Green tea with lemon: recipes. Green tea with lemon: what is the benefit of this drink? What does green tea with lemon help with?

Drinking tea with lemon was invented in Russia; in other countries they even began to call it Russian. Products with an acidic taste are great for preventing seasickness and, therefore, motion sickness.

For the first time, putting a slice of lemon in tea was thought of in roadside cafes to revive those driving on rough Russian roads.

Benefits of green tea with lemon

You can drink it with lemon. The combination of green tea and citrus fruits is a wonderful helper for the immune system and the body. This drink contains many antioxidants, which:

  • prevent the development of cancer cells;
  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

In late autumn or winter, lemon tea will be an effective cure for the blues and vitamin deficiency. Vitamin C helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and also cleanses the blood of elements that impede its normal circulation.

But green tea with lemon also causes harm. There are people for whom citrus fruits and the vitamins they contain are allergens; this does not happen often, but it is worth taking it into account. Besides, lemon juice Contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal problems. If you do not fall into these categories, then do not neglect such a healthy drink.

This infusion is a wonderful fat burner in itself, and together with lemon juice it acts even more effectively, breaking down both fats and cholesterol deposits. So this drink is good at any time. It also tones, relieves fatigue and has a beneficial effect on mood.

If we consider the lemon drink from the calorie side, then it is safe: tea contains few calories, which means you don’t have to worry about your figure.

Lemon without zest contains no more than 30 kcal. But no one puts all the lemon in one 250 ml serving; a lemon slice contains 3 kcal, and the tea itself contains the same number of calories. In total, a serving of lemon contains on average 6-8 kcal.

But this only applies to tea without additives and sweeteners such as sugar, honey and dairy products. These foods increase the number of calories in tea. Therefore, it is recommended to drink lemon tea in its pure form.

During pregnancy and lactation, this drink should be consumed with caution. At this time, the reaction depends on the characteristics of the body, since it is most susceptible to allergic reactions and sudden changes in health.

If the body does not show a negative reaction, then you can continue to drink tea with lemon. But you need to adhere to the following recommendations: caffeine negatively affects the development of the fetus, so you need to give up all types of green and black tea because of their tonic effect. Choose herbal and fruit varieties; white and special kidney infusions are also safe.

Place a spoonful of green tea in a cup, pour 200-250 ml of boiled water, cooled to 80 degrees, and leave to steep for 5-7 minutes. Next, add a slice of lemon. To achieve a richer lemon flavor, you can mash it with a spoon after adding it.

In the hot summer heat, cold lemon tea is a great refresher. The preparation technology is similar, only after adding lemon, ice is added to the drink or left in the refrigerator for a while. For greater effect, you can add a couple of mint leaves.

Lemon is not the only additive that gives green tea benefits and flavor diversity. Among them:

  • ginger;
  • mint;
  • cinnamon.

Tea with ginger and lemon

The first place among tea additives is taken by ginger, or more precisely, ginger root. It is known that this plant is a storehouse of substances and microelements beneficial to health. It increases the level of immunity and also helps with weight loss, so it is included in the diet.

Ginger root is sold in every supermarket, but previously it was more difficult to get and was expensive.

The combination of lemon sourness with the bitterness of ginger adds piquancy, and the taste begins to play with bright colors. And a shock dose of vitamins will defeat any colds and deficiency of nutrients in the body.

Freshly brewed hot ginger infusion with lemon is useful, as it is most effective in this state. When ginger cools down, it loses some of its healing properties.

Tea with lemon and honey

The next most popular and beneficial ingredient is honey. Unlike ginger, honey is effective only when added to a warm drink at 40 degrees, if you put honey in a more hot water, it will begin to release less useful and more harmful substances.

On taste qualities Honey has the opposite effect - it adds sweetness and richness. But green tea with lemon and honey also copes well with viral diseases and vitamin deficiency in cold weather.

