How to treat sunburn. Effective remedies for sunburn. The best remedies for sunburn

There are times when tanning can be a serious cause for concern. It is important to know how to treat a blistering sunburn to prevent serious complications from occurring. In case of serious damage to the skin, you need to promptly contact a specialist who will prescribe remedies to eliminate dangerous symptoms.

Causes of sunburn

The skin is protected by the pigment melanin, which actively fights the effects of sunlight, but when such exposure is too intense, the pigment cannot provide the required protection. This results in sunburn.

People with fair skin can spend a limited amount of time in the sun, as it is potentially dangerous for them. A sunburn should be treated immediately after it occurs, as it can lead to very serious consequences. Solar radiation can be very dangerous for the skin, it provokes the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

Symptoms of sunburn

The main symptoms of sunburn include:

  • redness and excessive sensitivity of the skin;
  • formation of blisters that are very itchy;
  • body aches, chills, nausea.

After a few days, the blisters begin to burst and the skin on the affected areas begins to peel off. Such symptoms seem completely harmless and can only cause minor discomfort. However, it is burns that can lead to severe skin lesions.

How to prevent blisters

It is imperative to know not only how to treat a sunburn with blisters, but also how to tan properly to prevent unpleasant consequences. To carry out prevention, you need to avoid exposure to the sun during hours when the strongest radiation is observed. To protect your skin, you need to use sunscreen with a factor of at least 30, especially carefully treat your neck, face and shoulders, that is, areas with the most delicate skin that does not come into contact with clothing.

Must be applied at least 30 minutes before going outside. The skin on your lips is very sensitive and burns easily, so you need to use balms with a high degree of protection. Immediately after the beach, you need to take a cool shower or place a wet towel on the site of the suspected burn. This will prevent blisters from forming.

First aid for sunburn

If blisters appear after a sunburn, you need to know what to do, as this will avoid severe injury to the skin. First aid must be provided. Even if the skin is slightly red, you should take a cool bath and use a cooling gel to help relieve inflammation. The cosmetic product must be selected very carefully so as not to provoke even more drying of the skin.

After taking a shower, you should not dry yourself, just blot the burned areas a little with a towel and let the skin dry naturally. The affected areas of the skin can be lubricated with aloe juice, which will help eliminate inflammation.

How to treat a sunburn

How to treat a burn with blisters can only be determined based on the size of the skin lesion. If the blisters are large enough, then you should definitely see a doctor, as the remedies traditional medicine will not bring the required result.

With the right approach, you can get rid of blisters in just a week. Be sure to use:

  • ointments and creams that relieve inflammation;
  • antipyretic and painkillers;
  • antihistamines;
  • healing agents.

In addition, treatment of sunburns and blisters at home is carried out by using folk remedies that help eliminate inflammation of the skin and speed up their healing.

It is forbidden to puncture blisters to avoid infection and further injure damaged skin. It is best to gently treat the skin with an anti-inflammatory cream or antibiotic ointment. Then a loose gauze bandage should be applied to the affected area.

For a better effect, you can put a compress soaked in water on the affected area. chamomile tea, diluted vinegar or cucumber juice. Calendula decoction will help eliminate discomfort and pain.

Before treating a blistered skin sunburn, you need to make sure that there is no need for a doctor's help, since the consequences of untimely treatment can be quite serious, such as the formation of infectious pustules or scarring of the skin.

Medicines for burns

If blisters appear from a sunburn, your doctor can recommend what to do. However, if it is not possible to immediately contact a specialist, then you need to apply “Rescuer” cream to the affected areas, and if it is not available, then use sour cream or kefir. The dairy product must have a high percentage of fat content.

You can use Atoderm Cream, but it is worth remembering that this is a hormonal drug, which is why it must be applied in a very thin layer. If the blisters have burst and are left with sticky skin, antibiotic ointments should be used to prevent skin infection. Antibacterial agents include Pimafukort, zinc ointment. You can also use combination products that contain not only antibacterial components, but also healing oils. Creams such as Solcoseryl, Actovegin, Psilo-Balm, and also cope very well with burns. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Olazol spray, which contains healing components, helps a lot.

The blisters will open on their own as they dry out. To speed up this process, you can use Panthenol or hydrocortisone ointment. These products are considered completely safe and promote rapid skin restoration. To eliminate pain and fever, it is recommended to use drugs such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, and Aspirin. Antihistamines will help relieve itching and burning.

Treatment of burns with folk remedies

When wondering how to treat a sunburn with blisters, it can be said that they help a lot folk remedies. Some home remedies help reduce pain and also speed up the healing process of the skin. To relieve fever and pain, you need to use only cool water for bathing. It is forbidden to apply ice, as this can only further injure the skin. Among the traditional medicines it is also necessary to highlight:

Baking soda helps to soothe burned skin very quickly and reduce itching. The product is an antiseptic, which means it helps provide additional protection for damaged skin from infection. You can add baking soda to a bath of cool water. You can also apply this product, mixed with water to form a paste, on the affected area.

To treat the skin, you can use honey in its pure form or mixed with vinegar. Honey will help prevent infection and promote faster healing of wounds. To enhance the effect, honey is mixed with turmeric. You can make a paste of turmeric by mixing it with water and apply it to the burned areas.

Compresses made from lettuce leaves are a good way to cope with pain and swelling. To do this, you need to boil the lettuce leaves a little, cool and apply to the affected areas several times a day.

When using oatmeal, grind it in a coffee grinder, dilute it with water to a paste and apply it to blistered areas of the skin.

Mistakes in treating sunburn

There are common mistakes when treating sun damaged skin. Therefore, it is important to know how to treat sunburn and sun blisters, as well as what not to do. Affected skin should not be washed with soap or other cosmetics. In addition, you should not treat your skin with petroleum jelly or any type of fat. These products lead to blockage of the sebaceous glands and prevent normal breathing of the dermis.

It is forbidden to drink tea or coffee. During the rehabilitation period, it is not recommended to be in direct sunlight. It is also recommended to wear a hat and apply sunscreen.

When to see a doctor

Many people are interested in how to treat blisters after a sunburn and in which case they need to see a doctor. If you experience fever, dehydration, or there are signs of heat stroke, you should definitely consult a specialist. Signs such as:

  • severe dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • strong thirst;
  • pale skin;
  • nausea;
  • chills;
  • increased sensitivity to sunlight, lacrimation;
  • formation of many painful blisters;
  • blackening of the skin.

All these signs require immediate consultation with a doctor, since only an experienced specialist can prescribe a remedy for therapy.

With the onset of summer heat comes the risk of sunburn. Burns pose a particular danger to children: children must be protected from directed sunlight. To prevent extensive skin damage, you need to know how and with what to protect yourself from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation. Let's consider the topic - the best remedies for sunburn. What ointments and gels can be bought at the pharmacy, and what to do if you don’t have a life-saving tube at hand.

