Dandelion roots: benefits and harms for the body. Dandelion - benefits and harm to human health. The use of dandelion in folk medicine

Flowers, roots, and leaves of Dandelion officinalis have long been used to treat diseases. Decoctions, tinctures, juice reduce the level and normalize metabolic processes, blood composition in anemia. Salads made from fresh herbs and jam stimulate digestion, the formation of bile, and treat the pancreas and liver.

What are the benefits of dandelion?

The plant has anti-inflammatory, laxative, choleretic, diuretic, antipyretic, expectorant, anti-sclerotic, anthelmintic, sedative, and antitumor effects.

Infusions and decoctions are used to get rid of stones in the biliary and urinary tracts, with toxic liver damage, gastritis with reduced secretion of gastric juice.

The bitterness contained in the composition improves the condition of the skin. Inulin is necessary for those suffering. The root, flowers, and leaves stimulate milk secretion in nursing mothers.

This useful plant prevents osteoporosis and slows down tissue aging.

Dandelion is widespread and can be found on lawns, gardens, meadows, and fields. The milky juice of the plant is used for bee stings, to get rid of.

From young leaves collected before flowering in late spring - early summer, they prepare healthy salads, they are added to soups. A special salad variety of dandelion has been developed - its leaves have no bitterness.

Dandelion root is approximately 2cm thick and up to 60cm long. It acquires maximum medicinal properties in autumn or early spring, before the first leaves appear.

Plant composition

The juice, roots, leaves, and flowers of dandelion contain a lot of biologically active substances. First of all, vitamins A, B1, B2. Joint action routine (vitamin P) and ascorbic acid(vitamin C) reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries.

Microelements are represented by manganese and phosphorus. The plant contains tannins, phytoncides, fatty oils, mucus, and organic resins.

Dandelion roots contain glycerides of oleic, palmetic, and cerotic acids. By autumn, up to 40% of inulin accumulates. In spring its content is only 2%.

It contains sucrose (up to 20%), proteins (15%), carotene, tannins, organic acids. The roots are capable of accumulating copper and selenium.

Harvesting dandelion leaves and roots

Dandelion leaves are collected at the beginning of flowering or at the end of summer. Maximum medicinal properties are acquired after birth. new month, before sunrise.

The leaves are sorted out, yellowed and wilted ones are removed. Dry in the shade in a well-ventilated area until the milky juice stops secreting. If desired, the dried leaves can be ground in a coffee grinder. Store in a sealed glass container for up to two years.

Dandelion roots are harvested in early spring (before the leaves appear) or autumn. Best time- at sunset in mid-September, when the month is at its worst.

The roots are dug up, the thin side roots are cut off, washed in cold water, and dried in a well-ventilated area. When the milky juice stops secreting, they are cut into pieces of 3-5 mm and dried. The finished product is light or dark brown in color, odorless, and bitter in taste. It is stored for up to five years.

Uses of dandelion

The medicinal properties of the plant are used in the form of infusions, tinctures, decoctions, oils, juices, and fresh in salads.


  • Brew 1 tsp. dried dandelion roots (or 2 tablespoons of dried leaves, flowers) with a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours, strain.

The infusion helps with disorders (skin rashes, acne), as well as with gout, rheumatism, anemia. Used as an antitoxic agent for insect and snake bites, and diseases of the thyroid gland.


  • Brew 1 tsp. dried leaves and flowers or 1 tsp. roots with a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 5 minutes, let cool, strain.

Take 2 tbsp. before meals in case of liver disease, gall bladder, cholelithiasis, gastritis with low acidity, constipation, to improve digestion, stimulate appetite.

Vodka tincture:

  1. Pour 100g of flowers with half a liter of vodka.
  2. Leave for two months dark place, strain.

Alcohol tincture:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. crushed dandelion leaves and roots 100 ml alcohol 70% strength.
  2. Leave for a week in a cool, dark place in a sealed container, shake every day.
  3. Upon completion, remove the plant material and strain the finished product.

Use tinctures at the first sign - rub your temples, the bridge of your nose. Cover your head with a cotton or woolen scarf, preferably at night. Take 10-20 drops orally in 1/2 glass of water 2-3 times a day for liver diseases, as a choleretic agent.


  1. Pour dried leaves and flowers with 3 parts vegetable oil.
  2. Leave for 7-10 days in a cool, dark place, strain.

Use to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes.

