What to do if your husband cheated and his mistress is pregnant. Why is a wife always more valuable than a mistress? Can't hide

A man sometimes cannot resist the temptation to have a mistress. After all, there are so many beautiful women people around you with whom you want to chat, flirt, show your masculine strength in bed. Of course, a man can start a serious relationship with one woman, even marry her. However, this does not negate the fact that other beauties will periodically pass by and visit you. A man cannot take his eyes anywhere, so sometimes he is tempted to have an affair with his mistress. And the result of such a relationship may be pregnancy. What to do if your mistress suddenly becomes pregnant?

Pregnancy is usually a topic for a female audience. They bear children, give birth, and then raise babies in the early years. However, men also become participants in the process, albeit a little indirectly. After all, a woman begins to demand that the future father of her child continue the relationship with her, look after and take care of her, pay money for all expenses, etc. This behavior of a woman is justified, because:

  1. Who needs her while she's pregnant? Imagine that for about 6-7 months, while a woman is already walking around with a bulging belly, she will not be able to meet a new man and seduce him. And after giving birth, a woman will also not have time to start a relationship with someone.
  2. Who needs it with a child? Many men are not yet ready to raise other people's children.

The woman trusted the man, surrendered to him, and now expects responsible behavior on his part when he learns about the emerging life after their sexual intercourse. But a man may have his own life circumstances that a woman does not take into account. Let's try to give advice to men who find themselves in a situation where their mistresses are pregnant.

A man is married and expecting a child from his mistress

Mistresses often arise when a man is already seriously building a relationship with someone or is even married. Often mistresses arise during periods when wives are pregnant, and it is not yet possible to sleep with them for certain reasons. But here the difficulties are compounded by the fact that the mistress also becomes pregnant. What should a man do?

  1. Determine the presence of pregnancy. This advice applies to anyone who is told they are pregnant. First, find out for sure that the woman is pregnant. In the first months of her “interesting” position, you will not be able to determine this, since her belly will not grow yet. Here you must make sure that pregnancy exists at all. To do this, you need to go with your lover for an examination to a gynecologist or for an ultrasound so that specialists can confirm the presence of a baby.

Do not believe any strange pregnancy tests (they can show a false result) or the papers you bring. You can print these documents yourself or borrow from other women. Your mistress should hear in front of you that she is pregnant or simply get advice from a gynecologist on how to continue her pregnancy.

  1. Help the woman financially. If your mistress turns out to be pregnant, then it is better to help her financially. Of course, you can refuse this point and say that you will not participate in the pregnancy, but this will show you as a weak person. We're not saying that you have to give away all your money. We suggest you act humanely. Say that you will give your mistress some amounts of money, as best you can, so that the wife does not notice anything and does not find out about anything.

  1. Do not register your child immediately after birth. If you don't divorce your wife to build family relationships with your mistress, then you must be absolutely sure that your mistress gave birth to a child from you. Understand that mistresses, in order to lure men away from their families, are not only willing to lie about their pregnancy (so you must confirm it together), but also become pregnant by other men and say that the children are yours. After the baby is born, take a DNA test. Only after this test confirms your paternity, agree to register yourself as a father or do not do so.

You may not be listed as the father on the child's birth certificate. However, you should at least understand whether this child is yours or someone else’s. As for financial assistance for the upbringing and development of the child, this is also a voluntary matter, until the mistress goes to court to obtain alimony from you. She can get them from you only if she presents a DNA test for your paternity. Otherwise, she won't succeed.

Should you tell your wife about your mistress’s baby? This question is purely individual. Each man must decide for himself what will suit his situation:

  • You can tell your wife about your mistress and unborn child. She may be happy about the baby and even offer to take him in, if she herself does not have children, loves little ones and has always dreamed of a full-fledged family. She may offer to pay her mistress money so that she gives up the baby. Your wife may leave you if you have children, she will not be able to forgive your betrayal, she does not like children at all. Also, your wife can save your marriage, but not be interested in your child. This situation may arise if feelings between you have ceased or have never existed, and your marriage is a mutually beneficial union.
  • You don't have to tell your wife anything. She will not know about anything unless other “kind” people, including the mistress herself, tell you about the presence of your son/daughter. You can calmly help your second family without infringing on the interests of the first family.

