his illnesses will be washed away. I collected that water and gave it to God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
Take out the cross, put it on the owner, and sprinkle water three times on his forehead. Sprinkle the frequently ill person with enchanted water 3 times a day throughout the Easter week. And keep the bottle near any icon.

15. For childhood seizures
Sprinkle the child with the spoken water that you collect during Holy Week:
A child's body, an angelic soul, innocent before the Savior, and innocent of suffering. Cleanse yourself and become stronger. Amen.

16. Lime fibroids
Tie your bare stomach with a towel, on which Easter cakes were blessed, and say:
Servant of God (name), your mother gave birth to you,
the tumor twisted you, and I treated you.
Rotten, visceral, painful,
stringy, wet, dry, purulent, flammable.
Go, tumor, from the stomach, from the inside,
from the veins, from the skin, from the blood, from the entire skeleton,
go out into the open field, where there is emptiness.
That's where you belong, my dear,
there is a rookery for you, a tumor.
You should be there
live among dry grasses.
May not the body of the servant of God (name) be white.
In the name of God Christ
I'm chasing you, tumor,
I tell you, mother, I tell you:
leave the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now forever and ever.
The plot is read forty times. After this, doctors told many women that the fibroids had significantly decreased in size. Do not under any circumstances tell why this happened!

17. Speak to the vertebral hernia
On the waning moon, melt the incense bought on the third day after Easter in a cup. When it bubbles, put twelve candles in it and read the following plot:
The bell-ringer's three daughters are coming,
Three sons of a sexton.
The bell ringer's daughter of the servant of God (name)
The vertebrae are counting
The sexton's sons will reprimand him for his hernia,
A mother of God let them
He blesses us for this work. Amen.
After this, pour the incense and wax onto a rag, tie it on your lower back (on a sore spot) and go to bed.

18. So that children in your family are not drawn to wine, on the third day of Easter, soak a rag in vodka and put it under the cat’s nose. The moment the cat turns his nose away, you need to quickly say:
The mustache can’t smell, and you, (name),
Turn away from the wine.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

19. For healing
At Easter we must try to get from the priest egg. When you leave the church, approach the icon of the Mother of God, saying:
“Mother Mother of God, hear my prayers. Come with me to my home. You need to spend the night with me. Me r.b. (name) to heal. Amen! Amen! Amen!"
When leaving, make a donation.
At home, eat an egg and don’t eat anything for an hour. In the evening, take the Gospel and read the plot:
“Lord, save and have mercy, R. Your (name) in the words of the Divine Gospel, read about the salvation of R. Yours, burn, Lord, the thorns of all his sins. And may Your purifying grace dwell in him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"
In the morning, get up at dawn, take unopened water and say to it exactly as many times as you are full years old:
“Disease, disease, don’t interfere with me. Otherwise I’ll start drinking water to dissolve you forever. Amen! Amen! Amen!"
Take three sips and wash with the rest. Do not wipe your face.

20. Be sure to do 7 good deeds or give 7 gifts this Easter. Then all year long, until next Easter, the Lord will remember your kindness.


1. The first spell is not for a boiled, but for a raw chicken egg, simply laid on Easter.

A spell for good luck.

An egg laid on Easter is broken in a clay bowl, the wedding ring is thrown into it, then you need to go around the house, fry an egg from this egg along with the ring and eat it, taking out the ring, of course. Until the scrambled eggs are finished, you can’t talk to anyone! The year will be rich.
When eating an Easter egg, crush the shell with your left hand and say:
“How many small parts, so many successful days for me!” Don't throw away the shells! Grind it as much as you can and pour it into your wallet, pockets, at the bottom of your bag, into your piggy bank.

2. Paint more eggs for Easter, let’s get startedtreat yourself with Easter eggs.
Red eggs are used to treat the skeletal system, muscles and skin.
For kidney treatment Bladder, the reproductive system uses eggs of orange and yellow colors. In addition, eggs painted in yellow, roll back diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, stomach and gall bladder.
Green color helps in the treatment of the cardiovascular system.
The endocrine system - glands - thyroid, pancreas, thymus - can be treated with blue-colored eggs.
And the blue color helps with disorders of the respiratory system - nose, throat, bronchi, lungs.
The color violet helps in healing the nervous system.
The eggs, after they have rolled away diseased organs, are buried in the ground. If you bury under a tree, do not confuse: for a man - a male tree (maple, oak, poplar, ash) and for a woman - a female tree (rowan, willow, aspen). Of course, of all the trees, aspen and poplar are preferable as they take away evil energy.