Another popular addition is mint. It is considered more summer, as it gives freshness. They also add dried mint, but mint freshly picked from the bush gives more flavor.

Green tea with mint and lemon gives a surge of energy, has a sedative effect, which helps improve mood.

Tea with lemon and cinnamon

Those who love unusual flavor combinations and experiments should try adding cinnamon; this will give it a spicy but tart taste, reminiscent of mulled wine.

Green tea with lemon for weight loss

Lemon tea, like lemon water, is included in almost all diet menus for weight loss. Lemon helps to effectively break down fats, and an infusion of tea leaves speeds up metabolism. If everything is clear with lemon juice, then different types of tea have different effects.

One of the most popular drinks in the world - tea - is rarely consumed without any additives: sugar, honey, dried or fresh fruits. Lemon is considered the most useful of them, which is due to a number of components in its composition that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Exist different ways making tea with lemon. But often such drinks are prepared incorrectly, negating all the benefits from them.

The benefits and harms of lemon in tea

Lemon contains a large number of active substances, including:

  • citric and malic acids;
  • sugar (about 3–3.5%)
  • pectins;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins B1, B2, C, PP;
  • Lemon oil is an essential oil that gives citrus its characteristic smell.

It is these substances that make lemon a useful remedy for the prevention of many diseases and for the general strengthening of the body:

  1. 1. Vitamin C strengthens the body's resistance, improves its protective functions, as it promotes the production of antibodies. Therefore, tea with lemon becomes indispensable for colds, flu and other seasonal epidemics, because human immunity during this period needs stronger protection.
  2. 2. Lemon helps early stages recover from respiratory diseases - sore throat, asthma and the common runny nose. This is due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It will quickly remove inflammation of the mucous membranes and improve your well-being.
  3. 3. Warm tea with lemon also helps heal small wounds in the mouth. It will cleanse damaged areas and accelerate tissue regeneration.
  4. 4. A large amount of calcium in citrus has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, normalizes arterial pressure and promotes the absorption of collagen in blood vessels, joint and bone tissues. This affects the normal condition of muscles and bones, restores and maintains a healthy appearance of the skin. Lemon tea will help people suffering from hypertension, arthritis and scurvy.
  5. 5. Sour citrus is an active antioxidant. This property ensures safe cleansing of toxins, free radicals, accelerates metabolism and normalizes metabolic processes. Because tea with lemon without sugar - diet drink, which promotes the breakdown of fats and accelerates the process of losing weight.
  6. 6. A beneficial effect on the body is also observed when drinking iced tea with lemon. It easily quenches thirst and improves the body's ability to absorb nutrients. This drink will be indispensable in the summer if you are dehydrated.
  7. 7. Lemon provokes the secretion of gastric juice. This somewhat increases appetite and promotes rapid and high-quality digestion of food.

This fruit has practically no contraindications, but people who are allergic to citrus fruits should avoid it.

During pregnancy, taking it in large quantities is also not recommended - it provokes heartburn. During feeding, you should not overuse tea with lemon - the appearance of acids in mother's milk can provoke stomach colic or diathesis in the child.

Benefits of different types of lemon tea

Tea leaves, like lemon, contain many active substances that bring invaluable benefits to human health. These include essential oils, tannins, caffeine, vitamins and minerals. The main benefits of black tea are its effects on the body as follows:

  1. 1. It tones and encourages. Unlike caffeine contained in coffee, the same substance in tea is absorbed gently and slowly, which makes it healthier than other natural energy drinks.
  2. 2. Fluoride and tannin strengthen teeth and gums.
  3. 3. Black tea is an antioxidant, prevents the occurrence of cancer cells and cleanses the body of bad cholesterol.
  4. 4. According to some studies, this drink reduces cravings for alcohol, therefore it is used to treat alcoholism.

