What does the herb celandine cure when taken orally? How to take it? What thins the blood? Is it possible to drink celandine for prevention?

It is very simple to prepare and use a decoction of celandine. And it’s surprising that with a little effort you get an amazing healing remedy, widely known in folk medicine. The article below describes how to properly prepare the medicine.

Since ancient times, celandine has been used to heal skin diseases, and because it is excellent at getting rid of warts, it was also nicknamed warthog. Due to its unique qualities and availability (this herb grows almost everywhere), it is often used in folk medicine.

You can buy the plant for making the decoction or prepare it yourself. Collect it from mid-May to August, when it blooms. Cut the plant 10 cm from the base. Despite its beneficial qualities, celandine is poisonous, so wash your hands after contact with it and try not to touch your face and especially your eyes while working with it. Dry it for 8 hours at 50 o C, and place the already dried grass in a dry place. After this, you can prepare a decoction and begin using it internally or externally.

How to prepare a decoction?

Making a decoction of warthog (celandine) is very simple. Its manufacture does not require rare components or a lot of time. So, not only because of its healing properties, but also for this reason, this decoction is very famous.


  • 1 tbsp. l. crushed dried grass;
  • 200 ml of clean water.


  1. Boil water and pour in celandine. Place the container with it in a water bath.
  2. Boil for 15 minutes. Then put the drink in a warm place.
  3. After 1 hour, strain the resulting mixture.

How is it useful?

The composition of celandine is rich in various substances, thanks to which a decoction based on it has a large number useful properties. The plant contains alkaloids, vitamins, saponins, oils, acids, flavonoids and other substances. Celandine slows down the growth of tumors, although only by initial stage diseases, and has a calming effect on the nervous system. During boiling, the herb gives all its properties to the water, due to which the medicine has the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • antibacterial;
  • antispasmodic.

How to take it?

External and oral (inside) use of this decoction is possible, although it is most often used externally. For paralysis, dermatitis, rheumatism, gout or polyarthritis, apply compresses. Soak gauze in warm medicine and place it on the painful area for 10 minutes. Repeat use for 2 weeks, 2 times a day. Treatment with the herbal remedy can be extended up to 4 weeks to make it more effective.

To treat wounds and ulcers on the body or fungus, use a decoction to rinse. Repeat application 2 times a day. And if you have dandruff or hair loss, do this: after using shampoo, rinse your hair thoroughly with water and then with an herbal remedy. Do this procedure every time you wash your hair until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

If you have pimples, blackheads and rashes, use the decoction 2 times a day. Soak a cotton pad thoroughly in the medicine and gently wipe the areas with rashes. You can also make a remedy from celandine for toothache, inflammation of the mucous membranes and periodontal disease. Rinse your mouth and throat with the prepared broth 2 times a day for 1 to 2 weeks.

If you need to improve your vision, then apply the product 3 times a day into your eyes, 2 drops in each. Carry out this procedure for 2 weeks. You can also apply lotions for 12 days instead. To prepare, stir 1 tsp in the broth. honey, soak a cotton pad or napkin in the herbal remedy and apply to each eye at the same time for 10 minutes. Apply lotions 2 times a day. Such an application will not be in vain.

The herbal decoction should be taken internally for the following diseases:

  • stones in the kidneys;
  • jaundice;
  • flu;
  • haemorrhoids.

The decoction is also used orally for some diseases. Bladder, spleen, stomach, liver and even intestines. For the listed diseases, you need to drink 1 tablespoon of herbal remedy three times a day. Use a decoction of celandine internally for 3 weeks.

You can make a decoction and drink it for mastopathy, inflammation of the uterus, and benign tumors. The use of the decoction lasts about a week. You can drink it to improve the condition of the nervous system and digestive system. For this purpose, the use of the drug lasts about a week every 2 days.


A decoction of celandine orally is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • angina pectoris.

In addition, pregnant women should not take the medicine. And it should be used with caution by hypotensive patients, since the use of a decoction reduces arterial pressure. We can conclude that oral use is recommended for people with high blood pressure, then a decoction of celandine will be an excellent help.

In order not to make a mistake, you must firstly prepare the medicine correctly, and secondly, consult a doctor. The juice of the flower is quite poisonous, as mentioned above, so use should be supervised by a specialist.


