What to do if you get hooked. Casual sex. How to determine whether you have contracted a sexually transmitted infection? Video about miramistin and sexually transmitted infections

Transmitted from person to person through sex. Most often they become infected after unprotected sexual contact with a casual partner. Prostitution makes a big “contribution” to the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Often, men have sexual contact with a woman they don’t know, preferring not to use protection in order to obtain greater pleasure, and then anxiously carefully examine their genitals every day to make sure that they have not contracted some kind of “infection.”

According to medical statistics, more than half of the adult population are carriers of one or another sexually transmitted infection, while many do not even suspect about it. The reason for this is that quite often after contracting a sexually transmitted infection there are no symptoms or they are mild. As a rule, in the first three days after infection, it is impossible to identify so-called latent sexually transmitted infections even with the most sensitive diagnostic methods. These sexually transmitted diseases include chlamydia, human papillomavirus and genital herpes. Hidden sexually transmitted infections are dangerous because once they enter the human body, they remain there forever and do not manifest themselves in any way until the immune system begins to give in to them.

In Soviet times the list diseases sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) was not so great. Thanks to scientific and technological progress and the creation of more accurate diagnostic methods, it was revealed that in addition to syphilis and gonorrhea, there are no less dangerous sexually transmitted infections HIV, human papillomavirus and hepatitis that can seriously undermine human health.

As is known, The best way protection against sexually transmitted infections- This is the use of a condom. But what to do if you have casual sex without a condom, and you are not sure of your partner’s reliability? The best decision, if you have had unprotected sexual intercourse and there are concerns about a possible sexually transmitted infection, is to immediately come for a consultation with a gynecologist or a venereology clinic. There is no need to wait and hope that everything will work out. The earlier a sexually transmitted disease is diagnosed, the greater the chance of a full recovery.

It's no use trying disinfect the genitals after sex, using solutions of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. After all, STD microorganisms enter the body along with semen or vaginal fluid; washing the external genitalia and douching to remove them are ineffective. The fact that a sexually transmitted infection has occurred can be determined by the following primary signs: burning and itching in the genital area, pain in the lower abdomen. Some sexually transmitted infections contribute to the formation of various ulcers, blisters, rashes and spots in the intimate areas. For example, a sign of infection with the human papillomavirus is the appearance of condylomas (growths) on the genitals and mucous membranes, as well as papillomas on the skin.

If in a timely manner If you do not start treatment for sexually transmitted infections, they can develop into chronic forms and lead to serious consequences such as prostatitis, epididymitis, vesiculitis and cystitis, which are already accompanied by fever, difficulty urinating and general weakness.

Launched sexually transmitted infections the most common cause of female and male infertility. Thus, in men, with complications of STDs, even with normal potency, the number of sperm that are sedentary and unable to fertilize an egg sharply increases, and in women, the ovaries do not reproduce fully mature eggs or the weakened uterus cannot hold the fetus. Today it has been proven that if a woman is a carrier of a highly oncogenic human papillomavirus, the risk of developing cervical and ovarian cancer increases sharply.

Doctors recommend, even if you haven’t had casual sex, and you are completely confident in your sexual partner, you must be tested to determine sexually transmitted infections at least once a year. This needs to be done not only by women, but also by men. After all, most sexually transmitted diseases are asymptomatic, and an accurate diagnosis can only be made after testing.

Every year in our country venereal disease diagnosed in more than 2 million people. Moreover, the number of patients in our country would be much lower if every man consulted a doctor after accidental unprotected sexual intercourse. This could prevent up to 15,000 cases of gonorrhea, up to 4,000 cases of chlamydia and up to 3,000 cases of syphilis every week. The insidiousness of sexually transmitted infections lies in the fact that the patient himself may not even be aware of his illness and infect his regular sexual partner.

