A conspiracy not to look at others. A conspiracy to prevent your husband from cheating. The benefits of using a magic ritual

Family woman may be tormented by concerns about the lack of fidelity on the part of the spouse. Some in such cases resort to such an unusual method as a conspiracy to prevent their husband from cheating. There are many options for such influences, and many who have tried the conspiracy to prevent their husband from cheating confirm its high effectiveness. Some people prefer to turn to magicians and witches endowed with power. Such magic is suitable for independent use; love gives power to rituals. Let's look at the most effective love spells that you can do yourself and for free.

The working method is the so-called “not standing on other women”, egylet. The method works as follows: a man who has no problems in bed with his wife instantly loses sexual power when left alone with his mistress. Aphrodisiacs and potency pills cannot help. Over time, the husband will stop trying to establish sexual contact with other women and will avoid girls, not wanting to increase the number of witnesses to his own male failure.
There are rituals that do not affect the physical ability to copulate. If you use one of them, your chosen one simply will not be able to get to the bed of the homewrecker - various troubles will lie in wait along the way, from an unexpected call to work to a bus that breaks down on the road. The danger of this path is that “pokes in the wheels” make the unattainable fruit even more desirable; instead of starting to forget someone else’s woman, he will think about her around the clock. Although, he will not be able to move on to physical intimacy.
Ordinary love magic. Read the love spell - the man’s heart will be with you. Then he won’t want to share his other organs with strangers. However, love and sex for the stronger sex are not always interrelated concepts. Perhaps, even feeling sincere love, your soul mate will not see anything wrong in spending time with others mechanically and insignificantly for him.
One of ancient conspiracies so that a man does not want others, sounds like this:

I take away, servant of God (name),
The servant of God (name)
All the strength, the strength of veins,
So that life doesn’t jump up on him
And didn't stand
Neither the beautiful nor the ugly,
Neither gentle nor cunning.
For me to be his wife,
Servant of God (name),
For him there is only one woman,
One maiden and one earthly queen. Amen. (With)

What unpleasant consequences should you expect after using such magic?

  • If a man shares his experiences with a knowledgeable person, he will immediately understand that black magic is involved in what happened. This means that there is a possibility that a response will be used, for example, after which the spouse will be forgotten.
  • Potency is very important for men and is, to some extent, a measure of wealth. Having decided to take such a step, you should make sure that your husband does not fall into depression due to sexual failures. In severe cases, low mood can lead to an unwillingness to live.
  • Some men assert themselves through sexual adventures and feel successful, managing to provide quality sex to their wives and mistresses. By making sure that you get rid of all the women, you risk getting the effect that your loved one becomes uninteresting due to dull eyes and lack of sparkle in the look.
  • If you choose to influence the sexual aspect, do not expect tender feelings and sincere love. Perhaps your partner will begin to hate. But he won’t be able to leave because he feels impotent with others. Just sex, nothing personal. Will you be happy, turning away from other women in this way?

How are conspiracies read to enhance the effect?

There are several ways to enhance the magical effect. Some involve choosing a specific time. For example, rituals are performed on Epiphany night or the full moon. It is considered a classic of the genre to talk about food; everyone knows through which place you can reach a man’s heart and get an answer in the shortest possible time. If you want the guy to be only yours, you can work with a photograph. Reading from the back is considered successful, since a person is defenseless from behind, and the spoken words reach their goal more accurately.
For this type of conspiracies, a highly specialized approach is actively used. It sounds strange, but a little later you will understand what we are talking about. Since we are talking about the effect on the male genital organs, it is considered especially effective to read the “non-stand” for something that is directly related to the organs. For example, for underwear. The logic is simple and clear - cowards are in physical contact with masculinity, the conspiracy reaches its goal faster and more intensely. An effective method is to charm your husband's urine with special words. Here, the habit of some men to relieve themselves wherever they find the desire comes into play. Can you draw an analogy with adultery yourself?

The strongest spell for urine so that the chosen one does not look at others

For obvious reasons, this is not possible with all men. If you live in a private house, your husband has a habit of relieving himself in the yard, or if you managed to notice which tree your loved one went to during a trip to nature, there will be no problems with obtaining material. Women living in comfortable apartments often resort to the following trick: after waiting for the moment when their boyfriend goes to urinate, they distract him before he has time to press the flush button. You can fly into the toilet after your spouse, pretend that your stomach is twisted and you need the toilet now, not a second later. In general, how to gain access to biological fluid is your concern. We will tell you what to do with this liquid.
Seven branches broken off from the nearest tree should be inserted into the ground that has absorbed the urine of the chosen one. Sticking, read on each twig: “Just as this apple tree branch (birch, plum - the name of the tree from which the branches were taken) will not take root on the desecrated land and will fall before the coming evening, so you, my husband, fall in your loins when you see any woman fallen." After reading it seven times (once for each branch), you need to leave that place without looking back. You cannot turn around until the branches disappear from view. If everything was done correctly, before darkness falls, the branches fall, which means the plot is working. It is not recommended to go back and check it with your own eyes. It is believed that if the wife saw the surviving branches, the man developed immunity against this conspiracy.

If this happens in a comfortable apartment, it is only possible to extract urine from the toilet, it is permissible to deliver it to the place and pour it into the ground yourself. According to practitioners, the method of delivery does not affect the effectiveness. In the cold season (if, for example, to enhance the effect, you decide to perform the ritual on the days of baptism), it is allowed to stick branches into the snow, formally the conditions will be met. In this case, it will be effective to change the text of the recitation: “Just as this apple tree branch (name of the tree) will not come to life in the desecrated snow and will die until the coming evening, so you, my husband, lose your loins when you see any woman who has fallen.” The remaining actions should be left unchanged.

A conspiracy for your husband's underwear so that he can only spend the night with his wife

The advantage of the method is that the man will not suspect something is wrong. The results are very mild: he will still experience sexual arousal when looking at other women, if this was the case before you sought magical help. But he will go to his wife to get rid of this excitement, without even thinking about relieving the tension on the side. Very important nuance: you will have to hide what you have said underwear and under no circumstances should a man find it or pay attention to its loss. To make everything work out, you can use a trick: buy your husband two identical pairs of panties, and convey to him the idea that there is only one pair. Having stolen one pair of underwear that the husband was wearing, say the text: “When you see a beautiful woman, let him only think about his wife and strive for her with all his body and heart. Every day, every night and all year round. I conjure."
The spell works very well, there is nothing more to fear. But, if you and your spouse had a big fight, or are in a forced long separation, or for some other reason you fear that the conspiracy has weakened and he may forget about everything and decide to cheat, just take the underwear out of the hiding place and put it on yourself. You can be sure that at this moment your loved one is striving for you, and at the next opportunity, he will appear on the threshold of your home and forget all the quarrels and distances that separate you. It is also recommended to wear your husband’s underwear in those moments when the husband is late from work - in order to spur his interest in his wife’s person and make him think about his wife constantly.

