Eight months pregnant - how many weeks is it? Eighth month of pregnancy: nutrition, child development, childbirth Baby born 8 month consequences

The eighth month of pregnancy - there is nothing left before the birth, and the woman increasingly feels its inexorable approach with periodic Braxton-Higgs training contractions. If uterine contractions are not accompanied by pronounced painful sensations, and the frequency of contractions and their duration make themselves felt from time to time and not for long, there is no need to worry. However, if contractions are painful and last longer than an hour, you should urgently contact your doctor - premature labor may have begun.

The eighth month of pregnancy - there is nothing left before the birth, and the woman increasingly feels its inexorable approach with periodic Braxton-Higgs. If uterine contractions are not accompanied by pronounced painful sensations, and the frequency of contractions and their duration make themselves felt from time to time and not for long, there is no need to worry. However, if contractions are painful and last longer than an hour, you should urgently contact your doctor - they may have begun.

By the eighth month, the belly has simply grown to a huge size, and during this month the uterus will reach its highest possible position. In this regard, the woman begins to notice that it becomes more difficult to breathe, and the baby’s kicks, hitting the very ribs, cause pain.

It is very important now to continue, take more walks fresh air and rest more often. Due to a large belly, there are some difficulties in choosing a sleeping position. Experts insist that on the back recent months You should absolutely not sleep during pregnancy - in this position the inferior vena cava is compressed. As a result, “attacks” of dizziness, increased heart rate, and, in general, very poor health are possible.

It is important to remember: the anatomical features of the body differ from woman to woman, and therefore it is pointless to compare the size of the abdomen with those of their “colleagues” when carrying a child - while some women’s bellies have very, very impressive sizes, other women are distinguished by their “compactness” and “miniature” until the end of pregnancy " tummy.

Baby eight months pregnant

The baby is almost ready to be born - all life-support systems and main organs are developed and functioning; the only thing that continues is the final work on the development of the lungs. And, if for some reason a child is suddenly born at eight months of pregnancy, then we are no longer talking about premature, but rather early birth, as a result of which the baby survives with a high degree of probability.

A child at eight months is practically no different from an ordinary person: he hears and sees, knows how to blink, squints and frowns, his nails reach the end of the phalanges of the nail plates. The baby’s skin color is evened out, and thanks to subcutaneous fat, the shoulders and face are rounded. The germinal fuzz of lanugo gradually disappears, the first hair appears on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes are visible. At the same time, the layer of vernix lubricant thickens, which will facilitate the baby’s “journey” through the birth canal, allowing it to glide.

It is believed that in the eighth month of pregnancy, the child already dreams; in any case, his eyelids move in a rhythm characteristic of the rapid phase of sleep. At this stage, the baby’s brain becomes more complex and improved - many nerve connections are formed between brain cells, and a protective so-called myelin sheath is formed around the already formed cells. And, although the child’s bones are already relatively strong, and the cartilage of the nose and ears is hard, the bones of the skull remain soft, which is necessary for the baby to pass through the birth canal normally.

The liver is now doing a huge job: it needs to accumulate iron in the quantities that the infant’s body will need for independent hematopoiesis in the first year of life.

In the penultimate month of pregnancy, the fetus already occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, and it becomes more and more difficult for it to move. Accordingly, shocks and movements become somewhat less frequent, but much more noticeable. This month, the baby will also take the position from which it will later be born, normally - cephalic presentation.

The eighth month is marked by intense weight gain: every day the baby becomes heavier by 15-30 g. Thus, by the end of the month the baby’s weight reaches 2500-2700 g, and the height increases to 45-46 cm on average.

Feelings and possible problems in the eighth month of pregnancy

The eighth month of pregnancy is the time of anxiety about the upcoming birth, worries about the health and well-being of the baby, and intensive preparation of the “dowry” for the child. All this is against the backdrop of some absent-mindedness and understandable fatigue from pregnancy, both emotional and physical.

Moreover, the physical sensations in the eighth month of pregnancy can hardly be called pleasant: a huge belly simply prevents you from breathing normally, moving around and sleeping normally, you are constantly tormented by attacks of heartburn and often want to go to the toilet for a little while, most likely, the problem of constipation has worsened, and even a baby pushing from the inside causes pain. You need to understand that you just have to be patient for a little while, and the first cry of the baby, to whom the mother will very soon give a “ticket” to life, will fully pay for all today’s possible problems and discomfort.

Shortness of breath at this stage is a completely normal symptom; the uterus has now risen to its maximum height, squeezing the lungs as well. However, apart from minor breathing problems, there should be no other symptoms. If, against the background of breathing difficulties, blue lips and/or fingertips appear, an accelerated heartbeat, chest pain occurs, and breathing accelerates, you should immediately call an ambulance.

The expectant mother should be prepared for problems with sleep: due to her large belly, it is now difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping, and the thoughts “swarming” in her head about imminent motherhood often interfere with sleep. And so, it would seem, the optimal position was found, and we managed to cope with our thoughts... but no! Now the body requires emptying bladder

By the way, some incidents can also arise with urination - in the form of the so-called stress incontinence urine. The significantly enlarged uterus is now putting “serious” pressure on the organs abdominal cavity, the bladder is also under pressure. Thus, by the eighth month of pregnancy, a woman may be embarrassed to experience the uncontrollable release of some urine when laughing, sneezing or coughing.

The amount of fluid in a pregnant woman’s body increases significantly, which is associated with some swelling of the limbs and face. At the same time, the spread of edema and its “severity” must be monitored, as well as blood pressure: severe edema and increased blood pressure may indicate.

A woman in the eighth month of pregnancy clearly and even painfully feels the baby’s pushes from the inside; sometimes it may seem that the baby is pressing his foot directly into the ribs, and that they are about to not withstand such pressure. They will withstand it, but pain, of course, is an unpleasant thing; to relieve it and some “calm” the child, it is recommended to do the “cat’s back” exercise.

Back pain is common during this period, resulting from a significantly enlarged abdomen. Often pain in the back, and with it pain in the stomach, makes itself felt after a walk. In this case, it is recommended to lie down and rest; you can take a Nosh-pa tablet. But, if the pain continues for more than half an hour, call an ambulance immediately.