How to protect your skin from the sun

In order not to spoil the pleasure of being on the beach and not to get a burn instead of an even tan, it is necessary to apply protective agents to the skin. Remember that large volumes of water (sea, ocean) increase the aggressive effect of the sun's rays, and you can burn faster on the beach than on the city streets.

Sun protection creams are divided into several types, depending on a person’s skin type. The packaging indicates a special index, which is indicated in Latin letters SPF:

A cream with a high protection rate allows you to spend a lot of time under the directed rays of the sun without fear. However, doctors advise not to be on the beach from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., since during this period the activity of solar radiation is the highest, and it will not be difficult to get a burn.

If your skin is sunburned

Photodermatitis (sunburn) is a common occurrence in the summer. Severe redness, pain when touching the skin, temperature are a sign of sun damage. If the burn is severe, blisters may appear. What needs to be done to alleviate the condition? Doctors advise adhering to the following emergency measures for burns:

  1. do not injure the affected area;
  2. drink plenty of liquid - pomegranate juice, green tea;
  3. take anti-inflammatory drugs - ibuprofen, aspirin, paracetamol.

If photodermatitis is not accompanied by blisters, it is necessary to apply anti-inflammatory ointments to the skin.

Effective remedies against burns

If you get a sunburn, you need to buy the following medications from the pharmacy:

  • Bepanten;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Bioflorin;
  • D-Panthenol;
  • Sinaflan;
  • Actovegin;
  • Psilo-Balm;
  • Dexpanthenol.

Bepanten helps to quickly eliminate burning sensation, relieves swelling and promotes the regeneration of skin tissue - the affected cells are quickly replaced with new ones. Burnt areas are treated twice a day.

Zinc ointment soothes irritation and eliminates inflammation, forms a protective film on the surface of the skin. The product is applied to a dry surface up to six times a day. For additional protection, apply a bandage to the affected area.

Bioflorin has a pronounced analgesic effect, disinfects the surface and eliminates inflammation. The ointment is applied several times a day; there are no contraindications to using the product.

D-Panthenol is used for mild skin lesions. The product is released in different shapes- spray, gel, ointment. Apply as needed.

Fenistil relieves itching and inflammation, relieves pain. In case of extensive skin damage, Fenistil tablets should be used together with the gel.

Sinaflan is applied to burned areas of skin pre-treated with an antiseptic. It is recommended to apply bandages to ointment-treated skin.

Actovegin accelerates the growth of new cells and promotes rapid healing. Contraindications for use: breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Psilo-balm is prohibited for use during pregnancy, and treatment should not be combined with alcoholic beverages.

Dexpanthenol has a positive effect on cell metabolism, promoting rapid growth but/out It is recommended to prepare the skin with antiseptic solutions before applying the ointment.

When medical help is needed

The degree of sun damage varies, from mild redness to blistering. In what cases is it necessary to immediately seek help from doctors? This should be done if:

The use of vegetable oil, cream and other fatty foods is unacceptable - they form a film on the skin that is impenetrable to air, exacerbating the process. To relieve burning sensations, take a cool shower and lubricate your skin with aloe juice.

Traditional methods

Among the first aid remedies for thermal burns that have been proven over the years, the following methods are popular:

  1. Fermented milk products (yogurt, milk, kefir) - applying cold liquid to burned skin alleviates the condition. When dry, a film is formed that prevents bacteria from penetrating deep into the dermis.
  2. Raw potatoes with egg whites - the product quickly soothes damaged skin and protects against the penetration of bacteria. Potatoes are grated and mixed with protein, the pulp is applied to the skin and a bandage is applied.
  3. Aloe with milk is an excellent helper for sunburn. The leaves are crushed and mixed with cold milk. Keep the bandage with the product for 26-30 minutes.
  4. Lotions made from chamomile decoction quickly eliminate inflammatory processes and relieve pain. To prepare the product, take a spoonful of dry inflorescences and boil in a liter of water for about 5-6 minutes. Fabric bandages are soaked in the filtered broth and applied to the affected area as needed.
  5. Honey with aloe helps with severe and deep damage to the skin. The leaves are ground and mixed with liquid honey, the mixture is left in the cold for half an hour. Apply the composition using a fabric bandage and leave it on for about an hour. Then the skin is washed, dried with a soft towel and medicinal ointments are applied.
  6. A burn on the face can be removed with a potato mask. Apply grated potatoes to the burnt areas of the lily and soak a gauze cloth in the juice. Fifteen minutes is enough. Rinse your skin with cool water.
  7. Cucumber juice in combination with watermelon is good for thermal burns. The affected areas are soaked in the juice, then washed with cool water. Moisturizing creams can be applied to dry skin.
  8. If the burn is not severe, you can apply cabbage leaves to the body and fix it with a bandage. The sheet is first beaten with a wooden spoon or hammer.

Child burns

How can you help a child who is sunburned? Mothers should know that sunburn causes great harm to children under one year old. If the baby is damaged by ultraviolet radiation, he must be hospitalized; the body's reaction to the burn can be unpredictable. Children must be protected from direct sunlight using clothing and umbrellas on strollers.

If your baby has a fever and chills, these are signs of sunstroke. The burn may be accompanied by swelling and blisters - carefully examine the child's skin. The first aid for severe burns and sunstroke is to wrap the body in a damp towel - wrap the child in a wet terry towel, repeat the procedure after half an hour.

The reddened area of ​​the baby's skin can be treated with panthenol - the drug is used only on dry skin. Make sure that bedding and clothing do not injure burnt skin. In case of burns, an increased drinking regime is indicated - do not forget about this.

How to choose a protective product for a child:

  • SPF protection level must be above 50 units;
  • the drug should not contain fragrances or preservatives;
  • the product must repel moisture and be waterproof;
  • should not be applied to baby's skin sunscreen for adults due to differences in pH values;
  • The product must protect against all ranges of solar radiation.

High-quality skin protection products for babies are:

  1. lotion and spray BABE Pediatric 50+;
  2. cream Sanosan 50+;
  3. Babyline 35+ cream;
  4. cream My sun 20+ to 30+;
  5. cream La Roche Posay 50+;
  6. lotion Bubchen 50+;
  7. Mustela 50+ cream.

Creams are preferable to lotions and gels for the skin, as they protect the skin from drying out in the active sun. The cream is deeply absorbed into the structure of the dermis, actively protecting it at all levels from ultraviolet aggression.

Among the listed products for babies, Mustela cream can be used for babies up to one year old. However, remember that UV protection does not protect against sunstroke, so do not allow your child to be exposed to directed sunlight for long periods of time. Children under three years of age need to be protected from ultraviolet radiation especially carefully.

Sultry summer days Everyone associates them with the sea beach, hiking in the mountains or farming in the country. This list can be continued for a long time, but these activities will be enough to spoil your vacation a little by getting a sunburn on your skin. This phenomenon is very common, because many of us do not visit a solarium in winter and do not go on vacation to warm countries. On the contrary, we work all day long in an office, in a factory, or at home. As a result, our skin becomes sensitive to UV rays, and at the first “meeting” with the hot sun, it burns. We will talk about how to prevent sunburn and what to do if it does happen in this article.

