What do you call it when women rule the world? What are women called? Female orgasm, how it arises and manifests itself

Probably, not a single representative of the fairer sex can describe her man in just one word. If you give her the opportunity, she will talk about him for hours on end. There would be listeners. And men, unlike women, are able to describe a girl in one word. If a man says that this girl is a “dynamo,” then everyone around him understands everything. Let's look in this article at how a man calls a woman - affectionate nicknames.

Interpretation of women's nicknames

If your man calls you affectionate nicknames, this does not mean at all that he has forgotten your name. Eg:

  • Bunny. Your man compares himself to a hunter, and today it is you who appears as the prey. But make it clear to your shooter that you shouldn’t chase two birds with one stone, otherwise you might lose everyone.
  • Pussy. If a man calls you a pussy, pussycat or kitten, then this indicates his soft nature. This man is very romantic. A girl in whom the maternal instinct has awakened will feel very comfortable next to him.
  • Considering how men call women, one cannot help but mention the favorite “fish”. Such fishermen are quite inconsistent in their choice, and can catch “fish” anywhere. To prevent this from happening, after marriage, you can turn into a terrible sawfish.
  • Golden. Think about it, maybe your chosen one is with you for material gain? It's not entirely pleasant to be judged. And besides, gold is an inanimate metal.
  • Sun. If they call you that way, then be prepared to be taken out to parties from time to time and shown off to your friends for the purpose of showing off. You always need to keep your mark, because there are quite a lot of such “suns”.
  • Bun or Donut. A man can call his beloved woman this way only in two cases. The first - if you feed him poorly, and he always goes hungry, and the second - if they try to gently hint to you overweight.
  • Sweetie. If this is a derivative of the word “paw”, then it’s quite offensive. Well, how can a girl resemble part of an animal’s body?
  • By last name. If a man is “familial,” then he just wants to command. And this is precisely how he demands to be recognized as the leader of the pack. He seeks obedience.
  • Derivatives from the name. What a score. If you are not called by any nicknames, it means that only you are called that way. After all, who knows how many “bunnies” or “fishes” he had before you. And so, you are special and the only one. But there is a small minus. Perhaps your chosen one is jealous and wants to own you completely.
  • Baby. Behind this appeal lies a sea of ​​tenderness for your person.
  • Darling. If they call you that, it means that you should not shout, make trouble or resist. Your role has already been determined. You should smile and always be nice.


Now you know what males call women. But no one except you can know for sure what is hidden behind an affectionate nickname or nickname. Listen to the intonation, and your heart will tell you the correct answer. Do they call you that in love?

Surely everyone has encountered a situation when they need to address a female person (at a cash register, a clinic, a store), and in a split second the question flashes over which form of address to use: “girl” or “woman”.

Advances in medicine and changes in the social and cultural structure have made it possible to increase life expectancy and youth human body. And if in Soviet times a forty-year-old person was not called a girl, nowadays you can hear such an appeal almost to grandmothers.

How the concepts of girl and woman have changed in modern world, what do these definitions have in common and what are the differences?

Biological approach

These concepts have basic similarities in determining a person’s gender. After all, both are creatures of the feminine principle.

From a biological point of view, a woman is a female person who has been endowed by nature with a body structure designed to perform reproductive function and breastfeed children. This definition contains the fundamental difference between a girl, a girl, a woman and a male being.

Gender, female or male, is determined by an obstetrician at the time of birth based on gender characteristics - the genitals.

A girl is also a female being, physiologically fully formed for childbearing, but has not yet fulfilled her natural function.

The biological essence of the unity of these concepts is the structure of the body associated with the birth of children. The only difference is that a girl is a preparatory stage that a woman who has become a mother has already passed.

Medical view

From a medical perspective, a girl who gives birth to a child becomes a woman. For a long time, there was a historical approach to the division of these terms, based on the anatomical features of the body. A girl (virgin) was a person who had not begun sexual activity.

Nowadays, a similar judgment is more common, but with a touch social status. Before marriage - a girl, after marriage (relationship with a man) - a woman or a young woman. This emphasizes biological and ethical maturity for procreation.

Main differences

The main difference in the meanings of these words is related to age of the object. After all, there are cases when people give birth at the age of 16, but calling a sixteen-year-old girl a woman would not be entirely correct. The opposite case: a girl does not marry for a long time or does not have children, and she, for example, is over 35. Which definition is more appropriate for her? Age boundaries are very vague, but they still exist.

Girl - from the moment of puberty until the body is fully prepared for the birth of a child, i.e. from 11–13 years to 20–25 years. Next comes a young woman distinguished by her blossoming beauty and health. And with the onset of menopause and atrophy of reproductive functions, from 48–55 - a mature woman.

Subjective perception

It echoes the woman’s age, her appearance and a specific situation when you need to contact a person. Here, what is taken into account is not so much age (year of birth according to passport), but rather the subjective, external assessment of a person. When a woman is 40 years old, looks good, is dressed tastefully, behaves simply and at ease, it is more likely that people will address her as a “girl”. And, conversely, a plump, unkempt girl who has lost her attractiveness features ahead of time will be perceived as a woman.

The person's sense of age is also important. If an elderly woman strives to preserve girlish features in her appearance (plays sports, has slim figure, dresses in a youthful or casual style), then men, as a compliment or flirtation, will be more willing to call her a girl.

So, the girl is the one who looks young and modern.

Psychological approach

From the point of view of psychological maturity, there is a gap between a girl and a woman.

A girl is a creature looking for herself in different directions. The main thing for her is communication. In it, she forms and corrects self-esteem and perception of the outside world. Among the values, love and friendship come to the fore. Among the instrumental traits, communication, kindness, and external attractiveness stand out. Experiments with his appearance. The girl craves attention. Life goal is to find a guy, a prince, your man.

A woman knows what she wants. He knows how to not only receive, but also give. She learned to distribute attention and time to family, work, and personal interests. Values ​​– stability, prosperity, self-expression, independence. Goals are achieved with the help of developed qualities: kindness, patience, mercy, intelligence. He knows his strengths and weaknesses in appearance and knows how to present himself. A woman wants respect. Life goal is family happiness and harmony.


A girl who is sexually active or married can remain so for a long time, despite her biological maturity, until she develops the psychology of a mature woman. This implies not only the birth of a child, but above all, the ability and desire to raise and educate him.

Self-esteem, responsibility, wisdom, self-sacrifice are the traits of a true woman. As Simone de Beauvoir says: “One is not born a woman, one becomes a woman.” Hence the conclusion: the main difference between a girl and a woman is that every woman was a girl, but not every girl is destined to become a woman.

Physiological scientists claim that when a woman reaches orgasm, “female sperm” is released from her genitals. This definition usually means a small volume of liquid, no more than 60 ml, which has a slightly whitish tint. Let's try to figure it out and look in detail at what is included in female sperm and what it is called.

What is “ejaculate” in women?

According to the physiological features of the structure of the female reproductive system, the release of a certain liquid at the end of sexual intercourse is not provided for by the laws of nature. However, some representatives of the fair sex recorded the appearance of similar secretions in themselves, which made scientists think about what is contained in this very female sperm.

After microscopic examination sample of such a discharge, experts came to the conclusion that its appearance may be due to the presence of several factors at once. That is why several hypotheses are currently being put forward regarding the origin of female sperm.

If we specifically talk about what female sperm looks like, then, as a rule, it is a light white liquid, slightly cloudy, in which traces of the presence of urine can be traced. At the same time, it has practically no odor or is weakly expressed. There is no separate name for this type of discharge.

What is the origin of female sperm?

Experts studying this phenomenon claim that the probability of female ejaculation in the fairer sex reaches 95%. However, in practice it was possible to establish that only about 6% of women can ejaculate, i.e. secrete a fluid at the end of sexual intercourse, similar to semen in men. It is also worth considering that when a small amount of liquid is released, it may not be released out, but may end up in bladder, from where it comes out along with urine. As for the theory of the origin of this phenomenon itself, researchers cannot agree on a common opinion.

Most doctors, regarding this issue, agree on the assumption that any kind of fluid released during female orgasm is associated, first of all, with urinary incontinence. Other representatives of medicine argue that this liquid differs in its properties from that released during sexual intercourse (lubricant) and from the urinary tract.

