How to strengthen weak nasal vessels. Strengthening the blood vessels of the nose. Medicinal solution to the problem

Frequently recurring nosebleeds, regardless of the nature of their occurrence, are among the pathologies detected primarily in pediatric and adolescence. In some cases, such a problem completely disappears over time, without requiring third-party intervention.

But sometimes it continues to repeat itself after the teenager enters adulthood. Despite the fact that the pathology does not pose a threat to health and is not accompanied by massive blood loss, it may well be considered one of the factors that worsens the quality of life in general and limits the physical capabilities of the patient.

In connection with these circumstances, it is necessary to take timely measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and elimination of nosebleeds. How to strengthen weak nasal vessels, reduce the intensity or completely eliminate the problem of bleeding and reduce the fragility of capillary walls - we will consider these issues in more detail.

In order to reduce the intensity or frequency of nosebleeds, it is necessary to identify the cause of their occurrence. There are many factors, the negative impact of which can lead to systematically recurring or one-time bleeding; your doctor will help you determine them.

But the main reasons include, for example:

Natural (physiological) causes Impact of external negative factors
Lack of sufficient amounts of B vitamins and ascorbic acid in the patient’s diet. Often this form of vitamin deficiency is also accompanied by increased bleeding of the gums.A history of trauma to the head area, any foreign particles or objects entering the sinuses, external influences, for example, bruises or fractures of the nasal bones.
Individual features of the anatomical structure, expressed in the close location of blood vessels to the outer layers of the skin.Systematically occurring diseases of an infectious and viral nature, chronic runny nose, rhinitis that does not go away over a long period of time.
High blood pressure caused by the presence of any disease, excessive physical activity or other aspects.Excessive sensitivity to dry or polluted air, strong odors, spicy foods.
The presence of genetic or acquired diseases associated with decreased elasticity of vascular walls.Deviation of the nasal septum caused by some disease or injury.

Some of the reasons given by the instructions can only be eliminated through surgery or through long-term treatment. However, most factors can be eliminated by strengthening the capillaries in the nose through the use of medications and folk remedies.

Advice! Regardless of the provoking factors, before starting a treatment course you should consult your doctor to determine if there are any contraindications.

General principles

When thinking about how to strengthen the nasal vessels, you should first pay attention to the patient’s lifestyle and diet. You can also reduce the intensity and frequency of nosebleeds by making certain adjustments to your daily routine.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the following aspects, which the video in this article will talk about in more detail:

  1. Balanced diet. Most children and adolescents suffer from the problem due to lack of adequate nutrition. A well-designed menu must necessarily include a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. The diet should be enriched fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood, cereal crops, dairy and fermented milk products.
  2. . Against the background of vitamin deficiency, the amount of nutrients entering the body with food may not be enough. To strengthen vascular tissue, take vitamin supplements prescribed by your doctor.
  3. Hardening, physical activity, walks. All of the listed activities and procedures help strengthen the circulatory system, increase the overall tone of the body, as well as immune strength.

If one of the causes of nosebleeds is the need to be in a room with dry air, you need to regularly rinse the nasal cavity with special means, the price of which is usually minimal.

Use of medications

But how to strengthen the walls of blood vessels if simple and available methods, for example, changing eating habits and hardening, do not bring the expected results?

In this case, it is advisable to start taking medicines, the action of which is aimed at strengthening vascular tissues, including:

  1. Ascorutin. A drug containing the accepted norm of ascorbic acid and vitamin P - substances necessary to increase elasticity and reduce the fragility of vascular walls.
  2. Solution calcium chloride. Effectively strengthens capillaries and increases their elasticity.

Do not forget that before strengthening blood vessels with the help of medications, you should definitely find out the real reason violations. In exceptional cases, such a feature of the body can cause serious, including genetic, diseases.

Methods applicable at home

If the cause of frequent nosebleeds is simple and banal, namely, increased fragility of the capillaries, then it is quite possible to eliminate the existing problem at home, using for this purpose simple and accessible to everyone folk remedies. However, before starting treatment using alternative medicine recipes, you should definitely consult with a specialist and completely eliminate contraindications or possible risks of worsening the patient’s condition.