In the eighth month of pregnancy, sensations of nasal and ear congestion, spontaneous nosebleeds, bleeding gums, and leg muscle cramps are possible. Do not be alarmed if you notice some increase in the discharge of leucorrhoea from the vagina: if the increase in discharge is not accompanied by discomfort, the discharge does not change color or consistency, there is no reason to worry.

Changes hormonal levels may lead to another unusual and somewhat unpleasant phenomenon for a woman - the growth of body hair in large quantities. You need to understand that this phenomenon is temporary, after childbirth, when hormonal processes begin to stabilize, the situation will resolve itself.

The last months of pregnancy, again, due to the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs, are also characterized by problems with digestion “in complete set": heartburn, constipation. The main condition for reducing these unpleasant phenomena is adherence to the principles of proper nutrition and avoidance of foods that provoke digestive disorders.

Nutrition in the eighth month of pregnancy

In the last months of pregnancy, proper nutrition plays, without exaggeration, a very important role. The principles of nutrition remain the same: it is better to eat more often, but little by little, avoiding overeating. Heartburn is often associated with the consumption of food in large quantities: the stomach is now compressed by the uterus, and excess food is simply thrown into the esophagus. To avoid heartburn, you should also exclude fatty and fried foods, smoked foods, sour and sweets from your diet. It is recommended not to lie down immediately after eating - it is preferable to walk or stand.

In order not to aggravate swelling, it is advisable to limit salt intake and not drink liquids the night before going to bed. For the same purpose, you can lingonberry fruit drinks: They have some diuretic effect and improve the removal of fluid from the body.

Lean meat and fish should still be present in the diet, but in the last months of pregnancy it is advisable to limit their quantity somewhat. It is better to consume meat and fish, as well as cereals, in the first half of the day, and after lunch give preference to dairy and plant foods.

Considering that the baby takes large quantities of calcium from the mother’s body, cottage cheese and fermented milk products should be present in the daily menu. And to prevent anemia, beef, green apples, liver, spinach, and greens will be useful.

In general, the principles of nutrition during this period are not new: food should be as natural as possible, the menu excludes semi-finished products and fast food, it is better to forget about strong tea and coffee for a while. And one more thing: when buying cottage cheese or factory-made yoghurts in stores, you must pay attention to the production date and expiration date. After all, in fermented milk products, after the expiration date, E. coli multiply very quickly, which can cause very significant damage to pregnancy and a growing baby.

Sex in the eighth month of pregnancy

The question of whether sex is permissible in the eighth month of pregnancy does not have a clear answer. It will have to be resolved exclusively with the doctor managing the pregnancy, who will be able to give a “professional” opinion on the possibility of physical intimacy in the penultimate month of bearing a child.

Moreover, different sources“dictate” different postulates: according to some, sex in the eighth month of pregnancy is quite possible if there are no contraindications and the mother is not carrying twins, others - that it is advisable to abstain from sex in order not to “disturb” the baby who has taken the correct position for childbirth in the cephalic presentation.

Be that as it may, even thematic literature will not be able to clearly and in each individual case give a final answer regarding the permissibility of sex; this priority remains with the doctor. But clear contraindications for “sessions” of physical intimacy are still defined, these include: placenta previa, bleeding of unknown origin, damage to the membranes, separation children's place.

Tests and examinations in the eighth month of pregnancy

This month, visits to the doctor will become more frequent - if a decision on a two-time study in one month has not been made earlier, such a decision may take place at this time.

During a visit to the antenatal clinic, the doctor routinely measures weight and arterial pressure, listens to the child’s heart, examines the mother’s arms and legs to determine the degree of swelling. As before, a general one is shown - to identify protein and determine sugar levels in the mother’s body.

Often the eighth month becomes the month of the last, third planned ultrasound. Tasks ultrasound examination on the eve of pregnancy they become:

  • determining the degree of maturity of the placenta - to eliminate the possibility of its premature aging;
  • studying the condition of the cervix, determining the size of the uterus;
  • assessment of the amount and condition of amniotic fluid
  • assessment of the baby’s internal organs to exclude possible developmental defects,
  • determining the size of the fetus and excluding intrauterine malnutrition;
  • determination of fetal presentation and location of the umbilical cord.

What happens in the body expectant mother?

This month you are growing in size quite quickly. Now the uterus has risen to the ribs, and it seems that there is not enough air, and the baby is literally beating his legs under your heart. During this month, the fundus of the uterus (its apex) will rise above the pubic joint by 38-40 cm and take its highest position.

You shouldn’t compare your belly with the bellies of your “comrades” in expectation. After all, there are no identical bellies, just as there are no women with the same figures. The shape and size of the abdomen during pregnancy depends on many reasons, and the size of the child is not decisive. Only a doctor can give an appropriate assessment of the development and condition of your baby based on both direct measurements of the abdomen and pelvis, as well as data from a vaginal examination and ultrasound.

Your weight continues to increase. Weight increases by an average of 300-400 g per week. If the increase in a week is more than 500 g, then this may be due to hidden swelling, it is better to consult a doctor: perhaps the doctor will prescribe fasting days. On average, by the end of the eighth month you can gain 8-13 kg, depending on your initial weight - the lower your weight before pregnancy, the more you can gain.

Some women notice another not very pleasant phenomenon that accompanies late pregnancy. Hormonal levels contribute to an increase in the amount of hair on the skin. Pregnant women lose significantly less hair than new hair grows, but in normal conditions these processes are synchronous. After childbirth, on the contrary, the “extra” hair will fall out faster and you may be concerned about the amount of hair remaining on the comb. But don’t be afraid, these are all natural processes.

future child

The baby is gaining weight every day, and his uterus is already cramped. Therefore, his movements are now not as intense as before, and are more like rolling and stretching. Sometimes you may experience discomfort when your baby moves, especially in the hypochondrium. By this time, most children are already turning head down. During examination, the doctor will easily determine this point.

The finishing touches remain on the development of your baby's organs. The shoulders acquire an infantile roundness, thick cheeks have appeared, the face has become smooth - there is a predominant accumulation of fatty tissue. On the fingers the nails have reached the edge of the nail phalanx, but on the toes they have not yet reached. The layer of lubricant covering the baby has become even more abundant, and the germinal fluff (lanugo) is gradually disappearing. The cartilage of the nose and ears becomes harder.

The child already knows a lot, he has mastered breathing, sucking and swallowing movements, sleeps a lot and probably dreams, in any case, his pupils move during sleep in a manner characteristic of REM sleep. Now a great many nerve connections are being formed between brain cells, and the nervous system is actively developing.

