When is the new month in September? The magic of numbers. th lunar day. Waxing Moon in Capricorn

In September, the waxing Moon will be an excellent period for this. to overcome emotional problems and break out of the shackles of troubles. The waxing Moon will help you in the first month of autumn 2017 to follow your dreams and defeat your internal enemies. This will be a very positive period for all of us.

Waxing Moon in September 2017: when, from what date. Features of the upcoming growth of the Moon

The favorable period will begin on September 1. The 5th will be the culmination of growth leading up to the Full Moon. Further growth of the Moon will resume at the end of the month, namely on September 21. This will last until the end of the month.

Roughly speaking, you will have two great chances to succeed in all areas of life in September. Try to plan your affairs according to the astrologers' forecast, which is more than positive. Don't rush to conclusions in September. If it seems to you that everything is going into the abyss, then do not think that this is the end. It is possible that at the end of the descent you will experience a smooth ascent. Maintain a positive attitude in any situation. It's not that easy, but it's the only way you'll have a chance to win.

Waxing Moon in September 2017: when, from what date. The first growth period is from September 1 to 5

It is worth noting on the 3rd and 4th, when the Moon will be in the Sign of Aquarius. The energy of the stars and the Moon will be in harmony, so your ambitions and desires can be combined with your capabilities. These two days will be great for shopping, for finding a soul mate, for a change of scenery and for a change appearance, image.

September 1, 2 and 5 will be excellent days for long-term planning, in particular for planning things for the period from the 21st to the 30th. The first days of September can and even, to some extent, should be devoted to looking far beyond the event horizon. You must have everything scheduled, everything planned. It will also be possible to act by inspiration, but this way your potential will not be fully revealed.

Waxing Moon in September 2017: when, from what date. Period from 21 to 30

These days you need to take action. Let's look at each area of ​​life in order:

In the area of ​​health, you will need to pay attention to those factors that deprive you of your strength. These will be the most better days over the last couple of months in order to get rid of stress and everything that bothers you. It can be bad habits, uncertainty, health problems and so on. To perform at your best in love and business, you will need to get enough sleep. Go out more Fresh air and if there is an opportunity not to travel to work, but to walk, be sure to take advantage of it.

Waning Moon in September 2017: when, from what date. When the Moon Wane in September 2017

The Moon is waning from September 6 to 20, 2017. During September 2017, the Moon will be waning for 334.5 hours (13.9 days), which is 46.5% of the duration of the entire calendar month. The days of the waning moon occur mainly in the first half of September.

September waning moon

During the September waning, the Moon passes through the signs of Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo.

The beginning of autumn will be a calmer period of time than August. general characteristics The first month of autumn is quite favorable both for business and for building long-term relationships.

Moon phases September 2017

Make a note to plan effectively labor activity. After the corridor of eclipses, a period of understanding the experience and trying to harmonize one’s life began. The period from September 1 to the Full Moon in the sign of Pisces (September 6 at 12.05) is good for completing previously started activities and taking care of your health.

During these days, the Moon will pass through such zodiac constellations as Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, so work related to social activities. Although it is better for now to “test the waters” for future projects than to take decisive steps. But starting from September 7, an excellent period for active work opens. Until September 15, you can safely implement those plans that were postponed in August due to private lunar eclipse August 7, total eclipse Sun in Leo on August 21st.

The happiest days of September are the 11th and 12th, when the waning Moon will be in the sign of Taurus. This configuration of stars in the sky is good for those who dream of finding a more promising job, expanding their business, or moving to a new place of residence. You can get rid of everything negative that previously made your life difficult and reach a new level of life.

What good and bad days there will be in September, you should always hope that the Higher Powers will give people a break and there simply won’t be a single critical or dangerous day in September. The maximum is smooth, unremarkable days, when many people want to soar in the clouds instead of working. But you shouldn’t ignore them, which can disrupt your plans and throw you out of balance.

Unfavorable days September 2017

The time not suitable for active financial activity falls on the period between September 8 and 9, when the waning Moon will pass the constellation Aries. There is a high risk of deception, as well as unwise spending of money. Also, be careful with your financial activities on September 15 and 16, when the Moon passes through the sign of Cancer. These are not favorable days avoid entertainment venues and slot machines. Fortune will not be on your side, but the risk of getting into debt will increase many times over.