It’s good if a man has a high income, when he can freely help his child and continue to live for his own pleasure.

Do you need to divorce your wife in order to go to your mistress? Nobody obliges you to do this. If you want, you can continue to live with your wife, and just date your mistress and raise your common child. If your mistress threatens to leave, tell your wife everything, or forbid you to see your baby, then do not fall for her threats. The mistress must understand that you will act as you are comfortable, and not as she wants.

If you love your mistress, then you can think about divorcing your wife in order to build a new unit of society together with your baby.

The man is single and expecting a child from his mistress

Events unfold a little more simply if a man is free from any serious or marital relationships, when his mistress tells him about her pregnancy. What should a gentleman do? He is also recommended to first establish the fact of pregnancy, since women often resort to deception in order to force them to be close to them and even get married, and then wait until the child is born to find out whether you are his father, thanks to a DNA test.

It is not necessary to build a serious relationship with your mistress if you are indifferent to her and have never wanted to have a serious relationship. She may give birth to a child, which you, in principle, do not have to refuse. You can give her money for various procedures and raising the child, even see him yourself in order to participate in his development. At the same time, you can continue to remain a free person if a bachelor’s life is too dear to you.

However, if you want a family, then you can consider marrying a woman. We still recommend that all men establish their paternity through a DNA test, even if they married their mistresses who became pregnant from them. Otherwise, it may turn out that your mistress became pregnant by someone else, and ringed you.

Is an abortion necessary?

Often the first reaction of men who were simply playing love games is the desire to force women to have an abortion. If you don’t go into the moral principles of society, then abortion also takes place. It becomes especially relevant if neither the man nor the woman wants a child.

You can talk about abortion, but it is better not to insist, since it is still up to the woman to decide whether she will undergo the procedure to terminate the pregnancy or not. Moreover, a woman may have a negative attitude towards a proposal from a man from whom she expected a different reaction. If your mistress is dear to you, you love her (despite the fact that you do not want to part with your wife), then it is better to gently suggest that she have an abortion. If your mistress does not agree, then accept her decision and come to terms with the fact that you will soon become a dad.

Remember that the child:

  1. Doesn't oblige you to love your mistress!
  2. Does not oblige you to marry your mistress!
  3. Does not oblige you to divorce your wife!
  4. Does not oblige you to do everything your mistress wants and demands!

The child is your blood. You are only obligated to provide him financially - this is the bare minimum. In the best case, the child will oblige you to simply allocate time for him when you walk with him, communicate, educate him and simply participate in his life.

An abortion is not always necessary, especially if you and your wife do not have children or you are already thinking about having a child while being single. You don't have to have a relationship with your lover. However, you will have to establish your paternity by taking a DNA test and adding you as the father on the child’s birth certificate if your mistress begins to resist this. Establishing you as the child's father will give you the opportunity to participate in his life as a full-time parent without the consent of his mother.

Bottom line

The pregnancy of a mistress is actually not always a tragedy, as men are usually used to reacting to such news. You are not obligated to divorce your wife and start a family with your mistress, no matter what anyone says. If you have fears about your wife who might find out about everything, then that's a different question. However, the child does not oblige you to anything unless you want it yourself. It is better to love your child; he is not to blame for anything, since all your conflicts arise with your mistress, and not with him personally.

IN life together, from time to time, various kinds of difficulties occur that not everyone can cope with. Treason is a very sensitive topic and not everyone admits to it, but from love triangles no one is immune.

According to statistics, most infidelity occurs on the part of married men. Betrayal by a spouse becomes a terrible test for any woman, no matter how many years of married life she has lived behind her.

