The most reliable egg-orange diet. Orange menu: how to lose weight on oranges and eggs. How to choose the right foods for your diet

At the same time, without causing a feeling of hunger, which makes it quite simple to implement.

The main product of the egg diet is chicken eggs. Eggs contain a lot of complete protein, good vitamin complex, they have an excellent mineral composition and content of bioregulators. A good advantage of the egg diet is that you can eat citrus fruits and other fruits and vegetables along with eggs. Due to this composition, there is no need to take additional vitamin complexes during the egg diet.

To achieve good results, do not change egg diet menu: follow all recommendations and rules and do not forget about contraindications.

General rules for the egg diet.

  • You must eat 3 times a day, exclude snacks and night meals.
  • Eggs should be soft-boiled without salt (unless otherwise stated).
  • If the quantity of a product is not indicated, it means that it can be eaten in any quantity.
  • We do not add salt or oil to salads.
  • Grapefruit and orange can be swapped.
  • Meat should be cooked without fat, chicken without skin; Lamb and fatty pork should not be eaten.
  • You need to drink a lot: at least 2 liters of water/unsweetened tea.
  • You should start eating with citrus fruits - they cause contraction of the stomach muscles, which temporarily reduces its volume.
  • During the egg diet, an allergy to eggs or citrus fruits may develop, the skin condition may worsen, and weakness and dizziness may appear. Fitness calculator.
  • If you are intolerant to one of the products of the egg diet, as well as during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or in the presence of severe chronic diseases, the egg diet cannot be used. If you are prone to flatulence, you should take into account the likelihood of increased intestinal dysfunction.

Egg diet for 2 weeks.

For two weeks, breakfast on the egg diet should be the same: ½ orange (or grapefruit) and 1-2 eggs. For lunch and dinner, use the table below.

Egg diet menu for 2 weeks:

Reviews about the egg diet lasting 14 days, they say that you can lose 4-7 kg.

Egg diet for 7 days.

Egg diet for 1 week- this is a lighter version and is applicable to anyone who doubts that they will not be able to endure long-term food restrictions. Meat prepared for this menu can be slightly salted.

Egg diet menu for 1 week:

An egg diet for 1 week will not give as great results as a longer option, but it will still allow you to lose 3-4 kg.

Egg diet for 4 weeks.

An egg diet for 4 weeks allows you to lose 8-15 kg. Please note that for weeks 3 and 4, a list and volume of products have been compiled, which are distributed in any order into 3-4 doses.

Egg-orange diet.

Egg-orange diet recipe very simple: in 1 week you are allowed to eat 9 eggs and 6 oranges per day; over the next 2 weeks, raw vegetables, fruits and herbs are added to the menu. You cannot use salt; we drink water in any quantity. Oranges can be replaced with grapefruits.

To speed up the results, use a forced version of the egg-grapefruit diet, lasting 1 week. In this case, the daily portion of food is reduced: take 6 eggs and grapefruits/oranges.

The eggs and oranges diet is perfect for those who need to get rid of extra pounds in a short time. This technique is short-term and quite effective; in four days you can get rid of 4 to 8 kilograms excess weight.

Essence and basic rules

The main components of the diet are oranges and chicken eggs, thus the body receives dietary fiber and protein in large quantities. Citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamins and minerals; they are well absorbed by the body, normalize metabolism and lower the level of bad cholesterol. In addition, the fruit contained in it helps cleanse the body of accumulated harmful substances.

Eggs are fairly high-calorie and filling foods; they satisfy hunger well and provide the body with protein, vitamins and minerals.

In the diet menu, oranges and eggs are important components; you need to eat two eggs and one orange for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Between main meals, eat one citrus fruit and drink a glass of plain water. The daily fluid intake should be at least 7 glasses of water, drink it 30 minutes before meals.

In addition to the above seven-day diet, there is an express method for losing weight, designed for three days. This technique is especially relevant when you need to get rid of 3-4 kilograms in the shortest possible time.

The diet is the same for all three days:

  • For breakfast - a hard-boiled egg and an orange.
  • Lunch on this diet is two eggs and an orange.
  • Dinner - two medium-sized fruits and low-fat kefir (200 ml).

Oranges can be consumed in unlimited quantities during a diet, and the volume of liquid consumed should not be less than 30 ml per kilogram of body weight.

For weight loss to be effective, nutritionists recommend following a number of simple rules:

  • Citrus fruits should not be eaten on an empty stomach; it is advisable to drink a glass of water first.
  • If you have an allergy, orange can be replaced with grapefruit, and chicken eggs with quail.
  • It is advisable to drink only half an hour after eating.
  • The diet can be followed in the absence of metabolic disorders.

In case of allergic reactions to all types of eggs, they can be replaced with dietary chicken meat (breast).

Advantages and disadvantages

The egg-orange diet is effective and quick way weight loss, in which there is no constant feeling of hunger. Oranges provide a feeling of fullness for a long time and saturate the body with essential nutrients. useful components. The main advantage of this technique is the rapid loss of extra pounds., their number directly depends on the initial weight and individual characteristics body. If it is not possible to follow this nutrition plan for a week, you can always go on a three-day express diet.

The disadvantages include the rather meager daily diet, the risk of allergic reactions and digestive problems. In addition, during the diet, deterioration in the functioning of the liver and kidneys is possible.

A diet based on oranges and eggs is contraindicated for people with pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver, pregnant and lactating women, and those with a tendency to allergic reactions.

In contact with

Egg-citrus diet for 7 days: reviews from those who have lost weight

Margarita, 25 years old:

"Excellent result! I lost 5 kilos in a week! I practice this type occasionally, but the diet effectively allows me to quickly get back to normal before important event. This could be, for example, a vacation trip or a family celebration.”

Rodion, 30 years old:

“The diet helped me lose 6 kg. There were doubts that the level of cholesterol in the blood would rise sharply, but the fears were in vain. I was very pleased with the result, although it’s not easy, but the result is worth it.”

Victoria, 32 years old:

“The diet helped me after maternity leave find your previous weight and prepare to go to work. In just a week, I managed to re-wear almost my entire “pre-pregnancy” wardrobe. I plan to practice it again in a few months.”

Nadezhda, 22 years old:

“The diet is strict and complicated. But! Effective and efficient! I easily lost 4 kg in just 1 week. After a week, you won't be happy looking at eggs and citrus fruits, but the euphoria I felt when I stepped on the scale made up for all my suffering."

Arthur, 35 years old:

“I am overweight. My wife persuaded me to try this diet and, as a result, minus 5 kilos in 7 days. In between meals I really wanted to have a snack, so I drank unlimited quantities of clean water to dull the feeling of hunger. The result satisfied my wife and me.”

If you want to lose weight quickly and effectively, then pay close attention to mono-diets. They are good because you don’t have to constantly think about what to cook, because you have to use one product. One of these is the egg-orange diet for 7 days.

Having a solid food framework, it has a short lifespan - only 1 week. In fact, its effectiveness is achieved due to the fact that the amount of carbohydrates in the diet is sharply reduced and the body is forced to start spending its fat reserves.

What is the egg diet

The egg diet is a low-carb diet based on chicken eggs. The 7-day egg diet is designed so that you saturate your body with a huge portion of protein, depriving it of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, and proteins are considered the main building material of the body. The body spends more energy to break down proteins than to digest carbohydrates; besides, by eating low-carb foods, you will save your muscle mass from weight loss. After all, its main task is to get rid of as much fat as possible.

Menu for the week

The diet in this case does not require any special delights or expensive products. You can always find a complete list of products in any, even the most ordinary grocery store. The basis of the diet is chicken eggs - a source of protein and strength. Supplement your diet vegetable fiber, which is found in fresh vegetables and fruits - they will also be present in your diet. The citrus diet joins the egg diet for 7 days. The use of citrus fruits will diversify the menu.

Important: snacking is not allowed! All possible meals should occur strictly in the morning, lunch and evening. This is what the recommended menu will look like if you dare to use the egg diet for 7 days and lose excess weight:

  • 1st day

Dinner: 2 chicken eggs, 1 ripe tomato, green tea- 1 cup.
Dinner: vegetable salad without adding oil ( boiled vegetables- potatoes, beets, carrots), 2 eggs, 1 medium grapefruit, cup of green tea.

  • 2nd day

Breakfast: 1 medium grapefruit or orange, 2 eggs, strong black coffee.
Dinner: 1 medium grapefruit, 2 eggs.
Dinner: a piece of boiled lean meat, fresh salad (cucumber, tomato, celery, lettuce).

  • 3rd day

Breakfast: 1 medium grapefruit, 2 eggs, strong black coffee.
Dinner: stewed spinach, 2 eggs, a cup of green tea.
Dinner: vegetable salad without adding oil (boiled vegetables - beets, carrots, potatoes), 2 eggs, cheese, a cup of green tea without sugar.

  • 4th day

Breakfast: 1 medium grapefruit or orange, 2 eggs, strong black coffee.
Dinner: sea ​​fish fillet (cook using a steamer), vegetable salad without adding oil, a cup of green tea.

  • 5th day

Breakfast: 1 medium grapefruit or orange, 2 eggs, strong black coffee.
Dinner: 2 eggs, stewed spinach, a cup of green tea.
Dinner: sea ​​fish fillet, cabbage, vegetable salad without added oil, black coffee.

  • 6th day

Breakfast: 1 medium grapefruit or orange, 2 eggs, strong black coffee.
Dinner: 2 eggs or boiled chicken fillet, 1 ripe tomato, 1 medium grapefruit.
Dinner: boiled chicken fillet, salad (tomato, cabbage, carrot), 1 cup of black coffee.

  • 7th day

Feel free to repeat the menu of any day you like!

The orange egg diet for 5 days can be used as a shortcut to the diet described, but keep in mind that the result will be somewhat more modest.

Orange is a storehouse of vitamins, including vitamin C, due to which it exhibits powerful antioxidant and anti-stress properties. The fairly low calorie content of the fruit makes it very effective means for weight loss and overall health improvement. A diet based on oranges helps you “throw off excess weight” without feeling hungry or overexerting yourself.


The benefits of the orange diet for weight loss

Orange has many benefits that help fight excess weight. One of these advantages is its relatively low calorie content. 100 g of product contains only 70-90 kcal, and there is no fat at all. Despite the content of carbohydrates in its composition, they are not converted into fat; after consuming it, we do not want to eat for about 2-4 hours (depending on the amount of fruit eaten). This makes this citrus an effective product for snacking, and for weight loss in general.

Another useful quality of oranges is the presence of a large amount of vitamin C in them; one average fruit contains the daily requirement for our body. The vitamin stimulates the cleansing of the body from harmful substances and metabolic products, fights free radicals, preventing earlier aging and the development of serious diseases, including preventing metabolic disorders. In addition, citrus is perfectly absorbed, thanks to which the digestive organs are not overloaded; they can be called a metabolic catalyst, because they activate metabolic processes in organism.

Dietary fiber (or cellulose) of orange has a positive effect on digestion processes and helps cleanse the intestines; moreover, thanks to them, a feeling of fullness is created in our stomach (when they swell), as a result of which our body does not need food for a long time.

It is useful to include oranges in your diet for anyone losing weight, since in addition to all of the above, they are good antidepressants.

During the orange diet, the potassium and sodium contained in the fruits keep the body in good shape and control blood pressure levels. Availability folic acid has a positive effect on the condition of a woman’s skin, which is also necessary during a diet.

Freshly squeezed juice from orange pulp helps reduce the secretion of bile and prevents the development of constipation; thanks to the presence of pectin, it prevents the occurrence of putrefaction processes in the intestines. Another undoubted advantage of this citrus fruit for weight loss is its content of organic acids, which stimulate the burning of accumulated fat.

Video: Orange in Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!”

The diet involves eating orange as the main product for weight loss, but without any special restrictions on the consumption of other products. There are quite a few options for the orange diet; let’s look at the most popular ones.

Orange diet for 5 days, menu

By following the orange diet, you can lose up to three kilograms per week. With this option you can lose weight for three weeks. Moreover, stick to the menu for five days, and on the weekend you can indulge in your favorite foods that were not used during the week (except for sweets). But everything should be done wisely, there is no need to overeat and undo your weekly weight loss results.

Breakfast: one diet bread, one orange, a cup of unsweetened tea, maybe coffee.
Dinner: soft-boiled egg, 200 g of kefir or natural unsweetened yogurt, slices of one citrus fruit, one loaf of bread.
Dinner: one loaf of bread, 2 fresh tomatoes, 2 hard-boiled eggs.

Dinner: diet bread, medium orange, 200 g low-fat kefir or natural yogurt, boiled egg.
Dinner: 150 g of boiled or baked lean beef with one fresh tomato, 200 g of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt without dyes, orange, bread.

Breakfast: one loaf of bread, a large orange, a cup of unsweetened tea, maybe coffee.
Dinner: diet bread, orange pulp of one fruit, 400 g of natural yogurt, boiled egg.
Dinner: 150 g steak, one orange, 200 g natural yoghurt, bread.

Breakfast: one loaf of bread, orange slices of one fruit, a cup of unsweetened tea, maybe coffee.
Dinner: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, fresh cucumber, fresh tomato, diet bread.
Dinner: 150 g of boiled lean beef or veal, green apple, two tomatoes, toast.

Breakfast: one diet bread, a large orange, a cup of unsweetened tea, maybe coffee.
Dinner: 200 g steamed fish fillet, 200 g low-fat kefir, two tomatoes, two lettuce leaves.
Dinner: soft-boiled egg, four lettuce leaves, two tomatoes.

Orange diet for 7 days, menu

This option helps you get rid of up to six kilograms of excess weight.

Dinner: a bunch of greens, a tomato, a slice of black bread, 250 ml of kefir.
Dinner: tomato, 250 ml kefir, orange pulp of one fruit.

Breakfast: orange slices of one fruit, a cup of unsweetened tea.
Dinner: a bunch of greens, a boiled egg, a tomato, a slice of black bread, 250 ml of kefir.
Dinner: tomato, 250 ml kefir, small orange, boiled egg.

Breakfast: one orange, a cup of unsweetened tea.
Dinner: 100 g of boiled lean beef, tomato, 250 ml of kefir, orange slices of one fruit, boiled egg.

Breakfast: orange pulp of one fruit, a cup of unsweetened tea.
Dinner: a bunch of greens, 100 g of boiled lean beef, a tomato, a slice of black bread, 250 ml of kefir.
Dinner: 100 g of boiled lean beef, tomato, 250 ml of kefir, a small orange, boiled egg.

Friday and Saturday– during the day, eat only low-fat cottage cheese (400 g).

Sunday– eat steamed or boiled fish all day, the portions are not large.

From the liquid you can drink without restrictions pure water without gas and green tea without sugar (the more, the better).

Orange diet for 14 days, menu

Breakfast each day of the diet will consist of one medium orange and two boiled eggs.

1 day.
Dinner: 200 g of fruit at your discretion, but always with an orange (except banana).
Dinner: 200 g of boiled lean meat.

Day 2.
Dinner: 200 g boiled chicken fillet.
Dinner: a portion of vegetable salad (except starchy ones (beets, potatoes, etc.)), crackers, medium orange.

Day 3.
Dinner: toast, two fresh tomatoes, 150 g of low-fat hard cheese.
Dinner: 200 g of boiled lean meat.

Day 4
Dinner: 200 g of any fruit of the same type.
Dinner: 200 g boiled lean beef.

Day 5
Dinner: two boiled eggs, boiled or baked vegetables.
Dinner: 200 g of boiled lean meat.

Day 6
Dinner: any fruit.
Dinner: serving of lean meat and grilled vegetables.

Day 7
Dinner: a small piece of boiled chicken fillet, boiled vegetables, a small portion of tomato salad, a large orange.
Dinner: boiled vegetables (except starchy types), one orange.

Day 8
Dinner: boiled meat, 200 g.
Dinner: two hard-boiled eggs, lettuce, one orange.

Day 9
Dinner: any baked meat, 200 g.
Dinner: two boiled eggs and lettuce, one orange.

Day 10
Dinner: a piece chicken breast boiled, a portion of cucumber salad.
Dinner: two boiled eggs and an orange.

Day 11
Dinner: two boiled eggs, 70 g of low-fat hard cheese, boiled vegetables.
Dinner: two boiled eggs, an orange.

Day 12
Dinner: 200 g boiled or steamed fish.
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs.

Day 13
Dinner: 200 g of boiled lean meat, orange.
Dinner: a serving of salad from any fruit.

Day 14
Dinner: salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, boiled vegetables, a piece of grilled chicken fillet and an orange.
Dinner: fruit salad(exclude bananas, grapes, dates).

Egg-orange diet for 5 days, menu

1 day.
Breakfast: 2 tbsp. l. muesli, a cup of unsweetened tea (coffee), a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, a boiled egg, a slice of black bread.
Dinner: a serving of salad from any vegetables with lemon juice, boiled egg, a piece of black bread or diet bread, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
Dinner: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Day 2.
Breakfast: a boiled egg, a cup of green tea without sugar, a cracker or a slice of bread, a glass of freshly squeezed juice or a whole orange.
Dinner: 100 g lean beef, steamed or baked, vegetable salad with lemon juice, a slice of bread and a glass of orange juice.
Dinner: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Day 3.
Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened tea, a hard-boiled egg, a slice of bread, freshly squeezed orange juice (a glass).
Dinner: 150 g of boiled meat, a portion of salad from any vegetables, a small cracker, orange pulp of one fruit.
Dinner: low-fat kefir (glass).

Day 4
Breakfast: two boiled chicken eggs, a cup of tea without sugar, 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a slice of black bread and a glass of orange juice.
Dinner: 150 g of boiled chicken fillet or veal, a serving of vegetable salad, a slice of bread, two small oranges (can be replaced with 200 ml of juice).
Dinner: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Day 5
Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened coffee, two boiled eggs, a piece of black bread, an orange or a glass of orange juice.
Dinner: boiled or steamed fish (150 g), serving vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice, a slice of bread, orange pulp of two small fruits or a glass of juice.
Dinner: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Throughout the diet throughout the day, also remember to drink enough clean water without gas.

Strict apple-orange diet for seven days, menu

This diet option allows you to lose up to four kilograms of weight. During the week you need to eat according to the following scheme:

Lunch: a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice or two whole fruits, one apple.
Dinner: salad of orange slices and apples, natural yogurt and a slice of bread are suitable as a dressing.
Afternoon snack: 2 apples or orange slices of one large fruit.
Dinner: three apples, a piece of black bread, 80 g of hard cheese, a cup of green tea without sugar.

Also try to drink more water throughout the day to actively cleanse your body.

Kefir-orange diet for five days, menu

Breakfast: 200 ml low-fat kefir, a medium-sized orange, a cup of green tea without sugar.
Lunch: 200 ml kefir.
Dinner: 200 g of boiled (steamed or baked) fish or lean meat, 200 ml of low-fat kefir, orange pulp of two medium-sized fruits.
Afternoon snack: orange slices of one fruit, 200 ml low-fat kefir.
Dinner: 200 ml of low-fat kefir and again citrus slices.

You should eat this way for five days. During the day, you can drink clean water without carbon and green tea without sugar in any quantity. In a week of diet, excess weight loss can reach up to four kilograms, it all depends on the initial weight.

Orange diet for three weeks, menu

This version of the orange diet allows you to lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight. It’s very simple, every week you should eat according to the following menu:

1 Week.
During the day you should consume: 1 kg of oranges, 2 boiled eggs, 2 liters of non-carbonated mineral water(and so on for seven days).

Week 2.
The same kilogram of citrus fruits, buckwheat porridge with water and without salt in any quantity, 2 liters of non-carbonated mineral water are given per day (and so on for seven days).

Week 3.
Also eat a kilogram of oranges per day, as well as fresh vegetables and any fruits and in any quantity (can be boiled).

With the right approach, you will consistently lose three kilograms of weight per week. This version of the orange diet is suitable only for absolutely healthy people; it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting it. Well, of course, this applies to any option from the presented diets; if you are allergic to citrus fruits, the orange diet is contraindicated for you.

There is also an orange juice diet, when you do not consume anything other than juice and clean water. Such a diet can be implemented exclusively as a fasting day and only after consultation with a doctor.

Video: Three-week menu.

Contraindications for the orange diet

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including peptic ulcers.
  • Allergy to citrus fruits.
  • Diabetes mellitus of any type.

And we spend our evenings in the gym, giving up our favorite sweets and can no longer look at vegetables and buckwheat. And it's all in vain - overweight stay with us, do not betray or change their usual place. This only says one thing: you are doing everything wrong. It's time to change that!

Egg-orange diet called a protein mono-diet. It has become popular for quite a long time, and all because its results are always pleasing to the eye. You can lose 1 kg in a day of eating this way. And that's just the minimum. But I need to warn you right away: don’t overdo it. Prolonged adherence to this diet leads to, so stay on the diet for up to 2 weeks, no longer. And if you are allergic to the main components, completely abandon the idea of ​​losing weight this way.

Eggs and oranges - a strange but strong tandem

Why is egg considered one of the main products of this diet? Such familiar food is a source of 12 vitamins and protein. When compared with dozens of other products, its calorie content is ridiculously low - 157 kcal per 100 g. Lecithin, which is in abundance in eggs, has a good effect on the functioning of the whole body.

With all this, during this dietary nutrition It is very important to drink plenty of fluids. Nutritionists talk about a volume of 2 liters. It should be normal still water or unsweetened green tea.

Weekly menu


  • Oranges (until saturated) or 150 g of salad with vegetables and herbs, 150 g of boiled chicken breast for lunch.
  • 150 g boiled chicken breast, 2 grapefruit for dinner.


  • Half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
  • 200 g of salad with vegetables and herbs, 150 g of boiled chicken breast for lunch.
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs, grapefruit, 200 g and herbs, toast for dinner.


  • Half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
  • Toast, 1 tomato, 50 g (until full) or 200 g cucumber salad, 150 g boiled chicken breast for lunch.
  • 150 g boiled chicken breast, 2 hard-boiled eggs, grapefruit for dinner.


  • Half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
  • Oranges until saturated or 200 g, 200 g of boiled vegetables for lunch.
  • 200 g of vegetable salad, 150 g of boiled chicken breast, 2 hard-boiled eggs for dinner.

  • Half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs, any boiled vegetable for lunch.
  • 150 g of boiled fish, orange, 150 g of vegetable salad for dinner.


  • Half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
  • Oranges (until saturated) or 150 g of boiled meat, 3 tomatoes for lunch.


  • Half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
  • Orange, 200 g steamed vegetables, 150 g boiled chicken breast for lunch.
  • 200 g of vegetable salad and 150 g of boiled chicken breast for dinner.

Quitting the diet is not necessary. But experts still insist that products that were not included in the list should be introduced gradually. So that the body does not suffer, and the kilograms do not return in the same volume, start the eighth day with a light vegetable soup or porridge. During the first week, choose only lean meats. The results of losing weight will please you and will definitely not disappear. Tell all your friends about the new weight loss option! After all, they also want to show off their dream figure.