Marital status of the man. Should I include personal information on my resume or not? What does marital status tell an employer?

Often when filling out a job seeker's application form, a potential employee has questions about how to enter the data correctly. If information regarding work, education, personal information is entered into labor, then the marital status in the questionnaire raises many questions. The first of them is the correct wording, since there are not always options. Secondly, why does the employer need this data at all, he is not going to marry the applicant.

Long gone are the days when an employee was chosen according to minimum set data about him. Nowadays, applicant questionnaires are such that it seems as if you are taking an exam, rather than filling out a standard form. Such meticulousness is completely justified, since training a new person is always an additional expense that no company wants to bear. If you don’t “filter” candidates at the first stage, then there is a risk that after a couple of months, or even weeks, you will have to train a new person.

Marital status will tell you a lot about things and, first of all, will help you understand how committed a person is. Of course, a guy or girl without any obligations in the form of a spouse can quit more easily than a person with a “trailer”, as family members are often called. On the other hand, if a girl is married and there are no children in the family yet, then she will most likely be refused, since everyone understands that sooner or later she will become pregnant and go on maternity leave.

As for a young company that is going through the formation stage, single workers are more profitable here. This is explained simply, because there is no established system of work yet, after-hours, business trips, etc. are possible. A single person will most likely devote more time to his career, which in this case can only benefit the employer.

What should I include in the application form?

If the question is raised about marital status and there are no options, then for girls it is necessary to indicate: married or unmarried. For young people: single or married.

It happens that the questionnaire is more detailed and there are answer options:

  1. Married
  2. Single, not married.
  3. Widower/widow.
  4. In a civil marriage.
  5. In a relationship.

It is up to the applicant himself to detail his status in such detail or not, since he has the right to indicate the information that he considers necessary. You can skip this question altogether and not answer, but since this field is already there, the employer, among other things, judges the applicant.

Often a dilemma arises about what to write if the marriage is civil, but there are plans to get married. Or single, but the work is serious and family ties are welcome. The main rule is to indicate the truth, or rather, what is noted in the passport. If there is a stamp, it means in a marital relationship; if there is no, it means no.


In fact, modern HR specialists pay a lot of attention not only to the qualifications and skills of a potential employee, but also to his social status, so this point should still be taken carefully. This or that family status can be both a positive and negative aspect for a candidate. It is best to simply provide truthful information and not invent anything.

A correctly written resume is the first step towards finding a job. This is the first, and sometimes the only, glance of an employer or recruitment agency at you, and through your own eyes. Your only chance to succeed is the moment you read it for the first time. As a rule, it takes no more than 2-3 minutes to review a resume. If you couldn’t attract attention, it means your resume didn’t work.

How well your resume is written will determine whether you will be invited for an interview or put aside in the unpromising pile. It is in the resume that you need to short form and clearly explain to the employer or recruitment agency how you differ from the other twenty or even forty competing applicants. Therefore, you need to be as careful as possible when writing your resume. Even if you are not looking for a job yet, you need to start writing your resume, making adjustments to it. You may need it urgently, and in a hurry, it is incredibly difficult to think about and evaluate your merits. In addition, for each new job, it is advisable to create a separate resume, correctly emphasizing exactly those skills and knowledge that are required for this position.

First, some general advice:

