Wedding anniversary 10 years of marriage son. Ten wedding years. Gift with engraving

10 years life together after the wedding. This anniversary is also called pink wedding or Rose Day.

The main symbol of the holiday is tin. It stands for flexibility family relations. Spouses are already skillfully able to resolve family conflicts and make compromises in difficult situations. They know each other well, understand each other perfectly and respect the opinion of their other half. Spouses during this period resemble tin spoons folded together, which repeat each other’s curves. The second symbol of the holiday, the rose, denotes the passion and love that is preserved in the relationship between spouses.

In Rus', on this day, the husband carried a tin spoon in his pocket from morning until sunset. When the couple went to bed, he placed it under his wife's pillow. It was believed that this would bring happiness to the family for the rest of their life together. Nowadays no one follows this tradition. Instead, another one arose: the husband gives his other half a bouquet of 11 roses. In this case, 10 roses should be red, and 1 should be white. The red color represents the love of a husband for his wife, and the white color represents hope for a happy continuation of the marriage.

The tenth wedding anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale. They try to recreate the wedding day as much as possible. Everyone who was at the celebration 10 years ago is invited, including distant relatives. A huge table is set, at the head of which sit a husband and wife in pink clothes with witnesses. The room is decorated with bouquets of roses. The couple spends the night after the holiday on a bed strewn with petals.

Gifts for the tenth wedding anniversary

For this anniversary, the family is presented with everything related to the symbols of the holiday:

  • pewter dishes: candlesticks, glasses, tray, coffee pot, wine glasses, vase (necessarily useful for gifted roses), spoons (symbol of the holiday; they can be bought as a souvenir set with congratulatory inscriptions);
  • any items with a pattern of roses: tea set, dishes, paintings, bedspreads, blankets, bed linen;
  • pink items: original version- standard items in an unusual color (for example, a pink toaster, an alarm clock).

Gift for husband/wife

Spouses don't have to stick to a holiday theme if they don't like pewter, roses, or pink color. You can present your beloved wife with a significant gift that will emphasize the value of your relationship with her: jewelry, an expensive fur coat. An unusual gift - pink technology: phone, laptop. The spouse will be happy with an expensive bottle of wine, a good pair of shoes, a new gadget, an expensive notebook.

A symbolic gift “for two” - tin rings in the form of an “infinity” icon with an oath on the inside.

Gift for spouses from guests

Guests can present the couple with a souvenir set that will remind them of the wedding. For example: a combination of two champagne glasses, a small box of chocolates, scented candles and jewelry in a decorated box. An original gift would be a jar of rose jam in honor of the holiday theme.

Options for those who want to congratulate the spouses separately: the wife can be presented with jewelry with pink stones, a hairpin in the shape of a rose, and the husband can be presented with a pink tie, a keychain, or a tin beer mug.

Congratulations and toasts

TO holiday greetings“young” people better prepare in advance.

Table speech options:

Dear spouses!
A whole 10 years have passed since then happy moment when you decide to link your lives into one. We all watched together how your relationship changed. From unreliable paper, which could ignite from a careless word, they flowed into the hardness of wood. And finally, after the inflexibility of cast iron, they turned into soft tin. So may your love change for the better and further and turn into a shining precious diamond. Be happy!
Dear spouses!
We sincerely want to congratulate you on your family’s tenth anniversary. Let your eyes continue to shine as much when looking at your soulmate. Remember to make each other happy every day. Talk about love, don't be silent. May your home always be filled with happiness. Love you for many, many years!


A competition program will help entertain guests.

Game options:

1. Dancing with flowers

Each couple who comes is given one rose with the thorns previously removed. Participants must dance while holding the flower between them without using their hands. The couple that can survive the longest wins.

2. Memories

Each guest brings with them photographs or things that remind them of some family event that occurred over these 10 years. They are presented to their spouses in turn. They must remember what each thing is connected to.

It also has a second name - tin. On this day it is customary to give roses. A husband greets his wife in the morning with a bouquet of pink or scarlet roses. According to an unspoken tradition, many people add one white rose to the bouquet; it is a symbol of hope that all subsequent years family life will be bright and happy.

