Freelance accountant – new opportunities to earn money keeping up with the times. Profession accountant - increase your income and work from home How to make money working as an accountant

“How can an accountant make money on his knowledge (Basic course)? A book that will help you start your own business Andrey Tarakanov Project “Accounting as a Business” ... "

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How to earn


based on your knowledge

(Basic course)

A book that will help you start your own business

Andrey Tarakanov

Project "Accounting as a business"

PROFITVEKTOR.RU [email protected]

What and for whom is this book……………………. …………………………………………………………

Is it so scary to be an entrepreneur?…………………..…………...

Where to start for an ordinary accountant?

Will they buy your idea?……………………………………………………...

The main secret of a successful business……………………………………….…….... 19 Why is it more difficult to sell services…………………..……………….……… ……. 25 11 golden ways to attract customers to your services.......... 28 Building a sales system that sells

How to take control of your business

How to start your own business without being an expert…………..……………………….

Getting to grips with the program accounting in 1 day......

Skills that will help you beat your competitors…………..………… Final word………………………………………………………........... ....

PROFITVEKTOR.RU [email protected] What is this book about and for whom? The book you just downloaded is one of the first attempts to describe the ways and methods of promoting accounting and consulting services.

This is not a collection of theoretical arguments from marketing textbooks or university programs, but a set of specific practical recommendations for those who are already running their own entrepreneurial activity in this field or is thinking about how to start one.

Professionals will find here ideas for more successful development of their business, as well as new ways to increase their sales and profits.

Beginners will receive much-needed instructions for action, with the help of which they will finally be able to decide and start their own business here and now.

Even those who have absolutely no work experience will find some useful practical tips here.

The purpose of the book is to help the reader get a specific positive result. Moreover, the result is guaranteed. True, subject to the actual implementation of all or part of the described methods in life.

PROFITVEKTOR.RU [email protected]

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My name is Andrey Tarakanov. Almost from the very beginning labor activity I, like most employees, often thought about how to become a free entrepreneur. I dreamed of gaining financial independence and doing what I liked.

In fact, various life circumstances and one’s own indecision kept delaying this process.

Dreams of owning my own business remained dreams until life forced me to act.

Excessively risky play on the stock market brought me to the edge of the financial abyss, where I no longer had a chance to retreat and moved from theory to practice.

At first, everything went far from smoothly. Some projects succeeded, but more often than not they failed.

The problem was that I didn't have a system. Everything looked more like a one-time part-time job than a serious business.

However, this allowed me to gain practical experience and get my teeth into various types activities, including the provision of services in the field of accounting and taxation.

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I would like to thank in advance everyone who will leave their review of this book on my website and recommend it to their colleagues, acquaintances or friends.

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It just so happens that you and I live in a capitalist society, according to the laws of which people are divided into two types: entrepreneurs (they are also capitalists, in the words of Karl Marx) and wage workers (working class), whether you like it or not.

Accordingly, the question arises: for what reason do some people become entrepreneurs, while others sell their time for money (salary)?

The question, frankly speaking, is not simple and lies, by and large, in the field of human psychology.

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If you conduct a survey among representatives of both types, then in most cases you will receive answers in defense of the life position that the interviewed subject represents. Of course, in both groups there will be those who are not happy with their current situation, but in general the answers will be as follows.

Entrepreneurs will tell you that they sincerely do not understand how you can work for someone else’s uncle for a salary, and even for your entire adult life.

The hired worker will argue that doing business is very risky and therefore it is better to receive not very much, but steadily.

It is interesting that in their own way each of the representatives will be right. Therefore, it will be almost impossible to get an unambiguous answer that will suit all parties.

However, let's take a simple logical route.

According to statistics, 80% of businesses cease to exist in the first year, and the remaining half drop out in the next 5 years. Thus, the riskiness of entrepreneurship is obvious and is confirmed not by bare arguments, but by specific numbers. On the other hand, there are the remaining 20% ​​who, at least at first, are more or less fine.

The question is, what are the chances of being among these 20%, or even better - 5% of truly successful ones?

Let's consider two opposing points of view.

A typical working class person will give you the following reasons not to go into business:

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This is risky, default and financial crisis will occur at any moment;

I do not have the entrepreneurial spirit, the innate ability or talent to do business;

Need initial capital;

The market has long been divided, there are no places left, it’s only going to get worse;

No time;

Need an experienced partner;

It is impossible to earn money honestly, all entrepreneurs are swindlers;

Need connections;

It is in our city, village, village that it is impossible to do business;

Add your item(s);





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Now let's consider what an experienced businessman will say to this:

Any person can do business, regardless of gender, age, religious views, social status etc.;

A successful business is a set of correct, consistent actions, independent of genetics and so-called innate talents;

To start a business, initial capital is not required; there are too many successful examples to call it an accident;

In any market, at any time and with any level of competition, you can start and build a successful business;

Studying at a university is not necessary and sometimes even harmful; knowledge without practice is useless;

You don’t need a partner to start; you can and should start on your own;

No connections or “roof” are needed;

In any, even the most remote town, you can start your own business, thanks to the Internet. Today, even in a village with 2 houses you can start a business;

If you don’t start doing it here and now, “later” may not come;

There are hundreds of thousands of examples of honest and yet successful businesses;

A crisis is a great time for new projects and overtaking competitors.

As we see, the views are diametrically opposed. And they essentially differ only in how convinced this or that person is of what he is talking about.

