Is milk noodles healthy? Milk soup. Milk vegetable soup

Since ancient times, cereals and vegetables have been the main food of the population, but, of course, monotonous food quickly gets bored, and people invented such a science as cooking. The combination of different products in dishes has led to the fact that tens of thousands of culinary recipes are now known to the world. To diversify the menu, most often meat and milk were added to vegetables and cereals. Here we will talk about the combination of various products with milk: the pros and cons in which cases it is undesirable to use it, and so on.

Milk and cereals contain a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates, minerals, which make these products so tasty and healthy.

benefits of milk soup

Milk soups have incredible benefits for humans. Dairy products add a lot of energy to the body, saturate with vitamins and trace elements that promote good digestion. Milk soups are especially useful for children. In addition to these useful functions, probably, each person can add one more. It is not described in scientific works, but, perhaps, every person speaks about it at least once in his life - memories.

In addition to mothers and grandmothers, tell about how to cook milk soup correctly so that the milk does not run away, so that everything is saved in it useful vitamins and trace elements, and other sources may be.

Milk soup - a dish from childhood

Surely many of us remember how mom or grandmother cooked milk soup. If you are also wondering how to cook milk soup for a child, it is better to make it sweet and serve it as a dessert.

Before proceeding directly to the recipe and the features of its preparation, first we will understand the varieties of this dish.

Types of milk soups

Milk soups are:

  • sweet;
  • unsweetened;
  • dietary;
  • combined.

Sweet dishes include milk soups made from cereals or pasta, with added sugar and/or butter.

Unsweetened foods include those that do not have added sugar and whose recipes, in addition to cereals or pasta, may include vegetables, cheeses (including cottage cheese), and spices. The most common type of unsweetened dairy dishes is with potatoes.

Dietary meals can be both sweet and savory, however, in the recipe of such soups, the level of fats, sugar, fiber, etc. is sharply reduced - all that a person is forbidden to eat due to health reasons.

The rarest type of milk soups is combined. Now it has become popular to combine different foods in food, and this fashion trend has not bypassed the considered one. Of course, it is unlikely that you can find a recipe somewhere that tells how to cook milk soup from nails, but everyone remembers the fairy tale about how a soldier cooked porridge from an axe. Apparently, the addition of products that were not traditionally added to the composition of the milk soup are from the same series.

Having dealt with the types of such dishes, we proceed to the preparation of the indicated by us.

What you need to make milk soup

Immediately, we note that you need to cook such a dish in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

To prepare a delicious milk soup, you will need the following set of products:

  • milk;
  • cereals or vegetables (depending on the recipe);
  • salt and sugar.

This is basic. Keeping in mind the types of milk soups, we are already adding to the list those products and spices that are needed to prepare a particular variety.

Most often, when preparing milk soups, cereals, vegetables, pasta are boiled separately and added to milk already for final stage cooking.

cooking recipes

So, how to cook milk soup? Now we will find out everything in detail.

Salt a little milk, sweeten to taste, add a little raw water, boil. After boiling, add pre-boiled cereals or pasta, let it boil again and immediately turn it off. Oil can be added for taste.

And an even simpler recipe describing how to make milk soup with potatoes.

Separately, boil potatoes and carrots in salted water until half cooked, boil milk and put chopped boiled vegetables in it, cook until tender. Greens can be added before serving.

In addition, there is a fairly simple recipe. For this, you need to pour pasta into the bowl, pour it with milk, add a little salt and 1-2 tablespoons of sugar. In the multicooker, select the mode, turn it on for 30 minutes.

To avoid burning, dairy dishes are cooked only on low heat and/or milk is diluted with water. In order to avoid "folding" the soup, only fresh milk is used.

Knowing these features and cooking secrets, you can be sure that milk soup will turn out incredibly tasty and healthy for the whole family.

In order to get rid of extra pounds ov and keep yourself in shape always, it is important to eat right. Healthy food not only helps to look good, but also heals the body. Proper nutrition can be delicious! It is easy to prepare such dishes. It is important to use only dietary components.

First meals for weight loss

Dieting is important wisely. If you simply refuse all food or eat only greens and dry food, you can greatly harm the stomach. The first dishes should always be eaten, in particular, on a diet. Of course, fatty cabbage soup and rich borscht are not worth eating, but dietary soups are only beneficial.

To make the first dish dietary, you should not add potatoes and meat there. Ideal for losing weight milk soup. It contains many useful trace elements and perfectly saturates. Milk is good for the body, it makes our teeth, bones, hair and nails strong.

Milk soup is suitable for different diets, it all depends on the other components. If it contains noodles or cereals, then it should be consumed on carbohydrate diets. If it contains only milk and light vegetables - on protein. Milk has a lot of protein, which is why it is so useful. This soup is very easy to make.