The bones of the baby’s skull are quite soft: as it passes through the birth canal, the head will decrease in size (one might say, it will flatten a little). Iron accumulates in the fetal liver, which will participate in hematopoiesis in the first year of life. The adrenal glands reach their maximum development; their size is the same in an eight-month fetus and an adult, and they produce ten times more hormones than the adrenal glands of an adult. After birth, the size of the adrenal glands will decrease significantly. The boys' testicles were clearly visible.

At this stage, the lungs are fully developed, the level of surfactant - the substance lining the lungs necessary for breathing - is sufficient for independent breathing in the event of labor. Such a child is often called not premature, but “prematurely born.” The difference lies in both the maturity of the lung tissue and the overall maturity of the fetus. Babies born prematurely breathe on their own and do not require any intensive care.

During this month, the child will grow from 40 to 45 cm, his weight by the end of the month will exceed 2500 g. He is growing by leaps and bounds, gaining on average 15-30 g per day (1% of his body weight).

Feelings of the expectant mother

This month is not called “difficult” for nothing. No matter what you do, you will always experience discomfort. Fatigue from pregnancy accumulates, and you can’t even get enough sleep. When you go to bed, you begin to feel out of breath or your back pain intensifies. To get comfortable, you have to drag a lot of pillows and bolsters into the bed, and once you do that... you have to go to the toilet. While falling asleep, you may be bothered by cramping, painless or slightly painful sensations that appear in the upper part of the uterus, then spread down and subside. These are Braxton-Hicks contractions - contractions of the uterus, which are training. While you are deciding whether this is the beginning of premature labor, many thoughts appear in your head that will not let you sleep for a long time. You should not take sleeping pills, especially without a doctor's recommendation. Try walking or doing something you can do before going to bed physical labor and drink less at night.

Heartburn often occurs - even when eating a small amount of food. This is due to the fact that the fundus of the uterus has risen to the very high point for the entire pregnancy. Heartburn can be dealt with if you eat small portions, then the evacuation of food from the stomach will be faster and less content will be thrown back into the esophagus. If this does not help, ask your doctor to recommend safe medications.

Walking is also difficult. In addition to the aforementioned shortness of breath, fatigue and frequent urination, during a walk the fetus can push strongly, movements are actively felt in the upper abdomen, in particular in the liver area - it is in the upper abdomen that the baby’s legs are located in cephalic presentation of the fetus, which occurs in most cases. This is quite painful, but there are no ways to combat it.

After long walks and trips, nagging pain may appear in the lower abdomen and lower back. In this case, you definitely need to lie down, you can take a NO-SHPA tablet. If pain persists for more than 30 minutes, you should consult a doctor.

Psychology of the eighth month

Anxiety and concern come to the fore in your emotional state. You are alternately overcome by a variety of fears: now you are afraid of childbirth, now you are afraid for the health of the unborn baby, now you are worried about whether you will be a good mother, now about whether you will be able to return to work. You will be preoccupied with various little things, you will begin to worry about completely unnecessary things, you will be annoyed by your own appearance, you don’t get enough sleep, and it’s already difficult to do your usual things.

However, this happens to all pregnant women, so you are not alone. Moreover, all this is temporary. To prevent negative emotions from taking you prisoner, remember that pregnancy is a very short and unique moment of your life. Discuss your fears with your future dad, your mother, friends, talk to your doctor, and even better, sign up for psychological support groups in School of motherhood. By talking through all your worries there, it’s as if you are sharing them with others. In addition, this will allow others to better understand your sudden mood swings and will help create a supportive, comfortable environment around you. If you are feeling well, distract your attention with a trip out of town or a hike. exhibition, to the theater. Watch your appearance. If you already have children, prepare older children to meet the baby, allow children to touch your belly and talk to your future brother or sister.

Possible deviations from the norm

One of the most dangerous complications of late pregnancy is gestosis. This disease is also often called late toxicosis, nephropathy or preeclampsia. The causes of gestosis have not been precisely established. It is known that factors predisposing to its appearance are: high blood pressure before and during pregnancy, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, stress, hereditary predisposition, multiple pregnancies, too young or mature age of the pregnant woman and much more.

Symptoms of this disease are the appearance of edema, protein in the urine, and increased blood pressure. The first thing a woman herself may notice is swelling. If you have gained more than 500 g in a week, you cannot take off your wedding ring, or you notice marks from elastic bands on your legs and waist - this is a signal for an emergency visit to the doctor. It is to exclude gestosis that the doctor so meticulously evaluates your weight gain and measures your blood pressure. The insidiousness of gestosis is also that if a woman does not have obvious edema, she may not feel an increase in blood pressure at all: a headache occurs already in the later stages of the disease. A severe form of pregnancy gestosis is indicated by the appearance of symptoms such as headache and dizziness, tinnitus, flashing “spots” before the eyes, nausea and vomiting, pain in the stomach and right hypochondrium. Any of these symptoms is a reason to seek immediate help, especially if you have problems with blood pressure during pregnancy. Without treatment, these disorders can lead to a deadly complication - eclampsia. Eclampsia is characterized by the sudden onset of seizures and loss of consciousness due to swelling of the brain. The seizure begins suddenly: strong convulsions occur that cover the entire body. This complication can lead to the death of the mother or fetus.

Timely treatment can help avoid serious consequences for the mother and fetus. Treatment begins with the creation of maximum rest and bed rest, allowing activation only in necessary cases (to eat, go to the toilet). You need to lie on your side, preferably on the left, this helps your kidneys work more efficiently and increases blood flow to the placenta. More often drug treatment Pregnancy gestosis is carried out in a hospital setting. If a woman’s condition worsens during treatment, then it is necessary to resort to early delivery in the interests of preserving the life of the mother and fetus.

Necessary medical measures

You should visit your doctor every two weeks, even if you feel well and have no concerns. The following indicators are monitored at each visit:

  • Your well-being.
  • Weight gain.
  • Arterial pressure.
  • Height of the fundus of the uterus and abdominal circumference.
  • Position of the fetus in the uterus.
  • Fetal heartbeat.
  • Presence of edema.

By the end of the eighth month, you will be offered a routine chairside examination. During the examination, a control smear test will be taken. Based on the results of this study, the question of the need to treat identified infections will be decided. Now many tests are repeated just before birth: for example, general analysis blood, blood sugar, biochemical analysis and blood clotting analysis. Before each visit to the doctor, you must take a urine test.