The healing properties of dandelion are also used in the form of tea and syrup.

  • Brew 1 tsp. crushed roots with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes.

Take 1/4 cup 15-20 minutes before meals.


  1. Collect fresh dandelion flowers early in the morning in a glass bowl.
  2. Sprinkle each layer with granulated sugar, tamp lightly, add a little water.
  3. Keep the jar in a dark place for 3-4 days to obtain a brown thick liquid that tastes good.

Take 1 tsp. twice a day, add to drinks and desserts. Use flowers with honey.

The remedy is used for insomnia, loss of strength, to improve memory, and increase performance. Keep refrigerated.

Medicinal properties of dandelion juice

The juice from dandelion leaves is prepared before flowering, in the first half of June. From July to early autumn, the healing properties are reduced.

  1. Wash the grass and leaves cold water, cut, place in a colander and scald.
  2. Grind in a meat grinder, strain through a thick cloth.
  3. Add the same volume of water and boil for 2-3 minutes.

To eliminate bitterness, place washed leaves of young dandelions in a cooking solution (3 tablespoons per liter of water) for half an hour, and rinse again when finished.

Take 1 tbsp for 2-3 weeks or throughout spring-summer. 20 minutes before meals, with honey. Store in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, then prepare new juice.

The healing properties of dandelion juice are due to the high content of calcium, sodium, and iron.

In particular, only fresh plants contain organic magnesium. The body does not absorb inorganic compounds and accumulates them.

Some people add an equal amount of vodka to the juice or one part of alcohol to two parts of juice.

The juice neutralizes high acidity and is used as a choleretic to normalize the activity of the pancreas. Has a mild laxative effect and helps with insomnia.

Fresh juice relieves joint pain due to gout and lowers cholesterol levels. It is used for diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Pairs well with other vegetable juices.

For cosmetic purposes, the juice is used to whiten the skin, get rid of freckles, age spots, and warts.

Lubricate insect bites:

  1. Apply fresh juice to the bite 3 times a day or more often.
  2. Let dry, rinse with water.

Dandelion salad recipes

Young leaves of the plant are consumed in the form of salads. They don't taste bitter, especially if you remove the center stem.

  1. In a separate bowl, mix vinegar, vegetable oil,...
  2. Mix everything with chopped dandelion greens.
  1. Mix chopped dandelion grass (leaves) with crushed salt.
  2. Add vinegar, a little vegetable.
  1. Finely chop the leaves, mix with.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. honey or vegetable oil.

Dandelion jam recipes

  1. Pour yellow dandelion flower petals (400 pcs) into 1 liter of water, add pre-cut into 4 parts with skin.
  2. Cook for 90 minutes, let cool, strain, squeeze out the vegetable mass, it is no longer needed (throw away).
  3. Finely chop the boiled lemon, add 1 kg of sugar.
  4. Boil until the consistency of liquid honey.
  1. Separate the stem from the flowers (360 pcs.), pour in 2 cups of cold water, boil for 2 minutes.
  2. Place four layers of gauze in a colander, drain the water into a saucepan, and squeeze out the vegetable mass.
  3. Add 7 cups of sugar to the water, put the pan on the fire and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Boil for seven minutes from the point of boiling.

coffee drink

  • Fry dried dandelion roots until light brown.

Brew at the rate of 1 tsp. per glass of boiling water.

The drink will replace coffee for those suffering from liver and kidney diseases.

Data medicinal properties Dandelion roots are used to cleanse lymph:

  • Leave overnight in a thermos in 500 ml of boiling water 1 tsp. root powder.

Take 1 glass three times a day for a week.

Treatment of heart and vascular diseases with dandelion


  • Brew 1-2 tsp. chopped leaves or roots with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, strain.

Take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

Recovery after heart attack, stroke.

  • Prepare dandelion juice (see above).

Take 50 ml 20 minutes before meals twice a day.

  • Brew 1 tsp. dried leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours, strain.

Take up to a quarter glass three times a day before meals.

  • Grind the dried root into powder.

Hold half a teaspoon in your mouth for a while and take a sip of water. Take three times a day before meals.


Recipe 1. To lower cholesterol levels:

  • Take 1 tbsp. crushed dandelion root powder shortly before meals.

