Is a colonoscopy procedure painful without anesthesia? Colonoscopy without anesthesia. Who will not be able to perform the procedure without anesthesia?

Good afternoon dear Irecomend users!

Today I am writing a review on a non-standard and even somewhat sensitive topic.

The fact is that a couple of days ago I had to undergo a procedure with a scary name colonoscopy. Having read reviews on the Internet about all the horrors of this process, I frayed my nerves, preparing for something truly terrible. However, in reality everything turned out completely differently.

And, first things first:

What is a colonoscopy?

First, let's turn to Wikipedia for, so to speak, the official interpretation

Colonoscopy is a medical endoscopic diagnostic method, during which the doctor examines and evaluates the condition of the inner surface of the colon using an endoscope. Colonoscopy makes it possible to visually diagnose diseases such as ulcer formation, polyps, etc., as well as perform a biopsy and remove these lesions. and remove these lesions.

What is this in simple terms?

This is nothing more than an examination of your intestines through the anus using a long thin tube - an endoscope. h sounds scary, doesn't it?

There can be many indications for this procedure - pain, discomfort in the intestines, bloating, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, upcoming operations, etc. But it is important that the procedure is prescribed by a doctor!

Preparing for a colonoscopy:

As you might have guessed, before this procedure it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the intestines so that there are no obstacles in the path of the endoscope and the examination is as accurate and reliable as possible. I repeat, It is very important to prepare thoroughly for the study!! If you are poorly prepared, the doctor has the right to stop the process as soon as it has begun! Thus, all your efforts will be in vain, and the diagnosis will be delayed!

So, the preparation itself:

Most effective way- preparation with a prodrug called FORTRANS. Total you need 4 bag. Each sachet is diluted in a liter of water(nothing tricky, everything according to the instructions)

You cannot eat on the eve of the test, but you can drink any liquids without restriction, except dairy products.

If you are booked before 12:00, then you need to drink Fortrans from about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, drinking all 4 sachets for the rest of the day.

If your “execution” is scheduled for the afternoon, then you prepare from 5 o’clock, drinking 2-3 liters in the evening, and the remaining 1-2 liters the next day until 9-10 am.

My impressions and advice from preparation:

  1. It’s better to sign up for the afternoon, but not too late (14-16 hours). This will make it easier for you to drink the required amount of Fortrans, dividing it into two days
  2. Before you start taking Fortrans, you can drink any liquids except milk. According to my feelings, weak sweet tea best dulled hunger and gave energy. Various juices and compotes did not bring such a feeling of saturation.
  3. The taste of fortrans: unpleasant, but drinkable. As already written here, it resembles soda with sugar. The main thing is to understand that first of all YOU need this, it’s FOR YOUR HEALTH. I drank it through a straw, slightly biting the lemon after each glass.
  4. After 1 liter you will most likely begin to feel nauseous. To avoid this, try not to drink the drug in one gulp. Sip this wonderful drink slowly while watching your favorite TV series. This will make the process much easier.
  5. IT IS IMPORTANT TO DRINK A SUFFICIENT QUANTITY OF THE DRUG. On the Internet they write that you need to drink it at the rate of 1 packet per 20 kg of weight. Based on this, for my weight - 50 kg - I should have drunk only 2.5 liters. But! Not quality training may lead to the impossibility of conducting the study! So if you feel like you can drink more, drink! Don't stop at 2-2.5 liters!
  6. The cleansing itself is quite gentle and painless.
  7. The intestines will be sufficiently cleansed when only yellow water comes out of you (sorry for the details, but how can you do without it)

And now the highlight of the program, what we have gathered here for - the procedure itself

I had a colonoscopy without anesthesia!

Let's also point by point:

General tips:


If you are reading this review for general development, I sincerely wish you never have indications for this procedure. If you have a colonoscopy in the near future, I wish you the right attitude and good luck! Do not be afraid! After all, as they say, the devil is not as scary as he is painted;)

Is it actually painful to have a colonoscopy? This procedure may cause some discomfort, but in most cases it is done without anesthesia. However, sometimes the patient may be prescribed anesthesia. Colonoscopy is a diagnostic technique with which the doctor evaluates the condition of the entire internal cavity of a person’s large and rectal intestines. A diagnosis is carried out by a coloproctologist in order to detect various abnormalities in the internal organ, for example, damage to its mucous membrane, as well as the presence of tumor or ulcerative neoplasms.