Advice! To achieve complete recovery, practice treatment using remedies traditional medicine recommended for several months. It must be remembered that the procedures performed will bring positive results only if they are used regularly.

Inhalations based on plant materials

Inhalations based on decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs effectively moisturize the mucous tissues of the nasal sinuses, help strengthen the vascular walls and reduce their increased fragility. To prepare solutions, it is recommended to use plant materials such as chamomile, calendula, plantain or sage.

You can prepare the decoction according to the following recipe:

  • pour a small handful of selected plant materials with a liter of water;
  • boil the liquid for ten to twenty minutes;
  • let it brew for twenty minutes.

Uses of horse chestnut

One of the most effective means What can you do to strengthen the vessels in the nose? horse chestnut. The inflorescences, fruits and bark of this plant are used as a basis for the preparation of medicinal potions intended for external and internal use for various diseases and pathologies of the vascular system.

Against the background of frequent nosebleeds, it is recommended to use chestnut as follows:

  1. Chestnut inflorescence juice. To prepare the drug, you need to collect chestnut inflorescences and squeeze the juice out of the resulting raw materials. Dilute twenty drops of the prepared product in a glass of water. You can take the medicine once a day.
  2. . To prepare such a product, it is recommended to dry it thoroughly and then chop a small amount of the peel obtained from the chestnut fruit. Pour two tablespoons of this product into one and a half glasses of high-quality vodka and leave to infuse for ten days. It is recommended to take this product in the amount of thirty drops diluted with water. You should drink it three times a day.

Plantain will help

When thinking about how you can strengthen the nasal capillaries in a child, it is best to pay attention to a recipe that involves the use of juice obtained from fresh plantain leaves. This product acts gently and effectively and does not cause discomfort And side effects, and also has minimum quantity contraindications.

To prepare medicinal juice, choose large, intact leaves. Collect raw materials away from automobile factories, industrial buildings and other sources of polluted air.

To obtain the desired effect, you should instill plantain juice into your nose at least three times during the day. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that every day it is necessary to prepare another, that is, a fresh portion of the medicine; storing the juice is strictly unacceptable.

Uses of parsley

Parsley helps to effectively cleanse arteries, improve blood composition and increase the elasticity of vascular walls. Unlike many other drugs that have a similar effect, parsley is taken on a limited basis - no more than three days, the amount of time, otherwise there is a high probability of developing side effects.

To strengthen and cleanse the blood vessels, you need to brew a handful of fresh parsley with a small amount of boiling water, then let it brew, using a thermos for this purpose. When the product is ready, you need to drink it about seven to eight times a day.

At the same time, the maximum permissible dose The medication taken should not exceed one and a half glasses during the day. The treatment course should be carried out for a maximum of three days.

Red viburnum bark decoction

Effective measures can be taken through the use of fruits, that is, berries, or the bark of the common red viburnum. In addition to the main property this remedy It also helps to increase the body's immune strength and stimulates metabolism.

To prepare you need:

  • pour two tablespoons of the selected raw material into a glass of boiling water;
  • let it brew for at least three hours;
  • take one spoon every five to six hours.

Giving this medicine is strictly not recommended for young children. For teenagers, it is better to prepare medicine using ripe viburnum berries. To achieve the desired effect, you should take a decoction of viburnum for several months.

Parents of children, regardless of their age, should first consult a doctor if they identify a problem such as frequently recurring nosebleeds. In some cases, pathologies of this kind indicate the occurrence of severe hidden diseases. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the true cause of the bleeding.

If the pathology is a consequence of the influence of negative external factors or the individual physiological characteristics of the child, there is no need to resort to serious treatment. To eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon, it is enough to use medicinal drugs prepared at home.

It is also necessary to remember that strengthening the nasal vessels is a very long process that requires a responsible approach and a lot of time. Only if you use this or that product for at least three months can you achieve a positive result and completely eliminate the existing problem.

