What to bake with pumpkin. The most delicious pumpkin dishes: the best recipes. Pumpkin and kohlrabi stew

Don't be skeptical about pumpkin. You can prepare many dishes from it. To make it very tasty, just select the required mode in the oven and adhere to the description. The vegetable is rich in beneficial properties. This means that it’s worth adopting a couple of recipes in which the main ingredient is pumpkin.

Desserts baked in the oven

Pumpkin cottage cheese casserole

For this dish you will need the following products:

  • semolina 2 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cottage cheese and pumpkin 230 g each;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • low-fat sour cream 4 tbsp. l.;
  • a pinch of baking powder.

Cooking method:

  • Beat the egg and sugar thoroughly, gradually adding semolina.

  • Add pre-grated pumpkin and mashed cottage cheese to the resulting mass.

  • Pour in baking powder (baking powder).
  • Add sour cream.
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

  • Place the resulting mass in a greased form.
  • Place in the oven at 180° for 20-25 minutes.

  • Let the finished dish cool slightly and serve.

Pumpkin pie

This dessert is loved by children and adults. Preparation does not take much time and does not require exotic ingredients. Everything is very simple.


  • 600 g pumpkin;
  • 1 medium apple, preferably sweet and sour;
  • 2 tsp. baking powder;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • 300 g granulated sugar;
  • 560 g flour;
  • 250 g butter;
  • chicken eggs 6 items.


  • Grind raw eggs with sugar, adding butter.
  • Peel the apple and pumpkin in advance, grate it into a fine or coarse grater (optional) and add to the resulting mixture.
  • Add cinnamon, baking powder and flour alternately.
  • Line a baking pan with parchment paper and pour in the mixed ingredients.
  • Place in an oven preheated to 200° and bake for an hour.
  • Depending on its characteristics, the time may change up or down.

Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies

We prepare the following ingredients:

  • cereals- 70 g;
  • fresh pumpkin pulp - 220 g;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • a packet of baking powder;
  • premium flour - 200 g;
  • sunflower oil - 135 ml;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and boil until soft.

  • Mash with a fork or to form a puree-like mass.
  • Fry oatmeal in a dry frying pan for 5-7 minutes.

  • Mix the resulting puree (you can also add pumpkin pieces at once) with oatmeal and gradually add the remaining ingredients from the recipe.

  • Add flour sifted through a sieve last.
  • We form.

  • Place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180° for 15-20 minutes until fully cooked.

Baked pumpkin

In the evening, or on a day off, when the whole family gathers at one table, you want to please with something that will be very tasty.

We suggest preparing a sweet delicacy from pumpkin.

For this you will need:

  • ripe pumpkin - 500 g;
  • whole lemon;
  • brown sugar - 40 g;
  • powder - 2 tsp.

Cooking steps:

  • Cut the pumpkin into slices.
  • Sprinkle each piece generously with lemon juice.
  • Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon spice.
  • Place the dishes on a baking sheet and bake at 180° for about half an hour.

Candied pumpkin

To prepare this delicious delicacy we will need:

  • 1 kg pumpkin pulp;
  • lemon;
  • granulated sugar - 240-260 g;
  • powdered sugar optional.


  • Cut the pumpkin into cubes and the lemon into thin slices.

  • Take a large saucepan and place vegetables in it in layers, sprinkling each with sand.

    Do you like pumpkin?

  • We leave our preparation for 2 hours so that it releases the juice.

  • As soon as this happens, put the mixture on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 8 minutes.

  • Drain the resulting syrup.

  • We take out the pumpkin pieces with a slotted spoon and place them on a baking sheet for further drying in the oven at 80° for 5 hours.

Until the candied fruits are completely ready, the final touch remains - sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Hot pumpkin dishes

Women are always puzzled by the question of what to cook from available products so that it is very tasty. Pumpkin makes great.

Required ingredients:

  • pumpkin pulp without seeds - 500 g;
  • chicken broth - 500 g;
  • curry powder and table salt to taste;
  • a little butter;
  • 1 small onion.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in butter until golden brown.
  • Place the pumpkin in the same pan and lightly sprinkle with curry powder. Fry for a few more minutes.

  • Transfer the resulting mass into a saucepan and fill with broth.

  • Cook the soup over moderate heat for 15 minutes.
  • Remove from the stove and use a blender to bring the first dish to a puree consistency.

Stewed pumpkin with vegetables

Products you will need for cooking:

  • half a kilo of pumpkin pulp;
  • large onion;
  • bell pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • 1 medium zucchini;
  • table salt, sugar and seasoning to taste;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

  1. In a frying pan, sauté onions and carrots in a small amount of fat for 5 minutes. Immediately add salt and a little sugar.
  2. Then we add pumpkin and zucchini to the fried vegetables.
  3. After 5 minutes, add sweet pepper and chopped tomato to the same container.
  4. Simmer the vegetables with the lid closed until they become soft and all the liquid has evaporated.

Before serving the dish, add the juice of one lemon, garlic and herbs.

Pumpkin snacks and salads

Sometimes you want to eat something light and satisfying at the same time. Pumpkin makes a very tasty salad.

To prepare it, you will need this list of products:

  • pumpkin pulp - 1 kg;
  • soy sauce- 5 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • arugula - 1 bunch;
  • pitted olives;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • wine vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • 3 onions (preferably red);
  • bacon - 130 g.

We take out the ingredients and begin the process:

  1. Cut the pumpkin into cubes.
  2. Fill it with pre-prepared seasoning: 1 onion, soy sauce, honey and half of sunflower oil. Mix everything with a blender.
  3. Bake the prepared ingredients in a well-heated oven for about 30 minutes.
  4. Cut the bacon into thin strips and fry in a frying pan until crispy.
  5. Cut the remaining two onions into half rings.
  6. We tear the arugula into pieces with our hands.
  7. Place the ingredients in a salad bowl and add olives, previously cut into halves or rings. Who likes it more?
  8. To dress the salad, use the remaining vinegar, salt and oil.

Delicious ready to serve. Bon appetit.

Pumpkin dishes cooked in a slow cooker

Almost every housewife has such a multifunctional household appliance with automatic and semi-automatic mode in her kitchen. To cook in it quickly and very tasty, you will need a minimum of effort.

Even the most picky eaters like pumpkin dishes.

Pumpkin with dried fruits

First of all, prepare the components:

  • vegetable pulp - 500 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • honey to taste.

Step-by-step cooking method:

  1. We thoroughly wash the dried fruits, then pour boiling water over them, so they will become softer.
  2. Grease the bottom of the bowl of modern technology with oil and lay out the pumpkin cut into pieces.
  3. Next layer. (They can also be shredded).
  4. Drizzle honey on top, the amount depends on taste preferences.
  5. Close the lid and set the “quenching” mode for 1 hour.

Barley porridge

This dish turns out especially tasty in a slow cooker.

To prepare you will need:

  • pearl barley - one measuring cup or 160 g;
  • vegetable pulp - 400-420 g;
  • pure water- 380 ml;
  • salt and seasonings to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the cereal and leave for two hours.
  2. Grease the bottom of the bowl vegetable oil lay out the pearl barley.
  3. Add pumpkin cut into small cubes.
  4. Fill with water and salt.
  5. We set the “cooking” or “stewing” program for 45 minutes.

The porridge turns out incredibly tender, tasty, and most importantly, satisfying and healthy. Suitable for both breakfast and dinner.

It is easy to prepare many different dishes from pumpkin. If desired, add something of your own to the recipe, making it even tastier.

Bon appetit!

Pumpkin donuts are a wonderful and unusual dessert for a cozy tea party. Surprise your loved ones! The recipe for pumpkin donuts is quite simple, the dish is budget-friendly, but the taste will amaze everyone;)

Pumpkin compote for the winter is very beautiful and healthy, and most importantly, delicious. At first I didn’t believe it, until my mother-in-law convinced me to try it. Since then I have been making pumpkin compote according to her recipe.

Very unusual dish, which will amaze your family, friends, as well as all gourmets - a pumpkin appetizer. Beautiful, crispy, combining both sweet and salty flavors. Meet us!

Pumpkin casserole is a magical dish. If you are biased towards this fruit, then I guarantee that you simply do not know how to prepare it correctly. Read and learn!

Pumpkin pancakes are an unusual dish at first glance, but they are prepared quite simply and quickly. The resulting pumpkin pancakes are very tender, juicy, beautifully colored and incredibly tasty:)

Pumpkin puree is a storehouse of vitamins that can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time and used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. It's easy to prepare, easy to store and long lasting.

Today we are preparing an interesting dish, which I gave a very general name - baking with pumpkin. I myself don’t fully understand what ends up happening - pie, pizza, biscuits or pies :)

Carotene-rich pumpkin inspires us to create a variety of delicious dishes. At my dacha, the pumpkin usually grows gigantic, and after cutting it, it must be used. I'm making spicy pickled pumpkin!

Sunny pumpkin jam will greatly delight lovers of this vegetable. Making jam is easy, the appearance and aroma are wonderful, and the taste is delicious. In addition, pumpkin is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

Pumpkin cheesecake recipe. To protect the cheesecake top from cracking, do not open the oven while the cake is baking or cooling.

My aunt always made pumpkin jam with dried apricots. The most interesting thing is that her jam was always different, sometimes it was amber and transparent, sometimes it was some kind of red mess. But it was always delicious!

Porridge with pumpkin is not only tasty, but also healthy. I suggest you step by step instructions, how to cook porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker - even a beginner can figure out this recipe.

Do you want some sun in winter? Make pumpkin and orange jam for the winter! Not only will it improve your mood with its bright yellow color, taste qualities, but will also replenish your diet with vitamins.

I’ll tell you how pumpkin porridge is cooked - traditional, without unnecessary ingredients, in the most classic way. Only the most basic ingredients - and nothing extra. The porridge turns out to be top class!

Try giving your favorite minced meat dish a little new taste - add pumpkin to the minced meat. Minced pumpkin, which is unusual for us, is a classic in Central Asia, there it is added to manti and other dishes.

It's mid-September, the kitchen is filled with homemade tomatoes and pumpkins. Well, we prepare delicious dishes by recycling excess food. Tomato soup with pumpkin - welcome!

Check out the recipe for pumpkin porridge, which was inherited from my grandmother! Pumpkin porridge is tasty, healthy and very beautiful.

There are such products that no matter what you cook with, everything is healthy and tasty. Pumpkin is one of them. And if you add honey to the pumpkin, it turns out incredibly appetizing, beautiful and, of course, healthy dessert.

Chocolate pumpkin muffins are delicious and original muffins made according to Jillian Michaels' recipe. It would seem nothing complicated - but what a magnificent result!

Pumpkin cake is a very popular cake in America, which is not difficult to prepare even for a beginner. The cake turns out great - with a moist texture and rich flavor. Try it!

Very tasty and aromatic pumpkin soup. I advise you to prepare it for your children as the soup is very healthy.

Pumpkin lovers and connoisseurs, this is your dish. A piece of sunshine on the dining table. Tasty, healthy and beautiful.

I like to go on a visit not empty-handed, but with some kind of treat. One of my latest treats is Pumpkin Cheese and Seed Pie. Everyone was delighted :)

A popular American recipe for Thanksgiving.

Appetizer "Mosaic" of tomatoes, pumpkin and cucumbers

The Mosaic appetizer made from tomatoes, pumpkins and cucumbers is a wonderful appetizer for the holiday table. Cheap to prepare, but tasty and effective.

Pumpkin soup with shrimp is a hearty, thick and flavorful soup that has a very original and unusual taste. The combination of products is very successful - I recommend trying it.

Pumpkin soup with potatoes and leeks is a very tender and flavorful vegetable soup that perfectly warms you up in the cold season. The ingredients are simple and affordable - there is no reason to refuse this soup! :)

Pizza with pumpkin, pear and Gorgonzola is a very successful experiment on the theme of classic Italian cuisine. The perfect combination of ingredients makes this pizza worth trying.

Recipe for a salad of baked squash, lentils, cumin, arugula, goat cheese, mint leaves and roasted seeds.

Recipe for crostini with roasted squash, sage, ricotta, lemon zest and garlic.

Baked squash recipe with sesame oil, miso, maple syrup, orange juice, lemon juice, lemon zest, tofu and your choice of toppings.

Salad recipe with baked squash, arugula, toasted walnuts, dried cranberries and Parmesan cheese.

Recipe for a sweet vegetable side dish of carrots, sweet potatoes and butternut squash with garlic.

Recipe for making yeast buns with pumpkin spice puree and a glaze of powdered sugar, cream cheese and vanilla extract.

Cookie recipe with pumpkin puree, oatmeal, ground cinnamon and vanilla extract.