This dish is familiar to us since childhood, it was often served in kindergartens and schools. However, these recipes were full of calories because they used butter, full fat milk, lots of noodles. Now you can cook it healthy dish with far fewer calories from healthy ingredients. It will be very tasty and healthy.

with vermicelli

Despite the fact that this recipe includes vermicelli, it is dietary. It has only 110 calories per 100 g. It is better to eat it in the morning.

You will need:

  • thin vermicelli - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • low-fat milk - 500 ml;
  • water;
  • salt.

How to cook:

Step 1. Boil milk and add salt to it. You can add a sweetener tablet if you like a sweeter soup.

Step 2 Pour the vermicelli in a thin stream, constantly stirring the milk. There should be no lumps. If it seemed to you that there was too little vermicelli, do not worry. It will swell a lot when cooked. In addition, the consistency of milk soup should be liquid. It's not a second course, though.

Step 3 Simmer this soup on low heat for about 5 minutes. Stir it constantly.

Important! Rinse the pot first cold water and then add milk. It will create a layer, and the soup will not burn.

with buckwheat

This is a very tasty and healthy soup. It can be used by people with stomach problems. The dish will bring great benefits to the body. It is better to eat it in the morning.

You will need:

  • skimmed milk - 400 ml;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • olive oil;
  • buckwheat - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sweetener.

How to cook:

Step 1. Rinse buckwheat under cold water, boil in salt water until half cooked.

Step 2 Boil the milk, remove the foam, add salt and sweetener, a drop olive oil. Pour it all into buckwheat.

Step 3 Boil the soup until the cereal is ready.

With vegetables

This dish is the most dietary, you can eat it even at night. It is suitable for a protein diet. It has only 40 calories per 100 g.

You will need:

  • cauliflower - 500 g;
  • low fat milk - 1 l;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • green pea- 280 g;
  • salt.

How to cook:

Step 1. Wash and clean carrots. Cut it into small cubes with a knife. Fry in a little olive oil.

Step 2 cauliflower wash, divide into inflorescences, rinse them with running cold water.

Step 3 Put the milk on the stove, wait for it to boil, remove the foam.

Step 4 Separately, bring water to a boil, salt it and put the cabbage there. Wait until everything boils again. Add fried carrots to it. Boil until vegetables are half cooked.

Step 5 Pour hot milk into water with vegetables. Bring on the soup. At the very end, add green peas there, bring to a strong boil and insist under the lid for 15 minutes.

With pumpkin and semolina

The dish is very original. Thick texture and beautiful color make it a real table decoration. It is better to eat it in the morning.

You will need:

  • sweetener;
  • olive oil;
  • pumpkin - 500 g;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

How to cook:

Step 1. First of all, cut the pumpkin into small cubes.

Step 2 Pour a little water into the bottom of the pan, then pour milk into it and bring to a boil. Remove foam.

Step 3 Place pumpkin in boiling milk. Cook until it is half done.

Step 4 Add sweetener, salt and semolina to the pumpkin-milk mixture. Cook until done. Let the soup stand covered for a while.

with apples

This soup is almost dessert. It is delicious and the whole family will love it. Preparing it is quite simple.

You will need:

  • sweetener;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • starch;
  • low fat milk - 500 ml;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • salt.

How to cook:

Step 1. Rinse the apple and peel it off. Remove the seeds too. Finely cut it into squares. Fry in a small amount of water in a non-stick frying pan. Add sweetener to this water.

Step 2 Separate the white from the yolk. Protein is not needed in this recipe. Mash the yolk with starch and a little milk.

Step 3 Boil the milk, remove the foam, mix with the egg mixture. Strain and refrigerate.

Step 4 Combine cool milk with apples. Mix everything.

Peculiarity! If you like soups with a smooth consistency, you can make apple puree soup with a blender.

To make the soup dietary, always choose milk with a minimum fat content. To reduce the calorie content of milk, you can dilute it by half with water. Tasty soup It will work if you follow the following guidelines:

  1. Always skim the foam off the milk. This is a coagulated protein that the body does not need at all. Plus, a lot of people don't like it.
  2. To prevent the milk from burning, always pour some cold water into the pan.
  3. Do not boil milk soup in an enamel pot. Much better than regular aluminum. And even better would be non-stick.
  4. Do not put a lot of vermicelli in the soup, it is high in calories and swells a lot. If you put in a large amount, you may not end up with a soup, but a second course.
  5. If there is sugar in the recipe, use a sweetener instead. It is completely calorie-free and will not harm the body. The safest sweetener is based on stevia.


Milk soup is a dish familiar to us from childhood. The soup is full of vitamins and minerals. To make it dietary, you need to use milk with a minimum fat content. There is milk soup with vegetables, apples, cereals and vermicelli. To make it tasty, it is important to follow all the tips exactly, as well as the proportions.