There are few contraindications for black tea, but it is important to choose high-quality raw materials and not reuse the tea leaves. To prevent it from causing harm, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. 1. If you are intolerant to caffeine, you should not drink tea. You should not abuse it, especially before bed: this will lead to insomnia or other sleep disorders.
  2. 2. If consumed frequently, tea increases blood pressure and is not recommended for hypertensive patients, but one cup will not significantly affect your well-being.
  3. 3. Pregnant women need to limit their consumption, but they should not give up the drink. Children should only brew weak tea.
  4. 4. You should not take medications with it - tannins can react with the main components of the drug and cause harm to the body.

Green tea is made from the same tea leaves as black tea, but the processing process is different. Their beneficial features are similar, but green is characterized by the presence of more antioxidants, which explains its popularity for weight loss: it is more effective in cleansing the body of toxins.

The benefits and harms of drinking black and green tea are the same, which explains the same contraindications.

Drinking tea with lemon will also be an effective prevention of many diseases of the stomach, heart, liver, and metabolic disorders. This is a diet drink; its low calorie content allows you to drink it every day without worrying about your figure. And you can sweeten it with honey, making it even more healthy.

But you should always be careful - too large portions of any drink will have a negative effect on one of the body systems.

Water with lemon and honey on an empty stomach - benefits and harm to the body, is it effective for losing weight?

Drink recipes with the addition of various ingredients

The most popular is “Russian” tea - black with a slice of lemon. This fruit is also successfully added to green and mint tea; the most beneficial is considered to be a drink with ginger. But to receive maximum benefit you need to prepare it correctly.

Black tea

To prepare the drink you will need some tea leaves and a small slice of lemon. Recipe:

  1. 1. It is recommended to take a teaspoon of tea leaves for one cup, but the strength of the drink depends on the preferences of the person who will drink it. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and leave for 2-3 minutes.
  2. 2. Add lemon. The size of the piece is also determined by taste preferences. But it is important to throw the slice not into hot water, but into slightly cooled water - ascorbic acid disintegrates in boiling water.
  3. 3. For a richer taste, mash the lemon with a spoon.
  4. 4. If desired, you can add a little sweetener - sugar, sweetener (in case of illness, for example, diabetes), honey.

Sometimes a hot drink is prepared with lemon zest. This component gives a rich smell, but is not as useful. Use dried and ground pieces of zest. But in cold weather, tea with fresh citrus would be more appropriate.

Green tea

Its taste is revealed without the addition of sweetener. Recipe:

  1. 1. You need to boil water and let it cool for 3-5 minutes.
  2. 2. Pour 1 teaspoon of tea leaves into a glass of water and let it brew for a few minutes.
  3. 3. Add a slice of lemon; if desired, you can crush the pulp with a teaspoon.

A popular addition to this tea is jasmine. Its aroma becomes much more intense, and its taste becomes bright, but delicate, with a slight sourness of lemon. Another option that will also improve the quality of the drink is lemon balm. This tea is served cold - it quenches thirst, tones and refreshes.

Guests can be treated to a more exotic option: green tea with sparkling water. To do this, prepare a drink according to the same recipe as a hot one, but it is completely cooled and sugar is added to it to taste, and then sparkling water.

Another way to add some citrus flavor to your green tea is to make it with vanilla syrup. For 200 ml of tea you need to take a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice and three tablespoons of vanilla syrup. It will make the tea sweet, rich, and unusual.

Mint with lemon

This drink is consumed both hot and cold. It is characterized by the following properties:

  1. 1. Peppermint tea helps with diseases of the respiratory system: it makes breathing easier due to the menthol contained in the leaves.
  2. 2. Peppermint is partly an analgesic, and due to its ability to calm the nervous system, it is used for migraines.
  3. 3. Mint can reduce testosterone levels in the blood, so tea made from it is recommended for women with certain hormonal disorders, as well as to reduce body hair growth. But for the same reason, mint tea in large quantities is contraindicated for men.
  4. 4. A mint drink will help normalize blood pressure and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Brew tea as follows:

  1. 1. If the mint is dried, then it should be put together with a brew of black or green tea and pour boiling water over it. If the leaves are fresh, they must be added after the tea is brewed.
  2. 2. You need to let the drink sit for 3-5 minutes.
  3. 3. Then you need to add a slice of lemon and sweetener to taste.