10 years of marriage - a holiday of roses

All guests also come with bouquets of roses, do not be afraid if there are too many of these flowers. There is always a place for the queen of flowers; she will decorate any interior.

The name "tin wedding" sounds less attractive. But if you want to give metal dishes, candlesticks, vases, cutlery, they will be wonderful gifts for the occasion. A wedding anniversary of 10 years is a considerable period of time; the spouses have already established their life together and such gifts are always needed in the household.

Usually, both spouses and guests like the concept of a “pink wedding” much more. When thinking about what to give, guests are inspired by it.

Gifts for a pink wedding can also be “off-topic” if you want to give something original or useful in the household. Complete your gift with a chic bouquet of roses, wrapped in pink paper or tied with a pink satin ribbon, and it will be a perfect gift for a pink wedding.

10 year wedding anniversary: ​​“pink” theme in gifts

Since these flowers play the main role at this holiday, you can use their image. For example, a set of bed linen with a rose print, kitchen towels with a pattern or embroidery, a tablecloth and napkins.

The living room will be decorated with a painting in a stylish frame with roses painted on it. This is a wonderful memorable gift and a symbol of a happy, flourishing life.

Pink wedding: rose jam and other delicious gifts

Rose jam is a very tasty delicacy. And if you give it to the spouses for a pink wedding as a symbol sweet life, it will taste doubly better.

A cake decorated with luxurious roses, rose wine or champagne would also be a wonderful gift. Often they give two bottles of champagne in festive decor. Here are two design options as an example.

Chocolates in a beautiful pink box can be presented as a gift to your wife.

Composite gift for a pink wedding

If you want to give a few things that are not particularly related to the theme of the celebration, they can be packaged in such a way that your gift set will be a completely appropriate and cute present. For example, this beautifully designed gift combines a variety of things - jewelry, candles, glasses and candies.

Jewelry and gold jewelry as a gift for a pink wedding

The hero of the occasion can be given jewelry or gold jewelry with pink stones as a gift. But then you need to choose an appropriate gift for your husband, for example, a beautiful pink tie, organizer, diary, the design of which contains pink elements.

Jewelry is a nice gift for a pink wedding

Flower arrangements for a pink wedding

Today, there are many elegant, tasteful arrangements made from artificial flowers on sale. If you choose a composition of roses as a gift, they will definitely not wither and will remind you of the holiday for a long time.

Feng Shui gifts for a pink wedding

The ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui has not lost its popularity today; rather, it has even become more in demand. Everyone wants the atmosphere in the house to be harmonious, and for household members to live in harmony and love. A gift for a pink wedding to friends can carry a special meaning. Installed in the right place according to the rules of Feng Shui, it will not only decorate the room, but also have a positive impact on the energy of the home.

You can give a fish, it symbolizes abundance, or a tree of happiness with pink stones.

Anna Lyubimova

A decade of marriage is a solid milestone, having crossed which the spouses showed extraordinary abilities to reach mutual compromise, become more flexible in relationships and not lose romance. The family became strong and elastic, like tin, and at the same time retained the tenderness and beauty of love, which the rose symbolizes. The combination of tin and roses, as male and female symbols of celebration, is traditionally present in the design of the entire 10-year marriage ceremony.

How to celebrate a pink (tin) wedding anniversary so that it leaves wonderful memories and charges the spouses with energy for their future life together?

Since this is the first double-digit anniversary of marriage, which not all couples can boast of, it is best to celebrate the event brightly and on a grand scale. But the option to celebrate it in a cozy romantic atmosphere alone with each other will bring joy into the lives of the spouses. fresh notes of novelty and the beginning of a new stage of relationships.

In any case, the organization of a 10th wedding anniversary should be carefully thought out, taking into account accepted traditions and an individual approach.

