Maslenitsa week of the year. History and traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa in Russia. Maslenitsa: what you can and cannot do

The start date of Maslenitsa varies depending on when it starts Lent, which lasts seven weeks before Easter. And it is before Great Lent that Maslenitsa Week is celebrated.

Maslenitsa - this preparatory week for Lent is dedicated in the Christian sense to one goal - reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of offenses, preparation for the repentant path to God - this is the Christian component of Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa is the colloquial name for Cheese Week, the last week before Lent. During Maslenitsa, people do not eat meat, but they can eat fish and dairy products. Maslenitsa is a solid week, Fasting on Wednesday and Friday is canceled.

Maslenitsa 2017- this is a farewell to winter and a joyful anticipation of spring, this is a folk holiday cycle preserved by the Slavs since pagan times. Maslenitsa in villages and cities is always celebrated with mass celebrations - noisy, fun and with generous food. We are sure that the folk festivities for Maslenitsa 2017 will be no less fun. When is Maslenitsa 2017, don’t think that the only treat for the holidays is pancakes. As a rule, when Maslenitsa is celebrated, a rich table is set. In the old days, both pancakes and pies with various fillings were placed on the table at Maslenitsa: mushroom, cottage cheese, cabbage, and more.

Why is Maslenitsa called Maslenitsa or Cheese Week?

Maslenitsa got its name from the fact that in last week before Lent, it is allowed to eat butter, dairy products and fish. In the Russian calendar Orthodox Church this period is called Cheese Week - the week (week) following the Motley Week. In the Orthodox Church it is believed that the meaning of Cheese Week- reconciliation with neighbors, forgiveness of insults, preparation for Lent - time that needs to be devoted to good communication with neighbors, relatives, friends, and charity.

Lenten services begin to be held in churches. On Wednesday and Friday the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated, the Lenten prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian is read. The last Sunday before the start of Lent is called by the Church the Week of Cheese (it is on this day that the consumption of dairy products ends), or Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, after the evening service, a special rite of forgiveness is performed in churches, when clergy and parishioners mutually ask each other for forgiveness in order to enter Lent with a pure soul, reconciled with all their neighbors.

The main traditional attributes of the folk celebration of Maslenitsa: scarecrow Maslenitsa, fun, sleigh rides, festivities, for Russians - obligatory pancakes and flatbreads, for Ukrainians and Belarusians - dumplings, cheesecakes and block.

Folk rituals of Maslenitsa

The ritual side of Maslenitsa is very complex and dates back to ancient times. It includes rituals related to the beginning of a new cycle, the stimulation of fertility, and the cult of ancestors. The main heroine of the holiday was Maslenitsa, embodied in a scarecrow. Maslenitsa is not a deity, but it represents an archaic stage in the development of a dying and resurrecting deity. The Maslenitsa effigy was seen as the focus of fertility and fecundity, and the rituals of seeing it off were supposed to convey this fertility to the earth. For the peasant, the fertility of the land was extremely important. Another side of Maslenitsa is associated with the stimulation of fertility - the funeral one. The departed ancestors, according to the peasants, were simultaneously in another world and in the earth, which means they could influence its fertility. The main attribute of Maslenitsa is pancakes. Contrary to popular belief, pancakes are not and have never been a symbol of the sun among the Slavic peoples. Pancakes have always been a funeral dish among the Slavs, so they perfectly correspond to the funeral essence of Maslenitsa.

Traditions for Maslenitsa

Pre-Christian Maslenitsa - celebrated in March, on the days of the spring equinox, a pagan holiday of farewell to winter - Komoeditsa. The celebration of Maslenitsa was accompanied by rituals glorifying the sun, symbolizing the death of seasonal death and the approaching rebirth of nature, and lasted for a week. Maslenitsa was a day of general fun and revelry, feasting. It was a festival of the stomach, accompanied by drinking and eating to the point of gluttony. There was also a place for eroticism. In some villages, brotherhood meetings were organized, and beer was brewed together by the entire village. Maslenitsa is a wide holiday. It was impossible to skimp on expenses.

