Fortune telling on an egg meaning. How to carry out fortune telling on eggs and water, interpretation of the meaning of figures. Removing egg damage


For our distant ancestors, the egg was a sacred symbol associated with the birth of a new life. This item was even used in fortune telling.

Who started guessing and when?

According to Slavic beliefs, the egg is the center of vitality, the beginning of all beginnings. This product is associated with fertility and immortality.

The egg has been used for a variety of situations, including as an object for fortune telling, since ancient times. For example, to protect against lightning, this object was thrown over the roof of the house. The egg helped ancient soothsayers obtain information about the unborn child.

Fortune telling with an egg, who will be born to you, was carried out as follows: The egg was rolled over the belly of a pregnant woman, after which it was broken in a saucer. If the yolk is homogeneous, then the child will be born alone. If the yolk is double, then you can expect twins. The presence of blood in the yolk was a bad sign, indicating a difficult birth.

Dark-skinned Voodoo sorcerers used eggs to obtain information about the presence of damage, the evil eye, and evil spells in a person. To do this, the egg is rolled from the top of the client's head to the center of the back, after which the egg is broken into a glass of water and the contents are assessed. The presence of any deviations from the norm (changed color, presence of blood or cloudy water) is evidence of evil spells.

But egg fortune telling for upcoming events was especially popular. This was a common practice in European countries.

Basic Rules

There are many ways to tell fortunes on an object such as an egg. Each of them carries an obligation to help get in touch with their nature and spirit. Fortune telling with eggs and water - great way know yourself better.

For fortune telling itself, you need to take a raw, fresh egg, better straight from under the chicken. This fragment is required, because a raw egg can quickly and reliably absorb negative energy. If the egg used turns out to be fertilized, then this is a very favorable sign for the fortuneteller.

Basic method

For the fortune telling process, you need to take one raw egg. Immediately before the ritual, the person who will carry out the necessary actions must carry the selected testicle with him during this day.

Candles and incense can be placed around the venue. Mentally you need to ask yourself a question of interest. Carefully make a miniature hole from the sharp end with a needle and pour the white into boiling water, while the yolk remains in the shell. Outlines and images will begin to form from the protein in the water, which are very important to interpret correctly.

If the protein sank to the bottom, then this is a bad omen. This means death, illness or fire. Typically, the spreading protein is localized in the center of the glass, acquiring a certain shape. As in the case of fortune telling on coffee grounds, preparing for interpretation is a fairly simple process. The only difficulty that may arise is correct image recognition. Sometimes the picture is obvious and you don’t have to think long about what is depicted. However, it is useful for everyone to know about general interpretations. When performing fortune telling on an egg and water, the interpretation can be as follows:

  • flowers - warn of upcoming happiness in love;
  • car - involves a long trip;
  • mask - betrayal of those closest to you;
  • stars - prophecy:
  • pear for adultery;
  • An angel is a good sign, warning of a complete absence of worries and troubles.
  • a spoon or fork signals illness;
  • crane - a symbol of longevity;
  • butterfly - love adventure;
  • knife - betrayal, loss, deception;
  • forest - a mistake on the path of life;
  • eyes signal big changes to come;
  • fish predicts good news;
  • spinning top is evidence of pointless troubles.

These are just some of the most basic interpretations. In fact, there are much more of them.

Chicken eggs (the carrier of life) and water have long been used by healers and magicians for fortune telling and treatment. Healers believe that a disease can be “reduced” to an egg, and water has the properties of an information carrier.

How to tell fortunes with eggs

Fortune telling with eggs and water will give reliable results if certain conditions are met.

  1. You need to find a fresh “live” egg - you can buy homemade eggs. A store-bought egg that has been stored in the refrigerator will not work.
  2. Water is poured into a glass or jar and left for half an hour to an hour until the liquid reaches room temperature. In hot water the egg will curl, and in cold water it will harden.
  3. They only guess on the white; if yolk particles get into the water, you need to pour out the water and start all over again.
  4. The egg is pierced from a sharp egg and held over a container until the white runs out.
  5. Before fortune telling, you need to focus on the question to which you want to know the answer.
  6. What can you guess?

  • For marriage (including future ones);
  • to fulfill a wish;
  • to work;
  • on relationships;
  • for material well-being...
  • The result of fortune telling is interpreted by the shape of the protein, which spreads in the water.
  • Fortune telling on an egg: interpretations

    It is believed that fortune telling with water and eggs gives reliable results. It is a bad omen if the protein immediately falls to the bottom without forming any shapes. If the protein blurs in a glass, you need to look closely at the mass to see some shape (or several).

    A car is a trip or the return of a loved one.
    Angel - peace of mind, joy, cloudless happiness.
    Watermelon - harmony in family life.
    Butterfly - a prosperous, carefree life.
    Bracelet - marriage for love. If the bracelet is broken, it means separation from your loved one.
    Alarm clock - profit, health.
    A bottle is a pastime in a fun company.
    Fan - betrayal, deception.
    Fork - poverty, dreary life.
    The dove is a symbol of peace and love.
    Mountain (mountains) – achieving success.
    Pear - discord in the family, adultery.
    Tree - all wishes will come true.
    A house is an omen of success and material well-being.
    Toad - surrounded by a vile, greedy person.
    Star - unprecedented success, fame.
    Cage - you can expect loss of money, position, freedom.
    Ship with sails:

    • for an unmarried girl - to get married and go to a foreign land;
    • for a married woman - to the imminent return of her husband;
    • For a man it’s an interesting trip.

    Ring - for a wedding (yours or someone else’s).
    The crown is a favorable sign that promises fulfillment of desires and success. If the crown is turned with its teeth downwards, numerous obstacles await on the path to success.
    Lines - poverty.
    A spoon means illness.
    The mask is a betrayal of a loved one.
    A sword promises a danger that you can prevent.
    Bridge - difficulties and failures that you can overcome.
    Knife - discord, divorce.
    Cloud - life will change for the better.
    Weapons are the ruin of all plans.
    Spider - beware of an insidious cunning person in your close circle.
    Bird – calm life and love. If the bird is in a cage, you can expect losses and disappointments.
    Fish is a sign of luck and success.
    The sun - a white streak will begin in life.
    Arrow - to financial difficulties.
    An ax is useless work.
    Flower - sincere love.
    Church promises quick marriage for unmarried young people, illness and death for older people.
    Watch - good health, success.
    An apple is personal happiness.

    Fortune telling for damage and the evil eye

    Healers have long used egg fortune telling to identify and remove the evil eye and damage from a person. This also requires a fresh homemade egg. It is carefully broken over a jar of cold water. The yolk must remain intact - this is very important!

    It is better to involve an assistant in the procedure, because it is desirable for the “object” to be in a relaxed state in a comfortable position. If there is no one to help, you can carry out all the manipulations yourself.

    The jar is alternately brought to the energy chakras:

    • to the crown;
    • to the forehead;
    • to the throat;
    • to the chest;
    • to the stomach;
    • to the groin area;
    • to the coccyx.

    The container is moved clockwise over each point; then pass the jar from top to bottom, around the body and around the head. If during the “rolling” the yolk bursts, the water is poured out and the whole procedure starts all over again.

    At night, the vessel is left at the head of the bed: there should be no headboard, sofa or other objects between the head and the container. To avoid this, you can sleep on a mattress on the floor.

    In the morning, the condition of the egg determines the presence of the evil eye, damage or disease.

    With a healthy biofield, the water remains transparent, the yolk and white are clean, airy, without foreign inclusions.

    Unfavorable signs:

    • hydrogen sulfide smell – disease;
    • “threads” that rise up - damage;
    • air bubbles - evil eye;
    • the yolk has turned gray or black - damage to illness or death.

