How to install individual gas heating in an apartment. Recommendations for organizing individual heating in an apartment: paperwork, selection of components. Autonomous heating by gas water heater

To save on utilities, many residents of apartment buildings seek to install individual heating in their apartment. The idea is quite feasible if you have patience to collect the necessary documentation and choose the optimal source of autonomous heat.

The obstacles associated with the phased approval of housing reconstruction will pay for themselves many times over in the winter. Moreover, the ability to regulate the heat level will create more comfortable living conditions. There will be no need to be nervous about utility workers turning off hot water “scheduled or unscheduled.” It becomes possible to heat water for your own needs.

It is no secret that many residents of the southern regions turn off the taps to the central heating radiators, since the room is hot even in December. It is estimated that with individual heating in an apartment building, savings are at least 50 percent; for hot water, costs are reduced by 75 percent.

Start by studying legislative acts

To understand what documents will be required to install autonomous heating in an apartment building, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the legislative acts.

It happens that local authorities do not allow you to disconnect from central heating and install autonomous systems. Therefore, litigation on this issue is not uncommon, and the result is in favor of the apartment owner.

Government Decree No. 307 of April 16, 2012 approved the procedure for connecting heat supply systems and indicated heat sources that cannot be used in apartment buildings for autonomous heating, as they do not meet the necessary requirements. That is, the answer to the question whether it is possible to install autonomous heating in the apartment will be in the affirmative. However, it is necessary to use only modern heating devices that meet the specified requirements.

Courts of general jurisdiction, refusals that are based on the Federal Law “On Heat Supply”, Art. 14 were declared illegal.

Collection of necessary documents

The list of documents that are necessary for organizing autonomous heating of an apartment in an apartment building is listed in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 26 “Grounds for the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises”:

  • statement;
  • the right establishing documents for housing;
  • redevelopment project;
  • written consent of family members;
  • permission to carry out heating reconstruction work, issued by an organization that controls the protection of architectural monuments.

The management company, to which the apartment owner submits an application, gives permission to disconnect from the centralized heating. This permit will be needed in order to order technical conditions for installing individual heating.

The appeal is addressed to gas workers if the question is how to carry out gas heating in the apartment. The period for which the terms and conditions must be submitted is 10 days. Refusal due to “technical impossibility” is permissible in those populated areas where there is no gas (including in cylinders).

The next stage is the procedure for ordering a project for the installation of heating equipment in the design office. The heat supply organization, based on a letter from the HOA, carries out a project to disconnect from the central heating. If a refusal is received, you can go to court with a written answer in hand.

Then they contact the VDPO MO for a fire safety certificate for the project. At the same time, they make a chimney project (if necessary).

The documentation collected for autonomous or individual heating is sent to the local administration. Within 45 days, a conclusion on approval must be issued, or a refusal if not all documents have been collected. At this stage, the refusal can also be appealed in court.

The number of documents may vary in regions. The specific list is clarified by local authorities.

Determination of boiler power

The costs of installing individual heating in an apartment will be justified if the boiler power is correctly calculated. Take into account the peculiarities of the local climate. In the southern regions, the power of the heating boiler is sufficient, which will be from 0.7 to 1 kW, in the north of the country - 1.5 to 2.0 kW.

To calculate the boiler power, the following formula is used: W boiler = S xWsp./10, where S is the area of ​​the room, Wsp is the boiler power per 10 sq.m.

This simple calculation will help when choosing a gas appliance.

It is also necessary to choose the right individual heating scheme in the apartment.

The two-pipe system is much more efficient. It ensures uniform heat distribution throughout all rooms. In addition, the single-pipe option is not suitable for all radiators.

Boiler types

The boiler should be selected only after the necessary calculations have been made.

There are two types of boilers:

  • single-circuit (exclusively for heating)
  • double-circuit (for heating and hot water supply)

Plus, you need to decide on fuel. This is important because we are talking about saving energy resources. Depending on the type of fuel, boilers are divided into single fuel and combined boilers. Nowadays there are devices on sale that run not only on gas or electricity, but also on liquid fuel.

The lifespan of the boiler is affected by the material from which it is made. Cast iron and steel appliances have the best service life, although many do not like that they are heavy.

Advantages of a gas boiler for autonomous heating

When choosing a boiler for individual heating of an apartment, you need to remember that it is impossible to make a separate boiler room in an apartment; the possibilities for placing heating devices are very limited. Especially for such cases, a gas wall-mounted boiler has been developed, in which the combustion chamber is of a closed type.