Given these disagreements, at the moment there are 4 main theories that explain the origin of female sperm:

  1. This liquid is nothing more than urine, and its release (excretion) is a consequence of incontinence.
  2. Female sperm is a kind of lubricant that is produced in large quantities by the glands of the vagina.
  3. This is a kind of substrate that is produced by the paraurethral and urethral glands.
  4. Female ejaculate is a product not only of the gonads, but a mixture of secretions produced by numerous glands of the reproductive organs.

As can be seen, the above assumptions are mutually exclusive. However, even through simple logical thinking, one can assume that female “ejaculate” is far from urine or lubricant, but a separate secret.

The thing is that such discharge does not resemble urine either in color or smell. Moreover, their consistency is much thicker. At the same time, scientists have found that it can change over time.

Speaking about whether female sperm is useful, it should be noted that this kind of liquid is a kind of consequence of a woman achieving sexual orgasm and does not have any practical significance.


17 types of female orgasm: vaginal, clitoral orgasm, jet

The majority of not only men, but even women themselves mistakenly believe that the fair sex has the same orgasm as men, that is, it differs only in strength. I hasten to correct those who still thought exactly this way. In fact, a woman is capable of experiencing up to 17 types of orgasms. Would you say this is nonsense? No, this is not nonsense, this is actually true. The thing is that often men have absolutely no idea about the body of their beloved, and even the girls themselves do not really know their body, which contains many erogenous zones, especially in the genital area. And each of these zones is capable of making a girl experience an orgasm unique in its sensations, strength and shades. Why do so few people know about this? Yes, because most of these zones are in a dormant state and the girl may not feel them for a long time. Only an experienced and knowledgeable man can awaken these zones in a woman and teach her to experience the full range of orgasmic sensations. Do you want to become such a man? Then read the article to the end.

The most discussed, most popular and at the same time the easiest type of orgasm for women to achieve. It occurs through cunnilingus, clitoral massage (masturbation) or during sexual intercourse itself. As a rule, during sex in women it is not actively stimulated, with the exception of those in whom it is located close to the passage of the vagina. In other cases, a man should choose a position or additionally stimulate the clitoris with his hand. In general, the best and fastest way to make a woman experience a clitoral orgasm is, of course, cunnilingus. In second place in terms of effectiveness is clitoral massage, followed only by sex itself. By the way, very often men cannot give even such an orgasm to a girl simply because they don’t even really know where the clitoris is.

In fact, clitoral orgasm has 2 types:

  • superficial is a fairly localized orgasm, that is, orgasmic sensations are more concentrated in the clitoral area.
  • deep - it occurs at the level of the vagina, when it begins to contract intensively. Many girls confuse it with vaginal orgasm during clitoral stimulation. But in reality, in order to experience a vaginal orgasm, it is not at all necessary to stimulate the clitoris. So, if you stimulate the clitoris and you are overcome by a wave of orgasmic sensations with contraction of the vagina, this is a deep clitoral orgasm.

It arises from internal stimulation of the vagina and its individual erogenous zones, which we will consider below. Very often, in the first stages of sexual life, girls do not experience it, but are content with only clitoral. But over time, as these erogenous zones in the vagina awaken, she begins to experience a vaginal orgasm. It is also very common for women to begin to experience it after they give birth (but not through caesarean section). This is due to the fact that after the baby’s head passes through the canal, degeneration of the nervous tissue occurs and the woman subsequently begins to experience this type of orgasm. This doesn't happen for everyone, but for many.

Since there are several erogenous zones in a woman’s vagina, depending on which one is stimulated, different types of female orgasm can be obtained. That is, in other words, vaginal orgasm can be divided into 4 types. And then we will look at these 4 types.

Occurs when the G-spot is stimulated, which is located on the front wall of the vagina 2-3 cm from the entrance. In this area of ​​the vagina there are paraurethral glands, which are often also called the female prostate, because they are also capable of ejaculation (squirt orgasm) in the male prostate. So, with certain stimulation of this zone, a woman can achieve a very strong orgasm. Why do many men get frustrated because they try to find that magic point and end up not finding it. This happens for one simple reason. And this reason is that for most women this zone is dormant, and in order to activate this zone or, in other words, wake it up, you need to spend some time stimulating it and gradually the woman will begin to experience pleasant sensations, and then will be able to experience an orgasm. This can happen in 1 sex, or in 3, 5, 10 – it’s different for everyone. Also, this point should be sought only when the girl is already quite aroused, or even better, if she has already experienced at least a clitoral orgasm. The thing is that a clitoral orgasm activates all other erogenous zones. All these and other subtleties are presented in detail and described in the guide “How to find the G-spot and give a MEGA ORGASM to your girlfriend!”

Squirt orgasm (squirt)

A very special and unique type of female orgasm in its strength and depth. Men often see in porn how a girl experiences it and at the same time it seems like a powerful jet of liquid shoots out of her. But they have no idea what is actually happening, much less what this orgasm depends on. And now pay attention, as we are lifting the curtain on this mystery!!))

A jet orgasm, or squirt as it is also called, is in principle also associated with a certain technique of stimulating the G-spot, namely the paraurethral glands. What and how is happening? When a woman becomes aroused, these glands begin to produce fluid and swell. With a certain stimulation technique and a woman reaches a certain degree of arousal, these glands begin to contract and squeeze out this fluid. As a result, we can observe an amazing picture when a woman cums like a man, shooting out a stream of liquid. Many people believe that this liquid shoots out of the urethra (the woman’s urethra), that is, the girl simply urinates, but no! This fluid is similar in composition to the male seminal fluid and is sprayed from small openings located on either side of the urethra, rather than from the urethra itself.

It is precisely the lack of knowledge of these things that turns lucky young girls into unhappy and complex ones. Why lucky? Yes, because only 2-3% of girls can experience such an orgasm without specific training. globe. And in terms of its strength, it will not allow itself to be confused with anything. By the way, such an orgasm also has healing properties. By experiencing it, women cleanse themselves very well on an emotional level. By splashing this liquid, a woman seems to be spraying out all her grievances, fears and all other negative emotions. According to those girls who experience jet orgasms, this one makes them feel especially at ease both physically and emotionally. Find out how to bring a girl to a squirting orgasm with 2 fingers.

Occurs when the zone is stimulated which is located behind the G-spot also on the anterior wall of the vagina - this is the upper fornix of the cervix. Admit it, few people have even heard of such a point in the female vagina, and yet it exists, and with skillful stimulation it can also make a woman moan languidly with pleasure!!)) If, when stimulating the G point, you need to plunge your fingers into the vagina by 1-2 phalanges , then to stimulate point A you need to insert your middle finger to its full length, adhering to the front wall (palm turned towards you). When you insert your finger, you will reach this point with the top of your fingertip (pad).

It should be noted that you need to insert your finger very carefully and after lubricating it with oil. This point does not represent any bulge, it is just that this small zone concentrates many nerve endings. In order to stimulate it, lightly press your finger against it and massage it with light sliding movements. This point, like the G point, is dormant in most women and therefore, in order to experience an orgasm from its stimulation, it needs to be opened, that is, activated. To do this, you need to stimulate her a little each time you have sex. And thus, over time, this point will begin to respond to stimulation and give the woman orgasmic waves.

Another mysterious point in a woman’s vagina that few have heard of. By the way, it is thanks to this point that a woman most often experiences orgasm during anal sex, since it is mainly stimulated during this type of sex. It is located symmetrically to point A, that is, on the other side of the cervix. If point A is on the upper fornix of the cervix (at the anterior wall), then this point is on the lower fornix of the cervix (on the opposite wall of the vagina). This orgasm is also very unique in its own way and, as many women note, has a very relaxing effect.

Deep vaginal orgasm

A deep vaginal orgasm is a derivative, that is, the result of all the vaginal orgasms described above that precede it, such as: A, G point orgasm and deep point orgasm. The fact is that all of them do not stop the wave of excitement, but on the contrary, they intensify. That is why their onset only strengthens a woman’s desire to continue sexual intercourse, continue to be aroused and achieve orgasms even more often and even stronger.

When a woman cums from stimulation of the G-spot from her partner’s fingers, her excitement does not go away, for her this is precisely the most favorable moment for the partner to enter her with his penis and move on to stimulating her deep point or A-spot. All these orgasms in the process of sexual intercourse intensifies each time. It's like throwing a stone into water - the circles diverge, and the orgasm penetrates deeper into the tissue, covering an increasingly larger genital area and ultimately leading to a deep vaginal orgasm.