Milk soup can be eaten both hot and cold. Sweet varieties are usually eaten cold. The dish is prepared very simply, and the benefits of it are invaluable. You can eat it on a diet, in which case you will not get better. It will help to heal the body and restore the stomach.

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Milk soup is a valuable source of protein, vitamins and essential amino acids. In addition, such a dish is low-calorie, which cannot but rejoice those who want to lose weight. There is a huge variety of recipes: milk soup with pasta, vegetables, dumplings.

Hide/Show Body Benefits

Milk-based dishes are recommended for both adults and children. They reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, improve vascular elasticity, strengthen vision, relieve swelling, reduce arterial pressure, normalize the acidity of the stomach. Milk contains calcium for bone growth and strengthening, as well as iodine, potassium, B vitamins, vitamins A, D, zinc and magnesium.
Milk soups help to remove excess fluid from the body, thereby eliminating swelling. They also help with hypertension, atherosclerosis, chronic diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
Milk does not increase the secretion of gastric juice. It forms a protective film on the walls of the stomach and partially neutralizes the aggressive effects of gastric juice. That is why milk dishes should be present in the diet of people suffering from diseases such as peptic ulcer and gastritis with high acidity.

Milk soup is included in diets No. 1, 5a, 5p, 5, 7-10,11, 15.

Milk is contraindicated in people with lactose intolerance. It is also called milk sugar. Lactose is an excellent source of energy and a stimulant of the nervous system. This substance maintains the normal state of the intestinal microflora and ensures the exchange of calcium in the body. However, 20% of the population does not digest it.
The lactase enzyme breaks down lactose into two components: glucose and galactose. Milk intolerance occurs due to the low activity of this enzyme. Lactose is retained in the body and the fermentation process begins, which leads to gastrointestinal disorders: heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region and symptoms of intestinal upset. People with milk intolerance should use lactose-free milk to make milk soups.


Some people are naturally sensitive to milk protein. In such cases, for the preparation of dishes and drinks, milk is diluted with boiling water.
Milk protein contains essential amino acids, i.e. amino acids that the body must obtain from food. Insufficient intake of these substances in the body leads to dysfunction of the nervous system and to growth arrest. That is why milk and dishes from it are so useful for children.
Studies show that people who eat a bowl of soup every day lose weight much faster than those who prefer snacks. Liquid foods quickly fill the stomach, and, therefore, saturate faster. However, do not forget that the calorie content depends on the composition. Milk soup with dumplings is not as dietary as, for example, milk soup with noodles.

The most famous recipes

The properties and benefits of the dish depend on what ingredients are used. For example, milk soup with rice does not contain gluten, which means that it can be eaten by allergy sufferers and young children. Rice is a source of B vitamins, essential for the health of the nervous system. Most of all, rice contains potassium, which plays an important role in maintaining normal pressure in the body.
Milk soup with buckwheat is able to speed up metabolism (metabolism), thanks to useful properties buckwheat. It is not for nothing that many celebrities lose weight with the help of this porridge. In addition, buckwheat contains the necessary human body macro- and microelements: iodine, iron, phosphorus, copper, vitamins E and PP. The protein of buckwheat porridge is practically not inferior to meat.
Milk soup with dumplings will appeal to young children. If you make the dough more liquid, then the dumplings will melt in your mouth. In addition, such a dish quickly saturates. Dumplings contain the substance choline (vitamin B4) - the main building material for human brain, as well as many vitamins (A, groups B, D, E, H and PP) and minerals (potassium, calcium, selenium, iron, iodine, fluorine, phosphorus and many others).
Milk soup with pasta is a familiar recipe from childhood. This dish was also eaten kindergarten, and at school. However, as well as milk soup with vermicelli. Pasta should be made from durum wheat: they contain little starch and a fairly large amount of vitamins. Pasta made from soft wheat varieties is not only useless, but will also help you gain a couple of extra pounds.
To make the dish more healthy and dietary, you should give up sugar and butter. It is better to choose a healthy alternative - natural Bee Honey. You also need to be careful with salt: too salty food contributes to fluid retention in the body and the appearance of edema.

Milk soup with vermicelli

Calorie content per 100 g of the finished dish: 110 kcal; proteins - 4.5 g, fats - 2.9 g, carbohydrates - 16.4 g.

- 0.5 cups of vermicelli (cobweb);
- 0.5 liters of milk;
- water;
- salt.



  • To prevent the milk from burning, first pour a little water into the pan.
  • It may seem that there are few cobwebs. However, do not forget that it swells a lot. Milk soup with vermicelli should be quite liquid.
  1. Boil milk, add sugar and salt.
  2. Gently pour in the vermicelli, stirring constantly so that lumps do not form.
  3. Cook for 5-7 minutes over low heat until tender, stirring constantly. Pour into bowls, add butter.