Exactly the same recommendations can be given for Friday, September 22 and Sunday, September 24. These days you need to rest, but spend money very carefully so as not to repent of your naivety later. will always indicate in which direction to move.

And the last unfavorable day in September 2017 falls on Friday, September 29. The waxing Moon will be in Capricorn, but the 9th lunar day foreshadows difficulties in communications between people. Conflicts started on this day can drag on for a long time and destroy previous good beginnings.

When is the full moon and new moon in September 2017

The full moon phase, in accordance with the lunar calendar for September 2017, will take place on Wednesday, on the 16th lunar day (12.05 Moscow time). The full moon in September will take place under the zodiac sign of Pisces, which promises special magnetism in relationships between men and women. This is an excellent period for conducting rituals and conspiracies for reciprocity in love, as well as turning to clairvoyants for help. The day when the Full Moon comes into full force in September 2017 will give you the opportunity to start a new stage of life and get rid of past fears and failures. will tell you individually for each sign what the day has in store.

Pay attention also to September 20, when the New Moon will force the Moon to reset its monthly cycle and prepare for a new phase of growth. New Moon in zodiac sign Virgo foretells depressive moods, delays in business and the inability to quickly get what you want. Nevertheless, the energy of this lunar day can be used to go to a beauty salon to rejuvenate the skin of the face and body, as well as rid the appearance of imperfections. The waxing phase of the Moon, which immediately follows the New Moon in September 2017, will present excellent opportunities for active people. Until the end of the first month of autumn, you can safely develop your business, attract new allies to your side, and improve your talents in any area of ​​life. The stars promise only favorable days from September 20 to 30, when any activity will find support from authoritative people.

Having carefully examined unfavorable and favorable days in September 2017, we can say that September will be the most successful month of the year for many. This is very good sign, since it is the beginning of autumn that opens the school season for children and a new working period for adults. The holiday season is over, days of active work and searching for more promising sources of income await us.

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This question interests not only selenologists (i.e. scientists studying the Moon), but also ordinary people. From time to time, ordinary people also ask this question in order to successfully start an important business, conclude a deal, get a job, etc. Some even manage to endure cleaning the house, going to the hairdresser and doing household chores in accordance with lunar days. Of course, canceling important things just because the moon phase does not allow it is, to put it mildly, wrong, and should not be taken to the point of absurdity. But you can listen a little. So, in September 2020:

  • New Moon - September 9, 2020 at 21 hours 01 minutes 32 seconds.
  • Full moon - September 25, 2020 at 05 hours 52 minutes 22 seconds.
  • First quarter - September 17, 2020 at 02:14:55.
  • Last quarter - September 03, 2020 at 05:37:32.
  • Waxing Moon - from September 10 to September 24, 2020.
  • Waning Moon - from September 01 to 08 and from September 26 to 30, 2020.

Attention! If you live in a different time zone, please adjust the time!
P.S. There is a simple mnemonic rule for correctly determining the phase of the Moon: If you mentally draw a line to the crescent Moon that we see in the night sky, and it forms the letter “P,” then the Moon is waxing; if the sickle represents the letter “C”, then the Moon is aging, waning. It's a pity that this simple rule can only be tested on a clear, cloudless night sky!

What is a new moon?

The Moon is the Earth's satellite. The moon is mysterious and enigmatic; it has attracted the gaze of people since ancient times. The Moon rotates not only around its axis, but also around the Earth (the period of one revolution around the Earth is 28 days), and therefore has 4 phases:
New Moon is the phase during which the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun. During this period, it is invisible from Earth. That is why in lunar calendars the new moon phase is marked with a black circle;
First quarter. The Moon is a spherical body, which gradually turns its visible side towards the Earth and is illuminated by the Sun at a certain angle. At the same time, the inhabitants of the Earth see a sickle in the sky. Over time, the angle of illumination increases, and the sickle thickens, enlarges, “grows.” That is why the first quarter phase has another name - “growing Moon”;
The full moon is the phase in which the Moon is opposite the Sun and is fully illuminated, which means that from the surface of the Earth we see it as absolutely round;
Last quarter. During this phase, the angle of illumination of the Moon by the Sun gradually decreases, and the crescent visible to the inhabitants of the blue planet becomes thinner, after which it disappears completely, and the new moon comes again.

How does the Moon affect a person's life?