Video about miramistin and sexually transmitted infections

You've had too much and don't remember whether you had sex or not? Slept with a new friend, and then found out that she changes partners like gloves? Or maybe you just had sex without a condom for the first time in your life, or you got a blowjob without a condom, and now you’re wondering whether you caught the infection or not. Use these tips on what a guy should do after unprotected regular or oral sex:

  1. If 2 hours have not passed since sex, be sure to treat the genitals with miramistine or chlorhexidine. Antiseptics fight infections. If you had sex at night, and you only woke up in the morning, process it anyway and hope for the best - maybe it will help.
  2. Be sure to urinate as quickly as possible after unprotected sex. The stream of urine will remove harmful bacteria if they have entered the urethra. But even this method will not give a 100% guarantee of non-infection: herpes and hepatitis do not care about “peeing”.
  3. If you experience a burning sensation in the genital area or scabies, go to the doctor immediately.
  4. It is better to visit a doctor in any case if you are not sure about your partner or if she was a prostitute. But the doctor may delay the examination for a month and ask you to come again, because many diseases are not immediately detected in tests and are asymptomatic for a couple of weeks. Sometimes a doctor will prescribe prophylactic antibiotic treatment without symptoms. For example, if there is a suspicion that the partner was sick with syphilis or gonorrhea, Trichopolum is prescribed.

What to do after unprotected oral sex

Few people think about it until “thunder strikes,” but to the surprise of most, there are a lot of diseases transmitted from partner to partner (and vice versa) during oral sex. For thought, read the list and find out what to do after unprotected oral sex.

What can you get infected with unprotected oral-genital sex?


A woman can easily become infected through oral sex from a man with syphilis. A man can also become infected by performing cunnilingus on a sick woman. Sources of infection include rashes inside the patient’s mouth and mucous membranes, vaginal discharge, and semen. One of the signs of contracted syphilis is chancre on the lips and tonsils (painless ulcerations).


Chlamydia affects genitourinary system, tonsils, conjunctiva of the eyes.


Signs: urethritis, stomatitis, gonorrheal pharyngitis.

Urogenital and common herpes

(commonly affects lips and mouth)

Hepatitis B

Transmitted through semen or vaginal discharge, hepatitis C is also transmitted, but the risk of infection is lower; mainly, hepatitis C is infected through oral sex by partners with weakened immune systems Ouch.


Doctors have not reached a consensus regarding the possibility of contracting HIV through oral sex. It is conventionally believed that an active partner is at high risk of catching it: a girl giving a blowjob to a sick person or a guy giving cunnilingus to a sick girl.

Human papillomavirus


Worms, salmonellosis, mycopoasma, pneumonia, influenza bacillus, and the list goes on for a long time, right up to infections typical of people living in a certain area. It is not for nothing that sex with local aborigines during the holiday period is rich in exotic consequences, including contacting centers for the fight against tropical diseases.

Please note that all of the above can be infected even with a single oral-genital contact! Therefore, always use condoms, latex wipes or regular cling film if nothing else is available, including for cunnilingus or blowjob.

What to do after unprotected oral-genital sex:

  • Rinse your mouth and throat with chlorhexidine, miramistin or other antiseptic.
  • They also carefully treat the genitals. The sooner you complete these two steps, the better.
  • Girls should not swallow sperm if their partner is casual!
  • The guy who was given a blowjob and the girl who was given cunnilingus need to go to the toilet to urinate.
  • If possible, a man should pour up to 2 ml of miramistin into the urethra and not go to the toilet for about 2 hours.

What should a girl do after sex if the condom breaks?

If a condom breaks, the risk of getting an infection from having sex with a casual partner is much higher for a girl than for a guy. She also has a higher risk of unplanned pregnancy. That's why:

  • If 5 minutes have not yet passed since the condom broke, use douching. You can dilute Miramistin or lemon juice with clean boiled water in a ratio of 1 part of the product to 10 hours of water. Never use without diluting!
  • Wash thoroughly and treat the external genitalia with miramistin. An antiseptic will help protect against infections.
  • For an unplanned pregnancy, it is better to douche with a solution of spermicide.
  • If you have not douched within 48 hours after sex and you do not need pregnancy, then no later than the expiration of these 48 hours from the moment your partner ejaculates, take: postinor or progestin tablets.

Postinor and progestin tablets are means emergency contraception in emergency cases (violence, sex on a dangerous day) and can be used no more than 2 times a year, as they inevitably cause hormonal disruption in the body.

What to do after sex if the above deadlines are missed? All that remains is to wait for the arrival of menstruation. If the delay is longer than 10 days, you need to take a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist. And then: don’t worry about the sex that happened and move on with your life or become happy parents.

