How to store prepared Ivan tea. How and where is the best way to store tea? Ivan-tea wilting leaves

Ivan-tea, without a doubt, is a unique plant. Drinks, decoctions and infusions from it bring many benefits to the human body. But in order for brewed tea to be a truly healing drink, it is important to properly store the raw materials for it. What is the best way to store fireweed and how long will it not lose its properties during storage?

Suitable containers

The best options for containers in which you can store dried fireweed are:

  1. Glass containers - these can be jars, bottles, containers, carboys and other glass containers.
  2. Ceramic containers – jars and teapots different shapes, which have lids.

And one more important point- raw materials should not be stored in metal containers so that they do not lose some of their useful properties.


For industrially produced fireweed, the packaging is usually not intended for long-term storage, so dried grass should be poured into more suitable containers, for example, glass. The fireweed tea poured into the jar should be tightly closed with a polyethylene lid.

Fermented and Homemade

If you dried and fermented fireweed yourself, place it in a glass jar or ceramic dish. The lid of the selected container should close tightly.

A metal container for storing fireweed tea prepared at home is not suitable. It should also be noted that a drink from such fireweed should be prepared after a month of storage. Then its smell, taste and benefits will be much greater.

Shelf life

According to GOST, dried fireweed tea should be stored for up to two years, but academicians from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences A. Nikitin and V. Emelyanov believe that the plant can be stored much longer. If fireweed is stored correctly, then, in their opinion, the raw material will not lose its properties for decades (up to 30 years), and even vice versa - both the taste properties and the benefits of a drink made from such fireweed will be higher. They were convinced of this by tasting a drink made from raw materials that had been stored for 6 years.

Proper storage, according to Nikitin and Emelyanov, provides humidity up to 70-80% and temperature limits within 15-20 degrees Celsius. And in order for the raw material to “breathe”, academicians advise choosing linen or paper packaging for it.

Having heard about the healing properties of fireweed (fireweed), many begin to make their own tea leaves from it. Those who just want to get involved in this homemade drink and harvest the herb themselves should know what fireweed is - how to collect and dry it, and also how to use fireweed. If you carefully follow all the rules for making such tea leaves, you can get a drink whose taste is much more pleasant than ordinary tea.

What is Ivan tea

The plant, which is known to many as fireweed, has many other names: Koporye tea, angustifolia fireweed, Ivan's grass. He populated central Russia. Ivan-tea especially loves abandoned fields, wastelands and forest clearings. Fireweed, which was used by our ancestors in medicinal purposes, is a plant with a long stem up to one and a half meters high and narrow leaves. In summer, crimson and pink flowers bloom on Ivanova grass.

Beneficial features

Fireweed contains in high concentration:

  • titanium, copper, calcium, manganese, sodium, potassium, nickel, iron;
  • vitamins B and C and ascorbic acid(more than in citrus fruits);
  • tannins and bioflavonoids

The combination of high protein and caffeine content in fireweed makes the plant unique for preparing tonic drinks. It will be more effective even than green tea. Ivan tea is recommended in the presence of neuroses, psychological problems. There is no getting used to it. The use of fireweed has the following effects:

  • eliminating the consequences of food poisoning and alcohol abuse;
  • prevention of caries;
  • removal of waste and toxins from the body;
  • strengthening hair roots;
  • prevention of prostatitis;
  • helps with kidney and liver diseases;
  • brings it back to normal arterial pressure;
  • eliminates headaches;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • alleviates symptoms of;
  • treats flatulence, colitis and enterocolitis;
  • eliminates inflammation of the respiratory and urinary tract;
  • increases the amount of breast milk.

When to collect fireweed

If you want to try your own prepared fireweed, you must remember how to collect and dry it. In the northern regions, fireweed blooms from mid-July, and in the south - in late June-early July. You need to start collecting fireweed during the flowering period, but before the entire cluster of flowers blooms, since then the beans with fluff that are starting to ripen will interfere. It is recommended to collect the plant in dry weather, before noon. The roots of fireweed, which are also useful for preparing raw materials, will have to be dug up in the fall.

How to collect fireweed

Fireweed grows only in open spaces. The flowers of fireweed have a bright pink hue and are collected in brushes. When harvesting, either the leaves, the top, or the entire plant are removed. In the latter case, the stem is cut 15 cm from the ground. It is important to learn how to identify Ivan's grass so as not to confuse it with other plants of the same family that are not suitable for consumption. Forest fireweed and hairy fireweed do not have healing properties. They have purple flowers, and the height of the plants is no more than 15 cm.

How to dry fireweed at home

Having finished with the routine collection, you can move on to the next steps. Preparing fireweed for the winter is not an easy task, but it is doable. There are many instructions and drying options, so it will be difficult to make a mistake. If you don’t know how to prepare fireweed tea at home, you can use “helpers” such as an oven or electric dryer. Preparation of fireweed tea includes several stages, described below.

Preparing for drying

All parts of fireweed are used for harvesting, including leaves, top of the plant, roots and shoots. It is better to collect Ivan's grass in “clean” places, but before the drying process it is better to rinse the collected raw materials in running water. After this, it is time to wilt. A layer of leaves is laid out on plain paper or cloth, which should be mixed regularly. After withering, the leaves of fireweed need to be rolled. At the next stage they are crushed. This can be done in a meat grinder or with a knife.


Many people do not know how to prepare Ivan tea correctly; they skip fermentation, and this is a mandatory process that determines the quality of the brew. For oxidation by air, the container with the green mass is left overnight. The fermentation process is similar to fermentation. At the end, the finest aroma of tea leaves will appear. To complete the process of preparing fermented raw materials, place fireweed in a frying pan and keep at a temperature of 100 degrees for about an hour until it takes the form of granules.

Types of drying

The last part of raw material processing is drying. There are several ways to properly dry fireweed leaves:

  • Conventional oven drying. Place the fermented leaves on a baking sheet on top of parchment paper. It is recommended not to close the oven door tightly during drying. Leaves should be kept at a temperature of 95 to 110 degrees for an hour.
  • Russian stove. The heated oven should stand for at least an hour, after which you can spread the herbal mass on a baking sheet, which is then placed on the coals.
  • Electric dryer. The device is turned on at a temperature of about 90 degrees, the leaves are dried for at least 5 hours. It is important not to overdo it, because then the tea drink will taste like paper.

How to store fireweed

Once dried after fermentation, medicinal raw materials can be stored for two years or more, subject to certain conditions. Ivan tea should be inside an airtight container, preferably glass. Before brewing fireweed, the tea leaves are allowed to sit for at least a month. It is believed that fireweed tea becomes tastier and more aromatic the longer it is stored.

Cooking secrets

The correct way to brew fireweed is as follows: 3 tsp. 150 ml of boiling water, leave for a few minutes, then pour another 300 ml into the kettle hot water. The amount of brewing water and tea raw materials can be changed depending on the desired strength. Fireweed tea can be refilled with boiling water up to 5 times. You can make your own drink without boiling water. For this, 1 tbsp. l. The tea mixture should be poured with a liter of water and left overnight. In the morning you will receive a healing drink. You can dilute fermented fireweed leaves with flowers dried in the usual way.

Indications for use

  • poisoning and intestinal dysfunction;
  • disorders in the nervous system (neuroses, alcoholic psychoses, hysteria, depression);
  • epilepsy;
  • rehabilitation from alcohol addiction to relieve hangover syndrome;
  • increased psycho-emotional pressure and chronic stress;
  • overwork;
  • appearance of baby teeth, gum inflammation;
  • problems with the menstrual cycle, uterine bleeding, menopause, premenstrual syndrome;
  • chemotherapy and radiation exposure (during the recovery period);
  • leukemia or lymphogranulomatosis as an adsorbent;
  • immunodeficiency state;
  • avitaminosis;
  • prostatitis and prostate adenoma.


The healing properties of the plant do not exclude the fact that fireweed will not be useful to everyone. You will have to forget about the miracle drink:

  • in the presence of personal intolerance or allergies;
  • children under six years of age;
  • with abnormally high blood clotting;
  • in the presence of thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.

Spectrum of healing properties. IN folk medicine it is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is effective for diseases of the kidneys, intestines, throat diseases, Bladder, prostate. A decoction of fireweed is recommended for internal bleeding, insomnia and headaches. In order for fireweed to be beneficial, you must follow the rules for preparing it. How to collect Ivan tea and how to prepare it?

The technique for preparing fireweed tea allows you to get different types tea. You can choose the type of workpiece that is most convenient.