A characteristic feature of Maslenitsa celebrations is skating. Ice mountains were specially built, on which many people gathered. They rode on sleds and sleighs, creating a “heap of mala” on them, on birch bark and on any available means. According to tradition, in the villages on Maslenitsa they certainly rode horses harnessed to decorated sleighs. In the front of the sleigh there was a shaft with a wheel attached to the top, symbolizing the sun. Entire sleigh trains were organized. During all the entertainment and fun, skating and festivities, mummers and buffoons were present and took an active part in them. folk traditions on Maslenitsa. Dressing up, as well as skating, was the norm throughout the week. Fist fights were also widespread. The holidays ended with the burning of Maslenitsa.

Folk traditions for Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa week is divided into two periods: Narrow Maslenitsa and Broad Maslenitsa who have their own traditions. Narrow Maslenitsa is the first three days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Wide Maslenitsa is the last four days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In the first three days, it was possible to do household work, and from Thursday all work stopped, and Broad Maslenitsa began. Among the people, every day of Maslenitsa has its own name.

  • Monday for Maslenitsa - MEETING

Traditionally, places for general celebrations, ice slides, and booths were prepared for the first day of Maslenitsa; supplies were created for food - pancakes, pies, pancakes, rolls were baked, snacks and drinks were prepared. The youth made a straw doll depicting Maslenitsa. They dressed the doll, dressed it up, took it on a sled to an elevated place and called on Maslenitsa to come, ride and lie in pancakes. The hostesses began to invite and treat guests.

  • Maslenitsa Tuesday - FLIRTING (flirting of young people)

Traditions for this Maslenitsa day: young people invited each other for pancakes in the morning. The boys and girls exchanged visits and, after a few treats, went out into the streets and onto the hills to have fun and have fun. Youth fun was organized. The guys were looking for brides, the girls were looking for grooms.

  • Wednesday for Maslenitsa - GOURMMAN (at mother-in-law's for pancakes)

On Wednesday, according to tradition, it was the mother-in-law who organized a hearty meal with the obligatory pancakes for Maslenitsa. She gathered relatives with priority invitation and honoring of sons-in-law.

  • Thursday on Maslenitsa - RAZGUL (Wide Thursday)

Street festivities on Maslenitsa acquired their most widespread character, according to tradition, on Thursday. People poured into the streets and gathered in certain places for joint meals and drinks. Songs sounded over the villages. Noise, din, laughter and the ringing of bells accompanied the sleigh trains. Buffoons entertained the audience. The ice slides were crowded with children and young people. The guys played various pranks. Fist fights grew.

  • Friday for Maslenitsa - Mother-in-law's PARTY

Maslenitsa traditions required the son-in-law to personally invite his mother-in-law to visit him on Friday. Other relatives also gathered to treat the son-in-law, also with pancakes.

  • Saturday for Maslenitsa - SISTER-IN-LAW'S Gatherings

According to tradition, on Saturday the young daughter-in-law showed her skill in preparing food and called her relatives to her place.

  • Sunday for Maslenitsa - SEEING AWAY (the burning of Maslenitsa is a ritual of seeing off winter)

On some elevated place, a long pole was installed, on top of which a wheel was fixed, symbolizing the movement of the sun towards spring, which rose higher in the sky every day. This structure was lined with firewood and brooms, and a large fire was lit in the evening. An effigy of winter, cold, seasonal death was burned. All this was accompanied by fun, sleigh rides from the mountains, and various fun activities. These lights were visible from village to village.

The celebration of Maslenitsa was necessarily associated with pancakes, symbolizing the disk of the sun. Weddings were played on Maslenitsa - both nature and people were preparing for fruiting.