According to WHO, almost the entire population of the Earth is infected with the herpes simplex virus. This, of course, does not mean that everyone is sick. It's just that for some, herpes makes itself known once a month, for others - once every six months or a year, and for others it has never bothered them at all. But the insidious thing about herpes is that it lies dormant on the sly and waits for the right moment to strike properly. A favorable moment for this virus is a decrease in immunity for some reason.

What is this herpes?

Herpes simplex virus - oh, how not simple! There are several types of it. It was previously believed that herpes simplex virus type 1 was the culprit of herpes labialis (a trivial “cold sore”), and herpes simplex virus type 2 caused genital and ophthalmic herpes. But now everything is mixed up, and therefore viruses of types 1 and 2 can cause all types of herpes.

The “simplest” of herpes simplex is labial, but there is little pleasant in it: itchy blisters greatly disfigure the face and cause a lot of trouble.

Genital herpes is not only unpleasant, it is also dangerous, as it is a trigger for many dormant infections, such as, for example, uroplasmosis, chlamydia and papillomovirosis.

Ophthalmoherpes- the most serious among herpes, as it causes keratitis and uevitis, which can lead to blindness.

Ways of transmission of infection.

The herpes simplex virus is incredibly contagious, which is why it affects so many people. The routes of transmission of this virus, like most infections: airborne, household contact and sexual contact. Sometimes a simple handshake is enough, and herpes is already “in your hands.” The incubation period is usually from 2 to 7 days, depending on the state of your immunity.

Who does herpes love most?

The herpes simplex virus is a frequent visitor to people with reduced immunity. The provoking factors of the disease are excessive insolation (excessive exposure to the sun, long sessions in the solarium), frequent colds and violations of the daily routine. Herpes loves workaholics, people with an unbalanced nervous system and asthenics. Some people just need to get their feet wet or frostbitten, and herpes won't take long to appear.

Herpes is genital.

In the United States, 10% of suicides are caused by genital herpes. Indeed, this type of herpes causes a lot of trouble: first, terrible itching and burning, then blisters, and if treated incorrectly and untimely, severe pain and complications (lymphadenitis, neuralgia). Therefore, if you suspect herpes, it is best to immediately consult a doctor. This type of herpes is also unpleasant because patients, after the signs of the disease disappear, continue to feel the disease for some time (the so-called “phantom sensations”). This occurs due to overexcitation of nerve endings. In addition, the herpes simplex virus is a trigger for more serious infections, such as chlamydia, uroplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and papillomavirus. The latter, by the way, is common cause occurrence of cervical cancer.

Many people are interested in whether genital herpes affects fertility and pregnancy. The herpes simplex virus itself does not affect either fertility or pregnancy, but, as reported above, it provokes the development of other sexually transmitted infections, which in turn can cause miscarriages and other malformations. If genital herpes first made itself felt during pregnancy, then this is a bad signal: immunity is lowered, and there are no antibodies to the virus yet! Quite often, genital herpes worsens during menstruation, since it is during this period that women have the lowest immunity.


This type of herpes is the most dangerous, so it should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor. There are many cases where parents became infected from their own children, who brought ordinary conjunctivitis from kindergarten. Yes, and externally this type of herpes is initial stage difficult to distinguish from adenoviral conjunctivitis. The doctor will accurately determine what type of virus you have caught and prescribe adequate treatment.

Prevention of herpes.

Since herpes occurs when immunity decreases, this same immunity must be strengthened. And this can be done through general improvement of the body, proper nutrition, as well as with the help of vitamins and immunostimulants. It’s no secret that hardening perfectly strengthens the body; walks and physical exercise on fresh air also very useful.

Vitamins, as immunologists advise, should be taken from October to April. Best to choose vitamin complexes, containing antioxidant vitamins A, C, E, as well as trace elements selenium and zinc. All these vitamins and microelements improve immunity well. You can make your own vitamin teas containing rose hips, black currants, nettles, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, mint and thyme.

These are great for boosting immunity medicinal plants, like echinacea, ginseng, astragalus, lemongrass, lure. You can prepare infusions from these plants yourself, but it is easier to purchase ready-made preparations at the pharmacy, for example, Immunal, which contains the strongest immunostimulant Echinacea purpurea. Immunal strengthens the body's resistance to infections and reduces the risk of complications after infections.

Those who, for some reason, have zero immunity, and infections, including herpes, visit them quite often, need to use more serious immunostimulants. For example, Polyoxidonium and Galavit can improve immunity even in case of AIDS and advanced cancer. Moreover, their course use for preventive purposes can be useful for prolonging life. For the same purpose, you can use Immunofan, Immunomax and Gepon. The only drawback of these drugs is their high cost.

Treatment of herpes.

Since herpes is a viral disease, it should be treated with antiviral drugs. The most commonly used are Valtrex, Famvir and Acyclovir. These drugs are most effective for all types of herpes simplex. You can also be treated with interferon inducers, for example, Poldan, Cycloferon and Reaferon. The course of treatment with these drugs usually does not exceed 7-10 days.

Those who suffer from relapses of herpes, especially genital herpes, especially often, can use the drugs Valtrex, Famvir and Acyclovir for prevention. By the way, in the USA and developed European countries, the preventive course is very popular. The drugs should be taken for six months, or even longer, but in smaller doses.

A special vaccination against papillomavirus, which is a common cause of cervical cancer, has also been developed. It can be done on women under 35 years of age. The effectiveness of this vaccination is quite high: 70-75% of vaccinated representatives of the fairer sex are insured against the development of a dangerous cancer.

All about herpes.

Initially, you need to understand the nature and characteristics of lice, as well as the ways in which you can become infected with them, so that it is easier to choose the most effective method fight them.

Lice and their types

Lice are small blood-sucking insects. They are transmitted from person to person.

Lice are mobile, multiply quickly, laying eggs, which are called nits. The female produces a special secretion of glue glands, which allows nits to stick to the hair. They are easy to become infected with, but quite difficult to remove.

Lice feed on human blood and at one time they consume approximately 0.003 milliliters. They live on average from 27 to 46 years.

Now let's understand the causes of lice infestation in order to develop methods by which they can be removed.

Ways of infection with pediculosis

Body lice crawl onto the human body when trying on clothes, using dirty linen, that is, through close contact with household items. This can happen both at school and kindergarten and other places.

Pubic lice are most often transmitted sexually, but do not think that this is the only way of transmission. It is known that the lifespan of an individual louse is outside human body without food for no more than 24 hours. Eggs, in turn, can remain viable for about 7 days. These can be brought by one of the partners on a towel, bed linen or clothes.

If you find lice on your child’s head on your own or if doctors find them at school or kindergarten, the main thing is not to panic. It's unpleasant, but modern means pediculosis is successfully treated. Let's figure out how a child can become infected with head lice.

How does infection occur?

The first signs of the disease begin to appear after a few weeks. The louse runs to a new host, after which it attaches itself to the hair with its paws. She pierces the skin with her proboscis, produces an enzyme that prevents blood from clotting, and feeds.

Most often, children become infected with head lice while playing at school, camp or kindergarten.

Body lice and their eggs can be seen in the seams of clothing, head lice - by whitish nits attached to the hair, pubic lice - by grayish-bluish spots on the genitals.
A clear sign of infection is itching. The bite sites itch severely and constantly.

Advice!A doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, but if nits are found, treatment should be started immediately. Especially when it comes to children.

Lice: what to do if a child becomes infected?

  • isolate the child. Stop classes in kindergarten or school;
  • inform teachers and educators about the presence of the disease and the parents of children with whom the child had contact;
  • start treatment;
  • After this, check the members of the entire family so that insects can be removed from everyone at once.

If lice are noticed in the classroom, teachers should immediately:

  • inform the school principal and medical staff;
  • inform the parents of children in the class.

You should not hide information, as lice is a dangerous and rapidly spreading disease. If lice are found on the hair of one child in one class, there is no guarantee that it will not be found in others. Schoolchildren and children in the kindergarten are in close contact not only with each other within a group or in the same class, but the disease can also spread to neighboring schools. Depending on the scale of the disease, the school may even be quarantined and closed for processing.

To protect against the appearance of insects, school health workers should take preventive measures, namely: conduct weekly examinations of students’ heads during periods of exacerbation of the disease, and conduct conversations with children.

Advice! Explanatory conversations should be held with the child about the exchange of clothes, pillows in kindergarten, and the need to use only personal hygiene products.

Advice!After completion of treatment, you should change your bed linen, hat and towel.

Anti-lice products safe for children

Currently, there are many remedies for lice:

  • Shampoos. Shampoos such as LiceGuard, Hygia, NOC are suitable for children. And Pedilin and Medilis should not be used, as they are highly toxic and can cause side effects.
  • Crema. For children, you can use such products as: Nyx ​​and Nittifor. The second cream is used only for children over five years of age.

Advice! You should carefully study the instructions for use, age restrictions and possible side effects. Women should use chemicals with extreme caution during pregnancy and when treating children.

  • Scallops. They can be used as a primary means or as an additional one. They should comb their hair thoroughly. The procedure is carried out several times a day for at least 5 days in a row. One of the modern combs is AntiV.
  • Spray. Today, the only safe means for removing lice is Nyuda.

Procedure for removing lice from a child

Initially, you should protect the child from others by temporarily stopping attending classes in clubs or school.

Lice removal is carried out using an integrated approach. Apply the product to your head in the proportions indicated in the instructions, leave right time and rinse with water. After the product has been washed off, take a comb and comb thoroughly. This processing needs to be done several times.

Important! Under no circumstances should highly toxic drugs or agents be used in the treatment of children or during pregnancy.

For the best effect, before combing out nits, you should wet your head with a solution of citric or acetic acid. This weakens the tenacity of nits. But it is important to make the solution correctly so as not to burn your hair and scalp.

Lice and animals

Pigs are susceptible to pediculosis. Even though it seems harmless, it is not. When pigs or piglets have lice, they begin to experience discomfort, eat poorly and, accordingly, lose weight. This leads to a halt in the development of the animal and if treatment is not started in a timely manner, it may lead to the inability to compensate for this.

The procedure gives the grunting “kids” pleasure. Combing lice out of piglets does not always bring the desired results, then other measures should be resorted to.

Advice! Before “tormenting” piglets with various means, you should carefully examine them and make sure that they really have lice or nits, since due to their characteristics, these animals really like to scratch their sides.

Chicken pox is an acute infectious disease, the degree of infection of which is extremely high. Chickenpox in adults is rare because most of us had it as children.

If chickenpox penetrates into an organized group, it spreads like wildfire. If you come into contact with someone who is sick, you have a 99% chance of becoming infected and becoming a carrier of the infection 48 hours before early symptoms appear.

The causative agent of the disease is a virus belonging to the herpes group. As is the case with children, chickenpox in adults is transmitted by airborne droplets.

This means that you can become infected simply by entering an elevator after someone who is susceptible to the disease. Be prepared for the fact that in adults the malaise manifests itself to a greater extent.

The average incubation period for chickenpox is 14 days. The greatest likelihood of contracting an infection occurs in winter and spring.

Chickenpox does not always affect an adult organism - it depends on the strength of the immune system. If you do become infected with this infection, look for the cause in a weakened immune system.

People who have undergone major surgery or undergone radiation and chemotherapy are at risk. During the period of hormonal changes in the body, adolescents can become infected with chickenpox.

You can also catch the disease from a person affected by herpes zoster, since the two diseases are based on the same provocateurs.

The older the patient, the more complex the nature of the disease, and the more extensive the clinical picture. Therefore, if you become infected with chickenpox, begin treatment immediately.


Symptoms of the disease appear clearly, but not instantly. The first signs of illness are felt approximately 30 hours before the rash appears. In addition, the patient is faced with:

  • headache;
  • low-grade fever;
  • aches in muscles and joints;
  • general weakness.

Soon the brain begins to swell, and the peripheral nervous system is also involved in the process. Secondary symptoms occur - convulsive twitching and photophobia. Soon, chickenpox enters its decisive stage - skin rashes. In adults, the following symptoms begin to be observed:

With weak immunity, adults may develop:

  • sepsis;
  • abscesses;
  • fasciitis;
  • phlegmon;
  • necrotic disease.

When faced with the listed symptoms, begin treatment immediately, because chickenpox can develop into a dangerous pathology.

During pregnancy

If the infection affects the body of a pregnant woman, the disease poses a double danger.

The infectious process affects not only the health of the mother - it can affect the fetus, which is much worse. In some cases, the fetus dies or its gestation is spontaneously interrupted.