1. Green fireweed tea. Fireweed branches should be prepared at the very beginning of flowering, making sure that there are no yellowed leaves. They need to be collected in small bunches and hung in dry, well-ventilated areas. After the twigs have dried, the flowers and leaves are separated from the branches, they will be used to make tea, and the bare twigs can simply be thrown away.

2. Yellow fireweed tea. After drying the twigs according to the method indicated above, the bunches are transferred outside for several hours and moistened. After this, the bunches are dried again and then processed to separate the branches from the leaves.

3. Fermented fireweed tea. This technology includes fermentation in several stages. After the first drying, the raw material is moistened, then dried again. After the second complete drying, moistening and drying are carried out again until the leaves are completely brittle. This type of tea is the most valuable.

Methods for fermenting fireweed

Simply dried fireweed cannot be considered Koporye tea. To obtain real tea, it must undergo a process natural fermentation within 24-48 hours. There are many methods of fermentation, let's look at three of them.

Harvesting at home

The upper flowers and leaves of fireweed are cut off in the morning, after waiting for the dew to disappear. If it is very hot, you can collect it in the evening to prevent the leaves from burning in the basket. When collecting twigs, you need to make sure that insects do not get in; one bug can ruin the entire harvest. Leaves and flowers need to be slightly dried in the shade, then kneaded with your hands. Fill a 3-liter jar tightly with leaves and cover with a damp cloth. Place the container in a dark place and leave for 36 hours at room temperature. After this, remove the raw materials and dry them at a temperature of about 100°C in the oven.

Previously, in Rus' they made slab tea in the form of a large layer. At the market it was then sold by weight, chopped off with an ax. It is difficult to make a large bar of tea at home, but it is possible to make a small bar of 300 grams. To do this, the raw materials are placed in a plastic container and kept under pressure. While the layer is being formed, the fermentation process will be completely completed. You need to dry the tea in the oven. Drying time depends on the thickness of the tiles and humidity level.

After all the steps are followed, the result is a tea whose color varies from light brown to almost black. The resulting fireweed tea should be stored in a glass container under a lid, away from sunlight, for no more than three years.

How Ivan tea was prepared in Rus'

Fireweed leaves were laid out on a tablecloth or linen canvas in a layer of up to 3 cm. Then they were rolled together with the canvas like a roll. At the same time, do not forget to moisten the leaves with water. The resulting twist was tightly wrapped with rope and carefully crumpled, unbending and bending in different directions, for half an hour. During this time, the cellular structure of the leaves was destroyed, starting the fermentation process. The twist was put aside for 2-3 hours.

The result of these complex manipulations was a crushed herb with a brightly grown fruity aroma. The resulting raw materials were transferred to jars or other containers with a lid until fermentation was completed. The process was considered completed after 36-40 hours. To give the tea a special subtle taste, the duration of fermentation could be increased by placing the container with the herbs in a cool place.

Currently, you can repeat the process at home using a meat grinder without knives. Although the taste of the tea will be weaker. needs to be dried. This was done in an oven, now you can use an oven with a conventional mode or simply open the door slightly when drying. In 2 hours the tea will be ready. The tea is stored covered in a dark place. Over time, the taste and aroma of properly prepared tea only improves.

Fermentation of fireweed tea under pressure

In this method, tea fermentation occurs in its own juice under the weight of oppression. The collected raw materials are divided into two parts. Juice is squeezed out of one part of the leaves. You can use a juicer for this. There will be a little juice. The remaining leaves are placed in a metal-ceramic or enamel pan and poured with juice.

You need to put a weight on top; you can use a lid or a wooden circle. The weight should be sufficient; if something metal is used, you need to wrap it in a bag to avoid contact with the grass and oxidation. Fermentation will be completed after three days, after which the tea is dried at a temperature of 90°C. This is how Ivan tea plates are made.

When preparing fireweed, you need to follow some rules:

  • Raw materials cannot be collected during rain and fog.
  • It is better to choose for collection in the morning after the dew has subsided.
  • Do not take damaged leaves that are too dusty.
  • Collection should be carried out away from roads and railways.
  • Bed bugs should be avoided.

Properly prepared fireweed tea must be stored correctly, then the drink will be as healthy as possible. Koporye tea will strengthen the immune system and improve health.

About the condition of tea and its preservation

Talking about good tea, we mean not so much its high grade, but its high standard, i.e. a high degree of preservation, or, in other words, its integrity. If we were talking about any other food product, then it would be appropriate to talk about freshness. But a similar definition cannot be applied to tea, because fresh tea, i.e. Freshly prepared in the factory, it can improve with proper storage. That is why we are not talking about freshness, but about a high degree of preservation as an indicator that more accurately reflects the quality of dry tea.

As is known, dry tea belongs to colloidal-capillary-porous bodies, which means it has two main physical properties– solubility and hygroscopicity. The first of these properties is positive and desirable, and it is this that gives us the opportunity to drink tea as a drink. On the contrary, the second property, if not completely negative, is in any case very undesirable and inconvenient from the consumer’s point of view. It makes tea a vulnerable product, makes it difficult to store, and makes it easier to spoil. Due to its hygroscopicity, tea is capable of extremely easily absorbing, releasing and retaining, firstly, moisture, and secondly, odors from environment. Both of these lead to spoilage of the tea, i.e. to changes in the chemicals contained in tea.

Normal dry black tea should contain 3-7% moisture (green tea - 5%). When humidity increases to 8%, tea begins to deteriorate, i.e. loses its aromatic and taste qualities, or, as tea growers say, “getting old.” At further increase If the humidity of dry tea is up to 11-13%, it begins to mold, and the appearance of the most insignificant amount of mold is enough for the entire tea to be spoiled, because the musty smell will be perceived by the entire batch of tea, no matter how large it is, and not just by mold-affected areas. As you can see, in this respect, tea differs significantly from other products (cheese, butter, fruit), where it is enough to cut off or eliminate the spoiled part, and therefore its careful storage is extremely important for maintaining condition.

Hygroscopicity various types and varieties of tea are not the same. All types are the least hygroscopic. Therefore, all other things being equal, they are preserved better than long grain (loose). Among long teas, green ones are less hygroscopic than black ones. In addition, black long teas of different varieties have different hygroscopicity. High varieties, in which the entire leaf is preserved and the leaf curl is better than that of low varieties, are naturally less hygroscopic, which means they retain their high qualities longer. But this rule is true only if high-grade tea is stored with all the necessary precautions. If storage conditions are not observed, the highest, most refined grade of tea may turn out to be significantly worse in taste and quality than a low grade of well-preserved tea.

How should tea be stored?

It is easy to answer this question; it is much more difficult to fulfill the necessary conditions.
First of all, the degree of preservation of tea is directly proportional to the tightness and sterility (cleanliness and absence of foreign odors) of the packaging. This means that the packaging or container intended for storing tea must not only be closed so that practically no air penetrates there, but must also be made of a material that does not have any odor of its own, does not leak, absorb or would not perceive any moisture or foreign odors, and would also have the ability to be washed well and not interact with chemicals contained in tea.

Such an ideal material was and remains porcelain, as well as glass and, to a lesser extent, foil. Therefore, at home, it is best to store tea in porcelain or earthenware teapots or in glass jars (flasks) with a ground glass stopper or screw cap. Tea cannot be stored in all other sealed containers (metal, plastic, plastic, etc.).

Among modern packaging materials, plastics are absolutely unsuitable for storing tea, as they increase its moisture (the tea “suffocates” in them) and, in addition, give it its own smell. The most suitable for temporary storage is the old, proven product - tin or aluminum foil. But naturally, it is impossible to store tea in paper and foil packaging for a long time, because it does not provide the necessary tightness. It is absolutely impossible to store tea simply in paper (in bags, small bags, etc.), because tea extremely quickly absorbs not only moisture through the paper, but also the smell of the paper itself, and even more so the sulfite or sulfate contained in it.

In addition to the dishes in which tea is stored, its safety also depends on the nature of the room where it is located. Dishes with tea should be kept in a warm (but not hot), dry, clean, often ventilated area. Tea cannot be stored in a cold, let alone damp, room even in fairly good packaging. So, at an air humidity of 70-80%, tea in standard factory packaging still begins to quickly deteriorate. If improperly stored, tea can completely lose its smell in one day.
IN good conditions tea can be preserved for several months and even years without losing any quality at all. Dry tea in a glass container with a perfectly ground stopper can be stored at a humidity of 3-4% for more than ten years. Sometimes, as a result of long-term proper storage, tea becomes even better than before, acquiring a new, even more persistent and strong aroma.

Thus, even with proper storage, certain chemical processes occur in tea, but they occur without access to air and moisture and therefore do not cause oxidation and decomposition reactions.