Signs and sayings for Maslenitsa

  • The first pancake for the repose (in butter).
  • The first thaw - the parents sighed.
  • Eat cheese, sour cream, butter, overcome all troubles with the generosity of your soul.
  • Porridge is not tasty without oil.
  • Christmas time has passed, it’s a pity to leave, Maslina has come to go for a ride (Voronezh).
  • You are welcome to come to us for Maslenitsa with your goodness, with an honest belly.
  • Where there are pancakes, here we are; where there is porridge with butter - this is our place.
  • A pancake is not a wedge, it won’t split your belly.
  • Without a pancake it’s not buttery.
  • Ride the roller coaster, lie in the pancakes.
  • About butterfly - you feast for a week, you hang over for seven.
  • We drank beer about Maslenitsa, and suffered from a hangover after Radunitsa.
  • Songs about Maslenitsa are fun, and even more fun are songs about Radonitsa.
  • Maslenitsa is Semikov’s niece.
  • Maslenitsa is crazy, I'm saving money.
  • Honest Semik called and invited the wide Maslenitsa to come and take a walk with him.
  • Maslena: honest, cheerful, broad, global holiday.
  • Maslenitsa pancake maker is a buffoon maker.
  • Let's pay our respects at the cheese shop on Sunday (that is, let's play pranks, change clothes, etc.).
  • The Maslena River is wide: it also flooded during Lent.
  • Have a feast, woman, on Maslena, and remember about fasting.
  • Maslen is afraid of bitter radishes and steamed turnips.
  • Vlasiy will spill oil on the roads - it’s time for winter to put its feet away, the path is known to it, following Prokhor.
  • Son-in-law in the yard - pie on the table.
  • The mother-in-law is talking about her son-in-law and the mortar is milking (that is, being milked).
  • My son-in-law is coming, where can I get sour cream?
  • Bad weather on Sunday before the oil festival means a mushroom harvest.
  • It’s not all about Maslenitsa; there will be Lent too.

Maslenitsa 2017 is an opportunity to once again bake delicious pancakes with a wide variety of fillings. Housewives get creative with pancake dough recipes and fillings.

When do we celebrate this year?

This year Maslenitsa falls on last days February. From February 20 to 26, we bake pancakes and prepare for the arrival of spring. Maslenitsa ends the “feast of the belly” and begins Lent before Easter. So Maslenitsa is the last opportunity to eat non-lenten food.

In Russian culture, there are different names for Maslenitsa week: meat week is called for abstaining from meat products, cheese week - for the abundance of cheese products that are present in Maslenitsa treats, and oil week itself - for the abundance of butter, with which housewives generously flavor their rosy pancakes.

Pancakes are the main Maslenitsa dish, which must become the main one on the festive table of every housewife. The centuries-old traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa have given us hundreds of recipes for pancakes and pancakes that anyone can prepare.

Classic Pancake week pancakes are baked with milk and white wheat flour, but this does not stop you from trying original recipes with water, kefir or whey, with the addition of oatmeal, rye or buckwheat flour. Every good housewife has at hand a signature recipe for Maslenitsa pancakes, which differs both in the dough recipe and in the method of preparing the filling.

Traditionally in Rus', pancakes were eaten with a lot of butter and sour cream, but filling with mushrooms or salmon was no less popular in the last week before Lent. Try complementing your Maslenitsa dish with red or black caviar, jam or jam, fresh fruit or exotic vegetables - we are sure that your household will be happy to taste the most delicious pancakes prepared by your own hands.

How to celebrate

The scope of folk festivities on Maslenitsa is directly related to beliefs: in the old days it was believed that laughter and fun this week would bring abundance and prosperity to the house, therefore it was supposed to have as much fun as possible.

In the villages on Maslenitsa, they burned an effigy of Maslenitsa, held fist fights, ate pancakes at speed, climbed a pole for prizes, swam in an ice hole and fought with bears. The main attribute was pancakes.