It’s hard to imagine what a blow the news that her husband’s mistress is pregnant will be for her. In addition to anger and resentment towards a loved one, a feeling of despair and depression appears. After all, now a child will appear in your common life. Someone else's child who split your family into “before” and “after”. Due to the reckless actions of adults, he is deprived of a happy childhood and a full-fledged family even before his birth.

This situation makes it impossible to think soberly and knocks the ground out from under your feet. On the one hand, this, but on the other, my own family, my own children. Dreams and plans for the future. What to do in this situation?

  • The most important thing is to calm down! Of course, this requires incredible effort, and the feeling of resentment and bitterness is overwhelming. But, in order to fully understand the current situation, it is necessary to approach the issue with a cool head. Even the worst state should not make you think that what happened is your fault. It is quite possible that your husband did not intend to betray you and destroy the marriage. Everyone makes mistakes, but after such an act comes a clear understanding and remorse. Over the long years of married life, a lot changes, passion subsides and a quiet, measured life sets in, and against the backdrop of everyday problems and contradictions, disputes and resentments arise. At such a moment, men prefer to forget themselves and get away from problems. It is these events that most often lead to betrayal. Surely he has already regretted what he did ten times, but it is no longer possible to change what happened.
  • Once alone, give free rein to your feelings! Psychologists assure that it is not worth holding back accumulated emotions. If you want to cry, do it, scream to your heart’s content. Let all the anger spill out. You will be surprised how your state of mind will improve.
  • Analyze the latest events. The correctness of the decision depends on this. How did you find out about your pregnant lover? Did the spouse repent and talk about this accident, or did this relationship last for a long time, which implied such an outcome of events? Or did your rival tell you about her pregnancy in order to destroy your family? Often pregnancy is just a pretext for manipulation aimed at taking your spouse away. Don't let your rival manipulate you, don't communicate with her and don't ask for anything. The person responsible for the events must correct the situation; you don’t need unnecessary worries. Check to see if pregnancy claims are false.

What to do if the relationship with the homewrecker continues for a long time and the spouse continues to live in two houses? At the moment of exposure, a man can swear that he chooses only you and relationships on the side mean nothing to him. But do you need such a person? Allowing yourself to cross the line, lie and cheat for a long time and act in the same way towards her. Can you trust him again? Will you be able to forget everything and rely on him? Even when you try to restore the relationship, you will always think that he is deceiving you again. In addition, every reminder of your rival’s child will again return you to these events. Only one piece of advice is appropriate here - get a divorce. After all, there is simply no hope that he will change.

“What can I expect from my husband if he categorically does not want to separate?” If this is so, he will put an end to his relationship with his mistress. After all, what happened once may not happen again, and your family will become stronger after going through this obstacle. When you visit a psychologist, you will probably hear a lot real stories who went through it together and made it through. Why not fight for your happiness? And everything would be fine, but there is one thing - a child. A huge responsibility that will not go away. If your husband insists on an abortion, remain neutral. At this moment, just be close to your companion and tell him that you will always support him. Be kind to him as never before. This will help you make the right decision. If you decide to keep the child, agree to help financially. This will save you from many problems. But it is important to understand that meetings with a child from another woman will be a frequent occurrence. Therefore, you will have to come to terms with this state of affairs and accept it. If you don’t even think about it, then you should think about whether you need to save the relationship. Be prepared for the fact that your rival will continue to try to destroy someone else’s for her own purposes for a long time.

Having decided to separate, do not rush to file for divorce under any circumstances. You will always have time to do this, just as your mistress is pregnant by her husband, she will have time to take your place if you clear the way for her. Therefore, never give up your position. Why should a rival get something that was built with backbreaking labor? Fight for your happiness, but don't show it. Radiate calm and wisdom. Deal with family issues with your husband together. Load it up with pleasant errands. Feeling guilty, in an attempt to make amends for it, he will do everything in his power. Go to the countryside more often, relax together. Add some color to gray everyday life. You yourself won’t notice how quickly your mistress will be left with nothing. If a man feels the former support, care, sensuality, he will rush home to you. It's only a matter of time.

