Krasnodar Presidential Military School. Presidential cadet schools. Who can apply on a priority basis

"Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School" was created by the order of the Government Russian Federation No. 1221-r dated July 10, 2012 and by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 2109 dated July 20, 2012.
September 1, 2012 in the South federal district The Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School was opened.
The purpose of the creation of this educational institution was the education of versatile young men who are able to further form the intellectual, patriotic elite of our country. To achieve this goal, the school has all the conditions. These are well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, sports grounds, a swimming pool, an ice palace, as well as a planetarium donated by the president.
The Federal State Treasury General Educational Institution "Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School" (Krasnodar PKU) is a pre-university educational institution Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
The Krasnodar PKU was established by order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev dated July 10, 2012 No. 1221-r and on the basis of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2012 No. 2109 “On the Federal State Treasury General Educational Institution “Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School”.
The founder is the Russian Federation, the functions and powers of the founder in relation to the Krasnodar PKU are carried out by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
The powers of the owner of the property of the school are exercised by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Krasnodar PKU is legal entity, with an independent balance sheet, a personal account with the Federal Treasury; has a seal with its full name and the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, a banner, as well as an emblem.
Number of students by implemented educational programs at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget at the moment is 783 people.
Training is carried out in Russian
Paid educational services are not provided.
In the activities of the cadet school, three priority areas have been identified: linguistic, physical and mathematical and sports. During training, modern educational technologies are used, special importance is attached to information and communication technologies.
In a learning environment like this educational institution continuous psychological and pedagogical support acquires an important role. One of the features of the work of the school is the unity of basic and additional education.
A single interactive information space, which includes local network schools, an interactive learning management system "LMS-school".
Upon graduation, students will have the opportunity to continue their education in the best military and civilian higher educational institutions in Russia.

Men in military uniform always stand out from the general background and enjoy special respect. Not to mention the benevolence of the beautiful half of humanity! And the officer corps is the color, pride and, in the literal sense, the face, mind, honor of the armed forces. Therefore, as a rule, the most disciplined, internally mature and determined young men become cadets, and later - officers. Often, their mothers prompt or support such a decision by their sons - especially if, for some reason, the boy is deprived of his father's upbringing and control. But, one way or another, if it is believed that the army makes a man out of a boy, then the cadet school makes an officer out of a schoolboy. And the first step on this responsible, worthy of respect path is admission to a cadet school.

What is a cadet school? What is the difference between a cadet corps and a military school?
A military school is a specialized educational institution for young people of both sexes, of school age. More recently, only boys were admitted to military schools in our country, but since 2009, gender restrictions have been lifted. As for age, you can enter a military school after graduating from the 9th grade of a secondary school. This is where the differences between military and cadet schools begin. You can become a cadet a year earlier - after the 8th grade. Accordingly, the period of study in the military and cadet schools is different. But these are only external, visible at first glance, differences. In fact, the difference between military and cadet schools is much deeper. And it lies, first of all, in the training that students receive.

Both cadets and cadets of military schools without fail continue to study school curriculum. But in addition to it, military schools prepare for admission to higher command military schools, and cadet schools provide their students with the opportunity to receive early professional training focused on a specific type of service of the Armed Forces. Training lasts three years, after which a graduate of the cadet corps can continue his studies at a military school (for example, Suvorov) or start labor activity in the acquired specialty. In addition, there are so-called cadet classes, which accept boys after the 4th grade. Training in them lasts longer and has its own characteristics. In particular, many parents of cadets, and they themselves, admit that such an early transition to specialized military training was a rather serious physical and psychological test for a teenager.

Which cadet school should I send my son to?
Although the decision to enter the cadet corps of a military school should be made by the applicant himself - for that he is a man and a future officer - but the opinion of his parents still plays an important role in his choice. Let their voice be deliberative, but confident and persuasive enough for the young man to listen to the arguments and make right choice for the coming years of study and for life. Moreover, after admission, he will begin new life, away from parents and their advice - after all, in cadet schools, a full boarding regime for pupils is observed. Today, secondary military education can be obtained in the following cadet schools:

  • Orenburg Presidential Cadet School
  • Stavropol Presidential Cadet School
  • Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School
  • Tyumen Presidential Cadet School
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps
  • St. Petersburg Cadet Corps
  • Aksai Danila Efremov Cossack Cadet Corps.
Very young (grades 1-4) students can attend special circles and sections during educational and sports organizations DOSAAF, clubs like "Young Sailor", "Young Paratrooper", "Young Pilot", etc., which provide an opportunity to first get acquainted with the military profession.

