What not to do when pregnant. All the most important things about your first pregnancy. Prohibited drinks and foods

The first pregnancy is an important and exciting stage in the life of every woman. Expectant mothers try to absorb as much information as possible about this unusual condition. And this is not surprising, because lack of experience often leads to future mom During the first pregnancy, she has absolutely no idea what to know and do, how to behave correctly. In this article we will look at the main points and present the most important recommendations for expectant mothers.

First signs of pregnancy

The main signs of pregnancy are a delay in menstruation and two lines on a special test. But there are other symptoms that early stages you can determine the probability of a woman’s pregnancy, since the belly naturally does not grow in the first weeks of pregnancy.

  • Emotional instability. Perhaps in the first week of pregnancy this is the most common sign and sensation, especially in an emotional woman. It becomes difficult for her to control her emotions. Flashes of joy give way to tears. Also, increased irritability is often observed, as well as lability of emotions: the same event either makes her angry, then upsets, or makes her laugh. This condition is caused by hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Changing taste preferences. Food may seem under-salted and bland. There is a desire to eat food that was not usually included in a woman’s diet.
  • Nausea. This is how early toxicosis manifests itself. Not all women experience this symptom. There may be pronounced nausea, which is accompanied by vomiting, or, on the contrary, mild nausea and dizziness.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands. In the early stages it does not appear very often, and is also accompanied by the appearance of veins on the chest. A woman may feel slight pain in the mammary glands and tingling.
Specific symptoms of pregnancy include the following:
  • complete aversion to previously favorite food;
  • distortion of the perception of smells and tastes: a pregnant woman may smell gasoline from fruits or a metallic taste from ordinary food;
  • increased sleepiness: a woman can sleep for 12 hours and still feel tired. I constantly want to lie down, there is no desire to be active.

By and large, the first visit of a pregnant woman to a gynecologist is not much different from a standard examination. To confirm pregnancy, the doctor will examine the vagina using a speculum and palpation. During the process, he will take a smear on the flora and draw the necessary conclusions about the general condition of the uterus, its cervix, appendages and the vagina as a whole. In the future, such inspections will no longer be carried out. The gynecologist will limit himself to palpating the abdomen on the couch.

Also, in the early stages of pregnancy, ultrasound will help to identify it more accurately, with the help of which you can also determine the exact date.

On the couch, the gynecologist will additionally take measurements of the pelvis and waist. Then you will need to weigh yourself and determine the woman’s height. Blood pressure is also measured in both arms.

All data will be entered into an exchange card, which will be given to the pregnant woman after the first examination. Notes will be added there about the state of health, the presence of various types of chronic diseases, injuries, illnesses, operations that took place in the life of the woman and her immediate family.

You need to be prepared for the doctor to ask questions about the first period, about the beginning of sexual activity, and he also needs to know about the bad habits and lifestyle of a pregnant woman. All this is not the doctor’s idle curiosity, but important and necessary data that will help determine the general state of health and predict the course and development of pregnancy.

Important! There is no need to be shy and hide from the gynecologist facts about your health that you might not want to advertise. The specialist will definitely keep your secret, but will have information about possible reasons complications of pregnancy. Prepare for your visit to the doctor, be prepared to talk clearly and specifically about yourself.

After all of the above, the nurse or the doctor himself writes out the woman’s directions for the necessary examinations and tests that will need to be taken in the near future.
Usually, at the first visit, the doctor recommends the use of vitamins or other medications that help adjust hemoglobin levels and increase the amount of microelements necessary for pregnancy.

What to do during pregnancy

If a woman is used to leading healthy image life, then she won’t have to introduce any special changes into her everyday life. But at the same time, there are some features that the expectant mother still needs to know about.

Did you know? In Japan, women go on maternity leave not at the end of pregnancy, but at the beginning.

A categorical “no” to bad habits

The expectant mother must firmly understand that drinking alcohol and smoking during pregnancy is unacceptable. Nicotine negatively affects the nervous system (central and peripheral). It is women who continue to smoke during pregnancy who most often experience premature birth, intrauterine fetal death, and miscarriages.

Regarding use alcoholic drinks, then as a result a child may be born with various deviations in physical and mental development.
These are not ordinary horror stories, but a reality that depends only on the woman. It is important to understand that now you are responsible not only for yourself and your health, but also for your child, who cannot yet choose whether to poison his body with poison or not: you do this for him. Refuse bad habits It’s not that hard if you understand who you’re doing it for.

The normal development of the fetus and the favorable course of the entire pregnancy directly depends on the rational nutrition of the expectant mother. Typically, in 9 months a woman gains about 9-13 kg in weight. In the second half of pregnancy, normal weight gain does not exceed 300-400 g per week. It is impossible to write down a diet for every day, but we will give some basic nutrition rules below.

Eat food more often, but in small portions. Ideally, you eat 5-6 times a day, but little by little. Protein foods for a pregnant woman are dairy products and lean meat. As for carbohydrates, which will reimburse the pregnant woman’s body, you should eat oatmeal, buckwheat, and rice.

