Chinese scientists about the usefulness of garlic. How to distinguish Chinese garlic from Russian: why is domestic garlic less harmful? Growing conditions in Russia

Distrust of products from China is not weakening. This also applies to garlic, which begins to appear on our shelves since September, and by the end of the year it completely replaces the domestic one. Is Chinese garlic harmful or not? Looking for information.

IN Lately information began to appear on the Internet on various foreign resources about the excessive use of chemicals in the processing of Chinese garlic.

Let's try to figure it out.

So, the topic is being discussed that Chinese garlic is bleached with chlorine to make it look attractive and treated with methyl bromide (the strongest poison) to kill possible insects.

On the one hand, such information can be disseminated in order to compete with Chinese garlic - after all, the Chinese grow 80% of the world's garlic crop and are far ahead of other countries in terms of its export volume.

On the other hand, there are objective facts that raise some suspicions:

  1. As a rule, all Chinese garlic in the store is not only of the same color, but even of the same tone.
  2. In our country, domestic winter garlic is stored until February maximum, and Chinese garlic of the last harvest can be bought in the middle of summer.
  3. The Chinese split their garlic separately for shipments to Europe and third world countries.
  4. I can also assume that our garlic importers buy the cheapest garlic from China (I was told about the purchase price of $ 0.80)

Independent laboratory research we did not carry out Chinese garlic, so the following information is at the level of rumors from the Internet:

1. To prolong storage and prevent sprouting, Chinese garlic is subjected to gamma irradiation and sprayed maleic hydrazide

Here is a description of the action of this substance:

After spraying the plants, the active substance penetrates the leaves and gradually moves through the vessels into the fruit. Having penetrated into the root crop, maleic hydrazide penetrates into growth points, blocks cell division. In this case, the duration of action is 8-9 months. Active substance blocks cell division, which leads to suppression of germination, while not preventing cell expansion.

  1. Methyl bromide Chinese garlic is processed to get rid of possible pests.

Marked bromide is a gas that was widely used earlier in world agriculture as a fumigant (destruction of pests by poisoning them with poisonous gases).

Its use has been restricted by the Montreal Protocol (as it affects the ozone layer)

In addition, it seems like (met only unconfirmed information) methyl bromide in a residual amount is present in the future in processed foods. And supposedly there is an acceptable residual level (I can’t find an official document yet), but the problem is that, in general, no one controls it.

Indirectly, the fact that the Chinese continue to use methyl bromide after its ban is evidenced by the fact that they are in the process of searching for analogues for methyl bromide:

"As a widely used pesticide, methyl bromide is mainly used to disinfect the soil before planting crops."

"In order to fulfill the requirements of the international community" on ozone-depleting substances of the Montreal Protocol", the Ministry Agriculture China has created a methyl bromide phase-out plan." Information from here

"In order to solve the problem of garlic disinfection, the use of chlorine dioxide and sodium hypochlorite has shown a good disinfecting effect" Information from here

  1. There is also an assumption that in order to give Chinese garlic a uniform white tint, it is processed chlorine.

I have not found any indirect evidence for this. Although once again I will pay attention - we did not hand over Chinese garlic to the laboratory.

By the way, already after writing this article, our partner visited the world's largest garlic market while attending the exhibition in China. And there was no such pure white garlic as in our stores.

How to distinguish Chinese garlic in the store

The main difference between Chinese garlic is a completely cut out root (this is done by the Chinese in order to protect their varieties of garlic from reproduction).

Conclusion- I do not mean to say that Chinese garlic is clearly chemically polluted or harmful. I think there are still certain restrictions on the use of chemistry in China. In addition, pesticides are used in the cultivation of any agricultural products both in Ukraine and in Europe. However, there are no illegal drugs for sale in our country, and those that are used are produced by such leading European companies as BASF, Bayer, Syngenta.

Here we, as manufacturers, should try to displace the Chinese product with the quality of our garlic.

Updated 12.2016

Found another article about possible harm Chinese garlic. The Vietnamese are also worried (). The article is interesting in two ways:

  1. In principle, a fairly reasonable conclusion is made that since Chinese garlic is supplied to many countries, it is often tested for harmful substances. And in 2016, there were no comments on the quality of the public.
  2. This article collects several previously attested facts about the detection of harmful (and sometimes prohibited) substances in Chinese garlic. More on this below:
  • The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, in 2015, in the control of Chinese garlic in two samples found that the threshold of active substances of plant protection products (active ingredient Dithiocarbamate) was exceeded
  • The Epoch Times journalists conducted surveys of Chinese farmers about the pesticides used and drew attention to the fact that farmers very often use pesticides (Forat, Parathion (thiophos), Aldicarb) "every 8-10 days" even when selling garlic for green feathers - . All these drugs, by the way, are not on the list approved for use in Ukraine.
  • A US government report released in 2014 found that nearly one-fifth of China's land is contaminated with heavy metals such as cadmium and arsenic, as well as unhealthy amounts of pesticides and fertilizers. At present, China's major rivers are polluted with a large amount of industrial chemicals and household waste.
  • The Garlic Industry Association of Australia has warned that most Chinese garlic has been processed chemicals to stop germination.

