The best beaches in Spain. Bologna in one day Bolonia beach in Spain

Bologna (Italy) - the most detailed information about the city with photos. The main attractions of Bologna with descriptions, guides and maps.

City of Bologna

Bologna is a city of students, scientists, culinary specialists, a city of towers and arcade buildings, one of the main intellectual centers of Italy. It will certainly charm you with its extraordinary atmosphere, where creativity and science, youth and old age, emotions and sober calculation are intertwined together.

Bologna is located in the Emilia-Romagna region in northern Italy near Florence and Rimini. Thanks to its favorable location and developed industry, it is one of the richest cities in the country with a high standard of living. Bologna has the flavor of an old Italian city: fortress walls, narrow and crooked streets, ancient buildings, porticoes and arcades, numerous historical and cultural monuments - magnificent churches, luxurious palazzos, high towers. The architecture of the historical city center dates back to the 13th - 14th centuries.

The main squares of the city are Piazza Nettuno (Neptune Square) and Piazza Maggiore ( Big square), which contain interesting historical monuments. Other interesting historical sites are the tall towers - the pride of the city's wealthy families. Previously there were more than a hundred of them. Currently, much fewer towers have survived, but they still stand out in urban architecture.

It is also home to the oldest University in Europe, which was founded in the 11th century. Currently, 90,000 students study at the University of Bologna (almost 1/3 of the city’s population).

Practical information

  1. Population - more than 380 thousand people.
  2. Area - 140 km².
  3. Language - Italian.
  4. Currency - euro.
  5. Visa - Schengen.
  6. Time - Central European UTC +1, summer +2.


Scientists believe that Bologna was founded by the Etruscans around 510 BC. e. The city was then called Felsina and was built around an ancient sanctuary. In the 4th century BC. The city was captured by the Celts, renaming the city Bonnonia.

In the second century, Bologna became a Roman colony. During the heyday of the power of the Roman Empire, the city turned into one of the largest and richest cities; beautiful buildings and monuments were built in it, which, unfortunately, have not survived to this day.

With the collapse of the Roman Empire at the beginning of the Middle Ages, Bologna came under the rule of the Greek Exarchate of Ravenna, then the Lombard king Luitprand. Until Emperor Charlemagne granted the settlement the rights of a free city. From that time until now, the word “libertas” - freedom - has been on the coat of arms.

In the 11th century, the University was founded in Bologna - one of the oldest in Europe; in the 13th century, serfdom was abolished.

In the second half of the 12th century, the city became part of the Lombard League, which was the enemy of Frederick Barbarossa. Despite the desire for democracy, Bologna has always zealously supported the power of the Pope.

In 1512 the city was again annexed to Roman possessions.

In the 17th century, Bologna became the intellectual center of all of Europe. Famous scientists come here, University graduates make important discoveries (for example, Copernicus studied here). In modern times, the city became part of the Cisalpine Republic.

In 1860, Bologna, together with all of Romagna, joined the Kingdom of Italy.

Food and drink

Bologna is the culinary center of Italy, the birthplace of Bolognese sauce, tortellini, salsiccia and mortadella sausages. Definitely worth a try here traditional dishes: Tagliatella Bolognese, Tortellini, Spuma di Mortadella, Lasagne Verdi alla bolognese, Raviole Bolognesi, Friggione.


One of the most important and largest churches in Bologna - 132 meters long, 66 meters wide, 47 meters high. The basilica is located in the historical center of the city in Piazza Maggiore.

Construction of the basilica began in 1390. Later the structure of the building was changed to the shape of a Latin cross. The roof of the nave and apse were not completed until 1663, according to a design by Girolamo Rainaldi. It should be noted that the church has an organ built at the end of the 15th century.

Opening hours: Every day from 8:00 to 18:30 (until 18:00 in winter).

Cost: Free. Group excursion 8 euros.