The nose is one of the weakest organs on the human face. In its cavity, almost all the blood vessels are located too close to the mucous membrane, so some people often experience nosebleeds. Most common cause their appearance is due to weak blood vessels in the nose. To reduce the frequency of nosebleeds and completely get rid of this problem, it is advisable to strengthen the vascular system. Let's take a look at the best methods to help strengthen weak blood vessels in the nose.

Ways to Strengthen Weak Blood Vessels in the Nose

The most common way to strengthen weak blood vessels in the nose is to take the drug Ascorutin, which contains ascorbic acid and vitamin P, which help strengthen the walls of the nasal vessels and also make them less brittle. To achieve the effect, you need to take Ascorutin for at least a month.

In order to strengthen the blood vessels in the nose, it is recommended to rinse the nasal passages with salt water. Salt water can be made by mixing half a teaspoon of sea salt or non-iodized salt and 1 tbsp. boiled warm water. For young children, using Aquamaris, which is instilled into the nose, is suitable.

A common cause of weakened blood vessels in the nose is drying out of the nasal mucosa. To avoid this, you need to lubricate your nostrils from time to time or make tampons inside with Vaseline, boiled vegetable or sea ​​buckthorn oil, this is especially true in winter, when apartments are very dry and hard.

In order for the blood vessels in the nose to become stronger, the body needs a sufficient amount of vitamin C. Therefore, if you often experience nosebleeds, it is recommended to include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet. These foods include lemons, oranges, green tea, rose hip decoction, black currant. Regularly taking a contrast shower helps strengthen the blood vessels of the nose and the whole body.

Decoctions to strengthen blood vessels in the nose

As excellent remedy To strengthen the vessels of the nose, a decoction prepared from viburnum bark can be used. It should be taken orally, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. To prepare such a remedy, you need to pour 10 grams of viburnum bark into 200 ml of boiling water.

Another decoction that can be used to strengthen weak blood vessels in the nose is a composition based on nettle. To prepare it you need to pour 1 tbsp. boiling water 2 tbsp. nettles You need to take this decoction 3 times a day.

People suffering from nosebleeds benefit from inhalations using herbs (chamomile, calendula and sage). This will not only strengthen the vessels in the nose, but also relieve inflammation and swelling in the nasal passages, making breathing easier.

Proper nutrition to strengthen blood vessels

Properly organized nutrition has a beneficial effect on the vascular system and prevents the development of vascular diseases. To strengthen weak blood vessels in the nose, the menu must include cabbage, raspberries, grapes, apples, and apricots. In addition, consuming tomatoes, buckwheat, and green tea helps strengthen blood vessels.

Part proper nutrition One of the ways to strengthen weak blood vessels in the nose is to include rose hips, rich in vitamin C, in the diet. Vitamin E should also be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities with the diet, since it is responsible for the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

This vitamin prevents the oxidation of cholesterol and the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. The menu should be regularly replenished with unrefined vegetable oils- olive, almond, peanut, sunflower and others. Eating fresh eggs and tomatoes, which are rich in vitamin E, also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

In addition, the diet should include foods containing vitamin B3, as it helps dilate arteries and veins and facilitate blood flow. It is also beneficial to eat foods that contain omega-3 fatty acid and other unsaturated fats.

Proper nutrition to strengthen weak blood vessels in the nose involves reducing the number saturated fat, which are found in milk and meat. But it is not recommended to completely abandon them. Every day you need to eat 1-2 dairy dishes.

Monitor the amount of fluid you consume. Every day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water, since it helps maintain normal blood thickness and a constant body temperature. In addition, water helps process fat reserves.

The body should receive clean water, and not in the form of tea, coffee, vegetable or fruit juices. For its internal needs, the body can only use clean water. In addition, tea and coffee have diuretic properties, so they promote increased removal of water from the body. After drinking a cup of tea or coffee, you need to additionally drink 1 glass of water.