To experience this type of orgasm, a woman also needs to have developed muscles pelvis, for this she needs to do Kegel exercises to strengthen the vaginal muscles. It is these muscles that will help you fully experience the difference between a deep vaginal orgasm and a simple clitoral one. During this orgasm, deep muscle contractions occur, and during orgasm, the G-spot and A-spot are smaller. Also special distinctive feature This orgasm is its duration, which can exceed 20-30 minutes. When it is achieved, a woman can experience it all the time, no matter how long the sexual intercourse continues after its onset, that is, it does not lose its energy like, for example, a male orgasm.

The uterus itself is also a muscle, and therefore if you contract it in a certain way, you can achieve orgasm. You can experience uterine orgasm by lying on your back. Your partner places his palm on the uterine area and, applying slight pressure, makes vibrating movements, while the girl contracts the pelvic muscles using Kegel exercises. In this way, these muscles are stimulated. You should not expect that this orgasm will be as bright and deep as, for example, clitoral or vaginal. It is lighter, more delicate and barely noticeable.

The urethra is located between the clitoris and the opening of the vagina, that is, it is the female urethra. Stimulation of this area can also lead to orgasm. Such an orgasm in some women can be close in strength to the clitoral one. You can stimulate this area with both your tongue and your finger. If you stimulate with your finger, make sure that your finger is generously lubricated with some kind of lubricant (intimate lubricant or oil), and the touch should be very gentle. It is best to coordinate the strength of touch with your partner, since it is very difficult to determine how pleasant it is for her. Of course, the finger can do wonders, but compared to the tongue it is still rough, so use your tongue for this.

The anus (the sphincter itself) has many nerve endings and its stimulation can already give a woman a certain range of pleasant sensations. But here a lot depends on the particular woman and her sexuality. That is, not all women will enjoy this kind of caresses. Now let's look at the second one important point, which explains the reason for receiving pleasure during anal sex. Remember that deep spot we mentioned above when we looked at vaginal orgasms? So this point borders the wall of the rectum (go back up and look). During anal sex, this point is well stimulated and it is most often the culprit of anal orgasms.

In relation to this type of orgasm, all women are divided into two groups: those for whom caressing their breasts gives pleasure and those for whom it is indifferent and not even pleasant. The second group of women are indifferent to breast caresses, often not because this area is not sensitive to them, but because it is simply not open. It’s like with the G-spot, when stimulated, at first a woman may not feel anything or even experience pain, but then she begins to enjoy its stimulation.

The mechanism for obtaining such an orgasm is that when a woman’s nipples are stimulated, her uterus begins to contract, since these parts of the body are very interconnected and the orgasm can float back and forth, from the chest to the lower abdomen. Pleasant sensations are provided by the hormone oxytocin, which begins to be actively produced when the nipples are stimulated. This hormone is the so-called hormone of happiness in women. It is thanks to him that the girl feels love and affection.

By the way, this hormone is also actively released during breastfeeding and stimulates the flow of milk into the breasts. Therefore, very often a nursing woman may experience excitement from breastfeeding or during sex with her husband, fill the entire bed with milk.

How can this orgasm be useful for men, that is, for the relationship between a man and a woman? When a man caresses a woman's breast, namely the nipple, she releases a large amount of oxytocin at this time. And oxytocin is the hormone of love, trust and affection. Therefore, when a man kisses a breast, he evokes all these feelings of a woman towards himself.

A rather rare type of female orgasm, but nevertheless sometimes encountered. It is achieved by caressing non-erogenous zones, that is, it can be absolutely any area on a woman’s body, the stimulation of which can lead to orgasmic sensations in a woman.

According to Eastern reflexology, women's genitals are very connected not only with the breasts, lips and buttocks, but also with the throat. Some women who have a particularly sensitive throat can experience a full-fledged orgasm when performing deep blowjob.

You can also come across such concepts as monofocal orgasm and multifocal. Monofocal is achieved from stimulation of one erogenous zone, and multifocal - from several. A combined orgasm is the same as a multifocal orgasm, which is achieved by stimulating several erogenous zones at once. For example, you can combine stimulation of the clitoris and the G-spot (cunnilingus + massage of the G-spot with fingers) or the G-spot and stimulation of the anus. That is, there can be a lot of such options and combinations, and with the help of such versatile stimulation, such play with erogenous zones, you can achieve different orgasms and different shades of sensations.

This is a completely natural process when a woman has an orgasm and continues sex after a short period of time, gets another, and then another. As we said earlier, vaginal orgasms tend to increase arousal, and the stronger the arousal, the easier it is for a girl to experience another orgasmic wave and a man needs to put in much less effort. More than a third of women with a good partner experience orgasms in this way. This is precisely what distinguishes male orgasms from female ones. For a man, when he comes, all processes in the body decline, including arousal (we exclude the first years of sexual life, the so-called period of hypersexuality, when a man practically does not need a break). But for a woman, on the contrary, after achieving orgasm, she, on the contrary, wants sex even more strongly and if you give it to her, then she will cum even harder and even more often. That is why not all women experience multiple orgasms, since much depends on their partners, who often finish earlier than the woman herself would like.

This is the type of female orgasm through which a woman can very deeply connect on all levels with her beloved man. This type of orgasm is common to both men and women. It is also often called the tantric orgasm, as it occurs on the verge of the spiritual and sexual and affects both the mind and body. It may not even last 1 minute or 2, but may last for hours. It is also worth noting that this orgasm is very dependent on the man.

The fact is that during traditional sex, a man very quickly loses energy through ejaculation, that is, when he cums. But not all men know that orgasm and ejaculation are 2 different processes in a man’s body and 2 different areas of the brain are responsible for them. And if a man learns to separate these processes and control them, he will be able to accumulate sexual energy during sexual intercourse and move it through completely different channels, and it will no longer leave with ejaculation. This skill will enable a man to experience multiple, prolonged orgasms without ejaculation. That is, a man can come when he satisfies his partner and is satisfied himself.

There are certain tantric practices and exercises that allow you to remove sexual energy from the genital area. And this energy will contribute to orgasm of the whole body. All these techniques are perfectly described in the book “Taoist Secrets of Love Every Man Should Know” by Mantak Chia.

It is easier for a woman to achieve an orgasm of the whole body, since she does not need to control anything and her ogasmic surges can flow into one another, that is, clitoral to vaginal or orgasm from point A to point G, etc. The energy of a woman’s excitement does not disappear, but only increases. In order to get an orgasm of the whole body, a girl should simply follow her internal sensations.

A full body orgasm for both partners is a full range of sensations, since it really spreads throughout the entire body, that is, it does not shrink or shudder in some localized area, but a pleasant tingling sensation occurs from the toes to the top of the head. It may even be accompanied by such vivid visions and shifts in consciousness.

It is during such an orgasm, due to the fact that it is long, that those inactive parts of the brain begin to turn on, which begin to give a command to produce a large number of substances such as melatonin, serotaonin, endorphins, etc. That is, this state can be called the state of nirvana in which the body can remain for a long time. It also develops, heals and rejuvenates. The most interesting thing about this type of orgasm is that it does not end even after sexual intercourse. This state in the body and head may continue for several hours and even days. This state of mind and body after sexual intercourse is also called the valley of orgasm.

During it, you can fully look into yourself and feel how deep it is. Such orgasms will strengthen your relationship and your love for each other. And the children you will have, they will also be born in this state of love and will be beautiful and healthy.

Emotional orgasm (mental)

Until now, we have considered orgasms that can be classified under one heading - orgasms that a woman receives from stimulation of erogenous zones. Now we will look at a completely different type, which is called emotional or mental. Probably many women can remember that something similar once happened to them. In fact, the woman is very sensitive and very emotional. And sometimes, when she does not yet know how to experience a vaginal orgasm, but is already close to it, she may at some point suddenly burst into tears or laugh. A man may, of course, be afraid of this, but you know that this happens and this is normal - this means that the woman has had an emotional orgasm.

The last type of orgasm, unfortunately, is the most frequent and it occurs precisely in the event that a woman cannot experience any of the orgasms described above, but at the same time does not want to offend her man. But it’s not the girl who can’t say more precisely, but most often her partner cannot give it to her due to his sexual illiteracy. Indeed, often because of a man’s basic lack of knowledge of female anatomy, psychology and sexuality, it is the woman who suffers, remaining unsatisfied. All she can do (and this is her big mistake) is to remain silent and express how good she feels and how great her man is as a lover. But unfortunately this game does not lead to anything good. A man remains in the delusion that he understands something about sex and knows how to satisfy a woman in bed, and the woman herself, encouraging this delusion, remains on the sidelines of the sexual pleasures that lovemaking gives us.