The use of celandine in folk medicine goes back more than 2000 years. Its methods and uses have been preserved since the time of Aristotle. It effectively fights warts, calluses, and is used as a vasodilator and against dropsy. Overall, this perennial herb with bright yellow flowers has a much wider range of uses.

Such long-term use ensures its surprisingly rich chemical composition, which allows the plant to be used to treat many diseases.

Useful properties of celandine

Celandine is one of the most popular medicinal plants. It's very accessible. From early spring until autumn it can be found everywhere. It grows in ravines, ditches, in forests, along roads. You can even have this plant in your garden and near the fence, or plant it behind an outbuilding. He will feel great, as he does not require any care at all. The only thing he likes is moist soil.

All its miraculous properties are provided by its composition, most of which are alkaloids. In addition to alkaloids, celandine contains vitamins, acids, glycosides and many other useful components.

Found in it:



Organic acids;

Essential oil;



Alkaloids in its composition can amount to up to 2.3 percent and are represented mainly by such compounds as:





and others. Organic acids can make up up to 3 percent, where the main place is occupied mainly by malic, succinic and citric.

All these compounds give it such properties as:










Wound healing.

In folk medicine, it has found use as a preventive and therapeutic agent for the treatment of cancer, including esophageal cancer, uterine and ovarian cancer, colon cancer and some other types. It slows down the growth of metastases and neoplasms.

Celandine application

The most famous use of celandine is the treatment of warts. If you lubricate them with the juice of a fresh plant several times a day, then after three weeks not a trace will remain of them. The presence of tannins and saponins allows the use of celandine for the treatment of other skin diseases. It is actively used in the treatment of herpes, blisters and rashes, including allergic ones, acne, pimples, psoriasis, and eczema.

The juice of the plant helps to cope with calluses and is used for frostbite, eye and throat diseases. Thanks to its antiviral properties, it helps get rid of papillomas and warts, age spots, and freckles.

Baths with a decoction of celandine will help cleanse the child’s skin with diathesis and other inflammatory diseases skin.

Preparations prepared on the basis of celandine will help with diseases:

Respiratory tract: tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma;

Stomach: polyps, ulcerative colitis, gastritis, cancer;


Skeletal system: rheumatism, gout, arthritis;

Fungal infections of the skin and nails;

Central nervous system: neuroses, convulsions;

The juice of the plant is recommended to be used after removal of a cancerous tumor and on early stages its development. The alkaloids contained in it slow down the growth and spread of metastases. These properties are being actively studied by scientists today.

It is indicated for high blood pressure as a vasodilator. A decoction of celandine is recommended for atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

In combination with sea ​​buckthorn oil it copes well with stomach ulcers.

How to make celandine juice and application

Celandine juice is collected for preservation for the winter. When collecting, use hand and eye protection. If juice gets on your skin, it may cause a burn. Getting the bright yellow liquid into your eyes is especially dangerous.

CAREFULLY. Celandine juice is poisonous. In small doses, like any healing poison, it does more good than harm. Before using the plant, you need to test for an allergic reaction. Because of its toxicity, celandine is popularly called devil's milk.

The juice makes an excellent antiseptic no worse than iodine. You can apply canned juice to scratches and cuts. If you are allergic to iodine, celandine juice becomes an indispensable disinfectant. The juice is suitable for painless disinfection of wounds in children.

Fresh juice can be enjoyed all summer long. They make supplies for the winter. To collect juice you need:

  1. Collect plants with roots. It is better to dig them out of the ground so as not to damage them. You can only harvest the apical part of the plant, about 12-15 centimeters long.
  2. Rinse all parts of the plant well.
  3. Cut into small pieces. Grind the stems, flowers, leaves and roots with a meat grinder (blender).
  4. The juice is then squeezed through a cloth into a jar.
  5. The vessel with the prepared juice is placed in a cold place. For example, in the cellar, but not in the refrigerator.
  6. Cover the jar with a lid with holes so that the resulting gas escapes.
  7. After a few days, fermentation begins.
  8. When the juice stops fermenting, screw the jars tightly and put them in the cold. The juice retains its properties for at least 2 years.

