Nut butter - benefits and harm. Homemade nut butter recipe - how to make nut butter? Nut butter: homemade recipe Cashew butter recipe

About nut butter made from walnuts According to this recipe, I would say this: “Very tasty, healthy, nutritious.” The finished product does not contain dyes, stabilizers or flavor enhancers, so it can be safely included in your diet. Nuts mixed with honey complement each other perfectly, giving us a boost of energy and vigor. The paste is perfect for breakfast; you can easily spread it on cookies, toast, or a bun. This paste can be seasoned fruit salads, my kids love to spread it on apples. To vary the taste, you can add salt, cinnamon, cocoa to this paste to taste, roasted sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, coconut flakes, paprika, ground black pepper. And every time you will experience a new taste. And if it is packaged in an original way in a beautiful jar, it can serve as an excellent gift, prepared with love. I recommend you try it too!


To prepare walnut paste you will need:
peeled walnuts - 200 g;
honey - 4 tbsp. l.;
salt - 0.5 tsp.
The yield from the ingredients obtained is 1 jar of 250 ml.

Cooking steps

To make the pasta I needed these ingredients. You can take either whole walnuts or already shelled ones.

Place the peeled nuts in a blender bowl fitted with a chopper attachment.

Grind the nuts thoroughly, this will take about 2-3 minutes.

Then add salt and honey to the chopped nuts.

Turn on the blender and once again grind the nuts with honey and salt into a smooth, homogeneous mass. This will take approximately 2 minutes.

The nut butter is of medium thickness (not liquid). To make it more liquid, you can optionally add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and beat the resulting paste again. I'm happy with the thickness of the paste, so vegetable oil I'm not adding.

Transfer the prepared walnut paste into a clean, dry jar, cover and store in the refrigerator (shelf life: about 1 month). The pasta is not only healthy, but also tasty. I try to cook a small amount of pasta because it is quick and easy to make. Very often I supplement it with various additives.

Nut butter appeared not so long ago; initially it had a medicinal character. It was prescribed to patients recovering from surgery. Soon enough, the dish became popular far beyond hospital wards and America itself, where it was first invented. Many modern housewives around the world are looking for recipes for making nut butter at home.

This delicacy is loved by both big and little sweet tooths.

Despite the fat and calorie content of the product, it was enjoyed by both children and adults. It is widely used in dietary and sports nutrition.

This dish perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger and, due to its characteristics, is good option for breakfast or snack. It contains many useful microelements and is suitable for those who watch their diet.

The question of how to prepare nut butter at home is not particularly difficult. All you need is free time, the right ingredients and a little culinary talent.

There are no strict rules that must be followed in the recipe. The color of the finished product does not matter - it can vary from light sand to dark brown. Likewise, the taste and texture are salty or sweet, smooth and pasty or grainy.

There are also many ways to make nut butter at home. Any nut is suitable for it - traditional peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts or cashews. You can mix them in any proportion, fry them or use them raw.

The most important task is to chop the nuts. If you use a coffee grinder or blender, you will have to stir them every half minute so that the consistency resembles softened butter. Almonds take the longest to grind due to their hardness, but peanuts will be as they should be in just a couple of minutes.

An important nuance in how nut butter is made is the successful combination of nut mass with various flavoring additives. Here you can give free rein to your imagination, not forgetting that the presence of a pinch of salt in the product will be mandatory. Your choice of any spices and flavorings - honey, cinnamon, ginger, paprika, vanilla, cocoa and so on.

Another point is vegetable oil. It can also be anything - olive, coconut, sunflower, rapeseed. It must be added to the nut mixture, then blend everything again in a blender. The presence of whole fried kernels is also at your discretion.

Basic pasta recipes

There are several types of this oil depending on the type of nuts

The range of this product is widely available in supermarkets. But many housewives tend to cook it themselves to avoid the presence of flavor enhancers, dyes and preservatives. The recipe for nut butter at home may differ for each of them, but the cooking process will be the same.

You don't need any special knowledge of cooking here. All you need is the dishes you have on hand and the ingredients themselves. They may be different, depending on the type of this dish you choose. The following types of nut butters are usually distinguished:

  1. peanut;
  2. chocolate-nut;
  3. walnut paste;
  4. almond;
  5. hazelnut mass;
  6. cashew mixture.

Peanut nut butter

Classic recipe, which is easy to make at home - this is a nut butter made from peanuts. You can use raw or roasted nuts - the color and richness of the product will depend on this. This will require approximately 200 grams of peanuts,

3 tablespoons each of honey and vegetable oil, a third of a teaspoon of salt.

Sugar and other ingredients can be added as desired:

  • Place the pre-prepared nuts into a blender. Peeled and fried or just raw without husks.
  • Grind it into the finest crumbs.
  • Add the remaining honey, salt and oil and beat the mixture again.
  • Using oil, you can adjust the consistency - the less it is, the thicker the paste.

Walnut butter

A more native version of this delicious delicacy for us is nut butter made from walnuts. For it you need to take 300 grams of peeled kernels, 150 grams of honey and a teaspoon of salt.