Almost every woman is infuriated by the fact that she a man looks at other women. She doesn't want to listen to anything. No explanations, even when a man is simply paying attention to other representatives of the fair sex. And it has always been like this.

This also irritated our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, which is why various conspiracies designed to make a man forget about all women except his wife have existed since ancient times.

Village love spell:

This the simplest village plot known since the days Ancient Rus'. This is how village women forced their husbands to ignore other women.

They simply sewed their hair into their husband's clothes. Naturally, the hair was read beforehand. You can say any words that seem appropriate to you. You can sew it into underwear, shirt, trousers, etc. To do this, the seam was ripped open, hair was placed there, and the seam was carefully sewn up. This love spell worked flawlessly.

Its only drawback was that it was necessary to repeat everything all over again after the clothes were stretched.

Spell on a thing

You can try to bewitch your man by buying something for him and charming it. For example, it could be a watch, bracelet, chain, ring. Something a man will wear all the time. If you are buying a watch, keep in mind that it will be submersible in water. It is natural that your gift he must like it. But you must definitely take into account that if a man senses a catch and gets a diagnosis from an experienced magician, your cunning will come to the surface.

You understand that the consequences for you can be very sad. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out all magical manipulations with your gift only when you are absolutely sure that the man will not be diagnosed. But male population very worried about his sexual preferences. And the fact that he stopped paying attention to beautiful women, can greatly disturb him.

How to make such a love spell:

First you need to find a plant called periwinkle and brew a love potion from it. This plant is quite common. You just need to throw the branch into boiling water and cook for a while, stirring with a hazel stick.

"Witchcraft grass

Make sure my husband pays attention only to me.

So that I'm the only one in his thoughts

So that he thinks only about me and does not look towards other women.

Let it be so!"

These words should be repeated the entire time the grass is boiling. That is, about 10 minutes. The potion must be fresh and must be brewed directly before the love spell.

Buy a beautiful thing in the store. Wait for the waxing moon phase and start the ritual.

It must be carried out in a room where no one will disturb you. The room should be cleaned first. This can be done with candles lit in the corners or with salt sprinkled around the perimeter of the room.

Take a clean cup and pour the cold potion into it. Place the purchased gift in a cup so that it drowns in this infusion.

Read the plot:

"Love potion

Transfer your strength and power to this object

Let the person who wears it think only of me

Let him not look at other women

Let it be so!"

That's it, it's done. Now you need to choose the right moment and present this gift to your loved one.

The infusion should be poured onto the ground. Precisely on the ground so that it can be absorbed. It is strictly forbidden to pour the infusion into the sink or toilet. Dishes should be washed thoroughly.

By the way, periwinkle is a plant that helps strengthen family ties. You can prepare a decoction from it and wash the floors with this decoction if family relationships don't get along. The leaves of this plant can be sewn into the lining of a loved one's clothing, such as winter clothing that does not need to be washed.

We will try to answer the question in detail: a prayer so that a man does not think about other women on the site: the site is for our dear readers.

The most complete collection of love spells for independent use at home

Lapel to make the husband forget about other women

Read the lapel when you wash your husband's underwear:

Lord Jesus Christ, Form me, Lord!

God gave water and all the earth's surface.

I don't walk on the ground

And according to the soul of the servant of God (name).

Let his heart boil, seethe,

Burns with unquenchable fire

For me, my wife, God’s servant (name).

Wash, water, rinse his things

And his thoughts about my lovebirds.

Let him fall asleep in his sleep,

It gets stuck in food, it gets washed down in drink

And forgets forever.

Water, water, be my sister.

What I said, what I didn’t say,

Everything to hit the right target.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Shaman's help. Order a love spell:

Almost every woman is infuriated by the fact that she a man looks at other women. She doesn't want to listen to anything. No explanations, even when a man is simply paying attention to other representatives of the fair sex. And it has always been like this.

This also irritated our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, which is why various conspiracies designed to make a man forget about all women except his wife have existed since ancient times.

Village love spell:

This the simplest village plot known since the times of Ancient Rus'. This is how village women forced their husbands to ignore other women.

They simply sewed their hair into their husband's clothes. Naturally, the hair was read beforehand. You can say any words that seem appropriate to you. You can sew it into underwear, shirt, trousers, etc. To do this, the seam was ripped open, hair was placed there, and the seam was carefully sewn up. This love spell worked flawlessly.

You can try to bewitch your man by buying something for him and charming it. For example, it could be a watch, bracelet, chain, ring. Something a man will wear all the time. If you are buying a watch, keep in mind that it will be submersible in water. It is natural that your gift he must like it. But you must definitely take into account that if a man senses a catch and gets a diagnosis from an experienced magician, your cunning will come to the surface.

You understand that the consequences for you can be very sad. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out all magical manipulations with your gift only when you are absolutely sure that the man will not be diagnosed. But the male population is very worried about their sexual preferences. And the fact that he has stopped paying attention to beautiful women can greatly bother him.

How to make such a love spell:

First you need to find a plant called periwinkle and brew a love potion from it. This plant is quite common. You just need to throw the branch into boiling water and cook for a while, stirring with a hazel stick.

Make sure my husband pays attention only to me.

So that I'm the only one in his thoughts

So that he thinks only about me and does not look towards other women.

These words should be repeated the entire time the grass is boiling. That is, about 10 minutes. The potion must be fresh and must be brewed directly before the love spell.

Buy a beautiful thing in the store. Wait for the waxing moon phase and start the ritual.

It must be carried out in a room where no one will disturb you. The room should be cleaned first. This can be done with candles lit in the corners or with salt sprinkled around the perimeter of the room.

Take a clean cup and pour the cold potion into it. Place the purchased gift in a cup so that it drowns in this infusion.

Transfer your strength and power to this object

Let the person who wears it think only of me

Let him not look at other women

That's it, it's done. Now you need to choose the right moment and present this gift to your loved one.

The infusion should be poured onto the ground. Precisely on the ground so that it can be absorbed. It is strictly forbidden to pour the infusion into the sink or toilet. Dishes should be washed thoroughly.

By the way, periwinkle is a plant that helps strengthen family ties. You can prepare a decoction from it and wash the floors with this decoction if family relationships don't get along. The leaves of this plant can be sewn into the lining of a loved one's clothing, such as winter clothing that does not need to be washed.


7 comments: Love spell, conspiracy to prevent a man from looking at other women

I would like to bewitch a guy and make him forget his ex-girlfriend

I don't live with my boyfriend! Please write another plot so that the guy does not look at other women and girls.

I don't live with my boyfriend! Is there another conspiracy so that a guy doesn’t look at other women and girls?

a very useful love spell, it seems to me.

how many marriages he could save... it’s scary to think.

This is what I think: if a man is strong-willed, he will still look at women. Well, if it’s bullshit, then anyone can handle it without a conspiracy. In such cases as libido, conspiracies rarely help, better for women strive to be better and more seductive, and then the man himself will not want to go to the left.