The second method of collecting juice is simpler and faster. The squeezed juice is left to stand for two to three days and mixed with alcohol or vodka. To preserve juice, take 500 grams of vodka or 250 ml of medical alcohol per 1 liter.

Fresh or fermented juice is used to lubricate the skin for eczema. The patient will feel pain and tingling at the application site. The burning sensation must be endured. Apply to damaged skin three times a day. The juice is also used for lichen and fungal infections of the skin.

In folk medicine, the juice of the herb is used for many skin and other diseases, including:


How to make celandine oil

Celandine oil can be bought at a pharmacy. It’s not difficult to make it yourself at home. Oil is prepared from dried herbs. The most healing benefits come from the flowers of the plant. As a basis for extraction, you can take any vegetable oil: olive, coconut, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil and more. Refined sunflower oil can also be used.

There are several ways to obtain oil.

The first method: heat the oil (but not to a boil) and pour the raw materials into it. Close the container and leave for a week in a dark, warm place (for example, a kitchen cabinet).

Second method: pour the prepared oil over the flowers or the top part of the grass. Place the container in a water bath and leave for about 2 hours, not allowing the oil to boil in the jar. Then cool and pour into a dark container.

Third method: the raw materials are filled with oil and placed in a warm place (possibly in the sun) for a week. Shake the jar periodically. After infusion, strain the oil and store in a dark glass container in a cool place.

You choose the proportions of oil and herbs at your discretion, depending on the purpose for which you are making the oil. You can take it in a 1:1 ratio. If you want to get a more concentrated oil, take more herb. And vice versa, less concentrated - less grass.

The oil is used for skin lesions, fungus, allergic rashes, seborrhea, and dandruff.

How to make ointment with celandine

Homemade celandine ointment is used to treat skin diseases, warts and hyperpigmentation.

To prepare the ointment you will need:

  • powder from the plant - 20%;
  • lanolin - 80%.

The juice is thoroughly mixed with Vaseline. You can take the herb, grind it into powder and use it instead of juice. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator for 2 years.

Used to lighten age spots, to treat psoriasis, chapped and dry skin.

Celandine decoction

For skin diseases, compresses are made from a decoction of the plant.

For half a glass of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of roots or herbs. The smaller pan with the herbs is placed in a larger bowl and heated in a water bath for 12 minutes. After this, leave under the lid for 50-60 minutes. Then filter through a sieve or piece of cloth. The decoction is applied to sore skin. You can soak a bandage in the composition and make a compress for 10 minutes.

For greater effect, you can add dandelion root to the celandine. Take herbs in equal parts - one tablespoon at a time. Pour 450 ml of boiling water and heat in a water bath for half an hour. The resulting decoction is used to treat sore spots.

This recipe will help patients with weeping eczema to relieve itching, irritation and flaking.

Infusion of celandine

To prepare the infusion, it is better to take fresh celandine. It contains the most valuable substances. But dried herbs are also useful for infusion. You can also use crushed root.

Used to strengthen the body's defenses, relieve nervous tension, weakness, lethargy and loss of strength.

A 0.5-liter jar is filled a quarter full of dried raw materials. Then add boiling water (to the very top of the jar). Cover with a lid or towel and leave until completely cooled.

Take the infusion before meals, 2 or 3 times a day, 100 ml. For children aged 8 to 15 years, the dosage should be less: no more than 50 ml.

Take the infusion for 5 days and a break for two days. The course of treatment is 1 month. A repeated course can be carried out in agreement with the doctor only after 2 months.

ATTENTION. The infusion should not be taken for treatment or prevention by children under 8 years of age.

The infusion is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days. In the summer, you can make an infusion of fresh herbs by taking half a half-liter jar of chopped herbs.

When taking this medication, it is recommended to eat 1 tablespoon of grated carrots daily.

Baths with celandine

Healing baths with celandine - safe and effective method improve your health. For baths, take various herbs that enhance each other’s effects, for example, St. John’s wort, chamomile or string.

Herbs are dried in the summer. Then they take in equal proportions, crush and mix. It is better to immediately package the raw materials into bags. This way it will be more convenient to use herbal preparations later. Herbs are packaged in 200 grams. In winter, all you have to do is take out a bag and prepare a healing bath.