    The water with the egg should be poured where people will not step on it (you can pour it down the toilet) and say the phrase “Let it return to the one who does this” 3 times.

    Fortune telling with eggs and water will help you find out the future and determine the presence of damage or the evil eye.

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    Fortune telling with eggs and water is one of the most ancient and accurate ways of predicting fate. To find out what awaits you in the near future, you need to correctly interpret the figures.

    This type of prediction has been tested for centuries. Many sorcerers and fortune tellers resorted to him to find out what secrets the future hid. It is believed that water and eggs have mystical meaning. Water is a conductor of energy, and the egg is considered a symbol of life. In symbiosis, these attributes of fortune telling give a very accurate forecast of the nearest events that may happen to the fortuneteller. It is important to learn the rules of fortune telling, as well as the interpretation of figures on the water.

    Esotericists say that with the help of an ordinary egg and water you can find out the future in different aspects of our lives. First, you need to choose the right divination attributes. In order for the outcome of fortune telling to be extremely accurate, you should purchase a high-quality chicken egg. Water is the second most important element of fortune telling. Only water at room temperature is suitable. Before you begin fortune telling, you need to decide on your goal and ask a clear question to which you want to receive an answer.

    They predict fate using these tools, always using the same algorithm. The raw egg is carefully pierced with a pin, then the white is very carefully dropped into a cup of water. It is important to ensure that no yolk gets into the water, otherwise the fortune telling will have to start again. After this, shake the water with the egg slightly and put it in the refrigerator for 20-25 minutes. During this time, the protein takes on a form that you need to interpret correctly in the future.

    Interpretation of figures

    Each person can see various objects and symbols in a bowl of water. On at this stage a fortuneteller must recognize what the protein figure looks like. There is no need to rush in this matter: try to carefully look at the drawing, connecting not only your imagination, but also your intuition.

    If you were unable to see the above figures, you should repeat the fortune telling.

    Sometimes we all want to look into our future and find out what awaits us. You can predict your fate not only with the help of an egg and water, but also with the help of any fortune telling for the near future.

    Chicken eggs (the carrier of life) and water have long been used by healers and magicians for fortune telling and treatment. Healers believe that a disease can be “reduced” to an egg, and water has the properties of an information carrier.

    How to tell fortunes with eggs

    Fortune telling with eggs and water will give reliable results if certain conditions are met.

    1. You need to find a fresh “live” egg - you can buy homemade eggs. A store-bought egg that has been stored in the refrigerator will not work.
    2. Water is poured into a glass or jar and left for half an hour to an hour until the liquid reaches room temperature. In hot water the egg will curl, and in cold water it will harden.
    3. They only guess on the white; if yolk particles get into the water, you need to pour out the water and start all over again.
    4. The egg is pierced from a sharp egg and held over a container until the white runs out.
    5. Before fortune telling, you need to focus on the question to which you want to know the answer.
    6. What can you guess?

    • For marriage (including future ones);
    • to fulfill a wish;
    • to work;
    • on relationships;
    • for material well-being...
  • The result of fortune telling is interpreted by the shape of the protein, which spreads in the water.
  • Fortune telling on an egg: interpretations

    It is believed that fortune telling with water and eggs gives reliable results. It is a bad omen if the protein immediately falls to the bottom without forming any shapes. If the protein blurs in a glass, you need to look closely at the mass to see some shape (or several).

    A car is a trip or the return of a loved one.
    Angel - peace of mind, joy, cloudless happiness.
    Watermelon – harmony in family life.
    Butterfly - a prosperous, carefree life.
    Bracelet - marriage for love. If the bracelet is broken, it means separation from your loved one.
    Alarm clock - profit, health.
    A bottle is a pastime in a fun company.
    Fan - betrayal, deception.
    Fork - poverty, dreary life.
    The dove is a symbol of peace and love.
    Mountain (mountains) – achieving success.
    Pear - discord in the family, adultery.
    Tree - all wishes will come true.
    A house is an omen of success and material well-being.
    Toad - surrounded by a vile, greedy person.
    Star - unprecedented success, fame.
    Cage - you can expect loss of money, position, freedom.
    Ship with sails:

    • for an unmarried girl - to get married and go to a foreign land;
    • for a married woman - to the imminent return of her husband;
    • For a man it’s an interesting trip.

    Ring - for a wedding (yours or someone else’s).
    The crown is a favorable sign that promises fulfillment of desires and success. If the crown is turned with its teeth downwards, numerous obstacles await on the path to success.
    Lines - poverty.
    A spoon means illness.
    The mask is a betrayal of a loved one.
    A sword promises a danger that you can prevent.
    Bridge - difficulties and failures that you can overcome.
    Knife - discord, divorce.
    Cloud - life will change for the better.
    Weapons are the ruin of all plans.
    Spider - beware of an insidious cunning person in your close circle.
    Bird – calm life and love. If the bird is in a cage, you can expect losses and disappointments.
    Fish is a sign of luck and success.
    The sun - a white streak will begin in life.
    Arrow - to financial difficulties.
    An ax is useless work.
    Flower - sincere love.
    Church promises quick marriage for unmarried young people, illness and death for older people.
    Watch - good health, success.
    An apple is personal happiness.

    Fortune telling for damage and the evil eye

    Healers have long used egg fortune telling to identify and remove the evil eye and damage from a person. This also requires a fresh homemade egg. It is carefully broken over a jar of cold water. The yolk must remain intact - this is very important!

    It is better to involve an assistant in the procedure, because it is desirable for the “object” to be in a relaxed state in a comfortable position. If there is no one to help, you can carry out all the manipulations yourself.

    The jar is alternately brought to the energy chakras:

    • to the crown;
    • to the forehead;
    • to the throat;
    • to the chest;
    • to the stomach;
    • to the groin area;
    • to the coccyx.

    The container is moved clockwise over each point; then pass the jar from top to bottom, around the body and around the head. If during the “rolling” the yolk bursts, the water is poured out and the whole procedure starts all over again.

    At night, the vessel is left at the head of the bed: there should be no headboard, sofa or other objects between the head and the container. To avoid this, you can sleep on a mattress on the floor.

    In the morning, the condition of the egg determines the presence of the evil eye, damage or disease.

    With a healthy biofield, the water remains transparent, the yolk and white are clean, airy, without foreign inclusions.

    Unfavorable signs:

    • hydrogen sulfide smell – disease;
    • “threads” that rise up - damage;
    • air bubbles - evil eye;
    • the yolk has turned gray or black - damage to illness or death.

    The water with the egg should be poured where people will not step on it (you can pour it down the toilet) and say the phrase “Let it return to the one who does this” 3 times.

    Fortune telling with eggs and water will help you find out the future and determine the presence of damage or the evil eye.

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    Fortune telling using eggs and water does not require many attributes; the reliability of the prediction is guaranteed by the life-giving power of the liquid, which is a symbol of information and purification. The result can be seen with the help of figures that blur in the water and acquire clear outlines. A magical ritual helps to remove damage by cleansing a person’s aura, and an unmarried girl can see her betrothed in a dream if she puts a fresh egg under her pillow all night.

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    How to guess correctly?

    Basic rules for the ritual:

    1. 1. Only domestic eggs are suitable. You cannot use store-bought ones or those that have been stored in the refrigerator for a long time.
    2. 2. Water should be poured into a cut glass or glass jar. Wait an hour, letting it warm up to room temperature. When hot, the product will curdle, and when cold, it will harden.
    3. 3. Only egg white can predict an event or answer a question. And if a yolk or a drop of it gets into the water, you need to drain the liquid and start the process all over again.
    4. 4. The egg should be pierced on the pointed side and held over a glass until all the whites flow into the water.
    5. 5. When making a wish or forming a question, you need to concentrate properly.
    6. 6. After the protein has drained into the raw water, you need to wait half an hour, allowing the figures to fully form.