Milk soup with pasta

For this recipe, you can use any pasta, except for vermicelli: spirals, shells, noodles.

Milk soup with pasta is suitable not only for lunch, but also for breakfast. This dish is prepared very quickly and provides strength and energy for the whole day.

Calorie content per 100 g of the finished dish: 113.8 kcal; proteins - 4.6 g, fats - 2.7 g, carbohydrates - 18.9 g.

- 0.7 liters of milk;
- 200 g pasta;
- water;
- salt.


  1. Boil macaroni in salted water. Throw in a colander, add butter so as not to stick together.
  2. Warm up the milk. Add pasta, sugar, salt, mix, bring to a boil.

Milk soup with pasta perfectly complements white bread sandwiches with cheese and butter. If there are no contraindications

Milk soup with rice

Calorie content per 100 g of the finished dish: 73.8 kcal; proteins - 3.2 g, fats - 3.11 g, carbohydrates - 8.77 g.

- 0.4 liters of milk;
- 30 g of rice;
- 100 ml of water;
- salt.


  1. Rinse rice thoroughly, add water and put on fire. After the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Bring the milk to a boil, pour into the cooked rice. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. Salt, if desired, you can add sugar, butter.

Milk soup with rice is an excellent remedy for swelling. It is recommended for people with kidney disease.

Milk soup with buckwheat

Calorie content per 100 g of the finished dish: 163.0 kcal; proteins - 6.9 g, fats - 3.2 g, carbohydrates - 28.3 g.

- 0.5 liters of milk;
- 350 g of buckwheat;
- salt.

Milk soup with buckwheat will be especially tasty if the cereal is calcined in a pan before cooking.


  1. Boil buckwheat.
  2. Add milk, salt, sugar to the finished buckwheat porridge. Boil.

Milk soup with dumplings

Calorie content per 100 g of the finished dish: 107.7 kcal; proteins - 4.5 g, fats - 3.9 g, carbohydrates - 14.6 g.

a liter of milk;
a glass of wheat flour of the highest grade;
0.5 tbsp butter.


  1. Grind the egg and 0.5 tbsp. butter, add flour, mix. Add water to the consistency of sour cream, mix.
  2. Bring milk to a boil. Moisten a teaspoon in hot milk, collect the dough and add to boiling milk.
  3. Cook dumplings covered for 4-5 minutes. Add salt, sugar, oil if desired.

Milk soup with vegetables

Calorie content per 100 g of the finished dish: 88.8 kcal; proteins - 5.5 g, fats - 1.8 g, carbohydrates - 13.8 g.

1 liter of milk;
400 g potatoes;
350 g broccoli;
100 g carrots;
300 g fresh or frozen green peas;
400 ml of water;


  • Carrot cut into cubes. Add a drop to the heated pan vegetable oil, lay out the carrots. Saute over low heat until the oil turns brown.
  • Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, cut the potatoes into cubes.
  • Boil water, salt. Add vegetable ingredients. Cook over low heat until half cooked.
  • Boil milk, add to vegetables. Cook until done.
  • A few minutes before the readiness, add green peas, let it boil. Cover with a lid, let it brew for 15 minutes.

ratings, average:

Thank you for your attention! Best regards, Olga.

Soups play a special - specific role in the diet of our compatriots.

Borsch, cabbage soup, solyanka, fish soup, okroshka are known all over the world as the most delicious first courses of Russian cuisine: they are loved and ordered in all prestigious restaurants.

But, perhaps, a separate role for each of us will always be played by a nostalgic milk soup, deeply revered by all Russian grandmothers and mothers.

The benefits and harms of this dish?

Interestingly, at the moment there is no single judgment about the benefits of this dish.

Basically, the conversations of nutritionists and scientists boil down to the fact that milk soups can be both useful products and harm our body.

They are useful because they are effectively absorbed, improving digestion.

Such a dish with milk is less nutritious compared to the same fried or stewed dishes, while not inferior to them in nutritional value.

Saturation with these delicacies is easier and faster than second course cuisine.

Warm vegetarian soups with milk help to restore the ratio of fluids in the body and stabilize blood pressure, and tender vegetable puree soups are invariably included in the diet of patients as light and nutritious food.

However, while listing the advantages of milk soup, one should not forget about the negative aspects of its use.

Many modern nutritionists, in particular, supporters of rigid separate power supply, speak of the following indisputable fact: milk, drunk at the same time as meals, impairs proper digestion, diluting gastric juice.

This means that drinking dairy products and, at the same time, eating food is irrational and unhealthy.

Long-term cooking of such a dish almost completely destroys the beneficial substances of the ingredients involved in the recipe.

And milk soup with meat is especially harmful: the meat pomace, getting into the intestines in a warm form, is instantly absorbed by it.