Simulated orgasms once again prove the relevance of the words that a woman is ready to have sex for the sake of love, and a man is ready to love for the sake of sex. According to statistics, 92% of women have had an orgasm at least once in their lives.


So we have described perhaps all the currently known types of female orgasm. Of course, for many both men and women, this information will not fit into their heads for a long time, since they are accustomed to the idea that a woman has orgasms once, twice, and there are too many, but no, it’s so simple!))) Many women don’t even suspect what they actually have. They are like a chest of gold and diamonds that you need to be able to open and get these riches. And the key to this lock can be a sexually literate man.


Female orgasm, how it arises and manifests itself

Most sex therapists currently identify several forms of female orgasm. According to the localization of orgasm: four physiological forms - clitoral, vaginal, uterine (cervical orgasm, or cervical), perineal and several pathological - oral, rectal (anal), nipple.

Orgasm is a complex psychophysiological process, the basis of which lies in the corresponding processes in the brain. Excitation of specific pleasure zones of the brain leads to the objective manifestation of orgasm. The inclusion of these zones occurs under the influence of impulses coming from the woman’s genital organs.

Physical activity the woman’s body and its individual parts resembles convulsions. In some cases, the body tenses and stretches, perhaps raising the pelvis and arching the body in an arc-like manner (supporting the back of the head and heels), the arms are tense and extended, the jaw is clenched, the eyes are tightly closed. In other cases, the body bends, twists, beats, makes throwing movements, arms and legs are scattered, makes sharp chaotic movements, the head turns in different directions. All this is accompanied by sound phenomena (screams, screams, sobs, groans, grinding of teeth, as well as sounds muffled by volitional effort or spasm of the speech muscles, groans, sighs, etc.).

Sometimes individual words and incoherent phrases come out. A spasm is observed, that is, a rather sharp contraction of the muscles of the vagina, uterus, perineum and other muscles of the small pelvis. Typically, a young woman who has not given birth with well-developed muscles experiences 2-3 strong spasms and several weak ones that gradually fade. In women with weaker muscles, older in age, who have given birth, only one strong spasm and 1-2 weak ones are possible. All these spasms can be felt by the man's penis.

The increase in vaginal discharge is sometimes so sharp that the penis loses the sensation of the vaginal walls, as if “floating up” in it. In rare cases, large amounts of fluid even leak out.

During a true orgasm, a woman's breast nipples increase in volume and harden (nipple erection).

The totality of all the signs constitutes an external, objective picture of the physiological orgasm of women. The subjective internal picture can be described based on their stories. Many women note a feeling of intense heat in the lower abdomen, in the genitals and in the depths of the vagina, a kind of heat wave in these areas, a feeling of a blow in the depths of the small pelvis or a painfully sweet spasm, a tightening inside, in the depths of the genital organs.

Everything described concerns relatively simple type female orgasm, namely physiological orgasm. Such an orgasm occurs more or less regularly in three-quarters of sexually active women. The most common is the so-called clitoral type of orgasm.

How important is the so-called “anatomical correspondence” of the genital organs of a man and a woman for a woman to achieve orgasm?

The size of the genital organs in sexology and in society has always been given great importance. In reality, the situation is much more prosaic. First of all, for a sexual life that is fully valuable in all respects, a particularly large penis is not required.

As you know, women have four types of orgasm, and with three of them (clitoral, vaginal and perineal), the size of the penis does not matter at all. With the fourth type of orgasm - cervical (uterine) - a certain length of the penis is required, but even then very moderate, since the cervix in most women is located relatively shallow.

There is no relationship between the overall body size, in particular the height and size of the penis, in a man and the volume of the vagina in a woman. Anatomical discrepancy can only occur in cases of gross pathology of the vagina (its underdevelopment, cicatricial narrowing after injuries, burns). In other cases, the genital organs of man and woman are functional system, in which the vagina can stretch significantly with a large penis and, conversely, shrink and fit tightly around a small penis.

What is a clitoral orgasm?

It used to be a common belief that this type of orgasm was characteristic of very young women, and as they grew older, the orgasm moved to the vagina. However, it is not. Clitoral orgasm can be characteristic of any woman, regardless of her age, physique, etc.

To achieve a clitoral orgasm, stimulation of the clitoris is necessary. Women who are characterized by a clitoral orgasm are almost unable to achieve it in the usual position, the most common in Europe. In this case, the clitoris remains outside the field of irritation during frictions.

During normal sexual intercourse, the necessary irritation of the clitoris is achieved by its contact with the back of the penis, for which it is necessary to insert the penis at a certain angle (from top to bottom). This is possible with a normal distance of the clitoris from the entrance to the vagina (about 2.5 cm). If the clitoris is located higher, then the penis does not reach it. In this case, it is necessary to either change the position of sexual intercourse, or use titillation (small, monotonous irritating movements) of the clitoris with a finger, both in the preparatory period and during sexual intercourse.

The head of the clitoris is rich in blood vessels and nerve endings, so irritation with his hand should be very light and gentle. Sometimes it is useful to lubricate your fingers with Vaseline or moisten your finger by inserting it into the vagina. If the clitoral head is overly sensitive, the irritating effects of the finger can be transferred higher, to the body or tail. These parts of the clitoris are deeper, and therefore a harsher impact is acceptable.

Women with a clitoral type of orgasm are not suitable for coitus from behind. The following position is more acceptable: after the start of coitus, move your legs in a classic position, then the penis irritates the clitoris with each friction. In this case, the husband and wife can change places - the husband is on the bottom, and the wife is on top. An objective sign of clitoral orgasm is a significant increase in the size of the clitoris (erection) and an increase in its temperature.

How does a vaginal orgasm occur?

The second type of female orgasm is vaginal. The erogenous field in this case is the lower third of the anterior wall of the vagina, which requires a special technique of sexual intercourse, which consists of closely pressing the head of the penis to the anterior wall of the vagina during frictions.

In addition, special “small” frictions are practiced, i.e. shallow, involving only the lower part of the vagina. In this case, the effect on the lower third of the anterior vaginal wall is enhanced (“Spanish” sexual intercourse). There are also cases of combined orgasm, that is, clitoral-vaginal. In the preliminary period of caresses in women, it is effective to irritate the clitoris and the anterior wall of the vagina with the hand at the same time, and during sexual intercourse - simultaneous impact on both erogenous zones with the penis or hand.

For any form of orgasm, maximum blood overflow of the cavernous bodies is necessary, and the lower part of the vagina is precisely covered by muscles closely connected with the cavernous bodies. By contracting these muscles, a woman not only increases the filling of her own cavernous bodies - squeezing the base of the man's genital organ during sexual intercourse, but also impedes the outflow of blood from his cavernous bodies, sharply increasing her husband's erection and creating additional pleasant sensations for him.

Unfortunately, the work of these muscles, which are important for orgasm, is not always complete. On the one hand, some women have them of little power, and on the other hand, there are women who do not know how to use them properly. The task of the sexologist in both cases is to teach the woman how to use these muscles.

The power of any striated muscle increases with exercise, which is why we give some frigid women homework- special sexological gymnastics: daily, repeatedly squeeze the main muscle - the constrictor of the vagina, and if a woman does not know how to do this, we advise you to retract the anus.

The lower third of the vagina and the muscles of the perineum play a critical role in the formation of orgasm. These muscle parts, when tense, form an orgasmic cuff. Objectively, vaginal orgasm is expressed in 5-12 contractions of this cuff with an interval of 0.8 seconds. After orgasm, the cuff and vaginal walls quickly relax. With the vaginal form of orgasm, a woman can get sexual satisfaction in any position.

What is special about uterine orgasm?

During this type of orgasm, contractions of the uterus begin from its bottom and move to the body and lower segment. The strength of uterine contractions is equal to the strength of orgasm. This orgasm is characterized by the so-called “suction effect”, in which the cervix seems to be sucked to the upper part of the vagina. Then the uterus returns to its original position.

With the uterine form of orgasm, a woman needs irritation of the cervix with the penis. The penis may not reach the cervix if it is short or, conversely, if the vagina is too large. In these cases, it is necessary for sexual intercourse to take place in a position where the woman lies on her back and pulls her legs towards her stomach, which significantly shortens the vagina. It is also possible for the man to lie on his back and the woman to squat on top.