The above methods of strengthening the blood vessels of the nose will help to avoid the development of diseases that arise against the background of weak vessels.

Bleeding from the nose is not always a problem that seriously threatens health or life, but in any case it is unpleasant. If it is not a symptom of some serious disease, strengthening and treating weak vessels in the nose with medications, as well as sets of exercises, will help cope with it.

What causes nosebleeds?

The main reasons why nose bleeds:
  • mechanical damage to the tissues of the nasopharynx;
  • surgical intervention;
  • nasal entry foreign bodies, as well as tumors localized there;
  • excessive dry air, especially in low temperature conditions environment;
  • sudden and significant changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • pathologies in the structure of the nasopharynx;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the blood and cardiovascular system;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by intoxication of the body;
  • deficiency of vitamins A, K and C;
  • liver pathologies;
  • kidney disease;
  • taking certain medications (anti-allergenic, blood thinning,);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • increased arterial or intracranial pressure;
  • sneezing and coughing, leading to a sharp jump in pressure in the vessels of the nose;
  • heatstroke;
  • increased physical activity;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Nosebleeds can also occur when there is bleeding from the lungs (the fluid is scarlet and foamy) or the upper gastrointestinal tract (usually dark, thick or clotted).

Sometimes the cause of bleeding is obvious (most often due to mechanical damage to tissue), but sometimes examinations from the list below may be partially or completely required to identify it:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • coagulogram (assesses how well the blood clots);
  • Ultrasound of the cervical and head regions, other organs and parts of the body;
  • specific blood tests to check the condition of the liver;
  • MRI or x-ray of the nasal cavity and head in general;
  • ECG, which will help identify heart problems and others.
As for the list of doctors who will have to be examined for a full diagnosis, these are an ENT specialist, a hematologist, a surgeon, a neurologist, a cardiologist and an ophthalmologist.

Rare and light nosebleeds rarely indicate serious health problems, but frequent and long-lasting nosebleeds require immediate medical attention and can even be life-threatening - it all depends on the amount of blood loss.

Medications to strengthen weak blood vessels in the nose

If serious pathologies requiring specific treatment are excluded, then to prevent nosebleeds, medications are used that help strengthen the vessels in the nose.


A means to stop bleeding of various locations and etiologies. It does not affect blood clotting, and therefore can be used for a long time. Available in ampoules for intramuscular or intravenous administration, as well as in tablets for oral administration.

A package of 50 ampoules will cost 500-600 rubles. High concentration ampoules and tablets active substance Sold by prescription only.


The action is similar to the drug described above, but unlike it, “Vikasol” is used short courses. Release forms:
  • tablets for oral administration (price from 20-30 rubles);
  • ampoules for intramuscular injections (cost from 70-80 rubles).

Calcium chloride

The substance helps improve blood clotting and reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. It is used intravenously from ampoules, slowly injecting a 10% solution or taking orally after meals in a 5-10% solution with a dosage of no more than 10 ml for children and no more than 15 ml for adults. The cost of the drug starts from 30-40 rubles.

Vitamin complexes

Since one of the causes of nosebleeds is weakness of the walls of blood vessels due to a deficiency of vitamins A, K and C, one of the treatment methods should be to replenish their deficiency. As a rule, in case of hypovitaminosis, the doctor prescribes oral administration, less often powders.

Prices for such medications can vary widely:

  • Complex multivitamins Alphabet or Multi-Tabs will cost from 300-350 rubles, Complivit - from 150-200 rubles, it is difficult to determine the upper cost threshold.
  • Vitamin A capsules are available at a price of 10-30 rubles per pack of 10 pieces. Vitamin C in pills or white tablets is also inexpensive - from 7 to 50 rubles on average. The cost of effervescent tablets richer in ascorbic acid starts from 150 rubles per package. The price of vitamin K also starts at 20 rubles.

Folk remedies for weak blood vessels in the nose

Nosebleeds can be the result of a serious pathology in the body. Therefore, the use of traditional medicine is permissible, but only after consultation with doctors and as maintenance therapy. You should not refuse drug treatment or surgical intervention, if they were prescribed, in favor of traditional medicine.