Since ancient times, the Chinese have learned to store tea for years, to age it so that, like good wine, it acquires a refined aroma and a special strength. Tea, once transported from China through Mongolia to Russia on camels and horses, sometimes reached the consumer years after production, but this not only did not make it worse, but, on the contrary, acquired such a high quality that it was valued significantly on the world market. higher than teas imported to Europe by sea. This “caravan tea” transported to wooden boxes, made from special, well-dried and odorless wood (albizia wood), lined inside with tin sheets, and outside covered with a dense layer of waterproof varnish. Moreover, the boxes were covered with paper (such as waxed paper), placed in double bamboo wickers, and then lined with leather or skins (with the wool on the outside) so that the seams were overlapped twice. This, although very primitive and cumbersome, but nevertheless extremely reliable sealing made it possible for tea to remain in unfavorable travel conditions for up to 18 months or more without any damage to its quality, not counting further stay in tea warehouses and stores.

The above example shows how important proper storage of tea is. This should not be forgotten both when choosing tea in a store and (especially) when storing tea at home. It is characteristic that most modern attempts to change the methods of storing and packaging tea, i.e. simplifying it or introducing new insulating materials (in order to reduce the cost of packaging made from expensive plywood) either do not give positive results or lead to a deterioration in the quality of tea. For example, tea reacts sharply to replacing wooden packaging with plastic, foam rubber, or polyethylene, in which it quickly “suffocates,” becomes moistened, rots, or completely loses its aroma, perceiving the odors of the film. At the same time, it perfectly tolerates complete sealing in porcelain and glass containers, where, it would seem, there is also “nothing to breathe”, and in food foil, i.e. in materials that do not interact with it. Apparently, it is best to create materials for storing tea that would be two layers: the outer layer is plastic, the inner layer is glass.
Most of our domestic teas, as a rule, reach the consumer 7-8 months after release from tea factories. With proper storage, this period is completely insignificant. But if storage conditions are violated, this period is quite enough for the tea to significantly lose its quality. Tea growers have tested and found that there are often cases when tea, excellent in quality, taken from a retail chain, turns out to be completely inconsistent in quality with the rating it received when released from the tea factory. For example, the humidity of tea, which is stored in a non-specialized (grocery) store, increases to almost 10% after 136 days, as a result of which the extract and astringency of the tea sharply decrease. In addition, under such conditions, tea may lose its odor and acquire foreign aroma. If the percentage of humidity can be set in a timely manner and quite easily using instruments, then the penetration of a foreign odor into the tea, unfortunately, is established when it is too late - after brewing, at the time of drinking tea. That is why it is best to buy tea in specialized tea or confectionery stores, as well as in the tea departments of large grocery stores, where there is a full guarantee that tea is not stored in the same room with soap, cheese, meat and fish products.

At home, it is best to store tea outside the kitchen or give it a special place in the kitchen, isolated from other products.

Under no circumstances should you open tea while peeling vegetables (especially garlic and onions), fresh meat, fresh, salted and smoked fish, and you should also not take a jar of tea with hands that have at least traces of the smell of toilet soap, tobacco and perfumes, not to mention wax, gasoline and petroleum products. All these odors have a destructive effect on tea, irreversibly destroying its aroma and taste. It must be emphasized that such an indicator of tea quality as aroma is not only an aesthetic indicator, but also an essential element, the presence of which determines the degree of usefulness of tea as a food product. Therefore, carefully protecting tea from foreign odors is not snobbery, as is sometimes incorrectly thought, but an elementary sanitary requirement, similar in nature to washing hands before eating.

But even when storing tea in an isolated room, in home porcelain or glass teapots, the contact of tea with air is practically very high, since we open the teapots several times a day. Therefore, to achieve greater preservation of tea, it is advisable to store daily consumed tea in small portions in small teapots. The fact is that the greater the distance between the lid (stopper) of the teapot and the tea, the sooner the tea spoils. Thus, tea in a small teapot (50 g) will not only come into contact with air fewer times than a large portion of tea in a large teapot (say, 500 g), but also the amount of air entering the small teapot will be tens of times smaller with each opening.

So, now we know the second indispensable condition for success - the presence of not any tea at all, but tea with a high degree of preservation and, if possible, high-quality...

V.V. Pokhlebkin. Tea, its history, properties and use

Ivan tea is a very unusual plant! If other herbs die from fires, then fireweed will only bloom more magnificently in the fires! Apparently he loves soil fertilized with ash!

In those places where fires raged in the recent past, the entire area is covered with pink-crimson thickets of fireweed. Ivan-tea - or scientifically called fireweed - is an excellent honey plant, medicinal herb and a delicious vitamin drink.

Medicinal properties of fireweed (fireweed) tea and its composition

  • Ivan tea contains a lot of vitamin C, as well as iron, copper, manganese...
  • The leaves of the plant contain tannin, mucus, the alkaloid cherophylline, pectin, sugars, flavonoids, and coumarins.
  • Ivan tea has an anti-inflammatory, enveloping, soothing effect.
  • This good remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Ivan tea has properties similar to the action of aminazine, that is, it is a sedative.
  • Ivan tea is recommended for inflammation of the ear, throat, nose, and headaches.
  • The herb is used for anemia and anemia.
  • Ivan tea improves heart function and stimulates hematopoiesis.
  • Ivan tea is an excellent vitamin drink.

How and when to collect fireweed (fireweed)

Ivan tea grows on forest edges, in clearings, drained swamps, in undergrowth, in fields, where there is a lot of light and sun. This is a fairly tall plant. Often fireweed grows up to one and a half meters in height. And if low-growing plants are found, especially in the thick of trees, then they are not suitable for harvesting.

Fireweed herb has medicinal properties: leaves, thin stems, flowers.

The plant is harvested during flowering, which for fireweed occurs in June-July. Since at the end of flowering fluff appears instead of flowers, you need to ensure that the harvesting process does not drag on, otherwise the fluff that gets into the raw material can negate the entire product.

Plants are harvested in dry, clear weather, choosing for this purpose areas remote from highways and industrial enterprises. Although there is an opinion that fireweed does not accumulate toxic substances, it is still not worth risking your health.

The preparation of raw materials is carried out in the morning, when the dew on the plants has completely dried.

If raw materials are needed for medicinal purposes, then the flowering tops of plants are cut off along with the leaves. Or you can harvest flowers and leaves separately.

The cut plants are stacked in the shade and then transferred to a permanent place for drying.

How to dry fireweed for medicinal purposes

Ivan tea for medicinal purposes is dried under a canopy, in the attic or in a ventilated room, spreading the raw material in a thin layer on paper or fabric. For quick drying, it is recommended to stir it frequently. At the same time, preventing sunlight from falling on the grass, which destroys chlorophyll and many beneficial substances.

Raw materials can be dried in an oven or oven, but the temperature should not be higher than 50°. In this case, drying is carried out with the door open so that the raw materials do not steam.

Well-dried leaves and flowers of fireweed easily crumble, and thin stems break with a bang. Dried fireweed flowers have a honey aroma and a beautiful lilac color.

Preparation of raw materials for tea

Once upon a time, “Koporo tea” was prepared from fireweed, which was in great demand not only among the local population, but was also exported. It is very good that the tea recipe has not been lost, and many preparers still resort to it now.

Most often, only leaves are prepared for tea, but in some cases flowers are also used.

  • Collecting raw materials for tea differs from harvesting for medicinal purposes. The leaves are torn off as follows: the plant is held with one hand by the flowering crown, and with the other hand it is passed along the stem from top to bottom. With this method, all the leaves remain in the form of a bunch in the palm, and the plant can successfully continue its growth.
  • The leaves are placed in large bags and transported to a further processing site. Some producers wash the leaves, but then most of the bacteria, which are involved in further processing of the raw material, are washed away. It is best not to harvest grass in environmentally unfavorable areas, and then there will be no need for washing.
  • Ivan tea leaves are left on fresh air for light wilting, and then placed in a large plastic bag, a basin and treated with them in the same way as with cabbage, which, after shredding, is crushed to release the juice. In the process of such manipulation, the cellular structure of the leaves is disrupted and juice begins to be released.
  • Then they take several leaves at a time and begin to roll them between their palms into sausages until the juice is released. You can roll the sausages on a glass cutting board.
  • The prepared rolled leaves are placed in a non-oxidizing container and pressed down with pressure. In this position they should remain in a warm place for about a day. During this time, bacteria, which are found in any living organisms, of course, in leaves, will enter into chemical reaction with oxygen, and fermentation will occur.
  • The end of this stage will be noticeable by the changed aroma. If previously the raw material had the smell of grass, then at the end of fermentation the leaves acquire the aroma of fruit and a slight sourness.
  • The prepared raw materials in the form of sausages are cut into strips and then laid out on baking sheets covered with parchment. Dry in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 50° with the door ajar. If there is no oven or oven, then the leaves can be dried in the open air at a temperature of about 30°, avoiding exposure to sunlight.
  • To ensure uniform drying, the raw materials need to be stirred periodically.
  • Drying can be considered complete if most of the leaves are well dried. Then you need to remove the baking sheets from the oven and dry the raw materials in the fresh air.