You should eat a variety of vegetables and fruits every day, which will fill your body with the necessary vitamins. Approximately 35-40% of fats in the diet should come from vegetable oils, not animal oils. It is better to minimize lard and fatty meat or not eat it at all. In the second half of pregnancy, it is advisable to exclude spices, smoked foods, too sweet and salty foods from the diet.

Did you know? The approximate daily calorie content, which can be taken as a basis and adjusted depending on the lifestyle of the pregnant woman, should be 2400-2700 kcal in the first months of pregnancy and 2800-3000 kcal starting from the fifth month.

Vitamins are especially important during pregnancy. If in summer and autumn they can be taken from fruits and vegetables, then in the autumn-winter period it is necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamins by taking multivitamin complexes and preparations. It is recommended to consult a doctor before choosing one or another complex for yourself. A pregnant woman needs iron, which helps form the fetus’s circulatory system, and calcium, which nourishes the skeletal system.

Drinking large amounts of liquid is not recommended, as water will be retained in the body, resulting in swelling. You need to drink purified or mineral water, light tea, milk, juices (not store-bought, but prepared independently). It is advisable to exclude carbonated drinks.

Important! About a month before giving birth, you should stop using sesame oil: during this period it does not have the best effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

A woman should always monitor the cleanliness of her body, but during pregnancy she needs to be especially meticulous about this. A daily bath or shower will help refresh and relax your body.

Important! Starting from the eighth month of pregnancy, you cannot take a bath: replace it with a shower.

You should not visit baths and saunas, as this can cause premature birth. You need to wash your genitals carefully, but regularly and thoroughly. Douching is allowed only after the recommendations of a doctor.

Also during pregnancy you need to pay attention to your teeth. The body loses mineral salts, resulting in tooth enamel damage. It is necessary to cure all diseased teeth: it is safe during pregnancy and even necessary.

Comfortable clothes

Changes in body shape should entail changes in a woman’s wardrobe. You need to choose clothes that will not restrict your movements. It should be comfortable, free and not put pressure on the stomach. Remember that waistbands or elastic bands of regular stockings that are too tight can put pressure on the veins, which will impede circulation and can lead to dilated veins in the legs.
As for shoes, you need to choose a stable wide heel. During pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts forward as the belly begins to grow. In this regard, maintaining balance in high and thin heels can be not only unusual, but also quite difficult.

Physical exercise

Physical activity should be regular, but not heavy. Performing special exercises several times a week for 15-20 minutes is ideal for a pregnant woman. With their help you can improve sleep, appetite, develop correct breathing, as well as strengthen the abdominal muscles and perineal muscles, which can facilitate the birth process.

Important! Women who do light exercise during pregnancy are less likely to experience nausea and vomiting.

Special complex necessary exercises An instructor at a antenatal clinic can train a woman.

Complete rest

Complete rest and healthy sleep- the key to a stable and proper pregnancy. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is advisable to take short, slow walks before bed and breathe fresh air. The room also needs to be ventilated regularly. Clean air has a beneficial effect on both the mental and physical state pregnant woman. It also has a beneficial effect on the fetus, which is especially sensitive to lack of oxygen.

You can take sunbathing, but only as prescribed by a doctor and for no longer than 15 minutes. Women whose pregnancy is progressing in a healthy manner are allowed to swim in the river or sea.

Important! Travel to the sea is not recommended for women during pregnancy if they usually live in a different climate zone.

Reading additional literature

Pregnancy - perfect time in order to prepare for the birth of a baby not only physically, but also in terms of acquiring the required amount of information. A woman who worked all the time or spent time on other things finally has time to read relevant literature and find out all the information that will be useful to her in the future.
Many women register and communicate with other expectant or current mothers on specialized thematic forums. There you can consult and get recommendations from more experienced women.

In addition to thematic magazines, books that tell in detail about all stages of pregnancy, preparation for childbirth, and the first days and months with a child are recommended for reading. Also, with the help of such books, you will know how to properly care for your baby, how to communicate with him and raise him.

The correct emotional and psychological background, as well as being armed with information, will help you not to be afraid of childbirth, but also to enjoy every day and look forward to meeting your child.

Did you know? Scientists have proven that inside the mother the baby can not only laugh and cry, but also dance. So listen to good music more often.

Sexual relations

Attitudes towards sex during pregnancy can change for both a woman and her man. Physically, sexual relations can be as often as you and your spouse want, if there are no contraindications. An exception is also the case when there have been previous miscarriages. Here you should abstain from sexual relations in the first months of pregnancy. It is also advisable to stop sexual intercourse for several weeks before giving birth.

Examinations and tests during pregnancy

During pregnancy, expectant mothers differ in their opinions regarding the examinations prescribed for them. Some women complain that they have to take a lot of tests, while others, on the contrary, believe that their doctors do not check everything that could be harmful to the baby.

However, there is a minimum set of examinations and tests that every pregnant woman must undergo.