At various types deviations, the cervix is ​​not in the posterior fornix, but “looks” forward. In order to “put the uterus in place,” you can again change the position, apply gynecological massage and knee-elbow breathing exercises. In this case, it is also better to recommend sexual intercourse in a position where the woman lies on her stomach or side. In this position, the penis does not fall into the posterior fornix, but into the anterior one, as with the woman’s knee-elbow position.

If a woman is excessively obese, coitus is possible only in the rear position on the side with the legs strongly bent in hip joints or in the knee-elbow position of a woman. The same situation is almost the only one possible in case of excessive obesity in men.

The technique of sexual intercourse with this type of orgasm is for the man to produce deep frictions, rhythmically acting on the cervix and posterior fornix. And in this case, strong blows to the neck should be avoided.

What is a perineal orgasm? The fourth type of orgasm is perineal. It occurs much less frequently. The corresponding nerve impulses come from the perineum when it comes into a state of vibration. For women with this type of orgasm, it sometimes occurs while riding a horse, riding a bicycle, or riding a motorcycle. The technique of sexual intercourse in this case involves the impact of the head of the penis on the posterior wall of the vagina in its lower segment.

How do you feel about women faking orgasm?

The widespread phenomenon of imitation is especially often observed in women instead of an orgasmic period. A woman imitates an orgasm using the means available to her, thereby solving some socio-psychological problems. She wants to prove her sexual worth to her partner (in the event that she is inclined to regard herself as a “cold” woman). She wants to convince her partner that he is a full-fledged man, if this is important to her. She wants to prevent his aggression (reproaches, reprimands) if she thinks that her partner will blame her for not engaging in sexual intercourse. She wants to prevent her partner from reacting with self-blame and despair if she assumes that such a reaction will interfere with their further relations. In short, imitation of orgasm is a complex and responsible action of a woman, to which she attaches great importance. However, this widespread action by women is wrong.

Most of the listed problems and tasks facing a woman can be solved in another, “open”, but tactful way, namely, a joint friendly search for the shortcomings of technology and psychological communication, a friendly construction of a true orgasm that binds both partners. As already mentioned, only that part of the manifestations of orgasm that is amenable to voluntary or conscious regulation is available for imitation.

Is it possible to achieve simultaneous orgasm between a man and a woman?

For sexual harmony, it is desirable for the orgasm of a man and a woman to coincide in time, and if she has an orgasmic series, for the man’s orgasm to coincide with the woman’s last orgasm. A complete match is not always necessary. If a woman is already in the pre-orgastic period, then after ejaculation the man should not remove the penis from the vagina for a few more seconds without making friction, and the woman will automatically have an orgasm after the pre-orgastic period. If simply waiting is still not enough for a woman to have an orgasm, a man can stimulate the woman in some other way immediately after ejaculation, for example, with his hand, etc.

What is psycho-emotional orgasm?

Psycho-emotional orgasm occurs much less frequently in both men and women. In essence, this is a complex psychophysiological experience that unfolds on the basis of a simpler, more elementary, physiological orgasm. The likelihood of a psycho-emotional orgasm depends on the emotional make-up of a person, his general culture, and the ability to express emotional experiences in general: delight, ecstatic states. We can say that the frequency and quality of psycho-emotional orgasm have a significant social conditionality by the general way of life of people. In the era of sentimentalism or romanticism, psycho-emotional orgasm was probably more common.

The occurrence of psycho-emotional orgasm in both a man and a woman depends on the type of attitude of a man to the image of a woman in general, on his assessment of this image, the meaning of a woman in life. During a period when a woman is an object of man’s worship, an ideal of beauty, moral perfection, a complex of emotions arises that contributes to the onset of psycho-emotional orgasm in both partners. It has long been noted that the emotional state of a man during sexual intercourse contributes to both the woman’s arousal and her inhibition, depending on the nature of these emotions.

Psycho-emotional orgasm can be psychologically interpreted as a significant narrowing of the field of consciousness of both partners. Against this background, an emotional upsurge occurs, similar to an ecstatic state, with the emergence of brightly colored fantasies and even disturbances of perception (a feeling of flight, weightlessness, any changes in one’s body, etc.). The leading emotion at this time is the experience of happiness, joy, and liberation. At the same time, the content of emotional experiences is different for men and women. Thus, a man has a “motive of mastery,” up to and including “devouring a woman.”

The man seems to completely merge with the woman, absorbing her into the depths of his soul. This corresponds to the most frequently occurring words in this situation that a man utters, for example: “I’ll eat you up without a trace,” “you’re mine,” etc. The content of a woman’s emotional experiences during a psycho-emotional orgasm is “giving,” the woman seems to completely surrender a man, dissolves in him. This state corresponds to such words as “take me all”, “I’m yours”, “do with me what you want”, etc. The emotion of bestowal is manifested not only in words, but also in gestures, as if belittling, giving oneself to a man.

How many orgasms can a woman experience in one sexual act?

Approximately 20% of women experience a need to have not one, but three or four orgasms in a row during the same sexual intercourse. This means that for them the concepts of satisfaction and saturation are different. Each orgasm brings satisfaction, but only their combination leads to saturation, that is, to the disappearance of further need for orgasm. This phenomenon is called the “orgastic series”. It's absolutely normal. This must be emphasized because some men, and sometimes women, consider it a manifestation of some disease, and men, in addition, consider it a manifestation of a woman’s promiscuity or depravity. Of course, a woman’s husband or regular partner should know about her orgasmic series and, taking this into account, build his sexual relationship with her.

What happens to a woman’s body after sexual intercourse? A woman’s sexual arousal decreases gradually even after complete saturation. In this regard, she reacts painfully to a man’s sexual indifference, which occurs after the end of sexual intercourse.

There are a lot of complaints that men quickly move on to everyday prosaic conversations or fall asleep. In essence, these complaints express a woman’s need for so-called post-coital caresses, that is, caresses from a man after sexual intercourse. These caresses should not be of an exciting nature, therefore they do not amount to irritation of erogenous zones, but, on the contrary, consist of influencing non-erogenous parts of the woman’s body.

Psychological content These caresses are an expression of gratitude, tenderness, and spiritual relaxation. At the same time, during the period of postcoital caresses, the woman expresses gratitude and appreciation to the man as a sexual partner. Indeed, every man during and after sexual intercourse has a hidden need to receive a tactful assessment of his actions from a woman.

It contributes to his self-affirmation, but at the same time he becomes especially vulnerable to reproaches and generally disapproving statements. That is why, when we recommend that a woman make the necessary adjustments to her man’s actions in the preparatory period and during sexual intercourse, we always emphasize that this should be done at another time, but not immediately after sexual intercourse. During this period, the woman’s assessment should certainly be positive in any case. We must remember that this is not only a final assessment of this closeness, but also an incentive for the future. A man will always want to justify a woman’s assessment in the future, especially if it was slightly higher than the objective assessment.

This is an extremely important psychological moment, and, of course, it is difficult to describe how a woman should do this. For example, one woman said briefly: “It was a fairy tale,” another said nothing but raised her thumb, and a third whispered: “I forgot the whole world except you.” Although, due to living conditions, partners, including husband and wife, sometimes have to get up after this and engage in household activities, psychologically the most perfect state of partners after the described period is sleep. A woman should fall asleep before a man, resting in his arms, and not vice versa (except for a woman of the “woman-mother” type).

Based on materials from the site: www.medicus.ru

Before using the medications listed on the website, consult your doctor.


How to understand that a girl has come without simulating an orgasm

It is extremely important for any man to know that his partner remains satisfied after bed pleasures. Naturally, answers to questions about whether the girl really came, how to understand whether she faked an orgasm, are vital for him. And the point here is probably not simply to satisfy human curiosity. Finding out the truth is most likely necessary in order to determine the directions of sexual development and self-improvement.

Is it possible to understand that the girl came and remained satisfied

Despite the sensitivity of this topic, it is absolutely possible to find out the truth. Guys with little experience intimate life, it may not be immediately possible to distinguish true sensations from a skillfully played acting role of a satisfied partner. Being aware of several basic secrets, it will not be difficult to understand how the girl came - pretending or for real? What is hidden under possible tricks and deception should be considered in more detail.

