How to freeze greens for the winter. Provencal way in oil. How to freeze fresh herbs for the winter: recipes

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


The attractive aroma of fresh herbs will not leave indifferent any gourmet. In the warm season, this product takes pride of place on the table of hostesses. In winter, getting greens is problematic. Learn how to freeze greens so they don't lose theirs. taste qualities and properties.

Is it possible to freeze dill for the winter in the freezer

Fresh dill added to the dish gives it an exquisite aroma, complements the flavor composition, and sometimes reveals subtle notes. Frozen greens, unlike dried, do not lose their beneficial properties. As you know, dill is rich in nutrients and oils that you want to save. Freezing dill for the winter is a great find for housewives who love to decorate ready-made side dishes.

How to freeze dill at home

Having wondered how to keep dill fresh for a long time, many women begin to come up with a variety of ways. It is customary to wrap bundles moistened with gauze, put them in a jar of water, etc. As a result, the result is always the same - the greens wither, lose their taste, become moldy. To be able to eat greens in winter, you need to know how to freeze dill. There are certain rules. By observing them, housewives will not be able to think about how best to save dill for the winter in other ways. Advise:

  • keep only fresh herbs (it is rich in useful substances);
  • thoroughly wash the bunches, especially the stalks, to avoid dirt getting into the dish;
  • dry the twigs before freezing (can be hung over the sink);
  • remove excess air from bags and jars placed in the refrigerator to prevent the process of decomposition of the ingredients.
  • freezing in special packages;
  • using cling film;
  • in molds intended for making ice;
  • packaging of workpieces in containers.

All methods have a special advantage - they allow greens to retain useful substances and vitamins, with which it is so rich, for a long time. The main thing to remember when using the resulting blanks in the cool season is that in no case should the greens be re-frozen. Such a procedure can negatively affect not only the appearance, but also the taste characteristics of dill.

Freezing greens in bags

This option for preserving the unique properties of dill is used by many housewives, because it does not cause much trouble. To prepare herbs, you need:

  • take fresh greens (without signs of damage);
  • rinse thoroughly under running water (you can dip several times in a bowl filled with clean water to check the quality of the wash);
  • dry the bundles by hanging them by the stem over the sink or bath;
  • grind the ingredients with a knife;
  • put the workpiece in a special bag for freezing (you can put whole branches by cutting off part of the thick stem);
  • remove excess air (run a rolling pin a couple of times from the base of the bag to the fastener);
  • seal the bag and put in the freezer.

In food film

Frozen greens for the winter, packed in cling film, do not take up much space in the refrigerator. To prepare it you need:

  • carefully prepare the greens (remove dry areas, rinse, dry on a towel);
  • cut a small amount with a knife made of of stainless steel;
  • put the product on a piece of foil;
  • roll up the sausage, removing excess air (otherwise the workpiece will turn out to be watery);
  • put in refrigerator freezer).

In ice cube trays

The option of preserving greenery differs from the rest in that after careful processing of fresh bunches, no liquid is required to be removed. How to freeze dill in molds designed for making ice? Here step-by-step instruction:

  1. select fresh bunches (remove areas where a color change has occurred);
  2. rinse ingredients;
  3. chop (it is not necessary to use a knife, you can just finely pick);
  4. put a few grams in a bowl, pour cooled boiled water;
  5. to stir thoroughly;
  6. distribute in molds;
  7. put in the freezer;
  8. after thorough freezing, the resulting pieces of ice can be folded into bags and left in the cool compartment of the refrigerator.

How to freeze dill and parsley in foil

Greens such as dill and parsley can be stored for a long time in foil. To do this, you will have to prepare the bundles (rinse, clean from dried areas), let the water drain, laying it on a towel. After the manipulations, prepare the foil and felt-tip pen. Put greens on foil (serving size at the discretion of the hostess), wrap, removing excess air. Be sure to sign the "sausage" to save time on subsequent searches for the right ingredients and put it in the refrigerator.

How to prepare dill for the winter with salt in a container

“As you freeze dill, you will get such blanks” - the rule of hostesses who know that you should not rush. Only careful preparation contributes to the preservation of the taste and beneficial properties of greens. To store dill in containers, you need:

  • prepare dishes (wash and dry them);
  • dip bunches of dill in a bowl to rinse thoroughly;
  • rinse with water;
  • put on paper towels, blot to remove liquid;
  • grind the main ingredient;
  • arrange in containers, add a few grams of salt;
  • remove the juice formed when interacting with salt;
  • Close the lid tightly and place in the refrigerator.