1st trimester.
Healthy pregnant women are prescribed:

  • General and biochemical blood test. The blood is also examined for clotting.
  • Urinalysis (general).
  • Research is being conducted for the presence of HIV and syphilis, hepatitis C and B, and various types of infections that can cause fetal malformations (herpes, rubella, etc.).
  • The blood group and Rh factor are determined.
  • An ECG (electrocardiography) is performed.
  • Be sure to visit a therapist, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist and dentist.
  • At 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to identify the risk of genetic abnormalities, as well as defects in fetal development. For this purpose, it is necessary to conduct biochemical screening. The blood is tested for pregnancy-associated plasma protein A and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
  • During the same period, the first screening expert ultrasound during pregnancy is recommended.
  • A smear is taken from the pregnant woman to check the vaginal flora, as well as tests for chlamydia.

If the expectant mother suffered from any chronic diseases, the scope of the above examinations may increase depending on the pathology.

2nd trimester.
During this period, the frequency of visits to the doctor should be approximately once a month.

  • Before each visit you will need to take general analysis urine.
  • As for the blood test, during normal pregnancy it is taken much less frequently: once every three weeks is usually sufficient. Naturally, if you have diseases or any complications, you will have to donate additional blood.
  • At 18-21 weeks of pregnancy you will need to undergo a routine ultrasound.
  • At 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, a woman undergoes a glucose test. The level is examined in three stages: on an empty stomach, an hour after taking 75 grams of glucose and two hours later. This test helps identify hidden diabetes in a pregnant woman.
  • Testing urine to detect hidden infections.
3rd trimester.
  • At 30 weeks of pregnancy, a biochemical and general blood test is performed. The blood is also checked for sugar levels and clotting. Blood is also donated for testing for HIV, hepatitis C and B.
  • At 34-36 weeks, a smear is taken from the pregnant woman to determine the presence of pathologies in the vaginal microflora immediately before childbirth, and, if necessary, treat them.
  • The third mandatory ultrasound is performed.
  • CTG (cardiotocography) is used - this is a registration of the activity of the fetal heart: it is necessary to determine the intrauterine state of the child.

Did you know?During pregnancy, a woman's foot size can increase by one or even two sizes.

About three weeks before the expected birth, you should begin preparing all the things and documents that will be needed in the hospital.
The first thing you need to take from documents is your passport. You also need to remember your card, which contains all the results of examinations and tests. If you have entered into an agreement with a doctor in advance or have a referral to a maternity hospital, take these documents too.

Things a woman will need in the maternity hospital:

  • nightgown;
  • warm socks and slippers;
  • terry towel;
  • toothbrush and paste, shampoo and soap, comb and cosmetics bag with the necessary products;
  • toilet paper and wet wipes;
  • mineral water;
  • money.
Things you will need after childbirth:
  • a robe and a long shirt that buttons in the front;
  • gauze wipes (sterile);
  • nipple cream;
  • gaskets;
  • nursing bra;
  • enema or laxative suppositories;
  • plastic bags that can be used for dirty laundry.

Things for the child:

  • blouses, rompers, bodysuits, hats, socks and diapers;
  • diapers;
  • powder or baby cream;
  • wet wipes;
  • baby oil.
This is a short list of the main things that you will probably need in the maternity hospital. Everything else can be purchased as needed. Preparing in advance will reassure the woman and give her confidence.

Remember that doctors who will always be nearby will be able to come to your aid at any time. They will advise and prompt when this is necessary. Therefore, first of all, you need to prepare for childbirth psychologically and emotionally.

What pregnant women should not do in the first trimester

Dos and don'ts for pregnant women early stages so that the embryo does not suffer? We have noted several important points that need to be taken into account. Moreover, these recommendations apply not only to the first weeks, but also to the entire period of bearing a child. Moreover, we described not only what is prohibited for pregnant women in the early stages, but also why there are such restrictions.

2. By the way, about medications. Take medication, folk remedies, dietary supplements need to be taken very carefully. Popular signs that pregnant women should not take it in the early stages also indicate that it is better to take less chemicals during this important period. But this chemistry can also include various herbs. After all, their effects on the body have not been carefully studied by anyone. Meanwhile, even doctors can prescribe drugs like Canephron of dubious effect to expectant mothers. Not only is it unclear how effective they are, but they also contain a lot of plant components with unknown effects on the body.
If you have the opportunity, do not take medications. And if this is necessary, be sure to consult your doctor first.
Drugs from categories D and X are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy. These include medicines, taken as chemotherapy, drugs for the treatment of acne, psoriasis, etc.

3. When carrying a child, and especially in the first trimester, pregnant women should not eat poorly and monotonously. The lack of such an element as folic acid, can provoke severe developmental defects in the embryo. Therefore, it is so important to take this microelement separately in tablet form.
Good nutrition is also necessary for those women who have severe toxicosis, because they are especially predisposed to vitamin deficiency, which, if prolonged, can provoke intrauterine growth retardation.

4. Physically overwork and often experience stress. In the early stages, pregnant women are prohibited from actively engaging in sports. Especially for those women who are not used to such loads. All this can lead to detachment of the fertilized egg and bleeding. Until 12-13 weeks you need to take care and then only, carefully, and after talking with your doctor, you can perform any physical exercise. And this is only if there is no threat of termination of pregnancy.

5. Paint your nails and hair. Although it has already been proven that hair dye in minimum quantity penetrates through the skin into the blood, however, harmful fumes may emanate from it. Therefore, if you are going to paint, do it with good paint and in a well-ventilated area. And, by the way, you need to take into account that your hair color during pregnancy may turn out completely different from what you expected.
We choose nail polishes just as carefully. If the varnish does not have a label with the composition, manufacturer's name, or expiration date, it is better not to use it.