Such a boiler has many advantages:

  • safe horizontal system smoke removal (coaxial);
  • suitable for a small apartment;
  • works almost silently;
  • regardless of the gas pressure in the network, it stably maintains the set temperature;
  • equipped with the latest multi-level security system;
  • affordable price for consumers.

Efficiency of using an electric boiler

When the question of how to install individual heating in an apartment building is raised, electricity is often considered as an additional, rather than the main source of heat.

The system of heating a room using electrical equipment has its advantages:

  • easy to install;
  • easy to use;
  • low cost of installation work and consumables.

Electricity is not yet widely used for space heating. But scientists predict that electrical energy is the future of the planet.

Electric boilers have no less advantages than gas boilers:

  • silent;
  • economical;
  • easily adjust the temperature;
  • compact;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • have a good aesthetic appearance;
  • meet the required technical conditions.

In addition, in the case of an electric heating device, it is possible to adjust the comfortable temperature for each room. Therefore, when deciding how to install individual heating in an apartment, you need to consider the option of electric heating.

Which pipes are better for individual heating in an apartment?

It's all about the operating temperature of polypropylene, which is 95 degrees. If we consider that the outlet temperature of solid fuel boilers reaches 100 degrees, it becomes clear that in this case it is better to use metal pipes.

If a two-pipe system is used, twice as many pipes will be needed.

How to choose radiators for an apartment building

Sectional radiators are the most successful solution. It is easy to calculate their number, they have an excellent aesthetic appearance.

The heat transfer of the section depends on the material from which the radiator is made:

  • cast iron - 110 W heat;
  • steel - 85 W;
  • aluminum - from 175 to 200 W;
  • bimetallic - 199 W.

Knowing these numbers and taking into account the ceiling height of 2.7 m, it is not difficult to calculate the number of sections required. If the heat transfer rate is divided by 100, you get the amount of area that one section will heat (for example, for cast iron, this is 1.1 sq. m). Knowing the size of the area of ​​the entire room, you can calculate the number of sections.

In addition, you need to take into account some more features of the apartment:

  • 2 or 3 sections must be additionally installed in the room if it is corner;
  • the panel decorating the battery reduces the level of heat transfer by 15%;
  • The heat transfer of a radiator installed in a recess under the window sill is reduced by 10%.

You can achieve a significant reduction in heat loss if you install triple-glazed windows in your apartment and take measures to insulate the floors, walls and front door.

Is it possible to do the installation yourself?

In order not to hire specialists, but to do the installation yourself, you need to know how individual heating works. But even after studying all the nuances, such actions as installing the boiler and auxiliary equipment, connecting gas and laying risers should be carried out by specialists from the relevant services. But everyone can install radiators. The main thing is to check the tightness before using the system. Leaks are usually detected at the junctions of radiator sections or pipes and radiators. A reliable way to check for leaks is to let coolant into the system. You must be prepared to immediately fix the leak so as not to flood your neighbors.

What is the cost of installing an autonomous heating system?

So, to calculate autonomous heating you need to take into account:

  • apartment area;
  • cost of equipment, pipes and radiators;
  • heating principle (two or one pipe);
  • costs for documentation (including transport).

Also, costs depend on the pricing policy of craftsmen in a particular region when installing a heating system.

Today, more and more people prefer to install individual heating in their apartments instead of general heating. Everyone has their own reasons that push them to such a decision. Most often, apartment residents are dissatisfied with the quality of the overall heating installation. Therefore, the issue of installing individual heating is currently quite acute.

The realities of modern life force many people to install individual heating on their own, because... Professional installation of such systems is quite expensive. An individual heating system is considered the most appropriate solution for both apartments and private houses.

Individual heating: selection of boiler, radiators and pipes

Installation of individual heating in an apartment begins with the selection of heating equipment: boiler, radiators and pipes.

Among boilers, the first place is occupied by gas units with a closed combustion chamber. The main issue of choice is the availability of a hot water supply circuit. If there are no supply interruptions in your apartment hot water and the boiler will be used exclusively for heating, then you need to buy a unit without a hot water supply circuit.
It is necessary to select suitable radiators. Any heating radiators, except cast iron ones, will work well. You can choose any option from steel, aluminum and copper-aluminum radiators. It all depends on your budget and individual taste preferences.
An individual heating system in an apartment can be created using copper, metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes. Copper pipes heating systems are the most reliable and durable, but also the most expensive. For budget option will fit well polypropylene pipes heating. Metal-plastic products have an average cost.