A sweet salad recipe made from pumpkin, apples and carrots, which is ideal for a light breakfast.

This wonderful dish is perfect for both children and adults. It is very beneficial for the stomach, has a low calorie content and can be included in dietary nutrition. And it's also easy to prepare.

Pumpkin is considered very useful product. It contains many vitamins. Ascorbic acid will boost immunity, B vitamins strengthen hair and nails. Pumpkin calms the nervous system.

Pumpkin bread is another original way to use this wonderful vegetable in cooking. This fresh homemade pumpkin bread will give any store-bought bread a run for its money. Try it!

Pumpkin season is in full swing, so let's continue cooking with pumpkin! I recommend trying to bake a pumpkin-walnut pie - there is little hassle with it, the ingredients are simple, but the result is very good.

Another option for preparing pumpkin is my favorite pumpkin in puff pastry. The resulting envelopes are very beautiful and tasty.

Pumpkin season is in full swing, so don't yawn and prepare pumpkin dishes! I bring to your attention a sweet pie - pumpkin in shortcrust pastry. It doesn’t sound very good, but believe me, it turns out luxurious :)

Carbonara, Bolognese, Neapolitan - all this is hackneyed and uninteresting. But pasta with pumpkin and shrimp - how do you like this combination? :) Let’s give it a classic Italian pasta unusual shape and taste.

My children do not eat pumpkin in any form, the only exception being pumpkin pancakes with cheese. Everyone in our family loves them. Prepare quickly and easily.

Porridge in pumpkin is a very cheap and easy to prepare, but impressive Russian dish traditional cuisine. If you put this on the table, it will outshine any delights and delicacies.

Pumpkin season is in full swing, so I try to cook pumpkin dishes as often as possible. Pumpkin pie with honey is one of my latest culinary inventions :)

Pumpkin season is in full swing. I suggest making Edwardian pumpkin pie - a very tender and aromatic pie, which is a classic in English national cuisine.

This method of cooking pumpkin is very popular in our family. The pumpkin-curd pie turns out to be very tender, and the pumpkin itself, interestingly, is practically not felt in it. I recommend!

Among all the candied fruits that I prepared this year, candied pumpkin was the most popular. I am sharing my signature recipe.

Pumpkin pies are very easy to prepare and delicious pies that can diversify your daily diet, especially in the midst of pumpkin season.

At the beginning of autumn, at the height of pumpkin season, we decided to prepare our favorite manti with pumpkin, adding bacon and cheese. It turned out unconventionally and very tasty.

  1. Delicious pumpkin recipes
  2. Winter preparations from pumpkin
  3. Recipes for weight loss
  4. Children's recipes

Simple and quick pumpkin recipes

When you are short on time for cooking, but want something tasty and unusual, feel free to give preference to pumpkin. Below are some simple recipes that you can follow to please your loved ones with new dishes.

Pumpkin puree soup

Main ingredients:

  • pumpkin – 800 gr.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • oil drain – 40 gr.;
  • sunflower oil. – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • broth – 700 gr.;
  • potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • grated ginger – 1 tsp;
  • curry pepper - half a teaspoon;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • ham or sausage – 150 gr.


  1. Heat the sunflower oil in a saucepan and add the butter.
  2. Peel and finely chop the onion and add it to the melted butter, along with garlic, ginger and curry.
  3. While the seasonings soften in the oil, let's get to the pumpkin. We clean it and cut it into cubes.
  4. We do the same with potatoes and pour it all into our pan. Pour the broth here so that it covers the vegetables and cook over low heat until they soften.
  5. Cut into strips and fry the ham. Then pour the contents of the pan into a blender and bring to a puree-like consistency.
  6. Pour it back and add the ham, salt, pepper and herbs. Mix.
  7. Next, put the pan on low heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil and turn off.
  8. With the remaining broth you can dilute the puree to the desired thickness and pour into portions.
  9. You can decorate the resulting puree soup with fried herbs pumpkin seeds or the same ham.

Pumpkin puree

You will need:

  • pumpkin - any quantity.

Pumpkin puree can serve as a preparation for a future dish, a side dish, or even a dish on its own. It is especially popular among those who want to lose weight due to its low calorie content.


  1. Cut our orange vegetable into 4 parts and bake for 20 minutes in the oven at 150 degrees.
  2. Remove the skin, cut into even smaller pieces and grind in a blender until pureed.
  3. Then add spices and salt to taste and serve.

This puree goes well with meat and fish. In addition, it is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months, but if the puree is prepared for later storage, you should not add any spices to it.


Need to:

  • pumpkin - 800 gr.;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • semolina – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flour – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sunflower oil – 50 gr.

Cooking steps:

  1. After pre-cleaning, grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater.
  2. Eggs, milk, flour and semolina need to be kneaded into the dough and poured over the grated pumpkin. You can add sugar to taste.
  3. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Very tasty with sour cream or jam.

Delicious pumpkin recipes

The uniqueness of pumpkin lies in the fact that dishes made from it are perfect not only for everyday, but also for holiday menus. Here are a few recipes for delicious dishes that will undoubtedly decorate the holiday table.

Pumpkin fritters


  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • a glass of flour;
  • sunflower oil;
  • sugar;
  • salt;


  1. Grate the pumpkin pulp on a fine grater, add flour, sugar and salt to taste and knead the dough until smooth.
  2. Fry in oil in a hot frying pan on both sides until golden brown.
  3. Be sure to serve with honey.

Buckwheat porridge in pumpkin


  • pumpkin – 3 kg;
  • buckwheat – 0.5 kg;
  • lamb or beef – 0.5 kg;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • pepper;
  • olive oil – 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • bulb;
  • garlic - 1 head.

How to cook?

  1. Cut off the top of the pumpkin and take out the entire “inside”. We do this very carefully, without damaging the shell. Don’t overdo it, the wall should be no thinner than 1.5 cm.
  2. Mix salt, sugar and pepper and rub the inside of the pumpkin walls with this mixture.
  3. Place in the oven for 60 minutes at 180 degrees, also bake the top. The inner walls will become soft, but the pumpkin should retain its shape.
  4. While the pumpkin is baking, heat the buckwheat in one pan, and fry the chopped meat, onions and pieces of pumpkin with spices in another.
  5. We cook porridge from calcined cereals, but do not cook it a little.
  6. Pour the fried meat into it and mix.
  7. Now let's move on to stuffing. We take out the pumpkin and carefully use a spoon to scrape out everything remaining from the inside of the pumpkin. The resulting puree can also be served later.
  8. Place the porridge inside the pumpkin, being careful not to pack it too tightly. Add half a glass of boiling water and insert the garlic cloves.
  9. We close the pumpkin with its original “lid” and coat the outside with sunflower oil.
  10. Place it in the oven again for an hour and the delicious porridge is ready.

What to cook from pumpkin for the winter

Sun pumpkin will delight you on cold winter days with its rich summer flavor. Read the most popular recipes for canned pumpkin below.

Spiced pumpkin

Take for a liter jar:

  • 0.5 kg pumpkin;
  • 0.7 liters of water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1–2 buds of cloves;
  • black pepper – 2-3 peas;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%.


  1. To get syrup, pour water into a saucepan and add spices. Bring to a boil.
  2. Place the chopped pumpkin in it and cook for a few (5-7) minutes, but do not overcook it.
  3. Then add vinegar and roll it into a sterilized jar.

Pumpkin jam with apples


  • one and a half kilograms of pumpkin;
  • 2 oranges or lemons;
  • kilogram of apples;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar.

How to cook?

  1. Peel the pumpkin and apples, chop them finely, citrus fruits too, but do not peel them.
  2. Dissolve sugar in water and boil, then add pumpkin and fruit there and boil again.
  3. Remove from the stove and let it brew for several hours, then boil again for five minutes and leave to brew again.
  4. Boil for the third time until tender - about 5-10 minutes, and pack into jars with iron lids.

Recipes for weight loss

Pumpkin is not only very tasty, but also a dietary product, so implement our recipes and lose weight with pleasure!

Rice porridge with pumpkin


  • 0.5 kg pumpkin;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • Butter – 30 grams;
  • 2-2.5 cups rice.


  1. Let the rice cook while we peel the pumpkin and grate it.
  2. Then add it to the pan on top of the rice, and when it is boiled, put the butter there and pour in the milk.
  3. Cook until done and enjoy the excellent taste without extra calories.

Pumpkin cutlets with cauliflower


  • a piece of pumpkin;
  • cauliflower – 1/2 head;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 3 tbsp. l;
  • salt.

Process description:

  1. Chop the cabbage, carrots and pumpkin (after peeling) and steam until half cooked.
  2. Divide the boiled pumpkin into two parts and beat one of them in a blender along with the carrots to a puree-like consistency.
  3. You can chop the cabbage with a knife, or beat it if you prefer tender, uniform cutlets.
  4. We also chop the second part of the pumpkin with a knife and mix everything together.
  5. Add salt to taste and spices as desired, low-fat cottage cheese. Mix, form cutlets and place on a baking sheet, covering it with parchment.
  6. Next we put it in the oven for 40 minutes at 170 degrees.
  7. At the end we get this orange beauty:

What can you make from pumpkin for children?

All the best and healthiest things, of course, are for children, so pumpkin is ideal for their diet. In addition to the popular puree or soup, you can also prepare sweet desserts from this wonderful vegetable. Your baby will be delighted with a tender casserole or an airy pumpkin soufflé.

Pumpkin and carrot casserole

You will need:

  • grated pumpkin – 0.2 kg;
  • grated carrots – 0.2 kg;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 1 egg.


  1. Boil milk and add grated vegetables. Simmer over low heat until all the milk is absorbed, then remove the pan from the stove and cool.
  2. Add egg and sugar, stir, carefully add semolina. Stir the mixture until no lumps remain.
  3. Steam in a slow cooker or in a water bath for 20 - 25 minutes.
  4. The finished casserole can be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.

Delicate pumpkin soufflé


  • Pumpkin – 150 grams;
  • Butter – 1 tsp;
  • Whites of two eggs;
  • Sugar and powdered sugar.


  1. Cut the pumpkin into pieces, add water and bake in the oven until soft.
  2. Then beat it into puree with a blender or mixer, transfer it to a smaller container and stir in sugar.
  3. Cook over low heat until thickened. At this time, beat the whites and add them to the puree, knead well.
  4. Grease the mold with butter, transfer the puree there and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
  5. The finished soufflé can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Add vegetables to this product - it will turn out great vegetable salad, fruit - a sweet fruit dessert, flour and egg - baking dough, meat - roast or stew. Yes, that's how she is. What a variety of unique and healthy dishes can be prepared from this product! The world certainly didn’t come together on pumpkin porridge alone.

When the season is in full swing, and you are simply tired of looking for options on where to put the harvest, use our little tip. Not at all boring ideas will tell you and show you how to make a pumpkin the queen of the table.

Roast pumpkin

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never cooked with pumpkin as one of the ingredients before. Now there is such an opportunity!


  • 0.4 kg pumpkin
  • 0.4 kg pork
  • 4 potatoes
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • Peppercorns, salt, bay leaf to taste
  • Basil


  1. Peel the vegetables. Cut them into cubes.
  2. Cut the meat into small pieces.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Send the pork there. Be sure to add salt.
  4. When the meat is slightly fried, add vegetables to the meat. Stir and wait 2 minutes. Add some water and don't forget to add pepper and bay leaf.
  5. Cover everything with a lid. Simmer over low heat until fully cooked.
  6. When ready, sprinkle the roast over the top.

While tomatoes, eggplants and peppers become boiled and lose their appearance, the pumpkin remains as beautiful and bright. And how delicious it becomes!

Pumpkin with honey

Very original recipe. Have you ever roasted pumpkin? Did you roast it with ? It’s not only worth preparing... It’s also worth telling your friends about this treat.


  • 0.5 kg pumpkin
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey
  • 1 tooth garlic
  • 30 g butter
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • Salt to taste


  1. Wash the pumpkin. Don't peel the vegetable. Cut it into large pieces.
  2. Melt in a frying pan. Send the vegetable pieces to fry. Add rosemary and garlic pressed through a garlic press.
  3. Fry the pumpkin for 7 minutes. Then add honey. Continue roasting until the honey caramelizes. Add salt to taste.

Tasty and sweet- everything is as you like. And it's also very original. Think about the presentation and treat your guests and family. The above ingredients make 2 servings.

Pumpkin with cottage cheese

First you need, and then serve it with cottage cheese and chopped parsley or just a few sprigs of greenery if you only want decorate the dish.


