How to get rid of pinworms once and for all. How to remove pinworms from adults - treatment with drugs and folk remedies. Treatment during pregnancy

Traditional medicine will help remove pinworms from the body

Basic principles of treatment

Treatment of pinworms folk remedies based on the use of potions, decoctions and infusions of herbs, as well as other remedies prepared at home. They can be used either separately or in combination with traditional medications prescribed by your doctor. But for high-quality and successful treatment, oral medications alone may not be enough.

During the treatment of pinworms, the body should be provided with a sufficient amount of vitamins

  • In addition to reception medicines When prepared at home, the patient should also use food additives that will help remove toxins and breakdown products formed as a result of enterobiasis from the body and normalize the microflora of the digestive organs.
  • Following a well-structured diet is also an important element of the treatment process. During this period, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the quality and quantity of food consumed.
  • Enterobiasis, especially if it lasts for a long time, often provokes a decrease in the body’s immune forces. To avoid this, patients are recommended to take vitamin complexes.

During treatment you should adhere to proper nutrition

Important! Despite the effectiveness of alternative medicine, treatment with folk remedies is recommended only after consultation with your doctor. Self-use of some medications can cause negative consequences.

For those who have been diagnosed with enterobiasis, the question of how to get rid of pinworms forever is more than relevant. It should be noted that a positive treatment result is possible only if additional measures are taken to prevent re-infection. To avoid this, you must:

  • Cut your nails as short as possible.
  • Wash your hands regularly and use antibacterial gels.
  • Change and wash bed linen, underwear, and other items of clothing daily.
  • Take a daily shower and apply a washing routine after each visit to the toilet.
  • Carry out regular wet cleaning in the areas where the patient spends time.

This set of simple rules will prevent re-infection and significantly reduce the duration of treatment. Personal hygiene standards should be observed not only by the patient himself, but also by people who live in the same room with him.

Proper nutrition

Food intake should be regular and contain sufficient amounts of vitamins

  • Consume any natural fermented milk products daily.
  • Avoid all types of preserves, marinades and smoked foods.
  • Do not eat fast food.
  • Available at certain hours.
  • Exclude sweets and any flour products.
  • Omit pasta.
  • There are porridges prepared with fresh milk.

Such a diet will not only prepare the body, but will also speed up metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system.

Consumption of fermented milk products will be useful in the treatment of pinworms

Important! Most often, enterobiasis is detected in children and people with reduced immune defenses. To avoid re-infection, it is necessary to pay special attention to this aspect.

Treatment for pinworms in adults is best done with the help of a very effective and efficient, but unpleasant-tasting, remedy - wormwood infusion. To prepare such a drug, you need to prepare the following components:

  • Two glasses of boiling water.
  • Two tablespoons of bitter wormwood.

In the treatment of pinworms, you can use wormwood in various forms.

Mix the existing ingredients and leave until the product has cooled completely. The resulting infusion is recommended to be taken regularly, every time before meals. The optimal amount is two tablespoons, but it is possible to reduce the dosage to one spoon. It is strictly not recommended to add honey, sugar or other components that improve the taste to the infusion.

An enema based on a decoction, the recipe for which is given above, is no less effective. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning or evening hours after visiting the toilet. In order to prevent irritation of the anus, it is recommended to use a fatty cream before treating enterobiasis in this way.

Pumpkin seeds

Treatment of pinworms in children is often associated with certain difficulties due to the unpleasant taste of certain home-made products. In such a situation, it is best to get rid of worms from a child using fresh pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds are effective in removing pinworms from the body

Removing worms using this product involves the following steps: about 50 grams of fresh, thoroughly ground seeds must be mixed with a spoon of natural liquid honey. It is advisable to consume the resulting mixture only on an empty stomach.

You can make a healing drink from garlic and milk that will help get rid of pinworms

To prepare a universal potion, you can use any of the following recipes:

  • A couple of cloves of garlic should be crushed or finely chopped, then boil half a glass of natural milk, after adding garlic to it.
  • Boil two cloves of unpeeled garlic in half a glass of milk, then remove it from the broth.