I love my husband very much, but he looks at every skirt. Can anything be done about this without bringing him to the appointment?

I think it will hardly help in my case))). How can you not look at other women and their bodies!

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Prayer against cheating husband: read so that your loved one does not cheat

Betrayal by a husband is a very difficult test for a married woman. If betrayal occurs constantly, but the spouse wants to save the family by any means, then we can recommend a remedy such as prayer against her husband’s betrayal. The main thing is to believe that such a remedy will work, and a calm atmosphere will be restored in the family.

Remedies for infidelity

If a wife suspects that her husband has a mistress, or there have already been such cases, then there are surefire remedies - conspiracies and prayers against her husband’s infidelity. These remedies are available in the morning and evening.

A woman resorts to such methods to protect her family so that her husband does not cheat. And, as a rule, such means are turned to when others have already been tried.

Prayers with slander are usually read alone, when the wife is left alone in the house. In some cases, reading will require additional attributes (candles, icons, water). Various incantations and prayers are aimed at ensuring that the husband stays at home and loves his wife. The result is usually noticeable after two weeks.

The prayer for your husband to love and not betray you must be read correctly and believed in it. The husband and wife must be baptized.

If you rarely go to church and don’t know any prayers by heart, then a prayer so that your loved one does not betray can be said arbitrarily. The result depends on how you pronounce the words. Speak any sincere words in prayer, ask for protection and health of the family, for a happy marriage.

If strong prayer from your husband’s infidelity comes from your heart, from the depths of your soul - it will definitely help.

The most powerful remedy

If your husband betrayed you, how to live after this, raise children, maintain normal relationships?

Each individual family is its own, special world. Each couple has its own relationship. Why a husband takes a mistress depends on certain circumstances. It is difficult to give general advice for all families.

If betrayal happens, you need to calm down and pray. You need to say a prayer so that your husband does not cheat every day, and sincerely believe that it will help. Sometimes, it is prayer that becomes the only, powerful remedy against betrayal and saves a marriage relationship.

God, I ask you, may all the paths of your servant (the husband’s name that was given to him at baptism) lead to me. Let him only see me, but not look at others, let all strangers be disgusting to him, only I will evoke his desire. So be it. With the last word I will close the lock, so that with another word it will not be possible to open it. Amen

Read the prayer in the morning when you wake up. Read while in bed.

The text must be read three times. Such actions can be performed regardless of what phase the Moon is in.

Let's turn to magic

If after two weeks after reading the prayers there is no result, then you can safely try a conspiracy against your husband’s infidelity. In this case, it does not matter whether the husband is baptized or not.

  1. prepare a few hairs from your spouse’s head;
  2. you will need matches;
  3. wait until midnight, settle in a separate room;
  4. set fire to the hairs and say: Give instructions to the servant of God. As his hair burns, so will his desire, and it will go to me alone. And he won’t be able to walk around with others, and he won’t want to be with others anymore, and he won’t be able to be with anyone but me. Amen.

You need to repeat the plot so that your husband does not cheat three times. The result should come when the Moon has completed one circle. Such a conspiracy is considered strong and effective.

If the couple is not married

When a guy and a girl are just dating, betrayal can also creep into their relationship. If a girl suspects her boyfriend of infidelity, or this has already happened, then you can try reading conspiracies so that your loved one does not cheat.

Some conspiracies give wonderful results - your boyfriend will only be with you, and will stop noticing other girls. To make a conspiracy so that the guy doesn’t cheat, prepare the following additional details:

  • photo of a guy;
  • a candle purchased from a church;
  • you will need a separate room.

A conspiracy to prevent a guy from cheating is performed at sunset. Try not to let anyone interfere. Including pets. Although you will read a conspiracy against your husband’s betrayal from white magic, still hide the cross (if you are wearing one), remove images of saints from the room.

Place a photo of your husband on the table and light a candle. The text of the slander is as follows: God, I ask for your help, everything is before you as if in spirit. Command your servant (your boyfriend’s baptismal name) to be faithful to me all his life. And even though all his years he will only be sick of me, and yearn for me. And I will repay him with loyalty. Amen.

Important note: if you use such a tool, then refrain from communicating with strangers. If this rule is not followed, you can get quite seriously ill.

By secret…

Probably every girl faces the problem of being overweight? After all, sometimes it’s not easy to lose weight, look slim and beautiful, or trim your sides or belly. Diets don’t help, you don’t have the strength or desire to go to the gym, or it doesn’t bring tangible results.

A conspiracy to prevent your husband from cheating

No couple is immune from infidelity in a relationship. It is believed that men are polygamous by nature, so women in relationships are much more likely to worry that a man might cheat on them. Of course, the most The best way Insuring against infidelity means building an honest and trusting relationship with your loved one. But sometimes you can insure yourself in a magical way. It is precisely for these cases that there is a conspiracy against cheating on a husband.

Conspiracies against cheating husband

How does the conspiracy against cheating husband work?

Any magical conspiracy is nothing more than an influence on the will of a person. How to make a person think and act exactly as you want. It is for these purposes that a magical ritual is used. It helps to inspire another person with what you want to receive from him. In principle, a conspiracy to prevent a husband from cheating is a fairly simple and harmless procedure. The fact is that this conspiracy does not enter into an intrapersonal conflict.

The fact is that when a man gets married, he, as a rule, wants to remain faithful, some part of it. This means that the conspiracy against betrayal will work on that part of it that supports the idea of ​​jealousy.

Of course, it may also be that a man does not adhere to the idea of ​​fidelity at all and considers it normal to cheat on his wife. In this case, the situation is more complicated. Because here the idea of ​​fidelity, imposed by the conspiracy, comes into conflict with the true opinion of the husband, who considers betrayal to be an absolutely normal phenomenon. This state of affairs, the intrapersonal conflict, can have negative consequences, which can be expressed in a sharp change in mood; in this case, a man’s character can deteriorate greatly. In this case, the wife may even regret that she brought such a conspiracy on him. But even if this happened, you can always do another ritual that will help correct the created state of affairs.

In what situations can a spell be used?

If we consider situations in which it is worth using a conspiracy, there may be several of them:

  1. A wife can use a conspiracy against cheating if she initially notices an increased interest in other women in her husband. There are some men who don’t even hide how much they are interested in other women sexually. So that such a husband does not cheat and is always faithful to his wife, a conspiracy is used.
  2. The conspiracy against betrayal can be read by a wife if the fact of betrayal has already occurred. If a woman has found the strength in herself and decided to forgive her unfaithful husband, then she can make sure that the past betrayal becomes a real lesson for him, and this is exactly what a correctly performed magical ritual will help with.
  3. Such a conspiracy against betrayal can be carried out not only by the wife herself. A mother can do this to her son before his marriage, for example. If the mother is aware that her son likes to date more than just one girl at a time, then if she knows that he is capable of cheating, then she can protect her future daughter-in-law.
  4. You can perform such a magical love ritual if your husband goes somewhere far away. At a distance, the degree of love and flirtation between spouses, for obvious reasons, decreases, and the man’s attention dissipates. This leads to the fact that the likelihood of betrayal increases several times. It is in such a situation that it will be very useful to cast such a conspiracy on your loved one.

