Treaty of friendship and border between the USSR and Germany. A “Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance” was signed between the USSR and China. Together - against imperialism

September 28, 1939 - after 20 days of resistance, the act of surrender of Warsaw was signed, on the same day, as a result of negotiations between the USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs V. M. Molotov and the German Foreign Minister I. von Ribbentrop, the “Treaty of Friendship and Border” was signed between the USSR and Germany." Secret additional protocols to which recorded a new division of the spheres of influence of the Soviet Union and the Third Reich: Lithuania transferred to the Soviet “zone”, and the western lands of Poland were turned into the German General Government, and also coordinated the prevention of “Polish agitation” in the territory of occupied Poland.


Three secret protocols were attached to the agreement - one confidential and two secret. The confidential protocol determined the procedure for the exchange of Soviet and German citizens between both parts of divided Poland, and the secret ones adjusted the zones of Eastern European “spheres of interest” in connection with the division of Poland and the upcoming “special measures on Lithuanian territory to protect the interests of the Soviet side,” and also established the obligations of the parties suppress any “Polish agitation” affecting the interests of the parties.

During the invasion of Poland, the Germans occupied the Lublin Voivodeship and the eastern part of the Warsaw Voivodeship, the territories of which, in accordance with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, were in the sphere of interests of the Soviet Union. In order to compensate the Soviet Union for these losses, a secret protocol was drawn up to this agreement, according to which Lithuania, with the exception of a small territory of the Suwalki region, passed into the sphere of influence of the USSR. This exchange ensured the Soviet Union non-interference by Germany in relations with Lithuania, which resulted in the establishment of the Lithuanian SSR on June 15, 1940.

Treaty of Friendship and Border between the USSR and Germany

The Government of the USSR and the German Government, after the collapse of the former Polish state, consider it exclusively their task to restore peace and order in this territory and provide the people living there with a peaceful existence consistent with their national characteristics. To this end they agreed as follows:
  1. The Government of the USSR and the German Government establish a line as the boundary between mutual state interests on the territory of the former Polish state, which is marked on the attached map and will be described in more detail in the additional protocol.
  2. Both Parties recognize the border of mutual state interests established in Article 1 as final, and eliminate any interference of third powers in this decision.
  3. The necessary state reorganization in the territory west of the line indicated in the article is carried out by the German Government, in the territory east of this line - by the Government of the USSR.
  4. The Government of the USSR and the German Government consider the above restructuring as a reliable foundation for the further development of friendly relations between their peoples.
  5. This treaty is subject to ratification. The exchange of instruments of ratification should take place as soon as possible in Berlin. The agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing. Compiled in two originals, in German and Russian.

Secret additional protocol

The undersigned plenipotentiaries declare the agreement of the Government of Germany and the Government of the USSR as follows:

The secret additional protocol signed on August 23, 1939 should be amended in paragraph 1 to reflect the fact that the territory of the Lithuanian state came into the sphere of influence of the USSR, while, on the other hand, the Lublin Voivodeship and part of the Warsaw Voivodeship came into the sphere of influence Germany (see map attached to the Treaty of Friendship and Borders signed today).

As soon as the Government of the USSR takes special measures on Lithuanian territory to protect its interests, the present German-Lithuanian border, with a view to establishing a natural and simple border description, should be corrected so that the Lithuanian territory located southwest of the line marked on attached map, went to Germany.

The undersigned authorized representatives, upon conclusion of the Treaty of Friendship and Borders, declare their agreement as follows:

Both Parties will not allow any Polish agitation on their territories that affects the territory of the other Party. They will suppress all sources of such agitation in their territories and inform each other about measures taken for this purpose.


As a result of these events, a territory of 196 thousand km² with a population of about 13 million people came under the control of the USSR.

After the German attack on Soviet Union On June 22, 1941, the treaty, like all other Soviet-German treaties, lost force. When concluding the Sikorski-Maiski Agreement on July 30, 1941, the Soviet government recognized the Soviet-German treaties of 1939 as no longer in force in terms of territorial changes in Poland.

about friendship, cooperation and partnership between
Russian Federation and Ukraine

Terminated on April 1, 2019 -
message from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated April 1, 2019

Federal Law of the Russian Federation
dated March 2, 1999 N 42-FZ

relying on historically established close ties, relations of friendship and cooperation between the peoples of Russia and Ukraine,

Noting that the Treaty between the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR of November 19, 1990 contributed to the development of good neighborly relations between both states,

reaffirming its obligations arising from the provisions of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and Ukraine on the further development of interstate relations, signed in Dagomys on June 23, 1992,

Considering that strengthening friendly relations, good neighborliness and mutually beneficial cooperation meets the fundamental interests of their peoples and serves the cause of peace and international security,

seeking to give a new quality to these relations and strengthen their legal basis,

determined to ensure the irreversibility and progression of democratic processes in both states,

taking into account the agreements within the Commonwealth of Independent States,

confirming its commitment to the norms international law, first of all, the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and following the obligations undertaken within the framework of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The High Contracting Parties, as friendly, equal and sovereign states, base their relations on mutual respect and trust, strategic partnership and cooperation.

Article 2

The High Contracting Parties, in accordance with the provisions of the UN Charter and the obligations under the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, respect each other's territorial integrity and confirm the inviolability of the borders existing between them.

Article 3

The High Contracting Parties build relations with each other on the basis of the principles of mutual respect, sovereign equality, territorial integrity, inviolability of borders, peaceful settlement of disputes, non-use of force or threat of force, including economic and other means of pressure, the right of peoples to freely decide their own destinies, non-interference in internal affairs, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, cooperation between states, conscientious fulfillment of international obligations, as well as other generally recognized norms of international law.

Article 4

The High Contracting Parties proceed from the fact that good neighborliness and cooperation between them are important factors for increasing stability and security in Europe and throughout the world. They work closely together to strengthen international peace and safety. They are taking the necessary measures to contribute to the process of general disarmament, the creation and strengthening of a system of collective security in Europe, as well as strengthening the peacekeeping role of the UN and increasing the effectiveness of regional security mechanisms.

The Parties make efforts to ensure that the settlement of all controversial issues is carried out exclusively by peaceful means, and cooperate in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and situations affecting their interests.

Article 5

The High Contracting Parties hold regular consultations to ensure further deepening of bilateral relations and exchange of views on multilateral issues of mutual interest. When necessary, they coordinate their positions to carry out coordinated actions.

For these purposes, as agreed between the Parties, regular meetings are held at the highest level. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Parties meet at least twice a year.

Working meetings between representatives of other ministries and departments of the Parties to discuss issues of mutual interest are held as necessary.

The parties may create mixed commissions on a permanent or temporary basis to resolve individual issues in various areas.

Article 6

Each of the High Contracting Parties refrains from participating in or supporting any actions directed against the other High Contracting Party and undertakes not to conclude any agreements with third countries directed against the other Party. Neither Party will also allow its territory to be used to the detriment of the security of the other Party.

Article 7

In the event of a situation arising which, in the opinion of one of the High Contracting Parties, poses a threat to the peace, disrupts the peace or affects the interests of its national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity, it may approach the other High Contracting Party with a proposal to conduct appropriate consultations without delay. The Parties shall exchange relevant information and, if necessary, implement agreed or joint measures to overcome such a situation.

Article 8

The High Contracting Parties are developing their relations in the field of military, military-technical cooperation, ensuring state security, as well as cooperation on border issues, customs, export and immigration control on the basis of separate agreements.

Article 9

The High Contracting Parties, reaffirming their determination to follow the path of reduction of armed forces and weapons, will contribute to the disarmament process and cooperate in the strict implementation of agreements in the field of reductions of armed forces and weapons, including nuclear ones.

Article 10

Each of the High Contracting Parties guarantees the citizens of the other Party the rights and freedoms on the same grounds and to the same extent as its own citizens, except in cases established by the national legislation of the Parties or their international treaties.

Each Party protects, in the prescribed manner, the rights of its citizens living on the territory of the other Party, in accordance with the obligations under the documents of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and other generally recognized principles and norms of international law, agreements within the Commonwealth of Independent States, of which they are members. .

Article 11

The High Contracting Parties shall take on their territory the necessary measures, including the adoption of appropriate legislation, to prevent and suppress any action constituting incitement to violence or violence against individuals or groups of citizens based on national, racial, ethnic or religious intolerance.

Article 12

The High Contracting Parties shall ensure the protection of the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of national minorities on their territory and create conditions for the promotion of this identity.

Each of the High Contracting Parties guarantees the right of persons belonging to national minorities, individually or jointly with other persons belonging to national minorities, to freely express, preserve and develop their ethnic, cultural, linguistic or religious identity and to maintain and develop their culture without prejudice any attempts at assimilation against their will.

The High Contracting Parties guarantee the right of persons belonging to national minorities to fully and effectively exercise and enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms without any discrimination and in conditions of full equality before the law.

The High Contracting Parties will promote the creation of equal opportunities and conditions for studying the Russian language in Ukraine and Ukrainian language V Russian Federation, training of teaching staff for teaching in these languages ​​in educational institutions, provide equal state support for these purposes.

The High Contracting Parties will conclude cooperation agreements on these issues.

Article 13

The High Contracting Parties shall develop equal and mutually beneficial economic cooperation and refrain from actions that could cause economic damage to each other. For these purposes, recognizing the need for the gradual formation and development of a common economic space by creating conditions for the free movement of goods, services, capital and labor, the Parties are taking effective measures to agree on a strategy for implementing economic reforms, deepening economic integration on the basis of mutual benefit, and harmonizing economic legislation .

The High Contracting Parties will ensure a wide exchange of economic information and access to it for enterprises, entrepreneurs and scientists of both Parties.

The parties will strive to harmonize their financial, monetary, budget, currency, investment, price, tax, trade and economic, as well as customs policies, to create equal opportunities and guarantees for business entities, and will promote the formation and development of direct economic and trade relations at all levels, specialization and cooperation of technologically related industries, enterprises, associations, corporations, banks, manufacturers and consumers of products.

The High Contracting Parties will contribute to the preservation and development, on a mutually beneficial basis, of industrial and scientific-technical cooperation between industrial enterprises in the development and production of modern high-tech products, including products for defense needs.