The instructions are simple - chop the nuts, add honey and salt, whisk everything thoroughly.

It is best to store the finished dish in the refrigerator. It is very useful due to its main component. It not only improves metabolism and normalizes heart function, but also strengthens our teeth and hair, has a good effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and skin, and is an antihistamine.

Hazelnut nut butter

The benefits of this nut are also obvious. It is recommended for rheumatism and anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. It is used to treat bronchitis and many other health problems. But as with all medicines, you need to know when to stop. The calorie content of the finished product is very high - 466 kcal per 100 grams.

Everyone has their own favorite recipe for eating sweet mass

To get nut butter from hazelnuts, you need to take 150 grams of hazelnut kernels, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and 35-40 grams of powdered sugar:

  1. Peel and roast the hazelnuts.
  2. Grind it into flour.
  3. Add oil and powder to it.
  4. Stir everything well.
  5. You should end up with a sort of shortcrust pastry.

Nut butter - calories, benefits and harm

Besides the fact that it is very delicious dessert, which is liked by adults and children, the product has many controversial reviews - from too high calorie content and sweetness to a high content of nutrients. Let's start with the benefits of nut butter:

  • It preserves all the natural properties of nuts. The human body constantly needs vitamins and minerals. To meet his need, you need to eat one handful a day. And our dish is an excellent alternative to this method.
  • Only its main ingredient contains a combination of all nutrients at once - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It contains vitamins of groups A, B, E and P.
  • Don't forget about the mineral complex. Calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and phosphorus are also found in the kernels. They contain more of them than fruits.
  • Despite the high fat content, which accounts for 60 to 70 percent, the benefit of nut butter is that it does not contain harmful cholesterol. It has absolutely no effect on a person’s weight if it is not abused. It contains everything that is necessary for the normal functioning and functioning of the body.

The tradition of eating such delicacies came to our country from abroad.

Excessive consumption of any product can be harmful. And this delicious nut mixture is no exception:

  1. The harm with nut butter is that it is too fatty. It is recommended to eat it in limited quantities. Otherwise this dietary product will lead to recruitment excess weight.
  2. It may also contain too much sugar, so in home recipes it is better to replace it with honey. The taste will become less sweet, but the benefits will obviously increase.
  3. Don't forget about the possibility of an allergic reaction. Some people have an individual intolerance to peanuts. This fruit is not suitable for those who suffer from stomach diseases - it is a strong irritant to the mucous membrane.

It is not difficult to notice that the benefits of the dessert outweigh its harm, but still, do not forget that nut butter has a calorie content of almost 600 kcal. Therefore, treat this dish without unnecessary fanaticism.

Nut butter is considered a popular product. Both adults and children adore it due to its pleasant and rich taste. However, over the years, people have not been able to find out what is more beneficial or harmful in nut butter. Nut butter from walnuts is prepared quite simply, with minimal cost.

This product is considered an excellent and healthy breakfast, providing energy and vitamins for the whole day. We offer inexpensive and nutritious versions of this dish that can be quickly prepared at home.

Walnut butter recipe from walnuts


  • 400 g nuts;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 0.25 tsp salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey


  1. Clean the nuts.
  2. Fry in a frying pan, without using oil.
  3. Grind the nuts using a blender.
  4. Add vegetable oil and continue beating the nuts.
  5. Continue manipulation until a homogeneous, elastic mass is formed.
  6. Add salt, honey and continue whisking.
  7. Pour the paste into a glass jar.
  8. Store in the refrigerator for no more than two months.

Walnut paste recipe with chocolate


  • 300 g walnuts;
  • 100 g almonds;
  • 0.25 cups of honey;
  • 0.5 glasses of milk;
  • 0.25 cups cocoa powder;
  • 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil (any kind will do).


  1. Clean the nuts.
  2. Place on a baking sheet.
  3. Place in the oven to dry.
  4. Grind the nuts using a blender.
  5. Add butter and honey and continue whisking.
  6. Boil the milk.
  7. Add milk and cocoa to the nut butter.
  8. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  9. Place in the refrigerator to harden.

Homemade Nutella - recipe with walnuts


  • 1 cup walnuts;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 3 cups sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 1 tsp. butter;
  • 1 pinch of vanilla.


  1. Peel the nuts from the shell.
  2. Fry the nuts in a frying pan without using oil.
  3. Using a blender, grind the nuts until an oily mass forms.
  4. Heat the milk.
  5. Beat eggs, flour, sugar, cocoa, butter, vanillin.
  6. Add nut butter and milk.
  7. Mix until a thick paste forms.
  8. Place in the refrigerator to harden.

Beneficial properties of nut butter

Despite certain contraindications, nut butter has a long list of benefits. Nuts contain a large amount of nutritious proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins A, B, E, P, as well as a large amount of useful substances and minerals.

Nuts are considered healthier than fruits. Despite the large amount of fat, they do not contain cholesterol. But if you abuse this product, you will definitely experience weight gain. Do not forget about allergies, because some people may have an individual intolerance to such a product.