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Now, let's move on to a specific case. An accountant who works for a salary in a company and the owner of a company who provides accounting services. What is the difference?

If you do not take into account the level of income and functional responsibilities, then the difference between these people is only in their worldview.

An entrepreneur, with a high probability, was once also a simple staff accountant and had the same chances of becoming a manager or businessman as his colleagues.

So why did he become one even then, but his office colleague did not?

Here we return again to the above list of questions about how to start your own business.

Thus, until the worldview is changed from worker to entrepreneurial, starting a business is indeed dangerous and risky!

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The only thing that both sides probably agree on is the advantage of doing business over working for a salary.

1. You are your own boss, you do what you consider necessary and correct.

2. You manage your time independently. You don’t have to be afraid every day of not having time to check in with your card at the entrance. Plan your vacation as it suits you.

3. The level of income is practically unlimited. There is always the opportunity to expand or invest in other projects.

4. If your business is a hobby or passion, then you do what you love and get paid for it.

5. You have more opportunities to support loved ones and help people.

6. You benefit society, create jobs, develop government programs, etc.

Even this list is enough to understand which option is better.

Although, there will immediately be skeptics who will say that this does not happen, why should we, etc.

(see page 8 for the table with the hired worker’s answers).

Unfortunately or fortunately, this is how it has always been and will always be. Some are trying to change and make the world around them better and more interesting, while others resist this with all their might, discuss, gossip, and even worse - put a spoke in the wheels.

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This does not mean that those who honestly work every day from 9 to 6 are inhibitors of progress. The only problem is that this type of people simply does not believe that anyone can become an entrepreneur, regardless of the availability of initial capital, time, education, etc.

Now answer just two questions. What type of person are you now and what is better and more interesting for you?

Do work mechanically or bring your own ideas to life, making the world around you and your loved ones more diverse and happier.

Obviously, the second option is preferable and all you need to do is get rid of fear and start acting. I will tell you exactly how in this book.

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I’ll say right away that this is not only about providing classical accounting services, such as maintaining and submitting reports. By entrepreneurial activity of an accountant I understand the entire range of services that are in one way or another related to this area.

It could be:

Writing books on accounting and taxation;

Conducting courses and seminars, including via the Internet;

Consulting services in their purest form according to the most various issues(tax deductions, registration of enterprises, reporting to social funds, accounting of fixed assets and a great many other sections);

Creation of clubs, associations, circles;

Organization of conferences and exhibitions;

Publishing newspapers and magazines, both online and in traditional format;

Development and sales software;

- ___________________________ (write your version);

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And this is far from full list. It is enough to show your imagination and find something that is close and interesting to you. It is possible that over time you will be engaged in several areas at once. And it is right.

Now let's assume that your decision is ripe. The question immediately arises, where to actually start?

Should I register a company or individual entrepreneur?

Go to advanced training courses, because how can you offer services if you don’t understand them yourself? Or maybe I need another month to better master this or that accounting program, otherwise how will I cope with the additional amount of work?

The answer is no!

There is no need to do all this. Otherwise, you will simply get bogged down in trifles and dreams of a free future will remain dreams. This approach can only add new doubts and questions, rather than really moving things forward.

The best way is to start acting without delay.

How is it shown? This does not mean that you need to urgently quit your job and, having submitted a banal advertisement in the newspaper “I provide accounting services,” sit and wait for clients. Everything must go step by step. Although there are, of course, extreme sports enthusiasts who are ready to burn bridges, such an approach will still be unnecessarily risky.

The ideal option is to start combining your main place of work with the so-called hack work. Many of you probably practice this. Some

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friends have opened a company and don’t know what to do after registering, then a friend of a classmate asks for advice from the series, which is better as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. An old neighbor, knowing that you are an accountant, constantly pesters you with questions about pension insurance, or you randomly volunteered through your friends to help submit reports for a certain LLC, whose management does not know what they want.

But not everyone succeeds in making the hack work a well-functioning system for finding and servicing clients who are convenient for you. I would say that there are just a few of them.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is clearly decide in which specific area you are comfortable working.

The main thing here is not to make another common mistake.

Surely, you have had various ideas. Conditionally, it would be nice to publish a brochure on VAT refunds or create a website discussing the problems of the work of FSS branches in Penza. This is all great, with just one caveat. Do other people need this?

You may have 1000 and 1 idea, but if it is not in demand on the market, then you shouldn’t go there, at least not for a long time. initial stage.

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Will they buy your idea?

To answer this question, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary study, and not a very complicated one. I won’t bore you and tell you 5 working tricks.

1. Go to a special website search engine Yandex and in the search field keywords(those words that people type when they want to find something on the Internet) type the topic that interests you. For example, “VAT refund”. If the total number of requests for a given topic is several thousand, or better yet tens of thousands, then this is a sure sign that this topic worries many people.

This means that these people have a problem that you can help them solve, and they, in turn, will be willing to pay to solve it. All you have to do is offer them your services correctly. How? We will talk about this throughout the book.

“From a business perspective, what's most interesting is what brings the most value to my clients. My business is developed by my clients. They ask me something and I do it for them.”

Andrey Fedorov (founder and director of the Beznalogov company,

Saint Petersburg)

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2. Analyze, again using the Internet, the availability of books on your topic. Websites of large bookstores such as ozon and bolero are suitable for this.

See if there are such books there.

3. Find and compile a list of the largest sites, forums, mailing lists, groups in in social networks, blogs, LJ where, as they say, your target audience or people who might be interested in this topic hang out.

