Is it worth drinking kudin tea for weight loss? Chinese Diet - A Journey to Harmony Trinity Theory and Tea

Those who revere teas and are knowledgeable in this matter are aware of the miraculous properties that they have Chinese teas. In general, this is one of those miracles that can be explained from a logical point of view. Let's try to do this.

In order to find out what substances and microelements are contained in Chinese tea, it is not at all necessary to torture search engine queries like “Chinese teaChinese tea” and others similar to it. Just read this article and everything will immediately fall into place. So, what is so good, healthy and miraculous contained in tea of ​​Chinese origin? Let's start with polyphenols. This term denotes a variety of phenol derivatives, that is, the simplest representatives of organic aromatics. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants. It is they, provided that tea is consumed correctly, that can significantly slow down the aging process. Chinese tea contains fifteen to twenty percent polyphenols.

For those who have never drank Chinese tea, experts advise buying pu-erh and starting your acquaintance with it. This type of tea contains a large amount of flavonoids. These natural phenolic compounds, like polyphenols, reduce cholesterol levels in a person’s blood, which has a beneficial effect on overall health. If a person is overweight, then flavonoids will help him get rid of extra pounds.

Those who are at risk of cancer should try the Oolong variety: you can purchase oolong with delivery in a specialized online store. why this particular variety? Because it contains a large amount of liposaccharides. These substances, or rather these types of molecules, protect against cancer and also contribute to the formation of so-called nonspecific immunity. This tea variety contains more than three percent liposaccharides.

Another useful substance that is part of Chinese tea is caffeine. Typically, Chinese varieties contain between two and four percent caffeine. This organic compound can have many benefits when used correctly. firstly, it has a tonic effect, and in addition, it qualitatively stimulates the stomach, as well as the associated intestinal tract, and the nervous system.

In addition to various molecules and organic compounds, Chinese teas contain quite a lot of vitamins and fortified complexes. The most numerous are vitamins of group B and vitamins of group C. These vitamins are necessary to ensure the body’s high-quality metabolic processes, as well as to maintain the nervous system in proper condition.

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When choosing weight loss products, many today choose those that allow them to shed pounds and get their body in order. One of such effective and useful remedies is weight loss tea of ​​different varieties and from different manufacturers. It’s quite easy to get lost in the variety of these offers if you don’t know about the secrets of Chinese tea.

A set of tea for weight loss is only 1200 rubles!

A tea set of the 5 most effective varieties of tea for weight loss has finally appeared in our online store:

  • Tie Guan Yin improves digestion, reduces appetite (it is recommended to drink tea between meals to feel the subtle aroma and taste of the drink) and speeds up metabolism;
  • Milk oolong replaces an aromatherapy session - uplifts the mood and relaxes the body, stimulates digestion and pancreas function, reduces appetite and speeds up metabolism;
  • Palace Pu'er improves digestion, removes waste and toxins, speeds up metabolism and reduces blood sugar levels;
  • Raspberry oolong with Goji berries accelerates metabolism, and Goji Berries, which are part of the tea, greatly enhance the effect of oolong: they contain 21 minerals, 19 amino acids, vitamins (group B, nicotinic and ascorbic acid, tocopherol, betaine), antioxidants, polysaccharides and fatty acid(Omega-3, -6, -9);
  • Green tea with ginger improves digestion, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, reduces appetite, and the ginger contained in the tea, due to the natural and very beneficial process of warming the body from the inside, promotes weight loss.

All tea is packaged in branded bags (50 g each), this weight is quite enough not only to try a new type of tea, but also to feel the effect of drinking it!

Tea set Losing weight with taste - 1950 rub.!

Our online store presents a unique tea set of the 5 most effective varieties of tea for weight loss (a real clay teapot is included):

  • Green tea with ginger accelerates metabolism and increases heat transfer (which allows you to most effectively get rid of excess weight);
  • Milk oolong(Nai Xiang Jin Xuan) cleanses the body of waste and toxins and normalizes metabolism;
  • Imperial Pu'er strengthens the cardiovascular system, fills the body with energy and speeds up metabolism;
  • Tea Berry Fantasy with Goji berries cleanses the body of toxic substances, salt and toxins, and thanks to Goji berries, it replenishes the supply of vitamins and minerals and promotes weight loss;
  • Da Hong Pao(Big Red Robe) fills with energy, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The tea is packaged in convenient 30 g bags, which allows you to try each tea separately and decide which one suits you best. The clay teapot included in the set is designed to make the brewing process quick and convenient - since earthenware, like no other, preserves the aroma and taste of brewed tea.