Mila: | November 17th, 2014 | 1:55 pm

I also freeze greens in cubes, but because I use it most often with boiled potatoes, then I fill it not with water, but with melted butter.
Answer: Dear, thank you for sharing your recipe!

Alena: | September 3rd, 2012 | 12:00 pm

Valery, honestly, I’m “allergic” to celery)))))) I also heard this way of freezing greens: sweet peppers are cleaned, dill and parsley or greens are stuffed into it for an amateur and so frozen. But personally, it seems to me that in this way is engaged more space in a cell .. I don’t know ... This year I decided to experiment and froze tomatoes, only cream. I tried it - it seems to be nothing))) I think it will go for pizza)

Answer A: I've also heard about this method. But I haven't experimented. Because it takes up a lot of space. In addition, the pepper itself is very odorous, and the greens will be saturated with its smell even in the freezer.

Ksenb: | September 2nd, 2012 | 5:20 pm

I want to say thank you :) I made a test batch in July, recently threw one cube into the soup, appreciated the dramatically improved taste, color and smell :) I went to make the next batch :)

Valery: | August 18th, 2012 | 3:37 pm

as well as in borscht, etc.

Valery: | August 18th, 2012 | 3:23 pm

Alena: I cut the pepper in half and cut thinly thinly.
And if you cut it also across, and then add celery greens (1: 1), freeze it all in a plastic cup, then
Alyona: in winter, in the broth, a green spicy pepper looks stunning
it will also be AMAZING tasty in broth

Yana: | August 2nd, 2012 | 7:57 am

My daughter didn't like greens when she was little. Perhaps because it is difficult for babies to chew it.
Then I started to grind dill and parsley in a blender. I had to add a little water, because due to a small portion of greenery, the technique simply “slipped”. Ready green liquid - in a silicone mold. Then, if necessary, I added one piece of ice to my daughter's portion of hot soup - and the soup cooled a little and vitamins. And for adults, just chopped greens ..

Dasha, thank you for all your advice.

Answer: Thanks, Yana, for the idea. My daughter doesn't like greens either. I'll take your advice!

Natasha: | August 2nd, 2012 | 2:37 dp

Um… but what about vitamins? it is clear that scalded one fits more, but in addition to the aroma, I would also like to benefit. Otherwise, why bother? I don’t know about cheaper: if you have your own garden, then yes, you’re lucky. I buy greens at the market. A small bunch 10 rubles, a little more 20 rubles. If for the aroma and volume of greens in the soup, you can buy dried in bags (seasoning without salt). I personally feel sorry for buying greens for 200 rubles and putting it in the freezer, thereby destroying its beneficial properties.

Answer: if you prefer to use dried herbs, then you can do it that way - I don’t argue. I can even tell you.

Love: | August 1st, 2012 | 9:58 am

Class! Cubes with greens. And I loaded the packages, and of course the smell. THANK YOU,

Alena: | May 8th, 2012 | 9:25 am

I advise you to chop parsley, dill, green onions before freezing: it’s more convenient and there are more places) Dasha, thank you for such a wonderful and useful site! Many homeowners will find these tips helpful.

Alena: | May 8th, 2012 | 9:20 am

I freeze basil and hot peppers this way. Only I don’t cut the basil by hand, but throw it into the grinder / not up to porridge !!))) /. It turns out finely chopped greens) But I tear the hot pepper while it is still green, not red, put on gloves, cut the pepper in half and cut thinly thinly. Then the process occurs according to the principle of freezing greens. The pepper does not lose its sharpness, and in winter, a green, spicy pepper looks stunning in the broth! I advise))

Answer: thanks, Alena, for additions!

Tanya: | March 21st, 2012 | 6:40 am

I store in a plastic container, tamping not very tightly, sometimes immediately a mixture - for soup, for salads.
The smell right now - in the spring - is much more fragrant than the shop-greenhouse.

I just cut off the right portion with a knife thinly, - the frozen greens are fragile, it turns out immediately ready-made filling in the soup,
and if you need pieces, for example, curly parsley, I take it apart with my hands.

It takes a long time to write - but in fact - quickly, the rest does not have time to thaw, I put it back in the freezer

Answer: greens just do beneficial to freeze. And more fragrant and cheaper than the one that can now be bought under the conditional name “fresh”.