External use

Strengthening the vessels of the nasopharynx is facilitated by inhaling hot vapors of herbs such as:
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • sage.
In addition to inhalations, rinsing the nose with a strong saline solution is effective. You can use both regular and iodized salt. The main thing is to make sure that it is well dissolved, otherwise small sharp crystals can damage the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Also, ready-made saline solutions (Salin, Aquamaris or regular saline solution) can be purchased at the pharmacy.


Traditional medicine to solve the problem of nosebleeds recommends taking decoctions of the following plants:
  • nettle:
  • viburnum bark;
  • St. John's wort;
  • barberry (leaves, not berries);
  • oak bark;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • yarrow;
  • plantain.

If there are no problems with low blood pressure, then it is recommended to eat 200-300 grams several times a week chokeberry, grated with sugar or honey.

Herbs and other herbal remedies are foods with a high risk of causing allergies. Therefore, they must be used with caution and after making sure that there are no individual intolerances or other contraindications.

Other ways to strengthen nasal vessels

Despite all the effectiveness of medications, most of them are designed for short-term use and help in the acute phase of the problem. In the long term, to improve the condition of the vessels of the nasal cavity, preventive measures are necessary, primarily nutritional correction and regular exercise.


plays a huge role in solving the problem of nosebleeds, ensuring that the body receives the required amount of vitamins:
  • Citrus fruits, cherry, currant and sea buckthorn fruits, Brussels sprouts are rich in ascorbic acid, bell pepper, dill, parsley and wild garlic;
  • Vitamin A is found in most green and yellow vegetables, dairy products, fish oil, eggs and legumes;
  • Vitamin K is found in different varieties of cabbage, green leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce and others), cereals, pumpkin, meat, cow's milk, some fruits (avocados and bananas), pine nuts and olives, as well as their oil.


To strengthen the blood vessels in the nose, and throughout the body as a whole, light physical activity is useful - running or walking. Naturally, for walking or jogging, you should choose not polluted highways, but places with the cleanest air possible. If it is possible to make visits to the sea, it will be just great, because sea ​​salt has a beneficial effect on the vascular system. During exercise, especially running as a more intense type of physical activity, it is important to breathe correctly - inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

In addition to physical activity that trains breathing, individual breathing exercises are also useful:

  • For 20-25 minutes, breathe not with your chest, as usual, but with the help of your abdominal muscles. At the same time, you should try to fill your lungs to the full, literally sticking your stomach forward, and as you exhale, empty them as much as possible, drawing it in as much as possible.
  • Inhale deeply and hold the air inside for 5-7 seconds, then exhale it in short and abrupt portions. Repeat for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rotate your head clockwise and counterclockwise, initially limiting it to 5-7 minutes, and then increasing the duration of execution. This exercise, in addition to strengthening the vessels of the nasopharynx, has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the cervical spine.
  • Clasp your raised hands and take a deep breath. Then lower your body and arms perpendicular to the floor and exhale sharply. Repeat 20-30 times.

At first, you may experience slight dizziness from breathing exercises. This is normal and goes away completely with regular exercise.

A common cause of bleeding is dry indoor air. Make it a rule to regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilation, and if necessary, purchase air humidifiers. An additional measure is to soften the mucous membrane with saline solutions and oils.

Medical intervention

If medications, improved nutrition, breathing exercises and other measures do not help in the fight against nosebleeds, a decision may be made to surgically solve the problem of weak blood vessels in the nose.

Possible options:

  • cauterization with silver nitrate or trichloroacetic acid is performed by inserting a cotton swab;
  • administration of vasoconstrictor drugs under the nasopharyngeal mucosa in the area with the most problematic vessels;
  • excision of the mucosa, in which areas with weak vessels are removed;
  • laser or radio wave cauterization (more about cauterization of nasal vessels -);
  • cryodestruction – freezing of problematic vessels with liquid nitrogen;
  • in case of severe and life-threatening bleeding - ligation of large vessels.
Bleeding from the nose is a symptom that can indicate both banal dryness in the room and a number of serious problems. If bleeding occurs frequently, it is necessary to see a doctor for examination and examination. Based on the diagnostic results, recommendations for correcting nutrition or physical activity can be given, and a prescription may be prescribed. drug treatment or referral for surgery.