Ginger tea

Ginger is another healthy addition to the classic tea leaf drink. Its taste is pungent and slightly bitter. But this drink is considered the most useful. It has the following effect on the body:

It is prepared as follows:

  1. 1. Take a piece of ginger root 2-3 cm long on a spoonful of tea leaves, grate or finely chop it and put it along with the tea leaves, pour boiling water over it.
  2. 2. Let stand for 15-20 minutes, mix thoroughly.
  3. 3. Add a slice of lemon and sweetener to taste.

The spiciness of ginger can be removed by changing the recipe: it should not be added to the tea leaves, but already in ready-made tea.

Tea with lemongrass

This drink does not fit into the list somewhat, because lemon and lemongrass are completely different things. The first, as you know, is a sour citrus, and the second is classified as a flowering plant. To make tea, not only fruits are used, but also vines, bark and leaves. Its taste is more bitter, slightly pungent, and the smell is similar to lemon, but more spicy and strong.

Recipe for making lemongrass tea:

  1. 1. For a liter of water you need to take 15 grams of raw materials (dried fruits, stems, leaves) and pour boiling water over the tea leaves.
  2. 2. Leave for 5 minutes without stirring or moving the vessel with tea.
  3. 3. Allow the drink to cool slightly, at the same stage add sweetener to taste.

The properties of lemongrass are similar to citrus; it strengthens the immune system. In addition, the plant is a natural energy booster and can make mental and physical activity much more effective.

Tea with lemon is very healthy, the main thing is to brew it correctly so that all the components in it are preserved and have a beneficial effect on the body.

Tea with lemon will warm you up, relieve colds, lift your spirits and quench your thirst. You just need to observe moderation.

Delicious green tea with lemon is not just a way to have a good time with a cup of tea, this remedy will also help with colds, lose weight and normalize blood pressure. Let us dwell in more detail on the properties of this drink and the rules for its preparation.

Tea with a slice of lemon is a Russian invention. If you open a menu in a European restaurant and see the item “Russian tea”, this will most likely mean that the waiter will bring tea with a slice of lemon.

If the drink is prepared correctly, it will contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body.

One cup of warming tea contains:

  • essential oils;
  • tanning components;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements;
  • organic acids;
  • pectins;
  • alkaloids;
  • proteins.

The calorie content of a sugar-free drink is 1 kcal per 100 g. When honey or sugar is added, the energy value increases and depends on the amount of sweeteners.

Beneficial properties of green tea

Of course, black, green and even turquoise tea come from the same plant. Tea leaves change their properties, such as color, only after certain processing and fermentation.

Since green tea is obtained with minimal processing, without fermentation or drying, it retains all its nutrients. Tea leaves only remove moisture, even the color remains close to natural. In this form, tea contains many microelements. It is very useful for the body.

Green tea is extremely rich in vitamins:

  • Tea leaves contain vitamins P and C, more of them than citrus fruits. A correctly selected combination of vitamins from nature helps strengthen the immune system.
  • There is six times more vitamin A in the leaves than in carrots.
  • The composition also includes B vitamins. B3 lowers cholesterol levels and increases the production of red blood cells. Vitamin B2 promotes hair and nail growth, fights viruses and bacteria.
  • Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system.

Benefits of Lemon Tea

The drink, which is prepared from green tea leaves and lemon, is an excellent adjuvant for the prevention, as well as for the treatment of various viral and infectious diseases. The drink helps strengthen immune system, restores mental and physical strength.