For variety, you can mix dried fermented leaves with dried flowers prepared in the usual way.

How to store dried fireweed tea

Dried fireweed tea for medicinal purposes is stored in paper bags or cotton bags.

Fermented, well-dried tea is stored in glass jars with screw caps.

Raw materials are stored in a dry, dark, cool place for about two years. Further storage significantly reduces the amount of nutrients.

Ivan tea in cooking

Young shoots of fireweed are used to prepare salads, soups, and cabbage soup.

Green soup with fireweed tea. Take the same amount of young leaves of fireweed and nettle, pour boiling water over it. Then chop them and stew them with butter(20 g). Place three diced potatoes and shredded small carrots in boiling water (1 liter). Then add fireweed and nettles to the vegetables and cook until tender. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add salt and pepper. Add a boiled egg and sour cream to the plate with the finished soup.

Ivan-tea collection, withering, rolling, fermentation, drying, storing and brewing tea

Ingredients: fireweed leaves (fireweed) from 1 kg or more.

The secret of preparing fireweed tea is fermentation, as a result of which some of the insoluble (non-extractable) substances of plant tissue are converted into soluble and easily digestible. These are the substances that give the taste, smell and color of tea.

    • The process of preparing fermented fireweed tea consists of several stages.

Collection of fireweed leaves.

2. Ivan-tea withering of leaves.

3. Rolling fireweed leaves (or grinding in a meat grinder, or freezing)

5. Ivan-tea drying.

6. Ivan-tea storage.

7. Ivan tea brewing.

Article taken from the site

Deception, deception, deception!!!

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How to properly dry Ivan Chai. Harvesting, drying, fermentation

Since ancient times, a drink made from the fireweed or fireweed plant, amazing in its properties, has been valued in Rus'. It is he who gives strength, enriches with vitamins A, C, microelements - iron, boron, manganese, improves immunity, and helps rapid healing of wounds.

This infusion will be even tastier and healthier if you prepare it yourself. Below you will learn how to dry Ivan Chai.


First of all, it is necessary to collect the raw materials - the stem with leaves, and for the aroma and inflorescence, in places remote from roads, livestock farms and industrial zones. We cut off the shoots in the morning after the dew has evaporated or in the evening during hot weather, since at high temperatures outside, the wet raw materials in the basket will smear and deteriorate.

You need to be careful during this procedure so that a bug does not get into the basket with the shoots, which, releasing a foul-smelling substance, will spoil the whole work. Harvesting is carried out from May to August.

The most aromatic tea is obtained if the herb is collected before flowering; this can also be done during this process. During the period of seed formation and dispersal (fluff is formed), the collected raw materials are no longer suitable for preparing the drink.

The most fortified raw materials are those collected in May, before the buds appear, when the shoots are very young.

To make 1kg of tea, you need to collect 5kg of fresh leaves.

The technology for processing fireweed at home consists of 4 main stages:

  1. withering:
  2. twisting;
  3. fermentation;
  4. drying.

The collected leaf is carefully examined, yellow ones eaten by insects are thrown away. The rest, healthy ones, are poured out in a layer of up to 5 cm onto paper or fabric. During the day, the raw materials are mixed, since at this stage the leaf should wilt, but not dry out. There should also be no dried edges of the raw material, due to which delicious tea may not turn out, as this will complicate the further process - twisting.

While the technology of withering and rolling is almost always similar, the methods of fermentation and drying can differ significantly.

First drying method

So, due to the length of time of the natural fermentation process and the influence of temperature, it is possible to obtain fireweed tea that differs in taste, color and aroma of the infusion itself. It can be black, green, yellow and even red.

The most in a simple way preparation is considered to be the production of green tea from the fireweed plant. After the first two stages, the raw materials need to be dried in the shade, under no circumstances in the open sun, under a canopy, while turning it only 2 times a day.

At an air temperature of 20-250C, drying lasts 2-3 days.

It is believed that with slow drying it goes away initial stage fermentation, although it is not carried out at a separate stage. Very often they use the classical fermentation method (anaerobic). The dried and slightly curled leaves are placed tightly in a three-liter glass bottle and covered with damp gauze.

Afterwards, they are placed in a room in a dark place where direct sunlight does not reach for 36 hours. After time, this mass is taken out of the jar, loosened and placed on a baking sheet with parchment or baking paper in a layer no thicker than 2 cm. Place this mass in an electric or gas oven at a temperature of 700C. The grass must be mixed.

When most of the leaves have dried, the temperature must be reduced and the draft increased. This procedure lasts approximately 60 minutes, but the readiness of the tea is checked by touch; the leaves must be dry and black in color, and not crumble into dust. In this way you can get crumbly, black fireweed tea.

Another drying process can also be used. Properly prepared in advance tea leaves from the fireweed plant, which have gone through the first 3 stages, are laid out on a cast iron frying pan and dried for 40 minutes. After this, over medium heat, stirring with a wooden spatula, the leaves are brought to full readiness. They should be black, break when squeezed and have a pleasant aroma.

Second drying method

If you use another method of drying and fermentation using oppression, you can get tea in briquettes.

Divide the correctly collected raw materials into two equal-sized piles. Afterwards, one part is placed in a ceramic-metal dish, and the second part is sent under a press juicer. The resulting juice is poured over the remaining raw materials and covered on top with a wooden circle - oppression.

After 2 days, drying time comes. It is necessary to carefully remove the formed briquette and place it in an electric oven. Use upper and lower heating, if available, with infrared emitters, with convection turned on. The tea bar needs to be turned over periodically.

Drying time is determined by weight, the fresh to dry ratio should be 5:1. To save time and electricity, you can dry several briquettes at once. You can get acquainted with the details of this technique by watching the video.

To obtain yellow tea from fireweed, drying with hot steam is used, so the leaves acquire a yellowish-brownish color. After fermentation, the leaves are dried at a high temperature of 900C and a humidity of 100%.

You can also use vacuum drying in drying chambers; when using this method, tea leaves acquire a dark green color.

Third drying method

You can also use a two-stage fermentation method to prepare fireweed tea. To do this, take a damp linen tablecloth or a piece of fabric and lay out fresh raw materials on it in a 3cm layer. Then this fabric with leaves is wrapped like a roll and tied with a rope or elastic band.

Then this “roll” must be crushed for about 30 minutes to destroy the leaf tissue until the juice comes out.

After this procedure, let the raw material rest for 2-3 hours. The process of natural fermentation begins. Then the properly prepared mass that is obtained is placed in a jar and closed with a lid.

The fermentation process lasts up to 20 hours. If this product is placed in a cool place, fermentation will proceed more slowly, but the taste of the tea will be more subtle. Then we put what we received at the previous stage on a baking sheet and send it to the oven at a temperature of 60-700 C, periodically changing it. Dry with the oven door slightly open. You can learn more about this method in the video.

Also, no matter how dry the leaves are, you can put them on the bottom of the oven. ceramic tiles for cladding or red clay brick.

They are placed so that there are no temperature fluctuations, helping to stabilize it, the effect of a Russian oven is obtained.

Fourth drying method

Tea that tastes good is obtained if you dry the leaves in an electric oven with a precise temperature setting and forced draft of hot air. When using such equipment, the cabinet door is also not closed tightly to eliminate moisture.

According to experts, the best way to dry fireweed tea is in a Russian oven. Therefore, anyone who has such equipment can safely use it, because in such an oven it will be kept temperature regime and proper air convection.

Storing such tea requires hermetically sealed packaging - a glass vessel with a plastic lid or an envelope or box of paper in which it is wrapped. The taste of tea will only improve over time.

Quite a variety of teas can be prepared from fireweed, both in taste and color.

Everyone can choose the drink they like. And it is also possible to prepare the tea itself from fireweed at home. Depending on your kitchen equipment, you can choose the appropriate fermentation and drying method. You can additionally add dried berries and herbs to the drink prepared at home, complementing its aroma and healing properties.

Health by nature. Ivan-tea how to collect and dry and make tea benefits and harms

Nature generously endowed man with food and drink. She also provided various remedies for diseases. Healing herbs are respected and loved by people; each of them can help in a variety of situations. Our conversation will be about a unique plant and its properties: fireweed, how to collect and dry it and make tea from it.