At the same time, the liver does not have time to process all the meat extracts, which then spread throughout the body in the form of toxic substances.

Therefore, speaking about the real benefits of milk soups, it is necessary to make a key amendment: “healthy” should be understood as exclusively vegetarian dishes, which, to a certain extent, also include milk soup with noodles rich in vitamins - a favorite delicacy of children.

Milky rivers, airy shores...

Traditional milk soup is a delicate and light dish that is either entirely cooked in milk, or some of its ingredients are first boiled separately in water, and only then milk or cream is added to them and brought to a boil.

In the culture of different nations there is a tasty and appetizing recipe for a variety of dairy delicacies.

Some dishes are prepared with the use of healthy cereals, others - with vegetables and fruits, others - with the addition of mushrooms and meat products.

A frequent ingredient in this dish is cream or butter, which are used to give this dish a more refined and soft taste.

Cooking tender milk soup with vermicelli!

In today's world there is a huge variety of this wonderful white food.

An example of cooking milk soup in a slow cooker. Enjoy!

However, the most popular in our country, of course, is soup with milk with vermicelli, so familiar to us from ancient childhood.

His recipe is quite simple.

To prepare this white miracle, you will need:

  • liter of natural milk;
  • a liter of clean water;
  • a glass of vermicelli or any other pasta;
  • one tsp salt;
  • 4 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp butter.

Carefully pour water and milk into a saucepan and set a slow fire.

We make sure that the milk does not run away.

Pour vermicelli into boiling water and stir vigorously so that the noodles do not stick together in one big lump.

Cook the soup for about 20 minutes, stirring vigorously, without adding heat.

Do not forget to add sand and salt 7 minutes before the dish is ready.

Carefully cover the container with a lid and remove it from the stove for about half an hour.

This is enough time to let the noodles soften a little.

Just before serving, add butter to the soup.

The dietary properties of such a dish, the appearance of soup, largely depend on milk and the ingredients that make up the vermicelli.

It is best to use low-fat dairy products and domestic pasta.

The calorie content of the dish is about 171 kcal, that is, a little.

However, due to the low protein content (18%) and, on the contrary, a significant proportion of carbohydrates (75%), milk soup should be excluded from the diet for those who want to lose weight.

Why is this dish useful?

Pasta is high-quality carbohydrates, so milk soup with vermicelli will give you satiety and a vigorous boost of energy until the end of the working day.

In addition, any dairy product contains calcium, which is vital for nourishing bones and hair, and protein, without which muscle function would be impossible.

This milk dish returns restful sleep, fights stress and stimulates the nervous system.

Milk strengthens your immune system, thanks to this product, blood pressure normalizes, and heartburn is eliminated.

Exclusive Milk Soup Recipes

Milk soup with vermicelli is the most common classic recipe cooking this dish.

However, there are other, no less attractive dishes of this kind, with the addition of other original ingredients: honey, fruits, berries, vegetables, mushrooms.

Let's take a look at some of these goodies.

Milk onion soup with potatoes

  • 5 pieces of young potatoes;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil;
  • 4 glasses of milk;
  • 1 tbsp millet groats;
  • spices.


  1. Add the fried onion and spices to the raw potatoes, cut into cubes, grate the carrots;
  2. Pour 4 cups of water into a bowl, bring this mixture to a boil;
  3. Add millet and boil it for at least twenty minutes;
  4. Pour in the skimmed milk and bring back to a boil.
  5. The finished dish can be sprinkled with green onions and parsley.

Milk soup with melon

  • a liter of milk;
  • medium melon;
  • 3 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 yolk.


  1. Stew peeled chopped melon with sugar over low heat;
  2. Milk is mixed with the yolk, heated, but not boiled;
  3. Remove the liquid from the fire, put in it a delicious stewed melon.

Strawberry milk soup

  • 250 g strawberries;
  • a glass of airy oatmeal;
  • 2.5 tbsp honey or sugar;
  • 2 liters of milk.


  1. Flakes are boiled until cooked in milk, strawberries and honey are added;
  2. Everything is mixed, kept on fire for 5 minutes;
  3. You can serve this delicacy to the table both in the form of a cold and hot dish.

Milk soup with mushrooms

  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 90 g of white mushrooms (fresh or dried);
  • 2 pieces of onions;
  • 3 potato tubers;
  • 10 g butter;
  • spices.


  1. Mushrooms should be thoroughly washed with warm water, finely chopped and seasoned with oil;
  2. Put salt and potatoes in boiled water, cook until half cooked;
  3. Add fried onions and mushrooms, then milk, and simmer for fifteen minutes.