    You can place candles and incense around the ritual site, tuning yourself into a magical wave.

    By fortune telling on protein and water, a person can get answers to many questions, for example:

    • Will your wish come true?
    • When does a person get married?
    • What will happen to work?
    • How will the relationship develop and is it worth starting?
    • Will the person be rich or poor?

    The result should be determined by the shape of the protein, which spreads in raw water and takes on a clear outline.

    What do the figures represent?

    When the protein has formed, it is carefully removed. Then they put aside the figures that have a pronounced shape. Using them you need to guess about desires and future events. The most common meanings of the figures:

    Figure Interpretation
    AutomobileFor a trip or return of a loved one
    AngelA good sign symbolizing peace of mind and happiness
    WatermelonPromises harmony in family life
    ButterflyAn easy and carefree life awaits a person
    CrapIf it floats, it means profit; if it sinks to the bottom, it means trouble.
    BraceletSymbol of love and unity of souls
    BouquetFor gifts
    BottlePromises a fun time and meeting with friends
    FanTalks about deception, intrigue and betrayal
    BroomTo quarrels, conflicts and lawsuits
    CamelA person faces hard work that will not bring profit
    ForkPredicts poverty and boring life
    Gate (fence)Achievements at work, success in business and protecting yourself from unhappiness
    PigeonSymbol of love and peace, promises pure love and peace of mind
    MountainPredicts difficulties and success after them
    PearTo infidelity and family quarrels
    MushroomPromises something to do
    TreeTo make your wishes come true
    HouseTalks about material well-being and strong family relationships
    ToadSurrounded by an envious, greedy and vile person
    StarTo success, fame and fulfillment of desires
    CellTo financial waste, bankruptcy and isolation
    ShipPromises happiness, travel and a successful journey
    RingPredicts a wedding or meeting a person who will later become a spouse
    CrownYou can expect your dreams to come true and your life to improve.
    LinesTo poverty and evil eye
    SpoonTo illness
    CrossSymbolizes karma and predicts trials
    MaskA loved one will betray or deceive
    SwordWarns of danger that can be avoided if you don't tell anyone about your plans
    BridgeDifficulties along the way that, with diligence, can be overcome
    CoinsTo small expenses or tears
    KnifeTo divorce and conflicts
    CloudsLife will change for the better
    WeaponTo danger and collapse of plans
    SpiderSomeone influential will interfere in matters and confuse all plans
    Rectangle (square)To illness, misfortune
    BirdPromises a quiet life with your loved one
    FishTo success and luck
    HeartTalks about love and meeting your soul mate
    SunThe bright streak will begin soon
    ArrowPredicts financial difficulties and resentment
    AxeThe person will engage in useless labor
    FlowerTo sincere love
    ChurchIt promises a wedding to the unmarried and the unmarried, and illness and the end of life to the elderly.
    ChainMeans a prosperous family life, strengthening family, personal and business relationships
    WatchTo a change of job or to a rush in business
    ApplePromises personal happiness
    AnchorTo stability in life

    Raw egg rituals

    If an unmarried girl puts a fresh raw egg under her pillow, she will be able to see her future husband in a dream. In Europe, this product is used to protect the home from negative energy, hail and lightning by burying it under the threshold. In countries South America Traditional healers rub the body of a sick person with a fresh egg, read a prayer over him and advise him to sleep. If the egg curls up in the morning, the person will soon recover.

    There is an old Russian fortune-telling based on egg whites and water for signs of spoilage:

    1. 1. The egg is broken into a jar of water.
    2. 2. They bring it to the person who was allegedly damaged. He must remain motionless while a magical ritual is performed on him.
    3. 3. The can is passed around the lying person clockwise.
    4. 4. Then from top to bottom and around the head.
    5. 5. Place it at the head of the bed.
    6. 6. In the morning, look at the pattern that the protein has formed.

    This divination should be done at night, just before bedtime, so that the person does not get out of bed for some time.

    If the white is pure, there is no evil eye. Clots, compactions and dark spots have appeared - energetic cleansing and a ritual to remove damage are necessary. If the yolk has acquired a noticeably black color, spoilage can lead to a prolonged illness or death.

    Egg fortune telling, or ovomancy, is an esoteric way of reading information about the future, a method of recognizing symbols of silhouettes and geometric configurations placed on the contents of a raw egg. To obtain reliable information, the egg must be fertilized, so store-bought eggs are not suitable for this purpose. Most often, eggs from domestic chickens are used (as the most affordable remedy).

    From time immemorial, the egg carries a deep symbolic meaning, preserved in many world religions and beliefs. In Ancient Egypt, the egg was considered the basis of all things; in Slavic mythology it was an obligatory attribute of holidays and rituals, and in the Christian religion the egg is a symbol of Easter. In many cults, priests were forbidden to eat eggs because they were believed to have sacred meaning. Fortune telling on an egg has a special meaning in understanding the world. Distinguished by the bright red color of the yolk, it carries the meaning of the energy of the Sun and blood, and the white in it symbolizes the shell between two worlds: external and internal.

    To read the information correctly, it is necessary to use a fresh egg, because it tends to absorb surrounding energy, so it is best to use it directly from the laying hen. Fortune telling using a raw egg is one of the most reliable ways to determine fate and make a prediction. There are many methods of ovomancy, but the general meaning of the procedure comes down to three main stages:

    2) conducting a ritual to process it inside a closed universe;

    3) reading information by combining the contents of an egg with water.

    Only protein is used for fortune telling. According to the same scheme, only with the use of yolk, negative energy is rolled out and a person’s aura is aligned.

    Fortune telling on an egg is performed as follows:

    1) A fresh egg must be washed under running water. You should hold it for a few minutes between your palms in the area, thinking about what interests you.

    2) It is necessary to make a small hole with a needle in the convex part of the shell, continuing to think about what is bothering you.

    3) Release the white into a glass of water so that the yolk remains inside. Based on the location of the protein in the water and the figures formed by it, fortune-telling is performed on the egg, the interpretation of which comes down to determining the meaning of the symbols.

    If the protein sinks to the bottom, this portends all sorts of troubles (illness, death, fire), depending on the further reading of the symbols. Usually the protein is placed in the center of the glass, taking the form of various shapes that have next value. The systematic practice of fortune telling on an egg leads to one’s own vision of the symbols and determination of their meanings.

    Basic meanings of symbols for beginning diviners:

    Watermelon - joyful life;

    Butterfly - dreams;

    Broom - quarrel, discord;

    Camel - work;

    Mushroom is a rewarding experience;

    Mountain is an obstacle;

    Tree - family, protection;

    Star - patronage;

    Cross - fate;

    Book - knowledge;

    Fox is a cunning person;

    The face is news;

    Bear - profit;

    Nose - premonition;

    Cloud - rest;

    Horns - opposition;

    Heart - love;

    A dog is a friend;

    Owl - wisdom;

    Ear - news;

    Church - a young woman foretells a wedding, an elderly woman - death;

    Flowers - happiness;

    Anchor - certainty.

    Finding out the future, being prepared for troubles or expecting something special, important - isn’t that nice? There are hundreds of options for fortune telling that can be carried out without special knowledge and skills. It is important not to harm yourself or attract negativity, so you should not guess on exotic objects. Leave unfamiliar rituals and things to the professionals, and at home, make fortunes using available products.