Conspiracy read when rolling back diseases:

“Here it is, the long-awaited day, desired by everyone, on Holy Saturday I wished for it, on Great Day I looked in. What you see in a dream is true. Who can explain it, but an angel told me. I, the servant of God (name), went out into an open field, bowed to 4 sides, saw 7 earthly rivers and 2 springs. Then the word of God came to me: either on the red river it is not my blood, but health for the bones, then on the sunny afternoon you won’t get tired, but with children you will gain strength, then the yellow river floods for consolation, for the sick, health, and don’t be afraid of the green river, with health of heart strengthen yourself, judge for yourself about the other, as it is said - so fulfilled, filled with God's sacrament. Amen"

If multiple diseases are present, multiple eggs can be used different colors, reading conspiracies at least three times, or more: reading eight times helps relieve pain, four times - if the disease appeared under the influence of damage. You can roll back in a course: paint, for example, 12 eggs blue and roll back for 12 days in a row. Or three eggs a day, also for several (3, 7, 9, 12) days in a row.
When you bless paints for Easter, you can also bless minerals, i.e. stone eggs - jasper, onyx and others that you have. You can use them in the same way, rolling back diseased organs, but you need to bury them in a flower pot and for 40 days is quite enough.
Agate eggs can be used to treat respiratory organs, sore throat, infection in the upper respiratory tract, shortness of breath, stomach, even hair loss. Blue agate treats the thyroid gland, colds, yellow - the digestive organs, liver, gall, red - the endocrine system, vascular system and viral diseases, white relieves stress and aggression, multi-colored increases overall energy, and black increases sexual activity.
Beryl eggs only treat the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
A turquoise egg will help with diseases of the liver and gall bladder, endocrine system, and skin diseases.
If you have a precious opal testicle, you can treat your heart and nerves with it.
Serpentine egg removes negative energy and treats sexual disorders.
Hematite will help with diseases of the kidneys, liver, spleen, genitourinary system and metabolic disorders. If you purchased an egg made from rock crystal, treat your stomach and respiratory organs with it.
You can buy a jadeite egg; it will help you treat the spine and nervous system, and also stabilize blood pressure.
Lapis lazuli will help with disorders of the lymphatic system.
Malachite will even out the energy.

Malachite will be useful in many situations; it will strengthen the gastrointestinal tract. The white variety of jade will help with disorders of the autonomic nervous system, rheumatism, kidney and genitourinary system diseases.
Obsidian is useful for diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, bone disorders and sexual impotence.
Onyx relieves pain and normalizes acidity.
A selenite egg will help get rid of excess bile and mucus, heal the liver, spleen, and gastrointestinal tract.
Chrysolite will help with nervous disorders, as will charoite.
The help to your health from an amber egg is innumerable and immeasurable, but I think it’s difficult to acquire one!
Jasper. The most diverse and widespread mineral, like agate. You may come across jasper eggs of all colors and shades! But only the digestive organs, especially peptic ulcers, are treated with jasper.
They ward off illnesses with paints throughout Easter week. Stone eggs can be used all year round, periodically treating the eggs themselves in the ground. The Easter plot, of course, cannot work all year, but there are many other spells for reversing diseases.


Bright Sunday of the Lord “Easter” in 2014 is celebrated on April 20, this is the most important event of the year for Orthodox Christians around the world.

Easter is traditionally associated with many rituals, beliefs, signs; there are a huge number of Easter conspiracies that have been formed over centuries and passed on from mouth to mouth, including many elements preserved from pagan times. On this Bright Holiday, it is not recommended to practice magic, but you still want to know and apply something.

For example, the Christian ritual for Easter is to light candles; earlier in pagan times, our ancestors lit fires. The Easter ritual of lighting the fire earlier, but, as now, it personified the victory of life over death, light over darkness. Such rituals were carried out near houses and in fields, on hills near villages, so that quarrels and grievances would burn out in the flames of the fire, so that evil spirits would die in the fire, preventing future shoots from sprouting, as a sign of worship of the gods and in memory of deceased ancestors.

Now we don’t light bonfires, but throughout Easter week we try to light church candles in church or in our house or apartment. So our Easter ritual of lighting and placing candles for the health of all family members, enemies and the repose of deceased relatives also symbolizes the victory of life over death and the expectation of a happy Sunday.

Another ritual for Easter among Orthodox Christians is to collect “silent” water, and it is called “silent” because it is drawn from a spring on Easter, early in the morning and always silently. You also need to carry it home without saying a word. Christians believe that after this ritual the water is endowed with powerful miraculous powers.