The nose is one of the weakest organs on the human face. In its cavity, almost all the blood vessels are located too close to the mucous membrane, so some people often experience nosebleeds. The most common cause of their appearance is weak blood vessels in the nose. To reduce the frequency of nosebleeds and completely get rid of this problem, it is advisable to strengthen the vascular system. Let's take a look at the best methods to help strengthen weak blood vessels in the nose.

Ways to Strengthen Weak Blood Vessels in the Nose

The most common way to strengthen weak blood vessels in the nose is to take the drug Ascorutin, which contains ascorbic acid and vitamin P, which help strengthen the walls of the nasal vessels and also make them less brittle. To achieve the effect, you need to take Ascorutin for at least a month.

In order to strengthen the blood vessels in the nose, it is recommended to rinse the nasal passages with salt water. Salt water can be made by mixing half a teaspoon of sea salt or non-iodized salt and 1 tbsp. boiled warm water. For young children, using Aquamaris, which is instilled into the nose, is suitable.

A common cause of weakened blood vessels in the nose is drying out of the nasal mucosa. To avoid this, you need to lubricate your nostrils from time to time or make tampons inside with Vaseline, boiled vegetable oil or sea buckthorn oil, this is especially true in winter, when apartments are very dry and hard.

In order for the blood vessels in the nose to become stronger, the body needs a sufficient amount of vitamin C. Therefore, if you often experience nosebleeds, it is recommended to include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet. These foods include lemons, oranges, green tea, rose hip decoction, black currant. Regularly taking a contrast shower helps strengthen the blood vessels of the nose and the whole body.

Decoctions to strengthen blood vessels in the nose

A decoction prepared from viburnum bark can be used as an excellent remedy for strengthening nasal vessels. It should be taken orally, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. To prepare such a remedy, you need to pour 10 grams of viburnum bark into 200 ml of boiling water.

Another decoction that can be used to strengthen weak blood vessels in the nose is a composition based on nettle. To prepare it you need to pour 1 tbsp. boiling water 2 tbsp. nettles You need to take this decoction 3 times a day.

People suffering from nosebleeds benefit from inhalations using herbs (chamomile, calendula and sage). This will not only strengthen the vessels in the nose, but also relieve inflammation and swelling in the nasal passages, making breathing easier.

Proper nutrition to strengthen blood vessels

Properly organized nutrition has a beneficial effect on the vascular system and prevents the development of vascular diseases. To strengthen weak blood vessels in the nose, the menu must include cabbage, raspberries, grapes, apples, and apricots. In addition, consuming tomatoes, buckwheat, and green tea helps strengthen blood vessels.

Part of proper nutrition, which helps strengthen weak blood vessels in the nose, is the inclusion in the diet of rose hips, rich in vitamin C. The body should also receive sufficient vitamin E with the diet, since it is responsible for the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

This vitamin prevents the oxidation of cholesterol and the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. The menu should be regularly replenished with unrefined vegetable oils - olive, almond, peanut, sunflower and others. Eating fresh eggs and tomatoes, which are rich in vitamin E, also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

In addition, the diet should include foods containing vitamin B3, as it helps dilate arteries and veins and facilitate blood flow. It is also beneficial to eat foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids and other unsaturated fats.

Proper nutrition to strengthen weak blood vessels in the nose involves reducing the amount of saturated fat found in milk and meat. But it is not recommended to completely abandon them. Every day you need to eat 1-2 dairy dishes.

Monitor the amount of fluid you consume. Every day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water, since it helps maintain normal blood thickness and a constant body temperature. In addition, water helps process fat reserves.