After six months there is improvement.

Recipe 2. For the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis:

  1. Take dandelion juice, gradually increase consumption from 1 tbsp. per day up to a glass.
  2. Then reduce the rate, return to the original one.


  • Brew 500 ml boiling water 1 tsp. dandelion roots, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 10 minutes, strain.

Take 2/3 cup 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of joint diseases with dandelion

Salt deposits, gout:

  1. Collect dandelion flowers in May and fill a dark glass jar.
  2. Pour vodka and leave for two weeks in a cool place.

Rub the joints with tincture and gruel at night, cover with a woolen scarf.

Arthrosis. Dandelion roots have the healing property of restoring cartilage tissue and dissolving salts:

  • Brew at the rate of 1 tbsp. dried roots in a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain.

Take 1 tbsp - 1/3 cup three times a day half an hour before meals.

The use of dandelion for the liver, with pancreatitis

Improved appetite, constipation.

  • Brew 2-3 tbsp. dandelion root powder with a liter of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, let cool, strain.

Take half a glass warm before meals three times a day.

  • Leave 1 tbsp overnight. root powder in a glass of cold water.

Take 1/4 cup during the day before meals.

Improved digestion. Use the leaves in salads. Recipes for their preparation are given in the corresponding section (see above).

Cholecystitis. The bitterness of the plant has a choleretic effect. The decoction recipe helps with gastritis with low acidity, diseases of the pancreas, stimulates the release of insulin:

  • Brew 3 tbsp. dandelion root powder 500 ml boiling water, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, strain.

Take 1/2 cup half an hour before meals, twice a day.


  • Mix 1 part root powder and 10 parts dandelion grass, brew 2 tbsp. a glass of boiling water.

Take 1/4 cup before meals 4 times a day.

  • Take 2 tbsp every day. fresh dandelion juice (see recipe above).

Liver diseases:

  • Prepare syrup (see recipe in the section above).

Take 1 tbsp. three times a day half an hour before meals for a week. After a 14-day break, repeat the course.

Pancreatitis, abdominal pain:

  • Brew 1 tsp. dried dandelion leaves and roots, 500 ml of cold boiled water, leave for 10-12 hours.

Take 1/4 cup before meals 4-6 times a day.

Benefits of dandelion in treating diabetes

Salads made from the leaves of the plant are rich in inulin. They are useful to use with parsley, tops, radishes or young turnips.

Recipes for diabetes.

  • Brew 1 tsp. finely chopped, washed roots with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain.

Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.

  • Brew 1 tsp. chopped dandelion root and 3 tsp. mint leaves with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, cover, let cool, strain.

Take 1/4 cup 2-3 times a day before meals.

Elimination of insomnia, overstrain, depression

Increased nervousness associated with overwork (fatigue):

  1. Prepare tincture at the rate of 1 tbsp. root powder per glass of vodka.
  2. Leave in a dark, cool place for 10 days, strain.

Take 30 drops with water half an hour before each meal for 14 days.


  • Brew 2 tbsp. dandelion flowers with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, leave in a sealed container for half an hour, strain.

Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day before meals.

Dandelion uses for women

If there is a threat of miscarriage, after consulting a doctor, take dandelion decoction:

  • Brew 1 tsp. root powder with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours.

Take during the day or 1/4 cup before meals.

Start taking the medicinal plant with small doses (for example, brew 1 teaspoon per glass). If you feel satisfactory after taking it, increase the dosage.

Dandelion juice treatment for eyes and teeth


  • Place 1 drop of milky juice into the eyes.

Strengthening gums and teeth:

  • Hold 1 tsp. dandelion juice in your mouth three times a day.

The recipe for making juice is given in the corresponding section above.

Dandelion contraindications

The medicinal plant helps with various diseases. It is worth consulting with your doctor to choose the optimal dosage and rules of administration.

Decoctions and infusions of dandelion affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the formation of hydrochloric acid - the basis of gastric juice. Therefore, treatment with dandelion is contraindicated for gastritis with increased acidity, with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Use dandelion with caution for acute inflammatory diseases biliary tract.

One of the medicinal properties of dandelion is its choleretic effect. Increased bile secretion causes loose stools. Therefore, you should not use the plant in case of intestinal disorders.