  • 0.3 kg pumpkin
  • 20 g butter
  • 300 g cottage cheese
  • 2 tbsp. l. water
  • Cinnamon, parsley, salt, sugar to taste


  1. Wash the vegetable and peel it. Cut the pumpkin into cubes.
  2. Take a saucepan. Melt butter in it. Pour the pumpkin into the container. Don't forget to add salt, sugar, and cinnamon.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. l. water and simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Once the vegetable is soft, remove the pan from the heat. Wait for the stewed pumpkin to cool. Then serve it with cottage cheese and herbs.

This is another one good option for pumpkin dessert. Cottage cheese can be served without any dressing. A slightly sour dairy product, a sweetish pumpkin - what could be tastier?

Baked pumpkin with cheese

And again the recipe is for 2 servings. Cheese and French mustard will make the dish especially delicious. And no meat needed!


  • 0.5 kg pumpkin
  • 100 g
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 2 teeth garlic
  • 2 tbsp. l. French mustard
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Wash the vegetable. Remove the peel. Cut the pumpkin into fairly large cubes and place in a bowl.
  2. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything and then add more. And mix again.
  3. Take a baking dish. Place the prepared vegetable into it. Top with minced garlic, French mustard and grated cheese.
  4. Set the oven temperature to 180°C. Place the form with the pumpkin there for 25 minutes. When everything is ready, you can sprinkle the dish with chopped parsley.

Nowadays it is popular to bake vegetables and meat covered with cheese crust. Pumpkin with this topping is something new. That's why it's worth a try.

Pumpkin pancakes

Many people adore pancakes since childhood - fluffy, still warm, with jam or honey... So, they can be made from pumpkin.


  • 200 g pumpkin
  • 3 tbsp. l. wheat flour
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 tsp.
  • 5 g vanilla sugar
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt to taste


  1. Wash the vegetable. Clean it up. Grate on a fine grater.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan and add the grated pumpkin. Bring to a boil and wait another 5 minutes.
  3. Drain the liquid and grind the cooked vegetable in a blender.
  4. Combine the pumpkin pulp with all the other ingredients and...
  5. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the pancakes.

Already prepared dessert can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. There is very little sugar in the dough, but thanks to the pumpkin the pancakes turn out quite sweet. If you have a real sweet tooth, eat it with honey.

Very dense. They are stored all winter, which means you can return to these recipes again and again. Today - casserole, tomorrow - roast, and between the main meals - pancakes, and stewed sweet vegetables with cottage cheese. Diversify your menu and tell your friends how to do it without breaking the bank.

A collection of recipes for dishes prepared from pumpkin. Unlike decorative ones, edible pumpkin varieties are eaten. After heat treatment, boiled or baked pumpkin is very well absorbed by the body and is widely used even for children and dietary nutrition. Also good for salads and side dishes.

It contains many useful substances: vitamins (vitamin C and a whole complex of B vitamins), microelements (copper, cobalt, zinc, potassium salts, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.), pectin, fiber, carotene (and there is more carotene in pumpkin, than in carrots, which got their name from this substance - carotte - carrots), necessary acids, etc. For stomach diseases, pumpkin is simply irreplaceable - it helps stomach ulcers heal faster.

From this vegetable you can cook a hearty soup or prepare an original salad for an appetizer.

Since ancient times, pumpkin was considered a masculine vegetable and was used to maintain sexual tone. Pumpkin is also indicated for cardiovascular diseases. And it won’t hurt healthy people who don’t need a special diet either, and because of its low calorie content, it’s perfect as a side dish for fatty meats: pork, lamb, beef.

Pumpkin dishes - 50 most delicious recipes

Pumpkin makes a great pie - delicious and moist. Pumpkin pie is completely easy to make and doesn't require much preparation! Simple and delicious! Such baked goods for tea always turn out bright, juicy and lift your spirits!


  • Raw pumpkin - 400 G
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Sour cream - 1 Art. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Sugar - 150 G
  • Flour - 180 G
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Vanilla sugar - 0,5 tsp
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp


  • Beat eggs with gradual addition of sugar, salt and vanilla sugar until white foam. Add sour cream and pumpkin, grated on a fine grater. Mix with a spatula.
  • Add flour and baking powder and mix. At the end, add oil and stir. If desired, you can add an apple and/or cinnamon to the dough, as well as orange or lemon zest - to your taste.
  • Place the dough in a lightly greased pan. Baking pumpkin pie 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees. Let the pumpkin pie cool and slice.

A delicious dish of Greek cuisine - pumpkin with basil, olive oil and garlic. Greek pumpkin will become one of your favorite dishes from this vegetable, I assure you!

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 400 G
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Tomato paste - 1 tsp
  • Dried basil - 1 tsp
  • Olive oil - 1 Art. l.
  • Water - 2 Art. l.
  • Salt - to taste

Preparation - 45 min (your 10 min):

  • Let's prepare all the ingredients for baked pumpkin in Greek style. It is better to take sweet varieties of pumpkin, I use nutmeg.
  • How to cook pumpkin the Greek way: Peel the pumpkin.
  • Cut the pumpkin pulp into large cubes.
  • Pour into the frying pan olive oil, heat it up and fry the pumpkin until golden brown on all sides for minutes 5-7 , stirring.
  • Add salt, pepper and dried basil to the pan.
  • Now add tomato paste to the pumpkin.
  • Press the garlic through a press and also add it to the pumpkin. Mix pumpkin with spices.
  • Transfer the pumpkin to a baking dish.
  • Pour water into the mold.
  • Cover the pan with foil and bake the pumpkin in a preheated oven. 180 oven degrees 25-30 minutes.
  • Take the finished Greek pumpkin out of the oven and serve as a side dish for the main meat or fish dish. This baked pumpkin is good as a hot appetizer and should be served with fresh bread. Bon appetit!

Golden, delicious pumpkin pancakes. There are many recipes for pumpkin pancakes; kefir and sour cream are added to the dough; the pumpkin is baked, boiled or grated raw. This recipe is very simple, but the pancakes turn out delicious.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Peeled pumpkin - 500 G
  • Flour - 150 G
  • Sugar - 2 Art. spoons (more possible)
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Baking powder - 1,5 teaspoons
  • Eggs - 1 PC.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml

Preparation - 1 hour 10 min (your 30 min):

  • Ingredients for making pumpkin pancakes.
  • How to make pumpkin pancakes: Cut the pumpkin into pieces 2,5-3 cm and boil in boiling water ( 15-20 minutes). Drain in a colander.
  • When the pumpkin has cooled a little, puree it in a blender. Place pumpkin puree in a bowl, add flour and baking powder, egg, sugar and salt. Knead a homogeneous dough, the consistency is like thick sour cream.
  • Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and spoon out the dough. Fry pumpkin pancakes over moderate heat on both sides until golden brown (about 3-5 minutes on each side).
  • Place the finished pancakes on a plate. You can drain the pancakes on paper towels if you think there is a lot of oil on them.
  • Pumpkin pancakes are delicious served with liquid honey or jam syrup. Bon appetit!

If you are wondering what to cook with pumpkin, you need delicious baking recipes. Recipes with pumpkin with photos, hints: eat good way cooking pumpkin - casserole. Pumpkin casserole is good for breakfast with coffee or tea, as well as for dinner after a hard day at work. It’s also baked with apples, which makes it even more flavorful.


  • Pumpkin - 500 gram
  • Apples - 150 gram
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Butter - 150 gram
  • Semolina - 0,5 glasses
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Vanillin
  • Salt - to taste
  • Soda - pinch (or baking powder)


  • How to prepare pumpkin casserole: Peel the pumpkin, cut it into pieces, put it in a saucepan, pour water, cover with a lid and put on the stove to cook. Cook for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Taste the pumpkin with a fork - if the pumpkin is soft, it is ready. Drain the water, add salt and pound with a masher.
  • Leave the pumpkin to cool.
  • Wash the apples, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater.
  • Beat eggs, sugar and salt with a mixer or blender.
  • Place the cooled pumpkin, grated apples, softened butter, semolina, vanilla into a bowl and mix everything.
  • Add the beaten eggs and gently fold them into the dough.
  • Line a baking pan with baking parchment, grease with oil and place the dough in it. Place the pan on preheated 200 degrees oven and bake the pumpkin casserole for about 30 minutes (this is the minimum baking time, it depends on the characteristics of your oven).

From pumpkin you can prepare not only the usual porridge or pie filling, but also such a savory dish as fried pumpkin with garlic and herbs. The advantages of the pumpkin with garlic recipe include not only the wonderful taste of the dish, but also the ease of preparation.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 0,5 kg
  • Flour - 2 Art. spoons
  • Parsley - 0,25 beam
  • Garlic - 1-2 clove
  • Salt - 1-2 pinches
  • Ground black pepper - 1-2 pinches
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 Art. spoons
  • Sour cream (or mayonnaise) for serving (optional) - to taste

Preparation - 50 min (your 30 min):

  • Prepare ingredients for cooking roasted pumpkin with garlic.
  • How to cook pumpkin with garlic: Wash the pumpkin, peel it, cut it into small slices, about 7 cm.
  • Season the sliced ​​pumpkin with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Then roll each slice in flour.
  • Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Place the prepared pumpkin slices in a frying pan and fry on both sides over medium heat, browning well. First fry on one side for about 2 -x minutes, and then carefully turn over and fry on the other side for about 1 minute.
  • Turn on the oven, preheat it to 180 degrees. Place all the fried pumpkin slices in a frying pan (oven-safe). Then place the frying pan with the pumpkin in a hot oven until the pumpkin is completely cooked (about 15 minutes).
  • Peel and crush the garlic.
  • Chop the parsley. Mix chopped herbs with crushed garlic
  • Place the hot fried pumpkin in portions on plates, sprinkle with garlic and herbs. (You can garnish the fried pumpkin with green salad leaves if you wish.) Serve sour cream or mayonnaise separately with the pumpkin fried with garlic. Bon appetit!

Pumpkin is not only a healthy vegetable, but also very versatile! I propose to prepare a dish from pumpkin, for which potatoes are used in the classic version. These are everyone's favorite pancakes. Pumpkin makes them no less tasty, but more healthy!

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 200 G
  • Egg - 1 PC.
  • Bulb onions - 0,5 PC.
  • Flour - 0,5 Art. l. (with a slide)
  • Sunflower oil - 30 ml
  • Salt - to taste

Preparation - 20 min (your 20 min):

  • Prepare all the necessary ingredients to make pumpkin pancakes.
  • Peel the pumpkin from peel and seeds. Grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater.
  • Place the grated pumpkin in a bowl, add the egg and diced onion.
  • Add salt, ground black pepper and flour.
  • Stir.
  • Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan. Drop the pumpkin mixture into the pan by tablespoonfuls, like you would do pancakes. Fry pancakes over medium heat.
  • When the pumpkin pancakes are fried on the bottom, turn them over and fry until golden brown.
  • In this way, fry pancakes from the entire pumpkin mass.
  • Serve pumpkin pancakes with sour cream. Bon appetit!

Baked pumpkin is the healthiest dish is prepared almost without your participation.

Ingredients (for 6 servings):

  • Pumpkin ( 1-1,5 kg) - 1 PC.
  • Butter - 40-60 G

Preparation - 1 hour 20 min (your 20 min):

  • Prepare ingredients for baked pumpkin.
  • How to bake pumpkin in the oven: Bake a whole pumpkin on a baking sheet in the oven. To do this, turn on the oven, line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and place the pumpkin in the center. Bake pumpkin weight 1-1,5 kg needed 1 hour at temperature 180-200 degrees.
  • Melt the butter.
  • When the baked pumpkin is ready, cut it into pieces. Then the baked pumpkin is cleared of seeds and skin.
  • After this, the baked pumpkin is poured with butter and served.

Millet with pumpkin - a recipe for making a delicious and very healthy porridge. Pumpkin with millet - pure health and a great start to the day!

Tip: You can add sugar to your millet and pumpkin porridge to taste. I recommend serving the millet and pumpkin hot with a piece of butter.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Milk - 3 glasses
  • Millet - 1 cup
  • Pumpkin - 500 G
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 0,5 teaspoons

Preparation - 1 hour (your 10 minutes):

  • Let's prepare ingredients for making millet and pumpkin. The porridge pan must be fireproof, with the same lid, so that they can be put in the oven.
  • How to prepare pumpkin with millet: Peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes.
  • Let's wash the millet well. Let's boil the kettle. Scald the millet with boiling water. (You can boil the millet in a separate saucepan 10 minutes).
  • Pour milk over peeled and finely chopped pumpkin. Bring to a boil and cook in hot milk 10-15 minutes over medium heat.
  • Then add the prepared millet, add sugar and salt. Stirring, continue to cook the pumpkin and millet over low heat for another minute. 15-20 until it thickens. Turn on the oven.
  • We put the cooked porridge from millet and pumpkin in the oven on the middle shelf to rest on 25-30 minutes, at temperature 180 degrees (can be placed in a water bath).
  • Millet porridge with pumpkin is ready. You can serve.
  • Bon appetit!