Among the congenital abnormalities accompanying the course of chickenpox, the following are sometimes found:

  • mental (physical) retardation;
  • pathologies of the visual apparatus.

However, chickenpox poses a threat only in the first months of pregnancy.

Complications and consequences

Doctors state that chickenpox in adults is fraught with a number of bad consequences. The herpes virus gradually penetrates the internal organs, causing disruption in the functioning of the endocrine and immune systems. Over time, complications in adults flare up in the following areas:

  1. Respiratory system (pneumonia, laryngitis, tracheitis).
  2. Nerve nodes (encephalitis, meningitis, cyst and swelling of the brain, cerebellar ataxia, skeletal muscle paralysis, polyradiculoneuritis). If chickenpox affects the central nervous system, death in adults can occur within 24 hours.
  3. Cardiovascular system (thrombophlebitis, arteritis, myocarditis, excessive thrombus formation, hemorrhagic syndrome).
  4. Musculoskeletal department (synovitis, fasciitis, myositis).
  5. Other systemic lesions (liver abscesses, hepatitis, nephritis).

Even after chickenpox treatment is successfully completed, the patient recovers for a long time, feeling motor stiffness. Occasionally, renal and hepatic pathologies of a chronic nature develop.


In adults, therapy is symptomatic. The first step is to call a doctor, make a diagnosis and develop a therapeutic strategy.

Treatment is often carried out on an outpatient basis - the patient is issued a sick leave note and assigned to bed rest.

In addition, a number of special procedures, drinking plenty of fluids, a dairy diet, and using antihistamines are provided.

If the itching becomes unbearable, the patient is prescribed sodium bicarbonate (5 percent solution) and talc, which is based on menthol. Sodium solution can be bought for 37 rubles, talc - for 290-300.

The blisters should never be scratched - this can lead to the introduction of a subcutaneous infection into the body. Which, in turn, is fraught with additional suppuration, and in the future - the formation of scars and small scars.

Antihistamines will have the desired effect:

  • diazolin (27-110 rubles);
  • suprastin (120-130 rubles);
  • tavegil (150-170 rubles).

Skin rashes are also lubricated with ordinary brilliant green, which helps dry the wounds faster.


Treatment folk remedies also brings some relief to the patient who is affected by chickenpox.

  • Herbal infusion. Ingredients: lemon balm, basil, calendula, chamomile flowers (one tablespoon at a time, mix everything). The mixture is poured with boiling water (1 glass), wrapped tightly and infused for half an hour. Then the broth must be filtered. Use: half a glass every 3 hours.
  • Parsley decoction. Take chopped parsley leaves (1 tablespoon) and pour in a standard volume of boiling water (a glass). Infusion lasts a quarter of an hour (in a warm place). The next stage is straining. The drug is consumed warm every 4 hours (a quarter glass).
  • Lemon juice. Freshly squeezed lemon (juice) is mixed with honey in equal proportions. The resulting mass should be consumed after meals (serving - 1 teaspoon).

Relief from itching

The main problem with the rashes accompanying chickenpox is the unbearable itching, which prevents the patient from concentrating on anything other than his suffering.

“Windy” itching sometimes drives the patient into a complete frenzy, provoking neurosis, insomnia and a wide range of nervous disorders. There are three ways to relieve itching.

  1. Calm your nerves. For this, the patient is prescribed sedatives based on natural extracts (valerian, motherwort, Novopassit). Occasionally tranquilizers are used. The drug “Phenibut” (90-140 rubles), as well as “Phenazepam” (70-80 rubles) has a hypnotic and at the same time calming effect.
  2. Relieve swelling and inflammation. Antihistamines, which we wrote about above, help here.
  3. Relieve itching with external medications. Here all kinds of gels and creams will come in handy: “Viferon” (138-161 rubles), “Infagel” (83-340 rubles), “Irikar” (320-340 rubles).


The most important thing you need to know is that the chickenpox vaccination is given to everyone, regardless of age. Give yourself this injection and forget about all future problems. First, the doctor will send you for a blood test to find out if you had this infection in early childhood.

If the test result is negative, get ready for the first vaccination, and confirm the result after a month. Vaccination is an ideal means of preventing chickenpox.