Types and degrees of sunburn

Sunburn is damage to the skin as a result of excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation followed by an inflammatory factor. This reaction of the body is caused by short-wave UV-B rays, which can affect the superficial spheres of the epidermis.

But do not forget about long-wave rays such as UVA. Unlike UV-B, which is unable to penetrate deep into the dermis, long rays penetrate deep into the skin, affecting the inner layers of connective tissue, causing various diseases.

There are two types of burns - sunburn of the face (body) and sunburn of the eyes. We encounter body burns most often, especially during the holiday season. But you can get facial burns without even visiting the beach. Sometimes it’s enough to just take a walk under the scorching sun, because your face is never covered with clothes, and cosmetics don’t always have the properties to withstand ultraviolet radiation. This is the most dangerous type of burn, since a face that is often burned ages faster. This phenomenon even has a special name - photoaging.

The second type of burn is an infrequent occurrence and sometimes it is not even noticed, but this does not reduce its danger to health. You can burn the cornea of ​​your eye by being in the sun without glasses, and this can happen not only in summer, but also in winter. You can suspect sunburn of the eyes by their redness and burning sensation. Such an injury may cause cataracts or myopia in the future.

There are 4 degrees of burning, which depend on the condition of the skin after a sunburn:

  • Stage 1 is probably familiar to everyone: the skin swells a little, “burns,” turns red, and soon begins to itch and peel.
  • 2nd degree - many small blisters are added to the above symptoms, the temperature may rise slightly. When contacting burnt skin, pain and discomfort are noted.
  • 3rd degree - a very severe burn, accompanied by tissue necrosis, less often - joining bacterial infection.
  • Grade 4 is severe charring of the skin. It happens extremely rarely and only in people with skin phototypes 1 and 2.

For clarity, you can estimate the degree of sunburn from the photo:

Sunburn and skin phototype: what is the relationship?

The skin differs in all its properties from different people and therefore perceives the sun's rays differently. Some can bask in the scorching sun for hours and still acquire a dark skin tone without redness or blisters. Others can “burn out” in half an hour with all the ensuing consequences. This individual feature of the skin is determined by its phototype.

In nature, there are 6 main phototypes that have individual susceptibility to ultraviolet rays and laser radiation.

  • Type 1 (Fair “Celtic”) is the most sensitive. It includes people with white skin and blond or red hair. The skin may have a slight blue or reddish tint, there are freckles, and the eyebrows and eyelashes are always light. Even a few minutes in the sun without sunscreen can cause severe sunburn. Their skin, as a rule, never acquires a dark tint and needs to use creams with a high spf factor.
  • Type 2 (Light “European”) - also has a high sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, but with reasonable and dosed exposure to the sun, it is quite possible to tan without burns. This type includes people with light or dark hair and ivory skin. Owners of this phototype will not be able to get a “chocolate” tan, but if you make an effort, a golden tint is quite possible.
  • Type 3 (Medium light “light mixed”) - European. Owners of this type have brown and light brown hair, dark eyes, beige skin. This skin tans better compared to the first two types; it easily acquires a light brown tan, and if it burns, only peeling and slight redness appear. But you may still need sunburn ointment.
  • Type 4 (Medium dark “dark mixed”) - more resistant to ultraviolet radiation, tans easily. He is characterized by an olive skin tone, without freckles, but often with white pigmentation (melanin deficiency). If the skin burns, everything gets by with short-term redness.
  • Type 5 (Skindark “brown”) - burns out in exceptional cases. These are people with dark bronze-colored skin, which when tanned takes on a dark chocolate hue.
  • Type 6 (Dark “black”) - the most resistant to UV rays. These are people with black skin and dark eyes. They actively produce a huge amount of melanin, so they can stay under the scorching sun all day without fear. With this skin phototype, sunburn cannot occur in either a child or an adult.

Sunburn - characteristic symptoms

After prolonged exposure to the sun, it is not always immediately clear that you are sunburned. Sometimes the first symptoms can be observed within 30-40 minutes. But most often you realize that you have received a burn after several hours, or even longer.

Sunburn accompanied by bright characteristic signs that indicate that you have been sunbathing for too long. The severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the burn and the sensitivity of your skin.

  • With moderate burning, there will be severe pain in the damaged skin area, distinct hyperemia, itching, and a feeling of heat. The skin will be very hot when touched. After 2-3 days, the skin regains its previous appearance with a slight tan.
  • After a more intense tan, sunburn and blisters will appear, and when you press on them, serous discharge will appear. They can be small with clear boundaries or merge into large shapeless blisters. Hard crusts may also appear, under which liquid accumulates. If they are damaged, deep layers of the epidermis will be visible, resembling a fresh wound.
  • If the process has become severely affected, headache, vomiting, a sharp rise in temperature, and loss of consciousness may occur. The presence of these symptoms means you have sunburn and heatstroke. In such a situation, treatment with folk remedies or anti-burn creams is unacceptable and you should immediately seek medical help.

If you are only slightly burned and your skin is simply red and itchy, you can get by with folk remedies or creams from the medicine cabinet. For more severe burns, it is better to consult a dermatologist, especially if the burn is accompanied by the appearance of blood blisters or there are too many of them.

First aid for heat and sunburn

Burns, regardless of their degree, need to be treated and treated. They can provoke skin scarring, infection, and the development of pigmentation and keratosis. This is especially dangerous if you have skin diseases, such as psoriasis or vitiligo. In addition, when the face is burned, deep wrinkles and scars may then appear and the tone of the face may vary greatly.

First aid for a sunburn should include the following:

  • If you are afraid that you have already been burned, quickly hide indoors. Even if you are in the shade of an umbrella or in a pavilion, you are still exposed to ultraviolet radiation. It is important that the room is cool. To do this, turn on the air conditioner or make a draft.
  • Visually assess the extent of skin damage. If there is only redness and itching, you can resort to traditional methods, and if blisters appear immediately, you definitely need to go to a dermatologist. How to treat a sunburn directly depends on the degree of damage, so it is important to realistically assess your condition and the possibility of carrying out therapy at home.
  • Once you get home, take a cool shower. This will help reduce body temperature, soothe burnt skin, relieve swelling, and relieve pain. If you only have one area of ​​skin that is severely burned, such as an arm or leg, run it under cold running water for 3-5 minutes. If it's your back or stomach, you can apply a cold compress. On at this stage This will be the best remedy for sunburn. It is prohibited to use ice for this.
  • After showering, pat dry your skin with a soft towel. Apply cream or lotion to the burn (no alcohol!). Aloe juice, calendula ointment, chamomile decoction, and a product with hyaluronic acid help a lot. Please note that there is no vegetable oils You cannot smear the burn - it slows down regeneration.
  • Wrap a gauze bandage around the affected area, but do not wrap it tightly.
  • If the pain is severe, you can take a pain reliever.