Individual heating system: installation features

Schematic diagram of an apartment water heating system with pump circulation of the coolant and a heat storage tank: 1 - storage tank; 2 - plug valve; 3 - expansion tank; 4 - main riser; 5 - heat generator; 6 - heating device; 7 — circulation pump type TsVTs; 8 - check valve; NN - boiler heating center; 00 - cooling center; MM - center of the accumulator; TP - tee with plug.

If individual heating is considered in a simple apartment, then it can be installed by anyone who has the skills to work with electrical tools. Of course, a little ingenuity wouldn’t hurt, but in general there shouldn’t be any difficulties.
Having become familiar with the intricacies and nuances of this work, you can quickly and easily special problems do everything yourself. Even if you cannot install the entire system, at least you will have the opportunity to personally control the process of work carried out by third-party specialists. The process of installing an individual heating system in an apartment consists of the following steps:

  • laying the main pipeline;
  • installation and connection of heating radiators to the main line;
  • installation of a heating boiler, with connection to gas pipe and heating system.

An apartment with individual heating has many advantages. However, in order for the system to work as it should, it is necessary to select the correct heating design. If you don’t have a lot of radiators and you have limited finances, you can make a one-pipe system, but adjusting the temperature in this case will be impossible. That is why it is better to install a two-pipe heating system.

The most difficult stage of the work is installing the boiler. Work related to the installation of boiler equipment must be carried out in compliance with all safety measures and knowledge of the matter, therefore, installation of the boiler must be carried out only by a qualified specialist and after obtaining the appropriate permits.
Installation of individual heating in an apartment is carried out using the following tools:

  • 2 gas keys for installing surges in pipes;
  • set of car keys;
  • 1 adjustable wrench for connecting heating radiators and installing heating pipe connections;
  • drill;
  • hammer with a brace.

Individual heating system: installation of devices

It is best to start installation work with the installation of heating devices. This will help you understand how an individual heating system in an apartment should be arranged.
The most important thing is to correctly calculate the power of the radiators, after which you can buy the required number of devices and begin the assembly and installation process.
Each radiator, which will be used to build an individual heating system in an apartment, must contain foot nuts, a plug and a Mayevsky tap. The latter is installed on the right on the upper connections of the installed heating batteries. A plug is placed on the left.
The heating supply and return pipelines are connected to the lower connections.
The bottom of the pipelines must be equipped with control and shut-off valves. The shut-off valve is placed on the right, and the control valve on the left.

Actually, there is no particular difference in the aspects of installing faucets, this rule will simply help you not get confused in the process of installing faucets on other radiators.
The next stage of work is heating itself. Attach the radiator to special brackets under the window opening. It is necessary to maintain the installation level correctly.
This requirement is determined not so much by aesthetics as by the performance of the heating system as a whole.
If the slope of your radiators is directed towards the Mayevsky tap, you simply will not be able to expel the accumulated air from the system. As a result, the radiators will show partial or even complete inoperability.

Individual heating: laying main pipelines

After installing the heating batteries, the stage of installing the main pipeline follows. The installation material used during the installation process can be varied, depending on your choice. It is much more important to know the basic principles of this process.
The work can be done according to 2 main methods: closed and open. The closed method involves installing grooves in the floor and at the bottom of the wall. To install hidden pipelines, it is best to use drywall. If the walls in your apartment are already insulated with plasterboard, you can use the cavity between the wall and the plaster to lay the pipeline.
The same can be done when insulating using mineral wool. All pipes that are hidden in plaster or in the wall must be additionally insulated with Merylon. This makes it possible to dramatically reduce heat loss and leave space for the pipeline, which will be very useful during thermal expansion.
The open option for arranging individual heating is simpler to implement, but be sure to pay attention to the disadvantage that the opening communications are unaesthetic. If this suits you, then give preference to the open method. In this case, the pipelines will be laid directly above the floor and rigidly fixed to the walls using clips.
The individual heating system in the apartment is installed using main pipes with a diameter of ¾ inches. The connections leading from the tees to the heating radiators are a pipe with a diameter of ½ inch. No other pipes will be needed.

Connecting the heating system and checking for leaks

The final stage of installing an individual heating system in an apartment is connecting the heating devices to the mains. It is best to make the connection as the pipelines are laid. The connection must be made immediately after the pipes are reached to the battery. The lines are connected to the radiators using tees, which are placed to the left and right of the heating devices. On the right the tee will be connected to return pipeline, on the left will lead to the hot water main.
The individual heating system in the apartment must be checked for leaks. The first option is to immediately fill the heating system with coolant. Do this only if you are completely confident in your work, especially if special antifreeze compounds are used as the coolant. If there is a leak, you will lose a lot of coolant and, accordingly, money.
Therefore, it is better to use the simplest and most accessible method of pressure testing the heating system - use an air compressor. To do this, you need to screw a tee with a tap and a pressure gauge into the radiator. Connect the compressor and pump up 4 bar. Close the tap and note the time. If the pressure in the system has not dropped within 1 hour, then everything is sealed. If the pressure drops, then you need to look for leaks.