The milk mixture with garlic should be refrigerated and sipped little by little throughout the day. This product is also quite suitable for enemas. We should not forget that an enema for pinworms is done in the morning or evening, which will increase its effectiveness.

In addition to using garlic in combination with other remedies, it can be consumed in its pure form or added to food

It should be noted that garlic against pinworms is considered one of the most effective remedies. It can be consumed both in the form of various potions and as a flavorful addition to various dishes. It is quite possible to eat fresh garlic as a snack with bread; such a snack will also help remove pinworms at home.

You can completely remove worms from children using folk remedies using a mild but very effective product based on milk and. To prepare the medicine, boil several peeled seeds in half a glass of milk for at least five minutes.

After this time, remove the drink from the heat, cool, and offer the child to drink it in the first half of the day. In order to improve pleasant taste qualities such a remedy, it is recommended to add a little natural honey to it.

A remedy based on milk and pumpkin seeds is effective in treating pinworms.

Herbal infusion

Pinworms in children, as well as in adults, can be treated using highly effective herbal decoctions. This kind of folk remedies for pinworms helps get rid of not only mature individuals and larvae, but also eggs. Among the most effective and efficient is the following recipe:

  • Anise seeds.
  • Chelonea naked.

The existing components must be mixed in equal quantities, then take a couple of spoons of the resulting mixture and pour two glasses of purified water. Boil the medicinal mixture over the fire for at least ten minutes, cool.

An infusion based on herbal ingredients will quickly remove pinworms

How to fight pinworms using this remedy? The resulting amount of infusion should be drunk during the day; this is quite enough to create unfavorable conditions for worms. The minimum course of treatment during which the worms will be removed is two weeks. In order to improve the taste of the drink, it is quite possible to consume it with honey, syrup or other additives.

How to remove pinworms in the shortest possible time, using lungs and simple methods? In this case, you can use ordinary cucumber pickle. You should drink it throughout the day, but the maximum amount of the drink should not exceed three glasses.

You can also use regular brine to remove pinworms.

Elecampane and blueberries

  • 10 – 15, that is, depending on the size, of ordinary blueberries.
  • 20 grams of carefully ground elecampane root.
  • Two tablespoons of natural liquid or candied honey.

All available components should be thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand in a warm place for several minutes. The resulting mixture should be eaten on an empty stomach, and then avoid eating for about half an hour. You can still drink water.

A mixture of blueberries and elecampane will be effective against pinworms.

Additional Methods

When figuring out how to get rid of pinworms at home, do not forget about additional means along with the main ones. This will help speed up the treatment process and also prevent re-infection. As excellent preventative measures, it is recommended to consume the mixtures and drinks suggested below:

You can make juice from cabbage and carrots, which will be useful in the treatment of pinworms

What folk remedies can be used to treat pinworms - more on that below:

The worms that settle in the human intestines are quite diverse. Some can be seen with the naked eye, others are so small that they can only be detected in laboratory conditions. Both are dangerous for the body, poisoning and depleting it. Pinworms, which are often found in children and even adults, cause great harm. Therefore, you need to know how you can get rid of pinworms yourself, simply and quickly.

Traditional medicine

When deciding how to get rid of pinworms at home, you should first of all pay attention to medications that can solve a delicate problem simply and quickly. However, it is important to understand that only a medical specialist can make an accurate diagnosis based on test results, therefore self-medication is strictly contraindicated. Only a doctor can prescribe this or that drug.

All of these drugs have shown themselves to be good, but you should not self-medicate; only a specialist can determine which one is suitable in each specific case. We also note that individual intolerance is possible components of the drug, which results in an allergic reaction, rashes on the body, itching. In this case, you should immediately stop taking the drug and visit a specialist again to correct the course.

Folk remedies

To quickly remove pinworms from the body, you can use some folk remedies. There are a number of herbs that worms cannot tolerate, for example, wormwood. Decoctions from it will help solve the problem and get rid of helminths. To prepare the medicine 1 tbsp. l. herbs should be poured with a liter of boiling water and left for 40 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day for a week. It is best to consume the decoction 1/3 hour before meals.