A beautiful old church built in the early 13th century by the founder of the Dominicans, the Spaniard Dominic Guzman. His remains are kept here in a beautiful chapel in a marble ark. The interior of the basilica is decorated with frescoes by Guercino, Lippi, and Caracci.

Address: Piazza San Domenico, 13 40124 Bologna

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 15:30 to 18:00. Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 15:30 to 17:00. Sunday from 15:30 to 17:00.

Cost: Free

(TORRE DELL'ARENGO) - a tower in the historical center of Bologna, in Piazza Neptune, unique for its history and structure. The tower creates a single ensemble with the Palazzo Podestà. The tower was built at the beginning of the 13th century. In the mid-15th century, a bell tower with a 47-ton bronze bell was installed here.

Address: Piazza del Nettuno, 40124 Bologna

12th century brick tower in Bologna, built by a wealthy Guelph family. The height of the tower is 60 meters. One of the oldest towers in the city. In the mid-18th century it was turned into a prison.

The oldest university in Europe, founded in 1088. Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca, Guinizelli, and Nicolaus Copernicus studied here. Galvani and Alessandro Volta conducted research here. 90 thousand students study at the university.

17th century gate in the city of Bologna. They were also called the pilgrim gate, because... Believers passed through them on their way to the monastery of San Luca.

Address: Piazza di Porta Saragozza - 40123 Bologna

- "little Venice" in the center of Bologna, a picturesque small canal between ancient buildings. The channel is a continuation of the Reno channel.

Address: Via Capo di Lucca - 40126 Bologna (BO).

The Cathedral of Bologna, built at the end of the 16th century by Pope Gregorio XIII. Although the origins of the first church on this site date back to the 10th century. The inside of the temple is decorated with paintings by Prospero Fontana, Carracci, Franceschini and Donato.

The architecture of the cathedral features a 70-meter bell tower, which began to be built in the 11th century and was completed at the beginning of the 15th century. The largest bell weighs 33 tons, and the weight of all bells is 65 tons.

Address: Via dell'Indipendenza, 64 40126 Bologna

Opening hours: Every day from 8.00 - 18:45. Tourists may not be allowed to enter during religious services.

Vertical dominants of Bologna. Constructed from simple bricks.

The Asinelli Tower was built at the beginning of the 12th century. The height of the tower is 97.2 meters. To get to the top you need to climb 498 steps. The tower is tilted from its axis by 2.2 meters.

The Garisenda Tower was built in the 14th century. Its height is “only” 47 meters, and its deviation from the axis is more than 3 meters.

At the top of the Asinelli Tower there is an observation deck with a stunning panorama of Bologna.

Address: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana, 40126 Bologna, Italy

Opening hours: From April 1 to September 30, 2016: from 9:00 to 19:00. From 1 to 31 October 2016: from 9:00 to 18:00. From November 1, 2016: from 9:00 to 17:00

Cost: 3 euros

Piazza Maggiore or Great Square- one of the central squares in the historical center of Bologna. The main attractions of the square: Basilica of San Petronio, Palazzo Accursio, Palazzo Podestà. It was formed at the beginning of the 13th century.

A square in the historical center of Bologna, founded in the second half of the 16th century. The main purpose of the square is to expand the existing space between Palazzo Communale and Palazzo Podestà. The square features the Neptune Fountain, designed by Laureti between 1563 and 1566.

Address: Piazza del Nettuno - 40124 Bologna

Religious building in honor Holy Mother of God in Bologna, one of the symbols of the city. The building was built by Dotti in the mid-18th century. The 4 kilometer route from the city is decorated with more than 600 arcade arches.

Address: Via di San Luca, 36 40135 Bologna

Opening hours: From 6.30 to 17.00.

Cost: Free

A tower in the small square of Piazza Galvani in Bologna, one of the three "medieval skyscrapers" of the city. Belonged to an influential Guelph family. The height of the tower is 30 meters.