Set Green tea for weight loss for only 1100 rubles!

Special attention should be paid to the set. This is a truly unique set - it contains only the best Chinese green tea, see for yourself:

  • Green tea with ginger promotes increased heat exchange, warming the body from the inside, and speeds up metabolism;
  • Kashmiri tea(based on sencha and gunpowder) contains cardamom and cinnamon, which accelerates the process of sugar processing in the body by more than 15 times, and also helps normalize metabolism;
  • Long Jing tea(Dragon Well) strengthens blood vessels, cleanses the body well of waste and toxins, and also activates all body systems;
  • Green jasmine tea(Hua Zhu Cha) activates metabolism and strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • Tea Milk pearl(Nai Xiang Zhen Zhu) strengthens the immune system, perfectly tones and warms, activating heat exchange.

In the set, this tea is presented in 50g bags, which will allow you not only to try different types of green tea, but also to undergo a full course of cleansing the body!

The best varieties of Chinese tea for weight loss

If there are no contraindications, if you are determined to lose those hated pounds, a logical question arises: which tea is better and more effective for weight loss? China offers us the best varieties in the traditions of the Celestial Empire. They will help you get rid of excess weight, cleanse your body, and give you a boost of energy, which is always so lacking when losing weight! So, Chinese tea for weight loss: which one to choose and what results to expect? Our little review will help resolve your doubts.

This famous, effective weight loss tea collects only the most positive reviews. It safely and easily helps you lose weight even for those who have long said goodbye to their cherished dream of wearing an open swimsuit on a crowded beach. This is a real miracle of Chinese medicine, as it allows you to lose weight without giving up fatty and fried foods. You just need to follow simple rules for its use: eat fried ham - drink a cup of pu-erh.

The substances included in its composition will help the liver and stomach cope with the load several times faster, leaving fats no chance of being retained in the body. This extraordinary drink will cleanse the blood of bad cholesterol, lower sugar levels and significantly improve your mood. Choose to suit every taste: classic imperial (Gong Ting) Puer and Shu Puer Red Seal or soft milk Puer.

Oolong is another Chinese effective tea for weight loss, which has surpassed even green tea in this matter. Its miraculous effect lies in polyphenols and vitamins that make metabolic processes flow faster in your body. Including the metabolic rate when consuming it increases up to 10%. This will be enough to ensure that weight loss is painless and beneficial.

Goji berries are a 100% natural and effective product for weight loss. Dried berries are an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, calcium, phosphorus and iron, and also help improve metabolism, which is why nutritionists love them so much! What could be simpler and tastier than freshly brewed Goji Berries?

Dried or brewed berries can be added to porridge, cottage cheese, baked goods, or brewed tea (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 500 ml of water) and drink it 2 times a day (and eat the brewed berries for dessert). Optimal course - 1-2 months.

Goji berries will not only allow you to lose weight, but also increase your overall tone!

How does Chinese tea work for weight loss?

One of the most effective means, helping to get rid of accumulated kilograms is Chinese weight loss tea, which is distinguished by the naturalness of its composition. In fact, few weight loss teas can boast such unique ingredients. But it is thanks to them that this healthy drink has such a wonderful effect:

  • Thanks to special processing, Chinese teas retain quite a large amount of polyphenols- these are substances that most actively break down fats - main reason Your extra pounds;
  • vitamins D, K, E And Group B are active participants in almost all metabolic processes, which means the removal of harmful, toxic substances from the body is accelerated;
  • microelements the composition of such drinks (any Chinese tea for weight loss is always high in selenium, iron and phosphorus) will help the body cope with the burden of losing excess weight and not break down, as often happens when following diets, which become real stress for the body.