A brief description of the visit is recorded on an exchange card, which you should always carry with you when leaving home.

In the eighth month, the last planned ultrasound examination is carried out, during which the size, weight and position of the fetus, the location and condition of the placenta, the amount and transparency of amniotic fluid are clarified. In addition, it makes it possible to identify some types of fetal pathology that could not be detected at a later stage. early stages, possible delay in fetal development, as well as judge the maturity of the fetal lung tissue.

In addition to the usual ultrasound, which reveals the anatomy, i.e. static characteristics of the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid; there is a research technique based on measuring the speeds of moving objects based on the Doppler effect. This technique is called Doppler. During this procedure, blood flow in the vessels of the mother, placenta, umbilical cord and fetus is examined. Based on the results of the study, it is possible to judge the presence of circulatory disorders in these organs and predict oxygen starvation in the fetus.

Behavior rules

It is advisable to buy or rent bathroom scales. Make sure there are no sudden weight changes. This is a kind of indicator showing any deviations. If the doctor has not limited the amount of liquid you consume, drink in total (including first courses, fruits, vegetables) at least one and a half liters of liquid per day, but give preference clean water, excluding sweet and salty drinks. But salt in the diet must be limited: no more than 3-5 g per day, which is one level teaspoon, since salt consumption provokes the appearance of edema. It is better to cook food without salt, adding salt immediately before eating. Give preference to protein foods, significantly limiting easily accessible carbohydrates and fats. It is correct to eat not 2-3 times, but 6-7 times a day, but in small portions: this way you will feel better, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach will go away, and heartburn will decrease. Plan your last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime, and choose “light” low-calorie foods - low-fat dairy products, fruits, vegetables. Remember that the placenta allows many substances to pass from you to the baby, so obligate allergens, that is, foods that very often cause allergies (tomatoes, citrus fruits, strawberries, food coloring, chocolate, honey, chicken eggs and chicken), on later It is better to limit pregnancy. If you or the future dad yourself suffer from food allergies, then these foods, like those to which you have already been allergic, should be completely excluded.

Walks are still part of your daily routine, they should be short and nearby. It is advisable to walk 2 times a day. It’s better if you start and end your day with a leisurely walk.

Household affairs

At the end of the eighth month, start preparing for the birth of your baby. It's time to choose the maternity hospital where you are going to give birth; it would be nice to get to know the doctor who will be with you during childbirth. Find out in advance what services await you at the maternity hospital and the best way to get there. Check to see if the maternity hospital you have chosen is closed for scheduled maintenance cleaning. If you are about to give birth naturally, think over your birth plan in advance, your attitude to stimulation and pain relief, and discuss with your husband a possible partner birth. If for any reason you are shown C-section, discuss the date of preliminary hospitalization with your doctor.

By the end of the month, collect the things that you would like to take to the maternity hospital during childbirth, and separately those that will be useful immediately after childbirth. Put cotton socks and washable slippers in the bag prepared for the delivery room. The second bag will include highly hygroscopic, highly breathable sanitary pads (2-3 packs), mesh or regular loose cotton panties, a nursing bra, and optional clothing. For your baby, prepare disposable diapers, baby diaper cream and moisturizer, baby soap, and a compact package of wet wipes. It is better to stock up on nipple cream that relieves pain from cracks and abrasions. This could be PURELAN, BEPANTEN, SOLCOSERYL, ACTOVEGIN.

The eighth month of pregnancy means that training and rehearsals are over, and from now on the real preparation for childbirth begins. There is very little time left before the baby arrives, and the mother feels their inexorable approach with increasingly frequent periodic contractions called Braxton-Higgs contractions. Normally, uterine contractions in the 8th month of pregnancy are not accompanied by feelings of severe pain, and the duration and frequency of contractions are not long or intense. But the mother needs to know that if contractions suddenly become painful and last longer than an hour, it is necessary to urgently contact the doctor - perhaps the baby is “tired” of sitting in the mother’s tummy, and the premature birth.

Now it is very important to continue to comply proper nutrition , walk more, breathe fresh air, rest more often. At the 8th month of pregnancy, the belly has reached enormous sizes, and by the end of it, the woman’s uterus will reach its highest possible position. Because of this, it becomes more difficult for a pregnant woman to breathe, and the baby’s kicks hit the very ribs, which can be quite painful. A large belly brings certain difficulties with choosing a sleeping position. Experts recommend absolutely not sleeping on your back during the last stages of pregnancy. In this position, the inferior vena cava is compressed, which can result in increased heart rate, “attacks” of dizziness, and simply feeling unwell.

It is important to remember that the anatomical features of the body are different for different women, and therefore it is absolutely pointless to compare your belly at 8 months of pregnancy with the size of the bellies of your “colleagues” who are carrying a child. Some women have a very impressive belly at this stage, while others have a “compact” and “miniature” belly until childbirth. But, let's discuss the eighth month of pregnancy in more detail.


· Child development at 8 months of pregnancy

The child’s development at this stage already allows him to distinguish between darkness and light. The baby has finally formed and is only improving day by day. By the beginning of the month, his height is approximately 40-43 cm, and average weight- 1.7 kg. During the eighth month of pregnancy, the baby will gain 200 grams. every week.

During the 32-33rd week of pregnancy, the baby in the mother’s womb takes a position in which it will move towards this world. Ideally, this position is head down (head position - Fig. 1). However, in 4-6% of cases, the baby is positioned head up (breech, pelvic presentation - Fig. 2), or even completely across the mother's belly (transverse presentation - Fig. 3). While you are in the 8th month of pregnancy, you shouldn’t worry too much about this - the baby still has time, and he may well have time to roll over, taking a cephalic presentation.

The future human being is already experiencing emotions, mood swings, and pain. He smells, tastes, hears, sees and needs attention. The child knows how the mother’s heart beats, recognizes the noise of blood moving along the umbilical cord and the sounds of peristalsis. Among the many sounds reaching him, the baby identifies his mother’s voice and recognizes his father’s voice.

At 8 months, he is constantly developing his facial muscles by sucking his thumb. This training will allow a newborn baby to easily obtain the first and most important food in his life - colostrum .

The baby is almost ready for birth - all the main organs and life-support systems are developed and functioning, all that remains is for the lungs to fully develop. And, if for some reason the child “decides” to be born at 8 months of pregnancy, then we will be talking about preterm birth rather than premature birth.