The question of the authenticity of violent outbursts of emotions during sex is especially often raised in couples where partners tend to not trust each other. To be confident in your significant other or, conversely, to catch her in a lie is not as difficult as it might seem. The skillful game of liars in loud moans and languid cries can be smashed to smithereens if the partner knows about the basic subtleties of female physiology and psychology.

Thanks to the availability of information about the anatomical structure of the genital organs, every man can understand how girls cum. If we consider this moment exclusively from the medical side, then the release of hormones associated with the onset of the sweetest moment throughout the entire sexual process provokes additional short-term changes in the body of the fair sex. During orgasm, young ladies experience stimulation of the nervous autonomic system, which will certainly affect her condition and behavior during orgasm.

How to understand by the harbingers of orgasm that a girl will cum soon

Every woman can play along and mislead her partner. Why she does this is another question, and more on that a little later. But there are specific signs of the onset of female orgasm. They give every guy the opportunity to understand that the girl will cum soon and how quickly it will happen. The main “symptoms” of the eruption of female passion without pretense can be called:

  1. Changes in breathing - it becomes deeper, more intermittent.
  2. The face becomes pinkish, lips and cheeks turn red.
  3. Body movements may become uncontrollably convulsive, with involuntary stretching of the entire body.
  4. Changes in emotional state. The girl may laugh or cry with joy (the reason for this is the release of endorphins, known as “happiness hormones”).

Shouldn't be discounted individual characteristics every young lady. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand that a girl has actually come, since the severity of orgasm sensations and, accordingly, behavior for each representative of the fair sex can vary significantly. An important role is played by the degree of her personal trust in her partner. She will be able to reach the peak of sexual pleasure only with a guy who will allow her to be as liberated and relaxed as possible.

How can a man tell if his girlfriend really came?

Any experienced man knows how the climax of sexual intercourse occurs for a partner. In addition, he understands that the girl came from her own feelings. In addition to external signs that you can try to fake, masters of love affairs also know about internal manifestations in a woman’s body. Orgasm causes impulsive contractions, repeated contractions of the vaginal mucosa.

One way or another, nature intended this: the moment when a woman cums should play into the hands of the man. In seconds of intense contractions of the vaginal muscles uncontrolled by the partner, active stimulation of the penis occurs, bringing the guy closer to ejaculation. Often, for this reason, orgasm occurs in both lovers at the same time.

The first thing a man will definitely feel is a strengthening of the vaginal muscles and an increase in the production of female ejaculate - a secret that is released at the moment of orgasm. You can understand that a girl will cum soon by the way the anterior tubercle swells on the inner surface of the vaginal opening. This is one of the most erogenous zones in the genital area of ​​young ladies. This point is hypersensitive, and when orgasm approaches, it rapidly hardens and increases in size. To verify the authenticity of the partner’s languid moans, which also indicate the approach of bliss and sweet bliss that covers the head, the partner can easily feel that same tubercle. It is not difficult to find a lot of information about it in the literature, but most often it is referred to as the “G-spot”.

Why do girls fake orgasms and deceive their men?

Having decided to find out for yourself whether your beloved behaves believably in bed, it is worth analyzing whether there are reasons not to trust her. If all of the above signs of female orgasm make it clear that a girl does not cum during sex, she is probably deliberately misleading her partner. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Lack of orgasm is a symptom of frigidity. Considering herself inferior, the young lady is afraid to admit to her lover that she does not experience pleasure from the process, firstly, so that he does not consider her “abnormal”, and secondly, so as not to offend, because loving men They always give their all in bed for the sake of their other halves.
  2. The guy's hasty and disrespectful attitude. "How long are you going to be?" - who wants to continue after such a question? A man who is focused only on getting his own pleasure will not even try to understand whether the girl has come at all. Since she is unlikely to be able to enjoy the process in the “accelerated” mode, she decides to experience an “emergency” fake orgasm.

It also happens that the girl herself does not know whether she has finished or not. This applies to young ladies with modest sexual experience, who often mistake the sensations during sex for an orgasm. Only partners who have repeatedly experienced the sweetness of the climax in sex will never confuse it with something else.


How can you tell when a girl has finished?

She will say so herself. It’s not I who finished, but I love you. But there is no need to ask anything. The romantic atmosphere will deteriorate.

If she is silent, then either the girl has not finished or is shy.

During orgasm, the girl flutters like a leaf in the wind, moans or sobs, the painful places do not shrink, her hands dig into your back. After orgasm, female passion should subside for a while, the nipples will become less noticeable, and the girl herself will relax. Her face will take on a happy look. She doesn't answer calls, she's torn mobile phone, speaks with compliments, looks in love and agrees to a lot.

if you lose consciousness it means you're a man and she's finished

The vagina becomes wetter than it is during the mating stage. And cumming does not mean that the girl has an orgasm. Just like with men, assimilation does not mean complete satisfaction. Sometimes after sex you don’t get any pleasure, and for women, too.

They say that girls skillfully know how to fake an orgasm.

However, there are some signs.

After a female orgasm, the vaginal muscles contract quite strongly, then unclench and contract again, and so on several times over a short period of time.

You can also understand by the oohs and sighs (but again, if he doesn’t imitate).

The face is distorted into a grimace, this is difficult to portray, but you can also pay attention to this.

Before the orgasm itself, the girl seems to freeze for a second, and during the orgasm, the breasts become even more elastic, and the nipples even harder. Often the body is covered with goosebumps :). Well, as they have already said here, there is a big flood in the vagina.

In the question they ask how to know that a girl has come, and most answer that the signs of orgasm are completely different things. A girl can cum at home before going to bed, caress her nipples, tickle her clitoris, cum and sleep. A hot girl can cum even from a good kiss. The next time after caresses when they didn’t enter. Gradually, the passion heats up when everyone has an orgasm in their own way.

Firstly, her muscles will squeeze you for seconds and release you, and this can happen more than once; at the moment when they squeeze your penis, she will bend herself, she may moan loudly, twitch, stronger with your hands hug you, close your eyes, etc. If you notice something from this, but doubts remain, then take out yours for a second..., touch it with your hand. If you notice that it is abundantly moistened with moisture, then you have achieved your goal of satisfying your lady, and if not, then most likely she took pity on you and feigned an orgasm. Usually you immediately understand the moment when the girl has finished and it is very, very difficult not to notice.

To be sure that the girl had an orgasm and did not imitate it... It is necessary to make it so that it is impossible for her not to have an orgasm. To do this, you need to do everything as she likes. It all depends on the girl herself. Some people like to be hit hard, without warning. In this case, you can arrange a role-playing sex game, where the guy is the rapist and the girl is the victim. And some girls, on the contrary, love femdom. Then the guy should become her slave for a while. If without all these games. Then you need to stretch the girl very carefully before sex. Kisses all over the body, starting from the lips and ending with the legs. By the way, you can do a light sexual massage. Put the girl on her stomach and knead her back and butt, and anything else that is in close proximity to the clitoris. And most importantly, you need to spare no compliments for the girl, more beautiful and tender words addressed to her. Girls love with their ears, we must not forget this, but use it correctly. But you need to use this in relation to your beloved girl. Orgasm is part of the psychological process. If a girl feels love from a guy, it will make her cum and cum... over and over again...

By convulsive contraction of the vaginal muscles. If you are attentive to your friend, you will not miss this.

Well, one more thing. If the girl is completely dry in the place you thought about. But at the same time she screams heart-rendingly and squirms. Know that this is all a simulation.

For an ordinary guy this is not possible. This is especially true when it comes to sex in marriage; in general, everything is very confusing there. Married ladies can fake orgasms very effectively, because how normal woman can you get an orgasm from 2 minutes of marital sex? Even from a physiological point of view - NO way. During an orgasm (normal), an uncontrolled contraction of the pelvic muscles occurs, sometimes even urine is thrown out due to pressure on the bladder, this is already difficult to imitate, but believe me, it is not difficult to moan, groan and gasp. Thus, it turns out that although there are no more mysteries left in a woman, with the advent of advertising for pads, the female orgasm for guys is still an incomprehensible mystery, because it’s not difficult to fool a man in bed, it’s for a man, if his penis is erect, it means he’s ready to penetrate: -)

From my personal experience I’ll answer this way. A normal orgasm comes from the partners’ complete perception of each other; for this there must be feelings of love between them. Love couple with mutual bodily and emotional relationships already on edge and receiving satisfaction, and intimacy with penetration only increases feelings to the point of languor. Therefore, if they love each other, they will end up together. In other cases, it varies depending on how the man caresses. Well, sex just for pleasure with the opposite sex is a deception of feelings, over time it will lead to callousness and will not be able to receive anything.