Delicious secrets

  1. If you cook this dish with pasta, buy durum wheat vermicelli: in this case, it simply cannot boil soft and turn into jelly;
  2. Boil small vermicelli-cobwebs should be within just a few minutes !;
  3. Do not add too much noodles to the milk, otherwise the soup will turn out to be too high in calories and "swollen". The optimal ratio: half a glass of pasta per liter of milk;
  4. It is advisable to cook the dish with more than one whole milk. Use water! Firstly, the risk of “running away” and burning of dairy products is reduced, and secondly, the dish itself comes out more tender and less high-calorie;
  5. To prevent milk from running away, take a pan with a thick bottom. Do not use high heat while cooking. Another trick: before pouring milk into a saucepan, first pour one-quarter cup of cold water into the bottom;
  6. You can first boil the vermicelli in water, and only then add it to the warmed milk, bringing the soup to a boil;
  7. If desired, you can also make a thick dish: for this, add starch dissolved in water 4 minutes before the dish is ready. Correct ratio: half tsp. starch per liter of milk;
  8. If you leave ready-made milk soup for a day in the refrigerator, then overnight the noodles will absorb all the tasty liquid and become even more piquant and delicate in taste.

As you can see, there are a lot of recipes, as well as tricks for making delicious milk soup - you can’t count them all.

Vegetarian soups with milk will appeal to all your household members.

They will not only give you energy and strength, but will give you excellent health and a lot of delicious experiences.

Enjoy your meal!

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Milk soup with pasta, the taste of which everyone remembers from childhood, is good for kids and people who prefer proper nutrition. It is easy to prepare, very light, perfectly digested and digested in the stomach, does not contain fat, which is found in ordinary "fried" soups.

Calorie milk soup with pasta

The calorie content of milk soup with pasta is only 58 kcal per 100 grams of product. But it can vary depending on the saturation of the soup.

Ingredients of milk soup with pasta

A growing child's body, the elderly and people working in heavy production should consume dairy products every day. Milk, which is the basis of the soup, contains all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins (B, C, D) and trace elements (iodine, calcium, potassium) that are healthy and necessary for health. Good pasta contains vitamin PP, iron, manganese, copper.

How to cook milk soup with pasta

For the preparation of milk soup, large pasta is used. It is better to opt for hard varieties, they will not stick together and will not turn into a homogeneous mass or jelly. Plus, these products are more useful. You can first hold them in boiling water for a couple of minutes, as in milk they can remain raw inside. Such a dish is prepared in small quantities (for one, maximum - twice). For cooking, you can take both ordinary pasteurized and whole milk. Fat-free is suitable for those who wish to lose weight. You can also add sugar or chocolate for flavor.

Milk soup with vermicelli - very simple, but healthy and, importantly, tasty dish. Its calorie content is low, so it is suitable even for people who care about their figure.

Milk soup with pasta has been familiar to many since childhood. But the recipe, although it is the simplest, is not known to everyone. Let's fill the gap!

Who is vermicelli soup for?

This dish, of course, can be consumed by almost everyone (excluding people with allergies to lactose or gluten). But most of all, milk soup with pasta is suitable for baby food. The recipe for this dish is also useful for families with elderly people and people involved in heavy physical labor. Despite the fact that milk soup with vermicelli has a low calorie content, its benefits are invaluable. After all, this dish is rich:

  • vitamins D, C, group B;
  • iodine;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • iron.

And this is not to mention the fact that this soup is an excellent source of protein and complex carbohydrates (of course, provided that you have taken the right pasta - more on that below).

The soup is easy to digest, so it can be offered to very young children, starting from a year. The calorie content of the dish depends on which recipe you prefer, what is the fat content of milk and other factors affecting this. For example, butter, berries, sugar, chocolate, jam are often added to milk soup with pasta, which makes the dish even tastier, but, of course, more high-calorie. This should be kept in mind. On average, the calorie content of such a soup without additives ( traditional recipe only milk and pasta) is 58 kcal per 100 grams.

This dish is great for a family breakfast. However, it is so versatile that it can be prepared for any meal.

Secrets that make milk soup with vermicelli healthier and tastier

This dish can be cooked with noodles of any shape and size. Children, for example, really like first courses with figured pasta - bows, letters, stars, etc. The choice of the shape and size of pasta does not affect the taste and usefulness of the dish. But the following nuances affect:

  1. It is better to avoid using skim milk. Of course, with it, milk soup with pasta will turn out to be less high-calorie, but the use of such a product will affect both the taste and the usefulness not for the better. Fat is needed for better absorption of an element such as calcium. Accordingly, if its amount is minimized, calcium will be absorbed much worse, which is not good, first of all, for the body of a child (who needs this element for growth) or an elderly person (his bones are already more fragile).
  2. Pasta must be chosen from those made from flour made from durum wheat. They are rich in so-called slow carbohydrates(complex), which are digested slowly, do not provoke a jump in blood glucose, saturate for a long time and enrich the body with important substances. But from pasta made from white flour (this is already fast, simple carbohydrates) is of little use.