For 5 liters of boiling water you need to take 250 grams of dry grass. After an hour, strain the infusion by squeezing out the herbs. Add to bath. The procedure time is no longer than 25 minutes. The bath is taken once a week to eliminate skin lesions and scabies.

Baths with celandine

To treat cystitis and hemorrhoids, it is not necessary to buy ready-made formulations. You can prepare a healing bath yourself. 2 large spoons of dry herb should be added to a liter pan of boiling water. You need to heat it on fire for 5 minutes, then leave it to infuse. Sitz baths take 10-15 minutes.

When treating hemorrhoids and constipation, you should not do enemas with celandine, as the patient’s well-being will only worsen. But it is useful to insert tampons moistened with plant juice. A tampon is placed in the anus for 30-60 minutes. But we must remember that the treatment of hemorrhoids must be comprehensive. Exercises and procedures are required to stimulate blood circulation in the pelvis.

To treat joints, use a bath with alcohol infusion. Fresh juice or juice stored for the winter is mixed with medical alcohol in equal parts. The resulting mixture is added to the bath, and after the bath the feet are wiped with the tincture. An effective remedy for the treatment of polyarthritis.

Celandine in gynecology

Chelidonium is known as a drug that is used for women's diseases. It is indicated for many female diseases - candidiasis, endometritis, fibroma, colpitis, cervical erosion. For these diseases, you can do sitz baths.

To treat diseases of the uterus, an infusion is prepared for internal use: 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials is steamed in a glass of boiling water. The solution only needs to be boiled over a fire for a few seconds. Then the mixture is allowed to brew.

After cooling, filter and divide into three doses. The decoction is drunk 25 minutes before meals three times a day. After a 10-day treatment course, take a break for the same period and repeat the treatment again.

Simultaneously with drinking infusions, douching is carried out. The douching solution is prepared according to the same recipe as the decoction. Douching should be done twice a week for 3 months.

Celandine for seborrhea and dandruff

To treat seborrhea, take dry grass and add any cosmetic oil, for example, flaxseed. The oil should cover the raw material with a layer of 3 centimeters. Keep the composition in a warm place for 6 days. Then the oil needs to be strained.

The composition is applied to the hair, wait until the oil is absorbed, and apply a second layer. In case of severe illness, procedures can be performed up to 3 times a day. But usually one application is enough.

You can also use regular vegetable oil to prepare the recipe. But before using it you need to boil it for half an hour.

Recipes for using celandine

Traditional healers and herbalists use celandine alone or in a mixture with other medicinal plants. When treating with celandine, you must strictly adhere to the indicated dosage both when preparing the medicinal product and for treatment, including for external use. You should always remember that it contains compounds that are toxic to the human body, which in high concentrations and in overdose can cause poisoning and other unpleasant symptoms.

The maximum rate for brewing when taken orally is from 1 teaspoon of herb to 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water. The juice must be diluted with water. Treatment should be carried out strictly according to established schemes.

Treatment of oncology with celandine

In folk medicine, treating cancer with celandine is very common. It should be noted that official medicine has not yet recognized its anti-cancer properties. Although research in this direction is ongoing.

Drugs containing it are most often used for cancer of the esophagus, colon, cancer of the uterus, pancreas and bladder, and skin cancer. Having decided to use celandine for the treatment of oncology, under no circumstances should you interrupt the course prescribed by specialists. Be sure to consult with your doctor.

Treatment of cancer with celandine is aimed at inhibiting cancer cells and metastasis. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tablespoon of dried herb and brew a glass (250 ml) in a thermos. Leave for an hour and a half and filter. Drink 2 tablespoons of the infusion three times a day before meals. This recipe is prepared for cancer of internal organs.

To treat skin cancer, an ointment with celandine is made. To do this, take 20 percent grass powder, 70 percent medical petroleum jelly and 10 percent lanolin. In grams it looks like this:

20 grams of celandine;

70 grams of Vaseline;

10 grams of lanolin.

All components are thoroughly mixed and stored in the refrigerator in a closed container. This ointment is applied to the skin affected by the tumor two to three times a day.