We will continue to monitor the issue of whether Chinese garlic is harmful or not and will post new information here.

And of course we monitor our production of garlic.

Did you know that three-quarters of garlic varieties in stores cannot be bought? Refuse the Chinese manufacturer!

The world market is literally attacked by products from China, not all of them are harmless, moreover, they can cause very serious harm to the body! Garlic is the vegetable that we most often buy without looking at the manufacturer, without thinking about which one is better. And completely in vain!

Together with this garlic, chlorine, lead, methyl bromide and sulfates enter our body, which provoke oncology and negatively affect the central nervous system and lungs.

Why garlic from China is so harmful?

1. Everything is simple, to increase shelf life, the product is treated with various chemicals. Chlorine destroys dark spots, so the root crop looks attractive and fresh, although somewhat unrealistic.

2. In addition to this effect, the product is processed even at the stage of cultivation pesticide formulations, the components of which must destroy insects. Approximately also in large quantities, these substances act on us.

3. Watering Chinese fields with sewage, which, of course, no one previously cleans, the plants are supported by growth enhancers of chemical origin. The most innocuous thing that they do with it is subjected to repeated freezing, in which most of the nutrients are lost. When buying, be sure to check the manufacturer!

Or evaluate the garlic in appearance, dangerous root crops are quite easy to distinguish.

Comparative weighing

The usual product should be heavier, since the Chinese one is simply dehydrated, which reduces shipping costs. Take two garlic cloves of the same size and weigh them.

2 Taste

If you have already purchased the product, please try it. Natural garlic has a bright taste, sharpness, Chinese is more tasteless.

3 External evaluation

If the fruits are without roots, clean, snow-white, it is better to refuse to buy.

The glory of garlic excellent tool for strengthening immunity, prevention and treatment of colds has been thundering for a long time. Garlic contains antioxidants that have a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system and heart. In addition, this miracle product is capable of reduce blood cholesterol levels.

There are people who grow garlic in their own garden and can be sure that their garlic is of high quality and environmentally friendly. But most still buy it ...

The harm of garlic

The harm of garlic can be even greater than its benefits if you buy a product imported from China. And statistics say that today Chinese garlic occupies 80% of the total amount of products supplied to stores and supermarkets, and is sometimes found in the markets.

It looks white, feels solid, light in weight and does not deteriorate at all. I wonder why? Have the Chinese learned to grow this crop better than others?

The answer is simple and sad. In fact, such garlic is processed with harmful chemicals that adversely affect human health.

Chinese garlic does not turn black, does not rot, and is stored for a long time. Here are miracles! To achieve this effect, it is treated with chlorine. Attractive appearance product is in the first place, and in the last - its safety for humans.

Such garlic seems to be a reference. All heads are not only of the same color, but even of the same tone. This should be a concern. After all, it is impossible to grow this in natural conditions.

Domestic winter garlic can be stored until the end of winter. And brought from China - until the end of summer. This would not have been possible if it had not been treated with chemicals that preserve products, in particular maleic hydrazite.

In order to prevent insects and bacteria from growing in garlic, which is exported to third world countries, the Chinese treat it with methyl bromide.

Chinese garlic also never sprouts, which is rather odd. Our onions and garlic, after lying in a warm room for a long time, begin to grow. The same thing happens with potatoes that are stored in cellars. Otherwise, it all just rots away. But with Chinese garlic, neither happens because it is subjected to gamma radiation.

It is worth recognizing that our agricultural production is not complete without the use of pesticides. But he knows when to stop, passes certification and does not use illegal drugs.

How profitable it is for the Chinese to spend money on processing garlic with all kinds of poisons, judge for yourself. More and more are being exported every year. this product. garlic harvest increases, as does the amount of money received from its sale.

How to distinguish Chinese garlic from domestic? Chinese is very light, over the top. It looks perfect, all heads are one to one. And the main external feature is that its root is completely cut out.

Carefully monitor the quality of the products you consume. It depends on your standard of living. We want, that garlic treatment did not turn into poisoning. If you saw this information for the first time and it seemed useful to you, share it with your friends on social networks.