Chicken meat goes well with pumpkin. There is nothing superfluous in this dish, but if desired, you can complicate it by adding other vegetables or mushrooms.


  • Pumpkin - 450 G
  • Chicken fillet - 250 G
  • Butter - 20 G
  • Garlic - 2 clove
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice - 2 Art. spoons
  • Dried parsley - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste


  • Ingredients for cooking chicken meat with pumpkin.
  • Wash the pumpkin and remove the skin. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes.
  • Wash the chicken fillet and dry with paper towels. Cut the fillet into pieces.
  • Place pumpkin and chicken in a bowl. Salt and pepper to taste. Add one clove of garlic, passed through a press, lemon juice and honey. Stir and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Add pumpkin and chicken fillet and fry, stirring constantly, until the meat turns white.
  • Then transfer everything into a baking dish and place the chicken and pumpkin in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, by 20-30 minutes.
  • Mix softened butter with a clove of garlic, passed through a press, and dried parsley. You can use herbs according to your taste: both dried and fresh.
  • Place the finished chicken meat with pumpkin on a plate, put aromatic butter on top. The butter will melt and make the dish even more flavorful. Bon appetit!

To be honest, I don’t really like pumpkin and can’t fully appreciate it, but I still took the risk of making baked goods - pumpkin pie. And what do you think? To my surprise, it turned out amazing, incredibly aromatic and delicious! Try making pumpkin pie because... it's not difficult at all!)

How to make pumpkin pie:

1. Grate the already peeled pumpkin. If you use the coarsest grater, the dough may rise worse.

2. Now let's take on the lemon. Finely grate the lemon zest. Squeeze juice from lemon (50 grams).

3. Grind butter with sugar, add eggs and mix.

4. Now add the lemon zest.

5. Finally, mix the grated pumpkin and flour into the pumpkin pie dough. We extinguish the soda with lemon juice.

6. Pre-grease the pie pan with a little oil. Place the pumpkin pie dough into the pan.

7. Place in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees. We are waiting for the pumpkin pie to brown.

It's best to serve pumpkin pie when it's completely cooled, and it will be much easier to cut:) Bon appetit!


  • Pumpkin - 400 g grated
  • Butter - 100 G
  • Eggs - 3 PC.
  • Lemon - 1 PC.
  • Sugar - 150 g (to taste)
  • Flour - 1 glass (or a little more)
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon


  • Ready pumpkin pie. Yummy :)

Very tasty, moderately sweet, sunny pumpkin muffins with an unobtrusive pumpkin aroma - a wonderful autumn dessert.

Ingredients (for 12 servings):

  • Flour - 230 G
  • Pumpkin - 200 G
  • Vegetable oil - 120 ml
  • Egg - 3 PC.
  • Sugar - 200 G
  • Semolina - 2 Art. l.
  • Baking powder - 10 G

Preparation - 1 hour (your 30 min):

  • How to make cupcakes (muffins) with pumpkin: First, prepare the pumpkin - cut it into small pieces and, adding a small amount of water, simmer until soft (about 15 minutes). (You can steam it.)
  • Next, prepare the pumpkin puree in any convenient way (for example, using a blender) and add vegetable oil to it.
  • In a separate container, mix the remaining dry ingredients (flour, baking powder and semolina).
  • Beat eggs with sugar, add pumpkin puree to them.
  • Mix dry and liquid ingredients. The dough for pumpkin muffins has the consistency of pancakes.
  • Divide the batter into the molds and bake the pumpkin cupcakes for about 35 minutes at temperature 180 degrees.
  • Serve pumpkin muffins with milk or tea.

Delicious candied pumpkin that looks like candy.


  • Peeled pumpkin - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Powdered sugar - for dusting


  • How to make candied pumpkin: Let's take 1 kg of sugar and a glass of water - we will use them to make syrup.
  • Let's take a delicious, sweet pumpkin. Sliced ​​pumpkin should be 1 kg.
  • Place sugar in a large saucepan and pour in a glass of water. Let the sugar syrup cook.
  • When the syrup boils, put it on low heat and cook until thick.
  • Cut the pumpkin into small cubes.
  • When the syrup thickens, add pumpkin pieces to it. We need to interfere.
  • Boil pumpkin in syrup 10 minutes.
  • After the pumpkin is cooked, soak it in syrup for a day.
  • After this, you need to strain the syrup through a colander. (You can boil, for example, apples in the remaining syrup. You will get apple-pumpkin jam.)
  • Place the pieces of candied pumpkin on parchment paper - they should dry about 2 -x days.
  • After two days, the candied pumpkin dried out and looked like candy.
  • Sprinkle candied fruits with powdered sugar.
  • Candied fruits can be stored in a jar. Try making candied pumpkin, you will definitely succeed! Enjoy your tea!

Stewed pumpkin in sour cream and garlic is an original dish with a spicy, spicy taste. The dish can be served as a side dish or snack, either warm or cold.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 400 G
  • Garlic - 3 clove
  • Parsley - 1/2 beam
  • Sour cream 15 % - 150 ml
  • Shelled walnuts - 2 Art. spoons
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Preparation - 30 min (your 15 min):

  • Ingredients for making stewed pumpkin in sour cream and garlic.
  • How to cook pumpkin stewed in sour cream and garlic: Wash the parsley, remove the stems. Finely chop the parsley leaves.
  • Peel the garlic.
  • Combine sour cream, chopped parsley and garlic, passed through a press. Salt and pepper.
  • Mix.
  • Chop the walnuts with a knife.
  • Peel the pumpkin and cut into pieces.
  • Heat a little oil in a frying pan and fry the pumpkin.
  • Add sour cream sauce.
  • Stir, cover the pan with a lid and simmer until the pumpkin is soft, 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. The pumpkin should become soft, i.e. It is easy to pierce with a knife, but does not fall apart.
  • Place the finished pumpkin, stewed in sour cream and garlic, on plates, sprinkle with chopped nuts and serve.
  • Bon appetit!

A delicious oatmeal pumpkin cookie recipe for the whole family. This is exactly the case when it’s tasty and healthy. I am sure that your children will like these cookies, and in combination with warm milk, this is already a complete breakfast.

Ingredients (for 5 servings):

  • Pumpkin puree - 100 G
  • Oat flakes - 200 G
  • Vegetable oil - 60 ml
  • Eggs - 1 PC.
  • Sugar - 130 G
  • Flour - 150-170 G
  • Baking powder for the dough - 1 tsp
  • Ground cinnamon - 0,5 tsp
  • Ginger powder - 0,5 tsp
  • Salt - 1 pinch

Cooking - 45 min:

  • Before making the oatmeal cookies, you need to make the pumpkin puree. Boil the pumpkin, remove excess liquid and puree with a blender.
  • How to make oatmeal cookies with pumpkin: Mix pumpkin puree with sugar, vegetable oil, cinnamon, ginger, and salt. Add the egg and mix.
  • Add oatmeal, baking powder and flour to the mixture and mix. Leave the cookie dough for a while to allow the oatmeal to swell.
  • Place cookies with a spoon on greased baking paper. Place in the oven for 20 min. Bake at temperature 180 degrees.
  • Oatmeal cookies are ready! Bon appetit!

Even those who don’t eat pumpkin will enjoy this tender casserole of pumpkin and cottage cheese. Bright, aromatic, satisfying cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin lifts your spirits and gives you strength. Pumpkin dishes - autumn sun on your table!

Ingredients (for 8 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 500 G
  • Cottage cheese - 400 G
  • Semolina - 4 Art. spoons
  • Milk - 0,5-1 cup
  • Eggs - 3 PC.
  • Sour cream - 3 Art. spoons
  • Butter - 100 G
  • Sugar - 0,5 glasses
  • Vanilla sugar - 15-20 G
  • Or vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • Salt - 0,25 teaspoons

Preparation - 1 hour 20 min (your 30 min):

  • Prepare your ingredients.
  • How to cook cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin: Warm milk to room temperature. Soak semolina in 0,5 glasses of milk per 30-40 minutes.
  • Peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes 1 cm
  • Fill the pumpkin with water until the water barely covers the pumpkin cubes. Bring to a boil. Simmer the pumpkin until done ( 20-25 minutes) under the lid at a minimum boil. Then drain the water.
  • Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder or rub through a sieve.
  • Mash the stewed pumpkin into a puree.
  • Turn on the oven to preheat. Grind the eggs with sugar.
  • Add pumpkin and semolina with milk to eggs with sugar. Stir.
  • Then add cottage cheese, sour cream and mix again.
  • Melt the butter.
  • Add melted butter to the pumpkin-curd mixture (leave 1-2 teaspoons for greasing the mold), vanilla and salt. Mix everything well. The thickness of the mixture should resemble sour cream; if it gets thicker, add a little more milk.
  • Grease the pan with the remaining butter. Place the pumpkin-curd mixture into the mold.
  • Bake on preheated 180 oven degrees until golden brown, approx. 45 minutes.
  • The cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole is ready. Bon appetit!

A salad of raw pumpkin with a boiled egg, garlic and mayonnaise is tasty, original and healthy at the same time. It is prepared very simply and quickly. It is recommended to serve pumpkin salad as an independent snack or as a side dish to the main dish.

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

  • Pumpkin - 150 G
  • Egg - 1 PC.
  • Garlic - 0,5 clove
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Preparation - 20 min (your 10 min):

  • Prepare all the necessary ingredients to prepare raw pumpkin salad. Boil the egg hard for 10 minutes.
  • Peel the pumpkin from peel and seeds. Grate the pumpkin pulp using a Korean carrot grater. If you don't have such a grater, use a regular grater with a large grid.
  • Peel the boiled egg and grate it on a coarse grater directly into the bowl with the pumpkin.
  • Add mayonnaise, chopped garlic, salt and ground black pepper to taste.
  • Stir.
  • Pumpkin salad with egg and garlic is ready to serve. Bon appetit!

Delicious, fluffy pumpkin pancakes. These pumpkin pancakes are quick and easy to prepare. They can be easily prepared for breakfast.


  • Pumpkin - 300 G
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Butter - 40 G
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Flour - 250 300 G
  • Sugar - 100 G
  • Baking powder - 2 tsp
  • Salt - 1 pinch

Preparation - 1 hour 15 min (your 40 min):

  • Ingredients.
  • Steam the pumpkin for 20 minutes.
  • Grind in a blender, cool, measure 200 d. Mix eggs and sugar with a mixer. Add pumpkin puree, melted butter, mix with a mixer. Pour in milk and mix with a mixer.
  • Mix flour with baking powder. Add flour to the main mass and knead the dough thicker than for pancakes and thinner than for pancakes.
  • Let the dough sit 15 minutes.
  • We bake pancakes in a hot frying pan on both sides. Serve pumpkin pancakes with honey, jam or chocolate. Enjoy your meal!

Lenten soup is a dish that gourmets who care about their health and figure dream of. The best option This kind of soup is pumpkin. If only because, unlike many lean soups, pumpkin soup is a very satisfying dish. And about useful properties oh pumpkin there is no need to say, she is among the champions.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 400 G
  • Carrot - 1-2 PC. ( 200 G)
  • Onion (large) - 1 PC.
  • Olive oil - 50 g + 1 Art. spoon
  • Salt (optional) - to taste
  • Cream (optional) - to taste

For the vegetable broth:

  • Bulb onions - 1 PC.
  • Petiole celery - 1 stem
  • Salt - 1 tsp

Preparation - 50 min (your 20 min):

  • How to make pumpkin puree soup: First, let the vegetable broth simmer. Throw the onion and celery stalk into salted boiling water (about a liter).
  • In the meantime, put a thick-bottomed pan on moderate heat, pour olive oil into it and let it heat up.
  • At this time, chop the onion - not too finely.
  • Cut the carrots into fairly large cubes. This is done so that the carrots can be fried and not stewed.
  • When the pan with oil has warmed up, throw the onion into it. Do not simmer for a long time - wait for the onion to become translucent.
  • Without wasting time, we cut the pumpkin - also into cubes. We leave a small long piece of pumpkin in reserve - we will then use it as a decorative element for the soup.
  • Add carrot cubes to the onion, mix and fry, uncovered, for about 5 minutes.
  • Once the carrots are fried, add the chopped pumpkin to the pan. (Some recipes recommend baking the pumpkin first, but I like the fried version better - it’s faster and the taste is more expressive.) Stir and fry a little.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and leave the vegetables to simmer for 10-15 minutes until the pumpkin is soft.
  • As soon as the pumpkin has become soft, add hot vegetable broth to the pan - the temperature should not drop. We take just enough broth to cover the vegetables in the pan. Cover with a lid and leave on the fire for 15 minutes.
  • Let's puree what we cooked using an immersion blender at low speed.
  • If necessary, add salt or a little more vegetable broth to the pumpkin puree soup. (If desired, you can add cream to the puree soup to taste, for example about 100 g, and heat the soup, but do not boil.)
  • Let's prepare a small decoration for the soup. Cut the remaining piece of pumpkin into very thin strips.
  • Pour a little olive oil (about a spoon) into a hot frying pan, place the pumpkin sticks in the pan and fry the pumpkin.
  • Place the pumpkin chips on a napkin to remove excess oil.
  • Place the soup in a bowl and garnish with pumpkin chips. Pumpkin puree soup can be served. Bon appetit!