Sometimes it is used in conjunction with nettle and calendula. To prepare the infusion, take equal proportions of herbs, grind them and mix thoroughly. A tablespoon of the mixture should be brewed with 1 cup of boiling water and left for 2 hours. After insisting, strain.

Drink the infusion twice a day, morning and evening, 100 ml before meals.

This decoction can be used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, and liver. In this case, the decoction is drunk on an empty stomach in the morning once a day.

Celandine for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Celandine is used to treat:


Liver cirrhosis;


Polyps of the stomach and intestines;

Hepatitis A.

When treating cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), it is recommended to take an alcohol (vodka) tincture. Drink it 5-10 drops once a day on an empty stomach, diluted in 50 ml of cold boiled water. The number of drops depends on the patient's weight.

Celandine for polyps in the stomach

Recipe 1. For polyps in the stomach, drink celandine juice. Start taking the juice with 10 drops, which are pre-diluted with water, and gradually increase to 20 drops. Should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning half an hour before meals.

After this, the drops are counted in the reverse order, i.e. daily reduce 1 drop until you reach 10 again.

Recipe 2. Prepare a vodka tincture by mixing celandine juice and vodka in equal proportions. After daily infusion, drink 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals 3-4 times during the day.

The course of treatment is no more than three months. A repeat course needs to be done only after a year.

Recipe 3. Prepare a decoction by brewing 1 teaspoon of herb (dried) with 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse and drink a tablespoon before each meal 25-30 minutes.

The course of treatment is 30 days. Then take a break for 10 days and repeat the intake for another month.

Celandine for polyps in the intestines

apply ointment with celandine. This ointment is effective only for polyps that are located at the outlet of the rectum. It is prepared from boric petroleum jelly and herbs ground into powder.

Cotton swabs are soaked with the prepared ointment and inserted into the rectum. The number of procedures per day must be at least 5. The course of treatment is five days.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with celandine

To treat this very unpleasant disease, enemas from an infusion of herbs are used. To prepare it, brew 0.5 grams of celandine per 1 kg of weight. Brew the raw material with boiling water in the ratio of 1 part herb to 10 parts boiling water.

Wrap and leave for 2 hours. The strained infusion is administered as microenemas into the rectum. To avoid the urge to have a bowel movement, it is better to do enemas at night or lie down for at least half an hour.

Celandine promotes the healing of rectal cracks, relieves inflammation and pain.

Treatment of prostate adenoma with celandine

Treatment of this disease is best done in the summer, when it is possible to squeeze out fresh plant juice. Drink 2 teaspoons diluted in 100 grams of water once a day. The time of administration is not specified; you can drink at a time convenient for the patient.

Treatment of sinusitis with celandine

For sinusitis, instill fresh plant juice. Place 1-2 drops of juice into each nostril. When the burning sensation caused by the juice goes away, drop 1-2 drops again. Continue to drip until you have dropped one full pipette into each nasal passage.

Treatment of ears with celandine

To treat the ears, an ointment is prepared from 50 grams of celandine powder, 25 grams of lanolin and 25 grams of medical petroleum jelly. Apply the prepared ointment to the skin around and the ear canal of the affected ear two to three times a day.


Celandine is a very powerful medicinal plant. Treatment with this herb should always be treated with extreme caution. If signs and symptoms of an allergy or overdose appear, immediately stop using it and consult a doctor.

It should never replace the main treatment prescribed by a doctor. When treated with this herb without using medicines carry out only under the supervision of an experienced herbalist. This is especially true for serious illnesses.

Celandine is contraindicated for:

Pregnancy and breastfeeding;

Small children;


Mental disorders;

Low pressure;

Angina pectoris;

Cardiac dysfunction.

As a side effect of treatment, dysbiosis and constipation may develop. In this case, microenemas with milk and butter(for 300 ml of milk 30 grams of butter). Do them once or twice a day.

It is better to start treatment with celandine with small doses and low concentrations. During treatment, include more dairy products in your menu, as they help better absorb beneficial substances from the plant and neutralize the harmful effects of toxic compounds.

Cleanliness and his medicinal properties give hope for recovery even with very serious illnesses. Thanks to a competent combination of basic therapy and the use of drugs from this plant, you can achieve successful treatment results.