It is acceptable to treat a sunburn at home if it is 1st or 2nd degree, while your health is satisfactory, there are no signs of infection of the blisters (the liquid is clear without pus), and the pain syndrome is moderate. If you have a 3rd or 4th degree burn, feel sick, lose consciousness, and have a high fever, it is important to immediately go to the hospital where you will receive first aid.

Treating sunburn at home

A minor skin burn can be simply lubricated with any after-sun product or cream with a light texture, and then avoid exposure to the sun for a couple of days. During this time, the skin will recover on its own, redness and itching will go away. But if the skin is damaged a little more, you will have to treat it.

  • The most effective remedy for sunburn is one containing panthenol (for example, Panthenol spray, Bepanten ointment). This substance activates the natural regeneration of damaged epidermal cells. The product is absolutely harmless, has no side effects or contraindications, and is suitable for children and pregnant women. Used for low to moderate burns.
  • If the burn is accompanied by severe blistering, weeping wounds or dry bleeding cracks, it is advisable to use Solcoseryl. This is a solution in ampoules that quickly heals various types of tissue damage. Methyluracil ointment with paraffin is suitable for the same purposes.
  • A natural antioxidant - tocopherol - will help the skin renew itself. Buy a liquid solution of vitamin E at the pharmacy and apply it to damaged skin instead of sunburn cream.
  • A burn is often accompanied by pain and fever. To improve your well-being, you can take a tablet of Aspirin, Nurofen, Diclofenac.
  • In case of extensive skin burning, you should take an antihistamine. It will speed up recovery, since a burn is a type of allergic reaction to ultraviolet radiation. Suprastin and Loratidine will do just fine.
  • If the skin at the burn site is very dry and peeling, you need to treat it with Aloe Vera lotion or calamine. At the same time, make sure you drink enough.

Severe skin damage may require antiseptic sunburn care. The following medications can be used at home:

  • Fastin ointment - perfectly heals both fresh and complicated burns. The composition contains the antimicrobial substance furatsilin, the antibiotic syntomycin and the anesthetic anesthesin.
  • Miramistin or Chlorhexidine are broad-spectrum antiseptics. Instantly kill fungi, coccal flora, viruses, without irritating burnt skin.
  • Agrosulfan is a product based on colloidal silver. It is used only for 1-2 degree burns.
  • Oflokain is an antiseptic with an analgesic effect. It disinfects the skin, eliminates pain, and relieves swelling.
  • Rescuer - balm with sea buckthorn oil. Suitable for minor burns accompanied by dryness and cracks.

Sunburn - treatment with folk remedies

Mild sunburns can be successfully treated in simple ways using available means. As a rule, these are products that can always be found in the refrigerator, regardless of the season. Knowing these simple first aid techniques for a burn is a big help, especially if you don’t have the opportunity to go to the pharmacy kiosk or call a doctor.

So, what to do if you have a sunburn if you don’t have Panthenol or after-sun cream on hand:

  • Potatoes are first aid for burns. Grate the raw root vegetable on a fine grater, apply the paste to the burn, and wash it off after 20 minutes. cold water. Redness, pain and heat will be significantly reduced.
  • Sour cream/kefir/cream - these high-fat dairy products are great for treating minor burns. It is necessary to smear the damaged skin, renewing the ball every 2 hours.
  • Aloe is a universal plant for growing on the windowsill. Pick a couple of leaves, grind them and mix with milk. Apply the product to the burn 3-4 times a day. In this case, a slight tingling sensation may be felt on the skin.
  • The yolk is boiled, then fried in a frying pan, and then applied to the burnt skin. This method is suitable for any type of burn as long as the skin is intact.
  • Cucumber juice - moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Apply grated cucumber and juice to your skin. This will relieve itching, cool and relieve soreness.
  • Lavender oil - a compress with a couple of drops of oil will reduce and dry blisters and heal wounds.

I would like to remind you that sunburn with folk remedies can be treated only with mild to moderate damage to the dermis. In other cases, medical attention is always required.

What not to do if you have a sunburn

  1. It is strictly prohibited to apply any alcohol-containing preparations or cosmetics to a fresh burn.
  2. It is not recommended to wash the burn with soap, shower gel, etc. detergents for body.
  3. Do not smear your skin with greasy cream, oil, or lotion. This will block air circulation, increase the thermal effect, and accelerate the proliferation of microbes.
  4. It is contraindicated to comb, tear, or pick off blisters. This is fraught with the development of infection and scarring in the future.

Sunburn is not only a painful, but also a dangerous skin condition. Buy sunscreen in advance and limit your sun exposure according to your skin phototype. This will protect you from serious consequences after sunbathing.

Video “First aid for sunburn”

Summer, sun, vacation, sea, beach, cottage... this list goes on, but the listed conditions are enough for a person to get a sunburn. Whole year we sit in offices, someone spends day after day on factory floors or doing household chores and here it is, summer with sunny, hot days. Lying on the beach or undressing and working in the garden beds is good, but don’t forget that everything is good in moderation. We don’t argue that tanning benefits the body, but if you get to the sun and lie under it all day, you can cause serious damage to your health.

Damage to the skin from the sun's rays can cause serious burns. There are visible rays - they are not so dangerous for the skin. Especially dangerous are the invisible ones, which have different lengths, and the longer they are, the more damage they can cause to the papillary layer of the dermis. The skin, protecting itself from their effects, begins to produce melatonin. A person who knows how to take sunbathing in moderation will receive beautiful tan. But someone who does not know this measure, and who wishes to receive a three-month dose of ultraviolet radiation in one day, will literally burn and get a sunburn.

Types of sunburn

Among the sunburns that are familiar to us, it is worth highlighting two that we sometimes don’t think about. Facial skin burns can be quite easy to get. Walking down the street in sunny weather, many people cover up exposed skin and protect them with creams, often forgetting about their face. Especially women, having applied decorative cosmetics to their faces, believe that the skin is protected under a layer of foundation or powder. But, no... Ultraviolet rays are able to overcome this barrier and do their job. This type of burn is fraught with an unpleasant consequence - drying out and, as a result, premature aging of the skin. Experts call this phenomenon skin photoaging.

Another burn that we can get from the sun is an eye burn. Oddly enough, in most cases this type of burn occurs in winter, when few people think about protecting their eyes with special glasses. Ultraviolet rays, reaching the snow, are reflected from it and affect the retina of the eye. If in winter you feel a burning sensation in your eyes and notice their redness, it is most likely a sunburn. Its consequences can be decreased vision and cataracts. This leads to the conclusion that even in winter, on sunny days, you should not go outside without wearing sunglasses.

Degrees and symptoms of sunburn

Sunburns are divided into four stages according to the degree of damage.

First degree . Probably each of us received a first degree burn. After exposure to the sun, the skin swells, a slight swelling and tightness appears. The burn area is hot to the touch and itchy.

Second degree . The skin becomes covered with watery blisters of varying sizes, swells, and pain is felt when touched. Body temperature is slightly increased.

Third degree . A very severe form of burn, in which complete or partial tissue necrosis is noted. Rarely seen.

Fourth degree . Charring of the skin. It happens extremely rarely, but it is not excluded.