4. On websites training centers, forums with announcements of educational events, find seminars, courses, trainings and other forms of training on your topic. This will give you an idea of ​​the approximate cost of services.

If people confirm their desires with hard cash by signing up for such courses, then this is the best indicator of effective demand.

It’s even better to sign up for one or more of these courses to learn the methodology for selling them and at the same time improve your skills.

Here you may have a question. How can I sell my topic if I don’t really understand it myself? There is no contradiction. Everything is correct. We will definitely talk about this, but a little later.

5. Study the mail subscription list and Internet catalogs for the presence of periodicals on your topic or where such a topic can be covered.

Newspapers, magazines, digests, etc. Approximately estimate the total circulation of all publications.

If, in addition, it turns out that specialized exhibitions and conferences are held within your range of services, then in combination with the five research methods listed above, this will give you additional

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confidence to start acting in this direction. This is very important, especially for those who are hesitant or have not fully believed in the need for a new path.

I promise that at first it will be very uncomfortable, but at the same time completely new sensations will appear that cannot be put into words.

This can be compared to extreme sports.

It is impossible to explain in words what sensations a person experiences when jumping with a parachute or cutting through three-meter waves on a surfboard.

The main enemy is laziness and the desire to stay in the usual comfort zone. It will be very difficult to change the traditional way of life and start living in a new value system.

Old habits and attachments will draw strength from you and try to drag you back into the past, where at 9 am you come to work, receive another incomprehensible task from your superiors and wait for 6 o’clock to arrive in order to catch a minibus or train.

Only after you understand which direction to go and it is clear that there is demand in this direction and people are already buying similar products, do we move on to the next stage.

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One of the most common mistakes is to start a business with technical issues, while the most important task is finding customers and sales. If the latter is not the case, then no matter how well you understand your subject or possess any technical skills, or have the most prestigious certificates and degrees, it will simply not be of any use.

Technical issues include the following:

Registration of a company or individual entrepreneur;

Purchase of computers and various programs;

Renting an office and purchasing furniture for it;

Creating a complex website with expensive SEO support;

Another advanced training, or even worse, a second, third, or fourth higher education.

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All this is of course interesting and important, but it has nothing to do with a successful start in business.

Your first and most important asset is your customer base.

Without a client base, incurring rental and official registration costs is, to say the least, illogical.

If you incur any expenses at the very start, then let them be aimed at finding and forming a client base. In fact, these are not even expenses, but your investment. They can be compared to a deposit in a bank, which will bring stable income in the future.

At this point I always hear the following statement from listeners. In order to start your own business, you definitely need initial capital. Moreover, rarely can anyone name specific numbers. Usually they say: “a lot.” Although no, in one of the interviews they told me the exact figure: “200 thousand rubles.”

Now let’s estimate how much is actually needed and how much is needed in general.

It all depends on the approach. If you live in standard categories, then most likely you need initial capital. If you are ready to change and act in a new way, even if it contradicts your previous beliefs, then you can do without the starting amount. Moreover, history is replete with examples when people started from nothing, but from nothing at all.

Your humble servant, for example, started out exactly like this.

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In most cases, it is even harmful for an unprepared psychological person to have initial capital. Most likely it will be wasted.

Why think if you have money? Problems will begin when there is no more money and the old song starts playing again: doing business is dangerous, the market is divided and everyone around is to blame.

It’s just great if you don’t have initial capital. Excellent if you are also in debt. This incredibly mobilizes strength and forces you to think about solving a problem in a non-standard way. Just what we need.

Are you outraged? Understand!

Let's do a little test.

Please write right now at least 5 points on the topic - what will you do first if you have 100 thousand rubles in initial capital? At the same time, you need to start your business right now. For example, provide accounting services.






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Let me guess now what's on this list.

Study thoroughly the subject of service provision - how and what to do.

Register a company. Rent an office. Buy software from the 1C series and legal systems. Submit an advertisement.

Of course, I can’t guarantee that everyone will answer in exactly this way, but I’m sure that there will be many, and most will never complete this simple task, even though I asked for it.

What we see in this list is nothing more than a very common supply-to-demand approach. In other words, we first study for a long time and put effort into creating a product and only then sell it.

The main secret is that you don’t need to create anything – you need to sell it first.

If there is demand, then adjusting the supply to it will not be difficult. This principle works especially well in the service sector and in particular in our beloved profession of accounting consultant.

If you found clients for your services while still an employee in the office, what might be the initial costs? There may only be a fear that you will not be able to provide these services efficiently or on time. And this is another problem, which, if you think carefully, is completely solvable.

Now the situation is different. You become completely immersed in a certain topic or question and begin to study it intensively. It seems to you that there is a demand for this service.

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A month or two passes. You have thoroughly studied your topic and are entering the market with it. You offer here, then there, advertise, but as a result, no one buys.

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This is exactly the case when they try to stretch supply to demand, and then they are surprised - How can this be?! It seems like everything was done correctly and there was initial capital, but there was no result.

Of course, I won’t lie that without any initial capital at all it will be possible to quickly start from zero position. I will say this, costs within $300 will be considered zero.

Almost everyone can save or put aside this amount of money to start, and if they lose it, they won’t be too upset.

For radical skeptics, I will add that there are hundreds of thousands of examples when a business was started without any start-up capital at all. In this case, the launch process will simply be somewhat extended in time.

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The main difficulty when selling any services, including accounting services, is that the client needs to be convinced of the high qualifications of the consultant. He needs proof that you are an expert in your field. Moreover, it is important that he believes it, but is this really true? Question ten.