A child who may not like the bitter taste of wormwood can be offered a decoction of tansy and chamomile, 1 tbsp. l. each component is added to a liter of boiling water and left for 30 minutes, covering the container with a lid. You should drink 1 glass twice a day within 3−5 days.

A simple and effective way, which helps remove pinworms - decoction centaury, cumin and tansy, take 1 tbsp of each ingredient. l., the mixture of herbs is placed in a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour. You should take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day, the course lasts a week.

Significant disadvantage traditional methods is that it is quite problematic to find out that a positive result has been achieved, which is why such treatment is best combined with traditional therapy and testing.

Alcohol tinctures of wormwood

1 tbsp. l. flowers of the plant and 5 tbsp. l. pure alcohol are mixed, placed in a small container and put away in a dark, warm place for 8 days. After straining, the product is taken twice a day ¼ hour before meals. One dose - approximately ½ tsp.

The second recipe is also simple: take 1 tbsp. l. pre-ground wormwood herb and dried pumpkin seeds, also crushed, add 6 tbsp. l. medical alcohol. The time for infusion is 7 days, after which the drug is used on an empty stomach twice a day, ½ tsp. Course duration cannot exceed a month; if the infusion does not help, you should visit a doctor and adjust the treatment.

Note that these are very effective means Getting rid of pinworms will have to be abandoned if the following contraindications are present:

  • Pathologies genitourinary system, especially in women.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Epilepsy and predisposition to it.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract (ulcers, colitis, gastritis).
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Giving infusions of bitter herbs in alcohol is strictly not recommended for children under 12 years of age. For children, it is better to replace wormwood with tansy or chamomile, and instead of alcohol infusion, give a decoction.

Vegetables, fruits, berries

When thinking about how to quickly get rid of pinworms using folk methods, you can call on vegetables, berries, fruits and even bark to help. These methods were known to our distant ancestors and have proven to be highly effective. The recipes are numerous:

These are the ways to kill pinworms in children and adults at home. When treating, be sure to follow the dosage, follow the recommendations of specialists and combine traditional therapy with folk remedies. Only in this case the effect will be as fast as possible.

The best enemas

Most often, children suffer from these small worms, but parents can also accidentally become infected through contact with a child, contact with his bedding, or clothing. This is how pinworms develop in adults. Treatment at home is not particularly difficult, but should be carried out in consultation with a physician. If the doctor gives the go-ahead, you can safely use enemas that have proven themselves to be effective.

The simplest enema is based on a decoction of tansy; these dried yellow flowers can be purchased at a pharmacy, and in the summer you can collect them yourself. The remedy will be very effective on early stages helminth infections. You can prepare an infusion for an enema as follows:

  • 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of water over the flowers.
  • Wait 30 minutes for the tansy to infuse properly, cover the container with the liquid with a lid.
  • Next, you should wait until the infusion reaches a comfortable temperature for the body and do an enema.

Wormwood is no less effective; an infusion for enemas is prepared in a similar way. If the moment is missed, then you should choose a more serious “weapon”: boil a head of garlic in milk, cool the resulting broth and use it in an enema every day for a week. Any enema should be done at night, trying to keep the product inside the intestines for at least 5 minutes. This will contribute effective treatment pinworms at home.

Possibility of re-infection

Therefore, the most important step to help get rid of pests forever is to carefully observe personal hygiene standards after completing the course.

The entire life cycle of pinworms takes place in the human body. It begins from the moment eggs enter the body, from which larvae emerge over time. After a few weeks, the young become sexually mature. After fertilization, the female, at the cost of her life, climbs out through the opening of the anus and lays up to 13,000 eggs. After about 5 hours, the eggs become infective.

Pinworms can only be contracted from humans. Pinworm eggs get on bedding during sleep and spread to the arms and legs. Then they migrate to clothing and household items. Their size is so small that they can fly in dust.