    Why choose a chicken egg? It is the center of life, from small egg a living being is born. The symbol of existence, the source of life, the beginning of beginnings - this is how it has been perceived from time immemorial. Fortune telling on eggs began many years before the present; historical sources contain descriptions of fortune telling in Ancient Egypt and Babylon. Drawings on the walls of the pyramids tell about fortune-telling on eggs, which were carried out by sorcerers and priests Ancient Egypt. According to legend, the goddess Helen emerged from an egg that broke in the waters of the Euphrates...

    There are many legends, but the truth is one – everyone is allowed to tell fortunes using a chicken egg. The correct interpretation of protein spilled on water can warn the fortuneteller about changes coming in his life. And most importantly, this fortune telling will not harm, it is quite simple, the result depends only on imagination and the ability to understand the symbolism.

    How to properly prepare for fortune telling

    This kind of fortune-telling is called omania, according to which good esotericists will easily tell you what awaits in the future, help you name the cause and depth of the damage, and remove the evil eye. If you have at least a minimum understanding of the subject, you will be able to free yourself from bad energy, level out problems in the aura, remove negativity from thoughts.

    Start by preparing the items necessary for the ritual. Buy a homemade chicken egg, fresh from the chicken - it has not yet absorbed negativity and is completely clean. Such a chicken egg in the hands of a fortuneteller becomes a talisman and a talisman. Take it in your hands and try to make a wish.

    Please note that farm eggs sold in stores are not suitable for fortune telling.

    Types of fortune telling on a chicken egg.

    • Fortune telling on a squirrel.
    • Fortune telling on the yolk.
    • Removing damage and the evil eye.
    • "Rolling out" diseases.
    • Clearing the room of “bad thoughts.”

    Definition of spoilage

    Let's start with the simplest and most understandable methods of divination - determining the damage inflicted on a person. Wash fresh chicken eggs (not store-bought) thoroughly under cold flowing water. Next, pour clean water into a glass or transparent vessel and break an egg into it. Bring the vessel to the most important energy nodes - chakras:

    • Pubes.
    • Belly.
    • Breasts.
    • Throat.
    • Top of the head.

    The sequence is exactly as written. The person being told fortunes must be at rest. When the vessel with the egg broken into it has moved to the crown of the head, you need to pause a little and circle it along the entire figure clockwise. Now from head to toe from top to bottom. The ritual is performed before bedtime, because the vessel is then left at the head of the bed overnight. In the morning, the fortuneteller must see what happened to the egg.

    • If nothing unusual appears in the vessel, everything is clean and there is no damage.
    • If clots, stains, or compactions appear, there has been damage and the energy system needs to be cleaned.
    • If the yolk has darkened, there is a serious problem.

    You can free a person from disease and damage by “rolling out” a chicken egg. Moreover, it will be possible to “cure” bad thoughts - they also harm.

    For the ritual, a clean egg, freshly laid by a chicken, is taken - it is “rolled out” over the entire body or the room being treated. The ritual is performed slowly, clockwise. After the ritual, the egg is taken out into the yard and buried, burned, or given to water if a river flows nearby.

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    Fortune telling using raw eggs and water

    The most common fortune telling on a chicken egg for the future, which will not cause harm, but will slightly open the veil of the future. The ritual is simple, but you will need a fresh homemade chicken egg. I specifically note that store-bought eggs are not suitable - they carry negative energy and cannot be used for fortune telling, because they will initially give the wrong answer.


    1. Rinse the egg in running cold water. Take it in your hands, press it to your chest and mentally ask the question you want to get an exact answer to.
    2. Turn the egg with the thin end towards you and carefully pierce the shell with a needle. Try to pour only the protein into warm water - it is used for the ritual. The yolk should not spill out - it keeps it clean.
    3. Shake the vessel with the protein poured into the water, leave for half an hour in dark place.
    4. You can look at the result of fortune telling.

    Fantasy and intuition will help in interpreting symbols. The approximate layout and marked patterns on the surface of the water are given in the table below.

    One of the worst signs is if the squirrel does not draw a single figure in the water, but simply sinks to the bottom - this can be a harbinger of illness, trouble, fire, or quarrel. The most pleasant drawing is considered to be the image of a heart - for great love.

    What do the drawings in the water tell - the correct interpretation of the figures

    ButterflyDreams and lightness, carefree lifeCloudEasy changes, rest
    BraceletMarriage and loveHornsQuarrels, betrayals, trouble
    FanBetrayal, deceitHeartLove, the happiest symbol
    BroomWarns of a quarrelDogDevoted friend
    ForkRuin and poverty threatenArrowLoss of finances, albeit temporary
    MushroomKnowledge, experience, teachingFace with big earTo the news
    BirdA sure sign of loveFishRandom luck
    MountainAn insurmountable obstacleFlowersTo love and joy
    HouseSuccess in everythingWatchSuccess at work
    StarA reliable patron will appear, success awaitsToadSneaky man
    RingTowards marriageBottleWaiting for a party or celebration For divorce
    CrossHeavy burdenPearTo divorce
    SpoonTo illnessOwlThey will give wise advice
    BridgeThe hard wayTreeCare, calm, protection
    AngelHappiness of the soul and complete peace in the family, well-beingKnifeQuarrels, discord, separation

    Is it worth guessing and can fortune-telling be trusted?

    It’s nice to know what awaits around the turn of fate - you can prepare a little for troubles or anticipate good changes. However, fortune telling is not always correct, so you shouldn’t wait for a definitive prediction.

    A protein spilled into water can “paint” such a complex picture that it will not be possible to find at least part of the proposed interpretations in it. Any fortune-telling is a bit of a fairy tale, in which it is nice to see the beautiful ending of the planned task. However, we build our own destiny, so fortune telling is only the right hint.

    Try to tell fortunes, if you can find it in big city An egg just laid by a hen can be used. Take the ritual with due seriousness, because any lifting of the veil of the future is a peek through the keyhole. If you like the result, put in the effort to achieve it. If it is negative, there will be an opportunity to change fate.

    Since ancient times, people have treated the egg with trepidation and, even using it in fortune telling, saw it as a sacred symbol, often associated with the birth of a new life.

    In the article:

    There are many myths found everywhere in which there is such a symbol of creation as the “Universal Egg”.

    In the myth of Orpheus, our whole world originated from him, and in ancient greek myths the sons of Zeus - Castor and Polydeuces - themselves came out of the egg. In Egypt, it was a symbol of the rebirth of space and man, heaven and earth, and even the hieroglyph “egg” means potential, seed.

    And how many disputes were there in ancient times around what came first, “the egg or the chicken”? They continue to this day.

    According to popular Slavic beliefs, it is the center of vitality, the beginning of all beginnings. The Slavs also associate it with fertility and immortality; it is worth remembering Koshchei the Immortal, whose death was placed in an egg.

    Who started telling fortunes with eggs and when?

    It is impossible to trace when and where people first began to use the egg as an element of fortune telling, but since ancient times it has been actively used in various rituals.

    For example, in many European countries there is a common ritual in which a raw egg is buried at the doorstep of a house, thus protecting the home from evil spirits. It is also used as lightning protection by throwing it over the roof of the house.
    In ancient times, they were often used to obtain information about the child in the womb. The soothsayer rolled the egg over the pregnant woman's belly and then broke it into a saucer. A uniform yolk indicated one child, a split yolk indicated the birth of twins, and blood in the yolk was considered a bad sign and indicated a difficult birth.

    Dark-skinned Voodoo sorcerers use eggs to see if a person has damage or evil spells. To do this, the voodooist rolls it from the top of the client's head down, along the neck, to the center of the back. Then he breaks the egg into a glass of water.

    If there is any anomaly, a change in color, the water becomes cloudy, or there is blood, this is a sign that the person has come under bad influence. Under no circumstances should you touch this water! After the ritual is completed, it is poured into the ground.