It would seem, why bring from other countries what can be produced and grown in Russia? Until now, many do not suspect that the garlic that we buy in the supermarket, in most cases, was brought from China.
Yes, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the products are brought from the other side. It wouldn't be big problem if the garlic produced in China weren't toxic. Chinese growers are using banned pesticides to boost crops, which can have devastating health effects.

In addition, to increase the shelf life and better presentation, the heads are pre-soaked in ... chlorine solution. That is why they look so beautiful and appetizing on the shelves. So it is better to remove the Chinese vegetable from your diet. But first you need to learn how to recognize toxic garlic grown in China.

Pesticide-free garlic is much tastier than Chinese garlic. A sharp and bitter taste indicates that you have bought a good quality product. If the stem and roots have not been removed, the garlic should be good. Chinese farmers often cut the roots and stems to reduce the weight of the garlic and save on shipping.

Garlic from China is lighter and less protruding than domestic garlic. Due to exposure to toxic substances during cultivation and storage, garlic may turn green or blue when cooked. In conclusion, we note that The best way take full advantage of garlic - buy it from local farmers.

Today, in every summer cottage or household plot, garlic grows on at least one garden bed. It is used as an ingredient in the preparation of a large number of dishes. There are many various kinds garlic. It is about this vegetable, its features and methods of cultivation in the conditions of our country that will be discussed in this article.

Description and origin of culture

Despite the fact that Chinese garlic belongs to the onion family, it does not have an onion. Its tightly fused underdeveloped scales are called a false bulb. Therefore, Chinese garlic has another name - fragrant onion.

Chinese garlic head round shape covered with thin skin white, and its length can reach 10 cm. The photo shows that Chinese garlic has one feature - there is no stem inside its head. There may be only one tooth, or there may be several. It depends on the type of vegetable.

Garlic has a greenish color as it grows, turning white by the time it is harvested.

Benefit and harm

Fragrant onions contain vitamins, minerals and fiber, which normalizes intestinal motility, accelerates metabolic processes and ensures the elimination of toxins from the body.

Regular consumption of this vegetable leads to the following results:

  • Fortified the immune system during the cold season. Due to the large amount of vitamin C in the plant, the body's resistance to various diseases increases.
  • Potassium and carotene contained in Chinese garlic strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle.
  • Helps in the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

On the basis of fragrant onions, an alcohol tincture is made, which is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with water. It helps rid the body of worms. The tincture can be used by adults and children over 3 years of age.

Chinese garlic is useful during enhanced mental and physical activity. Fragrant onion juice can be used to treat the skin to relieve irritation after an insect bite. The greenery of the plant provides effective assistance with burns from contact with nettles.

But Chinese garlic, in addition to its positive properties, also has its drawbacks, which must be taken into account when using it.

  • The vegetable owes its piquant taste characteristics and pleasant aroma emanating from it to a large amount of oils in its composition. During breastfeeding young mothers should not eat fragrant onions, as they can worsen the taste breast milk, and the baby will not drink it.
  • This vegetable is harmful if at least one of its components is intolerant. Severe allergic manifestations may occur.
  • It is dangerous to include dishes with Chinese garlic in your menu for people suffering from pancreatitis, cholecystitis and urolithiasis.

Useful and decorative properties

The harvest of fragrant onions can be obtained throughout the warm season. Not only soft greens, but also flowers and stems are suitable for eating. In terms of taste, it is a cross between ordinary garlic and onions. Chinese garlic can be eaten raw, used for baking, pickled, dried and salted. Vegetables are a year-round source of vitamins and minerals.

Chinese garlic is a frost-resistant perennial plant, so it is often used as an ornamental decoration.

Features of garlic grown in China

Today, going into almost any supermarket, you can see garlic brought from China on its shelves. All heads are in perfect condition. All of them are clean, without signs of wilting and rot, without any mechanical damage.

How to distinguish brought from China from Russian?

Coming to the grocery store, you can distinguish a Chinese product from a Russian-grown product by the following features:

The Chinese vegetable has no roots, since it is customary for the Chinese to remove them with electric scissors. The photo shows that the surface is absolutely nasty.

Garlic brought from the Middle Kingdom, unlike the domestic product, always has an attractive presentation: all heads are smooth, clean and have the same round shape.

Growing conditions in Russia

You can provide your family with vitamins and minerals for the whole year by growing fragrant onions in your garden beds. In the territory Russian Federation it can be grown in the regions of the middle zone and in the south of the country, since fragrant onions are a perennial heat-loving crop.

The best time to plant is early spring , when the snow is gone and the ground is still soft. To facilitate the growing process, you need to know how to properly prepare the soil and care for the plant.