It is important to understand why pinworms appear in the body. The infection process occurs in three ways:

Being a carrier of worms is dangerous, as pinworms produce large amounts of toxins. They lead to the destruction of the integrity of the intestines, and this leads to a decrease in the efficiency of digestion. In extreme stages, food particles can enter the bloodstream. This provokes inflammation of certain organs, such as the liver and appendicitis.

Symptoms of pinworms in people

The fact is that the life cycle of pinworms lasts only a few weeks, and if they are not given the opportunity to reproduce, the problem will go away on its own. But such a development of the disease is only possible if the family does not suffer from enterobiasis.

Itching usually lasts no more than two days, and then the symptom subsides for 2-3 weeks. This cycle is a sign of pinworms, that the colony is constantly renewed.

If you start the disease, constantly come into contact with sick people and do not observe hygiene standards, the itching may not stop. In extreme cases it is painful. Because of this, the patient often scratches the area around the anus, microcracks, abrasions and scratches appear. A bacterial infection can penetrate into such wounds, which will significantly complicate the clinical picture.

Without timely treatment and constant reinfestation, new symptoms associated with intestinal disorders appear. Constipation appears or, conversely, mushy feces accompanied by mucus. Sometimes blood particles are added to the stool. There is an assumption that large colonies of pinworms in the cecum, together with bacterial infection may cause exacerbation of appendicitis.

In addition to the above symptoms, women may develop endometritis and vulvovaginitis. And also in some situations, due to irritation of the peritoneum, pain appears near the navel. Symptoms and treatment in adults and children are not much different.

Treatment of pinworms

The specialist, after the examination, prescribes drug treatment and explains how to deal with pinworms. Modern medicine offers not a very large selection of tablets to combat nematodes. Your doctor may prescribe one of the following treatment options for pinworms in adults:

Remedies for pinworms in adults and children do not differ, only the dosage changes.

In order for tablets against enterobiasis to bring a positive result, you need to follow some dietary rules. So, before treatment for 24 hours you need to give up products that strengthen the stool. The next morning the medicine is taken, and in the evening it is recommended to use a laxative. Thanks to this approach, you can effectively get rid of dead pinworms.

For treatment to be beneficial, the procedure is repeated every two weeks. This is the only way to guarantee getting rid of pinworms, since the medicine only affects adults.

If there is pronounced itching, then to relieve symptoms, the doctor may prescribe medications for enterobiasis in adults: Zodak, Cetrin or Loratodine. This not only helps reduce discomfort, but also to prevent scratching of the skin. This way you can avoid eggs getting on your clothes and bacteria entering your body.

Although pinworms cause many problems in humans, they can still be cured. To do this in progress is underway both official and ethnoscience. At the same time, treatment can be done without leaving home, which facilitates the recovery process. The only thing that is required of the patient is to visit a specialist before getting rid of pinworms.

If helminths penetrate the genitals, diseases of the genitourinary system may develop. Often, when eggs or adults enter the vagina, vaginitis develops, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

Important! To diagnose enterobiasis, you need to take a scraping from the perianal folds, repeating the procedure several times! If someone in an apartment or house is confirmed to have the disease, all family members need to be tested.

Basic principles of treatment

  • bodies;
  • clothes;
  • apartments, houses.

If a child gets sick preschool age, it is necessary to ensure compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the kindergarten, especially in case of repeated infection.

The basis of treatment is reception medicines having anthelmintic effect. Some of them are taken once, others - as a course. Only a doctor can prescribe medications after confirming enterobiasis.

Products that have a softening, soothing effect will help get rid of itching in a short time. Some of them are used in the preparation of solution for enemas, others are intended for external treatment of the anus. The use of any drug with anthelmintic effect should be supplemented by regular changes of underwear, bedding, and compliance with hygiene rules.

A diet that eliminates unpleasant symptoms of the disease - problems with stool, flatulence, nausea, vomiting - improves well-being. Nutrition correction involves eliminating fatty, fried, spicy, and salty foods from the diet. This diet will help absorb anthelmintic drugs and relieve irritation in the anal area.