With a reduced ability of the gallbladder to contract (hypotonic dyskinesia), excess bile stretches it and increases pain. Therefore, dandelion treatment should not be used for this disease.

Should not be consumed treatment plant for flu symptoms.

Flowers and pollen can cause an allergic reaction.

Modified: 06/26/2019
_________________________________________________________________________ Dandelion grass has long been a common addition to the daily diet. Almost all parts of the plant are used - leaves, flowers and roots. Dandelion has found application not only in cooking, but also as a medicine for various ailments. Botanists place it in the Asteraceae family, genus Taraxacum, and the scientific name of this plant is Taraxacum officinale. It is also called “Irish daisy”. It is believed that dandelion spread from Central Asia. It now grows in various parts of the world with temperate and subtropical climates. Like sage, dandelion is rich in vitamin K, but that's not all its benefits. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ The dandelion has a long and strong taproot, its dark green leaves are long and jagged and grow straight from the soil like rays.

Golden-yellow flowers appear in late spring on hollow stalks that are filled with fragrant nectar that attracts bees. Pedicels, like leaves, grow directly from the ground. An adult plant reaches 45 centimeters in height. Almost all parts of the plant secrete a white “milky sap.” _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Dandelion root ______________________________

The spindle-shaped dandelion root is strong and fleshy. Outside it is dark brown, and its flesh is white and resembles... appearance sweet potatoes (yams, sweet potatoes). It contains the bitter "milky juice" in a more concentrated form than the stem and leaves. The roots as a whole are the foundation that will enable the plant to move on to the second year of its life. Dandelion roots are collected in the summer (for medicinal purposes) or in the fall (to dry and then crushed to add to coffee).

Health benefits of dandelion ______________________________

Fresh herbs Dandelion, its flowers and roots contain valuable compounds that are known for their antioxidant properties, as well as their ability to prevent disease and promote health.

Fresh leaves are very low in calories and contain only 45 kilocalories per 100 grams. They are also a good source of dietary fiber (about 9% of the recommended daily intake per 100 grams). In addition, its “milky juice” is a good laxative. These qualities of the plant make it a means of helping to reduce weight and control blood cholesterol levels.

Dandelion root, like other parts of this plant, contains the bitter crystalline compound taraxacin, as well as the pungent resin taraxacerin, a colorless crystalline compound C8H16O, as noted by the Wordnik resource. The root of the plant also contains the polysaccharide inulin (which should not be confused with insulin) and levulin. Together, these compounds are the basis for dandelion's various therapeutic qualities.

Fresh dandelion grass contains 10,161 international units of vitamin A per 100 grams, which is 338% of the recommended daily intake. Dandelion is one of the richest sources of vitamin A among culinary herbs. Vitamin A is an important fat-soluble vitamin and antioxidant that is required to maintain healthy mucous membranes, skin and vision.

Dandelion leaves are filled with numerous health-promoting flavonoids such as beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, cryptoxanthin, and zeaxanthin. Eating natural foods rich in vitamin A and flavonoids (carotenes) helps protect the body from lung and oral cancers. Zeaxanthin has light-filtering properties, protecting the retina from ultraviolet rays.

Dandelion grass is a good source of minerals such as potassium, calcium, manganese, iron and magnesium. Potassium is an important constituent of cell and body fluids that helps regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme called superoxide dismutase.

Dandelion is also rich in many essential vitamins, including folic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, nicotinic acid, vitamins E and C, necessary to maintain health. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. Dandelion greens contain 58% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.

Dandelion is one of the richest herbal sources of vitamin K, providing approximately 650% of the recommended intake. Vitamin K presumably plays a role in the formation of bone mass, supporting osteotropic activity in them. Its role in the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's disease has also been established. It reduces damage to brain neurons.

Selection, storage and processing of dandelion ______________________________

Sometimes fresh dandelions are collected in wildlife. But it is better to give preference to those plants that are collected specifically for medical and culinary needs.

Preference should be given to fresh, juicy and soft leaves. Fresh leaves have a better flavor and are rich in many vital vitamins and antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamin C and folate. Store the leaves in food-grade plastic bags in the refrigerator drawers reserved for storing vegetables.

Fresh dandelion leaves and flowers are used in cooking. Pre-washed greens are blanched in boiling water for a minute and then quickly cooled by placing in cold water. Blanching reduces bitterness.