About the effigy, let’s add that they burned a straw effigy, personifying winter and last year’s dried-up harvest, on the last day of the week. The ashes from Maslenitsa were scattered across the fields. Maslenitsa ended with cleaning: they cleaned all the dishes, burned the leftover food, and left nothing for the next day. For believers, the time of Great Lent has come.

Basic requirements for this holiday:

The main rule is the absence of meat products in the diet this week. Dairy products and fish are allowed. Pancakes are baked throughout the week.

You need to eat as much as you want, because food these days is a special form of life.

It was customary to visit people during the holiday, as well as invite them to your place, honoring friends delicious pancakes and other treats.

It is customary to have parties and have fun until you drop.

Maslenitsa is one of the most delicious holidays of the year. It is during this week that housewives take out hidden jars of goodies that they add to pancakes.

Note that in Christian church calendar there is no such name for a holiday as Maslenitsa. This name is taken from the common people, and the last preparatory week for Great Lent is Cheese Week. That is, the celebration of Maslenitsa (Cheese Week) begins in the last week before Great Lent and ends with Forgiveness Sunday. It is also worth noting that a week refers to one calendar week. During Cheese Week, believers who observe fasting are prohibited from eating meat, but milk, eggs, sour cream can still be consumed, including pancakes.

Sources:,,,, etc.

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The Russian people are so tired of the harsh winter, and when the winter months come to an end on the calendar, Maslenitsa is most anticipated, because this holiday marks the beginning of spring. Maslenitsa has long been considered the most popular and cheerful holiday; it is one of the holidays preserved from the times when Rus' was still pagan. Maslenitsa is known by many names, some call it Pancake Week, others call it Cheese Week, etc. It is known that Lent begins after it. Celebrated exactly seven weeks before the main event Orthodox holidays- Happy Easter. Before we talk about what date Maslenitsa is celebrated in 2017, let’s dive a little into the traditions and history of this day.

History of origin

In Rus', Maslenitsa was celebrated for a long time and on a grand scale, the holiday lasted for two whole weeks, everyone they knew was heartily treated, because Lent immediately began. At all times, people baked pancakes; Russians have long believed that when pancakes are baked, spring comes faster. After all, in Rus', a pancake symbolized the sun, and the more pancakes, the more sun. The people knew that the body was starting to work in a new way, and was being reorganized into a “summer” mode.

The Christian Church decided not to violate Russian traditions and left this holiday, although moving it a few days. From the moment of the baptism of Rus', the celebration of this week begins seven days before strict Lent.

Cheese week is a fun time. Since ancient times, Russians believed that on these days you could call on the sun and drive away the cold, so they baked huge quantities of pancakes. In Rus' it was believed that by eating a pancake, a person tasted a piece of heat from the Sun.

Beginning and ending of Maslenitsa 2017

Many are already interested in the question of what date Pancake Week begins. It is known that in 2017 Maslenitsa is celebrated on February 20-26, an unusual date, this is due to the fact that Easter is quite early next year.

In paganism, this holiday pursued 3 main goals:

  • driving out winter and praising spring;
  • matchmaking of young boys and girls;
  • remembrance of deceased relatives.

Maslenitsa week

When the time came for Maslenitsa, all the housewives began to bake mountains of pancakes, and prepared for the holiday in two days. According to some sources, the first pancake was given to the poorest for food, and to others - to the bear, which used to be called “kom”, this is where it came from popular expression- “the first pancake is lumpy,” which was later renamed “the first pancake is lumpy.”

As soon as Pancake Week arrived according to the calendar, the children began collecting bast shoes in their yards.

The kids ran out into the street and asked the first passerby whether Maslenitsa had been brought; if the person said no, they beat him with bast shoes.

According to tradition, all days of Cheese Week had their own special name and were associated with some custom.

There were meetings on Monday.