And always remember that there is no confirmed scientific data on the effectiveness of treatment with this medicinal plant for many diseases. It is always better to first consult with your doctor and then only decide on treatment with celandine.


In the human body, blood performs a large number of functions: it transports carbon dioxide and oxygen, performs thermoregulation, fills internal organs necessary microelements. It is important that the plasma does not become too thick and viscous, as this leads to the development of serious diseases. How to thin the blood folk remedies Many people know at home - take Aspirin. But this drug has many contraindications, so it is better to take a closer look at other natural remedies (herbs, fruits, berries, plants).

What is blood thinning

Thick blood means its rapid clotting. High-viscosity plasma causes thrombosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, heart attacks, and strokes. Each of these pathologies can lead to disability or even death. They thin the blood in several ways:

What thins the blood

To reduce the density of plasma, doctors have developed various medicines: anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents. The former have a depressing effect on the coagulation system (Heparin, Warfarin), while the latter prevent the formation of blood clots and reduce platelet aggregation (Aspirin, Ticlopidine). It should be remembered that you cannot prescribe medications for yourself, because all medications contain many side effects. Tablets should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Blood thinning with folk remedies

Doctors agree that it is better to take folk remedies for blood thinning instead of Aspirin. Used successfully at home medicinal plants and food products that do not negatively affect the human body, unlike medications that have many contraindications and side effects. Folk remedies for thinning the blood in the body work by increasing beneficial impurities and the liquid component - more oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the tissues and organs.


When studying folk recipes for thinning the blood, you first need to pay attention to herbs. Decoctions and tinctures from plants improve the biochemical parameters of plasma, reducing its viscosity. In some herbs, the content of coumarin, escin saponites and salicylates - substances that have an antithrombotic effect - is very high, so their use gives a quick therapeutic effect. Plants that help thin the blood:

  • white willow bark;
  • medicinal sweet clover (burkun);
  • roots of Caucasian Dioscorea;
  • hazel bark and leaves;
  • horse chestnut;
  • lungwort;
  • Ginkgo biloba leaves.


Thanks to the unique healing properties of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), people can get rid of high acidity of the stomach and too thick blood. It equalizes the alkaline balance in the body, restores metabolism in cells, and improves oxygen absorption. Plasma dilution baking soda occurs using a soda solution, which is easy to prepare at home:

  • one tsp. baking soda must be dissolved in a glass hot water(dose is intended for one-time use)
  • To reduce platelet levels and reduce plasma viscosity, you need to drink a glass of soda solution every day for 14 days.


To reduce cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of blood clots, it is necessary to include sea fish, kelp and other seafood in the diet, as they are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, Omega-3, and taurine. These are powerful antioxidants that improve blood flow. In addition, a blood thinning diet should include the consumption of garlic and foods such as:

  • fresh tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • turmeric;
  • bulb onions;
  • Cayenne pepper;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable oils.

Rose hip

To reduce the thickness of the blood, the fruits of the bush (wild rose) are used. They are not eaten raw - they must be drenched. Prepare your own decoction or infusion folk recipes at home it is very simple. For a healing decoction, you need to take rose hips and grind them to a powder. Then 5 tbsp. l. raw materials pour 750 ml of water. After 15 minutes, the infusion should be filtered and drunk in two doses with a break of 30 minutes. This procedure can be carried out once a week.


The berry is filled with vitamins B, E, C, P. High content ascorbic acid has a beneficial effect on the wall of blood vessels, making it stronger, which reduces the risk of blood clots. The remaining components of cranberries improve the delivery of oxygen to organs and tissues and thin the blood. It is better to consume the berry for medicinal purposes in the form of fruit drink or juice, drinking 1-2 glasses a day.

What fruits thin thick blood?

Plasma will become less viscous if the optimal daily dose of vitamin E is present in the diet - 14 mg. For pregnant women, this figure increases to 30 mg. Vitamin E is found in large quantities in fruits. Among them:

  • kiwi;
  • blackberry;
  • raspberries;
  • peach;
  • papaya;
  • orange;
  • mandarin;
  • grapefruit;
  • cherries;
  • watermelon;
  • passion fruit;
  • avocado;
  • plum;
  • gooseberry;
  • apricot.