Use of dandelion in medicine ______________________________

Almost all parts of the dandelion have found use in both traditional and modern medicine. The main compounds it contains have laxative and diuretic properties.

Dandelion is also a good tonic and appetite stimulant. This medicinal plant- for patients with dyspepsia, when the intestines and stomach do not function normally.

The outer covering of the stems is used for burns and allergic skin reactions, such as to nettle.

Caution ______________________________

Since dandelion contains a certain amount of bitterness, it can only be consumed by healthy people without any contraindications to the compounds contained in this plant. In patients being treated with potassium-sparing diuretics, dandelion may cause potassium toxicity. Dandelion herb may also cause allergic contact dermatitis in some sensitive people.

Nutritional value of dandelion ______________________________

The percentage of daily intake is given in parentheses. Nutritional value is given per 100 grams of dandelion greens according to information from the Ministry Agriculture USA, listed on the pages of the Nutrition And You resource.

General information ______________________________
energy value - 45 kilocalories (2%);
carbohydrates - 9.20 grams (7%);
protein - 2.70 grams (5%);
fats - 0.70 grams (3%);
fiber included in the food - 3.50 grams (9%).

Vitamins ______________________________
folic acid (vitamin B9) - 27 micrograms (7%);
niacin (vitamin B3) - 0.806 milligrams (5%);
pantothenic acid - 0.084 milligrams (1.5%);
pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - 0.251 milligrams (19%);
riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 0.260 milligrams (20%);
thiamine (vitamin B1) - 0.190 milligrams (17%);
vitamin A - 10161 international units (IU, IU) - 338%;
vitamin C - 35 milligrams (58%);
vitamin E - 3.44 milligrams (23%);
vitamin K - 778.4 micrograms (649%);

Electrolytes ______________________________
sodium - 76 milligrams (5%);
potassium - 397 milligrams (8%).

Minerals ______________________________
calcium - 187 milligrams (19%);
iron - 3.10 milligrams (39%);
magnesium - 36 milligrams (9%);
manganese - 0.342 milligrams (15%);
phosphorus - 66 milligrams (9%);
selenium - 0.5 milligrams (1%);
zinc - 0.41 milligrams (4%).

Phytonutrients ______________________________
alpha-carotene (α-carotene) - 363 micrograms;
beta-carotene (ß-carotene), which carrots are rich in - 5854 micrograms;
beta-cryptoxanthin (ß-cryptoxanthin) - 121 micrograms;
lutein-zeaxanthin - 13,610 micrograms. __________________________________________________________________________ DANDELION - GINSENG OF THE MIDDLE BAND __________________________________________________________________________ Herbalists sometimes call dandelion ginseng of the middle zone, and as a medicinal plant, the simple and familiar dandelion is included in all pharmacopoeias of the world. __________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ For diabetes. ______________________________
1 teaspoon of finely chopped root is brewed as tea in one glass of boiling water, left for 20 minutes, cooled and taken a quarter glass 3-4 times a day.

For oncological diseases. ______________________________
Soak 100g of young dandelion leaves in cold salted water for half an hour, chop and mix with 50g of finely chopped green onions and 25g of parsley, season vegetable oils, sprinkle with dill. It is also useful for spring fatigue.

For cystitis, kidney inflammation. ______________________________
Grate the dandelion root. Take a small amount (at the tip of a knife) half an hour before meals, 2 times a day.

For heart diseases. ______________________________
Take dry ground dandelion root (on the tip of a knife) 2-3 times a day with half a glass of water.

Losing weight. ______________________________
2 tbsp. fresh spoons or 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dry crushed dandelion leaves and leave for 6-8 hours in a thermos. In the morning, strain the infusion and drink in small sips throughout the day.

For skin whitening. ______________________________
All parts of the plant secrete milky sap. It is used to lubricate age spots, freckles, warts, dry calluses, snake and bee bites.

Boil 2 tbsp. spoons of dandelion flowers in 0.5 liters of water 30 min. over low heat, strain. Wipe your face with the resulting decoction morning and evening. __________________________________________________________________________

Dandelion is a perennial weed that grows in many parts of the world. In herbal medicine it is valued for its medicinal properties. For centuries, the plant has been used to treat acne, liver disease and digestive disorders.

Dandelion greens can be added to salads, soups and stews, stewed and served as a side dish. Dandelion root also has beneficial properties. It is used to make tea.