6. Live a sexual life, especially unprotected with infected sexual partners. Firstly, sexual intercourse provokes hypertonicity of the uterus, which in certain situations can cause detachment of the ovum or even miscarriage. Secondly, any sexually transmitted infections during pregnancy are a huge threat to the life of the embryo.

7. Many people believe that in the early stages of pregnancy you should absolutely not take hot baths, as this can cause a miscarriage. This is not entirely true. However, hot baths during pregnancy are really undesirable, as they lead to dilation of blood vessels and a sharp decrease in blood pressure. And in the early stages of pregnancy, most expectant mothers have low blood pressure. IN hot bath a woman can simply lose consciousness with all the ensuing consequences.

8. Another thing that pregnant women should not do in the early stages, so as not to provoke a miscarriage, is to get sick. Often severe acute respiratory viral infections, influenza with a very high temperature, severe intoxication of the body cause spontaneous termination of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important for expectant mothers to avoid large crowds of people indoors, not to visit clinics unless absolutely necessary, and not to travel by public transport. Or at least wear medical masks if there is a flu period and you have to deal with unhealthy people in one way or another.

9. Apply chemicals to the skin, for example, as protection against insects - mosquitoes, ticks, midges, etc. If you may be pregnant, then before applying a cream or spray to your skin, carefully read the instructions to see if pregnant women are allowed to do this.

10. Clean the toilet after cats if they have toxoplasmosis. Typically, a test for this disease is taken when registering for pregnancy. A result in which active antibodies against infection are detected in a woman’s blood is considered bad.

11. Be in large groups of children if you have not been vaccinated against rubella and have not previously had this disease. Rubella is very dangerous for expectant mothers. If a woman falls ill in the first trimester, then in such cases she is often recommended to terminate the pregnancy.
Doctors recommend that all women planning a child, before conception, take a blood test for antibodies against the causative agent of this disease. And if it turns out that you have not had the disease in the past, you need to get vaccinated. And 2-3 months after that, calmly plan your pregnancy.

12. Smoking, drinking alcohol. The minimum harm that can occur is a high risk of early miscarriage and intrauterine growth retardation. Well, alcohol can cause severe developmental defects in a child. You should not drink in any quantity during pregnancy.

13. Do x-rays, fluorography. Of course, if it so happens that you were “enlightened” after conception, no one will recommend terminating the pregnancy. However, the gynecologist will monitor such a future mother more carefully. Dental X-rays are also diagnostic procedures that should be postponed until after the baby is born.

There are also myths that pregnant women should not eat during the early stages of embryonic development. For example, such products include regular parsley. And all because it is believed that it thins the blood, which means it can provoke bleeding. Some women in this way try to provoke menstruation, that is, an early miscarriage. But in fact, there are no products that threaten pregnancy, unless they are of normal quality and not expired.

Pregnancy is one of the most important periods in a woman’s life. At this time, you have to limit yourself in many ways and get used to a different way of life. Many people wonder what pregnant women should not eat in the early stages, especially if they have preferences in any foods.

Nutrition rules

The main thing that an expectant mother needs to remember is a nutritious and balanced diet. Experts give general recommendations on how to organize it in early pregnancy and almost always provide a list of prohibited and permitted products.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, you should especially monitor your well-being and nutrition, since it is at this time that the baby’s main organs are formed - the brain, spine, heart, and circulatory system. Therefore, it is important to instill in yourself the rule of eating nutritiously and variedly, and at the same time giving up bad habits.

Proper nutrition means:

  1. food should be varied, including meat products, vegetables, cereals, fish, fruits;
  2. complete refusal of fast food, snacks and other similar products;
  3. limit the amount of drinks containing caffeine, exclude sweet, carbonated water, and store-bought juices;
  4. regular meals, implying split meals, at least 4 times during the day, following the regime, at the same time. Snacks with fruits, nuts, and dairy products are allowed.

Refusal of any diets is required unless it is required for medical reasons. Doctors believe that not a single diet has a positive effect on the condition of the body. The expectant mother needs to forget about them, at least throughout the entire pregnancy and for a while breastfeeding.

The expectant mother should take into account that she needs more vitamins and microelements than before pregnancy. But the danger is posed by both malnutrition and excess food consumption, which exposes the body to unnecessary stress. In addition, as a result of excess nutrition, the baby may become overweight, which will lead to unnecessary difficulties during the birth process.

Prohibited drinks and foods

During a consultation with a doctor, you can find out what pregnant women should not consume in food or drink during early pregnancy.

These are precisely the foods and drinks that a healthy pregnant woman should not consume. In the presence of chronic diseases, nutrition should be adjusted taking into account the characteristics of the disease.

During early pregnancy, you should not eat large amounts of food that can cause allergic reactions.

What should pregnant women not eat in the early stages? There is a category of foods that are undesirable to eat, or their quantity should be strictly limited.