Spell on underwear

A conspiracy against betrayal is, of course, a magical ritual that involves working with sexual energy. For this reason, it is very good to cast a similar spell on your loved one’s underwear. It is necessary to perform such a ritual during the period when the moon is waxing. Stock up on your husband's underpants in advance, no matter what shape or color they are. You will also need a candle to carry out the ritual.

Stay alone indoors. No one should disturb you, neither animals nor other people. Also turn off all electrical appliances in the room and light a candle instead. First you need to get ready for the ritual. You need to tune yourself, mind and soul. Take a deep breath and exhale to make your head clearer. After this, begin the ritual. Hold your loved one's underwear. Then you need to read the following ritual:

“From now on, the servant of God (husband’s name), no matter who you desire, and all your desires will return to the servant of God (your name). All other women will fight off these desires and they will all return to me. You won’t have a mistress, you won’t fall in love with your mistress, you’ll spend all your libido on me. Our love will become stronger when you release all your passion on me, our love will become better when you turn all your attention to me. You should only be with me, you will love only me passionately. I can’t force it, but I can easily start talking. My strong words penetrate the soul, my well-aimed words hit like an arrow. You don’t feel desire for any girl except me. You will not turn out to be a traitor, only a faithful and honest husband. Our relationship is pure, our relationship is passionate, all your thoughts are at home, with me. My words are strong, my words penetrate your soul.”

After this, for a couple of minutes, holding the underwear in your hands, think about your loved one. Then quickly put out the candle and leave the room. It is necessary to arrange it so that it is this underwear that your loved one puts on the next morning. It is also advisable to have sex with your husband the next evening. This practice is very effective, by the way, it is not so easy, it can be removed if desired. With the help of this practice, it is good to attune your husband to the feeling of home and family. So that he has a certain longing for home and for you, which simply will not give him the opportunity to change. It is very good to carry out this practice if your husband leaves home for a long time.

Spell on a flower and a tree

This conspiracy, so that the husband does not offend his wife by cheating, must be carried out in the summer. Specifically during the period when poppies and trees bloom. A similar ritual is performed on wormwood. With the help of this magical love ritual, you will make sure that your husband will not go on the side. These rituals should be performed on a clear summer day, lunar calendar it must be the waxing moon.

Go to a place outside of nature, where poppies bloom and trees grow. The poppy is red and in this case it will symbolize the passion with which you will work through the conspiracy. First, approach the flower, look at it more carefully, imbue it with a feeling of respect and admiration, in this way you will establish contact with it, and the flower will respond. If there is contact, then you can read the plot:

“Handsome, slim, plump, you remind me of my man. I turn love spells to you so that my man can turn his wife to me once and for all. Only my wife, let the servant of God (husband’s name) love me, let him only caress his wife with his eyes and hands, let him not offend his wife, he passionately desires his wife, he doesn’t want anyone else, only his wife. I can’t force it, but I ask my man to speak of love and passion for me. Nothing will happen against the power of nature. A strong spell for a strong and beautiful flower and for faithful man. I’m turning the situation around on myself.”

After that, go to the tree male, hug him and you need to read the following plot:

“I want to admit that I love the servant of God (the man’s name), I do rituals for him, I read prayers so that he will love me alone. You are a mighty, beautiful tree, make sure that he can only show nobility towards me, there are no others for him, no matter who he communicates with in life. So that he could admire me alone in life, so that he could bewitch him forever. For him there is only me and he doesn’t need to do anything, without me it’s like without air. I tell you my fate, I tell you prayers so that he loves me, loves his wife, no one else. The words are strong, the rituals are reliable.”

Ask the tree for sincere care, like your father, and let your husband treat you just as tenderly. If you were sincere in the rituals, then a change in your relationship with your husband will come very soon. You can check this by how he takes care of you and protects you.

Food spell

Food conspiracies work very well. You can cast a magical love spell on salt in advance, and then use this salt to salt your loved one’s food during a romantic dinner.

For salt in the appropriate atmosphere and the corresponding lunar day, you need to read the following plot:

“My eye is loving and all-seeing. I look at my husband and talk to him from going out to his side. He won’t want to, he won’t be able to, he won’t love him, he is only faithful to his wife, all his thoughts are about her. My boyfriend, my husband, my beloved. Your fate is bitter with others, but with me alone you feel good.”

This must be a completely new pack of salt. You can completely salt the food you are preparing for your loved one. But it is important to make sure that no one else eats this salt or food with the charmed salt. By the way, such a ritual is the best way to punish a man for treason. If you love him, then forgive him and whisper to yourself during dinner:

“It’s easy to punish, but I won’t give it to someone else, punish me and leave it with me, I prepared food for you, I spoke to you, I will become your beloved.”

Conspiracies work even better if carried out on church holidays, in Maundy Thursday, for Easter.

To prevent your husband from cheating - A QUICK BUT STRONG CONSPIRACY.

So that the husband is faithful. So that my husband never cheats. Behind

Conspiracy at a distance

If your husband is far away, on a business trip, and you suspect that he is cheating, then it is better to immediately turn to the moon with a direct conspiracy. Of course, in such a situation you want to take revenge, but this can only worsen the situation; you will always have time to take revenge. But a correctly read spell on the moon will help level the situation and reveal true emotions. If you handle this situation, then after some time it will resolve itself very favorably for you.

This ritual is performed on the full moon; if it also coincides with Sunday, the power will be even greater. Go out into an open space, such as a balcony, look at the moon and say these words.

Married women often fear that their spouse may cheat on them. To reassure and protect themselves from their significant other’s infidelity, women quite often resort to conspiracies. There are a huge number of variants of such rituals; those who have tried them in practice assure that such slander works. If you want your husband to remain faithful to you, you don’t have to go to magicians; you can use simple, but effective conspiracies.

Take two rings - yours and your husband's, tie them tightly with a red thread. Place the tied rings in a glass glass with holy water and say three times:

“Like rings tied in one place, so are the servant of God (husband’s name) and the servant of God (your name) together. Separation will bypass us, happiness will come to our family. Illnesses, quarrels, bad conversations, sworn enemies, damned deeds - everything is past the threshold, into the dense forest they are on their way. Our love is strong, indestructible, strong at all times. Amen".

Leave the rings in the glass, hiding them away from prying eyes. After three days, remove from the water and place on a church candle. Light the candle and wait until it burns out completely. While the candle is burning, read prayers to yourself. Such a ritual will forever discourage an unfaithful man from having affairs and will strengthen his love for his wife.

Conspiracies to get rid of your rival

In cases where your spouse has, several simple rituals will help you get rid of your rival. To cool or dry, wait until the waning moon phase and begin the rituals.

