The benefits and harms of plums for human health. Plum juice: composition, benefits and properties What is the name of plum juice

How happy it is when you can make plum juice for the winter using a juicer from the fruits of your trees in your dacha or garden. Excellent tips and instructions for making plum juice will delight you with your step by step description so that no more questions will arise.

Fortified plums

The composition of vitamins in plums depends on its variety. But this is not the only division. Minerals and vitamins in it appear and disappear at different stages of maturity, also influenced by growth conditions, soil and tree care. All varieties contain vitamin P, which has a beneficial effect on stabilizing blood pressure and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

A positive indicator is that vitamin P is not destroyed by high temperature. Therefore, you can safely preserve plums for the winter, make jam, squeeze the juice from plums through a juicer, cook compote, etc. During the winter period when there is no vitamin supplement for the body, a canned drink will come in handy.

Health benefits of plum dishes:

  1. Dried plum fruits are prescribed in the treatment of patients with atherosclerosis; they are also able to remove cholesterol from the human body.
  2. Fresh plum is suitable for people suffering from constipation and intestinal atony.
  3. Potassium in any form is able to actively remove fluids from the body, which is good for hypertensive patients and people with unhealthy kidneys.
  4. Even the leaves of some varieties of plums, which contain coumarin, can stop the formation of blood clots. By dilating blood vessels, thinning blood clots, they largely prevent serious illnesses.
  5. Fresh plums are useful for heart diseases, acting as a sedative (calming agent).
  6. Canned and fresh fruits have a beneficial effect on stable metabolism.
  7. To treat conjunctivitis and heal wounds, gum extracted from cracks in the bark of plum trees is used.

Plum juice options

Prune juice at home through a juicer takes little time, especially when this process is facilitated by an electric machine. For lovers of sweet and sour taste, below are recipes for making excellent plum nectar. To obtain juice from this fruit you can use different types juicers, but it is advisable to use special equipment for hard vegetables and fruits. Before placing the fetus in the device, be sure to remove the seeds so as not to damage the mechanisms. To reduce the cooking time, it is better to take an electric juicer; others are also suitable, but they will delay the process.

To obtain 1 liter of juice you will need 2 kg of plums.

Plum juice for the winter through a juicer: recipe with pulp


  • plums – 20 kg;
  • sugar - optional.

Cooking steps:

To obtain plum juice from the remaining pulp, you need to boil it again by adding the same amount of water. Then place the entire mixture in a juicer and extract what you want.

Plum juice through a juicer: recipe without pulp


  • plum – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 300 g.

Cooking steps:

If you don’t have a juicer, place the softened plums in cheesecloth and press until liquid is obtained.

In addition to recipes using a juicer, there are several other popular options for canning plum juice for the winter, a couple of which are located below. Therefore, if you are tired of standard recipes for preparing plum juice for the winter, you can use new ones. To give plums a standard taste, it is advisable to add other fruits (apple, apricot) during the cooking process.

Recipe for making plum juice in a juicer


  • plum – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • water – 5 l.

Cooking steps:

Concentrated compote juice from plums


  • plum – 6 kg;
  • sugar – 5 kg;
  • water – 6 l.

Cooking steps:

Plum juice for the winter using a juicer is best option get a lot of vitamins and improve your health on winter days. And when you do it yourself, you can be doubly sure that the body will be saturated with a natural product without preservatives.

Plum- a fruit typical for our country, enriching our diet every summer season. The variety of its varieties, colors and tastes contributes to high level consumption, regardless of income level. Many people know that this fruit is certainly beneficial for the human body, but few know that it has a particularly positive effect on the female body.

The variety of varieties somewhat limits the description and characteristics of plums, but in general, the fruit can be characterized as follows:

  • form: oval, less often round, with a characteristic longitudinal recess;
  • color: blue-black, light violet, ruby ​​red, natural green, rich yellow;
  • skin: dense, smooth, with a characteristic waxy coating;
  • pulp: sweet or sweet and sour, juicy, dense and elastic;
  • bone: flat, pointed, fused with the flesh or easily separated from it.

The fruit can be consumed in fresh and processed forms, which makes it taste qualities and the benefits do not decrease.