First try to find leaks locally threaded connections, after which, if in doubt, check the battery intersections and pipe joints.
Professionals recommend another simple method. Previously, a soap solution was used for this, which was quite inconvenient, because... I had to find a suitable container, pour warm water into it, cut out the soap, stir it, and only then use it. Nowadays everything is much simpler. you can simply take any inexpensive dishwashing detergent with a spray bottle and spray it on suspicious areas. If there is a leak, you will see many small bubbles. Good luck!

It just so happens that the main housing stock in our cities is included in the service sector of utility companies. First of all, this relates to the issues of ensuring heat supply to city apartments during the heating season. The quality of the centralized heat supply system to consumers has always left much to be desired. The reason lies in the inefficiency of the existing service procedure. In addition, rising energy prices force people to look for alternative ways heating your own home.

Many apartment owners are trying to switch to autonomous heating of their apartments. What difficulties do you have to face in this case and how to make heating yourself - these are the main issues that concern our citizens today. We will try to solve the problem together and find answers to pressing questions.

Do you want to have your own heating? Algorithm of actions

Obtaining permission to disconnect

The desire of residents to improve the heating of their own apartment during the cold period is natural, if we take into account in our houses and what kind of utility costs they have to bear. At first glance, everything is simple. If you have money, take it and install a boiler in your home and heat it as you please. But there is one significant “but”. In our country, the independence of citizens, even in terms of managing their property, has its limitations. We are forced to heat our own homes using the services of public utilities. Any attempt to change the life support order of a city apartment encounters obstacles from the state.

Energy companies are monopolists in the heat supply market, and the state helps them in this by artificially limiting the ability of citizens to switch to autonomous sources of energy supply. in an apartment, made with your own hands is most often the result of a grueling struggle between residents and regulatory authorities. The whole problem is how to get permission to disconnect from the central heating supply. Existing technical standards do not allow you to independently obtain the right to autonomous heating of a city apartment without permission, even despite the fact that the Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not directly prohibit such actions for homeowners and the apartment owner has the right to refuse the services of a centralized heating system at any time. heat supply.

Important! Unauthorized shutdown of elements of the intra-house heating system is punishable by law and is an administrative offense. Article 7.21 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations gives a clear idea of ​​the responsibility of residents in this regard.

Organizing independent heating of your apartment with your own hands means initial stage only one. You will have to independently seek official permission to disconnect from the central heating. Already at this stage you need to decide which type of home heating is optimal in your case.

On a note: in high-rise buildings (more than 9 floors) there is no centralized gas supply in order to increase the safety of operation of residential buildings. Therefore, gas heating is acceptable mainly for residents of old apartment buildings, where there is a centralized supply of household gas.

It is up to you to decide which heating to use, gas or electricity. The main thing is that the project meets the necessary building codes and safety standards.

The project must indicate all the necessary technical parameters of heating devices, a plan and diagram for their connection, and also provide detailed hydraulic calculations. Only after all bureaucratic issues have been resolved can we directly begin technical side question.

Dismantling old heating

Having dealt with the energy company and received permission to disconnect, you can move on to the next stage - dismantling the piping system and radiators of the intra-house system in the apartment. In this situation you are without help management company or the housing office is indispensable. It is necessary to agree with these services on the procedure for disconnecting the apartment from the intra-house heating communications. Only after this can dismantling begin.

During the work process, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the sequence, cutting out exactly those nodes and elements of the system that correspond to the diagram. Otherwise, if the heat supply to other apartments is disrupted, you will have to answer not only according to the law for sabotage, but also bear the financial costs associated with paying a fine. You will have to restore damaged house communications at your own expense.

Work should begin by dismantling the main wiring elements. To give integrity to the central heating circuit, which is now useless to you, it is better to replace the riser by cutting in a new steel pipe of the same diameter instead of the old pipe. Having isolated yourself from the central heating supply, proceed to dismantling old pipelines and turning off heating appliances. Having isolated yourself from the central heating supply, proceed to dismantling and disconnecting.

For reference! There is a mandatory rule. It is strictly not recommended to use old wiring and radiators for new heating systems. Inconsistency of technical parameters, large contamination can lead to technological violations during the operation of autonomous heating.