Ivan-tea - description and photo

Ivan-tea, scientifically, narrow-leaved fireweed, is a perennial characterized by long-term flowering, from early summer to mid-autumn, reaching 2 meters in height. Its rhizome is thick, new buds are regularly formed on it, and therefore it is not difficult to propagate. Long flower clusters with small pink-purple flowers are formed on tall peduncles.

Several types of fireweed are known - narrow-leaved, broad-leaved, Caucasian, others, more decorative, but no less healing. They differ in the size of the inflorescences and leaves, and the color of the flowers.

Ivan tea grows almost throughout Russia, Ukraine, and Europe, avoiding only arid places. It loves moisture and sunlight, and therefore is most often found in clearings and forest edges. It is one of the first to populate burnt forests, living along highways and railways, forming continuous thickets.

Note! Ivan tea is not collected as a raw material along highways and railway tracks. No matter how attractive the pink thickets of the medicinal plant are, they are not suitable for use, because... contaminated with exhaust gases.

We prepare fireweed

To use it in the form of medicinal tea or targeted infusions, you must follow the rules for preparing the plant.

When to collect fireweed

The best time to collect fireweed is July-August, while the honey harvest is in progress. During this period, most of the raw materials for tea are prepared. For urgent needs, flowers, stems with leaves, and rhizomes can be collected from the end of June - when flowering begins. It is preferable to dig up healing rhizomes in the autumn, when they accumulate reserves of nutrients for the winter.

The collection of grass is completed when the flowers begin to fluff - the seeds with fluffy parachutes ripen. During this period, there are very few useful substances in the green mass of the plant; the stems and leaves become rigid.

How to collect

The collection of green parts and inflorescences of fireweed is carried out according to the rules:

  1. The best homemade tea is obtained from raw materials collected in shaded areas - the leaves are easier to ferment.
  2. If there is no need to prepare medicines, only the leaves are torn off from the middle parts of the stems, starting from the peduncle. The lower ones are left because the plant needs them to maintain metabolic processes.
  3. Flowers and leaves are placed in separate bags.
  4. Do not take plants with signs of disease (presence of spots, darkening), damaged by insects.
  5. Unblown inflorescences are not cut off.
  6. The apical parts of shoots without peduncles also cannot be harvested; they are not suitable for tea.

Know! Unopened inflorescences and buds ripen when dried and begin to fluff, as a result of which the tea loses its beneficial qualities.

After collection, fireweed is sorted, but not washed, and leaves or flowers unsuitable for drying are discarded. The leaves are torn off the stems, because the latter are only suitable for cooking medicinal infusions.

How to dry fireweed correctly

Flowers for tea are dried like ordinary herbs - laid out on paper in a dry, ventilated room, protected from direct sunlight. The finished flowers acquire a thick, raspberry-lilac color. They are brewed separately, added to regular tea, or mixed with ready-made dry fireweed tea.

To prepare an aromatic drink, also called Koporye or Russian tea, fireweed leaves must be dried according to certain rules. The process includes 4 stages: withering, rolling, fermentation, drying.

Withering of leaves

After the collected leaves have been sorted, they are dried. To do this, the entire mass is laid out on a sheet of paper and left for 24 hours.

Note! The thickness of the layer of leaves should not exceed 5 cm, otherwise they will rot.

For withering, choose a cool, shaded room. Sun rays or elevated temperature leaves will dry out prematurely. The whole mass is stirred periodically so that the leaves dry evenly. The sufficiency of wilting is checked by folding one leaf in half. If the central vein has folded with a slight crunch, the raw material is ready for further processing. In rainy or cloudy weather, the process can last more than a day.

Rolling leaves

The procedure required to begin the fermentation process. Outwardly, everything looks very simple: the leaves are rubbed between the palms, twisting them into a tube. Continue until the leaves become wet and release juice.

When processing a large amount of raw materials, one pair of hands will not be enough; if there are no assistants, they resort to mechanical twisting, as described below.

Fermentation process

By fermentation of fireweed we mean the fermentation of the juice that came out of the leaves during twisting. Moreover, the entire process takes place with the participation of bacteria and microorganisms that live on the leaves in the natural environment. As a result, the bio changes chemical composition raw materials, useful substances are converted into accessible form.

The twisted leaves are placed in dishes made of materials that are not subject to oxidation - glass, ceramics, food plastic. You can use enamel cookware if there are no chips or cracks on the inner surface.

Then the laid mass is pressed under pressure for 1-2 hours so that more juice is formed. Then the oppression is removed, the container is covered with a cloth (cotton or linen). The fermentation process has begun.

Interesting! In the old days, fluffy fireweed seeds were used to stuff pillows and mattresses.

Fermentation – degrees and tastes that are not in dispute

From the duration of fermentation, i.e. its degree depends on the taste of the resulting tea. There are three degrees and characteristic tastes for each:

  • light, process duration is 3-6 hours. The tea is colored with a delicate bright floral and fruity aroma, the taste of the drink is soft. The color is similar to green tea;
  • medium - 10-16 hours. The drink will have a pronounced aroma, tart taste with a slight sourness;
  • deep - 20-36 hours. The tea will be tart, less aromatic, the color will be like that of strongly brewed black tea.

On a note! Experts advise not to hold the raw materials during deep fermentation so that the fermentation process does not end with the appearance of mold.


Completion of the process is drying. Leaves are dried in different ways, using an oven, electric dryer, or without technical means.

Drying without oven

Fermented raw materials are laid out on a baking sheet covered parchment paper. The process takes place when heated to 60°C. A higher temperature will destroy the beneficial substances contained in the leaves; at a lower temperature the process will be delayed. The oven should remain slightly open to allow air to circulate.

Advice! Typically, the temperature scale of a gas oven does not have sufficient accuracy in reading temperatures below 100 °C.

To avoid overheating the raw materials, turn on minimal heating. The door is left ajar on the long side of the matchbox. This distance ensures uniform heating of the raw materials at a level of 55-60°, if the baking sheet is located at the middle height. Drying lasts about 1 hour, the condition of the mass is monitored. Readiness is determined by the following signs: leaves break easily; raw materials do not stick to your hands.

When the tea is ready, turn off the oven, open the door completely, and leave the baking sheet in place until the leaves have cooled completely. The raw materials are dried in an electric dryer at a temperature of 50-60°C, and the leaves are mixed twice during drying.

Tea dried under natural conditions retains more beneficial substances, although the process itself lasts about a week. Fermented leaves are laid out on paper. The drying room must be dry and regularly ventilated. The place where the tea is dried should be light enough, but without direct sunlight. Dry the leaves and stir them 2-3 times a day.

How to make Ivan tea through a meat grinder

Previously, the whole family used to collect and dry fireweed for future use - they collected it together, processed it together. Today, “family contracting” is a rare thing; one person handles the processing of raw materials. Harvesting a large amount of fireweed without a minimum of equipment, just by hand alone, is impossible. The process is simplified by using a regular meat grinder.

Algorithm for preparing fireweed tea through a meat grinder:

  1. The prepared raw materials are dried.
  2. The dried mass is passed through a meat grinder. The output is small lumps of mass, similar to granules.
  3. Place in a suitable container, press lightly with your hands, cover with a cloth, and leave.
  4. Fermentation is stopped when the desired degree is reached - the mass is sent to dry in the oven. The degree of readiness of tea is determined by the condition of the granules. The product is considered ready if the granule crumbles when slightly squeezed.

Storing Koporye tea

Properly prepared Koporye tea can be stored from 1 (if it was made through a meat grinder) to 2-3 years. Storage conditions: dry room; a cabinet with solid (not glass) doors; a glass or ceramic jar with a tight-fitting lid.

Important! When stored in metal containers, fireweed tea loses its beneficial qualities.

Russian scientists believe that Russian tea can be stored longer - tens of years, if the air humidity does not exceed 70% and the temperature is kept within 15-20°. It is better to pack it in linen bags or paper bags.

Interesting! The finished tea should be allowed to rest for a month so that its taste and aroma develop more fully. It is even believed that with each year of storage, tea only becomes tastier and healthier.

The benefits and harms of fireweed tea

Koporye tea was drunk in Rus' long before the advent of traditional tea, brewed from the leaves of tea bushes. They not only quenched thirst, but were used as a medicinal drink for various health problems. The versatility of the use of fireweed is due to its chemical composition: microelements - copper, nickel, boron, iron, titanium; tannins; flavonoids; carotenoids; triterpinoids; vitamins; pectins; essential oils.

On a note! Ivan tea is 6.5 times richer in vitamin C than lemon.