    But egg fortune telling for upcoming events has always been the most popular. Such fortune telling was common practice in Ancient Rome and Greece. Now they are held in Scotland, Spain, England on the eve of Samhain, the Druid New Year, which is still celebrated by European healers, descendants of the Celts.

    An egg becomes a reliable assistant in the hands of a fortuneteller if he knows how to handle it.

    Reading the future from an egg is called “Ovomansion”, but, however, few people know this term. The word's roots go back to the Greek language. Ovomancy is a form Haruspex, fortune telling by the internal organs of animals.
    Fortune telling for the future in this way is not much different from more common types of fortune telling, for example, fortune telling by coffee grounds or melted wax. The idea is to decipher the shapes and images that egg white creates and then interpret them.

    METHOD OF DIVINATION: It is necessary to take a spotlessly clean, ideally white, egg: it is better to use unfertilized ones. The querent must either carry it with him during the day or put it under the bed while sleeping, and only then can he perform the ritual.

    You can place candles and incense around the venue. Calm your mind and mentally ask yourself your question. From the sharp end of the egg, make a hole with a needle and pour it into hot water contents, leaving the yolk in the shell. As a result of these manipulations, images will begin to form in the water that need to be interpreted.

    As in fortune telling with coffee grounds, the process of preparing for interpretation is quite simple. The difficulty lies only in decoding the images correctly, keeping track of what associations arise - they are rarely obvious. Therefore, in such fortune telling it is very important to use your own intuition to see the full picture. However, it is useful to be aware of common interpretations, especially when you are just beginning to learn the art of seeing images.


    • angel - an unknown well-wisher will help you;
    • butterfly - love adventure;
    • a vase is a clear indication of money; if it is tilted, be careful, monetary losses are possible;
    • eyes - big changes are coming;
    • home - your endeavors will be crowned with success;
    • crane - longevity;
    • snake - the presence of an enemy nearby, or a warning of danger;
    • bell - can mean a wedding;
    • forest - a mistake on the path of life;
    • bridge - you have to make a decision;
    • knife - deception, loss, betrayal;
    • eagle - you have a beautiful future;
    • fish - good news awaits you;
    • transport - for travel;
    • knot - don’t worry about trifles;
    • flower - for love;
    • Yula - meaningless chores;
    • apple is a symbol of creativity.

    As a parting word for a fortuneteller

    Of course, there are many variations of such fortune telling, and some of them may seem absolutely crazy. But all these methods are a tool of mediation between you and your subconscious. They help you touch your inner nature, your spirit. Thanks to them, we can find support from the invisible forces of nature. Therefore a method like egg fortune telling is a way to understand yourself more deeply, to see what is happening from a different perspective and to realize it.

    Since ancient times, people have used a wide variety of tools in attempts to understand the world around and within themselves, and to receive help from the surrounding space. Try it and maybe you will get answers to your questions.

    In contact with

    In predictive practice, a chicken egg and water have always been very important symbols. Originates in the egg new life, and water, which has the ability to remember and transmit information, gives it strength and energy. That is why folk fortune telling with eggs and water from time immemorial it was considered one of the most accurate and truthful, - after all, nature itself gives us its answers.

    To tell fortunes on an egg and water, you don’t have to be a magician or fortune teller; you don’t need any special knowledge or skills either. The principle of this folk fortune-telling is very simple: a chicken egg is pierced with a needle, and the white is poured into a glass glass with warm water. The main thing here is to make sure that no yolk gets into the water, otherwise the result will be inaccurate. After this, the water and protein are lightly mixed, and the glass is placed in a cool place for about 30 minutes. Then they look at what figures the egg white has formed, and their interpretation is determined depending on the purpose of fortune telling and the question of interest.

    When turning to this method of predicting the future at home, you must follow some rules: the water in the glass should be at room temperature; the egg should be taken from a domestic chicken (store-bought eggs are not suitable for fortune telling); it is pierced from the thin end.

    This page features online version of folk fortune telling on a chicken egg and water.

    Click on the picture

    Angel. Happiness and peace of mind lie ahead of you.

    Watermelon. A joyful family life is ahead.

    Butterfly. Dreams and a carefree life await you.

    Bracelet. For an unmarried girl - imminent marriage. For married people - minor quarrels.

    Bottle. A joyful event is coming up, you will spend time in a cheerful company.

    Fan. Be careful, hypocrisy and betrayal are likely.

    Broom. Minor quarrels, squabbles.

    Camel. There is a lot of hard work ahead.

    Fork. A bad sign, a harbinger of poverty and melancholy.

    Mountain. Overcoming obstacles, striving for high goals, success in business.

    Pear. Treason is possible; family troubles and quarrels based on jealousy are coming.

    Toad. It is likely that you will meet a vile and greedy person whom you should beware of.

    Star. Ahead lies dizzying success and glory.

    Ship. Predicts a business trip for a man or the return of a husband, lover, brother, father from a business trip for a woman.

    Crown. A favorable sign, portends happiness and good luck, fulfillment of desires.

    Cell. There will be a great loss, deprivation of freedom, money, property, power.

    Church. For an unmarried girl - an early wedding, wedding; for others it is a disease.

    Knife. For those who are married - divorce, for others - minor quarrels.

    Arrow. Temporary financial difficulties are possible.

    Spider. Next to you is a cunning and insidious person who you should beware of.

    However, so far these have been scattered mentions. Let's summarize the material in the form of an article "" and for this we offer you a fairly universal method for diagnosing and removing spoilage (using eggs).

    Find out the damage by the eggs! Until she recognized you :) Why do we stop at the egg? Because the egg is a very ancient and very universal method of working with negative things. Thus, the egg as such is directly connected with the beginning of the Universe in many mythologies of the world. For example, our modern world, as the Slavs believed, arose precisely from a world egg floating in the world’s oceans.

    Naturally, modern eggs are a long way from the ancestral egg. But nevertheless, an ordinary egg is nothing more than symbol first egg. Therefore, it becomes to some extent artifact. That is, eggs have much greater potential compared to other things like wax, hair, and so on. In terms of artifactual and symbolic potential, the only thing comparable to an egg is water (a symbol of the ocean in which that same egg floated). And, oddly enough, it is water that will help us identify spoilage in eggs.

    But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, let's remember the basic definitions.

    Words " damage" comes from the word " spoil". And you won’t believe the word “spoil” - directly related to the egg. This is probably also why you can recognize spoilage by eggs, and also remove it most effectively with the help of an egg. How does the word "spoil" relate to eggs? The sequence reconstructed from the etymological dictionaries of Vasmer and Chernykh is as follows:

    One form of the word " spoil" - word " tattered" - rotten egg. This form is present in Czech as zaprtek(spoiled egg), and in Slovak in the form zaprtok(scrambled egg). An older form of this word preserved in Lithuanian is: pereti, perei meant " hatch eggs". And, in turn, this form has an even more archaic version, preserved in Latin: perio, which means " I give birth, I bear". Ultimately the word " spoil" (like the word " damage") through intermediate meanings associated with eggs, goes back to the Proto-Indo-European root * per-, meaning to bear, to give birth.

    So, spoilage is really directly related to eggs. Which may well justify the effectiveness of eggs in removing spoilage.

    So let's get back to our sheep. That is, we will continue to recognize spoilage by eggs. Manifestations of damage are varied, but always destructive:

    • these are long-term illnesses,
    • and long-term painful lack of money,
    • and troubles at work,
    • and love troubles...

    In general, damage is when everything is bad. And not by itself, but by someone’s evil will. After all damage- this is always the result of purposeful magical actions. Damage is always caused; it will not fall on a person on its own. That’s why it’s scary: after all, in order to “spoil” a person, evil forces and negative energies are used, so people who have been damaged feel melancholy, sadness, fear, and despondency. Damage decomposes not only the body - that would be half the problem, but also the soul, in which case one cannot expect that everything will “go away on its own.” Fortunately, there are reliable ways to remove damage.