Color type and degree of risk

There are six skin color types. Each of them has individual sensitivity and susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation.

The most receptive type one. It includes people with blond and red hair and white skin. Even being in the sun for thirty minutes can cause serious skin burns. The skin of people of the first type never gets even a slight tan.

In people second type the skin is a little darker than the first one. It also burns very quickly, but if you approach sun exposure wisely, you can still get a light tan.

Third color type– European. The skin is slightly darker than the second type and does not burn as quickly as representatives of the first two types. The tan is a beautiful light brown shade.

Representatives have an olive skin tone fourth type. They have a low risk of sunburn. The skin can withstand prolonged exposure to the sun, and the tan is more intense than that of the third color type.

Fifth color type has dark skin and almost never gets sunburned. Tan color is dark brown.

Lowest sensitivity sixth type– people with black skin color. Sunburn is completely excluded.

For whom tanning is contraindicated?

There are several diseases for which sunbathing is strictly prohibited.

A disease in which a person completely lacks melatonin, which is responsible for the skin’s ability to tan, is called albinism. For people suffering from this disease, being in the sun's rays for even a short time is contraindicated.

Exacerbation of manifestations systemic lupus erythematosus If you don't protect your head and face with a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, you're guaranteed. The “butterfly” will open its wings on your face.

Porphyria also included in this prohibited list. The skin of a person with porphyria almost instantly becomes inflamed and blistered.

At vitiligo the skin of a sick person is covered with white spots devoid of pigmentation. It is these spots that instantly burn in the sun.

People with xeroderma pigmentosum. Ultraviolet rays, when affecting the skin, damage DNA, and this damage is irreversible and leads to skin cancer.

Except skin diseases If you have problems with the health of your kidneys, respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, or thyroid gland, you need to be very careful when sunbathing. The same applies to those who have increased arterial pressure, anemia and many moles on the body.

How to prevent sunburn

If you are healthy, sunbathing is good for you. But everything should be done in moderation. There are a number of generally accepted rules, following which you will avoid burns and the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body as a whole.

Morning tanning will be beneficial from seven to eleven o'clock. After lunch you can go out into the sun from sixteen to seventeen.

You can’t lie on the beach for a very long time on the first sunny day. You need to start with ten to fifteen minutes, while turning over from your back to your stomach, exposing your body to the sun from different sides.

The main thing is to know when to stop

Add five to ten minutes of sunbathing every day. But the total time after the skin gets used to ultraviolet radiation should ultimately not exceed two hours.

Please note that after you have swam in a pond, your skin is most vulnerable, since moisture increases the permeability of UV rays. Therefore, immediately after leaving the water, no matter how much you want it, dry yourself with a towel and only then lie down in the sun.

Before going to the beach, you should not wash your body with soap or other detergents. Any hygiene procedure will wash away the natural protection of the skin. Also, you should not go out in the sun hungry or, conversely, after a hearty lunch.

And one more important warning. If the sun is hidden behind the clouds, you can still get sunburned, because clouds are no barrier to ultraviolet rays! Protect your body with clothing and use sunscreens in the summer, choosing them for your skin type.

Folk recipes

First, we will warn you about what you should never do.

After you feel sunburned, do not use lotions, alcohol or vodka infusions to wipe your skin!

It is also contraindicated to lubricate the affected skin with any fatty or oily substances.

At first glance, ice is what you need for a burn; it pleasantly cools and moisturizes the skin. But no! It also should not be applied to the burn site.

If blisters appear on the skin, do not rush to puncture them - this can lead to infection!

Ointments, lotions, compresses

  • Apply a mixture of grated raw potatoes to sunburned skin. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater, spread over a compress cloth and apply to the reddened areas for half an hour. Then rinse with water and blot with a soft cloth.

  • You can make a compress from boiled potatoes. Boil the potatoes without adding salt, mash them and use them in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  • There is an even simpler recipe. Sprinkle burnt skin with potato starch several times a day.
  • Another simplest and perhaps most popular remedy is fermented milk products. Suitable for lubrication: yogurt, kefir, natural unsweetened yogurt or low-fat sour cream. Apply to reddened areas of skin and leave until dry. This procedure will relieve pain and inflammation, and also cover the skin with a thin film that does not allow moisture to evaporate from the surface of the skin, which is already dried out by the sun.

  • Beat the whites of raw chicken eggs and spread the skin with protein foam. Leave until completely dry. As soon as you feel a tight feeling, take a cool shower or wipe your skin with a soft, damp cloth.
  • Prepare a remedy from aloe with milk. Grind ten leaves of the plant to a mushy state, pour in a small amount of milk and coat the sunburn areas with the mixture. After thirty minutes, wash, pat dry and apply light cream.
  • Dilute the curd with buttermilk until creamy, apply to a cloth and apply to the skin. Keep for at least an hour. The compress will numb and cool.

  • Prepare a decoction of ten grams of dry fireweed tea in a glass of boiling water. Boil the herb soaked in water from the moment it boils for a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain, soak a compress cloth in the broth and apply to the burned skin.
  • Lotions and rubbing with St. John's wort decoction are effective in treating burnt skin. Boil a spoonful of dried St. John's wort in two hundred ml of water for ten minutes. Strain, cool and wipe your skin with the chilled broth throughout the day.

  • Chamomile decoction is also used for rubbing and compresses. Pour one spoonful of dried flowers into two hundred ml hot water and keep on low heat for thirty minutes. Use strained and chilled.
  • Grind thirty grams of oak bark, pour in two hundred and fifty ml of hot water, bring to a boil and boil for ten minutes. Cool and strain. Make a lotion from the decoction on diseased areas of the skin.

  • Lubricating the skin with pieces of aloe helps a lot. Tear off a leaf, rinse it, cut off a small piece, cut it lengthwise and rub the pulp on your skin. Or squeeze out the juice and immediately apply it to your skin.
  • Summer is the time for watermelons and fresh cucumbers. Therefore, they can always be used if you are over-tanned. Squeeze equal parts juice from watermelon and cucumber. Mix them and use them as a lotion to cleanse your skin.
  • Apply and secure a cabbage leaf to the burned areas of the skin. Rinse it first and beat it lightly.
  • If you suddenly don’t have fresh cabbage on hand, sauerkraut will do. You can apply cabbage from a jar, but wiping the skin with sauerkraut brine is also effective.

  • If the burn surface is small, lubricate the skin with apple cider vinegar. If you manage to get completely burned, then pour slightly warm water into a large container, add a bottle of apple cider vinegar, soak a cotton sheet in the solution and wrap it around yourself. Lie down for twenty minutes.
  • Pick plantain leaves and apply them to sun-damaged areas of your skin. Celandine is also suitable for such a compress. The leaves should be secured to the body with thin bandages and left for at least an hour. You can squeeze the juice out of freshly picked plants and use it to lubricate your skin.