Beneficial effects of Koporye tea:

  1. Improves blood composition, normalizes hemoglobin levels, stabilizes blood pressure.
  2. Accelerates metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with ulcers and gastritis. Has a slight laxative effect.
  3. Has antiseptic properties, useful for various inflammatory processes in organism.
  4. It has a positive effect on the prostate (some ancient sources call fireweed a male herb).
  5. It has a mild diuretic effect, normalizes the electrolytic balance of the body, it is recommended to drink it for urolithiasis.
  6. Helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, gum problems, incl. during teething in babies.
  7. It has a mild sedative effect, relieves anxiety, relieves migraine headaches, normalizes sleep, helps with chronic fatigue and epilepsy.
  8. Promotes the removal of toxins and waste.
  9. Increases immunity.
  10. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, and is useful for cycle disorders and during menopause.
  11. Helps maintain skin elasticity and helps solve some skin problems.
  12. Characterized by a refreshing and tonic effect.
  13. Useful for weight loss diets, because... reduces cravings for sweets, reduces appetite.

Recent studies have shown that the leaves of fireweed angustifolia 9 fireweed contain substances that inhibit the appearance and development of tumors.

Doctors do not prohibit pregnant women from drinking Russian tea, as it is rich in nutrients and vitamins. It is useful for nursing mothers: it improves the composition of milk, increases lactation, and has a mild soothing effect.

Important! Consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist and pediatrician is required!

When not to drink Ivan tea

There are few restrictions, the main ones are: gastritis with increased acidity; increased blood clotting, thrombosis; with individual intolerance. Ivan tea is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. Also, when taking medications prescribed by a doctor, tea should be discarded so as not to enhance or weaken the effect of the medications.

Koporye tea lowers or increases blood pressure

Ivan tea does not contain caffeine, which increases blood pressure, so hypertensive patients can safely enjoy its taste and aroma. It is also useful for hypotensive patients, since it does not contain substances that can lower blood pressure. They only follow the dosage: people with high blood pressure brew tea according to the standard recipe; with low blood pressure, the concentration of the drink should be halved.

How to brew fireweed tea

The procedure for brewing Koporye tea differs little from regular tea:

  • The teapot is rinsed with boiling water and 2-3 tsp is added. dried fireweed for a half-liter teapot;
  • Fill the kettle with boiling water to about a third, let it brew for 5 minutes without covering it;
  • add boiling water and leave for 10 minutes;
  • Fireweed loses its healing properties after brewing 3 times.

On a note! Ivan tea can be brewed for future use - in the refrigerator it retains its properties for 5 days.

Koporye tea is prepared in combination with other herbs or berries. Sometimes they are added during fermentation, but more often they are added to taste directly during brewing. Some combinations mutually enhance the healing properties, for example, with thyme. This composition complements the action of fireweed: reduces swelling; eliminates flatulence; removes hangover syndrome; treats persistent cough.

Attention! The combination of thyme and fireweed is contraindicated for pregnant women. In case of atrial fibrillation or diseases of the thyroid gland, first consult a doctor.

To prepare the drink, take a mixture of herbs at the rate of 1 part thyme to 10 parts fireweed. Prepared according to the brewing scheme for Ivan tea. The tea retains its healing properties when used 4 times.

Ivan tea with sea buckthorn is no less useful. Only people with intolerance to one of the components do not drink it. This tea combines all the beneficial properties of its constituent parts, and also exhibits a significant cosmetic effect: with regular consumption of tea from fireweed and sea buckthorn, it improves the condition of the skin, promotes the growth and strengthening of hair and nails.

Dried berries and Koporye tea are mixed in a 1:1 ratio, brew 2 tsp. mixture with half a liter of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. The drink retains its healing properties for 24 hours and can be used three times.

Diabetics benefit from Koporye tea with lingonberries - it helps lower blood sugar. To do this, use dried berries and mix them with the base 1:1.

Ivan tea is also brewed with other herbs and berries - currants, raspberries, rose hips, oregano, chamomile, lemon balm, meadowsweet. In each case, they receive a healing drink with its own beneficial properties (and contraindications).

Interesting! The chemical composition of fireweed includes almost 2/3 of the periodic table.


Nature is rich and generous. Ivan-tea is another confirmation of this fact. Ivan tea helps to diversify the usual tea drinking, introduce new flavor notes and aroma into it, and increase its benefits. Knowing where and how to collect raw materials, how to prepare and dry them and how to make them delicious healthy tea, a person will help his body cope with various ailments and prolong his youth.

Drink Ivan tea - forget about sadness

Ivan tea cannot be compared with any other plant in its importance in the healing treasury of the Russian people. Our ancestors drank a drink from it, knowing about the great healing power of grass, namely its leaves. There was a time when all of Europe could enjoy the exquisite taste of tea, which was in no way inferior to overseas varieties. Admirers eagerly awaited the arrival of merchants from the Russian land with truly golden, useful and fragrant goods.

Ivan-tea, also known as narrow-leaved fireweed, in English Fireweed, which is translated as “weed from fires.” The very first appears on lands devastated by fire to prepare the ground for colonization by other plants. The seeds of a giant flower, reaching up to one and a half meters, thanks to its volatility, can quickly populate vast areas experiencing problems due to disturbance of vegetation cover. Therefore, in wastelands and forest edges, in clearings and swampy places, we encounter the pink blaze of flowers of the miraculous fireweed angustifolia.

The main secret is proper fermentation

Not everyone knows how to properly ferment fireweed at home. To get a real natural product from leaves, you need to try very hard, prepare it correctly, or rather ferment it. It is possible to do this yourself with certain knowledge and experience. There is no point in simply drying and brewing the leaves. You will not get the taste, the result, or the desired effect. Watch the video and see the usefulness of this drink and the importance of preparing it correctly.

The secret of Ivan tea lies in fermentation. Only with proper processing of green raw materials can insoluble substances from plant tissue become soluble and easily absorbed by the body. And we will receive from this process the smell, taste and color of the desired drink, and most importantly, benefits.

Preparing a healing infusion is a process that involves several stages. You need to collect the leaves, wither them, roll them, carry out the fermentation process, dry them and store them properly. And then brew and drink, receiving true pleasure from the tea, a boost of energy and beneficial substances. Let's look at how proper fermentation of Ivan tea occurs at home and its methods.

How to collect and dry leaves

The collection of raw materials occurs during the flowering period of plants from June and throughout August. It is during this period that it gains its greatest strength. As soon as the fireweed blooms pink, people go for the leaves.

They are picked off until the flowers bloom. Then the plant’s strength dries up and begins to decline. They do not tear up foliage near public roads and collect them only in dry weather. You need to choose shaded places, along the edges of forest clearings. The leaf there is green, juicy and tender. It rolls better and is easier to prepare, and the tea itself tastes a hundred times better.

You need to support the stem with your left hand at the peduncle, and with your right hand you need to guide it from top to bottom, tearing off the leaves. The lower ones don't take it, they're rude. And 3-4 tiers are left under the flowers, taking care of the plant. So, it will be able to continue to raise moisture from the roots, collect dew, bloom and delight, and plant seeds. And the plant also tries for humans. It grew tall so that it would be easier to tear leaves from it without bending.

It is better to collect in batches of up to one and a half kilograms. Process one, go for the next one. Dry the flowers separately; you can then add them to tea.

It is necessary to wilt the raw materials, this later helps to curl the leaves. Check the collected leaves and remove any damaged ones. Inspect them carefully and remove snails and other insects.

The leaves are not washed so as not to remove beneficial microorganisms. They take an active part in fermentation.

Place linen or cotton towels in the shade, and a 3-5 cm layer of raw materials on them. If the weather is dry and sunny, dry for 4 hours, cool and rainy - 8 hours. Turn the leaves periodically so that they dry evenly. You can tell when the leaves are ready by the crunch of the central vein. Bend one in half, it crunches, which means increase the time. Soft and without crunch – ready for the next stage.

How to Roll and Ferment Leaves

In order to extract useful substances from the dried green mass as completely as possible, it is necessary to destroy the structure of the leaf before the formation of juice. To do this, choose one of three processing methods.

  1. Roll by hand. Take a few leaves and roll them between your palms into a tube. They will darken and juice will come out. The formed rolls are usually 10 cm long and one and a half centimeters thick (give or take). Of course, this method requires a lot of time, unless in a large company. Then the process will go faster.
  2. Grind in a meat grinder. Grind the raw materials in a meat grinder with a large grid. Fast and easy.
  3. Freeze in the freezer. Place the leaves in a clean, dry plastic bag and send to freezer. There they will collapse evenly and release juice well. And it’s easy to roll the leaves after defrosting.

The main stage is the fermentation of fireweed. The quality of the process will affect the aroma, taste and benefits of the drink. If everything is done correctly, the result at its best will be achieved.