Pumpkin casserole with rice is very tasty. I'm preparing her for breakfast.

1. Boil the rice. Grate the pumpkin. Separate the yolks from the whites.

2. Take 3 tablespoons of butter, add 100 g of sugar, egg yolks, lemon zest, vanilla, nuts.

3. Add grated pumpkin and boiled rice to this mixture.

4. Separately, beat the whites with salt with a mixer and add them to the finished mass.

5. Grease the baking dish with butter. Spread the entire mixture evenly into the mold, and cut the butter (2 tablespoons) into pieces on top.

6. Bake in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes at 200 degrees.


Ingredients (for 8 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 400 G
  • Eggs - 3 PC.
  • Sugar - 100 G
  • Rice - 100 G
  • Butter - 5 Art. spoons
  • Nuts - 0,5 glasses
  • Lemon zest
  • Vanilla - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Pumpkin baked with sugar prepared according to this recipe is a dessert no worse than baked apples and no less healthy.

Ingredients (for 6 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 1-1,5 kg
  • Sugar - 5-6 Art. spoons
  • Butter - 3-4 Art. spoons
  • Milk or cream for serving - 1 cup

Preparation - 1 hour 30 min (your 20 min):

  • Prepare the ingredients for the sweet pumpkin recipe.
  • How to make sweet baked pumpkin in the oven: Turn on the oven. Wash the pumpkin, cut in half and remove the seeds. Cut the prepared pumpkin into pieces without peeling it. 4-6 pieces.
  • Place the pumpkin pieces on a dry parchment sheet or baking sheet. Place in a well-heated oven ( 200 degrees) by 15-25 minutes.
  • Cut the butter into cubes approx. 2x2 see Melt the butter in a water bath or in the microwave. In order to melt the butter in a water bath, you need to put a pan of water on high heat, place a bowl of butter on top of the pan and wait for the water to boil. (There should be enough water in the pan that the bowl touches the surface of the water.) Then, stirring occasionally, completely melt the butter. It will take approximately 15 minutes. You can melt the butter much faster in the microwave: place the chopped butter in a glass bowl, cover with a paper towel and microwave for 10 seconds at maximum power. You can also melt the butter in a thick-walled saucepan or frying pan: place the butter in an existing bowl and put on low heat, melt the butter for about 2/3 and remove from heat. Stir and the remaining butter will melt from the pan, which has not yet cooled down.
  • Then remove the baking sheet, pour melted (preferably hot) butter over the pumpkin, sprinkle with sugar and reduce the oven temperature to 180 degrees, bring to readiness. Sweet pumpkin is baked in the oven for about an hour. If the surface of the pumpkin begins to brown too much, you can cover it with foil or parchment paper that has been dampened cold water.
  • Baked sweet pumpkin is served hot or cold. Hot baked pumpkin can be topped with cold milk, heavy cream or homemade sour cream and sugar. Cold sweet pumpkin is poured with cream mixed with syrup from quince or apple jam. Bon appetit!

When I first tried vertuts, I really liked them. And when I saw how they were prepared, I was amazed that in this case it was not the ingredients that were important, but the technology.


For the test:

  • Oil for lubrication

For filling:

  • Pumpkin
  • Sugar
  • (or filling of your choice)

Cooking - 40 min:

  • The dough for vertuta is like dough for dumplings: flour + salt + water. Knead 2-3 times with pauses 15-20 minutes.
  • Divide the vertuta dough into lumps slightly larger than your fist.
  • Roll out the pancake thick 1 cm, grease with oil, leave to soak for minutes 10 .
  • The pancakes are soaked, then they will stretch well.
  • On a clean cloth, stretch the dough into a film.
  • Lay out the filling (any filling, I used pumpkin with sugar).
  • Lift the edge and twist it.
  • Roll the twirls on a baking sheet greased with oil.
  • Place the pumpkin rolls in the oven for 25 minutes.
  • Ready-made twirls with pumpkin.

Delicious, tasty and delicious again! Be sure to prepare it, you won’t regret it! Pumpkin and potato casserole with minced meat is a delicious and healthy lunch or dinner for the whole family.


For the top layer:

  • Pumpkin - 500 G
  • Potato - 500 G
  • Large onion - 1/4 PC.
  • Garlic - 2 clove
  • Bay leaf - 1 PC.
  • Black peppercorns - 5 PC.
  • Allspice peas - 2 PC.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Butter - 30 G
  • Green onions (for garnish) - to taste

For the bottom layer:

  • Minced meat (I used beef) - 500-600 G
  • Bulb onions - 1 PC. ( 170 G)
  • Carrot - 1 PC. ( 100 G)
  • Green peas (optional) - 50-60 G
  • Corn (optional) - 50-60 G
  • Garlic - 2 PC.
  • Soy sauce - 3 Art. spoons
  • Ketchup - 3 Art. spoons
  • Wheat flour - 1 Art. spoon
  • Ground coriander - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying and greasing the mold


  • For the top layer of the casserole, cover peeled potatoes and peeled pumpkin, cut into large pieces, with cold water. Add salt to taste. For flavor, add peeled garlic and onion, black and allspice and bay leaf. Boil potatoes and pumpkin until tender.
  • For the bottom layer of the casserole, chop the peeled garlic with a knife.
  • Cut the peeled carrots into small cubes.
  • Cut the peeled onion into small cubes.
  • Fry the onion in vegetable oil until transparent. Add garlic, fry for another minute.
  • Increase heat to maximum. Add minced meat to the onion, fry for a couple of minutes.
  • Reduce heat. Add ground coriander, ketchup and soy sauce. Mix. Add salt if necessary.
  • Add flour and freshly ground black pepper.
  • Add carrots, corn and green pea. Stir and simmer 5 minutes.
  • When the potatoes and pumpkin are ready, drain the water, remove the spices and onions (you can leave the garlic). Add butter.
  • Puree the pumpkin and potatoes using a potato masher. If necessary, you can add a little vegetable broth in which the potatoes and pumpkin were cooked, or hot milk to get the puree consistency that you prefer.
  • Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Grease a baking dish (I have a ceramic one) with vegetable oil. Place the minced meat into the mold. Top with potato and pumpkin puree.
  • Using a fork, you can make a design on the top layer. Prepare pumpkin and potato casserole with minced meat at 200 degrees 15-20 minutes.
  • Garnish the pumpkin and potato casserole with minced meat with finely chopped green onions and serve.
  • Bon appetit!

Millet is a very healthy cereal. Thanks to its composition, it has an invaluable property - it prevents the deposition of fat. And if you add pumpkin to the millet porridge - an indispensable product in our diet - then the benefits of such porridge can hardly be overestimated. And pumpkin porridge with millet prepared according to an old recipe will be especially tasty.

Ingredients (for 6 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 750-800 G
  • Water 5-6 glasses
  • Millet - 1,5 glasses
  • Salt - 1-1,5 teaspoons

Preparation - 1 hour 25 min (your 30 min):

  • Prepare the ingredients according to the recipe for pumpkin porridge with millet.
  • How to prepare porridge from pumpkin with millet: Wash the pumpkin, peel and cut into cubes with ribs 1 cm. The weight of the peeled pumpkin should be approximately 700 G
  • Finely chop the peeled pumpkin, place in a heat-resistant bowl (cauldron), add water and cook until soft ( 10 minutes).
  • Sort out the millet and pour boiling water over it. Rinse thoroughly. Drain the water.
  • Repeat 5-6 times until the water becomes clear.
  • Pour the prepared millet into the bowl with the pumpkin, add salt to taste, mix gently, and cover with a lid.
  • Cook the pumpkin and millet for about half an hour over low heat. Turn on the oven and preheat it to 150-180 degrees.
  • Turn off the oven. Place the thickened porridge in a medium-heated oven and let it rest ( 30 minutes).
  • Serve pumpkin porridge with millet warm with thick, non-acidic sour cream or homemade fermented milk.

An easy pumpkin dish for every day.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Pumpkin 550-600 G
  • Onion - 2-3 PC.
  • Carrot - 1 PC.
  • Parsley - 2-3 twigs
  • Butter - 1-2 teaspoons
  • Salt - 0,25-0,5 teaspoons
  • Ground black pepper - 1-2 pinches

Preparation - 45 min (your 20 min):

  • Prepare food.
  • Peel the pumpkin. Cut the peeled pumpkin into slices.
  • Peel the onion, chop finely.
  • Peel and wash the carrots, grate on a medium grater.
  • Mix the vegetables and place them in a cauldron or saucepan with a thick bottom.
  • Add oil, pepper, salt and simmer until done ( 20-25 minutes) over medium heat under the lid.
  • Chop the parsley.
  • Add parsley to the dish before turning off or immediately when serving. Bon appetit!

I got very tender, very juicy and very tasty cutlets using this recipe. How long has this recipe been gathering dust in my culinary notebook, for which I now reproach myself. Those who follow publications on my culinary channel know how much I love pumpkin and various dishes made from it, so this recipe completely met my expectations! Prepare yourself, you won’t regret it!

Ingredients (for 6 servings):

  • Minced pork - 500 G
  • Pumpkin - 200 G
  • Bulb onions - 1 PC.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Yolk - 1 PC.
  • Dry loaf - 2 slices
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Flour (for breading) - 50 G
  • Vegetable oil (for frying) - 5-6 Art. spoons
  • Khmeli-suneli - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Preparation - 1 hour:

  • We prepare products for meat cutlets with pumpkin.
  • Chop the onion and garlic and fry until soft.
  • Grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater.
  • Combine all the ingredients: minced meat, fried onions and garlic, pumpkin, yolk, all seasonings and spices. Squeeze out the loaf soaked in milk, grate it and add to the rest of the ingredients. Knead the minced meat and beat it. Place the minced meat for the cutlets in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  • Form cutlets, roll them in flour and fry in hot vegetable oil until 3-4 minutes on each side, and then cover with a lid and keep on low heat for about another 5-7 minutes.
  • Juicy meat cutlets with pumpkin are ready. Bon appetit!

The cookies, the recipe for which I want to offer you today, took a leading position among the various baked goods with pumpkin that I had the chance to try this season. The cookies are excellent - soft inside, with a thin crust of powdered sugar melted in the oven, fragrant and bright. I recommend to all!

Ingredients (for 10 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 150 G
  • Water - 50 ml
  • Oat flakes - 30 G
  • Sugar - 40 G
  • Ground cinnamon - 0,25 teaspoons
  • Sunflower oil - 40 ml
  • Flour - 125 G
  • Raisin - 1 Art. spoon
  • Soda - 0,5 teaspoons
  • Vinegar 9 % - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1 pinch

Preparation - 50 min (your 20 min):

  • Prepare ingredients for pumpkin cookies.
  • For cookies we need pumpkin puree. If you have ready-made puree, use it; if not, you will have to prepare it. To do this, peel the pumpkin from rough peel and seeds, cut into small cubes.
  • Place the pumpkin pieces in a saucepan or saucepan and add water.
  • Cook the pumpkin, covered, over low heat until it is soft. Then punch the finished pumpkin with a blender or mash in any convenient way. You can also cook pumpkin for puree in the microwave or bake in the oven.
  • The amount of pumpkin puree required to make cookies ( 100 d) transfer to a bowl and cool.
  • While the pumpkin puree is cooling, dry the oatmeal in a dry frying pan for 5 minutes.
  • Then grind the oatmeal in a blender into fine crumbs.
  • Add sugar, raisins, sunflower oil, and cinnamon to a bowl of cooled pumpkin puree.
  • Also add oatmeal and baking soda dissolved in vinegar.
  • Mix the ingredients.
  • Add flour and knead the dough. It will be sticky, do not try to knead the dough into a smooth ball. At the same time, the spoon will stand confidently in the dough.
  • Now pour the powdered sugar into a plate with a rim. With your hands greased with sunflower oil, form the dough into balls and roll them in powdered sugar. Everything will work out 10 cookies.
  • Place the prepared dough balls on a baking sheet covered with baking parchment.
  • Bake pumpkin cookies in preheated until 180 oven degrees 20 minutes.
  • Transfer the pumpkin cookies to a plate and let them cool.
  • Pumpkin cookies are ready. Bon appetit!