This procedure is prescribed for those people who have complaints regarding the functioning of digestive system. These include prolonged constipation, pain in the abdominal area, bloody issues from the rectum and sudden loss of body weight.

Colonoscopic examination of the intestine allows not only to examine its walls, but also to take a sample of pathological tissue (biopsy) for further laboratory research, and also, if necessary, carry out urgent therapeutic treatment. In addition, the procedure can be carried out to monitor the processes of restoration of the internal organ in patients who have undergone surgery and evaluate its effectiveness.

General characteristics of the diagnostic technique

A colonoscopy of the intestine is performed using a special medical device called a colonoscope. Such a device is a fairly long and flexible endoscopic probe. At one end there is an optical eyepiece equipped with a small video camera and LEDs that perform the illumination function. Using a video camera, an image of the rectal cavity is transmitted to the monitor, which allows the specialist to view all its sections.

In addition, the colonoscope also consists of a hollow tube designed to supply a stream of air into the intestines and small forceps (collecting a tissue sample). Air is necessary in order to straighten the walls of the organ and thereby ensure the movement of the probe. Using the device’s camera, you can take not only video, but also photographs of a particular area of ​​the rectum. In this case, the image displayed on the monitor screen is enlarged, which allows the doctor to examine the walls of the internal organ and their mucous membrane in more detail.

Colonoscopy is an indispensable procedure that allows you to detect the presence of various pathologies of the large intestine. Since it can be used to perform many manipulations, this examination is preferable to other diagnostic methods.

What information does the procedure provide?

The main capabilities of endoscopic examination are as follows:

  • Visual inspection in real time of the internal cavity of the organ. Also, using an endoscopic probe, a coloproctologist can assess the state of his motor skills (motor activity);
  • The colonoscope displays an enlarged image on the screen, which allows the specialist to see even the smallest changes in the structure of the intestinal walls and the development of any neoplasms. These include polyps, fissures, diverticula, ulcers, hemorrhoids, foreign objects and tumors;
  • During the procedure, it is possible to use a jet of air to expand the narrowed area of ​​the organ due to the occurrence of tissue scarring. In addition, it becomes possible to clarify the diameter of the intestinal lumen;
  • if small polyps or benign tumor formations are detected, their removal can be carried out immediately during the examination of the patient, as a result of which surgery is simply not required;
  • the ability to determine the main cause of intestinal bleeding and eliminate it using a thermocoagulation method (exposing the damaged area of ​​the wall to high temperatures);
  • an endoscopic probe is capable of removing a foreign object or performing a biopsy of pathological tissue;
  • the possibility of obtaining photographs of one or another section of the intestine.

Based on this, colonoscopic examination is the most informative among other similar methods for diagnosing diseases of the intestinal tract. This procedure is performed in many medical institutions, so it is also publicly available. As a preventative measure, experts recommend having a colonoscopy at least once every 5 years for those people over 40 years of age. This will allow you to monitor possible changes in the cavity of the internal organ.

Indications and contraindications

The rectum must be examined with a colonoscope if:

  • a person complains of constant discomfort and pain in the abdominal area;
  • there is a disruption of the digestive tract, which manifests itself in the form of constipation or diarrhea;
  • the patient loses weight without obvious reasons;
  • the presence of discharge from the cavity of the rectum (mucus, blood, pus), a foreign object and persistent subfebrile body temperature (from 37 to 38 °C);
  • development of benign neoplasms or polyps.

A person is also prescribed a colonoscopy if the doctor suspects pathologies such as Crohn's disease, intestinal obstruction, cancer and ulcerative colitis.

However, like most instrumental procedures, colonoscopic examination has contraindications in certain pathological conditions of the patient and this is due to the fact that its implementation in some cases can cause serious harm to the patient’s health. Therefore, the diagnostic technique is not performed if:

  • any acute infectious diseases develop in the human body, which are accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature and intoxication;
  • spontaneous decrease in performance blood pressure subject;
  • The presence of diseases affecting the cardiovascular system. These include myocardial infarction, heart failure, etc.;
  • The course of a disease such as peritonitis (inflammation of the visceral and parietal layers of the peritoneum), and perforation of the large intestine (violation of the structural integrity of one or another part of the internal organ, resulting in the formation of a through hole in its wall);
  • Development of acute inflammatory processes that occur with ulcerative colitis;
  • Pregnancy;
  • The presence of diverticulitis (the formation of foci of inflammation in the rectal cavity), pulmonary insufficiency, inguinal or umbilical hernia and diseases that provoke bleeding disorders.