    We've dealt with the damage, let's move on to the evil eye. The evil eye is similar to damage, but still it is not the same thing. The fundamental difference is that evil eye- This is an involuntary action. Someone looked unkindly, said something rude, got very angry or envious... And perhaps he didn’t want to cause harm, but he had enough strength for a bad thought to touch him. You can jinx both in person and at a distance, although in the first case the negative effect will be stronger.

    Most often, beautiful and successful people are subject to the evil eye, and those who, for some reason, are energetically weakened, which happens when they are sick or severely tired, also easily fall under the evil eye. In terms of its effect, the evil eye is much weaker than damage, but it can also cause a lot of trouble.

    As the title suggests, this article will talk about ways and means by which you can determine whether you have damage or not. IN modern literature and there are many descriptions on the Internet in various ways. But, despite the large number, they can all be divided into two groups:

    1. External
    2. Domestic

    The first category includes (as I believe is clear from the name) all methods in which the presence of damage is determined by external signs and signs, or by using some kind of rites (rituals). Well, for example, you found in your house or under your threshold a tuft of hair, scattered earth, a needle, a dead animal, or just a puddle of water (there are a lot of options). Among the ritual methods, perhaps the most common are methods for determining damage using eggs, pins, candles, and wax.

    • constant bad luck, everything falls out of hand;
    • constant depression;
    • all tests and examination results are normal, but you are still sick;
    • an unreasonable feeling of fear and misfortune;
    • without visible reasons high temperature rises. There are no manifestations of the disease, except for a temperature above 39. After some time, the temperature also suddenly drops and does not rise again;
    • causeless diarrhea or vomiting, which, like fever, quickly goes away on its own
    • fear - a person who has not previously suffered from any phobias begins to be afraid of the dark, heights, closed spaces or something else inexplicable;
    • chills or trembling without illness or fever;
    • a protracted illness that cannot be treated appropriately, or illnesses following one after another;
    • a chain of bad luck, troubles, misfortunes;
    • melancholy and torment, nightmares, forebodings. A person experiences an unquenchable mental yearning and does not know why and suffers, unable to cope with his incomprehensible illness;
    • and so on.

    The signs of the evil eye are not as obvious as those of damage, but they can still be detected. For example:

    1. A burning sensation in the eyes, as if a speck had gotten into the eye, even though there was nothing in the eye. The eyes become watery and there is a fear of bright light.
    2. A series of minor troubles and minor ailments is also a sign of the evil eye. If a major loss or serious illness speaks of damage, then little things that seem to cause little harm, but make life sick, are the evil eye.
    3. Loss of strength, feeling of heaviness throughout the body, drowsiness and clumsiness.
    4. Minor family quarrels and disagreements that happen “out of nowhere” are a sign that someone was jealous of your family happiness and jinxed it.
    5. If something is constantly breaking in the house, this also speaks of the evil eye.
    6. Insomnia.
    7. No appetite or, conversely, a constant feeling of hunger.
    8. Irritability, constant bad mood.
    9. Infertility, sexual impotence.

    External signs of the evil eye are much more elusive than those described internal or than external signs damage. Therefore, you shouldn’t get carried away with them - it’s not far from paranoia (every time you shy away from anyone who looks at you strangely...).

    Thus, with the help of internal signs, you can suspect that you are under damage or the evil eye. How can you confirm/refute suspicions? It’s very simple - using external methods in general and ritual methods in particular. And the main one is the determination of spoilage using an egg.

    Ritual recognition of damage by eggs.

    Naturally, there are a huge number of ways to use eggs to determine spoilage. Let's list the most frequently used ones.

    How to recognize spoilage by eggs - option No. 1.

    You need to take a raw egg, definitely from a domestic chicken. The egg is taken in the right hand and the following words are whispered over it:

    Roll the egg, from right to left, from west to east, from north to south, from the most pure angel to the dark demon. Tell the whole truth about God’s servant (name).

    Next, they begin to roll the person out with the testicle - they roll it around the body in circles, always clockwise. It takes quite a long time to roll out, there is no need to rush. First they roll around the head, then circles on the chest, stomach, back, legs, feet. Once you've rolled everything out, you need to take a saucer and break the egg. If it is of normal color, if the yolk has not spread, everything is fine. And if the egg is dark, cloudy, the yolk is spreading, there is some damage and treatment is needed.

    Option for recognizing spoilage by eggs No. 2.

    To diagnose spoilage using a chicken egg, you need to break it into a transparent vessel filled with cold water. The egg should be poured in so that the yolk remains intact and the contents are not shaken. Next, you need to place the glass with the egg on the person’s crown for five minutes. You can also place a glass or glass jar with the contents while you sleep at the head of the bed, at night.

    It is believed that if the egg has not undergone any changes, then the human biofield does not contain negative programs. If there are multiple and noticeable strands of protein on the surface of the water, then this is the evil eye. It is also unfavorable if the egg white has lost its transparency or bubbles are visible on the protein threads going up to the surface of the water. This is damage. Even worse, black dots or bloody streaks have appeared.

    It should be noted that for self-diagnosis it is necessary to use the freshest possible egg, and water - not chlorinated, but spring water, since it is chlorinated tap water is likely to be cloudy or contain bubbles.

    The third option is how to determine spoilage using an egg.

    Take a glass jar, pour water into it and carefully break a raw egg into it so that the yolk does not spill! Hold the jar above your head, then bring it to the back of your head, to your forehead, to your chest, to your groin, to your feet. At each of these places, hold the jar for about five minutes: this is necessary for the egg to absorb all the evil that is poisoning you.

    Close the jar and place it at the head of your bed overnight.

    In the morning, carefully examine what happened to the egg and water. If there is spoilage, the egg will turn black and the water will become cloudy. If not, the water will remain clean and the egg will not change in any way.

    Option for recognizing spoilage using eggs No. 4.

    Pour 3/4 cup of water (this is enough), hold the egg in your hands, then quickly and carefully break the egg into the glass (without damaging the yolk). Sit on a chair or armchair, tuck your chin to your chest and carefully place a glass of water and an egg on your crown. Supporting the glass with your hand, sit without moving for 3 minutes. You can change hands if you get tired, but be careful not to stir up the water.

    After 3 minutes, remove the glass from your head and carefully inspect for unpleasant things.

    As you can see, the systems are similar. The only difference is the method of bringing the egg to the person being diagnosed, as well as the time for “manifestation of the negative” - for the occurrence of manifestations in the egg. How to choose a more correct method and time? With practice, of course :)

    Interpretation of types of signals from eggs regarding spoilage.