Candied pumpkin is a healthy and tasty delicacy that you can easily prepare at home.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 0,5 kg
  • Powdered sugar - 50 G
  • Sugar - 100 G
  • Water - 80 ml
  • Lemon - 0,5 PC.
  • Soda - 1 tsp (on 0,5 l water)

Preparation - 10 hours (your 30 minutes):

  • Prepare the necessary ingredients for the candied pumpkin. Cut the pumpkin, remove the seeds, rinse.
  • How to make candied pumpkin: Cut the pumpkin into medium or large cubes and place in a deep salad bowl.
  • Fill with water with baking soda dissolved in it. Leave it overnight. In the morning, drain the water and dry the pumpkin pieces on a paper towel or on a wire rack in the oven at 60 degrees.
  • Pour sugar into a cauldron, pour in water ( 80 ml) and place the container on the stove. Boil the sugar syrup for about 1-2 minutes from the moment of boiling. Turn off the heat.
  • Place the pumpkin pieces in it and let cool for about 3-4 hours.
  • After this, drain the pieces in a colander, pouring the syrup into another container.
  • Cut the lemon into slices and place in syrup.
  • Pour it over the pumpkin and bring to a boil. Leave to cool for about 2 hours.
  • After this, place the pumpkin cubes on parchment paper or on a wire rack and dry in the oven for about 2-3 hours at 50-60 degrees.
  • After drying, sprinkle the candied fruits with powdered sugar.
  • Serve them to the table with a cup of aromatic tea.

The dough for khingalsh - Chechen flatbreads is prepared with kefir (without yeast and eggs), and the filling is made from pumpkin. We will bake the flatbreads in a frying pan. Juicy, aromatic and tasty.


  • Flour - 500 G
  • Kefir - 400 G
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Pumpkin - 1,5 kg
  • Sugar - to taste


  • Butter
  • Boiling water


  • How to prepare flatbreads with kefir (khingalsh): Boil the pumpkin (you can bake it in the oven, but it will take longer) until cooked ( 5-7 minutes), leave on the sieve to excess water left. Turn into puree, adding sugar to taste. Let the filling cool.
  • Mix kefir, soda and salt. Gradually add flour, kneading a sticky and very tender dough. Set aside for 30 minutes for soda activity.
  • Divide the dough into 10 parts, forming balls. Add flour and roll each into a thin circle.
  • Place the filling on one half and cover with the other. We connect, cut off the excess. It's easier to shape on a board or plate for easier transfer to the pan. Bake the khingalsh over high heat on both sides until browned.
  • Dip the finished cakes (optional) into boiling water and pour generously with butter.
  • Kefir flatbreads with pumpkin are ready. When serving, cut the khingalsh into pieces.

A chic dish for the holiday table - pork baked in pumpkin!

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Small pumpkin - 1 PC.
  • Pork - 350 G
  • Garlic - 2-3 clove
  • Sea salt - 2 pinches (to taste)
  • Bay leaf - 2 PC.
  • Black peppercorns - 3-4 PC.
  • Seasoning for meat - 1 teaspoon

Preparation - 1 hour 40 min (your 20 min):

  • Prepare all products according to the list.
  • How to cook pork baked in pumpkin: Cut off the lid with the tail from the pumpkin, set the lid aside. Using a spoon, first remove all the seeds.
  • Then scrape out the pulp so that the thickness of the walls of the pumpkin is 1-2 see. Do not throw away the pumpkin pulp.
  • Cut the pork into small pieces.
  • Place half of the chopped meat into the pumpkin.
  • Peel and chop the garlic.
  • Sprinkle the pork seasoning over the pork, using only half the amount indicated. Place some garlic on top 2 peppercorns and 1 Bay leaf. Salt the meat 1 a pinch sea ​​salt.
  • Grind the pumpkin pulp.
  • Spread half of the pumpkin pulp over the meat.
  • Place the remaining meat in the next layer. Add 1 a pinch of sea salt and the remaining seasonings and spices.
  • Place the other half of the pumpkin pulp on top.
  • Cover the pumpkin with a cap, wrap the pumpkin in foil and place in a baking dish. Place the pumpkin and pork in the oven preheated to 180 degrees, by 70-80 minutes. Then unwrap the foil and brown the pumpkin for about 20 minutes.
  • Cut the finished stuffed pumpkin into four pieces and serve the pork along with a piece of pumpkin. This is delicious!

In autumn, vegetable dishes are especially popular, because they are budget-friendly and their benefits are priceless. Pumpkin in sour cream sauce with garlic and herbs is a very simple and tasty dish that is prepared from minimum set products.

Ingredients (for 3 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 400 G
  • Sour cream (fat content 20 %) - 4 Art. spoons
  • Garlic - 4 clove
  • Fresh parsley - 4-5 twigs
  • Vegetable oil - 2 Art. spoons
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Preparation - 30 min (your 20 min):

  • We prepare products for cooking pumpkin in sour cream and garlic sauce.
  • Peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes 2x2 cm.
  • Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up. On high fire Fry the pumpkin cubes until golden brown.
  • While the pumpkin is roasting, finely chop the garlic and parsley.
  • Add garlic and parsley to sour cream.
  • Mix sour cream sauce with garlic and herbs.
  • Add the resulting sauce to the pan with the pumpkin. Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Mix gently, cover with a lid and simmer the pumpkin in sour cream and garlic sauce 5-10 minutes on low heat. The pieces should remain intact.
  • The dish is ready! Pumpkin in sour cream and garlic sauce will add brightness to your usual menu, become a useful addition to a side dish or an independent dish, and will definitely lift your spirits!

We offer you a recipe for a very tasty, tender and aromatic pumpkin cupcake.


  • Pumpkin - 300 G
  • Walnuts - 100 G
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • Flour - 200 G
  • Eggs - 3 PC.
  • Salt - 0,5 teaspoons
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - for lubricating the mold
  • Flour - for sprinkling the mold


  • Preparing the ingredients for the pumpkin cupcake.
  • Grate on a fine grater 300 gram of pumpkin.
  • Break into a mixer bowl 3 eggs, add 300 grams of sugar and beat with a mixer at high speed 8 minutes.
  • Without stopping whisking, pour into the egg-sugar mixture in a thin stream. 150 milliliters of vegetable oil. Turn off the mixer.
  • Add grated pumpkin to the whipped mixture and mix gently.
  • Add 100 grams crushed walnuts, mix lightly again, add 1 a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and half a teaspoon of salt.
  • Mix 200 grams of flour with 1 a teaspoon of baking powder. Sift the flour into a mixer bowl and gently mix in one direction until a homogeneous dough is obtained.
  • Pour the prepared dough into a cake pan, greased and sprinkled with flour, size 10 × 30 centimeters.
  • Bake at temperature 180 degrees Celsius, approximately 60 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden stick.
  • Remove the finished pumpkin cake from the oven. Let cool and place on a wooden board.
  • We serve a very tasty tender, beautiful and aromatic pumpkin cake with tea or coffee.

Lenten pumpkin cutlets come out very tender and tasty. Pumpkin cutlets are prepared without eggs.


  • Pumpkin (peeled) - 150 G
  • Semolina - 100 G
  • Sugar - 3 tsp
  • Flour - 2 tbsp
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2 Art. spoons + for frying
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Hot water - 1 cup
  • Honey (optional) - for serving


  • Prepare ingredients for lean pumpkin cutlets. Peel and grate the pumpkin.
  • How to make lean pumpkin cutlets: Place pumpkin in a bowl and add 100 gram of semolina.
  • Add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
  • Fill hot water.
  • Add 2 Art. spoons of vegetable oil, 0,5 teaspoons of salt and 3 teaspoons of sugar. Leave on 10 minutes dough.
  • Add a couple of tablespoons of flour to the dough. Mix.
  • Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Place a tablespoon of dough into a heated frying pan in the form of cutlets. Fry on one side over medium heat.
  • The cutlets were cooked on one side. Turn over to the other side.
  • Lenten pumpkin cutlets are ready! Cutlets can be served with honey and jelly. Bon appetit!

Pumpkin baked with cheese is for you. A chic side dish for meat and simply a delicious dish.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 750 G
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon (to taste)
  • Onion - 2 PC.
  • Butter (or margarine) - 50 G
  • Grated cheese - 75 G

Preparation - 30 min (your 20 min):

  • Products for baked pumpkin with cheese recipe.
  • How to cook pumpkin baked with cheese: Peel the pumpkin, cut into thin slices 0,5 cm.
  • Boil water, add salt. Place the prepared pumpkin in boiling water. Boil in salted water over low heat 5-7 minutes.
  • Then remove and let drain. Turn on the oven.
  • Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into rings.
  • Heat a frying pan, add oil. Place onion in hot oil. Fry the onion in heated fat until golden brown over medium heat, stirring occasionally. 2-3 minutes.
  • Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  • Place pumpkin slices on 2 portion forms or frying pans, sprinkle with cheese.
  • Place in the oven on the middle shelf, bake the pumpkin with cheese until cooked through. 180 degrees (about 10 minutes).
  • Pumpkin baked with cheese is ready. Serve with fried onions. Bon appetit!

Stewed pumpkin baked with egg - simple and delicious.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 400 G
  • Onion - 0,5 PC.
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon

Preparation - 50 min (your 20 min):

  • Prepare ingredients for making pumpkin baked with egg.
  • How to cook pumpkin baked with egg: Peel onion, cut and lightly fried with butter ( 5 minutes over medium heat).
  • The pumpkin is peeled from seeds and skin, cut into cubes, salted and stewed with onions (placed in a frying pan, mixed with onions, covered with a lid and cooked 10 minutes, stirring occasionally).
  • Beat the eggs. Turn on the oven.
  • When the pumpkin becomes soft, fill it with egg. Stir.
  • Pumpkin with egg baked in the oven 10 minutes at temperature 190 degrees. Then the oven is turned off, the pumpkin is left in the turned off oven for 10 minutes.
  • Pumpkin baked with egg is ready. Serve pumpkin and egg with sauce or herbs.

Well, there’s nothing even worth saying here. Pumpkin porridge is very tasty, it’s from childhood, it’s healthy! And most importantly - it’s unrealistically simple!))) I cooked in a 5-liter saucepan. I made a lot of pumpkin porridge with millet.


  • Pumpkin - 1,5 kg (peeled and chopped)
  • Millet or rice - 2-3 glasses
  • Milk - 0,5 l
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Salt - 1 tea spoon


  • Well, first of all, cut the pumpkin into pieces approximately 2x3 cm and place in a saucepan. Fill with water so that the pumpkin is covered, but no more. Cook over medium heat until soft.
  • Then pour in the well-washed millet/rice and add milk. You can turn up the heat a little, but not much.
  • The pumpkin will become completely soft - don’t be alarmed - this is how it should be. When the porridge is almost cooked, add sugar and salt and bring until cooked. The finished porridge must be crushed in order to knead the remaining pumpkin pieces. Serve with a knob of butter. And when serving, a piece of the freshest bread with butter spread on it is very desirable. Bon appetit! Your Cook Lisa!!!)))

Pumpkin baking, whose delicious recipes are so aromatic, is popular in the fall. Pumpkin casserole is easy to prepare; any novice housewife can handle it, since no special knowledge of cooking is required to prepare it, and the result is delicate baked goods with pumpkin. Recipes with photos will make cooking even easier.


  • Pumpkin - 300 gram
  • Apples - 2 PC.
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Semolina - 2 tbsp
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Butter - 25 gram


  • Peel the pumpkin, wash it, cut it, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water and put it on the stove to cook for 20-25 minutes.
  • Pound the cooked pumpkin with a masher, draining all the water from the pan.
  • Wash, peel, core and grate the apples.
  • Place pumpkin puree, grated apples, softened butter, sugar and semolina into any container.
  • Mix everything well and leave for 10 minutes for the semolina to swell and the sugar to melt.
  • Place the eggs in a container and beat them with a mixer.
  • Beat the eggs until they triple in volume.
  • Pour the egg mixture into the pumpkin dough and stir it in.
  • Line a baking pan with parchment and pour pumpkin dough into the pan.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and send the casserole to bake at 40 minutes.
  • Cool the finished casserole slightly, remove from the pan, place on a dish and serve.

I'm sure everyone will like this dish. At least I have never met a person who would not ask: “Are there more?” Choose the filling for kutabs (unleavened dough flatbreads) according to your taste - potatoes or pumpkin, you can do both.


For the test:

  • Flour - 380 G
  • Hot water - 200 ml
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2 Art. l.