The body should receive clean water, and not in the form of tea, coffee, vegetable or fruit juices. The body can only use clean water for its internal needs. In addition, tea and coffee have diuretic properties, so they promote increased removal of water from the body. After drinking a cup of tea or coffee, you need to additionally drink 1 glass of water.

The above methods of strengthening the blood vessels of the nose will help to avoid the development of diseases that arise against the background of weak vessels.

The entire mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is penetrated by a huge number of vessels, which is necessary to perform one of several functions - warming the air inhaled by a person. With this structure, the nose remains one of the weakest organs in the facial area, due to the fact that all these vessels are located superficially, and their damage is possible if mechanical impact, under severe loads and even under environmental influences. Due to this vulnerability, weakening of the vascular bed becomes big problem, which is extremely unpleasant for a person, and to solve it you need to understand how to strengthen the vessels of the nose and not harm yourself more.

Causes, types and clinical picture of vascular weakening

Weak vessels can manifest themselves both internally and externally. In the first case, this will be bleeding, which is divided into anterior and posterior, and in the second, spider veins on the skin of the nose.

Anterior bleeding develops as a result of trauma to the capillaries located in the anterior sections of the nasal cavity, in the so-called Kisselbach-Little zone. If this area is damaged, blood flows quickly and in large volumes from the nostrils, but this bleeding quickly stops without outside intervention. In this area, damage most often affects the capillaries.

Posterior bleeding accordingly occurs when the veins and arteries located deep in the nasal cavity are damaged. In this case, the blood flows into the pharynx, traveling along its back wall in the form of abundant streams, and without outside help such bleeding does not stop.

The reasons why blood may flow from the nose are divided into general and local:

Common reasonsLocal reasons
Pathologies of the circulatory system associated with impaired blood clotting or a violation of its compositionDry nasal mucosa
Hypertension or other pathologies of the cardiovascular system, in which high blood pressure is observedInjuries and damage of mechanical nature
Unhealthy lifestyle with excessive physical activity, disrupted sleep and wakefulness and unbalanced dietForeign body in the nasal cavity
Increased body temperature in infectious diseasesDeformation of the nasal septum
Diseases of the nasal cavity and sinuses, such as chronic sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis and inflammatory process affecting the adenoidsNeoplasms in the sinuses
Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy or age-related changesDrops that constrict blood vessels, used too often
Liver diseases and hypersensitivity reactions, which are accompanied by rhinitis.

The external manifestation of weakened blood vessels in the nose area looks like a spider vein on the skin. They appear as a result of impaired microcirculation of the vascular bed.

In medical circles, the name of this pathology is rosacea, and the reasons for its appearance may be:

  • Sudden changes in ambient temperature.
  • Bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet is the best.
  • Excessive consumption of drinks containing caffeine or chocolate.
  • Frequent stressful situations.
  • Eating spicy and hot foods.

The symptoms of weakened blood vessels inside the nasal cavity are quite simple, but they do not always manifest themselves in the form of bleeding. Blood streaks in the nasal discharge may also indicate damage to blood vessels in the nose.

Often, damage or narrowing of blood vessels is accompanied by additional symptoms such as discomfort or pain in the nose, as well as the fact that it becomes difficult for a person to breathe. These signs may also indicate the presence of a foreign object in the nose, which could injure fragile vessels, but by blocking the nasal passage, it does not allow blood to flow out.

Attention! Especially often, the cause of nosebleeds in a child is foreign objects, which he can playfully stick into his nose.

External manifestations of rosacea do not present a rich clinical picture. They include only a red tint to the skin with a distinct vascular pattern and dry skin.