Overview of the necessary equipment for an autonomous heating system

Gas or electricity. What's better

DIY starts with studying the project. All work must be carried out in strict accordance with technical documentation. Changing the method of heating an apartment on the fly, installing a boiler with a higher power than specified in the project and increasing the number of radiators is fraught with troubles.

Retreat: During the test start-up of a finished heating system, a heating engineer must be present who is responsible for the functionality of the new gas equipment. If there are obvious discrepancies between the available equipment and the technical data specified in the project, you may be refused to issue an official conclusion on the commissioning of gas heating.

Therefore, you need to decide in advance what is best for you - gas heating or electric heating, and which heating devices to install. The following requirements must be taken into account:

  • coordination of project documentation with the energy company supplying gas or electricity;
  • when installing gas heating, it will be necessary to install a coaxial chimney on the street;
  • in the case of electric heating, it will be necessary to re-equip the home electrical wiring, install a three-phase meter and electrical circuit breakers;
  • apartments equipped gas boilers, need to install supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • Direct connection of the boiler to the pipeline and start-up work is carried out by an authorized person, a representative of the gas distribution organization.

How to properly connect heating equipment, how to install a boiler and start the entire heating system in accordance with established standards, it is better to contact specialists on these and other issues.

It would be appropriate to recall that the choice in favor electric heating will not give you advantages and real savings. Heating an apartment directly with electricity is an expensive pleasure. Only by installing a multi-tariff meter will you be able to achieve a tangible economic effect. Often restrictions on the operation of electric heating are imposed by an established consumption limit. Excessive consumption of electricity will lead to unexpected costs for light, to the deterioration of temperature regime.

A gas boiler. What are the options?

Having decided for yourself the cardinal question - the apartment will have gas heating, start by assessing the heating equipment market. Here you will have to take into account not only heat losses, but also the limited area of ​​the apartment, the number of inhabitants and your own household needs.

When choosing the type of heating boiler, place the main emphasis on a wall-mounted model. Today the market for such equipment is quite widely represented. You can always choose either a gas or an electric boiler of the appropriate power. You should not immediately grab models with high power. For a city apartment, you can get by with a 6-10 kW boiler. An approximate calculation applies here - 1 kW of thermal energy is needed to heat 10 m2 of living space with average thermal characteristics of the walls.. To this figure you can add 10-15% for heat losses.

On a note: the power of heating boilers is taken literally - without any extra charges or coefficients, since modern models have high efficiency.

Purchasing a double-circuit gas boiler is the best option to gain real independence from central heating and hot water supply. How to make heating in an apartment with your own hands using electricity, the answer is simple - you can use wall-mounted heating units with heating elements.

On a note: installation of electric boilers equipped with induction or electrode heaters will require additional installation of equipment and a control panel.

You can install heated floors in your apartment, but in this case the best option There will be a water floor instead of an electric one. This heating method is very convenient, since the water heated floor can be connected to the main heating circuit.

Installation. Step-by-step guide to action

Wiring can be done with both metal and plastic pipes.

Making plastic heating with your own hands is much simpler and easier than working with steel pipes and shut-off valves.

The latter option looks preferable, since it does not require welding, everything is done carefully and quickly. Polypropylene pipes are durable and not subject to internal corrosion. Making your own heating from plastic pipes is much easier than working with steel pipes.

If the boiler is equipped with a circulation pump, the optimal option for heating a small two-room apartment would be a one-pipe heating system in which the number of radiators does not exceed 4-5 pieces.

The diagram shows that for a single-pipe system, connecting radiators diagonally is ideal. In this case, the coolant will be in full contact with the entire internal surface of the batteries.

For apartments with a larger living area, you need to use a two-pipe system, and if you plan to connect a heated floor and a hot water supply system, then you will also need a double-circuit boiler. The heating efficiency of all radiators in an apartment with a two-pipe system is higher than with a single-circuit system. With a two-pipe heating system in an apartment, bottom wiring and the corresponding type of radiator connection are usually used. In the diagram you can see how the pipes are arranged in the apartment, how the batteries are connected and how the hot water supply is organized in the house. Made of plastic pipes the circuit can easily be replaced or its configuration changed if necessary.

Important! Installation of plastic heating systems is carried out only using reinforced polypropylene pipes. Unlike conventional plastic pipes, this material is not subject to large linear expansion under the influence of high coolant temperatures.