Reasons for betrayal

Why does my husband cheat? Every woman sooner or later asks this question. According to psychologists, both are always to blame for betrayal. The reason may be frequent disagreements, feelings that have cooled over time, or everyday problems. The relationship is significantly influenced by the career of one of the spouses. Frequent business trips of a spouse or a wife’s career, which takes up all her free time.

“The woman who is pregnant by my husband is trying in every possible way to ruin our lives.” Men often want to diversify their sex life, and the fact that their mistress allows this to happen is no secret to anyone. A man can be a wonderful family man, a loving father, but not many can resist such temptation. Most of these connections are just a way to satisfy a sexual need, without any obligations or long-term relationships. A man always returns to where he is expected. But it happens that the mistress does not agree to play such a role. Like every woman, she wants to take her rightful place. Therefore, she resorts to various tricks to keep her partner and destroy his family. Blackmail, constant calls and messages, and conversations with his wife are used. Thus, these relationships cease to be a secret and turn into confrontation.

How to survive betrayal?

In order to calm down heartache, you need to distract yourself from all negative thoughts. It is important not to withdraw into yourself, not to engage in self-flagellation. The following steps will help you cope with this turning point:

  • Communication with close friends and family. They will always support you, surround you with care and attention, and also help protect you from dark thoughts.
  • A great option would be to move away from your shared home for a while. This will not only be a good rest, but will also make your spouse think about his actions and decide what to do next. The fear of losing what has been built over the years will play a role.
  • Under no circumstances should you think about revenge. By doing this you destroy yourself, undermine your own health and deprive yourself of beauty. This fact has long been proven by scientists. Let go of the situation and life itself will punish the homewrecker. You can be sure that she will not build her happiness on someone else’s grief.
  • Take care of yourself! Family life is not easy work. The priority becomes comfort in the home, children, husband, and domestic issues. There is absolutely not enough time for yourself. This is familiar to absolutely all women. Now you have every right to do something for yourself. And this applies not only to appearance. It is unlikely that you had the opportunity to attend any courses or trainings. Perhaps you have always dreamed of getting a license? Or study foreign language? Feel free to make your dream come true. Amazing things happen to those who decide to make changes.

  • A visit to a psychologist will not be superfluous. Don't worry, because there is nothing shameful in this. After talking with a good specialist, even the most tough questions become solvable.
  • Don't try to start a new relationship without commitment in order to get back at your spouse. Now your condition most likely leaves much to be desired. Many women try to forget themselves and look for a fleeting connection in order to hurt a man, to take revenge using his own methods. But believe me, this can worsen your condition even more. Your relationship will further distance you from each other and you will feel lonely. And most importantly, do not forget about your children. After all, they will be participants in these events. This can significantly disturb their psyche and it will be extremely difficult to correct it.

Is it possible to save a marriage?

The situation when a husband has a pregnant mistress is difficult for any family. At this moment, it is up to you what decision to make. However, you should not chop rashly. Yes, at first the only thing you will feel is the desire to run away, get a divorce, erase him from your life. It seems that there is no turning back and the family is destroyed forever. But if you still love, and your husband worries with all his heart and shows through his actions that he wants to save the family and atone for his guilt, you need to listen to your heart. Time will pass, the pain will subside and many things will seem easier than they seemed. Many couples went through this and stayed together, and all the ups and downs remained forever in the past. If the choice is in favor of family, then try to sincerely forgive. And during quarrels, do not try to delve into the past. If everything works out for you, you will find peace, and your children will never know the bitterness of family loss and betrayal, because they are our reflection. Everything they see in their parents’ family will certainly become their model of behavior in the future. Therefore, working on yourself is simply necessary. First of all, for the sake of our own children.