Address: Piazza Galvani, 4, 40124 Bologna

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Every time our site visitors fill out a form and run a search, we save the results. We especially carefully store the prices that visitors to our site receive when searching for air tickets. Based on this information, we help you quickly select dates with the lowest prices for flights to Spain from Bologna. The graph shows the estimated price of an air ticket from Bologna to Spain, which is obtained from the latest searches for air tickets on this route. However, it should be noted that the price shown for an air ticket gives only a general idea of ​​the level of prices for these flights during the specified period of time and is provided solely for information; we cannot guarantee the price shown when purchasing air tickets. The exact price of the air ticket will be shown only after performing a search. To search for air tickets from Bologna to Spain, select the departure and return date on the chart, fill in the passenger information and click the “Find” button.

Spain It is famous for its beautiful and unusual beaches with golden and white sands, its magnificent views, nature, and, like nowhere else in the world, everything for tourists has been created here for both active and passive recreation. For this reason, both European residents and vacationers from all over the world love to visit the beaches and resorts of Spain! Let's find out with you about the best beaches in Spain.

The Costa Brava is a strip of Mediterranean coastline located in the northeast of Catalonia, which extends 162 km from the French border to the city of Blanes. Translated from Spanish, Costa Brava means “wild, rocky, harsh coast.”
Costa Brava is a rather cool Mediterranean coast, however, the climate is quite mild, the holiday season lasts from June to October. The average monthly air temperature during this period of time is 25-28 degrees, and the sea water is 21-23 degrees.

Costa Dorada is located on the Mediterranean coast and stretches from Barcelona to the province of Tarragona, whose name translates as “Golden Coast”. This beautiful place was named because of the golden color of the sand on the local beaches.
Thanks to its unique geographical features and mild Mediterranean climate, this place has become a true paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. This is a great place for water sports; the Costa Dorada also has a large number of tennis courts, golf courses, and horse riding clubs. In addition to sports recreation, the Costa Dorada is an ideal center for family holidays thanks to its warm, shallow sea and the presence of a variety of entertainment centers.

Costa del Sol is the southernmost coast of the Mediterranean Sea in Spain, which stretches from the city of Malaga to the Strait of Gibraltar. Costa del Sol translated into Russian means “Sunny Beach”. The resorts of the Costa del Sol are considered the most prestigious and fashionable on the entire Spanish coast.
The climate here is mild and warm, and the total number of sunny days per year is significantly greater than in Spain as a whole; the swimming season on the Costa del Sol also lasts much longer than in other resort regions of the country, but due to the cold Atlantic current, even in high season, the water temperature does not rise above +21 °C.

Costa Blanca is a resort area on the Mediterranean coast that stretches from the Ebro delta in the north to the south to Andalusia, the name translated from Spanish means “White Coast”. There are 305 sunny days a year here, when the whole of Europe is still in the grip of winter, orange and tangerine trees are already blooming here. The resort got its name thanks to white color rocks that reliably protect the coastal zone from northern winds from the land, and, consequently, sudden temperature changes.
The climate here is the most favorable. The average temperature in winter in the south of the Costa Blanca is approximately 19°C, and in summer - 32°C. The water temperature in winter is 13°C, and in summer - 29°C.

Costa de Valencia is a resort coast of Spain in the province of Valencia.
A distinctive feature of this region is its diverse landscape; the north coast is surrounded by picturesque hills, which in some places turn into small rock formations, and they are separated from the coast by orange plantations.
The climate of the Costa de Valencia is warm and mild (this is evidenced by the orange groves that grow only in warm areas), with an average temperature of about 18ºC in winter and about 30ºC in summer.

Costa Tropical is located between the Costa del Sol and Costa de Almeria and in the province of Granada. Costa Tropical is translated from Spanish as “Tropical Coast”. The length of the coastline of this region is more than 100 km - from La Rabita in the east to La Herradura in the west.
This is the warmest coast in Europe. There are more sunny days a year here than in any other place in Europe, and the average annual temperature is 20°C. This is explained by the region’s proximity to the African continent, where warm winds blow, and the Sierra Nevada mountains located in the North. Their highest peaks on the Iberian Peninsula reliably protect the Costa Tropical from the northern winds.