Article 14

The High Contracting Parties will provide favorable conditions for direct trade and other economic relations and cooperation at the level of administrative-territorial units, in accordance with current national legislation, paying special attention to the development of economic relations of border regions.

Article 15

The High Contracting Parties shall provide favorable economic, financial and legal conditions for business and other economic activity enterprises and organizations of the other Party, including stimulation and mutual protection of their investments. The parties will encourage various forms of cooperation and direct ties between economic entities of both states, regardless of their form of ownership.

Article 16

The High Contracting Parties interact in the UN and other international organizations, including economic, financial, support each other in joining international organizations and accession to agreements and conventions to which one of the Parties is not a party.

Article 17

The High Contracting Parties are expanding cooperation in the field of transport, ensuring freedom of transit of persons, goods and vehicles through each other's territories in accordance with generally recognized norms of international law.

Transportation of goods and passengers by rail, air, sea, river and road transport between both Parties and transit through their territories, including operations through sea, river and air ports, railway and road networks, as well as operations through communication lines, main pipelines and electrical networks located on the territory of the other Party are carried out in the manner and on the terms provided for in separate agreements.

Article 18

The High Contracting Parties will cooperate in search and rescue operations, as well as in the investigation of transport emergencies.

Article 19

The High Contracting Parties ensure compliance with the legal regime of state property, property legal entities and citizens of one High Contracting Party located on the territory of another High Contracting Party, in accordance with the legislation of that Party, unless otherwise provided by agreement between the Parties.

The parties proceed from the fact that issues of property relations affecting their interests are subject to settlement on the basis of separate agreements.

Article 20

The High Contracting Parties pay special attention to the development of cooperation in ensuring the functioning of national fuel and energy complexes, transport systems and communication and information systems, promoting the preservation, rational use and development of complexes and unified systems that have developed in these areas.

Article 21

The High Contracting Parties, on the basis of separate agreements, cooperate in the exploration and use of outer space, joint production and development of rocket and space technology on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and in accordance with international law. The High Contracting Parties contribute to the preservation and development of existing cooperation ties between enterprises in the rocket and space industry.

Article 22

The High Contracting Parties will provide mutual assistance in eliminating the resulting emergency situations accidents on communication lines of mutual interest to both Parties, main pipelines, energy systems, communication routes and other objects.

The procedure for interaction during emergency and restoration work is determined by separate agreements.

Article 23

The High Contracting Parties shall cooperate in the fields of education, science and technology, and in the development of research activities, encouraging direct links between their research organizations and the implementation of joint programs and developments, especially in the field of advanced technologies. Issues regarding the use of joint research results obtained during cooperation will be agreed upon on a case-by-case basis through the conclusion of separate agreements.

The parties interact in the field of personnel training, encourage the exchange of specialists, scientists, graduate students, interns and students. They mutually recognize the equivalence of educational documents, academic degrees and academic titles and will conclude a separate agreement on this issue.

The parties exchange scientific and technical information, and also cooperate on the protection of copyright and related rights and other types of intellectual property in accordance with national legislation and the international obligations of their countries in this area.

Article 24

The High Contracting Parties develop cooperation in the fields of culture, literature, art, media, tourism and sports.

The parties interact in the field of preservation, restoration and use of their historical and cultural heritage.

The parties do their utmost to promote the strengthening and expansion of creative exchange and interaction between groups, organizations and associations of workers in literature and art, cinematography, book publishing, archival affairs of their countries, holding traditional days of national cultures, art festivals and exhibitions, tours of creative groups and soloists, exchange of delegations cultural figures and specialists at the state, regional and local levels, organizations of national cultural centers on the territory of their states.

The parties provide state support in the development and implementation of joint programs for the revival and development of the tourism industry, the development of new promising recreational areas, the conservation, restoration and effective use of cultural, historical and religious monuments and objects. Strengthening contacts between sports organizations and clubs, joint holding of interstate sporting events.

The parties jointly develop and implement mutually beneficial programs for the development of the material and technical base of television and radio, including satellite broadcasting, and ensure on a parity basis the organization of television and radio broadcasts in Russia - in the Ukrainian language, in Ukraine - in the Russian language.

The parties will promote the development of contacts between people, political parties and social movements, trade unions, religious organizations and associations, health, sports, tourism and other associations and unions.

The entire range of issues provided for in this article will be the subject of separate agreements.

Article 25

The High Contracting Parties shall cooperate in the field of protection and improvement of environment, prevention of transboundary pollution, rational and resource-saving environmental management, elimination of the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies, contribute to coordinated actions in this area at the regional and global levels, striving to create a comprehensive system of international environmental safety.

The parties proceed from the fact that issues of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety, including the protection and use of ecosystems and resources of the Dnieper River and other transboundary watercourses, actions in environmental emergencies, are subject to regulation on the basis of separate agreements.

Article 26

The High Contracting Parties are cooperating in eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and will conclude a separate agreement on this issue.

Article 27

The High Contracting Parties are developing cooperation in the field of social protection, including social security of citizens. They will enter into special agreements to resolve issues labor relations, employment, social protection, compensation for damage caused by injury or other damage to health associated with industrial accidents, social security for citizens of one Party carrying out labor activity or acquired seniority on the territory of the other Party, and on other issues in this area requiring agreed decisions.

The Parties will ensure the free and timely transfer of pensions, benefits, alimony, funds for compensation for harm caused by injury or other damage to health, and other socially significant payments to citizens of one of the Parties permanently residing or temporarily staying in the territory of the other Party.

Article 28

The High Contracting Parties will cooperate on the restoration of the rights of deported peoples in accordance with agreements within the CIS on a bilateral and multilateral basis.

Article 29

The High Contracting Parties, as Black Sea states, are ready to further develop comprehensive cooperation in saving and preserving the natural environment of the Azov-Black Sea basin, conducting marine and climatological research, using recreational opportunities and natural resources of the Black and Azov Seas, developing shipping and operating sea communications, ports and structures.

Article 30

The High Contracting Parties are aware of the importance of maintaining a technically uniform system for the Russian Federation and Ukraine for the collection, processing, dissemination and use of hydrometeorological information and data on the state of the environment to ensure the interests of the population and national economy and will fully promote the development of cooperation in the field of hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring.

Article 31

The High Contracting Parties pay special attention to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of healthcare and improvement of the sanitary and epidemiological situation, production medicines and medical equipment, training of highly qualified personnel for medical institutions of the Parties.

Article 32

The High Contracting Parties will cooperate in resolving issues related to the regulation of migration processes, including measures to prevent and prevent illegal migration from third countries, for which they will conclude a separate agreement.

Article 33

The High Contracting Parties shall cooperate in the fight against crime, primarily organized crime, terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including criminal acts directed against the safety of maritime navigation, civil aviation and other modes of transport, illicit trafficking in radioactive materials, weapons, and narcotic drugs. and psychotropic substances, smuggling, including the illegal movement across borders of objects of cultural, historical and artistic value.

Article 34

The High Contracting Parties will cooperate in the legal field on the basis of separate agreements.

Article 35

The High Contracting Parties promote the development of contacts and cooperation between parliaments and parliamentarians of both states.

Article 36

This Agreement does not affect the rights and obligations of the High Contracting Parties arising from other international treaties to which they are parties.

Article 37

Disputes regarding the interpretation and application of the provisions of this Treaty shall be settled through consultations and negotiations between the High Contracting Parties.

Article 38

The High Contracting Parties will conclude among themselves other agreements necessary for the implementation of the provisions of this Treaty, as well as agreements in areas of mutual interest.

Article 39

This Treaty is subject to ratification and enters into force on the day of exchange of instruments of ratification*.
* The agreement came into force on April 1, 1999.

From the date of entry into force of this Treaty, the Treaty between the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic of November 19, 1990 ceases to apply.

Article 40

This Agreement is concluded for a period of ten years. It will then be automatically renewed for subsequent periods of ten years unless one of the High Contracting Parties notifies the other High Contracting Party of its desire to terminate it by written notice at least six months before the expiration of the next ten-year period.

Article 41

This Agreement is subject to registration with the Secretariat of the United Nations in accordance with Article 102 of the UN Charter.

Done in Kiev on May 31, 1997, in two copies, each in Russian and Ukrainian, both texts being equally authentic.

Ratified by the Federal Assembly (Federal Law of March 2, 1999 N 42-FZ - “Bulletin of International Treaties”, N 5 for 1999).

The president
Russian Federation
B. Yeltsin

President of Ukraine
L. Kuchma

The text of the document is verified according to:
"Bulletin of International Treaties",
N 7, July 1999

On September 28, 1939, the USSR and Germany entered into an agreement on friendship and borders. It was signed by the German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, who arrived in Moscow on September 27, and on the Soviet side by the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov. Joseph Stalin, the Soviet plenipotentiary representative in Germany A. A. Shkvartsev, and, on the part of the Third Reich, the German ambassador to the USSR Friedrich-Werner von der Schulenburg also took part in the negotiations on the conclusion of a German-Soviet agreement. This agreement consolidated the liquidation of the Polish state and confirmed the previously concluded Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 23, 1939. The agreement was in force until June 22, 1941, when, after the German attack on the USSR, all Soviet-German agreements lost their force.

According to the Treaty of Friendship and Borders, the Soviet and German governments, after the collapse of the former Polish state, considered exclusively as their task the restoration of peace and order in this territory and ensuring the people living there a peaceful existence consistent with their national characteristics.

Several additional protocols were attached to the agreement. The confidential protocol determined the procedure for the exchange of Soviet and German citizens between both parts of the dismembered Poland. Two secret protocols adjusted the zones of “spheres of interest” in Eastern Europe in connection with the division of the Polish state and the upcoming “special measures on Lithuanian territory to protect the interests of the Soviet side” (Lithuania moved into the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union in exchange for Polish lands east of the Vistula, transferred to Germany). The obligations of the parties were also established to suppress any “Polish agitation” affecting the interests of the two powers.

Poland is on the road to destruction

Modern Poles like to call themselves “victims” of two totalitarian regimes – Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. They put an equal sign between them and some even want to put modern Russia account for the occupation, dismemberment and destruction of the Polish state. What is especially vile is that there are their accomplices in Russia who want “punishment” of our Motherland.

However, if you look closely at the Republic of Poland in 1918-1939. (II Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) then one can discover that the Polish state was not an “innocent victim” of the machinations of aggressive neighbors. Since 1918, Warsaw has pursued an active foreign policy aimed at restoring Greater Poland “from sea to sea.” The main direction of Polish expansion was eastern, however, other neighbors also experienced Warsaw's territorial claims. Polish politicians did not prevent the start of a big war in Europe. In fact, Poland was a “hotbed of war”, rocked the “pan-European boat” in every possible way, and did everything to ensure that a world war began. In September 1939, Poland had to pay for the mistakes of previous years and the policies of its government.

Until 1918, the Polish people lived in three empires – Austria-Hungary, Germany and Russia. First world war all three empires were defeated and collapsed. The victorious states of Great Britain, the USA and France allocated territories inhabited by Poles from the fallen powers and connected them with the “Kingdom of Poland”, which received independence from the hands of the Bolsheviks. In the east, the border of Poland was determined by the so-called. "Curzon Lines". The Poles took advantage of the fact that their lands were surrounded by defeated empires and their fragments and captured much more land than they were assigned. So in October 1920, Polish armed forces captured part of Lithuania with the city of Vilna (the historical capital of Lithuania). Germany and the new state of Czechoslovakia also suffered from the Poles. The Entente was forced to recognize these self-seizures.

In the spring of 1920, when the territory of Russia was torn apart Civil War, Polish troops easily captured large territories of Ukraine and Belarus, including Kyiv and Minsk. The Polish leadership, led by Józef Piłsudski, planned to restore the Polish state to the historical borders of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of 1772, with the inclusion of Ukraine (including Donbass), Belarus and Lithuania. Polish elite, after the defeat of Germany and Russia in the First World War. planned to dominate Eastern Europe. The Soviet armies launched a counteroffensive and drove the enemy out of Soviet territories. However, Lenin and Trotsky lost their sense of proportion and were confident in the beginning of the revolution in Poland, turning it into one of socialist republics, gave the order to invade Polish territories proper. Tukhachevsky suffered a serious defeat near Warsaw. According to the Treaty of Riga of 1921, vast lands that were located east of the Curzon Line, with a predominant non-Polish population, were ceded to the Polish state. Poland included Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, the Grodno province, the Volyn province and part of the territories of other provinces of the former Russian Empire. This agreement has already laid a “mine” under the relations between the two countries. Moscow sooner or later had to raise the issue of the return of Ukrainian and Belarusian lands. Warsaw was dissatisfied with the results of the war - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth could not be created within the borders of 1772. Having captured such booty, the Poles in subsequent years pursued a policy of national oppression and colonization of the eastern regions. Lithuanians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Rusyns and Russians became second-class citizens in Poland. Until the very beginning of World War II, this determined consistently bad relations between the USSR and Poland, with Warsaw regularly taking the lead. In particular, in the early 1930s, the USSR had trade agreements with almost all countries in the world, and Poland agreed to conclude such an agreement only in 1939, a few months before its death.

Betrayal of France and external aggression. On March 12, 1938, Germany sent troops into Austria. However, the day before, on March 10, an incident occurred on the Polish-Lithuanian border, a Polish soldier was killed there. Poland rejected Lithuania's proposal to create a joint commission to investigate the incident. An ultimatum was put forward demanding that Poland recognize the ownership of the Vilna region and establish diplomatic relations between the states. This ultimatum was also supported by Germany. A campaign was launched in the Polish press calling for a march on Kaunas, Warsaw began to prepare for the capture of Lithuania. Berlin was ready to support the Polish occupation of Lithuania, declaring that it was only interested in Klaipeda (Memel). The Soviet Union was forced to intervene. The head of the Soviet foreign policy department on March 16 and 18 summoned the Polish ambassador and explained that although there is no military alliance between Lithuania and the USSR, the Union could intervene in the Polish-Lithuanian conflict.

France was an ally of Poland and found itself in a difficult position. Germany captures Austria, and the Poles, in alliance with the Germans, threaten Lithuania. Allied Poland receives the prospect of war with the USSR. Paris invites Warsaw to calm down and help the French in the Austrian issue. However, the Poles reproach the French for not supporting them on the Lithuanian issue. An interesting picture emerges: the Third Reich captures Austria and is preparing to completely collapse the Versailles system; France is afraid of this and wants to attract the USSR as an ally, which is also looking with alarm at the emergence of a “hotbed of war” in Europe. At this time, Poland, the official ally of France, with the blessing of Germany, is preparing to seize Lithuania. As a result, the issue of allowing Soviet troops through Polish territory in the event of a war over Austria was not resolved positively. Thus, Warsaw allowed Berlin to capture Austria without consequences and weakened France. In fact, the Poles helped commit the first aggression in Europe. Although the simultaneous tough actions of France, the USSR and Poland against the aggressor, which would have been supported by England, could have stopped a future major war.

In the process of destroying Czechoslovakia, Warsaw also played a significant role. Czechoslovakia had a defensive alliance with France directed against Germany (France had the same alliance with Poland). When Berlin laid claim to Prague in 1938, it was in the French interest that the Poles enter into a military alliance with the Czechoslovaks. However, Poland categorically refused to do this. A similar situation would arise in 1939, when Warsaw would withstand strong pressure from Paris and refuse to enter into a military alliance with the Soviet Union.

Further events would show that Warsaw had a predatory interest in Czechoslovakia - the Poles wanted to grab their piece of the spoils from the country that had come under attack. The French entered into a military agreement with the USSR to defend Czechoslovakia from the Germans in 1935. Moreover, Moscow pledged to help Czechoslovakia only if France helped it. In 1938, the Germans demanded that Prague give up part of the territory - an industrially developed, mineral-rich region in the north and north-west of the Czech Republic, the Sudetenland (received its name from the Sudeten Mountains located on its territory). As a result, France, as an ally of Czechoslovakia, in the event of a German attack, had to declare war on the Third Reich and strike at it. At this moment, Paris's ally, Warsaw, tells the French that in this case Poland will remain aloof from the conflict. since it is not Germany that attacks France, but France that attacks Germany. In addition, the Polish government refuses to allow Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia. If the USSR tried to break through Polish territory by force, then in addition to Poland, Romania would also enter the war with the Union (the Poles had a military alliance with the Romanians directed against Russia). By its actions, Warsaw completely deprived France of any motive to defend Czechoslovakia. Paris did not dare to defend Czechoslovakia.

As a result, Warsaw had a hand in the famous Munich Agreement, when Italy, Germany, France and England gave the Sudetenland to Berlin. The Polish military-political elite not only did not support its ally, France, at this difficult moment, but also took a direct part in the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia. On September 21 and 27, at the height of the Sudeten crisis, the Polish government presented the Czechs with an ultimatum to “return” to them the Cieszyn region, where 80 thousand Poles and 120 thousand Czechs lived. In Poland, anti-Czech hysteria was intensified, the process of creating volunteer detachments was underway, which headed to the Czechoslovak border and staged armed provocations. Planes of the Polish Air Force invaded Czechoslovakian airspace. At the same time, the Polish and German military agreed on a line of demarcation of troops in the event of an invasion of Czechoslovakia. On September 30, Warsaw sent Prague a new ultimatum and, at the same time as Hitler’s troops, brought its army into the Cieszyn region. The Czechoslovak government, remaining in international isolation, was forced to cede the Cieszyn region to Poland.

Poland attacked Czechoslovakia completely independently, without the consent of France and England, and even in alliance with Germany. As a result, when talking about the instigators of World War II, one cannot focus only on Germany, Italy and Japan; the Polish Republic is one of the aggressors that started the war in Europe.

Friendship between Nazi Germany and Poland. Before the Nazis came to power in Germany, relations between Berlin and Warsaw were tense (due to the seizure of German lands by the Poles after the First World War). However, when the National Socialists came to power in Germany, the situation changed radically. The Polish elite became a close, although not official, partner of Berlin. The alliance was based on a common hatred of the Soviet regime. Both the Polish elite and the Nazis cherished dreams of “living space” in the East; the vast territories of the USSR were supposed to smooth out the contradictions between the two states.

In 1938, when Poland was preparing to participate in the division of Czechoslovakia, Moscow clearly warned Warsaw that the USSR could take appropriate measures. Warsaw asked Berlin about its attitude to this problem. The Polish ambassador to Germany reported to Warsaw that the Reich would maintain a friendly attitude towards the Polish state in the event of a Polish-Czech conflict. And in the event of a Polish-Soviet conflict, Germany will take a more than friendly position (Berlin hinted at military support in the war between the Polish state and the Soviet Union). At the beginning of 1939, Berlin and Warsaw negotiated cooperation against the USSR. Polish Foreign Minister Jozef Beck informed the German side that Warsaw lays claim to Ukraine and access to the Black Sea.

Poland before the fall. In 1939, Berlin put forward an ultimatum to the Poles - to provide a corridor for the creation of a railway transport line to East Prussia and give Danzig. Poland responds by announcing mobilization. It is clear that in view of such a threat, Poland could use a new strong ally. England and the USSR propose to Poland and Romania to expand the scope of their defensive alliance, directing it to repel the German threat. However, the Polish government categorically refuses. The Polish military-political elite believes that they already have all the trump cards in their hands - an alliance with France and guarantees from England. The Poles are confident that the matter will end only with threats; the Germans will not dare to go to war with a powerful coalition of countries. As a result, Hitler will strike the USSR, not Poland. In the event of a German attack on the USSR, through the Baltic states and Romania, the Polish government was going to implement plans to seize Soviet Ukraine.

At this time, the Soviet Union made enormous efforts to create a military bloc with England and France (Poland's allies) in order to prevent a major war in Europe. The Polish government continued its suicidal course and categorically refused military assistance to the USSR. Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations continued for four months, but did not bring positive results. One of the main reasons for the failure of the negotiations, along with the position of the British government, which pushed Berlin to march to the East, was Warsaw’s reluctance to allow Soviet troops into its territory.

France took a more constructive position - unlike the British, the French could not sit on their islands. The death of the Polish state meant that France no longer had allies in Europe, and she was left alone with Germany. The USSR and France no longer even demanded from Poland a full-fledged military alliance with the Russians. The Polish government was asked to provide only a corridor for the passage of Soviet troops so that they could engage in the fight against the Germans. Warsaw again responded with a categorical refusal. Although the French also dropped the question of the future withdrawal of Soviet troops - they promised to send two French divisions and one British one so that the support would be international. The Soviet government, England and France could provide absolute guarantees for the withdrawal of the Red Army from Polish territory after the end of the conflict.

As a result, Moscow, understanding the desire of Poland and England to provoke a conflict between the USSR and Germany, decided to gain time and agreed to conclude a non-aggression pact with the Germans.

German-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Border between the USSR and Germany

The government of the USSR and the German government, after the collapse of the former Polish state, consider it exclusively their task to restore peace and order in this territory and provide the people living there with a peaceful existence consistent with their national characteristics. To this end they agreed as follows:

Article I

The government of the USSR and the German government establish a line as the boundary between mutual state interests on the territory of the former Polish state, which is marked on the attached map and will be described in more detail in the additional protocol.

Article II

Both Parties recognize the boundary of mutual state interests established in Article I as final and will eliminate any interference by third powers in this decision.

Article III

The necessary state reorganization in the territory west of the line indicated in the article is carried out by the German government, in the territory east of this line - by the USSR Government.

The government of the USSR and the German government consider the above restructuring as a reliable foundation for the further development of friendly relations between their peoples.

This treaty is subject to ratification. The exchange of instruments of ratification should take place as soon as possible in Berlin.

The agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing.

Compiled in two originals, in German and Russian.

For the Government
I. Ribbentrop

By authority
Governments of the USSR
V. Molotov


The Government of the USSR will not create any obstacles in the way of imperial citizens and other persons of German origin living in territories within its sphere of interests if they wish to resettle in Germany or in territories within the German sphere of interests. It agrees that such transfers will be carried out by representatives of the Imperial Government in cooperation with the competent local authorities and that the property rights of the emigrants will be protected.

Similar obligations are assumed by the German Government in relation to persons of Ukrainian or Belarusian origin living in the territories under its jurisdiction.

For the Government
I. Ribbentrop

By authority
Governments of the USSR
V. Molotov

The undersigned plenipotentiaries declare the agreement of the Government of Germany and the Government of the USSR as follows:

The secret additional protocol signed on August 23, 1939 should be corrected in paragraph I, reflecting the fact that the territory of the Lithuanian state became the sphere of interests of the USSR, while, on the other hand, the Lublin Voivodeship and part of the Warsaw Voivodeship became the sphere of interests of Germany (see map attached to the Treaty of Friendship and Borders signed today). As soon as the Government of the USSR takes special measures on Lithuanian territory to protect its interests, the present German-Lithuanian border, in order to establish a natural and simple border description, should be corrected so that the Lithuanian territory located southwest of the line marked on attached map, went to Germany.

For the Government
I. Ribbentrop

By authority
Governments of the USSR
V. Molotov

SECRET ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL (on preventing Polish agitation)

The undersigned plenipotentiaries, upon the conclusion of the German-Russian Treaty of Friendship and Borders, declare their agreement as follows:

Both Parties will not allow any Polish agitation on their territories that affects the territory of the other Party. They will suppress all sources of such agitation in their territories and inform each other about measures taken for this purpose.

For the Government
I. Ribbentrop

By authority
Governments of the USSR
V. Molotov

In the near future, preparations may begin in Kyiv for Ukraine’s withdrawal from the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good Neighborliness with the Russian Federation. The question of its denunciation was raised back in 2014. But then the matter was never completed, fearing that in Russia this might be perceived as a declaration of war.

This document lays the foundations for a long-term strategic partnership between countries in the fields of politics, economics, energy, transport, military-technical cooperation, science, culture, education, information, healthcare and other areas. The very existence of this agreement guarantees the existence of a foundation for the revival of bilateral relations. However, Kyiv does not seem to intend to normalize them.

In addition to the denunciation of the Friendship Treaty, Ukraine is threatening to take another step that is not the most neighborly - to introduce a visa regime with our country. It can begin to act in as little as six months. The Rada intends to begin discussing the issue this week.

Earlier, a representative of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Maryana Betsa, said that the Foreign Ministry would be ready to introduce such a regime if an appropriate political decision was made. “But we need to take a very measured and balanced approach to our strategy regarding the visa regime with Russia, taking into account some facts,” she said.

Among these facts, for example, is that there are about four million Ukrainian citizens in our country.

Vladimir Oleynik, a Ukrainian politician and manager, told Pravda.Ru what awaits the relationship between the two countries.

- There is an opinion that things are heading towards an actual declaration of war. Do you agree?

If we talk about the war as a war, not informational, not economic, but armed, then this order existed from the very beginning: to start a war with Russia. But the main thing is that the Ukrainian people do not want to fight. But this is no longer a joke when there were seven waves of mobilization. But notice how it happens in practice: mobilization is announced, and a significant part of the conscripts flee to the territory of the aggressor country, hiding from conscription. The most surprising thing is that most of them are fleeing not only from Eastern, but also from Western Ukraine. Some temporarily, to earn money, but not to go to war.

But it is clear: the Ukrainian people do not want to fight. He understands that the war is unjust. It would be fair if children, relatives of Poroshenko, Groysman, and deputies participated in this war and incited it. Therefore there will be no big war. But there will be corresponding manipulations in order to continue shelling and broadcast calls to the West: “Give us money for this.” And so on.

Regarding the visa regime. Firstly, this music was again ordered from outside. “Guys, we give you visa-free travel, and you also owe us for it,” this is their reasoning. This can actually be perceived as a response to the visa-free regime with Europe, albeit under greater conditions.

If a visa regime is introduced with Russia, this will mean that mirror consequences could actually follow, and this will seriously complicate the work of those people who work in Russia. About 4 million work, work illegally, but earn serious resources. They are serious investors for Ukraine. Somewhere around three billion dollars, according to experts, come to Ukraine every year from migrants from Russia. Ban money transfers will terribly harm the economy, but this is not the task of Poroshenko’s gang today. The main question for them is very specific: how to maintain power? We need constant conflicts.

What will happen if Ukraine withdraws from the fundamental Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good Neighborliness with the Russian Federation?

Based on that 20-year-old agreement, we actually implemented many good projects, but many were not implemented. But this is a different problem. Now it is necessary to take into account new realities, without this it is no longer possible. Therefore, a change of power is needed, and after that the conclusion of a new agreement.

You see, it is impossible to move Russia away on the map. No one can do this. For me and for millions of my compatriots, Russians are a friendly people, the closest, and for some who are aggressive, they are neighbors, but where will you put them? How do you build relationships with your neighbors? Making friends and reaching agreements is inevitable, but how else? And many benefits - both social and economic - can be derived from this approach. Where can you get away from family ties, from friendly relations between people, from public diplomacy that exists?

But the West needs Ukraine for something else. At their instigation, those who are in power in Kyiv now are waging war against their own people. Against our own national interests. And why? To serve other people's national interests. So: we need to understand what the essence of this power is. This is power from the devil, it does not profess Christian ideology: unite, love your neighbor. It's the other way around: separate, conflict. And then comes, as we know, “divide and conquer.”

I am sure that the decision to apply for a visa to Russia will be approved by some, and opposed by the majority. But they don’t care: the main thing is that there is conflict. Renaming Vatutin Avenue to Shukhevych Avenue, how's that? It’s better to rename the avenue after Adolf Hitler, but let’s be more specific. They understand that a conflict will arise between those who object and those who support. That's the goal. Society must constantly be kept in conflict. We need another government that will say: let’s unite, let’s conduct a preliminary survey, a referendum, maybe take into account the opinion of the population on some issues.

Therefore, I can further predict the exit from big treaty, and there will be no declaration of war de jure, de facto. And de jure they can declare war. We are already close today. What is an aggressor country? This is the country with which you are in conflict. But in the original such a conflict. Poroshenko works this way, paid a billion rubles to the Russian budget, and he fights.

Sooner or later, the authorities will be swept away, but since all ties with Russia have been severed as much as possible, it will be more difficult for those who come to replace them to restore relations. So?

The locomotive of hatred that they began to move in world politics in 2014 requires a spark. That's why they constantly throw things in there that divide people. They are now complicating the situation, tormenting the people with conflicts so that they don’t ask the main question: what happened in Ukraine, and where is the new life that Poroshenko promised, why? high level corruption? Just not these questions.

Now about another power. I'll tell you: she will come, without a doubt. Let them read philosophy and study world science in general. Sooner or later, any quantity will develop into quality, and this power will disappear. Another one will come. Of course, it will resolve the issue of the conflict in Donbass. It's internal. There will be direct negotiations, without any Minsk. There will definitely be a trip by the next president to Moscow, and then to Brussels, where he will say: “Help us, there is no need to interfere in internal affairs. We will resolve this internal conflict, but today you must reckon with the fact that Russia is our neighbor, and today we are fraternal peoples.” And at one moment all this will happen.

If, for example, I saw that Poroshenko was supported by 84-85% of the population, like Putin, then at least it would be possible to declare a policy in the interests of the majority. But the opposite is true: 86% hate him. And this despite the fact that Poroshenko declares that “the whole of Europe, the whole world is with us.” And in relation to Russia and Putin he says: “The whole of Europe, the whole world is against them.”

According to the latest research from the Institute. Razumkova, only 4% support Poroshenko’s policies. These are the ones who admit that he is moving in the right direction. Everyone else thinks the direction is wrong, and many simply hate Poroshenko.

When a new leader comes, he needs to be told that this whole terrible conflict, which was kindled by the current puppet authorities, is absolutely unnecessary, it brings nothing to Ukraine except poverty, misery, let's develop other relations, normal, human ones. Everything will happen in one minute. Sobering up occurs instantly. Many people are already asking themselves what happened and why. Many people do not want to admit their guilt. I personally recognize it. To some extent, everyone has to say: yes, I am guilty. And start correcting the mistake. And we will fix it.