For the potato filling:

  • Boiled potatoes - 400 G
  • Bulb onions - 1 PC.
  • Dill greens
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

For the pumpkin filling:

  • Pumpkin - 300 G
  • Bulb onions - 1 PC.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Parsley
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste


  • How to cook kutabs (flatbread without yeast) with potatoes and pumpkin: In sifted flour ( 360 d) make a depression. Pour water (hot) with salt and oil into it.
  • Knead into a smooth dough, adding a little flour.
  • Place the dough in a bowl lightly greased with vegetable oil, cover and leave for half an hour.
  • For the potato filling, fry finely chopped onion.
  • Mix fried onions with crushed boiled potatoes. Salt, pepper, add chopped dill, stir.
  • For the pumpkin filling, fry the chopped onion and garlic.
  • Add grated pumpkin and simmer until done.
  • Season the pumpkin filling with salt and pepper. Add chopped parsley.
  • Divide the dough for kutabs into 10 parts.
  • Roll into a flat cake.
  • Place the filling on half of the tortilla.
  • Cover the filling with the other half of the tortilla.
  • Blind the edges of the dough.
  • Fry the unleavened dough flatbread in a dry, hot frying pan until browned.
  • Grease the finished kutab (filled flatbread) with oil or sprinkle with water.
  • Prepare the remaining kutabs with potatoes and pumpkin in the same way. Bon appetit!

It's pumpkin season. You can prepare many dishes from pumpkin, but pumpkin pies with a pleasant orange filling are especially fragrant and beautiful. Today we will prepare American pumpkin pie with cinnamon, using crumbly chopped dough.

Ingredients (for 8 servings):

For the test:

  • Flour - 250 G
  • Butter (frozen) - 180 G
  • The water is icy - near 8 Art. l.
  • Salt - 1 pinch

For filling:

  • Pumpkin puree - 600 g (from 900 g peeled pumpkin)
  • Eggs - 4 PC.
  • Condensed milk - 300-350 G
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Ground nutmeg (optional) - 1 pinch
  • Ground ginger (optional) - 1/4 tsp
  • Ground cloves (optional) - 1/4 tsp
  • Salt - 1 pinch

Preparation - 2 hours (your 45 min):

  • Prepare the necessary ingredients for pumpkin pie. Cut the peeled pumpkin into pieces. It is better to put butter the day before freezer on 30-60 minutes.
  • Bake the pumpkin under foil in the oven at a temperature 180 degrees until fully cooked (about 30-40 minutes). When baking the pumpkin, a lot of liquid will release; it needs to be drained.
  • Grind the baked pumpkin in a blender into a smooth, fairly thick puree. Cool.
  • Prepare chopped dough. To do this, mix the sifted flour with salt. Quickly grate the cooled (frozen) butter, rolling it in flour, or chop the butter and flour with a knife into small, uneven-sized crumbs. The less homogeneous the crumb, the more dough it will look like puff pastry. And vice versa - the more homogeneous the mass, the more the dough resembles shortbread in its structure.
  • Make a well in the crumbs and pour in some ice water. Gather the dough into a ball. There is no need to knead the dough; there should be lumps of butter in it. If the dough is too dry, add more ice water. The amount of water depends on the moisture content of the flour and may vary.
  • Place the pie dough in a bag or in cling film and place in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • Then roll out the dough into a circle with the diameter 28 cm.
  • Place in a mold with diameter 22 cm, make sides and put them in the freezer again 10-15 minutes.
  • Prick the dough at the bottom of the pan with a fork (but do not pierce it completely). This is necessary so that the dough does not swell during baking.
  • Cover the pan with parchment or foil, add beans, peas or special ceramic baking balls. Bake the pie crust 12-15 minutes at 180 degrees. Remove weight and bake again 6-7 minutes.
  • Add cinnamon, other spices as desired and a pinch of salt to the pumpkin puree. Add by 1 eggs at a time, stirring the mixture. Then add condensed milk and stir.
  • Pour the pumpkin filling into the pie base.
  • Bake pumpkin pie 60-80 minutes at temperature 170 degrees. The pie is ready when the filling on the sides no longer moves, but in the center ripples a little, but it is not liquid.
  • Let the pumpkin pie cool completely in the pan. The cake may settle a little as it cools. Decorate American pumpkin pie as desired.
  • Thank you for your attention!

Cabbage stewed with pumpkin and sour cream is very tasty, not spicy and healthy. A nice vegetable dish.


  • White cabbage - 1 kg
  • Peeled pumpkin - 300 G
  • Bulb onions - 1 PC.
  • Red bell pepper - 1 PC.
  • Pork meat (cabbage can be cooked without meat) - 250-300 G
  • Vegetable oil - 3 Art. spoons
  • Sour cream - 150 G
  • Tomato sauce - 3 Art. spoons
  • Dry Italian herbs - 0,5 teaspoon
  • Ground black pepper
  • Parsley and dill


  • How to cook stewed cabbage with pumpkin: Cut the pork into small pieces. Fry it in hot oil. Add finely chopped onion. As soon as the onion begins to turn golden, add the bell pepper, seeded and cut into slices. Simmer until peppers are soft.
  • Add grated pumpkin and simmer, stirring 5 minutes. Chop the cabbage and add salt. Mash the cabbage a little with your hands. Place in the pan with the vegetables. Reduce heat, cover with a lid and simmer for about 10 minutes until the cabbage is limp.
  • Add tomato sauce, sour cream, dry herbs, pepper and salt to taste to the cabbage. Stir well and simmer 7-10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished stewed cabbage with pumpkin with chopped herbs.
  • Stewed cabbage with pumpkin is ready. Bon appetit!

During pumpkin season I even bake pumpkin pancakes)))


  • Pumpkin - 100 G
  • Butter - 25-30 G
  • Sugar - 2 Art. spoons
  • Eggs - 2 PC.
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Flour - 80-100 G


  • How to make pumpkin pancakes: Peel the pumpkin and grate it.
  • Melt butter in a cauldron ( 15 G). Simmer the pumpkin over low heat, stirring, until soft ( 15-20 minutes).
  • Mix with sugar.
  • Grind with a blender.
  • Add eggs.
  • Then milk. Mix.
  • Add flour, mix and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Heat a frying pan, grease with a small amount of butter ( 3-5 G). Pour a portion of the dough and spread it over the entire surface. Fry the pumpkin pancake over high heat 1-1,5 minutes (the bottom of the pancake should become golden).
  • Turn over and fry the pumpkin pancake on the other side 1 minute.
  • Place the finished pancake on a plate and grease with vegetable oil (pancakes, like porridge, cannot be spoiled with oil). Fry the rest of the pancakes in the same way.
  • Pumpkin pancakes are ready. Bon appetit!

Healthy creamy pumpkin soup - hearty, but at the same time low calorie dish. Be sure to try this delicious soup!

How to make creamy pumpkin soup:

1. Cut the vegetables into cubes, put them in a saucepan, add hot water or broth. Bring to a boil, cook for 20 minutes.

2. Beat with an immersion blender until smooth.

3. Add cream, dried parsley, grated cheese, salt and pepper, mix. Cook the pumpkin cream soup for another 5 minutes.

4. Sprinkle the finished pumpkin cream soup with finely chopped parsley before serving.

Bon appetit!


  • Pumpkin - 200 G
  • Cream 10 % - 200 ml
  • Potato - 100 G
  • Bulgarian pepper - 100 G
  • Bulb onions - 0,5 PC.
  • Hard cheese (I used Gouda) - 50 G
  • Water or broth - 1 l
  • Dried parsley - 1 tsp
  • Fresh parsley - a few twigs
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Pumpkin is the most popular vegetable in the fall. From pumpkin you can make an amazing delicacy for those with a sweet tooth - marmalade, which will not only satisfy everyone in its taste characteristics, but will also lift your spirits with its bright color.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 250 G
  • Sugar - 2 Art. spoons
  • Lemon juice - 1 Art. spoon
  • Agar-agar - 1 teaspoon
  • Water - 160 ml

Preparation - 45 min (your 25 min):

  • Prepare the necessary ingredients. The pumpkin for marmalade must be ripe, with sweet orange pulp.
  • Peel the pumpkin from peel and seeds. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes.
  • Place the chopped pumpkin in a saucepan and add 80 ml of water, place on the stove.
  • Under the lid, simmer the pumpkin until soft; the pumpkin pieces should literally fall apart on their own and can be easily pierced with a fork. I needed 10 minutes.
  • Blend the pumpkin with a blender until you obtain a homogeneous puree. Add sugar and lemon juice to pumpkin puree. Pour in the remaining water here ( 80 ml), let the puree boil and cook for a minute.
  • Then add dry agar-agar powder to the pumpkin puree and mix everything vigorously.
  • Bring the puree with agar to a boil and boil it for another minute, stirring all the time.
  • Immediately pour the hot pumpkin puree into silicone ice or candy molds, cool at room temperature and place in the refrigerator.
  • Marmalade on agar hardens quickly, so after 10-15 minutes you can check its readiness - if it comes out of the molds easily, the pumpkin marmalade is ready.
  • Place the pumpkin marmalade on a serving plate and serve. Bon appetit!

Pumpkin jelly will definitely lift your spirits not only with its pleasant delicate taste, but also with its bright appearance. Just three ingredients, a minimum of your time, and a healthy, delicious dessert is ready. Try cooking!

Pumpkin cocktail

It is unlikely that anyone will eat raw pumpkin. If you make regular juice from pumpkin, precious fiber is lost. But if you make such a wonderful cocktail from a whole pumpkin with the addition of honey and lemon juice, then this drink will not have a price.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • Pumpkin - 300 G
  • Sugar - 2-3 Art. spoons
  • Gelatin - 2 Art. spoons
  • Water - 50 ml

Preparation - 3 hours 30 minutes (your 15 minutes):

  • We prepare products for making pumpkin jelly.
  • Dissolve gelatin in 50 ml of water and let stand 20-30 minutes.
  • Peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes.
  • Place pumpkin cubes and sugar in a saucepan. Fill with water to just lightly cover the pumpkin. We put it on heat.
  • Bring to a boil and cook the pumpkin until soft (about 30 minutes). Drain the liquid so that there is approximately 50-70 ml.
  • Using an immersion blender, puree the pumpkin.
  • Add gelatin and blend the mixture again with a blender.
  • Pour the gelatin into molds or bowls and let cool completely. Place the jelly molds in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  • Pumpkin jelly is ready. Bon appetit!

Pumpkin stuffed with meat, potatoes, mushrooms. Baked pumpkin in the oven is a spectacular, aromatic, wonderful holiday dish.

I know many people don’t like pumpkin, including me, but I’m tempted appearance the pumpkin itself. So, I prepared a pumpkin baked in the oven, and I don’t regret it at all. The roast turned out very tasty. Let's say that the pumpkin itself does not interrupt the taste of meat and vegetables; rather, on the contrary, it itself has absorbed the taste of the roast. My guests were pleasantly surprised, everyone liked it.

I have a large pumpkin, it was baked for a long time, about 4 hours and left for 1 hour. Cooking time for pumpkin in the oven can vary greatly depending on the size of the pumpkin and the amount of filling it is loaded with. Another small nuance: since the pumpkin is large, the lid is close to the heating element (I have an electric oven), and as soon as it was baked, I removed it and covered the pumpkin with foil. When the potatoes were cooked, I put the lid back on the pumpkin.


  • Pumpkin - 5,4 kg
  • Beef pulp (loin) - 500 G
  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Champignon mushrooms - 500 G
  • Onion - 3 PC.
  • Sour cream - 4 Art. l.
  • Cheese - 225 G
  • Vegetable oil for frying - 50-80 ml
  • Salt - 1,5-2 Art. l.
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp


  • How to cook pumpkin in the oven: Wash the pumpkin, check the surface - it should be smooth, intact, without damage, without white spots. Wipe dry. Cut the lid evenly and beautifully - such a size that a very large spoon fits into the hole. Remove seeds and fibers. Peel the onions, wash the mushrooms. Cut the onion into cubes, cut the mushrooms into four parts.
  • Cut the meat into small cubes. In heated oil, fry the meat over high heat until a crust forms, stirring frequently. Place the fried meat in a bowl.
  • Fry the onion in the same oil, add mushrooms. Fry over high heat, stirring frequently, until the liquid evaporates. Place in a bowl.
  • Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes. We put half of the meat on the bottom of the pumpkin, put some of the potatoes and some of the mushrooms on top. So, lay out all the ingredients in layers.
  • Pour salt, pepper, pour boiling water, not completely, somewhere 3 see do not top up.
  • Add sour cream, cover with a lid, and place the pumpkin on a baking sheet. If the pumpkin is large, you can pour water on the baking sheet itself, adding water if necessary.
  • Preheat oven to 220 degrees. Place the pumpkin in the oven and bake until the potatoes are done. Check readiness as usual - remove the pumpkin from the oven, test the readiness of the potatoes and continue baking.
  • When the potatoes are ready, sprinkle the top with grated cheese and bake the pumpkin in the oven until golden brown. Cover with a lid and let it brew.