At this stage, the child is almost no different from the most ordinary person: he sees, hears, knows how to squint, frown, and blink. The marigolds reach the ends of the phalanges of the nail plates. The skin color is evened out, the face and shoulders are rounded, thanks to the accumulation subcutaneous fat. The germinal fluff of lanugo gradually disappears from the skin, the first hairs appear on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes appear. At the same time, the layer of vernix lubricant continues to thicken; it will make it easier for the baby to “travel” through the birth canal, allowing it to glide.

Scientists believe that a child in the third trimester is already dreaming - his eyelids move in a rhythm that is characteristic of the rapid phase of sleep. His brain becomes more and more complex and improved - multiple nerve connections are formed between cells, and already formed brain cells acquire a protective meilin sheath. And, although the baby’s bones are already quite strong, and the cartilages of the ears and nose are hard, the cranial bones remain soft so that the child passes through the birth canal normally, without injury.

The child’s liver does a tremendous amount of work: at this stage development, it must accumulate iron in the quantities required by the body for independent hematopoiesis during the first year of the baby’s life.

The eighth month of pregnancy is marked by intense weight gain: by the end of it, the fetus will weigh close to 2500-2700 grams, and the average height will increase to 45-46 cm from crown to heels.

· Feelings and possible problems of the period

The eighth month of pregnancy is often full of worries and worries about the upcoming birth, the health and well-being of the child, and intensive preparation of the “dowry”. All this happens against the background of absent-mindedness and the woman’s feeling of extreme fatigue from pregnancy, both emotionally and physically.

The child’s active growth and development continues, leaving less and less room for movement. The sensations of tremors are now very distinct, especially the sharp and indignant blows on my mother’s ribs. Be patient a little longer, soon the place will drop closer to the pelvis and it will become much easier. Physical sensations at 8 months can hardly be called pleasant: shortness of breath, problems with movement and sleep, attacks of heartburn, frequent urge Going to the toilet probably worsened the problem of constipation and back pain. The growing toddler puts pressure on the internal organs, so the eighth month of pregnancy for the mother is marked by frequent urination and shortness of breath. Do not be afraid of cases of urinary incontinence - at this stage this is a normal phenomenon, do not tolerate it, go to the toilet more often, not allowing the urine to stagnate. The pelvic floor begins to expand as labor approaches. This condition can cause unpleasant painful sensations during pregnancy and other inconveniences for pregnant women.

With her gait, the expectant mother resembles a duck. Light training contractions became more noticeable and regular. Colostrum is already secreted from a woman’s breast - the very first and most important food for a newborn. Now the pregnant woman gets tired very quickly and is unable to walk for a long time. That’s why you shouldn’t go far from home, or walk alone. Despite everything, daily walks on the street should be a truly indestructible rule for the mother - oxygen is now vital for the baby! Take care for a few more weeks and do not “urge” your descendant to go out into the world.

At this stage, shortness of breath is a completely normal symptom; the uterus, which has risen to its maximum height, compresses, including the lungs. The main thing is that, against the background of difficulty breathing, other symptoms do not appear, such as blue lips or fingertips, chest pain, accelerated heartbeat and breathing rhythm. If this happens, call an ambulance immediately.

The amount of fluid in the expectant mother’s body increases significantly, which manifests itself in some swelling of the face and limbs. The “severity” and spread of edema must be monitored, as well as the blood pressure of a pregnant woman: severe swelling and elevated blood pressure may indicate.

To “calm down” the baby a little and relieve soreness in the ribs, which is typical at this stage due to the child’s intrauterine “acrobatics,” it is recommended to perform the “cat’s back” exercise.

The eighth month of pregnancy, among other things, is annoying with back pain that occurs due to a significantly enlarged belly. They often increase after a walk, starting to radiate to the stomach. In this case, you should lie down and rest; if it is very difficult, you can take half or a whole tablet of Nosh-pa. If pain continues for more than half an hour, you should urgently call an ambulance.

You may experience stuffy ears and nose, spontaneous nosebleeds, bleeding gums, and leg muscle cramps. Also, there is no need to be alarmed if the discharge of leucorrhoea from the vagina increases somewhat: in the absence of physical discomfort, changes in the color and consistency of the discharge, such an increase in discharge has no reason to worry.

Changes in hormonal levels can lead to a rather unusual and unpleasant phenomenon for a woman - increased growth of body hair. This is temporary, after childbirth, after stabilization of hormonal processes, the situation will resolve itself.

· Premature birth at 8 months of pregnancy

The third trimester is the period of pregnancy when a miscarriage is no longer a cause for alarm; with its onset they talk about premature birth, and towards the end - about early birth. Premature birth means that a woman's body cannot carry the baby to full term. The reasons for this phenomenon are mostly little known or not studied at all, since many factors can provoke the birth of a child ahead of time. Known causes include infections, hypertension, smoking, drug use, problems with the placenta, trauma, and abnormalities of the woman's cervix or uterus itself.

Premature births are more common in the summer months, due to high level loss of fluid by the body of a pregnant woman. Remember: it is necessary to maintain optimal fluid conditions at any time of the year, and especially in summer. If the first signs of premature birth appear, go to the hospital immediately!

Women who observe the following signs of premature birth have a reason to urgently call an ambulance:

  1. active uterine contractions have begun, the frequency of which is five or more times within one hour;
  2. discharge of scarlet blood from the genital tract appeared in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  3. pain when urinating;
  4. swelling or swelling of the face or hands appears over a short period of time;
  5. there are acute or prolonged abdominal pain;
  6. continuous or acute vomiting began;
  7. strong pressure appeared at the bottom of the pelvis;
  8. sudden discharge of water from the genital tract - a clear, watery liquid.

For a woman in the third trimester, premature birth is not particularly different from timely birth, but the same cannot be said about a baby. First of all, a child is born without having reached the sufficient degree of physical maturity required for autonomous existence. Despite its earlier appearance, nursing premature babies today has great chances. Modern medicine able to save a child’s life and prevent most developmental pathologies associated with premature birth.

However, enough about the difficulties and dangers. You are already at the “finish line”, just a little bit separating you from a significant, wonderful meeting with your blood, your child!