Prohibited products:

  • sausages (sausages, frankfurters, sausage);
  • mayonnaise and sauces based on it, mustard, ketchup;
  • legumes – beans, peas, legumes that cause gas formation;
  • sweet carbonated drinks, store-bought juices;
  • cakes, pastries, other sweets;
  • pickled vegetables and fruits.

In addition, you should not buy products sold in slices and not in vacuum packaging.

Allowed drinks and foods

Throughout pregnancy, the child receives useful and not so useful microelements from the foods and drinks that the expectant mother consumes. Therefore, it is important for a woman to know what pregnant women can drink in the early stages and what foods to eat.

What can you drink in early pregnancy? When it comes to drinks, experts advise giving preference to pure still water, mineral water without gas is also allowed. You can also drink compotes, homemade fruit drinks, with a small amount of sugar. You are allowed to prepare freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits yourself.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is especially necessary to consume the following foods:

  • beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit, low-fat pork. It is advisable to cook meat dishes in a steamer, oven, or stew;
  • marine fish species - salmon, sardine, mackerel and other fatty fish. It is useful for both the development of the child and the health of the mother. It contains protein, Omega-3, vitamin D, and other microelements in considerable quantities. Use fish dishes, it is recommended at least twice a week, steaming them in the oven;
  • cereals, bran bread, durum wheat pasta. These products contain fiber, carbohydrates, long-term absorption;
  • vegetables, berries and fruits. Doctors and nutritionists recommend consuming only those species that grow in the region where the woman lives. It is in this case that their use will maximum benefit. Before eating them, it is recommended to peel the skin, where pesticides accumulate.

Milk. Fermented milk and dairy products are healthy, not high in fat, but not low-fat either. Allowed to be included in the menu in limited quantities butter, hard cheese. It is recommended to exclude processed cheese and dairy products that have a long shelf life from the diet due to the presence of a large number of preservatives in them.

When preparing food, you should use different cutting boards for meat, fish, vegetables. Try to limit the consumption of foods prepared by frying.

Often, in the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman has a desire to consume any specific food or drink, or incompatible products. This is a temporary phenomenon that passes quickly. The main thing is to clearly distinguish what can and cannot be categorically eaten, what foods and drinks are acceptable in strictly limited quantities, and what food is necessary.

Every dish, even previously unloved, prepared with love and imagination, will be not only healthy, but also tasty. Proper and balanced nutrition will help avoid unnecessary health problems for both the baby and the expectant mother.

It is clear that when a woman becomes pregnant, she tries to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, and saturate her diet with vitamins and microelements. Each of us knows that pregnant women need positive emotions, attention, Fresh air, walking, support and understanding and so on. But relatives and friends begin to actively bombard the expectant mother with various instructions: don’t do this, don’t eat that. What prohibitions exist during pregnancy?

What can you do during pregnancy?

  • Pure water should be the main and main drink for a pregnant woman. You can also use natural juices, fruit drinks, kvass (especially homemade).
  • Many pregnant women “break through” to. A little bit is possible, but it’s better to choose non-alcoholic.
  • In the last trimester, you can afford a glass of good wine (but not champagne). True, we are all different, and dosages may vary accordingly. There is an opinion that if the expectant mother feels slightly intoxicated, the baby is completely unconscious.
  • You can cut your hair; it will not cause any harm to the unborn baby, and the mother’s hair will not stop growing.
  • Of the medications, only paracetamol (3 tablets 3 times a day for no more than 3 days) are harmless.
  • You can sleep on your back (if you are comfortable).
  • There is no better physical training for expectant mothers than swimming and water aerobics.
  • You can use cosmetics. But face cream should not contain vitamin A (in large quantities it is very harmful), hydrocortisone (this is a steroid that is dangerous for a child if used daily), or benzoyl peroxide. Regarding body gel and lotion, it is better to choose those designed specifically for pregnant women. They are safe and contain components designed to minimize the likelihood of stretch marks and breast deformation.
  • Have sex if pregnancy is progressing normally. However, it would be a good idea to specifically ask your doctor about this.

What not to do during pregnancy?

  • , alcohol and drugs are under an iron taboo! There are no safe doses of these poisons. So stay away from them. Also avoid passive smoking.
  • Caffeine may cause miscarriage or low birth weight of the baby. A green tea interferes with the absorption necessary for the normal development of the baby. Therefore, it is better to refuse them. But if you really want to, then sometimes you can have a little bit.
  • It is not recommended to eat the following foods: raw meat, unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses, hematogen, sushi, seafood. Fast food and harmful additives are also not for pregnant women. Try not to eat spicy, salty and fatty foods.
  • Carbonated drinks can cause active fermentation processes in the intestines, which provokes uterine contractions.
  • Wearing synthetic underwear, especially thongs, is prohibited. Choose natural cotton panties and special maternity bras.
  • It is not recommended to dye your hair or perm your hair. Changes during pregnancy hormonal background women, their skin and hair often suffer from this, and chemical agents can further worsen their condition. But if you decide to paint yourself, then choose gentle paints.
  • Changing cat litter increases the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis. The result can be slowed baby growth, poorly developing brains, and damage to the fetal eyes.
  • You can't overheat. Therefore, you will have to give up saunas and baths.
  • Do not start renovations during this period - the paints and toxins will disappear no sooner than in a year.
  • Bug sprays are not recommended. Toxins enter your blood and from there to your baby.
  • The following medications are strictly contraindicated: Aminopterin, Methyltestosterone, Progestins, Quinine, Thalidomide, Trimethadine, Retinoids (isotretinoin, roancutane, etretinate, tigazone, acitretin).
  • You should not get any vaccinations.
  • It is better to give up high heels now. Firstly, it is dangerous: it increases the risk of falling. Secondly, during this period the center of gravity shifts, and the load on the spine increases. And heels enhance it. Therefore, starting from the second half of pregnancy, the risk of all kinds of radiculitis and neuralgia increases, which expectant mothers, naturally, have no need for.
  • You cannot raise your arms when the baby has already taken the correct position.
  • You cannot lie on your stomach or sit cross-legged.
  • They say that a newborn should not be shown to anyone until it is 40 days old. They can jinx it. In fact, doctors do not recommend bringing strangers into your baby’s home for about a month. Your home has its own atmosphere and microflora, and visiting guests have theirs. The child must develop immunity to the environment around him, so you should not gather crowds of people. But on the street, when the baby is sleeping, please show him to anyone you want.

Neither yes nor no

  • Visiting the solarium is not recommended. But many do not agree with this. If you cover your tummy with a towel and follow the basic rules, there is nothing to fear.
  • If you are a soy lover, you should not deny yourself the consumption of this product. But if you haven’t tried these beans before, it’s better not to risk it. Yes, and you need to choose natural soybeans. Although there is no evidence that genetically modified foods have a negative impact on our health.
  • It is better not to buy antiperspirant deodorants that contain aluminum salts. But you can use perfumed alcohol deodorant.
  • It is better to refrain from any trips. Vibration-causing transport is a clockwork mechanism for hyperexcitability of the uterus and can provoke miscarriage or. But if a woman feels great, then she can go on vacation. But it’s better not during the period when the risk of miscarriage increases: 11-12, 26-27 and 31-32 weeks.
  • You can sit at the computer, but only for a short time. Abuse is dangerous from the earliest stages - it increases the risk of a non-developing (frozen) pregnancy.
  • Exercise is good, but this means walking and special exercises for pregnant women. Lifting weights, climbing mountains, running marathons and scuba diving should not be done.
  • Doctors do not recommend overusing food allergens (chocolate, citrus fruits). And in general you need to be careful with such products, that is, exclude them if possible. But opponents of the bans argue that you can eat whatever you want. After all, the body itself feels that it is allowed. In addition, while breastfeeding you will have to give up a lot, and you really want to eat for the future!
  • It is advisable not to take any medications. But if there is such a need, consult your doctor and study this issue further.
  • If you do not take pills, preferring to be treated with herbs, you need to carefully read the composition of the medicinal preparations. Harmful for pregnant women: aloe, barberry, oregano, ergot, tansy, sativum - these herbs can cause increased uterine tone. Wild strawberries and string - can cause a predisposition to allergies in a child. Sea kale, spinach, sorrel - if consumed in moderation, can cause fetal development disorders. St. John's wort - increases blood pressure in a pregnant woman. Calamus, blue cornflower, elecampane, juniper, celery - can disrupt kidney function. In addition, poisonous plants include: belladonna (belladonna), yellow egg capsule, glossy spurge, male fern, evasive peony, common lilac, horsetail, and bird cherry. These plants are sometimes used for treatment in small doses, but this should not be done during pregnancy.
  • The same goes for aromatherapy. If you do not have allergies, you can safely use oils. Among the safe ones are petitgrain, rose, sandalwood and tea tree, neroli, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, lavender, lemon, orange, calendula, wheat germ, jojoba. On the advice of a specialist, you can use bergamot, chamomile, peppermint, and incense oil. During pregnancy it is strictly forbidden to use laurel, basil, nutmeg, hyssop, juniper, marjoram, myrrh, thyme, sage, cloves, oregano, patchouli (on last weeks), cedar, cypress, Schisandra chinensis, rosemary, yarrow, fennel. They can have a toxic effect on the child and even provoke a miscarriage of oils of tansy, burdock, wormwood, oregano, and pennyroyal.
  • They say that ultrasonography can be done no more than 3 times during pregnancy. Doctors themselves disagree on the answer to this question. Some say that modern ultrasound machines are almost completely safe for the baby, and you can be examined as many times as you like. Others say that no matter how it is, irradiation is irradiation. Don't refuse an ultrasound if it really needs to be done. But it’s probably not worth going specifically to find out the sex of the child.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

One of the most important and difficult, both physically and psychologically, is the first trimester of pregnancy. That's why there are so many opinions about what pregnant women should not do in the early stages.

If you reveal all your cards in advance, then there are enough restrictions not only in the first, but also in the second and third stages of gestation. But for the sake of the child’s health, you can be patient if something cannot be done.

During pregnancy, it is imperative for women to stay active. The loads are selected based on the well-being, physical fitness and capabilities of the expectant mother.

Doctors indicate which exercises pregnant women should not do:

  1. Pump up the press. Now the tummy has a wonderful reason to increase in size, and if women manage to restrain their growing appetite during pregnancy, then the parameters will increase within normal limits.
  2. Horse riding lovers will have to forget about it not only in the early stages, but also for the entire period of bearing a child.
  3. Jumping into the water from a tower should be left in the past for a while. You can swim, but reduce your swim time and speed. Special classes in the pool for pregnant women are welcome. Water skiing should be avoided as there is a high risk of hitting the water hard. Deep-sea diving will also be unnecessary. Diving involves pressure changes and breath holdings. The baby has no use for this.
  4. Exercise equipment that requires significant effort and heavy sports equipment should not be used during pregnancy.
  5. Alpine skiing and other extreme sports are prohibited. If there are no contraindications and you have sufficient physical fitness, you can walk on regular skis on a flat track.
  6. Cycling will have to be abandoned. Is not The best way keep yourself in good shape in the early stages, and possible falls should not be allowed at all in any trimester.
  7. There is no place for a pregnant woman on a group site sports games. In the second or third trimester, an enlarged belly will interfere with active movement, and accidental blows from rivals are not needed in the first.
  8. It is better to replace running with walking. If your workouts were intense before pregnancy, you can shorten the distance and reduce the speed.

What types physical activity Your gynecologist will tell you which activities are recommended in the early stages of pregnancy.

Any complications - high blood pressure, manifestations of toxicosis, the presence of the uterus in good shape - this is a reason to refuse physical activity. In this case, household chores and short walks will be a sufficient manifestation of activity.

For the early stages, any falls and injuries can be disastrous. Before continuing exercise, you should consult your doctor. And you certainly shouldn’t take charge of your own health in the first trimester if there was no stress at all before pregnancy.

X-ray: risks and consequences

One of the controversial points when discussing the topic of what can and cannot be done during pregnancy is fluorography. On the one side, healthy body adult woman Small doses of radiation will not harm you in any way. But her body is now responsible for the healthy development of another life, and as a result of fluorography, the process of cell division may be disrupted.

X-rays should not be taken during pregnancy, as this interferes with the development of the fetus.

Therefore, in the early stages of pregnancy (from the 3rd to the 20th week), it is recommended to refuse such a procedure. The purpose of it is to determine the health status of the expectant mother. Tuberculosis is a dangerous disease, and it can be detected using radiation. But if there are no direct suspicions, the doctor at the antenatal clinic will ask for the results of the study of the husband and persons permanently living with the expectant mother.

X-ray is another technique for detecting pathology in the lungs. For some general outline There are differences between it and fluorography. Pathological changes during x-rays are recorded on film, and the level of radiation is slightly higher. The doctor decides which method to use, but pregnant women should avoid both options.

There are a number of situations when fluorography or x-rays are still performed. When does this happen and what are the consequences for the fetus? For answers, we will conditionally accept both methods as equivalent.

Question Answer Notes
What happens if the x-ray was taken when the woman had no idea about her situation? There will be no cause for concern if we are talking about very early stages - 7-14 days of pregnancy. A single-celled embryo - a zygote - is an egg fertilized by a sperm. On at this stage she's safe. Only four days after the fusion, the process of implantation of the fertilized egg will begin. This takes approximately 72 hours. If during this period the X-rays cause any harm, the pregnancy will be terminated and menstruation will begin.
How will fluorography performed in the first trimester affect the fetus? Early embryonic cells are actively dividing, and such interference can be fatal or lead to irreversible mutations. It is strictly forbidden to visit the X-ray room until the 20th week of pregnancy. Fluorography performed during this period is not at all 100% fatal. The consequences and possible developmental anomalies will be assessed by a geneticist based on the test results. It's a must visit.
Is it possible to do x-rays at a later date? Some doctors confidently say that when the second trimester is more than half completed (after 20 weeks), x-rays will not harm the baby in the womb. As an alternative method, doctors may suggest a digital examination with a reduced radiation dose. And to protect the uterus, a lead apron is put on.
When you can’t do without fluorography. If there are serious clinical indications (for example, suspected pneumonia), the doctor has the right to order a study. The procedure can be carried out if there is no doubt about its benefits for the woman, even at risk for the child.

There are still debates among doctors about whether X-rays can be taken or not in later stages among doctors. Therefore, until there are specific answers, you should refrain from such diagnostic procedures at any month of pregnancy.

Ultrasound is a completely safe method during pregnancy, but x-rays still cannot be done

Habits and preferences. What is worth reviewing for the sake of your baby’s health?

In the first trimester, when the foundations of all the baby’s vital organs are laid, the mother’s destructive habits cause maximum harm to the baby. Smoking and drinking alcohol should be completely avoided. There can be no excuse here that abrupt cessation of nicotine, on the contrary, is not recommended by doctors themselves, and a glass of wine can be drunk from time to time. These opinions are wrong.

Fasting, dieting and late-night snacking are prohibited throughout pregnancy, starting from early pregnancy. A fractional, nutritious and varied diet is the key to the health of your future son or daughter, and such a diet does not threaten the mother with gaining extra pounds. Overeating will have a particularly difficult impact on the mother’s well-being in the second and third trimester, when the growing fetus and the increased weight of amniotic fluid will make pregnancy difficult.

Why else should you moderate your appetite? Being overweight can easily lead to hypertension, and doctors will most likely not allow you to give birth on your own. C-section- far from it best option permissions. Therefore, nutrition (especially on later pregnancy) should be given special attention. Heavy and difficult to digest foods (for example, mushrooms) should be abandoned in the early stages, or at least in the second trimester.

What to do if you really want to eat? At any stage of pregnancy, it will be useful to snack on nuts (but no more than a handful per day), banana, carrots, and low-fat kefir.

What to do if the uterus is toned

The uterus consists of muscles that are located in three layers: internal, external and middle. They are tightly intertwined, but at the same time muscle very elastic. It is due to this that the child grows and develops without difficulty throughout the entire prescribed period, starting from an early age. If everything goes without complications, the muscles of the uterus are in normal tone. But their tension and contraction is called hypertonicity, and this condition threatens miscarriage.

The uterus may be in good shape due to stress, hormonal imbalance, infectious or other diseases. A feeling of heaviness or aching pain in the lower abdomen is one of the signs of hypertonicity. But due to individual differences, not all women describe such sensations. The doctor will determine the tone of the uterus during palpation or ultrasound examination.

To relieve hypertension, sedatives, hormonal agents and antispasmodics are prescribed. Bed rest (and more often hospitalization) is what is recommended to do with uterine tone.

We will have to exclude any physical exercise. Stressful situations at work and at home cannot be avoided, so staying in a hospital ward under medical supervision will definitely be beneficial. If you have uterine hypertonicity, you should not eat:

  • salty food;
  • products that cause gas formation;
  • celery, parsley and garlic.

Even seemingly harmless herbal tea can cause uterine tone. This once again confirms the importance of consulting a doctor when developing a daily diet.

Signs and beliefs about prohibitions for pregnant women

Popular wisdom is not always right, so you should not take such advice as a mandatory call to action. So, we separate the rational grains of signs from unfounded superstitions.

Is it true Sign Lie
The sign is partly right. There is a risk of contracting toxoplasmosis. But this is only possible with close contact (you cannot kiss a cat or let a dog lick you). A woman expecting a child should not clean the litter box after her animal. But you can and should play with your pet. Pregnant women should not pet or play with a cat.
You cannot cut your hair, otherwise you will have a miscarriage. Keep track of your appearance no one prohibits it during pregnancy. But it’s really better to refuse hair coloring, no matter what “natural” composition the manufacturers promise. But the haircut will not affect the ability to bear a child.
The sign was most likely created with the aim of protecting the woman in labor from stress. There are no other “contraindications” to the ban. Pregnant women should not go to the cemetery.
You can't take pictures or film your growing belly. These signs should be left without comment at all because of their absurdity.
A pregnant woman should not communicate with ugly people or look at them for a long time These are empty prejudices or attempts by the “ancients” to explain genetic abnormalities or the unattractive appearance of a newborn.

The sign that you cannot prepare a dowry is not confirmed by any medical indications. You can safely purchase diapers and baby undershirts. Pleasant chores, on the contrary, will cheer you up, and if the mother is happy, then the baby feels good.

Is it really impossible to give birth in a leap year?

Folk signs are often associated with such an event as leap year. People associate him with a series of unpleasant tragic events that often befall him. Naturally, fears grew into signs.

  1. A woman should not cut her hair if she gives birth during a leap year. This sign explained the birth of a mentally handicapped child.
  2. You can't do renovations in a year like this. A pregnant woman should, in principle, avoid wallpapering and rearranging furniture. All the dirty finishing work should also be done by someone else.
  3. Moving during a leap year will also be unsuccessful. Extra worries and hectic preparations when changing housing should be transferred to the shoulders of relatives and not involve a pregnant woman.
  4. A trip to pick mushrooms this year could result in trouble. It may be better to postpone walks in the forest alone, but being in nature and fresh air has an extremely beneficial effect on mother and child.
  5. If a child is born in a leap year, then close relatives of the parents should become godparents.

In general, all the signs about leap year vying with each other to dissuade people from getting married, getting divorced, starting new projects, selling and buying something big. If you read the discussions, ask your friends, opinions will be divided, which is not surprising. In such a year, people die and are born, some have fires, and some win the lottery.

I can give advice to the impressionable and gullible: even if the birth falls on a leap year, you will not be able to change the situation. You can believe in the superstitions and not cut your hair, just don’t be nervous and don’t overexert yourself, then your baby will be born healthy, beautiful and happy!

A few more recommendations on what to do in early pregnancy

When the expectant mother has already become accustomed to her interesting situation, she needs to consider:

  • Visits to the gynecologist should not be neglected. In case of any deterioration in your health, you should arrange an unscheduled visit to the doctor.
  • Clothing with a cut that fits your figure can be worn, but skinny jeans and trousers should be avoided. Everything that puts pressure on the growing tummy is put away on the far shelves of the closet.
  • Sex is not prohibited unless there are special contraindications.
  • Salty foods are prohibited. She is the main culprit of edema. The kidneys are already under significant stress, and fluid stagnation in the body of pregnant women threatens complications.

At every stage of pregnancy, including early pregnancy, attention should be paid to the prevention of stretch marks and breast condition.