If the couple decides to celebrate the celebration on a grand scale and invite many guests, you can order a cafe, be sure to invite the toastmaster. If the dimensions of the apartment allow, you can celebrate the anniversary at home. It is also worth considering the option of organizing entertainment for children, for example, by ordering the services of an animator or allocating a separate space for them, coming up with a fun scenario that includes entertaining competitions, decorations, dynamic games, funny scenes for 10 wedding anniversary, for example, funny stories from the life of the spouses.

If you are lucky enough to celebrate a pink wedding anniversary in the summer, this is an excellent reason to organize a celebration in the lap of nature, for example, on the shore of a pond, in a country house, in the forest.

How to design a venue for a holiday

There must be style in the decoration of the celebration. For example, you can come up with decorations in an aristocratic style, decorating the interior with elegant tin figurines, bouquets of roses, placing filigree pewter dishes on the tables, red and white candles in tin candlesticks.

Celebrating the pink anniversary (10 years of wedding) - bride and groom figurines

Silver and pink tones go well together, as well as more classic version pink and chocolate shades. In this case, the husband can put on a tailcoat and top hat, the wife - in a long luxurious dress pink and a hat. It would be a good idea to invite a live music ensemble to such a celebration.

Another option is a glamorous style in pink tones - bright design with large bows, garlands, balloons, butterflies and wreaths of fresh roses in the shape of hearts. Here you can allow a slightly relaxed tone in clothing. For example, a pink handkerchief in my husband’s jacket pocket, a pink bow instead of a tie. The wife can decorate her hair with an elegant hairpin with roses or a miniature pink hat. Any attributes, such as rose-colored glasses, bows, hearts, angels and doves, will bring positivity to the overall atmosphere.

At a tin wedding, it is customary to recapture the events of past years.

Pink Anniversary Celebration - Balloon Decoration

Can decorate the interior with photo compositions from the date of acquaintance, wedding, family photos, providing them with humorous captions.

Even if the celebration is planned in a cafe or outdoors, you definitely need to remember to decorate your home for the anniversary.

You can decorate your house with pink, red and white balloons, strew your bed with rose petals, and hang a large poster with a collage of family photos on the wall.

Of course, the interior should include a traditional bouquet of roses, which the husband would give to his wife. In addition, a large wreath of roses should be hung above the front door, which will protect the happiness of the young from unkind spirits. It should hang until the flowers dry up, and then some more. whole year This herbarium should be stored until the next anniversary.

Ideas for a scenario for celebrating a tin wedding with competitions

The beginning of the celebration is the most exciting episode. Guests line up in a corridor at the front door and, when the spouses appear, they are showered with rose petals from tin cups. Then the presenter presents to the spouses box with tin rings, which they exchange, sealing the further union with a kiss. A comic scenario for holding a celebration can be organized by choosing a certain style, for example, cowboy, cartoon.

After the guests have drunk to the health of the newlyweds and tasted the dishes, the toastmaster offers them an entertainment program - dancing, competitions, and practical jokes.

Spouses can perform a dance, proving that their skill has not been lost over 10 years, but has even been polished. After this, the toastmaster gives the spouse a tin spoon, which he must hide in his pocket and put under his pillow in the evening. The wife is given a souvenir decorated with a pink flower.

Pink Wedding Anniversary Celebration - Tin Spoons

Competitions for celebrating the 10th wedding anniversary should be organized taking into account all age categories of those gathered. For example, a dance dance suitable for young people - volunteers take the stage and must perform an original dance for a certain style of music. The winner is chosen by the public.

For older people you can organize intellectual quizzes. Interesting option competition for spouses - everyone writes on pieces of paper the most significant event in family life, and then the entries are compared, determining how much the spouses have the same priorities.

The holiday should be fun and liberate the guests, so different funny competitions for a pink wedding for the bride and groom.

“The Princess and the Peas” is a competition for the female half of the guests. The young ladies sit on chairs covered with pink shawls, under which hard peas are hidden. The task is to correctly determine how many peas are under the blanket.

“Guess your soulmate” – with eyes closed young ladies must find their spouse by touch from several candidates by facial features, and men, in turn, must identify their spouse by their hands.