Too thick soup can be diluted with hot milk.

Milk soup with vermicelli: a traditional recipe

As already mentioned, this dish can be prepared with any kind of pasta. But since vermicelli cooks the fastest, we will choose it. Saving time is especially important in the morning when preparing breakfast.

Cooking time: 10-15 minutes.

The recipe is for 4 servings.



  1. Boil water, salt a little, pour vermicelli into it and cook until half cooked (according to the cooking time indicated on the package: just divide it in two). Usually it is 3-4 minutes. Put the finished vermicelli on a sieve or colander, let the water drain, but do not let the noodles stick together.
  2. Put pasta in boiling milk and cook for the remaining half of the time needed to cook the noodles (that is, another 3-4 minutes).
  3. At the end of cooking, add salt (if you are making unsweetened soup) and, if desired, a piece of butter (15-20 grams). Sugar can also be added now, but it is better - directly on the plate. Suddenly, one of the family members does not like sweet soup?

Pour the finished dish on plates and serve. We will put sugar, berries, jam and other additions on the table so that each member of the family can give the soup the desired taste. And if you care about the calorie content of food, you can do without additives. And without them, the dish is fine.

There are many soups that are prepared with milk - fruit, vegetable, mushroom. But the variety with vermicelli fell in love with what many people associate with childhood - after all, such a milk soup was served to us in kindergarten. And they did it for a reason - it is useful for everyone, because it gently envelops the intestinal walls, improves digestion and carries a whole set of useful trace elements.

Few people know that such a dish rooted on our table, like milk soup with noodles, appeared in Italy. It happened in the 16th century at the height of the war between Catholics and Protestants. On the eve of the decisive battle, the latter prepared a huge cauldron of milk soup - of course, with noodles, because it happened in Italy. The Catholics were so captivated by the aroma that they, without thinking twice, went to conclude a truce in order to taste a wonderful dish.

You can make fun of this story as much as you like, but you cannot but agree that milk soup is indeed a dish that can drive you crazy with its aroma.

This soup is used both hot and cold - here everything is decided by personal preferences. And milk can be used not only liquid, but also dry. It must be diluted with water, keeping the proportions: 150 gr. powder per 1 liter of liquid. If you want to cook a sweet milk soup, condensed milk is also suitable. It must also be diluted with water: a glass of water is required for 2 tablespoons of condensed milk.

The total cooking time is 15-30 minutes.

Milk soup with rice

Rice makes noodle soup more nutritious. One bowl of this soup for lunch will allow you to do without a second course.


  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of rice;
  • 150 gr. noodles;
  • 30 gr. butter;
  • 10 gr. Sahara.


  1. Boil the rice beforehand - no need to add salt to the water.
  2. Boil milk. Dip your noodles in it.
  3. Boil for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Add rice, sugar.
  5. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  1. Pour the soup into bowls, adding a small piece of butter to each.


  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • butter - a piece in a plate before serving;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.


  1. Sprinkle flour onto a wooden board. Make a depression in the hill, pour the egg into it.
  2. Salt a little. Add water in a thin stream - a total of half a glass should go.
  3. Knead the dough.
  4. Roll it out thinly, sprinkle with flour on top and cut into strips of 5 cm.
  5. Lay one strip of dough under the other and cut them into noodles.
  6. Lay out on parchment paper to dry.
  7. Boil milk. Pour in the noodles.
  8. Boil 20 minutes. Add sugar and some salt.

Milk soup with dumplings

Potato dumplings are suitable for milk soup. True, this soup is best eaten hot.


  • 1 boiled potato;
  • 2 raw eggs;
  • 4 tbsp flour;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 100 gr. vermicelli;
  • sugar, salt.


  1. Grate potatoes. Add flour and eggs to it. Mix well.
  2. You can boil the dumplings in advance in water - for this, tear off small lumps from the total mass and form balls. Dip each in boiling water and take it out after 10-15 seconds.
  3. Dumplings can be cooked according to the same principle, but immediately in milk.
  4. Add vermicelli, sugar and salt to the soup with dumplings and cook for 15 minutes.

Milk soup with egg

The egg gives the dish thickness. If desired, the number of eggs can be increased.


  • 1 egg;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 150 gr. vermicelli;
  • salt, sugar - to taste;
  • toast.


  1. Whisk the egg.
  2. Bring the milk to a boil.
  3. Introduce the egg into the soup in a thin stream.
  4. Add vermicelli.
  5. Pour in sugar and salt.
  6. Boil 20 minutes.
  7. Serve soup with croutons and butter.