Or aluminum foil. Thanks to this design, reinforced polypropylene pipes are able to withstand high pressure(up to 25 atm.) and significant heating, in the range of 70-90 0 C. Pipes reinforced with glass fiber have a higher linear expansion rate and a tendency to bend under the influence of high temperature. Therefore, it is very important for them to pay increased attention to compensation for temperature extensions.

To ensure that each radiator can be turned off separately, it is necessary to equip them shut-off valve and thermostats, with which you can regulate the heating temperature in the room.

Initially, decide which type of radiator is right for you. Cast iron radiators are more reliable, but this type is characterized by high cost and cumbersome design. Bimetallic radiators are most widely used in heating systems today. The combination of steel and aluminum gives this material high performance characteristics. Steel can withstand high pressure in the system, and aluminum has excellent heat dissipation.

Low price, high technology and ease of installation make bimetallic radiators highly popular. The batteries are installed on brackets that are mounted directly into the walls. The optimal location for installing a radiator in an apartment is under a window, at a distance of no more than 10-12 cm from the window sill and at the same distance from the floor. The distance between the panels and the rear wall of the radiator should not be less than 5 cm.

On a note: You should not install heating radiators on walls adjacent to neighboring apartments. In this case, the connected radiator will warm you and your neighbors. You will pay for your neighbors' heating from your own pocket.

You choose the type of connection of radiators to pipes yourself. There are four options for connecting batteries to the pipeline:

  • diagonal or cross;
  • one-sided;
  • lower;
  • single-pipe.

The diagram below shows all four connection options with all the ensuing consequences.


Having completed the basic work on wiring and connecting radiators in the apartment, you can begin connecting the system to heat-generating equipment. You can set up the operation of the boiler in the presence of a specialist from the gas service. In his presence, it is necessary to check the operation of the gas boiler in all modes and adjust the operation of the automation.

The video explains in detail how you can do everything yourself

The topic of our article is the installation of individual heating in an apartment building. We will look at how economically feasible this idea is and what technical problems may arise during its implementation. In addition, of course, we are interested in the legal aspect of the problem.

When a little warm batteries combined with an increase in utility bills - this leads to a natural result.

Reasons for disconnecting from central heating

Prices for heat

Let's just say: in the case of central heating they are high. From a consumer point of view, this is unjustifiably high.

They include not only the cost of thermal energy, but also many other expenses:

  • Repair, maintenance and periodic replacement of heating mains. This includes the cost of heavy equipment when excavating trenches, the cost of pipes, thermal insulation work, and much more.
  • Inevitable heat losses along the coolant path from the thermal power plant to the end consumer. Yes, yes, the heat that is uselessly dissipated in the atmosphere is also paid for by you.
  • Repair and service shut-off valves in thermal units, calculation of nozzle diameters in elevators and many other related works.
  • Finally, maintaining a large staff of managers, officials, accountants, site managers and engineers also places a burden on the consumer.

After the initial investment, you only pay for the heating energy you use. More precisely, for the amount of gas that is necessary for its production.


Another compelling argument in favor of switching to individual heating is simple convenience. From the moment you install your own heating equipment, you are no longer tied to the beginning of the heating season and the temperature schedule of boiler houses. Your home is the temperature you need, regardless of thaw or frost.


What are the disadvantages of an individual heating system in an apartment building?

  • The cost of the equipment is high enough that its payback period is calculated in years. Don’t forget: we are talking not only about a gas boiler (other types of fuel need not be considered at all).
    After disconnecting from the central heating system, only risers leading to your neighbors will pass through your apartment; you will have to re-install the new heating circuit yourself.

For reference: at current prices, the total cost of equipment is estimated at 80-160 thousand rubles, depending on the area of ​​the apartment.

  • Like any gas equipment, the boiler can only be installed by representatives of the gas service after obtaining permission to install it.
  • The boiler must have a closed burner with air intake from the street. This is an official requirement (and valid for Russia as well); it is completely justified from the standpoint of common sense.
    With a large torch and closed windows, apartment residents risk suffocation due to a drop in oxygen levels in the air.
  • The removal of combustion products will also become a problem. Not everywhere the ventilation duct is capable of passing a large volume of hot air.
    A coaxial air duct through the wall would be an excellent solution, if not for the obvious objections of the neighbors: who enjoys breathing the exhaust of a gas boiler with open windows?
  • Don't forget about fire safety either. Explosions of gas equipment occur periodically, despite all safety measures.
  • Finally, there is an important point to consider. is the cheapest at the moment. Gas is a non-renewable resource with limited reserves.
    Ukrainian and Russian prices for it are 8-10 times lower than European ones and will eventually level out at the general level.

And the overall level, as world reserves are depleted, will grow - inevitably and very quickly.