Ginger root has natural aspirin. This spice not only relieves the symptoms of flu and colds, but also helps relax the heart muscle, cleanses blood vessels, and prevents blood clotting. The root is used both in pure form and together with other components. You can prepare a plasma thinner using ginger and cinnamon. This will require 2 roots, 0.5 tsp. chopped cinnamon, 1 tsp. green tea and 1 liter of boiling water. All ingredients are poured hot water, infuse for 15-20 minutes, then filter and consume throughout the day.


It has long been known that beekeeping products have a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. This is due to the similarity of their composition with the mineral structure of plasma. For this reason, all components of honey are absorbed by the human body by 95%. The beekeeping product increases the amount of hemoglobin in blood vessels and reduces cholesterol. To thin the blood, you need to consume 100 g of honey per day, the intake of which must be divided into 3 times: 30 g in the morning and evening, 40 g in the afternoon. IN medicinal purposes It is better to dissolve the beekeeping product in warm water and then drink it.

What to drink to thin your blood

In order for the blood flow to be normal and the plasma not to become viscous, it is necessary to maintain the correct drinking regime. We know from school that 90% of blood components are water, so to maintain its normal composition you need to drink about 2 liters of it daily. Replace juices, teas, soups and other liquids clean water they won't be able to. While taking medications, the volume of fluid consumed should be increased. Additionally, to thin the blood you can use:

  • decoction of willow bark;
  • sweet clover infusion;
  • chestnut tincture;
  • tea with mint, fireweed and lemon juice;
  • red wine.

Green tea

One of the most best properties green tea – blood rejuvenation. The effect is achieved thanks to the composition of the drink: catechins (lower cholesterol levels, trigger the formation of young cells), tannins (kill low-quality red blood cells and blood cells), vitamin E (fights cell aging). Strengthening the walls of blood vessels is achieved through the interaction of flavonoids, tannin and the circulatory system.

Excellent blood thinner green tea with the addition of a piece of ginger. The root needs to be peeled, cut into small cubes, add water and boil for a few minutes, then add green tea and let it brew. This drink content essential oils, amino acids and flavonoids resembles combination drugs, so with regular use (2-3 cups/day) you can forget about thick plasma.


An excellent remedy for blood viscosity is natural juices. They consist of water, essential microelements and vitamins, without which the human body cannot function normally. You should know that store-bought packaged juices are not suitable - to improve blood flow, you only need freshly squeezed juices, 1 glass per day. Especially useful:

  • pineapple;
  • orange;
  • carrot;
  • pomegranate;
  • crimson;
  • strawberry;
  • citric;
  • cranberry;
  • grape;
  • apple;
  • tomato with pulp.

Apple vinegar

An excellent folk remedy for plasma thinning is homemade apple cider vinegar. With its help, it is easy to remove toxins from the body. It is recommended to take vinegar in the morning on an empty stomach, but only if there are no ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare a drinking solution, you need to dissolve two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. The course of treatment is 2 months with a 10-day break every other month. Since this method of blood thinning has contraindications, you should consult a doctor before using it.

Linseed oil

Flax seed oil is considered the best remedy against thrombosis. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acid, vitamins K, B, A, E. Using linseed oil It is easy to normalize lipid metabolism, turn blood into a liquid consistency, and protect against thrombosis and atherosclerosis. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. daily on an empty stomach in the morning. If this method causes nausea, then you can take the oil after breakfast.

Blood thinners for older people

After 50 years in human body Age-related changes begin to occur, which lead to aging. Atherosclerotic plaques accumulate in the vessels, the blood begins to thicken, causing all kinds of diseases. To prevent the development of the process, it is necessary to enrich the daily menu with products that are beneficial for the circulatory system. Sprouted wheat grains thin the blood. Excellent results are achieved by consuming them daily in an amount of only 1 tbsp. l. Other products that prevent aging of the body:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • corn;
  • cocoa;
  • seaweed;
  • Brewed coffee;
  • fish fat;
  • oatmeal porridge;
  • dark chocolate (cocoa more than 70%).


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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How to thin the blood with folk remedies at home - recipes for herbal infusions and decoctions