A conspiracy so that your husband does not see other women except you

Prepare a church candle, red paper and a photo of your spouse.

Place a photograph in front of you on the table, light a candle over it and read these words:

“The blue sea is wide, behind it is a stone cliff, in that cliff there is a stove. Heroes burn in that furnace with fire, fiery swords burn. I, the servant of God (name), invite fire. Stand as a wall of fire around my husband, God’s servant (name). Burn the girls, burn the women, the young, the widows, if anyone covets the love of my husband, the servant of God (name). Don’t stab me alone, God’s servant (name), don’t burn me, don’t cut me with swords, let me into the heart of God’s servant (name). Amen".

After the candle burns out, wrap the stub with the photo in paper and hide it securely at home.

A conspiracy so that the husband does not yearn for another

One of the most powerful methods of turning a spouse away from another woman is considered to be a conspiracy to drink or eat.

For three days in a row, talk and feed or give your husband something to drink. The result will not take long to arrive.

“The young spring has arrived, the warmth has arrived, the red sun has melted the snow and spread it out. Just as snow melts from the earth like water, so the longing of the servant of God (name) for the servant of God (name of rival) goes away. Let him not think about her, don’t want to see her, don’t burn with love in his heart for her, don’t remember her with a kind word. Let her not wander around the house, let her bypass him when he meets her, let him not show mercy to her, let her not be loved, let her be forgotten forever. Let him not call her by name, the white body does not desire her. My words are a high wall; neither eagles nor falcons can fly over them. I speak, I consolidate, I separate the servant of God (name) from the servant of God (name). Amen".

Lapel on card nine of spades

The ritual is performed on any day, regardless of the time of day. Prepare for the ceremony a new deck of 36 cards, two wax candles, not church candles, one black candle, and a photograph of your spouse.

Place a deck of cards on the table, light candles - two on the sides of the deck, a black candle opposite the deck. Read the plot nine times in a row:

“36 servants of the underworld, 36 warriors of the demonic army, endowed with dark power, not defeated in dark deeds, shameful secrets, blasphemous speeches you have uttered, human hearts filled with passion, you are tormenting. In the black, severe hour I call you from underground, from fiery hell I call you, just as the earth calls out for the sun, so I call out the 36 demonic servants, especially the nine black, sharp, peak ones. You have been given, nine, evil deeds, eternal separations, you have been creating quarrels and separations for a long time. Come to me, stand in front of me, the truth is behind me. Amen".

After shuffling the cards several times, take out the nine of spades and read another conspiracy over it:

“I call separation, firm separation, strong separation. Let what has become a single whole fall into two parts; let the paths that are intertwined into one separate into two. Nine demonic, black, evil, bring love sickness to (husband’s name) and (rival’s name). So that there would be no sweetness between them, they would not do love affairs, they would scratch and swear. Nine of spades, bring separation and devilry between them. My word is strong, the power of demons is even stronger. Amen".

Apply wax to the photo black candle and attach the nine of spades card face down. Place the entire deck on top of the photo and leave it until the morning. At dawn, bury it under a tree, no matter which one, reading:

“(Husband’s name) and (rival’s name) are given over to separation, crushed by separation. Amen".

Having completed the ritual, leave the tree silently, without looking back.

Spells to make a husband love his wife

Sometimes it happens that feelings, especially in long-term relationships. If you want to renew or strengthen your spouse's love for you, use several spells.

Make a husband miss his wife

Prepare any thing - clothes, an object, anything, so that you can give it to your man later, and say the following words:

“I give you the thing, I take your peace for myself. In the middle of a dark night, in the middle of a clear day, you will have no peace without me. Amen".

Salt spell for husband's love

Speak on salt and add salt to food for your husband:

“People love salt, take care of it, praise it, so let my husband (name) love me, take care of me, praise me, he can’t get enough of it, he can’t stop talking enough, he’d always hang around me, he wouldn’t be anywhere without me. Amen".

Lock spell

Talk about a new lock that has never been used. Close the lock with the key and whisper:

“A lock cannot be opened without a key, so the love of my husband (name) for me (name) does not end. Amen".

Close the lock and throw away the key so that no one finds it.

Simple and effective conspiracies against cheating husbands

Conducted against male infidelity are very popular. You can resort to them to protect yourself from the intrusion of strangers into your marriage, and from your mistress when cheating has occurred.

So that a man doesn’t even think about cheating

Take two thin church candles and a few hairs from your spouse. Seclude yourself in a room so that no one can disturb you, light candles. Burn your hair in a candle flame and collect the remaining ashes. Read the following words above the candle:

“Pure fire, sinless fire, as I burn the hair of God’s servant (name), so will his thoughts, directed at other women, burn. Let other women become ashes for him, they don’t cause a heartbeat in his chest, only I will rule in his heart, thoughts, bed, to me, the servant of God (name), he will run, to me he will fly. Amen".

Repeat these words on the second candle. After the ritual, extinguish the candles, hide them among the husband’s clothes, and add the ashes from the hair to the dish prepared for the spouse.

In case of betrayal

If you know about your husband’s betrayal, but have forgiven him, you can get rid of your mistress in the following way.

Pour into any flow-through container cold water and read the spell over it:

“The brownie does not betray his home, does not cheat on him, does not wander around other houses, even if my husband, the servant of God (name), forgets the way to others, hates his rival, stops loving him. Let my husband forget where her doors are; let him be faithful to me, his wife, the servant of God (name). Amen".

Repeat this spell three times a month, use the water to cook for your husband.

Pancake spell

To protect your marriage from your husband’s infidelity, you can bake him pancakes with a slander. Knead the dough and say:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let the servant of God (name) eat - eat his fill, drink - get drunk with house-water. As he finishes his pancakes, his longing for me, God’s servant (name), consumes him. Wherever he is, let him yearn for his family, let him love and have mercy on me alone, his wife. Let his heart languish, he cannot sit without me, he cannot sleep, he does not look at others. From now on and forever. Amen".

Friday conspiracy

For three Fridays in a row, before you start eating, say the following words:

“Your head is bright, thoughts of betrayal are empty. Your heart, servant of God (name), does not yearn for another, wherever you go, it will return to me. Don’t look at others, don’t burn with desire for them, just for me, God’s servant (name), go crazy. Amen".

Night plot

After spending the night with your husband, cross him when he falls asleep and mentally say:

“The green berry is good, but unripe, there is no joy from it either to the soul or to the body. Just as such a berry is sour, so any woman to the servant of God (name), except me, is not sweet. Amen".

Spell on things before washing

Before washing your spouse’s things, read the following hex over them:

“I, the servant of God (name), your legitimate wife, the servant of God (name). You and I swore to each other, made promises, ate together, slept together. How our words were carried by the wind, so that you would love me again. Just as all the dirt is washed off from your clothes, your desire to look at others is erased. Amen".