By the way, our Easter ritual of stocking up on “silent” water was called “baptism” in pagan times. Before sunrise they gathered water in silence, and towards noon the whole village went out into the field and doused each other from head to toe. This promised not only everyone good health, but also promised a good harvest.

There is a ritual for Easter for various ailments and diseases, and it consists in this: at sunrise on Easter, light a church candle and, baptizing the space in front of you with it, say the following spell three times:

“Lord, bless me, Your servant (your name), give me good health. Just as you got rid of the chains of death on Easter, so I should get rid of the accursed disease, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After this, put out the candle and on the same day try to put it in the temple for your health.

For Easter, you need to cast amulets for your home and household. This Easter ritual must be performed by the owner of the house.

After attending the Easter service, returning home, break off 3 branches from the birch tree, do not forget to ask the tree for forgiveness for the sacrifice it made. Place it on a clean white cloth at home and sprinkling it with holy water, say the following words of the Easter spell:

“On Easter day I sanctify you, I endow you with mighty strength. Keep my house and everything in it from thieves, sorcerers, from evil and witchcraft, from misfortune and misfortune, from divination and illness. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The branches should be placed in certain places, one above the front door with inside, the second in the kitchen, and the third in the bedroom.

For Easter, you can make a personal amulet. Prepare (sew) a small bag of plain fabric. For Easter, put in it a little crushed shell of a painted consecrated egg, 3 buds of a consecrated willow and a small piece of paper on which write the following words of the spell:

“The Lord sees everything from heaven, the Lord knows everything about me, the Lord watches over me, the Lord protects me. The Lord will save me from trouble, take me away from grief, and save me from an evil person. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The bag should be tied with red thread and carried with you.

Conspiracies and rituals for Maundy Thursday.

On the eve of one of the biggest Christian holidays - Easter, there is one day when every person must undergo mandatory rituals of spiritual and physical cleansing. This day is known to us as Maundy Thursday. There are many legends associated with it, but they all boil down to one thing: only on this very day can you expel all negativity from your life. Even our distant ancestors firmly knew that if you thoroughly clean the house on this Thursday, then there would be order in your life all year long. That is why it is on this pre-Easter day that it is customary to carry out all kinds of rituals for cleansing.

First of all, the person himself needs cleanse yourself physically. To do this, on the night from Wednesday to Thursday you need to perform the ritual of ablution. It is believed that for these purposes a flowing reservoir is required, since such water is endowed with incredible healing power. Before sunrise, you should plunge into the river, and then say the following words:

“Here is Monday, here is Tuesday, here is Wednesday, but Thursday is pure water. Water washes the living, the obvious, wash me too, so that trouble will pass! Voditsa-sister, wash away the harmful damage cast from me. Wash away illnesses and diseases, wash away for health! Take away the evil weakness and toil. Give me the strength of health, good grace! My word is strong! Let it be done according to my will!”

If you don’t have the opportunity to use river water, then just get into the shower at night and imagine how warm streams wash away all the negativity from you, leaving light in your soul.

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing on Maundy Thursday is to do cleaning the house. This is the last day before Easter when you can put your home in order: starting from Friday, cleaning the room is strictly forbidden. By washing the floors, you protect your home from the penetration of filth and all kinds of troubles. With the help of water on this day, you can perform an effective ritual to attract wealth and well-being to your home.

To do this, you will need all the little things available in the house. Collect all the coins and place them in a bowl of water. Then read the “Our Father” three times over the water. Now, going clockwise from the front door (it is washed last), wash all the doors and windows in the house. Afterwards, read the prayer three times again, take out the coins and put them in a safe place, and carefully pour the water under the nearest tree. Under no circumstances should change be spent until Red Hill, which is celebrated 7 days after Easter.

The obligatory ritual of Maundy Thursday is This must also be done three times - in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. Lock yourself in a room so that no one disturbs you, and slowly count all your cash, saying the following words:

“A thousand, half a thousand, six hundred, that’s it, my Lord will take it everywhere. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

And the most important thing that should not be forgotten on Maundy Thursday is preparation of the so-called Thursday salt. You can prepare it in two ways. The first method: coarse salt purchased in advance should be poured into a new linen bag and calcined in the oven. After this, the salt is crushed, sifted and tightly closed in a jar. The second method is easier: on Maundy Thursday, all family members take a handful of salt and pour it into one container. In the future, Thursday salt is used in food to get rid of illnesses or end family troubles.