Place the prepared leaves in a plastic container, preferably an enamel pan, in a layer of 10 cm, press down a little and cover with a damp natural cloth (cotton or linen).

Place in a warm place to ferment. The fabric should be moistened at all times. To do this, carefully remove it and wet it again.

It is impossible to say exactly how long the fermentation process will take. The higher the room temperature, the faster fermentation will occur. You need to know that too high a temperature or overexposure of raw materials threatens to deteriorate the smell and taste.

When the color of the mass turns brown or blackens, and the smell becomes rich, floral and fruity, it means that the fermentation was successful.

There are three types of fermentation.

Light – until the first signs of a pleasant aroma, approximately 6 hours;

  • green mass;
  • light tea;
  • the aroma is strong;
  • the taste is soft and delicate.

Medium – usually from 10 to 16 hours,

  • with a pronounced aroma,
  • tart taste with slight sourness,
  • The drink itself has a rich reddish-brown color.

Deep – from 20 to 36 hours:

  • tart;
  • there is no sourness;
  • light aroma;
  • black tea color.

Try it different types fermentation and choose according to your taste. You can prepare teas of varying degrees of fermentation and then mix them. The main thing is not to miss the moment of the end of fermentation and not to let the mass become moldy.

Drying fireweed and storing raw materials

Loose leaf tea after fermentation will be obtained if the leaves are rolled by freezing or between the palms. The finished rolls are cut into discs (0.5 cm) with a knife and dried. We have granulated tea after rolling the leaf mass through a meat grinder. Here's how to dry fireweed tea correctly:

  1. After fermentation, carefully loosen the mixture so that it is free of lumps.
  2. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the prepared mixture 1 cm thick on it.
  3. Dry for two hours at an oven temperature of at least 100 degrees. Open the door slightly. To completely remove the moisture, after a while reduce the temperature to 50 degrees. Stir the future tea periodically and taste it by touch.
  4. The end of drying will be indicated by tea leaves, which, when squeezed, will break, but will not crumble. The color is like regular tea.
  5. Remove the pan from the oven and leave to cool. Pour the dry tea into a bag made of thin natural fabric, maybe into a pillowcase and hang it in the shade in the breeze.

There is also a way to dry it in an electric dryer. But there you need to lay out the mass with gaps and not tightly. This way the device will not overheat.

A thick-walled frying pan is suitable for drying, in which you need to simmer the mass and shake it for half an hour. Then, over medium heat, bring to a dry state, stirring all the time with a wooden spoon. Do not allow a burning smell to appear. But it is also dangerous not to dry it completely; during storage, the tea may become moldy.

Do not dry the flowers of the plant along with the fermented foliage. They dry out faster, and at 100-degree temperatures they will simply burn. The best option go into the oven (50–60 degrees) and dry them very quickly to avoid loss of aroma.

To keep tea well, you need to prepare containers. Rinse the glass jars, sterilize them, let them dry, and the plastic lids should be clean and preferably new. Birch bark boxes, metal boxes, and disposable plastic containers are suitable.

Make notes on paper indicating the degree of fermentation and dates of preparation. Do not prepare dry tea immediately, let it age. The longer it is stored, the more impressive it is. Wait a month and brew. Dry tea can be stored for no more than 3 years. If you decide to drink the magic drink daily, store it in a metal box.

How to brew fireweed tea

Rinse a clean kettle with boiling water. Add 2 teaspoons of tea leaves and pour a glass of hot water (not boiling water). Cover with a lid and a towel on top for ten minutes. Pour into cups and be amazed at the unique aroma. The drink is already ready and there is no need to dilute it with water.

Pour the tea leaves again and let it brew for 15 minutes. The infusion will become even richer, more aromatic and tastier. This is the optimal time, otherwise it will overheat and the charm of the product will disappear. Use dry tea twice. During this time, it will give up all its beneficial substances.

Drink the drink hot, warm or cold. If you decide to heat it up, do not bring it to a boil. In the old days, the healing remedy of fireweed was drunk with honey, dried fruits and jams. No sugar was added at that time, and it was already very good. Enjoyed and thanked the plant for its help for good health.

Try it different variants mixing with dried flowers, mint, oregano, lemon balm. Dried blueberries, wild strawberries and raspberries. Here you can experiment to achieve new aromas and tastes.

Recipe for “Gorodets tea” from Margarita Voronina

Prepare two kettles. Pour 1 teaspoon of dry fireweed tea into a small one and pour a glass of very hot water for 10 minutes. Let it brew, pour the drink into a large container, and pour the steamed tea leaves again. So, at least four times.

Beneficial ingredients are consistently extracted from fireweed. The drink acts as a preventative against cancer. Fireweed tea will not stain tooth enamel. Its taste is unique, so don’t look for familiar notes in it.

The secret of fireweed has been revealed. The plant itself contains everything for fermentation. Wet crumpled leaves rich in vitamins, nutrients and intracellular enzymes that change the biochemical composition. The process is similar to self-digestion. At the same time, the leaves begin to darken and a pleasant smell appears.

By the way, any medicinal plants are fermented. Just imagine how many new healthy drinks you can cook. Let’s take Bolotov’s famous kvass as a side dish. If you want to know more about it, read the article.

Official medicine says nothing about taking Ivan tea. You can only rely on information from grandmothers who drink this drink and prepare it in dry form for themselves and for sale. First of all, pay attention to the contraindications.

Drink tea for no more than 14 days and take a break. Otherwise, it may cause diarrhea. Although for some, the drink has become a daily drink.

The optimal number of glasses of aromatic potion is no more than seven.

Follow the brewing recipe: add a teaspoon of dry product to a glass of hot water.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the famous researcher Badmaev became interested in studying the properties magic plant angustifolia fireweed and proved its restorative powers by his own example. He devoted a lot of work to the healing gift of Nature. Tea was the main drink for scientists and doctors. And it was to him that Pyotr Alexandrovich was grateful to the joy of fatherhood at the age of 100 and his longevity of 110 years. Here is proof of the uniqueness of the drink!

If you come across a plant somewhere in nature, be sure to pick its leaves and flowers. Prepare fireweed tea at home and drink for your health. This is a powerful force bestowed upon man, which must not be forgotten.


How to dry fireweed in the oven and how long it takes

Blooming Sally - medicinal plant, which has a lot of useful properties. It has long been brewed by peasants who knew a lot about medicinal herbs. Ancient medicine was based on decoctions and herbal remedies. There are several ways to properly collect and dry fireweed in the oven and without it. Following the stages, you get a delicious aromatic tea with healing properties. Many are accustomed to the fact that medicines taste unpleasant, but not with fireweed. It is possible to improve your health with the pleasure of taste sensations with the help of an ordinary plant. Ivan tea is a plant that allows you to enjoy the rich floral smell and taste of the decoction.

How to dry fireweed without an oven using technology

The process of drying fireweed, as fireweed is scientifically called, consists of stages. Initially, it is necessary to perform the correct collection. For the collection site, you need to choose a clean area without roads or industrial structures. Different parts of the plant are chosen for drying, but mainly these are the leaves, which have the largest part useful components. If desired, you can also collect some of the inflorescences.

The collected raw materials must be washed and placed on a dry surface. You can use a cloth or paper towels. The leaves are left in a shady place so that the sun's rays do not dry them out too much. The drying process lasts within a day; the leaves need to be stirred periodically. They should not be too dry, just limp. Next comes the fermentation process, which is responsible for the rich floral taste of the tea.

Is it possible to dry fireweed in the oven and how to do it correctly

Everything is clear with the process of conventional drying, but many people wonder whether everything can be done faster in other ways. There is an excellent option in the form of oven drying. This significantly speeds up the process and does not require much effort. Speaking about how to properly dry fireweed in the oven, you need to understand that having reached the completion of this action, all previous stages must be carried out according to technology. The taste of the decoction and its richness will depend on where the raw materials were collected, at what stage of development the plant was, whether the collection was carried out correctly, etc. Provided that all the technology was correct, you can safely begin drying.

How to dry fireweed in the oven and how long

Before you start drying using an oven, you need to correctly complete the tea fermentation stage. The leaves of the grass should secrete a special juice found in the cells of the plant. After completing this action, the tea will have a pronounced taste. You need to take some of the already dried leaves in your palm and twist them into the shape of knots or tubes. After this, juice will appear. After completing this operation, all raw materials are placed in a container in a layer of five centimeters and covered with a cloth. Before sending the raw materials into the oven, where you plan to dry fireweed, you need to cover the plant and send it to a place that is not sunny. It should stand for 8-20 hours at temperatures no more than +27 degrees. It is very important not to forget about the leaves. During this time, the oxidation process occurs and the floral taste is acquired. The fermentation process is over, now you can proceed to the last stage - oven drying.