If the patient has at least one of the above conditions, colonoscopy is not recommended and is therefore replaced by alternative diagnostic examinations, which include: irrigoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Preparation for the diagnostic procedure

In order for the endoscopic examination to proceed without complications, the patient must be prepared in advance. This preparation involves the use of slag-free dietary nutrition and special manipulations that ensure cleansing of the intestinal tract from feces.

The diet is prescribed 2 or 3 days before the colonoscopy. Its purpose is to thoroughly cleanse the human digestive tract of toxins and feces, which, when using an optical probe, will impede its further progress. The diet consists of the following products:

  • boiled lean meat, such as chicken, fish or beef, and broths based on them;
  • wheat bread;
  • fermented milk drinks (yogurt, yoghurt and kefir);
  • dry cookies.

In this case, you should exclude the following from your daily diet:

  • any vegetables and fruits;
  • legumes, berries and nuts;
  • any carbonated drinks, especially those with artificial colors;
  • fatty and fried fish, meat and products made from them;
  • black bread;
  • all kinds of cereals (for example, millet, pearl barley, oatmeal) and pasta;
  • coffee and milk drinks.

Such foods are difficult to digest and cause excessive gas formation in the intestinal tract. The last meal is taken 20 hours before the conoscopy. After this, during the day before the actual endoscopic examination, you are not allowed to consume any foods, but only the usual still water or weakly brewed tea.

Further preparatory measures include cleansing the large intestine. To perform this task, the patient is prescribed an enema or special laxative medications. The enema must be done 2 times both the day before and before the colonoscopy, with a 60-minute break between rinsing. To clean the intestinal tract, use 0.5 liters of warm distilled water. Typically this cleaning is done in the evening and morning.

Most people prefer to do intestinal lavage with laxatives, since in this case the cleaning becomes better and does not cause discomfort. These medications should be taken 24 hours before a colonoscopy. One of the common laxative medications is Fortans (a powder that dissolves in water and is intended for internal use).

How is the procedure performed?

The process of performing a colonoscopic examination of the rectum is simple and consists of the following steps:

  • Initially, the patient lies on his left side on the medical couch and presses his knees to his stomach;
  • After this, the coloproctologist treats the inserted part of the colonoscope with a disinfectant and carefully inserts its end into the intestinal lumen. If the subject has increased sensitivity for such manipulation or the use of anesthesia is indicated, then it is first administered intramuscularly to the patient. If there are no such problems, then colonoscopy is performed without anesthesia;
  • Then the doctor slowly advances the endoscopic probe and delivers an air stream to straighten the walls of the internal organ.

The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes, but if during the examination any pathologies are discovered in the patient, it can be carried out longer.

When prescribing a method for examining the colon, the patient has a question about whether it is painful to do a colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is one of the most effective methods Colonoproctology. According to the description, this procedure is not very attractive, which is why this question arises, but the more truthful, scientific and understandable information is received, the better the patient will understand the essence of the procedure, and the less fear he will experience in front of it.

Colonoscopy is an endoscopic method for examining the colon, from rectum to cecum, which allows in a few minutes, usually 10-15, to give a complete picture of the condition and existing pathologies of this organ. The procedure is carried out using a colonoscope - a device consisting of a long hose, a backlight, an eyepiece, a small nozzle that supplies air, a device for collecting material for subsequent research, and a mini-camera capable of taking photos and videos.

Colonoscopy is an endoscopic method for examining the colon, which allows us to give a complete picture of the condition and existing pathologies of this organ.

The patient is placed on his left side, with his knees brought to his stomach. The colonoscope is carefully inserted by the endoscopist into the rectal area. The colonoscope moves very slowly through the intestine, examining its walls, moderately supplying air to smooth out existing folds of the mucous membrane. It is this moment that causes the greatest discomfort and discomfort, even painful. Information is displayed on the monitor and, if necessary, recorded or photographs taken.