After all, who in principle can be called an expert?

Someone who is certified as a professional accountant? Someone who has completed accounting courses or is fluent in 1C? Or maybe just a smart person who can study the tax code or its individual chapter in a week?

As we can see, with regard to understanding the client, an expert can be called essentially any person who knows at least a little more than himself in matters of accounting and taxation.

Accordingly, the entire sale of services comes down to the following. Prove to a potential client that you are that expert. After negotiations or an advertisement, the client must be sure that by entrusting the management of business to your company or you personally, he will not have any problems.

Thus, it is not worth delving into self-education in your specialization with fanaticism, thinking that without this knowledge it is inconvenient or impossible to sell.

If you sell a service to a client, say, for restoring the reporting of a specific type of activity that you have not encountered before, then I bet you will find a way to do it.

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In the end, we are talking about a question within your competence, and not about growing carnations in the polar night.

Therefore, your main task at the initial stage is to create a convincing image of an expert in the eyes of a potential client.

How to do it?

The answer is simple and complex at the same time. I'll explain what's going on.

Simple, because the set of ways to attract clients is simple in itself. But it’s difficult, because these methods must be applied or, more simply put, done, constantly and regardless of mood and external factors. And doing this is exactly what everyone doesn’t like. This is how man is made. Even if he needs it and he understands that it will give him results, he will put it off until the last minute.

Everyone needs a magic phrase or some kind of super - a way through which in an instant everything will start working by itself and you will only need to occasionally come to the bank for money, and ideally not go at all and do everything while sitting at the computer.

Therefore, if this book is not just another read for you instead of a series, but a reason to finally take and change something in your life or business, then you will need to stupidly take it and do it, without asking why and why.

When there is a result, and there will definitely be one, you will understand.

And one more important note. For those who think that now I will tell you one magical way that will make you rich in a short time, I hasten to disappoint you - such a method does not exist!

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The path to increasing sales and building a stable business lies through the use of dozens and even hundreds of methods that must be methodically implemented into your business.

Even if not immediately, but gradually, according to plan, you should do this. For example, the largest American retailer Wall Mart (for those who are not familiar, a certain analogue of our Pyaterochka) uses over 300 ways to attract customers to its store.

And most aspiring entrepreneurs want to be given just one super way - a way that will make them happy and clients will line up.

As I said earlier, selling services is quite different from selling goods, so the methods of attracting customers here will also be more specific.

Once again, your first priority is to materialize the service by positioning yourself as an expert in your matter.

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1. One of the best and proven methods today is to create your own mailing list What, you haven’t heard of this?

Then immediately start creating it. Moreover, this method is absolutely free.

The newsletter gives you the opportunity to create a constantly growing database of people who are somehow interested in your topic. This does not mean that each person will have to sit down and write a personal letter. Modern Internet services allow you to send mass mailings to subscribers with one click. Thus, you will be able to constantly be in the field of view of your target audience, periodically provide them with interesting materials, articles, audio, video and many other thematic and, most importantly, useful content for them.

Please note that this is not spam. Here, each subscriber voluntarily agrees to receive letters from you on the topic specified in the title of the newsletter. If for some reason he does not want to receive it, he will only have to click a special link and immediately unsubscribe from the newsletter.

So, sit down right now and come up with a title for your first mailing, such as “7 Ways to Minimize Tax Audits.”

or “How to successfully conduct a seminar on taxation in your city”, the titles are conditional and can be on a variety of topics.

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“Most of my students come from mailing lists and contextual advertising.”

Tatyana Zubenko, Founder of the “Accountant School” project I talk about how to choose the right names and create attractive descriptions of mailings at my seminars or in consultations.

It doesn’t matter, even if you don’t have these skills yet, the main thing is to take it and do it, and the faster, the better.

Today, there are several proven services, by registering with which you can start recruiting potential clients to your database absolutely free. These are the projects,, In my opinion, the first service is the most convenient, but ideally you need to cover several. This increases your chances of expanding your subscriber base.

2. Make your own website or blog

A blog, unlike a website, is your personal page, where you post as much information about yourself as possible. You post your certificates, diplomas, certificates of advanced training, completion of various courses, etc. In general, everything that makes you an expert in the eyes of the client.

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If your future or existing business is based on a person, for example, a consultant or a private accountant at home, then it is enough to have a blog without a website.

I immediately foresee a logical question: this is so difficult, I’m not computer friendly?

First, making your blog is much easier than you imagine. The Internet is full of video tutorials, again free, where they will clearly and step-by-step tell you how to create your own virtual representation on the Internet in literally 1 day, even if you are completely new to technology. If you have experience, this can be done in a few hours.

Secondly, a simple blog can be created for you by third-party specialists for very little money. 1000-2000 rubles. However, if you are just starting out and don’t have the same initial capital, it is better to go this route yourself. This will allow you to quickly make changes to the site and subsequently correctly issue technical assignments to your programmers.

I personally know one woman who successfully figured out this issue and now teaches others how to make their own website or blog without any special computer knowledge.

For those interested, you can download her free course and start creating your website today using this link

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Remember! Having a website or blog does not guarantee immediate appearance of clients. Therefore, there is no need to order expensive custom design and complex animation. The main task of your Internet page is to sell your service.

To do this, leaf through the book back and see what needs to be done. It is correct to create the opinion of a website visitor – a potential client – ​​that you are the expert that he needs and that he can trust.