Conditions for admission to the cadet school
The first and main condition for admission to a cadet school must be met at home, where family council a decision is made about the training and, consequently, the future fate of the heir. You can become a good officer only by calling, so you need to clearly understand who wants to enter the cadet corps: a young man who dreams of a military career, or his parents who want to see their son in an officer's uniform. And, if the goals and vision of the future of the representatives of the older and younger generations coincide, then you can safely choose a specific educational institution and submit documents to it. Each cadet school may have its own requirements for applicants, but on average, in order to become a cadet, you must meet the following conditions:

  1. Age. At the time of admission, the young person must be at least 15 years old.
  2. Education. Admission to cadet schools upon graduation elementary school, but you can enter not only the fifth, but also the sixth and seventh grades.
  3. Health status the applicant is assessed by the selection committee on the basis of the certificate provided by him on the passage of a medical examination. Moreover, the medical examination must be completed no earlier than the year in which admission to the school takes place, and must include the following studies:
    • pediatrician;
    • surgeon
    • orthopedist;
    • otolaryngologist;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • cardiologist;
    • endocrinologist;
    • neurologist;
    • dermatologist;
    • psychiatrist;
    • dentist
    • phthisiatrician (with data on Mantoux);
    • urologist;
    • ECG data;
    • ultrasound data of the heart, thyroid gland, abdominal cavity with kidneys;
    • general blood tests, urine, feces;
    • blood test for HIV and hepatitis B and C markers;
    • blood sugar analysis.
    All this information and the conclusions of doctors should be standardized in medical certificate form Ф086/У, certified by the registry of the medical institution.
  4. Exam- oral, in the form of an interview. Most schools test the knowledge of applicants in Russian and English and mathematics at the level corresponding to the completed class of a general education school. The rating scale is ten-point. Minimal amount points, which must be scored to participate in the competition for a place in the school - 20 for three exams.
  5. Provision of documents. Dates for receiving documents must be clarified at a particular school, as a rule, the selection committee works from mid-April until the end of spring. Applicants require a standard package:
    • an application addressed to the head of the school on behalf of the parents (possibly one parent, guardians, etc.);
    • personal statement of the applicant with his signature, addressed to the head of the school;
    • autobiography of the applicant, written by him by hand, in any form;
    • a copy of the birth certificate, certified by a notary, and / or a document confirming the citizenship of the applicant;
    • school portfolio of the applicant;
    • a copy of the personal file of an applicant from a general education school, with the signatures of the school director, class teacher and seal;
    • an extract from the report card with grades for the year of study after which the candidate for admission goes to the cadet school, with the signatures of the school principal and class teacher;
    • pedagogical description of the applicant on behalf of his class teacher and / or director of a general education school;
    • psychological characteristics of the applicant (it can be given by a school psychologist or a specialist from a municipal institution), signed by the school principal;
    • a statement of physical fitness (based on the passing of standards), signed by the principal of the school and the teacher of physical education;
    • medical certificate form F086 / U (read more above);
    • a copy of the medical card from the clinic at the place of residence and an extract from it, certified by the registry;
    • information about the composition of the family;
    • a copy of the certificate of registration at the place of residence, certified by the seal of the management company;
    • certificate from the place of work (service) of the applicant's parents;
    • a copy of all pages of the candidate's parents' passports, certified by a notary;
    • copy of the medical insurance policy applicant;
    • anthropometric information about the applicant: his height, weight, clothing size and volume of the hips and chest, shoe size, headgear size;
    • 4 color photographs 3x4 cm.
    In addition, candidates for preferential admission must provide the relevant documents required by law for such cases.
  6. Privileges when entering a cadet school, they are provided to children of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces. In addition to them, out of competition (but subject to successful passing of exams) are orphans and children of military personnel who died in the line of duty, who are serving in military conflict zones and / or under contract and have a total duration military service in calendar terms 20 years or more. Excellent students of general education schools get the right to take only one of the three entrance exams to choose from, but with the condition of getting 9-10 points for it. If the score is lower, then the excellent students are included in the competition for admission on general terms.
As you can see, it is not easy to enter the cadet school. But the choice of life cannot be frivolous. And graduates of cadet schools admit that they do not at all regret either the tests they have passed or the years of study. Pupils of cadet schools from early youth receive strong skills of self-discipline, hygiene, responsibility for their decisions and actions. And what could be more important for a man and a defender of the country than the ability to self-organize and the ability to be fully responsible for himself and his actions. Therefore, if the boy’s desire to enter a cadet school is really strong and sincere, then you need to support and help him in this.