There are several types of nut butter:

  1. Peanut.
  2. Chocolate and nut.
  3. Almond.
  4. With cashews.
  5. From hazelnuts.
  6. From walnuts.

These dishes are very easy to prepare, the main thing is to have a blender available. It is with its help that you can bring the nuts to a paste state.

Honey and walnuts for pasta - a simple recipe


  • 300 g nuts;
  • 150 g honey;
  • 1 tsp. salt.


  1. Peel the nuts, chop and fry in a frying pan.
  2. Mix roasted nuts, salt, honey in a blender.
  3. Stir until an oily mass forms.
  4. It is best to store nut butter in the refrigerator.

The peculiarity of this dish is that it improves metabolism, improves hair and skin, strengthens the cardiovascular system, is an antihistamine, and reduces painful symptoms of thyroid disease.

You can prepare nut butter yourself at home, but you should remember that if you abuse this product, it can seriously harm your body. Therefore, you need to adhere to the rule - “good - little by little”.

Walnut paste recipe

About the nut butter prepared from walnuts according to this recipe, I would say this: “Very tasty, healthy, nutritious.” The finished product does not contain dyes, stabilizers or flavor enhancers, so it can be safely included in your diet. Nuts mixed with honey complement each other perfectly, giving us a boost of energy and vigor. The paste is perfect for breakfast; you can easily spread it on cookies, toast, or a bun. This paste can be used to dress fruit salads; my kids love to spread it on apples. To vary the taste, you can add salt, cinnamon, cocoa, roasted seeds, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, coconut flakes, paprika, and ground black pepper to this paste to taste. And every time you will experience a new taste. And if it is packaged in an original way in a beautiful jar, it can serve as an excellent gift, prepared with love. I recommend you try it too!


To prepare walnut paste you will need:
peeled walnuts – 200 g;
honey - 4 tbsp. l.;
salt – 0.5 tsp.
The yield from the ingredients obtained is 1 jar of 250 ml.

Cooking steps

To make the pasta I needed these ingredients. You can take either whole walnuts or already shelled ones.

Place the peeled nuts in a blender bowl fitted with a chopper attachment.

Grind the nuts thoroughly, this will take about 2-3 minutes.

Then add salt and honey to the chopped nuts.

Turn on the blender and once again grind the nuts with honey and salt into a smooth, homogeneous mass. This will take approximately 2 minutes.

The nut butter is of medium thickness (not liquid). To make it more liquid, you can optionally add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and beat the resulting paste again. I'm happy with the thickness of the paste, so I don't add vegetable oil.

Transfer the prepared walnut paste into a clean, dry jar, cover and store in the refrigerator (shelf life: about 1 month). The pasta is not only healthy, but also tasty. I try to cook a small amount of pasta because it is quick and easy to make. Very often I supplement it with various additives.

This pasta is delicious with saltine crackers or biscuits.

You can eat walnut paste prepared according to this recipe even with fruit, such as apples.

Delicious and pleasant moments!

Walnut paste at home: recipe with photos

Nut butter is an ideal component for breakfast or afternoon snack. This delicious nut pate will appeal to both adults and children. The recipe describes the classic version of preparing pasta with salt, but if the pasta is being prepared for children, you can reduce the amount of salt and add about 50-60 ml of liquid honey. You can add pasta to salads made from boiled or baked beets, to cottage cheese dishes, to desserts or to boiled pasta with cheese. The shelf life of the dish in the refrigerator is about 1.5 weeks. The shelf life of frozen nut butter is about 3–4 months. Make sure that the butter is of good quality, otherwise the paste will taste bitter.


  • 150 g walnut kernels
  • 100 g butter
  • 2 pinches of salt

How to make nut butter

1. Heat the walnut kernels in a frying pan or in the oven until dry and lightly fragrant - you need to dry them so that they are easier to crush. After this, pour the nuts into the bowl of a blender or coffee grinder. Instead of walnuts, you can use peanuts, shelled sunflower seeds, cashews, etc.

2. Grind the nuts into dust. You will have to stop the grinding process several times and use a knife to scrape down the mass stuck to the walls so that everything is finely ground.

3. Melt the butter in a separate container - in a water bath or in the microwave.

4. Pour the nut mass into a container with melted butter. If you are preparing a dish for children, add liquid honey at the same time.

5. Mix everything thoroughly until the mass becomes almost homogeneous.

6. Add salt and mix again.

7. Pour the nut mixture into a jar or container or mold and place in the refrigerator until completely frozen, about 1 hour. During this time, the butter in the paste will harden and it can be removed from the refrigerator.

8. Ready-made nut butter is very tasty, nourishing and aromatic, spread it on toasted toast, slices of fresh baked goods, but remember that such a product is extremely high in calories!


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See also: Desserts

homemade walnut paste recipe

Who said that nut butter, or as it is now commonly called, “Urbech” (by the way, the word is not new at all, it is translated from Dagestan as “a natural product from ground nuts or seeds with the addition of oil”) cannot be prepared at home? Let's dispel this myth!

I present to your attention a paste-like sauce made from walnuts, made at home.