Rich chemical composition and high the nutritional value plums can provide all the needs of the human body. The fruit contains vitamins and minerals, its nutritional value is expressed by a harmonious ratio of proteins/fats/carbohydrates, and its low calorie content removes all existing prohibitions on eating sweets.


IN chemical composition 100 grams of plum contains vitamins:

  • A, or retinol - 0.017 mg;
  • B1, or thiamine - 0.06 mg;
  • B2, or riboflavin - 0.04 mg;
  • B5, or pantothenic acid- 0.15 mg;
  • B6, or pyridoxine - 0.08 mg;
  • B9, or folic acid- 0.0015 mg;
  • C, or ascorbic acid- 10 mg;
  • E, or tocopherol - 0.6 mg;
  • PP, or niacin - 0.7 mg.

Did you know? It is believed that the plum came to Europe from Syria - it was brought by the ancient Roman commander Gnaeus Pompey the Great after another military campaign in the 1st century BC. And the Syrians themselves already at that time knew how to make prunes and even supplied them to other states.

This is a list of the most important vitamins that ensure the normal functioning of the human body.

The mineral composition of the fruit is expressed by micro- and macroelements. 100 grams of edible pulp contains microelements:

  • iron (Fe) - 0.5 mg;
  • iodine (I) - 0.004 mg;
  • cobalt (Co) - 0.001 mg;
  • manganese (Mn) - 0.11 mg;
  • copper (Cu) - 0.09 mg;
  • molybdenum (Mo) - 0.008 mg;
  • nickel (Ni) - 0.015 mg;
  • fluorine (F) - 0.002 mg;
  • chromium (Cr) - 0.004 mg;
  • zinc (Zn) - 0.1 mg.

Despite the low indicators, this amount satisfies the body’s daily need for microelements.

Did you know? The British Queen Elizabeth II begins each breakfast by eating 2 plums.

Macroelements per 100 grams of edible portion:

  • potassium (K) - 214 mg;
  • calcium (Ca) - 20 mg;
  • silicon (Si) - 4 mg;
  • magnesium (Mg) - 9 mg;
  • sodium (Na) - 18 mg;
  • sulfur (S) - 6 mg;
  • phosphorus (Ph) - 20 mg;
  • chlorine (Cl) - 1 mg.

Frequent consumption of this fruit prevents the formation of mineral deficiency and reduces the risk of vitamin deficiencies.

For the normal functioning of the body, important components such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates are necessary. Their harmonious ratio is an important component of a healthy diet. In terms of nutrients, plum contains:

  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • fat - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.6 g.

Also important for the female body in the composition of such a fruit as plum are:
  • dietary fiber - 1.5 g;
  • water - 86.3 g.

Plum in this ratio of nutrients is an indispensable product when planning diets.

Did you know? The famous plum variety "Renclaude" is named after Claude, the daughter of King Louis XII of France.

Caloric content of product per 100 g

The female body is prone to gaining excess weight, especially after the age of 30, and this is facilitated by unused energy reserves (calories). Plum has a low calorie content of 49 kcal per 100 grams of edible portion, which in no way can “threaten” the female form.

Despite the general great benefits for all people, regardless of age groups, this fruit is especially useful for women. The beneficial effects on the body are expressed by the following properties:

  • increases the elasticity of blood vessels, reducing the likelihood of developing varicose veins and reducing the severity of symptoms of varicose veins;
  • regulates hematopoietic processes, while reducing the volume of monthly menstrual flow;
  • reduces the likelihood of blood clots, which also helps reduce blood pressure;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerating its peristalsis, eliminating problems with the toilet;

Important! For older people, plum is the only and irreplaceable fruit that can improve vitality.

  • It has mild diuretic properties, which helps remove fluid and reduce swelling. This property also helps remove excess salt from the body;
  • reduces the risks of the formation of cancer cells and the development of tumors of the female genital organs and mammary glands;
  • has antioxidant properties and improves barriers immune system;
  • stimulates the nervous system, reducing stress levels and nervous tension.

In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which is especially favorable for external use as a home cosmetology product.

Is it possible to eat plums?