Beneficial properties of lemon tea:

  • Activation of sweating. This valuable quality helps reduce fever, get rid of nasal congestion and promotes free breathing;
  • Has a beneficial effect on clearing the respiratory tract from mucus;
  • Allows you to fight pathogenic viruses that are in the throat and oral cavity during illness;
  • The condition of blood vessels improves;
  • Brain activity is activated and performance increases;
  • The invigorating drink has anti-aging properties;
  • The drink perfectly quenches thirst and improves well-being.

The healing properties of the drink are undeniable, but, like any other product, it can negatively affect the human body, especially if consumed in excess.

The effectiveness of a drink with citrus

After regular use, you can observe the following effect:

  • the skin becomes elastic, tone returns;
  • collagen begins to be produced;
  • prevention of cellulite, which is especially important when losing weight;
  • stimulates hair and nail growth;
  • Vitamin C helps protect against colds;
  • Citric acid promotes fat burning.

If the drink is made from high-quality leaf and brewed correctly, it will help heal and disinfect the oral mucosa, freshen breath and strengthen the gums. There is an opinion that green tea with lemon has a preventive effect against caries.

Tea invigorates and increases activity throughout the day. These factors are extremely important in the process of losing weight, since during this period the body experiences stress and excessive drowsiness and fatigue may occur. Since no diet can provide the body with everything it needs, tea made from green leaves and lemon will help replenish the lack of nutrients and restore strength.

For what diseases do you drink tea with lemon?

What is the first thing we do when we get sick? We brew lemon tea, cover ourselves with a warm blanket and stroke the purring cat sitting comfortably on our laps. The cat, of course, is also a helper, but tea with lemon is a kind of first aid for various infectious diseases. This brings relief from inflammation of the mucous membranes. This drink is a natural antiseptic, so it helps improve digestive processes in the body.

Tea with lemon is a kind of “ ambulance» at the first symptoms of infectious diseases

How to lose weight with green tea

Along with its healing properties, this drink will help you lose overweight. Green tea with lemon for weight loss is used to remove fat from the body. As you know, water entering the stomach fills part of it. At the same time, a person eats a small portion of food and a signal comes from the brain that it is already full. Without noticing this, a person feels that he is full, and the body receives a smaller dose of calories.

By adhering to such rules for one month, the body itself gets used to this state. A person slowly but surely and safely loses weight. Do you know how many calories are in green tea? The number of kilocalories in one cup of pure drink ranges from 3 to 6.

Ginger-lemon tea with honey

  • Peel 100 g of fresh ginger and then cut it into thin slices;
  • take a 500 milliliter container, put pieces of root there and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes;
  • After this, the ginger broth will need to be cooled slightly;
  • now add 3-4 slices of lemon and 20 g of honey.

The best addition to this tea is flower or linden honey.

Fragrant tea

For your daily drink take:

  • 50 g freshly brewed ginger, cut into rings;
  • 100 g dried rose hips;
  • 20 g (two tablespoons) oregano;
  • 2 tbsp. l. spoons of dried figs;
  • Pour boiling water over the mixture, cover with a lid and let steep for about 60 minutes.

If you wish, you can add one teaspoon of honey to your tea.

With pepper

To prepare two servings of tea, follow the following recipe:

  • One tablespoon finely chopped or grated ginger;
  • mint sprig;
  • 1 tbsp. l. spoon of lemon juice;
  • a pinch of hot pepper;
  • pour 600 ml of boiling water and let cool slightly.

This drink is drunk hot. And hot pepper in this case will contribute to a more efficient breakdown of fat cells.

Mint tea

  • Take 5 cm of ginger root, cut into thin slices (if the root is young, it cannot be peeled, it will only be enough to rinse it well);
  • Also cut 1/2 lemon into slices;
  • boil 1 liter of water in a kettle;
  • when the boiling water is ready, add ginger root, citrus fruits, 10 g of chopped mint and 5 g of thyme (herbs can be dried);
  • cover the container with the mixture and let it sit for 10-15 minutes;
  • After this time, the tea must be filtered.

This drink is very calming to the nerves.