It is probably rare to find relationships in which exceptional fidelity reigns. Men, by their nature, cannot always avoid temptation; women know this and often torment themselves with worries about whether the man they love is cheating or not. If you have doubts about your husband’s fidelity or, God forbid, you have had to deal with betrayal, you can turn to conspiracies for magical help. However, remember - use any witchcraft intervention for good purposes, then you will not harm yourself or anyone else.

Love is a magical, bright feeling, but it is precisely this that often causes the greatest pain and suffering. Every person wants to feel the closeness of their other half, to be desired and loved, and to be safe. But it’s not so simple, because sometimes feelings arise for a person who simply does not notice it, thereby hurting him painfully.

Does the guy not even look at you or is he even dating someone else? It’s not so easy to just forget him, because you can’t tell your heart who to love and who not. What to do so that fate does not condemn you to hated loneliness?

This is where love spells and conspiracies come to the rescue, which will give the desired effect if taken seriously and proper preparation. We will present the most popular and effective rituals that will save you in any personal difficulties.

In this article

When and how to make a love spell

Magic, along with faith, are good tools for achieving goals in love. Supernatural forces change our existence and contribute to self-realization, because we are a symbiosis of the spiritual and mystical principles.

A conspiracy to attract love is a magical ritual that will ignite passion in the heart of a lover. They evoke both slight sympathy for you and strong all-encompassing love. It depends on how correctly you follow the rules when carrying out a love plot.

Attracting a man into your life and creating a relationship with him means creating a mental connection that is several times stronger than physical intimacy. It is very difficult to destroy. Even after breaking up with a person, you will remember him and constantly think about him. This will prevent the creation of new long-term relationships - it is incredibly difficult to leave love in the past. Do you feel something similar? Then it will be useful for you, and only after completely destroying the connection with your former lover, start a new relationship and use a conspiracy to attract men.

Need to know

Love - great power, so do not forget about the dangers. Love spells require knowledge and experience for everything to work out correctly, otherwise such manipulations will turn out worse for you. You should aim to awaken your target's feelings, not force them to fall in love. It is fundamentally immoral to force a person to worship you.

Perhaps you will be able to completely fall in love with a man with magic - a rich, kind, handsome man, strong conspiracy for the love of a man, but this will not turn into a sincere and sincere relationship. Leave him freedom of choice and you will be glad about it. He will probably be able to overcome the spell and fall in love with another girl, because real feelings are always stronger than fake ones. White magic is prohibited from being used to harm a person.

When starting a ritual, think again about the consequences. Are you sure you want to see this man next to you all your life? After all, if your feelings fade away after some time or you fall in love with someone else, this person can ruin everything own life unrequited pursuit of you. Under the influence of a strong love spell, a guy may become aggressive and be unable to understand and cope with his feelings.

In this video, Liya Nadel will teach you how to write a love plot yourself:

Give a chance to leave

Manipulating the happiness of another is one of the most unpleasant consequences of misusing white magic. It may be better to let go of someone who doesn't love you at all and doesn't want to life together? This especially applies to the situation when your lover has already found his happiness and is drowning in the love and embrace of another woman. Be careful, otherwise it will look like denial of the real reasons for the separation.

Turn your attention to the other man and use the spell on him. New life with a new person is the right choice.

It happens that the separation occurred due to your offensive mistake, and ex-boyfriend can't forgive you. Then feel free to turn to white charms and use a spell for love.

An effective and easy spell

The simplest of rituals aimed at making a guy fall in love has the following specifics:

  • reading at home during sunrise;
  • before starting you need to read the prayer “Our Father”;
  • have any new beautiful thing with you (jewelry, wallet or scarf);
  • holding a new thing in your hands, say magic words.

God! How people wait, wait for spring,
How red the sun is touched,
So would it be for me, God’s servant (name),
The men, young and old, rejoiced.
They looked, admired, followed me
Old old men, mature men,
Young fellows and beardless youths.
Received with honor, respected with honor,
Everyone stood up on their feet in front of me,
In conversations they gave their word,
They would come to show mercy to me.
The dream was held to kiss.
All words have keys.
All matters are locked.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Within a month you will meet a wonderful representative of the stronger sex. He will want to spend the rest of his life with you and will become your support in all your endeavors.

A very strong conspiracy

We gradually move from the simplest and most harmless rituals to more complex ones. This powerful conspiracy, which is almost impossible to remove, is based on an appeal to the energetic forces of love. And whether or not to respond to your requests, they decide on their own, and you cannot influence this. This ritual also protects the woman by preventing her from being with a guy who will cause her misfortune in the future. If higher powers predetermine their happy family life, then there will be a meeting.

No matter how you live on earth without light,
how not to wander in the void without legs,
so that the Servant of God (name of goal)
I could not live without the Servant of God (proper name).
Be my soul mate
sparkle with a teardrop,
burn in soul and body,
and together we will rise above the heavens!

Safe white spell at home

White magic is comparable to a push that is aimed at the thoughts and feelings of a person you are interested in. After performing the magical action, the object will think about you and want to meet, and this is a good chance for the guy to confess his love.

During your daily morning routine, look at the water, smile at the reflection in the mirror, read the following words:

True owner
slave (your lover's name)
cannot live without his shadow,
longing for me
your servant (your name) will not overcome.
Walk, stumble,
choke from melancholy.
Like the sun in the sky
so are you with me,
slave of the master (name of your lover).

If you want to bring back the old passion in your relationship with your husband, take his shirt or T-shirt. It is important that he already has it; you can use an old or unnecessary one. Cut off the collar from it and burn it to ashes, while repeating these words three times:

What kind of shirt was on the body,
Such was the husband to his wife.

After reading the spell and getting rid of the collar, you will burn away all the troubles and negative moments of your life together. Peace and love will reign in your home again. Remains of used clothing should be thrown away.

White conspiracy for the love of a beloved man

This text also serves to restore relationships with your lover. Perhaps everyday life is killing you or he is interested in someone else? Then do the following:

  • get up early in the morning, before dawn;
  • remove all your jewelry, including elastic bands and hairpins;
  • Open the window;
  • with your right hand, take a completely new needle;
  • read the text.

I'll get up at dawn
let me go out into a clean field
and I’ll look into the clear sky -
and a sharp arrow flies across the sky.
So fly, you sharp arrow
into a zealous heart, into hot blood,
into the clear eyes of God's servant (name).
So that for me he is a servant of God (name)
I was so sad and sad, always and everywhere.
My will is firm
my word will come true.

After this, hide the needle where no one else can find it.

Conspiracy from a photo

This ritual, when performed correctly, performs three tasks:

  • piques interest;
  • then sexual desire;
  • and finally, longing and desire to be with you.

The photograph must be recent, no older than two years. The love spell must be read three times a day - in the morning, at lunch, and before bed. Holding the photo with your right hand, you need to be filled with positive emotions and read:

As a servant of God (name)
cannot live and be without his shadow,
so the servant of God (name) cannot
and without longing for me, God’s servant (name).
Walk, stutter, choke from melancholy.
As the sun moves across the sky,
so you go along every road to me,
God's servant (name).
My word is strong and molding.