How to treat pinworms in children

Treatment of enterobiasis in children should begin immediately after confirmation of the diagnosis. When deciding which pills or other drugs to prescribe, the doctor takes into account the age and weight of the child. Some anthelmintics intended for one-time use have limitations. Self-medicating enterobiasis in children is dangerous.

After drug anthelmintic therapy for a child, doctors recommend taking a course of probiotics that restore intestinal microflora. This is necessary if symptoms of gastrointestinal dyspepsia persist after completion of treatment. Considering that children's immunity is just beginning to form, when pinworms are destroyed, it needs to be strengthened - by hardening, physical activity, balanced nutrition.

One of the most common anthelmintic drugs in pediatrics is Albendazole. It begins to act immediately - eliminates itching and other unpleasant symptoms. Albendazole is prescribed only by the attending physician, having selected an individual dosage. For example, a single dose is recommended for children under 2 years of age, the dose of the drug is usually 200 mg. After a few weeks, the therapy is repeated to consolidate the result.

Attention! It is dangerous to use anthelmintic drugs on your own, since when determining the dosage, not only age, but also weight, concomitant diseases, and developmental characteristics are taken into account! Only a doctor can identify all the nuances and select the optimal therapy.

Features of treatment for adults

  • pregnant women;
  • breastfeeding.

The task of the attending physician in this case is to remove pinworms from the pregnant woman’s body as soon as possible. In the second and third trimesters, it is permissible to prescribe anthelmintic drugs. Those that are usually used to treat enterobiasis in adults can be used. A woman should be regularly observed by a doctor to monitor her well-being and individual body reactions.

At breastfeeding Finding the right drug to get rid of pinworms is extremely difficult. All anthelmintic drugs are toxic to the baby. They pass into the milk, causing harm to the baby. Doctors usually offer two possible methods:

  • temporary cessation of feeding for the period of treatment;
  • treatment with alternative drugs, which takes a long time.

Advice! Many women choose to continue breastfeeding! At the same time, they are prescribed treatment of the anus with zinc ointment, enemas with soda, and herbal solution. All this is complemented by compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

What medications to take

Popular drugs to combat pinworms are:

  1. Pirantel. Can be used at any age. The medicine is taken once in the evening, before bedtime. The dosage is calculated based on weight. The drug is not recommended during pregnancy, but can be used as prescribed by a doctor, under his constant supervision.
  2. Mebendazole. Adults are prescribed a single dose - 100 mg, children - 25-50 mg, depending on weight. After a few weeks, the dose is repeated. The medicine is contraindicated for children under two years of age, pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Niclosamide. It has a powerful anthelmintic effect and is approved for use at any age. At the same time, it has a number of contraindications - pregnancy, kidney failure, ulcers, and other chronic diseases.

Important! The effect of all anthelmintic drugs is similar, so only the attending physician can determine the most effective one!

Traditional medicine recipes

Some people with enterobiasis prefer not drug treatment, but folk remedies. They are easy to use at home. Doctors warn about the dangers of treatment without anthelmintic drugs, because pinworms cause harm to the body. When using at home folk recipes they need to be supplemented with the main treatment.

Popular means are:

Important! When pinworms appear in the body, it is impossible to do without medication; experts strongly advise avoiding self-medication!

Prevention for adults and children

  • wash your hands before eating;
  • do not drink raw water;
  • maintain the hygiene of domestic animals and do not allow street animals into the home;
  • change underwear daily;
  • change bed linen weekly;
  • Regularly wash your child’s soft toys, wash plastic and hard ones;
  • carry out wet cleaning of rooms every day;
  • Organize general cleaning of the house or apartment several times a month.

Life cycle of pinworm

Pinworms are quite small in size and difficult to see. Female representatives can reach one and a half centimeters, but males do not outgrow 5 mm. They reproduce by laying eggs.

Causes of infection

Within a month, a fully mature female can bear offspring by laying eggs, crawling out of the anus. One clutch can contain up to fifteen thousand eggs.