Here are the main sections that should definitely be on your website or blog:

Section about me (people are always interested in knowing details about the personality of a consultant or company leader). Write your achievements there and post those very certificates and crusts. I don’t even see the point in talking about having a photo, there’s no way without it. It is ideal if you post your video message on the site. The effect will be multiple;

Reviews of your successful clients (but under no circumstances should you invent these reviews, it will be immediately visible). As a last resort, just post a list of “our clients”;

Section answers to frequently asked questions (your target audience probably has questions that they ask most often. For example, what to choose as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, do you need a current account for an individual entrepreneur, and so on);

Special offers and promotions (always place your unique offers in the most prominent places on the site, for example, the first two months of work at half price, free consultations, etc.);

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Fill the site with useful materials that will be really useful for your clients (electronic calculators, reporting calendars, video tutorials, interviews with experts and famous people. There are actually a lot of ways);

Be sure to place a subscription form for your mailing list on your website.

Do everything possible to get the visitor's return contacts.

Sell ​​on the site not your services, but your presentation. This could be a book, a video course, a presentation, a consultation, during which you will tell the client what services you have.

This method is called a two-step sales system. We will talk about it in more detail a little later, but now, without further discussion, just remember that you cannot sell services directly.

Due to the fact that you can set specific phrases and sets of words that people type into search engines, the level of the target audience is disproportionately higher than in ordinary advertising on the street or in a newspaper.

With a very high degree of probability, if a person typed in a search engine:

“how to submit the RSV 1 report for 2011?”, he is at least interested in this

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topic. This means that he can and should be presented with services on this topic. If you have a competent website and sales skills, such a client has little chance of leaving without purchasing. The minimum program is to obtain the contact information of such a user in exchange for your free products or access to content that interests him.

Here I would like to add that the effectiveness of contextual advertising largely depends on the ability to compose advertising headlines. This topic is generally very large and therefore in this book I will limit myself to only basic recommendations.

The days of “high quality at a low price” headlines are long gone. Experiment or hire experienced copywriters (people who professionally write selling texts).

I give you the task right away. Right now go to and create your first advertisement.

By the way, in the free video course “how to create your own website,” which I wrote about earlier, there is also a section that clearly and in detail shows how to submit your first contextual advertising.

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4. Collect feedback from your clients In addition to posting reviews on the website, print them on separate sheets and hang them in your office or in the meeting room with clients. Returning to the question of transforming the client’s consciousness about you as an expert.

Feedback from satisfied customers is one of the strongest and effective ways make you an expert in the eyes of the client.

5. Useful materials Be sure to write books, manuals, articles and other material that you will distribute at every meeting with potential clients.

Even if you print a small brochure or, in extreme cases, a leaflet that contains information useful to your client, this will be an excellent tool for attracting customers for your services.

For example, this case. The future entrepreneur plans to register an individual entrepreneur. I contacted you for tax advice. You explained everything to him in an accessible form and, in addition, took his contact information for a call or letter in the future, solemnly handed him a brochure with specific tips on how to register an individual entrepreneur and basic information about taxes, funds, opening a current account, etc. Be sure to indicate in the book your return coordinates and a set of basic services, and even better, special offer. The client is guaranteed to remember you as an expert and if a problem arises, they will come to you for a paid consultation or accounting services.

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6. Service catalog In addition to the book, brochure, leaflets with advice, give your clients your catalog describing your services. The description should be made according to the principle of maximum benefit and results for the client. You can also place reviews from satisfied customers there, preferably with their photos.

7. Business cards It would seem that everyone has business cards. He advised me too. Yes, it is there, but what kind of business cards? What is usually written on business cards? Address, phone number, position and company name in large letters.

Tell me, what does the name of an unknown company tell a client?

He doesn't say anything. The client wants to see his benefit and that you are ready to help solve his problem.

your name and contact details, and on the other - your brief commercial offer.

For example, on the back of mine it is written: “the owner of this business card receives consultations as a gift!” and this is not her only option.

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Also, do not forget to list a couple or three of the names of your main services that are best sold and in demand. At the same time, you need to write again, not like everyone else. Instead of consulting on taxation, write, for example, “I’ll tell you in human language about taxes.” Show your imagination, just don’t overdo it; you shouldn’t overload the business card with information either.

8. Placing banners on thematic sites where your target audience gathers

You need to hang a banner not on accounting forums, as many do, but on those forums and portals where your potential clients communicate.

For example, if you provide services to small businesses, then it makes sense to hang such a banner on sites about how to start your own business and the like. There are quite a few of these on the Internet now.

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9. Placing advertisements in newspapers, magazines, and media One of the simplest and most common methods. Works well in the regions. It is important to pay attention to the correct composition of advertising text. There is no need to write in the advertisement that I provide accounting services.

call for free on tel...” I repeat, it’s time for flashy headlines like “the best services for low prices" are long gone.

10. Conducting seminars and presentations Nowadays it is very popular ways Various seminars, trainings, and presentations began to bring information to potential customers.

So-called webinars are especially gaining popularity. These are the same seminars, only conducted via the Internet. Your listeners don’t have to travel somewhere, just have access to the Internet and headphones.

There are no costs on your part for renting premises or special equipment. Webinars can be held on special websites, and for free.

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Of those that I personally and thousands of other Internet entrepreneurs use, I can name the sites and

All you need is to gather listeners to your seminar at a certain time. Even if someone doesn't show up, you will have the participant's contact information provided during registration and can send them the recording. And then offer your services.