“The initiative for family reunification does not come from my husband.” If the affairs between the family and the mistress do not stop and become systematic, a divorce should be demanded. No matter how painful it may be to realize reality, you should take a decisive step. Otherwise, you risk being a backup option all your life and putting up with betrayal. If a man does not have family values, alas, they cannot be instilled. It would be much wiser to put an end to this relationship and find quiet family happiness with a real man. The issue of children is no less important here. Under no circumstances should you maintain such a painful relationship “for the sake of the children.” Divorce will leave its mark on their state of mind. However, over time they will understand the reasons and draw the right conclusions. This is much better than making them experience betrayal over and over again until a similar situation happens in their personal lives. What could be worse than ruining the lives of your own children?

  • By entering into a relationship with a married man, you are destroying not only someone else’s family, but also your life. For the sake of an affair, a man will not voluntarily leave his home, children, and most importantly, his wife, who went hand in hand with him through obstacles and difficulties throughout his life.
  • After pregnancy, you will be left alone with your problems, since he has his own family, and these relationships have no weight. Moreover, the status of a pregnant mistress does not add honor. Surely you will be ashamed of this in front of your own child.
  • If you did not know about your partner’s marriage ties and sincerely fell in love with him, and after pregnancy the truth was revealed, you should not keep the man. Even if the chosen one promises to divorce, most likely this will not happen. If a man has led a secret life for more than six months, he will never make a choice in your favor. Run away from him before it's too late.
  • To become happy, learn to love yourself and not seek happiness by breaking up a couple.

My husband himself told me about his mistress and her pregnancy, he is 45 years old, she is 18 years younger than him, I am 42, although I look 36. Due to life problems, we moved to another city 4 years ago, to his parents, when They offered him 2 years Good work in the capital. I naturally agreed to let him go, and of course he met her. All this time I was with our son, he is 7 years old, I lived with his parents, 2 years passed and he moved us to the capital in a new one. apartment. And a couple of months later, he confesses to me about her and her pregnancy, and says that the choice is mine, although he always says that he will not leave his family, he loves me, by the way, he told her this too. I ask him if he loves her, and he replies that he has become attached to her (for me it doesn’t matter that he loves her). I can’t even cry to anyone, not my mom, not my friends, not anyone!!! We talked with him for long evenings, I had hysterics, then I calmed down, I tried to think sensibly. By the way, he loves children very much, and wants her to give birth. They even decided with him that she would be his second wife! Cool! I'm shocked! But for now I still suffer, because the wound is still deep!!! This one also makes him hysterical, but she is pregnant and has toxicosis!!! I’m trying to control myself, but I don’t know how long I’ll last! I love him a lot! And he turns out to love both me and her! Please advise me whether I agreed to a second wife correctly? How can I behave rationally in such a situation?

Kaydarova Asel Abdu-Alievna, psychologist Almaty

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Hello, Elena! You and your husband are now going through one of the crises in family life. I will not evaluate or explain your husband’s actions, only you can decide what to do and how to continue to live. Any crisis is a reassessment of life priorities, strengthening one and changing another. Ask yourself: What is the most important thing in life for you right now? What kind of family Are values ​​important to you? What awaits you in a few years? Think carefully, because this is your life! Do it as it should You are better.
every person has the right to make mistakes, but only adult answers for their actions, and understands that you need to protect and value your loved ones. Weigh up the pros and cons and do it right choice. Good luck and strength of spirit!

WITH Sincerely, Zhanna Akhatbekovna.

Zinnatullina Zhanna Akhatbekovna, psychologist Almaty

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Hello, Elena.

“Please advise me whether I agreed to a second wife correctly?” - Your question is a little confusing regarding why you need our opinion? How do you feel about this? You agreed, so did you do it for some reason? For what and for what? For love ? Or something different? Is this your own choice? Did you do it of your own free will? If it is yours, then why do you need someone else's opinion? What will he give you? Or what will an assessment of your behavior from the outside change for you?

“How can I behave rationally in such a situation?” - It would be interesting to understand whether it is reasonable in relation to what or who? Why behave wisely? What does it mean to you to behave intelligently? If I answer how to behave reasonably, then this will be my answer, and about what I understand by reasonable, but what is yours? You may not agree with me, but in my opinion, what is important is how you feel about this situation, what has happened in your life? What do you want for yourself? And why are you agreeing to what you have already agreed to? If you have the opportunity to consult a psychologist in person, and now it is advisable for you to enlist the support of loved ones, do not go through such a period of your life alone. I wish you peace of mind.

Sincerely, Elena.

Begunova Elena Leonidovna, psychologist Almaty

Good answer 3 Bad answer 1
Not every man who accidentally finds himself in his own trap will decide to share this problem with family and friends, especially with his own wife. Since there is nothing worse than an uncertain situation, such a situation can break even a psychologically stable person. My mistress is pregnant, what should I do? In this article you will learn about possible options for resolving this issue.

From this article you will learn:

  • Why does the mistress want to keep the child?
  • Why a mistress's pregnancy can push a man away from her
  • Can a mistress' pregnancy be a good thing if the spouses have no children?
  • What should a wife do if she finds out about her husband’s mistress and her pregnancy?
  • Why a man is not ready to admit his mistress’s pregnancy to his wife

When a couple has been married for a long time, at some point the husband begins to experience a lack of vivid emotions in intimate life, he feels how routine and everyday life are gradually being eaten away. This gives impetus to having an affair on the side. Of course, the spouse has no intention of leaving the family. His goal is to get an emotional shake-up in order to perk up again. But unexpectedly, the mistress announces pregnancy and warns that she is not going to have an abortion, since it is either too late or she has long dreamed of a child. In this situation, it is usually joyful news for married man It doesn't sound good at all.

A man most often has no reason to want the birth of an illegitimate child, even if he sincerely convinces him of the opposite and calls for refusal to terminate the pregnancy. He does not need the baby to the same extent as he does not need the problems that will certainly arise in the future:

  • Instead of his beloved, relaxed communication with whom gave exclusively positive emotions, the man receives a second wife.
  • In principle, it is difficult to keep an affair a secret, and when a child appears it will become even more difficult. It is impossible to constantly cheat and dodge; someday you will have to confess everything.
  • For married man It is completely undesirable to expose an affair to your friends and relatives, which will certainly entail a confession.
  • The appearance of a child will aggravate the situation in cases where there is always not enough time and the financial situation is unstable.

An affair is a way to escape from the drabness of everyday life and everyday worries. A mistress is needed in order to compensate for the lack of positive emotions not received from the spouse.

What to do if your mistress is pregnant and about to give birth? A man can choose one of three options for his further behavior.

  • Completely ending the relationship with a mistress who is pregnant, breaking all contacts with her, preventing even the slightest possibility of making the fact of the baby known to the wife - this is a path that is actually a shameful and cynical retreat. Those who choose it may experience remorse for the rest of their lives, but sadly, this is the line of behavior that most representatives of the stronger sex adhere to.
  • You can tell your wife that your lover is pregnant. Sometimes this can even become a reason for joy for the wife. If she does not have her own children, she loves kids and dreams of a child as a condition for creating a real family, then in this case she can accept the future child for upbringing. Perhaps the wife will make an offer to her pregnant mistress for a monetary reward if she refuses the child. The spouse can file for divorce if there are already children in your family or she simply does not like children, and also if she is unable to forgive the betrayal. Circumstances may develop in such a way that the wife does not want to ruin the marriage, but she will not show interest in your child either. This is typical for families that are mutually beneficial partnerships in which there is no longer or never was love.
  • You can leave your wife in the dark. The secret will be kept until some sympathetic people, among whom may be the mistress herself, tell the wife about her husband’s child. A woman who is pregnant thinks that now there is an opportunity to create a real family with her beloved, who will immediately forget about his previous boring wife.

Video about why men have mistresses:

At the first moment after receiving such news, the wife most often cannot decide what to do. A woman may have a desire to understand the situation, to understand why her lover, who is currently pregnant, attracted her husband. At the same time, there is a temptation to succumb to feelings, to fall into despair, not wanting to think about anything or find out anything.