Housewives prepared pancake dough, and on Monday they installed a Maslenitsa effigy in the center of the village and dressed it in used clothes. Since the newlyweds usually lived with their husband’s parents, early in the morning the parents prepared their daughter-in-law to visit her relatives, and in the evening they went to visit them themselves. Together they discussed future celebrations, how they would go to Maslenitsa.

At the very beginning of the week, trade tents and booths were set up on the square; pancakes were also baked and sold on the street.

On Tuesday - Flirting.

On the 2nd day of Cheese Week, young people started having fun: sledding, participating in various fun games. The winner always treated himself to a pancake with delicious filling. On Tuesday we went to get married to have a wedding at Krasnaya Gorka.

On Wednesday – Gourmets.

When the middle of the week came according to the calendar, the hostess had to generously treat her guests. This is where the saying comes from that you need to put all the food on the table. On Wednesday, the son-in-law and his parents went to his mother-in-law; he was obliged to bring something edible with him.

On Thursday - Take a walk.

Starting on Thursday, they stopped working and people completely gave themselves over to the fun. In Razgulyai there were real fist fights, wall-to-wall. Young people danced in circles, songs were heard everywhere, and on Thursday daredevils climbed a high pole.

Friday - Mother-in-law's evening.

Probably everyone knows that it was on this day that the mother-in-law came to her son-in-law to taste pancakes. According to the old tradition, during the day the mother-in-law gave her son-in-law everything that was needed for baking pancakes: flour, butter, a frying pan. And he, in turn, had to bake pancakes himself and treat his wife’s mother.

On Saturday - Sister-in-law's gatherings.

The daughter-in-law was supposed to invite all her husband's sisters to visit her.

Also on Saturday, a “kissing party” was organized for the newlyweds; on this day, the wooed young people had to climb a hill, give each other a kiss and slide down on a sleigh, and continue the kiss to the cheerful cheers of the crowd.

On Sunday - Forgiveness Sunday.

Also, this day was called “farewell,” and before, and now traditionally people ask for forgiveness from God, family and friends. The mass festivities ended, an effigy of winter was burned in the square, thus welcoming its new owner - spring. The ashes of the burned effigy were scattered across the fields in the hope of a rich harvest. Maslenitsa ended with complete cleaning, all the food was thrown away, nothing was left for the next day, because Lent began.

Signs for Maslenitsa

It was believed that if Maslenitsa week was frosty, then spring and summer would definitely be warm.

And if it rains on Maslenitsa, it means there will be a lot of mushrooms in the summer.

If the cold sets in sharply on Cheese Week, then the weather will be good all summer.

If the housewife produces beautiful and smooth pancakes, it means there will be peace and grace in the house throughout the current year.

It was believed that how many uneaten pancakes a young girl would have left was the number of years she would not get married.

On Maslenitsa, wives tested the fidelity of their husbands: they baked a pancake, and if it was baked in the center of the pancake, then the husband was faithful, and if it was on the side, then he was unfaithful.

If a young girl’s first pancake stuck to the frying pan, it means she won’t get married this year.

If the edges of the pancake turned out smooth for the young wife, that means the whole family life will be smooth and quiet, if the edges turn out to be waves, then everything will be restless in the family.

During Maslinitsa week, you had to forgive all your enemies in order to cleanse your soul of bad thoughts.

Now you know when, February 20-26, Maslenitsa is celebrated in 2017. We tried to introduce you a little to the history of this fun holiday, tell you about ancient traditions and signs for the holidays. Bake more pancakes and treat them to your family and friends so that the whole year will be rich and fruitful.

Maslenitsa is a symbol of the imminent approach of spring and farewell to winter. This year, Maslenitsa week begins on February 20, and will end, as usual, on Forgiveness Sunday, preceding the beginning of Lent. How to celebrate Maslenitsa by day of the week, where folk festivals will take place, how to treat your family and friends, and much more, read in the review.

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The purpose of Maslenitsa is to help drive away winter and awaken nature from sleep. This is what all the holiday traditions are aimed at. Every day of this week has proper name, which talks about what needs to be done on this day.