How to celebrate 10 years of marriage together after marriage

If it is not possible to organize a magnificent celebration, an equally impressive option would be to simply spend a pink (tin) wedding anniversary with your family at home or celebrate your tenth wedding anniversary outdoors.

Or you can organize a romantic dinner in a cafe or go on a trip, order an unusual service - impression for two, for example, ride in a carriage with horses in aristocratic outfits, fly in a hot air balloon or go on a romantic trip on a yacht.

Pink Wedding Anniversary Celebration - Balloon

But a light romantic dinner should certainly be the highlight of the event and consist of dishes with pink and red accents. Fish: salmon, pink salmon, red caviar, meat with pink sauce, rose wine and champagne. Place scented candles in red, white and pink, turn on some pleasant music, look at photos and videos together, and go for a walk under the moonlight.

22 January 2018, 21:45

Every year a pleasant moment comes in the life of a married couple, their wedding date. Their family's birthday. The first anniversary falls on a decade of marriage. It is commonly called pewter or pink.

Most often, the anniversary is called pink, after the flower - rose. After all, it is The rose is a symbol of love, affection and passion. This flower reminds spouses of their feelings and strong love for each other. And thorns mean wounds and remind of those family difficulties that are in the past.

But some still call the wedding exactly tin. It is believed that tin is the softest metal. Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of flexibility and pliability. He symbolizes the compromises that spouses make to save their marriage. Family relationships become soft and flexible, which is what this metal resembles.


Traditions have been created by people since ancient times. And we always tried to stick to them. IN ancient Rus' there was a custom that, unfortunately, has not survived to this day. The husband should take a tin spoon in the morning, put it in his trouser pocket and walk like that all day. And after sunset he put this spoon under his wife’s pillow. It was believed that after such actions the family was protected from evil spirits and evil intentions.

If the wedding date fell in the summer months, then on front door hung a wreath of roses at home. After the flowers withered and dried, the wreath was removed from the door and hidden until the next round date. So he protected the family from everything bad.

In France there is an interesting custom where spouses are given tin frames or tin statues. These figurines should stand in the very center of the house and be the center of attention. In Russia, a husband must give his significant other bouquet of 10 red roses and one white. Red flowers will signify their years of marriage, and one White Rose symbolizes a bright future for the family.


According to tradition, the first round date celebrated in the same way as the wedding itself. All people who were at the wedding are invited, including witnesses. There is no point in making the entire holiday in pink colors, it will look vulgar. One or two bright accents in clothing or interior will be enough.

The newlyweds' table can be decorated with flower arrangements in pink or red colors. Also lay a path of red roses from the entrance to the table of the heroes of the occasion. And don’t forget about the toastmaster, who will put all the guests in the mood so that this holiday will remain in their memory for a long time. Festive dishes are of particular importance.

It will be good if there is chicken or red fish on the table. Red or rose wine works well as a drink.

What do they give?

This question puzzles all the guests who come to the holiday. Usually guests who are not distinguished by originality give large bouquets of roses or pewter cutlery. In the 21st century this is banal. Rare paired coins or red wine aged more than 50 years can be an unusual gift for a long memory.

10 years of family life is a long time. Not everyone lives up to it. Therefore, you can buy a practical gift for a couple for many years:

  • paired mugs;
  • floor mirror in tin;
  • candlesticks;
  • dishes;
  • sconces, floor lamps;
  • household appliances;
  • textile;
  • certificates.

Parents try to give their children a “living memory.” This photo albums with the most exciting events in their lives, or rings internally engraved with names or wedding dates. Some give figurines of swans. After all, these birds are the most faithful. They mate only once in their life. And if their significant other dies, the swan will remain alone for the rest of its life.

Wedding witnesses always try to stand out from the crowd and give emotional gifts. This could be a trip to the sea or a paragliding flight.

The most important gifts are those given between husband and wife. The wife tries to give her husband something memorable, for example a weapon, or a decorative saber, or a purse. If the husband is a lover of the classics, then the wives give cufflinks so that the husband will always wear and remember it. A certificate for visiting the spa club will also be a pleasant surprise. The spouses will enjoy spending time alone and relaxing with a massage.