Composition and calorie content of dandelion

Dandelion is a source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.

Composition 100 gr. dandelion as a percentage of the daily value:

  • vitamin K– 535%. Strengthens bones and normalizes kidney function;
  • vitamin A– 112%. Antioxidant. Supports immunity, is responsible for eye and skin health;
  • vitamin C– 39%. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Promotes iron absorption;
  • vitamin E– 23%. Ensures the functioning of the gonads and heart;
  • calcium- 19%. Main component of bones. It is absorbed better from dandelion than from dairy products.

Dandelion calorie content is 45 kcal per 100 g.

Benefits of dandelion

The beneficial properties of dandelion help fight cancer and prevent osteoporosis. The plant is used to treat gallstones, joint pain and viral infections.

Dandelion greens are a source of calcium and vitamin K, both of which help prevent bone loss.

The root is used in the treatment of rheumatism as it relieves inflammation.

Dandelion helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure. The benefits of dandelion for treating anemia and purifying the blood have been scientifically proven.

The plant helps prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease. Dandelion flowers – best source nutritious lecithin, which improves memory.

Dandelion shoots contain a lot of vitamin A, which is important for eye health. It reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration and vision loss.

Dandelion improves liver function and protects the organ from obesity. The plant improves carbohydrate metabolism and helps to lose weight. The healing properties of dandelion are used for constipation and other symptoms of indigestion.

The polyphenols in dandelion help lower blood sugar levels. They are found in all parts of the plant.

Dandelion protects the skin from sun damage and acne, increases the formation of new skin cells and slows down aging. The plant extract reduces inflammation and irritation of the skin, and also increases collagen production.

The plant helps stop the growth of cancer cells in various organs. Dandelion root extract fights pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia and melanoma. Dandelion leaf tea reduces the growth of breast cancer cells.

What parts of dandelion are used in treatment?

Dandelion is a plant that is beneficial from roots to flowers.

Dandelion greens are a source of vitamins A, C, K. E, group B, and minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Dandelion root is rich in inulin, which is a soluble fiber. It supports the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestines.

Dandelion leaf extract dramatically slows the growth of cancer cells in the liver, colon and pancreas. Dandelion leaves, stems and flowers are often consumed in their natural form. The root is dried, crushed and consumed as a tea or coffee substitute.

Medicinal properties of dandelion

The plant is good for health, no matter in what form you consume it.

Dandelion greens are good for the urinary tract.

The root will help improve liver function. You can make a decoction using 2 tsp. powdered dandelion root per cup of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 45 minutes. Drink one cup of dandelion root tea three times a day.

Tinctures are more powerful than tea. Take 1 tsp. alcohol tincture of dandelion 3 times a day.

There is a widespread belief among people that dandelion is something that is better to get rid of quickly. But few know that it is very often used as medicine. In this article we will talk about the benefits of dandelions, their use in medicine, cooking and cosmetology, as well as possible harm when using them.

Description and photo

Currently, dandelion is a fairly common plant that is often found in forest clearings, parks and near rivers and lakes.

Did you know? In some countries, dandelions are grown for industrial purposes. In Japan, France and the USA you can see entire plantations of these flowers.

Everyone knows what a dandelion looks like: a yellow flower on a long stem no more than 0.5 m high with a rosette of basal leaves.
It has a branched vertical root, often longer than the above-ground part of the plant.

Dandelion fruits are weightless, dry achenes with white edges that easily blow away at the slightest gust of wind. Its flowering period falls in the spring - from April to May, and it bears fruit from June to September.

Chemical composition

Dandelion contains beneficial substances, thanks to which it helps with many diseases. It is distinguished by a large number of:

  • proteins, fiber, carbohydrates;
  • vitamins A, B4, C, K;
  • macroelements (calcium, sodium);
  • trace elements (cobalt, iron, copper).

Pharmacological properties

This medicinal plant contains bitterness, which makes it possible to use it to improve the absorption of food and normalize digestion. This action occurs by activating the production of gastric juice, which leads to increased bile secretion.
It also has an anti-atherosclerotic effect, prevents the absorption of bad cholesterol, eliminates toxins and has a positive effect on the body.

Did you know? Dandelion is often used in the treatment of diabetes, as it is known for stimulating insulin production.