Why blank? This walnut paste is good for storage, as well as for later use in numerous sauces. It is prepared without heat treatment from fresh, peeled walnut kernels. Unless you consider that the nuts need to be dried for some time in a hot oven. This is to free the kernels from the husk and give them a bright fried taste. A natural preservative is a mixture of olive oil and walnut oil.

So, to prepare walnut paste we will need the following ingredients:

  • Walnuts peeled ─ 250 g.
  • Garlic ─ 3 cloves
  • Walnut oil ─ 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Olive oil ─ 4 tbsp. spoons

Do not take high-grade olive oil, first cold pressed with dark green, it will overpower the nutty aroma with its taste. Olive oil from tins that you can fry in will do.

Place the peeled walnut kernels on a dry cast-iron frying pan and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 8 minutes. No more (!), so that the nuts do not acquire an excessive burnt bitterness.

Then they need to be poured onto a linen napkin, allowed to cool slightly and peeled. The nut kernels will become light in color.

Place the nuts in a container, add garlic, olive and walnut oils, and blend into a paste with a blender. This pasta itself is already very tasty! Contains a lot of protein, healthy fats and microelements, and has high nutritional value ─ a real superfood! Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

This walnut paste can be used as a spread on bread or all kinds of sauces can be prepared from it. Like in the recipe, for example. “Pappardelle with pumpkin in walnut sauce”.

Bon appetit!

Try making walnut paste using my recipe and leave your feedback.

Walnut paste

How to make nut butter correctly

Walnut butter, which first appeared in America at the beginning of the last century, was prescribed to postoperative patients to restore strength, but very soon it became a favorite treat for children and adults. Now this useful product, despite the calorie content and high level fat content, is used in sports and dietary nutrition, since it contains complete protein, vitamins, minerals, microelements, unsaturated fats, antioxidants and fiber. Many housewives want to learn how to make nut butter at home so that they can always have a cheap, popular delicacy on the table without preservatives, stabilizers, flavor enhancers and dyes.

Methods for making nut butter

Nut butter, which perfectly satisfies hunger, can be an ideal breakfast or snack for those who watch their diet. Preparing this dish is not so difficult - it all depends on the availability of free time, food and imagination.

There are no strict rules on how to make nut butter correctly - the main thing is to understand the principle that underlies all recipes. You can make a dark brown or light sandy paste, smooth or grainy, salty or sweet.

Any nut is suitable for this dish - peanuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, cashews, pecans, Brazil nuts, pine nuts or walnuts. You can mix different types of nuts in different proportions, roast them or use them raw.

The most important thing is to grind the nuts in a blender or coffee grinder until they resemble butter, for which you will have to stop the blender every 40 seconds and mix the nuts. Almonds take the longest to grind, and peanuts take the fastest, so you can have a smooth, lump-free peanut mixture in just two minutes.

The secrets of making nut butter lie in successful combinations of nut mass with various flavors and sweeteners, which can vary depending on tastes. The most important and obligatory flavoring addition is a pinch of salt, and everything else depends on your mood. Cinnamon, cardamom, orange zest, honey, maple syrup, grated coconut, cocoa, chocolate, paprika, ginger, vanilla, poppy seeds, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds are added to the nut paste. You can experiment and come up with your own recipes!

The next step is that vegetable oil (coconut, refined olive or sunflower, rapeseed) is added to the nut mixture and blended again in a blender. The final touch is to stir in whole roasted nuts into the paste to create a crunchy texture, and then it's time to put the deliciousness into beautiful jars.

Maybe you don't know how to make Nutella chocolate hazelnut spread at home, but why repeat yourself? Homemade nut butter is no worse than factory-made, but at the same time it is unique and inimitable, because you made it with your own hands. Nut butter can be spread on toast and buns, added to salads, used as a filling for pies and cream for a cake. Packed in beautiful jars, the paste can become an original gift and a pleasant surprise for no reason!

Nut butter - homemade recipe

A cup of coffee or tea and a sandwich with nut butter prepared according to a recipe at home from natural ingredients, what could be better? This breakfast is not only an excellent treat, but also a high-calorie food. Chocolate-nut butter at home is practically the same in taste, but does not contain preservatives.


All the components are simple, they can be found in any store. So, we will need:

  • raw peanuts – 100 g;
  • milk – 1 glass;
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flour – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • vanilla.

How to make chocolate spread

We will offer the simplest recipe on how to make chocolate spread at home. Place the nuts in the oven (put them on a baking sheet) until dry and slightly browned, then peel them.

Place butter in a frying pan, melt and add flour. Fry until browned, add cocoa. When the flour turns golden, add milk little by little and mix until it hardens. Then add vanilla.

Pour the peanuts into the container, having previously crushed them, and add the mixture with cocoa. You need to mix until smooth.

In our country, almost no one will be surprised by such a product as walnuts. They are used to prepare many dishes and are eaten raw. They are high in calories and contain many substances valuable to the body. We offer a simple nut butter recipe.


  • ¼ cup honey;
  • ¼ cup cocoa powder;
  • nuts – 400 g;
  • milk – 120 ml;
  • coconut oil – 1 tbsp. l.