With her movement, the female causes discomfort and provokes severe itching in the anal area. Often, patients, especially young children, try to scratch the itchy area, as a result, eggs get lodged under the nails and remain on the skin. By touching towels, door handles, money, or other people's clothes, people reluctantly spread the larvae of this helminth.

It is especially difficult not to become infected if there is a sick person in your immediate environment. This applies not only to the family, but to the children's group, where children communicate especially actively, exchanging various objects and visiting a common toilet. Therefore, if there is one sick person, it is recommended that those who had close contact with him also get tested.

Signs of the disease

The most obvious sign is if small white worms, those same pinworms, were noticed in the feces. Males emerge dead, they die immediately after mating, but due to their small size they are very difficult to see. The females come out alive and, if desired, can be seen by their movements.

  • The most obvious sign is a violation of stool for no apparent reason, which can result in both prolonged diarrhea and constipation;
  • With a long-term illness with enterobiasis, the immune system weakens, and the likelihood of contracting various types of colds increases several times;
  • Quite often the patient loses appetite and experiences nausea;
  • During illness, fever may occur;
  • If you are particularly sensitive to this type of helminth, spots may appear on the skin, and the anal area turns red due to constant irritation;
  • The itching can be so severe that the patient may lose sleep, causing fatigue to increase during the day;
  • Frequent severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • As a result of the disease, weakness and dizziness occur.

In addition to all the listed signs, a girl may develop symptoms of inflammation of the genital tract, including purulent discharge. This happens because pinworms crawl into the vagina, transferring intestinal infections there.


Diagnosis of feces for the presence of pinworms

It is extremely difficult to diagnose enterobiasis on your own. This procedure is carried out through clinical studies. Moreover, the traditional collection of feces for eggs is not able to reflect the true picture, because pinworms lay eggs not in the intestines, but outside. Therefore, scraping is done with a cotton swab or with adhesive tape.

And even this analysis does not guarantee one hundred percent detection of the disease. Because pinworms don't lay eggs every day. To get a complete picture, scrapings are carried out several times at intervals of several weeks.


How to get rid of pinworms at home

If you suspect enterobiasis, it is better to immediately go to see a doctor and have your body diagnosed for the possibility of pinworm infection. But even if the diagnosis is confirmed, not in every case you should immediately go to the pharmacy, buy anti-invasive drugs and immediately start taking them. There are situations when pharmacy medications are contraindicated.

  • Pregnancy after 15 weeks;
  • Breast-feeding;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Due to the fact that enterobiasis cannot be started, treatment should still be carried out for these diseases, but for safety it is better to consider analogues from traditional medicine.

Folk remedies against pinworms

Most herbal mixtures and infusions used to treat enterobiasis are completely harmless to the body and can be taken by pregnant women at any stage. Childhood is also not a contraindication for treatment with them. Many of these recipes have been tested for centuries and their effectiveness is undeniable.

However, it should be taken into account that plant substances can have quite a strong effect on the body, and they may also have contraindications and restrictions.

It is unlikely that there will be at least one home where this representative will not be vegetable crop. In order for it to turn into a remedy for this type of nematode, it should be infused with alcohol. To do this, grate a large onion head on a fine grater and pour in 100 ml of vodka. Keep the resulting mixture warm. We keep it for at least seven days. Drink a tablespoon on an empty stomach three times a day. After just four days, the disease should subside. Otherwise, not all pinworms may die and after some time the disease may develop with renewed vigor. For obvious reasons, it is better not to give this infusion to children.

Wormwood tincture is no less effective in the fight against enterobiasis. To prepare, you will need 100 g of wormwood leaves and pumpkin seeds; for convenience, all ingredients need to be crushed. Pour half a liter of vodka into the dry mixture. Keep warm for 10 days. Then drink 50 ml twice a day half an hour before meals. It should not be taken with water or diluted. Within a week the disease will completely recede.