Costa de la Luz is the southwestern coast of Spain, which is located in the provinces of Cadiz and Huelva and washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
The coastline of the Costa de la Luz is a series of fine white sand beaches, broken only by a few rocky areas. Translated from spanish name The Costa de la Luz means “Coast of Light”, as the sea in this area reflects the sun's rays especially brightly.
The climate of the Costa de la Luz is very mild. The average annual temperature on the coast is approximately 18°C. Thanks to the refreshing breezes blowing from the ocean, the summer here is not swelteringly hot, although there are very few rainy days a year.

Costa Calida is the Mediterranean coast of Spain, which is located in the province of Murcia, which is located between Valencia and Andalusia. Costa Cálida means “Hot Coast”. There are picturesque sandy beaches that stretch for 230 km, it is also an excellent place for water sports, a well-developed hotel infrastructure, as well as a rich historical and cultural heritage.
The climate of the Costa Cálida is very mild. The sun shines here 320 days a year. Lack of industry and highly developed Agriculture provide clean air filled with the aromas of flowers and fruits.

Costa del Azahar is a coastline in the province of Castellon, which is located in the autonomous region of Valencia. The Costa del Azahar originates on the southern border of Catalonia, is like a continuation of the Costa Dorada and extends for 120 km, ending almost near Valencia. The coast got its name, which means “coast of orange flowers,” because of the large number of orange plantations and orange trees.
Mostly vacationers prefer to relax on the Costa del Azahar in the summer, during the peak holiday season However, many people prefer to visit coastal resorts during the high season and in winter, when it is not so crowded. The average annual temperature on the Costa del Azahar is about +18 °C, even in the coldest month of the year, in January, the temperature does not drop below +12 °C. The weather here is sunny 300 days a year.

Costa del Maresme is a resort area that is part of the Catalan coast. The Costa Del Maresme is a continuation of the Costa Brava and extends to Barcelona. It is a long narrow coastal strip with sandy golden beaches and developed resort infrastructure, protected from the northern winds by the coastal mountain range.
The unique geographical location of the area, surrounded to the north by the Pyrenees mountain ranges, results in a mild, warm climate, which means you can have a great holiday at the Costa Del Maresme resorts at any time of the year.

The beach of Sa Calobra is located in the shadow of Mount Puig Major - the most high point Balearic Islands, whose altitude is 1445 meters, 38 kilometers from Sóller, between Morro de sa Vaca and Morro de ses Felles. The length of the beach is 30 meters and the width is 15 meters.
The beach season starts in May and lasts until October. But in the remaining months, tourists do very well visiting many of the famous attractions of both Mallorca and Sa Calobra.

Cala Saona is one of the most famous beaches on the island of Formentera. Cala Saona is located five kilometers from the town of Sant Francesc Xavier. The beach is located between Cape Punta Rasa and Caló d’en Trull bay. This beach is characterized by: the steep banks that surround it; pristine condition, which excludes the construction of tourist establishments; small in size; a slope of white sand and a slight slope into the sea (at a distance of 40 meters from the shore the bottom depth reaches 2 meters) and crystal clear waters.
The length of the beach is 140 m and the width is 120 m
Winter here is mild, about +15 °C. In summer it can be dry and hot - usually +26 °C, maximum +30 °C. In spring and autumn the average is +20 °C. The sea temperature is often higher than the air temperature. The swimming season lasts from April to October.

The beach of Playa de Rodas in Galicia runs along the common, united by a spit, coast of the two islands of Cíes. In 2007, this beach was on the first line of the ranking of the famous English newspaper “The Guardian”, a list of the 10 best beaches in the world. The white sand of the beautiful crescent-shaped lagoon and the crystal clear and warm water of Playa de Rodas, together with the silence on the beach and calm sea, make the quiet beach of Cies Island one of the best for families with children.
The air temperature on Playa de Rodas beach in summer is from +26 °C to +34 °C and water is 24-28 °C, winter is mild and rainy with air temperatures from +8 °C to +14 °C.