Monday, February 20 - meeting
Bake pancakes, decorate your home with a stuffed straw and welcome guests.

Tuesday, February 21 - flirting
If you are a single girl, invite guys you know to visit or go on a roller coaster ride with them. In the old days, it was believed that if you didn’t go down the hill on a sleigh on this day, you would “offend” Maslenitsa.

Wednesday, February 22 - gourmet
"Mother-in-law's pancakes." On this day, the wife's mother invites her son-in-law and feeds him pancakes.

Thursday, February 23 - go wild
Maslenitsa is gaining momentum. Feel free to go to your first street festivities.

Friday, February 24 - mother-in-law's evening
It’s the son-in-law’s turn to treat the mother-in-law to pancakes so that peace and mutual understanding do not leave the family.

Saturday, February 25 - sister-in-law's gatherings
This evening, invite your husband's sister (sister-in-law) to your place for pancakes and give her something nice.

On this day, folk festivities will take place throughout the city, for example, in the Omsk park of the 30th anniversary of the Komsomol, they will burn an effigy and climb an ice pillar. On this day they ask each other for forgiveness in order to reconcile before Lent.

Lent this year it will last from February 27 to April 9, followed by six days of Holy Week - during this time Christians prepare for Easter.

Here are some more ideas on how to spend the holidays.

Times change, but Maslenitsa still remains one of the most favorite winter entertainments. To the delight of adults and children, the MEGA Omsk family shopping center has prepared a special holiday program, which will take place from February 24 to 26 from 12:00 to 18:00 in the parking lot in front of the main entrance.

MEGA visitors will see off the winter, which has become boring with its frosts, on a grand scale. MEGA has prepared a varied entertainment program, during which you will not only get a boost good mood, but also gifts by taking part in fun competitions.

You can celebrate the holiday in style by visiting Maslenitsa fair, where MEGA will offer delicious dishes to Omsk residents.

There is also no doubt about the entertainment value of the event. Guests will be shown a fascinating show of extreme power. Shoulder carousel rides, placed on the shoulders of strongmen, will impress the youngest visitors to the family shopping center. No less striking number will be athletes lifting a huge log. In addition, MEGA guests will be able to test their own strength by taking part in weight lifting and wheel rolling competitions from the K-700 tractor.

What is Maslenitsa without one of the main symbols of the holiday? February 26 awaits Omsk residents free holiday treat from MEGA. Guests of the holiday on this day will be heartily fed with aromatic pancakes.

Many adults and especially children will certainly not miss the opportunity to take a photo with charming Siberian huskies. These and other photographs conveying the festive fun at MEGA will remain in the personal archives of Omsk residents as a memory of the celebration of Maslenitsa in 2017.

Spend your long weekend active and fun. Invite your family and friends to the Maslenitsa festivities in MEGA!

What is Maslenitsa associated with? With pancakes, fun, partying, burning an effigy. Do you know what drink is considered traditional for this holiday? Most likely no. The S-Fruit Siberia company offers to remember forgotten traditions and celebrate Maslenitsa in full ritual readiness.

Previously, in Rus', on Maslenitsa, in addition to sbiten, surya, mulled wine and other drinks, they cooked compote. This was so typical that the drink was mentioned in sayings, jokes and jokes during street performances.

Uzvar was especially popular. To prepare it, you first had to boil the dried fruits. After this, honey was added, brought to a boil and left to cool. Uzvar should brew for 24 hours. This drink was used to wash down Pancake Day pancakes, holiday dishes and treat each other.

For your comfort, the S-Fruct Siberia company is already producing ready-made mixtures for compotes, including not only “Uzvar”, but also “Classic” and “Children’s” mixture. They are united by the Siberian Expanses trademark. This is not just a set of dried fruits. The company has its own production, where the best Russian fruits (and vegetables) undergo infrared drying. This technology only evaporates water, while vitamins and microelements remain intact. Therefore, the uzvar prepared for Maslenitsa will be as environmentally friendly as it was centuries ago.