A husband can give his wife items made of tin:

  • mirror in frame with engraving;
  • tray;
  • fruit bowl;
  • money box;
  • Frame;
  • framed portrait;
  • box.

A piece of rose-themed jewelry, either made of noble rose gold or with stones of this color, would be a chic gift. Your spouse will greatly appreciate such a gift. Especially if you also add a bouquet of fresh roses to it!

A gift for a husband could be like this:

  • tin ashtray;
  • engraved mug;
  • unusual medal;
  • a certificate to your favorite store (let him choose what he wants);
  • expensive razor;
  • tin whiskey set (decanter and glasses);
  • flask;
  • leather belt with original plaque.

When choosing a gift for your spouse, consider his preferences and hobbies. It is not at all necessary to give a thing exactly tin or pink - this is just symbolism.

Photo gift ideas

The first round date in the family is the 10th anniversary of marriage. People call her "tin" or "pink" wedding. There are many rituals and traditions associated with this holiday, which are best paid attention to when organizing an event, choosing gifts and congratulations.

Holiday psychology

Over ten years of marriage, the couple proved that their marriage is strong and unbreakable, despite the minor problems they have experienced. By this time, the family has accumulated baggage: children, general impressions and memories (joyful and sad). The spouses know everything about each other, so there is peace in everyday life. Both accepted each other’s shortcomings as a given, got used to their character traits and can understand any problems. That is why rose and tin became the main symbols of this holiday.

Symbolism of the holiday

The name of this solemn date is directly related to the symbolism of the holiday:

  1. Tin- an honorary symbol of the tenth anniversary. This choice is justified by the fact that tin is the most flexible metal. After all, spouses who have lived together for such a period of time already know each other so well that they can adapt to each other’s interests and desires without much disagreement.
  2. Rose has long been recognized as the most romantic flower. In this case, she personifies the love and passion that the spouses have preserved for such a long time, despite all the “thorns” of life together.
  3. Number 10 indicates the opening of a new stage in the life of the spouses and symbolizes harmony.

In addition to the established symbols, it is customary to observe a number of customs and traditions on this holiday.

Rituals and traditions

The first significant anniversary involves various rituals that husband and wife follow on this day:

  1. Husband gives his wife a bouquet of roses. There should be eleven of them: ten red symbolize the life lived together, one white symbolizes hope for a happy future together.
  2. Spouses give each other tin spoons. They should carry them with them from early morning until late evening, and put them under their pillow at night. According to existing belief, this ritual brings happiness and prosperity to future life together.
  3. The wedding night of the spouses on this day should take place on a bed strewn with rose petals.

Regarding the celebration, there are several traditions that must be observed at a tin wedding:

  1. All participants in the ceremony ten years ago must be invited to the celebration, especially parents and witnesses.
  2. The decoration of the room for the holiday should include pink shades, be it a party in a chic restaurant or modest gatherings at home. The simplest option is table decor in this color: napkins or tablecloth, glasses or plates, small flowerpots with bouquets of roses - the choice depends on the scale of the holiday. In addition, you can use pink tones in the newlyweds’ outfits (for example, the husband’s shirt and the wife’s dress). Pink shades may also be present in the menu: chicken with pink sauce, wine, and so on.

What to gift

If you are invited to a tin wedding, then you need to think about a gift for the spouses:

If the hero of the occasion is your significant other, then give her one of the following gifts:

  1. To my husband You'll love pewter cufflinks, a tie or a shirt (in red and pink tones). If he doesn’t need things made of tin, and he frankly doesn’t like the color pink, then you can give him any necessary thing (for example, headphones or a lighter), wrapped in any pink material (ribbons, paper, stickers, etc.).
  2. wife You can please with jewelry with pink stones (garnet, sapphire, rose quartz, coral, topaz). A great start to the holiday would be a gift like a tray on a soft pillow on which you will bring your beloved wife breakfast.


The round date is very important in the lives of spouses, so it’s worth celebrating: it’s another reason to break up the usual routine and shake up the relationship a little. You need to create a holiday script in accordance with the chosen theme.