Regular, even the most effective weight loss teas contain various impurities, synthetic additives, chemical substances, which serve as catalysts for reactions in our body, but at the same time cause harm. Chinese tea is always a 100% natural product, having an exclusively plant base. But every plant in the Celestial Empire is a real healer. So it turns out that Chinese - best tea for weight loss, which will heal your body and make your figure slimmer.

Chinese tea for weight loss: indications and contraindications

Chinese tea for weight loss usually has the most positive reviews. However, the effect will be guaranteed only if you have no clinical contraindications to its use. It contains extremely active plant components, which can differently influence the course of various diseases, if you have them. It is not recommended to indulge in tea for weight loss in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • age under 14 years;
  • individual intolerance to tea components.

If you read somewhere that weight loss teas do not have the most enthusiastic reviews, most likely those wanting to lose weight who left them did not take into account the characteristics of their body and violated contraindications. Of course, one cup of delicious and aromatic Chinese tea will not do any harm, but the process of losing weight involves regular consumption of this drink more than once a day, so be extremely careful.

If you help tea and refuse bad habits, do light sports and go to bed on time, in just a couple of weeks you will feel renewed and refreshed, and the kilograms will gradually disappear.

Where to buy tea for weight loss?

And the last question you may ask when choosing such a drink: where can you buy Chinese tea for weight loss, and for what money? To do this, you need to find a specialized tea store or salon that will guarantee the quality of its products. Remember: only high-quality, real Chinese tea can bring results.

And don’t forget to take into account the fact that an authentic drink from the Middle Kingdom will cost quite a lot of money compared to the tea that we are used to using every day. Our online store offers many varieties of Chinese tea of ​​the highest category at attractive prices, and we will be glad if you choose us.

As a result, you will not only become much slimmer, but also significantly strengthen your nervous system, rid your body of various debris in the form of toxins, waste and other harmful substances. From a variety of varieties, choose the most effective tea for weight loss and enjoy its aroma, taste and amazing effect, which no other diet has.

The shelves of modern stores are actually “crowded” with a rich assortment of various teas for weight loss. At the same time, all sellers assure that their Chinese tea for weight loss is “that magic elixir that will help you lose weight in a matter of days.” Puer, oolong, white tea, yellow tea - the names just make your eyes run wild. Which tea should you choose in the end in order to get the promised effect without harming your health?

Firstly, immediately discard the idea that consuming one “miracle product” - be it tea, natural tablets, roots and herbs - will magically relieve you of excess weight problems. Such a product simply does not exist; “losing 10 kilograms in 10 days without effort” is unrealistic. Only if you stop eating completely, but this is very dangerous for the body. And health, as they say, comes before beauty. Yes, and the maximum that they will offer you under such a dubious slogan is a “herbal” laxative.

Secondly, real Chinese weight loss tea can only be sold in specialized tea shops or licensed pharmacies, and its price corresponds to such an exclusive status. Therefore, the low cost of the “miracle tea” should immediately raise suspicions.

Forewarned is forearmed. Now let's be clear - can real Chinese tea help you lose weight? And which types of tea from China are really healthy? Experts' answer - green tea, oolong and pu-erh are best for weight loss.

Chinese green tea for weight loss


The benefits of Chinese green tea for weight loss have been known for a long time, even during the reign of the first dynasty of emperors, that is, several hundred summers ago.

Brewing method

“Live” spring water without mineral salts is suitable for preparing green tea. Before brewing, tea utensils should be rinsed with boiling water. After the dishes have warmed up, you need to start brewing. The amount for brewing is determined individually, on average - one teaspoon per 200 ml of water. Tea is brewed with water cooled to 80 - 85 o C.

The first time, green tea should be steeped for 2 minutes and completely poured into the chakhai, then poured into cups. Brewed tea must be completely poured into cups; you cannot leave anything in the teapot, otherwise the tea will taste bitter over time.


  • improves metabolism;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • good immunostimulant;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • rich in caffeine, so it tones you up throughout the day.


Chinese green tea contains many antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the body, improve the color and condition of the skin, and improve digestion processes. Useful microelements and antioxidants reduce the number of wrinkles.

Green tea is most effective for weight loss. At the same time, weight decreases naturally, slowly and steadily.

To lose weight, Chinese green tea should be drunk 6 times a day, without sugar or sweeteners.