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The fact that it is very effective method establish yourself as an expert to your audience. Telling useful information for your clients live and answering their questions, you significantly increase their trust in you. It is much easier to sell a service to such clients than to a person on the street.

It is noteworthy that you conduct webinars for free and, accordingly, advertise them in newspapers, the Internet, catalogues, business cards, etc.

Many of the readers will now be outraged. Well, again, will I tell someone my secrets and knowledge for free? That's it. This is what 99% of your competitors think. The best of them understand the advantage of such a scheme and therefore use it successfully.

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To ensure that this information doesn’t just stay in your head and be forgotten over time, it’s important to take it right now and announce enrollment for your first free webinar on a topic that worries your clients. If you recruit at least 15-20 people and provide them with quality material, at least 2 of them will become your clients.

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According to the same scheme, live seminars, presentations, distribution of samples, etc. are also welcome.

With all this, it is extremely important that your services are truly of high quality and correspond to the stated and even slightly exceed the expectations of your clients.

11. Posting a resume on job sites This method showed unexpectedly good results among my students. Initially, I spied it in the correspondence of accountants on forums. Since there were a lot of positive reviews in favor of this method, I decided to also add it to the list.

I will quote one of them:

“Over the course of three weeks, I posted (and updated) my resume on about 10 sites like this one. Also on Tuesdays and Thursdays (I don’t know why, but these days were the most productive) I looked through employers’ offers. I sent my resume to those I liked. By the way, for some reason I received quite a lot of offers (about 6-8 per week). So take another look at your resume and have a little patience.”

Indeed, in last years many sites have appeared

Knows how much accountants earn depending on their experience and professional skills. Check the salaries on your resume and create a new career plan. We will tell you what you need to know and be able to do to earn more.

What does an employer require from an accountant? Typical functionality
Maintaining one or more areas of accounting.
Working with primary documentation.
Carrying out reconciliation acts.
Preparation of accounting and tax reporting.
Submission of reports to tax authorities and funds.
Issuing various certificates to employees (to the employment fund, to pay child benefits, to receive subsidies, about income, at the request of various organizations, etc.).
Preparation accounting documents for archiving.
Preparation of reports for company management.

How much do accountants get paid in 2018, depending on length of service?

City without experience from 1 year from 2 years from 3 years average salary
Moscow 35 000-40 000 40 000-50 000 50 000-60 000 60 000-120 000 55 000
Saint Petersburg 25 000-30 000 30 000-40 000 40 000-50 000 50 000-100 000 45 000
Volgograd 18 000-21 000 21 000-26 000 26 000-30 000 30 000-62 000 28 000
Voronezh 20 000-23 000 23 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-68 000 32 000
Ekaterinburg 23 000-27 000 27 000-34 000 34 000-40 000 40 000-80 000 36 000
Kazan 20 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-67 000 30 000
Krasnoyarsk 20 000-23 000 23 000-28 000 28 000-35 000 35 000-70 000 32 000
Nizhny Novgorod 20 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-67 000 30 000
Novosibirsk 21 000-24 000 24 000-30 000 30 000-36 000 36 000-72 000 33 000
Omsk 15 000-21 000 21 000-27 000 27 000-32 000 32 000-64 000 29 000
Permian 17 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-33 000 33 000-66 000 30 000
Rostov-on-Don 20 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-67 000 31 000
Samara 20 000-22 000 22 000-28 000 28 000-34 000 34 000-67 000 31 000
Ufa 18 000-21 000 21 000-27 000 27 000-32 000 32 000-65 000 30 000
Chelyabinsk 20 000-23 000 23 000-28 000 28 000-35 000 35 000-70 000 32 000

What will help you earn more? Top 10 recommendations: watch - and build a plan for your career!
1. Higher education(finance, economics).
2. Confident knowledge of 1C, Excel, reference and legal systems.
3. Availability of a professional accountant certificate.
4. Knowledge of English.
5. Knowledge of IFRS.
6. Full accounting experience.
7. Experience in tax optimization.
8. Experience in protecting company interests in tax disputes.
9. Experience in successfully passing audits and tax audits.
10. Experience in companies according to the employer’s profile (sales, construction, production, etc.).

Where to find better job? Latest vacancies for accountants

Who to follow as an example? Best accountant resumes

How often do we face a lack of money! It seems like there is a permanent job, and they pay well, but there was still no money! Sometimes the task of making it from paycheck to paycheck seems like something fantastic. For some, this situation in life is permanent, for others it is temporary, but both the former and the latter are united by the desire to change this situation as quickly as possible. This is where the opportunity to earn extra money comes in handy. And when the question “How to do this?” appears, the easiest way is to do what you already do for a living. If you work as an accountant, then it is easiest to look for a part-time job of this type.

Where are accountant services needed?

Finding an advertisement in a newspaper or on the Internet offering to work as an accountant from home is almost impossible. Even if it gets there, the hype around it is crazy. But you shouldn’t despair, since there are few such offers only from large companies. But small businesses or those that have just opened are often in great need of such specialists. After all, create and maintain a complete workplace It’s beyond the means of many young companies, but they still have to submit reports, even zero ones. This is where you can come to the rescue for a certain amount of money.

How to start earning money as an accountant from home

You should understand that one company can give you a relatively small income per month. Therefore, start by building up a base of several companies. Then Your monthly additional income can reach 20,000 – 30,000 rubles . And this is already very, very good.