Medicinal solution to the problem

Part of therapy that includes the use medicines needs to be divided into two parts:

  1. Drugs used urgently to stop bleeding.
  2. Drugs used to strengthen blood vessels against bleeding in the future.

  • Dicynone or sodium ethamsylate. This drug has a rapid hemostatic effect. The essence of its action is that it enhances the aggregation and adhesion of platelets, and they form the necessary blood clots so that the blood vessels are whole again, and the damaged area is closed with these blood clots.
  • Vikasol tablets, also known as provitamin K. They are necessary to enhance the effect of Dicynon, but their effect appears no earlier than 12 hours after administration, which must be taken into account when using them. The action of the drug is based on the fact that it enhances the synthesis of prothrombin, which is necessary for the formation of blood clots.
  • Calcium chloride, its action is aimed at increasing the tone of the vascular wall, reducing its permeability by strengthening it and normalizing the aggregation of cellular elements of the blood.
  • Aminocaproic acid - this hemostatic agent, first of all, affects the anticoagulant system of the blood, it fights against excessively rapid resorption of formed blood clots.

In addition, the treatment of bleeding includes etiological therapy, the goal of which is to get rid of the cause that caused the bleeding and weakened blood vessels.

Important! Drug therapy does not always give the desired effect. In this case, nasal tamponade or surgery may be used.

In order to prevent future relapses of bleeding, courses of medications such as:

  • Ascorutin is a drug that includes rutin and ascorbic acid. It is effective in strengthening those vessels that have become dilated and preventing their fragility associated with thinning of the vascular wall. Use it for at least three weeks.
  • Calcium dobesilate - it is aimed at normalizing vascular permeability, reducing platelet aggregation, thinning the blood and has an antihemorrhagic effect. The course of its use is at least three weeks.

Without fail, regardless of whether narrowing or dilation of blood vessels has become a problem, complex multivitamin complexes in combination with microelements are used.

If weakened dilated vessels manifest themselves in the form of rosacea, it is necessary to resort to methods available to modern cosmetology, such as:

  • Electrocoagulation- it is aimed at destroying the dilated vessel using an electrical impulse, but its use is possible only on small affected areas.
  • Photo or laser therapy– allow the treatment of pronounced defects of a large affected area and are not justified in small areas of pathology.
  • Ozone therapy - it is based on the introduction of a mixture of oxygen and ozone to restore the deformed walls of blood vessels.

Non-drug therapy

Treatment of weakened blood vessels in the nasal cavity or on its skin is also possible at home; in this case, they resort to traditional methods.

In order to strengthen the vessels of the nose, you can resort to the following traditional medicine recipes:

  • To form a crust and prevent re-bleeding, you can drip 2 drops of sea buckthorn or rosehip oil into each nasal passage. They will not allow the mucous membrane to dry out and prevent damage to the capillaries.
  • Rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solution. To prepare the solution, take a teaspoon of iodized salt per 200 ml of clean boiled water.
  • A decoction of viburnum bark or berries. The product is thoroughly crushed, taken in an amount of about two tablespoons and poured into a container. Then add boiling water and simmer over low heat for another 15 minutes. After which you will need to strain the mixture and drink one spoon every 5 hours.
  • Decoction of plantain and yarrow. Both plants are finely chopped and the juice is strained from them. The resulting liquid is instilled two drops into each nasal passage 4 times a day.
  • A mixture of lemon juice, honey and 500 ml of boiled water. Lemon juice and honey are taken in equal proportions - 25 grams, mixed with water and infused for two hours. The resulting composition is drunk before going to bed.

In turn, to combat rosacea, you can pay attention to the following recipes:

  • Chamomile compress. For it, take 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them, then let them cool. The cooled composition is filtered, a comfortable soft cloth is moistened in it and applied as a compress to the red area of ​​the skin for 15 minutes.
  • Potato mask. Fresh potatoes are peeled and grated to form a paste, which is applied to the problem area of ​​the skin for 10 minutes, then washed with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion or calendula infusion.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar Lotion. For it, mix vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 4 and, moistening cotton pads in this mixture, wipe the affected areas of the face with them in the morning and evening.

Strengthening the vessels located in the nasal cavity is a topical and quite popular issue. Without any problems, you can find many options, both medicinal and non-traditional, available at home. In any case, it is necessary to approach the issue of treating a weakened vascular bed with caution and promptly contact a medical institution for advice.