· Nutrition during pregnancy 8 months

The eighth and even the ninth month of pregnancy will also be accompanied by digestive problems, the provocateur of which is the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs of the pregnant woman: heartburn, constipation, bloating. The main condition for reducing these unpleasant phenomena is maintaining proper nutrition and eliminating foods that contribute to digestive disorders from the diet.

In the final stages, proper nutrition plays, without exaggeration, a very important role. Its principles are still unchanged: it is better to eat little by little, but more often, avoiding overeating. Heartburn is often associated with a large amount of food consumption: the pregnant woman’s stomach is compressed by the growing uterus, and excess food is simply thrown into the esophagus. Avoiding heartburn can help avoid fatty and fried foods in your diet, smoked foods, sour foods and sweets. It is not recommended to lie down immediately after eating - it is preferable to walk for at least half an hour.

In order not to aggravate the symptoms of swelling, it is recommended to limit salt intake, and also not to drink liquids before going to bed. The same goal can be pursued by preferring lingonberry and cranberry juices as a drink: they have a slight diuretic effect and improve the removal of fluid from the “pregnant body”.

Diet during pregnancy of 8 months should still contain lean meats and fish, but it is advisable to monitor the amount of their consumption without overusing them in the last months. It is preferable to eat meat and fish, as well as cereals, in the first half of the day, for breakfast and lunch, and later it is better to include dairy and plant foods in the diet.

Considering the colossal consumption of calcium by the fetus, which it extracts from the mother’s body, the daily menu should include fermented milk products and cottage cheese. Beef, liver, spinach, greens, and green apples in a pregnant woman’s diet help prevent anemia.

In general, the nutritional requirements remain the same: the most natural, familiar, homemade food, the categorical exclusion of semi-finished and instant foods. It’s better to forget about coffee and strong teas for a while. And one more thing: when purchasing cottage cheese or yoghurt in stores, be sure to pay special attention to the expiration date and production date of the product! Expired fermented milk products are a very favorable environment for the proliferation of E. coli, which can cause very significant damage to the course of pregnancy and the development of a growing child.

· Sex at 8 months pregnant

The last dates are the most relevant period for the question of whether sex is possible and justified now, at 8 months of pregnancy. Unfortunately, only the doctor leading the pregnancy can give a woman certainty in terms of intimacy. It is with him that you will have to solve this dilemma, and only he will be able to make a “professional” conclusion whether sex at 8 months of pregnancy is possible or not for you, whether the presence of physical intimacy is justified or not for you in the penultimate month of gestation.

It is essentially pointless to turn to literature of this kind, even exclusively medical literature - different sources “dictate” opposite postulates. Some say that sex in the 8th month of pregnancy has every right to exist, provided there are no contraindications and situations where the mother is carrying twins. According to other sources, the eighth month is not the time for sex; it is strongly recommended to refuse sex, citing the fact that you can “disturb” the child who has taken the correct position in the uterus for childbirth, that is, cephalic presentation.

One way or another, the priority to give a final answer regarding the acceptability of sex in each individual case remains with the doctor, who is aware of all the nuances of your “interesting situation.” As for clear contraindications for “sessions” of intimacy, these include: bleeding of unknown origin, placenta previa, separation of the baby’s place, damage to the membranes, the risk of premature birth.

· Tests, examinations, ultrasound at 8 months

Visits to the doctor at this stage will become more frequent, however, the pregnant woman should have been scheduled for a two-time examination within one month a month earlier. In general, from now on you need to “visit” the doctor at least twice.

The doctor at the antenatal clinic routinely measures the pregnant woman’s weight and blood pressure and will definitely listen to the baby’s heart. Mandatory procedures include: examination of the mother’s hands and feet to assess the degree of swelling; a traditional urinalysis to detect protein in the mother's body and assess sugar levels.

The third ultrasound during pregnancy is performed at 8 months. Actually, the eighth month quite often becomes the time for the last scheduled ultrasound. The objectives of ultrasound during pregnancy on the eve of childbirth are as follows:

  1. to exclude the possibility of premature aging of the placenta, the degree of its maturity is determined by ultrasound;
  2. determination of the actual size of the uterus, assessment of the condition of the cervix, its readiness for labor;
  3. determination of the condition and amount of amniotic fluid;
  4. assessment of the condition of the child’s internal organs to exclude possible defects in its development;
  5. exclusion of intrauterine malnutrition and determination of fetal size;
  6. determination of the location of the umbilical cord and fetal presentation.

Yana Lagidna, especially for MyMom . ru

8th month of pregnancy, video:

8 months of pregnancy is how many weeks? The 8th month of pregnancy is the time from 32 to 36 weeks of pregnancy. You can feel tired from the situation, and the birth is still far away.

The eighth month is the time of the third and last screening examination. An ultrasound is coming, which will give detailed information to the doctors, but will not be particularly interesting for the expectant mother, because the baby is so big that it does not fit on the monitor of a special device. You don't see the whole child.

Eighth month of pregnancy

The baby at this stage is not yet ready for birth., but it will be much easier to adapt if it is born.

There is a myth that childbirth at eight months is much more dangerous than at 28 weeks, but this is not true. The more weight a child gains before birth, the greater the chance of not having problems after birth.

At 35 weeks, the babies are immature, but the most serious problems of premature babies avoid them and they are discharged from the maternity hospital on the tenth day, together with their mother. For many, home birth at 35 weeks is a common occurrence, after which the babies grow healthy and strong.

At 8 months the fetus may still lie incorrectly, although the amount of amniotic fluid becomes less and less every week. If the baby lies with his pelvis forward, then you need to seriously take care of this. At this stage, special exercises can still help the baby turn head down, for subsequent births without complications.

A child in the 8th month of pregnancy has already formed a rhythm of wakefulness and sleep, which he will have after birth. He sleeps for most of the day, waking up every couple of hours, which is marked by episodes of movement.

A woman at this stage has time to fully experience the delights of a large belly and late pregnancy. The time has come for her to devote herself completely to her unborn child.

This period is characterized by a change in the perception of the world. All worries recede, career and work seem unimportant. The child who grows under your heart becomes the center of your Universe. If you are forced to study or work, if you have other problems and worries, all this will come in second place, after thoughts about the baby.

Many expectant mothers, being in difficult life situations, manage to pass exams or work, because this is a reality from which there is no escape. Do not take all problems to heart, because now, your child is the main thing in life. You have formed the foundation of his health all these months, and anxieties, emotions and experiences are reflected in your baby. Don’t rush, you will have time to do everything, don’t strain yourself during these weeks.