You can search for companies through the Internet, acquaintances or friends, posting your resume on different sites. You can (and even need to!) call or come to small firms and offer your services. You shouldn’t, of course, expect that all of them will welcome you with open arms, but it is quite possible that some of them will need your services (they may be especially often needed in small shops and private entrepreneurs). Be prepared to be rejected. It `s naturally! The main thing is not to give up and keep looking.

Here you need to understand that the more actively you search, the more you will get as a result. So don't sit idly by. It is unlikely that the job will come to you on its own; you will have to try and spend some time searching. Then your activity will generate income, so let’s drive laziness and embarrassment away!

What features of working from home as an accountant should be taken into account?

Do not forget that you are an unofficial worker. Since it is expensive for an employer to officially employ you, your contract will most likely be oral. There are both pros and cons.
The advantages include the fact that you do not bear any financial or legal responsibility. After all, all documents are signed not by you, but by the head of the company. And taxes will not be deducted from your income.
But informal employment can also be considered a disadvantage. After all, you will have no guarantees! Therefore, do not rush to send reports (especially if these are the first reports for any company) by email. It is better to spend a little time and hand over the report “from hand to hand”. Of course, it’s better to take the money right away too! It’s better to start using email when you are confident in the company and see that they are interested in your services.

Who is suitable for working at home as an accountant?

Of course, we can say that if there is a desire, there will be opportunities, but you still need to take into account that you will need a sufficient amount of free time. If you are constantly lacking it, then you should not take on additional obligations. As a last resort, do not recruit too many companies so that your earnings do not come at the expense of your main work and personal life.
If the lack of free time does not bother you, then feel free to take on this task. By gradually collecting your own “client base”, you will get involved in this business, it will not be so tedious and difficult to make additional reports in free time, and a good amount of money that you can earn with the help of such a simple business will be a good help for the family budget and will more than cover all the shortcomings of this part-time job. So go for it! You will definitely succeed!

You will learn where to start providing accounting services at home, where to find clients for remote work, and how to become a successful accountant working outside the office.

Every year, the phenomenon of remote work is gaining popularity. It is also called the fashionable word “freelancing”.

The concept itself reveals the essence of cooperation: the employer and the employee (customer and contractor) are at a distance from each other. That is, remote work is professional employment outside the office using Internet technologies.

Remote work as an accountant - when you don’t have to go to the office every day

This method of employment is interesting to many. It is especially popular among those who are tired of working “for someone else” but are unable to open their own business. There are many remote workers who are pensioners, women on maternity leave, and students.

This type of income can be considered both as a main and as a part-time job. Working from home remotely saves you time and money!

Once you start working from home, you will no longer have to waste time traveling from home to the office, stand in traffic jams, or adhere to the dress code adopted by the company. You can save on transportation costs and lunches in cafes.

More and more programmers, designers, marketers, and accountants are becoming members of the remote workers community.

I - professional accountant with more than 10 years of experience in freelancing, that’s why I will talk specifically about how to work as an accountant remotely.

How to get started - step-by-step instructions

You can get the desired result in any business only by conducting high-quality preliminary preparation.

You don't know how to organize work remotely? How to start working as an accountant from home? Then my step-by-step instruction It will come in handy!

Step 1. Organize your workspace

I recommend that anyone who wants to provide accounting services remotely first set up their own mini-office at home. Yes, yes, only this way and no other way!

If you don't do this, you can end up in a very unpleasant situation.

Example from life

My friend Olga, who worked for many years as a chief accountant at a large plant, decided to leave for free work. No sooner said than done!

Old connections helped her find her first clients: she once taught accounting courses for aspiring entrepreneurs at the city employment fund. Some of them became her customers.

“Clients are the most important thing, everything else is secondary,” the aspiring freelancer was sure. She believed that she had a table, a chair and a computer, which meant that she was ready to work as an accountant remotely.

The first working day in a new capacity has arrived. Olga enjoyed the silence, leisurely going about her business. Suddenly the unimaginable began: one client asks to urgently pay for materials, another asks to receive goods into the warehouse, a third asks to arrange a vacation.

And here’s the problem: the computer freezes, the table is far from the outlet, and the extension cord, as luck would have it, is unknown where, the cartridge in the printer is slightly “alive”, in the accounting program of one of the companies the former accountant did not enter invoices for almost ten days.

Late in the evening, Olga, almost exhausted, telling me about her misadventures of that day, no longer doubted that a properly organized workspace is important!

For an accountant's home office, I recommend purchasing the following items:

  1. Reliable computer. It is better to consult with computer specialists. Perhaps the one you use to communicate on social networks is suitable for your needs. Or maybe your “old man” won’t be able to handle everything necessary programs, and you will have to either upgrade it or buy a new one.
  2. MFP (printer+copier+scanner). A must-have item, even if you mostly deal with electronic documentation. Firstly, it is often necessary to send a scan of a document with signatures and seals, which means that it must, first of all, be printed, formatted properly, scanned and only then sent. Secondly, the paper archive of the “primary” has not been canceled. Thirdly, your employees may probably need a copy of their work record (for example, to obtain a bank loan). And here you can’t do without a photocopier. Believe me, there will be many such cases, every day.
  3. Calculator. Calculating on a phone or an online calculator is inconvenient, but it has been tested in practice.
  4. Table+chair. Of course, the table and chair can be anything, but we want to conduct business, not as we have to, but with comfort. Remember how your back and neck hurt when you have to sit all day at an uncomfortable desk. After just a couple of hours you don’t want to think about anything. You dream of finishing everything quickly and warming up.
  5. Stationery. In this category I included not only pens, pencils and erasers, but also a stapler and hole punch. All these are little things that you can’t do without!