Due to its high potassium content, the juice from dandelion leaves is an excellent diuretic, and the root of the medicinal plant has a positive effect on the liver and helps break down stones.


Because of their medicinal properties, dandelions are often used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Below we present several recipes based on them.

In medicine

The range of uses of medicinal dandelion is wide. It has an analgesic, choleretic, antiseptic and laxative effect.
Dandelion tea is used for medicinal purposes and has significant benefits for the body.

It is used for jaundice, gastritis, digestive disorders and as a remedy for worms. You can use various recipes for making tea:

  • Add 250 ml of boiling water to two teaspoons of dried leaves and leave for 10 minutes. Mix thoroughly, squeeze and add sugar. Take a teaspoon of infusion two to three times a day.
  • Pour one teaspoon of dried roots with just boiling water, leaving to steep for 20 minutes. Use no more than 3 times a day.

Important! Over time, dandelion tea becomes bitter, so storing it for a long time is impractical.

Dandelion is also effective as a good laxative, for the preparation of which its roots are used. They need to be crushed to a powder and taken half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

In cosmetology

Dandelion's contribution to the cosmetology industry is invaluable. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, clearing the face of unsightly pimples and blackheads.

Lotions and masks containing this plant give the skin elasticity and reduce the number of freckles.

An effective recipe for reducing small warts based on this miraculous plant. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of dandelion leaves into 500 ml of water and cook for 15 minutes.

After this, carefully strain the broth through cheesecloth, cool and wipe your face with it.

In cooking

A huge number of dishes are prepared from dandelions: jellies, capers, jam, pancakes. The plants decorate dishes with yellow flowers and add them to. The roots, leaves, and inflorescences of this amazing plant are used in cooking.

Did you know? In England, traditional dandelion wine has been made for a long time, which is famous for its delicate honey-floral taste.

Boil 3 hard-boiled eggs, chop, add leaves and grated. Season with salt and sour cream.

Contraindications and harm

Even with a large number of positive characteristics, in some cases dandelions are not recommended for consumption, as they can cause harm to the body.

Despite its medicinal properties, dandelion root also has contraindications. Medicines based on it are characterized by a laxative effect, so people with a predisposition to intestinal disorders are not recommended to use them.

Gastritis with high acidity and stomach ulcers also force one to limit or completely stop using medications that contain this plant.

Caution should be exercised in consuming dandelion roots if you have gallbladder problems. Since the choleretic effect of this plant can cause blockage of the bile ducts, treatment with its use is possible only after a visit to the doctor.
Dandelion leaves are also famous for their beneficial properties, but they also have contraindications. These include blockage of the bile ducts, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The health benefits of dandelion are so impressive that nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with all sorts of potions, salads, jams and wines made from this sunny plant. Let's figure out when and how to use dandelion in medicinal purposes, because at the dacha it is always at hand.

Benefits of dandelion for human health

It seems that dandelion is the first plant that a child remembers. It looks like a little sun when it's in bloom and you can blow on it when it's finished blooming and the little winged seeds will scatter to form new plants. As teenagers, we treated warts with its milky juice. As adults, although we never stopped smiling at the sight of its flowers, we already fought (most often unsuccessfully) against its spread in vegetable gardens and lawns. What could be simpler than a dandelion? But it turns out there is a lot we don't know about him.

Dandelion (Taraxacum) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. This is a plant with a long taproot, leaves collected in a basal rosette and numerous flower baskets yellow color, sitting on long peduncles.

The seeds are winged and scatter over a long distance after ripening. This plant is a weed and, thanks to its flying seeds and long roots, poses a big problem, since it is very difficult to control. It is distributed everywhere, with the exception of Arctic latitudes and high mountains. Has more than 2000 species.

About the benefits of dandelion for the body

Dandelion leaves contain vitamins C, B, A, E, nicotinic acid, choline, and trace elements. They are an antiscorbutic agent and help in the treatment of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. The roots are used as an expectorant and diuretic, as an appetite stimulant.

Dandelion juice is a tonic and restorative, reduces acidity, and is a source of potassium. The plant has antiviral and anthelmintic properties. Studying useful properties Dandelion research continues, and it has already been established that it can help with tuberculosis and has anti-carcinogenic properties.