We dry the nuts in the oven and chop them, add honey, cocoa, beat again, add milk and beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

How to make peanut butter

Grind the peanuts until you get an even mixture. A blender or food processor is suitable for this. During the cooking process, you need to stop whipping and stir the mixture periodically. You can use different ingredients to taste and experiment. The main thing is to try to imagine the combination of all the ingredients and what the approximate taste and aroma will be. You can make a test batch (mix a few spoons with various spices, adding varying amounts of sugar and salt).

When you decide on the composition and start cooking, you need to add sunflower or rapeseed oil. Mix everything in a blender until you get a homogeneous mass.

Add ground nuts here, you can chop them so that there are pieces.

Transfer the paste into a jar and put it in the refrigerator. It can be stored for several months. When using pasta in cooking, remove the pasta from the refrigerator and allow it to warm to room temperature.

How to make cashew nut butter

To make cashew paste at home we will need:

  • cashews – 400 g;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • water – 20 ml.

Dry the nuts in the oven for a few minutes. Then pour them into the blender. As you beat, the mixture will become more and more like a paste. Add sugar and salt, as well as water, which should be boiled. The dish is stored in the refrigerator.

Nutella chocolate spread at home

To prepare we will need:

  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • nuts – 200 g;
  • sugar – 800 g;
  • wheat flour – 100 g;
  • cocoa – 100 g;
  • butter – 250 g.


Mix cocoa, flour and sugar, slowly pour in milk, stirring the mixture. Place on the fire, which should be low, and heat until smooth. Stir regularly. Add oil when the mass thickens.

Roast the nuts, then chop them and add them to the mixture over the fire. Cook for 20 minutes. When the mixture becomes thick, cool, transfer to jars and place in a cool place, such as a refrigerator.

Benefits of nut butter

The benefit lies in its high calorie content. Pasta has a high satiety index because it contains proteins and dietary fiber. If you consume this product for breakfast, the feeling of hunger throughout the day will be significantly less.

In order for the product not to cause harm, you need to consume it in small quantities. The daily intake should be no more than 30 g, which is approximately 1 tablespoon.

Harm of nut butter

Nut butter prepared at home has not only benefits, but also harm. This is a high-calorie product with high fat content. It is better to avoid it for those who are prone to obesity, suffer from gout, arthritis or arthrosis.

What do you eat with nut butter?

The product can be used not only as a cream for cakes or sandwiches. You can eat pasta with vegetables. To do this, it is spread on vegetables. This is a good opportunity to teach children healthy food.

If you add herbs and spices, you will get a good sauce for meat. The paste can also be used as an ingredient in steak marinades. To do this, vinegar and herbs are added to it.

The nut treat often becomes an ingredient for making creams. If you add it to the oil and beat it, you will get a tasty homogeneous mass.

Nut butter: recipes, benefits and harm

Nut butter is a food whose recipe can be mastered by the most novice cook at home. This is a valuable food, although very high in calories. It is made both savory and dessert. For example, homemade chocolate-nut butter has a rich taste and does not contain preservatives.

Total information

We replace the nut paste with a handful of the original product based on its nutrient density. It is prepared from nuts ground into porridge, with some additives. Regardless of whether hazelnuts, almonds or cashews are added to the dish, the resulting paste is stored in the refrigerator.

Nut butter

Benefits of nut butter

Nut paste is a very nutritious dish with a high calorie content. Sandwiches with it go well as a satisfying snack.

It contains a lot of vegetable protein, which, unlike animal protein, does not contain cholesterol and does not harm blood vessels. Fiber promotes good bowel function.

Nut butter is made from natural ingredients without heat treatment, so all the beneficial substances are preserved unchanged. Different types of nuts contain different types of vitamins. For example, vitamins A, E, PP, B1, B2, folic acid.

Almonds have an anti-inflammatory effect and improve digestion. Hazelnuts contain a lot of vitamin E and protein. Pistachios strengthen the nerves and prevent the development of anemia, since the paste made from them contains a lot of iron and selenium. Walnuts are good for brain and heart function.

Harm of nut butter

Due to its very high calorie content, eating nut butter in large quantities is harmful to anyone who is prone to gaining excess weight. Therefore, no one is recommended to eat more than a couple of spoons of it per day.

Store-bought pastes contain a lot of sugar and are therefore prohibited for diabetics.

Nuts often cause allergies, so those whose bodies are prone to inappropriate reactions should be extremely careful with nut butter.

What do you eat with nut butter?

Nut butter with bread

Nut butter recipes aren't limited to sandwiches. Although it is most often spread on bread, you can flavor fresh vegetables with it.

Sauces are prepared with nut butter by adding vinegar or herbs. Likewise, if you put it soy sauce and herbs, you will get an excellent marinade for meat.

Desserts are also incomplete without nut butter. It is combined with butter and sugar and used as a filling for homemade sweets and as a cream for desserts.