The fact that a girl cums can be understood as follows:

Usually at the moment of finishing, they groan, gasp, and the like, and then, when they have already finished, they calm down, and their vagina is wet, in a liquid reminiscent of sperm in thickness, but transparent.

You can indirectly understand from the following points: her behavior and mood after intimacy, marks on the bed, ask her yourself. The last moment will be the most dubious, since a girl can simply lie so as not to offend you and your pride, so look more at external signs, be careful.


Squirt squirting - learn how to do it

Recently my boyfriend was showing me his favorite moments from a porn film, and I realized that he was very excited by one action... The girl cums, and liquid begins to pour out of her, but it is not urine. What is this called, and can it be learned? Best regards, Lena ---

Congratulations, Lena, you saw a squirt! Squirting (or squirting) is a rather rare phenomenon. It is commonly said to be the equivalent of male ejaculation (i.e. the release of sperm).

There is an opinion that squirting is just a combination of urination and orgasm, but this is not true - many women squirt without orgasm. What is released from the urethra during squirting is not urine, but the secretion of the paraurethral glands.

If you don’t like thinking about it, remember that men secrete both urine and sperm through the urethra - that is, there is nothing unnatural about squirting!

What does squirting give a woman?

Most women note very vivid sensations associated with squirting. The energy is cleared, everything around becomes brighter, light, joyful emotions appear. Women who are capable of squirting say that it is much stronger than a regular orgasm.

That is, the great thing about squirting is that it gives sensations similar to orgasmic ones, and the woman may not even have an orgasm!

Is it possible to learn to squirt?

Of course! Squirting appears as a result of strong stimulation of the G-spot (more precisely, the paraurethral glands that cover the urethra).

Try to stimulate this point with your fingers while squatting - it is located on the front wall of the vagina, about 4-5 cm above the entrance - this is where the ribbed surface begins. If you don't feel anything, apply additional external pressure with your second hand and look for a sensitive point in that area. It may hurt at first, but then the pain should give way to excitement and the desire to urinate. Well, then it may come - squirt!

Many women are capable of squirting, but they simply suppress this ability in themselves. This is understandable - squirting manifests itself in the form of a desire to urinate, and to prevent “this” from happening, they prevent further stimulation of the G-spot.

With an understanding partner, it is enough to let go of the tightness and start stimulating the G-spot. “Release” the desire to urinate freely, forget about the wet sheets and listen to new sensations! This way, you will develop the ability to squirt.

How to prepare a man for squirting?

What should you do if you want to try it, but your man hasn’t thought about it yet? Of course, he should be aware that this happens, so, as if by chance, watch a video with him of women squirting - usually this is very exciting for men!

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Orgasms in women: what are they?

More men are sure that the fair sex can experience only one type of orgasm, which differs from the male in intensity. How do you like the discovery that a woman can experience up to 17 types of orgasms? It's hard to believe, but it's true. It’s just that most men don’t know their beloved’s body well, and many girls often don’t realize that they have some erogenous zones, especially in the area of ​​the external genitalia.

Absolutely every such zone is capable of giving a woman enchanting pleasure in the form of a powerful orgasm. And only a skilled lover is able to awaken a woman’s erogenous areas, thereby allowing her to experience a new palette of sensations from sex. Let's take a closer look at how to please a girl.

This type of orgasm is the most popular and common among women. As a rule, clitoral orgasm occurs as a result of masturbation (clitoral massage), oral sex, or directly during sexual intercourse itself. During sex, clitoral orgasm occurs with additional stimulation of the clitoris. The most effective and in a fast way To give a woman a clitoral orgasm is cunnilingus - oral sex. Many men cannot please their beloved, as some of them do not even know the location of the clitoris.

The clitoral orgasm itself is divided into 2 types:

1). Superficial – girls experience it most often. All pleasant sensations are localized directly around the clitoris itself; 2). Deep – occurs when the clitoris is stimulated, during highest point pleasure, the vaginal muscles begin to actively contract and many women mistakenly confuse it with vaginal orgasm;

In fact, in order to experience a vaginal orgasm, it is not necessary to additionally stimulate the clitoris. If during a clitoral massage a girl feels contractions of the vaginal muscles, this means that she has experienced a deep clitoral orgasm.

A woman receives this type of orgasm during internal stimulation of the vaginal walls, or rather the erogenous zones located there. As a rule, the first times of sexual experience do not end with a vaginal orgasm, and many girls at first cannot even experience a vaginal orgasm. The experience and tenderness of a partner, as well as freedom and a favorable environment, can awaken the erogenous zones of the vaginal walls in a woman and then she can experience a powerful orgasm.

Very often, a woman begins to experience vaginal orgasm only after she gives birth to a child (under the condition of natural childbirth). This is due to the fact that when the baby’s head passes through the birth canal, a woman experiences degeneration of the nerve cells of the vaginal muscles, after which she can experience a vaginal orgasm. Of course, this does not apply to every woman who has given birth, but it occurs in many.

There are several erogenous zones on the vaginal mucosa and, depending on the stimulation of each of them, women can experience up to 4 types of vaginal orgasms. Let's consider all types in detail.

The G spot is located on the front wall of the vagina, approximately 3 cm from the entrance. In this area of ​​the vagina there are paraurethral glands, which are also called the female prostate because they are capable of ejaculation like the male prostate gland. With sufficient stimulation of this point, a woman can experience very strong orgasmic sensations. For many women, this erogenous zone is in a “sleeping” state and in order to wake it up you need to stimulate it for some time. Gradually, the woman will enjoy the G-spot stimulation and will eventually experience a powerful orgasm. This can happen both during the initial stimulation of the erogenous zone and 5-10 times. The G-spot should only be sought when the woman is quite aroused or has just experienced a clitoral orgasm. It is the clitoral orgasm that activates all erogenous zones in a woman’s body.

Squirt orgasm (squirt)

This type of orgasm is unique, rare and special in its strength and depth of female sensations. Many men have often seen in porn films how a partner stimulates a girl’s G-spot and at a certain moment a stream of cloudy liquid shoots out of the vagina. As a rule, most men have no idea how this happens in a woman and what it depends on. Let's reveal a secret to you!

During strong sexual arousal, a woman’s paraurethral glands swell, and when the vaginal walls are stimulated, these glands begin to contract strongly, which is accompanied by the release of fluid from the vagina in the form of a powerful jet. Thus, the man observes an amazing picture: a woman cums like the stronger sex. Some men mistakenly believe that during this type of orgasm, fluid is released from the urethra and the woman simply pees. This is a completely wrong opinion! The secreted fluid is very similar in composition to male seminal fluid and sprays out not from the urethra, but from small holes located on either side of the urethra.

Due to ignorance of the physiology of the occurrence of jet orgasm, women, as a rule, are very complex and embarrassed at this moment. Squirting can only be experienced by 2-3% of all girls on the planet. In terms of its power and strength, a jet orgasm cannot be confused with anything else. Sexologists claim that such an orgasm has healing properties. After it, the woman seems to cleanse herself on an emotional background, throwing out all her irritation, resentment and negative emotions.

This type of orgasm occurs in a woman when a point is stimulated, which is located just behind the G-spot, on the upper fornix of the cervix. Few people have ever heard of this type of orgasm in women, but a skilled lover, by stimulating this point, is able to bring his partner to the highest point of ecstasy.

For example, to stimulate the G point, a man must insert his fingers into the vagina for 1-2 phalanges, and to stimulate the A point, he must insert the middle finger to its entire length, adhering to the front wall of the vagina. Having inserted his finger to its full depth, the man’s pad will immediately hit point A.

Important! You need to insert your finger into the vagina very carefully, after lubricating it with oil. Point A cannot be felt, but a huge number of nerve endings are collected in this area of ​​the mucous membrane. To give a woman an orgasm at point A, you need to lightly press on the mucous membrane with the pad of your finger. Just as in the case of the G-spot, orgasm may not happen immediately; it takes some time to “awaken” the sensitivity of this area.

Let's consider another point in a woman's body, which few people even know about. By the way, thanks to stimulation of the deep point, a woman most often experiences an orgasm during anal sex. This point is located symmetrically to point A, that is, on the opposite wall of the vagina, on the lower fornix of the cervix. Many women who have been lucky enough to experience a deep-spot orgasm have noted that this type of sensation has a relaxing effect.

Deep vaginal orgasm

This type of orgasm can be called a derivative of all previous stimulations points G,A and deep point. Stimulation of all these points causes a woman to experience powerful waves of orgasm, which increase her sexual arousal and desire to have sex again and again!

At the moment when a woman gets an orgasm from G-spot stimulation, her sexual arousal does not stop, which is a favorable moment for stimulation of the A-spot and deep point. Thus, a woman’s orgasmic sensations only intensify with each sexual act, and a man has a chance to receive the title of “ideal lover.”

In order to experience such an orgasm, a woman must constantly train her pelvic floor muscles, performing, for example, Kegel exercises. Trained muscles allow a girl to fully experience the difference between a clitoral orgasm and a deep vaginal one. It is worth noting that one of the features of orgasms of the G and A points is their duration, which can reach 30 minutes!

The uterus is a muscular organ, therefore, if it is reduced in a certain way, then you can experience a uterine orgasm. To do this, the woman should lie on her back, and her partner makes light pressing movements on the lower abdomen. In this case, the woman simultaneously contracts the pelvic floor muscle using Kegel exercises. In this way, a certain stimulation of the muscles of the uterus is achieved, which can lead to orgasm. However, don't expect a uterine orgasm to be as powerful and vibrant as a clitoral or vaginal one. Rather light, gentle and barely noticeable.

Stimulation of a woman's urethra can also provide orgasmic sensations. For some representatives of the fair sex, such an orgasm is close in strength to the clitoral one. To stimulate the U-spot, you can use fingers or oral caress. When stimulating with a finger, you must first lubricate it with oil or lubricant. Penetration into the vagina should be careful and gentle. The intensity of pressure and stroking needs to be agreed upon with the girl, since it is difficult to independently determine what exactly pleases her most. During oral caresses of the urethra, no additional lubrication is required, and the tongue, compared to a finger, gives the woman more pleasure.

The anal sphincter itself has a huge number of nerve endings, so its stimulation can give a girl pleasure. Anal orgasm can be achieved by stimulating the G-spot and the Deep Spot, which were mentioned above.

In relation to this type of orgasmic sensations, all women are divided into 2 types: girls who enjoy breast caresses and girls who are indifferent to such caresses. Moreover, the second group of girls does not get orgasms from caressing their breasts simply because this erogenous zone is in a “sleeping” state. With constant stimulation of the breasts, the woman soon begins to experience pleasure, and later even have an orgasm.

The mechanism for obtaining breast orgasm is to stimulate the woman’s nipples, during which the uterus begins to actively contract. The female breast and uterus are directly connected, so it is quite possible that women will experience a real orgasm. Contractions of the uterus during nipple pinching are provided by the hormone oxytocin, which is also produced by a woman’s body during lactation.

Many nursing mothers admitted that there were cases when they had an orgasm while breastfeeding their baby. Or during sex with a spouse during breastfeeding, milk was released from the mammary glands during orgasm.

This type of orgasm is very rare, however, there have been cases when women managed to experience it. A tactile orgasm can be obtained during caressing any part of the body that does not have erogenous zones. It is caused by strong emotions in a woman towards the man caressing her.

Eastern reflexology experts claim that a woman’s genitals are connected not only to the breasts and erogenous zones, but also to the throat. Thus, especially sensitive women can experience a genuine orgasm while performing a deep blowjob on their loved one.

This type of orgasm involves the woman simultaneously experiencing pleasure from stimulation of the nipples, clitoris, A and G points and the deep point. For example, to surprise your beloved and give her unearthly pleasure, you can simultaneously perform cunnilingus on her and stimulate her G-spot or anus with your finger. Thanks to such varied stimulation of several erogenous zones of a girl at once, a man will be able to make his beloved’s orgasm more vivid and unforgettable.

It is quite natural when during sexual intercourse a woman experiences several orgasms in a row. It was already said above that a woman’s clitoral orgasm only increases her arousal, and the more excited the girl is, the more less than a man Efforts should be made to bring the beloved to ecstasy again. More women in the world experience multiple orgasms in one sexual act thanks to the skill of their sexual partner. It is this fact that greatly distinguishes women's orgasms from men's. For representatives of the stronger sex, after having an orgasm, all physiological processes in the body decline, this primarily concerns sexual arousal. Let's skip the period when a man is just starting a sexual relationship. At this time, he practically does not need breaks, and his sexual organ comes into “combat” readiness within 5-10 minutes after orgasm.

For the fair sex, the opposite is true. After receiving the first orgasm, the woman becomes even more excited, and if at this moment the man continues to caress her and give her pleasure, then she will experience orgasms more often and more intensely! That is why all women cannot experience multiple orgasms, since this, first of all, depends on her sexual partner. Many men end sexual intercourse before they can give a woman pleasure at all, let alone several orgasms in a row.

This type of female orgasm can lead to a deep reunion with the man you love in every sense. Experts also call this orgasm tantric, occurring on the sexual and spiritual levels. The duration of such an orgasm can reach several hours, and is only possible for couples who have very strong feelings for each other. A man can also experience a tantric orgasm, but it is easier for a woman to achieve it, since for this she does not need to control her thoughts and body, like a man. When receiving a full-body orgasm, a woman’s sexual energy does not go anywhere, but only increases.

A tantric orgasm at the same time for both sexual partners can give a range of sensations that are not localized in any specific area of ​​the body in the form of pleasant languor and muscle contractions, but spread throughout the entire body, causing tingling from head to toe. Such an orgasm may be accompanied by bright flashes and visions.

At the moment of receiving a full-body orgasm, areas of the brain that are responsible for the production of hormones such as serotonin, endorphin, and melatonin begin to become active in a woman’s brain. These hormones are also called hormones of happiness, that is, capable of bringing a woman to a state of some kind of nirvana. Full body orgasm has medicinal properties: cleanses the soul and body, rejuvenates, fights gynecological diseases and congestion in the body. This condition is not concentrated on the woman’s genitals; it remains conscious even several days after sexual intercourse.

Such orgasms can be experienced by a woman who is loved by her life partner. A full-body orgasm causes a complete re-evaluation of consciousness in a woman. As a rule, children conceived at the moment of receiving tantric orgasms grow up healthy, self-confident and very happy in life.

Before this paragraph, we looked at the types of orgasms that could be combined under one heading - orgasms obtained during stimulation of a woman’s erogenous zones. We have gradually approached a completely different type of orgasmic sensation, which is called emotional or mental. Surely many girls can remember something similar. By nature, all women are very emotional and sensitive. For example, during sexual intercourse with a man, when the woman is already very close to orgasm, she may suddenly burst into tears or laugh. With her behavior, of course, she can greatly frighten and puzzle a man, but an experienced lover will immediately understand that this is normal and his beloved has an emotional orgasm!

Oh, this type of orgasm is one of the most common. It occurs when a woman cannot experience any of the above types during sex, but at the same time she is very afraid of offending her sexual partner. It would be more correct to say that it was not the girl who was unable to experience an orgasm, but her man who ineptly gave her caresses, and thus was unable to give her true pleasure.

Very often due to one’s sexual illiteracy and basic lack of knowledge of anatomy female body a man cannot bring a girl to orgasm, and she, in turn, fearing to offend the man, suffers and remains unsatisfied.

Her huge mistake in this case is imitation of orgasm. Such a game and encouragement of a lover’s sexual illiteracy does not lead to anything good: the man continues to be in the dark about how to give orgasm to his beloved, and the woman encourages this with her silence and another simulation.

Thus, after studying the statistics, we came to the conclusion that a woman is ready to fake an orgasm for the sake of love for her partner, and a man loves a woman for the sake of having sex. According to a survey, more than 90% of all women in the country have faked an orgasm at least once in their lives.

In conclusion, I would like to say that for many men, the female orgasm remains a mystery. The technique of bringing a woman to orgasm is quite complex - both sexual partners will have to become very patient with each other. There is no place for haste and fuss when it comes to enjoying sex. Movements should be measured, smooth, gentle. Of course, a man’s quick movements can bring a woman to ecstasy, but this can hardly be called a full-fledged orgasm, since it will be familiar, without any exotic aftertaste.

When a woman cums what is it called Compliments from a woman to a woman