Dasha: | August 13th, 2011 | 7:07 am

The idea is not mine, someone peeped it. But very convenient :)

Dasha: | August 13th, 2011 | 7:06 dp

Yes, such a problem long-term storage may arise. To avoid this, freezing should be stored in special plastic sealed containers. And what is in ordinary bags - to spend in the first place. Well, store greens in a separate box from meat and fish.

Valerytzc: | August 13th, 2011 | 6:32 dp

I read you through LiveJournal. Everything is delicious, and it's just brilliant!!

Anonymous: | August 13th, 2011 | 6:27 am

And then this greens does not smell like a freezer? I tried to freeze chopped greens, by the beginning of winter it began to smell, an indefinite but noticeable smell

Every housewife dreams of using fresh seasonings in the kitchen all year round. Thanks to modern technologies there is such a possibility. Let's look at how to freeze greens for the winter in the freezer.

Is it possible to freeze greens at all

Some housewives are afraid that after freezing, the green spice will lose its beneficial properties and attractive juicy appearance. And they do major mistake, buy a greenhouse in supermarkets, which lies there for weeks.

But this is a mistake, with a quick, deep freeze useful herb retains all vitamins in its original form. And also a beautiful shade that decorates the dish so much.

Knowing the elementary rules, you can provide yourself all year round with all types of seasonal grass:

  1. More or less unpretentious plants are dill, parsley, cilantro and celery. They can be either crumbled or simply kept in a bunch. Or rather, use your imagination and make culinary preparations right away. For example, finely chop and mix in small portions so that, if necessary, you can immediately get it and use it. Or collect small bouquets and freeze them in the same way.
  2. With more juicy leaves, such as sorrel and spinach, it is already more difficult. It is preferable to cook them in an ice cube in order to less oversaturate with moisture, we will consider this method in more detail later.
  3. If you didn’t know, then leeks are also frozen. But they do it at a deeper freeze, about -18 degrees, then store it with all the rest of the greens.

What greens can not be frozen

However, not all weed should be used. For example, green onions, as they fill themselves with moisture, lose their taste, smell and appearance.

Basil is not the best either. good idea, its main feature, namely the smell, it will undoubtedly lose. In this situation, drying will be more acceptable, while maintaining the specific notes of its aroma.

First of all, the grass sprigs must be washed well and dried, but not for long, as the leaves may wither. You can lay it out on a towel or let the water drain through a colander.

If dense preparation in molds is expected, you can pour over boiling water for a few seconds. Thus, more cuts will fit in one cell. Also, depending on the type of grass and convenience, you need to choose a storage method. It is recommended to make small portions of blanks from different mixtures.

It all depends on your desire, the availability of time for cooking and space in the freezer.

There are several interesting ways:

  1. In packages. You can put everything in one large one, but it is more convenient to take several small ones and spread them out in portions at once. If necessary, it will be enough to get one and add it immediately frozen to the finished dish, if it is hot. The inconvenience of a large volume is that you will need to take it out and prick it every time, while the rest will gradually defrost. And repeated freezing negatively affects the quality, and also forms additional ice.
  2. In a bottle. We cut the bottle and put the crushed plants there, or neatly folded twigs. But you should pay attention that for a refrigerator it is not very compact.
  3. In foil. Suitable for both shredded and bundled storage. You will need to collect heterogeneous greens and wrap in foil in medium portions. Plus in a very quick freeze, and the faster it is, the more vitamins will be preserved. But the foil does not hold back the aroma well, so it is better to wrap the blanks in a bag after.
  4. In cling film. Spread a small amount of cutting on a film, roll into a sausage and cut. Place in freezer and wait for freezing to occur. Then put everything in one bag and put away for long-term storage.
  5. In containers. Washed and dried vegetation should be placed in containers, suitable for twigs and cutting and hidden in the freezer. Again, it is necessary to take into account its size, perhaps there is a place now, and in the future it will be a hindrance. Pay attention to the container is better to take from silicone or plastic.
  6. In ice cube trays. This method is suitable for both succulent leaves and ordinary seasoning. Spread finely chopped sprigs into molds, you can pour boiling water over it before that so that the greens settle and fit more, pour cold water and save. In order not to get confused in the future, where is which type, you can take containers different shapes or make mixes. Consider what is unlikely to work in a mold under a layer of ice.

You decide how to use it yourself, depending on the dish, if it is hot, you can immediately use it without defrosting it, if not, wait until the water drains, dry it and add it.