After Maslenitsa comes Lent, S-Fruct Siberia has taken care of this period as well. Even during fasting you want something tasty. How do you like the idea with pear or orange chips? Or maybe apple croutons?

None of the S-Fruct Siberia products contain dyes or flavors, and this proves that healthy food It can also be delicious.

Have fun and be healthy!

We celebrate Maslenitsa with all our hearts. And this applies not only to general fun, but also to a hearty feast. Many different baked goods are prepared for the holiday: pies, pancakes, flat cakes, brushwood. Fish dishes are considered mandatory: stuffed carp, baked crucian carp and carp, smoked herring.

However, pancakes remain the main Maslenitsa dish. They are baked from flour different types, they wrap a variety of fillings in them: caviar, minced meat, fish, cottage cheese. There are a lot of cooking options and recipes. And the chef of the Ochag cafe, Dmitry Balyasnikov, shared one of them for you.

So, Rueda chocolate pancakes.

Beat eggs, add milk and mix thoroughly. Sift flour and cocoa into the resulting mixture, add salt and sugar, mix so as to prevent the appearance of lumps. Then add oil to the dough so that when frying our pancakes do not stick to the pan. Now it is advisable to put it all in the refrigerator for two hours, covering the dishes. You need to bake pancakes as usual.

After the pancakes have cooled slightly, wrap 3-4 strawberries, raspberries or blackberries in them. Pour melted chocolate on top, garnish with a scoop of ice cream and a mint leaf.

Traditionally, on Maslenitsa we are treated to massive street celebrations with colorful performances, hot drinks and treats. However, it is still winter outside, still cold. If you want to continue the holiday and don’t want to go home, then you are welcome at the Ochag cafe-restaurant. Cozy atmosphere, nice music,

It seems like it just came New Year, and many pancake lovers are already wondering when the delicious holiday - Maslenitsa - will come. It should be noted that this celebration has its own traditions that have been passed down to us from our ancestors.

As we know today, the tradition of celebration has its own nuances and subtleties. It’s not in vain that people, trying to quickly leave winter, lured spring. So that she, in turn, takes her place and quickly warms the entire earth, melting the snow and ice.

Maslenitsa in 2017, what date is it and is the date of this holiday stable? To answer this question, we can definitely say that every time celebration has different date. But this holiday is closely connected with the onset of Lent, which lasts seven weeks and ends with the Great Bright Day of Easter.

Maslenitsa week in 2017, what date it starts and when it ends, we can definitely say that from February 20 to February 26, you can undoubtedly enjoy this celebration in 2017. In addition, the holiday falls on the eve of Women's Day, so it will be doubly pleasant. Moreover, as is already known, it lasts a week, the days of which have their own personal names and traditions.

Maslenitsa days:

- Monday from a long time ago it acquired the name “Meeting”, it was on this day that various ice figures, slides were completed, and sleighs were also prepared for riding;

- Tuesday called “Zigryshi”, from this day the treats began, as well as sleigh rides;

- Wednesday they call him “Gourmand”, since it was believed that it was on Wednesday that the mother-in-law invited her son-in-law for pancakes;

- Thursday- this is “Wide revelry”, that is, as usual, on this day there were snow fights, sleigh rides with horses and everyone from kids to adults had fun as best they could. “Wide revelry” meant that on this day people usually went to visit each other, and were especially friendly and hospitable; treats were considered an integral part of the celebration. This dish was washed down with tea, mead or wine;

- Friday They called it “Mother-in-law’s Evening” because it was on this day that sons-in-law invited their mothers-in-law to treats. But the most interesting thing is that the mother-in-law and her husband had to hand over to the son-in-law’s house everything necessary for preparing this treat, that is, right down to the dishes. This day was considered special because the wife’s parents came, who were invited for a reason, and according to tradition, they taught and gave wise life advice to the young. If the wife’s parents could not visit their daughter’s house on this day, then this was considered a great insult. Although there is a popular belief that you shouldn’t be offended on Maslenitsa;

- Saturday- these are “Sister-in-law’s get-togethers”, at which former grievances and quarrels are most often forgiven, since there are often various conflicts between relatives, which in turn interfere with calm communication. It also sometimes happens that there is a conflict between the wife and the husband’s sister, so it is on Saturday that the sister-in-law is invited and the relationship is improved. You can present a small souvenir and the conflict will be resolved.