As President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev noted that since the beginning of the 2000s, once popular cadet schools have been re-established in our country. He also expressed confidence that their graduates would become true patriots of their homeland. appear all over the country. Today we invite you to learn about the Presidential Cadet School in Krasnodar.


Barracks were built in Ekaterinodar in 1870, the 64th battalion was transferred here from the city of Stavropol. In early August 1874, he was given the name Catherine's local battalion. In 1883 it was renamed Kuban. In different years, different military facilities were created on this territory:

  • Anapa reserve battalion.
  • Samur regiment.
  • Anti-aircraft artillery school of the Red Army.
  • Krasnodar artillery and mortar school.
  • Higher Command and Military School of Missile Forces.

The latter was liquidated in August 1998. And in 2010, the Minister of Defense decided to build new buildings here for the cadet school in Krasnodar. On September 1, 2012, the opening of the Krasnodar Cadet Presidential School took place in the Southern Federal District. The goal was set for the educational institution - the education of diversified young people who in the future will be able to make up the patriotic, intellectual elite of our country.

School today

The Cadet School is a pre-university educational institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This educational institution has all the conditions for a full-fledged education:

  • study rooms;
  • pools;
  • sports grounds;
  • laboratories;
  • Ice Palace;
  • planetarium (a gift from the president).

The Russian Federation is the founder of the Presidential Cadet School in Krasnodar. The functions and powers of the founder, as well as the owner of the property, are performed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. PKU of Krasnodar is listed as a legal entity, has its own personal account and independent balance in the Federal Treasury. The Krasnodar Cadet School is located at the address: Krasnodar, Severnaya Street, 267. The administration is open from 9 am to 6 pm. The school itself is open 24/7. Training is conducted only on a budgetary basis, in three main areas:

  • physical and mathematical;
  • linguistic;
  • sports.

After graduating from the presidential cadet school in Krasnodar, graduates have the opportunity to enter the best higher military and civilian educational institutions.

Additional education

At the school additional education accompanied by general development programs in the following areas:

  1. Military-patriotic orientations: “Junior Commander School”, “Bullet Shooting”, “Army Hand-to-Hand Combat”, instill patriotism in cadets and contribute to personal development.
  2. Socio-pedagogical: “Young Physicist”, “Workshop on Geometry”, “Literary Living Room”, the school is studying foreign languages- French, German, English, Chinese, as well as the basics of journalism.
  3. Scientific and technical: "Aviation Modelling", "Robotics", "Photo Studio". The main goal of this direction is to acquire modeling and design skills from cadets, develop their technical thinking, and help them manifest their creative potential.
  4. Physical culture and sports: "Skating", "Swimming", "Tennis", " Sports tourism”, “Sambo”. There are teams for such sports: Hockey, Football, Volleyball, Swimming. The purpose of this focus is to improve health, increase efficiency.
  5. Artistic and aesthetic: "Choral singing", "Saxophone Ensemble", "Magic Clay", "Theatre Studio". The goal is to help develop the creative potential of cadets.

Admission rules

First of all, privileged categories of citizens are eligible for admission. A list of these categories can be found on the official website of the school. There is also a list of subjects that must be handed over upon admission. You must have the results of the medical examination with you.