It also makes it easier to use, there is no need to defrost the cube to get rid of water. This method is more suitable for harvesting herbs. To preserve the aroma, you can prepare - thyme, thyme, basil, but you can use any others.

For cooking, you need to do the usual procedure: rinse, dry, separate the leaves from the trunk and cut only them. Next, distribute the mixture in ice molds about 2/3 of the container and pour olive or vegetable oil.

The choice of filling is up to you. Place the form for a day in the freezer, after the cubes grab, transfer to a bag and send for storage.

You can add and butter. But for this, you first need to melt it and cool a little so as not to cook the spice. Next on the list: pour into the camera.

How to freeze greens for the winter in the freezer: how much can be stored

If all the rules are followed, well washed, dried, the shelf life reaches 10-12 months. That is just before the new season.

Of course, if it lies longer, then visually nothing will happen to it, but the amount of vitamins will constantly decrease. And what's the point when you can make a new blank. So before you pack your freezer, calculate your needs.

In no case can greens be re-frozen, all vitamins will be lost, therefore it is recommended to harvest small portions.

How do you decide to dry or freeze?

From the point of view of the safety of vitamins and positive properties, greens, and indeed any product, should be frozen fresh. If you pick a bunch, wait a week, and then decide to keep it, there will be no sense. It will wither and lose all its charm.

But freezing has a minus - the smell is lost, so if the main thing for you is to season the food with aroma, drying will be enough, and useful vitamins found in other components.

So, now you know how to freeze greens for the winter in the freezer. It remains only to decide on your preferences, purchase fresh bunches and choose one of the above methods. The main thing is not to overdo it, stock up so that it lasts until the new harvest and enjoy the whole year.

Last month of summer! Many spend August in the country, growing and drying organic herbs and herbs. I want to tell you how to freeze greens for the winter, in the old Provencal way.

The Provence method of freezing greens has long been used in the south of France, I learned about it once from a blog created by the owners of South of France soap. Now this blog is gone, so I do not give a link to it.

In general, the idea of ​​freezing greens for the winter is far from new.

We have long ceased to cook marmalade and jams, but we simply freeze part of the crop (sweet peppers, berries, gooseberries, currants) in a freezer purchased specifically for summer preparations!

And our dacha neighbor, who lived on Athos for several months and helped the monks plant vineyards, shared a wonderful way of harvesting tomatoes, which he spied on the monks. They mash ripe, fleshy tomatoes into a puree, add some fresh olive oil and herbs, and also freeze them in bags.

That is, a very similar way to freezing herbs!

Frozen herbs stay fresh and flavorful, plus it's SUPER convenient: when making omelettes, stews and soups, all you need to do is melt a cube of frozen olive oil in a skillet. All.

What herbs to freeze

Way frozen herbs in olive oil I liked its originality, but even here there are tricks and nuances. So, this method works best with tough herbs: sage, rosemary, oregano, oregano, thyme, etc.

Soft, leafy herbs (dill, parsley, mint, lemon balm) often lose flavor when cooked, so it's best to simply dry them or freeze the finished basil and/or parsley pesto.

I like these options. pesto:

  • Basil pesto: basil, pine nuts, parmesan, garlic, olive oil
  • Mint pesto: mint, pistachios, garlic, olive oil
  • Maidanosalata: parsley, garlic, lemon juice, 1 slice bread without crust, olive oil

How to freeze greens for the winter

So, to freeze greens, we need: fresh herbs, unrefined olive oil and silicone molds for ice / muffins.

Here is a simple and step-by-step freezing instruction:

1. Grab fresh herbs, ideally from your garden, your own vegetable garden, or a farmer's market.
2. Wash the herbs, shake them off the water and dry them well on a napkin
3. You can cut the greens or leave them in the form of small twigs and leaves, as you like. You can combine finely chopped and whole leaves in one cube, such as rosemary with oregano or sage.
4. Fill each mold 2/3 of the volume with herbs and fill with unrefined olive oil. You can use melted butter or ghee.
5. Cover the mold and put it in the freezer overnight.
6. Take out the frozen cubes in the morning and store them in freezer containers, silicone bags or resealable plastic bags.

PEAKfresh storage bags

Reusable bags, they are durable and do not tear, can be used for 2 months each if handled and washed carefully. The trick is that the bags remain dry from the inside and are suitable for storing ready-made, frozen greens cubes.

Where can I buy: PEAKfresh USA, Reusable bags

Each package contains 10 bags and 10 soft zip ties to tie each bag tightly.