Undoubtedly, the benefits of plums are great, which makes it an indispensable part of the diet in any period of life, but while carrying and feeding a baby, women need to especially carefully monitor their diet.

During pregnancy, plum is an indispensable source of vitamins, micro- and macroelements for the pregnant woman, and also supplies useful substances for the proper intrauterine development of the fetus.

In the first trimester, it helps reduce the symptoms of toxicosis and, by normalizing metabolism and stimulating intestinal motility, plum is especially indispensable in the last trimester of pregnancy.

When breastfeeding

During natural (breastfeeding) plums are not prohibited for consumption. The main thing is moderate consumption and gradual introduction of fruit into the menu.

Important! Plum can be introduced into the diet of a nursing woman only 3 months after giving birth.

Damage to drains

Plum is a fruit typical for our country, so its moderate consumption does not pose any harm to human health. But:

  1. it contains a large amount of sugar, which should be taken into account by people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders (diabetes);
  2. with caution and under control, the fruit should be given to children under three years of age;
  3. store fruits for long-term storage and attractive appearance are treated with chemicals, which must also be taken into account when purchasing, and the purchased product must be thoroughly cleaned.

In an effort to reset overweight women tend to follow different diets. Plum as a main product of diets will help not only reduce body weight, but also avoid loss of the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Thanks to the dietary fiber contained in plums, after eating food, quick and long saturation occurs, while dietary fiber is also a natural absorbent that helps remove toxins from the body.
Plum is effective in carrying out fasting days, observing short-term mono-diets (based on the consumption of one product):

  • for a fasting day You will need 1 kg of plums and 1.5-2 liters of water, which must be consumed in 1 day in equal portions. To achieve effectiveness, taking other products on such days is not recommended;
  • for carrying out the plum mono-diet you will also need 1-1.5 kg of plums, 1.5 liters of water and it is permissible to use weak green tea during the day. The number of meals should be frequent and in equal portions. The permissible duration of such a diet is 2-3 days.

Important! When following a plum mono-diet or a fasting day, the main rule is to drink 1 glass of water before and after each meal.

As for plums as a source of nutrients in the diet, the greatest effectiveness will come from drinking 1 glass of plum juice 30 minutes before each meal. The fiber it contains will saturate the body, which will lead to the consumption of less of the main diet.

The period of adherence to such a diet can be long; the woman determines the duration independently, or based on the recommendations of a nutritionist.

It is rare to find plums in alternative medicine recipes. This explains her main feature- this fruit is independent and does not like to be combined with other components.

Its ability to remove excess fluid and salts from the body is useful for women prone to edema. 1 glass plum juice Drinking before bed will help reduce swelling.
It has been established that women suffer from gout more often than men, so here is a recipe for a remedy that helps in the fight against this disease.

True, the recipe is based not on the fruits, but on the leaves of the plum tree: 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed leaves, pour 200 g of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, then cool the broth, strain and bring the volume of liquid to the original volume. Accept decoction It is necessary three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Plum blossoms in the form of an infusion will perfectly cope with toxicosis in pregnant women. early stages. It is prepared by simply brewing it with boiling water at the rate of 1 tsp. flowers per 200 grams of liquid.

A few plums eaten on an empty stomach will have the same effect.

Plum juice with pulp used for giardiasis. It is recommended to drink up to 3 glasses of juice per day.

In the autumn-summer period, these can be fresh fruits, and in the cold season, an indispensable source of calcium is prunes.

Did you know? In China, the plum is considered a symbol of winter, and its spring petals symbolize peace, joy, prosperity, longevity and good luck.

The use of plums in alternative medicine recipes for the treatment of female (gynecological) diseases is not found.

Plum and female beauty: mask recipes

For every woman, her youth, lightness and blooming beauty are important. appearance. There are many recipes for home cosmetology based on plum fruits that will help achieve these goals and maintain the results achieved.

The vitamins and minerals contained in the fruits are especially beneficial and active for facial skin, therefore they are often used as masks:

  • To reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve skin elasticity A mask made from fruit pulp and honey, mixed in equal quantities, and applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes is effective. A contrast wash after the mask will consolidate and improve the result.
  • For decreasing acne you need to boil 2 fruits, grind the pulp into puree and add 1 tsp to it. onion and garlic juice. This mask is applied to steamed skin for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.
  • To eliminate age spots A mask based on grated fruit pulp mixed with a small amount of kefir or yogurt is suitable. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water, finishing the procedure with a contrast wash.

For hair

A mask made from crushed fruit pulp with the addition of honey and butter in a ratio of 6:3:1.

Thoroughly mixed ingredients must be applied to the hair and left to act for 40-60 minutes, while the hair must be covered with a plastic bag and wrapped in a towel.

Important! For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to apply masks at least twice a week..

This product will strengthen the hair structure and protect it from negative impact environment.

Plums have all-round positive qualities and reverse side- contraindications for use. If you have the following diseases, fruit consumption should be limited:

  • gastritis with increased stomach acidity;
  • renal failure;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • allergy.

Important! In order not to harm the body with such diseases, it is important to additionally consult with a doctor about the possibility and norms of consuming plums.

More about the benefits of plums

In addition to the fruits, parts of the plum tree also have beneficial properties: branches, leaves, fruit seeds.


Plum branches, along with the fruits, also have medicinal properties and are effective in combating anemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, as well as frequent headaches and nervous tension.

The main use of branches is tea prepared in a water bath and infused in a thermos. This drink with the addition of honey is especially valuable and tasty.

Important! The substance amygdalin contained in the inner part of the bone is converted into hydrocyanic acid under the influence of gastric juice and can lead to poisoning.

A tincture prepared from plum seeds is effective in combating all types of cough, including chronic bronchitis.

The phytocoumarin substances contained in the leaves tone blood vessels, reduce the thickness of the blood, thinning it. Also, having an anti-inflammatory effect, the leaves relieve inflammation, reducing pain in rheumatism and gout. This anti-inflammatory effect also helps to quickly heal wounds with suppuration.

The main use of leaves, harvested dry or fresh, is in the form of infusions and lotions.
The ratio for preparation is individual and depends on the intended use.


Plum juice with pulp for the winter is a successful fruit drink, prepared exclusively from natural products at home. Thanks to the consumption of plum juice in winter time year, the human body will be enriched with the necessary vitamin complex. In addition, the homemade drink has an amazing taste and pleasant aroma, which makes you want to enjoy it again and again.
The main advantage of homemade plum drink is vitamin A, which is more than enough in this product. In addition, it contains other vitamins such as B1, B2, P, C, as well as some minerals. Thanks to its rich vitamin composition, when consumed regularly, plum juice will certainly help maintain good health.
To create vitamin juice at home according to this simple photo The recipe uses ripe juicy plums white. If desired, it can be made from any other type of fruit, the main thing is that the plums must be ripe, but not overripe, and must be carefully selected from bad fruits. A drink prepared in this way has a long shelf life and retains the maximum amount of taste and beneficial characteristics.
We suggest starting to prepare homemade juice from plums with pulp, following step by step instructions, which is given below.


Plum juice with pulp for the winter - recipe

To prepare a fruit drink at home, first of all, you need to rinse the plums well and leave them to drain the remaining water.

We move clean plums into a deep container and add half a liter of running water to them. Place the filled container on low heat and boil the contents for about thirty minutes. After the cooking process, plums should change their structure and become boiled, the pulp should be well separated from the pit and peel. Cool the cooked fruits slightly, and then grind them through a sieve or colander..

Pour the resulting plum mass into a large, deep container.

Approximately five kilograms of ground fruit puree came out. To obtain fresh natural juice, plum pulp must be mixed with water and granulated sugar. This amount of mass should be mixed with five liters of running water and five hundred grams of sugar. After combining the above ingredients, mix the resulting raw juice thoroughly until all the sugar is dissolved in it.

Place fresh plum juice on the burner and bring it to a boil. Immediately after boiling, boil the liquid for about fifteen minutes. While the juice is boiling, be sure to remove the foam that forms on top. In the meantime, prepare a container for your homemade drink. To do this, it is not necessary to sterilize the jars; just wash and dry them well . This also applies to lids.

Plum juice obtained from plum juice, has high taste, dietary and medicinal properties. This product is very useful for people with intestinal sluggishness.

The composition of plum juice contains large amounts of carbohydrates, glucose and is completely free of fat. As for organic amino acids, the juice contains lemon, apple, coffee, etc. The advantages of juice include the presence of vitamins B1, B6, B9, B12, C, E. A, PP, carotenoids, polysaccharides and microelements. Among the minerals, it is worth noting potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.

Plum juice is recommended for diseases of the gallbladder; for jaundice, it increases the secretion of bile. It also helps remove cholesterol from the body, enhances intestinal motility, and has a pronounced laxative effect. The juice from this fruit is recommended for atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney diseases. This is due to the fact that the potassium contained in the juice improves the removal of water and excess table salt from the body, which promotes weight loss. Plum juice improves appetite, disinfects the intestines well, and reduces intoxication of body juices.

Plum juice, in addition to being consumed in its natural fresh form, is widely used for preparing various syrups, liqueurs and liqueurs.

Calorie content of plum juice

Experienced nutritionists advise people on a diet to lose weight to drink as much liquid as possible during a given period, this can be natural juices, compotes, teas, water. An excellent drink on diet days is plum juice, which contains 42 kilocalories. Drink plum juice, which will speed up your metabolism and metabolism, which in turn will help you lose weight faster.

Botanists classify it as a member of the Rosaceae family, and call it the “daughter” of the thorn – the “prickly” plum, the fruits of which contain many biologically active substances, and the cherry plum, which is called “cherry plum”. It is believed that the plum appeared in Asia as a result of the crossing of these fruit trees, but this happened a very long time ago - about 2000 years ago, or even earlier.

At least, archaeological research carried out in Europe at different times shows that plums grew in the Alps even before the beginning of our era - which means that by that time they had already arrived there from Asia.

Currently, there are a lot of varieties of plums - more than 300, but no more than 10 have been cultivated: they grow in gardens, on plots, and are grown in special nurseries. These are the varieties of plums that go on sale; Compotes, juices, preserves, jams are also prepared from them, dried, pickled, and prepared in other ways.

Plum fruits are not only very tasty, but also have a number of medicinal properties, known to people since ancient times, therefore plum juice also used as dietary product, and helps with many diseases.

Composition of plum juice

Plum juice is low in calories - about 70 kcal per 100 g, but has a lot of natural, easily digestible sugars; there are organic acids, dietary fiber, healthy carbohydrates, vegetable proteins and fats - although there are few of the latter.

Benefits and properties of plum juice

What medicinal properties does plum juice have, besides the fact that it is very tasty and is quite often used in cooking?

It is useful for everyone, but especially recommended for those with sluggish bowels - and it is better to drink it on an empty stomach, as it has a good laxative effect without causing pain, like some herbal laxatives.

It stimulates intestinal motility; improves urination; promotes the secretion of bile, so it is recommended to use it for hepatitis and gallbladder diseases.

Plum juice helps the body remove excess cholesterol, preventing it from being absorbed into the blood from the intestines, and therefore is useful for patients with atherosclerosis, as well as for the prevention of obesity, but in cases of severe obesity it is contraindicated.

For hypertension and kidney diseases, it removes excess fluid and salt from the body, relieves swelling, thanks to its high potassium content; It is useful to use it for gout and rheumatism.

Plum juice contains a lot of phytoncides - especially from dark plums, so it has a disinfecting effect on the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity.

It also reduces increased acidity gastric juice, so it is often prescribed for gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer - as part of the diet.

For some gastrointestinal diseases, fever, constipation, cardiovascular and kidney problems, gout and rheumatism, it is recommended to take freshly squeezed plum juice with pulp, adding honey. Depending on the degree of the disease, drink 1/3-1/2 cup of juice 3 times a day before meals, adding 1 tbsp honey. To cleanse the body in the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of plum juice: it perfectly removes not only “bad” cholesterol, but also eliminates the consequences of exposure to radiation, carcinogens and heavy metals.

Plum juice helps keep blood vessels healthy, improving blood composition - thanks to vitamin K, which can prevent hemorrhages. Vitamin PP, in turn, strengthens the walls of blood vessels - large and small, so plum juice can help significantly reduce the amount of synthetic medical drugs taken.

Plum juice contains many B vitamins, so its regular use normalizes the functioning of the nervous system: improves mood and concentration, relieves anxiety and fears.

Another beneficial effect of plum juice is that it restores smoothness and elasticity to the skin if consumed as often as possible.

Of course, this property is also used in cosmetology - cosmetic masks for facial skin are made with the pulp and juice of plums.

For any skin, you can make a mask from pure plum juice: mash the peeled fruits, squeeze the juice through gauze to get about 50 g or a little more. Soak napkins or a layer of cotton wool in the juice and apply to the face for 20 minutes. You don’t have to wash your face after the mask, but simply wipe your face with a slightly damp swab. If the skin is dry, it should be lubricated with cream, sour cream or rich cream before applying the mask.

The next mask - with plum juice and egg yolk, perfectly softens, nourishes and tones the skin. Add 1 tsp to one mashed yolk. juice, mix and apply to the face for 20-25 minutes. Wash off with warm water and then wash with cold water. This mask is good for dry skin: it is done 1-2 times a week, in a course of 15-20 procedures, and then they take a break - about 2 months, and repeat the course if necessary.

To prepare masks, you can also mix plum juice with sour cream, cottage cheese, and butter.

Plum juice, like the juices of other fruits and berries, can be prepared for future use at home.

Homemade plum juice

The best juice is obtained from late varieties of plums. The fruits must be ripe, completely intact and without wormholes. It is not easy to squeeze juice out of plums, so they are first blanched: the fruits are washed, broken in half, placed in an enamel pan and filled with water - 1.5 liters per 10 kg of plums. The pan is placed on the fire, heated to 75°C and kept at this temperature for 25 minutes. Then the plums are pulled out, quickly placed in a canvas bag, and it is placed under a press, in which pressure is created using a screw. The screw head is gradually turned, increasing the pressure, until as much juice as possible is squeezed out.

The juice squeezed in this way is filtered to remove coarse particles using a cloth cone filter. The remaining pulp is placed from the press into a saucepan and poured with boiled water. There should be little water: no more than 1.5 liters for 20 kg of pulp. The pulp is kept in the cold for about 5-6 hours, and then pressed again in the manner described above, obtaining secondary juice.

This juice is mixed with the juice squeezed for the first time, or sugar syrup is prepared on it - then the juice is sweetened with it. All the juice is filtered and poured into an enamel pan, put on fire, brought to a temperature of 85°C and kept for 10 minutes.

The juice is poured into jars hot and covered with lids - the jars and lids must be sterilized in advance. Heat water in a saucepan to 65°C, place jars there, heat it again to 85°C and pasteurize.

Then immediately seal and turn the lids down until completely cooled. In general, various homemade preparations are often made this way, so there is nothing complicated here.

You can also preserve juice without pasteurization: heat to a boil, hold on low heat for 5-8 minutes, immediately pour into sterilized jars, close with lids, seal and turn over.

It is worth knowing that when processed, plums retain a lot useful properties, therefore, canned juice can also help with many diseases, as well as ensure their prevention, maintaining the health of many organs and systems of our body.

It is better to prepare plum juice with pulp, as it contains a lot of pectin. When mixed with other juices, the taste of plum juice improves, but some nutritionists do not recommend this and believe that it is better to drink it separately.

How much prune juice can you drink? As always, this is individual: everyone will feel how much juice they need, but in any case you should not abuse it.

Who should not eat plums or drink prune juice? Nutritionists and doctors do not recommend using it in cases of severe obesity and diabetes, as well as in cases of frequent stomach and intestinal disorders.

Young children should be given plum juice little by little and with caution, as it can cause diarrhea, bloating and stomach pain.

For patients with rheumatism and gout, plum juice is useful, but in moderation, since it removes fluid from the body, and for these diseases there should be enough of it in the body.

If you need to get rid of a few extra pounds, then you can arrange for yourself fasting days on plum juice: it improves digestion, provides light laxative effect and promotes weight loss.

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