Playa de Bolonia, located on the Atlantic coast of Andalusia between Tarifa and Cadiz, is one of the most picturesque beaches in Spain. This section of the coast is also called Costa de la Luz (in Spanish - “coast of light”). Playa de Bologna is a giant beach of pure white sand. Here is the highest dune, which offers an amazing view with an unusual color scheme: the turquoise crescent of the bay, snow-white sand and a bright green carpet of pine trees.
If you want to cool off, you can take a dip in the crystal clear and cool water of the Atlantic Ocean, whose temperature in summer does not exceed 20 °C. In winter, the water temperature rarely drops below 16 °C.

Cala Salada beach is one of the most secluded and picturesque beaches on the island of Ibiza and is located in the western part of the island, in the area of ​​​​San Antonio. The sand here is soft and white, the water is crystal clear, and there are far fewer tourists than on other beaches on the island. Cala Salada beach is only 200 meters long and 5-30 meters wide.
In winter, the air temperature is from +8°C to +15°C. The average summer temperature is from +27°C to +29°C. Thanks to the sea breeze, which is called embat here, summer heat not felt. The tourist season lasts from April to October, and there are more than 300 sunny days on the islands.

Cala Macarella is one of the best beaches on one of the Spanish Balearic Islands - the island of Menorca. The beach is located near the popular resort town of the same name, which has many villas and hotels for a good rest. Fantastically clear water and an excellent beach attract both tourists and the Spaniards themselves, who love to relax in Menorca because it is less popular than neighboring Mallorca. As a result, there are far fewer tourists, lower prices, and the beaches are freer. This beach is characterized by: high cliffs along the edges of the bay; dense pine forest on the rocks; sandy slope; crystal clear water; Let's gently drift into the sea; sandy bottom. The length of the beach is 140 m and the width is 40 m.
Cala Macarella Beach, with its blue tourmaline waters and fine sand, is considered one of the best beaches in the Balearic Islands. The surrounding area is full of trees (pines and oaks), which provide shade and an opportunity to hide from the scorching sun.

The beach and resort of the same name Ses Illetes is located in the Balearic Islands, 10 kilometers south of Palma de Mallorca. Illetas received its very name due to the fact that there are islands in the sea near the shore: Sa Tore, Sa Estendor and Sa Caleta. All together these islands are called Ses Illetas, and the coast was also named.
Ses Illetas beach has three municipal beaches, cliffs and terraces, lack of noisy bars, restaurants and shops. All three beaches of Illetas are not very long, but beautiful and well-kept. Playa de Illetas is a strip of sand 120 meters long and 25 meters wide. Higher up, right on the rocks, terraces are built to increase the space of the beach. The sand on Playa de Illetas is white and very fine, and the entrance to the water is gentle and comfortable. The second beach is called Playa Cala Comtessa, located right in a residential area, very small, only 35 m long. It is a white sandy beach with a rocky entrance to the water, but very close to the sea there are fragrant pine trees that provide natural shade. The third beach of Illetas is the largest and is called Playa Es Forte. It stretches for 180 m, from the shore you can see the islands that gave the resort its name, and it is easy to go down to the beach from the hotels located higher up.
The mild climate of Ses Illetas allows you to visit the beach at any time. The weather here is not hot, in summer the temperature in Illetas is about 25 degrees, and in winter - 10 degrees.

Sa Rapita beach on the Spanish island of Majorca is a quiet and secluded place without crowds of tourists and active everyday life. There's only great stuff here pure water, White sand. The beach is located a few kilometers from the town of Campos and very close to the capital of the island - Palma de Mallorca. There are no large hotels in the vicinity of the beach, but here you can rent villas or apartments for the whole family with everything you need.
Sa Rápita has a mild climate with warm temperatures all year round sea ​​water, fine white sand beach and high level service, which attracts many tourists here.