How to brew lemon tea correctly

For tea to be useful, you need to know the preparation technology.

  1. The temperature of the heated water depends on the type of tea.
  2. Take a special brewing container. Pour hot liquid over it.
  3. Tea leaves are poured into a teapot, the quantity is determined by the volume of the container.
  4. Fill in hot water, but not boiling water.
  5. Wait until it infuses (5-10 minutes).
  6. Pour the contents into a cup and add a slice of lemon.

A drink prepared in this way will benefit the body and bring pleasure.


To get not just a cup of aromatic and tasty tea, but also a healthy one, you need to know the exact recipe and all the rules for preparing such a drink. The drink is often consumed with honey, cinnamon, ginger and even pepper. The rest of the article presents a selection of interesting recipes that will help you make the right and healthy tea. Let us immediately note that all proportions are designed for teapots with a volume of one and a half liters, no more.

In case you need to get rid of a cold and fight the flu as soon as possible, you can prepare the following drink. You need to brew the tea in the usual way. That is, add the required amount of tea leaves to a heated kettle and fill it with hot water.

Once the tea has steeped for a few minutes, add some grated ginger root, a teaspoon will be enough. And you also need to put two or three cups of fresh lemon and some red pepper, literally on the tip of a knife. The drink should be allowed to brew for about five minutes, then pour into cups.

If you have a bad cough, then you can slightly modify the above recipe and prepare a healthy tea that will help you get rid of your cough easily. We also make tea. As soon as it brews, add a little grated ginger, literally half a teaspoon or a full spoon to taste, a pinch of cinnamon and a pinch of cardamom.

Let the mixture sit for ten to fifteen minutes, and then you can drink it. Iced tea according to this recipe is also tasty, but for the treatment to be effective, it must be consumed in a warm form.

If you are poisoned or, for example, feel slightly nauseous while traveling on a train, tea will also help. Brew green tea in a regular teapot. Once it has steeped, you need to pour it into a mug and let it cool a little. Once it has cooled, add a slice of lemon, stir it lightly with a teaspoon to release the juice. We wait five minutes and we can drink.

By the way, never pour hot tea over lemon. This can cause most nutrients, including vitamin C, to be destroyed. And as a result, you will get a drink that is not so healthy.

For lovers of ginger tea, there is another useful and proven recipe. Take a couple of pieces of ginger root and grate it on a fine grater. Add two grated lemon slices there. You can mix them directly in a mug or small teapot. You can then add a little sugar or honey to taste, and then pour in the brewed and slightly cooled green tea.

This drink will help strengthen your immune system and prevent colds.

Brew a small pot of your favorite green tea and let it steep properly so that all the leaves can open up and give all the benefits to the drink. In a separate container you need to mix a teaspoon of grated ginger, three circles of citrus fruit, a pinch nutmeg or cinnamon and three cloves.

You should mash everything thoroughly with a spoon so that the lemon juice mixes with the seasonings. Once the tea has steeped and cooled slightly, you can add this aromatic mixture directly to the teapot. Lemon and clove slices should not be removed from the mixture. Let it brew for another five to seven minutes and enjoy the vitamin decoction.

This green tea goes well not only with citrus fruits, but also with aromatic herbs such as mint. If you enjoy this herb, we recommend you try the following recipe.

To prepare vitamin tea, you will need a teaspoon of grated ginger, literally two or three mint leaves and a pinch of thyme. By the way, fresh ginger root can always be replaced with dry, ground one. If the recipe calls for a teaspoon of fresh ginger, you can use half a teaspoon of dry ginger.

All ingredients are placed together with tea leaves in a teapot, brewed and allowed to brew for five to ten minutes. Add a mug of lemon and a little liquid honey to the cups in portions, pour over the tea and enjoy the unique taste and aroma.