What should a wife do if she finds out that her husband’s mistress is pregnant with his child? First of all, it is advisable not to fall under the influence of negative emotions, to distract yourself from them, and to cope with the state of shock. This will help you solve the problem thoughtfully, avoiding affective actions that you may regret in the future.

Excessive feelings are an obstacle to drawing correct conclusions about the actual situation. To cope with them, imagine that you are watching from the outside the heroine of the series, who finds herself hostage to circumstances similar to yours. How does your character behave? What would you recommend she do?

First of all, take control of your feelings and only then decide what you will do if your mistress is pregnant from your spouse. You shouldn’t think about what your husband will do, what your environment will say, what your mistress craves. In these circumstances, it is recommended to think, first of all, about yourself and own desires and decide what to do for you:

  1. Leave your husband, leaving him to deal with the consequences of his own actions.
  2. Save your marriage by accepting that your spouse has a second home.
  3. Come to an agreement with your husband, agreeing, for example, on jointly raising the future baby if you do not have your own children.

What to do is up to you and only you to decide. The most important condition in this case is to free yourself from the hope that the spouse will leave his mistress who is pregnant from him. Of course, there are men who do exactly this. However, it is worth considering whether you want to be married to a man who considers it possible to leave a pregnant woman to the mercy of fate, depriving her of help when she needs it. Of course, your mistress is your competition. However, if a man can, in principle, do this to a woman, at some point he will behave in the same way to you.

The first thing you need to do is decide whether you want to continue your relationship with your spouse and whether you intend to fight to save the family. Or will you prefer the opposite option - divorce, even if you have common children.

It is necessary to adhere to the basic principle, which is the absence of any negotiations with your mistress. What you should never do is ask your rival to leave your spouse or offer to terminate the pregnancy. It is better for you to have a heart-to-heart talk with your spouse to find out his attitude to the situation and his further course of action. Does a man want the birth of this baby, does he intend to leave for his mistress who is pregnant - this is the most important thing that you must realize for yourself.

Birth little man– this is undoubtedly a joyful event. However, sometimes pregnancy occurs unplanned and the child becomes unwanted. As a result, many parents, especially unmarried women, decide to have an abortion.

If your spouse belongs to a similar category of people and wants his mistress to terminate the pregnancy, treat this neutrally - do not hold back, but do not support either. Listen carefully to the reasons for your husband's decision and confirm that you will agree with any of his actions in this situation. Also, do not condemn the spouse’s desire to have a child from his mistress, who is now pregnant, and to take care of this baby in the future. It is necessary to take into account and make allowances for the fact that future assistance will consist not only of physical and moral, but also material support. Joint funds from your family’s budget will be spent on the newborn baby, since both parents are required to take care of the child.

What should you do if your spouse wants to stay in the family, but your mistress is pregnant and is trying to separate you? In such circumstances, this woman’s behavior can be explained, because no one wants to become a single mother, even with the support of the child’s father. The mistress is pregnant and dreams of raising the future baby in full family. However, under the current conditions, your position is much preferable. After all, you are the legal spouse, and your mistress is trying to destroy the official family.

What to do in such a situation? Discuss with your husband that it is he who is obliged to resolve the problem with his passion. Your spouse should make sure that she does not contact you and does not bother you.

Remember also to confirm your pregnancy. Sometimes it happens that in fact the mistress is not pregnant, but uses various tricks to make her husband leave you for her. If a man follows her lead, then the woman, having received what she wants, can subsequently report a miscarriage or make every effort to become pregnant for real. In addition, she may deceive your spouse by conceiving a child from someone else. If you have doubts about paternity, you can conduct a DNA test and draw conclusions based on its results.

Do not forget that a man will not have thoughts about his mistress if an atmosphere of respect and love reigns in the family, if he feels that he is valued and always expected. Your spouse will not cheat if you remain his one and only beloved, who cannot be replaced.