Options for “fasting” days with Chinese green tea:

  1. 4 tablespoons of green tea should be poured into 1.5 liters of hot milk and steeped for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Add 1 liter of brewed green tea to 1 liter of milk. You need to drink it throughout the day.
  3. During the day, drink 1 liter of tea in small portions, alternating with boiled water - 1.5-2 liters. This will help remove toxins from the body and restore water balance.

Pu'er: China's most hyped tea

It is under this name that scammers most often advertise their dubious weight loss products.


Pu'er comes from the Chinese province of Yunnan, from the town of Pu'er. This city was considered in ancient times the center of the tea trade. There are different varieties of Chinese Pu'er tea where the tea leaves do not go through the rolling process. Then you get loose Pu-erh tea with a more delicate taste. If stored properly, the taste of pu-erh becomes better with age.

Brewing method

For 200 ml of water, take 2 teaspoons of pu-erh tea. You only need to brew pu-erh hot water, about 80 degrees.

Pour hot water into the tea and pour it out after about half a minute so that the pu-erh is washed from dirt and absorbs moisture. You need to fill the pu-erh leaves with water again and leave to brew for 4 minutes. Pour the pu-erh into another cup to prevent it from becoming bitter. Pu-erh can be brewed several times.


  • decreased blood sugar levels;
  • removes toxins;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • increases energy.


Pu-erh is used to treat alcoholism. But pu-erh is not recommended for those who suffer from atherosclerosis and hypertension, or if they have stomach problems.

Pu-erh completely replaces coffee, gives an invigorating effect, it will be useful for those who combine diet and exercise.

Oolong: traditional Chinese tea

Why traditional? Because the process of brewing this tea, even at home, turns almost into a traditional Chinese tea ceremony.


The history of oolong (oolong) dates back 4 centuries. This tea is used in the ceremony of preparing “Gong Fu Cha”, which translates as “Higher Tea Mastery”.

Oolong, known in China as "Qing Cha" ("Dark Dragon"), which translates to "turquoise, jet black" (this color is obtained after proper brewing of the tea). Oolong is one of the most expensive elite varieties of tea, which is known throughout the world, and not just in China.

This tea in the Chinese classification is between red and green varieties.

Brewing method

They try oolong from tea pairs, thus uniting the earthly and heavenly principles. From a high bowl one tastes the heavenly, that is, the aroma, and from the bowl, the earthly, that is, the taste.

  • Pour tea into a tall bowl
  • Turning the tea pair over
  • We taste the aroma from a tall bowl (wen xia bei), and the taste from a bowl.


  • improved metabolism;
  • weight normalization;
  • affect physical and mental health;
  • a lot of essential oils;
  • low caffeine content;
  • many useful chemical compounds and vitamins C, B1, B6, D, E, K, B12, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine;
  • strengthens the body's resistance;
  • counteracts the formation of tumors;
  • strengthening the fibrous tissues of the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevent the occurrence of thrombophlebitis;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • promotes the appearance of young cells;
  • general rejuvenation of the body.


Oolong can be very diverse in taste - it has a sweet fruity flavor, and the aroma of honey, milk, smoke, etc.

For overweight people, regular consumption of this tea will help them easily improve their figure. In China, they believe that you shouldn’t torture yourself with diets that are harmful and merciless to your health in order to achieve a beautiful, slim and fit body.

Chinese oolong tea contains half the caffeine compared to other types of tea or coffee. Therefore, regular use of Oolong for weight loss by obese people allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the body, and this helps naturally burn extra calories.

According to experts, oolong tea is effective in combating “bad” cholesterol. It has been proven that as a result of regular use, a person loses 10-12 kilograms within six months.

The tea diet is suitable for those who do not like a monotonous diet while losing weight. What not to eat during the tea diet:

  • Sugar
  • Fatty and fried foods
  • Flour products
  • Margarine
  • Alcohol and “synthetic” drinks.

What to eat during the tea diet:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Seafood
  • Nuts
  • Greenery
  • Dairy products
  • Ginger
  • Dried apricots

The main thing is not to overeat and drink at least 1 liter of any Chinese tea and at least a liter of non-carbonated (!) mineral water per day.