Despite all the positive properties of the amazing drink with lemon, in some cases it is not worth drinking. Among the contraindications:

  • Insomnia. People suffering from this illness feel a surge of energy after a cup of drink and cannot go to the kingdom of Morpheus even with great desire. In this case, experts advise having tea in the morning.
  • Low pressure. Japanese researchers, after numerous experiments, have concluded that green tea leaves can significantly reduce blood pressure.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this case, the product is contraindicated due to the possibility of developing allergies in both mother and child.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, tea leaves will do more harm than good. The only thing nutritionists advise is to give up drinking at night. It is allowed to brew the bag once every few days and only before lunch.
  • Problems with the liver, kidneys.
  • Researchers agree that older people should not drink green tea. An older body may have an unpredictable response to a stimulating, invigorating cocktail.

Most people associate lemon tea with inclement weather or a cold. After all, this is known to everyone folk remedy for coughs and sore throats, a rich source of vitamin C. But not everyone knows how to properly prepare the drink so that tea with lemon is truly beneficial.

Lemon tea: benefits

In addition to all the beneficial components of the tea itself, the hot drink, thanks to the sour fruit, contains vitamin C or ascorbic acid.

In addition to its well-known protection of body function, vitamin C has other healing properties:

  • helps the body absorb iron;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • helps with cerebral vascular spasms;
  • protects joints from premature destruction;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • tones and invigorates no worse than coffee;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • helps with bloating.

Nutrients in lemon tea

  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium

Green tea with lemon: benefits

Everyone has their own preferences in choosing types of tea, but if we talk about health benefits, then the healthiest tea with lemon is green! In addition to a solid portion of antioxidants, good leaf green tea contains important microelements: magnesium, potassium, fluorine, iodine. Green tea with lemon is useful for hypertension, tachycardia and other cardiovascular diseases. It protects the body much more actively from viral infections and restores the immune system.

The combination of citrus with herbal teas is no less useful. For colds, problems with the nervous and cardiovascular systems, herbal teas are one of the mild but effective remedies. By adding a slice to such hot tea, you will enhance the healing effect. It is useful to use it as part of linden and chamomile tea, and also with mint, lemon balm and thyme.

It is very useful to drink tea with lemon and ginger - such a drink will quickly put you on your feet if you have a cold, and will help with food poisoning.

Is drinking lemon tea good for weight loss?

Even water with lemon is good for weight loss - a long-known recipe. But tea will also help you get rid of extra pounds. For these purposes, green tea varieties and the addition of fresh ginger root are best suited. To lose weight, drink a drink that is not too hot. Active polyphenols in the drink help bind and remove excess fat from the body. In addition, the composition of this tea improves digestion, accelerates metabolic processes, and cleanses the intestines of toxins. So the benefits of lemon tea are obvious!

For whom is tea with lemon harmful?

Tea with lemon can only be harmful if you have high acidity or are allergic to citrus fruits.

In pregnant women, a passion for sour citrus fruits can cause heartburn, and in nursing mothers, diathesis in infants.

How much tea with lemon can you drink?

If there are no problems with increased acidity and there is no heartburn, you can benefit from drinking tea with lemon 5-6 times a day.

How many calories are in lemon tea?

200 mg of sugar-free drink with one thin slice contains about 3-5 Kcal

How to make tea with lemon

If you are brewing tea in medicinal purposes, then to preserve the beneficial properties of lemon, it should not be placed in a very hot drink. Wait 5 minutes and when the tea has cooled, add lemon to it.

Instead of sugar, you can add a spoonful of honey to your tea. But, as in the case of lemon, only when the drink has cooled slightly.

Healthy Lemon Tea Recipes

As already mentioned, lemon can be added to black, green and herbal teas. For a variety of taste and healing composition, you can add different spices to this drink.

Tea with lemon and cinnamon for weight loss

Pre-scald the kettle. Add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to 0.5 liters. Pour boiling water over it. After 10 minutes, add a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey.

Green tea with mint and lemon

Osh steam the kettle with boiling water. Then put tea leaves in it (1 teaspoon per glass), 3-4 mint leaves and pour boiling water. Leave for 5-7 minutes, then add lemon.