  1. Keep in mind that your resume will be read by a person who has never seen you and knows nothing about you. This is practically the only chance for you to get to know each other, so you need to make a favorable impression.
  2. It is best to send your resume by email, fill it out on the website if such an option is provided, or bring it in person. As a last resort, you can send by fax, but keep in mind that poor printing quality on fax paper immediately gives your resume a less than advantageous appearance. We strongly do not recommend sending your resume as a link to your personal page on the Internet. A handwritten version is simply unacceptable.
  3. The paper should be white; it is best to enclose your resume in a file or transparent plastic corner. A photograph is not required for a resume submitted to an enterprise, but it is better to leave a photograph at the recruitment agency - it will not be shown to the employer without your permission.
  4. The font should be clear, not small or large. No exotic options or floridness. The design is purely businesslike. Clear division into sections.
  5. You must indicate the vacancy for which you are applying. The employer needs to name only those positions that are currently required at the enterprise. For a recruitment agency, it is better to first indicate the specific vacancy that you think you are qualified for, then - vacancies that might interest you if they arise in the agency. By doing this, you ensure that you are offered only those vacancies that may interest you.
  6. We recommend that you highlight your last name, first name, and patronymic in bold, large font.
  7. Date of birth and number of completed years.
  8. Be sure to write your contact, home, cell or work phone number. If you are looking for a job in another city or agency from another city, the area code is required. For a recruitment agency, you can indicate all telephone numbers; as a rule, professional consultants, when calling a candidate for service, do not introduce themselves or inform anyone other than you about the purpose of their call, and do not ask to transfer anything, so as not to violate the confidentiality of your relationship. An email address and pager number would be helpful. You can leave the phone number of friends or relatives in case there is no other contact with you.
  9. Home address indicating zip code, city, preferably district. The house and apartment number is required in order to send you a message about the vacancy by mail if your phone numbers have changed and you have not notified the agency in a timely manner.
  10. You must indicate your marital status. The following designations are accepted: married, single, married, single. It is not customary to report civil marriages, divorces, widowhood, etc. Children, if you have any, are named by gender and age, for example, “daughter, 12 years old and son, 7 years old.” If there are no children, this should also be indicated.
  11. Education. You should not write which school you graduated from and with what grades: you may get the impression that you have nothing else to boast about. Next, write the year of admission and graduation from the university and/or technical school, the full name of the institute and/or technical school (you can indicate its abbreviation in brackets) and the city where it is located. Next - the faculty and specialty indicated in your diploma. Form of study: evening, part-time, full-time. Graduate school is described in the same way. Mandatory courses or other forms of advanced training.
  12. Knowledge foreign language. You should not overestimate your level of knowledge of a foreign language: you will have to work; a preliminary check of your level of knowledge by an employer or recruitment agency is possible. The following gradation is usually accepted: entry level, good knowledge, fluency.
  13. Work with computer. If you are not a programmer or an advanced user, we would recommend consulting with knowledgeable people about the correct names of the packages you are working with. You must indicate your knowledge of accounting programs, as well as special programs, for example, graphic editors. It is also necessary to note knowledge of the Internet and ability to use by email, which is not quite the same thing as some people think.
  14. Knowledge of office equipment. Assumes the ability to work with office mini-PBX, copier, and fax. Telex is indicated additionally.
  15. Driver's license, car ownership
  16. Places of work, in reverse chronological order, starting from the last, including part-time work and without registration in the work book. In fact, the employer is only interested in the last 2-3 places of work and a period of no more than 10 years, so they need to be described in more detail: what the enterprise does, the number of employees, your position in the enterprise, the number of your subordinates, in great detail - real job responsibilities. Reasons for dismissal or search new job. You will be asked these questions anyway; it is better to formulate them in advance and briefly state them. It's worse if they take you by surprise.

    Sample: May 1999-April 2001 Chronos LLC, wholesale and retail hours. The company employs 57 people. Senior manager, subordinate to 17 people (sales consultants, wholesale sales managers, storekeepers)...

  17. Reason for dismissal: lack of professional growth
  18. Examples of successes and achievements, such as an increase in sales by: percent, development of a new direction, attracting particularly large clients, conducting successful campaigns, established connections in the regions.
  19. Additional information: anything you would like to convey to describe your personal qualities. As a rule, such qualities as sociability, loyalty, mobility, creativity, balance, lack of conflict, honesty, and high learning ability are indicated.
  20. Possibility or impossibility of business trips and working irregular hours. Only the recruitment agency needs to inform the minimum and desired wages and other restrictions.
  21. Under no circumstances use words whose meaning you do not know for sure or doubt their correct spelling. Either look up a dictionary or consult an expert. A single grammatical mistake can ruin the entire impression of a brilliant resume and overshadow your years of successful work.

The information provided in the resume must be accurate. Don't leave any blank spots on your resume. And most importantly, the resume should be short: no more than one to one and a half pages. Your ability to formulate clearly and concisely is an indicator high level general culture.

How not to write a resume

“My main characteristic is respectability.”

“Personal achievements: married, 1992 Chevrolet.

“Hobbies are donating blood. I’ve already delivered 52 liters.”

"I'm a crazy typist."

“Labor experience: showdowns with clients.”

“Fired because he demanded a pay cut.”

Article provided by Career-Union

The family name is indicated in documents, it is indicated on the job interview when applying for a job, and when registering on many sites, this information is required. How many times can you say the word “married” about a woman?

What is the family camp like?

There will be different types of family life: single, separated, married. The legal side of these terms is clear to everyone, but what it means is a family environment for the employer when hiring, and plenty of food.

What do you say to the family farm that sells robots?

It would have seemed better than anything to get a job in the family line of writing without marriage. However, the absence of a homeland can only be a plus for a person - whose employer wants to spend his days and nights at work. And from the young, unmarried wife, a consistent lanyard is heard: parts of marriage - marriage - maternity leave. And if women are over 35 years old and have not been friends before, then they may not qualify for a job seller - perhaps the reason is the vile character of the worker?

Married women without children are in a difficult situation - they are waiting for a quick start on maternity leave, and they don’t want to hire a woman with a small child, because doctors are allowed to work because of the child’s illness.

A woman who works with a civilian lover is also not a good choice for a robot seller - it is not important to legally register a hundred days, which can indicate instability in the job.

In this way, the ideal candidate is a separated woman from a family with an adult child.

How to change the family status in documents?

Since we already understood that legal registration of transactions is important, then we must remember to complete all formalities. Only the presence of evidence of a lover does not give you the full right to write the charming word “married” when asked about the family relationship. It is necessary to put a badge in your passport.

To change your family name at your passport, you will need to go to the passport office at your place of residence. It’s also important to remember that if you changed your nickname, you’ll have to change your passport.

Zamizhzhya is not a family camp!

Ale documents are documents, but we live not on paper. І shlub – much more, lower notation in the passport. Chuli, melodiously, viraz: marriage is not a family camp, but a medal “For Courage”. You can’t go wrong with this, it’s important not to put a ring on your finger, but to save it for the rest of your life. Women need to have courage and courage in order to be trustworthy in their homeland and preserve love for a long time. But the responsibility for this happiness lies not only on the woman’s tending shoulders, but the help of the squad is also needed here.

Wanting to put everything into perspective, for example, psychologists see a number of types of families.

  1. As we were told, if the responsibility for love is equally distributed among friends, psychologists regard close ones as ideal. The union of comrades-in-arms is long-lasting, because they need superpowers not for self-assertion, but in order to survive in the event that their homeland collapses far away. Such a whore has such a hard job that it does not require constant ordering of the person.
  2. Another type of marriage that often occurs is the old one - one of the friends looks after the other and takes on all his problems. It’s not always the man who plays the role of guardian, and now the ladies are increasingly becoming such a part of the family.
  3. And so, in which friends must try to preserve their independence. They can live secluded and allow their love partners “on the side.”
  4. It’s not so rare that groups meet, in which friends always understand who is the ruler of the matter. Welding on this ground is permanent. Such lovers are rarely long-term, often friends separate without realizing who is responsible for taking the leading position.
  5. Another no less cunning union is bonds, in which friends respect, who are obliged to be entirely alone, without looming rights to the power of life. Here, welding is not uncommon, but the drive for them is jealousy.

As a matter of fact, a short phrase about the family camp, talking about the legal camp is not so rich anymore. So it’s not good to regard all married wives as happy ones and those who got married, and divorced women as unlucky ones.

S hare Filed in: family and wedding


Dyagtereva Irina Stepanovna
Date of birth 11/09/1987 (22 years old)
contact number: 8950647…
Relationship status: Single
Target: position of secretary, administrator
2005 - 2010 St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations of Economics and Law
5th year student of the Faculty of Law

strong>Work experience:
05.2008-10.2009 “Major” company, “Aurore Auto” Nissan salon, office manager

Main responsibilities:
- call distribution
-working with clients, drawing up and maintaining relevant documentation
-work with personnel
— work with correspondence
- compiling statistics and reports

Additional Information:
Speak fluently personal computer as a user
Knowledge of office programs

Personal qualities
High efficiency
Communication skills
Presentable appearance

A comment: It is not clear what computer programs the candidate owns. Low quality photo. It is not clear what the work with the personnel involved. The goal and salary level are not specified.

City: Saint Petersburg
Education: 2 highest
Date of Birth: December 5, 1974
Family status: Married, no children
Contact number: 8-926….
Email:[email protected] experience
Work period: from November 2001 to February 2003
Job title: Specialist of the personal lending department

Job responsibilities:
— Consulting individual clients on lending products (consumer, mortgage, overdraft), conducting negotiations with clients regarding the provision of loans, coordinating lending schemes.

A comment: written anecdotally briefly, sloppily.

There is a feeling of arrogance, rudeness: 2 highest (which is not clear). Without photo

Ponamoreva Elizaveta Viktorovna
Educational institution: Economic University of Astrakhan
Expiration date: June 2001
Faculty: Institute of Theoretical Economics and International Economic Relations
Speciality: world economyCourses and trainings
Course name: Translator in the field of professional communication

Foreign languages ​​and computer skills
English: free
Computer skills: MS office, 1C

Additional Information
Additional information: sociable, responsible, organized, attentive, involved in sports, without bad habits

A comment: Obviously, a template was taken and filled in somehow. Such a person is not used to giving his best, and it shows!

How to write marital status correctly in a questionnaire

Consideration of the family as an integral systemic entity in the process of social adaptation involves the analysis of a number of its structural and functional characteristics, as well as analysis individual characteristics family members. What to write about the social status of the family in the questionnaire.

Do not write anything about your marital status or children in the application form. How to write marital status: single or not married? How to write Russian citizenship correctly in the application form? We figured out how to choose the right photo for a dating site. If the employer is interested in you as an employee, your marital status does not play such an important role. I fill out a form to apply for a Schengen visa on the website of the consulate of one of the European Union countries

Nowadays they don’t call him a widower, he’s divorced. Because when, at the beginning of October, my common-law husband’s father died and I asked for my salary for September, he said that my husband was not my husband, and my father-in-law was not my father-in-law, and all this was not official! But if you look at it, the problem is not so much in marital status or age, but in character traits, in how a woman relates to herself and her lifestyle. How to correctly write divorced or single in marital status? . For example, divorced men do not know what to write in the Marital status column: single or not married? Every working person needs to know how to write an autobiography correctly and what information needs to be included in it. Or The Thinker 6 years ago Civil status, single, single, never married, divorced, if married and divorced. Everyone knows that a good resume is an image made up of pieces of the best qualities and facts

The employment questionnaire should provide the employer with the most complete indicators about the employee’s personality. When describing your financial situation in the questionnaire, it is best to indicate the real state of affairs. Please advise how best to fill out the form. I am not married, I live in a civil marriage, I have a child together, everything is clear about this, but I was married 10 years ago due to my youth, we ran away quickly, I don’t have a certificate of o.

Tags: family, correct, situation, write, how, questionnaire

Order of dismissal for absenteeism sample Contract agreement for repair work with an individual sample

Comments ()

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Yours will be the first!

Single Belonging to an unmarried man or unmarried woman; characteristic of them. My apartment, as you can see, is single, for one person. Goncharov. He starts talking about the boredom of life. Pushkin.

IDLE,-aya, -oe; single, -ah, -oh, single.
Unmarried, not married (about a man). X. man, guy.Already over thirty, but still single. //Joking.
Unmarried or divorced (usually about a woman). Introduce me to someone, I'm a single woman now!
2. only full
Consisting of bachelors. Xth company.
3. only full
Characteristic of an unmarried man or an unmarried woman. X position.Xth life.
4. Okhotn.
Solitary, without a pair (male or female; about animals, birds). H. wolf.X duck.
5. only fullS.-kh.
= Empty. X. bull, horse. //
Unfertilized, without an embryo (about female animals). Xth mare, sow.
Not producing fruit (about plants). Rejection of idle plants.
7. only fullTech.
Not producing useful work, acting without workload. X. pulley, drum.Run at idle speed. //
Carried by transport without cargo. X. run, run.
8. only full
Does not contain bullets, cannonballs, etc.; not combat (about cartridges, charges). X-th cartridges.X. charge. m. (1 digit). Single people have their own habits. Singles; pl. (8 characters). Shoot blanks.

Aya, oh; single 1. Unmarried (about a woman - unmarried; simple). X. man.

2. full f. Characteristic of a bachelor, bachelors. Single life. Idle position. Single company (company of bachelors). 3. full f. About animals: unfertilized (special). Single queens.


idle, single, single, single, single


Idle, celibate, wifeless, familyless, unmarried, lonely, bobyl (f. bobylka), bachelor; virgin. Lonely woman - unmarried, husbandless, maiden, virgin. The celibacy of the Catholic clergy is celibacy. Single life; pre-married life. "Enemies of Hymen." Prot. Married, Family.
See boby L shooting with blanks

Statuses in active search

If you are actively searching for your soulmate and want to find exactly your person as quickly as possible, then it’s time to choose the appropriate status for your page on social networks. Even if you have never written anything yourself or even tried to compose anything, we know how to find the most suitable status. We offer you many statuses that will brightly and colorfully help you talk about your searches, and therefore make them more effective. Don’t be afraid to write and talk about your search for love, because the more people you know, the more chances you have to meet someone. Your guests (especially those of the opposite sex) will see your status, take it as a green light to meet you, and who knows, maybe this is how you will find your destiny. Good luck with your search!

I'm looking for a boy with blue eyes, black eyelashes, a beautiful body, a 3-story house, with a bank account and no mother-in-law)))

On my friend’s page: “Marital status: everything is complicated with My Brains”

Marital status: actively getting rid of the old and unnecessary...

Are you actively searching again?))) finally find me, I'm tired of waiting)))

In her contact, her marital status is not married, and no one has yet seen her actively searching, and all because she simply still loves him...

Not married, but has a friend. But everything is complicated with him, so I’m actively searching!)))

Why is there no marital status in contact: “when I’m drunk, I love everyone”?

Actively searching. What am I looking for? I'm actively looking for another one. With a vanilla-sugar look. Delicate caramel scent. A dazzlingly bright smile. And with a kind heart that will love me. So stupid and strange...

What is it like to be “Actively Searching”? Running down the street, pestering men, asking them to “fall in love with me, please!”

I just love autumn, children’s orbits and I don’t know how to be alone. I will definitely find the shoes of my dreams, the man of my life and myself...

Nowadays it is fashionable to do this painfully: During strong quarrels, remove the joint marital status in contact and put a very low phrase in the active search.

I just came up with it in my spare time... the marital status is “engaged”, but “married”, and my wife has a boyfriend, so “everything is complicated”, but in general I’m “actively searching”.. ahah... life situation. my personal.

In an active search for a charming uncle doctor, or a nice nurse... well, at worst, maybe an orderly with a sense of humor.

I'm sitting dumbly... I'm smoking... I just don’t want to drink... the mood has gone to hell... And I almost forgot! Actively looking…

Man: *search engine, but I found a guy... tall, handsome, kind, sweet, rich, generous...* search engine: *can’t find a lip roller?!*

But I’m not looking for my soul mate... I was born whole!!!

I put it “actively searching” to find my head...

In active search for happiness and love!!! 🙂))

I want to find true love... Who won’t say that everything is fine... But will just hug you and say, even if everything is bad, I’m with you! Who, during a quarrel, will not say sorry, it’s my fault... But he will silently come up and say: stupid, I love you!

Marital status: actively searching. Oh my God, he's actively searching. Good luck honey. Don't get lost!

Stupid phrase “Actively searching.” It’s you running through the streets and shouting: “Where are you, my soul mate?” or you go into a cafe and yell: Hello, and here I am, looking for a guy!

“In contact, her marital status is not married, and no one has yet seen her in active search, and all because she just still loves him...” It was precisely so that no one knew about my love that I put the joint venture “in active search.” ..."

Beautiful girls are not actively searching, we are only unmarried

I want to fall in love….I’m looking for a victim…

New acquaintances... easy flirting... crazy love - what else do you need?!))).

Girls, why every time we change our marital status, we write: “I’m starting my life over!”... gg! =)) let’s write: “one guy has left, we’ll find new ones!”

Why do some people not have a marital status?? Yes, because Durov has not yet come up with the line I run for... or I sleep with...

What is love for us now? Marital status in contact, a bunch of photos in the album “me and my beloved”, a wall painted like “I love you”, comments from friends that you are a great couple, but no one really cares what’s going on there..

Marital status: actively getting rid of everything unnecessary

Marital status: actively searching. Go away, Lord, he is actively searching. Good luck honey. Don't get lost!

I'm looking for beautiful legs... To be taken into good hands :-D

In the search for new relationships, the old ones are already worn out to holes))

Manyakiii! perverted!! I'm ready 😀

“In active search” for brains...

New photos from nightclubs, new girl friends, actively searching, with a daring status... mmm... who are you trying for?

Today at the university I wrote an application for admission... in the marital status column I wrote “actively searching”... PPC this is all contact...

Actively searching, but I have a friend, things are complicated with him, so I’m not married...

Today at the university I wrote an application for admission... in the marital status column I wrote “actively searching”

Why is there no status on VKontakte “in Inactive search”, but only a status “in active search”... You might think that I’m running through the streets and ACTIVELY LOOKING for a guy...

Sometimes you just need a couple warm hands, beloved eyes, tender lips... I really want someone to hold me close, look tenderly into their eyes and gently whisper: “I love you.”

Do you know who I need? The one who won’t ask if he can kiss me, but will just take me and kiss me; the one who won’t ask if he can see me, but will say: “I’m waiting.” Come out!”

Yesterday I went to the doctor and heard from him a terrible diagnosis from which people die... Loneliness... And there is only one cure for it - love... I want to find my love...

VKontakte statuses. , was it really so difficult to make a status or?

In an active search...happiness..

I asked. Saw. Loved it. You walk in, and there’s your marital status, married with three children!)))

And why is there no status “in HYPERactive search”?

Fuck off! I'm actively looking for a JOB

Many guys choose the second half based on the principle of buying a product in a store: “Oh, beautiful packaging, I should try it!” And then they are surprised by “indigestion.”

So you need to look at the composition! Although the “date of manufacture” is also important!)

And out of habit, I click next to the sp... but nothing happens... your station won’t turn on... well, yes, I have an active search..

If I'm actively searching, it doesn't mean that I'm looking for a new relationship, maybe I'm just looking for someone I lost

You, of course, can change your marital status in contact, but you will never change it in your heart...

If I'm actively searching, it doesn't mean that I'm looking for a new relationship, maybe I'm just looking for someone I lost.

In active search, what am I looking for? I'm actively looking for a jerk with a vanilla-sugar look, a delicate caramel smell, a dazzlingly bright smile and a kind heart that will love me. so stupid and strange.

I'm sitting dumbly...

I'm smoking... I just don’t want to drink... the mood has gone to hell... And I almost forgot! Actively looking…

Actively searching... What am I looking for? I'm actively looking for an idiot with a vanilla-sugar look, a delicate caramel smell, a dazzlingly bright smile and a kind heart who will love stupid and strange..

Set a positive status. Active search. Put on a smile. Float on the street. Laugh in the faces of your enemies. And dream... always dream... dreams can come true.

I will buy a green-eyed brunette no older than 88 with all the bells and whistles. Do not offer broken, painted or with a trailer!

Marital status: actively searching. Well, what are you so actively looking for there? here I am!

Beautiful girls are not actively searching, we are only unmarried.

What is it like to be “actively searching”? Running down the street, pestering men, asking “well, fall in love with me, please!”

A young man, without bad habits, is looking for a girl who will teach him these habits!!!

I'm looking for happiness, and Google won't help here...

In active search - this is a mild definition of that period of life when you just fuck with everyone.

Life used to be... couples fight, have rows, sort things out, and then separate, but now it’s enough to change your marital status to “actively searching.”

Why doesn’t my contact have a status in “passive search”? I kind of want to, but I’m too lazy to look :)

Everything is fine with me: I’m unmarried, I don’t have a friend, not everything is complicated for me, I’m not actively searching... I’m just like a cat that lives on its own

He is actively searching... and I continue to suffer and hope that he will return... I probably love him very much.

In active search - this is a mild definition of that period of life when you just fuck with everyone.

Marital status: actively searching. Oh my God, he’s actively searching. Good luck dear, make sure you don’t get lost.

When you apply for a job and write in the marital status column in the application form in an active search, then this is already a sign that you need to close the contact.

Oh, not married?? Then I'm...actively searching!

Marital status: standby)

What is he doing modern girl breaking up with your boyfriend? She frantically thinks about what status to write in the contact so that he will be offended.

Cool and beautiful statuses about love

Beautiful | Wise | For Contact | For Odnoklassniki | For ICQ | Actively looking| For Birthday | For the night | For the morning | About love for a girl | About love for a guy | Sexy | Quotes | Sad | About separation | About sad love | Romantic | Cool | First love | New love| About falling in love | Virtual love | Declarations of love | Short | Wedding | I miss my boyfriend | I miss my girlfriend | For ex-boyfriend| For an ex-girlfriend

Should I include personal information on my resume or not?

The resume standard in the United States and most European countries does not include any personal information or personal data on the resume. However, for Russia and the CIS this is the norm. Moreover, most Russian-language resume templates and application forms on job sites contain the corresponding fields. What to do with personal data? The most popular options that are most often indicated in a CV include the following: gender, age, marital status, presence of children, contact information, hobbies and interests, bad habits, various certificates and skills not related to professional activities. Let’s figure out what kind of information is acceptable to use in a resume.

The easiest way to understand whether it is possible and necessary to indicate certain data in a resume is to ask yourself the question: “Does this information relate to my professional activities and does it characterize me as a specialist suitable for this position?” Most of the personal data most often indicated by candidates on their CV will not pass this test.

However, it's not all that simple. Especially if we talk about the labor market in the Russian Federation. Fields for specifying personal data may be mandatory (for example, in a profile on a job search site), their completion may be expected/required by the employer, and with the right approach, such information can be used to your advantage.

So, let’s look at each type of personal information in order: what can and should be included in a resume, and what exactly should not be used:

1. “Anthropometric parameters”

  • Often, age, date of birth, and gender are indicated on resumes. Like any other personal information, these fields are optional, and you can do without them. However, this data will probably be the most harmless and relevant of all the other personal information in the resume. Firstly, it’s easy to determine them: age by time spent at university or the number of years of work experience, and gender simply by name :)
  • As a result, if the resume template and the employer’s requirements require the presence of data such as gender and age, then of course they should be indicated. But the date of birth will definitely be redundant information.

2. Marital status and children

  • This is the first truly controversial point. Your marital status is only your personal matter; the interviewer does not need to know about it, at least at the resume level. If necessary, a corresponding question will be asked during the interview. For example, if the job involves moving or frequent and long business trips, then the interviewer will talk through the details with you and find out if you have a family and your attitude towards travel.
  • Often this point, just like the previous one, is mandatory in a resume for some reason. In this case, you should limit yourself to such wording as: single\not married, married\married. There is no need to write “divorced”, “widower”, married in 3 marriages”, etc. (and candidates actually indicate this). This will absolutely be unnecessary information for the interviewer; he simply does not need it.

3. Contact information

  • Particular attention should be paid to the names of the mail, Skype login, etc. They should look simple, and most importantly professional. It is best to use different combinations of first and last names, adding numbers or letters if necessary. You should not indicate any strange names like: megatron_2000, MasterOfDotG, sexy-baby66 :) In this case, it is better to create a separate email for job search and indicate it in your resume.
  • 4. Hobbies and interests

    • Indicate in your resume only those hobbies that are relevant to your professional activities and the position in question. There is no need to indicate your hobbies that are not related to work: singing, dancing, knitting, cutting with a jigsaw, etc.
    • If you are a programmer, then it would be absolutely appropriate to give examples of hobbies if they are directly related to software development, for example, participation in hackathons, freelance development, etc. Such things as, for example, participation in beta testing of various startups and new versions of software products are suitable for a tester.
    • Of course, the most universal hobby option for a resume is reading professional literature and constantly studying your field. But if you indicate this, then, firstly, it must correspond to reality and secondly, you need to be prepared to be asked to provide examples of articles, resources, books that you have read and are reading.

    5. Personal qualities

    • This is an optional item on your resume, but if you decide to indicate your qualities and character traits, then in this case they should emphasize the professional in you and correlate with work tasks. You can indicate, for example, that you manage your time effectively, focus on achieving results, or know how to build relationships with people. The main thing to remember is that everything specified in this paragraph of the summary must also be illustrated with practical examples.
    • Don't put things like this on your resume (please don't): kind, empathetic, patient, calm, friendly, sensitive, understanding, humble. Candidates really indicate all this in their resumes and all such qualities have no place there.

    6. Additional skills, knowledge (not related to the vacancy profile)

    • What is meant by this paragraph, what skills and knowledge are meant? Often, candidates indicate as additional information about themselves, for example, that they have a driver’s license, photography certificates, school olympiad and similar interesting artifacts that are not related to professional experience and job search.
    • Of course, it is important to indicate whether you have a driver’s license if you are a candidate for a position, for example, a taxi driver or courier, but for an IT specialist this is unnecessary information. It would be correct to provide information about your professional international certificates, if this is not already reflected in the “education” section. These could be ISTQB, PMI, IIBA, Oracle Certified Associate, etc. certificates.
    • Another emphasis that candidates often make in their resumes is the absence of bad habits and their attitude towards them. Of course, a healthy lifestyle is wonderful, but such things should only be mentioned if this is a really critical point for you and you are not ready to work in a company where there is at least one person who smokes.

    Marital status is an item that interests employers and people around you. Even when registering on some sites, you need to indicate whether you are married. Often, when filling out a resume, you must disclose your marital status. The types of this point are different for representatives of the weak and strong half of humanity. That's why many people get confused when writing a resume, because any mistake can cost them the desired position. For example, divorced men do not know what to write in the “Marital status” column: single or not married? Women can make stupid mistakes too. Let's look at all the nuances of the “marital status” status: types for men and women, documentary and moral subtleties of this item.

    Types of marital status

    On the legal side, there are several types of marital status. Let's look at each of them:

    • Single means that a person has never been married and is not currently in a legal relationship.
    • Divorced means that a person was previously married but is not currently married to anyone.
    • Married - a person is in a legal relationship that is documented.
    • I am in a civil marriage - not an officially legalized marriage, but it means that a man and a woman live together and run a common household. IN Lately civil marriage became especially popular, so this concept was introduced into jurisprudence.

    This is the case with marital status, the types of which we discussed above.

    What is the marital status of men?

    Men have different marital statuses. For example, he may be married, which means that he is legally married. A man can also be unofficially married while in a civil marriage. Another type of marital status for a representative of the stronger half of humanity is single or not married. Many people believe that these two words have different meanings, but in fact from a legal point of view these are just synonyms. They mean that the young man has never been married. There is also the term "widower" which is used to refer to the fact that a man was previously married, but his wife has passed away.

    Now you know what the marital status of representatives of the stronger half of humanity is.

    What is the woman's marital status?

    Women have the same types of marital status as men. So, a representative of the fair half of humanity may be married or unmarried, and she may also be a widow. The meanings of these terms are clear based on the above explanations.

    Is marital status important for an employer?

    Of course, your marital status plays a role when applying for a job. Moreover, having a family can be both a plus and a minus. With young people who have barely turned twenty years old, everything is clear without words: at this time, most people are just graduating from universities and trying to get on their feet. At the same time, many employers are wary of candidates for a position who have not started a family by the age of thirty, because this fact may mean that they have problems in terms of communication. Implementation in the area of ​​relationships for some employers can be a decisive factor in choosing an employee.

    However, the absence of a family means the absence of serious responsibilities and factors that would distract from work. Therefore, many managers prefer that the woman be divorced or single, and the man single. Such people will not be distracted by family responsibilities, which means they will be more effective in the office.

    In general, it is impossible to guess whether your freedom from marriage will be an advantage or, on the contrary, this fact will undermine your reputation. In any case, it is best to write the truth in your resume, because sooner or later a lie will come true. Moreover, first of all, the employer will evaluate your skills and education and only then will begin to pay attention to secondary factors.

    How to change your marital status in your passport?

    If you want to legally legitimize your relationship with your significant other, first of all you need to submit an application to the registry office. After painting, you will be given a marriage certificate. It is worth remembering: in order to get a marriage stamp in your passport, you need to come with a document confirming this fact to the passport office. If your surname changes, a woman’s passport will have to be completely changed.

    During the divorce process, after the official dissolution of the marriage, you need to do the same steps: come to the passport office with a divorce certificate and receive the coveted mark: “single” or “not married.”

    It should be borne in mind that cohabitation in a civil marriage is not documented in any way, because this type of marital status is not considered official.

    Marital status is not only legal status

    As we have seen, in jurisprudence, marital status is important, the types of which you already know. But in fact, psychologists identify other types of marital status that do not depend on the stamp in the passport:

    • An ideal marriage, as understood by relationship experts, is a marriage in which the spouses share both joys and sorrows equally. Responsibility for life together is not transferred to one of the partners, so coexistence becomes comfortable and enjoyable for both.
    • Today, a type of marital situation often occurs in which one of the partners is dependent on the other. At the same time, psychologists note that now women are more inclined to take the reins of power into their own hands than representatives of the stronger half of humanity.
    • A marriage where the spouses constantly “butt heads”, finding out who is boss in the house. On this basis, quarrels constantly arise that prevent partners from enjoying each other’s company.
    • It is also common to find families where husband and wife try too hard to maintain each other's independence. Each of them can live their own interests, and partners are rarely interested in the affairs of their other half. As a result, such an alliance sooner or later collapses.

    As we see, from a psychological point of view, marital status can also be different.


    1. There are two types of official marital status: married or married, single or single. Civil marriage, which is so common today, is not an official type of marital status.
    2. It is extremely important for employers to know whether their potential employee has a family. The “Marital status” column can tell you a lot about a person. However, when writing a resume, you should not lie, because sooner or later the truth will be revealed to the employer.
    3. Being legally married does not mean being a happy person. Psychologists have identified some relationship patterns that show that spouses do not always get along well with each other.