Do you like pumpkin? Then this recipe is for you. The ideal side dish for meat is potato casserole with pumpkin.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Pumpkin - 500 G
  • Onion - 1-2 PC.
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 Art. spoons
  • Sour cream (room temperature) - 1 cup
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon (to taste)

Preparation - 1 hour 20 min (your 30 min):

  • Ingredients for pumpkin casserole with sour cream and potatoes.
  • How to prepare potato casserole with pumpkin and sour cream: Peel and wash the potatoes. Cut the peeled and washed potatoes into small pieces, add salt, mix and leave for 5 minutes for the salt to be absorbed.
  • Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil. After this, dry the potatoes using a kitchen napkin, place them in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil and brown. Fry over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until golden brown (about 10 minutes).
  • Rinse the pumpkin, remove skin, seeds and fibrous tissue and cut into small cubes ( 5 *5 mm).
  • Peel, wash and chop the onion.
  • Turn on the oven. Place potatoes in portioned clay pots.
  • And then pumpkin and onions.
  • Drizzle with warm sour cream.
  • Mix everything well.
  • Close the pots tightly with lids, place in a preheated oven on the middle shelf and bake potatoes with pumpkin and sour cream over low heat ( 170-180 degrees) for 40-50 minutes.
  • Potato casserole with pumpkin and sour cream is ready. Bon appetit!

A budget-friendly and very tasty dish for the whole family - chicken baked with pumpkin in the oven.

How to cook chicken with pumpkin in the oven:

1. Marinate the wings as you like. Any spices as desired. You can do it like I did - just marinate it in mayonnaise and ketchup, add a little salt and pepper. Keep in the refrigerator for a day.

2. Then place in a mold, top with pumpkin pieces and bake the chicken and pumpkin in the oven.

2 tbsp. spoons

  • Lemon juice - 2 Art. spoons
  • Salt - to taste
  • Preparation:

    • How to prepare pumpkin salad: Peel the pumpkin, wash it, grate it.
    • Cut the apples, remove the seeds, grate.
    • Peel the carrots, wash them, grate them.
    • Cheese... grate it too!
    • Mix all ingredients.
    • Prepare the dressing. To do this, mix olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice and mustard beans. Beat lightly.
    • Add the dressing to the salad, add salt and stir. Leave the pumpkin salad in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
    • Pumpkin salad is ready. Bon appetit!

    Yes, yes... Charlotte with pumpkin or zucchini))) Very tasty and healthy!))


    For the test:

    • Eggs - 2-3 PC. (depends on eggs)
    • Sugar - 0,5 glasses
    • Flour - 1 cup
    • Baking powder - 1 bag
    • (you can also use soda slaked with vinegar - half a teaspoon; I used both at the same time)))
    • Salt - 2 pinches
    • Vegetable oil - 1 Art. spoon

    For filling (quantity - optional, like a lot of filling- cut more))):

    • Pumpkin
    • Zucchini

    To prepare the form:

    • Vegetable oil
    • Semolina (you can also use flour)


    • So. Take a deep bowl. Pour flour, sugar, baking powder (slaked soda), salt into it, add eggs, vegetable oil. Mix everything well to form a homogeneous mass. Mix with a spoon or fork, but definitely not with a blender. Although... it doesn't matter, I guess. But it's like an omelette. If you make it with a beater, it won’t turn out the way “mom cooked it”)))
    • So here it is. Next, let's get to the filling. We peel the pumpkin and just wash the zucchini well. Cut into cubes 2x2 cm approximately. Pour the cubes into our dough and mix well. They should look like they are coated in dough, but not floating in it.
    • We put the oven on 180 degrees. Grease the mold with vegetable oil. I do this with my hand. Then we take semolina (flour) and dust the bottom and sides of the mold well. Pour our mass into this form, distribute it a little for evenness. Place the mold in the middle for approximately half an hour. In general, check the degree of readiness with a match or a toothpick - there should be no dough left on it.
    • Charlotte turns out to be the most tender)) Bon appetit! Your Cook Lisa!)))

    Today I have another recipe for pumpkin lovers. This time I’ll tell you how to make a pie with pumpkin and cottage cheese. The result is a beautiful zebra pie, tender and moderately sweet: the base is made from shortcrust pastry, and the soufflé filling is made from cottage cheese and pumpkin.

    I make pumpkin puree in the microwave. The pumpkin needs to be peeled and seeds removed, cut into cubes, placed in a microwave-safe container and covered with film. I bake the pumpkin in the microwave for 10 minutes at full power. If this time is not enough for your microwave, and the pumpkin has not become soft, increase the cooking time.

    Pumpkin can be baked in the oven, first wrapped in foil, but it will take longer.

    I grind the finished soft pumpkin with an immersion blender, put it in jars and put it in the refrigerator. In the future, I simply take the required amount of pumpkin puree for baking.


    For the test:

    • Margarine or butter - 100 G
    • Egg - 1 PC.
    • Flour - 200 G
    • Sugar - 50 G
    • Baking powder - 1 tsp

    For the pumpkin filling:

    • Pumpkin puree - 400 G
    • Eggs - 2 PC.
    • Sugar - 50 G
    • Potato starch - 1 Art. l.

    For the curd filling:

    • Cottage cheese - 400 G
    • Eggs - 2 PC.
    • Sugar - 2 Art. l.
    • Potato starch - 1 Art. l.


    • How to make cottage cheese and pumpkin soufflé pie: Let's prepare the dough. To do this, grind soft butter with sugar and eggs with a mixer or whisk. Next, gradually add flour mixed with baking powder and knead a soft elastic dough. Wrap the finished dough in a bag or film and put it in the refrigerator, while we prepare the filling.
    • For the pumpkin filling you need to use pumpkin puree. (For the method of preparing pumpkin puree, see above. - Ed.) Add two yolks, sugar and starch to the pumpkin puree, beat well with a mixer. Beat the two egg whites separately until stiff and gently fold into the pumpkin mixture.
    • We do the same with the curd filling: beat the cottage cheese with two yolks, sugar and starch. Then carefully fold in the two whipped whites.
    • Now you need to assemble the pie. I baked a pumpkin-curd soufflé pie in a springform pan. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll it into a circle. I rolled it out on a greased baking paper, which I then simply transferred to a baking dish, forming the sides.
    • Now spoon out our fillings one by one, starting from the center.
    • The filling thus gradually moves towards the edges. We make sure that the future cottage cheese and pumpkin soufflé does not go beyond the sides. Cover the mold with the cottage cheese-pumpkin pie with foil and bake the soufflé pie in preheated temperature. 180 oven degrees 40 minutes. Then remove the foil and reduce the temperature to 160 degrees and bake another pie with cottage cheese and pumpkin 25 minutes.
    • Take the finished cottage cheese and pumpkin soufflé pie out of the oven and let it cool completely so that the soufflé “sets.” Bon appetit!

    First meal:

    • Puree soup - boil the ingredients until fully cooked, then puree the mixture directly in the pan with a blender.

    Second courses casseroles, millet porridge with milk, pizza, ravioli:

    • Dishes in a pot. The peculiarity of the preparation is that pumpkin fruit is used as a utensil. Cut off the top, remove seeds and entrails, but leave the pulp on the sides. Fill the core with food: stew mixture, porridge, meat, vegetables. The ingredients are stewed in their own juice, soaked in pumpkin flavors;
    • Baked goods: bread, pies. No special recipes - knead the usual yeast dough and mix with pumpkin puree. As an option: make the filling for samsa, placinda, pies;
    • Desserts: marmalade, pastille, candied fruits, jams, cookies, muffins. The simplest and fastest solution is oven-baked pulp in foil, flavored with dessert seasonings. The vegetable changes its taste depending on additives and spices;
    • Preparations for the winter: directly pressed juice, caviar in jars, jam, compotes, salads;
    • Appetizers: potato pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes.

    Do you know that pumpkin is the largest berry in the world? In terms of the composition of beneficial properties and vitamins, it surpassed many vegetables and fruits.

    Pumpkin is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that we need so much in the autumn-winter period. In addition, it is stored for a very long time, almost until spring. This means we will definitely have time to try a lot of different pumpkin dishes. And it will not only be porridge, but marmalade, muffins, cutlets, soup and much more.

    Uncut pumpkins last a long time, so they have been used on farms for a long time. There are many ancient Russian dishes that include pumpkin. In the 17th century, in Charles Perrault's fairy tale “Cinderella,” the fairy made a carriage out of a pumpkin as a product that even the poorest always have in their kitchens.

    How to bake pumpkin in the oven: to make the baked pumpkin juicy, pour a little water into the pan. Place the pumpkin in an oven preheated to 220°C and bake for 30-40 minutes until soft. Remove the finished pumpkin from the oven, place on a plate, pour honey on top and sprinkle with nuts. Baked pumpkin with nuts is delicious both warm and cooled.

    How long does it take to cook pumpkin?

    • in a regular saucepan, the pumpkin is cooked for a maximum of 30 minutes;
    • in a slow cooker, the pumpkin is ready in 35 minutes;
    • Cook the pumpkin in a double boiler for 30 minutes;
    • In the microwave, the cooking time will be 20 minutes (in two stages).

    The calorie content of boiled pumpkin is approximately 24 kcal per 100 grams. Baked pumpkin has a little more calories. After all, a vegetable cooked in the oven becomes slightly denser. The calorie content of such a product will be 27 kcal per 100 grams. If you steam cook, the calorie content will also be 27 kcal per 100 grams, the same as the dish in the oven. The calorie content of raw vegetable crops is 20 kcal per 100 grams. Very often this product is used in various salads. The calorie content of dry pumpkin is still 20 kcal per 100 grams.

    A lot of pumpkin dishes are prepared for children. Kids love this juicy, sweetish vegetable. In addition, pumpkin saturates the children's body with vitamins.

    The pulp of “orange watermelon” (especially raw) quickly improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In its raw form, it is allowed to consume up to 0.5 kg per day. And boiled or baked - up to 2 kg. The raw product retains much more important vitamins, so it is more useful.

    Video recipes

    Many people claim that they don't like the fall vegetable in any form, only because they don't know how to cook pumpkin. Don’t be afraid to experiment; video cooking lessons can help with this.

    Pumpkin Pie Autumn Colors - the most tender and delicious:

    Pumpkin Cupcakes Pumpkin Cupcakes:

    Candied pumpkin. Delicious and healthy sweets. Candied pumpkins. delicious and healthy candy:

    Oatmeal Pumpkin Cookies are a healthy dessert for those closest to you:

    Pumpkin puree soup, the most delicious recipe. - Uriel Stern:

    Still don't like pumpkin? You're just cooking it wrong. Pumpkin shepherd's pie:

    Not a Recipe, but a Find. Juicy cutlets with Pumpkin - Very Tender and Incredibly Tasty:

    Kefir flatbreads - khingalsh. Incredible taste:

    Pumpkin Cake - Grandma Emma's Recipe:

    Kutaby and 2 Delicious Fillings Azerbaijani Flatbread with Potatoes and Pumpkin. Irina Cooking:

    American pumpkin pie Pumpkin pie:

    Reader recipes and reviews

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    The dish is very healthy and easily absorbed by the body. All products can be found in the garden, and vitamin complex, mineral salts and vegetable proteins included in its composition will provide the family with health, strength and energy.

    What to take:

    • Peeled pumpkin - 300 g
    • Kohlrabi cabbage - 2 pcs.
    • Pepper (sweet), carrots, onions - 1 pc.
    • Garlic - 5 cloves
    • Vegetable oil)
    • Salt - to taste

    How to cook:

    • To prepare the stew, it is better to use a thick-walled pan.
    • Cut all vegetables: onions, carrots, pumpkin, cabbage and bell peppers into small cubes.
    • Place the dishes on the fire and pour in the oil.
    • When the oil is hot, add the vegetables, starting with the onions.
    • Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 45 minutes.
    • At the very end of the process, about ten minutes before the dish is fully cooked, add salt and chopped garlic cloves.

    The ingredients are for four people.

    Thanks for the collection of recipes! I cooked pumpkin with garlic in the oven according to your recipe, it turned out very tasty. I'm currently on the Dukan diet and this recipe is very useful for variety. Garlic took more and mixed it with oil, and then smeared the pumpkin pieces with it. And I also noticed that thinner pieces turn out tastier and look like baked potatoes)