    So, the general idea of ​​all the listed methods for recognizing spoilage by eggs is that an egg poured into water after a certain time acquires various unnatural characteristics. That is, it signals the presence of a particular condition in a person. The following list will help you interpret signals from eggs in more detail:

    1. If the water is clear and the yolk has not changed and lies in the white, and the white lies in a heap, there is no damage to you.
    2. If the yolk is whole, but the whites rise up columns, like the fringe of a jellyfish, there may be one such column or several, then damage has been cast on you. This is not a very serious damage, mainly for failure in family life, for loneliness, for tears. Such damage often lasts for 3-7 years. After this period, the energy of damage is absorbed into the ether.
    3. These columns (we call them “candles”) look more like cobwebs, then this is a very slight damage. Such light damage can be caused by “amateurs,” as I call them, i.e. those who bought a book about black magic and practice doing nasty things to their friends, whose lives seem better to them than their own. Such damage still brings a streak of slight bad luck, incomprehensible ailments, quarrels in the family, troubles at work. Light damage caused by “amateurs” does not last more than a year.
    4. If the protein columns have bubbles, then the damage is strong and was done not by an amateur, but by a professional. Such damage is usually done so that you are haunted by failures and debilitating minor illnesses that are difficult to treat, or are not even recognized by doctors; more often this damage is done to harm your financial success. Such damage begins to work suddenly. That is, everything comes at once and it is unclear why, although before everything always worked out perfectly. This damage could be ordered for you by a business competitor or even a neighbor or friend whose car is worse than yours, for example.
    5. If the posts have bubbles and blackheads, or bubbles on the white columns and black dots on the yolk, then the damage was done to death or using grave soil. In this case, the one who ordered the damage hates you so much that only your death will bring him or her relief. This is usually someone who is incredibly jealous of you, or someone who you stand in the way of, or who believes that you have taken something away from them. Damage to death usually begins to take effect after 21 days and takes a person to the grave within a year.
    6. If there is squirrel on the columns bubbles, A The yolk around the edges looks like it's cooked, the damage is done so that you live, but suffer. The same damage is sometimes shown by green, gray or brown spots on the yolk in the absence of protein suppositories.
    7. If there are no protein columns, but simply the yolk is all boiled, then this is a special type of damage. This is a restriction so that you never feel free anywhere, even in your own home. And there are no locks, and there are no bars, but as if tied hand and foot, stew in your own juice, and there is no happiness, and you want to howl like a wolf. In some cases, no one intentionally inflicts such damage on a person, he himself causes it on himself . Usually, this happens if a decent person is guilty of something, no one knows about his guilt, and his conscience does not give him peace. He longs for atonement for his guilt and, as it were, punishes himself, as if he puts himself in a “prison.” And he sets the term of his “confinement” for himself. It is very difficult to remove such damage, because a person subconsciously resists help, especially if he believes that he has not yet atoned for his guilt.
    8. If there are protein candles With bubbles And black dots, and the edges of the yolk severely scalded with green or gray spots in the middle of the yolk, this is the most terrible damage - damage to death in terrible torment. At this point, the customer’s hatred of you for such damage has reached a pathological level. Onona not only want to get you out of the way, they want to see and enjoy your torment. Usually this is a person you know well. The most common damages are aimed at your finances and personal happiness. Damage to death is very, very rare.

    By the way, a piece of advice: if damage has been detected, then the glass in which the diagnostic egg was contained should be thrown away.

    Removing egg damage.

    Naturally, having talked about diagnosing damage using an egg, one cannot help but say at least a few words about removing damage. To remove spoilage, the already familiar egg is traditionally used. Moreover the simplest way- use the same egg with which you determined the presence of spoilage.

    The procedure is very simple: pour the contents of the fortune-telling glass into the toilet and wish goodness and love to the one who sent you the damage. Most often, of course, they recommend saying something like “let everything come back to you a hundredfold,” but there are a couple of nuances here. Firstly, vindictiveness is by no means the best assistant in witchcraft matters. Vengeance is a low-level energy, and it may not only not remove damage, but also strengthen it.

    The second point that needs to be taken into account: what if you caused damage to yourself? Or did they jinx themselves? And you wished the same thing for yourself, but 3 times more? Or did a loved one do it and close person out of ignorance - and now you are suffering with him (when his terrible illness of some kind manifests itself)?

    Therefore, you should not think about revenge when removing damage. And don’t let the “professionals” who are egging you on to do it do it.

    By the way, after the ritual of removing damage in this way, you can carry out a control check with a new egg. If the results have worsened, it means that a professional is working against you and he has figured out that they are digging under him. If the results are the same or less, it means that the energy of the damage is high, and you need to repeat the procedure of pouring the damage into the toilet. This is done until the egg says that there is no spoilage. Or until you feel better - which is also not bad.

    Well, the absence of diagnostic signs is an excellent indicator; you have removed everything you could. Congratulations!

    So, for your own safety, recognize the damage by looking at your eggs!

    Based on materials from 7777 best conspiracies from the best healers in Russia,

    Finding out the future, being prepared for troubles or expecting something special, important - isn’t that nice? There are hundreds of options for fortune telling that can be carried out without special knowledge and skills. It is important not to harm yourself or attract negativity, so you should not guess on exotic objects. Leave unfamiliar rituals and things to the professionals, and at home, make fortunes using available products.

    Why choose a chicken egg? It is the center of life; a living being is born from a small egg. The symbol of existence, the source of life, the beginning of beginnings - this is how it has been perceived from time immemorial. Fortune telling on eggs began many years before the present; historical sources contain descriptions of fortune telling in Ancient Egypt and Babylon. Drawings on the walls of the pyramids tell about fortune telling on eggs, which were carried out by sorcerers and priests of Ancient Egypt. According to legend, the goddess Helen emerged from an egg that broke in the waters of the Euphrates...

    There are many legends, but the truth is one – everyone is allowed to tell fortunes using a chicken egg. The correct interpretation of protein spilled on water can warn the fortuneteller about changes coming in his life. And most importantly, this fortune telling will not harm, it is quite simple, the result depends only on imagination and the ability to understand the symbolism.

    How to properly prepare for fortune telling

    This kind of fortune-telling is called omania, according to which good esotericists will easily tell you what awaits in the future, help you name the cause and depth of the damage, and remove the evil eye. If you have at least a minimum understanding of the subject, you will be able to free yourself from bad energy, correct problems in your aura, and remove negativity from your thoughts.

    Start by preparing the items necessary for the ritual. Buy a homemade chicken egg, fresh from the chicken - it has not yet absorbed negativity and is completely clean. Such a chicken egg in the hands of a fortuneteller becomes a talisman and a talisman. Take it in your hands and try to make a wish.

    Please note that farm eggs sold in stores are not suitable for fortune telling.

    Types of fortune telling on a chicken egg.

    • Fortune telling on a squirrel.
    • Fortune telling on the yolk.
    • Removing damage and the evil eye.
    • "Rolling out" diseases.
    • Clearing the room of “bad thoughts.”

    Definition of spoilage

    Let's start with the simplest and most understandable methods of divination - determining the damage inflicted on a person. Rinse a fresh chicken egg (not store-bought) thoroughly under cold running water. Next, pour clean water into a glass or transparent vessel and break an egg into it. Bring the vessel to the most important energy nodes - chakras:

    • Pubes.
    • Belly.
    • Breasts.
    • Throat.
    • Top of the head.

    The sequence is exactly as written. The person being told fortunes must be at rest. When the vessel with the egg broken into it has moved to the crown of the head, you need to pause a little and circle it along the entire figure clockwise. Now from head to toe from top to bottom. The ritual is performed before bedtime, because the vessel is then left at the head of the bed overnight. In the morning, the fortuneteller must see what happened to the egg.

    • If nothing unusual appears in the vessel, everything is clean and there is no damage.
    • If clots, stains, or compactions appear, there has been damage and the energy system needs to be cleaned.
    • If the yolk has darkened, there is a serious problem.

    You can free a person from disease and damage by “rolling out” a chicken egg. Moreover, it will be possible to “cure” bad thoughts - they also harm.

    For the ritual, a clean egg, freshly laid by a chicken, is taken - it is “rolled out” over the entire body or the room being treated. The ritual is performed slowly, clockwise. After the ritual, the egg is taken out into the yard and buried, burned, or given to water if a river flows nearby.

    ☞ Video story

    Fortune telling using raw eggs and water

    The most common fortune telling on a chicken egg for the future, which will not cause harm, but will slightly open the veil of the future. The ritual is simple, but you will need a fresh homemade chicken egg. I specifically note that store-bought eggs are not suitable - they carry negative energy and cannot be used for fortune telling, because they will initially give the wrong answer.