Keeping traditions

If you want to arrange a celebration that will not deviate from traditions, then the best place venue is a restaurant or cafe(depends on the number of guests). To avoid having to worry about entertaining guests, invite a toastmaster or ask friends to organize a party. It should be "Wedding 10 Years Later." Many people get married in church on this day, if they have not done so before.

Glamorous chic

Since the wedding is “pink”, you can throw a party with this glamorous shade. Set a dress code for guests: every outfit must have this shade (dresses or skirts, ties or shirts). Such a group can go to a karaoke bar or restaurant, and be sure to call a photographer.

Russian wedding

Interesting option - holding a wedding according to Russian traditions. Rituals and competitions, traditional costumes, folk songs and festivities - such a holiday will become the most memorable in the life of the spouses. The only drawback is that such an event is very difficult to carry out on your own and you will have to involve knowledgeable people. You can contact specialized historical and cultural centers in your city or holiday agencies.

Dream come true day

If you constantly did not have enough time to make your long-standing dream come true, then your family’s 10th birthday is the best reason for this. This could be a visit to a water park, attractions, a boat ride or horseback riding.

But before inviting guests, make sure they are ready to participate (especially if it involves extreme entertainment).

Romance for two

If you don’t like noisy companies, then it’s better to spend time together and have a “romance” evening. Sit in a restaurant or go to a luxury hotel. A bottle of wine, a bath with rose petals and pleasant communication are what will benefit the spouses.

Family birthday greetings

As with all holidays, At a tin wedding it is customary to congratulate the spouses. If you are not sure that you can improvise, and you are confused, then it is better to prepare your speech in advance. Use the list of sample congratulations:

  • Our dear friends (names), you have been together for 10 years. However, your love has not faded and remains as strong as at the moment of your marriage. We want to wish that even after a hundred years, you will not stop loving and appreciating each other!
  • My beloved (names), today is the first anniversary of your family - 10 years. I wish that your love becomes even stronger every year, and that friendship and understanding are its constant companions.
  • In Soviet times, they said that a strong and reliable family is a unit of society. Indeed, this is a piece of the universe and small world. Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the emergence of this world, in which mutual understanding and love reign!
  • Today is a grand holiday for everyone gathered here - the tenth anniversary of your wedding. Not much has changed since then: you are also young and in love with each other. All that remains is to admire your couple and wish you only a sea of ​​happiness and a touch of romance in Everyday life. And again we tell you: “Bitter.”
  • Love can be compared to fire: it burns and warms the hearts of lovers. But in order to preserve it, you need to throw firewood there, otherwise it will go out. Looking at you, I understand that you have comprehended this secret, because your fire of love has not gone out for ten years. I wish you to continue to keep this flame alive, despite all the difficulties!
  • My dear (names), today we celebrate 10 years of your life together. And it’s not for nothing that this anniversary is called the pink wedding. After all, your family is like a beautiful rose: it remains just as beautiful, despite all the sharp thorns of life's trials. So let it remain the same, and let love and understanding always live in your home.
  • One married couple lived until the tin wedding. The couple always remained in love and happy. When asked what the secret of their happiness was, they said: “The secret is very simple: for ten years we had a single bed.” So let's raise a glass to the marital bed!

Poems for the tin anniversary

Congratulations in poetic form are always more harmonious and interesting than prose
. Therefore, you can take note of a few poems about a tin or pink wedding:

There was sunshine, of course

Thunderclap and frost,

But today is a wonderful day -

A celebration of beautiful roses!

Ten years have not passed in vain,

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

And we wish to be your couple

Always in love and young!

Let spring always excite

Let your friends not forget you,

May life give you many years,

May you live together without troubles!

Let the years rush by like dreams,

You shouldn't worry about them!

After all, ten years together is just a moment,

We wish you to love each other until you are a hundred years old!

10 years of marriage is a very memorable and important date for every family. Therefore, there is no need to postpone its celebration for a minute, no need to spare any money or effort.

Spouses can arrange a photo session for memory or shoot a short video to indulge in a little nostalgia for the next family birthday: