Question to the priest: who is the angel of death? A strong prayer to call upon a guardian angel for help. What are Angel Candles

What questions do people now most often turn to parapsychologists, healers, and healers? Now the most frequently asked questions are: why am I always unlucky? Or: why, after I was given such and such a thing, did various unpleasant stories begin to happen to me? Either you get into an accident, then your money literally disappears from under your nose, then your beloved husband leaves for some ugly woman, then... And so on. Is there damage on me or this thing or some other similar nasty thing?

Then there are questions related to business. Why did a previously well-established business begin to fail? Why do some small and seemingly completely unrelated obstacles completely block all efforts to develop a company, retail outlet, etc.? What needs to be done to break the ring of fatal failures? And in general, where does it make sense to invest money now? Why does everything good in life come with such great difficulty? Why do my children repeat the same fate, although initially they had much more favorable starting conditions both in terms of education and material support? What needs to be done to ensure that success at least somehow corresponds to the efforts expended?

In third place: why did health problems begin? Why can’t doctors, even at great expense, make a clear diagnosis? How to get rid of something incomprehensible that clearly provokes various diseases?

On the fourth are issues related to personal unsettlement, loneliness and love. And then there are the questions: why does one of your loved ones go crazy? Why did long-term good relations suddenly give way to hatred and unjustified aggression? How to help a person come to his senses and get rid of completely idiotic problems?

As my healing experience shows, all of the problems listed above usually arise in people who, for one reason or another, do not have a guardian angel. If anyone thinks that guardian angels are special men with wings who constantly pull people out of idiotic stories for free, then this is a deep mistake. A guardian angel is nothing more than a person’s spiritual connection with the Divine. A connection that allows us to make the right decisions ourselves, behave correctly, raise children with dignity, respect worthy old people and, in general, be people in the full sense of the word.

There are people who are the architects of their own happiness. They have strong intuition - they hear the voice of their guardian angel well, they choose the best paths and succeed in everything. There are people who are greatly influenced by circumstances and the people around them. The slightest breath of wind can ruin their destiny. They need to learn not to let go of the reins of their lives. There are people who want to create their own destiny, but they fail to do so - they do not believe in themselves or in their guardian angel, they do not listen to the voice of intuition, and this also means treating themselves poorly. Such people do everything not in a way that is reasonable and beneficial for themselves, but in a way “as their left leg wants.” They may be lucky for a while, but then luck turns away from them.

In what cases does a person lose his guardian angel? Firstly, unwanted children do not have a guardian angel, those whose birth occurred contrary to the wishes of someone close to them - mother, father, grandfather or grandmother. Such children grow up sickly, are developmentally delayed, study poorly and have conflicts with others. Their adult life always turns out to be full of unnecessary risks and all sorts of troubles. Secondly, the connection with the Divine may be lost or, conversely, strengthened as a result clinical death. In one version, a person’s life becomes unreasonably difficult, and in the other, his psychic abilities. Thirdly, the angel leaves people who have tried to commit suicide or have encroached on someone else's life. This rule does not apply to persons who defended themselves, their loved ones or their homeland from a real threat. Fourthly, those who do not take proper care of their own children or elderly parents often lose an angel. And finally, fifthly, those who serve evil spirits or have renounced the faith of their ancestors and have joined various kinds of aggressive sectarianism that zombify people. The same thing happens when a person receives initiation in the process of mastering black magic and some other so-called “esoteric teachings”.

One day a young woman (let’s call her Marina) approached me. She suddenly began to experience strange attacks of suffocation with numbness of the limbs, fainting and almost complete cardiac arrest. The doctors didn't help. She turned to one magician, he diagnosed it: damage, quickly removed it, everything ended immediately, but... only for a day. Subsequent repeated attempts to remove the damage did not yield anything new - the attacks quickly returned each time... Marina and I began to look at her problem in more detail, and it turned out that she attended an esoteric school, passed the first level there, received initiation, and then abandoned everything: she became mired in everyday problems, began to smoke and drink a lot, and spoke ironically about the Divine Powers. In other words: she left God, lost her guardian angel, and did not serve those Higher Powers to which she swore allegiance - hence her health problems.

Nobody, of course, says that anyone who has completed a healing course or, for example, an esoteric school, should give up everything and purposefully begin to receive patients, devoting his entire life to this. But he is obliged to engage in Magic and healing at the everyday level, helping at least only himself and his loved ones.

I sent Marina to pray in church, and then performed a ceremony on her to return her guardian angel, and after a few days her attacks stopped. Magic is an activity for professionals; amateurism is inappropriate there!

What are the symptoms, signs that a guardian angel has left a person? The person withdraws and does not strive for anyone or anything. The desire to go to school or work, or just go outside, disappears. So-called sociopathy arises. The person deprived of an angel does not want and cannot even talk to someone on the phone, does not answer calls, does not open the door for anyone, then does not leave his apartment, then from his room and, finally, does not get out of bed at all. A person stops keeping his clothes and body clean; he doesn’t even want to wash his face. Regardless of who the one who has lost his heavenly patron says what and how, his speech is understood and accepted distorted. Maybe he even wishes someone well, trying to suggest something, but everything he says is received with hostility. They very rarely say “thank you” to him; those around him get angry, angry, offended, call him a gossip, an envious person, etc.

Besides, for all people. Those who have lost an angel, as if imperceptibly, gradually, their character begins to deteriorate: they become withdrawn (sometimes this is a reaction to the misunderstanding of others), gloomy, dull, the sparkle and life in their eyes disappear, irritability, short temper, distrust, and suspicion appear. They often feel that they are disturbing everyone, complicating life, being a burden, causing a lot of problems for everyone and, first of all, for the people closest to them. This is one of the reasons for the emergence of hatred, anger towards oneself dear person- mother. Often such people get animals, bring in stray cats and dogs, as they remain the only source of warmth, attention, and affection. The absence of an angel isolates a person from all people and sooner or later this leads married people to divorce, and single people to a lack of personal life. All spheres of human activity are gradually being destroyed. Business, studies, careers may be completely destroyed. business relationship. Money from such people does not last long, either it comes with great difficulty, or it is borrowed but never returned. Hard-earned money goes somewhere very quickly: it is either spent on something unknown, or lost, or stolen - material losses up to complete financial collapse.

... Once upon a time there were two sisters - Nadezhda and Svetlana. Fifteen years ago, Svetlana and her husband left for Italy. After some time, they managed to buy their own house - the one they had dreamed of for many years. Nadezhda, who lives with her family in Dnepropetrovsk, asked for a visit. The sister sent them an invitation and the relatives arrived. For two months, Svetlana and her husband entertained the guests as best they could. They showed Italy, bought them beautiful things, and before leaving, at the airport, Nadezhda, instead of gratitude, said: “Well, you fucking capitalists, are you fattening up?!” And she burst into a stream of curses. Svetlana and her husband were shocked, they didn’t even know what to say. An unpleasant feeling followed them for about two weeks, but then, having calmed down, Svetlana called her sister in Dnepropetrovsk. And Nadezhda, hearing her voice, simply hung up...

A month later, Svetlana’s husband had an accident and ended up in the clinic in serious condition. She herself began to be overcome by incomprehensible fears, she practically stopped sleeping, and felt somehow uncomfortable in the house. The business began to fall apart - in general, after the departure of “dear” relatives, something broke in the life of the spouses. After some time, when the husband recovered a little, they went together to one of the remote mountainous regions of Italy, where a famous woman magician lived. She destroyed the energy of Nadezhda’s black envy, sending her a blow back. Gradually, the family's life improved.

What about Nadezhda? A chain of misfortunes began in her life: the house burned down, a medical examination revealed health problems, and she had to go to the hospital. The husband went to live with a young girl. Nadya was fired from a good job and had to become a cleaner in a store... One evening, exhausted, she was walking home from work and sat down on a bench in the park. An old woman in an old-fashioned dress and scarf sat down next to her, looked at her intently and said: “Well, baby, you’ve done a lot of business. The Lord punished you for your evil tongue, so the angel father left you, flew away and is now crying for your sinful soul. Repent, daughter, otherwise it will be as bad as God forbid...” Nadya sat for a while in prostration, then began to sob, gradually understanding. what did she do. And the old woman seemed to have disappeared...

And now Nadezhda is at my reception. I learned this story from her. I admit, I didn’t want to help her right away - after all, she let evil into her life herself. But she sobbed and repented so much that I had to help her. On my advice, she called Italy, and she and her sister had a long, difficult conversation. She sincerely asked for forgiveness from her relatives. Then she began to constantly go to church and repent. Taking a two-week vacation, Nadya went to Crimea, to Toplovsky convent, and there she worked around the house - in the kitchen, in the garden, fetching water, sweeping the yard. I went with the nuns to all services. Arriving home, she took in a stray puppy and now it is the favorite of the whole family. Only after this I performed a ritual to return the guardian angel to God’s servant Nadezhda.

At the very end of the work, she brought me a loaf of bread and a bag of salt. I buried it all in a compost heap in my neighbors' garden. This is what you need to do: take some products, bury them in compost, and in the spring plant pumpkins on that compost. And when the fruits appear and ripen, Nadezhda will have to distribute them to all neighbors and acquaintances with the prayer “Our Father.” Pumpkin is a plant that digests all the evil spirits within itself and turns it into its juices. The payment for a prayed-off soul is always based on someone else’s pain, and it is this pain that must be buried. Pumpkin neutralizes it, and good people with prayer and gratitude they will accept it as good and eat it for their own good.

After a while, Nadezhda’s hair came out and several teeth fell out. But she bravely withstood these tests. And although her husband never returned to her, her health improved, her children went to study at higher educational institutions, and she herself got a better-paying job. Subsequently, Nadya told me that one day before dawn she woke up from the fact that someone seemed to touch her face with a downy feather and she felt the wind blowing, although all the windows were closed. She is firmly convinced that this was her returning guardian angel...

Can a guardian angel return to a person? Yes, if he realizes his mistakes, he will repent of them. Can a person always independently figure out the reasons for the departure of an angel? Usually no - we love ourselves too much to impartially evaluate our own actions. This requires the help of a specialist. But you can try to figure out the situation with the help of a pendulum.

Take a ring without a stone, hang it on a thread, light a church candle and read the “Our Father” three times. Then wrap the ends of the thread of your pendulum around the index finger of your right hand. Place your right hand on your elbow so that the pendulum hangs down towards the table, not reaching about five centimeters. Use your left hand to balance the ring so that it does not move. And then you can ask questions. Such, for example: “Does so-and-so have a guardian angel?”, “Did the guardian angel leave him at that time?”, “Did the guardian angel leave for this reason (name)?”, “To return the angel, you need to do so-and-so?" etc. If the pendulum swings perpendicular to your body - back and forth from you, then the answer is “yes”. If he walks parallel to your body - left - right, then the answer is “no”.

Ritual “Return of the Guardian Angel”

Place three icons on a table covered with a white tablecloth: “Guardian Angel”, “ Holy Mother of God Pokrov", "Mikhail the Archangel". Place a large candle in front of each icon. The window or window must be (!) open.

Read the Lord's Prayer three times. Place white round bread on the table, as well as a small open lock and its key. Place a few pieces of incense in a spoon, heat the incense and burn it over a candle flame. Use a spoon with incense to make crosses over objects lying on the table. Next, read the kontakion, tone 2: “Archistratisi of God, servants of the Divine glory, rulers of angels and mentors of men, ask for what is useful to us, and great mercy, like the Bodiless Archistratisi.”

Take a large white dish without a pattern or border, attach a long candle to it, after greasing it with essential oil, and light it. If it suddenly goes out, then reschedule the ceremony for another day. Sit at the table, take a deep breath and exhale, calm down, put your thoughts in order and say: “Angel of Christ, forgive me, accursed (name), forgive all my sins, come to me and never leave me!”

Next, read the plot three times (do not cross your arms and legs): “Lord, have mercy! Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I, servant of God (name), will stand, praying, crossing myself, on the red corner of my hut with the cross of God in front of the holy icons. I will go from door to door, from gate to gate, along roads traveled and untrodden, on foot and on horseback, guards and meat-eaters. I will go through fields and forests, through meadows and mountains, to the holy Mount Sinai. There is a Holy Monastery, on that monastery the Holy Cross burns with fire in the sun. I will approach the holy monastery and enter God’s temple. In that temple of the Golden Throne, at the throne of God, an angel sits, reads, leafs through the book of Life. I will come closer to the angel of God, bow lower, and pray a fervent prayer. Angel of God, help, cover and protect, save and save me, the servant of God (name), from famine, from creeping reptiles, destruction, from vain death, from a cruel enemy, from a thief, from human slander, from unbearable diseases, from troubles and need, from despondency and despair of the soul, from sorrows and sorrows, from adversity, from thunder, from a knife, from an incident of the cross, from a coward, from a flood, from a fiery blaze, from a deadly ulcer, from slander and quarrels, from carnal passions, mortal sin and torment of the heart. Angel, pray to the Lord for my protection from all misfortunes. May I and my house be preserved by your prayers. I will hamen my work and my word, I will close my work with faith and prayer.”

Take the lock in your hands, bring it to the candle and read: “Lord, help! Holy angel, come to help! Lock my defense, servant of God (name), with forty locks, forty keys from misfortune and divination, from love spells and spells, from famine and flood, from the sorcerer and the sorceress, from the heretic and the heretic, from the fortune teller, from the cards of the gypsy. Appear to me, merciful, holy Angel of the Lord, my guardian, and do not separate from me, who is defiled, but enlighten me with inviolable light, and make me worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen." With the last word, close the lock with the key and then throw the lock into running water, and bury the key in a forest or park deeper into the ground.

Extinguish the candles and light them in the future when your soul is restless. Eat the bread with your family and give the leftovers to the birds. In the future, try never to upset your guardian angel, because he may leave and never return!

And in conclusion, I will quote the words once spoken by Basil the Great. Think about it, they have a great essence: “The angel will not depart from all those who believe in the Lord, unless we drive him away ourselves with bad deeds. Just as smoke drives away bees and stench drives away pigeons, so the guardian of our life, the heavenly angel, is driven away by regrettable and stinking sin. Since every person has a holy angel who takes up arms around those who fear the Lord, sins can become the cause of disaster: the wall, that is, the holy powers that make people invincible while they are with us, will no longer cover us. Every soul left (for falling into evil) without the protection of a guardian angel is given over to be plundered by enemies and trampled upon.”.

  • session of the return of the guardian angel with the participation of Archangel Michael

  • Origin story of Prayer to the Guardian Angel

  • Video Prayer to the Guardian Angel + text of the prayer and audio track of the prayer can be listened to and/or downloaded

  • The history of the origin of the Thankful Prayer to the Guardian Angel

  • A grateful prayer to an angel + audio track of the prayer can be listened to and/or downloaded

  • Download a collection of 35 prayers to the guardian angel for all occasions.

  • Questions and answers

  • Angels are different

  • Documentary and feature films about guardian angels

The origin story of “Prayer to the Guardian Angel.”
It all started with this quote:

What prompted me to investigate this question was precisely this statement by nun Nadezhda Brennar. I thought that why not involve his personal guardian angel in the cleansing of a person and ask him to intensify the work of cleansing and enlightening his ward. This would be especially good for cases with ignorant, unbelieving people who themselves do not want to do anything. This would be a good chance for them to start a new life.
So, I first composed a special prayer to the guardian angel. And we decided to check this topic with one clairvoyant. Moreover, she clearly sees not only dark entities, but also manifestations of light forces: the glow of icons, angels and archangels.

Guardian Angel Return Session with Archangel Michael
For example, I will describe in general outline one session that we observed with a 15-year-old teenager. The teenager was difficult, that is, he had already become involved with some bad campaign, disappeared from home at night and, probably, there was some alcohol and other drugs there. This summer he was also reported to the police for some kind of hooliganism. And this was a relative of the same clairvoyant, so it was convenient to observe him during the remaining days after the session. This teenager was asleep at this time of the session. On the spiritual plane it was very polluted and looked like a smoldering coal. That is, he was very thoroughly polluted, just like a seasoned adult man. It is clear that there was no guardian angel next to him. So, after I read the cleansing session, Archangel Michael appeared and began to work with him. Of course, here you need to understand that this is not the Archangel himself personally, but his energy double. So, Archangel Michael enveloped the entire boy in some kind of silvery light, sparkling like snow. Then he went to the feet and began to pull some black ropes through the feet, or maybe they were snakes. After I read a prayer to the guardian angel... And he also appeared in this room and stood at the head of the sleeping man, put his luminous hands into his head and began to pull out various black things from there. So the two of them worked together for a long time, and we were not able to observe all this until the end of the session. It turns out that this teenager slept for 15 hours straight after this session. Then the next day he had an upset stomach, he ran to the toilet all day, and drowsiness again, again he slept for a long time for several days. In general, as expected, all the signs of a purification crisis appeared. He left the house these days, after this session, much less often. I slept more and more. Looking ahead, about the results in a month. He stopped disappearing from home, as he used to do for whole nights, and one might say, he became a completely homely boy, and all these weeks he experienced an exacerbation of one or another illness. My throat hurt, or something else. That is, his cleansing crisis extended.
P.S. dated November 6, 2016 On the feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” I see this dream about this boy. It’s as if several children aged about 6-7 years old are running up to his mother from the street and vying with each other, shouting: “Your Maxim (name changed) shines brightly, like an angel, we can’t even look at him, it blinds our eyes!” I think that these children were also angels themselves.

In addition, this clairvoyant also said that Archangel Michael also appears through her prayer, but ghostly and unsteady like fog, and through my prayer he appears very dense, like a living person and very bright, in colors. Therefore, the work is really noticeable and fast. His cloak is red, like on the icons. And depending on the situation, he can sometimes hold a sword in his hands, sometimes a spear. That is, it turns out that for each person the same prayer has a very different power of implementation.

But we move on. So that evening, after checking a number of other people, It turns out that many people, including very good ones, do not have a guardian angel nearby. And he does return, but only after diligently reading a special prayer. And sometimes I had to read this prayer several times in a row. Including this clairvoyant herself did not have a guardian angel nearby, although she is a very devout person and constantly reads the evening and morning prayer rules. After our session, the guardian angel returned to her and, in addition, along with the angel, some additional gifts and abilities returned to her, which she saw in the form of a series of images, but about which there is no particular need to expand here now. That is, the removal of the guardian angel automatically limits the person, and with the return, or rather with the approach of the guardian angel, some unusual talents inherent only to him return and are strengthened.

So, we have reliably found out that for many people the guardian angel is weakened and is located at a considerable distance from the person. It turns out that angels begin to leave people somewhere from the age of 12-15 years, when teenagers begin to swear, try to smoke, drink alcohol, try different drugs and go out. In general, by trying on an adult type of behavior, they are already losing their guardian angels.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many people, including even believers, do not have guardian angels nearby. And a holy place is never empty. Instead of retreating angels, demons come in their place and begin to look after him and consistently lead the person in the direction they need. Now imagine that a person died in this state, surrounded by demons and under their control. It is clear that his soul will not go to heaven... Who will let his soul go there if it was captured by demons. His soul will most likely be taken to hell by the same demons that took care of him during his life... Or this soul will wander the earth for many years to come as a restless soul. And the guardian angel, being at a distance, will not be able to provide any significant assistance. And all this was chosen by the man himself, while still alive. This is the meaning of all earthly life - to make a conscious choice between light and darkness, between heaven and hell.

So the question of the timely return of the guardian angel to a person is not at all idle, it is a question of saving his soul.

After observing all this, I realized that many people need such sessions. But who will conduct such sessions? This is how many such specialists need to be trained... And our strength is only enough for a small handful of people. Therefore, I thought that it would be nice to give EVERYONE who wants such a prayer that would allow people to return their guardian angel and significantly strengthen his powers.
At first I thought that I would be composing this prayer in the coming days. But then there was already one line, a verse, a second, and in the end this whole prayer was written that same morning, in just half an hour. Everything happened quickly. In the evening we held this session, I thought about it all night, I was still greatly impressed by everything I saw at the session, and in the morning the prayer was already ready. That is, not even a day has passed.

PS dated October 28, 2017. In October of this year, with the help of singer and composer Lydia Kirillova, we recorded a song based on these verses. You can listen and/or download the song further, just below the text of this prayer itself.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

My guardian angel,
always be with me
my guide
bright star!
My guardian angel,
You are a ray of light in the darkness.
Show your mercy
Come to me today!

Send God's Light,
Show God's love!
My life path,
if necessary, correct it!
Take away from evil and
Direct me to goodness!
To deeds of grace
Inspire and guide!
Where my strength is not enough -
add yours!

So that I can live in Harmony -
In God's Love,
Calm my crazy passions.
Dissolve my grievances and fears!
And the wisdom of God
Always teach!
I have doubts
a ray of illumination came.
AND God's will to me
Make it clear!

My guardian angel,
always be with me
my guide
bright star!
My guardian angel,
You are a ray of light in the darkness.
Show your mercy
Come to me today!

Mikhailov Elisey 09/25/2016


“It is our duty to glorify the Angels: by praising the Creator, they reveal His mercy and favor towards people.” Saint John Chrysostom

Of course, I began to read this prayer every morning along with the morning prayer rule. And it was from the day I wrote this prayer that there was some kind of rapid revival in all my affairs, even in those that had stalled and stood for years. For many projects, unexpected and rather simple solutions immediately came up that could be implemented without special efforts. material costs. Yes, and from this prayer, a hint immediately came that it needed to be separated into a separate project “Return of the Guardian Angel” and many detailed tips came on its implementation.

The origin story of the “Grateful Prayer to the Guardian Angel.”
On October 9 I went to church. Pray for the success of the “Return of the Guardian Angel” projects and another important project started these days. It was just the feast of John the Theologian (aka St. John Chrysostom), the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ. I lit candles at many icons for the success of these projects. After arriving home, I watched several documentaries and feature films about guardian angels until the evening. I also posted them here on the page below. And by the evening of that same Sunday, I had already written down the text of this grateful prayer.

Grateful prayer to the guardian angel

Do you remember…
and I forgot...
When, as a baby,
I played with your white wings
When you rocked me to sleep in the cradle.
I was happy and laughed even in my sleep.

And all thanks to your light
And love poured out on me.
You rejoiced at my first steps
And if I fell
You blew on my scratches
And they healed before our eyes.

I grew up...
And the earthly world
The heavenly world was covered...
And I forgot your white wings
And I forgot you
And thanks to you...

But how many times
you pulled me out
From the claws of death...
And she again
rushed past me
Scorching with its cold...

You carried me out of the fire
And he laid it on the green grass.
And I got up and looked again
adventure and glory.
And I was stupid and young
and thought he was a lucky hero.

And today, when I'm gray
Finally added wisdom,
I want to thank you
For your tireless prayers,
And lullabies
My distant childhood.

Recently in a dream I saw
Your face... and it was scarred.
And we talked about the war...
And only today I realized
that these were my wounds,
which you took upon yourself...

Today I understand
What's the best thing I've done
In this life, I have committed
only thanks to you.
And all the worst in her -
only in spite of you.

I hope to walk with you
The rest of this earthly journey,
and return to God,
to be with you
sing the Glory of the Lord:
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Mikhailov Elisey, 09.10.2016


listen to the audio version of “Prayer of gratitude to the guardian angel” performed by the author to the music of Tsipheus.

Everything that is described in this prayer is not a metaphor for a catchphrase, but reality, including the fact that babies up to 1.5 years old see angels and even play with them. Recently in the summer, a woman sent me a video where you can see some kind of unusual glow moving in the cradle of her baby. She asked what is this? Is it some kind of dark entity or a brownie? I told her that it was obviously an angel playing with the child. And if it were some kind of negative entity, then it is obvious that the child would show fear by crying, screaming, etc., because children are very sensitive to such negative objects. Unfortunately, I have no right to post this video with someone else’s child on the Internet, and the quality of the video is very poor. After this, recently, I also saw a documentary on the Internet about how scientists used instruments to confirm the hypothesis that many children under 1.5 years old see angels. In this experiment, the device recorded the movements of the child's eyeball. And next to the room with the child, an Orthodox priest began to read a prayer to the guardian angel. At first the child simply explored through the priest's eyes. Then, about a couple of minutes after the start of reading the prayer, he seemed to notice in the space next to the priest a new figure, invisible to ordinary eyes, the size of a man, and began to examine this new object with eye movements. At the same time, there were no signs of fear in the child’s behavior, and even on the contrary, he began to smile as if he saw good friend. Please watch this video at 9 minutes of the film.

Documentary film about angels. Watch about the experiment with a child from 9 minutes.

Collection 35 best prayers guardian angels for all occasions

And here it is very important to understand that simply reading such prayers to the guardian angel will not at all solve your problems that have accumulated over years and decades. Because for most people, the guardian angel, due to the great variety of their personal and family sins, is weakened and is now very far from the person, so far only in the role of a powerless observer. And instead of a guardian angel, people themselves have a lot of demons and corruption and curses, most of them acquired as a result of their own sins. And as a result, the aura of many people is too dark, and sometimes even black, so, naturally, all this scares away the guardian angel and forces him to stay at a safe distance. Therefore, before you expect real help from your guardian angel, you need to return him. But for this, your guardian angel must first create at least minimal conditions next to you and a comfortable, sufficiently bright space for him. It is necessary to clearly understand that angels are heavenly beings and they cannot stand the fumes of alcohol and the smell of tobacco, the spirit of debauchery, vulgarity, profit, etc. That is, for the real return of the guardian angel, you need to go through a whole complex of spiritual cleansing of yourself and your home, house, apartment. And become at least a little bit of an angel yourself...
And for this you need to do a whole range of work:

  • Take a cleansing course,
  • At the same time, do not forget to read and. Because without real repentance there is no real cleansing.
  • Get rid of, because many of these things greatly pollute our houses and apartments and do not allow the guardian angel to return. Now a lot of things may seem strange, but everything will become clearer as you read the article and your actual actions to clean your home.
  • For those who were in various kinds of sects and received initiations in occult teachings such as, etc., you need to read additionally. To finally break all ties with these dark cults and gurus.
  • Read. Everyone needs this, even teetotalers. Why will become clear from the article itself.
  • Continue to read the prayers to the guardian angel presented here, or the canonical Orthodox prayers from the prayer book, daily.
  • Regularly. The problem is that usually everything is so neglected that one guardian angel is unlikely to clean up all these Augean stables. Therefore, an additional appeal to a higher angelic rank is needed - Archangel Michael. The same article provides clear examples of how clairvoyants see their personal cleansing with the help of Archangel Michael.

Only after all this will your guardian angel gradually approach you and over time will be able to take an active part in your destiny. Only after all this, your appeal to your guardian angel in the form of prayers or in your own words begins to make sense and be of real benefit.


Can a guardian angel be strong and weak? Hope

Certainly. Each angel is a separate person. Each of them has their own personal experience, your character and your talents. The difference between them can be very significant. Each person is assigned by God his own angel, a guardian according to his Purpose.
The purpose of each soul is known to God even before a person is born. And the greater the significance of a person’s Destination, the stronger the angel assigned to him.
There are not an infinite number of angels. Every angel is accounted for. And it would be inappropriate to appoint a strong angel to an unremarkable ordinary person, and a mediocre angel to some person with an important mission. Why does the average person need a strong angel and how can a person with a weak angel fulfill his important mission? The answer is probably obvious. Therefore, the most powerful angels are assigned to people and with the most important spiritual mission. It happens that some are even assigned 2 angels.
Guardian angels show their power most strongly among saints and ascetics. Since they themselves draw closer to God through their lives, it is quite easy for angels, even the most mediocre ones, to help such people.
How more people lives according to his conscience and according to the commandments of God, the closer he is to God and the closer his guardian angels are to him and can help him more. That is, if a person, having even the weakest guardian angel, tries to live according to God, then in this way he provides his angel with even more opportunities for his help. Than a person who has a strong angel, but at some period of his life, does not live according to his conscience. The more he wallows in sins, the further his guardian angel moves away from him and the moment comes that even a strong angel is unable to help him. Then comes the time of loss, illness and sorrow. And often it is through these sufferings that a person turns and returns to God, and the guardian angel returns to him.
Sorcerers and Satanists, since they have completely moved away from God, have demons, dark entities and devils as assistants instead of guardian angels. Here, too, the cooler the personality, the stronger his demonic retinue.
Ordinary worldly people constantly drift between these extreme poles, entangled in their countless passions and vices. That is, in view of the fact that a worldly person either sins or, on the contrary, atones for his sins, he thus constantly rushes about in a no-man's land between angels and demons. And some days he is closer to the angels, and some days he is closer to the demons. That is, in view of his personal tossing and spiritual instability, he is often in the zone of strong influence of demons, and angels in such conditions are simply not able to provide him with stable assistance. And if he only sins and never prays at all, then he gets stuck even faster in dark zone among the demons.
That is, in other words, guardian angels are always ready to help a person. But by his evil way of life, a person himself leaves the zone of light, where the help of angels is possible, and the further a person goes along this vicious path into darkness, the more he exposes himself to the influence of demons.
With his passions, sins and vices, a person removes angels from himself and brings demons closer. And vice versa: through chastity, prayers and good deeds, a person brings angels closer to himself and drives away demons.
This is the most common, one might say, everyday situation. The young man turned on rock music or, even worse, so-called “rock metal” at home. It is no secret that the musicians of such groups often indulge in drugs, lead a dissolute lifestyle, and many of them are even outright Satanists. What happens as a result? The apartment is filled with disgusting hellish sounds and energies. All conditions for the appearance of demons are ready! The guardian angel moves away and moves away from this lover of metalheads-Satanists and from this house in general, and immediately, right there, the demons appeared. And they didn’t just appear in a house or apartment, they also strive to move into this person, to take over his heart, soul and brain. And when this happens, and this does not take much time, then you have a zombie demon in the flesh, from whom you can expect anything: drug addiction, murder or suicide, etc...
The same thing happens when you turn on a TV show like “Dom-2” or “Battle of Psychics”. People, due to their ignorance, often themselves create the conditions for the appearance of demons and the loss of help from their guardian angels.
But if a person increasingly turns on recordings of prayers and church choirs in the house, then the guardian angel returns, and the demons slowly leave the apartment and the people themselves too. That is, people themselves can create with their very simple actions good conditions to show the help of guardian angels and to disperse and neutralize demonic forces. For example, I often even sleep with the bells on at low volume, and even when leaving home I often leave some akathists performed by the church choir on.

When is a person assigned a guardian angel? Hope

Guardian angels are appointed at a person's baptism. No matter how much a person sins, the guardian angel, even having retreated from him and being far away, nevertheless prays for him and mourns his soul. Sometimes this is how the soul is saved. The person suddenly comes to his senses and begins to return to prayers and the right way of life. But sometimes a person finally sinks to the bottom and even decides to undergo the rite of baptism, which in itself means a complete rejection of Salvation through Jesus Christ and from the guardian angel. In this case, a person completely comes under the power of Satan and receives from him demons, dark entities and devils as assistants. His former guardian angel returns to God and there, as a rule, subsequently receives an assignment to another person being baptized. Of course, the loss of a person entrusted to him also adversely affects the status of the guardian angel himself. If he loses one after another the people God trusts in him, then, of course, he may be quite justifiably removed from such a mission altogether.

I have a feeling that I have a very strong guardian angel... But my son is weak. Since birth, there has already been so much in his life... Is it possible to ask your Guardian Angel to train another Guardian Angel? Hope

How much has happened in life - this in itself does not say anything. How can spiritual power be taught? This is not taught. Spiritual strength is found in real work. They become warriors not at their desks in the academy, but in real battle. For at least a couple of years in a row, read at least the same one every day. This will be a real development of spiritual strength. It was only in fantasy literature that Harry Potter went to a magic academy and after a couple of weeks suddenly became a great wizard. And it’s not for us to teach the angels what and how to do. We first need to simply learn to create normal conditions for them to work. You can return and strengthen your Guardian Angel by cleansing the room and yourself, including with incense and incense. Icons also help, church candles, holy oils and water. For example, before prayer it is good to place a cross in oil on your forehead, wrists and next to your feet. All this together brings the angel closer and significantly strengthens our prayer.

An unexpected continuation of correspondence with Nadezhda after the publication of this article, a week after she received these new prayers. Attention! Here is important information from the world of angels, for this woman turns out to have the gift of clairaudience and receives the angel’s tips not in a dream, but in reality. Also, here is some important information how to distinguish angels from demons , And how to receive answers and tips from your guardian angels .

10.30.2016 Nadezhda, after receiving these new prayers to the guardian angels, continues to ask:

Well, you didn’t write anything about the school. What to do? Last night it was as if someone was calming me down, the voice was straight. So that I don’t worry that everything will be fine. That I don’t need to do anything at all, everything will be resolved by itself. And so on for a long time. Until I calmed down. Or rather, it was even two days. One day I became very worried and asked all the saints and my guardian angel to help. And then, on the second day, he already said why not to worry.
It’s a little uneasy when there’s a voice in your ears at night, and for some reason he called me “you’re a good girl, we’ll help you with all the world.” I said that no one called me that or said anything kind like that and asked why he called me that. The answer was “angels are allowed, you asked for help.” It was nice and then I almost burst into tears, and he kept saying: “don’t cry, everything will be fine,” until I calmed down. Then he told me something else about the future, then he interrupted and said that I should go to bed, but it was time for him, and the rest would come later.... By the way, in his speech he said that we would then go to live in another country, he went over it, then stopped at ...... and said, "when they disconnect ( I removed the name of the country here, this is one of the Western countries) ". There was a slight sensation of either waves or a presence. Although such words were strange: “Calm down, otherwise there will be sparks around the house.” He also said, “Now I will never leave you and I will not give offense to anyone,” he was very indignant at how so I’m sitting without money, I’ve done so much and I’m sitting like this alone. It’s strange to me that there were similar voices before. So I stopped asking for help and wisdom... And the voice was like that. male and female. And what was it? A guardian angel or a magnetic storm. Or did someone sensitive with clairaudience react?
And today is my birthday. Well, suddenly I went into the closet and found some money that I had once set aside to save for winter tires for my car. Not enough for tires, but enough for the basics for a week. Or we drank tea with sugar for our birthday. Present. And an advertisement appeared for a job in my specialty, which happened extremely rarely. With all my abilities, I am in this position...

According to the school, the angel has already told you everything you need. Can I really say more and better than him?
As for work, you can also try on the Internet on services like and there are many such sites. Create accounts everywhere and advertise. I myself have repeatedly ordered various works there, including design for a website and books. There are a lot of articles and videos on this topic, too, on how to start working there. All this can be found, read and adopted. Many people work without leaving home and live only on this and live well... It all depends on you.

Angels by their nature are asexual, that is, they are not born, do not reproduce and do not die, so it is quite normal for an angel to have a voice “between male and female.”
Magnetic storm? And for her to comfort you for 2 nights with the voice of an angel? A storm is essentially a destructive element and noise, chaos and interference. Think for yourself how a storm can comfort and at the same time give some useful tips? This is out of the question.

Or did someone sensitive with clairaudience react?

Why would someone sensitive with clairaudience do all these tricks with you? What could be the motive for spending hours on this? There are not even a dozen such people throughout the country, and why would they engage in stupid pranks? And in general, no pranks last like this for hours...
Apparently, this one was an angel. And the fact that you clearly hear it is your personal ability. Moreover, you said that such situations have already happened before. You read a prayer and asked the angel to come and help. So wonder now. You asked, and he came and helped. Everything is normal and natural. Do not think that in this world there are only demons, demons and dark entities everywhere. This world has everything: both light and darkness... And our task is to choose what we like. That, in a nutshell, is the whole meaning of our earthly existence.
The only difference is that the dark ones come without an invitation, and the light ones always wait for an invitation, this is etiquette. That is why our prayers and clear requests are needed. My clairvoyant assistant Olga Ermakova also quite clearly heard her guardian angel. If you have such an ability, then this is only a big plus for you.
But if you offend your guardian angel with such distrust and suspicion, then he will weaken from this and will not be able to actively help you. It's time to learn to distinguish dark from light. No demon will sit next to you and console, encourage, etc., well, this is not their calling. By their demonic nature, they are not capable of this. And the very presence of dark ones in anyone normal person causes fear, discomfort and other negative feelings. Already from these indirect signs one can quite quickly and clearly determine whether they are light or dark forces.
The saints also actively used information from their guardian angels and this is all normal and natural. How else did they learn many things? They definitely didn’t lay out tarot cards and didn’t go to fortune tellers. This is why God gave us all guardian angels. We also often use tips from guardian angels, and Olga Ermakova and I received a lot of prayers and simple advice and tips through the guardian angels.
The whole tragedy of our people is that they reject and forget the help of their God-given guardian angel, attracting more and more various kinds of damage, demons and dark entities, and moving further and further away from their guardian angel. And when he suddenly speaks to them, people are shocked... It seems like this can’t happen...
It so happened that many angels, due to the sins of people, have moved away from them and cannot actively help them, and thus they seem to have their own ward, but on the other hand they cannot actively work with him, that is, they are forced to be inactive and bored. This is all very bad for us people and for our angels. Because people do not receive proper help from angels and, due to their sins, are in the power of demons, and angels, not being able to actively help people, also do not develop spiritually themselves. For all spiritual development occurs through action, work, and overcoming some obstacles. And since all this does not exist, then there is no spiritual development among our angels either.
Therefore, there are very, very many angels... Literally millions of them are now bored with nothing to do and pray that people will wake up from all this magical dope and finally begin to cooperate with them. Not with magicians and fortune tellers, but with them, God-given guardian angels! And when, finally, a person suddenly has a glimpse of awareness, when he suddenly begins to pray fervently from the heart, calls on a guardian angel, then why doesn’t the guardian angel return to him and begin his work?! They look forward to all this... Sometimes they wait for many years and entire decades... Sometimes they don’t wait at all. And they can only watch from afar... and everyone is languishing with nothing to do... Imagine millions of such brave athletes who sit and languish for years on the bench. A huge ocean of angelic love and energy, talents and possibilities remains unmanifested and unrealized... All this languishes for centuries in the spiritual world and cannot manifest itself in our earthly world, because we, people, ourselves are the main barrier to all this To the flow of Divine Love... The unmanifest energies of all guardian angels in total are quite comparable to the energy of our sun! In the meantime, many angels can only watch with regret from the sidelines as their charges, under the power and protection of demons, commit dark deeds. “This is the judgment, that light has come into the world; but people loved darkness more than light, because their deeds were evil...” John Chrysostom.
So you can only rejoice at your guardian angel... He, unlike many of his colleagues, was not left without work...
Therefore, address all your questions, both about work and about the child, first of all to your guardian angel. It's all completely safe and free. The angel will not ask you for money for this. This is his mission. And the answer will always be much more accurate and useful than that of various types of clairvoyants.
It’s especially good to do this directly before going to bed after the main evening prayer rule. Pray to your guardian angel and ask him a question that worries you. And usually there will be a clue dream that same night. If not, then you repeat everything 2-3 evenings in a row. If not again, it means that this question has not yet matured or is simply formulated incorrectly. You can repeat this request in another couple of weeks or a month if everything is not resolved by then. Sometimes after a series of such requests, the issue seems to gradually begin to be resolved on its own, without any special dreams. Not only the help of an angel works here, but also our subconscious.

Often I wake up and, while still half asleep, I already scroll through in front of me everything that I will write down or do that day. In the morning, immediately after sleep, while the consciousness is somewhere between heaven and earth, it is easier for us to see some new solutions and ideas, and it is easier for the guardian angel to reach us at this time to give his tips. I wrote down some of my poems and songs in this way.

With all my abilities, I am in this position...

All people with unusual abilities go through their crisis situations. This is not all in vain either. It is in difficult times that all potential abilities are revealed. When everything is good, warm and satisfying, then a person does not develop and usually quickly forgets about God. That’s why God doesn’t allow us to relax too much... He sends us one problem and then another. And this is all ultimately for our benefit. Our soul. We all fell, got sick and died. And then they got up again... God returned us so that we could do something good in this world. Olga was in clinical death four times... And I was also close to death many times.

“After going through suffering, sweat and blood, you will understand that Truth is Love!” Mikhailov Elisey

Here is another clear example of how just one “innocent” resort to fortune telling has already led to the fact that her guardian angel was about to leave the girl. It’s good that she saw it in a dream in time and took all measures to correct the crisis situation.

Good day, dear Elisha!
My name is Irina.
Since childhood, I have had some uncontrollable visions, for example, I remember well how I saw the energy of a plant that stood on our tray in a pot. She was negative. I do not know why. I was scared then, I closed my eyes when I opened it, it seemed like an ordinary plant. And there were many such cases throughout my life. I'm already used to my kind of hypersensitivity. Intuitively I looked for people who at least explained to me what was happening. I never found anyone. I always believed and loved Jesus as if he were always right next to me.
But a year ago I had a very painful breakup. And I sank so low that I turned to fortune telling. I even bought a deck. And, of course, I looked for information on the Internet. Looks like she caught something nasty there.
My Guardian Angel came to me in a dream with the words that he was leaving me. In horror, I turned to prayers.
I threw away everything that could even remind me of evil spirits or another religion that was not Christian.
I also “googled “how to return the Guardian Angel” and came to your site.
(Note from E. Mikhailov: Here the girl is referring to my article and prayer.) I downloaded your book “Spiritual Cleansing Course”. I pray a lot. Both canonical prayers and your prayers.
But now I have dreams in which some entity is trying to scare me.
For the first time in my life, I confessed in church. I haven't received communion yet.
I’m turning on the recording of your disc (it’s not possible to buy right now)
Either the string on the cross will come undone, or something else....
I'm desperate for help.
I would be grateful for your attention to my letter and to me.
Sincerely, Irina.

Hello Irina!
Overall, you are doing everything right now. Only work on the book must begin with making talismans, 1 for wearing personally, 4 for your bed, 4 for your apartment.
The essence of the text of the talismans is the renunciation of dark forces. The book in the appendix describes in detail how to make and place them. This way, you will have a security circuit created and entities will stop bothering you.
And of course, you need to take a course in the book, chapter 1, and pay most attention to those prayers to which there is a clear reaction of the body (no matter what: sweat, yawning, coughing, etc.).
And since you yourself were guessing, then of course you must read and
And of course, it would be nice to take a paid course (this is 4 sessions) or at least one session. All course details are here
All the best!


06/21/2016, Rodion
Dear Elisha, hello. Just received two discs of extra material. Everything arrived safe and sound. Thank you very much.
A few words about CD No. 4. One person, in the process of his work as a healer and during the work of the disk, saw how little angels with wings healed and cleansed the space of one apartment. They performed certain manipulations. They also closed a dark small portal in the bathroom, which led to the lower astral worlds and from which negative energy periodically came out. This portal was somehow made by the old residents of the apartment, and not by those who live now. While still doing healing work under the disk, I came to a man mother of God, and another time Jesus came. And They provided assistance in this man’s work, more than once. All this happens in the geographical territory: Spassk-Dalniy - Ussuriysk, Primorsky Territory. I don’t know how much the Primorsky Territory turns to you, but such cases happen to me.
This healer also says that this disc protects well from attacks dark forces. This person will turn on the disk not only during the day, but also from 24-00 to 3-00 hours, every night, since at this time it is very intense negative impact from negative people and a person is forced to defend himself in this way.

Hello, Rodion!
Thanks for the info. Yes, in the process of our healing, Olga Ermakova also saw small angels, no larger than the palm of her hand. And big angels, who at one difficult time for us even protected our windows with their wings.
And at one time, at the very beginning of our healing, there was probably the most difficult situation in the entire time of our work, when whole clouds of dark entities came from another city. And they filled the house and even our entire city. And for some reason all our cleansing methods no longer helped in this situation. Olga then, at the prompting of her guardian angel, prayed to Seraphim of Sarov and immediately, apparently through his prayer, even such gigantic angels (or maybe archangels) came to our aid that they obscured the entire sky above the city. There were several of them. They immediately capitalized all these clouds of dark entities. And then they stayed over our city for 2-3 days. Subsequently, we never observed such large angels anywhere.

Films about guardian angels

Attention! In the documentaries, not everything is the truth in the first instance; in addition, various kinds of psychics are present in fragments, including “Participants in the Battle of Psychics.” What would it be like without them? Nowadays it’s a tradition on our television to include the most popular magicians in every program. So whoever is forewarned is forearmed. I don’t have time to cut something out and edit all these films in a new way, so I’m posting them as they are. See and think for yourself.

Documentary. Sensational confirmation of the help of guardian angels

Documentary film Guardian Angels - who are they?

Feature film "I am Archangel Gabriel"

Feature film "Guardian Angel (2001)"

Feature film "My Boyfriend is an Angel"


Everyone has heard about Guardian Angels; they will avert trouble and tell you what to do in a difficult situation.

Skeptics call people who are patronized by their Angel simply lucky, and tips Guardian Angel non-believers regard it as clean water well-developed intuition.

I will not try to refute anyone’s opinion; after all, I do not have irrefutable facts about the existence of Guardian Angels, but since I do not consider myself a skeptic, my article is intended primarily for people who believe in the presence of in your life such a phenomenon as a Guardian Angel.

In Christianity, a Guardian Angel or good spirit is given to a person by God at Baptism for help and guidance. Such an Angel guided each person along the right path. In some religions it is believed that Guardian Angels can leave a person forever or temporarily. This usually happens when a person deliberately ignores all the signs and warnings that his Angel sends him.

If a person commits a serious act, the Guardian Angel can also leave him. It is also believed that Guardian Angels can change throughout a person’s life. If one Guardian Angel fails to cope with the assigned tasks, he fails to influence a person or direct him in the right direction, another Angel may come to replace him.

Guardian angels never influence other people except their owner. They cannot be asked to interfere in someone else's life. Some people are trying to get in touch with the Angel, looking for literature that will tell them how to do this. This should not be done because, when trying to communicate with your Guardian Angel, you may accidentally open access to other forces that may not always have a positive effect on a person.

If there is such a need, the Guardian Angel himself will find a way to come into contact with you. The path to understanding your Guardian Angel is prayers, good deeds, good emotions.
When a person is constantly in a bad mood, it is difficult for the Guardian Angel to reach him.

The most important task of a guardian angel is the spiritual salvation of a person. If a person leads a godly life, then the guardian angel rejoices and protects the person.
If a person deliberately sins and turns away from God, the guardian angel leaves.

But people, while they are alive, have time to ask the Angel for forgiveness for their mistakes and regain their guardian.
You can do this by regularly turning to your Guardian Angel with the following prayer:

“Do not leave me, Guardian Angel, do not turn away from me for my sins. Do not remember my errors, but accept my repentance.
Turn your holy face to me. Save me from the snares of sin.
Do not let the devil's hunters have me as their prey. Deliver my soul from eternal torment.
I rely on you as an indestructible fortress. You are my refuge and my shelter.
Like a blind man in the dark, I seek your support.
And forgive me, Guardian Angel, my foolish deeds and sins.
You are my hope, for the Lord gave you to me.
And there will never be another protector for me. Amen."

The first thing to know is that when trying to return a pure angel, a Guardian Angel, you need to make a conscious choice between light and darkness. Actually, if the angel has left you, then you have unconsciously already made a choice in the past in favor of your demon and darkness. Now it may be time to reconsider your decision. The Guardian Angel will not return if a person does not have the pure intention of becoming a pure soul and choosing the light, God.
To begin with, we note that angels do not leave without a trace, they only move away from a person at an indefinite distance, and in this case they have little strength or desire to help their ward. Let's identify the reasons why you drove your or your angels away from you. - You generated a lot of impure energies, and few pure ones.

Angels, as pure spirits, exist due to the pure energies of humans. But man feeds with his energies all spiritual entities: both dark and light. If the angel left, it means that you gave most of your energies to unclean spirits.
How did it happen? This happened due to your ignorance. When a person thinks, experiences emotions, feelings, pays his attention to something or someone, it is generally accepted that at this moment in time he gives his energy to the object of his attention.

So, in general terms, pure energies are produced by a person: in prayer, virtue, in expressing love and gratitude to God and all pure spirits, also when you enjoy life, perform godly deeds or joyfully contemplate the beauty of the world.
Unclean energies are produced by a person in moments of despondency, anxiety, fear, anger, aggression, hatred, and when interacting with unclean spirits. And then, when a person sins, curses, scolds God, and most importantly, ceases to rejoice in the fact that he lives.
This is also in general terms. Figuratively speaking, a person raises his angel and demon according to the Tamagotchi principle. I forgot to feed him and he died. And if you feed him regularly, he is healthy, strong, and can fulfill significant requests and fulfill significant desires. Can protect, etc. But it happens that a huge, superior demon, and an angel, driven away from a person, is skinny, weak, and cannot protect.
What to do? - Lose weight for the dark one, feed the light one.

How to return your Guardian Angel:

The easiest way is prayer. The quantity and quality of repetitions is like the number of feedings. Pray more often and sincerely.
Pray to God and the Guardian Angel, thank him if you really want to return him and give him greater strength.
Give your attention and warm feelings to your angels and pure spirits.

To come closer to you, the Guardian Angel needs a corridor of your pure energies, for example, prayers. To be with you as much time as possible, he needs clean energy, just like, for example, you and I need air. There is no air, nothing to breathe - he goes to a more favorable environment for him.

As for pure spirits, they all interact with humans according to the same principles. Your pure energy also serves as gasoline for your Guardian Angel. Therefore, in order for him to hear you and pay attention to you, you need to send him pure energy.
Based on materials from,

It is not necessary to pray every second; you can only bring the light of peace, joy, and kindness into the world.

I bring to your attention several neutral and yet powerful audio prayers to the Guardian Angel. You can simply listen to them, or you can learn the prayers by heart, and then read them yourself out loud or silently.

PS. Believe me, even if your guardian angel left you for a while, then if he hears your prayers and sees all your worthy deeds, he will definitely return to you!
The energy and strength of your Guardian Angel depend on you. If you communicate with him every day, direct your love to him, consult with him, pray for him - he will be strong and bright, a wise mentor and a reliable guardian from all future troubles.

Every morning you should turn to your angel. And you will definitely be successful!

“My angel, my guardian, the patron of my soul, be with me, do not leave me. Lead me along the path of Christ and deliver me from the evil one.”

Or in difficult times. And of course, before an important life event.
You will immediately feel relief come. And very quickly Higher power will send you help. We should not be embarrassed to ask the Higher Powers for help. “I can handle it myself” is a manifestation of pride.

Every evening, with your hands folded over your heart, you need to remember who you were angry with and ask for forgiveness. And thank everyone who did good to you. Thank the angel and ask him to work with you at night in a dream and give you tips: how to live further, what to do so that your wishes come true and your dreams come true.

And may your Guardian Angel always be near!

Everyone has their own conversation with God. Believe it or not, even an atheist! But in moments of troubles or misfortunes, people are similar to each other in terms of helplessness and search for support. Everyone needs support. It is sometimes found in spirituality or, in other words, faith. Let's look at when a person needs a prayer to a guardian angel for help. How to read it correctly? Is she helping?

Who will we ask for help?

Do you imagine an angel? What is he like? It is important. After all, talking about the secret with someone about whom you have no idea is difficult, even moreover, impossible! Will a prayer to a guardian angel for help addressed into emptiness work? Only an echo can return from it, and even that is empty. Surely you understand that we are not talking about getting to know the physical shell of a heavenly inhabitant, especially since no one has ever seen one. An angel lives in your soul. It must be felt. And if you need a visual image, then you are welcome to go to the church to see the icons. There, by the way, a prayer to the guardian angel for help is easier and simpler to pronounce. Try it yourself. But for now about icons. It is recommended to choose your angel by name. Even the unbaptized have a question about which of the faces is associated with your name. Some people have several saints. Then they choose the one whose day falls on the date of birth (or nearby). This is how you can determine your angel. Although some people feel it. They look at the icon and “hear” the answer from it. They talk to this image. It should be understood that there are no restrictions in this case. Maryams or Barbarians are quite allowed to ask for help from any saint they trust.

What can't a guardian angel do?

Now let's figure out what to contact your patron with. Prayer to the guardian angel for help still has some limitations. They are associated, as a rule, with the spiritual bonds of faith. You see, such questions have never arisen before. From childhood, people were raised not only to be believers, but also to be relatively literate in this regard.

Everyone knew the Lord's commandments by heart. Now you can meet citizens who are confident that their enemies must be destroyed by a guardian angel! Prayers to a guardian angel cannot contain aggression, like any appeal to the Lord. When you talk to your heavenly patron, it is like communicating directly with Christ! Is it really possible to demand evil from him for his other beloved children? This is unacceptable. If you want to ask your guardian angel for help, then cool down. You shouldn't talk to him in this state. You'll only be shaking the air in vain. There is still no need to be offended by your patron. And that’s how it happens. A person thinks that a prayer to the guardian angel has been read more than once, ambulance will appear immediately. This doesn't always happen. The patron must be trusted. He knows best how to help you.

What is he doing?

Here it would be good to specify the “competence” of your personal angel. Sometimes people expect too much from him without feeling any gratitude for real support. If you treat this way, your patron will leave you alone. And this is very bad. How does a guardian angel protect you? It is advisable to formulate prayers to the guardian angel positively, but specifically. Believe me, he is always next to you. The patron protects a person, takes him away from unnecessary troubles, prompts and guides. Don't you feel it? So listen. For example, remember your dreams. How many times have they foreshadowed those troubles that later made you so sad and irritated? This is the work of an angel. He vigilantly watches his “master”. Doesn't sleep or get distracted. Its' his job. By the way, some people have several such patrons. An angel always responds to requests with events in life, a chance meeting with the right person, unexpected joy or another, no less exotic way. We need to learn to understand this. Most often, this skill comes with experience. Now we can safely start practicing.

Protective prayers

Prayers to the guardian angel are most often directed against evil forces. You know that there is a lot of injustice in the world. A person can be jinxed or cursed. The angel tries to protect his “master” from such a misfortune. And it is recommended to ask him about this in the following words: “My omnipotent angel! Open up a happy path for me! Protect from passion, from evil spirits and misfortune, from slander and enemy judgment, from sudden grief and illness, from a thief in the night, from bad anger and bad words! Stay with me forever. And the hour of death will come, let the angel stand at the head of the bed! Amen!" These words are believed to give strength and confidence. Pray when you feel unwell or anxious. Words will not only rescue you from the clutches of fear or despondency, but will also help you feel heavenly protection. You know, it would be good to start praying in front of the icon of your saint. This way you will quickly understand what signs he is giving you, realize his reality, and learn to understand.

Prayer for Prosperity

They say that material affairs are accomplished only on earth. However, let's speculate. So you go to work, receive and spend wages. Is she big? If not, why not? Most likely, you got a job in the place you found. But it could have been different. Ask an angel for help. He will push you on the road leading to profit and prosperity. The described case is, of course, a simplification. But this does not mean that turning to a patron is useless. If you want a prayer to your guardian angel to help you with your material well-being, then read it on your birthday. It is believed that at this time the patron is very close. And the text is: “My guardian angel! Go ahead. Sweep away obstacles from my path! So that the enemy runs away with his tail between his legs. So that the family income only grows. Send me a gift of prosperity. Let life become beautiful, protected by your omnipotent power! Amen!" It is appropriate to repeat such words every morning. Remind both yourself and your patron that you strive for a good, righteous life, filled with wonderful emotions and creative deeds.

On your birthday

Let us mention once again that at the moment of birth, an angel stands next to a person. This happens every year. For this day, the patron prepares his own gifts for his “master”. But you can ask him for something else. To do this, you just have to get up early. It is advisable to light a candle and thank the angel for everything he does for you. Go outside. Stand facing the rising sun. Say this: “My angel! Thank you for your strength and power, without which I cannot bear to be. You attract friends, you threateningly drive away enemies. When I lose heart, you won’t let me get into trouble! Please (describe your request briefly)! Let it come true in the way that is best for me and the people around me! Amen!" Now you can return to the house and accept congratulations. Be sure that one of them will be a response to your request or some kind of sign telling you in which direction to act. Of course, if you have faith in miracles in your soul. And then, as soon as childhood ends, people forget about wizards, which greatly offends their angel. Smile at him and tell him that you sincerely believe in his existence.

In moments of trouble and grief

There are special words. God forbid you get into a situation where they come in handy. This refers to a miraculous prayer to the guardian angel. She is remembered when there is no longer any hope. Ahead lies an abyss of despair. A person does not see any prospects, everything around looks gloomy and threatening. You understand, you wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Sometimes a person clearly realizes that there are only enemies nearby who are trying to harm and humiliate. He can only rely on an angel. Don't hesitate if trouble happens. Pray anywhere and any position. Say this: “My angel! Come with me always and everywhere! Don't leave me in dire trouble. Protect with the cover of your wings! Strengthen my faith and strength! Angel, share your wisdom! Help me get out of the abyss and up! Turn to the Lord! May He forgive me my sins and strengthen me in grief! Amen!"

For favorable circumstances to arise

You know, sometimes luck is the most important thing. When a student passes a session, for example. Or if you need to talk to a strict boss. Before such an event, you can also turn to an angel. He should sometimes explain the essence of his earthly problems. Understand that the heavenly dweller cares more about the soul. That is why prayers and conspiracies to the Guardian Angel are needed. To explain what the problems are here in our sinful abode. And you say these words: “I appeal to the seven angels! I remember the Lord's commandment! He said that whoever begins to pray, seven angels will descend from heaven. They will carry you away on wings and save you in trouble! God! Through this prayer, let your slave (name) know happiness, see luck and catch him by the tail! Amen!"

About the fulfillment of a wish

If you really want something, then you should consult an angel. The Lord created the world so that his children would be happy. If dreams do not come true, then this may be the highest meaning. Ask your patron. Just give him time to give him a sign. If it turns out to be positive, then tell us about your dream in front of the icon. Ask passionately and sincerely for help. If you don’t understand the signs yet, tell us about your dreams without them. The angel will definitely hear. Just don't expect the impossible. As the Eastern sages say, there is a time for everything. The angels seem to agree with this.

On trial

You know, some people are afraid of the public or the boss, heights or elevators. All sorts of worries come to mind. To strengthen confidence, say the following words: “Beautiful and wise angel! Instill love and kindness into my heart! Help me understand myself, find out my place in life! So that he can rise to the heights of mastery, so that his work progresses and his prosperity brings joy. For the enemy to turn out to be a friend, the one who swore before was faithful. Angel, show me the path to harmony of happiness, may all troubles and misfortunes pass me by! Amen!"

People often don't believe in angels because they don't understand how they work. We have become very realistic, give us logic, explain everything from the point of view of science. This is, understandably, a personal choice. But buy an icon of your angel and talk to him. Maybe after some time you will realize the wonderful truth. In our purely pragmatic world there is a place for miracles! And it's next to you! Believe me, sometimes the feeling of a miracle is much more effective than all the clever reasoning, cunning plans and high-precision calculations! Good luck!

In view of the past holiday of St. Michael the Archangel and all the disembodied Heavenly Powers, I would like to talk about those Angels of God who are directly involved in our lives, being its Guardians.

We can say that in the matter of the improvement of the world by the Almighty, all heavenly angelic ranks, being serving spirits, are conductors of His grace, will and love in the Universe. Each of the Angels is given its own place and its own special service in the improvement of the world.

So, for example, there are Guardian Angels not only of individuals, but also of Churches, states, and peoples. We find confirmation of this in the Holy Scriptures.

About the Guardian Angels of the Churches it is written in the Book of the Apocalypse of the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian: “The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lamps is this: the seven stars are the Angels of the seven churches (Rev. 1:20).

The Guardian Angels of the nations are spoken of in the Book of the Prophet Daniel. Archangel Gabriel appeared to the saint and announced: “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me twenty-one days; but behold, Michael, one of the first princes, came to help me, and I remained there with the kings of Persia.<…>However, I will tell you what is written in the true Scripture; and there is no one who will support me in this except Michael your prince” (Dan. 10:13, 21).

The Holy Fathers - interpreters of the Bible - have repeatedly written that the word “princes” in the above-mentioned book refers to the Guardian Angels of entire nations. And from ancient times, the Holy Archangel Michael was revered by the Jews as the guardian of the Jewish people, who professed faith in the true God.

Here are some quotes...

Saint Dionysius the Areopagite: “Theology entrusts the priesthood over us to the angels when it calls Michael the prince of the Jewish people, as well as other angels the princes of other nations...”

Blessed Theodoret: “The divine prophet Daniel says that some of them were entrusted with leadership over the nations: the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me (10:13). He also mentions the Greek prince and adds that there was no one who could help him intercede before God for the freedom of the Jews, except Michael their prince (Dan. 10:20-21)... some of the angels rule over entire nations, and some Of these, the care of each person, in particular, is entrusted...”

The appointment of a holy Guardian Angel to a person is directly stated in the Holy Scriptures and prayers Orthodox Church

Holy Chief Apostle Paul: “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to serve those who are to inherit salvation?” (Heb. 1:14).

The Guardian Angel of the Holy Chief Apostle Peter, with whom the maidservant Rhoda confused him, is spoken of in the Acts of the Holy Apostles (see 12:1-19).

In the rite of the Sacrament of Baptism, or rather, in the Prayer to create the catechumen, in the prohibitory prayers against the devil (the fourth prayer) there are the following verses: “link to his belly an angel of light.” That is, the priest prays that the Lord will give a Guardian Angel to the newly enlightened person being baptized and connect him to the life of this child or adult. In the Canon to the Guardian Angel, included in the prayer Rule for preparing for Holy Communion, there are also similar verses: “Holy Angel of Christ, falling down I pray to you, my holy guardian, given to me to guard my sinful soul and body from holy baptism...”

That is, we see that the holy Guardian Angel is given to a person in the Sacrament of Baptism.

The holy fathers testify to the same thing...

Saint Basil the Great: “An angel is assigned to each of the faithful, worthy of seeing the Heavenly Father.” The faithful, of course, mean baptized people.

Saint Anastasius of Sinaite speaks about this quite definitely: “Those who have been worthy of baptism and fly to the heights of virtues have been given by God angels who care for them and assist them in enlightenment... The Lord assures us of this when he says that there are angels are guardians for everyone who believes in Him.”