    1. Rinse the egg in running cold water. Take it in your hands, press it to your chest and mentally ask the question you want to get an exact answer to.
    2. Turn the egg with the thin end towards you and carefully pierce the shell with a needle. Try to pour only the protein into warm water - it is used for the ritual. The yolk should not spill out - it keeps it clean.
    3. Shake the vessel with the egg white poured into the water and place it in a dark place for half an hour.
    4. You can look at the result of fortune telling.

    Fantasy and intuition will help in interpreting symbols. The approximate layout and marked patterns on the surface of the water are given in the table below.

    One of the worst signs is if the squirrel does not draw a single figure in the water, but simply sinks to the bottom - this can be a harbinger of illness, trouble, fire, or quarrel. The most pleasant drawing is considered to be the image of a heart - for great love.

    What do the drawings in the water tell - the correct interpretation of the figures

    ButterflyDreams and lightness, carefree lifeCloudEasy changes, rest
    BraceletMarriage and loveHornsQuarrels, betrayals, trouble
    FanBetrayal, deceitHeartLove, the happiest symbol
    BroomWarns of a quarrelDogDevoted friend
    ForkRuin and poverty threatenArrowLoss of finances, albeit temporary
    MushroomKnowledge, experience, teachingFace with big earTo the news
    BirdA sure sign of loveFishRandom luck
    MountainAn insurmountable obstacleFlowersTo love and joy
    HouseSuccess in everythingWatchSuccess at work
    StarA reliable patron will appear, success awaitsToadSneaky man
    RingTowards marriageBottleWaiting for a party or celebration For divorce
    CrossHeavy burdenPearTo divorce
    SpoonTo illnessOwlThey will give wise advice
    BridgeThe hard wayTreeCare, calm, protection
    AngelHappiness of the soul and complete peace in the family, well-beingKnifeQuarrels, discord, separation

    Is it worth guessing and can fortune-telling be trusted?

    It’s nice to know what awaits around the turn of fate - you can prepare a little for troubles or anticipate good changes. However, fortune telling is not always correct, so you shouldn’t wait for a definitive prediction.

    A protein spilled into water can “paint” such a complex picture that it will not be possible to find at least part of the proposed interpretations in it. Any fortune-telling is a bit of a fairy tale, in which it is nice to see the beautiful ending of the planned task. However, we build our own destiny, so fortune telling is only the right hint.

    You can try to tell your fortune if you can find an egg just laid by a laying hen in a big city. Take the ritual with due seriousness, because any lifting of the veil of the future is a peek through the keyhole. If you like the result, put in the effort to achieve it. If it is negative, there will be an opportunity to change fate.

    There are a large number of fortune tellings that are used to predict fate. One of these is fortune telling with eggs and water. It is simple and does not require a large number of magical attributes. The most important thing is to correctly interpret the meaning of the figures.

    Features of fortune telling with eggs and water

    To predict the future with an egg, you need a glass of water and a chicken egg. A small hole is pierced in it and the protein is slowly, carefully poured through it into the water. Then shake the glass slightly so that the contents of the egg spread a little, put it in the refrigerator or any place with a relatively low temperature for a maximum of half an hour. If it's cool outside, it's okay to leave the container there.

    After the protein has hardened a little, take a glass and carefully examine the figure formed in it. The image you see will be a sign of the future. In this fortune-telling, the main role is played by the decoding of protein figures. If they are interpreted incorrectly, fortune telling will have no meaning.

    Types of eggs

    To get the most accurate predictions Not all types of eggs are suitable. It is better to use only raw chicken.

    Before starting fortune telling, choose an egg that can give the most reliable prophecy:

    • raw ones are able to be saturated with the energy of a fortuneteller and charged with universal energy;
    • households are the bearer of positive energy and show the exact future;
    • with the embryo they combine the energy of life and the Sun, they are the connecting thread of 2 worlds: people and the Higher powers;
    • Easter cards are capable of predicting the exact fate, but it is desirable that they also be raw and painted by the hands of a fortuneteller.

    The energy of store-bought eggs is almost always negative because they pass through the hands of many people. The Easter cards were painted by another person and were under the influence of someone else’s energy, so they will not be able to accurately determine the fate of the fortuneteller.

    Fortune telling for damage and the evil eye

    With the help of eggs it is possible to predict the removal of damage and the evil eye.

    To recognize the evil eye or damage in a person, place in a glass or other container with clean water a raw egg is poured out, the vessel is alternately brought to different parts of the body in which energy is formed: from the coccyx to the crown. Then a container of water is passed around the body clockwise and separately from the head to the feet. The ritual is performed at night, just before bedtime.

    The glass is placed near the head of the person being tested. In the morning, they carefully study the structure of the white and yolk, the shapes that they are able to form. If no changes in the content are noticeable, the person’s energy is clean. But if there are cloudings, changes in color, dense formations, the person has been jinxed or damaged.

    How to remove the evil eye

    The evil eye is rolled out with an egg. To do this, they pass it over the entire body, saying prayers. If after the ritual the yolk or white turned black, the evil eye still existed and it was removed. The house and enchanted objects are cleansed in the same way.

    After the ritual, the egg must be poured into the river, buried or burned. The main thing is to do this away from the house where the person lives.

    Shape meanings

    The interpretation of figures formed in a glass of water may vary. Almost always, people see the same image of protein in different ways. During fortune telling, you need to decipher the signs that the fortuneteller himself saw. Higher powers indicate the future only of the person who turned to them with a request to find out his fate.

    Analyzing the results of fortune telling, experts have formulated universal and accurate interpretations of protein figures that are suitable for all people, regardless of gender and age. The meanings of some of them:

    • Pisces - soon you will have good luck in any endeavor, life promises to be carefree.
    • Flowers - sincere and mutual love and true happiness await you.
    • Heart - either you fall in love, or you yourself become the object of love and find happiness.
    • Ring - expect an engagement that will drag on for a long time, or a wedding (your own or someone else’s, if you are already married).
    • Stars - you will soon become famous, but try not to become arrogant.
    • Arrow - financial problems, unsuccessful investments, bankruptcy are possible.
    • Cross - in the near future you will do many good deeds and help those in need.
    • Cage - loss of money, problems with work, imprisonment.
    • Cloud - expect joy; Changes are coming, travel to other countries is possible.
    • Angel - quick fulfillment of desires.
    • Watch - health will improve; unexpected profit.
    • Domes - predicting a wedding for the young and health problems or death for the elderly.
    • Butterfly - your personal life will improve and your financial situation will improve.
    • Tree - all things started will be crowned with success.
    • A fork and spoon are a harbinger of illness and poverty.
    • Knife - breakup of relationships, conflicts, scandals.
    • Spider - take a closer look at your friends and acquaintances: among them, someone is posing as someone who they are not.
    • Swan - expect a surge of cash.
    • Frog - beware of ill-wishers who want to harm you.
    • Fan - someone will betray you soon.
    • Ax - you will understand that your efforts and efforts were meaningless.
    • Mountain - you will achieve your goals.
    • Pear - betrayal, scandals and quarrels in the family.
    • Horns - betrayal, rivalry.
    • Apple - happiness in personal life.
    • Cube - someone you know will die soon.
    • The crown is in an upright position - you will reach new heights, climb the career ladder, and achieve success in business.
    • The crown is in an inverted position - obstacles and ill-wishers await you on the way to your goal.
    • Sword - someone you know is trying to harm you, but you can cope with the problem if you work hard.
    • The sun - soon everything in life will fall into place.
    • Bottle - you will have fun in the company of good people.