Composition of nut butter

The composition of nut butter may vary. But its basis is always nuts, which are crushed very, very tightly, so that they release oil and acquire a creamy structure. To make a delicious nut butter, you need to follow the recipe and be sure to use fresh ingredients. Often they add a little sugar and salt. Fans of chocolate-nut butter add cocoa nuts.

Homemade Peanut Butter: Recipe for Making Peanut Butter

Making peanut butter at home is not at all difficult. It is great for spreading on sandwiches, and in many countries it is a very popular breakfast.

Dry two cups of fresh peanuts in the oven for five minutes. When it has cooled, pour it into a bag and shake it - this is an easy way to peel the peanuts.

Peeled peanuts must be crushed in a blender. When it turns into crumbs, add 50 ml of olive oil, add a little sugar and a pinch of salt and beat with a blender until the mass resembles thick sour cream. Be careful - the blender quickly overheats while grinding nuts; do not run it for more than a few minutes at a time.

Transfer the resulting nut butter into a glass container and store it in a cool place, removing it as needed to prepare a nutritious snack. The energy value of peanut butter is about 560 kcal.

Video of making nut butter

Almond paste recipe

This simple almond nut butter recipe contains slightly more ingredients than the peanut butter recipe. Prepared almond paste has a high energy value - about 460 kcal.

So how to cook it? We take almonds, for the first time - one glass. Fry it a little in a preheated oven - the almond husk is not as coarse as that of peanuts, but it adheres more closely, and you also need to peel it off.

Place the peeled almonds in a blender and add half a glass of sugar. Grind to a powder.

Pour one egg white into the ground nuts chicken egg and add two tablespoons of softened butter. Bring everything to a creamy mass with a blender.

The paste can be stored for up to one month in the refrigerator in a separate jar, but it can also be frozen.

Cashew paste recipe

The recipe for cashew nut butter is also easy to make at home. Cashews are very fatty nuts, and the nutritional value of the paste is about 640 kcal.

Take three cups of cashews and grind the nuts in a blender bowl. Next, you can mix with three tablespoons of cocoa and three tablespoons of brown sugar, add a quarter teaspoon of salt and bring to a paste. There is no need to add oil - the unroasted nuts will release enough oil.

How to make nut butter from walnuts

Walnut butter

Walnut paste is very tasty. Grind three hundred grams of walnuts in a blender or meat grinder. Pour one hundred and fifty grams of liquid honey and add a teaspoon of salt. We bring it into a homogeneous state. That's it. Everything is ready. Walnuts improve the condition of hair and teeth, and help brain function.

Chocolate-nut butter: an easy recipe

An excellent dessert is chocolate nut spread, similar to the beloved Nutella. Making such a paste at home is a little more difficult than just nut paste, but it’s also not very difficult.

Roast half a cup of any nuts and chop to the desired state. Bring an incomplete glass of milk to a temperature of 60 degrees. Add 150 grams of powdered sugar to the milk and beat them together. Pour a teaspoon of vanillin into the mixture and pour in 300 ml of oil. Beat the mass vigorously, then immediately add three tablespoons of milk powder and cocoa powder.

Combine everything with nuts, mix well, put in jars and put in the refrigerator overnight. The finished treat has a calorie content of 270 kcal.

For a good paste, you need to choose fresh nuts, otherwise the taste will be rancid. It is most convenient to grind nuts in a large blender bowl, turning it off from time to time and stirring with a spoon. Feel free to use spices in cooking; they go well with the original product.

Although nut butter is very tasty, you shouldn't overload it. In small quantities it has many benefits, but an excess of nuts can negatively affect your well-being and health.

Nuts are a very valuable and almost indispensable product for people trying to maintain their health in good condition. They also form the basis of a nut butter that you can easily make at home. In this article we will learn more about the beneficial properties of pastes from different types nuts, as well as options for their preparation.

Our ancestors of the gathering era appreciated the beneficial properties of nuts. Each type of this product has unique properties, but they are united by their saturation with a huge amount of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and protein (16-25% of the composition).

One of the popular uses of nuts in food is nut butter. In this dish, nuts are the main ingredient, so its quality depends on them. In order not to spoil the taste of the paste, it is better to take fresh nuts without any foreign smell, not fried, but dried. This dish will not be stored for very long, but it will retain all the beneficial substances.

Nut butter has the following beneficial properties:

  1. The product is quite high in calories, so able to saturate the body with a large amount of energy. For this reason, overweight people should reduce their consumption of dessert to a minimum.
  2. Walnut paste is in a great way prevention possible diseases heart and blood vessels.
  3. This delicacy is a source large amount of protein. Regular use of the paste can have a positive effect on muscle tone, so it often becomes a faithful friend of athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. Also, according to scientists, nut paste, when used frequently and regularly, has a positive effect on the production of testosterone, which provokes the burning of extra pounds and turning them into muscles.
  4. Nuts consist of substances capable of efficiently and quickly converting fats and carbohydrates into energy, which ultimately determinesweight normalization.
  5. Nut paste is an excellent remedy for people who are regaining their strength after a protracted illness.
  6. The calorie content of nuts is twice that of wheat bread. Regular use is excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, vitamin deficiency, salt deposits.
  7. Nuts have a high level of fiber, so have a beneficial effect on digestive system, normalizing metabolism.
  8. Walnut paste has a beneficial effect on brain activity, therefore, it is especially useful to take it before upcoming mental work.