The moon completes its cycle and everything begins anew. The cyclical nature of the Moon's rotation greatly affects our planet. Many natural phenomena depend on the phases of the moon, for example, sea tides. And no matter how many deny it, living organisms are also subject to this influence, including humans. All people are different, and some feel this influence more strongly, while others are less susceptible. Ancient healers noticed that during the new moon people are drowsy, get tired quickly, take a long time to recover, arterial pressure reduced. During the full moon, sensitive people's blood pressure increases, sleep is disturbed, some become aggressive, nervous, and irritable. To avoid this, you should remember that nature is powerful, and man is just a tiny grain of sand in it. So wouldn't it be easier to adjust a little to the phases of the moon? After all, you can try to take into account the laws of nature and simplify your life a little:

The waxing Moon is a period of activity, vigor, and doing new things;
The full moon is a time of attentiveness, caution and a little respite;
Waning Moon - completion of old affairs, calmness;
New moon - decline physical activity, rest and accumulation of fresh strength for the new lunar month.

New Moon and Health

The new moon phase should be considered in more detail. It is no coincidence that this time is called “the days of Hecate”, on behalf of the mythical ancient Greek goddess of darkness, because all nature freezes in anticipation of the birth of a new, young Moon. In the old days, people feared this dark time and considered it dangerous. The body's vital reserves are running out, a person feels lethargic, weak and apathetic, and immune barriers are weakened. Often a person during this period is accompanied by an inexplicable feeling of indecision, which prevents him from implementing his plans. People with developed intuition feel this on a subconscious level. The sages advised to wait out this difficult period, rest and improve your health, think about the past lunar month, sum it up, make a to-do list for the next month. It will be possible to actively make dreams come true very soon, when the young Moon is born in the sky!

It is necessary to conduct a more in-depth analysis of how to behave correctly in order to match the mood of the Moon. The lunar calendar will tell you how to become happier and properly plan all your affairs during the period of the waning moon in September.

When will the moon waning

The decreasing phase will begin on September 7 and end on September 19. In September there will be only one such period, because it falls in the middle of the month. This is good, as you will have a chance to prepare for it and see the fruits of your labors at the end of September. Of course, you shouldn’t make overly ambitious plans for these 13 days. The point is not that failures will await you, but that the period of waning of the lunar disk itself indicates a requirement to reduce energy consumption. This is a quiet time to rethink everything that has happened and everything you would like to see in the future.

This is a time of thinking, planning, observing, searching, adapting to difficulties. On the waning Moon, astrologers do not advise starting travel, repairs, love relationships and anything that requires planning in advance. On such days, you just need to relax and go with the flow, but not completely surrender yourself to the will of fate. If you are too lazy, the Moon will take away your luck and burden you with problems.

Negative aspects of the waning moon in September

Jealousy and envy will be anathema during these 13 relatively calm days. These feelings will begin to awaken on the 8th and 9th, when the Moon is in Aries. More problems of this kind may arise on September 15 when the Moon is in the Sign of Cancer, as well as on the 16th when it is in the Sign of Leo. This will all happen due to the complete dissonance of the stars and the Moon. It will be most distinct on Saturday, September 16th. Leo will put your ego first, and the Moon will not be able to oppose anything to it. It will be a one-sided game dangerous game. On the 15th, your experiences, which will awaken the constellation Cancer, will come first. On September 8 and 9 you will receive a powerful surge of negativity from Aries, which the Moon will also not be able to contain.

Only 4 days will be unsuccessful from an astrological point of view, but they will be more than enough to make us worry about little things and take reasons for frustration out of nowhere. In business, it’s also better not to look around too closely. Yes, someone at work may be doing better than you. It can make you lose your way and lose faith. To avoid all this, you will have to learn to be an optimist. If you don’t look for the positive in everything that happens around you, you will quickly fade away. It will be a very painful fall down, but you can save yourself at the beginning of the journey.

On the waning Moon, you may have a feeling of permissiveness and omnipotence. It is again the Moon and the stars that will each try to pull the blanket over themselves. The stars will most likely win this game, so when starting new things, make sure that they do not require a huge expenditure of energy. Everything should be in harmony. One day you may feel like you are kings, and the next you will simply fail. Don't take risks and don't get involved in adventures now. Leave all this for later, when the Moon finishes waning.