People who constantly collect herbs correctly carry out the stages of preparing raw materials to obtain ready-made, delicious tea. For those who have just decided to take up this exciting process, there are many tips to help you do everything right.

How long does it take to dry fireweed in the oven and at what temperature?

Having completed fermentation, the plant components are laid out on a baking sheet, covered with parchment. Maintaining the saturation of the plant and not drying it out is the main task that requires knowledge: at what temperature the process is performed. If you place fireweed in an oven at 200 degrees, it will lose all its properties, and its use will no longer make sense. Therefore, fireweed tea cannot be dried in the oven at temperatures above 60 degrees. This indicator is the most optimal. It is also recommended not to close the oven completely so that there is some air access.

The readiness of the raw materials is checked by hand. Dried leaves should not stick to your hands and break easily. At the same time, it is very important not to reduce them to a state of rot. The drying process itself lasts about one hour. You need to constantly check the condition of the grass so as not to spoil it. When the leaves acquire the desired state, you need to turn off the oven and leave it open, without removing the raw materials from there. Ready fireweed in your own way appearance reminiscent of regular black teas. Other drying methods are also recommended: using an oven or electric dryer. It is believed that a real Russian stove can endow a plant with healing energy. In fact, it is very difficult to find such a stove in a modern city, so you have to use possible options drying.

For those who have seriously decided to take up this process, we have a video on how to dry fireweed in the oven. It describes in detail how best to complete all stages of preparation and not overcook the grass. If you overdry it, it will take on an unpleasant papery taste. These are undesirable consequences, because the decoction should not only be healthy, but also taste good. Therefore, a training video is a very convenient way of explaining, because everything happens clearly. There is no need to read from a piece of paper what to put where, how to turn it on and off, how ready to bring it to. There is also a video about the proper collection, fermentation process and other components when harvesting medicinal plants.

With these simple steps you can dry fireweed in the oven, stocking up in other ways useful plants for the winter. In addition to its beneficial properties, the herb has a pleasant taste and smell. It will help you warm up on cold autumn evenings and improve your health. Fireweed has everything you need for a strong immune system and good mood.

How to collect and dry fireweed tea correctly at home

In Rus' there were many traditional drinks that strengthened the body, gave vigor and good mood. The technology for preparing some of them has been undeservedly forgotten, but gradually people are returning to the roots and reviving the glorious recipes of bygone times. One of these drinks is Ivan tea. You need to understand in more detail how to collect and dry this amazing gift of nature. This will help you prepare a flavorful drink that will ensure good health.

What does fireweed look like?

The botanical name of the plant is fireweed. It is widely used in folk medicine, as it has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and soothing properties. It is reliably known that fireweed normalizes the microflora of the stomach, improves heart function, relieves insomnia and nervous tension.

The collection is made during flowering, which lasts from mid-June to the end of August. In order not to make a mistake, you need to know what a medicinal herb looks like and how long it grows. In an open space, fireweed can reach about 2 meters, but most often you come across bushes lower - 0.5-1.5 meters.

  • The thick, widely branched root is covered with strong skin. Buds develop quickly on it, so fireweed can be easily transplanted to a new place by digging up part of the root system.
  • The tall, thin stem is completely covered with narrow, long leaves with pointed ends of a rich green hue.
  • Fireweed blooms with a large brush. Each flower in it reaches a diameter of three centimeters.
  • The color depends on the type of fireweed, of which there are 14. The most common flowers are purple, light pink and white.

The flowering plant has an interesting feature. Inflorescences close before rain. To detect fireweed from afar, you need to go searching in good weather. When it rains, it is better to wait a little while preparing.

How and when to collect?

The plant can be found in all corners of Russia. Extensive thickets of fireweed are easy to spot in sunny forest glades, near ravines, rivers, and along roadsides. To prepare raw materials for the drink, look for it away from the city and highways.

Inexperienced herbalists are afraid to miss collecting fireweed. “When to collect?” they ask more knowledgeable people. In order not to be late, you need to find out best time for the workpiece. It depends on the climatic conditions of the region. In the south they go for raw materials in mid-June, in the north - in July-August. The plant needs to bloom. The leaf is usually used for tea, but some lovers also collect the flowers when they have not yet fully bloomed.

It is better to go out to collect fireweed in the morning, when the dew has dried. Find a remote clearing and get down to business. Choose healthy shoots that are not affected by pests.

Try to collect the plant carefully in order to preserve the place where fireweed grows for the future. Next we will tell you how to collect it without damaging the plant.

  • Tall stems should not be pulled out by the roots, so as not to destroy the thickets.
  • You can carefully cut them just below the middle, collect the shoots in a bunch and pick off the leaves at home.
  • Some people prefer to collect greens separately, picking a little from each bush.

The leaves easily tear away from their bed, so there is another way to properly collect fireweed. Hold the stem with your palm towards the bottom and gently move your hand upward, separating the leaves from the shoot. In a couple of seconds you will collect a lot of raw materials, but make sure that they do not get wrinkled or torn. This may reduce the taste of the tea.

How to dry: different methods

After collection, an important question arises: how to dry fireweed at home? The prepared raw materials must be washed under running water, shaken off and spread in a thin layer on white paper in a dark, well-ventilated place for a day. Stir the leaves periodically to prevent them from drying out. They need to be harvested as soon as they are slightly wilted. This is an important condition in preparing aromatic fireweed tea. Raw materials that are overdried at this stage lose their odor and do not produce a tasty drink. Prepared leaves require further processing.

  • Roll each of them into a neat sausage, trying to squeeze harder so that the juice comes out.
  • When there is a lot of fireweed, it is allowed to act differently. Scroll the leaves through a meat grinder. This method ensures the release of a large amount of cell sap necessary to obtain rich tea.

Flowers should be dried separately. Place them on paper and hide them in a dark, ventilated place. Stir daily. When they are completely dry, put them in a linen bag and store until winter. Dried flowers can be added a little at a time when brewing tea; they add a special piquancy to the drink.


Those who want to prepare raw materials for the winter are interested in how to properly dry fireweed. Preparation includes several stages. After drying and rolling, it’s time for fermentation.

If you rolled the leaves by hand, place them in an enamel container, cover with a wooden lid and place a bend on top. Squeeze the raw materials, ground with a meat grinder, by hand, compact them, cover with a clean cloth and leave to infuse. Ferment at 25-27 C for about 5-12 hours.

Remember, the higher the temperature in the room, the faster the desired process occurs. In order not to spoil the taste of the tea, it is important not to overdo it. Sniff the workpiece. When it acquires a bright floral-fruity smell, fermentation should be completed and drying should begin.

The final stage

Line a baking sheet with parchment. Spread a thin layer of twisted, finely chopped leaves or pulp from a meat grinder.

  • Preheat the oven to 50-60 C, place a baking sheet there and simmer the raw materials for about two hours.
  • Then open the door slightly, lower the temperature by 10 C and wait until the leaves are completely dry.
  • Stir occasionally and make sure they don't burn.
  • When the tea leaves break easily, turn off and leave the baking sheet in the oven until it cools completely.
  • This is the easiest way to dry fireweed in the oven.

Pour the tea into a natural fabric bag and hang it in a draft to ventilate. The finished brew should make a slight rustling sound when shaken.

An electric dryer is a useful acquisition that is perfect for preparing fireweed. If you have one, set the temperature to 40-60 degrees, add fermented tea and heat it for about 5 hours. Occasionally check the raw materials in the dryer and keep an eye on them so that they do not dry out. Otherwise, it will lose its rich herbal taste.

True connoisseurs prefer to make tea in a Russian oven. It gives it an incredible aroma and enhances its healing properties. Heat the oven properly, wait an hour, spread the leaves on a baking sheet and place it on the hot coals. Stir the tea leaves regularly. When they are dry, remove from the oven, cool and, if necessary, dry in a thick-bottomed frying pan, covering tightly with a lid.

How to store?

For homemade fireweed tea to reveal its full aroma, about a month must pass after drying. Keep it cool dark place in a glass or ceramic container with a tight lid made of the same material.

You can brew the drink in any kettle. It turns out to be a rich, noble color. Pour boiling water over the dishes, add 3 tsp. tea and pour 0.5 liters of hot water. Let it sit for 15 minutes. Then you can drink it without adding anything or taste it with honey.

Be sure to find out when Ivan tea is harvested for drying in your region, and prepare a healing drink for the winter. It exceeds your wildest expectations, has an extraordinary aroma and taste, and quickly improves your health.