Is it worth doing pain relief?

Even after receiving complete information Many patients still have doubts about the procedure and the method of its implementation, whether it is worth performing anesthesia or not.

In what cases is a colonoscopy painful, and doctors still resort to pain relief, and sometimes to the procedure under anesthesia? The following cases of colonoscopy under local or general anesthesia are possible:

  • when inserting a colonoscope, most patients do not experience pronounced pain, and if pain does occur, the doctor lubricates the anus with anesthetic ointments, and after a few minutes the procedure continues;
  • if the patient has destructive processes;
  • the presence of adhesions in the abdominal cavity;
  • during the procedure in children.

There are no nerve endings as such in the intestines, so pain in its usual manifestation is unlikely. An unpleasant sensation of pressure occurs when the air flow increases to smooth out the folds of the mucous membrane or when the colonoscope passes intestinal bends. But with the usual threshold of sensitivity, they are tolerable, and what is important here is the patient’s positive attitude, trust in the doctor performing the procedure, and the absence of fear, which causes muscle spasms that interfere with the procedure and contribute to the occurrence of additional unpleasant sensations.

Carrying out a colonoscopy procedure under anesthesia is not encouraged by doctors; it is always more effective to deal with an awake patient who reacts to what is happening and talks about his feelings and concerns. In this case, the doctor is also able to respond adequately, trying to reduce the discomfort as much as possible. It is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations, for example, if you have the urge to defecate, the doctor will advise you to breathe deeply. Sometimes it may be necessary for the patient to turn onto their back and return to the starting position on their side. When complaining about painful sensations from stretching the mucous membrane under air pressure, the doctor will reduce the air flow.

Thus, with productive cooperation, it is possible to carry out the procedure as quickly as possible with the least discomfort without the use of anesthesia.

Colonoscopy is the most informative method for diagnosing colon tumors, including benign and malignant tumors. For the purpose of early diagnosis of these diseases, it is recommended for all people over 40 years old once every 4-5 years. If complaints arise, such as discharge of pus, mucus or (colon), abdominal pain, stool disorders of various types, a colonoscopy is prescribed immediately. There may be other indications for its use: diagnosis or even suspicion of the presence of any disease of the colon that arose during sigmoidoscopy or irrigoscopy. During a colonoscopy, you can clarify the diagnosis, photograph the formation, and, if necessary, remove it, take material for a biopsy, remove foreign body, stop the bleeding.

This method is also indispensable when monitoring patients after treatment. A colonoscopy is prescribed if polyps are present.

Contraindications to the procedure

Contraindications to colonoscopy are:

  • inflammatory processes, occurring in the body;
  • infectious diseases;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • heart and pulmonary failure;
  • severe forms of ischemic and ulcerative colitis.

Before the procedure, you must notify your doctor about any existing chronic diseases and medications you are taking. Sometimes it may be necessary general analysis blood in order to see the whole picture of the patient’s condition even more clearly and to make the procedure as safe as possible for the patient.

Preparing for a colonoscopy

Proper preparation for the colonoscopy procedure helps to obtain the most effective results in a minimum period of time, while significantly reducing all unpleasant sensations and discomfort.

Preparation is primarily aimed at freeing the intestines from fecal matter. Their presence in the lumen of the colon interferes with the examination of the mucous membrane and prevents the correct diagnosis. To cleanse the intestines it is recommended:

  • 1-2 days before the procedure, adhere to: exclude foods from the diet plant origin– fruits, vegetables, legumes, potatoes, as well as black bread, you can eat boiled meat, eggs, liquid cereals, fish, cheese and butter;
  • the day before, consume only liquid foods, for example, broths, and drinks - tea, juices, water;
  • at the same time you should take 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil;
  • after stool in the evening, do 2 enemas with water at room temperature, with a volume of at least 1.5 liters each; in the morning the procedure must be repeated 1 or 2 times, depending on the condition of the intestines.

You can facilitate the procedure of cleansing the intestines by turning to the use of special drugs that promote more thorough cleansing of the intestines: Lavacol, Fleet,. In this case, you do not have to resort to taking laxatives or cleansing enemas.

What to do after the study and possible complications

After the colonoscopy procedure, the patient can return to his normal lifestyle.

If you still feel bloated from an excess of gases, you can take several tablets of activated carbon crushed and mixed in a small amount of water at the rate of 2 tablets per 10-15 kg of weight.

Colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the loops of the large intestine and rectum; the procedure is not considered pleasant. There are a lot of conflicting opinions on this topic online, but not a single negative review is worth being so afraid of the process that you refuse and neglect your health for the sake of your own cowardice. To assess what an intestinal “execution” is and how dangerous it is, it is useful to refer to the comments of people who have undergone it:

Alena K., 21 years old, Syktyvkar: “When the doctor inserted the probe, it hurt a little, then there was a feeling of slight tickling. There were tingling sensations periodically - perhaps at this time the probe was pressing into me from the inside. Would I recommend doing it? If the doctor prescribed it, definitely Yes.”

Boris E. 49 years old, Armavir: “It turned out to be more painful than expected. Mostly, probably, when the doctor pumped air into me from the inside. There was a feeling of strong distension and for a moment it seemed that I was about to burst. In general, the procedure is tolerable. If you need to go through, then refusing is cowardice and lack of self-love.”

Alexey I., 38 years old, Moscow: “The feeling is not pleasant, but not catastrophic. Basically, it was unpleasant when the hose was just passing into you. It’s probably my own fault – I shouldn’t have squeezed so hard. I advise those who will pass through to relax, although it is not easy. If they prescribe more, I’ll ask you to do it under anesthesia.”

The comments clearly demonstrate: the people who responded share different indications in their perceptions, but are similar in one thing - if you need to do it, it is better to endure this uncomfortable study, so that later you do not feel annoyed for the missed opportunity to treat the disease on time.

It is known from medical and non-medical sources that the mentioned endoscopic examination involves inserting a flexible (soft silicone) probe with specialized equipment at the end into a person. Insertion is supposed to be into the anus (anus), an intimate place, which means that a number of psychological experiences are associated: a fundamental reluctance to show a hidden area of ​​the body, embarrassment, shame for possible natural discharge or odors, dilemmas of a psychosexual nature (homophobia). In addition to the emotional block, those preparing to undergo a colonoscopy face the task of overcoming the pain threshold. What causes the pain? “The culprits of pain” are divided into two categories – those that depend on the subject and those that occur independently.

Dependent causes include a person’s behavior during the study. In this circumstance, the psychological component plays a negative role. Excessive constraint, inability to fully relax, defensive body movements - the probe rests on the walls of the rectum or clings to the villi of the skin of the anus, creating pain. It is possible to avoid worries with the right approach.

High-quality preparation plays an important role in the successful completion of a colonoscopy. Insufficient cleaning of the loops of the colon and rectum leads to uneven accumulation of fecal residues in the lumens. A passing probe can get stuck in the contents and give inaccurate results in further diagnostics, and if the mass is too hard, it can slip off and cause microtrauma to the intestinal walls. To avoid such troubles, you must strictly follow your doctor’s recommendations when choosing a diet before the procedure.

Causes of pain independent of the individual include pain that occurs directly during the test. To accurately examine the condition of the walls of the large intestine, the doctor is forced to artificially dilate the organ - this is done by blowing air. The jets expand the intestinal lumen, forcibly stretching it - the reaction of the organ is quite painful, the patient involuntarily feels it. The main task of the helping nurse is to prevent sudden movements in the patient, otherwise there is a risk of sudden intestinal injury. Pain may occur during direct collection of cell samples (biopsy) during the procedure. Incoming pain syndromes must be taken into account by the diagnosing medical professional, otherwise they can result in a severe painful shock.

Anesthesia: yes or no?

To eliminate unwanted consequences as much as possible, people are offered to perform the procedure under general or local anesthesia. The patient decides individually whether to undergo the procedure without anesthesia or to use it. There are no unanimous opinions.

General anesthesia is an artificial inhibition of the central nervous system with a subsequently reversible effect. The person is put into artificial sleep, a decrease in basic reflex activity is noted, loss of consciousness and amnesia occur during the period of falling asleep.

Local anesthesia is a local shutdown of individual nerve branches; through the technique, a complete absence of sensory sensations is achieved, but the patient is always fully conscious and is able to remember current events. Anesthesia is divided into subtypes:

  • Epidural, or spinal, where the main nerve branch exiting the spinal column is blocked. The anesthesia method is widely used during colonoscopy; it allows you to partially shut down the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Local anesthesia is an injection into the tissue surrounding the painful area. Mainly used in dentistry, plastic surgery and traumatology.
  • Superficial anesthesia is a type of anesthesia where an anesthetic substance is applied to the surface of the skin. This type is found in gastroscopy - the substance is applied to the probe or directly to the anus before inserting the probe. It is done if a person suffers from increased pain sensitivity.

An experienced endoscopist must advise the patient about the types of anesthesia and together select the appropriate option.

Complications after colonoscopy

The process of internal invasive examination of the colon and rectum is safely equated to a simple surgical intervention. And any intervention is fraught with short-term or total complications.

Short-term complications

This category includes simple consequences that occur immediately after taking the biomaterial, usually lasting from one to two hours to three to four days. Mainly, painful sensations at the test site or along the intestinal loops.

It may be painful to pinch in the area of ​​the anus during defecation; sometimes patients feel seething in the lower abdomen and attribute it to the consequences of the study. This is partly true, but usually the seething is a consequence of a long forced fast, which is necessary for the preparation for endoscopic examination to be complete.

Complications of moderate severity

More complex consequences include reflex reactions of the intestines to interventions. In the latter case, diarrhea or the opposite phenomenon – constipation – are possible. Syndromes occur if a person, immediately after the procedure, suddenly “pounces on food”, trying to quickly satisfy his annoying hunger and drown out the hunger headaches that people suffer from. A sudden filling of the gastrointestinal tract with food masses leads to numerous spasms of the walls and provokes short-term disturbances in the functioning of organs. It is important to eat small portions and drink enough liquid to properly digest food.

Severe complications

The last component is severe forms of consequences. This conditionally refers to physical and chemical disorders. In the first case, we are talking about injuries received during colonoscopy: internal microcuts caused during biopsy sampling and aggravating ones - perforations of the intestinal walls. Chemical options may include allergic reactions that occur to the anesthesia drug. The degree of their action ranges from simple rashes on the skin to severe delayed anaphylactic shock. Therefore, patients who have completed the study are recommended to remain in the clinic for observation - the last two categories of complications, if the situation is handled incorrectly, often lead to death.

During a medical examination, almost every third patient is diagnosed with abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive system. If the patient complains of pain in the abdomen and anorectal area, persistent constipation, bleeding from the rectum, he experiences weight loss, unfavorable blood counts ( low hemoglobin, high ESR), then an experienced doctor - coloproctologist will definitely prescribe colonoscopy examination of the intestines.

Colonoscopy is modern method instrumental research used for diagnosis pathological conditions colon and rectum. This procedure is carried out using a special device - a colonoscope, and allows you to visually assess the condition of the large intestine along its entire length (about 2 meters) in a matter of minutes.

A colonoscope is a flexible long probe, the end of which is equipped with a special illuminated eyepiece and a miniature video camera capable of transmitting an image to a monitor. The kit includes a tube for supplying air to the intestine and forceps intended for biopsy (sampling of histological material). Using a video camera, the device is capable of photographing those areas of the intestine through which the probe passes and displaying an enlarged image on the monitor screen.

This allows a specialist, a coloproctologist, to examine the intestinal mucosa in detail and see the smallest pathological changes. Colonoscopy is indispensable for timely detection and this procedure has many possibilities, which is why specialists prefer this study to other diagnostic methods.

Colonoscopy options

What opportunities does examination with a colonoscope provide?

The above possibilities make the colonoscopy procedure the most informative diagnostic method. It is performed in many public and private medical institutions. According to the recommendation of the WHO (World Health Organization), as a preventative measure, it is advisable for every patient over 40 to undergo a colonoscopy once every five years. If a person comes to the doctor with characteristic complaints, a study is prescribed without fail. What are the indications for this procedure?

Colonoscopy examination of the intestines is prescribed in the following cases:

In addition, a colonoscopy is performed in case of suspicion of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and the presence of malignant tumors. The examination will help identify manifestations of diseases (ulceration of the mucous membrane), and if a tumor is detected, take a piece of tissue for a biopsy.

Contraindications to the examination

There are conditions in which colonoscopy is not advisable, as the procedure can lead to serious complications. Colonoscopy is not done in the following cases:

In such conditions, the risk to the patient’s health during the procedure is too high, so colonoscopy is replaced by other, alternative examination methods.

How to prepare for the procedure?

In order for the procedure to proceed without difficulties and complications, preliminary preparation is necessary. Preparation for intestinal colonoscopy includes two important points:

  1. following a slag-free diet,
  2. high-quality intestinal cleansing.

Diet before intestinal colonoscopy (correct menu)

It is clear that the procedure requires thorough and complete cleaning of the digestive tract. This is necessary in order to free the intestinal walls from toxins and remove feces, which will create obstacles during the advancement of the diagnostic probe. Preparatory activities should begin 2-3 days before the procedure. In this case, you do not need to fast, you just need to follow the doctor’s instructions and adhere to a special diet.

The following should be excluded from the diet:

All these products are difficult to digest or cause excessive gas formation in the intestines.

  • Wheat bread made from wholemeal flour
  • Lean boiled meat (beef, poultry) or fish
  • Diet broths
  • Dry biscuits (biscuits)
  • Fermented milk drinks (kefir, yogurt, natural yogurt)

On the eve of the procedure, the last meal is allowed no later than 12:00. You can then drink liquids (water, tea) throughout the day. The last meal should be 20 hours before the start of the examination. On the day of the examination, it is forbidden to eat food; you can only drink weak tea or drinking water.

Further preparation for colonoscopy of the intestines involves cleansing the intestines. To do this, you can use one of two methods:

Cleansing with an enema

To ensure high-quality preparation, on the eve of the procedure and twice immediately before the examination.

The day before, it is better to cleanse the intestines in the evening, at intervals of one hour, for example at 20.00 and 21.00. For a cleansing enema, use 1.5 liters of distilled warm water. That is, in the evening, 3 liters of liquid are introduced into the intestines and washed until “clean” water comes out. In the morning, the intestines are also cleaned with an enema twice, with an interval of one hour. To facilitate cleansing, you can use mild laxatives or castor oil the day before the procedures.

Cleansing with modern drugs

In many cases, it is quite difficult to independently perform high-quality bowel cleansing with enemas, and sometimes very painful, especially for inflamed hemorrhoids. Special medications that facilitate and stimulate bowel movements come to the rescue. They should be taken one day before the procedure. Colon cleansing before colonoscopy can be done with the drug Fortance, which was created specifically for preparation for diagnostic studies.

The dosage of Fortanza will be individually calculated by the doctor, based on the patient’s body weight. The calculation is made from the ratio: one sachet per 20 kg of weight. So, if a patient weighs 80 kg, then to carry out a complete cleansing of the intestines, he needs 4 sachets of Fortrans. For one package you need to take one liter of warm boiled water. Thus dissolve all 4 packets. You should start taking the solution two hours after your last meal.

The entire prepared solution must be drunk, but this does not mean that you need to take 4 liters of solution at a time. It is recommended to pour the liquid with the dissolved drug into a glass and drink it in small sips, with breaks of 10-20 minutes. Thus, taking breaks between glasses with the solution, you should drink the entire volume of liquid in about 2-4 hours. It turns out that the intake rate will be approximately one hour per liter of solution.

If you cannot drink the entire volume of liquid, because due to the not entirely pleasant taste, you may experience vomiting reflex, then you can divide it and drink 2 liters in the evening and another two liters in the morning. To make it easier to take, doctors advise drinking the solution in small sips, without holding it in your mouth so as not to feel the taste. You can take a sip immediately after taking another glass. lemon juice or suck a piece of lemon, this will eliminate nausea.

After the last dose of Fortrans, defecation may continue for another 2-3 hours. Therefore, the time of use should be calculated correctly, and if you finish the remainder of the drug in the morning, then the last glass of the solution should be drunk 3-4 hours before the start of the colonoscopy procedure. The drug Fortans is not absorbed into the bloodstream and is excreted unchanged, so there is no need to fear an overdose.

In some cases, when using Fortrans, adverse reactions occur in the form of flatulence, abdominal discomfort or allergic manifestations.

Another effective drug, which can be used to cleanse the intestines before a colonoscopy - Lavacol. It is applied in the same way. The difference is that the sachet with the drug must be dissolved in a glass (200 ml) of boiled water. For complete cleansing, you need to drink 3 liters of solution, one glass every 20 minutes. This drug is easier to tolerate and has a salty taste, so these side effects, as nausea and vomiting occur rarely. Recommended reception hours are from 14.00 to 19.00. Some abdominal discomfort may occur after the first doses of the drug.

These products are designed specifically for preparation for endoscopic examinations; they clean the intestines efficiently and gently, causing the patient a minimum of inconvenience.

How is the colonoscopy procedure performed?

The procedure technique is simple. We will tell you about the main nuances so that the patient can imagine how an intestinal colonoscopy is performed.

Thus, the large intestine is visually examined throughout its entire length. If no serious pathologies are detected, the procedure takes about 15 minutes; diagnostic or therapeutic actions may require more time.

If a biopsy is necessary, local anesthetics are injected through a special channel of the endoscopic device, then a small piece of tissue is cut off and removed with special forceps.

During a colonoscopy, polyps or small benign formations can be removed by using a special loop to grab the growths at the base, cut them off and remove them from the intestine.

How painful is the procedure?

Many patients are concerned about the pain of the upcoming procedures. Before starting the procedure, the doctor must explain how an intestinal colonoscopy is performed and resolve the issue of pain relief. In many specialized clinics, the procedure is performed without anesthesia, since the manipulation usually does not cause severe pain.

The patient may feel some discomfort when pumping air to straighten the folds of the large intestine or when the diagnostic probe passes through some anatomical bends of the intestine. These moments are usually easily tolerated; doctors recommend listening to your body and if severe pain occurs, immediately inform the specialist performing the manipulation. This will help avoid complications such as damage to the intestinal wall. Sometimes during the procedure there may be a urge to defecate; at such moments, doctors recommend breathing correctly and deeply.

In special cases, when the patient has adhesive disease or acute inflammatory processes in the rectum, severe pain is possible during the procedure. In such a situation, a colonoscopy of the intestine is performed under anesthesia. Usually the anesthesia is short-term, since the procedure itself does not take more than 30 minutes.

There are several alternative research methods, these are:

But this procedure is still in many ways inferior to classical colonoscopy. It does not allow identifying pathological formations whose size is less than 10 mm. Therefore, in many cases, such an examination is preliminary and after it a classic colonoscopy procedure is necessary.

After the procedure: possible complications

During the examination, air is pumped into the intestinal cavity. When the procedure is completed, it is removed by suctioning with a colonoscope. But in some cases, an unpleasant feeling of discomfort and bloating remains. To eliminate these sensations, the patient is recommended to drink Activated carbon, which is pre-dissolved in a glass of water. The patient is allowed to eat and drink immediately after the examination.

The procedure must be carried out in a specialized institution, by a competent and experienced specialist. If the manipulation is carried out according to all the rules, then this method is completely harmless and does not entail adverse consequences. However, as with any medical intervention, there is a risk of complications:

  • Perforation of the intestinal walls. It is observed in approximately 1% of cases and most often occurs as a result of ulceration of the mucous membrane or purulent processes in the intestinal walls. In such cases, urgent surgical intervention, aimed at restoring the integrity of the damaged area.
  • Bleeding in the intestines. This complication is quite rare and can occur both during and after the procedure. Eliminated by cauterization or injection of adrenaline.
  • Abdominal pain after the procedure. Most often they appear after removal of polyps and are eliminated with analgesics.

The patient should urgently consult a doctor if, after the colonoscopy procedure, he has a fever, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, or weakness. If complications develop, loss of consciousness, bleeding from the rectum or bloody diarrhea may occur. All these manifestations require immediate medical care. But such complications are rare; usually the procedure is successful and does not entail adverse consequences.

Colonoscopy is recommended for regular colonoscopy for people over 50 years of age. This allows colorectal cancer to be detected early stages development and gives a chance to defeat the disease.


The cost of examining the intestines using colonoscopy in Moscow depends on several factors: the level of the clinic or diagnostic center, equipment with modern equipment and the qualifications of endoscopists.

The average price for the procedure is in the range of 4500-7500 rubles. In some elite clinics, the cost of an examination can reach up to 18,000 rubles. If anesthesia is used, the procedure will be more expensive. In general, the price of the examination is quite reasonable and affordable for any patient.