Positive aspects of the waning moon

In September, the waning of the Moon will favorably affect everyone's luck most of the time. It all starts on September 7, when the night star will be in the Sign of Pisces. This is a great combination because Pisces doesn't provoke people into action. They only increase the desire to put everything off until later and just relax. On Thursday, the 7th, do not overwork yourself under any circumstances.

10 and 11 numbers, you will already need to step out of your comfort zone a little. This is especially true in the financial sector. The secret of abundance will be revealed to you if you look at the world not through rose-colored glasses, but in such a way that you can see all the problems at once. Dedicate these two days to planning your affairs and finding new hobbies and new sources of income.

September 12 and 13 Gemini will take the stage. This will mean you can rest and relax a bit. For everyone around you, you should maintain the illusion that you are working tirelessly. Nobody needs to know what you really do. Let everyone at home and at work think that you are very busy. It will be better for everyone. Do not ask unnecessary questions and do not make loud statements during these two days, then they will become very successful for you.

On September 14, Cancer will replace Gemini, so the day will not be very simple, but very productive. Think more about yourself and your loved ones when solving your family's problems rather than your own. On this day you will need to devote yourself entirely to your loved ones.

September 17 will be a positive day because Leo will lose some of his strength. Take a good rest this day. It will be a great Sunday, a good day off and a great day for creativity. On the 18th and 19th, Tuesday and Monday, the Moon will move into the Sign of Virgo. Virgo and the waning of the lunar disc are a great combination. The last, final days of the waning period will be extremely successful for financial transactions, work and solving the most difficult problems. In love, fortune will also overtake you, giving you its help.

One way or another, do not underestimate the power of the Moon, even if it is in the “rest” phase, that is, waning.

The new moon highlights the dark side of the personality, because it is on this day that the night luminary is renewed, reaching its minimum. The moon faces the Earth with its reverse part, which is not visible, which in esoteric understanding is comparable to a hopeless night and a devilish essence.

Finance and Career on the New Moon

The new moon ruled by Virgo will take people who like to waste money by surprise. Virgo is a sign of order, prudence, prudence and economy. This means only one thing: no gambling or adventurous adventures. Otherwise, you will be disappointed because luck turned away from you at the right moment.

Today, success is marked by painstaking and detailed work. Bring everything to perfection, otherwise chaos, even creative chaos, will make a huge hole in your energy or wallet. There is one important detail to take into account: during the New Moon, you should not bring yourself to the point of stress and overexertion; limit yourself to mild fatigue.

New plans and ideas will automatically find their place in life. However, the big danger is that behind your global plans you may not notice the risks and defeats. On September 20, you will lose the ability to see the situation as a whole, and will perceive its individual aspects.

Love and relationships September 20

In September, the birth of the new Moon will present a good opportunity to make pleasant and profitable acquaintances, which can later develop into strong friendships, passionate romance or an honest partnership. The danger and at the same time the advantage of this day is that people will take over the criticality of the zodiac Virgo. You will see right through a person, noticing his every mistake or negative trait, be it stupidity, laziness or frivolity. Of course, you will want to definitely say this, but please control yourself so as not to be branded as an arrogant bore.

New Moon in Virgo - no best time to strengthen relationships, intimacy and sexual contact. You may encounter coldness and indifference from your partner. Do not rush to draw conclusions and enter into conflict, taking a defensive position. On September 20, people will be overcome by some stiffness and shyness. A sense of duty, obedience and compromise will prevail in the relationship.

How the New Moon will affect your mood and health

The moon renews its energy, along with which human energy is renewed. This is a slightly devastating and vulnerable day in everyone's life. There are several explanations for this condition. People begin to experience an acute lack of vitality, hence rapid fatigue, a sharp disruption in immune system, overexertion, stress and anxiety. A person becomes susceptible to negative thoughts, as a result of which his actions can be opposed to his desires. It is important not to give up faith in the best for a minute and not change your principles. The New Moon rules the energy of the day, not your life.

To improve health, you need to reduce external and internal stress. Do what you like. Don't rush, do everything slowly, combining your usual activities with short breaks. Healing herbs will be more useful to you than ever during the Moon renewal period. They make excellent tonic drinks that help quickly restore energy.

Each phase of the moon has two sides: darkness and light. During the New Moon dark side eclipses the light one, so it becomes more difficult to resist the energy of this day. But anything is possible if you believe in yourself and your strength. Follow your heart and the advice of astrologers, completely trusting your inner voice, and then you will succeed. We wish you good mood. take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and