Need to visit more fresh air and get a good night's sleep. In a couple of months, you will not only lose a few kilograms, but you will also feel, in general, much better and more energetic.

Are Chinese teas safe for weight loss?

Important! Any Chinese tea for weight loss should be consumed in moderation and quite carefully. This tea is classified as a diuretic. Incorrect and excessive consumption leads to dehydration of the body and leads to disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system.

In general, real natural Chinese teas for weight loss are safe for health. But if abused or misused, they can cause a number of health problems - diuretic diseases, constipation or diarrhea, sleep problems, etc. Consult your doctor or nutritionist before starting a weight loss course that includes any Chinese tea.

Be healthy and beautiful! Enjoy your tea!

Many people want to lose weight, but not every person is ready to actively work on themselves. Everyone hopes for a miracle cure that will help you get rid of extra pounds without effort. One of them, according to the manufacturer, may be Kudin tea. It has strong fat burning properties. Kuding tea is very popular in China, where it is used for general strengthening of the body and for weight loss.

📌 Read in this article

Useful properties of Kudin tea

The name of this drink is translated from Chinese as “bitter herb.” In fact, this is not tea, but an infusion. For production, they use the leaves of the Paraguayan holly, which is the closest relative of mate. The homeland of this plant is the provinces of China. The drink has a bright color, tastes bitter, but has a sweet aftertaste.

In China, Kuding tea is used for medicinal purposes, such as:

All these amazing qualities are present due to the content of a large amount of vitamins A, C, D, E, group B, as well as trace elements and minerals, such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur and others.

Action for weight loss

Kudin tea is used for weight loss due to the following properties:

  • has an invigorating effect because it contains caffeine;
  • has a tonic effect on the body as a whole, which sets you up for intense training;
  • helps reduce appetite.

At first glance, these properties are similar to other caffeine-containing drinks, such as coffee and green tea. However, its significant difference is that other infusions stimulate the release of digestive enzymes. It turns out that caffeine from coffee or tea does not have time to have an appetite-reducing effect.

You should not drink Kudin tea on an empty stomach or replace one of your meals with it, as it has the same negative properties as pu-erh and can be harmful. The best decision- This is to drink Kudin in the first half of the day, while eating protein foods.

The likely reason for losing several kilograms is the removal of water from the body, as it has a diuretic effect. Of course, for many, getting rid of excess intercellular fluid will help eliminate swelling, but this method of losing weight does not affect the amount and volume of fat. And if you don’t follow the drinking regime after stopping Kudin, everything can come back with a vengeance.

A similar effect can be expected from many drinks, for example, oolong, pu-erh, mate, green and. All of them have a tonic, invigorating and diuretic effect.

Kudin is only a way to diversify the diet, but it cannot cope with fat reserves alone. In reality, to lose weight, you will still have to reconsider your eating habits, reduce portion sizes, give up unhealthy foods and engage in active activities. physical activity, especially cardio. Without all this, it is impossible to lose weight, no matter how miraculous the remedy is.

Kudin tea is healthy drink, which will be used in China in medicinal purposes. Some consider it good remedy for weight loss. But this fact has not been fully proven. Without following a diet and an active lifestyle, you should not expect results.

The Chinese diet is not at all the same as Chinese literacy: mastering it is both easier and much more enjoyable! For the population of the Celestial Empire, since ancient times, food has served not only as a source of vital energy, but also as a way to establish dialogue with the world. Of course, we, ordinary Europeans, will never know all the centuries-old secrets of the Chinese sages, but we can try to use the most understandable of their advice regarding the Chinese diet.

Chinese diet: great and uniform in all faces

Densely populated, China is vast, and researchers divide Chinese cuisine into thirteen major regional varieties. They are complemented by the cuisines of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau that have “branched off” and acquired their originality, but have not broken away from the roots. With a huge variety of dishes and rules for serving them, Chinese cuisine is united by universal general principles.

The Chinese diet is a rich heritage of a glorious ancient civilization. The culinary traditions of the Middle Kingdom, which influenced many national cuisines, have not lost their relevance today.

Five Basic Rules of the Chinese Diet

  • 1 Only fruits can remain raw; other products require non-aggressive processing (fermentation, slow simmering or, conversely, quick frying in a wok).
  • 2 Consume all food in a state as close as possible to its natural state (avoid refined foods, semi-finished products and complex mixtures).
  • 3 Eat plenty of vegetables combined with slow carbohydrates- rice or noodles.
  • 4 Eat foods rich in liquid regularly.
  • 5 Limit your intake of dairy products and meat.

Take a little yin and add the same amount of yang...

The person who adapted the traditional Chinese diet for weight loss and made it popular in the West was the Englishwoman Lorraine Clissold, a professional chef and restaurant critic. For several years she lived, worked and studied in China. Having learned about the local cuisine, history and language, Lorraine found out that the Chinese diet has a special philosophy that helps the people of the Middle Kingdom maintain inner harmony, health and good shape.

Alas, modern China has not escaped the widespread obesity epidemic; it affected those who strayed from the eternal values ​​of Chinese cooking and became addicted to .

However, the reverse process is also possible! With the practicality inherent in Europeans, Lorraine Clissold argues that the Chinese diet can return slender shape to an overweight person and good health. The Englishwoman wrote several books about this, the most famous of which, “Why the Chinese Don’t Get Fat,” is also familiar to Russian readers.

Clissold believes that the main advantage of the Chinese diet is the ability of the world's largest nation to enjoy food. The Chinese save normal weight, without starving, but also without overeating, and, accordingly, are freed from the feeling of guilt inherent in the European in his often dramatic relationship with food. And all because they organize their table in accordance with the beliefs of their ancestors.

Since ancient times, the main principle of satiation (eating any food) in China was considered to be maintaining the balance of yin and yang energies.

Yin is wet or moist foods, as well as foods containing a large percentage of liquid: for example, egg whites, fruits and vegetables, soy products.

The yang category in the Chinese diet includes mostly dry, crispy, elastic foods: chicken, shrimp, offal, nuts, spices, egg yolk. In order to lose weight, and subsequently maintain harmony, it is necessary to monitor the harmony in the menu, not allowing food to “pull” a person into one or another element.

Zhou, a specially prepared rice, helps to maintain neutrality in the Chinese diet. The benefits of this cereal are well known outside of China; it even exists; however, in everyday life in the Celestial Empire, zhou turns into a truly sacred product.

Dry in essence, when cooked, zhou becomes moist, turning into a universal carrier of yang or yin information, depending on the products added. The Chinese combine the ingredients of a dish in the correct proportion intuitively, but Europeans, according to Lorraine Clissold, will have to learn this in order to benefit from the Chinese diet.

To prepare traditional zhou for the Chinese diet, you need to pour short-grain unpolished rice with water in a ratio of 1:10 and cook over low heat for about 40-60 minutes, until it has a “porridge” consistency.

Zhou should not turn out crumbly! Instant steamed rice is not suitable for it, but long-grain rice can be used in a mixture with millet or risotto rice - this is the kind of zhou that “newbies” to the Chinese diet like, you can quickly get used to its taste.

The Chinese diet doesn't look at the clock.

It is curious that there are practically no raw vegetables in the Chinese diet: plant foods are quickly fried in a wok, stewed or simmered with aromatic sauces. These cooking techniques help vegetables retain most of their vitamins and minerals while making them easier to digest.

It is vegetables, together with zhou, that are considered the basis of nutrition in Chinese cuisine, but any meat, fish or seafood are, of course, worthy, but optional additives. An indicative statistical fact illustrating the departure of the modern Chinese population from traditions: back in the early 60s, the Chinese consumed no more than four kilos of meat per year; by the mid-2000s, this figure increased to 50 kg per year and continues to increase.

In terms that are understandable to a European interested in diets, the Chinese diet can be compared to a diet based on the combination of foods, taking them into account. The carbohydrate component is represented in the cuisine of the Celestial Empire mainly by vegetables, which are also rich in fiber, which takes care of the feeling of fullness and normal intestinal motility, and bioavailable vegetable protein.

Dishes prepared taking into account the principle of balance of yin and yang, with the right combination ensure optimal metabolism and blood sugar levels. Due to this, weight is reduced and normalized, and excess fat is not formed.

For those who want to lose weight on the Chinese diet, Lorraine Clissold recommends not only maintaining universal harmony in the selection of foods, but also eating three times a day, focusing on a single serving in a volume equal to approximately two fists.

At the same time, in the Chinese diet there is no usual division into “morning” or “evening” dishes - the same chou with vegetables and sauce can be eaten as soon as you wake up, and soup with noodles or wonton dumplings will be a joy for the Chinese at any time of the day.

Chinese diet and Chinese tea

Tea is an important part of Chinese food culture. More precisely, for the Chinese, drinking tea for many centuries remains not the final part of the meal, but an independent ceremony, a game, a way of communication or a pause in order to understand oneself.

In addition to the spectacular ritual of brewing and drinking, real Chinese tea is famous for its benefits. The Chinese drink and export many types of tea, the most popular among Europeans being democratic green tea and aesthetic pu-erh.

Green tea, a quality leaf that can be steeped at least four times, is well known for helping with weight loss and health. It contains catechins, which have anti-cancer effects, vitamin C, zinc, activates brain cells and stimulates metabolism.

Fermented pressed pu-erh tea is a unique symbol of not only the Chinese diet, but also the Chinese way of life. In the Celestial Empire it is called “tea-medicine”, but it is not drunk as pharmaceutical product, but enjoying the specific earthy taste that changes from brew to brew.

There is a myth that pu-erh burns existing fat cells, but, alas, it does not have such a superpower. However, it can be beneficial in losing weight due to its ability to reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as facilitate digestion and gently regulate intestinal function thanks to enzymes and pectin released during the brewing process.

There are many tricks to preparing tea for the Chinese diet, but the main one remains right choice water: it should be crystal clear and preferably spring water, neutral, soft taste and composition.

The Chinese pay great attention to water; They drink it willingly and a lot, 2-3 liters a day, but, like tea, in small portions. A traditional tea bowl holds 20-30 ml, which once again confirms the Chinese wisdom: nutrition experts advise drinking often, but in exactly these portions.

With a sly squint!

Gained great popularity on the Internet Various types the so-called Chinese diet of different durations: you can find a Chinese diet for five days, a Chinese diet for 14 days, a Chinese diet for 21 days.

All these anonymous meal plans are united by two main points: firstly, any of them involves an extremely strict and meager diet, and secondly, none of these menus have anything to do with true Chinese culinary traditions.

For illustration and example, we will give in full one of these common recommendations, which appears as the Chinese diet for 14 days. This Chinese diet for two weeks is almost identical to another famous diet known as. The menu is also scheduled for 7 days, after which the recommendations should be repeated.

Chinese diet for 14 days

Day 1

Breakfast - black coffee without additives, lunch - 2 hard-boiled eggs, salad white cabbage With vegetable oil, cup tomato juice(or 1 large fresh tomato), dinner - boiled fish, white cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

Day 2

Breakfast - black coffee without additives + crackers, lunch - boiled fish, white cabbage salad with vegetable oil, dinner - 200 grams of boiled beef, a glass of kefir.

Day 3

Breakfast - black coffee without additives, lunch - 1 raw egg, 3 large boiled carrots with vegetable oil, dinner - apples.

Day 4

Breakfast - black coffee without additives, lunch - 1 large parsnip root, parsley or other white root vegetable of comparable size, fried in vegetable oil, apples, dinner - 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 grams of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

Day 5

Breakfast - raw carrots with lemon juice, lunch - boiled fish (500 g), a glass of tomato juice, dinner - boiled fish, white cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

Day 6

Breakfast - black coffee without additives, lunch - boiled chicken (500 g), fresh cabbage or carrot salad with vegetable oil, dinner - 2 hard-boiled eggs, raw carrot salad with vegetable oil.

Day 7

Breakfast - tea without additives, lunch - boiled beef (200 g), any fruit, dinner - any dinner from the above, except for the third day.

Obviously, any such “diet with a Chinese accent” has nothing to do with the dietary traditions of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. In order to eat the Chinese way, it is important to adhere to a special philosophy of nutrition and try to understand what a specific food gives a person, how it affects not only his weight, but also his attitude, mood, and state of health. This is the essence of the real Chinese diet.