  • Pumpkin is regaining lost ground and becoming a popular vegetable. In addition to its nutritional value, it is an excellent product for the skin, incl. sunburned. Grate the pumpkin pulp and apply to the skin, securing with a thin bandage. After two hours, remove the pumpkin compress.
  • Another simple one effective way– tomato juice. Grind a ripe tomato and wipe the body with the released juice. The analgesic and softening effect will be provided for several hours.
  • It happens that none of the above is in the house. But there will always be tea. Brew strong black tea, cool it and, after soaking a cloth in the tea leaves, apply it to your skin for twenty minutes. Several tea compresses a day will quickly help relieve burn symptoms. By the way, before going out in the sun, wipe your skin with tea leaves and you will protect yourself from sunburn.

  • In summer, fresh herbs are abundant, including parsley. Make a decoction of the leaves and use it as a rubbing lotion or for compresses. If there is a lot of parsley, squeeze the juice out of it and wipe the sunburn areas.
  • You can prepare for sunbathing in advance. After planting cucumbers, there are seeds left - prepare a tincture based on them. For a glass of seeds, take ten similar glasses of vodka. Mix everything and put it in the closet for fourteen days. Then strain and store in a glass container in a cool place. Before use, dilute one part of the tincture with ten parts of boiled, chilled water. Apply a cloth soaked in the product to the burnt skin for ten minutes. Use the same product to prevent sunburn, lighten freckles and age spots that appear in the sun.

  • Cucumber peel tincture has the same property. If you peel an overripe cucumber, do not throw away the peel, but prepare a tincture from it in the same way as from cucumber seeds.
  • Grind the quince seeds until mushy and pour in the warm clean water so much so that it covers the mush by about five centimeters. Close the lid tightly and shake the jar like a shaker for five minutes. Then strain and squeeze the seeds into the infusion. Twice a day, carry out the following procedure: Lubricate the affected skin with an infusion of quince seeds, after fifteen minutes, lubricate it again, and so on for an hour. In the evening, repeat the same.

  • Oatmeal is useful not only for breakfast, it refreshes and softens the skin. It is also effective for treating sunburn. Soak oatmeal in a small amount of water until a paste forms. Place it on the burn surface and wait until it dries. Rinse off with slightly warm water and apply the mask again until dry.
  • If you have oatmeal, it is easier to prepare a product based on it. Just stir a spoonful of flour in two hundred ml of slightly warmed water. Wet a piece of cloth and apply it to the skin. Leave until dry.

  • Calendula is famous for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Prepare an infusion for compresses from it. Pour a spoonful of dry calendula into a glass of boiled water for twenty minutes. Keep the compress for half an hour three times a day.
  • Prepare an infusion of rose petals with apple cider vinegar. You will get an ancient Greek remedy for sunburn. Pour a handful of rose petals with a glass of apple cider vinegar. After a week, strain and squeeze the petals into vinegar. By using the infusion to wipe the skin three times a day, you will get rid of irritation and get the desired cooling of the affected areas of the skin.

  • In summer, apricots are sold in abundance on the shelves of shops and markets. If you get a burn, crush three or four apricots and apply the crushed pulp to your skin for thirty minutes. Rinse your skin with warm water. Do not wipe, let it dry on its own.
  • Mash a spoonful of rose hips, add a spoonful of coltsfoot and, pour a glass of freshly boiled water, leave for an hour. Then strain the infusion and use it as a lotion on burned skin.

  • Since ancient times, linden blossom has been used to relieve inflammation and soften the skin. Prepare an infusion from a spoonful of crushed linden flowers and one hundred ml of boiling water. After a quarter of an hour, strain and stir a coffee spoon of any honey into the infusion. Apply the resulting product to the burnt skin, sit quietly for half an hour and rinse with water.
  • First aid for sunburn - raw yolk chicken egg. Rub the yolk separated from the white in your hands and spread it on the sore areas of the skin. Wait until a film appears on the skin as the yolk dries and wash off without using soap.

  • A compress of mint infusion and linseed oil. Pour a spoonful of dry mint into a glass of boiled water. After a quarter of an hour, strain and stir two tablespoons of flax oil into the infusion. Three times a day, apply a cloth soaked in mint-linseed solution to the burnt skin for a quarter of an hour.
  • A mixture of raw chicken egg whites and finely grated carrots will perfectly remove all manifestations of excessive sun exposure. Apply the carrot-protein mixture to the skin for half an hour and then rinse with water.

  • Lemon lotion is another remedy that is good for relieving skin inflammation. Finely chop half a lemon, pour a glass of hot water and leave for several hours. Then strain and squeeze the lemon. Use to rinse skin after cleansing.
  • You can make any nourishing cream healing by adding juice squeezed from rhubarb root to it. One spoon of cream will require the same amount of juice. You need to apply this cream to your skin twice a day – morning and evening.
  • And if you mix two tablespoons of juice from rhubarb roots with a spoon of low-fat sour cream and one yolk of a raw chicken egg, you will get a very effective ointment for burns. Lubricate sun-damaged skin with a thick layer twice a day, and after half an hour wipe the skin with a damp cloth.


  • Many healers, and even modern doctors, recommend baths with the addition of various decoctions and other substances. For example, with white wine vinegar. Pour a glass of vinegar into a bathtub filled with warm water. Immerse yourself in water for a quarter of an hour.
  • An excellent bath option is soda. Dissolve half a pack of table soda in the water prepared for taking a bath. Bath time is a quarter of an hour. You should not wipe yourself after taking it. Allow the skin to dry naturally.
  • You can add one hundred and fifty ml of chamomile decoction to the bath. The bath time is also fifteen minutes. Chamomile will have a calming and antiseptic effect.
  • A milk bath is simply magical. Pour one liter of fresh heated milk and a decoction of any herb into the prepared warm water. After twenty minutes, rinse your body with water and pat lightly with a soft towel.
  • If they grow near your home Walnut, then make a decoction from its leaves, pour it into the bath and immerse yourself in the healing water for half an hour. An excellent tool, but unfortunately not accessible to everyone.

Video - Sunburn treatment at home

Sunburn is an acute injury and inflammation of the skin that develops as a result of excessive exposure to direct or artificial UV radiation. In most cases, the healing process takes place on its own, but there are situations when medical assistance is needed to quickly restore the skin.

Sunburn usually affects people with light and sensitive skin. A mild degree of this condition is called tanning. It is melanin pigmentation that occurs due to exposure to sunlight.

Degrees of sunburn with photos

The extent, symptoms and consequences of sunburn depend on:

  • on skin color and type;
  • level of sensitivity to sunlight;
  • presence of dermatological problems;
  • localization of the pathological process;
  • the use of various means and substances to prevent burns;
  • parallel treatment with certain groups of drugs.

Mild burn

This condition does not require medical care. When exposed to sunlight, local redness, slight swelling and soreness occur, especially when touched. After a few days the discomfort goes away.

Moderate burn

It is characterized by significant pain, redness, and the appearance of blisters on the skin. After a few hours, a person is bothered by pronounced swelling and a feeling of heat from the skin. There is general weakness and decreased performance.