Objections from the authorities

Why are apartment buildings with individual heating so unpopular among government officials at various levels?

Why does it take such effort to obtain permission to disconnect from the central heating center?

  • The main reason is, of course, economic. Less money coming into the housing and communal services budget means not only less income for officials, but in the future it also means problems with servicing worn-out heating systems (not everyone will switch to individual heating systems), and a lack of funding for planned repairs of heating mains.
  • With centralized heating, all apartments in the building have approximately the same temperature. The project includes identical radiators along the riser; The coolant temperature differs little.

But in the case of individual heating, everything is more complicated. It is enough to lower the average temperature in your apartment by a few degrees, and you will ensure a constant flow of heat through the ceilings and walls from neighboring apartments.

That is, you will become an illegal consumer of heat for which you do not pay.


  • Moreover, with a constant heat flow from heating devices, neighbors will become colder due to heat loss. And housing developers will have to solve this problem.
  • What happens if you leave, leaving the apartment without heating? Again, increased heat consumption for heating your empty apartment; in the long term - freezing of internal partitions and defrosting of the water supply.

As you can see, the authorities do not like the transition to autonomous heating not only because of their own “greed and malice.”

The freezing wall in the photo is a consequence of the cold in the next room.

Technical side

How to make the wiring from a gas boiler if the decision to switch to individual heating has not only been made, but is also being implemented by you?

There are no surprises here. An autonomous heating system in a city apartment is no different from an autonomous heating system in a cottage; and a huge amount of experience has been accumulated with them.


We are not talking about natural circulation simply because you cannot provide the height difference between the boiler and radiators necessary for it. The wall-mounted boiler will be located above, not below, the heating devices.

Please note: the good news is that it takes care of circulation pump and the security team, you most likely won't have to.
All this equipment along with expansion tank often located in the body of a modern gas boiler with a closed burner and electronic ignition.

Heating devices

Individual heating, in contrast to the central one, implies stability of coolant parameters. The temperature will not exceed the set one; There is no need to wait for water hammer.

If so, aluminum radiators would be the obvious choice. Beautiful, not expensive and having excellent heat transfer per section.

Tip: water heated floors in an apartment can also be an excellent choice.
However, not everywhere the ceiling height allows you to raise the floor by the thickness of the screed; and the repairs when installing a heated floor will turn out to be too global.


We remember about the stability of heating parameters. Therefore, you don’t have to waste time and money on expensive and difficult to install steel pipes. Our choice is plastic.

Which one?

  • - the cheapest option requiring installation minimum set tools and few skills. Reinforcement is needed not so much for reasons of strength, but to reduce the thermal expansion of bottling and liners.
  • Cross-linked polyethylene is somewhat more expensive on its own; In addition, for installation it requires the purchase of a fairly expensive tool - an extender.
    What will we gain in exchange for the costs? Greater durability and greater resistance to temperature and pressure (which, as we remember, is not a determining factor).


If the apartment's wiring allows a pipe to be laid around its perimeter, the cheapest to implement would be a simple single-pipe barrack-type wiring (the so-called Leningradka). Filling forms a closed loop; heating devices do not tear it apart, but cut in parallel. A circuit with bypasses under each battery allows you to regulate the temperature of each of them independently.

Single-pipe wiring is somewhat inconvenient in that it will have to be routed from the bottom or top of the doors - the entrance and the balcony. However, two-pipe wiring will allow the formation of only two independent semi-circuits on both sides of ONE of the doors. The second one will still have to be circled.

From the point of view of aesthetics and convenience, the radiator (collector) connection diagram for radiators is optimal. It implies that each heating device is equipped with its own supply, which is usually laid on the floor. The obstacle has already been mentioned when we touched on the installation of a heated floor: not everywhere the ceiling height will allow the floor to be raised by the thickness of the screed.

Tip: in apartments with wooden plank floors, radial wiring can be laid between the joists. Of course, the price of convenience in this case is partial disassembly of the coating.

Legal side

Well, what about the main obstacle - bureaucratic obstacles? Are there any instructions on where to go and what papers to collect in order to get the coveted opportunity to heat yourself?

For Ukrainians, the necessary information is contained in the order of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine dated November 22, 2005.