The rich composition of green tea's vitamins and minerals can be significantly increased by adding lemon or ginger to your cup of drink. What exactly is green tea with aromatic additives good for the body? Let's figure it out.

A drink with this citrus is a dangerous weapon against many ailments, because each ingredient is useful on its own, and in tandem they enhance each other’s properties. The most important elements in green tea are tannin and catechins (antioxidants), they cleanse the body of waste and toxins, thereby serving as an excellent prevention of many diseases. If you add lemon to a cup of green tea, the amount of antioxidants will increase 7 times.

Cleansing the body and strengthening the immune system are not the only benefits of green tea with lemon; we list other properties:

  • removal of cholesterol;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalization of heart function;
  • rejuvenating properties, improving skin condition;
  • antimicrobial properties;
  • prevention of diabetes, atherosclerosis and cancer;
  • strengthening the nervous system’s resistance to fatigue and stress;
  • improving the condition and cleansing of the liver, eliminating and preventing edema;
  • beneficial effect on the digestive process, eliminating constipation;
  • accelerating the process of treating colds;
  • saturating the body with important elements and vitamins, such as potassium, iodine, pectin, fluorine, phosphorus and tannins. The drink contains provitamin A and vitamins B, E, K;
  • tea is popular among those who want to lose weight excess weight, it promotes faster breakdown of fats, removes excess fluid, and saturates the body with all the missing substances during the diet. A cup of citrus green tea (without sugar) contains no more than 8 calories.

Now it becomes clear why green tea with lemon is so popular and really great. But it is worth remembering that you cannot drink such a drink:

  • during pregnancy and children,
  • and it is also contraindicated in case of strong stomach acidity,
  • severe hypertension,
  • in the presence of thinned (sensitive) tooth enamel;
  • Another prohibition on the drink is an allergy to citrus fruits.

Green tea with ginger and lemon, benefits

What if you add one of the most useful spices, a cure for a thousand diseases, to the medicinal, incredibly aromatic drink described above - ginger root? Not only will the taste change, this piquant ingredient will enhance the qualities of both green tea and lemon, and the drink will also acquire new healing properties and become a real health formula.

So, what zest will ginger bring:

  • reduction of spasms and pain of various origins;
  • stimulation of healing processes in the body;
  • treatment of skin ulcers, boils;
  • ginger will add calcium, iron, magnesium, chromium and vitamin C to the list of nutrients and vitamins;
  • improvement and stimulation of blood circulation, prevention of blood clots;
  • restoration of male power, ginger is a strong aphrodisiac;
  • infertility treatment;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • ginger has a tonic property and is also able to satisfy the feeling of hunger;
  • beneficial effect on memory;
  • neutralization of nausea of ​​various origins;
  • reducing blood glucose, preventing an increase in insulin;
  • the root has powerful bactericidal properties.

Ginger should not be consumed by people with inflammatory diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and Bladder,
  • for bleeding, high fever and allergies.
  • ginger helps get rid of nausea, but the combination of the above ingredients is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Medicines of any origin need to be used correctly, so to enjoy all the benefits of ginger-lemon green tea, there are a few important tips to follow.

The fortified drink is drunk 30 minutes before meals, you need to start with small doses, on the first day 50 ml will be enough, then you can gradually increase the dose, but you should not consume more than 250 ml at a time. It is recommended to drink this tea over a course of 2 weeks with an interval of 14 days.

For making tea use only clean water, the root is peeled, cut into small thin slices and placed in boiling water for brewing, citrus is added later.

Did you know that black tea also has beneficial properties, but in order not to lose them, there are features of its preparation. Read the article for details.

The benefits of green tea with ginger and lemon are undeniable; this drink does not contain chemical substances, it has long been loved by those who care about their health and prefer to prevent diseases rather than treat them. Enjoy your wellness tea party!