Here is a fairly detailed video with the participation of herbalist E.P. Shmerko on how to use dandelion for medicinal purposes:

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, dandelion leaves, roots and flowers are used in the form of infusions, powder, masks, tonics, and decoctions. Masks made from dandelion leaves rejuvenate the skin, nourish and moisturize. With the help of flowers, freckles and age spots are removed, hair is strengthened with decoctions, and warts are removed with the help of milky juice.

Dandelion raw materials are used both in the cosmetic industry and at home.

Dandelion nutritional value

Most often, young dandelion leaves are used in vitamin-rich spring salads. To remove bitterness, they are first scalded or soaked in cold salted water for 15–20 minutes.

Soups are prepared from young leaves and stems. Surrogate coffee is made from the root. The flowers are used to make wine and preserves.

Dandelion root, well boiled, is a valuable source of nutrition. And although he taste qualities leave much to be desired, it can save a life if you are lost in the forest and are not very knowledgeable about plants - anyone can recognize a dandelion.

Leaves and flowers, as we have already said, are collected in the spring - in May, but the roots are harvested in the fall. At this time they accumulate more nutrients. For example, there is 40 times more inulin in the autumn harvest than in the spring.

In France, they select dandelions with large soft leaves, and even grow them in greenhouses in winter.


  1. To obtain juice, the leaves and flowers of the plant are crushed and poured with cold salted water for 0.5 hours. This will reduce the bitter taste. Then the vegetable mass is blended with a blender. It can be made and drunk either with plain water or with any juice (smoothie), as well as using oatmeal or rice broth. Take 1 glass daily for a long time.
  2. To prepare the infusion, any parts of the dandelion (or a mixture of leaves, flowers and roots) are poured with boiling water in a thermos and kept for 1.5-2 hours. The strained infusion is drunk in the same way - every day, for a long time.
  3. To produce a decoction, the mixture or its components are boiled over low heat for 3-5 minutes, then cooled. Take 2-3 spoons before meals for a long period.

Other properties of dandelion

Dandelion is an excellent honey plant, but the honey it produces is bitter, so it is used only as a supporting bribe.

Dandelions of the Koksagyz and Krymsagyz species are rubber plants and were previously cultivated as such. Now in America selection is being carried out in this direction.

Dry roots ground into flour are used in veterinary medicine to improve digestion.

The aerial part of the dandelion is food for domestic rodents, in particular for rabbits and nutria.

A few more ways to use cut dandelions

In orchards, dandelion is cultivated as sod between rows. It not only attracts beneficial insects to gardens, but also raises nutrients from the depths, because its root penetrates 60-100 cm and brings poorly soluble nutrients to the surface. Naturally, the grass in the garden is mowed, and the mowed dandelions make an excellent top dressing.

Green fertilizer is prepared as usual in two ways: fermented and EM-silage.

  1. For fermentation, no special wisdom is needed - fill the container 2/3 with dandelions and fill it with rainwater. For better fermentation, you can add a handful of soil or yeast. Cover the infusion and leave in a sunny place. After 2-3 weeks (depending on the weather), the finished infusion is added one ladle per bucket. Of course, this type of fertilizer has a strong smell, so we prefer the pleasant-smelling EM silage according to B.A.’s recipe. Bagel.
  2. For ensiling, you need to add EM preparations and some kind of sweetness (jam, molasses or simple sugar) to a similarly filled container. As soon as the plant residues become limp and slimy, but still without a putrid smell, the liquid fertilizer should be drained and the grass should be distributed between the rows. And so that beneficial microbes do not die in the sun, it is better to water the decomposed organic matter on top with plain water - wash them off onto the bottom layer of mulch.

The value of liquid fertilizers from dandelions is that they reduce the acidity of the soil and enrich it with beneficial microorganisms, increasing the fertile layer of soil. Organic matter spilled with dandelion herbal infusion attracts earthworms. Nutrients prepared in this way are absorbed by the plant immediately, since they are in a form accessible to the plant.

If there is little organic matter on the site, after using the EM-silage, the grass can be filled with non-chlorinated water again and used after 2 weeks without dilution. Or charge your pipeline for preparing garden herbal tea using comfrey or nettle.

It would seem that dandelion is a malicious weed on the site, but after removing it, think about it - perhaps it will find a better use than a compost heap. After all, the health benefits of dandelion are very noticeable, and it has many uses in the garden.