Playa de las Teresitas is a city beach in Santa Cruz, located a few kilometers from the capital of the island of Tenerife. The length of the beach is 1200 m, and the width is up to 100 m. Las Teresitas Beach (Playa de Las Teresitas) is the fruit of the hard work of many people who, back in 1973, brought to the island an incalculable amount of sand, white as snow. It was delivered in bags from the Sahara itself and, according to estimates, the number of these bags was close to 4 million! The water here is not very clean due to the barrier pier and the proximity of the port and a big city.
In winter, the east of the island is cool for swimming, so Playa de las Teresitas is wildly popular only in the warmest months.

Lloret de Mar beach is the longest (1.5 kilometers long) and most crowded beach in the city, located in the central part of the Costa Brava. This is the main party spot on the Mediterranean coast, where young people from different countries. It attracts with many bars, discos, nightclubs with dance programs and laser shows, but its charms are not limited to this. Lloret de Mar has a thousand-year history, growing from a small fishing village into one of the most famous tourist centers in Europe and the most elegant city on the Spanish coast.
The advantageous location of Lloret de Mar in the south of the Costa Brava, 75 km from Barcelona, ​​30 km from Girona and 100 km from France, makes it a popular holiday destination for thousands of tourists from all over the world.
As throughout the Costa Brava, Lloret de Mar is less hot and the climate is milder than other resorts in Spain: in summer the temperature warms up to +25-28 °C, in winter it drops to +10 °C. The beach season lasts from May to October.

The cost of a flight always depends on the time of travel. The chart will allow you to compare prices for air tickets from Bologna to Spain, track the dynamics of changes in their cost and find the best offer.

Statistics will help determine the season low prices. For example, in August prices reach an average of 14,141 rubles, and in January the cost of tickets drops to an average of 7,199 rubles. Plan your trip now!

We analyze this information and create charts to make it easier for you to plan your trips.

What is more profitable – to buy air tickets in advance, avoiding the general rush, or to take advantage of a “hot” offer closer to the departure date? The chart will help you determine best time to purchase air tickets.

See how the price of air tickets from Bologna to Spain has changed depending on the time of purchase. Since the start of sales, their value has changed by an average of 98%. The minimum price for a flight from Bologna to Spain is 37 days before departure, approximately 3,744 rubles. The maximum price for a flight from Bologna to Spain is 2 days before departure, approximately 29,202 rubles. In most cases, early booking helps you save money, take advantage of it!

Airfare from Bologna to Spain does not represent a fixed and constant amount. It depends on many factors, including the day of departure. The dynamics of changes are visible on the graph.

According to statistics, the most affordable option for flights from Bologna to Spain is on Mondays, their average cost is 9,421 rubles. The most expensive flights are on Saturdays, their average cost is 13,150 rubles. It is worth considering that flights on holidays are usually more expensive. We hope this information will help you plan your travels more effectively.

The cost of air tickets depends not only on the date, but also on the time of departure. An airline can operate several flights on one day, and they will differ in price category.

The graph shows the cost of departure depending on the time of day. For example, the average cost of a ticket from Bologna to Spain in the morning is 8,745 rubles, and in the evening 7,892 rubles. Evaluate all conditions and choose the best offer.

The graph shows comparative prices for air tickets from Bologna to Spain on the most popular airlines. Based on this information, you can plan your trip and buy air tickets from Bologna to Spain from the carrier that suits you.

Statistics will help you choose a flight based on your financial capabilities, as well as your wishes in terms of comfort and flight conditions. The lowest prices for air tickets from Bologna to Spain are offered by Vueling, the highest prices are offered by Lufthansa.

Can you imagine the noise it creates? small company Italians? Now imagine that there are several thousand of them. Now imagine that these several thousand are young people. This is approximately how Bologna is perceived by ear. The capital of the Emilia-Romagna region is a city of students who never sleep or are silent.