Combination of cognac and fish oil

This is a fairly easy method that does not require long infusion and complex preparations. If you are planning to treat an adult, then you need to take 50 g of good skate (from 4 stars) and 50 g of castor oil. Mix both components and take. The very next day, the pinworms should leave the body. If this does not happen, the drug should be repeated, but not more than four times.

Cognac Fish oil

The mechanism of operation of this mixture is simple. From cognac, the worms become partially paralyzed and lose the ability to actively move in the intestines. Castor oil deprives them of their last opportunity to linger on the smooth fatty walls of the intestines, and they are eliminated.

For children, this recipe is used in a different way. You should wake up the child in the middle of the night, preferably a couple of hours after midnight, and offer to drink sweet tea, first pour a couple of spoons of cognac into it. After 25 minutes you should give a spoonful of castor oil. The latter is selected according to age, which can be read in the instructions; it will work as a laxative. It is better to carry out this procedure on the eve of the weekend.

This recipe is quite popular in the East. Take 10 g of chamomile, 25 g of tansy flowers, 40 g of wormwood herb and 25 g of buckthorn bark. Pinworms do not like wormwood very much, it is from it that they die. Buckthorn works as a laxative. Other herbs soften the effects of wormwood on the body. Pour a glass of boiling water over the resulting mixture and let sit for a couple of minutes, no longer. Take 250 ml of infusion daily for 4 days. It should be taken into account that this method is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Tansy and chamomile enema

Pyzhma Chamomile

Popretsky method

A fairly well-known Polish healer recommends using the following method of getting rid of pinworms. 200 g wormwood, 200 g licorice root, 50 g anise. Grind everything and take a spoonful every morning on an empty stomach. For an adult it is a tablespoon, for a child it is a teaspoon. It is better to drink this mixture of herbs not with water, but with a decoction of prunes. Complete recovery will occur within 2-3 weeks.

Method of getting rid of pinworms according to Dr. Ivanov

Cucumber pickle

It is often used to cleanse the child’s body of pinworms. Drink a glass twice a day after meals. Instead of cucumber, you can use brine from sauerkraut. It should be borne in mind that this method is effective against adults; it is powerless against eggs. Therefore, in order to prevent relapse, the course should be repeated after a week.

The huge advantage of this recipe is that it does not require complex manipulations, and even children can drink the resulting drink, while the cleansing occurs quite gently and without any side unpleasant sensations.

Herbs for enema

A properly prepared enema can be quite effective way pinworm cleansing. Thus, Father Gregory, a famous healer and herbalist, advises using the following method. Mix 50 g of celandine, wormwood, tansy (before use, carefully study the properties of all herbs in order to promptly eliminate possible contraindications). Mix the herbal composition and pour 4-5 tablespoons of the resulting volume into half a liter of boiling water. Let it brew a little, literally 2-3 minutes, and then boil for another 10 minutes.

Another method widely used in practice by the same healer. You will need 100 g of blueberry leaves, caraway seeds, wormwood herb, 50 g each of sage leaves, chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, hop cones. Since this composition is very rich in all kinds of components, before using it it would be a good idea to make sure that the patient has no contraindications to taking any of them. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. You should take 4 small spoons and fill them with 0.5-1 liter of water.

Blueberry leaves Caraway seeds Wormwood Sage leaves
Chamomile leaves Yarrow leaves St. John's wort leaves Hop cones

The resulting mixture must be boiled for a couple of minutes, then covered with a lid and left for another 10 minutes. Before use, be sure to pass the broth through a strainer, freeing it from sediment. You need to take half a glass twice a day, morning and evening. The indicated dosage is effective for a child’s body; if you plan to give it to an adult, the concentration should be doubled.

Fresh garlic with milk

Fresh garlic with milk

This explosive mixture is almost the most accessible remedy that can be used at any time. The ingredients are simple and can be found in almost every home. To prepare the medicine, chop a couple of cloves of garlic; you can do this with a knife, but it’s better to put it through a garlic press. Whisk the resulting slurry into 100 g of milk. No additional manipulations are required. The resulting drink is taken several times a day.