In this video, Magician Astart will tell you about all the intricacies of the conspiracy using a photograph:

Gypsy spell on bay leaf

The supernatural power of the bay leaf will help to carry out a conspiracy for mutual love:

  1. Write your wish on a piece of paper.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Imagine what you have planned - you are together, walking hand in hand, kissing, etc.
  4. Light the bay leaf while saying the text.

By the power of the gods and the power of heaven,
the power of the Universe and the power of miracles.
My wish came true.
As I ordered, it happened!

Love spell for a drink

A powerful spell to find love is based on magical power saliva. Prepare a drink for your target, spit it, and he will definitely love you. Say the following words:

My saliva is strong.
My saliva is sweet.
(name) take a sip of it,
at least a sip.
It will hit you in the stomach
your belly.
And you will love me forever!
(name) you won’t be able to live without me for a day!
Not a day!

Spell on a thing

Spells on clothes are effective because you see them and can energetically influence them. She acts as a conductor between the performer and the object of desire. A spell for a loved one’s thing can be of three types:

  • the item will be returned to him after the ritual is completed;
  • the thing will be destroyed;
  • new clothes will be a gift.

Choose clothes that will be worn regularly and are a favorite part of your wardrobe. Before giving a new thing, place the item on the table, light three candles around it, and say:

You're taking things from me,
You give me your peace.
In the light of day and darkness of night
You won't be able to live without me (name)
Happiness and urine. Amen.

An ancient plot for eternal love

A spell for eternal love is one of the old love spells created for people who are confident in their feelings. Usually applied to love for husband/wife. To implement it, you need to stand knee-deep in water and read the text nine times:

In this wide world there is an entrance,
who will pass into it,
he will find my water.
I'll put it in my palm
servant of God (name of the beloved) right hand,
I bring upon him eternal love for me
and the melancholy he will not wash away,
will not dissuade me, will not stop loving me,
will not forget (bow). Amen.

Then soak one of your beloved’s things in this water, dry it thoroughly in the sun and let your betrothed wear it.

Ritual for finding love from Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova's love plot to find a reliable man is done on Easter. You need to decorate nine eggs, kiss each one in turn, and say the cherished words:

People love Holy Easter,
remember and appreciate maternal affection,
even though men love me so much,
they appreciate me, they follow me,
for the servant of God (name).
Christ is risen,
and the groom will come to me,
will marry me.
Let it be so.

Conspiracy for strong love without betrayal in the future

To avoid the betrayal of your beloved man and ensure a measured life without scandals and worries, you can use a conspiracy from Natalya Stepanova.

Pour cold water into a basin, bare your legs and stand in it. Read the text of the plot and rinse your husband’s thing, preferably a T-shirt or shirt, in water. Dry and let it wear for one week.

There is an entrance on earth,
the one who enters it
there he will find my water.
I will take the servant of God (name)
by the right hand,
I will bring you eternal love
boredom at him.
Won't wash it off
don't talk him out of it,
don't stop loving me
and never forget (bow).
How can he avoid eating?
don't drink,
will be bored in separation,
do not know peace, suffer.
I will become like bread and water to him,
clear sky and earth,
I will be dearer than freedom
and relatives of red blood.
(Name), give me your heart,
and take my heart in return.
Mother earth, close
sister water, help (bow).
You will follow me, (name).
The power of water below the foot (bow),
four stars at the top (bow).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Spell for husband's love

Do you feel that your relationship with your husband has cooled and he no longer looks at you the same way as before? Is love slowly but surely fading away? Are you afraid of his cheating? Then bring back your relationship and add some sparkle to it with the help of a conspiracy that can easily be done at home.

If you had your wedding ceremony in a church, the effect will be incredibly powerful. If not, it’s okay, you will still be happy with the result. At midnight, open the window in your room and, looking at the moon, read three times in a half-whisper:

I'll stand on the threshold of the church
May I create a talisman for my family.
My dear husband (name),
give me your peace.
I'm standing in front of you
and behind my back is a holy protective icon.
I will bow to her and stand at the altar.
I gave it to the slave (name)
your heart, your soul.
So now he would be jealous of me,
I didn’t let myself go anywhere.
He would love me, take care of me and caress me.
Like a mother suffers for her children,
so you too will suffer for me,
love and wait for me,
and never change.
My word is strong and true.

Love spell for a married man

Before carrying out such a conspiracy, it is better to think five times whether you want to take on sin and destroy someone’s family. If you are sure that the chosen one is unhappy and a relationship with you will only benefit him, then feel free to proceed.

The text of the conspiracy must be memorized, light a black candle, and read late at night:

Clear Falcon, (name),
flies around the world,
built a nest,
Yes, I didn’t find happiness!
Fly, falcon,
I'll set the table
I will become a faithful friend,
Let's be a joy to each other!
I crown Rab (name)
Rabe (name) not for a day,
and forever!
Black to black
light - to me!
Get Slave (name) to me,
not my wife! Amen!

Attract the one and only

The purpose of the ritual is to return the one who left you with a broken heart. The power of the spell will increase even more when carried out early in the morning without prying eyes. Get up before dawn, choose a place in advance with a lot of flowers, for example, the back garden. Ideal if there is no city bustle around. Stand towards the sun so that it illuminates your face. Run your right hand across the grass and read the text.

Like dew from the sun,
the ascendant evaporates,
let it be destroyed
like dew from the first rays of the sun
starts to dry out
so is the servant of God (name of the man) for me,
God's servant (name) will begin to dry out.
Let him know no more peace
neither at night nor during the day,
let there be no joy in his life,
neither at work, nor while walking, nor in rest.
Let the servant of God (name of the man)
always thinks about me
let him remember me every minute.
I conjure you (man's name)
Lord God,
yes to all the Orthodox saints.
I conjure you (man's name)
the day of the creation of the world.
Happy birthday
I conjure you (man’s name).
In the afternoon, when I finish my earthly journey,
I will reject earthly joys and sufferings,
I conjure you (man’s name).
With all the powers of heaven and earth
I conjure you (man’s name),
all the spirits of light and darkness.
To be mine for you.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

In this video, Marina Sugrobova will share the “Energy of Love” exercise, which will help attract your loved one:

Plot to attract a guy

A simple love spell is as follows:

  1. Take a piece of scarlet cloth and a ring with a ruby ​​stone (it does not have to be yours).
  2. Buy three church candles.
  3. In the middle of the night, when the moon is new, place candles by the window and light them.
  4. Read the text of the plot while holding the ruby ​​ring.

Let them gather
good fellows for the bright holiday,
for the feast of Christ,
let it come from all sides
they are reaching out to my house.
How they look on the Great Holiday
to the sacred crosses,
Yes, the poppies are beautiful,
Yes, the face of the Mother of God is bright,
so they will look at the servant of God (proper name),
they won't be able to tear themselves away.
I will seem more beautiful to them than the red sun,
purer than white silver.
Let it be so. Amen.