Now let's try to describe the appearance of Bologna. First of all, the buildings made of red stone catch your eye. The color creates a warm feeling, and the shady arcade passages provide coolness on hot days. There are almost 40 km of them in the city; there is a place to hide from the scorching rays.

But the most pleasant and remotely familiar thing is the tastes and smells of Bologna. You can get a minimal idea of ​​them if you try the famous lasagna and pasta with Bolognese sauce. If you like it when you cook it yourself or have a chef cook for you in a nearby cafe, then imagine the feeling when you are treated to real homemade Bolognese in the homeland of the dish in Bologna.

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How to get to Bologna

By plane

Bologna International Airport accepts flights, including from Russia. There is no direct regular flight from Moscow; the route involves a transfer in one of the European cities. The nearest airports are also located in Venice, Ancona and Verona.

By train

Bologna is a major railway junction in Italy. The central location ensures easy accessibility from different cities: Rome (2-2.5 hours), Milan (1-2 hours), Florence (40 minutes), Venice (1.5-2 hours), Naples (approx. 4 hours) , Turin (2 hours).

By bus

Bus services connect Bologna with nearby Italian cities, as well as other countries. Flights from Spain, Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway and England arrive at the central bus station.

By car

A convenient route may be to fly to Milan, from where it is easy to get to Bologna by car. You need to follow the A1 motorway. The A13 highway leads from Venice.

Hotels in Bologna

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Bologna is a developed tourist city, so it has all the conditions for a comfortable stay for guests. About half a thousand hotels of all service levels and prices are open.

On average, the cost of living in Bologna starts from 45-50 € per day for double occupancy. This category includes hostels (We_Bologna), guest houses (Bissi Rooms), motels (Dependance Green Park 3*), chain hotels (Holiday Inn Express Bologna Fiera 3*), etc. In the central part of the city, prices are higher - from 70-80 € per night (Al Centro di Bologna, Hotel Centrale 2*, Hotel University 3*, etc.). And this, of course, is not the limit.

There are several five-star hotels in Bologna, where the price lists are also varied: from 130 € to 300 € for a standard room (Funtanìr, Rose's Home, Grand Hotel Majestic gia" Baglioni). Junior suite and luxury are a separate matter.

The main rule to follow when choosing a place to stay in Bologna: if you want to avoid unnecessary noise, book rooms with windows facing the courtyard.

Shopping in Bologna

Bologna is considered one of best places for shopping in Italy, second in popularity after Rimini in the wholesale purchasing category. Stockpiles, showrooms, and warehouses are concentrated here. Bologna hosts exhibitions of shoes, fur, cosmetics, and pasta.

25 km from Bologna to the east is the Castel Guelfo Outlet City.

In the city, shopping streets are located in the center. On the street Independenza has mid-price shops; if you follow it further, you will come across an area with more expensive shops, including Passage.

During sales seasons (in Italy these are January, July, August and December), branded stores reduce prices by 70%.

In Piazza Santo Stefano there is a store called Camera con vista, similar to a flea market. They sell design objects, candles, clothing and sculptures, antique furniture from the eighteenth century for a sophisticated mansion, used industrial furniture and fittings. Everything that is for sale in the store was brought by its founders from their travels around the world. A similar shop is Cappelleria Trentini on Via Independenza.

Near Bologna there is a factory for the production of fur coats MALAMATI e MARCONI. Price category - average, raw materials - arctic fox, fox, sable, etc. The production and showroom are located in the town of Pianoro at Via dell’Artigiano, 4.

Shopping centers in Bologna: Ratti, Borgo delle Tovaglie, Folli Follie, Centergross, etc.

Cuisine of Bologna

Everyone knows about Bolognese sauce, but not everyone associates it with the Italian city. Bologna's culinary fame came in the Middle Ages, when noble families settled in the area and hired the best chefs.