Important! For a child, this condition is already considered serious. Kids become capricious, cry, and cannot find a place for themselves.

Severe burn

Such damage to the skin caused by sunlight is rare. As a rule, severe burns appear against the background of increased individual sensitivity of an adult or child to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Redness and pain are accompanied by signs of an allergic reaction in the form of severe swelling, large blisters that can burst, exposing the erosive surface, rash. The next day, the temperature may rise, and symptoms of intoxication of the body may appear (headache, weakness, attacks of nausea, chills).

Important! In the latter case, only medications can alleviate a person’s condition.

Sunburn on the face

Sunburns can occur on any part of the body of an adult or child. The face usually gets tanned first, especially if the person is not wearing a hat. Burns appear faster than any signs appear pathological condition.

Eye burn

The human visual system has a retina - the inner layer of the eyeball, which is responsible for the perception of light. A large amount of solar radiation entering the same point of the shell provokes a burn. This condition can occur not only in the summer season, but also when the sun's rays are reflected from the snow.

When a patient consults a doctor, he complains of the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the eyes;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • feeling of “sand”;
  • lacrimation;
  • hyperemia of the sclera;
  • swelling of the eyelids

Lip burn

The skin on the lips is sensitive and delicate, so the pathological condition develops quite quickly. Typically in the form of an allergy. There is a feeling of heat, itching, soreness, swelling and hyperemia. On the 2nd day, a rash appears, lips begin to itch, dry out, and peel.

Forehead burn

One of the manifestations of excessive exposure to sunlight. The symptoms are similar:

  • redness;
  • edema;
  • burning sensation and heat.

Ear burn

When the ears are open, half an hour is enough for a burn to appear. The skin in this area is very thin, which means it is sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Towards the evening, peeling occurs, the ears begin to itch, hyperemia and soreness appear.

Sunburn on the body

The intensity of damage to the skin of the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in adults and children can also vary under the influence of the following factors:

  • time spent in the sun - from 10 to 16 o'clock in the afternoon, the rays are most aggressive, even if the sky is overcast;
  • a person being near reflective surfaces - these include sand, water, ice, snow;
  • summer season;
  • the location of a person in relation to the altitude above sea level - the higher the location, the more intense the effect of sunlight;
  • relation to the equator - the closer, the higher the aggressiveness of the sun.

Important! It is better to prevent sunburn than to treat it.

Neck burn

The neck and décolleté area are quite sensitive to the effects of UV rays. To prevent burns to these areas, you should use special means for guard. They can be bought at pharmacies or stores.

Damage to the skin in the neck and shoulders is accompanied by similar symptoms: redness, burning and itching, peeling. In cases of moderate severity, blisters from sunburn, fever, chills, and weakness may appear.

Breast burn

Photo inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin of the chest under the influence of the sun's rays can be found on the Internet. Patients complain of hyperemia, burning, pain, especially when touching the damaged area. After 5-7 days, the skin at the site of the sunburn begins to peel off, exposing a new layer of epidermis.

Back burn

This condition often occurs in both children and adults. Under the influence of strong UV rays, the back becomes red, followed by a burning sensation. Against the background of a moderate burn, blisters and hyperthermia appear. The victim complains of feeling tired, decreased performance, and insomnia (due to painful sensations).

The upper layer of skin on the back begins to peel off after about a week. It leaves behind a surface of a redder hue than the one around it.

Treating sunburn at home

As a rule, treatment of sunburn in children and adults consists of eliminating the symptoms of the pathology. They use pharmaceutical and folk remedies that will help get rid of itching, pain, feelings of heat, and reduce the local temperature.

Important! Severe and moderate sunburns can leave behind cosmetic defects, so you need to be careful about the pathological condition.

Treatment is based on the following points:

  1. Light redness of the skin will go away on its own. Smear medicines no need. It is allowed to use folk remedies or balms for the purpose of moisturizing.
  2. The appearance of itching, allergic manifestations, and swelling requires the use of antihistamines (Fenistil, Suprastin, Tavegil).
  3. Mild to moderate sunburn on large areas bodies require reduction physical activity on the body within 2-3 days. Topically apply anti-burn agents and moisturizing creams.
  4. Severe pain and signs of intoxication in people who have chronic diseases require seeking help from a doctor.
  5. The appearance of swelling of the lower extremities, vomiting, and high temperature are also reasons to undergo an examination by a specialist.
  6. Severe skin damage is accompanied by blisters that may burst. The bare surface is contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms. This provokes the development of infection. It is more difficult to cure a bacterial process than to prevent it. The skin should be smeared with antiseptics and antibacterial drugs.

First aid

First aid for a sunburn should be provided to adults and children in the first 2-3 hours after exposure to the sun. This determines how many people will suffer from the manifestations of the pathology, and how deeply the process will spread. Help at home includes the following activities:

  • Finding shelter from the sun's rays.
  • Cooling the surface of the skin with water - its temperature should be room temperature, since cold will only worsen the situation, provoking vascular spasm and local disruption of tissue trophism.
  • Applying a cool (but not cold!) compress to the damaged area helps to quickly relieve the feeling of heat and get rid of painful sensations.
  • Using cold, but not to apply it to the body, but to hold it at a distance of several centimeters - this option is also allowed for cooling.
  • Treatment with moisturizer.
  • Drinking plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
  • Severe pain can be relieved by taking a painkiller.

Compresses and lotions can be made from cool green tea, decoctions based on medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula).

Important! Apply fat to a sunburn plant origin not allowed.

Drug treatment

Pharmacies offer a large selection of medications for treating skin after sunburn. Most of them allow you to quickly restore cells of the epidermis and dermis, relieve swelling, alleviate the condition of the victim, and remove the feeling of discomfort and burning. Treatments can be purchased without a prescription.

Dexpanthenol preparations

Dexpanthenol is a derivative pantothenic acid. This is an active substance that can make the long process of skin regeneration faster. Preparations based on it eliminate inflammation and support metabolism. Products against burns caused by exposure to sunlight are produced based on dexpanthenol in the form:

  • tablets;
  • ointments;
  • creams;
  • gels;
  • sprays;
  • solutions for local treatment.

Panthenol is the best remedy for sunburn, which is used at home. It is used not only to heal skin damage from sun rays, but also to regenerate cells and tissues at the site of wounds, abrasions, and cracks. Panthenol is available in the form of body milk, cream, spray. It is possible to have an allergic reaction to the components of the product, so you need to treat your back, neck, face, and chest with caution. Any deterioration is a reason to consult a doctor.

Panthenol can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. When treating with other drugs, you need to check the possibility of using Panthenol with a qualified specialist.

The next drug in the group that is popular is Bepanten. Available in the form of cream, lotion and ointment for external use. Cream and ointment can be used to smear the skin of newborns and infants against diaper rash, abrasions, and diaper dermatitis. The lotion can be applied to the body for sunburn.


A drug that is applied to wounds to speed up their healing. Available in the form of gel and ointment. The gel is used if the skin peels off after excessive exposure to sunlight or blisters have broken out. As soon as the healing process begins, you should apply ointment.