This is the most necessary thing. Decide on the rest as you go.

Check the quality of communication and Internet. Decide in advance on the services in which you will have to keep accounting records. Even if you are familiar with their functionality, don’t be lazy to test it again. This way you will save your strength and nerves when the turnover hits you.

Step 2: Write a resume

I’m sure no one will argue about the importance of the ability to present oneself. After all, future employer-customers must somehow find out about your basic skills, education, practical experience, strengths and weaknesses, professional achievements, etc.

This is how a resume will become a presentation for a remote accountant.

A resume is a document containing reliable information about education, practical experience, professional skills and other information necessary for consideration of a candidacy for employment.

Now there are special companies that, for a fee, offer to package your information in a beautiful package and create a resume that will present you to potential employers in the right, advantageous perspective. If you don't want to bother, then this is your option!

You can create a completely effective resume yourself. The network can help you! There is no need to retell all the advice from numerous sources on this matter. You can find and read them yourself.

I would like to draw attention to just a few special important nuances this process:

  • Always provide only reliable facts. Remember - all important information can be easily verified;
  • structure the information. I recommend using resume templates. For example, on the website, by registering as a job seeker for free, you can easily create a good resume;
  • Pay attention to the style of presentation of information. A resume is an official document, your business card. Creativity in drawing up this document is acceptable if you are a candidate for an animator, show host, etc. When applying for a job at a bank, a large company's liberties can play a cruel joke on you;
  • Don’t imagine yourself as L. Tolstoy, don’t write your resume in several volumes. 1-2 standard sheets are enough;
  • and, no matter how trivial it may be, write correctly. Errors in a resume are unacceptable.

Step 3. Find a customer

Workspace and resume sorted out! All that’s left to do is find a customer.

And here almost all means are good:

  1. Don’t hesitate to contact your friends, tell them that from now on you are a freelance accountant.
  2. Make inexpensive, high-quality business cards; you may need them at any time (for example, when you are waiting in line at the tax office, know: the people next to you are your potential clients. Communicate, talk about your services, leave business cards).
  3. Subscribe to groups on social networks that post similar vacancies - they are not difficult to find.
  4. Place advertisements in newspapers that publish vacancies.

If you weren’t able to find a job using “guerrilla” methods, turn to professionals—specialized resources. Read about them in detail below.

When setting out on a search, weigh your strengths. Clearly determine how much work you are willing to take on. Identify your priority taxation systems, that is, those with which you are ready to work first. Find a company that uses such systems and begin your first steps in freelance accounting.

Even if you are a super professional, do not recruit many clients at once. Remote work is not like working in an office; it has its own rules that you will still have to get used to.

Where to find remote work as an accountant

So, let’s determine the places where employers are found - customers who are ready to cooperate with remote accountants.

There are many such places: freelance exchanges, specialized job search services, message boards on the Internet, recruitment agencies, etc.

Let's get acquainted with the most popular:

1) is a place where performers and customers from all over Russia and the CIS countries meet. The service began its work in 2005. Over the years, the number of registered users has reached more than 1.5 million people. Programmers and designers, accountants and copywriters, consultants and tutors can find work via the Internet at home, secure decent income.

Exchange Features:

2) Weblancer is another Freelance Exchange where accountants can find a remote customer for their services. The service was created in the early 2000s, but still occupies a leading position.

Advantages of Weblancer Exchange:

  • ease of access to the resource;
  • quality assurance;
  • the benefit of the customer and the contractor is guaranteed by internal arbitration;
  • availability of the “safe transaction” service.

By registering, you can not only place your ad, but also respond to customer offers. However, this is only available on paid plans. You can only view vacancies for free.

It’s nice that you can find both permanent and project work here. The choice is yours!

3) Avito is one of the most famous online free message boards in the Russian Federation. As of June 2017, more than 35 million different advertisements were posted on the site.

A variety of advertisements are posted here: about the purchase and sale of things, equipment, real estate, vacancies, offers of services. We are interested in the “Services” section. Of course, the service has a special “Work” section, but the proposals of accountants are printed here. To gain access, you need to go through a simple free registration.

And then everything is simple! Place a catchy advertisement offering accounting services remotely, attach your certificates and diplomas related to accounting (if any) and wait for your first clients. You will learn that your proposal has received a response from a message on email specified during registration.

Want to speed up the process? Order paid promotion of your services.

What it takes to become a successful work-at-home accountant

To become a successful remote accountant, you need to have some key qualities. Don't confuse them with professional competencies. Their presence is not discussed!

This is about:

  • communication skills. It is very important to be able to communicate with people and win them over. Communicative specialists find customers faster and conclude more profitable contracts;
  • self-organization. When people go freelance, they relax. They stop planning and correctly distributing time between work and rest. It seems to them that they didn’t have time today, they will do it tomorrow. This is how the days pass. And now, on top of one task, ten more were layered. They all require urgent solution;
  • self-control. There are no bosses over you anymore, no one controls your affairs. How your career will turn out now depends only on you;
  • desire to self-develop. Accounting and tax accounting is perhaps one of those areas that is constantly changing. Nobody writes instructions and regulations for remote workers, monitors legislation updates, or cares about improving their professionalism. Only a personal desire to develop yourself will allow you to withstand competition and become successful.