Composition of nut butter

As already mentioned, nut butter is a unique product and its composition is extremely beneficial for the human body:

  • Huge amount of protein plant origin. Compared to animal protein, this type does not contain harmful cholesterol.
  • A large amount of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion process.
  • Nut butter contains many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, E, PP, B2, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc. For this reason, the paste is especially useful for pregnant women and women with problems in the reproductive system.
  • Elements that rejuvenate the body and cleanse the blood.
  • Nut butter can boost immunity.

Features of preparing nut butter

Due to the unique taste of this product, there are many different options recipes for this dish. We will try to figure out how to make nut butter as healthy and unforgettably tasty as possible.

This dish is prepared from different types of nuts:

  • peanuts
  • almonds
  • pistachios
  • hazelnuts
  • cashew
  • pecan
  • walnut
  • pine nuts

There are options for mixing several types, frying, drying or processing nuts - it all depends on preferences and the desired effect on the body.

Usually the main and common action for all recipes is grinding the nuts in a blender until smooth. Flavorings and sweeteners, often found in the purchased version of the dish, add special taste and aroma. The following additives can make the taste brighter and richer:

  • cinnamon
  • cocoa or chocolate
  • orange and lemon zest
  • vanilla sugar
  • sesame
  • coconut
  • pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds
  • maple syrup
  • cardamom

All these ingredients go well with nut butter, complement the taste, and therefore are an excellent subject for culinary experiments.

Another paste ingredient is different kinds vegetable oil:

  • coconut
  • olive
  • sunflower
  • rapeseed

Harm of nut butter

Despite the benefits of nut butter, there is still a cohort of people who can be harmed in some way by this dessert. Of course, low-quality nut butter from the store, stuffed with harmful additives, dyes and flavor enhancers, is harmful to everyone.

Also contribute to harmful effects on human body The following properties of the paste may also exist:

  1. Due to the addition of vegetable oil to the paste and the rather rich amount of fat in the nuts, the paste is very high in calories and fat. If consumed in excess on a regular basis, it can cause extra pounds and associated health problems.
  2. A large amount of sugar contained in nut butter.
  3. Nuts are a very allergenic product, so you need to eat them with caution.

The optimal daily intake of this dessert is about 6 teaspoons per day - will protect you from possible negative consequences.

Chocolate-nut butter: recipe

For those with an avid sweet tooth, we offer a recipe in which the taste of nuts is also complemented by chocolate. A paste made from hazelnuts, almonds and chocolate can satisfy the desires of even the most demanding!

We will need:

  • Hazelnuts – 350 g
  • Almonds – 120 g
  • Milk – ¼ cup
  • Cocoa – 120 g
  • Honey – 100 g
  • Vegetable oil – 2 teaspoons

Cooking process:

  1. Place almonds and hazelnuts to dry in an oven preheated to 160 degrees
  2. Grind them with a blender until they become butter
  3. Pour in honey, previously melted over low heat.
  4. Add vegetable oil to the mixture and puree in a blender for a few more minutes.
  5. Add boiled milk and cocoa and continue whisking.
  6. Pour in the remaining milk, mix and leave in the refrigerator

A healthy and delicious treat is ready!

Homemade Peanut Butter: Recipe

Peanut butter at home differs from purchased options in knowing the composition, as well as the ability to experiment with proportions and ingredients. For example, for those losing weight, sugar-free peanut butter is suitable, and the stevia plant or other proven dietary sweeteners can serve as a useful substitute.


  • Peanuts – 300 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Olive oil – 35 ml
  • Stevia – 2 g

How to make peanut butter:

  1. Place the peanuts in an oven preheated to 160 degrees until they become dry. You can also dry it in a frying pan. Peel the peanuts from the film and grind them in a blender.
  2. Refueling olive oil and continue whisking.
  3. Add salt to taste, stevia and grind until smooth. Let the dish cool in the refrigerator.

Peanut butter is ready! There are a lot of options for making peanut butter, depending on the desired taste and calorie content. By performing similar operations, adding sugar, chocolate, honey, cinnamon, the taste of the delicacy will change slightly. Don't be afraid to experiment until the result suits you best!

Peanut butter: calories

The recipe we presented is quite dietary. Energy value of the product: about 600 kcal per 100 g of product.

The composition of peanut butter per 100 g includes:

  • about 25 g protein (17%)
  • 51 g fat (76%)
  • 11 g carbohydrates (7%)

Peanut butter: benefits and harms

This type of delicacy is rich in many vitamins and minerals, including:

  • B vitamins (B9, B5, B1, B2)
  • choline
  • RR, K, E
  • selenium
  • sodium
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • iron
  • calcium

Paste can quickly saturate the body with energy, reducing the feeling of hunger. It is especially useful to eat this dessert for breakfast, saturating the body for a long time without harm to health.