It is very easy to make milk soup in a slow cooker - put all the necessary components into the bowl of the device and set the "Soup" mode. Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Probably every mother knows the recipe for milk soup. But does everyone get it right the first time? Which milk is better to choose? What kind and how much pasta to fill up so that the soup is not too thick? How long to cook? Today we will try to find answers to all these questions.

General principles of preparation

You can cook soup with regular store-bought noodles or with homemade noodles. It is better to choose high-quality pasta, preferably from durum flour - these will not fall apart during cooking and will not turn into sticky porridge. You can buy ordinary small vermicelli or ultra-thin, the so-called "spider line", which is prepared literally in a matter of seconds.

Milk suitable normalized 2.5% and 3.2%, which is sold in packages. You can use whole, but only diluted in water. Baked milk is also suitable, which can be purchased at the store or melted on your own at home. Here it is important to pay attention to the fat content of milk. The higher the percentage of fat, the more calories the soup will turn out. Very fatty store-bought and even more so homemade milk must be diluted with water, especially if you are preparing children's soup.

Correct Proportions

In order for the soup with noodles boiled in milk to turn out tasty and tender, you need to correctly calculate the proportions. The soup should not be too thick. Therefore, you need to add pasta exactly as much as indicated in the recipe. You can pour a little less, but not more, because when cooking, the dough swells a lot, absorbs liquid and increases in volume. The optimal amount of vermicelli for milk soup is 0.5 cups (volume 200 ml) per 1 liter of milk.

    1. Choose the right dishes. To avoid burning, it is best to cook in a saucepan or in a saucepan with a thick bottom and be sure to over low heat.
    1. Don't let the milk burn. So that nothing burns, you should not move far from the pan. Stir the dish constantly during cooking. Most often, whole milk burns, so for the preparation of milk soups with vermicelli, it must be diluted with water. You can also use this trick: first pour cold water into the bottom of the pan, and only then add milk in a thin stream.
    1. Pour vermicelli only into boiling liquid. There are several ways to prepare milk soups, but the general rule is that the pasta should only be dipped in bubbling milk, stirring constantly so that the vermicelli do not clump and stick together.
    1. Be careful not to overcook the pasta. As a rule, vermicelli cooks very quickly, a little more than a minute. Therefore, you can remove the soup from the stove almost immediately after boiling, as soon as the vermicelli reaches half-cooked. While the soup is cooling, it will absorb some of the hot liquid, become softer and at the same time not boil.
    1. If you like thick milk soup, like jelly, add a little starch to it (0.5 tsp per 1 liter of milk). To do this, separately dissolve the starch in a cup of cold milk, pour in at the very end of cooking, 2-3 minutes before readiness, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

Some housewives cannot cook vermicelli in milk, it remains raw and hard, and the milk burns. What to do in this case? The problem is solved simply. Cook the vermicelli in boiling salted water like you would regular pasta until cooked through, following package directions. Then recline in a colander so that all the liquid is glassed, and immediately add to boiling milk, boil the soup and remove from heat.


  • milk - 400 ml
  • water - 100 ml
  • vermicelli - 50 g
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 chip.
  • butter - 1 tsp
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife - optional

Total prep time: 10 minutes / Prep time: 5 minutes / Yield: 2 servings


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    The technology is very simple. I take a ladle with a thick bottom and non-stick coating. I pour cold water into it first, and then milk. If you have store-bought milk with a fat content of 2.5%, then you can not dilute it, but just rinse the ladle with water. I definitely dilute whole and very fatty, then the soup will turn out more tender and will not burn.

    I put the ladle on the stove, on the smallest fire. Stir constantly so that it doesn't burn and run away. As soon as the milk warms up, I send a piece of butter there, let it dissolve. Of course, you can add oil at the very end or completely exclude it from the list of ingredients if you are cooking for kids.

    Patiently bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, I add salt - just 1-2 tiny pinches will greatly improve the taste of the soup. I immediately add granulated sugar, as well as vanillin on the tip of a knife for a pleasant aroma. If you have durum flour vermicelli, then sugar can be added at the very end of cooking, then the soup will definitely not burn.

    I pour vermicelli into boiling milk, slowly and carefully, stirring the soup so that it does not stick together and one lump does not form. I measure the norm of pasta by handfuls. For 500 ml of liquid I take 1 large handful, from the heart, this is about 50 grams.

    I continue to cook over low heat, stirring, no more than 1 minute. It all depends on the type of pasta. If you have a Spider Web, then remove it from the stove immediately after boiling, cover with a lid and wait a couple of minutes, it will evaporate on its own. Hard varieties need to be cooked a little longer and tasted “by the tooth”, inside the vermicelli should be soft, but not overcooked. Keep in mind that it will swell in hot liquid and still reach the condition.

Once the soup has cooled down a bit, ladle it into bowls. The soup is delicious, be prepared for the kids to ask for more! You can adjust the amount of sugar or add honey instead. Bon appetit!