  • A local government or executive authority creates an interdepartmental commission, which, in fact, makes decisions.
  • A collective application from the residents of the building (or entrance, section, etc.) is submitted to the commission, accompanied by a copy of the minutes of the general meeting of residents.
  • The commission makes a decision taking into account the current state of highways, communications and utility networks, as well as prospects for their development. The period is a month. Upon expiration of the period, the commission must make a decision, the protocol of which is provided to the applicant within ten days.
  • If the decision is positive, the applicant is provided with a list of organizations to obtain technical conditions.
  • The grounds for refusal are the likelihood of disruption of heating in adjacent rooms (simply put, when it is impossible to cut off heating only in the desired part of the house) and overload of the gas pipeline.
    If the removal of combustion products is not provided for by the design of the ventilation ducts, installation may be proposed external chimney. There are precedents.

Relocation and insulation of risers may be required; strengthening the thermal insulation of partitions shared with central heating-heated rooms; replacement of the elevator or heating unit as a whole.

The ideal scenario is if you live on the top floor. It is enough to place a jumper on the risers below - and there is no central heating system in your apartment.

The finished project is agreed upon with the organizations that provided the technical specifications.

If, from your point of view, the refusal was received without compelling reasons, you can appeal through the court. Arbitrage practice shows that approximately half of the controversial cases end with the plaintiff winning and the transition to autonomous heating being successfully implemented.

What about in Russia? Alas, everything is much sadder: according to clause 15 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 190 (“On Heat Supply”), disconnecting a separate apartment and switching to autonomous heating is prohibited. Only the whole house can switch to its own heating systems.

In this case, the procedure and list of authorities that will have to be visited are completely identical to those relevant for Ukraine.

From the author: in some cases, the idea of ​​exchanging an apartment for a private house. The costs of the actual exchange and relocation may well be comparable to the payment for technical conditions, the project and its implementation.


Do you want to learn more about this rather painful topic for many? Watch the video at the end of the article. There will probably be a lot of additional information useful to you there.

Comfort in your home in severe cold apartment building depends on the operation of the central heating system. Of course, you can use additional heaters to create a certain temperature regime, but rising prices for energy resources force you to save your family budget. But equipping radiators with thermostats will not solve the problem in this case.

The solution is to install an individual heating system, which will create a favorable microclimate and allow you to set a different temperature in each individual room. It is possible to resolve the issue legally, but only after long and painstaking work on collecting a package of documents, obtaining permission from special authorities and approving the project.

Watch a video about individual apartment heating

Advantages of individual heating in an apartment

Economical energy consumption due to the installation of an automatic system, as well as reduced payment for heating the room.

An autonomous system provides uninterrupted heating.

It becomes possible for residents to regulate the heat supply themselves and change the operating mode.

Most boiler models are equipped with additional devices that provide hot water supply.

An individual heating system can be used in parallel with the central line, switching on if necessary.

Read also: Water supply for a private house

Individual heating in the apartment: features

Disconnection from centralized heating does not relieve apartment owners from servicing the pipeline. Moreover, the owners must freely allow service company workers to monitor the condition of the pipes, because the system is the property of the entire house.

No less important point preliminary development of project documentation is also considered. An autonomous heating system is not allowed to be installed in all houses. The technical compliance of the room and the gas main is supported by the required number of air ducts and space for installing the boiler. The installed equipment must be safe in operation for the health of all residents of the apartment building.

The efficiency of using autonomous heating will increase if you protect the room from heat loss. Before you begin replacing the system, you need to take measures to insulate the walls, floors, window and door openings. Residents of the first floors are recommended to insulate the floor, and the last - the ceiling.

It should be noted that unauthorized disconnection from the central highway is illegal and entails legal liability.

Choosing a boiler for individual heating in an apartment

According to the developed project and technical specifications the boiler is selected from the gas main. From existing species equipment, gas units with a closed combustion chamber are more popular. In addition to the heating function, they provide hot water supply. In terms of energy efficiency, equipment differs into the following types:

Read also: Supply ventilation in an apartment: types, principle of operation

- ordinary;

— convection:

- condensation.

Many years of experience in using condensing-type boilers in European countries has shown their efficiency. The advantageous characteristics are overshadowed only by the high cost, which is unaffordable for the majority of the population.

Experts advise not to purchase cheap units. The initial affordable cost has a reason - high fuel consumption. In conditions of the energy crisis, it is irrational to install such equipment and throw away a lot of money for heating the room.

Selecting autonomous heating elements

The functionality and effectiveness of the system largely depends on the selected elements. If the connection is carried out in accordance with the developed standards, then the apartment owners carry out the wiring themselves.

The best option for individual heat supply is polypropylene pipes. The connection of fragments is carried out by soldering. The material has proven itself well during its use in our latitudes. As for radiators, aluminum models are more suitable, since the system provides stable pressure. If there is a possibility of water hammer, then bimetallic batteries should be installed.