At the end of the ritual, wrap the ring in cloth and hide it in a secret place.

For the love of a handsome guy

If you are in love with a young man, communicate with him, but are afraid to admit your feelings because he is incredibly handsome, then turn to white magic. Early in the morning, read the spell and repeat the ritual for three days in a row:

I conjure, all the Highest powers,
so that the Servant of God (name of loved one)
united forever
with the Servant of God (proper name)
like that
how natural elements are connected
Fire, Air and Water with Mother Earth.
May the thoughts of my beloved
will always be directed to me,
like that
As always, the rays of the Sun tend to the Earth.
Let in his imagination
there is always a scene
our life together.
Let every memory of me
fills his soul with joy and peace.

A strong conspiracy - to make a guy confess his love

Are your efforts to attract a guy going in vain? He doesn't reciprocate? The solution is to perform two actions - and read the plot. First of all, try to take time for yourself and dedicate the day to cosmetic procedures. Do your hair and makeup, or completely update your look. If the change of image does not make an impression on him, then you will have to turn to a love ritual.

The main task is to quietly obtain a few hairs from the head of the betrothed. Then you need to do the following: light a fire (for example, in an old unnecessary plate), throw in some of your hair and his, and read the words three times:

fire of the Holy Spirit
set our hearts on fire.

Wait until the fire burns out. Scatter the ashes outside and you will soon see the results.

Love plot for the betrothed

Probably every young girl thought about who she would fall in love with. If you can't wait to find out his name, you can do a simple effective conspiracy for the betrothed. To do this, you need to write text on a piece of paper. Then take two church candles, tie them and light them. Set the sheet on fire and wait for ash to form. Rub it in your hands and read out loud:

I'll get up before sunrise,
I'll leave the house
and I will go into the dark forests,
and into the rotten swamps.
And in those swamps there is a black bathhouse,
Yes, the grandmother-procurer lives in it.
And she has a stone stove,
and in that stove there is a copper bowl,
and in the bowl everything boils and burns,
it burns and dries up.
So would the servant of God (name)
about me with your heart,
soul and body were seething,
it burned and dried up.
My word is strong
yes solid. Amen.

Soon you will have a chance to find out his name or meet him in person.

In this video, healer and psychic Vitaly Rozhkov will teach you a beautiful ritual for love “Two Candles”:

Spell "bewitched heart"

This love plot involves the presence of a red candle, which is a symbol of feelings and love.

Spread a white handkerchief and use a lit candle to drip a heart shape onto it. Fill the middle of the mold with wax. When it's dry, write your lover's name with a marker and stick a needle into the middle. Leave it there and hide the scarf from prying eyes. Throughout the process, read the text:

It's not the fire I light,
and I call upon the soul of my beloved,
I'm not pouring out wax,
and I ask the body,
It's not the heart I'm piercing
and I invite love into my life.
Let soul and body unite
and they turn into God’s servant (name).
His (her) heart is filled with love,
God's servant (s) is addressing me.

For affection and true love

The plot guarantees love and freshness in relationships for those who have lost their lover and want to get him back. When attracting your ex to you with the help of magic so that he falls in love with you, keep in mind a few rules:

  1. Belief in the power of magic.
  2. The object must remember you.
  3. Confidence in the final result.
  4. Reading a prayer early in the morning.

Your soul will fly like a bird,
when you fall asleep.
She will fly to me
and sits on my pillow.
She will peck bread from my palms,
and drink the water from my lips.
Your soul, (name),
knows me and is not afraid of me.
For me it is tame.
So you too, (name),
when you wake up,
tame and not shy.
Lay your head on my shoulder
and smile at the happiness
which came.
Everything will be like this.
Everything will be fulfilled according to my word.

A conspiracy to make your loved one love you even more

When you have a strong and sensual relationship with a man, various obsessive thoughts always arise: what if he falls in love with someone else, who is this girl from work, why is his ex writing to him?

Go to church and buy six candles. Place three of them right there for your health, and take the rest home. And also buy a new needle. Holding it in your hands, read the text of the plot. After each reading, extinguish one candle.

O Almighty Lord,
I pray to You for a deep request.
Create a high wall
create a deep hole
and a barbed fence,
viscous melancholy
create a mortal.
Lord, close the slave (name) there.
so that he doesn't leave me
and I couldn’t find another woman for myself.
Lock it with the key
Yes, take that key for yourself.
Help me Lord
God's faithful servant (name).
And until that lock is opened,
slave (name) will not stop loving me.

Ritual for bad weather

You can use the given love spells, or you can use the well-known ones orthodox prayers. The Bible says that if you ask, you will definitely receive.

In this case, your chosen one must be exclusively single and not think about another woman, otherwise the prayer will be meaningless. The ceremony must be performed during rain, snowfall or severe thunderstorms. You must be alone in the room and read the spell in a whisper:

The priest walked to the church.
The wheel is rolling, spinning,
your butt rolls under your feet,
clings to the hem of his clothes.
Let it rush at me like that
servant of God (name),
rushes at me
spinning around me in circles,
like a pop on an icon,
let him pray for me.
All saints help,
subdue the servant of God (name) to me.

With this video, magician Anastasia will complement the topic of love rituals for bad weather:

Ritual at dawn

One of the conspiracies for a loved one, which will help you easily win your goal, requires the following conditions to be met:

  • be outside or stand near an open window;
  • time New Moon;
  • , dawn;
  • repeat daily twelve times.

I conjure
to (lover's name)
became one with (proper name) in the same way,
how the four elements of the Earth are united,
so that thoughts (name of lover)
were only about (proper name),
how the rays of the sun rule
The light of the world and its virtues.
Make sure (lover's name) can't
eat, drink, enjoy life
without (proper name).

The object of your magical ritual will feel the desire to be near you after the twelfth day of reading.

Ritual for love

To conduct a ritual to help attract love, you will need to do:

  • take one large pink candle and three small ones;
  • write an affectionate nickname for your future boyfriend;
  • relax and isolate yourself from worries and problems;
  • write the name of the Gebo rune on the largest candle;
  • focus on imagining your ideal partner;
  • light one of the smaller candles and wait for it to burn out;
  • repeat this two more times;
  • After the ritual, place a large candle on the windowsill.

From this video you will learn how to perform a love ritual using Tarot cards:

Amulet for a dream

Your love rituals will be more effective if you make an amulet. It will be designed to attract not a specific young man, but an ideal option for you. To properly make an amulet you need:

  • red, white and green ribbons;
  • a small branch of an apple or pear tree;
  • candle (red or pink);
  • red sheet of paper, pen.

Give your future partner a name or affectionate title. Write it on the candle with a marker and light it. Write your own name on a piece of paper. Imagine the desired image of your lover and braid all the ribbons into one braid. Tie a leaf with it and glue a twig with wax. Hang the finished amulet in a visible place, preferably above the bed, and expect good luck in your relationship.

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