8 months pregnant belly is almost at its maximum size. By week 35, it will push against the ribs, which makes breathing difficult. Don’t be scared or surprised, because your baby weighs almost 2.5 kilograms; some children are born with this weight.

Your tummy will create even more problems. You will learn to sleep in the correct position, while choosing a comfortable position. It is recommended to sleep on the left side, because this contributes to the correct formation of fetal presentation and promotes proper blood circulation in the placenta.

Key concerns

With such a long period of time, many things may bother you. Nephropathy and the onset of late gestosis are often manifested by edema. This condition threatens the child and mother and requires immediate treatment, especially if there is protein in the urine and increased pressure. If the doctor suggests hospitalization, do not refuse under any circumstances.

The uterus presses on the stomach and intestines, which causes suffering in the field of gastroenterology.

Almost all expectant mothers feel sick at this stage of pregnancy.. Nausea decreases if, after eating, you lie down and rest for an hour and a half, or at least take a knee-elbow position. The point of resting, lying down and a position where you get on all fours is to facilitate the passage of food into the intestines, because in such positions it is less compressed by the uterus.

You may often experience heartburn between meals. Do not drink soda or abuse your body in any other way. Review your diet and frequency of meals. Eat little but often, avoiding seasonings and fatty foods.

Discharge is normal if it is the same as in previous months, but if there are changes, then this should alert you. Yellow and green discharge with an uncharacteristic odor can indicate an infection, while bloody discharge can indicate a threat to the baby’s life. At the 8th month, thrush is released, as always, in the form of a cheesy, sour discharge with an unpleasant odor. In any case, consult a doctor.

As before, one of the most important dangers is premature birth. There is a high risk of complications.

Premature birth can be rapid, may be accompanied by trauma to the mother and child, early placental abruption and early discharge of amniotic fluid.

There are much fewer babies born at 8 months in the departments for premature babies. They have developed lungs and most often begin to breathe on their own. They simply become hypothermic more easily and have less body weight, but they grow healthy and quickly gain the desired weight.

Bleeding is dangerous, And common cause which is placental abruption. Exercise stress, sexual intercourse can contribute to detachment. While you are pregnant, do not lift anything heavier than 1.5 kilograms.

Colds are also dangerous. After all, any infection affects the condition of the placenta, which can lead to intrauterine hypoxia. Treatment is harmful, because all drugs affect pregnancy.

Complications of pregnancy

Nephrosis, preeclampsia, late toxicosis are symptoms of a dangerous complication, the diagnosis of “preeclampsia”.

Reasons for the development of gestosis:

Edema is a striking syndrome of late toxicosis; it can be hidden or obvious. The inability to remove the ring, marks on the skin from the elastic bands of socks and underwear speak of swelling. Weight gain indicates hidden edema.

Feelings at 8 months of pregnancy

All sensations can be described in one word - "discomfort". Especially during sleep and falling asleep. The woman lacks oxygen, gets tired of back pain, and needs to go to the toilet often. Uterine contractions become noticeable. They begin at the top, pass in waves over the entire surface and gradually subside. To fall asleep faster and more soundly, you should take walks and light exercise before bed.

Often a woman feels heartburn. It is caused by the fact that a bolus of food, processed by gastric juice, enters the esophagus. After all, a pregnant woman’s stomach is high at this stage. Eat small portions.

Your life

It's not easy for you right now, you are busy shopping, worrying about the upcoming birth, watching films about child development and a bunch of other problems and factors.

You also take care of the kitchen, ironing, laundry and other household chores. But in general, there is peace, you can walk for an unlimited amount of time, have sex and other joys of life (with a normal pregnancy).

The 8th month of pregnancy is the penultimate month of bearing a child. Fatigue becomes more and more noticeable, and the excitement before childbirth increases every day.

closeness how you feel
By the eighth month sexually transmitted infection accuracy
the discomfort drags heavily
lying down

Let's look at which week the 8th month of pregnancy begins, what changes are happening now, and what the expectant mother should do while expecting her baby.

Feelings of the expectant mother

Speaking about what kind of period this is - 8 months of pregnancy and how many weeks it lasts, it can be noted that it begins at 32 weeks and ends at 36. The woman manages to experience all the difficulties and delights of late pregnancy, all her thoughts are occupied only with the upcoming childbirth and the future child.

At the 8th month of pregnancy, it is difficult for a woman to lead her usual lifestyle:

  • she has difficulty walking, breathing, and doing housework;
  • The biggest inconvenience is the huge belly, which is becoming increasingly difficult to carry;
  • shortness of breath appears due to the stomach, and heartburn occurs more and more often;
  • the child is already quite large, all his shocks are felt quite clearly and can be quite painful;
  • Due to pressure on the bladder, the urge to urinate becomes very frequent.

You can see what the belly looks like at 8 months of gestation in the photograph.

Due to the increase in size, the expectant mother has problems walking and breathing

The body gradually begins to prepare for childbirth - at the 8th month of pregnancy, so-called training contractions or Braxton-Hicks contractions often appear. Such contractions are almost completely painless; they represent short-term contractions of the uterus, which the woman feels as an increase in tone.

They differ from real ones in that they are not regular and do not intensify over time. In addition, the pelvic floor also begins to prepare for the birth process: the joints gradually move apart, and the ligaments relax - all this happens so that the baby can easily pass through the birth canal.

What can you do?

Many people are interested in what can and cannot be done in the 8th month of pregnancy. Experts usually give such recommendations.