The paste can have a negative effect on the body if consumed by people with overweight bodies suffering from gout, arthrosis or arthritis. To prevent it negative impact per body, you should adhere to the daily norm: 30 g per day, that is, one tablespoon.

Almond paste: recipe

Almond paste has earned the title of one of the most delicious among similar pastes. At the same time, it is done quite simply and consists of a small amount of products.


  • Almonds – 2 cups
  • Egg white – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 1 glass
  • Oil – 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the almonds dried using the chosen method. Grind nuts and sugar in a blender. Grind until the mixture becomes powdery.
  2. Beat the egg whites and softened butter into the resulting mixture. Continue beating until smooth.
  3. Leave the dish in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. The pasta is ready!

Homemade almond paste will definitely delight you and your loved ones with its unforgettable taste and beneficial properties!

Almond paste: benefits and harms

TO useful properties pastes include:

  • the ability to quickly saturate the body with energy
  • the presence of vitamins B, E, A, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, folic acid
  • large amount of protein
  • complete absence of cholesterol

Harmful due to the huge amount of fat in the composition - about 50% (10% of which are considered harmful to the body), it can be for diabetics and overweight people. It is also worth considering: the calorie content of almond paste is much higher than others, and is about 500 kcal per 100 g of product.

Cashew paste: recipe

Cashew nut, even in its natural form, is capable of knocking you down with its unforgettable delicate and sweet taste, and the paste prepared from it has a more satisfying taste, reminiscent of butter cream. Let's consider one of the quick and tasty options for preparing this dessert.


  • Cashew nuts – 400 g
  • Coconut shavings or pulp – 200 g
  • Coconut milk and water – optional


  1. Grind the pre-drained cashews in a blender to a paste.
  2. Add coconut pulp, shavings or water to the paste (it is better to give preference to pulp that can quickly bring the mixture to a paste-like state). You can also add coconut milk as a liquid.
  3. Grind until ready and put in the refrigerator, where it will be stored.
  4. A simple and tasty delicacy is ready to delight your stomachs!

Cashew butter: benefits and harm

This nut has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Contained in nuts fatty acid are able to normalize the cardiovascular system.
  2. Cashews differ from other types of nuts because they contain a large amount of B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on metabolism and blood cholesterol levels.
  3. Cashews contain many vitamins and minerals (iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc), which help fight anemia, digestive problems, and hypovitaminosis.

So that cashew paste does not harm the body and does not appear extra pounds on the body, you need to eat it in moderation: the daily norm is 50 g. Also, this product is allergenic, so if you have any alarming symptoms, you should stop eating the paste and consult a doctor. Cashews are not recommended for people with liver and kidney diseases.

Nut butter will become an indispensable product in your kitchen, and possible options Its preparations will make a varied delicacy that you and your loved ones will never get tired of. This product can also not only sweeten homemade baked goods and add flavor to salads, but will also be an excellent gift for no reason, the value of which is doubled, because it is made with your own hands!

Video: Chocolate-nut butter recipe

1. Wash the peeled, unsalted and unfried peanuts, dry them on a towel and spread them in an even layer on a baking sheet. Place it in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 5-7 minutes.

2. Place the roasted peanuts in a blender and blend. Add a little salt, honey and butter, beat again.

Walnut butter


Nuts - 400 g;
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
Salt - 0.25 tsp;
Honey - 2 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step recipe for making walnut butter

  1. Peel the nuts and fry in a frying pan without oil.
  2. Grind the nuts using a blender.
  3. Add vegetable oil and continue beating until smooth and elastic.
  4. Add salt and honey and continue whisking.
  5. Pour the paste into a glass jar.

Store in the refrigerator for no more than two months.

Chocolate-nut butter


  • Powdered sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Milk - 150 ml;
  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Walnuts or hazelnuts, ground - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Powdered milk - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Cocoa - 4 tbsp. l.

Photo recipe for making chocolate-nut butter

Hazelnut nut butter


  • Nuts - 200 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 tsp;
  • Cocoa powder – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Cream - to taste;
  • Nut oil – 0.5–1 tbsp. spoons.

Step-by-step recipe for making hazelnut butter

  1. Fry the nuts in a dry frying pan for about 5 minutes, remove the husks.
  2. Grind the nuts in a blender bowl, add vanilla sugar, powdered sugar and butter. Beat everything to a paste.
  3. Add cocoa powder and a little cream, beat to the desired consistency.

Peanut butter with cinnamon


Honey - 35 g;
Salt - 10 g;
Peanuts - 500 g;
Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
Cinnamon - 5 g.

Step-by-step recipe for making cinnamon peanut butter

  1. Wash the nuts and place them on a towel to dry. After this, turn on the oven, set the temperature to 180 degrees, and heat for 15 minutes.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the peanuts in one row. We send the nuts to fry, wait 7 minutes. After this, take it out and cool to room temperature. Grind into powder using a blender or food processor.
  3. When the peanuts turn into fine crumbs, pour in vegetable oil, add cinnamon, salt and honey (preferably liquid). Pass the mixture through a blender and adjust the consistency with oil.
  4. When the paste is ready, pour it into a container and cover with a lid.