Video about how to get your husband back from your mistress:

You have learned that your other half has a mistress who is also pregnant. What to do in this case? For what reason does the spouse hide this circumstance? Naturally, this situation makes you worry, but you need to realize that it is not you who should decide this issue. The husband chooses his own course of action. You can also do what you think is right and convenient for you. There is no need to judge the actions of others; evaluate, first of all, your own behavior.

If the husband hides the fact of having a mistress who is pregnant, you should not take the first step and talk about it, you know everything. Having a desire to save the family, it is better to wait for recognition from your husband when he is ready for this. In such a situation, it is better to focus on your own affairs, devote time to meeting friends or your hobbies.

If your determination has matured and you are not afraid to enter into conflict with your spouse, then start discussing this problem. Get ready to listen to a lot of lies. At first, the husband will not admit the betrayal, then the fact that his mistress is pregnant. This strategy is typical of men with a low level of responsibility who keep the birth of illegitimate children a secret.

How to make a man jealous?

It is important to understand where such questions arise in your head? Because you're confident? Because you have good self-esteem like a woman, adequate? Or vice versa, because you are insecure, you are afraid to be alone, you are afraid of losing him and therefore you are looking for some ways to influence this man. And it seems to you that this is one of the ways. This does not work. If a man low self-esteem, yes, this will work for a while. Even if a man has normal self-esteem, it will work at first, but then he will get bored of it. And it is important to understand that if you make a man jealous, that is, manipulate, are you ready for the same response to come to you? It is not necessary that he will make you jealous too. In his eyes you will behave strangely. You will cause discomfort in his eyes. And whether you like it or not, he will also cause you discomfort with his behavior.

And you will ask later, why is my man acting strange? Or why is he already acting strange? I can ask you a question in response: tell me, aren’t you behaving strangely? Are you sure he understands you? If we begin to unravel this tangle, we will come to some kind of root where it all began. Because in the beginning everything may be fine. But where did these entanglements and games begin? The more you continue to confuse this tangle, you do not bring it closer to happiness, the more difficult you complicate life for him, and for the most valuable person - yourself. Therefore, if you want to be more valuable to a man, and it seems to me that you want to make him jealous, to be more valuable to him, more significant, to receive more love, more attention from him, you need to start with yourself. And ask yourself the question: do I even love myself? Am I valuable to myself? Or am I really bad at being with myself? Or I feel so bad with myself that I urgently need a man whose life I will still ruin so that he loves me more.

Your key task is to become valuable to yourself. Work on yourself as a woman, work on your condition, perhaps your childhood complexes, work on past grievances. Perhaps you need to understand the psychology of men. Do this together. Then you will feel yourself differently.

It should be taken into account that the husband’s passion probably has a desire to take him away from the family and become his legal wife. It is quite possible that your mistress is not pregnant from your spouse and is deliberately misleading you in order to provoke a divorce and marry him herself.

For what reasons does the husband hide the fact that his mistress is pregnant? Maybe he wants to stay with you and is afraid of losing you. It is also likely that the spouse is not completely sure that he is the father of the unborn child. What to do in such circumstances? The choice belongs exclusively to you, since your future life depends on the consequences of the decision you make.

To solve the problem in your best interest, close your eyes, take a break from today and immerse yourself in the memories of the happiest moments when you experienced joy and love. Focus on feeling happy, satisfied with life, and fulfilled. And then mentally move to the future, where you also feel loved and happy. What does that tomorrow look like? Will there be room for your spouse and child? born of a mistress? If your happy tomorrow does not involve the presence of the man who cheated on you, then it is time to break up.

To regain inner peace, you need to realize that you are not responsible for your spouse’s behavior and that what happened is not your fault. Your husband acted of his own free will, but you have the right to decide how to respond to his actions and in what way to build a relationship with him in the future.

If you are not ready to forgive the betrayal and the presence of your mistress, it is better to decide to separate. If you feel happier as a result, you made the right choice.

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy soul mates, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!