Contraindications: pregnancy, systemic allergic reactions, infants.


Powder in the form of a mixture of antibiotics. It is widely used if an infection appears at the site of the opening of blisters from sunburn. The drug should be smeared on the skin, and a bandage should be applied on top. Baneocin is contraindicated:

  • if the burn surface is larger than the patient’s palm;
  • during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • for pathologies of the cardiovascular system, liver and renal apparatus;
  • on the background hypersensitivity to antibiotics.

Important! If the sun's “imprint” on the body is insignificant, the skin does not peel off, and there is no need to smear it with the product.


How to anoint a sunburn if there is deep tissue damage? Apply Levomekol. This is a liquid ointment that contains an antibacterial component. There is simply no need to apply the product to redness without signs of infection.


Another drug to fight infection or prevent its occurrence. You need to buy it in the form of a spray so that it is convenient to spray on the surface of the body. Only deep solar “imprints” should be treated with Miramistin.

Baby cream

A product that can be applied to the skin of children and adults after sunburn. mild degree. The substances included in the baby cream will moisturize the body and nourish it with vitamins and microelements.


Treatment for sunburn at home involves combating swelling and swelling, itching, burning and residual marks. To eliminate such problems, antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs are used:

  • Fenistil;
  • Loratadine;
  • Suprastin;
  • Tavegil.

Medicines are used in the form of tablets and gels for external application. The gel can be applied to the back, legs, arms, neck, and chest. The result will also be a slight analgesic effect.

Medicines for fever

Severe damage to the skin of a child and an adult under the influence of sunlight is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. If the number on the thermometer has passed the mark of 38 o C, you need to use an antipyretic. Such drugs are Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Bofen (relieves signs of hyperthermia in a child), Aspirin.

Treatment of burns with folk remedies

At home, folk remedies for sunburn are often used:

  • smear raw potato juice on the body to relieve pain;
  • apply compresses from cool brewed green tea;
  • wipe the skin with infusion of chamomile;
  • apply warm sauerkraut to places of solar “prints”;
  • Apply cucumber juice to relieve the itching.

Sour cream and kefir

You can apply these products to the area of ​​redness in the first hours after exposure to sunlight. The fact is that sour cream and kefir will help relieve pain and itching, but they slow down the skin restoration process, so treatment can be lengthy. Apply sour cream for only 5 minutes. Then it is washed off with cool water and no longer used. How much sour cream to use is an individual matter, but application should be once.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil can be anointed on damaged areas from the moment of healing. It should not be used earlier, since the fat contained in the composition will slow down the recovery process in the first days after the burn.


At the pharmacy you can buy gels and creams based on aloe extract. The itching and burning will go away within a few hours. Do not use for severe damage. Instead of purchased products, you can use a plant leaf cut lengthwise. This should be done if there are no abrasions, cuts, or rashes.


There is an opinion that if you anoint a burn with vodka or alcohol, it will help heal the person, the pain and redness will go away, and your health will be restored.

Important! This definitely cannot be done.

Alcohol evaporates quickly, which means it will not have time to destroy microbes. Its burning abilities will only increase the pain at the burn site, and will also dry out the already dehydrated tissue.

How to treat blisters (blisters) from sunburn?

What helps with sunburns does not always need to be used for blisters that appear as a result of them. Experts recommend:

  • do not tear the skin off the blisters;
  • apply a cool, but not cold compress;
  • anoint with aloe leaf juice or gel based on plant extract - do this 2-3 times a day;
  • apply antiseptics (silver sulfadiazine) - they will help relieve signs of inflammation and swelling, the injury site will hurt less;
  • do not apply grease or local anesthetics;
  • drink plenty of fluids and eat right;
  • take painkiller tablets.

If an infection occurs, anoint with Levomekol, Miramistin, and apply a bandage on top. The doctor will tell you how long it will take to treat the pathology.

How to relieve swelling after a sunburn?

Swelling often occurs after excessive exposure to sunlight. As a rule, this condition affects the area of ​​the face and lower extremities. A person begins to look, say, not very attractive, especially if the swelling is located in open areas of the body - on the legs or on the face. Therefore, he begins to search for drugs to eliminate the problem.

Doctors recommend the use of antiallergic medications in the form of tablets (Tavegil, Suprastin, Loratadine) and local gels (Fenistil, Psilo-balm). The drugs cannot cure a person, but they can reduce swelling and hyperemia.

What to do if you have a severe sunburn?

Treatment for severe sun marks should be prescribed by a doctor. First aid to the victim is provided in the same way (see above). Further, in a hospital setting, infusion therapy may be needed to restore the water-salt balance, antibiotics if an infection has occurred, and antihistamines.

To combat high fever, antipyretics are used, and pain can be relieved with tablets or injectable painkillers.

What to do if it itches after a sunburn?

Itching is one of the symptoms of the pathological condition. It can be so painful that it prevents the victim from sleeping. Treatment is as follows:

  • antihistamines for local and general use (Tavegil, Suprastin, for children - Fenistil, L-cet);
  • painkiller tablets (Ketanov);
  • hormonal ointments (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone).

Important! It's better not to get carried away with hormones. It is important to consult a specialist before using them.

What to do if you have fever and chills after a sunburn?

Many victims are interested in how long the temperature can last against the background of “burning”, how to treat it and what to do in such a situation. As a rule, high temperature occurs only against the background of parallel heat stroke or as a result of the addition of a bacterial infection. There are cases when a person does not tolerate even low-grade fever. Then doctors recommend lowering the temperature:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Aspirin;
  • Bofen;
  • Efferalgan.

The chills will pass along with the temperature, but in order to alleviate the person’s condition, the body should be covered and given plenty of water and tea to drink.

What to do if you are allergic to sunburn?

Such people should avoid exposure to the sun. If this cannot be done, good protection from ultraviolet radiation is needed:

  • store-bought and pharmacy creams and ointments (Panthenol, Bepanten, products with high level SPF);
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • vitamins;
  • hormonal ointments;
  • enterosorbents (Enterosgel, Smecta);
  • drinking plenty of fluids.

Features of treatment of burns in children

Children must be treated according to a medical protocol, according to which first aid is provided and therapy is selected. Non-drug treatment consists of following general regime, diet No. 11, increasing water load. Drug therapy:

  • pain relief (NSAIDs);
  • antibiotics and infusion therapy for severe lesions;
  • Local dressings are made with Levomekol, Miramistin, and silver-containing ointments;
  • aerosol treatment (Panthenol).

How long it takes to treat a child in case of severe injuries is determined by the doctor. First aid is provided in the same way as for adults (see above).

How long does a sunburn last?

How long does a person have to suffer? Usually the condition of the skin is restored in 3-6 days, sometimes up to 2 weeks. This depends on the degree of damage, individual sensitivity, type of integument, localization of the solar “imprint,” and the age of the victim. Take care of your health and take time to protect your skin!

Video: treatment of sunburn

Video: prevention and protection from sunburn