Undoubtedly, Saturday is considered the peak of the holiday. The people celebrate the celebration as furiously as possible. It was believed that the brighter the holiday, the richer and more abundant the year would be. It is no secret that fist fights took place on Saturday. Everyone from children to adults could take part in them. The winners were awarded delicious pancakes;

- Sunday known as “Forgiveness Sunday”, on this day the celebration died down and people burned an effigy of Winter, which had been made by hand in advance. People gathered in churches for services, after which it was customary to ask forgiveness from all loved ones, relatives or just acquaintances.

Maslenitsa week in 2017, now everyone knows what date it comes. But it is not enough to know just the date; you must also observe the traditions of this holiday. That is, with the arrival of this celebration, you need to start baking pancakes. After all, pancakes are considered an indispensable attribute of the holiday. Moreover, such days are celebrated not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

Pancakes are baked from different types of flour, with or without yeast, as well as coated with butter and stuffed with various fillings. They are baked in large quantities, and it is believed that the more you eat, the better. Various kinds of competitions were often held on this occasion. The one who ate the most was given a prize.

It has long been believed that a baked hot pancake resembles the sun, which people tried to attract so that in the future it would warm the earth and fill the fields with abundance. Therefore, housewives tried to share their recipes with each other. Of course, any child will enjoy this treat. Pancakes were served to the table not only as an addition, but also as an independent dish. It was not uncommon for many housewives to put pancakes on the table instead of bread.

There are many different recipes for this dish in the world. There are often complex ones that even fairly experienced chefs cannot prepare, because each recipe has its own secrets and subtleties of preparation.

Previously, Christians in Rus' celebrated Maslenitsa on a certain day. They said goodbye to Winter and lit a huge fire, into which a man put a hand-made doll made of dry straw. At the same time, various wishes for happiness and goodness were spoken to her. For example, the arrival of a bountiful harvest. Pancakes and grains of wheat were placed along with the made dolls.

Previously, while celebrating Maslenitsa, people went out into the street with their children and sang songs loudly, rode down ice slides and played a lot. Today, the celebration is not celebrated as fun as before, but still the tradition continues.

Children who know about this wonderful holiday ask their parents to play with them, and then everyone enjoys freshly prepared pancakes together. It’s not uncommon for adults to arrange various games for their children, for example, “Who will be the first to rip the hat off the opponent’s head.” To do this, children form a circle with two people in the middle. Both of them should have hats on, of course, not with strings. On the command “three”, whoever first tore off the hat receives a treat, and then chooses his next opponent.

Or quite interesting game"Snow fight" Everyone, from kids to adults, enjoys this game. First, two fortresses are built from snow. After which the team is divided in half into an equal number of people and they have a snowball fight.

Sled races were often held. That is, from a big mountain on a sled it was necessary to drive as far as possible. It is allowed to use ski poles for better pushing off. Whoever drove further wins. It was possible to organize several teams, the one that won received a reward in the form of delicious buttery pancakes.

“Maslenitsa” is considered a long-awaited, desirable and interesting holiday, not only for beloved children, but also for adults. After all, people are having fun on the streets, the mood is rising, spring is approaching, and with it the warmth. Therefore, it is worth having fun organizing this celebration and continuing the good old traditions in order to pass them on to the future.

Following Maslenitsa week, we celebrate Lent, and therefore it is worth thinking about in advance.