Preparing for landing

To get a rich harvest of greens and heads of Chinese garlic, you need to carefully consider the choice of planting material, the selection of a place for planting and its preparation for sowing.

Selection and preparation of beds

Even in the fall, fertilizers must be applied to the garden, where Chinese garlic is supposed to be grown in the future. For each square meter of soil you will need:

  • Wood ash - 1 glass;
  • Superphosphate - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Manure or other fertilizer organic origin- from 8 to 10 kilograms.

In the spring, before proceeding with planting, the ground must be cleared of vegetation and roots, dug up and furrows formed.

Planting material preparation

To obtain seeds, 2 or 3-year-old plants are used. They do not cut the leaves from them, but additionally fertilize with ammophos at the rate of 60 grams per square meter. Ripe umbrellas with the seeds they contain are cut and dried under a canopy, providing the necessary ventilation. Then you need to thresh manually, weed out and rinse the seeds in water. After that, the seeds need to be dried again and they are ready for sowing.

When planting seeds in February - March, they do not need pre-planting preparation. Sowing in April or May requires the seeds to germinate with regular moisture.


You can grow fragrant onions in one of two ways. Each person chooses the most convenient for himself. Some use pre-prepared seeds for planting, while others grow a vegetable by dividing the plant.


Every year, several new young bulbs form under the ground. The bush must be dug out entirely and divided into several parts, as shown in the photo. Each part, along with a clod of soil, needs to be transplanted to a new place. It is allowed to transplant the plant in the spring, summer or autumn periods. With this method of cultivation, the crop of fragrant onions can be harvested in the same year.


Most gardeners prefer planting seeds. The time for sowing seeds is early spring, when the soil has already thawed. The emergence of seedlings can be observed after 3-4 weeks. If the seeds are sown in autumn, then seedlings appear only the next year with the onset of warm spring days. However, it is better not to use the winter planting method, since frosts can cause serious damage to the seeds, negatively affecting their germination.

Features of care

To increase the yield of Chinese garlic, you need to provide it with good care, which consists in regular watering and feeding the plant.


In the first year, garlic should be watered rarely. This is necessary for the formation of the root system of the plant. In the second year, it is necessary to water abundantly and up to 10 times during the season. Water consumption per square meter should be approximately 30 liters. In dry summers, the frequency of watering should be increased so that the greens do not coarsen, but remain tender and juicy. From August, watering can be stopped.

top dressing

The plant needs to be fertilized with mineral fertilizer every time after harvesting. You can use fermented chicken manure diluted in water as an effective top dressing (take 15 parts of water for 1 part of the manure). Cow dung is also suitable, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:6.

You can fertilize garlic with urea diluted in water according to the fertilizer manufacturer's instructions.

Diseases and pests

Great harm to Chinese garlic is caused by onion fly larvae, which destroy its bulbs. You can fight them as follows: slightly expose the roots of the plant, gently raking the ground from them. The dry environment and the lack of sunlight do not allow insect pest larvae to multiply.


The harvest of Chinese garlic during the season is removed up to 4 times. You need to cut greens so often because it quickly develops into arrows. Remove only shoots with a length of at least 25 centimeters. After cutting, they are placed in a cool place. In order for the greens to retain their freshness for a long time, it must be tightly wrapped in a plastic bag. The last cutting is done 2 months before the first frost.

You need to dig out the heads only as needed or for transplanting. Choose a cool, dark and well ventilated place for storage.

Winter forcing of Chinese garlic

Chinese garlic is suitable for year-round cultivation in greenhouses and in room conditions for which ordinary flower pots are used. Forcing is most effective using plants that are at least three years old. Their transplantation is carried out together with a clod of soil according to the same principle as other plants. Thanks to this, the whole family will be provided with fresh, tasty and vitamin-rich greens all year round.

Chinese garlic in cooking

Young greens of Chinese garlic are traditionally used as an ingredient in meat dishes and various sauces. The shoots of the plant retain some beneficial features and vitamins even after their heat treatment.

Arrows of Chinese garlic are eaten only fresh. They are used in the preparation of sauces, salads, sandwiches and other dishes.

Since the vegetable retains its beneficial qualities when frozen, it can be harvested for future use in the spring and summer. In the future, frozen greens and arrows can be used as an additive for roasts, soups, goulash or meatballs.

Chinese garlic is widely used in traditional Asian cuisine for many dishes.


Despite the fact that Chinese garlic is harmful to some part of the population, it benefits the rest of the people. But the vegetable gained popularity not only because of its useful qualities. Thanks to its sharp and spicy taste, allspice is an ideal addition to soups and main dishes.