What to do for an expectant motherWhat an expectant mother should not do
  1. Take care of your physical fitness, perform special exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. Of course, this can only be done after consulting a doctor, do not overexert yourself, and in case of any unpleasant sensations stop training. Correctly performed exercises will help you prepare for childbirth, relax, relieve stress on the spine, improve blood circulation, and also improve your mood.
  2. Take a walk in the fresh air every day - the longer the walk, the better. However, you need to remember that the term is already long, and theoretically, labor can begin at any moment, so it is better not to go far from home and walk accompanied by your husband or girlfriends. Be sure to take care of comfortable shoes, wear a prenatal bandage for a walk, and, if necessary, special compression garments that will protect against varicose veins.
  3. Prepare for childbirth. If you haven't attended a maternity class yet, it's time to go during the 8th month of pregnancy. In addition, the videos will help you learn how to breathe correctly during childbirth and give you an idea about this process. If you are planning a partner birth, then be sure to prepare together with your husband.
  1. Travel by plane unless absolutely necessary. Increased stress can cause premature birth or adversely affect the well-being of mother and baby. Some airlines do not sell tickets to women with long travel dates because they do not want to take responsibility for the woman’s health. If you need to fly, you will need a certificate from a gynecologist indicating the stage of pregnancy and permission to fly. It is not recommended to fly unaccompanied.
  2. Visit a bathhouse or sauna. This can lead to premature birth due to a possible sudden change in pressure. In addition, bath procedures can harm a woman’s internal organs, such as the heart, liver, and lungs. The body is already greatly weakened during pregnancy, so a heavy load on the organs and circulatory system can lead to negative consequences.
  3. Overeat. Some women take the phrase “eating for two” literally, which is why they stop controlling the amount of food they eat. This can not only lead to digestive problems, but also cause sudden weight gain, which is considered dangerous for mother and baby. At this time, it is permissible to gain 300-400 grams per week.

What happens to the child?

At 8 months of pregnancy, the child’s development enters the final stage. It is already sufficiently formed that in case of premature birth it does not require special efforts to survive.

Typically, children born at this stage can already breathe, suck the breast, their weight is 2-2.7 kg, and their height is 44-46 cm. A child born at 8 months of pregnancy, shown in the photograph, is no different from other newborns .

From the 32nd to the 36th week of intrauterine life, the following changes will occur to the baby.

  1. If before this period the fetus was lying incorrectly, during this period it will most likely take the desired “head” position.
  2. He gains weight and height every day - in a month the baby can gain up to one kilogram.
  3. The baby is becoming more and more cramped in the mother’s belly, so his movements become less sharp and more like stretching or rolling.
  4. His breathing, swallowing and sucking reflexes are already fully developed, he sucks his thumb most of the time, and from time to time you can hear the baby hiccuping after swallowing amniotic fluid.
  5. All his organs have already been formed, and now the final “finishing” of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems is underway.
  6. The fetus in the womb is already able to respond to strong stimuli, such as bright light or loud sound.
  7. The lungs are sufficiently developed, they have accumulated a sufficient amount of sufractant so that the newborn, if necessary, can breathe on his own.

The child already hears well during the 8th month of pregnancy, so now it is very useful to talk with the baby, as well as turn on pleasant, calm music for him - this has a beneficial effect on his well-being and nervous system.

Sexual relations - is it possible?

In order to be completely sure about the possibility of intimate intimacy, consult your gynecologist

In most cases, modern doctors believe that a woman can have sex without fear during the 8th month of pregnancy. However, this rule only works if the pregnancy proceeds without complications. Whether intimate intimacy is acceptable in your case - only your gynecologist can reliably answer.

Typically, you should not have sex during the 8th month of pregnancy if:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • with increased uterine tone;
  • if placenta previa is observed;
  • You should also refrain from this activity if you have experienced miscarriages or premature birth in the past.

If there are no contraindications, you can easily afford to make love at this time. Relieving sexual tension will help you relax, improve your mood, and the joy hormones that are produced during physical intimacy are beneficial for the health of mother and child. Try to choose the most comfortable positions that will not cause discomfort to either you or your pregnant belly.

Painful sensations in the abdomen

If you feel that labor is starting, call a doctor

Childbirth may well begin in the 8th month of pregnancy, so expectant mothers listen very carefully to all the signals of their body, and often fall into real panic at the slightest pain in the abdomen. However, painful sensations do not always indicate the onset of contractions.

The stomach can hurt for many different reasons:

  • tension in ligaments and abdominal muscles due to a growing belly;
  • gastrointestinal problems - a growing fetus can interfere with intestinal function, which causes pain;
  • preparation of the uterus for the process of childbirth is accompanied by tension and mild pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increased uterine tone. The pain lasts for a long time, does not go away in a lying position and after taking no-shpa. In this case, you need to consult a doctor;
  • if the stomach has already dropped, pain may occur due to the pressure of the head on the joints of the small pelvis.

By the eighth month, the fetus is too large and does not fit on the device monitor

In the 8th month of a singleton pregnancy, labor should not begin. However, if you feel severe, periodic abdominal pain with increasing intensity, do not hesitate and call a doctor.

What will the ultrasound show?

At the 8th month of pregnancy, the third and last planned ultrasound is performed. It is usually done at 32-34 weeks. During this test, doctors will evaluate the condition of the placenta and physical state fetus:

  • first of all, the specialist will measure all the physical indicators of the child: his height, circumference of the head, tummy, length of the femur;
  • all measurements are compared with accepted standards to determine whether the baby’s development level corresponds to the gestational age;
  • In addition, the doctor will examine the condition of the internal organs of the fetus to identify possible malformations even before its birth.

At 8 months of pregnancy, in a photograph of the fetus, you will be able to see in detail the different parts of your baby's body. It is already too large to fit entirely on the device’s monitor, but you will be able to see in detail the tiny arms, legs or face with a small nose and mouth.

However, the main purpose of the third ultrasound examination is to assess the condition of the placenta. The thickness of the placenta, its location, degree of maturity and the condition of the vessels in the umbilical cord are determined. These parameters are important for drawing up a plan for the management of childbirth, as well as for assessing the risks for the child, because premature aging of the child’s place or its pathology can lead to hypoxia and death of the baby.

What does the discharge mean?

If a sexually transmitted infection occurs, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Discharge in the 8th calendar month of pregnancy is moderate. They are uniform, light white in color with a slightly sour odor. The presence of pus, foam, and cheesy clots in the discharge requires a mandatory visit to a doctor, since these symptoms indicate a sexually transmitted infection. In the later stages, such diseases must be treated, otherwise there is a risk of infecting the child during childbirth.

  1. If you notice mucous discharge streaked with blood, then it is likely that your mucus plug, which protects the entrance to the uterus, is coming off. This indicates the imminent onset of labor.
  2. Most dangerous bloody issues- they usually accompany placental abruption. This is an extremely dangerous pathology that can threaten the life of the mother and fetus. In such cases, you should immediately call an ambulance.

The 8th month of pregnancy will fly by very quickly, and you will be very close to the final stage of pregnancy. Spend this time profitably and try to take care of your health. Don't forget that your baby's health directly depends on this.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist