How much does a Great Dane weigh? Great Dane - characteristics of the breed. Health and illness

Few people know that The ancestors of Great Danes were Tibetan dogs, which shepherds used to guard livestock.

From its ancestors, the Great Dane inherited its large size, character and protective abilities.

The breed is divided into several types, differing in size, color and purpose.

In contact with


Breed varieties

There are seven varieties of Great Danes. Interesting fact: During the Soviet era, only the Great Dane breed was widespread. It was most popular service dog. After perestroika, other varieties of Great Danes began to be imported to Russia. For the first time, Russian dog lovers were able to see such representatives of the breed as, for example, the Brazilian and English Great Danes.

German dog

Belongs to the largest dog breeds. It was developed in 1871 in Germany. Representatives of this species are endowed with a graceful physique, long limbs and tall stature. (up to 90 cm at the withers). Their coat is smooth and can be of completely different colors - from black and white to blue.

Great Danes look like real aristocrats, and they behave accordingly. Despite their menacing appearance and size, these dogs are kind, active and sociable.

French Dogue

French Dogues (Bordeaux) are strikingly different in appearance from their German counterparts. They have large noses, folds on the muzzle and near the eyes, and medium-sized floppy ears. The body is dense, the paws are massive. The color can be brown or red. The coat is short and smooth.

Representatives of this species are very friendly creatures, can't stand loneliness, in the absence of the owner, they often feel stress and melancholy. French Danes are leaders, accustomed to dominating other animals. If you don't train your dog, it can feel like the master of your house.

Dogo Argentino

This variety was bred in the Argentine city of Cordoba. Initially it was used for hunting big game, later it was used for search and rescue work and police service. Some dog breeders used Dogo Argentinos in dog fights, which subsequently ruined the reputation of these dogs.

These are very smart and quick-witted dogs. With proper upbringing and training, Dogo Argentinos can become excellent protectors and home guards.

Tibetan mastiff

This type of breed is shrouded in secrets and riddles.

Some are sure that real Tibetan Great Danes became extinct several centuries ago, others claim that this species was continued in the breed Tibetan mastiff. Dogs of this breed have a massive build and thick hair, like their ancestors. Besides external characteristics they inherited high intelligence and courage.

Dogo Brasil

This species has an innate instinct to protect its owner and guard the territory. For a long time, Dogo Brasileiros have been used for hunting, guarding livestock, and even to chase runaway slaves. Security functions are in their blood.

Early socialization and training make Great Danes good companions. At heart, these giants are real good-natured people, devoted to their owner, but at the same time they do not lose their innate qualities.

Dogo Canario

The ancestors of the Dogo Canario are fighting dogs, who lived on the Spanish islands in the third century BC. This breed arose naturally without artificial crossing, which is why it is highly valued and is of particular interest to dog breeders.

In the past, Dogo Canarios were used for hunting and as home protectors. They are very strong, massive and stubborn. The owners will have to try hard to instill obedience in them.

Great Dane

These giants were heroes of dog fights and military campaigns in the past. Nowadays, Great Danes are considered excellent companions. They are easy get along with people, children and other pets. The most important thing is to start teaching your pet commands and order in a timely manner.

Description of the breed

The main external feature of the Great Dane is its large dimensions and massiveness.

  • Height can reach up to 90 cm at the withers.
  • Weight – up to 90 kg.
  • External characteristics: elongated muzzle, shape depends on the breed type. The nose is wide and has large nostrils. Almond shaped eyes. The tail is of medium length, the coat of most varieties is short and smooth.
  • Various colors: brindle, black, blue, marbled, fawn, red, brown.
  • Body type depends on the type of breed. For example, the Great Dane has a toned body with a pronounced arch of the abdomen, while the Dogo Argentino has a denser and more massive build.


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Dog character

Great Danes are distinguished by their loyalty, calmness, patience and sociability. These are confident dogs that can sometimes be stubborn and uncontrollable. That's why it's easy for them training required and classes with a dog handler.

The breed is suitable for those who are willing to spend a lot of time with their pet and exercise it regularly. Keeping a Great Dane in a small apartment is quite problematic. He needs a lot of free space.

Dogs like the Great Dane permanent physical exercise to maintain shape. Walking on fresh air are an essential condition for keeping this breed.

Many dog ​​breeders are not afraid to introduce Great Danes to their children, since they do not show aggression towards them. However, due to their large size, interactions between Great Danes and small children should be kept under close control. As for getting along with other pets, in this case a lot depends on socialization.

The sooner a Great Dane gets to know all the animals in the house, the faster he will make friends with them. It is worth knowing that sometimes dogs of this breed can take a dominant position in relation to other pets.

Reactions to strangers can vary. It depends on the upbringing and degree of socialization of the dog. Dogs of this breed can be wary of passers-by and guests, or they can be completely indifferent.

Those who want to own a Great Dane should know that they are not very clean. One of the features of this breed is profuse salivation.

Is a dog dangerous?

The breed is included in the rating the most dangerous and aggressive dogs. If we remember the past of representatives of this breed, then the desire to protect their territory and show dominant qualities is in their blood.

Great Danes were used in hunting to chase prey, they were used to hunt runaway slaves, and they were even kept on the battlefield. The dogs took part in dog fights and were initially known as one of the most aggressive breeds.

However, early socialization, the right approach, constant exercise and training make Great Danes more flexible, restrained and good-natured. The more a dog is surrounded by people, the less it shows its innate instincts of a hunter and warrior. Numerous reviews from owners indicate that Great Danes are absolutely harmless creatures, sensitive and vulnerable.

The Great Dane has been familiar to everyone since childhood. This giant dog has become a symbol of dignity and aristocracy - it’s not for nothing that famous people became owners of Great Danes.

Height at withers: males minimum 80 cm, females minimum 72 cm
Weight: 45-90 kg


  • Pale yellow. Shades of yellow, from light sand to bright red-gold without white markings and shades of brown, white, gray or blue. A black mask on the face is desirable.
  • Brindle. The main color is shades of fawn, and scattered throughout it are vertical stripes of black. There should be no white markings, but a black mask on the face is welcome.
  • Marble. The main color is white, and torn spots of black are “scattered” throughout it. The color “gray marble” (black spots on a gray background) is acceptable, but is undesirable, as are brown or gray spots.
  • Black color. A peculiar symbol of the breed, because many people imagine Great Danes in black. There may be white spots on the chest and paws. The black color also includes the coat color, when the fur on the head and body is black, and on the chest, belly, paws, tail, neck - White color. It turns out that the dog seems to be “dressed” in a black cloak.
  • Platten is a color belonging to the black group. The base is white, and rounded black spots are scattered across it.
  • Blue. Gray-blue color with a hint of steel. There may be white spots on the chest and paws. There are no black or fawn shades on blue coats.

General form

  • The coat is short, close-lying, pleasant to the touch, smooth, and shiny.
  • According to the format, the body fits into a square - this is important for males; in females, elongation is allowed.
  • The head is large, harmonious, clearly defined to the smallest detail.
  • The muzzle is not sharp, with a pronounced upper lip.
  • The lips are dark in color; in the merle color, flesh-colored or spotted are allowed.
  • The nose is black, but the color also depends on the color of the dog: marbled Great Danes have a spotted or flesh-colored nose, while blue Great Danes have anthracite (“wet asphalt”) nose.
  • The eyes are expressive, intelligent, medium-sized, almond-shaped.
    The darker the eye color, the better; amber is undesirable. Marbled Great Danes may have eyes that are different colors or lighter than those of other colored dogs.
  • The ears are hanging, set high and, hanging down, adjacent to the cheeks with the lower edge. In Russia, ears are still cropped.
  • The tail tapers to the tip and is long (reaches the hock joint). When in motion or in a state of excitement, the dog carries a saber-shaped tail at or slightly above the level of the back.

History of the breed

According to one version, the ancestors of the Great Dane, asian fighting dogs, came to Europe along with the nomadic tribes of Asia. By crossing with local dogs, they gave rise to the formation of the breed. The second legend says that this giant appeared thanks to the crossing old english bulldog and hunting boar dogs.

Over time, the branches of producers split and gave different types dogs. One medium-sized type was intended for hunting predators such as bears and wolves. The second type - huge dogs with remarkable strength, were intended for protection. At the same time, the term “Great Dane” used to mean any large and strong dog.

The blood of greyhounds was later added to the second type of dog to make it lighter and more agile. This is how the dogs appeared, which in 1878 received the name “Great Dane”.
The first standard and description of the breed appeared at a dog show in 1880, and 8 years later the first club of breed lovers was organized.

Over time, the exterior standard has changed and been supplemented. Germany has been and remains the main center for the development and improvement of Great Danes: the best breed lines are represented there.

Previously, representatives of the breed were used as service dogs, today they are companions and family friends.

Interesting fact: twice representatives of the Great Dane breed became the largest dogs in the world - they were Giant George and Zeus. These males reached a height of 110 cm and 111 cm, respectively. So far no one has outgrown them.

Behavior and temperament

The Great Dane is an amazing dog. He inspires respect and demonstrates authority, but inside he is a devoted friend and a meek neat guy who rarely loses his temper. If necessary, he will protect his family members until his last breath, but he is a peace-loving dog and does not seek adventure.

  • friendly;
  • devoted;
  • balanced and reasonable;
  • good security guard;
  • obedient;
  • fearless;
  • not aggressive.

Surprisingly, the owners of Great Danes and those who have dealt with them do not note any disadvantages of this breed of dog in behavior and character with proper training.

A representative of the breed is a faithful companion, nanny for children and a vigilant protector. In a word, general purpose dog. He is suitable as a pet for both a large family and a single person.

This calm dog who behaves with dignity. But a physically weak person should not get such a dog - Great Danes are strong, and during play, not feeling their size, they can drop a person.

A well-mannered dog is patient and caring with children. These qualities are innate, but if desired, they can be developed through persistent training.

The German gets along easily with other pets, but you should not keep him in the same territory as a dominant male, otherwise a showdown cannot be avoided.

Choosing a nickname

The Great Dane is the king among dogs, even a child knows or intuitively guesses this. Therefore, the name of such a dog should be beautiful, proud, and powerful.

Nicknames for males: Caesar, Grand, Gift, Zeus, Neptune, Duke.
Nicknames for bitches: Hera, Athena, Astra, Juno, Selene, Glory.

Despite its size, the Great Dane feels great in a city apartment. He loves soft beds, and if you don't provide him with one, he will take over the sofa or bed. This dog doesn't require much space. He is not annoying and can lie in one place for a long time.

In an apartment, dogs are phlegmatic, but outside they love to run and play, so long and interesting walks are needed. The level of load is selected depending on age: puppies and young dogs should not jump or run a lot, as Great Danes are prone to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. You need to walk with an adult Great Dane 2-3 times a day, one of the walks must last at least an hour. In cold weather, dress your dog in warm overalls.

It is important to feed your Great Dane with small portions of balanced food with a high protein content or super premium food. Include lean meat and fish, cut into small pieces, in your menu. An adult dog is given no more than 800 gr raw meat. Be sure to give your dog vegetables and fruits, except potatoes, pumpkins, and legumes. Don't forget about sour milk.

To avoid joint problems, it is important to give puppies vitamins and chondroprotectors, as well as follow the right balance calcium in the body.
Dogs should not be overfed or given pasta, bread, or porridge to avoid digestive problems.

There are no problems with short and smooth hair: 1-2 times a week Clean the dog with a rubber glove brush and wipe with a damp cloth. Nails are trimmed as needed, teeth are brushed 1-2 times a week. Monitor the condition of your eyes and ears: remove excess discharge with cotton or gauze swabs.

Education and training

Great Danes are smart and quick-witted, so teaching them proper social behavior and commands is easy. It is important to start training from puppyhood, because it is difficult to subdue an adult dog. The German can be a little stubborn, but the patience and perseverance of the owner will definitely overcome difficulties. You should not physically punish or treat your dog harshly.

To keep your dog from getting bored, practice and learn new commands. While walking, play ball, go to the forest - but limit young dogs in activity due to joint problems.

Health and life expectancy

Great Danes live on average 6-12 years, while they mature only at 2.5 years. This breed is prone to the following diseases:

  • bloating;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteodystrophy;
  • eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts);
  • hypothyroidism;
  • dermatitis;
  • demodicosis;
  • deafness.

How much does it cost and where to buy

The Great Dane is not a cheap dog. The National Breed Club is registered in Russia, and you can buy a puppy through it.

Puppy price: 40-70 thousand rubles.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of dogs of the Great Dane breed.


The giant, who exudes calm and nobility, is often called the largest indoor dog. He received this nickname for his “golden” character, kind heart and warm affection for his owner. No matter what happens, the Great Dane is majestically reserved, looks like an elegant statue, and even in an excited state never shows anxiety or nervousness. Characteristics of the Great Dane breed will help you understand whether it is difficult to keep a canine giant.

An impressive Great Dane with “immodest” dimensions is often purchased for status. However, like any Living being, he needs love and communication. The dog forever “clings to” his own family, shows love, and in protecting it, without hesitation, he will sacrifice his life. He is a true friend and nanny to young children. Reviews from owners about the Great Dane indicate that he will make an excellent companion dog, unless you are afraid of the significant financial costs of maintaining him.

Great Dane: characteristics of the breed

The official history of this genus is connected with Germany. Thanks to the pedantic Germans, the unified breed standards are spelled out with great care and specificity.

  • Weight . For males it is 55-90 kg. Females weigh on average from 45 to 60 kg.
  • Height . According to standard minimum dimensions an adult Great Dane is 80 cm, height at the withers of females is 72 cm. There is no upper height threshold.
  • Color. Black (completely or with white spots), brindle, blue (steel), fawn, marbled.
  • Lifespan. The dog is not a long-livers. Great Danes live for about eight years. At this age they are complete old men. Dogs that have crossed the 10-13 year mark are very rare.
  • Character . Distinctive features- good nature, friendliness, tenderness, devotion, unconditional obedience. Moderately smart, playful, careful, sensitive dog. Great Danes are not noisy, they don’t get hysterical, and they don’t suffer from mood swings.
  • Intelligence. They are classified as dogs of average intelligence. They quickly become toilet trained. Great Dane training ensures basic commands are followed. According to the canine intelligence scale compiled by Canadian psychology professor Stanley Coren, the Great Dane and the Boxer share 48th place out of 133.
  • Security and guard potential. They are not characterized by aggression and malice; the “weapons” of Great Danes are their impressive size, stern appearance, and strength. In case of a threat, your pet will defend itself, showing courage and energy.

Cases of a Great Dane attacking a person are quite rare. Usually the dog first knocks the opponent down and holds him until the owner appears. They don't bark a lot, but they make good watchdogs. Enraged dogs are dangerous.

By temperament, these dogs are somewhat phlegmatic - like many large breeds, Great Danes like to lie in one position, which is fraught with calluses and even bedsores. Therefore, owners must constantly stir up their giant pet, force him to move and change position, and give him massages.

Origin story

Since ancient times, already in the 14th century, references to the Great Dane breed begin. At that time, dogs did not have this name, but were called differently in each country. There is no consensus about their appearance on the territory of Europe, but most dog handlers believe that this happened due to the fact that sailors brought dogs of this breed to the continent from distant islands.

Much water has passed under the bridge since then, and the Great Dane dog acquired its current appearance only in 1880, when the breed was officially recognized. After that, until today, the breed standard has undergone some changes. As a result of long and painstaking selection work, a modern dog was bred, which has many admirers all over the world.

Description of the Great Dane breed

The Great Dane is one of the largest, or rather tall, breeds. Most of us know that this dog is quite impressive in appearance, and not everyone would dare to calmly pass by without fearing for their health. And in vain, because behind the stern and unyielding appearance lies an angelic soul.

This giant, with a harmonious body composition, corresponds to the following characteristic:

  1. The height of a male is 80-90 cm, the average height of a female is 75 cm.
  2. Dogs can weigh up to 90 kg.
  3. A female has an elongated body, while a male’s body should have square proportions.
  4. The head is large, flattened on the sides, well filled. The transition from forehead to nose is clearly defined.
  5. The dog has 42 teeth, with a scissor bite, like most breeds.
  6. The nose is black, except for the marbled dog.
  7. The eyes are dark, lively, intelligent. In harlequins, lightening is allowed, and in blue Great Danes, mixed eyes are allowed.
  8. The ears are large, drooping if not cropped; set high.
  9. The dog's neck maintains a vertical shape when standing and is slightly tilted forward when actively moving. The neck muscles are developed, which gives it a powerful appearance.
  10. The description of the breed states that the dog's back should be straight, slightly bent at the tail.
  11. The tail is of medium length, slightly raised when moving, but not curled.
  12. Front and hind legs smooth, very powerful.
  13. The coat is short, lies close to the skin, and is subject to light shedding.

Important! Surely, you will be surprised when you find out that the Great Dane grows and develops up to 20-24 months. This is much longer than most dog breeds.

Great Dane training

Many people will find it strange that it is extremely rare to meet a Great Dane owner with a pet on training grounds. Yes, these dogs have natural intelligence, but this does not exempt them from training and socialization. The owner of a puppy of this breed should take into account that an uncontrollable giant strong dog will create more significant problems than a poorly trained Yorkshire Terrier.

If the puppy ends up with an inexperienced dog breeder, then it is worth attending professional training classes, and the presence of the owner is mandatory. This will allow you to find the right approach to your pet, and the dog will learn to listen to the owner. Training will require a lot of patience; any manifestations of cruelty are prohibited. Physical methods can cause the dog to be overly fearful or aggressive.

The Great Dane can be influenced by voice, since purebred representatives are very sensitive to intonation changes. You can start training a Great Dane puppy at 2 months of age. First of all, the baby must learn a set of mandatory commands, and this happens quite quickly. A few days are enough for the pet to understand what is required of him, and he will diligently do everything, trying to please the owner. After this, you can proceed to more complex commands. Important to use various ways encouragement – ​​treats, praise and approving glances can encourage your pet to learn.

Despite the assurances of some breeders that the Great Dane feels good in a city apartment due to its calm nature and moderate need for physical activity, most experts still recommend getting such a dog only for those who live in a private house with a fenced area. The fact is that it is better to share living space with such a large “neighbor” where there are enough square meters for all family members.

In addition, people living on the floor below are unlikely to be happy with the sounds of heavy footsteps overhead. But the dog won’t particularly bother the residents of the adjacent courtyards, because Great Danes are not one of the tiresome “idlers” and bark extremely rarely. At the same time, keeping an enclosure is impossible, the dog does not tolerate too high or low temperatures, and constant human company guarantees it psychological comfort.

The fur of representatives of this breed is very short, and shedding is moderate, so to care for it, it is enough to comb out dead hairs once a week with a special massage mitt or a soft-bristled brush, and in spring and autumn, do this procedure two to three times more often. For bathing, use veterinary shampoo and do not overdo it - washing after each walk is not just an unnecessary measure, it will have a bad effect on the pet’s immunity due to the destruction of the natural protective barrier in the form of a fatty film.

From puppyhood, accustom your Great Dane to hygiene procedures. Taking into account the size of the animal, it is almost impossible to hold it in place by force when trimming its claws, and if the process becomes habitual, no difficulties will be felt. Regular brushing of teeth with a specialized paste prevents the appearance of bad breath, the formation of tartar and, from a global perspective, the need for dental treatment. Inspecting and cleaning the ears will help you avoid local infections or notice their occurrence in time. If plaque occurs, increased secretion of sulfur, or a foreign odor from the ear canal, immediately contact a doctor who will make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. The same goes for the eyes.

For the normal formation of the body during the period of growth and maintenance of health in adulthood, it is necessary proper nutrition, which is easiest to provide with the help of high-quality feed from trusted manufacturers and vitamin and mineral supplements. Natural food should include lean meat (chicken, beef, rabbit) at the rate of 600-800 g per day per adult dog, cereals and vegetables. Sweets, baked goods, pork, smoked meats and any leftovers from the human table are strictly contraindicated. Saving can cost you your pet's life, so before purchasing a puppy, weigh the costs against your financial capabilities.

We must not forget that Great Danes have a slow metabolism, so physical activity immediately after feeding can lead to volvulus. There should be at least 30 minutes between eating and walking.

Great Dane colors

The breed standard allows the following color options:

  1. Pale yellow. A range of shades from golden yellow to rich brown. The muzzle can be painted in one dark color.
  2. Brindle. Black stripes stand out on the fawn color.
  3. Marble. Also called Harlequin. The color is white with small black spots.
  4. Black. Allows one or more white spots on the chest or feet.
  5. Blue. Light gray color, with few white spots possible.

By international standards No deviation from color is allowed.

Who Shouldn't Own a Great Dane

  • for those living in small-sized housing - the status of the tallest dog in the world implies sufficient space for sleeping and movement. Residents of the north can only have a Great Dane in a spacious apartment, while residents of the south are better off giving him a well-appointed enclosure in the yard;
  • for those who have little time, a Great Dane will have to undergo a mandatory course of general training, but a well-bred dog requires regular exercise: you need to walk with him for at least an hour a day;
  • for vulnerable people - the death of a pet is a great stress for any owner, but we all want this unpleasant moment to come as late as possible. Alas, Great Danes are very short-lived: the normal life expectancy of these dogs does not exceed 6-10 years.

Who should own a Great Dane?

  • wealthy people who care about their image - the aristocracy of this breed speaks for itself. A well-mannered Great Dane, no matter what he does - walking, protecting or simply lying by the fireplace - will become a decoration of the house and an indicator of the high status of the family;
  • people who need protection - most service breeds require strict management; to work with a Great Dane on the training ground, an instructor and self-discipline are enough - success is guaranteed.

The Great Dane is recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest dog breed in the world. The record holder is a dog named Zeus: his height at the withers was 111.8 cm and his weight was 70.3 kg. Before him, the record holder was an equally impressive Great Dane named Giant George, his height was only 1.8 cm less and his weight was 111 kg. At the same time, it should be noted that this height exceeds the requirements of the standard, therefore such dogs should be considered as overdeveloped and you should not specifically strive to breed such giants

Advantages and disadvantages

Dogs of this breed want to please their owner in every possible way. They experience real happiness when they are caressed, they love to bask in a chair or on the sofa. Great Danes are poorly aware of their strength; during a game or a joyful meeting with family members they can easily knock them down.

Before choosing a Great Dane puppy, weigh the breed's advantages and disadvantages, summarized in the following table.

Table - Pros and cons of the Great Dane breed

In addition to the fact that the Great Dane puppy itself is not cheap, you need to be prepared for unplanned expenses. The impressive weight and size of a dog are often a source of trouble: the animal can even inadvertently damage property by knocking over interior items and decor.


The Great Dane dog breed differs in constitution - there are individuals that are more massive and more elegant. But they are divided into varieties according to color. The breed is bred in five color groups, described in the table.

Table - Types by color

Color What does it look like
Black - “Coal” whole body;
- lacquered black with white spots;
- “cloak” effect (as if a white dog was covered with a black blanket or cloak)
Blue - Light gray tones;
- blue-steel;
- without yellowness;
- white markings on paws and chest are acceptable
Marble - Snow-white with black, clearly defined, torn spots;
- brown, gray spots, as well as an off-white base are acceptable;
- drawing without specks
Pale yellow - Sandy;
- pale gold;
- intense red;
- red gold color;
- black mask is welcome;
- specks and light spots are undesirable
brindle - Basic - all shades of red;
- contrasting vertical tiger stripes (black);
- white spotting is unacceptable

The Great Dane has a beautiful elegant silhouette. It harmoniously combines strength, power and grace. He is a real handsome man with a height of 80-90 cm.

To buy or not

According to the standards adopted in Germany in 1888, ears were cropped, which was due to the real need to protect them from injury during hunting. Since the dog's modern purpose is to be a companion, cosmetic circumcision has lost its relevance. Moreover, from January 1, 1993, it started working in Europe new standard, and a ban on docking came into force, providing for punishment and fines.

In Russia, this issue is a subject of controversy and disagreement. In our country, docking continues to be valued, but in competitions both categories of participants compete on an equal footing. One way or another, the decision on surgical correction is made by the owner, after consulting with a veterinarian. An acceptable age for this is two to three and a half months: then the shortening procedure is less painful and healing is faster. The main thing is that the operation does not overlap with vaccination.

According to veterinarians, uncropped ears are more reliably protected from dust, insects, and dirt getting into them, and are less susceptible to otitis (contrary to popular belief). Every year in the country there is a growing army of adherents of non-interference in the “nature” of the animal, preserving soft, velvet “burdock” ears for their pets. And in order not to spoil them with creases, do not stroke the puppies on the head.

How to choose a puppy

Tips for choosing a Great Dane do not differ from the general recommendations for purebred dogs: only responsible breeders, renowned nurseries and full set medical documents that indicate the normal state of health of the baby and his parents. During a personal visit, observe the puppy’s behavior and establish contact with him. Pay attention to the living conditions of the animals.

How much does a Great Dane cost?

The strict show standards of Great Danes make many puppies from a litter a "breeding failure." This does not in any way affect the dog’s life in a loving family, because we are talking about the nuances of color, set of ears and tail, paw arch and similar details. The cost of such pets is on average $300. If the price is significantly lower, it is highly likely that we are not talking about a purebred animal.

Promising Great Danes, which can make a career and be used for breeding, are much more expensive. If you have ambitious plans for purchasing a dog, be prepared to pay at least $1,000 for a puppy.

Great Dane is modern version a breed that looked completely different some time ago. This is a very ancient breed, and over the entire period of its keeping in artificial conditions it has shown itself to be very good.

This breed is ideal for those who have not previously kept dogs at home. If you find it difficult to decide on your future pet due to a lack of knowledge about their contents, choose a Great Dane, and you won’t go wrong.

Great Dane: photo, character

The main character traits of the Great Dane that clearly describe this breed are: big, kind and loyal.

A distinctive feature of the Great Dane breed is its calm nature. It may even seem that by the type of nervous system they are phlegmatic. However, in case of danger, not a trace remains of this type of character, and it immediately turns into a formidable and ferocious dog. Great Danes do an excellent job of guarding the house and the people living in it. But this dog can be used not only as a watchman. It is also perfect for those who are looking for a friend and companion. In this case, you will not be disappointed, because you can go play with him or take a walk in the park.


A special place in the maintenance of the Great Dane is occupied by education, which needs to be done from puppyhood. If you are not ready to spend enough time on an English or American Dane, then it is better to give up on her and get a cat. Regardless of the breed, the dog requires appropriate training. It is wrong to think that you can do the same with a Great Dane as with a dachshund. Still, this animal has more impressive size and strength, so if it does not obey you well, it will be fraught with big troubles for you.

Before you get a Great Dane, English or American Dane, know that this very slobbery animal. Therefore, if your pet wants to caress and even lick you, be prepared for the fact that you will have to take a shower afterwards. You may have difficulties with the Great Dane's coat, which gets dirty very quickly.

Great Dane puppies never sit still and love to play. They are also curious, so they will try to get to the farthest corners of your house. If the puppy finds even a small loophole, he will definitely try to find out what’s inside. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your apartment will be a mess, but you are unlikely to be able to do anything about it. All you have to do is be patient and wait for your pet to grow up. Over time he will become calmer.

Adult dogs differ little from English or American Great Dane puppies and love active games. And to make it convenient for you to do this, it is advisable to go for walks in places where there is enough space so that you can let your pet run around without a leash. It is advisable to choose as deserted places as possible, otherwise you may encounter a lot of trouble. It’s good if your dog will only scare a random passerby. The situation will be much more unpleasant if a fight occurs between your dog and someone else’s dog, which dies. In this case, you will have to deal with its owner.

Although dogs of this breed do not show aggression without good reason, like the English and American Great Danes, if they are angered, they will respond to an attack with dignity.

Great Danes easily establish friendly contact with children, they can even try on the role of their guardian and caring parent. And your child will be happy to be in such company. However, you need to be very attentive to your pet if your child is too young. We should not rule out the possibility that the dog could inadvertently injure the baby, since this is a fairly large animal. Although Great Danes have different personalities, they behave warily when a stranger approaches. But one should not be surprised at this, because they are ingrained in them from birth. guard qualities.

You should not refuse to purchase a Great Dane puppy just because you already have other pets. There will be no problems with this, because the Great Dane will become a good neighbor for your other four-legged and feathered inhabitants. But you will avoid many problems if you immediately take at a young age Great Dane puppy and cat. Although it won’t be a problem if there is a big age difference between them.

Having finally decided for yourself that you will have a Great Dane puppy at home, you immediately need to prepare to care for him. First of all to you you will need a special brush for brushing a dog. Your pet will create problems for you already during the first molt: although at this time the amount of fur shed is small, but this happens throughout the year. To maintain your pet's coat in good condition, you can use:

  • brush;
  • a special glove that you can purchase at your nearest pet store.

You need to be especially careful when bathing your Great Dane: this is often not recommended, otherwise the dog may develop skin diseases and lose a significant part of its coat. If you feel that a subtle odor is coming from your dog, it is advisable to completely avoid bathing, and instead wash it using special dry shampoos. Don't forget about claws that need to be trimmed regularly.


You need to be very careful when choosing food for your Great Dane puppy. At this age, the dog’s body especially needs calcium. A feature of physiology is that these animals grow very quickly and their limbs elongate. Therefore, the body must have enough calcium, otherwise deviations in the development of joints may occur. Also you should monitor the condition of the Great Dane's ears and eyes. At the first sign of inflammation, you should immediately see a veterinarian.

  • it is advisable to trim them in such a way that after cutting the claws do not touch the ground;
  • It is important to correctly determine the location of the claw cut so as not to injure sensitive areas.

At first glance, Great Danes look very slender, but they are big eaters, and if you do not plan their menu correctly, this can lead to the problem of excess weight. There are cases where overeating caused the death of dogs of this breed. This is not the case with Great Dane puppies, so you should be attentive to your pet once he is old enough.

During the growth period, puppies of this breed start to gain weight much faster how their ligaments and muscles develop.

  • therefore, to avoid problems, refuse to play active games;
  • Before going for a walk, it is recommended to bandage your dog’s paws with an elastic bandage, thereby reducing the risk of injury to the joints.

But paying attention only to the appearance and stomach of the animal is not enough. Also, you should not forget about his upbringing. By nature, Great Danes are very noisy and curious animals. Therefore, to prevent them from causing you big problems, start raising them when they are puppies. After a couple of years, not a trace will remain of the noise, and then you will see a dog that will unquestioningly carry out all your orders.


If you are thinking about getting a Great Dane puppy, know that this is a big step and you need to be aware of the responsibility you are taking on. The Great Dane is one of those dog breeds that absolutely needs to be given enough attention. Keep in mind that these dogs pose a potential threat to others, therefore, if their behavior is not controlled, your pet can bring you a lot of trouble.

Therefore, from childhood, you need to teach him to obey his owner. In principle, if you are ready for this and are able to allocate the necessary time, then you will not have problems with this. Not only you yourself, but also your household members will be satisfied with the choice you make. After all, this dog will not only become very attached to you, but also behave well towards other animals that live in your house.

Great Danes

Height at withers



From time immemorial, powerful and graceful rain dogs walk through life side by side with humans. Breed name in different countries sounds different. In her homeland, her standard name is Great Dane. In Italy and some English-speaking countries, the term “alano” - “mastiff” - is still used to refer to it. In Denmark the breed is called the Great Dane.

The name “Big Dane” is often heard. The thing is that for a long period this breed was very widespread in Denmark; the breed standard adopted there in 1866 was the first. Great Danes, then still “Danish”, were built rather crudely compared to modern ones; the body and muzzle were wider. Later, it was the Danish version that served to correct the breed.

Description of the dog's appearance

The Great Dane combines power and grace in its appearance at the same time. It's not just big, it's a giant dog that somehow manages to look elegant. These Molossians have pronounced sexual dimorphism (males are noticeably different from females).

The harmonious proportions of the body make it possible to use the Great Dane as a watchman, bodyguard, shepherd and hunter. They are also wonderful as a friend, companion, and even a nanny for children.

Breed standard

Back in 1880, when drawing up the first official breed standard, they wrote about the Great Dane’s body: “Built like a beautiful horse,” “the golden mean and balance between two extremes” (meaning, between a hound and a mastiff). Since then appearance of these Molossians has not changed significantly.

Photo: billy mol

According to the current breed standard No. 235/20.12.2012/EN, the Great Dane is a large dog with a clear, almost square body contour.

Head chiseled, long, narrow.

Muzzle rectangular and deep, with dark lips (may be lighter in marbled individuals). Lobe nose usually black (except for marbled specimens), wide, with large nostrils.

Eyes small, round, dark. Blue and marbled dogs may have lighter colors (the latter may have different eyes).

Ears set high, medium size, hanging. The front part should be close to the cheeks.
For centuries, Great Danes' ears were cropped to avoid lacerations and other injuries during service. But the cartilage tissue of different representatives of the same breed is not the same - some are stronger, some are weaker.

  • To position your ears correctly and beautifully, you had to go a long way:
    assess what kind of ears and how they are positioned on the puppy’s parents in order to at least know approximately what to expect (even well-cropped ears may not stand up if the ear is soft);
  • find a good veterinarian who is a “doctor” (great Danes’ ears are cropped differently than other breeds);
  • treat wounds for a long time and “glue” ears for a beautiful stand.

Now there is no such need for docking. In developed countries (including the official homeland of the Great Dane - Germany), ear cropping of puppies born after January 1, 1993 is prohibited. At European competitions and exhibitions, dogs with cropped ears are not allowed to participate. The only exceptions are medical indications for such an operation.

Great Dane with fixed ears. Photo: Kimberly Brown-Azzarello

Neck long, muscular, beautifully curved.

Back elastic, with a slight slope back. Croup And small of the back wide.

Breast wide and deep, stomach pulled up.

Limbs muscular, long, strong. Paws“feline” - curved and rounded.

Tail strong, saber-shaped (wide at the base, tapering towards the end).

Wool short, smooth, shiny, without undercoat.

Movements The Great Dane is precise, graceful and measured.


According to the standard, Great Danes are divided into 3 groups based on coat color: fawn brindle, black merle and blue.

The following colors belong to the fawn-brindle group:

  • fawn (from sandy, golden to red, without white markings; a dark mask on the face is desirable);
  • brindle (on a golden, sandy or red background, black markings-stripes, without white markings; a dark mask on the face is desirable).

The black marble group includes:

  • black;
  • raincoat - black background with local white markings;
  • platten - white background with rounded, clear markings;
  • marble (harlequin) - white background, black markings;
  • gray marble - gray (blue) background with black markings.

The blue group of Great Danes has colors ranging from blue (platinum) to steel gray.

Great Dane colors

Matings are carried out between individuals of the same color type. When mated incorrectly with mixing of groups, non-standard colors arise.

Great Dane height

Due to their gigantic size, representatives of the breed are considered the kings of the dog world. The normal height of the German Apollo is as follows: males - from 76 to 90 cm, females - from 71 to 84 cm at the withers.

The largest dog of all time was a blue Great Dane from Arizona named Giant George. His height was 110 cm, weight - 111 kg. The approximate food intake for a month exceeded 60 kg.

This breed is sometimes called the King's Great Dane. The term arose precisely because of the height and noble appearance of the dogs.

Great Dane height. Photo: Tundra Ice

Currently, according to domestic breeders, there is a tendency towards a decrease in the growth of these Molossians.

Dog weight

According to the standard, male dogs weigh from 54 to 90 kg, females - from 45 to 59 kg. This breed is not prone to obesity.

History of the breed

At the dawn of humanity, when our wild ancestors roamed the territory of Europe and Asia, no less wild mastiff-like dogs were already next to them.
The centuries-old history of cooperation between people and powerful, graceful Great Danes speaks of the universality of the Molosser. Hunting, protection, security - they can do it all.

There is information about persecution of mastiff dogs even against lions. Such hunts are evidenced by images on the walls of Ashurbanipal's palace, dated 669–630 BC.

There is an assumption that the breed originated “on the roof of the world”, in Tibet ( ancient images Tibetan mastiffs were found in Babylonian sanctuaries of the 12th century BC). From there, valuable dogs found their way to India, China, Mesopotamia and beyond. From the 4th century BC. V Ancient Greece Molossians were actively used attack dogs, originally taken as trophies after the victory over Xerxes.

Images of mastiff-like dogs are found in ancient Egyptian drawings from the time of Tutankhamun, on coins dating back to 36 BC. Archaeologists have found Tibetan writings from 1121 BC, where such dogs are mentioned. In the 19th volume of “Geoponics” - the Byzantine encyclopedia Agriculture X century - hunts with Molossians are well described.

IN Ancient Egypt They revered the dog so much that in the event of the death of the animal, all family members mourned: they shaved their heads and kept a fast.

It is believed that the ancestors of Great Danes are Bullenbeiser hunting dogs, a now extinct breed. According to another version, these were Tibetan and Asian shepherds with English hunting dogs. There are also opinions, including that the bulldog and wild boar dogs could not be avoided.

By the 16th century, in the houses and castles of nobles there were always mastiffs in gilded, inlaid precious stones and velvet collars, as an attribute of wealth and strength. Aristocrats were proud of their well-groomed Great Dane bodyguards.

In the 19th century, breeders made a selection, the result of which was the absence of aggressiveness in the descendants.

In 1878 in Berlin, a special committee of leading breeders and judges classified the existing variations of the breed as one breed: the Great Dane. In 1880, the first standard for this breed was adopted.

The favorite dog of the “iron” German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck was the Great Dane. They say he even took part in creating the breed standard.

The “great Dane” came to our country in the 19th century. In 1869, while traveling with his wife across Europe, Russian Emperor Alexander II saw Great Danes at an exhibition in Hamburg. Their strength and grace so impressed the august person that several dogs were immediately purchased for the imperial palace.

Great Dane character

Dogs of this breed are often called “gentle giants” - and this description is accurate. The temperament of Great Danes is phlegmatic; properly raised and sufficiently socialized dogs are not aggressors or leaders.

Photo: Valerie Everett

They do not respond well to provocations and avoid conflict situations. Thanks to their developed mental adaptability, they have excellent self-control and keep the situation under control.

Friends, have you seen the Great Dane?
If not, I’ll tell you a little about the Great Dane.
Talented, loyal and looks stern,
Doesn't bark in vain and isn't touchy,
Doesn't cowardly lick his master's foot -
He is friendly, does not serve slavishly,
He will die defending his native threshold,
He is the best gift to Adam from God...
Poet Elena Reznikova

The character greatly depends on the owner, on the methods of his upbringing. Great Danes usually have the following traits:

  • goodwill
  • sensitivity
  • sociability
  • nobility
  • tenderness
  • devotion
  • observation
  • courage
  • determination
  • patience
  • self confidence
  • gallantry

He is delicate, has an excellent memory and developed intuition. Affectionate and loyal with members of his family, he often ignores strangers. At the same time, he is able to “feel” bad intentions towards “his own” and take action. The Great Dane is a good watchman and an excellent defender. Makes non-standard decisions and does not abuse his advantages. He is noble in his actions: he warns, he would prefer to simply knock him down first.

Photo: Joshua Ganderson

The “Dog King” loves company, often follows his owner’s tail, and participates in all family affairs. He loves to lie on the couch with everyone and travel. Not a bark - he only gives voice when necessary. Usual behavior - majestic dignity And unfailing good nature.

Education and training

If you trust the owner, training a Great Dane puppy is not difficult. The main thing is to begin serious education no later than 5 months of age, before the onset of puberty. It should be remembered that dozhata grow quickly, but mature slowly. They become adults at about one and a half years.

Training begins with establishing rules of behavior. The animal is trained to be on a leash and to obey light commands. When raising a Great Dane, you cannot use rudeness, cruelty, or shouting. Only attention, patience, consistency and systematicity will make the baby an ideal Great Dane - obedient, attentive and smart.

Photo: crazy photographer

A strong desire to please, the ability to determine the owner’s mood by intonation and behavior make him a wonderful student. Often a firm “no” or a decrease in attention is enough to sober up an overplayed or stubborn pet.

Socialization is very important for this breed. It should start at 3-6 months. You cannot follow the dog's lead - you must ensure that the command is carried out if it is given. The owner must be in charge - the size of the dog does not allow otherwise. It is also necessary to strictly exclude manifestations of aggression if they occur in the puppy.

From childhood, they must be taught to walk nearby and not jump on people - a large dog cannot be restrained by muscle strength, only by obedience. Periodic reminders of the rules will help avoid mistakes in the future.

Adolescent Great Danes are playful and lively, but calm down with age. It should be taken into account that adult dogs are a little slow.

Great Dane's attitude towards children and other animals

The owners unanimously say that these dogs are loving and tolerant. They endure all children's pranks and quirks with indulgent patience. They will not offend the owner's, neighbors', or other people's children. The only thing to be wary of is leaving the giant alone with a very small child. No, the Great Dane won’t do any harm on purpose, but it can accidentally hit you or drop you due to its immodest size.

Photo: Heather Paul

These giants are very loyal to other pets. They can get along with almost any animal.
If a Great Dane arrives at the home of an existing animal, it does not show aggression or hostility towards the puppy and they do not have to share the owner - the animals will become friends and will treat each other well.

The modern Great Dane is considered a sissy - it loves warmth and does not tolerate both cold and heat. When choosing where to place the puppy, you need to take into account that places on the aisle, in a draft or near a radiator are contraindicated for the Great Dane. He gets cold on the floor, and bald “corns” may appear on his feet. A thick bedding, a high mattress or a sofa of the “Baby” type, provided for the pet’s personal use, will save you.

Photo: Candace Niavarani

The size of the dog requires financial investment - such a giant needs a larger area and a large vehicle for transportation. And food, medicines, etc. are also calculated based on the weight of the animal. When taking an aristocratic dog into your home, you need to be prepared to maintain it with dignity.

Place of detention

The Great Dane will feel great in a private house with a yard or in a large apartment. Despite his enormous stature, he is surprisingly compact, curled up on his chair or sofa.

If you plan to place your dog in a small apartment, you need to provide it with sufficient daily physical activity. In addition, in a small room the giant has nowhere to turn around; interior items and room decor can be spoiled or destroyed by an awkward turn or a swing of a strong and long tail.

What is absolutely not suitable for a Great Dane is keeping it on a chain, on the street, in a booth or enclosure. This is wasteful both from the point of view of the potential of a socially dependent and intelligent dog, and in terms of the health of the animal.


Many people think that great Danes need a lot of food. This is not true: in fact, they do not eat much more than a shepherd or other large dog.

The diet of Great Danes should be balanced and correct; they have a slightly different diet from other breeds. So, some breeders do not recommend giving chicken. Others say that cereals (porridge) are contraindicated for these dogs.

In any case, when purchasing a puppy, do not neglect the instructions from the owners of the puppy’s parents - what is good for them is unlikely to harm their baby. Great Dane owners agree on one thing - no motor activity after meal! The thing is. that a breed predisposition to gastric volvulus can even lead to death.

As the dog grows, its weight increases 100 times, so the food must be of high quality and complete. In the warm season, the percentage of protein in food is reduced, in cold weather it is increased (this does not apply to puppies and pregnant and lactating bitches).

Usually Great Danes are given:

  • boiled meat (lamb, beef)
  • raw meat (once a week)
  • offal
  • raw bones (previously scalded with boiling water, not often)
  • ocean fish (once a week)
  • raw chopped vegetables
  • fruits
  • dairy
  • rice, buckwheat, corn grits(if recommended by the breeder)

If the owner wishes, you can feed the Great Danes with ready-made food. Holistic and premium food are suitable.

Features of care

The Great Dane does not cause much trouble, but you still need to monitor its condition.

Regular care for such a dog involves weekly careful combing of dead hair and daily washing (after eating, to remove drool). It is recommended to bathe less frequently (no more than once a month), sometimes using dry shampoo.

Paws are washed after every walk. The claws are trimmed as they grow, using a guillotine-type nail clipper or wire cutters. Sometimes, to prevent the fingertips from drying out (to prevent cracks), it is recommended to lubricate them with moisturizing oil.

The ears are checked weekly, and if necessary, special lotions are used for cleaning.

Photo: greatdanelt

The teeth are examined once a week, and yellow plaque is removed.

The eyes of a Great Dane require daily care. They should be cleaned with a veterinarian-recommended product. If the amount of discharge increases, it is better to consult a doctor.

Health and illness

Great Danes are considered healthy dogs, but they are also prone to some diseases, for example:

  • hip dysplasia
  • volvulus
  • heart diseases
  • cataract
  • acne
  • deafness

This breed of dog is not prone to frequent illnesses, but it is still advisable to visit a veterinarian regularly for examinations. The health of the dog directly depends on the gene pool of the parents, the conditions of detention and the nutrition and care he receives.

It should be remembered that up to one and a half years the growth and formation of the musculoskeletal system occurs - dogs are recommended special diet and careful handling in terms of physical activity.

Photo: - EMR -

Great Danes live short lives - about 7 years, sometimes they live up to 10-11 years. Long-livers have been known to delight their owners for 15.5 years.