Saint Ambrose of Milan: “God sends his angels to protect and assist those who have acquired the right to inherit the promised blessings in the future life.” Those who have acquired the right to inherit the promised blessings in the future life are, of course, people baptized in the Orthodox Church.

But also in Old Testament There is also a mention of holy Guardian Angels of individual people, although for historical reasons they were not baptized.

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them” (Ps. 33:8); “No evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling; for He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways” (90:10-11).

Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov) explains this phenomenon in his book “Orthodox Dogmatic Theology”: “The most famous teachers of the Church concluded that a guardian angel is not given to every person, indifferently, but only to Christians, and therefore, has been given since then, as soon as they become Christians, that is, from the time of baptism, and some added that in the Old Testament it was given only to the Jews who believed in the coming Messiah.”

We must distinguish the holy Guardian Angel from the saint after whom we are named. These two are perfect different creatures. One is a heavenly incorporeal creature, the other is a man who really lived, pleased God with a righteous life and was raptured into heaven, where he stands in prayer at the Throne of God for all Orthodox Christians, including those named after him. Therefore, thanks to the Sacrament of Baptism, a person has two heavenly patrons. One of them is an Angel, the other is a saint after whom he is named. The prayer rules, in particular the morning rules, testify to the same thing. Let us remember, dear brothers and sisters, that there is a prayer to both the holy Guardian Angel and “a prayerful invocation of the saint whose name you bear.” Therefore, the name day (name day - from the Old Russian "thesis", "namesake" - "same", "name") of a person is the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor the person is named. It is advisable to spend this day in a special way, to thank God and your saint for their intercession and intercession in life; ideally, confess and receive communion at the Liturgy, serve a prayer of thanks, and you can read an akathist to your saint. It is also advisable to have an icon of your saint at home and pray to him every day (for example, commemoration in morning prayers).

Name days are often also called Angel Day, since the saint, like a celestial being, being an disembodied soul before the Last Judgment, like a holy Angel, intercedes for us before God. In addition, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Angel Day on November 21 according to the new style, when all the holy ethereal Heavenly Powers are commemorated. And the name day, accordingly, is all Orthodox Christians (except for certain calendar days, when individual saints are commemorated) is celebrated on the next Sunday after Trinity Day on All Saints Day.

But let us return, with God's help, to the holy Guardian Angels. What is the task facing them? How do they help us?

Saint Gregory the Theologian speaks very well about this: “The Lord also calls upon the patron angels (for I am sure that a special angel protects every church, as John teaches me in the Apocalypse): prepare the way for the people! Level, level the road, remove the stones (Isa. 62:10), so that there will be no difficulty or obstacle for My people in the divine procession and entry - now into temples made with hands, and later into the heavenly Jerusalem and into the Holy of Holies there.” It seems to me that this applies both to the Guardian Angels of nations and individuals.
Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov) writes that the holy Guardian Angels have one goal and two functions. Goal: to promote every good of man and especially lead him to God, to enlightenment with the saving faith of Christ.

The functions are as follows...

The first of these is a prayer for the Church, people or individual entrusted to him. The Bishop writes about this: “And the prayer of the most perfect spirits and those closest to God, without a doubt, can be stronger and more effective than the prayer of the people themselves and even entire nations.” The second function is to instill in people pious thoughts that direct them to personal salvation - to the Lord.
How can we communicate with our Guardian Angels? The answer should probably be this. We should communicate with them using those saving ways and means that are given to us by the Holy Church.

After all, if a person looks for other ways: fantasizing, daydreaming, imagining, distorted understanding of the dogmatic teaching of the Church, then he will become a toy in the hands of demons, capable of masquerading as Angels of Light, including Guardian Angels, which is repeatedly described in the lives of saints ( in my opinion, one of the most visual of them is the hagiographic work “The Life of Our Venerable Father Isaac, the Recluse of the Cave” from the Patericon of Pechersk).

The Holy Chief Apostle Paul warns us about the same thing: “Let no one deceive you through self-willed humility and the ministry of angels, invading what he has not seen, being recklessly puffed up with his carnal mind and not holding to the head from which the whole body is united by its joints and connections.” and being held together, it grows with the growth of God” (Col. 2:18,19).

In the exegesis (interpretation from Greek) of this passage of the New Testament, the holy fathers warn us not to fall into the delusion of not true, but, on the contrary, self-willed humility, invading the spiritual sphere, completely unknown to us, not with the mind enlightened by the Holy Spirit, but with the mind earthly, vain, carnal, perverting God's truth, including about the Angels, through incorrect inner life, words, and actions. And convincing ourselves and other people that we entered into communication with them, acquired some kind of power from them, etc., the holy supreme apostle Paul warned us, first of all, about the Gnostic heretics who taught about a huge pantheon of certain ethereal entities invented by him and about that they came into contact with them. The incident with St. Isaac of Pechersk tells us that this contact occurred not with Angels, but with demons.

Saint John Chrysostom wrote about this: “What does it mean: humility? Some have said that we must be brought (to God) not through Christ, but through Angels; because the bringing through Christ is more than what is needed for us.” We read the same thing in Blessed Theophylact: “It is unworthy, they said, of the greatness of the Only Begotten (to teach) that the Only Begotten leads us to the Father, for this is more than is in keeping with human smallness. Why is it more blessed (to believe) that Angels served to bring us (to the Father). Based on this thought, they introduced a special service to the Angels and convinced the most simple-hearted to turn to them as if they were our saviors.” But we must always clearly understand that we have one Savior - God - our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Angel testifies to the same thing through the mouth of the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian: “I fell at his feet to worship him; but he said to me: see that you do not do this; I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who have the testimony of Jesus; Worship God; for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Rev. 19:10).

On the other hand, these verses of the apostle tell us that we should not completely dismiss the ministry of Angels with the conviction “we know nothing about them.” After all, the Holy Chief Apostle Paul assures us not that we completely deny the teaching and knowledge of the Angels, but that we do this in accordance with church teaching. First, the apostle warns us not to intrude on what we have not seen. But the experience of the Church is based on knowledge of God. And many holy fathers, both Old Testament and New Testament, actually saw Angels. Their appearance is also revealed to the holy seer Moses on Mount Sinai, when God commands to decorate the Ark of the Covenant with carved images of cherubs, and the Tabernacle itself with embroidered images of Angels. In addition, the Holy Chief Apostle Paul calls on us to comprehend the angelic ministry in no other way than “holding to the head, from which the whole body, being united and held together by joints and bonds, grows with the stature of God,” that is, by remaining in the Orthodox Church and holding on to Her saving teaching, because the head of the Church is Christ.

So, according to church teaching, how can we enter into communication with our Guardian Angels?

There are two paths here - prayer and a life pleasing to God, according to the commandments.

Prayers to the holy Guardian Angel are known. They are in the morning and evening rule, there is a Canon and an Akathist to the Guardian Angel. The shortest prayers of this kind are: “Holy Guardian Angel, pray to God for me!” and “Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven for my protection! I diligently pray to you: enlighten me today, save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds, and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen".

Of course, it is advisable to have an icon of the holy Guardian Angel at home, so that it would be more convenient and beneficial to pray to him.

What do we need to know about the holy Guardian Angels in the subject of a godly life? Let's turn to the Gospel...

“Jesus called a child and set him in the midst of them and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven; So whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven<…>See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:2-5, 10).

Saint Basil the Great wrote: “The angel of the Lord takes up arms around those who fear Him; the angel will not depart from all those who believe in the Lord, unless we ourselves drive him away with bad deeds; for, just as smoke drives away bees and stench drives away doves, so the guardian of our life, the angel, is driven away by lamentable and stinking sin.” In another place: “Since each of us also has a holy angel who encamps around those who fear the Lord, he can, when convicted of sins, become guilty of disaster; the wall will no longer cover him, that is, the protection of the holy powers, which, while they remain with a person, keep those protected by them insurmountable ... "

What I would like to say in connection with the above quotes...

We see that everyone Orthodox Christian from Holy Baptism he was protected from evil and from unclean spirits, like a wall of holiness by the grace of God and the Guardian Angel. In the book “Philokalia”, it seems, there are words about what we, Orthodox Christians, would see, what bright Forces are fighting for us, so that we do not fall away from the path of salvation! One of them is our holy Guardian Angel, who is always next to us. But we, too, with God’s help, must fight for ourselves, cleansing our soul and body through prayer, fasting, good deeds, and participation in the Sacraments of the Church to the level of purity of a “gospel child,” as stated in the above-mentioned passage from Holy Scripture.

But due to our sins, not just falls on the path to salvation like: “I sinned, realized, understood my mistake, repented and moved on in the path of God, the path of the life of the Church,” but by malicious, rooted life in sin, we can lose our Guardian Angel, we may lose holy help.

This is what we need to realize.

And then the holy Guardian Angel will lead us along a narrow path to salvation, all up, up and up. The main thing is that we ourselves do not tear our childish, obstinate little hand from his shining wing. And he will not leave us...

All ethereal Powers of Heaven, pray to God for us!